Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1883, Image 1

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JTho Debut of Congressman
ford on tlio Exported
8tae ; ,
Realistic Sketch by the
" Red-Hatred Rooster of
the Hookies. "
The Court Fines Him For
Contempt- , and Pope Bob
Passes in His Check ,
Dorsoy Endeavors to Becute
Sympathy by Addressing
the Country.
A Varloty of General Newa From
the National Capital.
Special Dlspitch to Tun BM.
WASHINGTON , March 7 The star
route trial was roaauud this morn
ing , The defense begin 'by. put
ting Oonqrossinan Balford , of
Colorado , on the stand. The
subject of the missing letter came
up. Belford initiated the letter or
copy be put in evidence. Ho did not
Intend to bo snppresaod. They wore
going to examine him about it and ho
wanted to road it. The prosecution
were unable to find the original letter
and a copy waa Introduced which wit
ness was permitted to read. It was a
letter for an Increase of one of Col
orado's routes , signed by the chief
justice of the state and many promi
nent state officials. Witness said the
letter had been written by his clerk
and signed by himself. Belford was
then directed to stand aside. He ap
peared to be somewhat agitated , took
his hat np and walk over the counsels'
table. Turning to the court , he said
with mnoh feeling , "Your honor I
wish to ask the indulgence of the
court and the courtesy of the bar to
make a personal statement In regard
to the charge affecting my honor. "
Merrlok immediately rose and said
It wan at his suggestion the record In
regardto Belford had been modified. If
witness had any statement to make to
the oenntry ho could make it , but cer
tainly the proceedings cf a court of
justice ought not to be interfered
with by allowing a wltneaa who hap
pened to bo a member of the bar , to
step from the witness stand to the
counsel table and state to the jury and
court what , aa a witness , ho had not
been allowed to etato. Ho felt bound
to resist It no a matter of justice to
the court , the ounce and order.
"Givoine the poor privilege , " plead
Belford , "of making a statement. "
"Thla Is not a pa olio meeting , 're
plied the court ; " re are tryingaoase. "
"I state befoie the -living God , "
aid Belford sohmnly and Indlgaantly
"that I never sw sueh clwck. "
court room , but WM
.commanding voice of tbe judge , whc
angrily exclaimed , "Gome here air ;
bring Mr. Belford here. ' 1
Belford returning , the court inquir
ed what he said and Belford repeated
It with emphasis.
"This is contempt of court , " ex
claimed his honor ; "and the court
Imposes a tine of $100 and yon stand
committed until it Is paid. "
"I will pay $500" retorted Belford
defiantly , "but no man shall ruin mj
character. "
"This ia a degree of Impudence
and Insolence which the court will no !
permit to take place in its presence , '
Indignantly exclaimed his honor.
Carpenter Inquired whether the
court had jurisdiction to Impose i
fine without issuing a rule to shov
"Certainly It has , " replied th <
judge ; "It Is disorder which the courl
can take notice immediately. "
Ingeraoll asked permission , in thi
interest of peace , to say a word abou
Bedford's feelings on the subject
Under all circumstances , rocollecttnj
thai there was about as , mnch humai
nature In people as there was ii
courts , would it not ba better for th
court to let the fine go ? He did no
think Belford meant any insult to th
court , but he had so mnch fooling 01
the subject that there might be some
thing pardonable In the natural Indlf
nation of the man whose fair fam
had been assaulted. Ho ( Ingorsol !
thought his honor , under the circuit
stances would have gone as far t
"Yon have no right to use the com
as an Illustration , " Interrupted Judg
Wyllo , severely.
Ingersoll begged pardon , and too
himself as an Illustration. He kne
that under certain circumstances h
would go beyond the bonds of propr
fi oty. lie thought everybody wouli
' * * aud asked the court to take all tl
circumstances Into consideration.
' Merrlck said from what he hoard t
i' the recess ho waa looking for son
ouch statement aa lias been made ,
Balford had wanted to exaot aj fi
vindication ho would not have boi
satisfied with making the atateine
ho did , but would have asked for tl
bock which would reply to all th
waa said here. If the court wo
formally Into the oubject ho flhou
Ilka to know what paa&ad during i
coaa ,
Ingersoll declared ho had not so
Belford during the rocosa.
Divldge added he had not soon h
until his return to the court.
