Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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    J\ \
1 ,
Tnu Nebraska National
Of Omftho , Mob.
Pnld vip Capita - - V. . $2&O.OOC
U. JOUNSON , President , nl. t t. I *
„ S. I OAALIN , Vice President , ot 0. , B. & Q ,
H. R. , Boston.
IT. T. MORSE , ol W. T. Morse a Co
OHN 8. COLLINS , ol O , H. & J. S. Collins. '
H. WOOIiWORTII , Counsellor A Attorney-ai
REED , ol Byron Reed k Co.
w. 7ATK3 , Cashier , late Cashier ol the Flril
National Bank ol Omaha , and connected will
lha active management ot that Bank sloe * Itl
tlgantzatlon In 1863.
i OrisiD tor business April tl , 1882 , with ibi
\ ric t capital ol any bank In Neoraska.
\ N OotLicrnORS receive special attention and char
\ \ | M lowwt obtainable here ur elsnwhere.
> \ \ IHTIKIST allowed on lime do ) > olts upon layer
able terms and upon account * ol banks and b nk
< trs.
i FOUIJOM Eicniifoi , Qovernment Bondi , and
County and Cl'y securities bounht and sold.
It la prepared to do a general banking buslnen
la all Us detalli , Mid In the trratmcnt of cuitom
will pursue the molt liberal policy conslttcnl
with ute binkltg ,
Special Dispatch to TuiBii.
NEW YOIIK , March 5.
Money Market at 0@8 percent ; closed
and offered at G percent.
Prime mercantile paper G@GJ pei
Sterling exchange , ImnkerV bills , titeadj
at 81.811 ; demand at $1 84.
Governments 'Wero iiregular , but gen
erally l@i lower.
, , Railroad bonds were active nnc
U W * .
The stock market opened loner and dull
but advanced as the day progressed imti
the beginning of the afternoon , when a re
action eet In. There waa a quick recov
cry , however , and in the last hour of bus !
ness the Highest prices of the day wen
made , and the advance over 2 o'clock
prices WAS J to I on the active stock * . I (
the final dealings a part cf the advanci
was lost , but the market cloaei only i
fraction below the highest pilots of th <
day and was from 4 tolj above the clod
ing on Sj-turd-ty.
Saturday. To-Ut. > ,
3i' 104 KHj
6-B 1033 103J
4J's Coupons . ' .U2 | 112j
, ls 11J ! 111 *
Paclihu'aof 1&95 128 128
Central Pacitio firsts. . . . . . . .113S 113. ,
Brie ooconds % S W5 ;
Leuigh & VVilkeaharre 101 $ 10 I
.Louisiana consols 7' f i2 ;
Missouri 6's 110 $ 1m ;
St. Joseph 1JG9 ICO
St , Pnul & Sioux Oity firsts .liu llu
TeiiuHBSoe 6's 43 41
do new 401 40
Texas & Pacific land grants. . tij ( ( JJ ( ;
do R. G. div. . . . 80 8u
Union Pacific 1st mortgage. . 1131 113i
do land grants . .109 10 < J
do sinking fund..H7 | 117 <
Virginia 6's 33 33
do consols G'a 50 60
do deferred 131 13
8100 IB.
Adams Express 130 132
Allegheny Central 13 ]
Alton & Terre Haute 68
do pfd. . . . 1)8 ) 98 ,
American Express 89J 91.
Burl. , Cedar Rapids & North. 84 81
Canada Southern 651 64
Ool. , Gin. & Ind. Central..100 * 105 !
Central Pacific 80 $ 81 ]
.Chesapeake & Ohio 21 ,
do 1st pfd 30
do 3d pfd ' 24
Chicago & Alton 133 132
do pfd 135 130
Chi , Burl. & Quincy 117 | N 118 |
OhL , St. L. & New Orleans. . .79 . 78
Gin. , Sand. & Cleveland 46
Cleve. , CoL & Cincinnati 73
Delaware & Hudson canal 107
Del. , Lack. & Western 122
Denver & Bio Grande 441 44
Brie 3GJ 37
do pfd 70 70
East Tennessee 8.
do preferred 15
Fort Wayne & Chicago 133 135 :
Hannibal & tit. Joseph 41 41 :
do pfd. . . 82 80
Harlem 193 201
Houston & Texas Central 72
Illinois Central 143J 143
Ind. , Bloom. & Western 31 § 29
Kansaa&Texas 31
Lake Erie & Western , . . . . 27
Lake Shore & Michigan So 110
Louisville & Nashville 53
Iiouisv. , New Alb. & Chicago . . f > 5
Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd . . 10
do do 2d pfd . . 5
Memphis & Charleston 38
Michigan Central 93
Minneapolis & St. Louis 26
do pfd. . . 56
Missouri Pacific 100 93
Mobile & Ohio 15
.Manhattan Beach 122
Morris & Essex 53
New Jersey Central 71i 71
Nashville & Chattanooga 3S
Northern Pacific 493 41
do pfd SGg 8 !
Northwestern 1324 131
do pfd. 1'IOS HE
New York Control 126 | 12f
Ohio Central. . . . 1'H ' 1C
Ohio & Mississippi 31 } 85
do pfd 98 9
Ontario & Western ; 2
Oregon Transcontinental. . . < . . . . 8'
Pacific Moil 4 (
Panama. 16 (
Peoria , Decaturfc Evanav. . . 20J 2 (
Fittshurg & Cleveland 139 13 !
Pullman Palace Oar 119 11 !
