Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1883, Image 1

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    A0" It/I / A T HI-r 10
* <
. .
.f " * i
" \ 'TIS ' ALL WIND.
But Twelve Hours Off Its Base
of Destructive Operations.
The Antipodes "Enveloped in
the Greatest Storm Ever
Witnessed by Man "
Bo Baith the Sage of Canada ,
Though Hooted at Home
b ? His Pollowmen.
The Tenticles of the MlR-ty )
Octopus Felt in Various
A Kansas Man Orawia Into a
Cave and Plugs thu
Bung Hole.
An Emigrant Bhip Wrecked
on the Atlantic and 65
Lives Lost ,
"Whtlo a Manitoba Wave Rolli up
Hugo Sniw Banbi m Dakota.
Special Despatches to TUB UEI.
LONDON , March 9. Owing to heavy
gale the tide in the Clyde la remark * '
bly low. The ateamora Dovonia , Clr
cenlan , Manltoblan , and several others
were at ono time aground. The Hull
fishing fleet suffered seriously by the
gala. Eighty vessels cf the fioot ar
rived there in a damaged condition.
Twelve of them lost members of their
crews. Throe vessels foundered ono
of them with all hands on board.
Similar accounta were received from
the Yarmouth fishing flset yesterday
LONDON , March 9. The steamer
Navarre , bound from Copenhagen to
Delth , foundered during the gale yes
' terday. , There were 81 persons ,
, * mostly emigrants , on board , ohly 16 of
whom were saved.
4 LONDON , March 9. Survivors give
I the following account of the loss of
> the Novarro Tuesday. When 200 miles
; from Ch-lstlaneand the Novarro was
struck by a heavy sea. The cargo
I shifted and Wednesday the forohold
* filled. When fishing smack approach
ed the Nevarre , ton men took a boat
and boarded the smack , letting the
small boat adrift. The smack sailed
around the sinking steamer , but hav <
ing no boat was unable to render as
aistanco , thu emigrants meantime
clinging to the rigging , the tea wash' '
ing over them. In a short time an
other smack arrived and fifteen of the
Novarro'a men .endeavored to roach
her in another baat bub It waa
awamped and all were drowned. The
steamer arrived only in time to res-
. /lMpuoBix persons ntrng < j1lng in the wa
ter , the Nevarre foundering <
Mannali , who for three quarters o
an hour was clinging to a piece o :
timber , states the Navarre pumps
were found to bo UBoleta. All
board baled the vessel aa much
they could , The captain seumer
stupefied. Ho waa hurt Tuesday and
from that time until the vessel sank
drank to keep his spirits up.
Miaa Alexandria Holtzand a Swede
bound for Minnesota and who lost a
wife nnd four children , also arrived
at Hull. Mannali la an emigration
agent , at Brooklyn , N. Y.
Survivors state there were only five
cork jackota on board the Novarro.
Mannali saya the largo boat which
the sailors took away without at
tempting to rescno any one , would
have hold thirty persona more than
were in it.
Twenty-five persons wore on board
the Novarro when she Bank and mode
no effort to save themselves. Man
nali charges the captain with cow
ardice. Ho eaya many more might
have boon eavod.
OTTAWA , March 9 Groit Interest
wns taken in Wiggins storm. The
weather to-day la sprlnir-1'ko ' , nnd the
question WBB asked , "Where is the
storm ) " In nn interview to-day Wig
gins said there seemed to bo general
misunderstanding aa to when thu
storm would begin. "This" ho added ,
"ia no fault of mine , for In my alman
ac thla year I say under March , that
it will bo first felt in the Northern Pa
cific on the IGth , will strike thii con
tinent from the Bouthwt-et on thu nf
ternoon of Saturday thu 10 h ; will
cross the continent from east to west
south of paralell 65 to-morrow after
noon , nnd fading deflected by the
Bx > cky mountains will pass
down the great Canadian lakes
towards the east Sunday morning. A
.groat tidal wave must already have
occurred on the By of Bengal , and a
tremendous storm must now be raging
over India. If the theory of an oppo
site tide bo true , though I have
always dlaputed it , then a tidal wave
will occur on the Golf of Mexico to
day. I am glad to know the Glouces
ter fishermen were wlso enough to keep
In shore , as they must have all pr
lahod had they been on the banks of
New Foundland yesterday morning.