"As to the chock book , " said D <
idgn , "tho government will got enou
of it before the o io is through. "
"Belford's action waa ono natu
to any man of honor , When ho
turned to the court room he ( D
Idge ) had Been Belford , and of con
the fact had been reported by '
government spies , who had even '
counsel under constant esplona
What passed between them waa s !
ply this : Belford told himhe 1
erred t5 jean before the bar and
ended to request the court to allow
aim to make a slntouinnt. "
The court Bald Bolfjrd had occupied
a place of o nccqaonce baforo the
country many yearn. ( Ualford amo ,
but the court hastily bnda him to bo
seated , unying ho was not addressing
him. ) The court prccocded to review
Rordell's testimony , and said Belford
could not but know that his proposed
explanation could not bo allowed. Ho
therefore declined to remit the lino.
"Will the clerk accept my check for
the amount ) " inquired Ingoraoll.
"Oh certainly , " replied the court.
gjlngeriioll , turning to Belford , "yon
can go , I believe. "
Belford Immediately quitted the
"Your honor ruled In MoVcagh'a
case that a lawyer waa a bnd witness , "
growled Carpenter.
"That was an exprcnslon of opinion ,
not a ruling , " rejoined the court.
Business won resumed. Secretary
Teller was oillod ! to the stand. XELo
testified that whllo In the senate ho
frequently called npon Brady to cocnro
an Incrcaao or oxpoditlon of mail
routes of Colorado. Never wont except -
cept to further petitions of which ho
received a largo number. Ho had
complained frequently that the postal
facilities did not keep 'paco with
the development of the country and
its immigration ; told Brady ho thought
wherever there was a settlement of
twenty people they were entitled to
their mall ; should not have asked to
hare mall expedited If ho had not bo
lloved It to bo a publ'o requirement.
Witness describe 1 the Increase of a
Bottlomant , population and railroads
since 1878
Ingersoll asfcoi if undue mail facil
ities had been granted Colorado.
Prosecution objected. The court re
fused to allow the Inquiry ; it was too
vague ; men had dilldront opinions ;
some persons would run a mail route
to the north pole at a apeed of seven
milts an hour.
Corresponding Clerk Olcott , of the
second assistant postmaster general's
offiae , testified that certain papers
called for were not in his possession
Thereupon the old struggle over pa
pers were renewed. The court said
the defense did not seem to have asod ,
diligence. If they showed they had
been refused access to tbe files , then
the court would seek to aid them ; if the
court was convinced that the defense ,
could not gain access to papers , then
the court would bring the cue to a
stand still. Adjourned.
Ex-Senator Dorsey furnishes the
following card :
"To Tun COUNTKY : Rerdell teati
fied that I gave J. B , Balford a check
for $2,000 ; that the charge appeared
npon the books which he kept. I nevtr
gave Balfcrd a chock for ono cent ,
and there never waa a transaction of
any kind , name or nature between
BoHord and myself. No such charge
appears In any book of mine : no such
chock was over glvan ; no person
acting for Belford or me ovoi
transacted btuineas involving one
cant. The whole story Is & vile ;
vicious , cowardly falsehood , without a
glimmer of truth npon which" to build
a mountain of , perjury. I say thli
mu'ab. aii this time tor the reason thai
" ' . ' " * * fflf te day W 4 jp , a > a ni ta
rXaJ < fl UWta worn "the Mme's&Btl
from which Rerdell uttered his false'
Special Dispatches to Tui lira.
WASHINGTON , March 7- Proceed
ings have been taken in the police
court against Elward Davlln , bonds
man for Henry A. Bowen , to coiled
$1,000 , Bowen'a forfeited bonds , t <
appear as witness in the jury briber ]
It Is estimated by the sixth audlto :
of the treasury that the Increasec
work Imposed on his office by the recent
cent petal legislation is sufficient It
amount to give constant employmen
to 40 more clerks ; 22 clerks will bi
needed to do the work arlblng fron
the new money order system alone.
The interior department waa in
formed this afternoon that about 201
settlers recently Invaded that part o
the Slonx Indian reservation whiol
lies oaat of the Missouri river , put u ]
shanties there ; that thousands of othe
Bottlers are preparing to follow. Ni
action has been taken by the depart
ment , but the intruders will bo ordet
ed off.
from Minnesota arrived for the pni
pose of making complaint to the sc
> crotary of the interior in regard t
) unauthorized cutting ef timber b ;
whtto men on their reservation.
