Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Tuesday Morning , March 6
W anther Report
( The following observation * ara taken at
the same moment of time at all the stations
nentloned. )
v OMAHA , March S , 1683 , (1:45 ( : p. m. ) f
Try Saio'fl best , tbo Havana filled 6
cent cigar.
Cigars very cheap by the box at Safe's
opera House pharmacy.
Frwh supply Key West cigar * at
Snxc's very choice lot.
Harrlgan & Hart's "Squatter Saver-
clgnty" at the opera house to-
night. See Herald and Republican for
fall particulars.
The Omaha Maennerchor has removed
its headquarters from tbe Popplcton block
to the Knights of Pythlai quarters in
Clark's hall , on fourteenth street.
The district court adjnurnoJ Saturday
until Friday next , Judge Neville having
gone to the second district to try eomo
cases In which the now ju'jgo there was at-
'torney.The police Bay Sunday was the'dull
est day they have ever rean. One man
wan arrested early Saturday evening for
intoxication , and was discharged yester
day on account of elolincsu. A case of dis
turbance of the pence wont over for a later
A complaint has been filed in Judge
Benoke's court against Wrn. Krcgor , who
was sent to jail some tlmo ago for stealing
and pawning a ring , the property of one of
the girls , charging him with being the per
son who burglaiized the residence of Col ,
H. B. Burnham some time ago. His case
is Bet for'10 a. m , to-day.
Dr. riihblatt will bo at his office any
time during tbli afternoon or evening.
-Captain A. H. Fitch , of the old
Thirteenth Now York Infantry , a past
commander and adjutant of Qeo , A. Ous
ter post , was at the recent annual en
campment elected junior vice commandei
of the department of Nebraska O , A. II ,
This Is a fitting recognition of an old sol
dier who faced the leaden ball for foui
long yean that our banner might atU ! wave
Over a free nation.
Deputy Marshal Djty waa standing
near Fleming's corner , on Douglas street ,
yesterday , ' when , all of a sudden , hap
penlng to look up , something took bin
ker chug ! on the Up of the nose. "What'i
tbe matter } " aiked a fricod to whom hi
was talking. "Look at my nose and seel' '
aid'Doty , and tun enough the bark wa ,
BMtledoffa&d the useful organ bleeding
The accident was found to be caused by i
wall shot , which came down from eve
tbe building , but what sent the. shot ia i
puzzle. Had It itruck the officer In thi
eye initead of on hla nose , it would hayi
destroyed his sight ,
The majority of our citizens are fa
millar with the humorous illustrated pape :
"Puck , " published by Kepler & SwarU
man , In New York. The same firm alsi
publishes an illustrated Germem papo
called "Round the World. " Each num
ber of this puper contains an Illustrate !
tebus or picture pnzzlo , to be translated
all being intricately constructed and ver ;
difficult ! of solution. For the past nl :
months every rebus has been solved by i
lady in Omaha who signs herself-"Lenchoi
Melitor , Omaha. " So unutnally brlgh
waa this lady at the work that the pub
Ushers In their last number tent out ai
acrostic composed of tbo Initial * of ho
name , which she promptly read and sen
back the answer with the word "Dankea
Bchoen" ( Thank 'you ) . The Germans o
this city are puzzled to know who th
mysterious lady Is , and are racking the !
brains with conjecture * , as the name I
evidently a fictitious one , The affair ha
caused finite a little sensation.
EATON-In this city. March 6 , 1:50 a
m'Mary Eaton , age 76 yean.
Funeral to-day , March C , at 10
m. , from tbe residence of K. B. Whitney
1331 Sherman avenue. Friends Invited.
Tbo Royal Baker and Poetry Ooolc.
A royal addition to the kitchen II
brary. It contains over seven huta
receipts pertaining to every branch o
the culinary department , Includln
baking , roaating , preserving , 'eoape
cakes , jolllen , paatry , and all kinds o
awoetmeata , Including receipts for th
\ moat.delicious candles , oordlala , bov
eragea , and all other necessary know !
edge for the cJtmfde cuisine of the mot
exacting oplcnre , as well as for th
aost modest housewife , who dealros t
prepare for her lord and master a n
put that hall bo both wholesome an
economical With each receipt I
given fall and explicit directions fc
patting together , manipulating , sha ]
ing , baking , and kiad of utensils to I
mod , so that a novtco can go throng
the operation with success ; whllo
apeelal and Important feature la mad
of the tnodo of preparing all kinds <
food sad delicacies for the sick. Tfi
book has boon prepared under tb
direction of Prof. Rudmanl , late oh <
of the Now York cooking school , an
I * the most valuable cf the recent ed
tlons upon the subject of cookery thi
has eomo to our notice. It Is gotto
up in the highest ntyJo of the printer
art , on tlutod paper , with elaborate !
Illuminated covers , eta. We are ai
Burod that every can of the "Royi
Baking Powder1' oontalno an ozder fc
one of these valuable books.
Tables supplied with the beat tl
mirket allords. The traveling pabll
elali * they get better aooommodatlor
ad store 'general satisfaction hei
than at any other boate In 'Omahi
JUts , ft p r day. aatfltfm
Robert Emmet's Birthday Col-
> bratod by the M. M , A.
