PiOW KVN'S ' IRON BITTERS arc the worst case spcpsia. r ill insurca hearty appetite and increased digestion , Cures general debility , and gives a new lease of life , Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and ncrveSjCnrichcs the blood. Overcomes weakness , wakefulness - fulness , and lack of energy Keeps off all chills , fevers , and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. . j-W lker St. , Baltimore , Dee. it8r. For ill yean I lute been a great luflcrer from lllood Dlteaie , lys * pepila.andConttlpatlon.andbecame o debilitated that I could not retain anything on my itomach , in fact , life hail attnoit Lecoma a Inirten. Finally , when liope had almost left me , m huiband leeing DROWN'S IRON BiTTBnt advertised In the paper , induced me to give It a trial 1 nm now talelne the third bottle and have not felt to well In lie years as 1 do at the present ti Mr . L. F. Gx BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will have 'a better tonic effect upon any one who i needs "bracing up , " than ' any medicine made. PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANS PORTATION. 11EADQUAUTKUS TiPT : OK TIIKPLATTF,1) ) C'lllXC ( JUAHTKRMAtTlll'H Onll K. [ OMAHA , Nan , Match 6 , 1HSJ. ' ) SKALEI ) I'UOI'OSAI.8 , In trip Icato , mi Joct tltliousml con Itlons , will bu roitUuil at ilili oince until 1J o'cloC * noon , on TliiirnUiy , April f.th , 1 ( < 83 , or at the mme hour ( allowing fr the clllTmice in time ) , at tlio olllco ot the 1) ) > ot QuartcrniMVtK at Choiclitia uncl O dcn , atulitch jiliccs and tlino til will bonptrned In tin a nc ol the bldd n , for the wauon tramp rta Ion' ( Mlll < larj'Btupiles < n tliolnllowltiKiltseibed Woiitrsln thtj JJcpiitmcnt of the 1'Utic , ilur tig the llnca ! sear commencing July lot 188J , and cnil.ng Jum aoth. Ittfl. r om Sidney , J cbroHkn , to Kort HoWrHin Ncbmnn > romChoyenno Don't , WjornmirTerritory , to Fort * Laramlo and McKlnnuy , Wjxmlnij Ttr rltory. rltory.from Jlock Creek Htatton , U. P. Railway , tc Fort McKlnney. Wyom'njr. Territory. From Kort Hrcd , Hteclo , W > om ngTcrrltcry , to Fort Waaliaklft. Wyumlnif Tortltlry. Krjra Pa k City. Utah Torrlt > iy , or froit itttlon on the main lino. Un'on ' I'Acllic llalhv * ) to FortThornbu g\i \ , Utah Torrlio-y , Vr.poiali lor transportation on any or ft'I o the abivx name I Itoutei will b receive. ! . The Goternmont rescues the rliht | to icjcc ny or I1 propo aU Each propos .1 iru t bo h tilnlluite , icpa'atc or etch route , and accompanied by a bond In thi turn of fy ) hundred ilouara ( | 100) ) , cxccuto , trlctly In accird nc with Uio uilntoJ Inltruc tlonr , and upon the blank form f uinUhed undei thli trtlscmcnt , guaraitcolni ? thntlhepartj miking the prop > al shall not wlihdrawthe .ami within sixty dai fr > m the data announced foi openlocrth m ; and that If laid proposal li accer t < l and a contract f .T the service bid for award d thereunder , ho will , withm ten dayi aftei being not fled rf t award ( pratMod suth no I flcatlonbo mtdo within the ilxtf days abe i mentioned ) accept the same and furnish uond ant utllclrnt suretlo' , at once , Icr the faithful per lormance of the contract. Blank proposals , Ion of contioct , and pilntei clrcnluM ittt ing the estimated iiutitlllrsofsup | < pllci tobe tianspntcu , and giving full Inlnrma lion as to the nmn'.cr ot blud'ng ' , conditions ti bo obiervotl by bidden , and terms of contracl and payment , wl I be furnlshrd on pp katlon t < till ) office , i r to tha i IHc-n of the Depot Quarter miater at Ctio > enno and Ogdo . Env- lopes contain ng propiialf ihould b tnaiked : " Proposals ) for Iran nortatlon ( recto to . " JOHN V. rilftKY , Capt. and Arst , Quuterrduter U 8. A. nim Ct In charge Chi lj. M. Olllce. .Alftnt' ' 0' the Life , Tlmei DWtti mrDTniswir& be only life authoilied by her and which wll not be a "lllood and Thunder" story , such M ha been and will be pul I lined , but a tiuo life by th only person who Is In poscsslon of the ( acts faithful and devoted wife. Truth Is more ntci eating thvi flcilon. A irentl should