Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tt * A V TU A
i '
Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty , * . <
fc . . . . ;
The Dr. hao boon located la Coun
cil 'IXufTa neatly two years , and hav-
ng"'beon called iprofesaianally during
tint tlmo into the Lost families in the
City and surrounding 'country , takes
"pleasure in on announcing that he baa
come to stay. His cocotantly increas
ing practice at homo , in the midst of
his own people , is the best evidence of
his skill as a SPECIALIST , and he
wishes it understoodtmco for all , that
his methods of treatment are STRIOT-
LY scientific ; that he dosplscs quackery -
ery aa well among so-called "Regular"
and "Homeopathic" practitioners aa
among traveling-charlatans and "Oaro-
Alls. " Ho has devoted fifteen years
o the atndy and practice ot his SPE-
OTALT1SS and hcc had the benefit of
o most skillful training in the best
lieges end hoapitcls in the land , and
8 no hesitancy In promising the Tory ,
at reaulta to be < dbtainodtcom > ecion-
cmedicine and turgory.
Aranowrtady to con tret for snmll cacrltnggo !
every 'description ' In
epeclal.attentlon Is catted to the hot that tfco
. , Dctalsr9-inet ! d-la CKSCIBLBS wbloh igiyea the
very best castings ,
> Burning Brands
FAOTOKIEfi , Etc. , Etc. ,
Aa well aa
Cattle Orands
Works : Corner Sixth etrort and Elevotthjivouuc ,
President. Vt.e-Prea't. ' Cashier.
Of Conn ll Bluff * .
Organized cnder the IMIS of the State of Iowa
q Ptia up capital A lE.oce
jr Anthorlzed cipltal. . , . . . _ 200,000
, , i , .Interest paH on tlms dcroalts. Drafta loauod
an the principal cities of the United Sutca anti
Europe. Specal attention given to coU ctlooc
and correspondence with pompt retuina.
J.D.Elmnndaon , K.L.Shrgart , J.C.I
.W. , Wallace. J. WjRodfer , I. A. t
\ \ MES , E. J. HILTOW , M , D. , |
S22 T rn d r w CnnnnlllRlnrT * I
Justice o the Peace and
Notary Public.
4IBBroadway. Council Bluffs.
IBS , E , J , HARDING , H , D , ,
Medical Electrician
of Electropathle lutllntlon , Phlla
delpkia , Fenna.
Oflloe Cor , Broadway & 81onn ATS.
Th Irsatminl of all disease * and ptlnfal dl
flcoltles peculiar to femalea a speclalir.
Omaha and Council Bluffs
Real Estate & Collection Agency.
Odd Fellow a block , over Savings'
It must bo evident to ovony close
observer that no ono mind , however
gifted , can graap moro than K moro
emattaring of nodical science. The
field t-3 too large and Uio natuul divis
ions too numerous for anything moro
than a cursory < view of the v at obsta
cles to bo encountered by the "gen
eral" practitioner. Wo have our em
inent surgeons and our eminent prac-
tltiimora of modlcino , after which fol
low the noted apociallsts , embracing
the Eye , the Eir , the ( Throat , the
'Lungs , tho'Kidneys ' and Bladder , Dis-
onuos df Wonen , Insauiby , &o , , &o. ,
any ono df vhloh reqnir j years of
patient study and practice to insure
.proficiency * nd ultimate success.
The busy practitioner of to-day
the "family" physician can no moro
embrace ail those specialties in his
.practice and do justice to his patients
than he can "bottio -sunlight , " yet
how Jtnany physicians 'in the western
. , BOOZ uion > .An rAomo. . -
Depart. Arrive.
( Atlantic Exf . B20p m I Paeifla Exi..0:15e a
lExond Mall * . .925 a m I Kx-nul itoll.6K5p a
'D. Molnes a f..7:15am | Des Koines ac.4:49 p a
Depart. Arrive.
.Atlantic Exf..530pm Ext..93a m
'Mall and Ex.9:20-am : Uallxnd Ei'.7 9p n
'N. T. Ex 4:00pm : Ncb-tKaijEx..8:3 iu
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Ex.5:15pm ( : ftuiflo Ext..9tSAtn
UlAilani Ex . .0:20am : . - . . .
Acoom ( Sati.D Opm' | Aooctn. ( Mon..lH5p i
Depart. Arrive.
