* * - ' ' ! , / . . . - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWELFTH YEAH. OMAHA NEB TUESDAY MOilNING MARCH G 1883 06 i WHATMIGHT , HAVE BEEN What the U , S , Oongrass Oould Have Bono and What They Really Did do During A" the Last Session , An Unprecedented Number oi Bills Pigeon-Holed and Placed on the "Cal enders. " A List of the Moro Important Bills Which Finally Passed. Tha Rivar and Harbor and the Shipping Bills Laid in Tholr The Grand Total or Appropriations Keachoa $220,327,511. UNFINISHED BUSINESS. Special Dispatches to Tun BBB. ' RELICS OF THE SESSION. WASHINGTON , March 4. Under the head of "Unfinished business , " the only matter of Importance loft Is the bill to regu'ato ' the carriage of passen gers by sea ( with thu president's veto message ) . Under the head of "Business on the speaker's table , " are the following : To regulate immigration ; relating to the entry of distilled spirits in dla- tillories and special bonded warehouses , and to withdraw the name. Under the head of "Bills from the senate on their first and second read ing , " there are 95 bills unacted on that come over from the first session of the Forty-seventh congracs , and 31 from the second cession. Among the latter are the following : For the Burvoy of paaaes between the affluents of the npper Mississippi and Columbia rivers ; for the performance of the presidential duties In cose of re moval by death , resignation or inabll- ty of both president and vice ptoii- dent , and for the relief of Fitz John Porter. Bills and resolutions remain ing upon the calendar of the senate reported > ported from committee but not fiaallj acted upon number 308 The mori Important are : A resolution propos Ing an amendment to the constitution , relative to the manufacture , Importa tlon and sale of intoxicating liquors resolution extending banking prlvl leges ; resolution for printing 10,00 ( copies of the medical and surgical his tory of the war ; the bill to establish s branch mint at Omaha ; making the government paper currency legal tender dor for custom dnoa'to ; incorporate the Inter-Oceanic Ship E Uwaycom pany ; to constitute a bureau of agrl culture ; an executive department ; t < establish a bureau of industry : to place Thos. L. Orlttenden on < hi cottrod 1M of the army NI brigadiei general ; admitting Dakota to thi nnion ; to exempt freight vessels leai than 25 tons burthen from inspectloi and license ; the bill providing for t government for Alaska ; to expediti the administration of justice in th < supreme court'of the United Slates to provide for an investigation anc settlement of claims against the Unitec States ; the resolution to appoint i commission on the revival ot interne tional commerce in the United Slatei stcamohipa suitable for naval pur poses ; to prevent the payment o double pensions ; to enable corpora tions to become surety on official bonds increasing the area of the Yollowston park ; to relieve ships from cornpnl sory pilotage ; to suppress the oplun traffic with China ; to provide for th specific annual appropriation fo fifteen years for tohool purpose ou the basis of illiteracy The "Dlngley" shipping bill whio ! passed the house early in January wa not taken up by the senate till yester day'at midnight , objections havin been raised which seemed to j sopit dlza the passage of the bill , the com meroa csmmltteo withdrew the tonnage nago and mall pay aectlona which the had added , and the bill with aom amendments then passed. Two honi later the bill reached the house , an attempts were made to send it to th committee of conf eronoa or to pass i aa amended under suspension of th rulos. Owing to thu duad lock ovi the South Carolina election case , th' house refused to entertain either m < tiou , and the shipping bill failed. The river and harbor bill approprii ting $8,047,000 was strangled in th senate by a motion to lay it on th table upon the lost day of the sesslot Among other propositions whio failed to reach the status of loglsli tlve enactment were these to forfe the land grants of the Northern Pi r cifio , Texas Pacific , Atlantic & Pacif and other railroads ; to reduceamoun paid land grant railroads for tran porting mails ; to place General Grat upon the retired list , and tc constltu a wife as a competent witness again husband in prosecution for polygam ; The last bill which passed the sena was the house bill to fix terms of tl United States courts for eastern at northern districts of Texas. The b reached the house just as Speak Kelfer began his remarks prollmina to declaring the house adjonrne The clerk , with the bill In