Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1883, Page 2, Image 2
THE DAILY BEE OMAHA FBIDAS : MAKOH 9 Know That BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insure a hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility , and gives a new lease of life , Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and ncrvcSjCnrichcs the blood. Overcomes wcakncSs , wakefulness - fulness , and lack ofenergy Keeps off all chills , fevers , and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Walker St. , DaUimore , Dec. i88t. For ilx yeart I hare been a great uffcrcr from lilood Disease , lyt * pepsia.andCotutlpallon.andbecame o debilitated that I could not retain anything on my itomach , in fact , life haa almost become a burden. Finally , when hope had almost left me , my _ husband teeing HUOWH'S IRON ilirrnm advertised In the paper , Induced me to give It a trial. 1 am now taking the third bottle and have not felt 10 well In sic yean at I do at the present time. Mri.L. X. Gxirrix. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS - will'have a better tonic V effect upon any one who ! ; heeds "bracing up/M / i any medicine made. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANS. . PORTATION. HEADQUARTKUR DEFT OK THE IT.ATTK , CHIEF ( { UAKTKIlKABTMl'H OfHCR , OMAHA , Mini. , March G , 1883. SEALED PROPOSALS , In triplicate , su Ject tatherstml conditions , will bo recchcil at ihl , olllco until 12 o'clocs noon , on Thursday. April 5th , 1883 , or nt the suno liour ( allowing ( or the dlffrcncoln tlmo ) , at the olllea. ol the Dopot' ( uartcrmasters at Chcncnno anil Ogden , twhich pluos and tlmo they will IK > opened In prisinc * ot the blddi-rs , ( or the wazon traimp 'rtatlon ct Mill- tary Supplies on ( ho tallowing dcsclbcd Koutcs In the Department of the Platlo , during the fiscal year commencing July lit 18&J , and ending Juno 30th. 18S4. From Bldnoy , hobrosia , to Fort Robinson Kcbiatka From Chcyenoo Dcp't , Wyoming Territory , to Fort * Laramle and McKlnnuy , Wyoming Ter ritory. ritory.from Hoc ! ; Creek Station , U. P. Rallwiy , to Fork UcKlnnoy , Wyoming Territory. From Fort Fred , Stocle , Wyom'ng Territory , to Fort Waihakle. Wyoming Territory. From Ta k ( My , Utah Territory , or from tUtlon on the main line , Un'on ' Pacific Railway , to Fort Thornburgh , Utah Terrlioiy. Propoials ( or transportation on any or all of the abavo named Route * will b received. Tbe Oorernmenl resoircs Uie right to reject any or ill propo K K ch proposal mu't be In trlnlleitereparate or each route , anil accompanied by a bond In the tarn ol five hundred dollars ( ( iOO ) , executed strictly In accordance with tbe printed Instmc * tlon , and upon the blank ( orm furnished under thlsodtertlMment , guaranteeing that the pnrty miking the prop sal shall not withdraw th uune within sixty days ( n m the date announced ( or openlngth m ; and that K laid proposal t , accep ted and a contract lor the service bid ( or award ed thereunder , he will , within ten days alter being noffled n ( t' ' o award ( proildcd such notl * flcatlon bo made within the ilxty daya abe > e mentioned ) accept the same and furnish need and sufficient suretlei , at once , tor the lalthlul per- lormance ol the contract. Blank proposals , lorir ol contiact , and pi In ted clrcnlar , sta Ing the estimated quutltlri of up- pllei tobetianspiitco , and giving full Informa tion as to the manner ol bidding , conditions to be obterved by bidders , and terms ol contract and payment , wl I be furnished on app'lcatlon to thli otnce , i r to th ( Illc-s ol the Depot Quarter- mister