UalUndEz..9 Sam ,
LvM.8llO p e i M < U aid Ks..6:451-tu
. . . Arriro.
Overland Xjc.1130 v m. OrtrlandEx .4:00 : luta.
LlnoolnEx..1130a.m. -
Denver' x.-OQ p. m. Loral Ex
Local Ex T.-25 a. m. " Ex 9:05 : * . m.
'Emigrant..5:20p. : m.
Depart. Arrive.
Mall and "lit. . 9:45 : am I MoLl and Ex. . _ _ _ . , _
Connor/Ball. . 4N : ) pm ( Cacnon Ball..11:06&tn
Depart. Arrive.
For Sioux Clty.TaS a m Fnu Sioux C'y.6iWpca
For.FortHiobrara. Pro Fort MIoDrara ,
Nob" 7:55 : a m STeb * 6SOpm
For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Faul..8 0 am
cnioAoo , HiLWACitn AND ST. PADL.
Leave Council ItluHa. Arrives Council BluCa.
Mall and-Ex.9n.0 a m I Mall and Ex.05 pm
Atlantic Ex. . 05:15 : p -AtUntIc | Ex. . . 10:10 a in
Lewes Omaha. t rrlvea at
Mall and'Ex. . ' 7:15 : a m I rm'.Hc Kx 19:45 a m
AtIantic'Ex.3:40pm | : | Mall and Ex.7-ISpic
Except Sundays , t xoept Saturdays.
Mondays. ( Dally.
Council Blufia Si Oraaba Street U. R.
Leave Cjuicll Ulufls. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 .a m , 10 a m , I 8 * m , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
11 am , Id , 2 p m , 3 p 111 * m , 1pm , Up tr , Bp
m , 4 p m , 5 p ui , 6 p m. | m , < p m , C p m , G p m.
Street cars run half the Union Faalfio
Depot. Oa Sunday the cars > V ct n their trip ? at
3 oclocW a..iu. , and run erularly during the < lay
at 9,11 , 24 , B and 6 o'clock , and run to cjtytimc ;
If fou ro nmi
' * nc.l I'f the nrVln or
/our dutl avoid ntcht work , tc
tlmultutian'i use tarr brail ntr n'
u UM HorW'
If you r J"icri ( ! na I inojliji . .rotiu L ? . - . -
< Juicr tlou n dlwlpal kiioi It
rlna or slaglo , old orl E * oucJr , uTer1nAjA'f ( at
.nocirfcealtu or UJiKUUIil Stair id t d : TU
Dfeo , nlT on Hop ! Bitter * .
Whoever youard. . ibauunatoM n-
wli u Ter yon feel 1 mall ) from iom
U your r"tein ] form of K loner
eo < to cleAniuv ? . tort * > dbKKU that mJifBI
I tx o'l'xenpretcnMd
BtlruulMlnK ,
jn ? or
' ' I UT * > timely ueoT
L VU'H P' HcpQltter *
O.I. O
.iatni , ( tltoirpl. , ra atatolot *
ot li ilunach I Llocurt for
t inI , tloou.l
You will bel U.bHOOO , O
" nareotlct.
Mop nltwr" !
( oWfUrl . NEVER
Iti ft
/our FAIL
It naa
hun *
ProUdenl. VIce Ftei'l.
W. B. DiuBia , See. and Treat.
Lincoln , Neb-
Corn Planters HrrrowB.Far n Kollere
Holler Uay Bakes , Buottet Hlevatlcff
Wloamllla , 10.
W * BIS prepared to do Job work and nunof * *
tarlog for other parti * * ,
AddrtMal orlari
Lincoln. K . >
country are 'rr.KrENDma to do so , to.
the coat and injury of their patiouts.
The lc. does not prutund to euro
ALL chronic diseases. Ho olalaa ,
however , that years of patient atndy
and practice , in the hospitals and nao-
nhore , give him advantai au in tiiair
treatment vrhlch no ordlu&ry prnotl-
Honor can possibly have ; tljat ho < JAN
OUK1I many cases now pronor.ncod
INCUR : VBLE by thooi , wid give ro-
iiof to hundreds of others v/hcso dis
eases como within the rangn of htcSPE-
OI EiTIES , Ho is prepared to give
the most approved eleobrio treatment
and medicated vapor bathe , when
needed. Parties residing at a distance
whose means will not admit of their
taking a regular course of treatment
hero , will bo farnlshed blanks with
questions , which can bo answered and
returned to the Doc toe , \rho-ti ill make
up his diagnosis and glvo treatment if
dcotrod.'bat he much prefenrto make a
< aiance > tiy Gasllgbt at the'Keceai lea
of the American Metropolis The.