Ex-Senator Davis waa to day prc
Bonted with a solid silver pitcher an
goblota as a token of esteem by th
clerks in the office of the secretary e
the senate. The presentation ac
dress waa made by Shobor , acting noi
rotary of the senate , In the present
of the douera. In was responded <
Mr. Davis in terms of grateful apprc
after being formally presented to tl
president to-day , called at the sta <
department and had an Informal ir
torvlow with the secretary of etat
The treaty In regard to which a stat
ment haa been published , that tl
commissioners wonld consider at
ratify It during their etay hero , w
niado In 1880 and ratified by the BO
to In 1881. The only remaining fc
mallty la the exchange 'of ratlficitlo
by representatives of the rospcctl
in governments , which will take place
Madagascar ,
The statistical agent of the depa :
v- of agriculture in London , rope :
vh ; contlntod rains and Hoods , doing gr <
Injury to the wheat crop , and glooi
ale apprehensions of the worst failure I
o- years , The area la reduced , and me
resowing will be necessary. There
a'so much alarm at the spread of I
he foot and mouth disease among otttl
he Local fairs throughout Great Briti
; e. have been closed by orders of 1
e.m - council , to prevent movement * fr
mad Scotland to Ireland until the Slit
Annual Meeting and Election
of Directors in Now York ,
The Earnings and Expenses of
the Company and the
Special Dispatch to Tui Bit.
NEW YORK , March. 7. The animal
mooting of the stockholders of the
Union J'aclfio railroad warf hold to
day. The report of the president
shows the gross earn in pa of the past
year to Imvo been $22,823,884 ; ooor-
atlng expenses and repairs , $10 277-
04 ! ) ; BUrplas earnings$12,000,834 ;
intercut and dlvldondn collected on In
vested Bccuritloa. $2.211,0119 ; total
surplus carnlugo , $14,307(034.
The following vroro olcotod directors
for the ensuing year : Sidney Dillon ,
Ellsh * Atkins , F. Gordon Dai tor ,
Frederick L. Amos , Ezra A. Baker ,
Jay Gould , Ituanoll Sago , Solon Hum
phrey , David DJWB , Greenville M.
Doduo , Augnatus Scholl , 8. H. H.
Clark , John Sharp , Charles Francis
Adams , Jr ,
The dirootors declared a dividend of
12 per cent , payable April 2. The
transfer books olcoo March 13 , and re
open April 2.
Indiana Will Have Her Favorite Son
In the Next National Convention. '
St. I/ml ) Pott-Dltp&tch.
Mr. Austin H. Brown , IndUna
member of the national democratic
committee , who was In the olty to-day ,
wai overhauled by a Post-Dispatch re
porter , and the following important
political outlook WM shadowed forth :
"Yea , " said Mr. Brown , "we ahall
hare a stiff and healthy fight noxtyeai
for the White House , but we are now
In better fighting trim than ever be
fore slnco 1876 , when we won and loat.
Oar men In oongreu have been tem
perate and sensible , not obstructing
tariff legislation , anil not making
thomeelres fools enough to force an
extra session of the house. "
"Will not the passage of the tariff
bill curtail the democratic Issues ? '
"Not a bit , in my judgment. The
relief it affords will be Insignificant
compared with the relief it should af
ford. The rebates are unequally dis
tributed , so mnch to , indeed , that ,
whore you will find ono man satlslidd ,
you will find twenty quite the reverse.
The democracy , by the jadicloue
ohoico of a opoakcr und a caretal ses
sion of the next congress , can force an
issue that will capture the disgruntled
elements of the radical camp , and
roach a splendid fighting position. "
' How about candidates ? "
"Well , you know that is vorj
problematical. Up to this time I have
regarded Gor. Cleveland , of New
York , a very powerful bidder for thi
nomination , but I see that ho hai
aroused the eastern press because ol
his veto of the legislative bill to re
dooe ratea on the elevated railroads
H took tk BotlUea that the com
ie had"veatl right * wfekih thin
iture could not tofleh. , He has
no donbt , Injured himself by this ii
a popular sense , because a man will
half an eye can. see that the part ;
which expects to win in 1884 mua
gnard against all expresaion of aym
pathy with corporations and monopo
lies "
"But Indiana has material ? "
"Yes , and I've no donbt the nomln
atlon will come west. Mr. Hendrlck
still has aspirations. He get
around now , but there seems to b
doubts whether ho fill altogether re
cover from his late attack. * But w
don't want any repetition of th
scenes between the jarring faction
like we had at Cincinnati in 1880 , an
so we have concluded to press n
special candidate from our state o ;
the democracy of the country. Wewll
make no demands. 83 far as Indian
la concerned , the national dem
ooraoy will bo left to make their ow
unbiased choice. We have a moi
available man In Mr. McDonald , re
speotad in all parts of the country
When the proper time comes , if tb
convention should think him entitle
to the great distinction , wo shall ac
oopt the honor gratefully and 30 In fc
success. This , you will underatand , I
rather a new position to bo taken by
atato which has a candidate who hi
been so prominently and favorabl
mentioned. But it will secure hai
mony In our ranks , will relieve lobbh
of a great crowd of retainers , and pr <
dnce a good effect , I believe , on tb
The Cougar Swoons.