Eloanont Address l > y Judge Goimui
.Notwithstanding the ) inclemency of
the weather largo' and respectable
audience turned ont last evening to
celebrate the 105th anniversary of
Robert Emmet , under the auspices of
the Emmet Monument association , In
Boyd'a opera honso.
The A , O. H. band for an overture
played a selection of patriotic Atnorl
can and Irish tnnos , and were greeted
with rounds of applause.
Mr. John Groves , chairman of the
mooting , and ono of the prlma mov
ers In the celebration , made a neat
and appropriate little address , that
was admirably received , and , as it
was his first appearance on the otago ,
ho was a llttlo bashful , Ho spoke aa
follows :
mot here this evening to oomraomor-
ate the birth and to do honor to the
memory of Robert Emmet. ,
As a proof that the spirit of Emmot
permeates the heartos of his country *
people , and that his sacrifice has not
boon in vain , we find everywhere to
night the eons and daughters of Erin
mooting to pay n tribute cf respect to
his memory and to renew nnd reaf
firm their alleglancn and devotion to
the country and the cauao for which
ho lived and died.
The society under whoso auspices
thin celebration has been gotten up
bolug firm believers In the principles
advocated by Kaimot , bcliovo in keep
ing preen the memory of the men whc
lay down their lives for Ireland , and
would doom themselves unworthy the
name they bear did they allow this oc
casion to pass without calling their
country people together that they
might join in paying their tribute ol
respect to the memory of our mar
tyred horo.
Ladies and gentlemen , the sphere
of my duty admits of bat a brief reference -
eronco to this illustrious man. The
able orators who will follow .will do
ample justice to a character worthy
the best , efforts of the greatest minds.
The Omsha Glee Club double
quartette Messrs. AI. D. Morris , W.
B. Wilklns , Frank Smith , J. North
rup , 0. E. Burmestor , A. Jackson , J.
L.amlth , . H. W. Snow tjavo the
"American Ensign" in their cuetom
ary ringing and pleating style , and
were vehemently applauded. They
responded with a genial bow.
Mr. M. Y. Gannon , the Demon
thenlo orator of Iowa , was Introduce !
by Mr. Groves as 'tho orator of the
ovouiug , and in clear , distinct , well
modulated oratory ho expatiated forever
over an hour on the past and proson
condition of Ireland and the career
and fate of Ireland's patriot martyr
This is a specimen of the line o
thought :
To-night , my friends , we celobrat
the birthday anniversary of ono of thi
most gloriously remarkable men in al
history. Other men there were whos
love of country blazes on the pages o
the put , whoso acts of putrlotlsm and
devotion have come down to us in the
pages of the histcrion and the songs
of the bards of their countries. Some
were shining conspicuous for valor
some for reckless enthusiasm , man'
for the fortitude with which they bore
extraordinary privations , others fo
porsovoronco with which , despite al
most unconquerable odds , they kop
alive and glowing the embers of thel
country's hopo. Whether wo rogan
the dreadful state of on
country , prostrate in th
gloom of universal defeat , with miser ;
at homo and apathy abroad , the smok
ing roof tree , and the dripping gib
bet or the position and social standing
of the man , we are struck with ad
miration at the self-sacrifice whlol
dictated the genius which planned
the love of his country which Impelled
od , the soldierly qualities which ani
mated the marvollousorganlzitionam
brave attempt of the patriot par excel
louco of the nineteenth century , llobor
Ah , my friends , there are a groa
many very sympathetic and very wia
people whoso eyes moisten at the con
tamplation of his fate , but who
by referring to his efforts as those o
an uninformedheadlong , recklesshon
esi enthusiast. I would fain roacu
his memory from such an imputation
and to do so , will , with your pormls
sion turn back 4 tow loaves of history
Wo know the appalling condition o
Ireland previous to the porlod of th
American revolution , beutun to th
earth by the dovolish ferocity of th
penal laws , stupefied and almost des
pairing , made to wear the galling chat
of the ascendancy of a small but tru
culent minority , Ireland seemed note
to have left a breath of national life
Suddenly she is startlod.from bur loth
arglo condition by
echoed and re-echoed from Ooncorc
Lexington and Bunker Hill , Sh
stands erect , shakes her tattered garments
monts , and , shading her eyes wit
her hand , to collect her scattered ron
son , she' , oks out over the wester
ocean and sees , slowly arising there
the giant form of Columbia , prom
defiant and victorious. Fired by th
example of the American patriots
she slowly emerges into national llf
and England granted to the cannon o
the volunteers what she would nove
yield as a measure of justice. Iris
exiles were wiping , out in the blood o
English soldiery on colonial battle
fields the Indignities they suffered
Emmet's eyes opened upon thos
stirring times ; every day brough
glad tidings of heroic work , which
In his own language , was "sccurln
these guarantees which Washlngto
was to gain for America. " Thor
crew into lusty life before hla vision
a great nation , based on the prinolpl
of the
Els o n country , under native par
llainent , was growing in arts , m nu
faoturos and prosperity. Oatholl
emancipation waspreoslng. The Brit
fab government saw clearly that powo
ones fairly In the nands of the peopl
could not be wrested from them ; tha
tha btrritn of religions prejudice
nco thrown 'lown , could never bo re
roctod , and the Irish parliament was
ooB ed. It would weary yon to go. ,
ver the long catalogue of crimes
which led to the deliberate destruc- '
Ion of a people's liberties. The par-
amont represented a small minority ,
bo volunteers wore disbanded and
tie people wore goaded to insurroo-
Ion to glvo pretext for the destruction
f Ireland's hopes ,
low my heart alnkoth when I reflect
ipon thy horrori ! Look ! The flames
mrst through the roof of the cabin ,
nd hoar the maniac shout and laugh
er of the soldiery aa they bayonet
ho unfortunate inmates who would
ain escape the horrible death. List
ho Bhonta of Irish mothers ! The
pollors areat * the doors , the incom-
mrablo chastity of Irish maidens Is tote
to wrested from them. Sect thy tern-
) lcs am profaned , the military batter
lown the doors and drag God's minis-
era from the altar. Twenty thousand
Jrltish noldlors bit the duet before
hey could subdno ono llttlo county ,
iVcxford. Never on any field wore
; reator heroes than'those who fought
orhomoa and firesides at Arklow ,
jorey , Ennlscorthy and Vinegar Hill.
