I THE DAILY BEE-OMAHA , FBIDAY. MAECt 9 Tnu Nobraefca Hatlona ) Banfc Of Omaha , Neb. Paid up Capita - - - - S26O.OOO DIRECTORS t P. . JOHNSON , FrwMcnt < V.M.I , Jsiwaa ft Do. A. S. IOC//.AUN , VIce Fralilent , o ! 0. , B , S Q. R. n. , Boston. W. V. MOUSE , ot W. V. Mono S Co OHN S. C04LIK8. Of O , II. & J. B. OaUtal. M. WOOKWORTH , CoODBcllot fit AtWrnty-iV- Law. Law.KKKD , ot Bjron need A Oo. W. fATES , Ctihler.tat * Cashier of th First Natlo&al Rank at Omaha , and con tctod wtth the active mnaagement of that Bin * since Iti Xtginlzatlon In 1863. Orwio tor business Aptll T , J8S2 , w J > h r e caplttl of any bant In Neoraska. COLLTOIKPTB recoltofpoclal tttstlon and chat tfi lawmt obtainable licto or oloowhoro. lNT u r allowed on time deposits upon UTOI * ftlo tormnmd upon account * o ! banks ana bmk- fit , FOMisn Riauxai , Government Bonds , and County end City securities taught and told. It is iirepared lo do a feneinl bankloj bujtnosi ID all tkn details , and In the treatment of custom. wilt pursue the mott liberal policy consistent with sale banking. FIKANGE AND COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. _ Bpsilal Dispatch to Tuslins. NEW YoflK , March S. JMoney Market ot @ 12 per cent ; clos- thg otlerod at 3 per oeut. Prime mercantile paperw6@G par cent , Sterling Kxohange Bankers' bills dull xrad heavy at 4 04 ; demand , 4 f 3j. Governments unchanged , exoapt 4\a , which advanced i per cent , The stock ( market opened more active and stronger and continued until the last hour , when a alight reaction after 2 o'clock was partially recovered before the close. The net result of the day'a business wan advanced } . @l'lIn iho general Hat the Post says the general tone of the market is changed from that of a few days ago and it now looks favorable far important general advances. VfstffJiy. To-day. 3 } ' . 10 ( 1041 5d . 103J 103i 4Vn ? Ooupous . 112 | 112 4s . 119 vPftcifi-'sof 1805 . 128 128 10NDS. Control Pacific firsts . 113 i 1131 Erie seoontla . % 95 i LeUiBh tt Wilkeabarre . 102 103 Louisiana consols . 71 70 Missouri 6's . .lOOJ llUJ St. Joesph . Ill llOi ! St , Paul & Sioux City firsts. .110 11 1 TehneasoeG's . 30& 40 do now . , . 39 | 42 Texas & Pacific land grants. . OJ } GS ( do li , G. div. . . . 81i 80i Union Pacific 1st mortgago..ll38 113 do land grants . .101) 10 ! ) \ do sinking fund. . 114 i 114i \ Virginia G's . 30 30 \ do consols G'a . -10V 40 A do deferred . 10 11 BI oo IB. Adama Express . 128 130 Allegheny Central . 13 13 Alton & Terre Haute . b7 07 i do pfd. . . . 97 J)74 ) American Express . 8UJ 89 Burl. , Cedar llapids & North. 82 81 Canada Southern . Go ; GbJ Col. , Gin. & Ind. Central. . . . 107 100 j Central Paciuo . SO& 80i Chesapeake & Ohio . 20 20 do 1st pfd. . . 30 .TO do 2d pfd. . . 22 22 Chicago & Alton . 133 131 do pfd . 13G n36 Chi. , Burl. & Quincy . 117i .118 Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 79 78 Gin. , Sand. & Cleveland . 44g. 4b Glove. , CoU & Cincinnati. . . . 73 .734 Delaware & Hudson canal , . . .107 jlOTj Del. , Lack. & Western . 123 ,123 * Denver & Bio Grande . 44 433 Brie . 36 do pfd..A . 77 , East Tennessee . 8J- ' do preferred . 15 15 } Fort Wayne & Chicago . 135 :135 Hannibal & Ut. Joseph . 40 40 do pfd. . . 80 | 81 Harlem . 198J ,198 Houston &TCXAS Central. . . . 80 803 Illinois Central . 144 143J Ind. , Bloom. & Western . 32 32 Kansas&Texaa . 30J30J Lake Erie & Western . 27 „ 5i7 Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .1091 MO'Jj Louisville & Nashville . 53 C3g Louisv. , New Alb.Chicaeo 55 B5 Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10i C do do 2dpfd 5 § 5J Memphis & Charleston . 42 42 Michigan Central . 94 Odi ; Minneapolis & St. Loui . 2G 2G do pfd. GOi Missouri Pacific . , . 99 , MobUe&Ohio . 141 15 Manhattan Beach . 121 J122 Morris & Essex . 59 tOj New Jersey Central . 71 71 J Nashville & Chattanooga . 38 38) ) Northern Pacific . 50 50 do pfd . 851 8G Northwestern . 134 131 do pfd . 147 140) ) New York Central . 127 ,128 Ohio Central . 10 Hi ) Ohio & Mississippi . 32 32 do pfd . 98 97j Ontario & Western . 25 2' j Oregon Transcontinental. . . . . . 82 S2i Pacific Mail . 40i 40J Panama . 160 107 Peoria , Decotnr & Evansv. . . 201 20 ; Pittaburg & Cleveland . 139 138 * Pullman Palace Oar . 119 1120 Reading . 67 57 Rook Island . 123 122 St. Louis & San Fran . 28J 28 ; do pfd. . . . 48 rJS ] do 1st pfd 89 8Q , St. Paul & Milwaukee . 103i 102 do pfd. . . . 122 12uj Bt. Paul , Minn. 4 Manitoba. 14 1 ,143 St , Paul & Omaha . 48 48j do pfd. . 108 .109 Texas & Pacific . 38J 38j Unloa Pacific . 95 95 | United States Express . 60J GOj Wabasb , Bt. L. & Pacific. . . . 28 28) ) do pfd. 46i 47 Wells , Fargo & Oo.Expreu.118 UlOi WMternjUnioa Telegraph. . . 81 81J Caribou. . . . . 12 1 Central Arizona . . . . . z Excelsior . U Homeatake . 15 15 , Little PitUbnrg . 1 1 Ontario . 20 21 Quicksilver ! . 82 8j do pfd . 45S 4C Itoblnson . . . 1 1 SilverOUff . 2 j South Pacific . 5 5 Standard . 