\ THE DAT'uY BEE-'OMAHA WEuNESPAt MARCH I/ M Know ThAt'BROWN'slRON BITTER3 Nvill cure the worst case l of dyspepsia , . < f "Will insure a hearty appetite UL and increased digestion. If Cures general debility , and gives a new lease of life Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an cxhaustednurs- ingmother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and ncrveSjCnrichesthc blood. .Overcomes weakness , wake- ifolness , and lack of energy- Keeps off all chills , fevers , and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life ihe weakest invalid. 37 W lk r St..Baltimore , Dee. 1681. For six yean I hive been * great sufferer from Jibed Dlseue , Dyi- pepila.aml Const ! pition.andbecame o debilitated that I could notretaln anything on my stomach , In feet , life had almost become a burden. Finally , when'hope had almo t left roe , my hutbaod seeing Itaonx's SI IRON Ilrrrnna advertlied In the paper , Induced me to give It a trial I am nowuUlne the third bottle and "have not felt > o well In six years aj I do at < he preterit time. Jifn.l. F , GnirriN. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs " -bracing up , " than any medicine made/ PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANS PORTATI'ONV EAD < JUAnTKU8DEPT. OF OMAHA , Nan. , March 6 , 1833 , SEALED PROPOSALS , In triplicate , subject t3 the r.s'ml coD'lltlons , 'will bo roccltod at ihli office until 12 o'clocx noon , on Thursday , April fith , 18C3 , or at tbe s > me hour ( allowing lor the diflrenee In tlmo ) , at Iho ofllcoi ol tlio Dipol < l < iartermaa'ers at Cheyenne and Ogdcn , at wlilcl pi tecs and tlmo tlisy will uo opened in prusrce o : the blddirs , ( or the wUson transp rta'lon rl Mill * lory Supplies on the tallowing deactbod Houtcs In the Department .ol the Platte , during the flsca year commencing July 1st 1833 , and ending June 30th. 1831. K om Sidney , I'obrasfca , to Fort Koblnson Kebrasa From Cheyenne Dcp't , Wyoming TerrHory to Forts Laraale and McKlnncy , Wyoming Tcr ritory.from from Hock Creek Station , U. P. Uallwiy , to Fort HcKlnney , Wyomlni Territory. From Fort Fred , Slecio , Wyom ng Territory to Fort Washakle , Wyoming Tertltory. Frcm Pa k O.ty. Utah TorrltJiy , or ( rom atUlon on tbe main line , Union Pacific Railway t For Thornbu'gh , Utah TerrilO'y. Prcporals ( or transpoitatlon on any or Ve \ the ab ITS named Route * will b < i reeelrad. Tbe Oovernment roeetvpe the right to rejcc ! ' any or 11 propo alt. ' Kadi projios 1 rau t be it trlnllotte , reparato or each route , and accompanied by a bond In the " ot flre hundred dol-ars ( | ! 00) ) , execute ; strictly Id acoirdanes with tbe printed Instrj tlan' , and upsn the blank form furnished under this adrertiiemcnt , guarantielni lhat the patty tttklog the proposal ball not withdraw the tame within sixty days fr.m the date announced for opening tb m ; and that U said proposal U accep ted and a contract ( or the service bid for award' ' ed thereunder , he will , wlih'n ten days after being not > 0ed ft t' e award ( provided suco.no ! flcationbe mido within the ilxty days above mentioned ) accept the same and furnish eood and sufflclint suretle1 , at once ; fer the faithful per * formance of the contract. Blank proposals , lonr of cjntiact , and printed circulars sta ing the estimated qutntltlcs otsup- pllei tobettansp ited , and giving full Infoima- uonaitotha roanrer cf Hading , conditions to bo obkerved by bidders , and terms of contract and payment , wi I ba furnished on spp Icatlon to ibis office , i r to ths fflc-i of tbe Depot Quarter- rmster at Cdejenne and Ogden. Kor.loyes onlaln'ng propsiali shonM b ijpaiked : " Proposals for tran rjortatlon from 1 ! ° JOHN V.'FUREY ; Gap ! , and Arat , Quartermaster U. B. A. mi-meet Ju cba-geChlitQ. M. Olflce. { AK ° nt * 'o * the Ufa , Tlmei DY ins WIFE. JGBBB JamBB , he only life