apply 01 toi litory at onco. Be 7G cts. for Sample booh . J n ObnxnbfiroA : Oa mo-eoJ-iw-e ht.l.ooia Ma' CORSETS Every Corset IB warranted satisfactory - factory to its \rearor in every way , or tha money will bo refunded , by the PCTBOU from w liom It was boufibt. TbaonlrOonetpronounoed by our leadlnv iJliTilcta : n Injuriou * tn thewenrtir , widcndureeO liy lullM i t& " moil comt ortable aotl pu-fect OUlue Conut IT PniCE8b/ ( Kwltli PreMerrlae , 1.60. Htir.AJJii.tlnB , (1.1 Allomtoal ( extra bcttTr ) B.OO. Nurtlna , 1.C ( Una i-oatll ) 8.00. l'arajt < Hklrt-HupporUnc , 1.0O. tllT ule br leadlnc ItcUU t ) ltr CTCr/wher OUICAQO COIISHX 0 , , CUlCuto , UL CANDY CANDY Sencl,81 , 82 , 83 , o 35 foxa nuiuplu ro tall box by America , put up Ii exant buxvo. uui rlftly pure. Sr.Itn ulofrtr nn-HciitH. fjt PITHS rlinrct'H < lBHt Hcferu to nil C'hlca RO , Try It jue'e ; 0. P. Ccnfectlonrr , Cblcaeo BiZARBG BOSTON BEAUTIES , Somooffclio Soorots Revealed by the Camera in a Ladies' Photograph Oallery , High-Tonod Belles Photo- In'apbed a la Qroek Slave and Voaus Hieing froni the Bath. Tka Riga for Piotnrt In Draxaatlo Co tnmPrivate Oolleo- tloni of the Bemntiefr Doiton Cerreipondence of the Plcneer Prwi. "If I glvo yon a few spicy faota concerning - corning a clover woman's scheme to make an honest dollar yon will keep it dark , won't you ? " said a photographer to mo the other day. "Of course , " I replied "newspaper men always ko * > p things as dark ns printer's ink will make them. Olvo me the 'horrible details.1" "Weil , to benln with , Boston - ton la aa llvo a place and contains as many smart men'and women aa any city in the country. It la a 40 degree- bolow-x.iro-day when oho can't hold up her end in the sensation lino. Borne two'monthn ago I was engaged by a charming young lady , who is us bright as the now 5 cent pleco and much bet ter made , to glvo her practical initruo tlons in the mysterious art of photog raphy. She was quick to losrn , and after a few trials could adjust the camera atand , focus correctly , wear that omniscient look characteristic of the 'photo man,1'and could warble off 'raise your chin a little. That's it. Turn your head more to the right. Not ao much. There , that will do. Don't raise that loft shoulder BO high. Keep your month closed , please. Fix your oyea on thla corpor here , and keep them there. Yon may wink , but don't move. Notr put on a pleasant ozpren- sion. Smile a Ilttlo. Not BO much. Steady now , don't move , ' in trno pro fessional stylo. . Bat that was ( U far as she could go. The developing room was too much for her. The chemical baths mixed her all np , and after nho had made several ( grand failures , she declared that oho didn't want to know anything about those 'nasty things. ' She become a valuable assistant , how ever , on camera work. Whoa funny mothers came m with their equalling and homtily kldo , she potted them aud ploasod'tho mothers by going into ucstacion over thu cunnlno ; and pretty Ilttlo darlings. ' I always hated to ooo mothers with their children oomo into my gallery. Thoyaro tuch nuisances. You never can satisfy them , Ono day my pupil informed mo that oho had lourncd enough of photography for her purpose , and intended to start into the 'biz' herself. She then unfolded hoi Ilttlo Bohcmo , which I Instant ly saw would bo a paying ono. Ilor idea was , to open a gallery exclusively for ladies , and cater to the natural vanity of her sex. No gentlemen were to bo admitted , and she and a lady assistant were tc ran the place. She wanted some one to take charge of the developing room and , a she oould not find a fomah coinpatont to do so , offered mo the po ftitiou , which I accepted , business bo log dull. A charming Ilttlo atudli was fitted up la a swell front house 01 Beacon street , which was well locate < for the purpose , having a sldo entrant away from the frequented street Elegant furniture was provided , coitlj carpets covered the floor , rare paint Ings adorned the walls , and marbli statuettes of the female dlvlnd ornamented monted the atelier and