51 5j Bntro . S J Offered. fEx. Interest. $ Aiked , UL'r dividend. FOREIGN FINANCE. Special Dispatch to Tin BKK. LONDON , I/OKDON , March 8 5 p , m. Coosols- Money , 101@1011IS-1G ; coruobi , account 10Z@102 3-10 ; new 5j , extended. HXJ 1.1S 4i , 122i ; New York Central , 131. PRODUCE & PROVISIONS Special Dispatches to Tin Bis. CHICAGO. OHIOAOO , March 8. Flour Dull anc unchanged ; common to choice spring , 3 & @ 5 00 ; Minnesota , 3 60 ® 1 25 ; baker ? . 4 21 @ 575 ; Minnesota patents. 6 00(2,750 ( winter , southern Illinois and Mluouri , 4 . @G 00'Mlchlran ; ( , 4 C0@5.25. Wheat Unsettle < l but tenerally higher regular , 1 Ml for March ; II 08 | for April 113j@l ( 13 | for May : 1 lilj for June ; No 2 CbfciRO uprinsr , 1 03i@l U9 ; No , 3 Obi C RO tptlnir , OGJcj No , t rtd winter. 110J. | ( TornUnietiled bnt { generally hlghi-'i 7W. ( ) for rn h ; fi"iSl for Mf r hi CS s f ir Aprils fi2J@C23j Mr May ; C''gC2i3 Jor JvrJcjGficlnr July. Oats Qilat nnA unihnnffedj 4211 for cft'h ; 42 lor Mmrcht 414343 1 for April ; 44i44jj lor Muy ; 43Jo for June ; 43j for July. llyo MftrVct dull at til jc Barley Unit \l > \ nouilunl nt78 : . Uncon Active , firm nud higher at 1 34 ( Oil 3li. 1 unchanged ; Porlc Unfettled. liutKanorally tlio prices : 18 tO for cash nrt Mnro > > ; 18 8 07t fnr virll ; 18 27418 SO f r Mny ; 8 4'/SlS4"i fjr June ; 18li2i@18C5 for "uly. Ltrd-Ao'.i\e , firm and iibher : 1111 ® gll20for ; cwhand March ; 11 32 11 35 ror A\irll ; 11 47ifall SO for M y ; 11 05 © I 57i for June ; 11 ( iUJ@ll 05 for July. 13mlc Meats Iin f. > ir demand ; xhnut- ers , 7 CO ; short rib , i)95 ) ; short clotr 10 20. Butter Creamery , 3ic ; dalrv. 1 © 2C3. Kpi8 Quiet and unchnuRed ; 18@lc. ! ) WhUky Steady NII 1 unab u od nt 1 17 , AJTEIINOON BOAKD. Wheat Jtogular ieollnod Jj. Wheat Market Irreeularj 1-0 ? J for Vprll ; 1 13g lor May ; 1 14 for .Tnnp. Coin Quint nnd unchinrcd ; r)74 or Mnrcb ; 58ia for April : fi2ic for Muy : ll01Jo for Juno ; ttSflgO'ga for July Oats Easier , lat ) not riuutobly lou-nr : 31@432c for Aptll ; 41 for May ; :3c : for Jnne ; 43c for .futy. i'ork .Inegular1800 ; f.ir March ; 1815 (3 ( > 18 17i for April ; 18 42J for May ; 18 55 -.8 GO for Juno ; 18 18i for ffnly. Lird Irregulnr ; 11 00 bid for March ; .122J@lir : for April ; 11 C5 for June ; 1 G5 for July. NEW YORK. NHW YOHK. Mnrcb 8. Flour -1'irm .nd . unchanged ; super state western , 3 75 @ 4 15 ; common to nond cxtrA , 4 15@t GO ; good to choice , 4 70@7 00 ; fxtrn Ohio , 4 16 @ 7 25 ; St , Louis. 4 15fc7 35 ; Minnesota atnnt procesK , 5 G0@7 80. Wheat i@Ja higher ; options opened g. . ewer , but altcrnrurd ; recovered from the lecllno , nnd ndvnnccd , " § $ : , closing firm ; No 2 spring nominal ; ungntded red , 1 053 @t2 3 ; No. 3 red. 1 18J@1 21 ; steamer Xo. 2 led , 1 20 ; No. 2 red , 1 29 ; steamer So. 3 do 'Joe ; steamer No 'i do 103@1 OSj. Corn Ste.idv nnd unchinged ; un graded G3J@731c ; No. 15 G3@iU\c ( ; stonmer 9GllcjNo. 2 72Jo ; No. 2 for March 71J 7 < ic , clo-ing ; nt 71 ; do for Aoril , 72a ) 2e , closing at 72jcjdo [ for May , 72\tt'2 \ } , ilojlng nt 72jjo ; do for June 72@725e , iloslng nt 72c ; du for July 73J@73gj , iloslng nt 74 io. Oats i@lo higher ; mixed western 52 J © iSc ; white western1 j > 4@G03. Hay -Steady nnd unchanged , Hops -Dull nnd unchanged , Coffee Quiet but steady. Kice < Juiet , hut steady nt 7' ' . Cut Meats Dull nnd nominal Lard Stronger ; prime steam , 11 40 for March ; 11 3G@11 40 for April ; 11 4S@ II 51 for Mny ; 11 57@11 02 for June ; H GOgll G2 for July ; 11 G3@ll CO for Butter Dull ; 13@30c. Cheese Steady ; western flat , S@13Jc. ST. LOUIS. ST. Louis , March 8. Flour Quiet and unchanged ; family , 5 70 5 80 ; choice , 5 20@5 30 ; fancy , 5 35@5 tO. Whent Opened better , but declined and closed weak : no trading except in Mav : No. 3 red fall , 1 12 for cnsh ; 1 121@l 123 for March ; 1 144. ® ! 14 } for April : 1 15J < 6 } 1 1G , nt closing ; 1 15j for May ; i 09i for June ; No. 3 red fall , 1 U1J bid. Corn Higher early in the dnv. but closed lower ; 58jc for cash ; 53543o ' for March ; SGJo for April , 57@58c at closing ; D7Jo for May ; 58Jo for June69@50j ; for July ; all clo < in ; at { o lower to sell. Oats Higher ; 43i@44o for cash ) 43 @ 433o for March ; 44i@44 jo for May. llyeMarket dull at 58ic. Barley Ilarket quiet at 60@80e. Corn Meal -Quiet at 2 80. Butter Steady and unchanged ; cream er v , 34@38c ; dairy. 24@30c. Eggs-Quiet at llj@17o. Whisky Steady at 1 15. Pork -Market dull ; 18 25 for cash ; 18 10 bid for April ; 18 45 bid for May ; 18 50 foi June. Bulk Meats-rMarket very dull ; long clear980Bhort Ib990 ; short clear , WOO @ 1015. Bacon Market dull ; longclear. . 10 < 2t ; hortrlb , 1076 ; abort clear , 1100@11 10. L rd Nominal. CALL BOABD. Wheat Dull but firm ; 1 12 bid for March ; 1 13J for April ; 1 1C for May ; ' 115i bid for June ; I109g foi July. Corn Market strong bnt inactive ; 4c bid for March ; 5Go lor April ; 57io foi June ; 59o bid for July. Oils Stoidy ; 43ic bid for April ; i@ 41ft for May. KANSAS OITT. KANSAS Cur , March 8. Wheat Market - ket firmer , but sow36io ] ' bid for caeh ; 981o bid for April ; 100@lOOi bid foi May. Corn Market better ; 46J@4Gi for ca& ! 