' > I 7 * , r " - \l rft ft " THE DAILY JB B : MONDAY MARCH 5 The Daily Bee. Monday Morning , March 6. 'Woatber Keport ( Tha following obecrvatlonn are taken nt the mime moment of tlmo at all the stations 'uentloned. ) WAU DEP'T U , S. SIONAL SKUVICE , ) OMAHA , March 4,1883 , (1:45 ( : p. in. ) ] * 4 CTATIOM. Denver 10 2J Hazy Chaycnno. . . . 3U 31 Clcir Washaklc. . . 80 21 Cloudy Flatti SO 31 NE r ir. Omaha 30 12 Nl Cloudy Yank ton. . . 80 tO Fair Dci.Molncs. . SO 40 'air Divcnmrt. . . SO 38 'loudy St. Paul 0 41 Gear t. IX3U5. | . . . 30 29 NW Clear Moorhcad. . . . 30 C ! Wear Vincent. 18 l'\lr Bismarck , . . . IG SK Llror Butord TO SJ snw Cbudy Billing V7 > w Cloudy DeodnooJ. , 30 SI S-E Kilr SEW Asiluibolno. . ,0 , SI W Cloudy LOOAL BKHVITIBB. The nltenUou of tlio reBldcnts of Cap itol Hill ta called to a caec of real destitu tion existing at the last houao on the south sldo of Douglna atrcot goiag west , In the aeoond hollow. Thla la the rosldcnco ( if a Mrs. Johnson , the wife cf a carpenter , who after living with her some time , dur ing which ho drunic hard , deserted her end left her with two little children to take care of. She it hopelessly poor and yet V living nlmojt next door to wealth and lux ury. She Is strong enough and willing cnouxh to work but cannot leave her little children alone , and although the commla- elonera offered to tend her to the poor house Rhe doea not want to come down to that. Some of the kind hearted Indies up that way will certainly look up the case and give her a little from their abundance. v\ \ It h certainly a worthy case. The reception given on Saturday evening to Mr. G. A. Joplln , the LOW sec retary of the Y. M. 0. A , , was n decided nuccesi in every particular. After n abort song service President Iltmebaugb , Win. 2lemln ? { , ' , Dr. Wood and othera made speeches welcoming him and asking mem bers ) and friends to encourage and assist him in his work. Mr. Joplln then made a abort speech , which was well received. The ladles' auxiliary sustained their repu tation aa prime entertainers , and an aboun- dnnt rcput was furnished. -F. W , White , the Individual who came to Omaha a few daya ago represent ing himself to be the agent of the Boston Ideala , turns out to be a bad man. Ho in now wanted at WInona , Minn , , for a for gery committed three months ago , After he bad committed the crime , ho skipped out , loivlng a wife and child to the tender mercies of the community. The ravine followed by the South Omaha sewer la in horrible shape between Ninth and Tenth utrcota. On the eait end is n flthy pond of stagnant water , iti bAiks covered with manure and all aorta of rublith. If thin locality isn't looked jfler the death rate in this ward will ioprn up big when the spring months coiuo. The examination cf Mono llohen , arrested - rested on the1 charge of counterfeiting , wan commenced in the court of United States Commissioner Anderson Saturday after noon , but wan not completed , and WAS ad journed over until Monday. It is claimed that MoVey will turn "otato's evidence , " and he haa already waived an examina tion. The Swede employed on the Florence cut-off who froze bin feet sometime in January last , died from the effects of the amo at the county house Sunday , March 4. It ia possible that bo may have some friends or relatives in this part of the country , but Superintendent Fierce could 'not even give hU namo. The immenne pile of empty oil barrola around the old frame building next to the Consolidated Tank Line company'd waio- houte , on Ninth street , la in prime ahape to itart a conflagration that will take In the lumber yards and everything else in that vicinity , Un March lit , Mrr. Mary Furey , mother of Major J. V. Furoy , depot quar Urniaster at Omaha , diedut Brooklyn , at the BKO oi 77 yean , after a long illness , Mijor Furey , who waa summoned from Omaha on Sunday lut , waa at her bed * aide when eho died. Members of the board of trade are re quested to meet in the board of trade roorug this evening at 8 o'clock , to take into coruidoratlon the establishment of a very important new manufacturing indus try , andother bu lneu. - Charley Coulter , of the paid fire de partment , ha ; finished putting the electric apparatus into the new No. 2 engine houto. It worka nicely and already the men can hitch ani get out in fifteen sec- ondi. The trains both ways on the U , P. yesterday had light loads of passengers , No. 3 carried two Pullmans , one being occupied by the Harrltona. She alao had two extra dinkeys. No , 4 brought in two cars of fruit. Wo were informed yesterday th& tiav. Dawea had determine ! ta apppolut Judje Wakely to the now judicial ollica In this dlatiict created by the recent icgtsk- turo and that hit coinini&ilon would arrive to-day. Ninth etreet ia to dry now au to bo very passable for teams. Next to it Tenth ttreet In nettling down faster than any in the city , Good drainage does It , A couple of flit cars loaded with trucks and a demolished box cir , were