ban rushed up to the desk and ondoavon to get' the speaker's ! attention , b the bill fell without jtho coveted si nature. TUB ArrnoruuTiONS. The chairman of the house comm tee on appropriations baa furnish for publication a statement relative the appropriation bills passed this at alon which have become laws : T aggregate amount of all the bills $229,327,511 , made up as follow Pensions , $80,575,000 ; military aca omy , $318,057 } fortifications , $ Gl 050 ; consollor and diplomatic , $1,29' ' 755 ; navy , 815,894,434 ; army , $2 (581.350 ; postoffioo. $44,489,52 Indian , $5,302,055 ; lagtalatlve. $2 < 404,290 ; sundry civil , $23,90Gl-i District ot Columbia , $1,609,807 ; deficiency , $2313,187 ; agricultural , $405,640 ; miscellaneous bills involving appropriations of money } . ' 0 > rftQ 000. The aggregate appropriathW J5r _ last year , including $18i * . * * " the river and harbor bill , was $ Uuo- 509,639 , and far preceding year , ln < eluding river and harbor bill , was $219.367,483. WORK. OF THE SBSSIOW. Special Dispatch to Tun Dm. IlEVIEW OV THE LAWS PASSED WASHINGTON , March 5 , Dnrlnc the Forcy-soveuth congress 10,670 bills and joint resolutions have boon introdticmt iti the two houses. In each homo n great majority of these measures still remain with the com mlttoo to which they were referred , find cf thosu reported from the con.- uritiufs a larger number remain upon the oalondr.rs of the reopnotivo houses. Aside Loin the regular annual appro priation billa , 163 bills and joint reso lutions were passed by both houses during this session and beoamo Jaws , Among the moro important of these are the following : The tax and tariff bill ; the civil sor- vioo bill ; the Japanese indemnity fund ; the bill to provide for n new mixed Venoznllan commission ; to modify the postal money order sya torn ; to readjust the lalaries of postmasters ; to afford as sistance and relief to con- gresa and the executive department ? ; m investigation of the claims and de- nian-o against the government ; to prevent Importation of adulterated tea ; to oncoarago the holding of a world's Induitrml cotton centennial exposition In 1884 ; to amend the act repealing discriminating duties qn goods produced In East Capo of Good Hope ; a joint resolution to adjudicate the claims of Now York brokers for nfanding cf toxor ; to print th'o agri cultural reports for 1881 and 1882 ; to erect a inonnmunt to Gen. Do Kalb ; to reimburse Oregon and California for moneys paid in suppression of the Modoo war ; to amend the revised statutes relating to the tax on Perlque tobacco ; to amand the revised statutes so as to extendthe , jurisdiction of justices ticos of the peace in Washington , Idahc and Montana territory ; to admit free of duty the monument to General Washington ; authorizing the examlna' tion and auditing of certain clalme against the Freedman's savings bank and the payment of certain dividends barred by a tormnr act of congress ] to Increase the fees of witnesses in atai route cases from west of the Missis sippi river ; a bill to regulate tno ex porting of tobacco in bond. In addi tion to a long list of propositions which found their last resting place in pigeon holes of the vorlons commit tees , 760 bills and joint resolutions are loft upon the calendars and 222 upon the speaker's table , having failed to secure a final action by the house. The calendar of the committee of the whole , which la composed of proposl tlous Involving expenditure of money or the part of the government oontalni among others the following : For the appointment cf a liquor traffic com' ' mission ; for providing a pnrmanonl construction fond for the navy ; tc rfciilatethe collection of the tax ot Weiss beer ; authorizing the construe < tlon of vessels of war ; for admission cf the state of Washington ; provld < ing for an ocean mall service ; the Hennopln cill bill ; for the c.instruo tion of the Illinois and Mitsisaipp ! cinal ; for a board cf commissioner ! oa inter-atato commerce ; to create at agricultural commission ; to create i commission on immigration. The titles of bills on the house calondai fill ton printed piges , and two o those , which 'are of the greatest 1m portance , are to establish i postal savings .depository ; thi French spoliation bill ; to prompt ) the efficiency of tha revenue'marim service ; also of the signal corps , do clarlng forfeited certain railroad lane grants ; to limit coinage of standard ollver dollars , and to suspend the Is sue of silver certificates ; to establish i uniform a ; stem of bankruptcy for thi ieanolng of' gold certificates ; promot