authorized by her and which will not be a "Blood and Thunder" story , such as has been and will be pul llshcd , but a trua life by thi only person who U In posewlon of the facts faithful and devoted wife. Truth is more ntci r. cetlng thau flsilon , A gents should apply 01 to ' ; ' ritory at once. 80 76 cts. for Sample book , . J H ChnmberfJfc Co' . mo-eol fcw-e Ht Lovii Bio ! BALL'S ' CORSETS Every Corset is warranted tatli- Victory to Its wearer in every war , er the money will bo refunded by the person from whom it was bought , Th * only Conet pronounced by our leading r& ( * * t Injurioui to tiwweurr , and endorsed by UdlM M ttia " moot comfortable aad perfect OlUng CoruC uudft. uudft.riUCES , by Kali , Fottan Paid I BbUth Fttttrrlag. 1.00. Belf.Adlu.tl.i. tl.OO AMomlaal ( extra h ry ) SS.OO. NuraLuc , 1.60 KMlUk I'rcwrrlDa ( Boo ro.llli SJ8.00. I > ara oa bklrt-HupporUoc , 1.OO. rr ' by lt ilas iictoll Uralcr * every where. CUIOAQO CORSET eo , , cuicujfo , iu. CANDY 1\ \ GAM Send 81 , S3 , 83 , or 5 for u anmplo ro. full box by UxiircHs , of the beat caadleH in America , put up in elezaut boxes , and strictly pure. Snlta- ole for jtteucnte , . Kx- ireMH cbarjr Kefera te.a. ; Try'it eaeo. Address , ' C. P. GUNTHER , CoBfcotloiicr , CfalCftffOt OCCIDENTAL JOTTIUGB , MONTANA. Billings is to have a chamber ol corn- morcc , Butte had nineteen firen last yenr. The f > tal lots Is estimated at ? 25,030. Bo far this winter the loss by sheep own ers has been no creator than during turu- nwr months , That Is pretty good. A colony h forming in Cincinnati with the object of locating In tbo Yellowstone valley. The N. P. 0. . ) . hate built sn Ice house In Billings C s40 feat , which is being fii'od ' with Ice for the use of the em ployes. The bullion product of Montana for 1802 to 1871 , both years Inclusive , is estimated at $103,000.100 , all gold , and mostly from placer diggings , Island City Is the next btarraIr ! * .d camp on the Northern 1'aclfio. The pe0u lation of Weoksvllle Is beginning to drill in that direction. The Fort Msglnnis freight and transporting - porting will be done at Ouster , and to this end tbo company have erected platforms to receive and load tba ore from those mines. Buffalo bides are bringing $3.80 apiece from buyers who visit tbo hunters' camps In the buffalo country to make their pur- chafe * . Three yearn ago they brought only $1.60 delivered in Miles City , A message has been received at all the Western Union offices In Montana In structing operators to transmit frco ol charge all nwncwci cilering relief to the < nffereri frbm the floods along tbe Ohio river , The mortality urnocg females In the past few wetba been something extraordinary for this/territory , and would furnish a fit subject for Investigation by medical ex perts and compilers of vital itatlatlcs. Madlsonlan , The Jefferson Valley Ditch company filed articles of Incorporation February 14th in the clfi'co of the territorial secretary. The purpose of tbe company fs to take water from the east branch of the Jeffer. son rlverfor irrigation. The capital clock is placed at $0,000. CALIFORNIA. BSan Diego will have to rad $26.189.84 to defray the municipal expenses for the fiscal year. > Oakland has a prospect of having this year the lowest city tax It has had for twelve years. The levy will be 82 cents on tbe $100. Work on tbe California railroad exten sion toward Ban Bernardino has been stopped by the railway company until tbe right of way suits are settled. . The office of city assessor of Vallejo has been declared vacant on account of the absence of Wlucholl , the incumbent , from the town. Next week an election will be add to fill the vacancy. It Is i tiled that the Central Pacific has nurchascd the Ban Joaquln & Sierra Nevada narrow gango railroad , which boo Its starting point nt Brack's landing on the Mokelnmno