iVithout competent leaders , without
ammunition , without money , and
without a commicsariat they
to the walls of Dublin. Wo shall
make t'iclr ' gallant deeds blaze forever
on the page of history. Wo are of
hose who say :
"Who fonr * to apoik of ninety-eight ?
V/ho hUubea at the nuraej
When cowards mock the patriot's fate ,
Who h&ngB hia head for shame ?
He's ftll a knave or half a slave
Who flight * hla country thus.
But the men , Hko yon men ,
Will stand for them with us. "
A united Ireland for whichTononnd
Fitzgerald ( hod in prison and young
Stntnot on the cicaiFold , would in 1708
laa driven English power in 72 hours
nto the Irish eea. The rebellion was
and the government turned to the
congenial task i f nuudnrlug all who
dared to lift baud or volco for the pop.
ilo. They returuo'l to the work oven
low with a zest which shows what
consuming thirst Jnhn Ball has for
enbjecb peoples. The union was car
ried , the statesmanship of Pitt and
Dastleroagh vindicated with not
thongth , except a joyous ono of the
country they had ruined and dovas
: ated , the thousands they had banish
id , nnd the noble souls which their
"unhallowed policy" had drlvon to
the ocaifold.
The Inspirations of hope with which
the sacsots of the American colonists
bad filled the Irjah. people were dashed
by the events in Franco. Ireland had
sent her hundreds of thousands to
swell the exploits of the French army
In the past.
from Dunkirk to Belgrade , the lilies
of Franca were preserved by the Irish
brigades. Stricken Ireland sought
aid from Franco , and it waa forthcom
ing. A French fleet landed at Kll-
lalla , and the Engliah soldiers ran
away from the soldiers of the republic.
The event is still known as the "Races
of The people were not
there , for they believed in the Divine
order God first , country next , family
afterwards Who were the new allies !
Frenchmen who made the streets of
France run with the blood of her best ,
and purest , and bravest ; Frenchmen
who pulled down the altar and throne
In the sanctuary , and put the arch
bishop of Paris to death without crime.
What was more harrasaing to the Irish
fellings , the French set np a public
prostitute in Notre Dime , and wor
shiped her as the divinity of reason.
Robert Emmet bout his energies to
remedy the faults of previous at
tempts. He threw his whole soul into
the movement , undeterred by obsta
cles , and undertook the plan of organ
The orator expatiated on the plans
of orgaiizitlonand attack with consid
erable vividness and plotnreequenes ,
and continued :
Wo have an Emmet Monument as
sociation in Omaha , and kindred sool-
ties olsowhern. Shall we write Em-
met'a epitaph ? When and by what
measures ?
0 , Erin , ohall it e'ro be mine .
To right thy wrongs In battle line ?
To lift my victor bead and too
Thy hills , thy dales , thy valleys free ?
'Twere all tbe favor I would crave
Betwixt my cradle and the grave.
The speaker was frequently , enthu
siastically and vehemently applauded
during his brilliant oration.
Moore's charming song , "She Is
Far From the L nd , " was admirably
rendered by the Enimot quartette ,
Comprising Joseph McOnfTroy , John
H. Feoney , Maj J. Mott McMahon
and W. A. Wough.
Miss Stacia Orowloy , the bright and
gifted poetess of Omaha , recited in
an admirable manner an original poem
of some 1GO lines on "Robert Em-
mot. " It abounded in poetic
and patriotic sentiments charmingly
expressed. She was frequently in
terrupted by the plaudits of the au
dience , and on retiring was recalled
and made the recipient of a magnifi
cent boquot ; which she gracefully ac-
knowlodgod. If convenient ; , her poem
will be published , perhaps in Satur
day's paper.
Miss Katie Murphy , who Is ono of
the most accomplished nou-profes-
slonal planlstes In the west , charm
ingly rendered Gottschalk's "Medita
tion , " and was generously applauded ,
A scone from the play of "Robert
Emmet" was well sot on the stage ,
and would , have given moro satisfac
tion had it been shorter. It waa
fairly received.