ing the use of domestic materials ii the construction of ships for foroigi account ; to incorporate the Nicaragu Maratlmo Canal Company ; i declare the forfeiture of Texas Paclfi railroad laud grants ; to authoriz the consolidation of the Southern Pa clflo and other railr.ad companies ; th treaty with the Garman empire. Thi titles of the billa loft untouched ou th private calendar fill twenty-five pagv anri represent eomo 400 bills. Uudor the bond ot ' 'Special orders , lefc unacted on , are the following : T prevent political assessments ; to ai m the support of common schools ; t grant pensions to the survivors of th Mexican Indian wars , A BriUiaxt Meteor Special Dispatch to TUB Dux. PETEBSBURO , Va. , March 5. Th most remarkable 'phenomenon eve witnessed in this vicinity occnrro early yesterday morning. An In menso ball of fire darted across th heavens ( brilliantly illuminating tt * ! ty. Witnesses of the phenomeno were considerably frightened. Ti oourso wai northwest. An oxplosla waa heard shortly after the passage. At Frederloksbnrg an explosion ci ourred , followed by loud dotonatiot and tremors of the earth. The" ligl was very brilliant and of blun tin All along the ronto traversed porsoi were awakened by the nolso at shocks. ' j Political Points- ! _ Special Dispatches to Tui BII. ' ' PORTLAND , Mo. , March 5. Jol W. Deering ( do'm. ) was elected mayi by 174 majority over Llbby ( iep. ) , tl present Incumbont. Until last ye Daerlng waa a republican. LKWISTON , Me.March 5. Dr. Ga colon ( dom. ) waa elected mayor I 210 majority , The greenback vo waa very light. The Auguitino Clinrou Debt Spedal Dkpatch to Tin UB . LAWRENCE , Mass. , March 5. T thousand dollars were subscribed I ward the Angnstlntan relief fund. is reported the JeauiU of Boston ofl to assume the control and indebtc ness of the OUhollo churches here. RELIEF FOR THE RICH , The Aristocracy of the Dollar tjvt rtiiRfl from Ruin by the Government , Overburdened Bankers Re lieved of all Taxes on Capi tal and Checks , The Wage "Working World Ten dered Untaxed Matches and Cheap Cigars. I'he Beauties of the Recent Revenue Bill Explained by the Officials. Important Regulations Issued Concerning the New Pension Act. The Original Mormons Protest Agatnat their Polygamous Brethren. . llto Groenbaoters and thn Irish In Meeting Ml collano- ons Now * . CAPITOL NOTES. Special Dispatches to TUB HER. TUEASOUEn QILFILLAN RESIGNS. WASHINGTON , March 5. JAQIOB Gilfillan , treasurer of the United States , to-day tendered his resignation to the president through the secretary of the treasury to take oiTeot the first proximo. Gilfillan has accepted the position of treasurer and manager ot the Mutual Trust company of New York. York.THE THE EFl'KCT OF THE REDUCTION. In reply to an Inquiry thn commis sioner of internal revenue said the tfl'jot of tno law reducing internal revenue taxation would ba as fallows : That the taxes upon cipltal and do- posita of banks aud bankers and national banking associations ia re pealed from this date , except such taxes as ate uow due and payable ; that the reduction of the tax upon chocks , drafts , etc. , aud upon matches , perfumery , medical prepara tions and other articles imposed by oohodulo A , following section 3437 of the revised statutes takes effect July 1 , 1883 ; that after May 1 , 1883 , the the tax on manufactured tobacco and snuff will be 8 cents.per pound ; on cigars , $3 per thousand ; cigarettes , 50 cents per thousand ; that there will be a rebate on tobacco , snuff , cigars and cigarettes of the difference in taxes recently Imposed and the taxes aa now provided for , where claims amount to $10. These claims may bo presented within sixty days from'May 1st. The regnlatldn/upcra 'iriittfcr will be Immediately' issued and blanks will ba furnished upon which claims can be made. The law provides for a largo reduction in' special taxes upon dealers , commencing May 1,1883. The commissioner also stated Imme diate arrangements will bo made for changing the form of special tax stamps and stamps for payment of taxes for tobacco , snuff , cigars , &o , so aa to supply collectors with theaa stamps in time to meet the require ments of the trade prior to May 1 , 1883 BENEFICIAL TO BANKERS. The act to redact ) internal revenue taxatloc , which has just become a law , provides for the repeal of the tax upon capital and deposits of all banks and bankern except such taxes as are now due and payable. The tax on capital and dopoaita therefore ceased March 3d. Comptroller Knox nayf the passage of this act relieves national and state bunks and private bankare