xivor , A petition , signed by leading cltlcona of Coos bay. praying for the appointment of Charles K. Getty as keeper cf the Cape Arngo Ufa station , In place of Desmond , who acted in such a cowardly manner when the Taooma was wrecked , has been forwarded to San Francisco. A cumber of roncgado Indians from Tulallp and Puyallnp reservations have boon occupying n larpo body ot valuable land , known aa Muckelahuot prairie , with out legal tight. The land ban now been cornered by come speculators by means ol soldiers' scrip. The affairs of tbe Fiocbo estate , which have been tied up in litigation for years , have finally been settled at Ban Francisco. This will release70,000 acres of land in tbe southern portion of tbe Istate , which wll' be divided'up Into small farms. 'The Atlantic & Pacific railroad Is now within one hundred mllett of the Colorado river. Tbe Southern Pacific branch from Mohave U building eastward to meet It ot the Needles , and Is also within one hun dred miles of tha Colorado river , leaving a gap of two hundred miles to complete an other trans-con tinea ttd rout * . , UTAH. The Utah Commissioner ! will meet in Bait Lake on April 15th. The change of tlina on tba morning train between Salt Lake and Ogden , gives gen eral satisfaction to the traveling public. Beef steak is one of the luxuries hi Salt Luke , while mutton is so 'high that the purchaser considers himself a shorn lamb , A large number cf buildings ara under contract in Silt Lake , and tha builders are only waiting for good weather to com inence woik. The prospects for a big building boom in Salt Lake are- Increasing dally , and tbe predictions of the Tribune that 1,000 houses would be put up this year , will be more than realized , The Utah territorial supreme court , ml Ing that the county offices must be turnei over to theappomteesof Governor Murray , has been resisted by an application for a writ of Mtpcriedeas , pending an appeal to the euj-teuie com t of ( be United States , A great many artesian wells will ba sunk In Utah this year. The success oi tbe wells In Tooolo county , where many farm are irrigated by artesian well water , baa caused many to make experiments in Oth- er portions of the territory. The Mormons who passed a law making February 22d a holiday , do not o' sarvo the day M such In the Endowment House when It comes on Thursday. There was i big grist ol marrlagm in that treasonabl place , and frcib victims were added to tbo harem * of the old Icchern.recently. Tbo new town of Green lllvo ? . at th crossing of tbe Denver & Rio Grande , i becoming notorious for iti lawlessness Ten salooni ore In full operation , and Ita hnrdy houses are well patronlznd. Tb roughs of Colorado have been followln the road this way , and thinking Gree River a good plaee fora town , they , cam In advance of tbo rails and have got up good boem for a fast town. Persons wb have been there , say It bai many of th very worst class of people , and It Is almos unsafe for other * to live In tbe town , COLORADO. Tba small-pox Is stirring up the believ ere In vaccination of Leadvllle. Senator Talor has been elected prealden of } be National mining and Industrial ex position. It Is tt ought that Kansas alone will sen 80.000 persons to the grand army to ba he ! this summer in Denver. A committee of ceventy-elght has been appointed to select'a oltlxenirtloket for tb spring elections in Denver , The sohool bonds Issued by the town u Evans In 1873 , calling for $10,000 , hav been called In and cancelled. There 1s some talk of a grand nations baseball tournament being organlxedI Denver during the coming summer. The Judges of the Supreme Court of th State have decided that women cannot be permitted to practice before them , Toe counties tapped by the Denver ant Klo Grande railway syatem yield 7f > pe cent of the total taxable values of Cole