gave tone ti the surroundings. I was placed In ai adjoining room out of sight , but K wasnft long before I found a way o seeing what was going on without being ing soou. And such sights why , ] wouldn't exchange my place for thi presidency of the United States Business was good from the very start Word was given to the society belles and it is now the fashion to vlsi msdamo's ( French , you know , take better ) and bo riiotooiuruED AH ONK'H FANCY on TATES. " "No doubt some very charming pic tn'res are taken , " I ventured to hint "Yes , especially thooo of young In dies who think their personal charm rival those of Venus. It is astonish Ing haw far young ladles considers modest will uo to satisfy their vanltj The beautiful daughter of a million aire banker called at the ntudio In he carriage laat week and had 'photo , taken of herself which I inn sure sh would not like her parents to soi She was n Ilttlo timid at first , ( bt finding only ladies present oxprosse the desire to have hur face and but taken In statuesque stylo. The rla silk basque was taken off , the othc clothing thrown aside , and she ntoo a Ilttlo shamefaced before the earners She was given an artistic position , an a charming picture was the res nil She was extremely pleased , and Is no' a regular customer. ' Do they over go further tha that ? " "Quito often. There Is one sweetlj shaped maiden , of good family , wh Is almost a mono-maniac on the sal jeot of her form , and she has goo reason to bo proud of her charms , fc a more beautifully formed woma would bo hard to find. Her arms wer finely moulded , the snowy white but Is perfect in contour , the waist oharrx ing In outlines.and the limbs aa syn : metrical and fall as Dame Natur could make them. Hero Is a form fc poets , painters and sculptors to g wild over. She delights in full longt "photos , " and is not at all chary c ajsumlnt ; the delightfully airy coi tumos , which it is said , Mother Ev was accustomed to In the Garden c Eden. 8h Is perfect In posing , ha > ing made that art a study , aim c < i assume the most artistic attitude Her favorite representation is that i t'.io Greek slave , and she bag dozens c pictures taken in that graceful poeltlo In her private album , Another Is the of tbo birth of Venus ; and I think ! ts the best , her voluptuous charm ehowhig to great advantage. Thoi are many other ways in which she ! pictured in fact , whenever sh thinks of a now subject for repreaei tfttlon , she Immediately has A piotni taken. " " 1 p&pposa most of tho.fair sex ar moVe modest ? " "Yes , a Ilttlo. Perhaps the tllllet of morals Rro thoio who desire tc lee ! ko some actress they have soon and dmlrod. They como by the dozens , 1th the Idea that it they dross like ho actress and assume a similar posl- on , they will make fine pictures. The omolloat of girls labor under this &llncinotion principally , and madame nda It hard woik to aatlify them , orao want to bo photographed like x > Ua , in a short dress and hood , Inging her legs from a hammock in blob she is titling. Mary Anderson also greatly copied. 'It is the fo < nl- Ino opinion hero that there is no one ko her , and her pictures have a great ale. 1 don't know of an actress who as been more extensively photo- ; raphed than she , . Ladies visit the tndlo every d y and ask to bo taken ko Miss Anderson as Julia or some ither character. Some of them brln or photographs with them and others o not. In order to glvo these. BTAOE BtnUOK BOSTOK BEAUTIES choice , a selection of all the prin * pal female stage celebrities , from Irs. Langtry and Bornhardt downjto laude Branscombo and Dolly Adams , provided by madame , and hangs on ho wait Speaking of the Brltlih ) oauty , at the time aho was here all ho belles of Beacon street bad their Ictnres taken as near like the Jersey illy as possible for the sake of com- larison , there being a great , jealousy ixclted among them concerning her ilalms for good looks. Nearly all hose to bo represented like Mrs. iangtry In full evening dress , and I must Bay that many of them , In my pinion , surpassed her In point of leanty , A few cf the girls select jydla Thompson , Fannlo Louise Baklngham and Pauline Matkham as labjecta to Imitate. There is some- .hlugabou ; flesh-colored tights and itago tinsel that fascinates society's potted darlings , and they all have a burning desire to bo photographed In a costume which will show their shape , nd still be within bounds of decency. But somehow or other there Is a great disparity between their lower limbs and these of the actresses. These of he latter olwaja look plump and pretty , while those of the former are mall , though shapely. To make up ho deficiency roauame furnishes calf and thigh padr , which fill out the "orra and make it look quite sym metrical. "Madame la very thoughtful , issho not- not"It "It Is for her advantage to bo. Her patrons como to her with a certain pic- uro In their minda of how they want .o appear in the phnto , and unless thojr dca IB carried out fully they are dts- atlsfied. She pleases their vanity in every way , and thereby gains and keeps custom. Her aneiitant was for merly a stago-drcKBor , and nho thor oughly knows her business. She is ikro oj the great value of the paint box , and before the subject postures ii front of the camera , oho artiscally darkens the eyebrows , whltons beneath - noath the eyes , marks out wrinkles , nd fixes thu corners of the mouth to make it look small. She then does up the hair as it should bo done , and after the fitlr damsel has encased herself In ights she POBOS her gracefully and cor rectly. A good picture Is then gener ally token. " "Do. young ladies biing their own costumes ? " "Somo do , bat the most of them depend - pond upon madamo. She keeps a largo stock on hand of the popular dresses and costumes , for the use oi .which she charges extra. She keepi jewelry also , such as fancy gold watch chains , rings , diamond brooches , pearl earrings , cosily bracelets , etc , , beside a thousand and one other female orna ments. In order to provide correct classic costumes for those who want tc bo taken like Mary Anderson , the madame engaged a woll-knowa artlsl of this city to design half a dczan foi their use at great expense. " "What else ic there now anc novel ? " "Thoro is something the madami has Introduced , which is worthy o mention , and that is TIIK 'BROOK raoxo. ' You are probably awaro. that the ma jotlty of the opposite BOX are undul ; vain of the trlmness of their ankles o : of the rotundity ana ontlino of thoi : loiror limbs , The photo presents i scene of a wooded background , whili in the foreground Is what looks like i running brook , with mossy banks The subject to bo photographed 1 dreuod aa a country lass , and is rep resented with outstretched foot am dress drawn up as if to protect it fron the water below , about to stop acre as This makes a very pretty pic tnro , and gives an opportunity for tin display of the nether extremity , whiol is usually clad in the latest style o fltotklng. The madame always keep ' a litrgo stock'of fancy hoolory on hand mid sonic of her selections are nerfuc 'loves.1 "Do any professional women pat ronlza the place ? " "Yes , a few , Once in a while thi local actresses visit the madame's There are several professional model who are photographed frequently They are cold-blooded , mattor-of-fao women , who think no moro of atti tndinlzlng before the camera will nothing on on , not even a blush , thai they do of eating their dinner. Ii fact it ii a bread and butter sfUl with them. They send their picture to the artists and sculptors in the oil with their terms for posing , just as w would send our basinets cards. Thor Is ono pretty little woman about twor. ty , who is In the strangest of profai sions. She is the possessor of a but that is nncqualod in all the city f beauty , Otherwise she Is oommor place. For a consideration sh'o allen the theatrical photographers of th city to 'take' her bust and allow It transfer , by means known to the bus ! nets , to the faces and bodies of th pictures of actresses who are deficlen in that respect. Pads cannot