at Cbeycnne and Ogdo . Envelopes containing propsials should ba maiked : " Proposals lor Iran portatlon from ' ° ' JOHN V.'niREV , Capt. and Arst , Quartermaster U. S. A. me-m Gt In chaige Chlf ( J. M. Oinco. for Trsmoheroasi . be only life authoiltod by her and which will Dot be a "lilood and Thunder" story , such ai has been and will be pul llsbod , but a tiuo life by the only person who Is In posesslon of the fact ! a falmtul and devoted wife. Truth Is more nter * ( ting than Botlon. J > gent should apply 01 ter ritory at once. 8a 76 cts , for Sample book , . J H Chambers & Oo % . mo-eol-fcw- . BALL'S ' CORSETS Every Corset In warranted salli tactorytoltn wearer Inevorr way , or tbe money will be refunded by the person from whom It was bought. m only Oonct pronounced by our leading physici tt lj > rlom to theweartir , and endonwl by Itdlej as &M"tuoitcoinXoruble and perfect Cttlng Oorwt TM rniCES , by Vail. Po.Uie Paid I ttulth PreMrrluK. 1.60. Bclf.AdjuiUn * , 1.BO AkSoulul ( extra burr ) * B.OO. tlMltlt PrcurTlnjr ( Oae coutll ) 9.00. ! * * BLIrt-Hupportlng. sl.0. fT Ml * 1 > 7 leading ItcUll llealen T rywhere CHICAGO GO1UU5T CO , , CbleufO , III. Send 81 , 89 , 83 , or 85 for n naruplu re tail box by Jlxiircw , oftlielieMtcanUleH'm America , put ui > In elegant boxen , and Htrlctlypure. Srjlta- blnforiircHcntf. Kx. pretiH clinrcen light. U rcm to alJ Chlca. Be. Try It once , < 51 F. GUNTHEH , Ccafectlouer , THE LUCKY LIST. Annual Distribution of "Tho Weekly Bee" . Premiums , Names : and Residences of the Fortunate Subscribers. The fallowing is n Hat of articles drawn at the snnnal distribution of premiums of TUB WEEKLY Bxx , hold on Saturday March 3. 1883 : 353. J T Short Bralnard , Nrb ; one Mlnneiotsj OblfI separator , with power. 61EO. Oeo Heeler , Clear Creek , Neb , Grand piano. 827. Luther Frindle , Huron , la , ( arm mill , with steam power , 11686. John Wttlsk , Battle Creek , Neb , St. Paul twlno binder. 7G76. Ed L ChatEe d , Belt | N" b , Grand parlor orgati. 7194. rJLlndUono.Argo , Neb , Climax ugar cine mill. 1677 , J E Tracy , York , Neb , elegant 0/8o7. K J Williams , Galva Ills. , platform - form spring wagon. 7233 Jamei llonck , Lincoln , Neb , parlor organ , , 281 , Iloianoa.Lamauraux , Ballr , la , Iron King mower , 2562. John Long , David City , Neb , gold watch. 11092. Fat Buckley , Fapllllon , Neb , Enterprise windmill. 735'J. John Yeo , Nebraska City , Neb. , M K Lawn windmill. 4830 , F M McOlnskjr , Edgar , Neb. , Kusbford ( arm wagon. 2ZGO. Henry W Guelker , Santa Fo , N. M. , ( eed mill. 7429. F L Wolf , Hastings , Neb , , gold watch. 7578. MOSandford , Prairie Star , Neb ; cold watch. 2595. G A WalthenReatrIce | , Neb , gold watch , 9093. Feter Stolp , Mt Sterling , WIs , ( cod mill. S8G2. D R Isaac , Mlnden , Neb , tea set , 1778. L Snow , .Graflon , Neb , silk satqne , 1048. C W Bortlce , Glenvlllo , Neb , order ( or groceries , 2034. Osborn Ayer , Guide Hock , Neb , order ( ur'dry goods , 4028 , F , ll , Jones , Ontario , la , order ( or fiunlture. 11099. W F Maokee , Atlantic , la. , BCW. intr machine. 27C3. W J AggiomMacedonia , la. , sewing1 machine , 0502. John , Carpenter , Falrbury , Neb. , , sewing machine. . J057. . W If Wlnn , Gladbrook , ' Lnew - . Ing machine. ' 2733. I N Beatty , Bant Nodovfay , la. , sowing machine. I 9278 , J M Ward , Kxoter , iNob. , sewing machine. . 1408. M F Wood , La Flatto , Neb. , sowing - ing machine. 4830 , K H Gardner , Bellwood , Neb , , sowing machine. G125. O S Anderson , What Cheer , Iowa , towing machine. 8223. JD Kdwards , Lincoln , Neb , , sew ing machine. 