rado , An insane catt'e dealer named Andre\ Wilson , said ID have hallrd from Lincoln Nebraska , fell dead in a Denver hotel la ) week , Several miners in tbe Gunnlaon hav been compelled to suspend operations 01 account'of the unpoulbility of getting tb ore tb market * * ' J Tbo Texas cattle drlve'thls vear wil reach about 220,000 head/ They are'con tracted for on ( bo rauchoa at dlfTeren prices according to theft-age , J , > Denver Is excited over the mytterlons disappearance cf 8. A. IlrT.i ' .vho coma to that city some woek&jT' VB * > ter into tbo real estate buslnewf * f' < W Sj lder. Memoney ftbouthl * pew The | tocry of the poll fe the bunko men have \lcllmlied j > Jnd then gjjproi him tff. .Y,1.10 ! f " ! " " * "wcrro digging wit a rrbblt bole , , hortdlitanca from Evans last weovA they catre ur)0n fifty-five rattle nnakc celled up. They ehowed light but w'Vo finally all filled , , NEW MEXICO. Many no' * buildings are in course of construction at San Marclal. Ten thousand trees will * bo planted on the streets and the public plan * of San MarclM this spring. AJ'jurjucrquo parties have recently pur- ch Bed an Intereit in tbo Nevada , adjoin- la'j tbo Solitaire , from the Moore Bros. Ia 1883 New Mexico onitht to produce 910,000,000 in silver , $2,000,000 copper and $3.000,000 In all other precious metals ; naking $15,000,000 in all. Last week two Ooloradoans who were camping in a canon near Hillsboro , were attacked by robbers and held up for all he money thoy'bad , 81,100. At Beleo , a small village near Santa Fe , ast week. Melcholr Luna end Manuel ianchez , had a heated dkcnsalon over a political contest , which culminated in the murder of Sanchez by Luna , A man at Klngstob , when he found that certain ore assayed over a thousand ounces o the ton , ho mounted a me s ngerto send be news to the mine. . Tbo stutf was be- ng thrown over the w'oite dump. ' Sixty "rustlers' made a raid lait wcok > n a sheet * rinch at AlaraooRO , Valencia- aunty , belonging to Francisco Chavez Irgannon , and attacked tbe herders , kill- ng one and driving off 1,600 sheep , One of the most remarkable discoveries ver made In New Mexico has lately been made by Maj. Cbas. G. Van Fleet , in the JUITO mountain' . Ore that will run $5 > er pound Is on exhibition. The vein from fhlch it comes is eight feet 'wide. Tbe lalm is located about twelve milei rom Silver city and tbe camp gathering round It Is destined to be ono of tbe firs ! amps In Grant county. DAKOTA. There Is a great demand for tenement cranes in Alexandria. The postoffice at Wabpeton will become presidential iffioa with a salary of $1,600 er year after April 1st. An excellent qutllty of brick is being manufactured on the banks of tha Big tone lake In Grant county. Fifteen carloads of Immigrants will tote - e In and around Huron this spring from 10 vicinity of Salem Wisconsin. A Fargo paper says that if COO tenement ouses were built and ready for occupancy t'thls time , they could easily bo rented at oed prices. Building operations hava been com * monced at Lisbon , Rtnsom county , already nd the sound of the hammer and SAW are card early and late. The owners of the townaito of Ellendalo , Jlckey county , have printed several bun- rod plats of the town and distributed hem gratuitously. Word has been received in Rapid City , rom the east that negotiations for the ale of valuable water rights and mining property are nbcut completed , Tbo mow , In some of the cuts on the Dakota Central ore reported to bo twenty- hreo feet high , and the only way they can. )0 removed Is by manual labor. A home insurance company has been or ganized in Sioux Falls , with many good names to back It. The capital stock is SldOOOO , which can be Increased to S500.C03 at the pleasure of the company , An Indian at the Brule agency com mitted suicide last week by shooting her- sob ! through