Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1883, Image 8

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The DailyBee.
\ Friday Morning , March 9.
"Weather Report.
( The following observations were talcon
at the same moment of time at tlio statlona
mentioned. )
ffAti DFF'T f. K SIOKAI Ssnucit. 1
OVAIU , ilarch f , (1.13p. ( in ) I
The Monthly social club bold their
fourth and last party of the Beaten at Ma-
xonlc hall Wednesday evening , March 14.
Mu lcby Irvine'ii orchestra.
We would remind the manyfriondsol
Prof. Auglioy , that ho lectures to-night at
the Unitarian church on "The Beginnings
of Geological Time. "
Too funeral of Xolllo V. Smith will
bo held at the late residence of her hus
band , T. H. rfmlth , at 2515 Johnson street
at 10 o'clock March 10.
Prof. Blanlcenfold has been elected
leader of the Concordla singing society.
Lost evening's report from Sioux City
was that the river is at a standstill ,
Itanjo players , Quest banjo in the
world , latest patents on exhibition at Max
Meyers' ,
The ladies of the M. E. church will
gave a Wesleyan sociable last evenidg at
the parsonage , '
Travel is increasing on the Union Pa
cific and the , spring flood [ of immigration
will soon set in.
Tha remains of the late Edwin Storrs
will arrive from Eagle Rock , Idaho , this
afternoon ,
Major Hastings came ul > yesterday
from Lincoln with Herman Getcber , n
soldier who deserted from compiny H ,
Filth cavalry , at Fort Iloblnson lost Sep
tember ,
Her St. Co. are about to introduce the
incandescent electric lights into the Willow
Springs distillery , and have ordered a
"plant" through the Omaha electric light
and power company ,
The Omaha train was nearly four
hours late joiterday. The lateness wns in
part owing to fact that it was n henry
train , there bolag twelve oars , eight of
which were coaches , [ State Journal.
An unknown man , Wednesday put a
head on ft respectable colored woman whom
he mistook for the notorious "Johnnie
Bull , " a street walker who is given to pick
ing man's pocketa as they fondly carets
Mr. J. Harris , Jr , , a well Inuvrn
young gentlemen of { hla city , pleasantly
celebrated his twenty-second birthday last
evening at his residence , corner Tenth and
" rarnam streets.
The Chicago & Northwestern railway
announces that it Is now prepared to ro >
' ceivo and promptly forward freight of all
, kinds destined to points on the Winona
and St. Peter railroad division and
branches , Its entire length.
. The Marie Gelntlnger German opera
company open their engagements at
Boyd'a to-night In the opera of
"Trampette. " This will be the first time
th\t an opera In German h i ever been
given In Omaha. The reserve li already
Urge , and it will be well to secure seata in
Mr. John Bonnlvier , who for more
than fifteen yean hJM presided over a forge
at the U. P. shops , WM forcibly reminded
Wednesday o ! tha fact that It WM bin
fortieth birthday , by a party of more than
forty friends , who completely surprised
him at his comfortable residence , 1319
California street. The party came abund
antly supplied with refreshments and
music , but perhaps the most appreciated
of all w is a nlagnifioent eatr chair , which
Mr. Collln , oa behalf of the company ,
presentai in aieXwell chosen word * . After
Mr , and Mri. Bonnlvier had recovered
frnmtia tniprut , ton commenced , con-
sLtlog of speeches dancing , parlor games ,
tCr , which WM iept np till a late hour ,
Mr , Bonmvfor j yi he will spend bis
toinira houra fu thai ch-.Ir for the next
forty jonw , .
All yomiff muii irs cordially invited to
avail tluumwlvontif thu following privileges
oiTorctt' ' by tiw'Sounit 3 ten's Christian At-
incluUnni A comfartabU reading room
wherci oauilM fimiut' thit dally , weekly and
monthly pjinnrsv tlw E magazine free
wrlcfnif matariulny atfeivieop ) and a largo
numfcM at vtowa , AH those are offered
ht * fci aay ana whn wffl visit the rooms on
FUt a&i& ruf FirBam streets. The mom-
ben EATS an additional privilege of a clr-
ciUtfcjf library of over sir hundred vol.
KIK3-Ytattrdiy Charles Hies , aged
? 6 ye n.
Funeral will take place from the resi
dence of th deceased , No , 1808 South
18tb street Saturday at 2 o'clock p , m.
Friendi of tha deceased Invited.
The decuted has teen an old resident ,
removing f tonj Milwaukee to this city In
1868 , and since that time had beou a faith
ful employe of the U , I * , lie leaves n wife
and five ch dr&tfo mourn his loss. Four
brothers tnrvlva him , F. J , Hies , tuperin-
Undent cf the houio of correctionMilwau- , |
kee , Win. ; Anthony lllee , postinottor at
North Platte ; L. ' Hler , deputy theiid ,
Milwaukee , and Adolph Rels , foreman car
department , Lincoln ,
EASTMAN-March 8tb , at 1 a. m .Chas ,
A. , son of 3 , W. Eutman , age 2i years ,
Notice ol funeral will be given hereafter.
Plttibunr , Pa. , please copy.
SMITH-In this cltv , March 8th , Miss
Millie Smith , aged 45 years.
Funeral Saturday at 10 a. m. from the
residence , No. 2513 Johnson street.