20GO. H A Splkcr , David City , Neb , , sowing machine , 115D1 , F Curtlx , Charlton , Iowa , sewing machine. 8510 , W Klie , Barada , Neb , , sowing machine. 4095 , Nicholas Anderson , llnyes , Neb , , sowing rnachln' . OG82 D D Ure , Franklin , Nob. , Hawing machine. 4020. T J Beats , Peru. Neb. , sewing machine. 1025G. J W Wright , Lyons , Neb. , sew ing machine. 4850. J L Goldbery , Thorntown , Ind. , sewing machine. 10521. CUM N Newoomb , Lawls , Iowa , lowing machine. 771. J E McCarthy , Omaha , Neb. , sewIng - Ing machine. 12637 , G W Koames , Columbus , Mo. , sewleg machine. 0245. T H Maitin , Pacific Junction , la. , tewing machine. 7821 Mollle Hewitt , Shelby , Neb. , sew. ing machine. 10525. Adam P/aff , Yankton , D. T. , ewlng machine. 8772. E A Miller.Raymond Neb. ' , sow ing machine. 4724. H H Adams , Oxford , Neb. , sew. Ing machine. 2367. Goo F Mlldep , Utlca , Nob. , lew- ing machine. 7395. David Slnnard , Louisville , Neb , , sewing machine , 10257. W J Bruce , Tekamab , Neb , , sew- ine machine. 9873. J 0 Brlggs , Wliner , Neb. , sowing machine. 344. Morris Manson , Carleton , Neb , scholarship Wyman college. ' 7950. Henry Klsley. Ulenwood , Iowa , scholarship Wyman college. 10267. Timothy Flantz , Nellgh , Neb , 80 yds Brussels carpet. 8729. J W Jones , Eva , Neb , feed mill. 7701. Sam Stover , Eltnwood. Kas , hard coal stove , 4807. J D Smith , Altamont.D T , riding cultivator. 10139. MnPD Foster , Glenwood , la , first-class cook stove. 073. John Mehlln , Humboldt , Neb , Daisy hay rake. G058 , J U Long , Orolghton , Neb , set ( arraharneftf , G02 , Alfred H Colllok , Humbolt , Neb , set ( arm harness. 0160. L | P Martlu , Brownvillo , Neb , 3 burner homo comfort stove and furni ture , t 10878. A E. Maxwell , Hawthorn , la , 3 burner French stove. 801. Henry Harrier , Valley , Neb , 3 burner French stnver C772. NatUvn Hnwe , David City , Neb , silver hunting case watch. 11039. Luther Lnkln , Ellsworth , Iowa , silver hunting o ie watch , 8207. Mrs A Ammerinan , New Bharon , la , silver hunting case watch. 10680. Mrs Emma Barrett , Knoxvllle , Tenn , silver hunting case watch. 2470. W W McOann , Jollet , 111 , silver bunting ease watch. 3990. A B Clarkson , Hlllsdale , la , silver bunting caia watch. ' 6233. Wm Favor , Crwton , la , silver , bunting case watch. C368. O F Nelson , Oti % Neb , , silver hunting case watch. 9G5G. Ohai Walton. Graham , Mo. , sll- ver hunting case watch , 9104. ULOrois , Danville , Kara , , silver bunting case watch. 2729. A. D , Fetty , Vaooma , Neb. , silver hunting case watch. . , 2869. F. 8. Galley , Greenwood , Neb. , silver hunting case watch. 64G9. J. F. Erwln , Fent , Neb , silver hunting case watch. 3290. Fred ChaOee , lied Cloud , Neb. , silver huntlig case watch. 100G9. F. Noilson , Harlan , Iowa , silver hunting case watch. 272. R. Andrews , Wayne , Neb , silver bunting case watch. 10710. L A Oroas , Cherokee , la , silver hunting case watch. 5121. F M Yonngson , Hock Bluff * , Neb , silver hunting oaie watch. 10721. Wm Newman Vlnlng , Ka , sliver bunting case watch. 6512. It E Bouchler , lied Oak , Iowa , illver hunting case watch. 0769. II E Stanton , Adolr , Iowa , silver bunting caie watch. 12211 , J N Brcste , Bloomlngton , Idaho , silver bunting caie watch. 2133. J M Johiuon , Ilumbjlt , Neb , silver bunting case watch. 1570. G U Doughty , Earling , Iowa , ill- ver hunting cae watch. 2311. II K Vandoren , Mt Vernon , D T , silver buntln ? ease watch. 7001. .B W HornUh , merlin ? , Illinois , diver hunting caeo watch. C481. 0. B. Brush , Weepiog Water , Neb. sliver hunting caie watch. 