I suppose there Is not a Btorm signal I
displayed on all the North American
coasts at thla moment , though there
will be upon na in a few hour 3
one of the greatest storms thai
has occurred in the memory
uf any ono now living. Daring th <
last six months I have done every
thing in my power to prevent loan n' '
. aoa by keeping ahlpping In Bofe bar
bora from the oth until the llth <
March. Whether I will got credit o
not I felt I had at all events done m ;
duty to myself and the public. Thi
weather to-day must be mild over thi
western hemisphere for the pressur
is all upon the opposite side of th
earth , but will bo trans
fcrred U us to-morrow. Ilemem
bor the storm Is not to begii
nntll the eleventh In this meridian
It will bo some hours before its fnl
force will bo experienced. It wll
probably last several daya I see th
meteorological bureau of Toronto in
( A * 1
dicates mild wattoerlo the maritime
province tc-mnrmw Wo shall see "
SYKACDSB , N Y. , Mitch 9. Antlol
puling Wlpgma' stonn , the Indians on
ho Oaond ga reservation have tied
their houses to trees and fences with
laruo ropce. Whether splendid.
NEW YOKK. March 9 , Thoatosnur
Sorvtn , from Hamburg , reports thaton
the 7th Inst. , latitude 42 , longitude
01 , elio fell In with the steamer City of
Chester , hence fjr Liverpool , with
the propeller nlnlt brokon. She stood
by her 29 hours , nud left her in n
southeast gale.
Captain Fraczon naya on Much 0 ,
at 3 a. m. , he siw rockets cix miles
JhUnt. The Servla answered nnd
got boats ready. Heavy snow at the
time. Found the distressed steamer
ho the City of Cheater of tbo In-
limn Hun. She asked us tn tow her to
ti. iifnx. After great diilhulty steel
hawsers were attached. Wo started
to tow her , but made alow ptogrras
during the day. At 7:35 : the next
morning both hawaorii broke , the aaa
rncning very high nnd our coal run
ning low. Wo eignalod the Cheater
( hat wo must proceed on our coarto.
We loft the Chester pfter bolng de
tained twenty-seven horns. Wo sig
naled the Ghenter wp would take nny
paesongors off if desired , nnd received
the reply "no , thanks. "
ST. PADL , Minn , M roh 9 The
worst snow and wind Btorm o * the
season Is reported along thu linoof the
Northern Pacific Freight business
west of Fargo io entirely suspended
and all pascongnr trains stopped ,
Grnfton , Dakota , Buffered the most.
Bneinoss was entirely suspended dur
ing the day.
ST. JOIINS , N. B , March 9. There
is no apearanco of violent convulsion
of the olemon'B. Fishing schooners
went ont thla morning , the crowa fear
ing no danger.
NEW YOKK , March 9. Five Btoam-
era and a bark put to sea to-day
notwithstanding Wiggins. Charles
ton reports the steamer Equator for
Philadelphia detained In port by bad
weather. No indication of a storm
BOSTON , March 9 Now England
repirin the coldest March on record.
HALIFAX , March 9. Weather pleaa-
and clear , wind northwcat. No ap-
psurarico of n storm at this region yet ,
HALIFAX , March 9 There is a
genuine feolibg of fear of Wipglni'
storm among a great many outside of
the city. Not a single fisherman will
leave for the fishing grounds to-mor
row. Each will beach his craft nntll
the dreaded period Is past. This
dread of a storm has been Increased
by the loss ot friends and property in
Tuesday nlght'a storm. Ono ves
sel went down with all hands
and another waa wrecked but
without lota of life. When
the fiercest blast of the storm camoon ,
all vessels hove to but the Agnes and
another. The latter waa wrecked at
midnight , but all hands were saved.
The Agnea has not since been hoard
from. Among the men on board were
James Thomas , captain , hla son Ed
ward and cousin , Charles Tbomaa
and Patrick Brown. The names
of the other two Lave not
been ascertained. Other vessels
rode the storm safely , but spent a wild
and dangerous night. The weather
to day ia milder than yesterday. A
local prophet saya a heavy storm Is
near at hand , but only of the violence
o.anal itt thla season.
MONTREAL March 9. Too weather
is as balmy us May.
HALIFAX , March 10 1 n. m. The
wind has suddenly changed to the
southwest nnd begun to blow quite n
breeze. The sky is overcast nnd
murky ; very light snow. JNo storm
signals , however , are displayed at the
Ottadol > tatlon.
NEW YOUK , March 10 2 n. m.
Very cloudy. Boston roporta a simi
lar condition. Barometer falling.
BOSTON , Boston , March 9. An ar
riving steamer reports sighting between
tween 30 nnd 40 Iceborga.