the heart , and another Indian , a member of tbe pjllco force , died and us wlfo committed tulcldo by hanging herself. The residents of Chamberlain will fur- nith any manufacturing company free of : est the necessary ground whereon to erect buildings , and the buildings to be so situated - uatod teat the company or corporation may load directly upon the can or steam boat * M may ba desired. r WYOMING. Hay la 920 a ton in Cheyenne. The Cheyenne Leader e ys tbe loss of cattle during the past winter will prove to bava been very small. Men ara continually being brought into iba prominent towns of the territory suf erlng from the Iff sets of tha terrible win ; er and needing lurglotl treatment. The Wyoming copper company shipped iva carloads of copper bullion to New York for refining on last Saturday. This s the first shipment from the Fairbanks smelting works. The opinion Is prevailing around Obey enno that the cattle business is abeut to undergo a radical change , Instead the old range system , it Is said , " " will be kept In large enclosures. The "Laramle Merchants' union" hai been organized tor the purpose of enoour aging a unity of-otlon among all person interested In-the wellfare of Liramle ; also for adopting a better system of credits am making tba architecture of the city more pleasing , The latter is an Importan point , OREGON The store ot Henry Smith , on Wol oreek , near Corvalllr , was entered by Lurs ; lars recently and robbed of $4CO in coin Sunday evening , at a ibooting gallery a MarshBeld , W. Phillips shot and killed A Hendrlckscn. The nhootlng was nccidcn tal. Fragments of tbe Taoom * wrrck ar strewn along the Oregon coast. The Jn duns.secure quantities of canned goods clothing and bedding , Work along the Oregon and Callforni extension has progressed well , notwlth standing tbo cold weather. The brldg and trestle work is finished to Wolf creek * uy long tunnel is in ( our hundred feet s the north end and nine hundred feet t th south end. The Urltlin bark Renfrewshire hs arrived at Astoria ( rom Australia. Th mister of the vessel , Oaptaln Camming * related to n Astorlan reporter the diil cult time he experienced on the northeaa o * st of Auitralla , while beating out from Port Hinoblnbrook. Tha course lays ore COO or COO miles of tortuous wihdln through the Darner re f * . On every han great reefs of coral arise and only b speolal device It o vessel able to ge through. In the afternoons , when the sun was at his back , tbo captain mounted t the maintop , that being requisite to enabl him to see the channel , aud from tha lofty lookout directed the steering of hi veuel. Within ' a ship's length on eao Ida the water waa white with foam or stieak showing where the submarine forma tlon was almost at the surface , tbe dee blue indicating where safety lay. In th mornings It was impossible to tell wha course to pursue , and at best it waa a dan KOrous though unavoidable couroe. IDAHO. The railroad purveyors say that * the a ] titude of Woiser Olty is exactly 2,02 feet. feet.Un Un tbe 18th inst.thero was n enow fat of a yellow color in Idaho , A chemlca test detected the presence of soda , Tbe Coo weather for some time past base so settled tbe mow that it now only lies in the streets of XIailey at a uniform depth six inches , .The Ilalley'sampllng works will tUrtnp tbla.Tireek , There are at present 150 ton of ore on the dump which will averse 9160 to the ton. The rush of immigrants to the Wood river oowitry alreadjTs viry'gteat , and i Is caloulateatKat'tou ; > alnorp oj.le * ' wll settle there &ls ieas < fti.lr * ' < # . * . Tbo Union Pad Go railroad will open Its 3regon Short line to Bhoahone. which I the Junction with the Wood River branch oe March 1st. The distance is 821 miles torn tha Union PaclOo Junction. WASHINGTON. The hotels at Wetser city are crowded o their ntmott capacity , end uow ar- aogoments for the accommodation of lueata are being made. Three fro and numerous percentage poker games are In full blast In Halloy. Jeildes this all other foims of vlco are irevalent in the town. An'attempt was mftda to liberatei the Seattle robbern , by habeas corpus , but the pplicatlon was denied and the prisoners tmanded , pending extradition. The bark Crape , which returned to Port Townsend. with a mutinous crew , shipped > new mate and went to sea again , Cap. aln Hardy being determined that the crew hould proceed with tbe ship. Nothing has been heard of tbe boat's row which left the wrecked veisel O. L. Taylor. The cutter Wolooot started In earcb of them , but returned to Port Townsend last Sunday , having gone no arther than Noah bay. A heavy swell WM running off the capo , so she was put back. Where the crew probably landed 1s t least fifty miles from Noah bay. ARIZONA. Eight tramps' undergoing sentence in the Tucson Jail escaped last week. There is great excitement at Tucson over remarkable silver discovery twenty miles outh of there , In tbo Santa Rita monn- alns , O.'he ore crops out ICO feet wide , ver a mUd long. The ore is a sulphate. NEVADA. Sierra City is entering upon an era of Teat "prosperity. Laborers ara In great lemand and business Is said to be brisk. The Rtflex says that in Ward there Is probably more opium smoking than In any ither town in that state , Tbe law against viceIs , not enforced. Quite a number of men are at present imployed in the Gold Cliff , and the mine las every appearance of being one of the richest discovered In that soot Ion for many yean. Thirty stamps are kept daily > ounding , and it is understood that more are to be added. DPHKBB'S SALAD DKESSINO la com- ( Oied of the frosheur , purest and holoest condiments money will bay. ' 't Barpsuea any that can be made at lomo , la cheaper , eaves labor and all anxiety. TAKE YOUR OLD JOBI Tbo Way a Postmsater Feels In Ten * " Feet of Water. The destitution caused by the .floods at Oaaoyyllle , Ky. , in BO great that it amounts to almost absolute starvation. Qon. W. P. Edgarton , chief postal In- pector for'this division , wrote to the jostmastor at Oaaoyvllio , Ky. , con- orninot aomo miaelog mall matter , and n reply received the following : , . , OASBYVIU.E , Ky. , Fob. 27 , 1883. , WP.JEDCIABTON : SIR I have sent o replies to yours. What more can I o ? I .was taken sick and have baon own for ten days. Water ia ten feet cep In the poat-offico. At ouch times , iapera Ret mixed. I have not been on and for two week ? . I hava had to end to Evansville for aomethhg to at. I had to leave my homo. I have largo family , and am in the upper toty of a business house. The ooun- ry people can't get In to bring ui any- hlng to eat. Jones of Guernsey , Jonea and ( Jo. ihlpped.ua a box of aomethlntc o eat. I have been hungry for four or fire dayi , Only three families are trying to itiy in town. All the others are out on the hllU. Youn&o. , J. M. SCAWTL1HD , P. M. Although it waa perfectly evident from tbe tone of the letter that Mr. 9eantls > ia wu ln\hat reoklets mood In whlon a man wouldn't ftivo oon- oeiled poatsge stamp to have a dead euro thing on the Oaaoyvllle poitmaa- tenhlp for the period of hit natural life , Gen. Edg rton feelathat t ho feeling - ing if not absolutely , praiseworthy ia at least pardonable under the circum stances. The silver-tongued orator of Canada , E. King Dodds , Esq. , speaks as fol lows In the Toronto ( Can. ) Globe : I had occasion to use St. Jacobs Oil for rheumatism , of the hips , and also for a severely sprained log , and can un qualifiedly .state that it has.no equal for either. _ _ _ _ _ Bnoklin a Armoa Halve. The BBBI SALT * IB tbe world for Onfc , Brakes , Bates , Ulcon , Salt Rheum , Fe ver Bore * , Tetter , Ohtpped Hands , GUI' blalns , Oorni , and all Un eraptlona , and positively cures pile * . It Ia gnarantsed to give Mtufaotfon i oxnej rernnded. Prlof , 25 oonti p t p ct , iTor eals bf 0. Ooodax * MoHey for the ITamarrled- Ono of the most solid and substantial Institutions In this country h the Mar * rlagp Fund and Mntnal Trust Association , of Cedar Rapids , Iowa. They are organ ized under the laws of Iowa , and heir of ficers and directors are among the leading and most prominent business men of Cedar Raeldt. Every unmarried person should have a certificate In this'association. . It Is o splendid investment , as safe as government bond. You can jtutoa well have a good sum of money to commence married life on as not. A large number of members have been paid off , receiving over SOO per cent on their Investment , write for circulars fully detailing tbe plan , which is tbe finest known. Do , not postpone It. Good agents wanted. Mention whore yon saw this notice. f5-Sm , BRIDGE PROPOSALS. Sealed prcpoeols will b reoelred by the Board ot Count ; Commlaslonor * ot 0 ga county , Neb. , lor the erection of a bridge across the Big Bin * rlrer upon tltber one of th wagon roads leading cut from the town ol Wymorr , O fi county , Neb. , and ver and screw Mid rlrer. Bald bridge to bo one hundred and fifty ( ISO ) feet long , and to bar * either pile * , stone , or Iron pit rs. .Also for the erection of a bridge , suitable to tile place , across Indian Creek , on the line betwten sections twenty-nine (29) ( ) ind thirty (30) ( ) , about onutnllo southwest of Wjicore , Ot county. Neb. Low bridge at thli place preferred. AUo a bitdzi acroas Turkey Creek , southeast of DeWitt , Nib. , to replace the old one now In use. use.All br'dtca ' to bf of wood , Iron or combination. All b'dslo ' b accompanied by plans andapccl- ficitons to ba sealed and Bled with tht County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon , March 20th , 83. The Commissioners r.rerve the right to reject y and all tldi. Successful bidders will be re- u're ' d to git a bond for the faithful performance cf thilr contract. By ordc I the Ccunty Ojmmlistonen. , r- * * . A. J. I'KTHOUD , i 8iuL. { County Cleik. * vJnoatil:9 Feb. 11 1R83 ' me-d 4w GOLD MEDAL , PAIl S , 1878 BAKER'S BEEAKFASI OOOOA , Warranted Absolutely pura Cocoa , from whlot theeicest of oil his been removal. It his three times the strength otIS Cocoa mixed with Stucb , Ar row Hoot or Sugar , and Ii there for * f u n : ore economical. It U Oollclous , nourishing , strength- enlng , easily dlgwteJ.'aod ad. rnlnbly adtpled er Inra ids as well u for ( rawm In B aHh. 4 -TT , " * ' Sold by Qrocera Everywher * WlBAKlR&OoDorolie8tor. , Mass A FEW BARGAINS Houses LOTS , Farms , Lands- BY BEMIS l5th&DouglasSt. HOUSES AND LOTS , No. 19 Full ot and now house , fatrooms , two below and one up-stolra. Eight foot celling below and i oven above. Brick foundation , cellar , etc. A bargain , { GOO. No. Ig Largo two story house , lo rooms , two largo collars , good wolland cistern , barn , etc. , on W < Taster and 22d street , $6,000. No 17 Lot 60x185 feet , new house of two rooms brick foundation 100 barrel cistern [ on Hamilton street near Poor ClareConfent ) ' C1. No. 16 House aud lot on 17th near Cla i St. house 5 room > etc. t200. ! No. 15 House of 3 rooms 'ill lo on Fierce St noarl9th 1600 No. 21 New housoot T ro . corner lot , half mlle west of Turntable troet cars on Sau dersSt. tlOOa O- No. 5 House ot eight earn etc. lot 60x105 feet 82500. Vacant Lots. Ho. 2S3-Two full lots on Iflth Street near Lake St. $1000. No. 351 Twenty five loll In Parkers addition Just north of the end of red street car line $400 each easy terms. No.MO Four loUon Delaware Bt , neaiHan- oem park , tGfiO. Mo. 831 One halt lot on South avenue , new Bt Mary's avenue. $560. No. MO-EIghteen 08) ) loU on pltt , 82ad , 2&d ana Saunders street , near Grace , 9600 each , and on