47 J bid for April ; 490 for JVlay. Oats Slow ; C4Jo for cash ; no optiooe , TRAFFIC. Special Dlopatchos to Till Du. FLODC AND 0 BAINS OuiOAao , March 8. Receipts oo sblpmcnta of flour and grain for the past 24 Lours have been as follows : Receipts , Bhip'ts , Wheat bushels . 20,000 G3E Flour " . 20,000 3.00C Cora " . 2M.COO 171.00C Oats . 77,000 77,480 Rye " . 4.SOO 'AOOC Barley- " . 23XC ( . ST. Iionia , Moich 8. Ko&slpta and shipmests of flour tnd grain fee the pasl 48 hourc have been OB follows : Receipto. Sblp'ta , Flour Mils . 4,000 7.00C Wheat lushfcl * . 30,100 4.00C Corn " . 110,000 14G.OOC Oats- " . 18,000 5,0 Rye " . 1,000. 1,00 ( Barley- . Il.tOO ! . . . KANSAS Crrr , ICarch 8. lleoeipti and shipments of grain for th past 2- : hours have teen as follows : Reo'ts. Ship'ta Wheat , bushels . 1.000 'J,00 ( Corn " . 39,000 ,70,00 ( NBW TOBIC. March f. Reoelpti anc shipments offour and pram for tha pas' ' 4 Lours nave been aa follows : Receipt * Shp't rionrbbls . 12,000 8/60 xWheat bushel * . CE.OOO 41,00 Ota ' . SfiOOO . . „ . Jffl BTOOK. 2f W YOBK. March > 6. Reoelpta am shipments of live stock | fuc the part \St houra have been M follows : Rec'.ia Bhip't Beeves , dressed cars. . . 10 86 Bewares , lire cars . 40 . . . Hogs cars . SO . . . Oaicuao , If&rch 8. Heeolpts anc shipments of Kvo stock for 16o past 2- : hours have been oa follows : Reo'ts. Shlpm'ts Cattle . 4,500 4 70 ( Hogs . 3000 9OC , < Sheep . < ,200 1.8CI KANHAB CITT , Marcli fi. ilecelpti and shipments of live etock for the ( > nat 2 houra have been as follows : Reo'ta. Shipm'ts Cattle . 800 Hogs . -3,800 Sheep , . 500 ST. Louis , March 8. RecelpVa ia < shipments of live stock foi the past 2 houra have been aa follows : Reo'ts. Bhhvn'la Cattle . 2.000 CO Sheep . 1,803 30 LIVE STOOK Special Dispatches to Till liu. CHICAGO. CHICAGO , March 8. The Drovers' Jo or nal reprts as follows : Cattle Shipping and export grade were In good request and lOo higher ; 5 0 @C 55 each Tor exporUrr , butcbr'V and U'mers ; 2 80 ® I 40 for ciws ; 4 7" > 3rV > SO for steers "tockeM ,0ld fairly KtBbO gG GO ; feetlerx t 4 SO ® . * ) 20. ! ! ( ) Steady nnd unchanged ; ollerlng * light anil n demand for xhlppcr * by the prliidpnl oporntors , but the qiiMtty being poet ; good In fnncy lunvr picking anil Mpplnp , 7 33@7 81 ; conn < in to choice f'pht trmdeii , each 7 W nnil paeMnir , dU5@72o ; skips , fi 0G 40 for Mr to goo-i. Sheep An active demand nt 15@5o bilker per owt ; common to prime untlves , 4 C0@l ( 00. SLW TOllK. NBW YonK , March 8. The Drovew' ournnl Burauu repoit * : Ueo'04-Q ilet. but firm ; drtainiX beef , ctlvo at 9 00@10 25 for city ; 7 50@9 00 or weitorn. Live Cattle Common to good , a shade a ter. Sheep Choice export weather' , firm ; xtrcine' : hVnp. 5 00g7 GO per cwt ; lambs ild nt i > 7' > ( < > i7 35 ; dressed tnu > ton firm at OKg'iCO ; lamb ) , higher , 1050(911 ( 50. Swiue Light pigs sold nt 7 50 per wt , BT , LODIS , Sr. LODN , March 8. Cattle The do mnod still exceeds the supplv : export .tefrc , from 1,500 to If25 lbsf. 25fili 75 ; old to rhoice shipping otcers , 500(31) ( " 5 ; ight , rnii $ ) tiO ; common. 4 G5@5 00 ; utchor * ' oteerp. 4 50@5 25 ; cows nnd oifcrK. ) Jj@4 75 ; stockers nnd feeders , Sheep ' Common to medium , 3 50 , . KANSAS OITT , KANSAS Cur , March 8. .The Lho lock .Indicator reports : Cttle-X ttvo steers of 1 2GO to 1.650 bs , sold at 5 40@i ( 00 ; etockors and feed. ra , 4 20@4 83 ; cow ? , 3 10 ® I 15. HORR Lower ; light , 005(515 ( 80 ; medl- ; m , 6 80@i > 95 ; heavy , 7 00@7 25. Sheep Stouly ; natives averaging 84 ba sold at 3 75. OMAHA MAKKETB. Wholesale Prlooo , ' Orrics or Tni OMAHA BCE , 1 Thursday Evening , March 8. J The only changes reported in the market to-day are as follows : Wheat No. 2 declined Jc. Wheat No. S declined &c. Wheat rejected advanced Jc. Barley No. 2 declined 2s. Barley No. 3 declined le. RyedccltcoJI lie. Corn declined le. Oats advanced 3c. Local Grain Doallngo. WHEAT.-Cash No. 2 , 91Jc ; cash No. i , 7Gc : rejected , G2ic. BARI03Y. Cash No. 2 , GSo ; No , 8 , ; 9c. RYE Onnb , file. NEW MIXED CORN 39e. OATS 38c SEEDS Flax need 9Gc per bu. Produce and Provision ] . POTATOES 50@GOo per bushel. ONIONS 50@55o per bushel. BUTTER -Choice country , 12J3. EGGS fresh , 17c. HONEY California , porlb , 21. APPI-ES Per barrel , 82 75@3 00. OYSTERS Plait's select oystero , 40cj Standard , 30 ; mediums , 25. , . ORANGES Florida , $5 50 ; Messina , 3 50@S4 00. IxhMONS-83 50@4 00 per bor. BEAN ? Nnvy per bushel , 2 75@8 00. CIIIOKENS-13@14o per Ib. TURKEYS 14o per pound. Qrocers L > lat CANNED GOODS Oystere , 2 It .Field's ) , per case , 81 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Qtandoid ) , per cnae , 390 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 240 , raspberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 50. Dam sons , 2 K > , per case , 2 45 , Bartlett penrs per caee , 20. Whortleberries per cose , 275. Egg plume , 2 Ib porci o , ' . ' . 