NEW YonK , March 9. It appoara
of nil aalllng vessels cleared yesterday
and to-day whoso agents wuro visited ,
and which had departed according to
the belli f of the latter , not ono waa
signaled SB having passed Sandy Hook
GLOUCESTER , Mass. , March 9 The
loss to those dependent on the fisheries
by the Btorm scare is 826.COD. It is a
great loaa to business interests as well
as fishermen themselves. Over 3,000-
000 pounds of fnh might have been
HALIFAX March 9 , midnight. An
ocoau ntauur * ' just sighted south
of Siinblo t > t the tmcrinoo of thu har
KANHAS CITY , March 8 A report
comua from Wyundotto , Kansas , that
an aged German named Bruen , in
anticipation of Wiexins' storm , dag a
small cave in his premises and stored
it with provisions. To-day , accompa
nied by his family , ho descended Into
the cave nnd closed np the door , nnd ,
at last reports , was still in his retreat
awaiting developments. _
Civil Service Reform-
SpecUl Dlapttch to Tni lln.
NEW YOUK , March 8 The execu
tive committee of the national civil
reform league , George Willlan Onrtis ,
president , after expressing the high
sonaa , signal ability , fidelity and suc
cess with which , by general consent ,
Silos W. Bart has discharged the
duties of naval officer of the port of
New York , adopted the following :
"IlESOLVED , That the removal of
t ouch officer effected by his nomination
to another position , although Unolv-
ing on his part great and unnecessary
personal sacrifice , might have been re
garded aa intended to promote reform
had ho boon replaced bynsucccmor
f equally capable nnd zealous In the reformed -
formed fiystom ; but the substitution
for the late naval officer of a gentle
man without experience In the dutiei
ie of the cfliso and unfriendly to reform
o at n tlmo when absolute fidelity to iti
10 principle in this leading office Is ol
the utmost Importance to success o :
itho system , not only In New York
n but the whole country , forbids tha
. viuw , and Mr. Burl's acceptance o
II the nomination offered him wonh
11 have produced & false Impression tha
ie ho hold his removal and appolntmen
- his place of an opponent of th
now system to bo in accordance with
the principle of reform. Wo there
fore regard his removal , however In
geniously devised , aa a serious blow at
reform In its ttrongont hold , a grave
umbarrasimunt to the work of the
civil service commission ; a violation
of the sound principles of administra
tion which the country han approved ,
which the president has commended
In hla two messages to oongrtsi and
which congrota has enacted into n law ,
RKS'ILVBD That while the nomina
tion of members of the civil servile
commission indicate duo regard for
public sentiment which domuuds re
form , the removal of Burtand certain
other romovala nud appointments ,
ohowthat the course nf the administra
tion upon the subject IB doubtful aud
uncertain nnd not bated upnn the
fundamental principle e of the reform
system , namely , that thu appointive
offices are public trusts in which
proved cipacity nnd tkuoss
ehculd bo rotaiuod u.lefn the
public welfare , without regard
to supposed personal , partisan cr
fractionalintorests | , require a c'i < ug < ) .
HKSOLVED , That in view of the no
tion of the administration In regard to
the naval office of Now York , nnd of
the difficulties of many kinds which
will embarrass the civil torvlco com
mission , wo earnestly recommend to
every association comprising the na
tional league not to relax itsdlliycr.cj
in exposing the abuses and evils
which it Is the object of the oumrnln-
aion to correct , In Insisting that the
law to promote reform passed in obe
dience to public sentiment ohall bo
enforced according to its spirit nnd
purposes , no loss than its letter , and in
demanding s repeal of the not of 1820
limiting the terms of important offices
to four years , which , by periodically
vacating all such c flues , enables mere
personal nnd partisan objects to bo
aompliahrd without the odluaiof nrbl
trary and causeless romovala.
The Mtaatlon at Helena-
Special Dispatch to TUB Bm ,
ST. LOUIH , March 9. A correspond' '
ont who reached Helena yesterday
from Memphis , by the steamer Chan' '
teau , gives the following view of the
situation along the river bank : Ihoro
are not more than two or throe spots
of dry ground butween Memphis and
thla point , and scores of the best farms
in Arkansas and Mississippi are In a
complete wreck. Most ot them are
are abandoned , the owners and laborers
having fled to higher ground. In many
places thu cattle are standing in water
on overflowing platforma and almoat
every gin house la filled with colored
poopki. Skiff loads of colored people
and tholr household goods are aeon at
various points seeking for ground to
reat on. At Sterling colored pee
pie , horses and cattle are indiscrimi
nately huddled in the upper atory of
the only store there. Most of the
fences and houses along the river bank
are still intact , though many of them
have been floated away. At the Star
landing a dwelling is full of cattle and
a gin house full of negroes.
The prospects are certainly favor
able for a big rieo below
hero as tha flow of water frora the St.