Beading ft
Bock Island 122i 121
Bt Louis & San Fran 29 21
do pfd 4 !
do .1st pfd . . . 8 !
St. Paul & Milwaukee lOlg 10 !
do pfd..120 121
Bt. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 1413 14 :
Bt. Paul & Omaha 48S 41
IM do pfd. 1074 10 !
Texas & Pacific 394 3 !
UnionYPacifio 93J 9
United States Express G
Wabash , St. L. & Pacific. . . . 91 2
do Pfd. 47j | 4
Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. . . . 11
WosternjUnion Telegraph. . . 8ig 8
Central Arizona
Homestake l
Little Pittsburg
Ontario 2
Quicksilver ]
do pfii i
Silver OHB
South Pacific
BntroOffered. . fKx. Interest. { Aakod. lil
BOSTON , March 5. The total grosi
changes of the leading clearing houses
the United States for the week end
March 3 were $1,010,103,003 , being
Increase of 21.1 per cent compared vt
the same week of 1883.
Special DtipatchM to Tui Oil.
OniOAOo , March 6. Wheat Hlg
and steady ; regular at 109@1 094
March ; 1 093 ® ! 09 | for April ; 1 14
114J for M y } alao 115 for June : Nn
2 Chicagj sprlutf nt 1 O'@l ) 09Jj No. i
Chlcaxo spring at 91 ; No. rod wiate
Corn Active , firm and higherj 683(2 (
fi9o for cash ; 525811 f ° r Marcb ; fcHjft
6io ) for Aprllj O.'ifetiSo for MaCx
for June : 03 0 for Julv ; rejected ,
llyeFirmer at 061@CO/ o
Barley Market dull at 78j.
Bacon In fjood demand nud firm a1
I 3l@l 32J.
Dressed Hogs-In fair demand at 7 90S
Pork Lower nt 18 05@18 10 for caul
and Marchj 18 2J@18 80 fur Aprllj 18 18i
rn518 02J for May } 18 18J@18 C5 lei
June ; 1870018 18 < for July.
L rd Firmer and closed easier ; 11 27id
II 80 for cash and Match ; 11 42J@11 41
for April ; 11 55(5)11 ( ) 57i for May ; 11 COffi
11 C2i for June ; 1165@1170 for July
Bulk Meats -In fair demand ; shoul
dew , 7 60 ; bulk short ribi , 10 05 ; buil
short clear 10 2\
Butter Creomoryat 25@S8 : ; dairy
18@30c ; staple , 18.
Hwhliky Steady and unehangoj at 1 17
roRular at 1 08i@l 09 for Mnrch ; 1 091(8 (
1 093 fnr April ; 114J for May ; 1 1.43@
IrlJ forJuuo.
Corn-Bs ady and unchangea , excepl
for April , which declined io.
Oats Irregular ; 4i3a fur March : 431S
43icfor Airil ; 44jo for May ; 44.Jo tui
Tune ; -KIJo for July.-
Pork-Ir'-Bular : 18 10 for MMCD :
18 17 } for April ; 18 474@18 18J for M y
Lard Steady' and unchanged , excepl
for April , whion advanced Jo.
Naw YORK. March 5-Flour-Markel
steady ; supeifioe bUto and western , 37/ /
@ 4 92 ; comiuon to irood extra , 3 90@4 97 ;
cooil to choice , 4 00@6 90 ; white wheat
extia. 0 2S@7 30 ; extra Ohio , 4 107 00
St. Louis , 4 U0@7 20 ; Minnesota patent
preceas , 5 50@7 80.
Wheat Cash lots IJa better ; No. . !
spring nominal ; ungraded winter red , 1 ( X
@ 1 25 ; steamer No. 3 red , 1 14 ; ungradet
winter rod , 1 01@1 28 ; No. 2 do 1 2 (
@ 1 201.
Corn Market firm ; ungraded 59c ; No
2 , 71@72 in the elevators ; 71@73 <
delivered for C'nh ; 70gj for March ; 71@
72n. cloAing at 72J < j for April.
Oats Market quiet nnd unchanged
mixed western , 51$53c ( ; white , 53$563. (
Hay Steady and good demand ; G !
Hops Dull and unchanged.
Eggs Liwer and prices unsteady at II
Pork Market flini ; new mess , 1923
for Juno , 19DO@19iU. (
Cut MeatH Atarl < ft steady ; long cW
middles , 10 27 10 3 ; short clear mid
dle , 12 32@13 03.
L rd Murkrr. tte rty and unohaniecl
priuiB Bteani , 11 Go@ll 18 fur ca'h
Butter Market weaior ; creumerv , li
( S23ej western and staio dairy , 19@28c
prime. 15@19j
COCPSO - Steady and unchanged ; weitcri
flit , 13i@14c
ST. Louis , March 5. Flour Thi
market WAS better nrl firmer ; f-iii'ily. 5 7i
ra580 ! ; choice , 52l@5SO ; t uoy , o 33a (
5 to.
Wheat Market hipber , opened and ad
vanctd , but cto-ed off and we k ; No !
rod l .J , 1 13 for cash ; 1 13@1 13i fo
Mtrcu ; and 1 lflul ) 15j { at the cU-olny
nlio for April at 1 17@1 17j at the closing
117 | forMay ; L 1G1@1162 for June. 1 09j
@ 110 for July ; No. 3 red fall , 1 07ic (
1 08.
