Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Published every morning , except Si
7 , The only Monday morning dally ,
One Year..810.00 I Three Months$3
BIx Months , . 5,00 One Month. . . . 1 ,
'HE WKEXLY BEE , published eve
Ono ? enr $2.00 I Throe Months.
QIi Months. . . . 1.00 I Ono Month. . . .
Kewedoalora In the United S tales. |
intfona relating to News snd Editor !
.natters nhould bo addroescd to the Enm
Tijttera nnd Kcmltt-xnccs nhould bo t
irosaed to THE UCE PnoLisiiiNa COMPA. '
'JMA1IA. Drafts , Chocks and Postofiii
Jrders to be mode payable to the order i
the Company ,
APPOINTMENTS and dlaappointmont
go hand in hand.
THIS is an off year. Heads off.-
0,1Mandtrson ,
OONORESS refuted to cut down th
number of internal rovonno diatrlcta
but Internal taxes are reduced $25 ,
000,000 without tripping up tbo heel
of a single oflico holder.
THK Herald diaowna Senators Me
Shane end Brown aa democrats. Th
\ only true representative of Dr , Mil
lor'a kind of democracy down at Lin
coin waa George CanGold.
ONLY four days alnco the legisla
ture adjourned , and two members an
already provided for by Uncle Sam
uel , Neither of thoao belonged ti
the original eight. Are republic ;
ungrateful-Jake liolberts ,
To BE an alderman of Oounci
Bluffi mast bo regarded a a hlgt
honor. Two republicans and twc
democrats are contoating for ono seal
in the Fourth ward , although no paj
is attached to it. There la nothing
like glory in politico.
No congrceaman rejoices moro ovoi
the passage of a tariff bill than Sara
Randall , of Ponnuylvanla. The COM I
ia now clear for a piratical raid nftoi
southern votoo for the Bpoakorship ol
the next honao without any en
tangling alllancco on the isano of tarlfl
ifuE river and Ii tSur blii wa8
killed off In the last hours cf the ses
sion , the senate refusing to concur in
the house recommendations , Three-
fourths of last year's river and harbor
thieves were killed off by the people
lut fall.
TWENTY thousand citizens of St.
Louis have entered protest against
the abolition of German in the public
schools. A knowledge of modern
languages is nowadays of much moro
practical use to our boys and girls
than n smattering of Latin and
GOVERNOR DIWEB has signed the
Armltage militia law , which givoa
privates the aamo pay aa ofiioero when
on active duty. Mr. Armltago war
on service at Omaha aa a member ol
the militia hut spring , aud saw what
every other sensible man saw , that the
buckram brigadiers kept the mllltlt
inarms because they were drawing
brigadiers' pay. Mr. Armltago'a bill
Is in the line of a reform in thli
< . direction , which is greatly needed ,
OHIO haa convicted a legislative
briber. In Nebraska several briben
would have been exposed during th <
last session of the legislature , if thi
committees ot investigation had boot
organized to Investigate. It la no tori
ous that the capltol appropriation wai
only secured by a corruption func
raised by Lincoln property owners
Fart ot thla fund may have boot
pocketed by the mon who handled it
but a large portion wont from th
hands of the paid lobbyists to th
pockets of members of the legislature
Pour years ago Tom Konnard was on
of the most active dlabursara of thi
corruption fund , and ho made publl
boast of this fact recently because It 1
outlawed. Two yean ago money wi
raised In Lincoln to ualat In the r <
election of a certain candidate for tt
legislature from Douglas who ha
voted for the capltol bill In 1879.
MR. VAK WYCK'S resolution di
manding by what authority Mr. Par
ridge of Porn has been venturing i
speak for the American eagle , hi
resulted in the recall of that dlpli
matlc dabbler. Partridge wlthoc
consulting the government united wit
the ministers of England , France an
Italy in a joint note rocommendin
intervention of these powers to eon
pel Ohlli to evacuto Lima and othc
parts of Peru not claimed as It
deinnlty. This aotlon was virtually
sanctioning by our government c
European interference in South Amei
lean aflalra , a policy lu direct contra
Tentlon of the Monroe doctrine
Senator Van Wyck's resolution wa
ably seconded by Senator Edmund
and the Peruvian Partridge has ha
his wings clipped in consequence o
its adoption.
BttABKA. "
Ontho Dth day of March , 1881 , Uc
oral Oharlca II , VanWyok rnado 1
advent In the grilled States aunal
Within two brief years Senator Va
Wyck has ochiovod a notional ropai
"Tho oonator from Kobraika" h
won renown as ono of the nbloit d
bstors on the floor of thn Bonato ai
by all odds the most fearless and on
spoken member of that body , Hoi
over much men may differ with hi
as to his views or the policy ho IB pn
auolng in opposing cabinet cfllcoraat
denouncing existing nbneoa , all mn
conoodo that Senator VanWyck is 01
titled to respect for his manly an
ft ; oBa course.
