THE JDAIJL1T BEE-OMAHA EKIDA Y MARCH 9 3 HAS THE BEST STOOS IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRIDES IMPORTANT IMP OVEiVlENTS Have now been finished in our store , map - ing it the largest and most complete FURNITIM'HOUSE In the West. An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , One Exclusively for the use of Passengers , These immense warerooms - rooms three stores , are 66 leet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown- shownAll are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flooi and go through the building and inspect the stock. CHAS. SHIVERIOK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha PERFECTION HEATING'AND ' BAKING Is only attained by oslng CHARTER OAK Stoves and Rangss , ' WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOOR ? , For sale by MILTON ROGERS & SONS OHOC b.33C . xJ E WE L ERSNDMUS IC DEALERS. " / OMAHA , NEB. The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRY HOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARE. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets. - THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST I General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any MeiternManufaoturer and Dealer , Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installment : at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID eteck of Steinw y , Chickering , Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren Sterling. Imperial. Smith American Organs , &c , Do not fail to see , us before purchasing. . MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW GASES. A Large Stock always on Hand , _ W. F. CLARK , PAINTER , PAPER HANGER & DECORATOR Kalsomining , Glazing , AND WORK OF THIS CHARACTER WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. S. E. Chr. ICth and Douglas StrpetB , . . - OMAHA. NEB. EA&TERN MARKET : Fresh , Salt , Smoked and Dried , at 0. C3JNNEBS , - - - 1716 Bart Street. Choice Cuts competlt'oQ In price and a thorough undeietandlng of the business. Patronggo solicited. m DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTER N HOTEL HOTELS. PROPRIETORS TOWNF ARLINQTON , d. a MclNTIRE , Llnto'n , Neb , WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. Q.IWEATHERLY , Manrlng , Iowa , | REYNOLDS HOUSE , 0. O. REYNOLDS , Ooon Rapids , ow > . | SARATOGA HOTEL , J. S. STELLINIUS Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E. MANS , BROWNSVILLE Nek OOMMEROIAL HOTEL. JOHN HANNAH Btromtburg N HALL HOUSE , A.'W.HALL ; Loulivllla I CITY HOTEL , OHENEY AflOLARK , Blair , Ne , | OOMMEROIAL HOTE- , J. O.lMEAD.a Nellgh , Neb , GRAND CENTRAL C.ISEYMOUR , NabraikaJOIty.lNfjb MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , P. U THORP , WoeplnaWater.N OOMMEROIAL HOUSE' A. O. OAARPER , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W.MAYFIELD , Greenwood , Nsb ) OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , E. BTOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa END'S HOTEL , E. U ENO , Eremont , Heb' EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HAOKNEY , Ashland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTEL , FRANK LOVELL , < Atklnson.JNeb. MORQAN HOUSE , E. U QRUBD , QuldenocdH | , GUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER | lOreston , li. Q HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO.OALPH.H Exlrals. ! j REYNOLDS HOUSE , ) O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H.'jWALKEP , Audubon , la. OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , 8. DURQE8S , Neola , laj CITY HOTEL , Dl A. LLIAMO , Harlan In , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQB , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JU | AVERY , Otanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL O.IW , BUF1K. BurllnctonJunntlsn H OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah la , ' OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , David City , Neb DAQNELL HOUSE , OHA8. BAQNELL , College Springe , la OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , It , DALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida QroveJla " OOMMEROIAL HOUSE B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osceola , Neb , DOUGLAS HOUSE , J. 6. DUNHAM , Olarlu , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QBEEN , Bedford la. ARLINQTON HOUSE , J. M. BLACK ft 80N , Wsrtsvllle Wo NORFOLK JUNOTIONHOUSE A. T. POTTER , Norfolk Junction Nth WINSLOW HOUSE G. McOARTY , Beward , Neb. AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONES. Auroar Neb. OROZIER HOUSE O. R. OROZ'ER. Sidney , Neb , li AVOOA EATINQ HOU8I D. W. ROOKHOLD. Avoca'la. CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOOD ft 8HATTUOK. fled Oak FOSTER HOUSE Oapt , JOHN FOSTER , Lewis , la. VHITNEY HOU8E1 E. HAYMAKER. _ Qrlswold. la. DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN , yDunlap , la LUSH HOUSE. ALU8K , W-nYla , DOW CITY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , | ow Olta.ia AGGER HOUSE JAOQRH * 80M , Dtflleon , la , HARMON TAMA CITY , IA , , Harmon ft Keale * . Fnp * . OOOIDBNTAL JOTTINQ3 , CALIFORNIA The citizens ot Lodl propose bnlldtng a mile race truck ( or the spring and summer racing , The new woolen mill t PeUlumn Is working nt U full rapncity , turning out 500 ynrils of No , 1 flannel a day , At Uolton the "COL" are mnklng It lively ( or tramps and vngnbonds , and that class of perform Is getting ( circo there. Complaint WAS rrmJo In ft LOD Aogolea court last week hy nn nged woman , who charges that her ton had cowhldcd her. The local laws of St. Helena , prohibit the playing of poker , but thnt ( act did not prevent the game , And whoa nn organized police raid was made on the pri vate rooms In the hotels , etc , , nnd mem bers of some of the first fnmillei wore M- rented , the good people were terribly shocked , . A company bus been Incorporated ( or the establishment of n cannery at 1'etalU' nn. A suitable piece of land , consisting of several ncres on I'ottvluina creek , has been purchased ( or the purpose and a building GOxlOO ( eet will bo ImmoJUtoly erected , Operations will commence the coming eoMon. UIAH. The roads at Park City are In excellent condition and ore Is coming down irorn the Crescent mine. There are five more cases of small pox at Pungulch , and considerable consternation among the people. Building material Is bolrg piled up in every section of Salt Lake preparatory to an active building season. The Utah national bank of Ogden is Anew now concern , just authorized by the gov ernment , and will be put in operation soon. Forty-three cases of minerals , represent ing specimens from Utah , Idaho and Montana mines , weio packed nt Salt Like for shipment to the international exposi tion at Amsterdam. Preliminary surveys have been made made across the military' reservation efFort Fort Douglas for A railway to the stone quarries. Ueforo such a road can bo built congress must give the right of way. Last year the brickmakors of Salt Lake manuaoturcd 8,000,000 brick , and they ifto preparing to make about double that number this year. There were but few brick left over from last year , and the de mand already has exhausted the supply. An engineer Is soon to arrive from VWhingtou. D. 0. , to survey the Fort Douglas military reservation and mark its boundaries so that It will be easy to de cide any case of trespass which mlht oc cur. Land in that locality l becoming so valuable that it is deemed important that thla surrey should be made at once. WASHINGTON TERRTORY. An effort is being made at Walla Walla to organize a humane society. During February 12,405 tons of coal were shipped from Seattle , and tbe Inmber ship ments from tbe sound aggregated 6,000,000 feet. feet.A lot of person * have attempted to jump some of the settlers' lands which had heen Improved and cultivated for yean In King county. Aa the ship City of Brooklyn waa leav ing Seattle a sailor , name unknown , fell from the rigging into the bay and was lost. He Btiuck the rail in his descent. The new furnace at Irondale has com menced operations smelting iron ere , and is turning out pig iron nt the rate of thirty tons a day , with expectations of doing better. N. F. Curtis , the master mechanic of the Northern Pacific rood , nd several others , who were arrested for defraudin ? the company , have been discharged by the justice of the peace at Sprague. The cases will be presented to tbe grand jury. A number of renegade Indians from Tulalip and Puyallup retervationa have been occupying a large