Miss Mary MoNamara song "Walt-
ing" In a very pleasing manner , and
waa called and recalled , and respond
ed in graceful acknowledgments. Mies
MoNamara promises to distinguish
herself on the lyric stage.
Governor DAWCS sent a telegram ox.
pressing hln regrets at circumstances
preventing him being present.
The Omaha Glee Club quartette
sang "God Save Ireland , " In a credit-
abl manner , amid the vigorous ap
plause of the audience.
Miss Clara Pierce played the ac
companiments very pleasingly In *
deed ,
The ourUln dropped and the audi
ence dispersed to the strains of "Em
met's March" by the Hibernian band.
An Old Oitizon of Omaha Sud
denly Disappears ,
Foul Play Feared by Hia
On the 20th of February last Mr.
Pater Martin , a well-known citizen of
South Omaha , who has boon in this
city over since 1869 , and Is a man
about CO' years of ago , left his homo
for Council Blnffc. Ho wont on horse
back , and his Intention was to proceed
from there to Soldier Valley , forty or
fty miles north of the Blnfls , and buy
omo cattle , desiring to bring them
omo before the ice on the river
ihoald break up. For thin purpose ho
; ook about $100 In money with him.
Since that tlmo not ono word has
con heard from him by his friends.
Hie horse waa returned after a week
had elapsed , by the owner of thoBluo ;
Barn in Oouncil Bluff * where ho had
iut up. No explanation was given by
ho party who brought the animal
) vor and who demanded and received
ay for hla keeping.
Martin's folks snapectod nothing
wrong and made no Inquiry until.San-
day , when his son-in-law , Mr. Thou.
Hayo , wont over to the BlufTi to make
inqurioa at iho Blue Barn as to what
had beoomo of the old man. Ho was
riformod by the police that the stable
n question was In a rather dangerous
neighborhood , and going there conld
obtain but little eatisfnotory Informs-
ion. The foreman of the etablo who had
received the horao from Mr. Martin ,
stated that hu had afterward , upon in
vitation , gene to a Bttloou near by and
taken a friendly glass of buor with his
customer , who told him that ho in
tended to return in a few days , but *
that if ho did not crrivo at the expira
tion of four days be should send the
horse aver homo , at the same time
giving Aim his street and number.
This statement is strongly doubted
by the relatives of Mr. Martin , as it
ntiroly foreign to his plans when
fffhomo , his Intention being to
ride to the place where he expected to
purchase his cattle.
The inevitable conclusion is , there
fore , that ho has been the victim of
foul play , and this supposition Is
stronger from the fact of hit having
had the sum of money stated on hla
person when ho loft homo.
There Is no other known theory
which could account for hia absence.
Ho has always been engaged in buy
ing cattle and hog , and had accumu
lated eomo properly at. that business.
Ho loaves a wife and the family of hla
eon-ln-law , Mr. Hays , who live close
The Council Bluffs police should by
all moans hunt this matter np and not
lot a stone rest unturned to ascertain
where the missing man ban gone to.
Ho was comparatively helpless from
his ago and had ho been attacked by
ruffians , who got a glimpse o ) his roll
of bills , ho would have boon powerless
to offer resistance.- More news of the
case will be awaited by friends here
with great anxiety.
The Sunday Afternoon Concert at
Turner Hall.
The Musical Union orchestra gave
Its last grand concert of the season at
Turner hall on Sunday afternoon ,
assisted by Messrs. Gowert and Kohl.
Among the audience wera noted a
number of our music loving oltlzene
who had not previously attended and
all pronounced the occasion a treat
such aa is seldom enjoyed.
The Musical Union never played tc
better advantage , and the full orches
tra of thirty-six pieces filled the room
with the most delicious music , the
closing number , Catlin'a pot pourrl ,
"How delightful , " being simplj
R. Kohl , the solo bass clarionetist ,
waa as popular aa ever. IE
the second number he played a sole
Introduction and variations , composed
by John Ernst Haedrohanddedtcatee ! [
to his particular friend and forraoi
pupil , R. Kohl , as a pleasant souv
Mr. R Gowort was again enthusi
optically received , and indeed hla pop
ularlty seems never to wear out. H <
resDonded to several encores.
Tno Phtlomathean club rendorec
the delightful minuett by Boochcrlui
and the audience demanded a repeti
tion , which wua granted.
It was with great regret thai thi
annocncemojit of the last concert wai
received , but it is to bo hoped th <
manager , Mr. Julius Meyer , will se <
fit to arrange for another series at u <
distant day.
Made fronr tbe wild flowers of thi
it Is the most fragrant ol perfume ,
Manufacturedby H. B. Sloven , Soi
Francisco , Forsale In Omaha by W
J. WhtrodonBn and Kennaio. Bros
The Union Sunday school ontoroi
upon Its fourth year of existence yesterday
torday , under the most prosperou
circumstances It has over known. Thi
attendance during the last year wa
about 2,600 , bolag a gain of iO pe
cent over the previous year.