brought in yesterday from the tcr.no of a recent wreck out on the line. Indiana and Nebraska arc to be united by the marriage of n HOU of Senator Ban Harrlion to Mies Mamie Sounder. ! , of this city. The ladies' auxllary of the Y. M. 0 , A. will meet In the association parlora on Tuesday afternoon. March Cth. at half' past 2 o'clock. A party of huntera laden with wild dock * and geese came In on No. 4 yactar day and attracted coniidtrablo atten tion. Prof , Suoutl B. Aurhe-y will give tha Mcwd lector * ia Unity Uotun coon * OB Friday evening , Match 9 , In the Unitarian church. ( Subject , "Tho Beginning of Geological Time. " This Is the profeuor'a latest and best lecture , Charley Whltnoy has boon appointed captain of the Union Pacific base ball nine for the coming teison , A Nomaha county man wanla to dli * pose oftOO bushels nf "wlno aaps" In the Omaha market. Yesterday waa a foggy , chilly day , very unlike the cloao of the preceding week , The board of education holds its reg ular monthly meeting to-night , The week closed up in KOCH ! nhape over head and bad shape under foot , The roller skating rink will bo lighted by gM after Tuesday evening next , Rogulir meeting cf Gco , A. Custcr po < t this evening , A largo attend ance Is requested , Gee , M , O'Bryon , commander ; U , F. Filch , adjutant , A regular meeting of Capitol lodge No , 3 , JL , F , & A. M , , this evening' March 5tb , at 7:30 : , A full attendance of membara la desired. By order ot the mns- tor , Mrs. Allco Martin , staler of Mrs. Jacob Williams of this city , died at To peka on lait Monday. Mr. and Mr * . Williams attended the funeral and re turned to Omaha on Tuesday. ' The members of the Y. M. 0. A. board of directors are requested to attend the regular monthly meeting to be hold his evening , March Ctb , at 7:30 : I'clocV , at the rooms of the association. By irder of the proaideut , J. ] ; , Davidson , licretary. In Judge Boneko'a court Saturday two men wcro arraigned for fighting. Ono was committed in default of $5 and the costs and the other ca e was continued until thb afternoon , One Slocurn had his case continued , and one disturber of the peace paid hin fine. Harrlgan It Hart'j l"Squattor Sover- Dignity , " direct from their New York theatre , will ha presented at Boyd'a next I'ueaday and Wednesday , with the origi nal effects which made the piece famous l > y Ita long run in Now York city. The Marie Golstiui or grand opera jompany , the largest and moat extensive > rganlzatlon that baa over visited Omaha , vlll appear at the opera house next Friday ind Saturday , presenting "Trampotte" ifrlday , "Boccaccio" at the matinee , nda 'Parisian Life" Saturday night. The ompftuy BUpp.rtim ; thin great artist In- ludea tlrty-two muinbor * . A complaint h < ta been filed against two ioys , charging them with stealing furni- uro from John Edwards. A strong ; team ia the new coal firm of lenzon & Cllin. They handle all kinds f coal , but make a epecialty of walnut 'lock ' , said to bo the best nof t coal in the narket. Their oflloa la at Benzon'a old land , 211 South Thirteenth street. M. S. Martlnovlch , formerly con- loctod with THE OMAHA BKK , but at proa- nt representing the wholesale liquor house f Stubondorlf & Co. , Omuho , la in the city n his regular business trip. Mr. Martina- Ich Ia one of those popular , enorgetio men ? ho make a succor of all they undertake , nd will build up n business for Stubben- ioril & Co , in Wyoming far ahead of any. hlng competitors can boost. Laramie Joomorang. Commission r O'Keofo ha received a Ifapatch from Gov. Dawea , in response to ne of Inquiry , to the effect that houte illla No. 30G and 298 have been signed , > nd have therefore become laws. No , 309 a the road bill which provided for the Im- irovoment of roads and nvenuoa leadinc rom the city , for a distance of two milea ut and authorize ! the commissioners to Dvy n tax oa all persons owning property flthin fOO feet of the road to cover one- bird of tha cost of such improvement. No 98 Ia a bill extending the time for the quallzation of taxes. From Assistant Superintendent Thompson , ot the B. & M. , wo learn that luring the last , week about ICO cars of em- grant movables have arrived in Lincoln md that Urf" ) numbers are on the way in or foily car trains. On February ! 