body of valuable land , known aa Muckelshoot prairie , with out legal right. Tbe land haa now been cornered by some speculators by means of soldiers' scrip. NEVADA. The Eureka police are arresting boya who visit saloons. The town of Willows , Colnsa county , la said be enjoying unusual prosperity. She. will have a big flouring mill , a foundry and possibly a woolen mlU , Pat Flynn , a convict undergoing sen tence in the Nevada state prison for.mur der , attempted suicide last week by slash ing himself with a knlfei It Is thought that he cannot recover. About forty liens on the Albion mine were filed with the recorder at Kureka last wetk by miners , furnace men and laborer * . Two additional attachments were served , amounting to 87,024 , A large number of checks , payable at San Francisco , were re turned , amounting possibly to $29,000. 'MONTANA. About ] twenty-five passenger * arrive daily over the Utah & Northern railroad in Butte , A desire to have the territorial capitol haa resulted In a bitter feud between Butte and Bezrman. Before tbe close of the session a bill will be introduced In the legislature providing for woman suffrage. The chief justice of tbe territory haa just been re-appointed to his fourth term of office. It meets with tbe general ap probation of tbe people. The streets of Butte are in a most fright ful condition on account of the mud. It is candidly stated by tbe papers that it lies a foot and a half deepen the level. Tbe bullion shipments from Butte last week were : Anaconda mine , 6 bars ; Silver Bow , G bars , and the Alice 4 bars , the total valuation of which was 819,000. The Montana copper company at Butte ship daily six carloads of ore and matte , and the Parrott company four carloads. The metal ia shipped principally to Europe. The merchants at Bozeman look with disfavor at the entrance of the railroad into that town. They fear that their busi ness will be Injured by drummers and ped dlers. Tbe farmers of Prickley Pear valley have commenced sewing their grain , and they have the utmost confidence from pres ent Indications that the leason will be a very successful one. Last week a number of men working to thaw out a ditch on tbo Northern Pacific , near.Horse Plains , bad occasion to do some blasting. A premature explosion of the powder killed two laborers. The contractor on the Northern Pacific railroad west of Weekavllle employes 7.0QO men , 6,000 of whom are Chinamen , The entire force is now employed on a btretch of grade less than tix miles in ex tent. DAKOTA. Minto , Walsh county , built 9110,000 worth during tbe past year. Emma Abbott Is advertised to sing in Fargo , March 8tb , 'Jth and 10th. A sleeping car hns been put on the Northern Pacific road between Fargo and St. Paul. Jamestown Is urging the monled men to erect numbers of tenement houses to meet the demand of renters. Tbe lambskin or apron worn by tbn grand master last week on the occasion of tbe dedication of the Bismark masonic hall Is 120 years old. Itaterprliea now under way and in con templation Indicate that at least 1,000 miles of new track will be laid to Dakota and WesteroMinnesota | this year , The J total are * under cultivation ID Barnes county1 daring 1882 was 125,000 a re ; 00,000 acres wera sown In wheat , with n Avarag * yield of , twenty-two and onh lf.bu hBN to the aero. The aor atr of rats wi s 15,000 , and the average yield forty-five buehols. The Fargo chamber of commerce la hold ing frequent meetings after a rest of nearly two year * . The body IH active In devising itieani for the Improvement of the town , There Is some likelihood of a Uulvenlty being located and huilt at Orand Korks In the near future. It li said to bo tbo most avallab'o ' point In the teirltory for such n purpo'e. The qitMlIon of bonding Walsh county for $20,000 for a court house and j il l being fully discussed by the farmers ami others. There Is n strong opposition to the proposition , There Is reason to believe that the disreputable dlvea which have for many-years ( lourlthed at the river landing at Bismark are to bo removed. The coun ty ooinmlmloners have determined to R rant no liquor llcenies to plcei outsliU of the personal survo'llnnco ' ot the police , and Lhose grog shops are outside ol the city limits. WYOMINQ. There