Francis river ia undiminiautjd. The
bridge and trestle over Cassadoa lake
on the Iron Mountain railroad , one
mile west of here win ditcovered to
bo afloat to night , from the back
water coming up from the break in a
levee balow hero This will cut
Helena uff from railroad communica
tion , ns the railroad men Bay it will bo
impotaiblo to get trains out until the
water subsides.
HELENA , Aik. , March9.Thorivor
ia stationary ninoj yuatordny , with 4G
feet , 11 inches on the gaage ; station
ary at Mddlaon yuaturday , but proba
bly falling to day , a decline confident
ly expected huru Sunday. Work on
the lovuu ia still guing forward. Con
fidence In their security in this vi
cinity is fully restored The country
balow la entirely aubmorgod , the water
ir.muuy pouring over tbo levees
and back Into the river , lloporta
from Austin , Clarksdale and Friar'a
Point are of the moat discouraging
character. Not a single house in any
of ths places named escaped the do-
luce. The woathar to-day is calm ,
Wiggins to the contrary notwithstand
The river la falling to-night. Sev
eral hundred noprooa jnat south of
hero are reported out of provisions
A largo number of cattle , horses and
mulea are standing in the overflow
from knee to waist" deep , were hope
lessly abandoned in the St. Francis
Hub Cochrnn , colored , convicted uf the
murder of M , L. Drew , near Clayton ,
Alabama , was hanged at that pUce ycH-
tcrday ,
Mra , Watts , the wife of a prominent
physician of Portsmouth , Virginia , died
from tbeiifects of chloroform administered
while extracting teeth ,
The now boiler at the Canada press
works , Lttortne , exploded yesterday , kill
ing two workmen and seriously injuring a
law number.
Governor Grant , of Colorado , author
izes the statement that be will veto the
bill passed by the last legislature to tax
the net output of mines.
llobt. V. Deed , an extensive cattle
dealer , was shot dead at Hnnnewell , KH ,
daring a quarrel with an unknown person.
Ex.Sheriff PeteA. . Voorhees , of New
Brunswick , N. J. , and his brother Abra
ham , were killed while crossinf tbo Cen >
tral railroad in a wagon , Two others were
seriously injured.
Business failures in the United .States ic
the lost eeveu day * , 252.
Still Running.
p ci l DIartch to Tin Iln.
OUIOAOO , March 9. The only foun
dation for the publhhcd reparta thai
Armour Co.'a packing house hat
shutdown ia that owing to a ncarclt ]
of hoga in thla market. No em
plopoa were discharged , however , am
hoga are being killed ni usual to-day
The works will bo kept running ai
long as the hogs can bo obtained.
Sevan Men Drowned.
SpecU ! Dispatch to Tu liin.
NKW YOKK , March 'J. A scow hav
Ing on board thirty laborers was struo'
by a aohoonor , near the Washlngto
atreet "gap , " Jersey City , and it i
believed seven men were drowned ,
Tlio Daily Record of Events in
Nations Beyond the Pond ,
The Invincible Worry iu Ireland -
land and Socialism in
The Festivities nt the C ar' Cor-
8p cal ! Dispatch to Tin Dm.
LONDON , March 9. The prosa as
sociation says the government yester
day mailed to France , and will ehortly
mail to America depositions relating to
chu man kmwn as "number one" and
ether persons whoao names were
revealed at a private Inquiry in
Biggar appeals ngalnst the decision
In the breach of promise suit brought
against him by Fanny llyland. Miaa
Uylaud'a solicitors atato that Patrick
Egan , the Land League treasurer , WHS
subrcuuacd , but for the reasons known
to himself failed to attend.
Panu-11 statfli ho docs not know
where Patrick Egan Is , but the lulanoi
of the Land Lsagno fund , 25,000
Is quite safe.
Oaten , Ingram & Sons , dvorn , Brad
ford , failed ; liabilities 130,000. /
The resolution for the relief of dis
tress in Ireland , which J. O'Connor
Power , in the commons , gave notice
ho would move , provides the alterna
tives of migration or emigration.
Eight dagger knives have been
found In Rlngsond Batln , Dublin.
The police of Dublin found in dif
ferent parts of the olty a award ,
revolver and ninety pounds of cart
Toko's Irish Emigration committee
has selected 4,000 persons for emigra
tion , half to go to friends In the
United States and half to Canada.
BpccUl Dltpatclcato Tin U .
PARIH , March 7. Six thousand
persona , most of them attracted by
curiosity , were collected on the Es
planade this afternoon. Fifteen per-
oono were area tod. It la reported that
Louise Michael is among the number.
The police barred the passage of five
hundred men who were marching to
the Elysoo residence of President
Grovy. The affair waa a fiasco.