Friends Invited.
Dontnio In tbe Hcmae.
"Rough on IUU. " Olen out t U
wle , roicii * * , b4 bopr , fllw , ta\\ \
molt * oUpamalui ,
Sumiuonefl From the Bravo Be
fore a Coroner's ' Jury ,
Matthias Rypacok Resurrect
ed by the Coroner.
A Solemn Scene in tbe Oity of
the Dead ,
The Supposed Poisoning Case
Being Actively Inves
tigated ,
Impannelling a Coroner's Jury
in a Cemetery ,
"I bellovo in the resurrection of the
body , " la ono of the clauses In the
creed to which all orthodox Protcot-
ants subacrlbo and which might bo
qnotod as the unanimous uontimont of
the party which mot at Coroner Jacobs'
undertaking rooma Wednesday to
consult upon the caao of the late
Matt bias Rypacok , whoso sadden death
on the Eooond day of Diicombor ban
given riao to the blackest of rnmora ,
viz. : that ho was
llypacok was a tailor by irado , the
last work ho did being for Mr. Frank
Ramgo. Bo had boon In thla country
about seven years and In Omaha about
three years and is said by these who
know him to have boon a sober man
and a good workman. Ho had lived
with his wife alnco before ho came to
this country , and it IB said by some
that the relations between the two
were of the happiest nature. On the
olhor hand oomo Intimate
as to whether any marriage over took
plaoo. The latter nay that In the old
conntry Rypacok and his wlfo wont to
the priest to bo made man and wlfo
and that they wcro refused the boon
desired and that thereupon they wont
homo and began life together as the
nuptial knot had boon over so
While In this city they lived in a
little cottage on South Thirteenth
street. There was another honso
similar to their own and built upon
kho same lot , the whole property be
longing to Joseph Havlicek , the pres
ent husband pf Ryptcik'd widow.
The deceased had boon a victim of
'ailing health for some time previous
; o his death and had boon taking va
rious medicines , procured somotlmea
at ono plaoo and again at another.
10 began treatment with Dr. Hoffman ,
vhoao oflloo la above Sohrootor and
3echt'a drug store , corner of Jackson
and Thirteenth streets. Ho bad
callo'd several times at the drug atoro
and procured medicine , complaining
of trouble with his throat , which the
doctor took to bo catarrh of the throat ,
and prescribed the usual remedy for
; hat disoaao. On the night of Decom-
> or 1st Dr. Hcfl'mari called on the pa-
lent and found him aiok in bed. Ho
complained of soreness In the breast
and In the region of the heart , and
when examined felt a soreness when
ever he was touched. Hia pnlso waa
slower than it should have boon In Ita
lormal state , A half an hour later
Or. Grosaman called tor the iirat tlrao
ind noted the aamo general symptoms.
The patlont complained of frrquont
Vomiting bnt his particular difficulty
seemed to bo with
Dr. Grossman thought that he had
aoartUaeaae , and , judRlng from his
conoral appearance took him to be a
drinking man. The doctor called
again the next morning. There were
three or fonr watch era detailed from
the society spoken of above , and one
of these , Joseph Rousnk , was with
kho man until two hours and a half
before hia doath. At that time lly-
pacek aaid to him in the presence of
others that ho had been poisoned , and
aaked him to go and got same assist
ance for him. Ronsok felt of the sick
man's body and limbs , and found
thorn already cold and clammy. Ho
said , "It is too late now to help you , "
and then Rypacok said , "I have boon
poisoned. If it ia too late to save mo ,
have the matter investigated. " Ho
pointed to ono of the bottles of medi
cine , and said that whenever ho took
that } t
Ronsok put a taste of the medloino on
his tongue and It barnod so that the
sensation lasted _ for several hours
afterwards. Rypacok was asked once
how ho felt sick and raid , placing hia
hand on his stomach , "I feel sick from
hero clear np to here , " indicating hie
throat. Ho also expressed th bollel
that if his throat waa cut open the
canao of his malady would bo discov
ered. Hia greatest trouble was a con
tinual retching , Rousok loft him
about 1 o'clock p. m. , on December
aeoond'and came tip town , whore he
told some friouds of the occurrences
related. They advised him to keep
still about it , oa if ho made any charge !
ho was liable to bscomo Involved in
trouble and expense himself. Ho
kept his month shut , and when he
wont home in the afternoon ho learned
Ho Bald nothing oven then , but at
length ho could roit no longer under
the Boorot , nnd ho disclosed it to oth-
era and eventually to the coroner. II
waa further stated last evening thnl
during his sickness Rypacok'a wife
waa seldom soon at Ms beditdo , and
that aho was not with him when he
died ; also that after his demise she
stayed In the next Louse , where hoi
present husband lived , all the tlmo.
Within a very brief period after death
the body changed color and became
soft and pliable to the touch.
Dr. Grossman , who gave a certifi
cate of death from heart disease , now
says that ho will not stand by that
certificate. Both ho and Dr , Hoffman
agree that'whlle the symptoms were
those of heart disease they wore also
the exact
which WM never to much ai thought
of at the Una by GroMmaa , though
Hoffman admlla that his suspicions
wore somewhat aronsnd on the occa
sion of his last visit.