7th twcrtjeven cara arrived ; on the 2Mb , four i u ; on March 1st , twelve cars ; ) n thoSi , Lwenty-aoven can ; and on the J 3 , t wenty-niuo cara , These emigrant oars kre loaded with household gooda a'nd there is an increase of one family or more to the oar , There were alxty people on the train that arrived yesterday , The larger part of them who have arrived thus far are from Illinois , and moat of them go north over the Nebraska road and the rest over the main line , All of them will settle and make homes and help develop the resources of Nebraska , Besides the emigrant trams there if , of course , a largo proportion of the arrival * who oorae by the regular trains. The trains ard all heavily loidednow. No. 1 yesterday brought In 481 grown people and 125 children , and every day brings in trains almost ag well Riled. Journal , Rlplny'a tiay. Mr. B. P. Rlpley , general freight agent of the Chicago , Burlington & Qalncy railroad , ioatructa agents that all freight from polnta on his mad oaal of SUuton , Iowa , to points on the Darlington & Missouri River In Ne braska , will bo routed as follow : Via Prtolfio Junotlou To all main line otatlons , to stations on the No branka railway divisions went of Lin coin ; to stations on the Atohison & Nebraska division north of Adams to stations on the Republican vullo ] division from Hastings to and inolud ing Donvorj to stations on the Wy rnoro branch , except Wymoro. VIA Nebraska City To stations on Nebraska railway division east of Lin cob' ; to Nomaha line stations to ant including Tccamioh. Via liurliugton Junction and Bos well To stations on the Republican Vtlloy division cast of Amboy ; to stations on the Atchlaon & Nebraska division soulh of Firth , pxoupt To ooinsoh. Freight from Chicago , Barlington & Qulncy stations west of and inolud Ing Btanton , will bo routed via Pa clfio Junction or Nebraska Oily only according to the most convenient ter urinal. ' SLAYKN'SYOSEMITB COLOGNE Made fro- * the wild flowers of the vnn , IAMI-D YOSEMITB YALLEH it in t-io most fragrant ot perfume Mcunf act tired by H. B , Blaven , Baa Frtuoiioo. ForuU in Omaha by W J. WhlUaotuo and KMUUUU Bret THE RIVER- Conjectures as to the Coming Break * Up-A Dynnmlto PJan. \N lillo the ice has gene out of the river at various points far bolorr us , It still remains solid at Omaha , although covered to n considerable extent with water , Ilero , too , it Is braced some what by the numerous bonds , which lold It in place llko the thrcadu of a screw , River man in Sioux Olty say .hat . If the proaout weather continues ho ice nill rot out , and oponipg from ho lower end will not make any flood. Fho weather BO far ha boon nil righter or a quiet , unaonsationnl break-up. TOJI POWKUS1 Ol'INION , The St. Paul Ploneer-ProBS cf the .at inst. has the following opinion about the coming break up from Tom i.'oworg , the well known steamboat owner : Thomas Powers , from the Yellowstone , Rave M his opinion that should the upper Missouri and nppor Yollomitonobreak up soon , and ho is afraid they will , the darJgors of a dam aging flood are imminent. The people ple along the valleys are fearful that a alnmayaetin. Advices from Fort 3uford of recent data glvo the thick- nesa of the ice in the river at that point the junction of the Missouri nd Yellowstone as four feet , and rom this much damage below U pro- toted when the break-up comes , A ocldod depth of snow ia reported in ho valley of the Misaonri and the ewer valley of the Yellowstone , and gradual thaw , unaccompanied by aln , is earnestly prayed for. The Eclipse is frozen in at Rod Button , tilrty milea above Buford , and but aint hopes are entertained of keeping ior afloat , The Sioux Olty Journal of Friday aye : The river is still solid from here to shoie. The ice bridge of the t. Paul railroad holds no firmly as vor , aud trains crossed yesterday without shaking it to any oxtont. ) u the ice much water is ntandlngand annlng. In places it is deep enough o quito seriously retard the progress f heavily loaded teams , As far as oticed , however , the ice beneath has ot rotted any. The small Htroams nnning into the river are np and oodluy their banks , and from thorn a nrge body of water is pouring into the Ivor , which must in a few days cause n increase in the body of the river water , which will tnako the ice crook nd bulge perceptibly. As yet every- ling is secure and aafo. Freight ia > elng transferred across the ice bridge nd no preparations have been raado ) take np the iron. On account ot so depth of water on the ice not many Nebraska leans came across osterday , but several loads of gooda wore sent over from tbto city. Regarding the break np of the ice , 10 idea wai advanced by a river man ootorday that it would bo a good chomo to assist it by the nso of dyna mite. The cntlemou'o plan was to xulodo the dynamite at various point * own the river and up &a far aa Yank- on , llo said the expense would beery ory light to-tho government , compar' lively , aud nothing ae compared with 10 additional aufoty which would bo Ivon to the people living and owning ; iroporty along the Big Muddy Ho rould commence at the Mouth of the ? latto and vroik up stream and ex- dodo aa fast as possible and as nearly s possible in the chaunoL A SUNDAY FTO.E. Burns a Srsall Shod. Near the St. Oharlea Hotel. About noon yesterday a small blaze was discovered In the laundry' con- ooted with the St. Charles hotel , which is ft email shod Lscatod in the llt > y between Twelfth and Thirteenth , , [ arney and Farnam. It caught ia 10 colling , probably fscm a defective no , and immediately burst out in a loot of flame througb the roof. An larm was sent in by telephone and espondod to by