Corn Opened and closed lower , hu
active for May ; 53jj@55io for cash ; 55Jf (
55Jo for Marcb , at 674(2)5783 ( ) at closing
5idc ( fur April ; closing at E8@58 o : 681
for Ma > \ doting at 53 @ 582c ; 68go fo
Oats Higher ; 43@44a for cash ; 43o fo
March ; 43J@43io tor April , closing at 4
@ 4ISc ; 44o lor May.
Bye Market dull at 59o bid.
Barley Steady at 6U@803.
Butter Steady ; creamery , 34@88t
dairy , 24@30o ; stock , 14o.
Whisky Steady at 115.
Pork Quiet ; jobbini ? at 18 37&gl8 ( 4 (
Bulk MeaU Market dull ; long cleai
9 90 ; short rib , 10 00 , short clear , 10 50.
BaconQijlet ; short clear. 10 G5@10 7t
short rib , 10 80@1087i ; short clear , 11 2
@ 11 25.
Lird Nominal.
OITT.i , -
KANSAS Oirr.'March ' 5. Wheat Mai
ket strong and better ; No. 2 red fal
OGofor cash ; 97io bid for April ; 100 fc
Corn Market firmer 46J@46Jo for cast
48o for April ; 49Jo for May.
Oata Slow ; Sic bid for cash ; no optlom
Special Dispatches to Tni Bis.
CHICAGO , March 5. The Drovers' Jon ;
nal reprts an follows :
Hoga Market uneven but steady ; tfc
qutlity Is poor ; heavv , 7 25@7 65 ; Hghi
o40@710 , but mostly at 6 00@7 01
mix d , G 50@7 00 ; siip > , 6 00@6 25.
Cattle Trade active and firmer ; tl
demand for export grades strong at 5@10
higher ; 5 91 ( < JG 35 for steers weltihin
1,300 to 1,500 Ibs ; poor to choice Phlopen
4 75@G 00 ; tmtchers' firm at 2 75@4 2' '
for OOWR , 4 50(2)5 ( ) 00 ; for steers , stockei
and feeders , 3 G9@5 03
Sheep Steady nnd film ; Nebrasl
sheep averaging 93 pounds sold at 5 0
poor to prime natives , 3 75@6 CO.
CHICAGO , Mnrob 5. The Drovarb'Jou
nal cablegram reports good American ca
tie Jo lower nt IGc , estimated live weigh
Sheep Lower t > t 16@10s.
NEW YORK , March 5. The Drovei
Journal Bureau reports ;
Beeves Demand sharp and market a
live and firm at Jo higher ; common
prime steer ? , 5 50(3(7 ( ( 25 per owt for H'
weight ; peed droves averaged 6 40 per cv
live weight ; exporters wed 85 car loads ;
6 00@6 85.
Sheep Live firm ; 7 25 for prime nhee ;
extra , 7 40@7 60 ; beat yearlings sold i
8 00 per cwt.
Swine Steady ; live hogs easier at 7 <
by the car load.
KANSAS CITT , March 5. The Li
Stock Indicator reports :
Cattle Firm ; native steers of 1,200
1,600 Ibs , 4 85@5 60 ; stockers and feedei
4 40@4 65 ; cows , 2 60@3 75.
Hogs Steady : light , 6 65@0 80 ; me <
um , 6 85@7 00 ; heavy. 7 05@7 35.
Sheep Quiet ; good to choice , 4 00
440 ,
ST. Loui8 , March P. Hogs High
and active ; light , 6 85@7 05 ; packing , 6
@ 7 25 ; heavy , 7 20@7 35.
Special Dlejntch to TUB BIR ,
LONDON , March 5. Twelve thouen
nine hundred bsles of Port Phillip A <
i laide and Now Xaaland wool wai told i
day. The bidding was spirited but
change In the prices
Special Dispatch to TUB HK
of LONDON , Mnrch 5. The Mark L
Exnreaa In a review of the BrltUh gn
ng trade hat week nays : The wheat trade
&n weaker , the declines varying from
tl. f arthlncs to two thlllmgi. Flour la low
and the trade in foreign broadttuffj
tl.B tedious and un atl factory with a do ?
B ward tendency In the prlcet. Fl (
weakened owing to the ezceulva arrivi
Other articles are ( juoUbly unoh an (
The cargoes oO the co tt are lo reatrid
demand. Red winter wheat closed i
ier farthings dearer and four arrivals and
for sales , three were withdrawn and two
l@ main. About 12 cargoes are due this we
The trade Is forward anit slack , Tlin s.tto <
of wheat for the pn < t wiok nre
45,1'4'J quarter * t 42 rlillllnus 0 ponce | > r
quarter , RgAlniit 3t,3JI ( quarters fit41
shillinm U pence for the corresponding
period last year ,
Special Dltpatchos to Tin llu.
OIIIOAOO , March fi , Hcoelpta nnd
shlpmonU of flour and grain for the past
24 hours have been M follows :
KocolDti , Bhlp'to.
Wheat bushels 18,000 070
Corn " 21,000 0,000
llye " 200000 200.0CO
Harley " 63,000 f.5,000
Uacon ixiunds 100,000 100,000
DreHtcd hoRH 14,000 G.COO
Pork barrels O.SOO 880
Lard-barrel 42,000 47,000
ST. Loots , March G-Receipts and
shipments of flour nnd grain for the past
48 hours have been as follows :
Receipts. Shlp'ts.
Flour bbla 4,000
Wheat bushbl 7,000 . . . .
Corn " 101,000 . . . .
Oata- " 6'JOOO
Hye " 4,000
Uarloy "
KANSAS Oirr. Mnrch 6. Uocolpts
and shipments of grain for the past 24
'hours hate boon as folio wo :
Roo'ts. Bhip'ta.