from a tax on ant average of about $1,000,000 a month. The amount ol tax collected from national batiks on capital and deposits the last fiscal ypai waa 85,959,702 , of whiah 8437,77-1 only was upon capital , the romaiudoi being upon deposits. The tax upon state banks and pri vate bankers was 85,149,172 , of which 'a little more than ono-lifth was upon capital. The total tax collected upor deposits and capital upon all classes < I banks during the last fiscal your wn 811,208,875. The amount annual ! ] collected from the two-cent choot stamp is about 82,500,000 , and the act repealing the use of these a tamps takci effect July 1st next. The law Impos ing tax upon bank capital and deposit ) required all state banks and prlvati r bankers in the country to make semi I annual returns to the commissioner o Interval revenue. From thesi j returns the comptroller ha 3 for a series of years complied the enl ; i complete statements over given li a reference to capital , deposits and th amount of United States bonds hell by all classes of banks and banker In the country. The repeal of thl s law will after this date prevent thi t compilation of these tables and th only source from which those return can hereafter bo obtained will b from reports of banks as compiled b olilcsrsof the different states. A many states , particularly In the oont and west , do not require such return 'to bo made , the aggregate will c necessity bo much less complete tha heretofore , o REGULATIONS FOll PENSIONERS. The following circular has boon ii sued by the commissioner af pension ! „ approved by the secretary of the h * torlor : "Tho following regulations are pn scribed for the purpose of carryln into effect as speedily as possible th provisions of congress approved Marc 3 , 1883 , increasing to $30 per rnonl the pent tons of these who lost a leg i or about the knee , or an arm at < above the elbow ; and of these wl hftvo been so disabled aa to bo incapa- Its ted for the performance of at manual labor , but not so much as to require regular personal , aid and at tendance , and who nro now receiving pension at the rate of $24 per month ; and to $24 per month the pension of these who lost ono hand or one foot or had boon totally or permanently dis abled In the same , or otherwise so dis abled as to render their incapacity to perform manual labor equivalent to the loss of a hand or foot , and now , re ceiving $18 per month : "Inasmuch as said act has imme diate efT.iot upon such admitted oiaea as had boon adjudicated at the rate of $24 and $18 per month respectively , no formal application by beneficiary is necessary to bo made , other thin to forward to the commissioner of pen sions the pension certificate , accom panied by a letter stating , in the handwriting of the pensioner , his present postofllco address. As coon as possible after the receipt of the pension certificate as aforesaid the commissioner will reissue n new cer tificate for ft now rate and will forward the same to the proper pension sgjnt to inscribe the uamo of such pension er on the roll at the increased rate , add to make the pensioner proper payment. In case of amputation a certificate will be reissued without any further medical examination. The Intervention of em agent or at torney in auob admitted cases as are affected by this act , not being neces sary , will not borocognfzed. " THE GENUINE MOKMONS. When Evarts was secretary of state a circular letter was sent nil fotoign governments asking that the euiml- gratlou of Mormons to the United States bo prevented , as they came to this country to practice a crime agalns Its laws. Tno "reorganized church of Jesus Christ of the latter day saints , " however , do not practice polygamy. They claim that the cir cular letter of Evarts works injury and Injustice to their church. This body claims to have between 20,000 and 30,000 communicants , and have tholr central organization at Lunoni , Iowa. Most of these Mormons are in this country , but they have largo memberships in Europe. To-day elders Joseph Smith , "eon of the founder nf the Mormon Church , " and Z H. Garloy , a committee ou behalf of the re-organized ohnrob , waited upon the secretary of state and skod that the EvarUi letter bo modifies so aa to distinguish between themselves and the polygamous branch of the church. They presented a memorial In which it la stated that polygamy was uo part of the faith of primitive latter-day saints and Is no part of the taith of to-day , but h a loathsome practice indulged .in only by an off shoot from the trno Mormon church , and is properly branded by Evarts as a