"Tho senator from Nebraska" ia i
longer a nonentity whoao rocoi
jonslsts In rising to move c
idjourmont or an executive session , <
, o annonnco that ho la paired on tl
jtioatlon before the honeo. Ho is
nan who attracts attention whpnovi
10 rises , either to enter debate on
lending issue , move an invcatlgatic
nto some crying abuse or advoca
lome moasnro of vital Importance I
ho pooplo.
During the whole B'etaion that hi
uat closed "tho senator from Ni
) raska" has boon a prominent figni
ind the loading journals of Amori (
mvo paid him the tribute duo to it
ilghest qualities that any public ma
nay bo possessed of , In fact no groi
lally between Now York and Sa
franclsco con bo perused without fine
ng aome reference to "tho senate
rom Nebraska. " Mr. Morrlll , tb
load and front of the high tariff nyi
licato , thought that listening to "tli
onator from Nobraaka" was BS goo
.a . hearing opera bonffo but Sonatoi
Jongor , Logan aad Oamoron wor
orclbly Impressed with the idea the
t was much moro like high tragedj
Oonaidorlng that General Van Wye
laa boon in the aonato only two yoai
ila record hno certainly been a brli
lant ono. Ho cannot bo charged wit
iQing a monomaniac on any eubjcc
nd hnrplug on but ono airing. H
an dealt with almost every qucitlo
bat has como before congress an
brown daylight upon abuses that htn
listed for years without exposure. I
pas "tho senator from Nebraska" wh
roko up the surveying scrip fraud
nd aroused public attention all ovp
io country to the exemption of th
ind grant railroads from taxation. I
oa'tho senator from I brnska1
ho oxpoaed in a masterly manner thi
aposltlons of the lumber ring npoi
V ) treoleee states , aud put ft slop t <
10 infractions upon the nationa
May in dealing with American ro
ablics. Throughout his rooord ha
oen consistent aa on opponent o
ibbery and extravagance and mon
poly of every doaorlption.
While bo may not bo a good pro
Idor for the hungry crow that hanko
( tor loaves and fishes , Nebraska ha
irtalnly no reason to bo ashamad c
or senior senator. Not only havi
fobraska's interests boon falthfnll ;
iprosontod , but also thosd of the on
ro west , and for this work our stat1
as boon oroditod by such papers a
10 Chicago Tribune and Times , St
'anl ' Pionrcr Prtss , and the Oln
Innatl Commercial and San Franclso :
"hronkk ,
General VanWyok'a poraonal eo
antricltloa are those common to posl
Ivo mon who have an Individuality
nd do not Impose upon the public bj
rotondod wisdom , courtly mannon
nd glittering goneralltten that moai
"Tho aonator from Nobraaka" maj
amotlmoa have been grototquo , bn
o woara no mask and moans jus
rhat ho aaya ,
oath in announced by tele
raph has for many years boo :
ho moat prominent southerner c
latlonal reputation. Even Jofforso
) avla ahono largely in the light c
Jr. Btepheua ability during the fee
'oars ' oxiatonco of the confedoracj
771th perhaps the exception of Juda
? . Benjamin , Mr , Stephens was th
iblost member of the confederate go\
irnmont. Hla oonnsol shaped I
policy and his advloo waa eager' ,
tought by both civil and milltai
leadera throughout its short lived e :
tatonco. When peaoo was deolarei
Alex. H. Stephens waa one of the fir
to accept the Inevitable and to rotni
to his allegiance. Aa a member of tl
13rd , 44th15th , 46th and 47th coi
gre&soa ho did excellent service in tl
passage of measures affecting the 1 :
torcsts of persons and property at
the preservation of order in the soul
gaining general respect for his hlg
toned and manly position on eve :
question of sectional difference , I
retired from congress only a fc
months ago to accept the oflico of go
ornor of G oorgla. Mr. S tophona waa boi
lu 1812 , filled various oilioes of tru
In his native elate , and in 1843 w
elected to congress occupying f
jixteoa consecutive years a neat
the house of representatives. ,1
resigned in 1859 and In the campiif
if I860 headed the Douglas-Johns ;
doctoral iicket in Georgia. Ho was
number of the Georgia convention
L801 which passed the ordinance
iooesslon , but opposed secession to tl
) Uter end. Ho became a member i
ho confederate provisional congro
> nd later vfco president of the 001
federate states , whtSh office ho hoi
until the surrender at Appamatox , .
prisoner for five months in Fort Wa
ron , ho waa released on his own pare
in October , 18G5 and five months lati
waa elected United States senate
Owing to the refusal of congress 1
ratify President Johnson's proolami
lion of Georgia's reconstruction , M :
Stephens never took his seat bt
shortly afterwards was elected to coi
gross and remained a member of tb
16wer house until his acceptance <
Iho Georgia governorship.