Superintendent Louis Llttlefiolc
was re-elected , aa was also Miss Min
nlo Avery as secretary. Miss Allo
Rustln was elected treasurer ; Mrs
Frank Smith organist ; Mr. D. H
Christie , librarian and Mr. Aver ;
assistant superintendents.
Prof. Bailey Intends giving a sohoc
exhibition at the close of the wlnto
term ,
The lyceum at Its fifteenth regula
meeting Saturday , elected the followIng -
Ing officers after a stormy session
President , J. D. Rustln ; vlce-prosl
dent , F. S. Ivanhoe ; secretary , Loul
LUtlefiold ; treasurer , 0. W. Tousley
The literary programme that fol
lowed waa good , and perhaps botte
appreciated after a Beige of parllamen
tary tactics and filibustering such a
Lyceum hall hu not seen for seven
seasons. . . .
The feature of the evening WM thi
, of which there wi * two , whicl
circumstance was caused by a misun
derstanding , the audience receiving
the benefit , snd appreciating It , judg
ing from the evidences of the lr pproba-
tlon. Both papers wore exceptionally
g od. After recess the question ,
? 'Rosolved-Tlwt the Indian race
should be exterminated , " was dis
cussed at length. CUCKOO.
'he ' Men who Watch while Others
Sleep ,
Not ono in a dozen know the
trongthof the police force of this
ity , the territory each man must cov-
r , or the modus operand ! of their
ihiftlng from day to night duty and.
ice versa. They BOO a blue coated
ndlvidnal with a star on his breast
, nd a double row of brass buttons and
lay , "thoro'a a cop , " and give no moro
bought to tha subject. The BEE re
iortor was at roll call Sunday at
> ollco headquarters , when the month
y assignment cf "boats'1 took place ,
, nd obtained the following details of
he March business :
There are fifteen regular policemen
m the force beside "specials" and not
nclnding City Marshal Angell , Deputy
Marshal Doty , Capt. Douohoo or
allor Granacher.
Of this number , nine are kept on
night duty constantly , having a regu
lor "boat" or territory to look after ,
and the other six are on various kinds
f duty by day , but do not have
cgnlar beat. On the first Sunday of
nob. month a now assignment Is made ,
: hroo of the daymen going on night
duty and three of the night men going
back to day work.
The asslonmout last night was as
'ollows ;
B. F. Walker , Fourteenth and
Fifteenth streets , south of Farnam.
W. V. Armour , Thirteenth , Four-
penth and Fifteenth streets , north of
G. W. Church , Ninth and Tenth
streets , south of Farnam.
James O'Boylo , Douglas street ,
north to the Sixteenth street bridge.
Thomas Ruan , Ninth and Tenth
streets , north of Farnam.
A. F. Slgward , Eleventh and
Twelfth streets , north of Farnam.
Peter Metzer , Thirteenth street ,
south of Farnam.
Pat Hlnohey , Cumlng street.
H. B Ritter , all of the city lyicg
south of the U. P. depot and toward
the river *
This night force is superintended by
Capt. J. 0 Donahoe , who is captain
of the pollen.
The day force for tbo present month
is composed of H. Jacobson , who
looks atter matters as directed by the
city attorney ; W. F. Flynn , Judge
Boneke's court officer , and Gus Burke ,
Wm. Lane , Owen Buckley and Ed.
Gorman , Who look af ter.any duty they
may bo called upon to perform in an
By the method of shifting as given
above , each man on the force gets one
month of day duty every three months.
Tbe James A , Davlin and May Wheeler
Comedy combination passed through hero
yesterday on their way north , It it a two-
scar combination , and a very powerful
and successful one. Mr. Devlin and Mr.
Walter A. Force , the latter the treasurer ,
are both former residents of this city. The
former has rlien to distinction among com
edians , and is now under engagement at
the Madison Square for next season. Some
of bin old acquaintances met him yesterday
and enjoyed hia genial company.
Hon. A. S. Paddock is In the city.
L. A. Stevens , North Platte ; A. B. Ide-
son , Hastings ; Joe Bllsa , Schuyler ; H. 8.
Beck , Fierce ; John Hetb , Lincoln ; J.
Beckman , Fremont ; W. S. Green and BOD ,
Milford ; T. G. lUeve and T. Rlley , Al
bion ; J. O. Olark , Lincoln ; 0. W. Fhelps ,
Clear Greek ; James Reynold1' * Fremont ;
M , Kohn , Nebraska City , were among the
Nebraska guests at the Faxton yesterday ,
0. S. Lucas , Central City ; Irving H ,
Roller , Fullerton ; F. 0. Harrison , Lin
coln ; A. H. Bird , Fullerton ; George A.
Brooks , Bazile Mills , and S. F. Farkei
and J. H , Scott , Fierce , are among the
Nebraskans at the Milliard.
W. 0. Emerson , of Chicago ; C. H.
White , of St. Louis , and 0. Grossman , of
Philadelphia , are at the Metropolitan.
W. O. Woodward and Harry W. Dean ,
of New York City , arrived at the Millarc
last night.
F. L. Smith and family , of West Point
registered at the Metropolitan last night
A. B. Steward , of Ft. Collins , is a gues !
at the Metropolitan.