A Lafayette , Ind , special to 1 }
Chicago Tribune says : Great oxcit
ment occurred In tho" circuit con
Monday afternoon during the progre
of the Oougar damage suit. Hlra
Ohasp , a prominent attorney , awltne
for plaintiff , had testified that h
reputation for chastity wou gooi
Defendant's attorney asked .him if
wai not a fact that Mrs. Gongai
reputation had been badly tmirchi
the laat year. Before chase niado
response to the question MM. Goug
gave it loud hiss , distinct
heard throughout the court rooi
All eyes were turned toward he
Djfondant'a attorney requested Jud
Sould to commit her for contomi
but before the court took action Mi
Gougw , now greatly excited , pick
up bur cloak , Baying eho could not i
n main in the court room , and start
out of the door As she entered t
hallway aho gave several plorol
tts Bcroams and fell , being complete
ts overcame. Her husband and othi
atF carried her Into an adjoining offi
> F when physicians wore summoned a
or administered quieting opiates , a
3h soon after she was conveyed homo
is a carriage , and is to-night under tre
bo ment. Mrs. Goagar , physically , Is i
o.In very strong , bat she has been
In constant
attendance upon the ca
lie which hai been progressing aii
im January 22. Bwldea , she has c
of tinned to tdlt her paper. Daring
iaUml from Saturday soon she 1
boon constantly employed in writing ,
and this labor , nddol to the flrain and
excitement tf the trial , has boon too
much for her. Her action this after
noon crmtod mnoh excitement in
court. When i > he brgnn to scream a
general atnmpedo to f oo what the m t-
ter was vonld have followed had not
thoballiin promptly shnt the doors.
It in not probablu aho will be able to
appear for f omo dny .
Special Dlipatch t ) Tin Hi : * .
DETROIT , March 7. The democratic
state convention thu afternoon nom
inated John W. Ohamplln , of Grand
Rapids , for judge of the supreme
court , long term ; Arthur L. Clark , of
Sinilao county , regent cf the state
university. The nomination for jndgu
for the abort term and second regent
was left for the groenbackors , who
moot to-morrow and formally Invited
to unlto with the democrats on a baits
cf such joint ticket. Resolutions
were passed demanding a tariff for
revenue only , deprecating the folly of
inaction of congress in the matter ci
the much needed reform legislation.
BabUiIng nn International Baby.
Special Dispatch to Tin lln.
MONTEREY , Mexico , March 7. Ex-
President Diaz and Senor Rrjbio and
wives , and Bishop Nonvo Leo and n
numerous suite , Kfc Laredo to-day foi
Monterey on a special train. At
Rodriqucz the party wore mot bye
epoolal train from Monterey , having on
board Generals Trovlno and L ( ran jo ,
Mrs. Trevluo , daughter ot General
Ord , and an International baby , whoso
christening is the ostensible causa ol
this brilliant assemblage at Monterey.
At Lomp&Bsos halt was and the
majority of the party drove to Ihu
house of General Naranjo and dined.
At Now Laredo troops were drawn np
to receive the ox-president , ' and troops
were also at Monterey. The' reception
at Monterey could not be carried out
on the scale planned , beeaose of the
lateness of the hour of arrival.
Bet a-
BpecUl Dispatch to Tni UIB.
LmBB ROCK , March 7. At half
past 8 to-night the ewt bound train
on the Little Rook & Fort Smith rail
road was boarded by 40 men , two
mile * west of Mulberry Station ,
Crawford county , and 140 miles west
of Little Rook. They ordered 'the '
passengers to throw up their hands ,
and began firing pistols. Conductor
John Olin was In the rear car and waa
fatally shot. The robbera rushed fet
the onglne , but before reaching it En
gineer Rogers pulled out and ore-
vented the robbery. Brakcinan Lester -
tor was also shot daring the filing.
The robbora jumped off after tho' train
wax In motion. SuperintondontHart-
man offers $5,000 reward for the cap
tnro of thu robbers.
* 1io Mutual Cut ,
< p d l Dispatch to Tm Bn.