After the crowd dispersed a mob of
ono thousand returned , broke the
windows and overturned a carriage.
The police finally scattered thomoba.
The report that Louise Michael wan
arrested Is denied.
The municipal cavalry finally dis
persed the crowds An attempt waa
made to form a barricade with paving
stones , but it waa prevented. Felix
Pyat waa among the rioters , Paul
Mlnlcko brandished a revolver.
The funeral of Kirriok Rlgga , the
American who did good aarvlce duripg
the w r , nf 1870 lr > the arQb'igtfV
orpa of the Bola do Boulogne , 'and
'ho was rewarded with the cross of
10 Legion of Honor , took place
PARIS , March 9 The government
n the case of F/ank Byrne , who wan
jleasod from custody last night , hold
lat the now charpo brought by the
Jritlsh povornment ugalnst Byrne ,
amely , a complicity in the attempted
murder of Juror Field and Judge
lawson , amounted merely to Intro-
ucing arms into Ireland. They
aimed even if the arms were In-
ended for purposes of murder the
ffbnao waa n political ono.
HAVRE. March 9. The detective
rom Middloborough has returned to
loglnnd after positively Identifying
ohn Walsh , who la wanted by the
British government.
pedal Dispatch to Tin Bun.
BERLIN , March 9. At n cabinet
ouucil to-day , the minister of public
iiBtructlon explained the new church
illl , which Is b'ised ' upon the lawa in
urcd in Wurtemburg.
General Aledyll , chief of the em-
jror'ii military cabinet , haa resigned ,
irobably because General Brousart
/on Schollendorf , hla junior , was ap-
lointod minister of war.
BERLIN , March 9 Blennrch la con-
ined to his bed again , euffdring from
BERLIN , March 9 - Emperor Wil-
inn had oub cribfd ! ! 000 marks from
'in private pursu for the relief uf the
German tutli-reia by the Iboda iu
Special Dispatches toTjin lin.
Biiv8.sp.Ls , March 9. The court of
ippoala has decided to extradite the
marchlst Oyvoet , Irrostod in connoc-
lon with the explosion of dynamite
and gun cotton , ani whoso extradition
was demanded by the French govern
ment , being concerned in the tronblea
t Montcoan lea mboa.
MADRID , March S > i detachment
of troopa baa boon.eijt ( to Arooa , as
t waa feared an o/cmpt would bo
nado to break open the prison there ,
n which member of the "Blaok
[ land" society are amfinod.
A fire at Pnrcarizil provlncj of Leon ,
loatroyod 56 honsesj Ono woman was
turned to death anl several persons
'njurod. Loss CO.OlO posotos.
DDDLIN , March f Patrick Egan
ins eluded the vlglknca of the pollco
by shamming alcknjas Dr. Kenney
They will bo la point of physique the
flower of tholr rospoctlvo regiments ,
and will appear In now uniforms. A
Urge number of troops will bo sta
tioned nlong the St. Petersburg nnd
Moscow railway to keep the
line info against nihilist at-
ompts. The atroot decorations
which the Moscow municipal au
thorities will carry ont promise to bo
on a very grand so lo , The olty au
thorities will receive the ztr with
bread and salt at the Gate of Tri
umph. On the Rod Square a pavilion
it being orcotod for an orchestra of
1,000 'musicians. The Saultatlon
Elymn , from the opera of "Tho Lifo
of the Ozar , " will bo aunt ; by 7,000 or
8 000 children selected from the ele
mentary schools of Moscow. The
coronation commission , under the
presidency of Count Voronzoli Dash-
koff , arc hard nt work to complete nil
preparations before the data fixed for
the ceremony. The jewelers' ' firm of
Ohleblnkoll la bound by contract to
complete and deliver the Imperial
plate , worth 1DO.OOO rubier , before
April 1 , By the same date the worka
For the electric illumination of Krem
lin , which ia under the superinten
dence o ? two members of the Imperial
navy , are to bo finished. There will
bo placed forty largo electric lamps , of
409 candle poirercaob , In the different
parts of the old Muscovite palaoo.
The total length of the wires will bo
six vorats. The municipal council of
Moscow have voted 20,000 rubles for
the decoration of the streets during
the festivities , nnd 80,000 rubles for
the public illuminations. The fes
tivities for the people will bo on the
grandest scale. The ono given by
the Oity of Moscow takes place nt the
neighboring Sokolnlti , for which the
council has granted an appropriation
of 100,000 rubles. The emperor
glvos 100,000 rubles from his privy
puree for the public feasts on the
Ohodynskl field. Enormous theaters
will bo erected , where every visitor
resolves a free pass to the dining ta
bles. Boor will bo distributed from a
largo number of reservoirs , contain
ing together 050,000 bottles. It Is
said the honest Muscovite uiouc7i& *
are not entirely satisfied with the latter
tor arrangement , as they would prefer
to quench tholr thirst with their nn
tlonal vodka instead of the milder
German beverage.