crime. THE aUEENBAOKEUS. Fifty-two representative ! ! of the greenback-labor party in the Forty seventh congress issued a long ail- dress to the country , setting forth tha needs and issues of the day. The ad * dress Is signed by Burrows , Jonet. "Rice , Ford , Hazleton , Brnuim and Cook. , < i lawn IRE is vr. , , B A largely * attended Indignation meeting of Irish citizans was hold hero to-nlpht , adddressed by Cipt. O'Moagher Condon. The resolutions adopted charge the British govern ment with endeavoring to exterminate the Irish people by compelling them to chose batween famine , graves and migration , and calllup upon the ox- cntiVo department of the govern ment to oraploylta power to defeat the nrpoao of England. An additional csolutlon , protests against the dellv- ry of Sheridan to the British au- kc titles. SERETAHY FOLOEK , Imost rcovored from his reoent ill- ean , was at the treasury to-day and ocolved a largo number of visitors. G PAGING 1UTES , Second Assistant Postmaster Goner- 1 Elma , Superintendent Thompson , f the railway mall service , and Sup- erlntenpent Slater , of the railway ad- nstmeut division , have been dosignat- id a committee to frame and submit tc he postrmviter general a oyattm foi ; uagitig rates of pay for currying mai on railroad routes in accordance with bo provisions of the postoffice appro1 jrlation bill for the next fiscal year. , B. F. Prltchard , of this city , ha been placed upon the postal fraud list , THAT GOLDEN NICKEL. Secretary Folger to-day gave in tractions that the word "cants" be > laced on the new five cunt piece ii irdor to moot the requirements of the "aw. A WAIl CLAIM. The French-American claims - com mission to-day awarded Henry Duboli 5800 with Interest at 5 per cent from January 1 , 1803 This is an irapris onment case. Da bos was editor of i French newspaper In Now Orleans. . For certain articles published ho wai arrested by order of Gen. Butler anc sentenced to imprisonment at Shi ] Island. Ho was not allowed'trial bj any court. The Anmrican commls oionor dissented fr in the award am announced ho wonki lilo a dlssentinj opinion. Tha Reduction In Sugar. Special Dispatch to Tin tin , WASHINGTON , March 5. Change in the duties on sugar are three-fold The first rate Is made specific through out ; In the second the polarlscopo I employed , lu the third a classiQcatloi ia allowed Senator Kellogg ha stated that at the request of Shot man , Merrill and himself there ha been made n clozo and careful exam ! nation of the reduction nf duties o sugar and as a result of that examine tion ho stated that the total roduciio of import duties on sugar will not oj coed $4,000,000. TUB President of Mexico- Special DlipUch to Tin UKS. NEW OIILEANH , March 5. The cm torn house oillolals to-day hold a rooe ] tlon in honor of ex-President Diaz an party. General Badger and. Marsh Pltkln represented the governmen General Diaz and party left 'later ' f < Monterey on special cars ordered t Ganeral Grant and Jay Gould , ' , via tt Sinthern Pacific. Returning from Monterey they take a trip to the Pa cific and the Gould line * through Texas to St. Louis. New York Notci. 8pdkl DiipkUh to Till tin NKW YOBK , March 5. The will of ex-Governor Morgan was filed to-day. Besides the charity bequests already published , a largo number of relatives add tholr children are loft amounts ranging from 830,000 to $5,000 each. The income of the testator's residuary estate goes to his arandson , Edwin D. Morgan , Jr. , for life , and at his death to his lawful issue. If his grandson dies without Issue ouo-half the residu ary estate shall bo divided into 415 iharos , and distributed among a num ber of colleges and charitable estab- Uhmonts. 'Tho ' trustees cf Columbia college declare It Inexpedient to educate the sexes together. The incorporation certificate of the American Ship Building company was filed to-day. The Inoorporatora are Ilonry Gorrlngo , Cornelius Yanderbllt and J. Frederick Towos. The capital stock is 8250,000 , and 50 years is the o'rm of the company's existence. lu an exhibition of 300 points , straight carom , Balko line game of billiards , between Yignaux and Sexton - ton , Ylnuaux won by a gauio of 300 to 141 , His best runs were 24 , .33 , 35 and , 55. Sexton's best run was 49. The Frenchman guvo an exhibition oi marvelous fancy shots. The players wore introduced to the distinguished company by Mark Twain. Tho.annaal mooting of the National base ball league was hold to-day , A. G. Miller , president , In the chair. A gOmmlttoo to confer with the Ameri can asscelation reported the associa tion decided to accept