the Hooks and No. , prevloui to whoso arrival ono of tke ttaches cf the house got a small bream on through the garden hoie. When No. 3's stream went on it mocked the fire out of tlmo In ono onnd and also knocked the man with he garden hose off tho'roof. ' A little ator tha stream accidentally struck x Alderman Shannon just behind ho oar and floored him. The damage to the building ia slight. . Wm. S.MoOLELIteUf. His Durlal at Qalona Action of the Bar Association. A special to The Chicago Tribune , dated Galena , 111. , Feb. 28th says : 'Tho remains of tha late William S * ilcClollan , of Omaha , son of R. H , tfcUlollan , of this city , arrived here ast evening and were interred this afternoon in Greenwood , There was a very largo concourse of people at the innoral , including the members of the oar of the county and company 1 , I , CT. G , of which the deceased nns for merly captain. The mombsra attended in full uniform , and escorted the body to the grave. The services were con ducted by the Rev. Ambrose 0 Smith. " Shortly after the district court con vened on Saturday morning , Mr. J , 11. McCullou. h , who was appointed to that duty by the members ofthe bar at the mooting recently held to take notion concerning the death of their brother attorney , presented the following reriolutlori. WHEREAS , Death haa removed from among cs our friend and brother , Willli.mS. McOlollan , In the vigor and bunuty of his youc * ; manhood ; and , WHEHEAS , It Is most fitti ig that , fie bur of Douglas county , by whom the dosacnod was so well known and loved , should express sorrow at this sad af fliction , bo it therefore RESOLVED , That in the death of "Mr. McOlollan the state rf I cbraeka lisa lost an adopted son as no > 1 < and truehearted - hearted as any who lives in > ior broac expanse , the bar ono of the profession worthy of all confidance , esteem anc respect , and a large and mourning clr ole of friends and relatives , a memboi of their aooletywhom to know waa to admire and love. RBSOLVBD , That In the wd and on timely death of. Mr. MoOlellan hi btothen oi the bar hare lost a frieac unjnrp Mwl in Ihoao qoalitios of head and heart rrhich go to adorn and beau tify the trntf nobleman , and make a friend n friend indeed , RESOLVED , That the members of the bar , though unable by any proceeding of theirs to staunch the arteries cf love now bleeding , yet fool urged by uvory consideration of regard and duty to tender to the afll otod farci'y ' end rela tives of the dear dead this respectful token of sincere and heartfelt uympa- thy with thomln this the hour of their bareavjmcnt. RESOLVED , That the secretary cf thlsmcotirg forward a copy of the so resolutions to the family of the db- co&sed and see that the nnmo bo pub lished in the city papers ; and RESOLVED , That the chairman of this mooting do appoint a member of the bar to present theao resolutions to the district court of Douglas county , and respectfully request that the eamo bo spread upon the records thereof. G. W. Shields , J. H. McOullough , A. 0. Troup , Jos. B. Clarkson , W. F. Grooloy , oominlttoo. At the saino time Mr. McOullough passed a touching and approprlato eulogy upon the character of the de ceased , followed by similar remarks from Meesrs. H , D. Estabrpok , Joseph R. Olarkson and A. 0. Tro'np Out of respect to the niomory of William McOlellan the court ad journed until Monday morning nt 9.30. CommlBslonerb1' Procoodlnfrg. THUHSDAY , March 1,188D. Board /jet pursuant to adjournment. Pm- ut , Commissioners Corliss , Knight nd 0 Keefe. Road No. 278 B was submitted to ho board and the report of the com missioner locating the same was rdored sot aside and the olork in- traded to refund amount deposited s security for costs. Road No , 290 B waa adjourned to March 14lh. Road No 272 running along the rest end of state instltato property > elng rmdor consideration and the onsent of the legislature having been btained , said road u ordered located nd established , The county clerk called the attention f the board to the resignation of A. X Morris as special deputy clerk. The oplnoon of J. O : Gowin , county ttornoy , aa to the claim of Stall- # { ell for making transcript in state laao was filed recommending the same > o not allowed. The following was adopted : RESOLVED , That the county treaa- irer be , and hereby if , directed to .raw from the general land ? 