bo use for bare busts , so she gets considers bio work. The madame is very OAUEFUL AH TO WHOM SHE ADMITS tc her studio , as only the custom o the respectable and wealthy Is desired The pictures are shown only arnon intimate friends , and are rarely eve soon by masculluo eyes. I have got splendid art gallery , however , myself and ono vhlch soiro people in thi city would give thousands not to hav placed on exhibition. " "Have women any other freaks am fancies concerning this .picture bus ) IlOJel" "Lots cf them , Why , I could givi you enough Interesting facts to fil columns , The fashionable women o this city jnit no * have a craza fo keeping photographs of every nev dre-ea they have. Special albums fo these pictures are kept , and 'photos' are exchanged , Of course there Is iostouiy and rivaly regarding the num bcr and elegance of their drosses. QJO lady , a well-known leader of society , recently spent a whole aftornoonot the raadamo's , being photographed with her new dresses on ana all that she could borrow from frlonds and from the madame , Ooples of these pictures wore to bo sent to a rival In another part of the city , and It was expected that she would be annihilated. Many matrons , with babies which they think are perfect little angels , bring their cherubs to madame to bo 'taken' as clotholess as when they were born. Those pictures , showing the charms of the Innocent ones , are sent to loving relatives and kept as heirlooms nntil the orlglualhasblossomod Into woman hood. " "Does the madame take pictures by the electric light I" "Not yet , but she will shortly. It U expected that ladles o'ad In ball rai ment will drop in to bo photographed , and that it will become qnlto popular with them. " "Tho madnrno must got good pay for her work ! " "Bho gets fabulous prices iomo- mes , and largo ones always. It was happy idea and an original ono , and will make her a rich woman in a few ears. " Change of Mind- I declined to insert your advertise ment of Hop Bitters last year , bo- auso I then thought they might note o promotlvo of the cauao of Temper .noo . , bat find they are , and a very aluablo medicine , myself and wife laving boon greatly benefited by them , nd I take great pleasure in making hem known , REV. JOHN SEAMAN , Editor Home Senlintl , Af tonN. Y.0 BA'Y CITY , Mich. , Feb. 3,1880. I think It my duty to Bond yon a recommend for the benefit of any per- ion wishing to know whether the Hop Bitters nro good or not. I know they , ro good for general debility and Indi cation ; strengthen the nervous sys tem and make now life. I recommend my patients to nso them. DR. A. PRATT , Telegraph Wiroa Abroad. 'London ' Tiutb. The telegraph wires which are dr ied over the tops of houses in Lon don and other largo towns have lately 'ncreased in number to such an extent hut it socins highly desirable that omo supervision should bo exercised ivcr the farther development of this ipoclcs of commaniciUoa. A gale of wind or a heavy snow storm may any day bring down & number of theco wires and the towers and chimney to which they are attached. There are pvor a thousand lu ono city street. It 's well to remember that a snapped wire would cut a man's head off. In wintrj" weather people walk about , he streets In moro Imminent peril of heir lives than if they were in the midst of the Atlantic. In Germany an elaborate system of eubtorrcanoiu telegraphs has been completed at a cost of nearly two millions. The wires extend from Konlgiborg to Strasburg , * rom Aix-ia Ohapollo to Thorn , and rom Linden to Broalau , and con nect nearly 250 towns. In Russia , the government Is actively engtgod in carrying out a similar arrangement , and although we have happily no need to regard the exigencies of war , yet , considering ) he Impossibility of protecting wires from irjtnry or destruction by storm ) and the peril in which they plscc those who pass under them , it might be well for the government to considei whether the time has not arrived tc cirry out similar arrangements al homo. Of course , a larga outlay wonlc be necessary , but , in the end , it woulc bo an economy. The difficulty in the way of farther expenditure is that the taking over of Ihe telegraph wires b ] the government was a gigantic pnblli robbery , in which many shared. Thli also prevents the cost of tolegrami being reduced to GJ. The depirtmen is expected to pay on a capital whicl Is about double the real worth of iti assets. They ought to bo valued , anc then we should know whotho'r tele graphy can bo carried on at a profit oi a reduced char en. DDUKEE'H SALAD DKEBSINQ is com posed of the freshest , purest ant choicest condiments money will bay It surpasses any that can be made a home , Is cheaper , saves labor and al anxiety , Money fur the Unmarried- One of the moat solid and subatantia institutions in tills country in the Mai ringo Fund and Mntunl Trust Association of Cedar Rapldi , Iowa. They are organ Ized uuiler thu laws of Iowa , and heir ol ficcrs and directors are among the lendiu ; nod most prrmliieut buslcosa men ot Ceda Hauids. Every unmarried person shouli have A certificate in this association. It Is n splendid investment , as eafo ai government bond. You can juitaa wel have a Rood turn of money to ccmmenc married life on aa not. A Urge number o members have been pnldoll , receiving vo 000 per cent on their iaveattnent. tVrlt for cironUrs fully detailing the plan , whlcl M the fine t known , D.t not postpone It Good agent * wanted. Mention where ycr e w this notice. 15-Sm. BRID G E PROWS ALS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Boar ot Count ; Commissioners of C ge county , Neb , lor Ihe erection ot a bridge acroea thelgBlu ! river upon f Ither one of thi wo on roads leadln eoattroin the town of Wyraor , Gige count ) Neb. , nnd ver and * cros uld river , bald brldj to be one hundred and Dlty ( ICO ) feet loutr , ui to h > a either pilea , stone , or Iron piers. Also for the erection of a bridge , suitable to th place , acrcos Indian Creek , on the line betwre sections twenty-nine ( M ) > nd < hlrty (30) ) , abov one mile southwest of Wymore , Ooga count ] Web. Low bridge at this place preferred. Alsoabildg * across Turkey Crcvk , southeu of UeWltt , Nib , , to replace the old one now I use. use.All hr'drcs ' to be ot wood , Iron or comblnatloi All b dsto bt accompanied by plans and spec ncitons.to be scaled and filed wuh tha Connt Cltrk on or before 12 o'clock noon , March Sutl 83. 83.The The Coramlwloncrii r.feno the right to rcjc < y and all tldi. Successful bidders will bo n u ml to gho bond for the faliliful ) 'crforuian < ( f thilrcontract Uy orde 11 the Ccuoty O'nimtolonen. , . --x , A. J. 1'EIHOUD , j RIUL. ! County Cleik. l r ' lleatilss Feb. > J 1S83 me-d 4 QULU MKUAU , i'All 8 , Ib7 BAKER'S BREAKFAST OOOOA Warranted Absolutely pur Cocoa , from whlci tbeeicei of oil n > 8 bean rf moved. It hi three times the strength < Cocoa mlxtd Klin Htucfi , Ai row Hoot or Sugir , and Is tl r < fort f r more e onomlcal. It 1 Jollcloui , nourbhlng , atrenrtt cnlncr , easily dlgott J , aid ac ulribly adipted for lnr Ida i well M for persons In heillh. Sold by Qrocers Everywher WlBAKEE&OoDoroli8Stor. , Mae A FEW BARGAINS Houses LOTS , Farms , Lands- EM1S 5th&DouglasSt. HOUSES AND LOTS , No. ID Full otaqd now house3f rooms , t o clew and ono up stairs. Kliiht foot celling be'ow ' , nd t oi en abate. IJrlck foundation , cellar , etc. ' bargain , fCOO. No. 18 Large two etory house , 10 rooms , two largo cellars , good wetland cistern , barn , etc. , on iV > lister and Z2d street , $ c,000. No 17 Lot D0xt85 feet , new house of two ooma brick foundation 100 barrel cistern .on Ininllton street near 1'oor ClaroCom cnt ) ' f. No. 1C House aud lot on 17th near Cla k St. ouso D room * etc. 31200. No. 16 House ot 3 rooms nil la on Pierce St. .car 19th $1000 No. 21New bousoof 7 ro corner lot , half milo went of Turntable trect cara on lau dersSt. 