the agreement proposed by the league. Adopted. The president was authorlzad to sign the agreement. The league clubs are permitted to play non-league clubs upon such terms as may bo mutually agreed on. The role In relation to a umpire forfeiting a game on account of throe foul balks was stricken out. In the future the batsman becomes a base runner instantly after two foul balks are declared. On two foul balks the base runner may take one buo. In the summary of games there should bo credited to the pitcher the number of tinfos the batsman falls to hit the ball on the third strike. Julius Marcus , broker , is missing with $5,000 belonging to customers. The amount thus far paid by the Naw , York Central railroad in settle ment of the tunnel disaster Is $100- OQO. Four or five claims are yet un adjusted. The World'publtahos a letter from Ciord Coleridge accepting the Invita lion of the bar of Now York to visll ; ho United States. Ho fixes late IE the summer'as the time of the visit. < vTholfiMlHlppi Flood. ppocial Dttpfttctt to Ttra BIB. MEMPHIS , March 5. The rlvoi here narki 35 feet seven Inches , i rl e ofqaft laek ainca yesterday. A Helena amebleJgki ; laches was re 'jVtfid yestedaytth4i from the bael iftr oHh 'MfMbsIppi , Lhieh 'ha onnd its way into the St. Francis rrich again empties itself into th dlsaisalppl just above Helena. Tin t. Francis rose eight foot last Thnrs ay at Wittsbnrg , and the whole hot- om lands of that region are complete y Inundated. GREENVILLE , Miss. , March 5. orlous broach is reported in Paatonli evoo , Chicot county , Ark , whlol rill inundate all plantations ontsidi f Lake Ohioot , except such as an iroteatod by private levees , am hroatons seriously those In the bei if the lake. HELENA , Ark. , March 5. Thi ritzhuo levee , five miles south of thi ity , gave way last night. Th revasso this morning was over 101 ards wide and increasing rapidly ? he rush of water through the open ag waa terrific. The whole countr ; around the old town is believed to b nnndatod. Other levees are bolnj trongthouul. It is not believed tha hey can stand another foot of watoi A further risa of fifteen Inches is an iolpatod , in which case nothing oa : prevent the inundation of the conn ry contiguous to Helena. The gang itands 4G foot C inches above lei water mark and 8 inches below th lighost point reached last spring Pho St. Francis river at Madison I lovoral Inches higher than lait year Blooded Stock for ths West. Spcclil Dltpa'.ch to TIIK UKS. BALTIMORE , MirotiS. The steamn ) ntarlo , from Liverpool brought li ( lereford balls and heifers , 14 polio Angus and 39 Shropshire down shooj lonslgnod to Thomas Ltwson , Neoshc Missouri , and Boulter & Morgan an lonry E. Yoomans , Ghoyonm Among the Oheyonno stock ia th celebrated bull Rudolph , purchase or 700 guineas , said to bo th ilghost prlca ever paid for a Horoforc Billiard * Special Dispatch to Tim Bur. OUIOAOO , March 5. The first of series of preliminary games to dote ; mlno the admission or rejection c certain players , candidates for partlc nation In the championship Balko lit billiard tournament , to bo hold hoi on the 20th hist , began to-night i the rooms of the J. M. Brunswick Balko Co. The game was Balko Hi 500 points. Thos. Wallace , Chlcag beatT. J. Gallagher , St. Louis ; ecor 500 to 345 , in 05 innings. Hlgho runs , Wallace 42 , Gallagher 47 ; ave ages , Wallace 7 9-13 , Gallagher 5 The ganios to-morrow are botwoi Morris and Holsor in the aftornoi and Carter and Maggloll In the eve ing. The Orimo of a Boy. Special Dispatch to THE linn. LOUISVILLE , March 5. A nowsb aged 13 year * , named Earl Nloho was arrested to-day , charged with 01 raging a little girl five years old , li Saturday. The child fully idontlfi tno boy , who makes a feeble denial his guilt. The penalty in such cai under the Kentucky statutes U deal THE OLD WORLD. The Mission of England ii Egypt Not Yet Accom plished , The Athoiatio Authors of Great Britain to bo Prosecuted for Blasphemy. The French Ministry Again Threatened with Dis solution , A General Variety of Foroicn NOWR ENGLAND. Special Dlepttchcs to Tui Bai. LONDON , March 5. Mr. Gladstone entered the house of commons this afternoon , the first time slnco his re turn. Ho was rooatvcd with loud cheers from all sides of the house. Lord Fitr-maurice , under foreign secretary , Informed Pulston'conserva tive , that the surrender of IV J. Sher idan had been asked for by the United States. Ho was unable to say any thing further regarding the matter. Gladstone states that tho-govern ment Intends to withdraw tholr troops from Egypt as teen as the alms of