4672. Hugh McKay , Cyrne , Neb , silver hunting c se watch , G554. David Barrlek , Wood Hirer , Neb , silver bunting case watch , 443. W II Conltherd , North Auburn , Neb , silver banting case watch. 7367 , IIW BrcomerMarne , , Iowa , silver hunting case watch. 1077. I ) Woomer , Nellgh , Neb , | illver hunting case watch. 0124. C 8 Eddy , Creiton , Neb , silver hunting owe watcb. 6815. ! : D Van Pelt , Shenandoab , low * , silver hunting eve watcb. 8573. D U Lake , Minden , Iowa , illver hnnllr.g cast watch , 12138. J T Brooks , P9 body , Kas , silver hunting cose watch , 2113. Wm Keed , Ulysses , Neb , silver banting case watch. 0167. Thomas Paul , Malvern , Iowa , sll < yer hunting case watcb. B051. UO Falling , Central City , Neb , silver banting case watch , 9348. Dr. N Williamson , Barada , Neb , silver hunting case watcb. 12405. Ilntchlnson & French , Kimball , D T , silver hunting case watch- 20C4. LL Davis , Unmbolt , Neb , silver hunting case watch. 729. Cbas Akers , Frederic , low * , silver hunting case watcb , 4111. Jos Ballinger , Council Bluffs , Iowa , silver hunting case watcb. C.145. A A Calkins , Indianola , Neb , sll. ver hunting case watch , 8703 , J G Martin , Lincoln , Neb , silver bunting case watcb. 8154. RRensen , Gibbon , Neb. , silver htmtlug case .watch. GI93. E V Bhlrtcliff , Battle Creek , Iowa , silver hunting'case watch. 1080. W If Fr'szer , liar Ian , Iowa , silver huatlng case watch. 0011. J lloblnott , Onawft City , Iowa , silver hunting case watch. 7371. Uoo D Dillon , Klnggold , Neb. , set Waverly novels , 4053. J II McKlroy , Hastings , Neb. , set Waverly novels. 8CC7. Robt Smith , Ibloy , la. , 3 burner Clipper Htove. 404. / . L W Good , Olarlnda , la. , 3 bur ner Clipper stove. CC75. Mrs G B Baskin , North Platte , Neb. , grand Detour plow. 2975. Milton Knickerbocker , Marseilles , III. , wt Dickens' works. 1447. Gee Yradenbnrg , PapIllIonNeb , , set Dickens' works. 8978. A G Toollf , Bismarck , Neb , , grand Detour plow. 4C5. IIG .Spencer. Ashland , Neb. , suit men's clothes. 9385. John 8 Ward , Canton , M. T. , suit men'a clothe ! " . 12058. M E Polk , Louisville , Neb. , suit men's clothce" 5570. GO Clowett , Junlato , Neb. , 3 burner Fairy Queen stove. 8639. Wm M Kimbley , Greeley , Co ] . , open face wat-h. 4129. E Burross , Palmyra , Neb , , open faoo watch. 1761. L Gingery , Harlan , la. , open face watcb. 11931. 0 N Tracey. Flattsmoutb , Neb. , open lace watch. fJ25r . Mary Sb.aTorBaradaNeb. ( | , open face wntcb. 7970. E L Mitchell , Table Hock , Nob. , open face watch. 2002. T D Watson , Seward , Neb. , open face watch. 4rOG. A 0 McMillan , Fontenelle , Neb. , open face watch. 4771. Wm O'Neal , North Bond , Neb , , open face watch. 10017. EKFossmiro , Cromwell , .Iowa , open face-watch. 2027. JII Myers , Sterling , 111. , open face wntch. 0250. O J Dunlap , Silver Crock Crook , Neb. , open facn watch. 12008 , O F Morchonso , Shelby , Neb. , open face watch. 5750. David Illcbardson , Ulysses , Neb. , open face witch. 10702. H. 0. Johnson , Farmorsvllle , Mo , , open face wntch , 3058. Robert Van Sternberg , Macon , Neb. , open face watch , C9HO. J. U. Shepherd , Fullerton , Neb. , open face watch. 879. Mrs. Maney , Tekamah , Neb. , open face watch , 81C5. E. A. IFinhbnrn , Chapman , Neb , open face -watch. 0772. Samuel'S. ' Kuebel , Kenesaw , Neb. , opnn face watch. 6038. Nelson Olan , Eldorado , Kan. , open face watch. * 6840. 8 ; Sweett , Harlon , N b , , open face watch. 0972. Alfred Eyer , Royal , Neb. , open face watch. I 11907. George Cross , Emerson , Iowa , open face watch. 