are thirty-live saloons In Chcy- enuo , The now car shops at Cheyenne arc nearly ready for occupancy. The hospital of Liramto county at Dhoyenue Is nearly completed , and Is pro- jounced a convenient and creditable build ing. ing.As As soon as the bridges over the 1'latto and Larninio rivers are completed a itago line will bo put on between Cheyenne and Falrbank. Tbe Patriot Publishing { company of Laramle City has been Incorporated. The purpose of the company Is to publish a paper in Laramto Two Wyoming men have e ch ordered revolvers for their own nio and to be made specially for thorn. The price to be paid for each will bo $800. The condition of weather Is suoh through , out the ontlro grazing portion of the terri tory that the snow will not interfere with stock belncr able to find sufficient grtes to llvo on. For this reason the stcck men are reassured onu fefl easy. Arthur Sparhnwk , recently appointed Inspector for the Wyoming rish and game society has started on harmback for the boundary line between Wyoming and Montana. The Inxness of tbo name laws of the latter territory renders the Inspec tor's presence necessary to protect Wyom ing's game. OOLORADU. Jimtown'n mining excitement is abatlnc as the place has not a good foundation to goon. Assays recently made on some ? alenn ore found in the Uold Cup district gave re- tnrns of 1,600 ounces , There is likely to be a woman's temper ance crusade Inaugurated at Denver , and competent judges say that suoh a more would prove beneficial to the residents. There is a movement to reorganize the Golden board of trade for the purpose of taking steps to Inaugurate some Important enterprises to add to the business of tlm tuwn. Tbe papers of Denver are making a war on the milk peddlers of that city , whnm they say are telling impure and adulterat ed milk to customers to the detriment of the city's health. The trustees of Fairplay have passed an ordinance quarantining their town against Leodville , Dudley and Alma In conso. quence of the prevalence of smallpox In those places. There are fifty cases report ed in Leadvllle. The general mining outlook far all prop erties ic the Gunnison , California Gulch , and In tbo BreckinrldRo dlitrlcta are very favorable for tbla year's output of ore. The late developments in the San Juan country will take a large portion of the drifting population to that portion of the state. An Extraordinary Cat o AUSTIN , TEXAS , Feb. 20,18SO , To Mr. J.W. Graham , Druggist : Dear Sir My caeo was an aonte form ol bronchitis , and waa of one and a half year't duration. I employed the best medical aid possible , but failed rapidly , until the doc- tow said I would die that my-jcw was In curable. Thrown upon my owhti unrcea , I pot a bottle of Dit WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOB THE LUNQB , and in fix hours felt a de cided relief. In three days the cough al most disappeared. Now that my chances of life ore good for many year * , I earnestly recommend the above to every sufferer ol lung or throat disease. feb24d&w-eod-lw C. G. LATHKOP. BITTEN THROUGH THE HE ARX The Sad Fate of Two Men Wbo Fought a Grlzzlv. Uinrei Tribune. William Farley , who haa just arrived from the Modlolno Bow country , tella the atory of a thrilling bear hunt In which two old frontiersmen loat tholi lives. Farley and two companions , James Wilson and Jake Shultz , were on a prospecting trip on the Little PASS Greek , which debouches into the Modiucine Bow fcrk on the North Flatto south ol Elk mountain , It haa beet the common belief for years thai rich placer mines existed In this nook of the Rockies , and the litllo part ; started ont last fall In quest of the hidden gold. They selected a valley spot at the confluence of Little and Big 1'uss Greeks for their principal camp ing place and the locality where they should moot ia the event they sepa rated in the mountains. Bore they erected a permanent tent and deposIted Ited the bulk of their supplier. Soon after Farley and his partner located at the fork , early in October , the footprints of a huge grlzz y boar were discovered In the neighborhood. Ho did not seem to bo at all aggres sive , contenting himself for a few nights prowling around the camp The prospectora grow somewhat alarmed at the frequency