CHICAGO , Maroij The Mntnr
Union will to-mopow petitloa thi
United States ciro&tt court that thi
city be compelled 'to reoo&strnqt thi
company's wires , with' the grlyilegi
of afterwards coning into , eofiirt am
showing the compaBy'a frawfeine hat
expired and theeitjr kaa.rlfktitore
more the * . ' Tk KM n th <
tUe part of the MijualUnirr'.iOVMw
npon the decision of the court ten
dered yesterday in the prayer for w
Murder and Rape-
Special Dispatch to Tun B
WACO , Tex. , March 7. A fame
named Lauda , a new settler from Wis
consln , living about thirty miles fron
here , was killed by a young desper
ado named Vardell , during a done
given at Linda's house. Ono of hi
daughters was induced to take a wall
with Yardoll , and at a abort diatano
from the honao was brutally outrage
by him. The girl's father anpearei
on the scene and was shot by Yardel !
who then made his escape.
Aa Important DecUion ,
Special Dispatch to tun Cur.
CLINTON , III. , March 7. An im
portant case was decided to-day in th
United States circuit court. John J
Knor , of California , sustained a lot
of about $5,000 on a large cargo c
wool which he had during the grot
flood of 1881. Knox commenced
suit agalnat the Wabaab. The cat
was removed to the United States cli
cait court , thn trial reanlting In a voi
diet of $5,252 for Knox in damages.
Nevada No Good-
Special Dispatch to TUB Un.
CHICAGO , March 7. The Tribnn
says : Fair , the democratic Unite
States senator from Nevada , is as ba
an absentno aa waa Sharon , his predi
owner. Nevada IB not an honor to th
United atates and her "Bonanzt
sonatorn nro not an honor to the sta
or the United States , but on tbo coi
trary Nevada ia a rotten borough eta
which should bo annexed either '
California or Utuh. It Is dimlnishli
In population and wealth while it
Increasing In corruption.
' Big Blow.
Special Dispatch to Till U .
8 MONTREAL , March , 7 The snc
8a fall yesterday and last i ight WJB it
a heaviest of the neasori , fi\ru \ foot. TJ
iry atorm around Qaoboo was the wo rot
y the coaaon. 'I'raina everywhere a
i.r. . delayed. Wiggins Bays the otorm w
r. merely an arm of the great tempo ;
[ 0 The professor cannot get to Hall fa
t , the railways baing blockaded. T
s , storlco of wrecks with some Iocs of 11
id uro being recolvod.
Bid Capture of a Noted Thief.
10 Special Dispatch to Tin Ilia.
10g ! NEW YORK , March 7. George Ci
iy BOU , alias Iloywood , a notorious ba
rs thief , has boon arrested , charged wi
9 , larceny of $70,000 worth of rallro
id bonds from the oflico of the Gnaranl
id safe deposit company of Philadelph
it- Oxunriag tti President.
itot 9p ctal Dli pitch to Tallin.
NEW YOIIK , March 7. At a me
10 , Ing of the civil service reform auo <
ice tion. Uoorge William Curtis offers
resolution , which ww adopted , agal
h the course of President Arthur In
raovlog Naval Officer Bart.
Tin Irish Invmoiblos at Homo
antl Abroad ,
Another Ghar o Against Byrne
The Scotch brofters A
B.lioua Diet ,
SoocliI Dlipitihti to Tux Itrr
PAULS , Mch 7. The decision in
the case of Frank Bvrno was post
poned , that papers on the way from
Ireland justifying the demand for extradition -
tradition may bo considered. The
proouronr informed Byrne that the
charge in connection with the Phco-.ilx
park murders were withdrawn , but anew
now charge , that of complicity In the
attempted murder of Juror Field and
Judge Luraou. had boon preferred
ngiluHt him The procureur received
Ute yesterday tpntlmony from James
Onroy's brother Peter , showing that
Byrne attended n mooting of the In-
vlucibloa In Dnbllu In August , 1882 ,
at which Brady , Mullett and Oaroy
wi'ro also pretont.
Byrne profoecos total Ignorance of
the dolngn of the "Invlcclbloa , " and
nays ho never mot Pater Carey , Brady
or Mullet. Byrne has retuood a sab-
tcrlptlon raised by Jnstln McCarthy ,
saying ho wanted thn money to go to
the relief of mitcry In Ireland.
Clouioncoau is siff rlng from Infla-
oizand gastric dorangomout. Ho
broke a small blood vestal in the
chamber of deputies yoatuiday.
Special Dlipatcb to Tin Hid.
LONDON , March 7 It Is ascertain
ed there Is no foundation whatever
for the statement that Parnell Intends
to reaign his seat in parliament and
proceed to America in the event of
his land reform bill being rejected.
Bill preventing shooting of trapped
pigeons passed to its second reading
in the commons , 195 to 40.
I At a mooting in behalf of Scotch
Crofters , in Exeter hall , Samuel
Waddy , member of parliament for
Edinbnrg , condemned the ousting of
diligent population for the convenience
of a few English lordllngs nnd Ameri
can millionaires.