12149. J. H..Orcntt , Santa Paula , Col. , open face watch. 4708. Charles Gettert , Andersonvllle , Neb. , open face watob. 7200. John Pelts , , Onkdalo , Neb. , open face watch. 8083. Mrn. Ellen D. Hall , Hnmbolt , Neb. , open face watch. 8245. James W. Miller , Lelghton , Iowa , open face watch. 10042. Chas. Flood , Silver City , Iowa , open faos watch. 3852. B. O. Dolan , Blab , N b. , open face watch. 11120. Hannah Fetherly , Logan , Iowa , open face watch. * 8557. 0. H. ( Record , Glenwood , Iowa , open face watch. 7487. A. A. Beck , Bradshaw , Neb. , open face watcb. 10024. G. A. Brock , Dnnlap , Iowa , open faoo watch. 1544 F. M. Hardln , Irwin , Iowa , open face watch , 8759. H. D. Fishburn , Guide Rock , Neb , open face watch , 11742. F. J. Gram's , Irwin , Iowa , open faoo watch. 0254. Thos. Jacobson , Davenport , Neb. , open face watch. 6C98 , L. U. Forbes , Keg Creek , Iowa , open face watch. . 8562. J. M , Deaver , Belton , Tex. , open face watch. 0980. Louis Johnson , Louisville , Neb. , open facn watch. 0445. Joseph Kulns , Geneva , Iowa , open faoo watch. 6101. Peter J. Olson , Delta , Neb. , open Is on watch. 1383. A E Thomar , Omaha , Neb , open fare watch. 5959 Nils Anderson , Momence , Neb , open face watch , 8 37. Wm Hahue , Schaler , Iowa , open face watch. 1183.1 E Cleveland , Shelby , Iowa , open face watch. 8013. J A Saoket , Brigbam City , Utah , open face watch. 1017 Wm Outlsr , EJger , Neb , set waj. on rack attachments , 1 < 33 James McGregor , Rye , Col , let wap.on r ck attachments. 8320. James Enfield , Clarlnda , Iowa , parlor heater. 1530 , H Story , Craig , Mo , WefaUr nn- abridged dictionary. 1V335. A Briggf , Fullerton , Neb , Web. ster's UntbrldRed Dictionary. 6783. Mrs. U W WIU , Platte Centre , silver plate cake basket. 433. A B Bar , Greenwood , Neb , silver plate cake basket. 9182. Irwin Metoalf , Prairie Star , Neb , silver plate cake basket. 8742. W O Fenton , Fulton , Iowa , silver plate cake basket. 8118. G F McOormiok , Walnut Grove , Neb , silver plate cake basket. 9340 Wm S Rowley , New Tabor , Kas , silver plate cake basket. 7012. L Marlon , Tecumseb , Neb , silver plain oakn baiket. GG05 , P. Bhellhorn , Cincinnati , Neb , silver plate cake basket. 8110 K T Cochran , Harlan , la. , silver plate cake basket. 8440 , Oliver Jackion , Niobrara , Neb , , sllvttplate cake basket. 9148. Nets J. Suran , Stromsburg , bolt Lonedale muslin. 609. John Borenson , St..Charles , I , T , , bolt Lonedale laualln. / HUGO. L. E. Rider , WtbtervilleNob. . , bolt Lonsdale inu lln. 8910. Jos Fowler , D&rdenne , Mo. , bolt Lonrdale muslin , 11180. Christian Kaelber , Mlllard. Neb , bolt Lonsdale muslin. 8823. B D Pierce , Aurora , Neb , bolt Lonsdalsmuslla. 1C09. Jake Walker , Humbol ) , Neb , bolt Lonxlnle muslin , 10179. G M Carpenter , Deniion , Iowa , bolt Ixinsdale muslin , 3707. Jacob F Deeds , Stromsburg , Neb , bolt Lonsdale muilia , 2682. Mrs Sarah RayNorfolk | , Nob.bclt Lonftdale muslin. 5071 , Wlllard Jacobs , Fremont , Neb.bolt Lonrdale mnilln. 6134. Gee A Hohlnion , Ash'and , Neb , bolt Lonsdale mnslln , 1901. D A Hitner , York , Neb , bolt Lonsdale mnslln. 0577 Stephen Innfo , Boll Flower , 111 , bolt Lonsdale mnslln. 6099. Patrick Nowin , Utica , Neb , bolt Lomdalo muslin. 1601. David Matten , Unmboldt , Neb , bolt Lens lale mnslln. . 2224. D A Bbaffer , St Edward , Neb , bolt Lonsdale muslin. . . . . 28G8. O W Oilman , Waverly , Neb , bolt Lonhdale mnslln , 8280. Gee Sedan , Ellwood , Neb , bolt of Lonndale muslin. 4382. J F Prltchard , Hamburg , Iowa , bolt Lonsdale muslin. 407. Hev J G Pfelfer , Preiton , Neb , bolt Lonsdale muslin. 