39:37r : md apply the came to the payment of he delinquent personal tax of Pnt- lok Wolsn for yers 1879' , 1880 , and .881.2 . , for services as juror. Bid * for the care and treatment of ao poor were opened and final action lostponed. The following accounts were allowed rom the general fund : ? atriclt Welsh , graad juror 9 7 63 I. V. llhodea , extra work 45 00 \ W. Corliss , servicei ) aa county commissioner 107 00 { . O'lwefe , services aa cuuaty coromtugiousr 102 OC S , F. Knight , tonicca aa county comtnieaiunor O'J 00 tf. Ramge , petit juror 10 00 Adjourned to the 3d Inst. JeiiK BAUMER , County Clerk. SATTJIUA.Y , MasohS , 1885 Board met pursuant to adjournment. Pros- nt , Commlaslonen Corliss , Knight ud O'Koofo. The following appointments- made , J. G. Knight , assessor Union rccluct , 3T. W. Monvlllo , assessor - xth precinct , H. S. Ludlngton , vtrucor of highways south district , 7niou precinct , Official bond u J. G. Knight BB assessor Union piccinct was approved. The following resolution wa adop- ed. ed.RESOLTBD RESOLTBD , That the county treas urer bo , and ho is hereby directed to educe the valuation of personal pro- lerty'of Ohas. H. Sampson from $ C5G o flOO lor yeai 1882 , on M count ol rror of assessor. The clerk wa directed advortlso or proposals to remove Sixteenth troet bridge to Florence , nad grading aid street , also for building 54 foot bridge at MiUard. Silas Springer and othon filed theli irotest against straightening the Elk- lorn river. The following account was allowed rom the bridge fund , Missouri Valley > rldg and iron works , one-half costs of iron work on Elkhora river bridge , ! 2,650. Adjourned.JOIIK JOIIK BAUMER , Oounty Olork. HOME CIRCLE CLUB- Preparations for the Coming Charac ter Party and Bal Mae quo. "Tho Homo Circle Club , " which hoi given some of the most enjoyable par les of the season , have concluded t < jive a character party and masquorad * on the 15th of March , at Masonii Hall , the occasion being the lost part ] of the scries of 1882-3. The affair will bo a novelty in Hi way. Characters from "Moscotte,1 "Olivette , " "Pirates of Penzanco , ' and others will bo taken by member of the club. A limited number o spectators will bo allowed. And thozo who are favored with ai invitation will , no doubt , have asplon did time. The following gentlomoi comprise the executive committee WmT Brown , John A. White , F. W Plckens , J. M. Housman , Thos. Our ry , whoso names am asnflbiont guar autco for the success of the affair. COOPER WAGONS have arrived. Practical experienc demonstrates and proves them th cheapest in the market for re : service. For sale at F. D. COOPER & Co s. m [ > -m&e&wlm METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OMJ HA , NEB. Tables supplied with the best th market affords. The traveling pnbll claim they get bettor accommodation and more general satisfaction her than at any other boose In Omahi Rate , ft * perdaT. augaitfm ' . . .RXDDIHOB Rn UI Salve , beat IwnU nilvtf lu tha world.aud excclieut lor sUb ' A BAD CABE Airs. J * > uMotcalf Uecomos Inoane From The friends of Mr. J U. Motcalf , ho well known .chockrnan for M. W. Konnard , will jregr tto learn cf the misfortune ho ban v.'ocontly oxporl- need. A short time Rgc * hf wife gave irth to a little ono aoi wna appar- ntly getting on all right , until ays later she was taken with al fever , followed by blood painoQ- ng , from the effects of which sue t > & - amo Ineano , and was yoatorday takan own to Lincoln to bo placed in the loapltal for medical treatment , The first signs of her malady ore when ono morning she informed loao in attendance that oho was pos- csnod of the power of the Holy Gliost. The family help was a Bohe mian girl , who could not speak a word f English , and the tick woman stated lat she was working on her , and lat she would shortly coma ute the room and talk i a now tongue. Slnco that mo she has Imagined that oho her- elf could converse in other languages nd was constantly speaking what she ailed Bohemian , which was. uuintel- iglble to any one. The physician thinks it possible lat with six weeks of care she may ocovor , unless the disease has pro- uced softening of the brain. The lild is perfectly healthy. THE WEATHER- ta Eflects on Business During the Past \Voek. No finer weather than the past week me brought os haa been experienced n the city for oevoral month * . Balmy irctzes and a clear , azure eky wore 10 uniform rule. The mud has boon : noa ed into a solid mould , and the rooslstgB made possablo by the thou- and tatada of the pedestrians. But what nn amount of profanity was pent before the latter feat woo ao- ompllshed may be > bettor imagined han can bo dcsorlbod. With the ap- > oaranco o ! the sun , catdoor.work has icon moj active , end if the ftno weather oaly consents to stay with us 10 boom Hiich the 2 > acomber frcat dlled ao effectively is likely to be ro- Ivod at oncoS So far It has had tb ffoct of bringing the people out in the venlng in gseater numbers than at ny time during the seceon , and thc > leator and other places cf amusement lave had a griater run , deaplto the xjnten season. Ono dle ppolntmont ia * beou experienced , however , and hat was Mrs. iangtry'a failure to ap- oar with her Treddy and show "As L < ° OQ Like It. " According to the latest1 oporta the happy twain were speed- ag eastward , and Mr. Langtry way ot to be hoard f ism. Uncle Sam is a right jcvlal fellow 3 a rule , and tire grace with which e Bobmlta to the handling of hia cash ox is truly admbable. Bu-1 ? when heel el iiaa the battle ax and QOOS about ecapitating official heads all fun am3 to depart