There waa a largo number of medi
cine bottles in the room , some of which
were Inscribed in the Bohemian Ian-
gunge and born Dr. Pnntor'a printed
labels. The principal witness tays ho
notified the wlfo to keep all these bottles
tles bnt that aho throw them away at
onco. Three weeks after the burial of
Rypacok hia widow married again ,
married the owner of the property in
which they resided , The suspicion
aroused grow and incrcnoed in force
until It WRS finally made public through
THE BEE , Thou
came forward and were anxious for an
investigation. They offered to defray
a part of iho expenses of an analysis ,
but this proposition they are said to
have since backed out cf. The society
of which the dead man wan proal-
dent , and in which ho hold $300 Iniur-
ance , followed np the reports of his
death and Wednesday morning scented
throe aIlidavlts from tha parties present
during the last hours of tno dying
man , who swore to the ante mortem
statement which has boon the founda
tion of this suit. Wednesday the
committee mot District Attorney God
win and the board of county commis
sioners at the oflico of Coroner Jacobs
to consult as to
to bo taken. The law does not admit
of an oxpendlturo of over $50 for a
chemical analysis where poison in sus
pected , bnt provides for the oxponseo
of coroner , witnesses and jurors. Dr.
Grossman volunteered hia services to
remove the stomach and viscera from
the body for shipment to Chicago tea
a chemist of acknowledged reputation ,
Thn society then guaranteed the bal
ance of the amount required for the
analysis , which will coat in all from
$125 to $200. It waa thereupon
agreed that Coroner Jacobs should
yesterday impannol a jury , and with
thorn , the doctor and tbo committee ,
proceed to Cassldy'a cemetery , five
mlloa south of the city , where the re
mains are interred and begin the In
vestigation in regular shape of a caao
that must at all events bo a long ono ,
and In which no conviction can over
bo made If poison la discovered ex
cept upon pnrely circumitantlal ovi-
donee. ,
Tbo Resurrection.
Al 10:30 : a. m. ' yesterday 'Coroner
Jacobs loft for St. Mary'a cemetery
( Caaaady'a ) to take np the remains.
There were , bosldo himself , two car
riages filled with persons , and ono or
two boggles had already preceded
him. Those who went along were ,
first , the jury , consisting of J. J.
Galligan , Jamoa M. Wlnahlp , George
Medlook , James McMichae ) , L. H.
Ooao and Joe Kavan. Thure were
also Dr. Grossman , Dr. Frlsoni , the
committee representing the Bohemian
society , "Sokol , " and TUB BEE re
porter. It is fully five miles to St.
Mary's , but fortunately the day was a
Eino ono , and the trip out was made
In about an hour. Arriving at the
cemetery ,
was found already opened and the cof
fin containing the body was coon
hoisted out and deposited on the gray
award. The lid covering the face was
removed and the features of the dead
man exposed to vlow , The akin waa
blackened to the color of bronze nnd
covered hero and there with little
spots of mould , the can were of a
deep purple hue and the head oa well
as the body swollen to unusual si 7.0.
The remains were however much leas
affected by t decomposition than la
usual after three months Interment.
The coffin lid waa next removed and
the aurgoona knelt on either side of It
and began rapidly their work with '
The stomach waa taken ont and
found to contain very little of any
thing except the gaa which quickly
accumulated. Then a portion of the
Intestines oto removed and placed
with the stomach in a glass jar taken
along for the purpose. An examina
tion of the heart and other vital organs
waa made. The pericardium , or lining
about the heart , waa found to contain
more water than it should naturally
and the anrfaco waa not BO smooth aa
It would have been had the heart been
In a normal condition. Dr. Gross
man aald there waa no doubt bat that
the deceased had been more or leas
affected by
though ho would not say whether or
not that was the causa of his death.
At any rate the contents of the jar
would rrovo whether any arsenic had
been administered by himself or oth-
.era , for if it had it would still bo there.
After a very thorough examination the
collia lid was again replaced and the
remains once more committed to
mother earth , thla tlmo to remain until
the last tramp shall sound. The jar
and Its contents were brought to the
city by Coroner Jacobs and will bo
sent to Chlcsgo for analysis as soon as
la hold , that being fixed for 8 o'clock
yesterday at Coroner Jacobs' under
taking rooms. The jury was excused
until that hour , and the witnesses
summoned to attend were the two
physicians and the three witnesses who
made the alii davlta before Judge An
the Inquest waa brgun at 8 o'clock last
evening , and several witnesses were
examined , but without eliciting any
now facts other than these Riven
abovo. The jury was then ad jonruod
to await the icsult of the analysis.
In the meantime opinion ia greatly
divided as to the true facts In the
case , and the public as well as the jury
will have to rrseivo its verdict.
BuclElm a Arnica Salve.
The BEST SAIVH In the world Tor Oats.
Urnlsos , Bores , Ulcers , bait Rhcnm , Fo.
var Sores , Totter , Ohspped Hands , Chll
blalns , Corns , and all skin eruptions , nnj
positively cures pllw. It U guaranteed to
give rotlifactfon i nuaty refunded.
PrlM , 25 cent * p r | ex.or eal b C.
Free or" Charge.
All persons suffering from CoughtColds
Asthma , Bronchitis , Loss of Vulce , or any
affection of the Throat and Lungs , are requested -
quested to call at O. F. Goodman' * drug
store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. WTO *
New Discovery for Consumption , t/rt tl
charge , which , will convince- the > , j | > v
wonderful merits and show what I
ollar-ixe hotUa will do. Call e *
Re dy mlxwl PalnU at W. J.