oc cupation have been obUlncd. Those were to gain the establishment of or der and liberty and in scouring passage of the Suez canal. George W. Foote , editor , Wm. J. lUmsoy , proprietor , and Kemp , o primer , of the Free Thinker , were found guilty of seditions' llbol. Footc was sentenced to 12 months' Imprison ment , Ramsey to 9 months and .Kemp to 3 months. Footo's sentence pro voked a otormof yells. Parnoll asked a question touching the sUrvlng condition of the people ol Ireland , aud Trovllyan. oh lot secre tary for Ireland , lu reply , denied the existence of distress as mentioned in Parnoll's question. The society for suppression ol blasphemous literature propose tc got up caios against Professors Hur ley and Tyndall , Herbert Spencer , the publisher a of John Stuart Mills works , John Morley and others , who by tholr writings , have to * n wide spread unbelief and in aomo case rank atheism. THUEATENED ANAKOUY. LONDON , March 5. Calcutta ad vlooo state that the most intense ex cltomont continues to bo felt amen the Europeans because of the pro posed law giving the natlvo magla tratoa criminal jurisdiction over white in certain cases. The Times' correspondent sayat I la certain that If the obnoxious measure ure Is pressed , ninety per cent , of th white volunteers in Bengal will roaig or protest against it. At a great meol ing held In Calcutta , even violent towards the native magistrates wi .threatened. Special Dispatches to TUB D . DODLIN , March 5. Six men wei arrested hcHlng a secret mooting t Oastloreagh. A letter signed "Mi P. " was found with ono. The polio regard the arrests as important. Fiynn , bailiff of Lord Ardilawr. who was beaten near Olonbur , Mayc last week , died to-day. , The town council has expelled Jas Carey , the informer , from momboi ship , and declared his seat vacant. GERMANY. Special Dispatch to Tnr. Ilm. BEIILIN , March fi Several firrao c Bremen have entered into a comblni tlon for the purpose of organizing line of steamers to run from Brome to Cuba and Porto llioo. Foe steamers , under the. Spanish flag , wl maintain regular connections botwoo these places , which will bo of groi importances to the export trade c Germany. The relations between German and England are reported bettor no than for many years. The Nort Gorman Gazette expresses the hlghoi satisfaction for this state of affairs. The emperor accepts the roslgnatio of Gen , Yon Komoko as minister c war. Either Gen. Jironeott , Yo Sohollindoiffor Gon. Capers will BUI coed him. Gau. Yon Kaiueko roslgt pd because of u difference ( f opinin in reuurd to important military prii aiplea diionjued at aconftireocu undi the presidency f the emptror , an not because of the procdudings in tt roisohtag. roisohtag.A A COMMON OCCIMKENCE. . BERLIN , March 5. A mllltai ofiicer has committed snlcido in tl Thiors Garten hero. Monetary dil : oultles led to the act. Such oven occur now almost dally , The Gorman government la treatli for the purchase of the unequalled 1 brary of the Spanish duke of Osann FRANCE- Special Dispatch to TUR UKI. PAULS , March 5. In the chamb of deputies , on the question of takli into consideration the proposals f revision of the conatitntlon , Fer formally refused to court repulse ' presenting any such proposal to t senate. The government ho at would energetically 'bring thn mat ! before the chambers when ho thong revision possible , the present n mont waa Inopportune , the pee ] would withdraw their suppi from the republic If tl saw it meant Instability n agitation. Tbo question waa ono i- friendly compromUo , and should i bo raised as a moans of rovoi against the senate. An attempt ml | bo made before the elections of II to induce the senate to accept a r < slon. Olemoncoau moved to adjoi the debate until to-morrow. The i ft tion was carried 70 to 207 , st id GENERAL FOREIGN NEW ! 3f fjpedrj Dtip.tcbtoTuiU . 3fM TUB MOUSE MEMORIAL , tl. ROME , March 6. The memo tablet on the house formerly oconpl by Professor Morse was unveiled 1 7 the presence of the American minister and suite and colony , the director- general of telegraphs and others well known' . After speeches , Minister1 Astor thanked Rome in the name of the United States for the honor doiio his country. The director general of telegraph followed with a eulogy , closing thus : "Rome , mother of civilized nations , honors in Prof. Morse the young na tion which Is splendidly paying her debt to antiquity. " WILL WIPE THEM OUT. ALOIEIUI , March 5 , An expedition of rcat proportions la being organ * Izod to crush the rebels In the south ern part of Oran. . THE OLD CRY. The Loss by the Tnrllt Must Oomo Outoftuo Worklngmon. Special Dispatches to TUB Uni. PiTTsnonu , March 5.