1)0 ) Green gages,2 Ib per case , 2 90 ; do choice , , Ib per case i M. Fine Apples , 2 Ib , per case 0@C 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 ft ) per once , 8 00 do 3 Ib , caao , 4 004 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pel cnno.2 SO ; do pie. 6 tt , per dozen. 2 SO. FLOUR Jobbing prices , Jack Fros St. Louts winter ) $3.90 per 100 Ibs. ; Topeka poka Patent Kansas , $3,85 ; Mlnnehaha Minnesota Patent , $3.70 ; Soawnee Fane : winter , $3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter 83.00 ; Ti-iumph spring , best , 92.80 ; Chris tian's snporlatlve. 3.65 ; bran , per ton 814.00 ; chopped feed. $28.00 ; Queen Bei flour , poreack , S 25 ; Nellie lilye , per sad 29Q.SUGARS SUGARS Powdered , lOlc : Cut loaf Jc ; Granulated , 9jo ; Confectioners' A 91c ; Standard Extra C , 81o ; Extra 0 I 8j c ; medium yellow , 7Jc ; dark yellow , 7 c SY11UP Standard Com. , 42o , bbls. Standard do , 4i gallon kegs , $2 05 ; Stan dard do. 4 gallon kegs , $1 90. MEATS Hams per Ib. , 13o ; B bacoi per Ib. , ISc ; clear side bacon per lb. ( 11-c dry salt aides per Ib. , 91c ; dry salt shoul dera per Ib. , dc ; bacon ehouldera per Ib , 8lc ; tloroa lard per Ib. ; lie. SPICES. Popper , 21 1 Allspice , " 16c Jav , 2CiQl3lc,2 Mocha , 2SJoi Arbuokle' 14Jc.OUEES3 OUEES3 Full Cream , 14o | Fat Skim. lOio , LYE American , 8 85 ; Greenwich. 8 4C Western , 2 76 ; North Star , 2 OG ; Lowii lye. 4 60 ; Jewell lye , 275. FEED Jobbing prices , Chop food 81.BO per 100 Iba. ; chop corn , 8L40 ; bran 70o per 100 Ibs. HOMINY New , $4 25 per bbl. SODA In Ib papers , 83.20 per case ; kc uoda , Sic. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barroli 87 CO ; do in half hbls , 4 00 ; smalls , in bb ! . 900 do , iu hall bbls , 500 ; Gherkin ? , 1 bbls , 11 00 : do , in half bbls , 6 00. STARCH. Pearl , 44c ; Silver Gloi Bio ; Corn Starch , SJa ; KicolaiorQloa 7o : Corn , 74o. , TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@5J Choice , G0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45i Cholc * ) , 607fio ; Yonng Hysua , Rood , SCO 50o ; choice , G5c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Loni E5 Jcpan , choice , 60@75o : Oolong , ijooc 3510 ; Oolong , cho.co , 40@55 ; Bononont good. H5@40o ; choice , 3545o. ROPE Sisnl , J Inch and Isrger , 101 < 8 Inch , lit ; iinoh , llio. WOODENWAUE Two hoop palli 1 75 ; three hoop palls , 2 00. Tubs , N ( 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Doubl Crown 2 90 ; Wellbuckete , 8 50. LEAD Bar , 81 65. VINEGAR Pnra g > pple extra , 1& pure appJo , 18o ; PTOsaine pure atfole , 16i SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1-05 ; Asl SV&S ? 8"i9' " bbU fa * * ' M. 8 . 8 * SO APS Kirk's Bavon Imperial , 8 4 ! Kirk's ntioot , 8 CO ; Kirk's atondaird. 8 71 Klrlr/i white Russian , 525 : Kirk Bntpc" . 3 IB Kirk's Prairie Queei (100 ( cakes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia dor. POTAflir-p BnBylrftnill 0 * , 4 c n case , 8 85 ; Babbitt' . Ball , 2 doi. is.oas , 1 90 : Anchor Ball Si doz { n case 1 60 ' PEANOTQ-Eoastbd , thoioe , red Tei nessee , lOopM tanoy trfilte , lOJo p l | raw-white * VfcfiSnis , row , lOc ; roarte. PANDLES-BOIM , 40 ibsiPs , iivfeJif S lb - w or- 15- MATCHEb-P r caddie , 95oj romn tonoa , 88.10 ; eqaora , cases , BO 40 , ffllOWN OOTTONQ-Atkntlo A , 8i , . , 4.4 , 7o ; Cabot V lttenanKo A , ejo ; Ureat Falls 1 ; * .oosor , GJo ; Honwt Width , 81o , li nAoadA. fiic ; Indjan Btaidard 1 8Jc ( ; rniHan Orchard d. w. , 8lc ; Lawren ( LL , 7c ; Llystlo River , 7io : Pequcft A , 8J Bhawmut LL , Jo ; UUoa 0 , 5Jo ; Wnchu etBA $ iZido ( A | 8ic ! do K < 8 125 ° w cott BB , 8\o. FINE BKOWN OOTTONB-Alltnd. Indian Orchanl AA 9-8. 8io : Laconia 89 , 81c : Lahleh E 4-Oi M , 7c ; do O S2 , Tic ; dr * 88 , 7So ; do E 8 8ic4Vooaa.ct o 0 4-4 , 7 o ; WamWta 4 BLEACHED OOTTONS-Androi-ot cnrr.brlc < .4,12fodoWatcrTwistlloicUrei ; FrJU Q , Sc ; Indian Headkbronk 4-4 , 12. Pocaiisot 4-4 , 81q ) Utloa , lie ; WatniuttA 0 X X , 1210. TELEQKAPH NOTES , 'cU1 tflltcl\CS ! tl Till IIKK Kx Governor Wtllltm SprAtue , of ll Islnnd , was married In t night In Statitun , tn Miss Dnrn Intz Cnlvort , of Grecnlxkr county , West Virginia. The br/do / u n , natlvoof Connecticut , but has been IK Ing In West Virginia for fourteen years. Lo ! ea Patent Fuel company's works , Philadelphia , burned. Loss $50,01)0. ) The wife of Judge Treat , of the United Stntti dtitrlct court , southern Illinois , died last nli-ht of heart dlsenso. R. G. Mitchell's candle factory , Pr < nt street , New York , n huge fi-story building , burned. Loss 870,000. The heirs of Henry Seybort , of 1'hlUdol. phln , have begun to ocmtctt lui will , be queathing nearly the entire eelato , over n million dollars , to public