81000. No. 5 House of eight oirn etc. lot 30x165 feet J2MO. Vacant Lots. No. 253 Two full lota on 19th Street near Lake it. tlGOO. No.3il Twenty flve lots In Parkers addition just north ot the end of red street car line 9400 each easy terms. No.850 Four lots on Delaware Bt. near Hans- corn paik , 1060. No. 831 One half lot on South avenue , near Bt. Mary's avenue , fS 0. No. 0 Eighteen (18) ) lot * on Slit , 22nd. 23rd ana Blunders street , neat Qiace , $500 each , and on easy terms. No , 348 Six beautiful residence lots on Cather ine street , near Hacscom park , 94BOO. Twelve beautiful residence Iota en Hamilton street , near end of old streetcar track ; high and sluhtly , tseoto 1700. Several acre and half acre corner lota on Cum in g , Burt and California streets , In Lowe's ice * end addition and Park Pltce near Academy of Sacied Heart. Lota inPro'pect Placo" on Hamilton and Chirlon btrect , Juit west of the end of Ked Street Cart lack and Convent of the Bisters ot Poor Clare , one and one halt mile from postoffice , and one mile f rom U. P. shops , (150 to $500 cacn , only 6 per cent down and B per cent per month LoUIn LCWO'J addition one-half mile west of rnd of Red Street Car track near Convent ot Poor Clare Siatera In Shtnn's addition , $125 to 8300 each , and onory easy terms. Lota In Horbach'a 1st and 2nd additions , Shlnn'a , Park rlace , Lowe's 2odaddition. lUzao's Lake's , Nelson's , Uanicom Place , Rcdlck'a ad ditions , etc. , ete. Lota In "Credit Fonder addition" lust one. quarter mile south-east of Union Pacific and B. andM. II. K. depots , * 250 to Jl.GOOoach , very easy terms. Business fLots. Three good business lota on Dodge nc ri2th ; street , 22x120 fcitcach , $1,600 tach , or&,600loi all , easy terms. Two KJod builnesa tats on Farnam street , 33x 66 feet each , with frame buildings theron.renting for about S6CO per j ear each ; pr'co $4 260 each. 44x132 feet on Farnam near 10thstreet , corner $12,0.0 Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Paclffo right o * way , north of track and cost ot Nail Woiki being 132 feet north t'Onta o on Mvson t-tieet , by about 100 fo < twc ttrontweon Itin ) t. Farms a d wild lands In Douglai , Sarpy , Dodge , Washington , Burt , Wavne , Siantoc.iud other gooil counties In cattorn Nebraska for alle. luxes pain , rents collected , ani money loaned on Improved city and country , proj erty at low rates ot Intercut. BEMIS1 NEW CITY MAP , FOUR FEET WIDE AND SEVEN FEET LONG , WITH EVERY ADPL TION RECORDED OR OONTEM- PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFFI OIAL MAP OFilTHE CITY. ' $5.OO EACH. GEO. P BEMIS , Eeal Estate Agency , 15th arid Douglas St. O.E1 DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate G'ass. ' MT Anyone contemplating building store , bank , or any other fin . * will and U to the antof to corrti end with as before purchasing their Plate Olass. O. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA NEB. STEELE , JJHNSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of OIDABS ABD MAIUFAOTURED TOBACbU Agents for BSNWOOD RAILS AND LAFLIN ft BAND POWDER GO , -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO , Fire and Burglar Pro3 9L JE * IB I TT-A-TTLTS - - , i O O J3 S . , C 1020 Farnharn Street , JOBBER OF AND E 118 FARNAMXST. OMAHA J. A. WBOLESALX AMD RETAIL DEALEB IK Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , 6LIMOS ( MHfas ; LIME , MT8TATB AOENf VOR M1LWAUKKK CKUKHT COMPANT * Near Union Pacific Det > ot. OMAHA HP MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. 416 THIRTEENTH STREET , OMAHA , NEB. PERFEGTION HEATING1 AND BAKSKG h only attained by using Stoves and Ranges.6 WITH I WIRE IJAUZg OVBE DOORB , For aab by Jall-niiol P Single Broeclil-Loading Shot Oiins , from $5 to 818- DouWo Ereech'.Loailing Shot Buns , from $18 to 375 , Muzzle Loading Shot ( June , From $6 to $25 , " FishiQR Taokoi , Base BaUs anfl all kinds of Fanoy Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand , Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of * Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per J.,000 npwards Send for Price List and Samples WILLIAM SNYDER , MANUFACTURER OFR Flrs-Olass Gaining and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Done 1310 HraeY.'Cor. 14th. ChaaOia