and famil iarity of those nocturnal visits , and Farley suggested that they organiz9 a hunt , Shaltr , who was a uionn- tainter of largo experience , counseled him to have no fears , promising that old bruin would shortly find some now attraction and disappear Meanwhile , two traps had been sot for the boar , and in both casts ho had cleverly ex tracted the bait without having sus tained so much as tbo loss of n hair from his shaggy hide. One night-\vhllpthothroo men wore lying within their tent planning k ambush the boar , and kill him , the aubjict of their conversation put In an appearance as ancancurnodly as it he was bullet-proof. The proipectorc had just finished eating supper. The oamp-firo in front of the tent , ana abont twenty yards distant , was burn ing low , a falling ember from the liml of a trco thrown over it occasional ! } caused a lurid ilow. ? OJoso by the fires were the dishes and the romnantt of the repast a tin can full of sugai and ono of syrup , half a sack of floor torno bread and tried bacon nnd ante > lope scraps. They had left their rlfhi leaning against a quaking asp llml near the fire , and were reclining or their blankets lazily smoking and plot ting the ber' death. "If he only took some regular Ulrl,1 aid Bhultz , "we could get awey wm him without any trouble. Bat frorx what I Imvo observed I would judge this follow is nn old Tartar , and " ffO Just then there was a sound of some ioavy body moving through the aashos back of the tiro. The words died away on Shultz's llpo , nnd the ihrco men looked in the direction whence the noise camu , as if potrl- fitd. fitd.Tho The grizzly walked out into the open- ng , swolliug , in the Imagination ol the defenseless prospector * , to the dim- ncmlons of in tlophin' . lie growled nt the fie a luomoat , and then turn ed his attention to the edibles. The syrup cap was , for a while , n fifteen ) uzzto for him , but , finally , in his inngry rftRO. ho accidentally turned It over nnd the contents flowed out .hrough the small anornturo in the lid on to the ground. Whllo the bearwas uugogod in llcklug up the syrup , the ircupcctors recovered their presence of mind. Farley nnd Shnltz had a ; ) istol each , but Wilson bad left his ivith the guns , lie had n bowlo uilfo , however , and with this weapon lo resolved to do battle in the event oi emergency. To attack the grizzly rcith pistols and a knife was perilous. To lay there , hopicg to remain un noticed , while momentarily fearing llscovory , waa Insufferable. Some thing must bo done , and that quickly. The plan of notion was arranged with batid breath,1 Farley nnd Shultz crawled out banoath the roar lUp of .ho tont. They were to make nstoalth- y detour to wh ru the gnns were , sur prise the boar , and riddle him with aullote. Wilion was to remain con cealed in the tout. The two men had not cone moro than a half d.MI yards from the tent when Farley broke a limb oil n fallen tree in stopping over it , and the loud report startled the boar. The grizzly fell back on his hind quarters , uttered a furious growl nnd then made for the tout on a run. Before Shnltz or Far- loy could shoot or collect their frlght- onod senses the boar had broken' through the tont. They know thnt nothing loss than a miracle could save Wilson's life , nnd immediately took shelter nmouc ; the loir branches of A oottonwood treo. In the dim light of the camp fire they saw the tent heav ing with the conflict for life raging within , and while praying that Wilson would come out victorious , a wild death cry told thnra that the struggle waa nt an end. The commotion within ooased on the fnding away of the horrible rible echo , and thu grizzly shambled ont into the light. lie staggered around the fire ; surveyed the pool of syrup on the ground , but seemed to have no farther appotfto for It , nnd then departed as abruptly as ho came. It was some time before Early and Shultz could muster up eullilclout cour age to descend from the tree , believing that the boar was still hiding close by. When they entered the tent , the light of n pine knot disclosed to their horrified rified gaze the form of poor Wilson , literally torn to pieces. Oao eldo of his head had boon laid bare by a blow from the grizzly' paw , nnd the left side of the body , including the heart , had boon almost toin away. The yet wnrm lifo blood covered every thing around , and in the pool Uy the knife with which Wilson had vainly trlod ot defend himself. Following thj track of the boar to the fire it was dlscovcrod that ho had boon wounded , and perhaps seriously , as every step ho made was marked bj a patch of blood. Sleep waa a strangei for that night , The two men replenished ished the fire , and with gun In hand , sat nnd planned revenge , little dream Ing that the effort meant the death cone ono of them. At early daybreak the ] took up the blood stained trail of the grizzly , It headed straight for the 1m' ' pregnable beaver dams. After having pursued It for about two miles thoj suddenly found their path blocked b ] an expanse of dense charral , througl and beneath which the bear had forced hts way. There was no farther trial. . Shnltz , believing that the boar in hit wounded ncd wenk condition would f Ij from pursuit , volunteered to enter the underbrush nnd scale him ont , Farley's instructions from the old mountalnooi being to stand off at some distance sc as to command a good shot if the bear appeared. Farley climbed up on a boavei honso into'a position which gave him a swooping view of moro than hall the circle of the bush , and norvouslj awaited the result of Shnltz'a hazard' ons exploration. Shultz cantlouslj crept through the chapparral. One , two and throe minutes seemed tc stretch out into so many hours. Then there broke oat on the morning air c yell that froze the very blood In hit views. After that came the echo ol the despairing cry , "Farley ! M ) Oed , I'm killed 1" A deadly silence thnt was only broken by the splashing of a beaver's tall in ono of the oner dams * ensued , and Farley knew thai ho had lost his second partner. It was with the fooling that ho was -walking into the jaws of certain death that he entered the chapparaal to seek Shnltz. There ' was no danger , however , the bear had again fled. It n dark spot in the undergrowth , to which the rays of the sun were nn- able to penetrate , Farley , while crawling on nil fourr , fell over the body of Shnltz. When ho had recovered orod from the horrors of the discovery ho dragged tbe remains ont into the light. It was apparent that Shalt ; had stumbled on to the boar and re ceived his death wound before ho conic make an effort to defend himself , Hia gan WBI inhla right hand as I ; trailing it. The boar had struck him on the lof < shoulder , tearing uway cloth ant fleah , and then bit him through th < heart , the name nu ho had done t < Wilson , the wound being almost Idon tlcal. tlcal.Farloy gavu up thj hunt. Ho car rlod the remains of Shultz back ti camp. After having burled the twc bodinn , and marked the double gr < tvo ho left the country tint afternoon , * Won > on are rapidly finding place in the learned professions and th moro lucrative occupations from whlcl they were formally excluded. Man ; are graduating In medicine. Mrs Lydln K , Pinkham , of Lynn , Mass. Is a minister of health to thousand who may never touch the hem of ho garment or behold the genial light u her modest countenance. Scarlet , Cardinal lied , 01 Gold , Navy Blue , Seal Brown , Dli mend Dye * giro perfect result * , An fMhlonablt color , 10 cenU. SHORT LINE OK THE OZ2CXa.A3t.GI-O , llwanliee & St , Paul RAILWAY u It now running 111 FAST KXPHRSS TRAINS * from OMAHA' AND OOUNOIL 'BLUFFS ' WITH Pullman's Maplfloont Sleepers AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World. F YOU ARE GOING EAST TO 4 CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE. Or to anv point boml ; or F YOU ARE GOING NORTH To IT. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS' Take the I1KST HOUTK , the llilcago , Milwankee&St.PaulR'y Ticket office located t corner Farnam and 'ourtconth streets auil at U. P. Depot and at Mlllard Hotel , Omaha. tarSoo Tluio Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Arent. G. H. FOOTE , TlcKct Agent , Omaha. I. B. MEIinitili , A. V. II. OAlirENIER , General Manager. General Pam. Agent , . T. OLAHK , GEO. H. IIKAFFOUD , General Sup't. lAts't Pen. Tut. Agfnt " * F" R IINGTO &DUTE EASTWARD I > the old Farorlta and - FOB HICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , "MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And all Polutt East andoiouth-Cast. TI1KUNKCOMPIU8ES Nearly 1,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track U connections nro made In UNION DtPOTfi baa ft N tlon l Bepntatlon M being th real Throush Oar Line , and Is nnlvemllj needed Jo bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Hill- ad In the world tor all classes of travel. Try It and you will flnd traveling a loxnrj Instead ol a discomfort. Through Tickets vl * rhti Celebrated Lint sa e at all offices In the West. All Information about Bates o ran , nutpUh Oar Acocmmodatlont , Time Tables , Ao. , will bi cheerfully given by applylnlng to Id Vlco-f res't A Gen. Manager , Cblc f e. PEROIVAL LOWELL , Gen. Passenger At. Chicago W.J. DAVjtNPORT. Qen. Agent. Conncll Dlnffs. H. P. DUKLL. Ticket | Afft. A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Forever. DR. T- FELIX GOURAUD'B Oriental Oream or Magical Beau- tlfler , 3 Removes Tan , Pimples , S j ssssss . Ficokles , Mothp tch cean'oterj hletulshjor beauty at t defies da toctlcn. II haa stood the ( oat o 0y can an1 tiioharm less wi tlB'O It t ( be sure thi pro pur alien lion 11 pro perly mad < Accent nc count ) rfell ol similar name. The iHitlngulghtd Dr. li. A. iayro , s IJ to a laly of the IUUT ON ( a pjtlont ) : 'As you ladles will use thorn , I locommond U uraud's Cream' M the kaet harmful of all the Skin preparations. " Ono bottle will list six months , using It nrcry day. Alia Houilro Jub- , llo rcmous tuperlluous htlr without Injury to the skin. UMK. M U. T. GOUllAUD.Solo prop.,43 Bond St. . N. V. For silo by all Uruiwlit * and Fancy Ooodi Dealers throughout tbe United States , Canadi and Ktirope. jt2Tloware of base Imitations. $1,000 reward 'or ' arrest and proof of any one selling the some , " 14-woow-mo't ! FALLEY&HOKS , Western Agents , Latajcttc , Indiana. REVERSIBLEHEELS HEELS FOR Rubber Boots and Itoots and Shoes OF ALL KINDS. The center pieces ara Interchangeable and re vcrilblo It prevents the counter from runulni o\o , requiring no hoc ! ntltfencra. 1 ho Agency for tbiso goodu In this town ha been plu M1 * Others canno rroiur. hcin. Call and examine at ull line ot Leather an "Candee" Uubbcr Hoots and Shoos with the 1U viralblo Hocl. MRS. U , I'ETF.tltON. Ixmlnvll't.No. ' DcxtcrL.TlioiMS&Bro WILL BUY AND BELL. AMD lit TUAM&iOTlOJIB OCMHXOn TtUBXWmi , P y Tuw , Rent , Horuw , Etc. ROOM 8 . . . . . . . GREOUTON BLOC Fitt ntn Ht , - - - - .omaha Ne A NOTED HUT UNTrn.KD WOOIAN. ' [ Troni th Dorton Oiotx. ] Jfatr * . Sdltort . The abova li a cool llktncsj of Mrs. I.jdl * TS. ritb- am , of I.jnn , ) ( . , nho above all other human bolnzt JUT bo truthfully called the "D r Friend of Woman , " uome of her correspondent * loratocall her. Bh I walouilr cloTOtod to her work , which li the outcoms f a llfe-itudy , and Li obliged to keep sit lady ! isUnts , to help her annrertho laree correipondenc * ihlch dally penn In upon her , each txuinir It * ipecU ] urden of ralTerlni ; , or joy at releaM from It. Her V-gtUble Compound li a moJIclne for eood and not rll purpoMi. I have penonally Inveitlgated It and msatliflcd ot the truth of thti. On account of It * proven merlti. It li recommended pd prescribed by the brit phrilclani In the country , pit says i "It work * like a charm and tarei mach din. It will euro entirely the wont form of falling ? t the utcrut , Lrucorrhoia , Irrrcular and painful [ cnstruAtlon , all Ovarian Trouble * , Inflammation ana pceratlon , Hoodlngs , all Displacement * andthecon- tqucnt Fplnal nrnkneu , and Is etpoclOy adapted tope po Chanire of Ufe. " H pcrmoAto every portion of the syttem , and gives HIT life and vigor. It rrmovrs fulntnou , flatulency , hstruys nil crarlni ; for ttlmuUnta , and relieves weak. r * < ) f the ( tomitrh. It curM Blo tlnff , IIe dachev i ' IrrvouslVoitrttlon , General Debility , SlrrploBineu , ( oprenslon and Incllgotlon. That feeling of bearln j tiwncan > lnftpaln , weight and luicknche , I * always J rrnuuicntly iurrd by Hi u-o. It will at all time * , and. Dilrr all clrrumt nrc , net In harmony with the Uw bat guvema the fcnialu tjitrm. It costs only J I. per lottlo or uli for $5. , and li sold \lf Nirsl'tx. Any ml vlro rrqulrrd a * to ipoclol CAWS , ani ( be names of many who have