WhiUhoQM1 * , COS 10th it. 8 6t
The Board of Public Works
Legislated Oat ,
A Startling Complication in
Oity Affairo.
The sensation of laat evening was
the announcement by rumor tbat the
Board of Public Works had boon leg
islated ont ol oflko by an act passed
by the recent legislature and no longer
existed DB ono of the powers in con
trol of city affairs.
Aiumorto this effect was heard
Bomo time ago , but no stock was
taken in it until yesterday , when
Mayor Boyd received a telephone -
phone raesHigo from Secre
tary of State Roggen , inquiring
If ho know that the board had been
legislated ont cf existence. The mayor
had hoard the rumor , In common with
many others , bnt thought it moro gos
sip , An investigation into the matter
revealed the fact that there was moro
truth than poetry In It.
It appears that daring General
Manderion'a visit to Europe , Mr.
Herman Kountx.a desired to have a
bill pass at iho special session of the
legislature called for the spring of
1881 , to admit of the voting of $35-
000 bondi for the building
of a viaduct over the
Union Pacific tracks on Eleventh
street. General Mandorson waa at
that tlmo city attorney , and his part
ner , Mr. Congdon , declined to draw
the bill , whereupon Bon. Clinton
Brlggs , since deceased , drew it np for
presentation to the legislature at Us
special session. For some reason
it never came np until the recent
session , when It was introduced
as house roll No. 9 , by Frank Oolpet-
zer , of this city , representative from
Douglas county , and waa an amend
ment to paragraph 41 of section 15 of
the "act to Incorporate cities of the
first class , " etc , passed at the extra
session of the legislature in 1881.
The amendment waa the addition to
section 41 , which originally provided
for regulating the crossing of
railway track , etc. , of a pro
vision also to old in the con
struction of viaducts or bridges over
or tunnels under railroad tracks at
street crossings , with neoosssary approaches
preaches , " and provided for dividing
the expense of such structures be
tween the city and the railway com
panies. The Colpo'zer ' bill , aa origin
ally introduced and printed to amend
the net of 1881 , wasfonnd on the files ,
and If it had passed in that form it
would have boon of no effect , bocauae
the act which it purported to amend ,
had lioon repealed by the act of
1882 , whicl : had , In addition
to the paragraphs contained
in eectlon 1G of the act of ' 81 , a para
graph , N't. 44 , creating the board of
public works. 'Paragraph 44 had been
emitted from the Colpotzer'a bill. A
message waa sent to the secretary of
utato asking if the Colpotzsr bill aa
paeeod and made a law , had roai to
amend the law of 1881 , or if It had
been changed to road and amend the
law of 1882. Mr. Rigger ronllod :
"It amends the act passed May 23.
1882.- "
"The question was aaked : Then Is
your opinion the hoard of public
works no longer exIaUT ( > Taat ia
my opinion , " waa the anawer
There ia a pooaibility that the bill
as paased may prove unconstitutional
bnt if It should not it will produce a
serious complication in city affairs aa
there are a number of ordinances for
atroet paving which have boon ordered
to be done under the supervision of
the board of public worka and all of
which it will now bo necessary for the
tjouncll to go to work and do the
whole thing over again. Should the
bill prove constitutional it will greatly
enhance the impoitanco and Influence
of the city council but It will bo a bad
thing for the city.
Recent Transactions Berore Judge
It will bo romemboied that some
time ago a young Swedish girl named
Besslo Johnson wont ont to North
Platte from Omaha , intending to go to
work in a private family there , but
wound up in a low bagnio. She was
tin illy brought back to Omaha by. her
brother-in-law , and subsequent to her
rotqrn waa given a piss to go back to
North Platte and load a llfo of shame.
Her relative thereupon filed a com
plaint In the police court charging her
with disorderly conduct , and an cilicer
was sent to arrest her. The trial will
come oil to day.
Goo. B. Muldoon , the blacksmith ,
has boon arrostnd for obstructing the
streets in hia locality. * Hla case waa
There were fonr cases of Intoxica
tion , two of the victims paying their
fine , and the other two , who were sol-
dlere , being turned over totho U. S.
Ono individual was committed In
default of $3 and costs for disturbing
thn peace.
Sirah Ainscow nwpro ont complaint
In pollco court Tuesday against her
husband , Edward Alntcow , charging
hha with striking , beating and kicking
her , and wounding her m the f ace and
nock. Ho was arrested and required
to glvo $300 ball for his appearance to
day at 2 p. m.
Tuesday afternoon Ed , Galllgan and
John Hoach were brought before
judge Bonokoon the charge of petit
larceny. Galligan was sent to jail fet
thirty days on bread and water , and
Roach got twenty daya on the same
diet ,
George H. Thompson , of Platbuiouth ;
J. V. Pierce and F. J. Bailey , of Ked
Cloud ; G H. Black , of Plattsmoutb ; 0 ,
T. Beerley and John A. Gordon , Frc.
mont ; Anthony Rles , North Platte ; Mrs ,
Dr. Frary , Oakland , are guests at the Mil
H. N , Garland , of Kaniaa City , westert
pa&senger geat cf the Missouri Pacific , li
at the 1'aiton and will remain over to-day ,
y. J. Smll * , Kearney ; 8. O. Bryt *
W , J , Du k * , A Wandj 0. V , Putwa
and wlfo , North Platte , John II. Wana-
maker nnd John J. King , Bark Point ; W.