Wheat , bushels I'.OOO 10,000
Corn " 45,000 70,000
NEW YORK , Mnrch 0. Receipts and
ehipments of flour nnd groin for the post
24 Lours have been as follows ! * .
Receipts VshP'ta-
Flour-bbla 28,000 > 3 , 0.000
Wheat bushels GO.fiOO \ ? 8COO
Corn " 157,800 T845.000
Oats " 31,500 2G9
CBIOAOO , March 5. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the post 24
hours have been aa follows :
Roo'ts. Shlpm'ta.
Hogs 12,000 C,4Ct
Cattle 15.000 1,000
Sheep 2,400 . . . .
NEW YOBK , March 5. Receipts and
shipments of live stock for the post 2i
hours have been as follows :
Roo'ta. Shlp'ts
Beeves 2,200 4oOO
Live cattle 9,000
Live iheep 4,685 2,000
Swine IS.COl )
KANSAS OITT , March 5. Receipts
and shipments of live stock for the post 21
hours have been as follows :
Reo'ts. Bhipm'ta.
Cattle 700
Hogs 800 . . . .
Sheep 200
ST. Louis , March 5. Receipts and
shipments oi live stock for the past 24
hours have been na follows :
Roo'ta. Shipra'ts.
Hogs 4,600 3,400
Sheep . . . .
Wholotalo Prloei.
OrrioK or TUB OMAHA BH , )
Saturday Evening , March 5. {
The only changes reported In th
market to-day are as follows :
Wheat No. 2 advanced Je.
Rye advanced lie.
Local Grain Dealings.
WHEAT. Cosh No. 2 , 92o ; cash No
3 , 76Jc ; rejected , 62o.
BARLEY.-OaahNo. 2 , 70c > No. 8 ,
40o.RYE Cash. B2io.
SEEDS Flaz seed 96o per bn.
Produce and Provisions. *
POTATOES 60@60o per bushel ,
ONIONS 50@55o per bushel.
BUTTER " -Choice country , 12io.
EGGS fresh , 13o.
HONEY Callforala. per lb , 21.
APPLES Per barrel , $2 76@3 00.
OYSTERS Platt'a select oysters , 40c
Standard , 80 ; mediums , 25.
ORANGES-Florlda , $5 50 ; Messina ,
LKMONS $3 B0@4 00 per box.
BEANB Navy per bushel , 2 76@8 00
CHIOKEN8-lS@14o per lb.
TURKEYS 14o per pound.
Grocers List
CANNED GOODS Oysters , 2 It
( Field's ) , per case , 34 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's )
per ease , 2 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per ease
390 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per' case , 2 40 ,
raspberries , 2 Ib , per cose , 3 50. Dam <
sons , 2 Ib , per case , 2 45 , Bartletl
pears per ease , 240. Whortleberriet
per case , 275. Egg plums,2 Ib,2 90
Green gagea,2 Ib per case , 2 90 ; do choice , ,
tb per case 4 50 , Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case
4 00@5 75. Peaches , 2 n > per case , 3 00
do 3 lb , case , 4 004 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , pel
caue.230 : do pie , 6 Ib , per dozen. 2 30.
FLOUR Jobbinp prices , Jack Frosi
Bt. Louis winter ) $3.90 per 100 Iba. ; To
peka Patent Kansas , $3.85 : Mlnnehaha
Minnesota Patent , $3.70 ; Snawnee Fanoj
winter , $3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter
$3.00 ; Triumph , $2.80 ; Chris
tian'a superlative , 3.65 ; bran , per ton
814.00 ; chopped feed. $28,00 ; Queen Bei
Hour , per sack , 3 25 ; Nellie Blye , per sacl
29Q.a .
a CGARS Powdered , lOJc : Cut loaf
lOJc ; Granulated , 9c ; Confectioners' A
91c ; Standard Extra C , 8c ; Extra 0
8c ; medium yellow , 7ic ; dark yellow , 7Jc
SYRUP Standard Cora. , 42o , bbls.
Standard do , 4) gallon kegs , $2 05 ; Stan
dard do , 4 gallon kegs , $1 90.
MEATS Hams per .Ib. , 13o ; B bacoi
per lb , , 13c ; clear side bacon per lb . lie
dry salt tides per lb , , 9Jc ; dry salt shoul
ders per lb. , 9c ; bacon shoulders per lb.
BJo ; tierce lard per lb. ; lie.
SPICES. 1'opper , 21 : Allspice , 18c
B Java , 264iUciS } Mocha , 284ci Arbuokle'
B 141o.
t OHEESH Full Cream , 14o ) Pat
LYK American , 3 35 ; Greenwich , 3.4C
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewli
lye , 4 60 ; Jewell lye , 2 76 ,
FEED-Jobblng prices , Chop feed
$1.60 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 81.40 ; bran
70o per 100 Ibs.
HOMINY New , $ -1 25 per bbl.
SOD A In lb papers , $3.20 per case ; ke
soda , 21c.
NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrel
8700 ; do inhalfbblB. 4 00 ; smalls , In bbl.
900 do , In half bbls , 600 ; gherkins , I
bbla. 11 00 ; do , in half bbla , 6 00.
STARCH. Pearl , 4o | Silver Gloi
8Jo ; Corn Starch , 8Jo | EzcelalorDloai
7o : Corn , 71o.
TEAS .Gunpowder , good , 45@6 !