5100. O R Denning , Geneva , Neb , bolt Lonsdale muslin , 9253. Peter Eriikson , Valparaiso , Neb , bolt Lonidale mnslln. 4970. Mra H Strom , Springfield , Neb , bolt Lonsdale mnilln. 4933. Hannah Mowhirler , Elliott , Iowa , bolt Lonsdale muilin. 2114. Wm Reese , Crescent City , Iowa , set tablespoons , 12511. Philip Schwab , Exeter , Neb , set tablespoons. 7883. G W Klrkpatrick , Cedar , Neb , set table spoons. 7690. Sylvester Beezley , Blair , Neb , set table spoons. 9012. Dr R W Miller , Meenloo , Iowa , set table .spoon * . 2939. ML Moore , Galena , Col , set ta ble spoons. 4877. 8 L Smith , Exeter , Neb , set table spoons , 0113. M F Wileman , Clay Centre , sot table spoons. 8393 Wm Heacox , Springfield , Neb , set table spoons. 8302. RJV J L KUIott , Bed Cloud , Neb , set table spoons. 11313. E L Palmer , Emerson , Iowa , set table spoons , 12000. Simon Berts , Irvlngton , Neb , set table spoons , 3382. H A Ferry , Crescent City , lo , set table spoons. 1420 , Henry Ernett , Omaha , doz silver plated teaspoons. CIO ? . T. J. Whltzel , Geneva Neb , doz illver plated tea spoons. 2160 , O E Nims , Humbolt. Neb , doz sll ver plated teaspoons. 10458. A R' Hutchison , Oakdale , Neb , doz silver plated teaspoons. 894. Julius Ingalsbe , Alabama City , N Y , doz silver plated teaspoons. 0545. Sam I ) Graham , Long Pine , Neb , doz silver plated teaspoons. 1072. John Cor , Harlan , lo , doz illver plnted teaspoons. 97G8. T D Knapp , York , Neb , dozen silver plated teaspoons. , 6801. R 0 Smith , BrownviUe Neb , dozen silver plated teaspoons. i 10302. Alfred Peter , Chapln , Iowa , dozen nil ver plated teaspoons. f-821. E T Plastar , Brownville , Neb , dozen silver nlatcd teawoona. 414. Ed F Reynolds , South Auburn , dozen silver plated teaspoons , 1G35 John Vanhasen , Schuyler , Neb , dozen silver plated teaspoons. 81E9 John Birgsraa , Murray , Iowa , dozen silver plated terspoons. 8582. J WilowderHoeelmaNebdoz n silver plated teaspoons. 40. Andrew Mackleman , Douglas , Neb. , dozen silver plated teaspoons. 2383. Herbert Westbrook , Plattsmouth , Neb. , dozen silver plated teaspoons , 1589. J M Brlloy , York , Neb. , dpzen silver plated teaspoons. 1074. Moses Mow , Ilavard , Neb , , dozen silver plated teaspoons. 4025. D A Walker , Stella , Neb. , dozen silver plated teaspoons , 6401. A Ragan , Mainland , Neb , , dozen silver plated teaspoons. DDUKEE'S SALAD DRESSING IB com posed of the freshest , pnreat and choicest condiments money will bay. It surpasses any that can bo made at home , la cheaper , savea labor and all anxiety. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Money trr th On * of the < . U solid and substantial Institutions In .this country Is tbe Mar. riage Fund and Mutual Trust Association , ol Cedar Rapids , Iowa. They are organ' ' Ized under the laws of Iowa , and heir of < Ccers and director * are among tbe leading and most prominent business men o Cedar Rapids. Every unmarried person should have a certificate in this association. It is a splendid Investment , aa sale as government bond. You can juetaa well have a good sum of money to commence married life on as not. A large number of members have been paid off , receiving over 300 per cent on their Investment. Write for circulars fully detailing the plan , which u the finest known. Do not postpone it , Good agents wanted. Mention whore you saw this notice. (5-Sm. Fixing tbe Door. There was a craok nnder the kitchen door a crevice large enough for one to put a hand nndor and early In November lira. Orlpao began Baying : "Now , Orlpao , don't let this day pass without