Oiptaln O'Shoa wrltoi The Duly
News defending Parnoll against For-
stor's attack in the commons. Ho
aava that Immediately itftor the 1'hcu
nix park murders Pi\rnoll drew up an
ndrireas announcing hln retirement
from political lifo , and waa pro\ ailed
on by bin friends only with great
diiliouliy to alter his mind.
LONDON , March 7. NOWB ban just
beou received that the British steamer
Gloucester City , wliinh luft Bristol ,
February 8 , for Now York , foundered
on Fdbnurv 23 , iu latitude 44 north ,
longitude 52 west. The crow wni
rescued and landed at Havre.
' LONDON , March 7 Llohtollor , i
cotton manufacturer of Bolton , hai
failed for 80,000.
collection of p ilntlngs and plate am
furniture in Wrotbam park , thi
county scat of the earl of SUffon
which burned yesterday were saved
LONDON , March 7. The bnllioi
withdrawn from the bank of Englanc
on balance to day'was 100,000 foi
shipment to Now York.
Special DlsrpHch to Till I'M.
BERLIN , March 7. The appoint
ment of General Yon Blumonthal
minister of war , was revoked to-day
General Von _ Shellondorff , the ne
minister of war , had an andienco to
day with the emperor. The diet , on i
third reading of the budget , rejected
192 to 191 , tne proposal to re-lnsor
the item for an economic council
Pottkamer , minister of the intorjpr
replying to a Danish deputy , Bald thi
enforcement of the military service it
Schleswlg would only affect 450 oltl
zoos , the measure was true fron
every element of terrorism and doe
not inflict needless hardships.
The trade between Germany am
Italy Is growing so fast that the SI
Gotthard railway is running extr
trains. The increase is mostly 1 ;
coal and iron. England hitherto ha
a practical monopoly in Italy. Smug
gllng increases more rapidly than th
trade. It is conducted by a gang c
Swlsa and Italians , who when arreate
pay fines from a common fund. The
are aided in their operations by trail
ed dogs.
BERLIN , March 7. The prince i
D Wales has been created a field marshi
Dj j ! of the Gorman empire.
BERLIN , March 7. It is rumore
that thu chief of the ministry of m
rlno aud the director of the mlnisti
of war about to roslpn.
pec)6.1 DUpatchfB to Till 118" .
BucHARiM1 , March 7. The ehsmb
of dupulita hnvo psbscd a bill P'ovl
ing for the rxpucdlturo of 15 COO.GI
llvro for the uroctlou of forta , tnai
nncecsary by tha political mtuatlo
Iho prlmo miniatcr said the Boloobje
of the construction of n w fortn w
to guarantee the neutrality ol Ro
rh DUIILIN , March 7. At a meeting
the local board of Llvinford , conn
Mayo , the treasurer reported tl
great distress prevailed in the dlstri
and that over thirty persona were
a. the poor honso suffering from faml
fever. Seven hundred names are
the list of persons needing relief. 1
it- distress has not been so great sh
ia- 1847. People who refuse to enter I
iaa workhouse are dying from a want
Lht food ,
DUBLIN , March T. It.U .
Patrick Em loft ParU wjth the laud
Icftcnos socnrlticn. The pollco art
tracing him. It la bolloved ho hn
gone ty Spiiti.
BADFN BADEN , March 7. It it
stated PrlncH GortschukolTs Illness le
duo to a recent atmipt to poison him.
After sororo voiAttlug la t week , the
dootora discovered traces of phos
phorus. The police rro making In
vestigation ,
H nr y Seybnrt' * Btqamti.
Spocla Dbtntch to Tun Dim.
A , March 7. The will
of Henry Seybert has boon made pub
lic. Almost the entire estate la loft
to educational and tohartablo ! instltn-
tlons. Total number of bequests 70 ,
amounting to $240,000 ; Inrffost $120-
000 , to the University of Pennsylva
nia for endowment of n chair of men
tal and moral philosophy and endow
ment of a ward In the wing for chronic
diseases. Those bequests will bo pild
out of the Income of ( ho residua of
the estate. Over n million la left In
truat to establish two similar institu
tions for the care and education of
boya and girls respectively. Soyboft'a
body was cremated to-day at Washing
ton , Pa.
7 ho Ivoiy Artiit *
Special Dlnpatch to Tilt Dn.
NEW YORK , March 0. Sexton beat
Vignaax , and Vignanx defeated Daly
in the exhibition games at the Press
club rooms ,
CUIOAOO , March 7. In the after
noon game of the J. M. Brunswick &
Balko company preliminary tourna
ment , Wallace scored GOO , Carter
483. Beit runs , Carter 92 , Wallace
43 ; 55 innings.