J. W. Manchester , of Ft , Laramie , ii
at the Metropolitan.
C. H. Pratt , of the Abbott Opera Co.
is at the Faxton.
W. D. Mathewr , the O'Neill editor , 1
at the MilUrd.
T. D. Look , of South Bend , is at thi
Will H. Martin , of Hiawatha , ia at thi
J. H , Redmond , of Hiawatha , is at tbi
Hon. Geo. H. Jewett , 6 ! Sidney , is ii
W. N. Shilling , of Idaho , is at the Pax
Law May , of Fremont , is In town
Faet Stock for Idaho. '
Mr. J. W. Imland , of Malad City
Idaho , passed through the city yes
terday. Ho Is just returning fron
Kentucky , where ho has been for several
oral weeks looking for fine horses ,
Ho stopped at Stephonson's barn i
few hours to glvo his stock a brio !
rest np , His lot comprises sovei
head of 2 and 3 year old colts and fil
lies , and comprises some of the bos
trotting blood of that state. The ;
were bought of the following breed
ers : J. 0. Imland , D.V. . Boater am
I. W. Jennings , of Shelby county.
Mr. Imland says his stock Is stand
ing the trip remarkably well fo ;
horses that have never been carried
He considers the Malad valley unsur
passed as a stock raising district , am
wo are likely to hear of his efforts h
this enterprise.
' 'Rough on Rats. "
Clean out rats , inlco , roaches , files
ants , bed bugs , skunks , chipmunks
gophers. IBo. DrnggUta.
f r
Discovery of a ff oil ot Oruflo Pe
troleum in Nebraska Soil ,
A. Fabulous Price Already Of
fered for tbe Bonaza.
A well-known gentleman of thlt
city yesterday loft TUG BEE office
a bottle of crude petroleum with the
information that it was from a well
annk for water only In Nebraska neil
This oil la from the hotel well of A
and J. Billings , Salem , Richardson
ounty , Nebraska.
About a month ago the water of
hla well commenced to git dirty , so
much so that It conld not ba natd for
omestic purposes. Thinking that
omo evil dlapoaoJ persona wore pur-
oaoly spoiling the water , the Messrs
Billings had the well pumped dry ant
ileanod oat ; but the next day it was as
lily as over. The water of the well is
omo ton feet deep , and there is a
ayer of this oil over a foot thick on
op of it. The Messrs. Billings have
ilroady boon offered a fabulous price
'or their property , but as they believe
'thoro ' is millions in it , " they will
.old on until it is developed.
They nro now drilling a nix-inch
hole a few feet from iho well , and will
go several hundred feet prospecting
The people of Salem are nil jubi-
ant and property has advanced 2 * per
; ont aincu this oil was discovered.
Them are many goijd indications of
coal In this vicinity , and the prospect
ng for oil will nnroly develop coal , if
t does not oil. Tnoro his already
been a number of oil miners , who
have examined the well and oil , aud
without exception pronounce it not
inly genuine crude oil , bat a very
uperlor article , there being but few
wells in Pennsylvania that are purer.
Clippings from tbo " Mute Journal. "
A now girl , Mary Burns , from
Maryland , has jast entered school
Rev. Ingram , who Is about to leave
Omaha for Oal. , made us a visit re
cently. He is au interesting gentle
man both in the pulpit and socially ,
and t& regret to lone him from our
Wo had the pleasure of entertain
ing a party of twenty eight or thirty
of Omaha's young people ashore time
since. We enjoyed their company
and will bo glad to BOO them ogaln.
Such snrprltea are enlivening.
Old Mrs. Palmer , familiarly kuown
aa "Grandma" in the neighborhood ,
died Sunday morning the 18 h. She
wan nick only a few days , with no par
ticular disoats save old age. Grand
ma had been a frequent visitor at the
Institute , and we shall miss her slow
and measured tread and her little bo-
quota which she generally bought
with her for distribution. She had
reached a ripe old acre , full of Christian
words and deeds , and was ready and
anxious to go home , where her hus
band and daughters have long waited
for her on the otBor' shore.
A few days ago a cavalry company
from.Fort Omaha , out drilling their
horses , gave us a friendly calK They
kindly accepted an invitation from Mr.
Rlaynard to glvo a sword drill on the
front grounds , for the .pleasure ol
piipilii. The entire household assem
bled on the front porches and in the
ndowa to witness the parade. Ic
being recess time , the fif ceeu mluntt-B
were passed very pleasantly. . The
company was heartily cheered a thuy
pasted off the grounds TJwo lieuten
ants were in charge , whoso names we
were unable to learn.
A& HOYIttfeb ,
X2T8PEO I/U. I vll FCf ni\ELY not beln
terted unless paid In advance. *
( _ Ort > -MOHB-Y
TI/rONEY / TO LOAN-Call at Law otllco of D. L.
Thomas room 8Crolghton Block.