nailing down a cleat to atop that orovlco. It will let in more cold this winter than two tons of coal can drive out. " And Crlpoo began Baying * "Certainly , my dear certainly. That crevice shall bo stopped this very day. " On-fifteen ditforont occasions In No vember aho reminded him of the fact that ho had forgotten the crevlco. In Dacombcr the number of occasions was twenty. During the mouth of January she spoke of it twenty-two times. In February she began refer ring to the matter at * each meal , and the other day she nailed him down with the remark : "Orlpso , I Km going down town , and I'll stop on my Way and ask a carpenter to coma up und fix that door. " "I'll fix it. " "No ion won't I Yon just lot It alone. I'll have a carpenter hero before - fore night , and that door will bo fixed. " "I say I'll fix It myself-right away now , " and in five minutes ho had saw'and hummer and cleat , and was at the job. Mrs. Oripso went oft chuckling over her victory , and upon her return her husband nald : "Well the old crevice is ahufnp. " "Yon fixed It , oh ? " "Fixed it bettor than-auy carpenter you could have sent up , and In ten minutes , too. Oomo nnd see. " She took ono look at his work and then sat down nnd whispered : "Ctipao. you iujt missed it by a Hair'n breadth. " "What ? " "Being born a fool ! Yon have nailed the cleat to the Ibor inside the door ! " So ho had. He had shut the crav ice and door , too , and when ho carao to realize It ho walked slowly out into tbo baok yard and tried to saw hla head off on the clothes lino. Are you troubled with ooh symp toms of dyspepda aa belching , tasting of food , heart-bum , etc. ? Brown'o Iron Hitters will euro yon. Horaford'a A old PU photo TOR OVEBWOUI. DR. O. W. COLLINS/Tipton / , Ind. , says : "I used U in norfoua debility brought on by ovorirtrk In warm weather , with good nudts. A FEW BARGAINS Houses LOTS , Farms , Lands- BEMIS ! 5th&DouglasSt. HOUSES AND LOIS , No. IJ Full ot and new house , 'Sfrooms , two below and one up-stalrs. Klght loot colling below and * oven above. Brick foundation , collar , etc. A bargain , SGOO. No. 18 Large two story housa , 10 rooms , two largo cellars , g"od well and cistern , bam , etc. , on WVbster and 22d street , S6.000. No 17 Lot 60x185 ( oct , new bouse ot two rooms brick foundation 100 barrel cistern ; on Hamilton street near Poor GlarcConvcntl' C. No. 16 House aud lot on 17th near Cla k St house D rooms etc. $1200. No. 16 House of 3 rooms nil lo on Pierce St. near 18th tl GOO No. 21New houseof 7 ro corner lot , half mile west of Turntable . treet cars on Sau ilcrsSt. SlOCO. No. 5 House of eight earn etc. lot 60x165 feetJ2500. Vacant Lots. No. 252-Two full lota on 19th Street near Lake St. (1600. 1 No.351 Twenty fire lots lo Parkers addition Just north of the end of red street car line * WO each easy terms. No. WO Four lots on Delaware Bt near nans- corn park , 1650. No. 831 One half lot on South avenue , near St. Mary's avenue , | 5W. No. 540-Elghtoen (18) ( ) lots on Slit , 22nd , 23rd ana Saunders street , near Qiace , 1600 each , and on easy terms. No. 340 Six beautiful residence lots on Cather ine street , near Ilaoscom park , (4,600. Twelve beautiful residence lots en Hamilton street , near end of old streetcar track ; high and Ijjhtly , $360 to $700. Several acre and halt acre corner lots on Onm- Ing. Butt and California streets , In Lowe's second end addition and Park Place near Academy ol Sacred Heart Lots m ' 'Prospect Place" on Hamilton and Charles street. Juitwest ot the end of Red Street Cartiack and Convent of the Sisters of Poor Clare , one