easyterms. No. 348-SU beautiful residence lots on Gather ing street , near Banscompark. t4,000. Twelve beautiful residence lota en Hamilton street , near end of old streetcar track ; high and sightly , $3M to $700. Several acre and hall acre comer lots on Cum' tog , Bnrt and California streets , In Lowe's second end addition and Park Place near Academy ol Sacred Heart Lots In "Prospect Place" on Hamilton and Charles street. Just west of the end of Bed Street Car track 'and Convent of the Bisters of Poor Clare , one and one half mile f rom postofflce , and ono mile f rom U. P. shops , $160 to 9500 each , only S per cent down and B per cent per month Lots la Lowe's addition one-half mile west of end of Red Street Car track near Convent of Poor Clare Sisters in Sblnn's addition-$125 to $300 each , and on very easy terms. Lots In Horbach's 1st aud 2nd additions , Shinn's , Park Place , Lowe's 2nd addition , Rvran's Lake's , Nelson's , Hanscom Place , Bodlck's ad ditions , etc. , ele. LoU in "Credit Fonder addition" lust one- quarter mile south-cast of Union Pacific and JJ. and II. R. K. depots , $260 to 81,600each , very easy terms. Business [ Lots. Three good business lota on Dodge near12th street , 22x120 feet ' each , 91,600 each , or H , WO for all , eaay terms. Two good business l ti on Farnam street , 33x 66 feet each , with frame buildings thoronrenting for about I6CO per year each ; price (4,250 each. 44x132 feet on Farnam near 10thstreet , corner 912.000 Splendid Warehouse lot on Union Pacific right ol way , north ol track and east ol Nail Works- being 132 loot north frontage on Mason etroct , by about 100 le t west fronUtre on 18th St. Farms ad wild lands In Douglas. Sarpy , Dodge , Washington , Durt , Wayne , Stanton , and other good counties in eastern Nebraskalor sale. Taxes paid , rents collected , anl money loaned on improved city and country prop rty at low rates ot Interest. BEMIS' NEW CITY MAP , FOUR FEET WIDE AND SEVEN FEET LONG. WITH EVERY ADDI TION RECORDED OR OONTEM. PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFF ! . OIAL MAP OF THB CITY. " -$6.00EAOH , CEO. P , BEMIS , Eeal Estate Agency , * - t 4 > < * tr. ! i 41 * v. C 4/ff > H * * * 0 * 15th and Douglas St. JW O TJJIT DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate Glass. . C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA HE& . STEELE , JJHNSON & GO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS ; AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , .Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of mm m MANUFACTUEED TOBACCO , igents for BENWOOD NAILS AND LALIN ft BAND POWDER COL -DEALERS IN- HALL'S SAFE AND LOCK GO. Fire and Burglar 1020 Farnham Street , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES 'EASTERN ' PRICES DUPLICATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLI8ALX AND RETAIL DKALKB IK Lath , Shingles , Pickets , IA8H , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMEN OTSTATB ABKHf FOB MILWAUKEE OXMXKI OOMFANT ) Near Union Pacific Depot. - OMAHA NB Single BreecIibLoading Shot Guns , from 85 to 818 , Double BroecMLoading Shot Gnus , from $18 to 875 , Muzzle Loading Snot Bans , From 86 to S25,1 Ffthiag Tackel , Base Balls and all kinds of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand , Imported and Key West Cigars a large line or Meerschaum and Wood Pipes' and everything re quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,000 upwards Send * for Price List and Samples A. M. CLARK , SIOSWBim&DEOORlTOR. WHOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER ! ! Window Shades aud Curtains , CORNICES CURTAIN POLES AND" FIXTURES. Paint * , Oils & Brushes. h UtkBtrMt NEBRASKA PERFECTION I.I HEATING AND BAKING la only attained by using CHARTER Stoves and Ranges. " WITH WlItK BAUZE OVER DOOR ? , . For Bole by " MILTON ROGERS & SONS . Jnll.m&tl