Successor to the Late Right Ilev. Joseph -
soph O. Talbott Selected.
SpccUl to Tha St. Louis Itepub'lcan.
INDIAN/POMS , March 7. The dlo-
cesan convention to elect a successor
for Right Rov. Joseph 0. Talbott ,
deceased , began balloting to-day , the
clergy selecting Rev. Francis J. Harrison
risen , of Troy , N. Y. , and the lulty
agreeing upon Alexander 0 , Garrett ,
missionary bishop ot Northern Texas.
A joint session of the two bodies
followed , and upon the third
ballot the clergy and laity voted for
Rov. Joseph L. Nicholson , of Phila
delphia , and he waa unanimously
chosen. A temporary adjournment
follow , to await reply to a tele
gram forwarded' to 'the bib'UurreleJt ,
and no response bolng received at the
evening hour , the convention dis-
lolved , to maot again on the 8th
int. Dr. Nicholson ia rector of St.
Mark's , Philadelphia , ono of the
largest and wealthiest parishes in
that city , and a graduate of Wil
liams college , Massachusetts , und the
Theological seminary of Alexandria ,
i. lie Is a man ot fine address ,
conservative in tendency , although n
ih churchman , nnd ono ef the
Htrongeat , Intellectually in the church.
There ia n belief that ho will accept
the high position to which ho hua
bean chosen. There ia rejoicing
among the Episcopalians of Indiana
For that roaion. The can'ontlon se
lecting tiirn was ono of the largest over
bold in the atato.
She Sllpuod a Feu *
Special Dispatch to Tux linn
NBWTOKT , R I. , March 9. Katlo
Judd. of Beaten , who not fire to Wea
ver Villa , escaped from the county
jail last night in compiny with Ueo
Rjunda , under arrest for burglary in
Naw York. Investigation ahowa the
woman for.the past few weeks had boon
cnttlng a" hole through the wall
into the adjoining empty cell , the
door of which opened into ( ho corri
dor. After escaping from her cell she
unlocked Rounds'cell with a key taken
from the place where olio was ki pt
The c > rridur door w H unlocked by an
nco.imp'ico . aud the jiior'n servant Is
auspuutud. A rewatd U offered for the
Tbn Mlohli-an Coalition.
Special Dispatch to Tun lisa.
DETIIOIT , Mich. , March 8. The
greenback stnto convention this af
ternoon accepted the proposition of
the domocratto state oonvontlon for a
united joint ticket , and nominated
Thomas 0. Sherwood , of Kalamessoo ,
judge of the supreme court , to fill the
vaoany , and Charles J. Wlllott for
second regent of the state university
Rapadtnting a Strike-
Specl&l Dispatch to Tin ! )
SriiiNOFiKLD , III. , March 0. The
Iron workers of this city had a meet
ing to-nicht to protest agalnot the ac
tion of the district executive com-
mlttco in ordering n otrlko at the dic
tation of the Amalgamated associa
tion. Thay repudiated the strike as
unwarranted nnd unjust to the Iron
companies. The resolutions wore
Carver und
Special Dlupatch to Tun UKK.
ST. LOUJH , M'rch 9. The pigeon
shooting match between Bogardua and
Oarvnr , CO double birds , 2L yards rise ,
Illinois atato rules , $250 a side , came
oif thla afternoon and was won by
Bogardua , the score bolng to 81 to 70.
Bogardus killed his last ton blrdi
straight. Prior to the match an ex
hibition contest with clay pigeons wtw
given by tbo same parties , Oarvei
winning with a score of 8D. These
two men have closed a contract will
the manufacturers of clay pigeons tc
shoot 25 exhibitions within fifty dayi
In different places of the country , th <
winner of each exhibition t ,
$300 and gate money and'wSofiCvor
ono botta the best record ho is to re-
colvo $100 extra. The second ex
hibition will bo shot In Cincinnati to
Oor. Sherman's Koply to too Request
For an Extra Session.
SpecUl Dl ptch to Tm IJii.
DEH MOINKS , March 9. Gov. Sher
man to-day gave his answer to the
committee appointed by the | late pro
hibition convention to wait on him
nnd receive an answer as to whether or
not ho would call an extra session of
the legislature for the purpose of
enacting now prohibitory legislation ,
both statutory nnd constitutional. Ho
refuses and his reasons are , brofly ,
that the amendment cannot legally bo
proposed except nt the regular session ,
and that statutory laws should have
boon enacted at the regular soslons ,
and , that the extraordinary occasion
contemplated by the 1 constitution
upon which extra sessions may bo
called does not now oxlot , BO there will
bo in extra scsiion.