LOANED On Chattel Mortgage so
MONEY . Room No. I , over MotcbanU N
tiotalBann. 077-liuf
- TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shrlver'
MO-JEY Etits and Loan Agency , opposite
poatofflce. 707-tt
WANTED Four Rood cook8 ami two peed
Iaundre 8t , atoico. Apply 217 N. 10th
s'rect , up s'alr . S87-0
Two dining room girls at tb
WANTED Street Itestaursnt. 280-8J
" \\J ANTED G'rl ' for general homework , 20
YV BOith Oth s'ro.t ' , between Farcam > ni
Com las. 289-Tt
COOK "anted * t I'a'IQo IIuse , norfi
A 10th Btrcct. iramedlvtely. Ml-7t
fTTANTEU A woman to wain dltho' , al th
YY Harney Street Restaurant. ' . > 93CtS :
- : girl at 721 niuth 17th St.
WANTED-Ooa i oucnworth , lor venra
housework. 275 6 |
T o men ol good address to c n
WANTKO ulaplo gocib. Call 421 South lit
Btreet 283 0 |
-IT7 ANTED-A tint da a girl Sweecl r der
YY nmi wanted In a family of two ! > / MM
Kennart N. E corner 19th ana Dodge Eta.
miNNKU'S DUaiNFS3-Wa ticl-A partner
1 or will tell and iwork lor purchaser. Ad
dro u "Tinner , " Bee office. S73 6J
ANTED-3r sUI f r general tousework
W / pplV at 2016 Hurt ( trcet 2S4-7
TANTED-Flrnt-cUss cook. None otheTneet
W ' 1103 Farnam street.283-6'
- s and kltcben he'p. Aprl
WANTED-Wille . 25 * G1
ANTED-A good , ittody middle ajet
W woman. Must be willing to wotk. Wa&
94 per wtet. Inquire 912 Douglas St. 245-8
A few tidies and gentlemen 01
WANTED for the bUgest paying buslne's 1
Amcrlei. Iloom 3,1308 farnain Si 219 la
Men and women to start a ne
WANTED > at their own home ; no penciling
60c an hour made ; lend lOo ( or samples and In
etrurtlons Addres *
133-lmeod MASON & CO. , Montpelfer , Vi
Situation by Otrman boy 14 yeat
WANTED Engllin ahd German. Ad
dress 920 American Home , Douglas street ,
290-10 *
T > ERBONAL Wanted Two air a t7 board.
J. Pleasant rooms. Addrets "Un , De OioU ,
Hit Office. , 28SCU
\T7 ANTED MO privy vaults , sinks and CM
YY pooli to clftan with saalUn cleaner. Satis
feHon riirant d. J. M. BUITO ,
Slt-lmf Lock Box 422 , Omaha ,
° RENT Two lire * uniornunod roams en
Foil floor Ke.ld n& 18 h street. Brsl , hou. .
north ol Chicago. V > l-im
_ _
TTiOll NT-Ono largo and one i imill room ,
IJ Inquire at Drug Stole , con 10th ? '
FOB HENT-App'y ' atone. .
BnlUKYAHD needed to run It ou hand.
Superior clay. Also hnuio on J'atd If "anted ,
LOIIEN7. . llBBLrYard ) 1 6th ttnet. 2 blocks
south of Oa'levue road. 290 Irnl
VOH , HENT-With boird , ft large fufi.Jlt.cil .
Jb room with bay window. Mod.m Imptove.
mcntu , 1718 Dodge Btrtcf _ 28S'9I
mOH HENr-New hetfl at AVJOI , Neb , slz 31
1 ? H4 Good look1 Ion. L\n.-ral \ ter s to the
right i artv. Adilttsi ' 0. Tcflt , " Avoci.
201 8 wit _
_ _ _
oil HUNT Ah u-eot four rn.ims. corntr o
Htt > and Web tcr itrte's 12 to a month.
IlENT-P.CJ8 nt front room
FOIl N. Itth Itieut bet CVl.'orula atd Web-
Her. *
-0011 HE\T-Futnl hedicom for two KtstAt ,
_ D Sbbckslitm poitofflco. Inquire at 1B19
D.d os.roet. 289-1'U
T7011 UK l-fl rooms , 3 but w. 3 up-stalfp , 3
' cloict , cellar , hjdrant water. Inqulr-i at 603
18th itreet. gllOl
TTIORUENT AooutBOacrcs , In thrco pieces.
U ono ol 26 , occ ol 18 , and 0110 of 4 acres. All
fenced , home 3 rooms. I'oss-sslon Immediately.
One mile Irom poatofflco. BKMl- '
RKAL EarATiiAoRNcr ,
226-tf _ ISthand Lit unlaa Streets.
no LET Flno parlor fl'or. A l > o a largo room
L furnished or unturn'ehcd , 1015 DoJgo street ,
710R RENT Pleasantly furnished rooms T.lth
2 board , at 1 Chicago itreet. 228-6t
Jt\ . and basement of building NJ. 1111 Frtin.m
iroet. Inquire on premises. . 184 1m
" 710R PENT -Two new homes with 6 roomi ,
J Dr. 0. H. Paul. 132 Imo
RENT 25 houses , 2 to 10 rooms , at 3 to
FOR per month Shrlrcr's Rent Bureau , op-
poat-office. 768-tt
TTIOR SALE OR BENT My 2 itory brfck real-
t ? ( lencocnlOtheticct acd St. Mar 'a ntcnua
or ( ale , 87000. Smill piymcnt down , balance
tO 6 jcara time. Lot 0x200 too . Elegant
touse , Tory cotvenlent. Will rent It tocry
; oodpanics far (03 fit month. Call at orco at
294-Apill 1 Cor. 12th and Farnam St.