W. Blrgh , North 1'lnUc ; Mason Greggs ,
Rod Cloud } T. 0. Lixmbetb , Nebraska
City , andJ. It. Minor , Nebraaka City ,
are among the Nebraskuns stopping at the
A. W. Dalloy nnd wife , of Cheyenne ,
nro registered nt the Metropolitan ,
Mrs. Mondoor nnd children , of Sewnrd ,
nro gnestn of the Metropolitan.
J. L. Steinboult , of the Gerttlngor
Opera Co. , Is nt the Mlllnrd.
Charles D. Palmer , of Council BlnlT * ,
was in the city last ulght.
B T. B. Curly , of Fort Robinson , Is regis
tered nt tbo IVxton.
Wtn , A. Mills and wife , of Lsramlo , art )
guests of the Paxton ,
W. F , Duryca nnd wlfo , of Ogden ,
are at the Paxton.
F. W , Derby , of Fremont , ia a t-uoat of
the Metropolitan.
F. M , Yeutzer , of Ottiwi , Ilia. , Is nt
the Metropolitan ,
G. H. Peebles , of David City , It nt the
John Roienthnl , of Lincoln , it at the
Metropolitan ,
W. R. White , of Boise City , Idaho , is nt
the Millard.
Jnhnllcklein , of Lyons , Is nt the Met
ropolitan ,
John Collett , of Kansas City , is at the
A. Seymour , of New Mexico , is nt the
Paxton ,
II , B , Ruiusay , of Wyoming , Is at the
Paxton ,
C , L. Tidd , of Cuba , ia at the Metro
L. M. Post , of Earlin ' , is nt the Metro-
C. F , Newton , of Sterling , is nt the
Peter Wilton , of Denver , ia at the Fax-
Seventeenth Annual Meeting at
Programme and Other'Particu
Tbo seventeenth annual meeting oi
the Nebraska State Teachers' associa
tion trill bo hold at Columbus , March
27th , 28th and 29th.
The oflicora of the association at
present are : President , W. W. W.
Jones , state superintendent of public
instruction ; vloo president , J. J.
Points , of Omaha ; recording secretary ,
A , 1C , Uowdy , of Peru ; corresponding
secretary , Cora Clark , Nebraska City ;
treasurer , H. N. Blake , of Beatrice.
Executive committee : 0. 0. Hubbell -
boll , Hastings ; G E. Barber , Lincoln ;
H. H. Nicholson , Lincoln ; Prof. A. L ,
Funk , Red Cloud ; Miaa M. A. Ken
dall , Arlington.
Reception committee : L. J. Cramer ,
Columbus ; Mr. J. B. Moncrief , Mr.
Melcholr Brngge.r. Mrs. Helen Ballou ,
Miss Bertha Wo 3d.
The following la the
Address of Welcome Hon. A. M. Post ,
Reeponse EdwardHealey , superintend
ent city Bchools , Crete.
Lecture Subject : Implements ; J B.
Merwin , managing editor of American
Journal of J Education , St. Loula.
Miscellaneous buslneia.
Mincellaneoua business and short ad
Paper Tbe mission of the teacher ;
Frank W. Barber , uroleaaor o ! ancient lan
guage and English literature , Franklin
nc uemy.
Piper. Automatic nervous aslion as
faster In education ; J. P. Sprecher , prin
cipal of schools , Schuyler ,
WEDNESDAY , 2 1' , U ,
Paper Meth idaof teaching ; J , M , Wil-
ion , principal normal department , Haat-
ina college.
Easay The Lifting Power of the Com
mon dchooU , M . M. M. Munger , city
superintendent of achoola , Nebraska City.
Paper The library and tbe public
achoola , 11. J , Barr , city superintendent of
schools , Oracd Inland ,
Address Cultivation of the thinking
faculties , J , M. Greenwood , city superin
tendent of public instruction , KanaaaCity.
llisay The ideal teacher , Mrs. J. J.
Burtcb , teacher , Wahoo.
Paper The order and relative Import
ance of studies In elementary schools , II.
M. Jamea , city superintendent oi public
instruction" , Omaha.
Paper Induttrial education , W. V.
Miller , superintendent uf public instruc
tion , Washington county , Blair.
TarjBHiut , a p.m.
Election of otticera.
taper Pains nnd parila of intellectual
growth , J. J. Poluta , superintendent pub
lic instruction , Douglas county , Omaha.
Paoer The historical method in teach
ing English grammar , L. At Sherman ,
I'rofesuor literary and philology of Eng
lish , Lincoln.
Columbus ia a thriving city on the
Union PaciQo railroad , about 75
miles west of Omaha nnd G2 miles
east of Grand Island , Delegates will
receive a cordial reception t the
hands of the oltizona of the place.
Ladles will bo entertained at private
houses free. Hotels will furnish
baard at reduced rates , not over one
dollar per day. Those wishing to so-
euro places should wrlto to L. J.
Cramer , Columbus , at least one week
in advance.