Oboice , 60@75c ; Imperial , good , 40@45 <
Choice , 60@76o ; Young Hyson , good , _ 86 (
50o ; choice , 65c@l 00 ; Japan Nat Lea
36c ; Japan , choice , 60@76c : Oolong , gooi
S5@40 ; Oolong , oho.ce , 40@56 | Sonohoni
50od. [ 3540c ; choice , 35ffilEo.
ROPE Sisal , 1 inch and larger , 10J
§ Inch , lie : J Inch , llic.
WOODENWARE Two hoop pall
1 75 ; three hoop palls , 2 00 , Tuba , Ni
1. 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 86Joub
Crown 2 90 ; v/ellbucketo , 360.
LEAD-Bar , 81 66.
VINEGAR Pure pplo eztra , 16
pure apple , ISc ; Pruanlne pure ancle , 16
SALT , Driy loadj , per bbl , 1 G5 ; Asl
ton , in sao ka , 8 50 ; bbls dairy 60 , 6s , 111
80AP3--Kirk's Savon Imperial , 84
Kirk's sattnot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard , 3 7
Kirk's white Russian. 525 ; Kirk
Eutoco , 315 Ktrk'u Prairie Quee
(100 ( cokes ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia dos
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cat
In caae , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In cos
1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz In case 1 50 ,
PKANOTS Roasted , oholoe , red Te
neasee , lOoper lb ; fanoy white , lOio perl
jaw white Virginia , raw , lOcj loaate
n > 12ao.
nar 12ao.OANDLESBozM , 40 lbs,16s , 16Jo ; I
is. 155o ; btxes 40 Ibs. , 16 oz. , 6s , 16fo.
* 1 MATOUEfa-Per caddie , 96o ronn
1d cases , 98 10) ) square , OOMS , 5 40 ,
iz Dry Goods.
> lz BRJOWN OOTTONB-AUantlo A. 81
re- Appleton XX , 7o ) Atlanta A , 8ot Boi
ilc. FF , Bio ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o > Cabot 1
7lcChlttcnnnM/ ; Urcnt Fnlls E ,
84oj Hoodler , lija ; Honsst Width , 81c. In'
dfnn Head A , Jo ; Indian BUnUti { A ,
85c ; Indian Orchatd d , w. , 8c ; Lawrence
IjL , 7ci Myntlo Rlvor , 7Jo : Pequot A , 8c
Shawmnt LL , 7c ) Utloo O , 6jc ; Woclius
ott B , 71oj do A , 8Jc > do K 43,12jeVal. ; .
cott BB , Sic ,
t.4 : 7lo ; Alligator 8 1 , So ; Ar yle 4-4 , 7Jo ]
Atlantic LIvGJcj Badger SUto X 4-4 , Jo |
Bennlngton 0 4-4,6Joj Buckeye 8.4-4,6JOC
Indian Orchard AA 9-8. SJo ; Laconla 0
dn L 4 > 4,9icBUckstonoAA Imperial 8o :
do do half bleached 4.4 , 9c ; Cabot 4.4,85 ;
Fidelity 4 1 , gjcjVrult of thoLoom,9J : do
onrr.brIo4-4,12jfcdoWnterTwst,101cUroa ; ( ; (
Fnlls Q , 9Joj Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12o |
Lonsdnlo. lOo ; do cambrlo 87 , 12Jo
York Mllla , 12jo ; Poguot V,10o ; Pepperel
N G Twills , 121oj Pooohnntan 4-J , 91c ;
Pocasset 4-4 , 8ic ; Utloa , lie ) Wamtutta
0 X X , 1240.
UUOKS Colored ) Albany K brown ,
So ; do 0 , drab , Xlej do X * . Rtripoa nud
plalda , 12io ; do XXX brown and drab ,
stripoo and plaids , ISJc ; Arlington fancy ,
! Br9c : unswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fancy
12io ; do oztro heary , 20cj Fall River
brown , extra heavy , lllc ; Indiana A
brnwn IKni Nenouset A brown. 15o
TlOK.l UO-AmoBke g A U A 82
19c ; do XX blue 32 , 18Jc : Arrowanno ,
9io ; Claremont B B , 15Jo : Conestoga ez
tro _ _ , 174c ; Hamilton . D , llio _ _ Lewiston < \
4 n
- B ft .1 \ i t * / \
lOio ; do S3 12c : Yeoman's blun 29 , 9o
DENIMS. Atnoskoak , blnoandbronn
IGio ; Andover DD blue , 15io ; ArllngX
blue Scotch , 18io ; Concord OOO , blue aw
brown. 12icdo ; AAA , do do 13J ; doXXtc
do do 14io Haymaker's blue and brown.
34o ; Mystlo River DD stripe , 16Jc ; Pearl
River , blue and brown , IGo ; Uncaavlllo ,
blue and brown. 14 Jo.
CAMBRICS Barnard , Sic ; Eddystone
lining. 24 inch double face , 840 ; Garner A
glazed , FJcj Manhattan glove finish , 6Jc
Newport do 605 do glazed , 6Jo | Pequot d <
60 : Lockwood kid finish 60.
CORSET JEANS Amory , 8oAndroi ;
ooggln satteon 8Jo ; Olarendcu , 6JcConea ;
oten sattoens , 7Jcj Hallowol , , 80 ; Injdi
Orchard 74o ; Nnrrjigansett , Improvedo
Pepporlll sattoen 94o ; Rookport , 7Jo.