Horsit Thtovon in Bntlcr County.
Special Dispatch to Tun liti. )
DAVID CITY , Nob. , March 0. Two
valuable horaoa were stolen last night
from farmorn living near hero , A
reward of $100 is offered for the cap
ture of the thieves. The country Ia
all oxoltomont.
A California ! ! Declines tbo Titlo.
Dispatch to Tnt lliu.
NEW YOUK , March 9. A cablegram
, tatos that Oaryo , the Informer , test- !
led that on John McOafforty , a Call-
ornlan , ostensibly In London placing
mines , furnished the "Invlnolblos"
money , nnd Instructed them how to
use knives in "California stylo. " A
John MoGafforty , therefore , writes
the Associated Proas :
"Inasmuch as for twelve years past
I have boon actively engaged Inmlnlng
operations in the territory of Arizona
and elsewhere , and am well known on
the PaclCc slope , throughout the At
lantic states , and to nome considerable
extent in Europe , and especially
in London , in connection with
mining operations , I desire sim
ply to Inform my friends that I am
not , the a person sought for as No , 1
said to ho' implicated In the tragedy
enacted in lnblin the Gth of May
last. Since my discharge from Im
prisonment by the British government
in 1871,1 have not boon connected
with any Irish organization , or with
any movement oonnooted with Irish
affairs. In fact I have applied my ef
forts diligently , and to some extent
successfully In advancing my bun-
iaet interests , and if I mistake
not shall continue no doing until I
shall have 'accumulated suflioiont to
enable a constitution shattered by
cruel Imprisonment in British dun
geons to survive peacefully the many
bitter disappointments of the past and
nnder the vile calumny of the present.
If such denial can bo necessary , I
totally deny any thought , act or par-
tlclpation in the affair referred to by
Carey or any [ connection .therewith. "
MniiaobusetU' Methods.
Special Dispatch to Tim Uin.
BOSTON , March -Insurance Com-
mlssionor Olarku , nerved with sum
mary dismissal from Governor Bntlor
yesterday , was at hla post to-day
attending to the dntlcs of the office ,
lie has not yet decided to recognize
the order. The governor states as
Olarko fulled to have his report ready
by March 8h : he decided to remove
Olarko to-night considers himself
removed. Ho will not disregard the
executive mandate longer , lie does
not dcslro to become a bone of con
tention between democratic and re
publican factions.
The atato homeopathy medical so
ciety petition the legislature to authorIze -
Izo the erection of a now Insane any-
him at a cost not exceeding 9200,000 ,
to ba put under care of homeopathic
physician * .
The superior court gave a verdict
for the plaintiff in the suit of .Lunoa
M Shu'o vo , the IVffio national
b-uik Thin wen nri oc'lon to rt'c.vor
on Mi rod O-T Mimics of deposit of
§ 1,000 each , i < ued by thu b.mkwhich
the pluinttil took in the regular ojursu
of buslneeo , wl'h no notice that they
were fraudulently htuod as claimed by
defendants. Tnis is the first of many
similar lulls.
Chicago Notes
Special Dispatch to TUB Ilm.
GHIOAUO , March 9Tho Inquoat
on the body of James Elliott , the pu
gilist , which hns boon postponed twlco
on account of the reported illness of
Jerry Dunn , who killed Elliott , was
hold to day , and Dunn was hold with
out ball to await the action of the
grand jury.
The first number of the now sport
ing weekly American Sports , of which
T. F. Oowles , late nlpht ; editor ot
The Chicago Tribune , is editor , was
Issued this afternoon. The paper
presents a very creditable and attrac
tive appearance.
The afternoon game of billards at
the tournament resulted : Morris DOO ,
Maggiolo 400 ; largest run Morris -10
I hey Wanted It Thawed
Special Dlspitch to Tim Unit.
PiTTHUuua , March 9. A terrible
explosion of dymanito , resulting in tin
Instant death of one man and aerloui
injuries to throe others , occurred thli
morning nt 9 o'clock nt Fleming'/ /
atone quarry. The men attempted t (
thaw out a can of dymanito.
MrsHpmcno No 2
Special Dispatch to Tiu li ! .
PnovjDENnE , March 9. The nowi
of the '
ex-Governor Spraguo'a mar
rlugo was a surprise to his immodiati
family as to the general public.