charitUe. Adeuiston iu the action of the Mutiul Union ngnlnst the city of Chicng , for cut ting It * wires , will bo rendered to > dny. Jamo.i nnd Michael Cady were killed by fatlln ? through n coal thute in B-nok > lyn , N. Y. There is a strong fccllnr In Cunida in favor of reciprocity with the Unltxd State ? . The latter government mint tnko the Initiative. It ha < been dissevered thnt tlx men perished iu tbo Great Nashville. The citizens reform state convention of Hholo liland , will nominate 01.Governor Sprague for governor , March 14 , The Kentucky republican convention is called to meet May 23rd , onouock later than the democratic. The executive committee of the national trotting horne breeders association nt a meeting in Now York considered tha mat ter of naming the locality of the next meeting. Tha place will probably ba net tled at the next monthly meeting , The Georgia democratic executive com mittee called n convention nt Atlanta , April 10th , to nominate a candidate fur povornor. William II. Wood , aprominent grocer of Nashville , suicided yesterday nt his store by shooting himself through the head. His life was insured for 825,000. Cnuee , financial troubles. The wife of DIgby V. Bell , the New York nctor , was granted n divorce nnd SGUO a your alimony , Ex-Governor nnd Mrs. Claflln , of Bos ton , gave n reception last ntglitl In honor of the poet Whittier. A. E Kent , nf San Frnnci'co. class of 1853 , has given Yale college f GO,000 , to bo used in erecting a chemical laboratory. The Flood at Holonn- Special Dispatch to TIIK URR , HELKNA , Ark. , March 8. The river rose a scant half inch during the past twelve houra. It la thought the levees can bo hold here now against probable emergencies , aa they wore maintained hint night against the tor- rlGo cast gala that aont the watot dashing over In many places. The situation is still critical , however , und there will bo no relaxation of vigilance and labor to make overythlng compact and thoroughly nocure. Below Helena lena the country is all under watei from five to fifteen fact. The bad water from JInbbard break has appear ed in the lower end of the city , bcl will do no damage unless other breaks occur There will bo no ovoilbw It Helena. Langvillo rlvor rose two in1 ches last night. This indicates the rs ! < here will continue some days. The river is about stationary to-day three inches below high water mark Friars Point is reported all undei water , and the rlvor four inches hlghe : t than last year. The Jovoo from He lena to Long Like is Intact , but a hlgl south wind within the next two hour will most certainly break It. Thi back water inside the city shows bn little above the railroad levee , and hoi risen only one inch below the railroac culvert. ' MEMPHIS , March 8. At Sklpwith , Miss. , during a storm of heavy waves , the main levee at Kllosls gave waj yesterday evening in throe places. Ef forts have been made to close thi breaks , but without success. Thi wato r Is running ovnr Ellosls planta tion. Shipland and Farlaud planta tions will bo overflowed , Ropoiti Bollver and Washington counties an favorable. The protection levee hen are still intact and no fears are enter talnod of Its breaking. A largo force have boon at work several days. Il the weather does not change the conn try will bo safe. LITTLE BOCK , March 8 The watoi continues to rise. At Arkansas Git ] on the Mississippi the citizens havi no other means of communication bu boats. Four feet of water In thi Parker house end backwater cover the LUtlo Rock ( Mlts. ) railroad fo clvcu tnlloa , though communication i n still maintained. The only groum viaiblo is town is near the elevator There is considerable suffering amou | the destitute. For novor&l miles th railroad track is kept from floating ol by covering the ties with railroad iron Thousands of sacku filled with oartl have boon piled three or fonr deep 01 the side to protect the irack. c ; Char-oli Financiering. Special Dispatch to TUB Urn. LAWIIKNCE , Mass. , March 8. A meetings to-night of Various Oatholl congregations , action was taken 1 furtherance of the recently adopte plan of the relief committee in the in terest of the Augnitlnlan soclotj Fire receivers were appointed in th Interest of the Augustinlan socletj Five receivers were appointed by oac church , who have full control of th church revenues and make month ! collection ! ! , which will be invested I the interest of depositors. The Gsbalooisv Road , Special Dkpatch to Tin Una. DBS MOINES , March 8. Winters ! votes a five per cent tax to the Tolodi Oakalooaa & Western railway to-da by 381 to 21 ; Grlswold the same , 21 t3 118. tt METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMj HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the boat tl market atlordj. The traveling publ olairu they gut better nccommodatloi and more general satisfaction Iici thtu at any other house In Omah Rate , fi2 per day. aufiSltfm Skinny Men. "Wells' Health