Panel Game Harry Hill's.
ifow'Yorh Coma pondencoEloneer ( Press.
Peoplo-livlnR in cities where no elevated -
vatod railroad oxlstc have no ildoa
what a luxury la denied thorn. To
BUnd under the New York Elev ated
railroad .after a hard atortc la so mo-
thing to remember for all tim a to
come , and also to show the amoni it of
forbearance of which human , oat u ro is
capable. Every passing train showers
upon the head of the lutblos indi
vidual who happens te 'bo nndon loath.
'Conglomerate moss of oindera , v rater
and grease the two latter ingrod lents
forming delectable mase to be de
posited on the allk hat and' broad doth.
clothing , of a gentleman , or the silks
and satins of a lady. A.ccntlnuons
umbrella under these rallrooda would
be a glorious arrangement and call
down on the head of > the ucvont or &
shower of blessings.
> In my- last letter we stopped at tha
corner of Houston ctroot < and tb/s
Bowory.The night la pitch dark
huge blaik clouds cover the ky i M a
pall reminiliag us forcibly of the
storm which has just ptaaed. A t
night , indeed , in which to ophlt thu
scenes through which wo are es mi ick
blacker than than the night as ttio
night is darker than day.
V701UCINO TUB I'AJCtlL.Oifii : .
Passing through Honeton street wo
notice on either sldo of tno etroot
.oigar stores. There is nothlurj pal1-
ticularly notiooablo in their "appear
ance , bui woe-betide the poor , unso-
, pklsUcatod wlput who caters ono of
them and exhibits a roll of bills or
anjvaluables. . 'ICheso pUcos aroA-oally
all .kept by negreises. Ifa man
worthy of attont'on appears the pro
prietress -'calls from &a ilnnur
roonc a white womac gener
ally a w man of voluptuous filg-
uro and bloc chedrtialr ) , who elU itho
cigar and then by Lor wilea endeavors
to induoe-her proipoctlve vlctke to-'Vjo
into thebaokiToom" with her. flhould
ho do to , ho parts with hU wealth.
for If , uho can't rob ulm by dertoait- ,
there are the Lusbaul and sou of tine
proprietreis who will do it by force.
Cenerill y their victim is to jiiuch
ashamed of exposing tko weakness qf
hit own pusloni to mike any com-
plant tu the poliiu. Slionld ha do so , '
however , the people of the place tre
at nco arrested , but they geuer&lly
manige to eacapo paying the panaliy
wnich their rascality merlla , and this
is through uo fault of dlio police ,
olthnr , Theoiiioori of thid precinct
( the Fuartconth ) are i mnn the mout
honest and hard worked cl&sa in New
York , and their prooinct embraces
ono of the worst sciotluns ofthe
city : but what can tkey do with
out evidence ? If they arrest the keep
ers of these places , the friends of the
keepers generally call on iho victim
and reatoro him his money and valu
ables , and then ho , rejoicing in the
recovery of hie losses , cither refuses
to makfl a complaint or clso starts at
once for his homo , delighted at not
having to teetlfv to the result of hit
own folly , Can the police do anytbjug
in the fico of these dlOioaltle. ? Hav
ing glanced at thete plaoia aa we pau
orjwalkpn up nou ton * treetjtoward |
poraotial ociminatlon and treat all
patients hero , whoii possible , thus
avoiding any oktnce of error in diag
nosis ,
The DJotortroata all fortmof chron
ic disease , without mentioning anyone
ono in pirticclar , and has no hoiitancy
in saying thr.t ho CAN and WILL
give the boat treatment known to mod'
icil scieucD , and charge only .reason
able foe for tola Vorvicca.