him. Judge Oronnao an tdl a little story about this , and i rumors may be-- trusted Mr. Hall will soon bo able ta do likewise. How ncertaln the gifts of the world are 'oraooth. Here it is just two years ince General Garfeld was inaugur ated. in the hlgheat-offico in ihe gift of he nation , and now scarcely a men- ion is made ot hia memory. A short time aqo , ElhotV the ox- hamplon pugilist , , appeared in the ity to an eager crowd in a sparring ahlbltion. A great deal o&fnss was made of the advantages of 6ho manly rtx of self defense , but when it came a , the scratch in Chicago , nil the art a tha world could not save him from ndlng as a first-olnea corpse. . Muscle s good enough in its place , but the nvontSon of destructive agents , tea a great extent , ha * removed the ine- lities of brute force and the boat node of self-defenae is at long range , > eyond the reach of combative nature. But Mr. Elliott's failure at self-do- enso was not the only Instance chron- oled this week. In oni virtuous midst the defense , though less Ban- binary , ot a devoat church member , nded disastrously. All of which might have been avoided if a wider augo had been taken. GENERAL HARRINGTON. A Man Who Saw Omaim la Ha In fancy and Its Maturity. Gon. George W. Harrington , who represents the Stein Manufacturing company of Rochester , N. Y. , is in ho city on a regular business trisx Jo deals in wooden overcoats. General Harrington passed through this city in 185 ? with Gen. Albert Sidney Johnston's army , and went through with them to Utah , partici pating in the memorable experiences ) f that timo. At that time Omaha was but a little trading post , and the young army officer little thought that a quarter ol a century later he would be selling coffins in a metropolis of 60,000 pee plo. The general graduated at West Point In 1850 , and rose gradually to the position of brigadier of volunteers , and when mustered out of that service waa holding the rank of lieutenant colonel in the regular army , being re tired in 1809 on account of disability. Uon. Harrington is a fine looking gentleman , whom not ono out of r thousand would take to bo over 3c years of ago , but who is in roalitj only 57. He comes of a long lived family , hia father being 82 yearn of afic and his grandfather , still living , 105 , Ho himself will probably live to be at old as Methuselah. A curious circumstance connected with the general's visit to the city , cs poclally when his peculiar business ii considered is that he has never nnti to-day came without finding Coronoi Jacobs busy holding an inquest. Hi haa been hero at nearly all ef the im portant occasions of this kind for thi past three yearn , including the Inquw on the wife murder and auioide In Bo hemtantown , the rnurdw of Ool. Wat on B , Smith and oa ihe but vhit , thi tower accident OB North Twelftl itr at , ta which , one naaft wa angth ercd to death. Whether this strange fatality follows him , llko the wander * ing Jew , wherever ho goes , or not , the reporter did not learn , but when a few days ago the postal card was re ceived announcing hia intended visit , n half dozen pencils were sharpened op in anticipation of a big item , It may como yet before ho loaves. Real Estate Transfers The following deeds were filed for record in the county clerk's office Match 2 , reported for TUB BEE ' by Ames's real estate agency : Henry 0. Jones w d to A. Samson , lot 2 , in block 0 , in town of Elkhorn ; $25 $25Jamea Jamea 0 , Megoath q o to A. Sam- can , lot ) , in block 4 , ot Elkhorn ; $100. L. R. 'J'attlo ' , Jr. wd to H. A. Moo , lot 3 , in Tattle's subdivision ; $500 HAS BEEN PROVED Vlif 6UREO7 CURB for KfiBNEY DISEASES , Uooli lame back or disordered uxlrv Indicate Jialyouaroavtfttlinr TIIEW3X oncoCdrnxrrittarocoinincudlt ) and Itwi pe lly ) oTtmmno tliodlu iUJ8andrcstort B B healthy action to all thoorgMi * . s > I y\fttt * & I'oreompWotapeeuUa r BnCIWICSfs to your ncxinehaa pain aililwealuiCBscs.KIDNEY.WORTlBUiiiur puscd , ruiltwill net promptly and aafely IHtUez 8cx. Incontinence , retention o urtno , briok duet or ropy dcpoaiu.onddu dragging painsall speedily yield ioitj cur atlvo power. (13) BOLD BY ALI. CIUTOQIBT3. Prt 81. , A noil-known cIcrRjnun , Itev. K. Cook , ol Tr upelean , Mh , uijs : ' 1 find Kldno > Woit a sure turo for kidney and 1 > tr troub'cg ' as A SUPS CURE for all dloonces of the Kidneys and * It haaspoclilo action on tills rocat Important CTRnn , enabling U to throw off torpidity and inaction , stimulating thu healthy Bccrctlon ofthe Bile , and by koping the bowela in fret oondltlon , effecting > U regular dlocharfro. mrirxl > til' 3f you ere sufforinc from h JdtCiricli Duxlarla.havotheohUlji , arabUloua , dyepcptle , or constipated , Kid ney-Wort will Burcly roltovo & quickly euro. InUilBeeaoontocleaasothoSystom , every ocaBbouldtakoathorsnihoour i > oflt. (51) ( SOLD BY DRUGGISTS , Frico 81. I went to tvirope , ' IWTS Henry Wnjd , late Col. 69th Reg II. O. S. N. Y. , MOW HrlBtf at J73 W. Side Avo. , JT. 