Renewor" roston health nnd vigor , cures Dyspopal Impotonoo , Sexual Debility. (1. SL VVEN'S YOSKMITE OOLONQ Made from the wild flower * of tl FAK FAiiED YOSE5IITE VALLE it is the most fragrant of per/am Manufactured by U. B. Slaven , 3d Francisco , Forialo In Omahs by V J. WhitehoDCD and Konnird Bra THE OLD WORLD , Tlio Frencli Authorities liDleaso Byrue-Flight of Patiiok Egan From Dublin , I'ho ' Wheronbouto of "No. 1" 200 Limoriok Girls Start for America Doings in Ptirllamont Irish Distress and Trovylan'a Sfihry. Fnoti From the French Capitnli ENGLAND. S [ > cUl Dlrpatclw } lo fin llii. LONDON , March 8. The Times , commenting on the loiter of Cant. O'Sioa , M. P. , defending Piruoll , oay > : "I'ho letter will uot niter the dfliborato judgment of the country. The otlbrta of writer to faaton the charges of luacour.uy on Foster , will uot servo his caueo. " In the house cf commons , Gladstone declined to glvo a day for discussion of the Kllmaluhaui treaty negotiation , Northcoto said ho wonld not proceed further. The Inferences to bo drawn from the declinations were obvious. The Maori chiefs , Towhlto and Tohn have boon released. The trial of the action brought by Miss Ilyland against Mr. Blggar , M. P , , for damages for broach of promise , began to-day. Counsel said the par ties were introduced in Paris by Patrick Egau. Miss Ilyland said Egan was mainly responsible for bringing the suit against Mr. Blggar. She stated that Jffgan loft Dublin to avoid being called as a wltuoes in iho cnso. The jury rendered a verdict against the defendant ; damages fixed at 100. Lady Fkrouco Diilo , In a letter to The Times , charges Biggar and Par- neil , as trustees of the Land Lasguo fund , have not oocountcd for 152 , . COO. She claims that whllo thlsmonuy la unaccounted for Paruoll and bin foi- lowers have no right to mock the suf- feriuga of the distrcnscd In Ireland by their nham championship of the starv ing poaeantry. la the committee of supply , the Itoin for the salary cf Trovylan , olilut secretary for Ireland , wna agreed on by a vote of 156 to 15. The Irish members raised \ho \ question of roliol of the distress in Ireland. 4 Paris diopatohjto The Times s : "Frank Byrno/waa roloaeod nt 8:10 : last evening , the authorities not deeming his caoo ouo for extradition. " Soon after Easter , John O'Oonnoi Power , member for Mayo , will move t resolution with regard to chronic dla- trcos in the west of Ireland , and nsl parliament to nnnoht to a plan for re lief of the alllictod districts. TUK OCCUPATION OF MADAGASCAR. LONDON , March 8. A correspond' ' ont of the Central News at Dublin states that the authorities expect to b < able to implicate several Irish members bors of parliament who are suspcctoc of connection with the murder con splracy. Advices from Tamatavo , Mada gascar , dated February 20th , annoanoi the arrival of the French gunboa Vandrouil. The town la not ye occupied. Four French mon-of-wa have arrived at the northwest coast o the island. The natives Are oxoltec and are preparing to resist the French No British war vessel is present. AN IRON FAUUUK. LONDON , March 8. Wolf & Oo. , o the Commercial Iron works , of Share ditch , have failed with liabilities o 250,000. HEAVV WORK BY.THE 1'OLICK. LONDON , March 3. The Times correspondent at St. Petersburg says A number of important arrests have boon made in Moscow. The arrosti are duo to the extra vigilance of thi police owing to the near approach o the coronation of the czar. There line no reason to believe that there is an ] special plotting to prevent the corona tlon. IRELAND- Special Dlipatches to Tux BHK. DUBLIN , March 8. Jonklnson , dl rector of the Irish criminal invostlga tion , status that Egan has boon undo police supervision for some time , bu loft Ireland Thurday unknown to thi police. Jonklnsou believes Egan lie- because ho thought Sheridan was ox tradltpd. Important evidence ha cotno into the hands of the author tiea. Throe letters from Egai were found on Oarey'a promised , datoi October and November , 1881 , a which time the Invlnciblos were ea tablished. One of th'eso letters expresses presses the hope that Oarey will sue coed in his work ho haa on hand. At the aaorot inquiry before Ourran divisional magistrate , to-day , Jo Smith testified ho watched the com mittal of the Phwuiz park murder and gave details of the attempts o ; the lives of BnikojjandjForster. The flight of 'Egan is regarded a affording the strongest moral ovldenc of the intimate connection of th Land League with crime in Ireland It Is rumored that the governmen has evidence proving beyond donb that "No 1" in an Irish-America officer of the League now In America A man named Hodgett , son of th recently sentenced Ban try agltatoi was arrosted'ln connection with mall ot ing a parcel containing dynamite addressed to Earl Hponcer in th Ballydohob postoflice. LO Two hundred girls started froi Limerick for Now Hampshire. Almoi the entire population assembled