This is one of t.ho SPKOIALTIES
to vhloh the Dr. haa devoted the best
yeara of til life , and Kandrodc of
woizson , now living , are ready to testify
fy that they found relief at his hands
when others had failed to btnoli
theoa. The "family" ( physician can
not treat these dUoaees euccoocfully ,
for many imporwnt roasons. , chlo
aatong which la , that ho has not the
tcee'to devote to their study , ncr the
patinnca to do thnm nastioo. No
aa wo proceed we notice ,
atunding around in tbo varlotu door-
woya or-en the atreei cornem , young
women , ! ! plying tbolr vo&ation and
saluting almost voi7 male paaior with
Come-hero , de r1''Don ' > t you want
iotcomc-iapin the IJOUBO ? " oto. The
-aumo-Qtory oglabrazenfa * d wan-
toaa trying to keep-alive by trading
> 4)a ) > thet ? ohama
On .ho northeast corner f Hous-
'ten ond'Crosby etreots stands a largo ,
witlto , peculiar afaiipod b Udlng. A
lotge turret rlsoa oc the -corner , fol *
lowedIn the roar 4y the rest of , the
bclldlngj which ismuch Icwor. A
lar o gcldon oagJo and * flag polo
iccmonnt the tower. The place la
lit up from each wlnVitw of the
tower rcloams spailrling llglits , while
-flhtddowy form * can > bo aeon flittine
about .inside. n the aatsldo an
clectric'lamp andituany cokred lamps
.glkten-and . sparblo-aorvinc to light
up tho-ntreet witb a luridfitme , which
fortna a'Lrlght , atiraotivo wntrast to
tths blackness of the night. Entering
the-barroom , wo-aso nothing but the
Ituiy boi.-koopors filling tie ! orders
which are ohoweccd in on thorn from
all. Man , BOno p r our 25
cents , and having aocnred'Uckoto , wo
provooA up Blairs. Wo 'find ' oursol ves
.in. * largo , woll-vsntilated.caom. And
thin is tiiQ plaoe.kopi by a man well
known in-oportinBolrolos all over the
'United-Steles ' ; tha backer and protec
tor of evojty clais of "sport , " from a
he wo joeioy to the lovers of those
hratia , who forarKJiall , concideration
fontooy.uovor Toeoive bet a small
part-of the Wager , their baelor taking
hoik.iri'sjUart | } ) will go into a ring and
on headland knees try to. kill , with
their moatko , a .cortaiu ncmber of
t arocluus. oato In a given time a man
whq , .even aa I write , ia in Chicago
trying .to arrango-for a fight between
Sullivan aodHulade. I mean'tho fam-
OOK " > Ehr5y" iffill. The room Into
which o have . ntorod ifa very
moeh llko the basement at
Alka'a iin appoarancp , only
maeb 'lots dingy , ffn the center
is a qpaoo > rostrved for dantioj , with
tablet flooy.ored rouud the baknco of
the roam. 'Woaneot the same .jconen
aa at Alltn's. jDanoing , drinking ,
Bingln and.laugklng seem to form the
occupation . of tlja patroKa. The glrla
here are the waiters , they are engag
ed by "Harry" and uro at their , yosU
or labloi eyory njght , and their only
oomponoition.k' the money which ( hey
can make out .of the patrons m noy
carnnd by iho worlfioa of that which
raakta woman .dear to all. Every lUt-
tle whllosoue cue of the girls will -be
noticed putting ou her fiat coat , and
wiUi some ono of the men present ,
dlLtapoaring for u time , rof.urninc
later with cyoi oud facui ; which show
iho purpoflo ot that absatico. Their
hollow cyoa , tutroundod by large dark
rioRS , end their faces ferorlfih and
sunken , toll only to plainly the inroad
which continued and 'excessive tie-
bauchory Is making on the system.
* J5W MUTUIIEH Or TUB * 088.
Seated at un adjacent table , with a
look of placid contentment onhla face
sits Harry IIIU , the famous proprietor
of thia equally famous resort. In
Jooka ho appear * Jike a shrewd , well-
to-do countryman * Across his veat la
hoeR an enormous watch chain , con-
cpicaous for its very ( z ? , Jib sharp ,
honld it bo ox pacted of him , in tHe
ibaenco , perhaps , of special traiaing
md oxporlonci : , and in ttio hurry and
jrcitomotitpf ( ; onoral praotioo
The Dr. is prepared to treat all fa-
nale dUoasos tu a okillful and sciuntillo
manner , having devoted several yoara
to their atU'iy and treatment , both in
> ho hospital and in active practice ,
Diseases of the Rectum ,
Thuso onibraoo Hemorrhoids , or
Piles , FistuTios , Fiesuros , Prolaps , or
'ailing of the anus , tumors , oto , , etc. ,
and coustltuto ono of the Doctor's
loading specialties. All rectal tumora
are treated by the now method of in
jecting and are thoroughly und speed
ily removed , with bullittlaorno pain.