PRINTS-Aliens , OJo ; American , GJo
Arnold , 7o ; Berwick. 4o ; Cocheoo , 7o
Ooneatoga. 6o ; Dunkirk , ; Dunnell ,
G4@7o _ ; Eddystone , 7o ; Gloucester , Go
Harmony , 54o ; Knickerbocker , Gic ; Mei
rl no D. 7c ; Mystic , 64o ; Sprorues , 60
Southbrldge , Go ; do. Ginghams , 7o ; Marlboro
bore , 5o ; Oriental G4o.
GINGHAMS Amkoag. . 124c | Amen
keag dres * 94l Argyle , lOio : Atlantic
9c ; Cumberland , 74o ; Highland , Tic
Kenllwortb , 84c | Pfun kott , lOio ; Sui
OBX , 80.
60TTONADES Abhervllle 13ii
Agate , 20o ; American , lie ; Artlalau , 20c
Cairo D and T , ISic ; Clarion D nnd T
17ic ; Docoan Co. stripes D and T.lGo ; Key
stone , ISic ; Nnntuckot , 19c ; Nonpareil
IGc ; Ocean D and T , 13ip ; Royal , 1G4
Janoy. 124c ; do. 8 o'z 20c.
SHEETINGS-AndroBCoguln 10-4S7)C ) |
do 9.4,23cdo ; 8-4 , 22c ; Continental (
42 , lie , Fruit.of the Loom 10-4 , 271 ; Nov
York mllls98 , S5o ; do 78 , 30c ; do 58. 22c
PembrkelO-4 ; , , 35o ; Pequot 10-4. 284c , d
74,19o do 19 , 16o ; Popperell L9G , 29c
do 67. 21cdo ; 57,18c ; Ut2ca 96 , S6c ; d
58 , 22io ; do48.17c.
P lnt Olli and Varnlahei
OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon
13Jo ; 150 * headlight , per galloc
15Jo ; 175' headlight , per gallon. 22c
Water White , 21o ; linseed
XX7C. per gallon , 1 25 ; No. 8,1 20 ; swoel
per gallon , 85oj sperm , W. B. , per gallor
1 75 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot
extra , per gallon , 75o ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubr
eating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; rummer , 15 <
golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , 85c ; N <
3 80 : iperm , signal , per gallon , 80o ; tu :
pentine , per gillon , 65c ; naptha , 74 , p <
gallon. 18o : 6V , 17o
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omat
P. P. . Go ; white lead , Bt Louis , pore , Gg
Marseille * green , 1 to 6 ft cans , 2 (
French zinc , giaen leaL 12c ; French zln
red seal , lie ; iTrench rlno , in vamlsh am
20c : French since , in oil asst lEo ; Ba
and burnt umber , 1 ft cans 12c ; raw at
burnt Sienna , ISot Vandyke brown , . .
refined lampblack. 12o : coach black anc
l bry black , 16o ; drop bla < k , 16c ; Frussls
blue , SOo ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; ohrvo
green , L. M. & D. , 14cblind ; and ahntti
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18
Indian red , 15o : Venetian red. 9o ; Tusct
Ore , 22c ; American Vermlliod , I , &P , , 18
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O , & D O , , 18
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , IS ; patei
dryer , 8c ; graining colors : light oak , dai
oak. walnut. Ahestuut nnd' ash 15o.
Dry Dalnti ' .
White load , 80 ; French sine , lOci Pat
whiteing 24c ; whiting gliders. 1J
biting com7 ! , lie ; lampblack Gonna
town , 14c ; Irmpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Pro
slan blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18o ; vandy )
Cloves , 35o ; Nutmegi , 91 00 ; Cassia , 24
Mace 8100.
L \BD OmahaBefinlninCo. : Tierce
12o ; 40 and 50-lb cans , 12Jo ; 20-lb can
123c ; 10-lb pails , screw top , 12Jcj 5-lb d
12Jc : 3-lb do , 12Sc.
KIOE Louisiana prime to choice , 611
7c : fair , 6Jr$7io ; Patma , GJc.
FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 6 7
No , 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family tnac
erel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kit
85c ; No. 1 white fish , half brls , 6 00 ; No.
COFFE'E. Bio , fair , Hot Itlo , got
lllc ; jiriiat to choice , 12 to 12 0) ) Old go ;
Ivown , 8c ; nmber , burnt , 4a ; umber , rn
icslenna , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , '
Paris green genuine , 25o ; Paria green cot
20u ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20c ; chro :
green 1C , 12c ; vermillion , Eng. , 70cj v
million , America , 18o ; Indlau rod , 1
rose pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Gokaao
2Jci venation red Am. , lc ; rei load , 7 !
chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hrome yi
low , 1C , , 12c ; ochre , rochelle 8c ; ocb
French. 2Jc ; ochre , American , i
Winter's mineral. 2ic ; lohigb brown. 2j
"Spanish brown. 24c ) Prince s mineral .
YABNISHES-Barrehi per gallo
Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furniture , No.
81 ; coach , uxtra , 8140 ; oaoh , No.
81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 75 ; apan , 70oi ;
phaltum , extra , 85o ; sheila 83 50 ; ha
oil finish , 8130.