Round trip tickets over the U. P.
and B. & M , railroads can bo obtained
for ono nnd one-fourth faro by pre
senting certificates furnished by the
chairman of the executive committee ,
0. 0. Hnbbell , Hastings. Rememboi
cortlficates must be obtained before
starting , so write for them in time.
General discussion will follow the
reading of each paper. Lot teaoheri
como prepared to glvo their beal
thoughts , condensed Into five minutes ,
For further Information address proper
shown ot
per persons on committee as
first page. .
Real Katate
The following deeds were filed , fo :
record In the county clerk office
for THK B i
Much 7 , reported
by AnW ml eUt ogtnoy :
B. Mock to R. B , 8Uw rt , loU 3 MM
[ 4 , block 2 , South Omaha add. , w. d.
Wm. Ripple and wife to Frank
Molncr , o. A " of s. A lot G , blocc 1 , Park
Place add."w. d.$175. .
Wm , Ripple and wlfo to S , Molnor ,
w. i of s. A lot G , block 1 , Pork Place
ado. . , w. d. $175 ,
L 8 Reed and wife to 0. Bluuilo ,
lot 58 , Hurtuaa'o add. , w. d $800
0. Blnmlo and S , Blumla and wife
toJ. Nagle , w. A lot 58 , Hartmau's
dd. , w. d. $375.
Chas. Bankoa to tF. W. Blackburn ,
w. 148 foot of lot 'W , Rsdick's 2d odd. ,
w. d.-$1,700.
W. Ripple and wife to M. Xech-
molster , w. i of n. . \ of lot G , block 1 ,
Park Plaoa add. , w.'d. $175
The E.URE87 CURB for
Cool i' lama back or i ( Unordered urine , -
ndleato hat you ore B victim ? THEN BOO
once ( drusrslnta recommend It ) and It will
ipecdily overcome the dlaoaue and rooter *
a healthy action toaUtheorRans.
rfiAO VoroomplalntspeenlUr
CIIC5 > toyourfex.auohaspaln
and wc&lcccMca. K1DN ET-WOBT U unaur-
passed , aa It will act promptly and safely.
Eituci Box. Incontinence , retention of
urine , brisk iluat or ropy depoalti. and dull
dragglnc pains , oil speedily yield to Ita our- ,
atlvo power. ( SC )
"My friend , E. 0. Lcgtnl , o > tM ) city , used to
drawn doubla doai pil ful Kidney Decieo
Kldncy-Wortcuredh m. " J f. * - . H > noydrug
gist , Alleghany City , Fa , Aug. 22-S2.
! for all diseases of the Kidneys and I
It haa ipectflo action on thla moat Important
) organ , enabling It to throw off torpidity and /
. Inaction , stimulating the healthy secretion ,
, of the Bile , and by keeping the bowcla In frol
I condition , effecting Its regulardlnrhnrga. I
t Ifyou are suflbrlng from
li malaria , have the ohlll f (
' are bilioiu , dyspeptic , or constipated. Kid-
. ney-WorfwlUrurolyrollOTO&qulcklycuro.
) In thla Bca on to clean * the System , every I
one should take a thorough oource of U. (51)
"I'tegilned 20 Iba. li tuo monlhi " wr'tea
Mr. J. U , Power , of fronton , III. , ( Deo. 2-82) ) ,
' aud m a well man. I'd suffered with Lh er
disorderj since IfCi. KliUoy-Wcrt cured me , "
Btron ? wordi ( rom R New York cleigrman : "I
unhesitatingly recommend KilnoWort. . Ic
ureatly benefltted me , " SITS Rev. 0 Kemb'e , ol
ilon wk.N. V. ,
c No other dl' nso la BO prevalent In thla
country an Conatlratlon , and no remedy
C baa v ver equalled tb e celebrated KIDNEY-
WOUT oa a cure. Whatever the cause ,
a however obeUnato the oaao , tali rcmody
will overcome U.
THIS dlatretulne com-
i plaint is very apt to b ;
* complicated with constipation. Kidney.
O Wort strengthens the weakened parts and
o quickly cures nil kinds nf riles oven when
O phyalclnnj and xnodlclues have be fore fall- . -
ITTJf you have cither o f the o troubloe H' '
PRICE SI.I USE iDruKfjlBtaSell
"For 12 yew , " w Itta L\man T Abcll , o
Georgia V . , "I found no relief Irom piles , until
' - ' KWnej-Woit. It tas cu cd rne. "
§ son" "
JLa It la for all the p&lnfal dlscMCO of th
It cleanses the system of the acrid poison
that causes the dreadAU snflerlnff which
only tha vlcUmji of rheumatism con realize
of tha wont forms of this terrible dlaeue
invo been Quickly relieved , and insert
( SO Bry can b aent by mall , _
WELL8 , RICIIAltDSOXa : CO. , Hurtlnirton , VI
"I hid habitual coitivcness. p&'n In the back
acdrheumailam. " wrltra S. J.Scott , Rnrling-
tcn , Vt. Kidney Wort hta cured them all "
43T8PEO IAL f will POSITIVELY not bein
terted unless paid In advance.
TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shrlver'a
MONEY Eatite and Loan Agency , opposite
poatofflce. 76T- _
V'ONKY ' TO LOAN At legal ratea , by Ballou
M' Erce1421 Farrmm SI.