SALE Fine reildenrc , 12 rooms , 1 } loti ,
gilt edge location , houio nearly now tnd In
icifect odcr. Beit efftr wltUn ten c'avs lakes
t. Orethirdeach , bilanao time to salt
tiooas & HILL ,
296-9 1408 Farnam Stuat.
[ 710R SALE 40 acres 6 mllej fiom courthou-e ,
L" welt , n 1th living spring.
3 loti In Dfflght & Lvman's addition.
4 lots In Isinca & Sheldon's addition.
Inquire of H. 0. Clark. 1:72-14
I OR SALE One dark bay marc , top buggy
and harness. W. W. ROBERTS ,
277-lCf Fort Omaha.
neil SALE Earth from 8. E. corner 25th and
L Hartley Sta. Address O. W. Held , 022 Kur
il am St. 281 Sf
FOR SALE A good ttplujtry and harnopfl.
Will sell chetp. Apply N , E. cor. 15th and
. 'allfoinU ntrreta. .cost
I7IOU SAl E A ( rood family horde and side-bar
P bcgzy. B , Lnnon , Ibth Street , between
Ca3 aud t a Ifornla 271-5J
SAL" 1'acre lot In Park Place , 3rJ lot
east of Academy of d-cred Heart , Improve
ments worth I COO , for 81,000 cash. Bargain.
252-tf W. O. BI1R1VJSH , Orp. PostoIIIco.
7\OR \ SALE-Houae with B rooms and 2 lets
L } ( each CCxl32) ) In south Omaha , for $1,000 , on
lay terms. Will taki-toim on part paynont ,
inquire at 611 8 12th etrcct. 243-lmt
"C10R SALE Now 6 room cottage , good closets.
J ? Addrcsi"8. W. L/'Beoomco. 2128t
, . .Oil a."iLK CUBA ? Choice unimproved bug-
I1 IntBj lots on Farnam. Uarney : Douglu ,
and D.dge streets. DAVIS & SNYDER ,
Real EtUts Agents ,
110-cod-tf 1605 Farnam St.
A BARGAIN-Hotel and Lively Stable fo
JTX Bale In a growing western town. Flrst-clas
lotol and only livery stable in town. If you wan
hotel or ( table , will pay you to Investigate. Wll
Bell separate. AddroH "Hotel" care of Bee.
IOC-rate 12tt
r > E1IIS'Now Map of Omaha , Just completed and
_ D ready for delivery at K each. Ii 4 loot wide
7 feet long. LanrMt and most complete map
Omaha ever published. Official m p of th
city. Boo column.
F OR SALE F ura'iolot adjoining city lim
it' . Ka yUtm . JOHNT.BELU
170-3 } IfOd F ruam st.oot.
E oflf r tor sale ut a bargain the enidou and
W fixture * now In use at c > ur works. Iho
ccnibl t-outfit iftaieood KB new , ndcontUUo
Knelne(40 ( hrrsi power ) , B'Her , HeaterSteam
Pump. HiDoke SUik , S earn orid Water Gauges ,
Wfttc/'iuiili Valves H [ > e ? , < tc. It wl'ibe ' tikcn
out abiut tlin drat ol next M-vy Partle * interes
ted arn Iml el o call nnrt s < * it In operation day
and bignt ( Sundays excepterf ) at the Woodman
Llnwcd Oil Workrf , corner Seva iteanth and Nich-
olaa ttreaH 017-lm
KALE Pockets maps of Nebraska 20c
EOR . For bargains In uu aba City Improved
and unlmpr vcd property , call on Wm. F , Shrl-
ver , Real Estate Agent , opposite poetofflce.
1.10B BALE A first clam tecoud hand phaetom
_ fj CallatlSldHarneySt. 897-tJ
pvHESSMAKI.sO done at 211 north Sliltonth
U street. 2JC-5J
A perfect fitting dicp 1 nine cut for 25 cents ,
next Tuesday , at 1418 Dodge S . 270-5 {
HOUSE Id now ( f en kr business.
CENTRAL IC'.h and Hurt Ft. 250 fit
INDUfEMENTS < ( Tend for
CJPECIAL a coun-
O try etorr at Qllmore , tarpy cou-'tv ' , 1'eb.
Apply to O. Kroit , there. la.Vlmt
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Fnrnam
and Harney. Will , with iho aid cf fii.irdlan
spirits , obtain for any one a glance of the past
and present , and on certain condition ) In tbr fu
ture. Boots and Shota made to order. Pitted
AND EXCfcUlt. > Or. CO.'UlRSia HIAr-'ar-
T > t's olta r AT > r > > r > t IS AN Ir-VAL-
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of purity
strength and nholcsomeneoa. More eoooomlcal
than the orplnary kinds , and cannot ba told In
competition with the multitude of low Uit , shorl
weight , alum or phoephate powder. Sold only In
cam * . RoTil. BliUi POWBU Co. , Wall-St 00