Cases of Piles , 'from tun to twenty
yoara standing , hive bean permanent
ly cured by this new'method , many of
them rosldingiin and near the oity at
present ,
Many aies ot Epilepsy , or 'Fits ,
twinkling eyes take in every detail of
the business , every move of the Inmates -
mates ; nothing escapes him , and thoao
who would fool "Harry" have got to
bo shacp Indeed. Probably no sport
ing man in'the ' country enjoys a better
reputation , among thoao who know
htm , ihan 'Harry ' Hill. "Glvo the
devil his duo , " says the old proverb ,
and I will do'Harry Hill the justice to
say that of. all the resorts of this character -
actor rinJTow York' , his alone can bo
entered without the slightest cause for
fear , providing the visitor behaves him
self la anything llko an orderly manner.
Lending offifrom the room in which
wo are 'seated la a billiard room , a
shooting gallery and a private oflico ,
in tbo latter of which many of the
prominent prize fights have boon ar
ranged. 'Of course , Harry has his
"bocucors"'aronnd ' the placa. Everyone
ono cf iheae resorts has at least ono
attocelant whoso ospoolnl duty it is to
eject all people inclined to t > 8 "ob-
Btropeirons. " The "bonncor" la jjen-
erally-o man of tremendous musonlar
power , a Bciontifio boxer and ono who
can ieoa revolver staring him in the
face without winking. The /.jst with
which these men fulfill their duties bo-
spoaka'tho brutality of their habits.
Indeed , it ia sometimes n matter of
some concern to the proprietors how
to restrain the belligerent character-
htlcn of their omoloyos.
seated ourselves and pro
cured corno liquid refreshment ( of a
much better. quality than at Allen's ) ,
wo glance around. The aamo hard
ened , brauan if ces moot our gaze.
Tke same leering , licentious old do-
bauohoos.iro to bo seen , enacting the
Barcaroles as at Allen's. A dance haa
been In progress since wo have boon
sitting here , and now that it has ended
the couples are distributing them
selves around the room to drink and
laugk-as before , when Harry appears
on tbo platform and with a look
secaroi order , and then announces that
"Muldoon'a Kid" and "Tho Ferret"
will oblige the "ladles and gentlemen"
by "hVxibiting their skill h'at wroi
tltng , " after which ho gives place to
the goatlomon named. The person
rejoicing In the beautiful patronymic
of "WoUoon's Kid" is a dwarf , hardly
four and a half feet high , but with
a tromeudoui breadth of shoulder
and length of arm ; while the
other penon. familiarly known as
"The Ferret/ is much taller , though
alimmor , and sports a physiognomy
well deserving the title of turret. Ills
weazened face and small tvlnkllbg
eyes show full well that in hla charac
ter villainy is combined with cunning.
"Time" ( s called -nd the strangle com
mences , but from the first it is evident
that the ' 'Kid" lua the bent of it. Ho
h aa aupplo as an eel , and utrong and
wiry ; and , despite his opponent's her
culean oflbrli , his shoulders remain
clear from iho floor , Now ho wiggles
about like a snake ; again , ho turns a
somersault , and , landing on his kneoe ,
grtcps hla opponent's legs. Now , he
twines around the "Ferret" like a vine
around a tree ; and at last , with hardly
an effort , ho lifU hi * compuilou clear
from the iloor and , with Beaming ease ,
pUoea hlta on the platform with
laoalderi touching the floor. Amid
boLsterou , f.ppjauae the "Kid" | a de
clared rietor , and they retire.
can bo cprod if taken in time , and , es
pecially in young , subjects. The Dr.
does not claim to cure all caaoa that
como to him for treatment , but can
point to numerous instances whore a
permanent euro has boon wrought
within the last five years. ModicinoB
will bo eout by express when patients
cannot como to the city.