'ANTED Boy to herd cattle. Apply Para
toga Hoit'C , Fort Ornali *
, AQENTS-EHe , energitio lucy
WANTED Introduce an articla that la staple.
Call at 1208 Dodge street , ( rom 0 to 11. 833-65
WANTKD A treed girl for genertl huss-
wiik la small family. App'y at 420 In-nth
ISlhs'rcot. SSU-lOt
Inm d'ately , good a'ropjf clrl f r
srcncrsilbouaowori. N , W , tor. IS'h and
Webster. KO-9S
ASTK * ' Lad } corjlat , Addrta < "J. n. "
Bee office. . 333 10 *
' MiorotiRh'y oxpcrlooced fit n
WAN'ED d" gemril oaaowork Ocoo
\iarrt to a ; ; o > l tlrl. Apply S. W. ror. 17th ad
Ca'lfornla streets. Itefercncea rtqulrcil.
nil m
AN KI 8 illntor ( or city trade Aildrma
-C C. " Ece office. 808 ti
Olrl ( orncral hoiwcworlr at 1100
WANTED 1 > 11 ( or three da\a after 1
o'clock. 2g3 Oi
ANTED A Cllrl ti do g-neral hauseworV.
W Apply : nt 2121 Cal ( ornU atreet. 293-10
ANTFD DO tie makera and .Wlab-ren.
W H. hANNWEILBR , llthS ( .
dlnlm- room glrlt at the
W Farn mStr ct eataur nt.
1 ( ew ladles and gentlemen aa
WANTED Iho hUgeat paying buslne > a In
America. Room 3,1308 farnam 8t 213-lm |
Men and women to start a new
WANTED at their own home : no peaallng ;
60c an hour made ; end lee ( or aamplea and In.
strui'tlons Addri < 8 <
MASOW & CO. . on'peler. Vt
COMPETENT bark keepir
A man wishes to ke'p a eel ot booka or rte
any I Ind of wi I'In * . atfr hnl-past lour la tht
alternoon. Addrese * U. 0. " Boo office.
WANTKD-By a young girl
SITI7ATION heuaework Apply to n8 8Mb
" " " ' 8
atreet.ucarJacliaon. 0. L. _
- yountf colored.maD ,
WASTKD-By adald o ( work. Addrefw
II. D" Be office.
LADYo.apabillt ) and reflncment label
housiketper In a hotel or
dtuatlon aa
Urwate a ( wnlly , where terranU are ept. Or win
Icceptanyaltuatlon of truat. Addreia Mra ,
K. " Fremont , Nebraska. 3188J
ITUATION WANTED In Drnirstore 1" Neb ,
SITUATION ol jll , T
dreaa Box Kl Minellles .
Sltuat'onbr 0 < rman boy II yeaji
WANTED a s Engllah and Oerrcan. Ad
drtaa 900 Amirlcan Houae , Douglia street ,
280-10 *
\T7ANTKIV-A lady candidate ( or matrimony ,
VV amuwment * . church sodals. boat rides ,
pliatantmlk * , eonvenaUon , ptrnlcs , ojsUrs ,
fc eresm , lemoavJs In their s iWJi. A"J "
"Anortmsnl , " BM cfflcs. 832-1Q
lo net , two ( nrnl'htd rnomi ( or
WANTED . Address " 1319" Har-
nay ttrce' . 32J t < >
' Y tinted by a joiing and enterptli-
AG'N attorr nv , with oillco I < ccntte of ton
aod on ground floor , Omaha flrma that want a
Council B uBa r prcaent > tlvo should addrca *
JOHN DOE , 7 Pearl St.
2or 3 ( nrnlihcd rootrs ( or light
WANTED . State price. Aildru a "S.
IL O. " . SJO 8
Siraornoto odoptAboyG } ctr
old , Addrcaa "Mrs. U. N. W. " ore o ! post
office. 310-0 }
ECO prUyaults , slnkg and ceu
WANTED clean with atnltar ; clcanir. Satis-
( action guaranteed. J , M SMITH ,
210-lmt _ Lock Co I 422 , Omaha.
Kt l nouufca AND LAftD.
RENT-March 13th , cottairo with ( our
FOR omiv No. 810 south lOih street. Can act
Btib e room for tno her < ca. SSMOs
O FUaNISllUU roome , 222 horlh l'h ! ttruef !
4l 318-10
FUHNISHED . 1810 Dodge St. 311 1m *
BENT Two double stores , aiiltiblu ( or
FOR hou e , gnciry , butcher , cr saloon ,
situated to an to command a gocd firmer trade.
Inquire ol Mri. F. Langc , S. W Cor. 13th and
JackBon St1) . 300-lmf
ViiOH 1IK.NTVits limcl , a largo ( urolined
room with bay window. Modtin lnipro\o-
menta , 1718 Dodge Street1 'J36-01
JT10U IIF.NT Ke < v hotel at AVrct , Neb , alze 34
JU x41 , Good location. Liberal tents to the
right lartv. Addrcai 0 , Tent. " Avoo.
201 8 wit
KENT I''casint ( rent room lurnlihed.