Heavy Hardware List ,
Iron , rates , 8310 ; plow steel , spec
east , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special or Gorman , *
cast tool do. 15@20 wagon spokes , m
2 25@3 00 ; hubs , per set , 125 ; felloes , saw
dry. 140 ; tongues , each , 70@85o' ; ail
each , 75o ; square nuts , per ft , 71-
washaro. per lb. 8@18c : rivets , per Ib , i :
cell chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , I
Iron wedges , Go ; crowbars , Go barn
teeth , 4o ; norseshoos , per keg , 5 00 ; spri
stool , 7@8c ; Burden s horseshoes , 51
Burden's mulcnhoos , 6 50
SHOT. Shot , 81.85 ; Buck shot , 82.1
Oriental Powder , kegs , 80.40 ; do , , b
kegs. 83.48 ; do. , quarter kegs , 81.88 ; Ills
Ing , Ws , Oa35 : Fuse , ner 100 feet GOo.
BAHBKD WIUK In car lots , 8 2 ! !
9 25 per 100 ; In less than car lots. 8 7
9 75 oar 100.
NAILS Bates. 10 to 60tf > , 425.
Hldee fuit. tie.
HIDES 'jireon butcher's hide , G ® ;
cured 7J@8c ; bides , green salt , part cni
7ichEdes,7ic ; ; dry Hint , sound , 13@14c ; t
calf and kip , 12 ( )14c ) ; dry salt h.dus.soui
10@llo ; green calf. wt. 8 o 1C Db3 , . 11@1
green calf , wt , under 8 Itu , per skin , 6
screen pelti , Ml ) 25 ; neen lamb ski
8125@1 CO : damaged hides , two-third r
cut scored and one grub , olasaed tv
tLlrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent.
Coon skins , No , 1 , 45o ; No , 2 , SOo ; No ,
20j ; No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , SOc ; No
15c ; No. 8,15o ; No. 4 , Go. Fox , No.
GOoj No. 2 , 2oo. Skunk , No. 1 , b ?
G5o ; short stripe , 40cj narrow strlpeo
broad stripe , lOo. Tallow. 7o ,
i , Leatner
Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , S&
85o ] hemlock kip. SOo to 100 : ram
65o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 860 to 120 ; hi
lock upper , 23o to 26o ; oak upper , '
alligator , 4 00 to 6 60 ; calf kid , 8 @ !
Grelscn kid , 2 f.O to 3 7f > ) oak kip , SOo to
1 00) ) oak calf , 1 20 to 1 30 ; French kip ,
1 10 to 1 of ; French calf , 1 25 to U 00 ; niA <
Bcttn. fi CO to 7 50 ; . , is l 0" In 10 60 ;
toppings , 9 I * to 101)0 , 13 , L. Aloiouon , 80c
to 3To ; pebhln O. D. Moroeov , Zfta , HlmoiiJ
HAllNKBS-No t sUr oak , -Wo ; No 2
Ho , 3'.ic ; N. 1 Ohio onV. age ; No. i' dn ,
S5c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 3 < lo " o.
We quots lumber , latii nnd shlnglra on :
cars at Omuha at the following price * !
under , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 50 ,
TIMBERS 1G ft. and under , 822 00.
TIMBKB AND JO1ST-18 It. , 823 CO ;
2C ft , 828 50 1 32 ft. , 820 50 ; 31 ft. 82G 50.
KNOING-No. 1 , 4 and G In. , 824 00 ;
No. 2 , 822 00.
SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( common
boards ) , 820 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00.
LIME For barrel , 81 So ; bulk per ons-
40c ; Cement , bbl , 83 25 Iowa plaster ,
Ibbl , 83 50. Hair per bn , 40a Tarred
felt 100 Ibs , 83 DO. Straw board , 83 CO.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , (12 ;
Morris Uun'Blonsburg , 812 ; WhltobroaM
lump , 85 BO ; Whltobroftst nut , M 50 ; Iowa
lump , 85 GO ; Iowa nut J > 5 50 ; Hook Spring
Stt : Anthracite , 811 5013 00 ; Colorado ,
8 00.
Carbolic , GOoj Acid , Tartnrlo , 65o ; Balsam
Copabla , nor lb , 70o ; Bark , Sansafrns , per
lb , 14 ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Clnchonldta ,
par or , 81 15 ; Chloroform , per lb , 1 00) )
Dover's powders , per lb , 81 40 ; Epsom
Salts , per lb , SJo ; Glycorlm
31c ; Lead , Acetate , per lb , 22c
Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per gaL 1 25 ;
Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per g.l , $ ll6j 01) ) ,
Olive , per Kal. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 50 ;
Opium , 4 75 ; Oulnlno P. i W. A B. & S. ,
or oz , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per lb
175 ; Salacin , per oz. 40o ; Sulphate o
Morphine , per or , 83 85) ) Sulpnnr flour
per lb , 4c | Strvohnlno. oar oz , 81 J5.
ALCOHOL 188 proof. 125 per wine
gallon ; extra California spirits , 187 proof ,
125 | per proof gallon ; triple refined spirits
87 proof , 123 per proof crollon ; re-dlstlllod
whiskies , 1 001 50 ; fine blended. GO ®
3 GO ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@7 00 ; Ken
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 C0@7 00.
BBANDIES-Imported , 80 ( XX 1600 ;
domestic 1 40@4 00.
GINS Imported , 4 G06 00 ; domestic ,
140@300. .
tiBUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New
England. 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 oO3 60
1 75@4 00.
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case ,
2800&D ! OjAmsrliaa , east , 1200(9 (
.1600 ,
OIjABETS 'cr case , 4 50@1G 00
WINES Bh no wine , per case , 6 00 ®
2 00 ; Oatavba , per cose , 4 007 00.
OlR > rs and Tobacco * .
FINE OUT In palls. Hard to Boat !