Those troublesome paraaltoa can bo
removed in n fdw hours , with but lit
tie inconvenience to the patient. The
Dr. will Bond medicines by express ,
with full directions for use , at any
tlmo they may bo ordered. .
The Dr. makes no promises but
what will bo fulfilled to the letter. K
ho examines you and iinda your dia
oasp Incurable , ho will toll you BO in
plain words ; if ho find a yon can bo
bouofittod ho will treat you for a mod
erate foe and glvo yon the benefit ol
all that medical science can do foryoni
case. This ia all that any carofu
"Conqueror of all Life's Woes. "
MRS. A. W. IJ.ovi.inD , of Frorldence , II. I. ,
"Desmlng U mv duty to suffering humanity
to Inform all who may be afflicted s I have been
of the safe and sure Remedy wblcli , by the
blenslngot a kind Providence , haa restored mete
to health , \\lth deep gratitude I irlih to acknowl
edge the great benoQtl that I hive received from
the uio ot tbo most valuabto medicine that I
have e\er seen. During the paat throe [ years I
have boon aflllctcd with Kidney Disease , accom
panied by the severe aches , Intense palm , weak
ness and prostration attending this dreadful dli-
ease. I tried many kinds of medicines , Includ
ing physicians' proscriptions , without obtaining
permanent relief ,
"A few weeks ago a friend persuaded mo to
try Ifnnt's Remedy : and , alttr using only half a
bottl , I was relieved of the severe pain In my
luck , and continued the uss of the remedy until
I am7cll a-faln ; and I can now take long walks
without being tired , and hayo an excellent ap
petite , sleep well , and am rid ol all thoao achoj
and piloa from which 1 auQgrod eo lone. I most
cheerfully roroaimend Hunt'a Ito-ncdy ai a safe
and reliable cure for Kldnuy Dljoaio , and It Is
the only medicine ( have ovir found tint docs
exactly whai It Is advort'sod to do.
" Tralso the bridge tliat carries you over tafe-
ly'indthat to many an ailing ono haa boon
Hunt's Rciiody , n brllgowMch hna taken them
from nliit teemed fatil sickness ( o blooming
" \V < are all strong enbugh to endure the inlj.
foituoes of others. But , If their misfortune Is
sickness , It coiti nothing to tell them of the
Sreut medicine , llnnt'n RnmoHy. "
True to hep Trust
Too ntuuti cannot be sata of the ever
faithful wife and mother , constantly
watchlnc ; and caring for her dear ones ,
never neglecting a Mngle duty fn their be
half. When they are assailed by disease ,
and the system should have a thorough
cleansing , the stomach and bowel * regulated -
lated , blood purified , and malarial poison
exterminated , she must know the that
Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy ,
They are the bent and purest medicine in
the world1 and only cost fifty cents. Sold
by 0 F Goodman.
Corrected dally by J. Y. Fuller , mcr.
chnndlso broker , buyer and shipper of
grain and provision * , 89 Pearl street.
, w KAT-No. 2 Bprlng , 70o ; No. 3C3j
rejected 50oj oocl demand.
COIIN 8r o to feedero and 31o to ship-
porsj wiectoa corn Chicago , file ; new
mixed , fljc. The receipts of com are Jlcht
on Hcoouut of bad roads.
CO .
per ton ,
KVK 40cj light supply.
COHN MEAL-I a5Pr 100
? ponnds.
° UPI yi
. ° rLr7'0Vered' lmrd > ll C < > POr tOU !
soft , o 50 per ton.
HUTTKU-l'lenty and In fair demand :
25o ; creamery , SOo.
KaoH-Bcarce and in
demand ; IBo per
LAHD Fairank' | ) * . wholesaling at 18Jo.
POOITBT Kinn ; dealerH paying 13o per
potind for turkeys and lOo for chickens.
VKOOTABLBH-l'otatowi , 45o ; onions , 25oi
wbbages , 80@40o p r dozen ; pplea , 2 60
@ 3 60 ptr barrel.
City fllur from 1 CO to 3 40.
LBoam 2 00@3 00 per doren.
. a HTOOK ,
OATTti80Q@85Uj calves 600@760.
> ractitionor should promiio his pa
lents il Ia all ho OAN promlso them
ind bo honest.