In the evonlnp name Morris scored
500 , Gallagher 400 ; best runs , Morris
GO , Gallagher 01 ; 57 Innings. At the
close ol the game Carter challenged
any man in the tournament to play
him a balk line game of 500 points for
T xu Stockmen-
Bp clal Dttptteh to Till Bun.
FORT WORTH , March 7. The sec.
end day of the Northwest Texas Stock-
men's association was well attended.
A new constitution and by-laws , em-
braolrg many Important points not
contained in the old one was adopted
without dissent. It provides a 'system
of protection of cattle agalnat theft
and loss by other means , which guar
antees a saving of many thousand dollars
lars to Btockmen. The signers of the
now constitution represent nearly - , .
000,000 million cattle.
The Dend Bruiior.
Hporlal It < | > atch to TIIK El i.
NEW YORK , Muroh 7. The romalm
of Elliott , the ptlzu fighter , arrlvct
this morning. There ware many wel
known ( porting men at the deport
Thn body was taken to the rosldonci
of Elliott's slater , Mrs. McDavitt. Tin
parlor in which the body lies la hcavl
ly hung with draperies , being the earn
need In the room In which the body o
Cornelius Yanderbllt lay before hi
burial. The funeral will take place o :
next Sunday.
wake . Th
I ( The began to-night.
mother and three sisters bemoane
their loss , while many men preset
proclaimed the proweu of.EUlott.
Special Dlipctch to Tni UM.
ATLANTA , Ga. , March 7. Mot
than 20,000 people visited the senat
chamber to day to view the remains c
Governor Stephens. Memorial sei
vices will bo held in the hall of th
house of representatives to-morrow i
10 , funeral services at 3.
BALTIMORE , March 7. Olty llig
will be at half mast and bells tolle
during Governor Stephens' fctnon
services at Atlanta to-morrow ,
Th Centennial of Mothodiim-
Special Dlipatctf to TIM llu.
WINCHESTER , Va. , March 7. At
conference of the M. E. church h ° i
to-day , the committee on colebratio
of the centennial Methodism , roporto
In favor of asking the centennial conference
feronce in 1884 to meet in Baltlmoi
to endow Dickinson college and Cot
tenary Biblical institute at Baltlmon
and for appointment of a commlttt
to make all necessary arrangements.
.Another PlngKi&B Match
Special Dlipatch to TIIH Hit" ,
TROY , N. Y. , March 7.-Hart
Woodson , "tho Black Diamond , " <
Cincinnati , and Steve Wllllarai ,
colored man , fought bore this afte
noon' It lasted an hour and a hai
Sixty-six rounds were fought. Tl
Trojin was knocked out. The fig )
was witnessed by a large number
sports , including several ctlialals at
Doviliih Dooton.
SpocUl Dlsjatch to Tnr. DKK
ALRANY , March 7. At the aesoi
bly icqnlry into the manapomont
charitable institutions of the stal
Miss Clarissa 0. Lithrop , of Rochi
tor , fortified regarding the abuses
the Utloa insane asylum. The dootc
in the asylum were guilty of groti
Immoral conduct toward the fomi
p&tioate , and she cited several cat
told her by victlma.
A Doudly Duel lu Court
Special Dispatch to Tun Bun.
TEXARKANA , March 7. A. L Jol
non was shot dead to-day in the Mil
ccunty court house in the presence
judge , jurors , attorneys nnrl ovorc
hundred spectators by C. E Dixc
sheriff , The tronblo waa caused
Dixon making war on the gambll
Institutions , in which Johnson \
silently interested.
Iroii Mills In Fntl Blait.
Bpe-lal Dlipatch to TUB Bm.
ALLENTOWN , Pa. , March 7.
furnaces and rolling and other wo
of the Bethlehem iron company , i
] n Paying 3,000 men , are in full blast
Short and Sweet-
oo Special Dispatch to Till Bm.
ho NKW.YORK , March 7 , Ida H. E
of mer , 3 feet , and Robert H. Hu
3 fMl G , were married on the itag
the Brooklyn museum in which t
d are the aU * aUoa .
The Mighty
ing All Bounds
by Man ,
And Flooding the Surrounding
Country for Miles and
Productive Plantations Disap
pear Under the Rush
ing Waters.
Herculean Efforts of the People
ple to Keep the Diver
Within Its Banks.
Several Town * Completely Isolated
* Huge Gap * ia the IIOVOCB-
Th River Declining.
Sptclll Dlipatch to Tim 1)KR
MKMI-HIS , March 2. The river hero
Is 1)5 ) foot 8 Inches and stationary.