FOR ! N. Uth street , bet California and Web-
cter. 217-81
FOR REM Furnhhot room for two goiiU ,
3 bljcka ( icm poatoflko. Inquire at 1519
J.dto ( s.Toet. 239-lm
IJIOKIIKNT At ut60arrcs , In three piece * ,
T one c ( 26 , ore ot 18 , aid one of 4 acres. All
enccl , home 3 rooma. Poeataslon Immediately.
One mile Irom postoffice. BP.MI8'
225-U _ 15'h and luigla < Streets.
± \ . and basement of building No. 1111 Farnun
troet. Inquire on premises. l&l 1m
TjlOR BENt T onow houaos with R rooms ,
Dr. 0. U. Paul. 132 Imo
OR RENT 25 house ? , 2 to 10 rooma , at 3 to
$25 per month 8hrl\ cr's Rent Bureau , op-
post office. 768-H
SALE Small Louw ou kaud lot. Apply
FUR E. comer Oth and Jackson. 31'-2w §
FOR SALE Flte horse , bujgy and hirnera.
tTor e 6 wars old. ( ull of life and apeed. Call
on Mrs. Llndborif , 1326 N. 19th St. 321-10 $
OK BALK OR PENT My 2 story br'ck real-
denceonlflthatieet and tit. Mar 'a avenue
for sale , S7 000. Bm ll payment down , balance
1 to 6 years time. Lot C0x00 ( eet. Elegant
house , very cor.venlent Will rent It to very
good parlies ( or $ GJ per month. Call at once ai
294-Aprll 1 Cor. 12th and Farnam St.
T70U SALE Fine rcaldciue , 12 rooma , 1 } lots ,
JD gilt edge location , boose nearly new and In
porrsot order. B st cfftr within ten cays takes
It. One-third cash , balanoe time to salt.
295-9 1408 Farnam mraat.
T ORaaLE 40 acres 5 m rom court home ,
J ? weit , wlihllvlnpsprlni ; .
3 loti in Dlht & Lvman'a addition.
4 lots In lauica & Sheldon's addition.
Inqu'root ' II Q. CUrk. 272-14
EOR SALE One dark bay marc , top buggy
and harness. W.W.ROBERTS ,
27710f Fort Omaha.
T710K SALK Ilouaa with 6 rooms and 2 lata
X ? ( each 66x132) In south Omaha , for $1,000 , on
easy terms. Will iak * toim on part payment ,
nqulreatellS 12th street. 243-lmJ _
FOU SALE CnEAP Choice unimproved buT-
Intaa lota on Farnam. Ilarney , Douglr.8 ,
and Djdge streets. D , VIS&8NYDEB.
Real Eat i to Agents.
110-eod-tf 1505 Farcarn St.
' New Map of Omaha , lust completed and
BEMI3' for delivery at 05 each. la 4 feet wide
iy 7 feet long. Largest and moat complete map
of Omaha ever published. Official map o ! th
city. Hoe column.
T7 OR SALE Pockets mapa of Nebraska 20c
JU each. For bargalna In oir aha City Improved
and unlmprived property , cell on Wm. F , Shri-
ver , heil Estate Agent , opposite postoffice.
76Mf !
T710R SALE A drat clacg second hand phaetoat
Call at 1310 Barney St. - ' 897.H
Bargains in-Real Estate , - -
Corner 'ot and two gocd cnttagea , one block
'rom ' St. Mary's avenue , $3 000.
House and lull lot , gatd location , 81,2' 0.
House and half lot , neir tit. ' Mary'a avenue.
$ ison.
Cottage and Comer lot on Dodge street , $3.600
New Cottigeln E. V. Smith's addition , $ ? , eOO.
Cottage ana full lot on IPth street , near Lca-
venwoith street , $2,200.
44 loot frontage oa Farnam street , Improved ,
Corner lot on Douglca street , $7TOO. Earqaio.
liu Ineaa lot on Deuglta < trect , $4,000.
100foot fronton Dodgeatreut. Reaidonce "n-
catmont , $1,350.
. ! McUAGUE ,
SOTtf- Opposite Postoffice.
A1 A REWARD Stolen on 'Monday night
$ I U from Klewlt'a brickyard , a light boll
apilng wagon , made by Mitel el , Lewla&Co. ,
Racine , \Vi . Part or dish board broken on" .
Any one glIng Information leading to there-
covryot the same will receive the abo\o re
ward. 8J6-104
Lljiht biy pony , on Saturday laat from
LOST 18th street. Flndar will please return to
li Splgle , 2d Hand Furniture Store and got re
ward. 322-94
QPECIAL INDUfiEMENTS-Offerodfor a coun-
O try store at Gllmore , barpy couotv , Neb.
Apply to O. Frost , there 195-lrat
TIoNALlST , 408 Tenth atrcct , between Farnam
and lUrncy. Will , with the aid of guardian
eplrlte , obtain ( or any one a glance ot the paa *
and present , and nn certain conditions In tbe fu
ture. Boota and Shoos made to order. Ftieci (
Mtkfadlon gi rante < ul.
" > t's oitz r aT r > nt'S * N IKVAL-
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A tuuvel ol purity , ,
itrentth and wholesomeness. More economical - > ,
than tha orplnary klnda , and cnnot b sold la
competition with the multitude ot low teat thorl
vtUht , alum or phosphat * powdar Sold only "
oana. Ilorit , BlKiaa Povcit Co. , Vfall-St. | (
Nsw York-l