7Go ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , BOc ,
Favorite , 65c ; Becky Mountain , 60o ;
Fancy , 55c ; Daisy , BOc. In tin foil
Catllns O. 8. , 5 lb boxes , per lb 63c ; Lori <
Illard's Tiger , GOc ; Diamond Crown , 660.
SMOKING All grades Common , 25 fc
33o. Granulated Blackwolls Durham , K
oz Glo ; Duken Durham , 1G oz , 46o ; Seal o
North Carolina , 1G oz , 46 ; Seal of Nobras
ko , 1G oz , 38c ; Lone Jack , 4 oz , linen bags
per lb , 81.33 ; Multures' Pack 2 oz , tit
oil , 65c ; Dog T ail GGc.
Merino nnwas ed , light , 14$16o ( ; bcavy.o
@ 131Gc ; medium unwashed , light , 1820
washed , choice , S2c ; fair , SOo ; tub-ding
and w. , 28c ; burry , blaokand cottod wool
2@6a lest
Horam and Mule * .
The market Is brisk and all grades ar
selling well at n slight advance In piioei
The demand for good horses exceeds tb
supply oonslderaoly , Prices range as fo !
lows :
Flue single driven , 8150. to SOO. ; Kitr
draft homes , 8175. to 225. ; Common dral
horses , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm horsei
8110. to 125. ; Common to goad farm horaoi
890. to 8100. ) Extra plugn , 860. to 76
Common plugs , 820. to 840.
MULES. 15 to 1GJ hands ( extra ) , 121
to 160. ; 14& to 16 hands , 8100. to 140
14 to 144 Lands , 875. to 100. ; 18) to 1
hands , 860. to 75
Loss of Appetite , Bowels costive.1 ,
Pain In the Head , with a dull aen-
satlon In the back part , Fain under
the Shoulder blade , fullness after
eatlner , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind. Irritability1
of temper , ' Low spirits . . , . with a fool-
low Skin , Hoadaoho generally over
the right oyo. Restlessness , with fit
ful dreams , highly colored TJrino ,
TtJTT'N 1'IlJIjS are especially1
nilapteil to Midi case * , one dose ef
fect * cudi a clmnuc of feeling to
nutoiiUU the iiiflerer.
llii-y lucrrnie the Aiipetlteand cania
the body to'i'nUe ouFleih , tlnmllioujs-
torn la iinnrUlieil , nml bv their Tonlo
Action en the DirectiveOricniii.Jleii *
ular Stooln nro prixiurod. I'rkuUccnu.
! I5 .Murrnv M. . IV. V.
OnAT HAIR on WHISKERS clmnpn to n Quasar
BUCK Ijy u BliiKli ) application of tliU T > tr It
Imparts a natural color. Actalniituiitniipouii-
ly. Sold liy DriieitUta , or Bunt by tupruim-uu
OFFICK , an itiimuAY NT. , iv. v.
f Ilr.TITrrtJUM lLcif > .luilIHnrrn.llon . . .p
Lcntii" llmlyll lll be milled t HLli on iipyllcaUoa
'UU'J trjuiic * liioji
o Vi AA-rA .
! j YII. . Diun < 2 , r.oj. aad Ti903.
Lincoln , Nob.
Corn Plant ru Hrrrowa.H'ikrm ' Belle :
Hay llanos , BUCKO : Ulovntlr.
WlndmlllH. &o
We uo prepared to Jo Job notk nJ mwintj
D ; ( Or other putloj.
rutaal orlcrt
Mnroln. r >
Removed from'1222 Farnnm St. to IOO I
Fifteenth St. Opposite P. O.
Will ojion on March 10th , One let cf pat'i
bonnets anil hat ) , rllibom , o ii Al'O Urge od
tlona to tVo . tficVnl hair goadu nrlM
Iho novelties cf thu Kaiin , The oulr filed
lllfhtrallllacrr store In
ml Pfty Taxes , Rent , OOUBOS , Eto ,
5 ° J FitteentnBc.- - - - - .umana *
oor va
, for Fashion riato.Tix
Sells the Best
In the City ,
510 South Tenth Street.
Printing Inks ,
Largest and most complete assortment of
blank books and office stationery in the city.
Bookkeepers are invited to examine ourStock
15th Street Opp. J'ostOflllco
N. B. Onr Block of Fancy S il.t ry is compioto ia ovoryrospBot.
Fresh , Salt , Smoked and Uried. at
0. ( HNNEKS , - - - 1716 Burt Street.
Choi . co Cut ! competition In price intl a ttorongh undcuUmllng ot the business Patronage
solicit d. mar 6 m-w-f 4m
Physician & Surgeon ,
Special attention given todfocascs of the Throat
and Lunirs and Nervous syitem ,
Ofllce Hours 9 to 11 a. m. ; 2 to 4 and 7 ta 8 p
m. Jtn C-ood
Wade , The Confectioner ,
Boy your Dandies at Wade'sAU Goods perfectly pure. '
Largest assortment in town.t * ' / i
rs'ljy Mail Solicited , Opera House Block , 15th St. , ,
SjSef" " = % = i S " . r r
pafK Kr C ? : * awffl'if Hi
: ! -l rrr3g ar
410 Tenth Street , Omaha ,
Only the heat itock used. Vcrtect QU , and avtislict'on i.'Uirintted. tu-th-wt
III itMng , Bell Hanging , Saw Filing ,
3E" . J * . . Jfu -Jfc-
DK IGlh Street , 2d Door North of . Dodge , Om h " , Neb
BD i .1 * ' 1'
' . . . f n' ' . > , i '
f < *