David Davis Moves on North Car
olina to Increase the Burr-
dons of Lifo ,
A Pair of Important Decisions
Involving Large 1'raots
ot Land.
The Voice of the People and
Ita Power on Petitions for
Mail Bxpsdition.
The Effnot of the Now Iinw on
Dniitii Qnnornl Now * .
Special Dltpatchoi to Till lln.
WASHINGTON , March 3. The acoro-
tary > f ihc interior has decided a cnso
involving A claim of the ntato uf 0lt-
fornU tn tract of I&ml ot nhout 100- ,
000 acres Ijing upon the borders of
L ko Tuloro. The decision approves of
the Oroighton aurvoy and awards the
land to the state of California under
the awnmp laud grant not of Septem
ber 28th.
Divld Davis will bo married nt
Fayottovlllo , N. 0. , Tucadny morning
next. The bridal party will start for
Oallfornla the same afternoon stop-
ilng n few days in Bloomlngton , Ills. ,
Thb secretary of the interior , upon
ao application of General Eppa nun-
on and Colonel VL L. Wood , counsel
or William McGftrrahnn , directed the
ommlsaloner of the general laud of-
ice to certify to him the procoodlnga Iu
, ho application of the Now Idrla Mln-
, ng company , to enter throe parcels of
andsof twenty acea : , each within the
mils of the ranch Pauooho Grande ,
a the state of California , known as
ho MoGarrahan claim , with an order
o suspend further proceedings until
, ho matter shall bo passed upon by
, ho Bocrotary. The commiaslonor had
llsmlssed the appeal taken by McGar-
ahan , but the action of the secretary
under the rules of the dopattment ,
brings up the who'o ' matter for review
by the secrotniy on llo nnvits.
Secretary Fruliu hujnon hao learned
from the consul nt 0 iraau tliat imme
diately after the Vnbnsh woo fired
upon ho called upon the governor la
relation to the matter aad found that
ho had already begun nn Investigation
as to the firing and the regulations by
which it became possible. TLii was
conducted by the attorney general and
the offense was found to bo due to tho-
old regulation of the titno of slavery
and passports and to the fault of the <
police who had not immediately prc-
sentod the Valencia's fort pass to the
military guard. The responsible offi
cer of the police has been punished and
the regulation changed to tfmfc firing
a shot by the fort la now prohibited.
The governor has expressed regret for
the occurrence.
The question as to when the tax on
the capital and deposits of banks , and
bankers and natioual banking associa
tions will cease nnder the operation of
the act of March 3 to roducs Internal
taxation , has not yet boon decided.
No decision will bo made on this ques
tion until a case arises , The statement
that an opinion has boon requested
from the attorney general Is incorrect.
It Is the opinion of curtain officers of
the treasury department that under
section 13 ( which proscribes that the
repeal of the existing lawa enumerated
la this act shall not affect any right
accrued or accruing ) It will probably
bo hold that such taxes must bo levied
for the period ending March 3 , the
data of the passage of the act. Unless
this ruling ehall prevail , national
banks will have to pay tuxes on capi
tal and deposits to January 1 , and
and ether banks and bankers to De
cember 1 , giving tbo latter an advan
tage of ono month's taxes.
In the star route trial to-day the
examination of the inspection cflieo
papers was resumed. When the read
ing of potltions had progressed sev
eral hours the court endeavored to
brlnii it to nn end , declaring petitions
lik'd Alter orddrn for expeditions had
bei > n filed wuro worthless. Ingorsoll
n piled at length , assorting that the
petitions justified the orders. They
represented the will of the people.
"What people ? " enquired the
Ingorsoll ( holding np the peti
tion ) The persona who signed thla
The court ( contemptuously ) Oh.
Ingoraoll assorted every signer waa
entitled to as much consideration as if
he had boon president ot the United
Spates. That waa hla Idea of the re
The court replied that thla thing of
calling a law mooting the voice of the
people waa doing injustice to the
phase ,
Merriok tuld eo might the voice of
the defendants have boon called the
voice of the people when they asked
their aharo in the distribution of the
mall funds.
The reading of papers continued up
to adjournment ,
Blalno , in an Interview to-day con
cerning the report last night that an
attempt had been made to shoot him
on the way returning from the capltol ,
said there wnu ro truth In the 'report
further than on the night In question
ho in company with Representative
McKlnloy took a carriage at the capl
tel and rode to the Ebbltc house from
whence ho rode homo alone , Next
day Mr. Blalno hoard that ono cf the
panes of glaca on the carriage had
boon broken into fragments and scat
tered over the seat. Both Blalno nnd
MoKinloy assort the gloss waa not
broken while they occupied the car
riage and have no means o knowing
how or when it waa broken ,
ty .
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