been restored to perfeoj faith l > y the UROof the Veuetablo Compoundcanbt > btalnrd by aJilrrwilng Mrs. r with ttamp for reply , t her homo In Lynn , Mas * . for Kidney Complaint of rllfirr nex thli compound [ f nxiriiawnl a * abundint testimonial ! show. Mrn. rinkliam $ IJ rrI'llls"iu > ys ono writer , "ar IV iwrM for the euro of Constipation. mil Torpidity of the liver. Her Blood i wonilcn In lt tperial line and Ud * tali injMtind In It * popularity , ct her M an Angel ot Mercy whoae sol * ORood to others. V Q > Ur.A.H.D. Nebraska Loan & Trust Company HASTINGS , NED. Capital Stook , - - $100,000. A JAB. D. IIKARTWKLIi , Pre ldent. A. L. CLAHKK , VIce-Prcsldont. > E. 0. WKBSTBlt , Treasurer . . .J . DIRECTORS. Samuel Alexander Oswald Oliver , A. J. . Clarke , K. 0. Webster n 1 Geo. n Pratt , Jaa. n. Hcartwell , t D. M.UoKllIlnney. irat Mortgage Loana a Specialty This Company furnishes a permanent , ham * nttltutlon where School Boi land other legally ssued Municipal locuritl" 10 ( Nebraska can b > e negotiated on the m ) 11 avorable terms _ xmn mode on lmpro\ed f. u I n all well settled counties of the stale , thro i t usponslblo local orrnarmndentJi. orrnarmndentJi.WESTERN 0. 8PEOHT , Proprietor. St. Omrha Heb 212 Harnoy . - , X1ANUFAOTUUER8 OF ' \w\M Iron CORNICES , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIAL8 Tin , Iron and Slate Eoofing , Spooht'a Patent Motallo Skylight Patent Adjusted Ratohot Bu and Bracket Shelving. I am the general agent for tbe above line , of goods. IRON FENCING , tinea , Balustrade * , VarndaO | fl * Bank Ralllnjrs , Window dOi mr Guards ; alto OKNKTIAL ARKN BTAULIHUKO 1863. UDB BPIUHOJATTAOnUENT-NOT PATENT ED. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTORY 109 and 1111 Dodge Streat , aug 7-mo 6m Oun& . NBB. TO OONTRAOTOR8-DREDGING. Ycur attention Is cal'od to contracts to bo let . 'or ' Oltcbtn * . Ditch In Hurt and Washington ronntloe , aleut thlitecn miles long , In working nectlons , ih'OUgh ' a marsb , width about Gleet , sides iloplng 1 to 2 fott. depta from 6 to 7 fait , dirt to I e moved about 8 feet from brink of ditch. Number of onlilo vard * to be * moved about 111- 740. Slid 'Itch Is being constructed by said two counties under statute providing for draining swamp l nd , appro\ed Feb. 28,1881. Woik to bo done In accordance with pUns and specifica tions. For further Informitlon apply to tbe county clerk of el her , of laid counties , and sea report of engineer and proceedings of tiourdi ot commt'ttoncri cf uvlil counties and pirtcularly that of February 8th. 1843 Alsi the official ad- verllsement In the HUlr Pilot and In Hurl Coun ty News. Dlils are to bo filed with certified chock aid Dime of mrctlo1 , on or before March S2J. 1883 , at r > p. m. with county cloik ft i urt county , A. A. Tdomcfl. DupHcttci ( without checks ) with county clerk cf Washington county. Blank forms fir proposals will bo tupp.lod by slid clerks , llyorttorot 1IOAUDS OF SAID COUNTIES. fall Ifl nowrn& u3t BRIDGE PROPOSALS. Sealed pr'pcwalu will bo ruohcdbytho of County Commissioner ! ! ol Qigo tounty. Neb. , tor the erection of a brliUu acrosu the Uu Uluu rhcr upon ttthcr ono of tin \\ngau roadd loadlni ; cast from the town of \ VjmorOago count ) , Nebnnd > cr ami > croaieuld rher. tialdbrlu o to bo onu hundretl and fifty ( ICO ) feet long , and to lme either juloa , stone , or Iron piers. Also for th erection ot a bridge , suitable to the place , across Indian Crook , on the line bctwrun sections tnonty-uliia(2d ( ) md ( hlrty CM ) , about one iiillo eouilniust of Wjmorc , Guga county , Neb. Low bridge at this plata preferred. AlDonbiIdM across Turkey Crn.k , uoutheast of DoWItt , N l ) . , to replace the old one now la use. use.All hrUlgri ! ) to be of wood , Iron or combination. All b'daio ' b accompanied by plans andupccU b scaled ami tllcilwith the Connty Clerk a . on or bctoru 12 o'cloclc noon , March 20th , . The Commtislonm r.icrv o the right to reject y and all bldt. Huccenttnl bidden will bo ie. ulrtd to glto bond for the faithful pcrfornuuiua of thtlr contrivct By ordc i f the Ccunty Oimmlfsloncrs. t . , A. J. I'ETHOlWk ] BKAL. j- . . . . . . COUUtyCillK. ' 'Dcatrlco Feb. li 1883. me-d4w JACOB KAUFMAM , DEMOTED TO NO , 611 16TH 8T- DEilUIM ALL KINDS OF PURE WINEt