Parties visiting the city for the purpose -
pose of consulting the Dr. should
lomo directly to his ofliooj where the
jest references in the city will bo fur
nished when desired , and where pa-
.ionta will also bo asslatod in procur
ing board and rooms at reasonable
( One Block North of Broadway , )
Address all Letters to
DE , A , 3 , COOK ,
P. 0. Box No. 14
Hoes Market active , And all offerings
uickly taken at higher price * . Car lots :
Common , 6 75@5 00 ; good mixed , 5 90@
U-10 ; heavy pooklnp , G50@700 ; choice
fancy packing , 7 05@7 40.
KAMA * Crrr , Mo. , Sept SO , 1882.
I think it a duty I owe' to humanity to say
what your remedy haa done I r me. Ono year
ago I contracted a bad case of Blood Dl-case. ad
not knowing the result of hiich trouble ! , I allow *
ol It to run for some tlmo , but finally applied to
the best physician In tbls city , who treated me
for six month * . In THAT TIHR i TOOK OVXR 600
PILLS or rnoToiomo * or WKBCURT J grain tach ,
and had run down In weight from 210 to 167
pounds , and was confined to my bed with Mer
curial llhevmatlsm , scarcely able to turn myself
over , llelng a traveling man. some of the fra
ternity fcmnj me In tblg dcplomlilo condition ,
( pcciflc. an . l canes that
hud been cured by Its uao. I coinmcndcu the use
it wltn very little faith arm In lesi that thrco
weeks was able to take my place on the rood The
eorcsand coppor-collorcd spots gradually disap
peared , and to-dav I havonotasoioor spot on my
person , and my weight Is 217 pounds. bcln moro
than It ever wan. I do not wish you to publish
my name , but you may show HIM letter to any
who doubt the merit of a , a. S. for I Know It Is a
sure cure.
Yours Truly , J. U. B.
Soxe thirty years ago thcro lived In Montgo
rncry , Ala. , a young man who way terribly allllo-
teil. After being truitud for a long time hy thu
mcd'cal profession of tills town with no benefit ,
he coimiiviiced taking 8 8. 8. Alter pendstcntly
taking It two monthi hu was cured. * Uclngraa
qualntcd with him for Uio disease never mule It
return. J. W. UUIIOP , J. I' . , Hot Springs Ark.
If you doubt , como to sea us , and wo will CURB
YOU , or charge nothing ! Write for particulars
and a copy of the llttlo book , " Message to the
Unfortunate Suffering " Ask any Druggist aa t
our standing.
l.OOO R vrard will ho paid to any
ChemUt who Will find , on analysis of 100 bott'cs '
ofS. 8. 8. , ono particle- Mercury , Iodide of
rolanslum , or other Mineral substance. 8WIFX
SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Qa ,
Price of Small Size „ | j oO
Large Size , 75
It U a sure , prompt and effectual remeds or In-
digestion. Dyspepula , Intermittent Fevers , Wan !
o" Appetite , Nervous Debility In all Its Stage *
Weak Memory , LOM of Brain Power , Prostration ,
Weakness and general Loss of Power. It repair *
nervous waste , rejuvenates the faded Intellect ,
strengthens the enfeebled brain and restore *
urprU'nif tone and vigor to the exhausted or-
eans. The experience of thousands proves It to
bo an Invaluable remedy. Price , tt.OO a bottle ,
or six or tt. For sale by all dniffsl.ti ) , or sent
secure from observation on receipt of price by
Pr.Stelnliar P. O. Box 2400 St.
Louis Mo-
The Great Popular Hemojy for Piles.
Stirecuroforniluil , Hleeihn ( { & I chln r
And all forms of IlemorrbolJal Tumors.
Three Surrosironii'H act directly upon th
coat * of thu Dlocxl Viaels. and by their utrlngrnl
eflecta gently force the blood from the swollen
tumors , amlby making the coata of the veins
strong , prevent their rcHHIng , and hence a radl-
cal cure Is sure to follow their use. Price , 75
cents a box. For sale by alldruggtata , or sent by
mall on receipt of | ) rlco. by Et Itsh Modioal
InntUuto T1U Ollva St. St iMvSa
PEnSONAL-'Tarts of the hurran bed
oura.fc'uJ , dsvelopSd and strengthened/
an Interesting 4tert.68aieot . ToW ri'n fr
r. In reply to inquiries weHwm „