The long looked for decline will act inhere
hero by to-morrow , as the river at
Osooola , Ark , 00 miles above , had
fallen slxlnchos np to yesterday mornIng -
Ing and was steadily declining ,
A Critical Situation.
Special Dlapatch to Till UKK.
HELENA , Ark. , March 7. The gale
last night and to-day dashed the river
Into a fury and the itrngglo to save
the levees has been desperate , but so
far unsuccessful. A message from the
Long Lake division , four miles sonth ,
says that without a hundred men
the levee cannot bo hold another
hour. A squad of fifty have just
gone down and more will follow
quickly. The situation ia extremely
critical. The levee protecting Helena
la still Intact , but active work on It U
going forward , but it U In a precarious
condition in many places , and the
only hope is in the wind's calming.
7he Great Flood-
Spedtl DIptth to Tni Dim.
HELENA , ' Ark. , March 7. The
breaking of the levee near Fiiar'a
Point yesterday will bo very disas
trous to a largo number of planters
and other people in that a action. A
good deal of land never under water
before will bo overflown. Friar's
Point delta and all towns for twenty
miles back from the river will bo
greatly damaged. Plantora'wlll lese
much of their live stock , corn and
other supplies. Accounts from west
ern TeimeBsoo nay great damage baa
been done in Like nnd other counties
along the river. Mncli stock haa boon
lost , many horaes , fences and qnantl-
t lea of 'corn and cotton swept away.
Some of the towns ara completely iso
lated , but mo actual Buffering la yet
7ho Grills at Hand-
BpecUl Dtipttch la Tui fin.
HELENA , Ark. , March ? . The crisis
hai been reached here , though it can
scarcely be aaid-to have passed. The
bear/ wind of hat night prevailed
throughout the day and seriously
threatened the demolition of much of
our levee front , while the new levee at
Williamson , three miles below , haa
momentarily been expected to give
away. A more hopeful feeling was
manifested this evening.
TOWBI aad Country Floodlit-
Special DUp tch to Till Dim.
MEMPHIS , March 7. The steamer
James Lee arrived this afternoon from
Friars Point , bringing 200 negroes
from clT submersed farms. Her offi
cers report all the country between
Memphis and Helena under water ,
saving where strips of the levee yet re
main. Austin , . Miss , la oveiflowed ,
water to the depth of several feet
rushed through the town. The rapid
rise in St. Francis river cause great
loss to lumbermen , aa thousands of
logs were swept away by the awlft
current. Much suffering exists among
the inhabitants of snnlc lands ana
their Isolated position makes it almost
Impossible to afford them any relief ,
Leveling the Xieveea-
Special Dispatch to Tin UXK.
VIOKHBURC , March 7. Newa from-
all points In this section is unfavora
ble. Backwater almost entirely sur
rounds the Delta levee In Louisiana ,
and work will be suspended. EllauV
protection levee gave way in the
storm at 3 o'clock this morning. The
main levee broke In three places at 8
a. m. The gap at station 55 Is 30 feet
wide ; at station GO , 70 feet wldo and
three feet deep. Ono small gap waa
closed. The others are beyond con
trol. The giving away of this levee
will cause serious damage to the lower
portion of laaqulna county. There
are -'CO ovoi ( lowed plantations in
Keep , Danbar , Hunt , Magnolia ,
Mount Laurel , Wilderness , Wade ,
Town , Harris , Clover , Hill , Duncan
and llldgo counties. The water is
going directly in Steel's bsyou. It IB
feared the storm of last night did se
rious damage to points not reached by
the wires.
SpMlal Dlepitclica t ) TUB UKK
A premature explosion at tbe Kvandnle
coal mine , Oautou , Ohio , fatally Injured
two miner * .
William lieneGelil , tbe mart notorious
revenue offender in Alabama has bjon
B captured.
Bitterer & Oo , , wholesale drugs , Nash
ville , and buildings adjoining , including
the paper box factory nd several store * ,
burned. Loss 82CO.CO ) ; Insured ? 125COO.
Two mall hags destined for New York
Ul and rhllaJelphis , were stolen at Towanda ,
ks Pa. Ndelue.
m- Wm , Lyon , aged 55 , . while drunk went
to tbe touie of hU divorced wife in Cleve
land , shot her la the face and himself In
the temple , He died Instantly. The wo *
man It fatally wounded.
Tbe Maine senate by a vote of 15 to 0
08- pawed a bill making tha "punlihment of
" murder death.
of GOT. OlaveUnd's veto o ! iba five Mat
. Ill
' . * ;