to bl them good bye. 10 FRANCE. Jo Bpeclal Dispatch to lu list. as PAULS , March 8 , Toono of the ell re davits forwarded from London tor tl : a , purpose of proving that Frank Byrn was in London on May G , when Hi Phinnix park inurdora were coraml ted , Is appended a telegram by Byrni oa of that date , announcing the release < a. Michael D-xvitt from Portland prlaoi Two columns of the expedition o ganlzod to cruih the rebels I IE Southern Oran , Algeria , started t bo day , INo. The sonata rejected , 109 to 122 , tl o. first clause of Simon's bill relative o.tn the right of association and allowii V. the existence of religious soclotlc . the minister of the Interior havli SEND FOR SAJIPI/ES. / SOLE AGllVTS FJu RETS EL HATS , OLE AGENTS rVESTOHESTER XcSond for Fashion Plato. OMAHA CORNICE WORKS. RUEMPING & BOLTE , Propriotors. Tin , Iron and Slate Roofers MANUFACTURERS OF Ornamental Ualvanizod Iron Cornices , Iron Sky Light ? , Etc , 10 South Twelfth Street , OMAHA , NflB. in.ir 7-nion-wcil ( rl-mc. M PENSARY ! Offices and parlors over the new Omaha National Bank , 13th , between Farnam and Douglas Streets , i. S. HSHBLATT , I. D , , - PROPRIETOR. Dr , Fishblatt can ba Oonsultod Every Day Eio-pt Fridays and and Saturdays , these two Days beinc devoted to flis Dispensary at Dos Moines , Iowa- Special attention given to diseases of the THROAT AND LUNGS , CATARRH , KIDNEY AND BLADDER And Female Disoaaos , as well as All Chronic and ilorvous Diseases ll.i < dUcor ro 1 the Breitcsl euro In'ho worlJ for VMnlinow of the back and lluibs , ln\olantary -okarAs. linjx ) ' encj , K ' " < r > l ilctiMty , IHToiiinov , languor , confusion of Ideas , palpitation of the hiart , tliulillty , troiubling , illmnoja ot sliht ; or RldJlncsa , dlseisos of tha head , throat , nose or ekln ( Icction cf tlo liver , lungn , Htomachor liowols those tctillilo disorders atltfnjf frcm ( o Itary hub- Its cf > aiiih , Muleo.-rtt iirictl o more ( t t to the Uctltm tbantho soncs of Sjrons to the marln- CM cf UljsiiK , bll htlii ; tiiolr most r ullant hoioi or ntlzlpatloni , rcniicrlii ? mtrrlnjo IniMjilblo Thono tint nra tuScrlng from the ev'il practlci which dodroy thalr mcntilaml pnystcal sj sterna NERVOUS DEBILITY. The tymptoitnot whlcli are a ilull.dUtrosnod mlml , which unflta them from porformlnK their buil- neea and social diitlrx , makci happy nutrliRO Imroii bl , dUtrcici ) the action of the heart , causing Muihcsot hunt , do risilonof splrl'n , ov 1 fjicbxlliii ; ' . oanardlco , feiM , drotms , rca'losi nlffhta , dlr/.Uc35 , forK'ctlutnuij , unnatural dlsJurRtfl , | ulii In tha back nnd | lilpa , nhort breathing , melan choly , tire easily ct company ui.d liav pref-rcncd to bo alone , feeling til tired In the morning as when retiring , simlnil > akms , teat nmnli-o.1 , vshita bono deposit In the urlno.cervomnosH , can- fusion of thousht trombllnir , watery and weak cjen , dvrpoiiBln consttpitlou , inlcceu , pimand wcakncbB In the limbs , etc . thDtild coneult mo unmodlitely and be rcstoroJ to petfoc ) health. YOUNG MEN \Vhoha\o become > lcttms of nollUry > lco , that dreadful and destructive hab't ' whlchjinnually B \\copa to an unllinoly rave llnusindi f yomiK men of cxilted Intent and brilliant Intalloct who mUhtothcrn lea entrance lis'fiilni ; senators with the thunders of their eloquence or w > ke toocsta- cy the living lyre , may call with full confidence. MARRIAGE. Married persons or voung mon contemplating marrlago bo aware of , pb\ steal weakness , lou ot prccroatlvo power , linpctenot , or any otbirdlsqunlilloa'loa ipoodlly rclle'vou. tie who places hint' nelt ucdcr too care of lr. Flsli ula t may roll fiouily conQdo In his honor as a gentleman , and confi dently rely upon his still as a phy > lclan. ORGANAL WEAKNESS ImmcdUtoly cured anil lull Ugor toitored. Ttls dtiirjulng affllc. lo * which renders life a burden and icairlazo ImiKJcalblc , is the peiulty paid by the \ Ictlni lor Improper Indulgence. Young people are apt to commit exciBaiifiou not being awarn of tbo dreadful consequence I that may o > sue. i > ow who that unders'ands this subjtct will deny that procreation li lost sooner by these falllDg Into Into Improper habits than by prudent ! Bolides being denrlv d of the pleasure ot hialthy ofl * sprlngthomstserlou and ddtructlvo symptoms of both body an ] mind arlie. The system be comes derangtd , thephyslcal and mental functions weaken Loss of procrtatUo powcr . nervous Inability , djspepeU , palpltatloa of the heart , Indigestion , ( constitutional debility , wasting otthe dame , cough , coneumpllon anl death. A CUBE WARRANTED. Persons rulntd In health by unleained pretenders who keep ( hem trlfl.ng month after mont tiklog polionous and Injurious compounds , should apply Immediately. DR. F1SHBLATT graduate of ono of the rnott eminent colleges of the tinltel States , his effected some of th most astonishing cures that weroe\er known ; many troubled with ringing In the cars and head , when asleep , great nervousness , being alarmed at certain sounds , with frequent blushing , attended coma times with derangement of the mind were cured Immediately. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Dr. P. addresses all these who have Ininrod themselves by Improper Indulgence'and solitary habits which rulu both body and mind , unfitting them for butlno's , study , society or marriage. Ihese are some of the melancbdy produced by the oirly habits of touth , viz : Weak- nets of the back and llmbu , pains In the bead and dimness of sight , loss of muscular power , pa'pi- ' latlon of the heart , dyspepsia , nervous Irritability , derangement of digestive functions , debility , consumption , etc. PRIVATE OFFICES , OVER THE OMAHA NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA , NEB. CONSULTATION FllEG. Charges moderate and within the reach ot all who neo < 1 8-lentlDo Medical treatment. Tboie who res do at a distance and cannot call , will receUo prompt attention through mall by simply sending thlor symptoms wllh pottage. Address Lock Box 31 , Omaha , Nob- tatod that the Rovornmonfc would hottly present a bill on the subject. The police have boon ordered to prevent nil meetings In the ntreoto o-morrow on the occasion of the In- ondcd aociallstlo parade. GENERAL roREXQN NEWS- pedal Dispatches to Tun llm. CAUhKD IIY ICE. The ( linking of the utonmer Gloucest er City wan caused by a collielou with CO. A THKEAT TO TOISON. MADIIID , March 8. Mayor Vorzo haa received a letter containing a throat to poison the drinking water if the prosecution of the Black Hand society la continued. TUK NEGOTIATIONS PACIFIC ) BKIILIN , March 8. NegotUtiona be tween Russia and the Vatican have BO BO far progressed that twelve Polish BOOS will be filled the 15th inst A Trio of Robber * . Special Dispatch to Tin Bu. NKW YOBK , March 8. George Adams , steward , aged 43 yean , Jaa. Adams , druggist , aged 72 , and Carrie A ( Hook , aged 82 , wore arrested on the charge of robbing JOIBO Williams , a Canadian farmer of $7,000 in gold Monday last at the railroad depot In Philadelphia. Pennsylvania Paints. Special Dispatch to Till llm , PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , March 8. The second attempt to launch the big iron steamer Matiposa was unsuccucsfnl. She is intended for the & < m Francisco and Honlulu trade. The assembly resolution - solution and amendments n general inquiry into thu uotH of thu Standard Oil Cu , were referred to the 10 judiciary committee. 10 ' ° Bailor's Dnndor Up. Special DUpatch to Tim IJis. .BOSTON , March 8.Thu governor haa issued a writ of oupcraudcaa declaring the oftico of Innuranco com niUsiouor vaoint , Commlaolonor Clark has tendered bla resignation "to take eifuct upon the appoiutmen and qualification of lila succoaaor,1 bo The governor accepted the resignation to and requested Clark to hold over nntl Murch 1 , to instruct his successor1 , a the same time nominating N. A PJympton , democratic campaign man agon The council hna thus far refused to confirm the nomination , hoaco to day'/i action of the governor. Another nomination la expected. THE LOUISVILLE LAYOUT. Great Attractions for tuo September Mooting The Champion Stal lion Stakes. Special Dispatch to Tin liu. NEW YORK , March 8 The Spirit of the Times notes with admiration ho bold atroko by which the Loula- lllo jockey club eooarod the champion tallipn stakes for the September neoting It aayo Shoepahnad bay was } oaton. by over confidence in the amount of its bid. The Spirit adds : The question which now moat agitates racing circles la how far the atako going to Louisville will affect the intumn mooting cf the Coney Island jockey olnb at Sheepshead bay. The engagements of colts in the champion stallion stakes are certain to take their stable companions to Louisville , es pecially as Ool. Clark , president of the Lonlavlllo jockey club , announces his purpose to give now stakes and lengthen the duration of the Louis- villa meeting , The heightened at tractions are calculated to brine ; west ern atablos directly homo from Sara toga Instead of stopping at Sheeps head Bay and with the absence of Rancocas , Brooklyn , Westbrook , Ferncliflo and other loading stables East Shcepshcixd Bay will suffer in attractions , hence In interest and attendance , ' .pedal Dispatch to Tim UKK. MOUNT OAUKOLL , Pa. , March 8. The old breaata i f the Ilellanco col liery oaved In to-day , cracking a large area of the anrfnco under nine houses , leaving only thin aholia of frozen earth between the houses and thomiuo , The families hurriedly moved ont of twenty other houses on the public road and > the Heading depot and rail road traska In the range. The houses belong to the Reading company. Some of thorn was pulled down and carried away , as the might sink oat of sight at any moment. At the Methodist conference at Win chester , Va. , llov. L. F , Morgan , for fifty yetra a minister , was selected to preach the l s.erm"n ,