0. Illghts , U. J. , "onto letisrn worse ( rom tlnonlc liter com plaint , Kidney-Wait , KB a last resort.3as ( then ne better htft'th ' than Iha c hitherto cn0cd ] lor iconyrmaiyytars. " He's cured DOW &nd coneerguantly iwppy. .FOaTHE PERMANENT CURE OF S CC NSTBPATiOW. c No other di ese Is BO prevalent in til * country arComtipatlon , aud ao remedy 33 O hnd voreg.nallbd thepelcbratod.KIDNET- E WORT" aa > a care. Whatever the'cause , cLowovaar ott ± nite the ca > o , Udi remedy * will OTTroomff iiL 'riiiS ' diatresalng oem * plaint Is very apt to be j I'wltlj oonatipatlon. Kidney- O Wort strengthens the weakened rarta nn'J quickly cores all kinds oiTtles erinwhon O phTnietnna and medlrlnea have btltaj fell- _ " rylfyoahaTeelthi-rofthoootrouWcs H' ' i ! ] P "I'wlll ' recenimond It ererjnhcrcr , " wn'o 3aa. It. llojor , CUi > BO Manufacturer , Iftcrjtoivn Pv , " &BC1US3 if lOibney-Wott-curcdsoy p'Jea ( HONEYS , LIVCR AND UOV/ELS. tit ItcloanscB-thaByetczQoftheacrld xoiion caaaea1 tlio drea < Iful infibrinff t tiJoli j nly the vlcttnaof xhnnmatiam can redJc c T THOOSTAUDS OF CASES ifl the worst * SCrma of tills terrible Uavo boon quUtly reUeved. > r PEHflBOTt.Y CURED. mot i. uquiDrnax , BOLD br uuicaaw. ( M ) Dry can be cnt by mail. _ WELLS , niCIUJlDSOli & CO. , Uurilnrton.Yt "rih WilterCtoeaj my customer , iras ed vrlth iheumatlsm lor two } ears : Irieil * vain. 11 reaedieo ; Kidney-Wort alone cured him. I ave tried 1 < myoeir , and know that It Is gcod. " 1 ertion ol a letter from J. Wlllett , irugglst , 'lint , Mich. SPECIAL NOTICES , 3S78PEO IAL 8 will POSITIVELY notbeln lerted unless-nil * In advance. IQ LOAN MOHtY T ) TONEY TO LOAM-Call at Law offlcaof . L. JjJL Thomas room BCrelghton Block. LOA13D On Chattel Mortgage sc- MONEY . Ilcom No. 1 , over Merchants Na tional Bank. 977-lmt EY TO aa-Uf At 8 per cent. Ghrlyer'i MO Ear it ) and Loan Agency , opposite Tostofflce. 787-t ( _ HELP - -J girl at 721 fouth 37lh St. . WANTEO-a i.ei\en crth , los een-ral housework. 275 St ) Two men ol good odOiwato c n- WANTED . C&1U21 South Ifth street , 283 6 ( "TTTANTBE A go d cook , vosberaxd Irontr. YY RelreD v icqnlred , Api'ly tt 3310 Dav enport street , bet. 13th > nd 14 > h. WS-3t -\\J ANTBD-A Orjt da s girl Switl or dor- YY mat uanted 11 n Umll ) ol two ) > r Mra. Kennari N , & corner lath and Dodge fits. 28'J 8 { ' UUBlNK8&-W nt. d-A p.nner , TINNER'S or will ) ! and fwork ' 0' purchaser. Ad. dre s "Tumor , " Bee oRlco. * 73 Ct 'ANTED A ild l-r e"TneTil fouBo ' 0'k. W t pjl y at 2010 Butt HreeL 2S4-7 17ANTED IVat'Clasg cook. Hone ether need _ pp'y. 1103 Farnam ttt at. 2 { [ > C * ' rANTED-W > lie s and klfcben he'p. Appl'y 1108 Farmm street. 5i C WANTED A th'rtironer at Boston lanmlry , 13th ttreet , botvtecu Dodte and Taplto ! avenue. 267-3 ( WANTED Ag'rl to doi ( oer&l housewoiU , Arpty at N . 2100 Col ferula street. 27C-3t WANIfcD A ( rood , ft ody middle aged wcman. llu t be vrllllnic to work. Wa fi 81 per w > * . Inquire PU Pontlm St. 2V-8 ] WANTED A lew UJlea and gentlomtn ai ageuti lor the bUgcst paying buiiio B u Atncrlci. Room 3,1503 Farnaui Se. 213 In , ! Men and women to start a no * WANTED busluem at their own home ; no poaall j COc an hour ma < Ie ; end lOc lor Bamplwi. and In tractions Addres-i -lmcod MASON & CO. . Mot/ycKur. Vt 8ITUAT10NB WANTED , QIIUATJON WANTED By a joaa ? roarrle O min In a etoie. 1 $ willing to raaka hlratc ] u-elul at acy buslncu. Addies "J. R , 0 " Re ottlce. .25731 MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. T > AUTNER WANTKD-Wlth $1,003 to rnak JL and sell on. unlcle nee-led In ( very lamlly- a moanpoly. Addreii "D. U. " Bee office. S5S31 . A lranit r ID Ornah * . unmarried WANTF.D to make tne acquaintance ol a lid ; toad ol amusemtnU and ol a social deposition AdJreu atc'al. " BM office. > 18- TfT ANTED-KO priry raulK , Unki and CM YY P ol lo clean with tinltan elean r. Batli Uetlun guarantwd. 1. U. SHITD , Lock Bos 421 , Omaha. FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. KENT One large and ono small room , FOR at Drugstore , cor , 10thand Doug- la * . 2T4-lw MUCKY AUD FOH ICKMT Apply at once. rrerjthlng needed to run It OB hand. Buperlor clay. Also house on yatd It wanted , LOKEN7. ) U1U11LK , Yard ISth itrtet , 2 block ) south ol Dotlovue road , 230 lm { TiiOIl REST With toird , a large * lurnlihed. JL room with t > ay window. Modem Improvements - ments , 1718 I)3dgo Street' 235-9) ) KENT New hotel at Aroct , Neb , slzs 31 Foil Good location. Llbnral terxs to the right party. Addnsi' 0. Teat , " ATOM. 261 a wit REN r A h un ot four rooms , corner ol FOR and Wcb.tcr streets. $12 lo & month , 26C51 JA . CALLAJIAN. 710R KENT I'cisint front loom furnlihod , E COS N. Uth Iticet. bet. CVrorula.and Web- ettr , 217-81 TTIOIt HKST Furnlehel Teem lor two RCiit , JD Sblicksfiom postolflco. Inquire at 1519 IJdgofl.Toel. 239-lm TnORRE5T Small houo corner llarner and r 22d stre t , Cli p. Apply Mr . "U. ' next door. 251-3 KENT To cicely luin'ehe.l room EOU . BrtoK house , buy wltij w , 3515 Ch c ? o street. TjlOU RBVJ O rooms , 3 below. 