and one-half mile from postofflce , and one mile from D. P. shops , 8160 to t5Uv/ each , only 6 per cent down and 6 per cent per month Lotsln Lcwe's addition one-half mile west of rnd of Red Street Car track near Con font cf Poor Clare Sisters In Shlon's addition , J125 to (300 each , and on very easy terras. Lots In Uorbach's 1st and 2nd additions , Shlnn'e , Park Place , Lowe's 2nd addition. lUaran's Lake's , Nelson's , llanscom Place , Rodlck's ad ditions , etc. , ete. Lots In "Credit Fonder addition" lust one- quarter mile south-rait ot Union PaclQo and D. and M. R. R. depots , (260 to 11,600each , very easy Urml. Business ( Lots. Three good business lots on Dodge netr12th | street , 2iil'M feet each , (1,600 each , or HMO'or all , easy terms. Two good business lots On Farnam street , 33x 66 feet each , with frame buildings theron.renting for about ( SCO per year each ; price $4,250 each. 44x132 feet on Farnivm near 10thstreet , corner (12.000 Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Pacific right of way , north of track and east ot Nail Wotks being 132 feet north frontage on Mason street , by about 100 feet west f ronttre on 16th et. Farms a < d wild lands In Douglas , Sarpy , Dodge , Washington , Butt , Wavne , Stanton , and other good counties In eastern Nebraska ( or sale. Taxes paid , rents collected , ani money loaned on Improved dty and at low raUs of Interest. BEMIS' NEW CITY MAP , FOUR FEET WIDE AND SEVEN FEET LONG , WITH EVERY ADDITION - TION RECORDED OR OONTEM- PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFFI- OIAL MAP OFTHE CITY. " $5.00 EAOH , GEO. P. BEMIS , Eeal Estate Agency , 15th and Douglas St. O. X3W DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate Glass. MTAnjons contemplating building store , bank , or any other flas . will Bad It lo th * anlage to cone * end with ns before purchasing their Plato Glass. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA - HEB. STEELE , JdHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. m A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGAES AMD MANUFACTDBED TOBACCO , Igents for BEHWOOD MILS AUD LAFLIN ft BAND POWDER CO. -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK CO Fire and Burglar Proo 1020 Farnham Street , HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF IP-A-IPIEIR - - , AND WINDOW SHADE IIS FARWAM ST. OMAHA J. A , WAKEFIEL1) , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , > v SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , GEMEN IM.MJX& , Jkl'JL'CI. MTSTATVAQKNt JOB MILWAUKEE OKltEHr OOlfPANT * Near Union Pacific Denot OMAHA NB MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. 416 THIRTEENTH STREET , OMAHA , NEB. A. M. CLARK , Painter&PaperHanpr SIGN WRITER & DECORATOR. WHOLESALE & RETAIL \ \ WALL. PAPER ! Window SKados and Curtains , OORNIOES CURTAIN POLES AND < FIXTURES , Faints , Oils & Brushes. U 1 Booth 14th Btroot NEBRASKA WILLIAM SNYDER , UANUFAOTOBEB. OF | CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , . Firs-Mass 'Paining ' and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done TTumoT.'CTor. lltti. Single Breech-1 Loading Shot Bans , from 85 to v Doable Breech'.Loading Shot Gnns , from $18 to $75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Bans , From $6 to 325 , ' Fishing Tackel , Base Balls and all kinds of Fancy Qoods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand , Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything' re quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion Store , Cigars from $15 par 1,000 upwards Send' for Price List and Samples