-Iron masters inturviowcd mi the tariff have boon unu.ihnous lu their declarations that under rho now law a reduction of wagen if all classes of workmen trill be uoocasary. If this is pawiatud in it will very probably result iu a ganoral stilko A largo number of employees soon to-day otsort that any attempt to reduao wages will bo most stubbornly resisted. CHICAGO , March 5. The iron HUB- tors hero on being Interviewed say the action of congress on the tariff bill la moro Injurious to the Iron interests than any legislation within half a con * tnry , aud that the only moans of keep ing the mlllo open will bo by swoop ing reductions in wages , putting thop at such a point that the laborers in turn must have cheaper food , THE I.ADY FAOM OSUKOSH Tno Bonanza King's Double Mar * rlngo. Epoclal DUjtttch to Tim HRR. ST. Louis , March 5. A secret which no doubt will cause much sur- " prlso has just boon revealed here. It la that Senator Tabor and Miss Llzzlo McConrt , of Oshkosh , , Wis. , . - were privately married In this city bo- ' the 30' . . * of last September. .Tho ceremony took place in the law oflioo- of D. P. Dyer , who is an intimate friend of the uo'iator. It was per formed by John M , Yunug , n justice of the peace , nnd wan witnessed by a brother of Mis : McO iur' , who accom panied her to St. Louis ( or the pur pose. It Is ota'od , ou the authority of Col. Dyer , that iho ceremony waa kept a secret bccimue at that time , \ although Tabor had been granted a ' 1 decree of divorce from his firat wife , sbo had a suit against htm for alimony , and it was feared that an announce ment of this marriaRo during the pending of the suit might complicate matters , Tabor's visit h ro waa osten sibly to attend some law business , but it h pretty clear the moBtirig1 was pre-arranged. He returned at once to Denver , and hU wife went Uckito her home ia Ohkoh. Wiy Uw mr- 'riage ahoald kbva taken pkea wh aUt did or why there should have been' * second ceremony at Washington last week , unless it was to satisfy the parents of Mrs. Tabor , who are Cath olics , Col. Dyer did net pretend to , know. TELEGRAPH NOTES , Special Dltpatclics to Tni lln. The 105th anniversary of Robert Em- mot's birth was celebrated In New York and Brooklyn by largo and enthusiastic meetings. El ! Gott , cashier of the Rockport ( Mass. ) National bank , is a defaulter be tween $8,000 and 315,000. The deficiency hn been made good by his father and father-in-law. * M. A. Randall , , a prominent physician of llosoville. MuskinRum county , Ohio , waa called from homo Friday night , and has not since boon seen. Ilia horse was found , and his hat with a hole it was found on the bank of a creek , It ia sup * poaod he was murdered and thrown into tbo creek. \1 \ It has been discovered that 320.0JO acres of school land have been taken up in fictitious names by parties In collusion with four surveyors in Texas. The British-Australian mail from En * rope was forwarded from New York last night. The corner-stone ot the great Soenger- feit music ball In Buffalo was l&id yester day. The building will seat 5,500. The North American Baengerbund will hold a festival there In July. TIN WEDDING. An Anniversary Surprise to Mr. and Mra. Ueo. Helmrod. A very pleasant affair took place Sunday at the residence of Mr. Geo. Heimrod , on the occasion of hia tin wedding , which waa celebrated by a surprise party given by a number of his friends. The party waa a real surprise to both Mr , and Mra. Helmrod , and ma gotten up in first-class atyle. Among those present were Mr. and Mra. A. ir irg Kabn , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pundt > r and Miss Emma Pundt , Mr , and Mrs. y Wolmcrs , Mr. and Mrs. L. Holrarod , Mr. and Mra Heller , Mr. and Mrs , 10 Pomy , Mr. Krutli , Mr. and Mrs. id Hollman and Mrs. Koaowater. A ar committee had boon sent aheadto it keep the bride and bridegroom at ito homo , and to make n snro thing of the ole party. rt A number of nlco presents were ay made,9nd the whole was a very on * id joyable affair. or Tito Death oi Elliott- .ot Special Dispatch to Tail UKB , RO CHICAGO , March 5. The inquest ht Into the cause of the death of Elliott ; , 85 . the prize fighter , waa postponed till * el.rn Friday , on account of the inability of rn Dunn to bo present. Elllott'a funeral 10- occurred at 3 o'clock , and the remains loft for Now York an hour later , In charge of Ted Ktohne , the pedotrlah. - In buying boots and shoea go to Kl- ewltt & Montague , 16th and Daven ial port ,