3 up-malif , 3 Jj cloietn , cellar , bjilrant water. Inqulr * at C08 loth street. Sm ? _ RENT A DO t SO at ITS , In three pieces , FOB of 28 , one of IB , and one of 4 acres. All onttd. house 3 rooms , . FosBtwIon Imniedlakily , Ononillelrom postoffito. UK1IIH' IlRAI > Eft ATX AOJXC7 , 225-tJ _ 3flh and Dc-tulai StrertBv HO LET Kino parlor P. ' or. ANo a large roomi L furrlshedor unfurnished , 1675 Dodge street , 383-St 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ yOK KKNT-Guod furnished [ rooms with clw _ els. ID'S North 18ift street' 200 8 ( 7IOXRENT Pleasantly fujnlsbed sootus with J boirdatl Chicago street. ! 28-B { 710.R BUNT Pleasant front room famished , J 606 N. 18th street , bet. CaliJornla and Web- : er. 277-3t ; A 11 > KE CHANE FOR HRNT Th JM1 story rl. an I basement of building No. 1111 Farn.ru , ieot. Inquire on premise ! . 1841m 7\OR \ BENT Two now houses with' ft rsonw , J Dr. 0. II. Paul. 102 3mo ' RBUr 25 housoa , "I to 1U rooiis , at n to 1 J25 per month Qhnver's Kent iiurcaui op- ' DOflt OttiCe. 7GMI BALE SALE < M acres 5 miles from courfboute , FOR , with llvlngaprlpg. 3 loti In Dwlctht it Lvnmu'a addition. 4 lota In Isuca & Sbeldon'a addition. Inquire oil I O. Clark. /72 < H FOR SALE Oco dark bay m ro , top bnany and harness. W. W. ROBERTS , . 27-lGt Fort Omahr.i T710R SALE Earth fiomS. E corner 2Sth asd' 1' Korncy St3. Address O. W. Field , 922 r- nam bt. 231 Of "T71OR SAIE Car load ol good young horses at JD Jedtrton Square Stable , ICth and Uata street FOR SALE A good top buggy and hnrnoiK Will sell cheap. Apply N. E. cor. 15th uacl CalKomU streets. 710R SAtB A peed family hone and side-bar J boggy. 8. Larson , Ibth Stteat , between ass aid la'itornla 271-St rflOR SAL" l acre lot In Park Place , 3rd lot [ } east cf' Academy of S-crcd Heart , Improve- nirrts worth ICOO. lor 81,900 e , so. Bargain. J252 tf W. O. SI1K1VKK , Ofp. Pcstofflce. [ 710 R SALE House with G rooms and 2 lots 1 } ( each 06x132) ) In aouth Omaha , forJl.OOO , on apy terms. Wllliakrctm on part pivruent. ' tqulroot 61I > S12th8trect. _ _ _ 243'-imt " [ 710R SALENcw B room cottage , coodclo ets" I1 Addrca > "S.vy. Ii > "li e office 2126t , -Ott SLb CHEAP Choice uulmpicned bus- f1 InfBj lots on rarna-n Harncy , Douelra. nd D-dgo trce.B. 1) WIS & SNYDEH ; Real Eetite Agents. no-en J-if t j. . . 150i ? Farnani St. A BAKOAIN-nolcl and LS\ery Stable lo i -t\.Haleliiagio lnBVri t ris town. First-clos > hoitl ard onlyli ery stai/Kojo tM'Ui.K.r - . . , ' - otelor stable , will pa ; you to invtsl'gote.WU ell si > p rate. Addroji "Hotel" care cf Bee. ICC m&u 12t ( jEiII3'New Map of Omaha , lu.it coaiplotsd lint J ready for delivery rtt $ Scacn. IB 4 itivldu > y 1 foot long. Largest and moat complete rup [ Omaha over publthsd. Official imp of thi .ty. See column. _ IOR SALE Pjur ate lot adlolnlnp city lim t F it' . KMJ. terms. JOHNT. BEIir. , 170-3 } It08 Psrnani etieet. otter lor sale at a Jargaln the enzine and fixtures now In CM at our worka > . Th * compute outfit Is aa good M new , and consists o Kneine (40 borsa powerX Bollfcr , neater. Steam Pump , Dmol Stack , Sieom and' Water Ganges , Water Tank.Wvea Pipes , etc. Itrnlll be taken out about thn first ol next Hay. Partlei Innerva ted are Invlt tl o call and am It in 0)icallon ) day and nlgbt ( Sumlayi excelled ) tf the TVoodman Linseed Oil Works , corner SJTaotoenth and JJlch- olaa streets. l)17-lm ) lALE Pocketa nupaol Nebraska 20e FOR . For bargains In Uirah'a CitJ [ mproTed and unimproved property , oM on Wm. K , Sari- rer , Heal Estate Agent , opposite postodat. 769-tl TTTOK BALE A Brat clan second hand phaeton : JJ Call it 1319 U&rney St. r > UE3BMAKINO done M 211 north Sxrr ath L/etrcel. 27' , | A perfect flttluf drooa llnlos cuMorS"oentw , . Jtt Tutsday , at 1118Bedge St. aT9-5t : la now open fovbusineM. \J J. DO'AE , 16th and Burt Bt. 2 5t nPECIAIiJNDUCEMENaS-Ofleredter a conn- 3 try 8tMf > at Gilraorccarpy courtv , Neb. Apply to O < Fro t , th.re. ISft-lmt MAO18TER np PALMYSIWRY ABD CONDT TIONALI3T , 49S Tenth stxoat , l et n Farnaa and Haraciy. Will , with iheald ol guardla * ulrlta , obtain lor any ese & , glanot ol the paH and preset , and oil certain condition In tbr In ure. Biota and Shom made to ordtr. Pet feet satWactlan guaranteed IN HOT WATER. DOKT BE SKEPTICin. SEAWWJ TEACHES AND iJJPKRIK.NCl' CO.VHiUia TIlAt'Tnr. 7it'3 oltz r AlrJ r t J AN IhYAI.- UABi.K Fi ANY A2IOALL DI30BDKK8 OP rilEJIEJIEDV 'T011ACH. LIVKK AND bOWELS - ELS AUEAS'OO KUMN A GLASS ctHOT WAOTRKV I1Y "OKVING. HKCOhEKATING S NOT ONLY EX-'REHKIiY BENEFICIAL. B T A ChOlECTIPN AGAINST DISEASED WHJJU N ONK OAN AFSO3SD TO DISUK QA.M . FOR SALE bV ALL DJiUOOISTS. POWDER Absolutely Pure * This powder never Yalta. Ar M purity. strength and wholeeomcueM. II e aomleal than the orplnary kluds , and ' > i sold In oomptUUoQ with the multltudu r i io-v i t , short weljht.alum or phosphate powiie. ' ' only la can * . UOTiliBMUX * I'OWBO 00 , , Wall 6t. , Q