The tariff has finally boon amondoc
Aflor Ihroo months of bitter wrang
Ing In both housed between the fai
tional representatives ot a score c
pampered industries a compromlt
measure has passed both houses an
has received the presidential slgni
lure ,
That reforms in our present systci
of unequal tariff taxation will be 01
compllahod by the now measure , none
ono can say until it ia given in bill t
the public and its various schedule
have been fully examined and con
pared with the bill which it anpoi
aodca , High protectionists dononnc
It as ruinous to Industry , and the lo1
tariff mon pronounce It a sham , whll
the free traders declare that it actv
arty raises duties instoa
of lowering them. From ther.o con
fllcttnz opinions It is safe to say tha
of no startling reform has been accoix
pllshod , and that the reduction i
duties will bo found to bo vary smal
when compared with the popular dc
The lobby has boon victorious , an
ho lobby's victory has always boo
ho people's defeat. At the oponin
of the session tffo measures affeotin
national taxation were proposed 1
congress The first , introduced b
ho senate committee on finance , wa
entitled "A bill to reduce interne
rovonha taxation. " The other wa
compiled by the houao ways am
moana committee , with the report o
he late tariff commission a
Is basis. After plastering then
ever with amendments in committee
mittoo both bills wore reported i
heir respective houaea for diicneaioi
n the committee of the whole , I
eon became clear that the houao bll
waa a bold attempt on the part ot Plj
Cron Kelly and the tariff lobby to in
roaso taxation by an artful roadj uat
iiont of duties. The senate bill whiol
educed the internal revenue by n
eant pGODOOQ yearly made impor
ant changes tn the dntlea Imposed 01
arloua articles of domestic consump
ion , especially in the metal schedule
nd as reported to the senate from thi
ommlttoo of the whole would havi
.ocroaaod taxation by at least 975 ,
300,000 a year.
Consideration of the bill upon it
iual pasaago revealed the atrongth o
he manufacturers' lobby. The mo
nont it became evident' that the honai
sill could never become a law , all thi
fforla of the rlnga were directed to
irarda the amendment of the sonat
jlll in the interests of the ateel , lum
3or , wool and earthenware monopo
its. As a result the measure wa
born of ita most radical reforms , am
xiaaed Into the hands of the hona
vith an Increase of $20,000,000 li
arllf taxes over the dutloaaa reportei
rom the committee to the senate.
The battle of the last week has beei
eportod in detail by the dispatches
Deferred to a confcronco committee
t which the majority were high pro-
ootlonlsts , the rates have been stll
nrther advanced , and the bill a
Ignod by the president la jumble o
ncroasos and reduction's Whoso fnl
ffoola upon the treasury cannot bo do
ormlnod until it has been in operatic )
or at least a year ,
The reductions in the internal reV
nno can bo estimated In advance
Ihoywlll decrease the treasury ser
) lus at least § 20,000,000 , a largo pox
Ion of which sum is taken from to
> acoo in its various manufacture !
arms. The removal of the slam ;
ax on bank chocks and matches is ii
, ho Interests of the people and th
removal of the taxes on bank deposit
and capital ought to make mono ;
oaalor. But the good or evil effects c
the new tariff bill can scarcely be dii
counted In advance. When th
measure Is printed ( n full and II
various schedules compared with thoc
of the present tariff , wo shall see jui
what reduction In taxation the lobb
has graciously granted the country.
THE removal of Hon. Lorenz
Orounso from the collectorshlp of li
tornal revenue is not calculated t
restore harmony1 within the ranks <
the republican party.- Nobody ca
truthfully charge that the cfiico hi
not boon well administered. On tb
contrary , since Mr. Orounao has hcl
the position of collector Nobrask
ranks among the most efficiently mat
aged districts in the country. Nc
has Mr. Orounso committed an
broach of truat or violated any ml
governing Iho Inlornal revenue BOI
vice that would lay him Hi
bio to censure , much loaa dl
missal. The removal is therefoi
purely political , and the offense ,
any could bo laid at his 4oor , Is th
refusal of Mr. Orounso to give nctiv
support to E. K. Valantlno , who !
nomination was repudiated by moi
than 7,000 republicans , owing to hi
infamous record. Now Mr , Oronnsi
as wo happen to know , was ready
stop down at any time. A proper i
gard for the obligations of the ropn'
lloan party as a champion of civil s (
vice reform , if not common doconc
would have dictated that reasons !
time should have boon afforded him
tender his resignation ,
No * emergency had arisen It
would jnallfy the withdrawal of Jud
Post from the bench ton month bofo
his term expired when his constitnot
had a right to expect that ho won
aorvo out his lull term. But since
boa boon ordained that Mr. Orouc
must go , wo merely voice public aen
mont when wo say that tho-axo of t
political headsman has only widen
the existing breach within the ropn
can party.
MAIN K baa roatorod the capital pe
alty for murder , with a olanso p <
milling the jury to recommend a pr :
oner to the mercy of the court , a :
giving the prlaonor'a counsel the cl <
ing argument. Fear of death at t
hands of the law has proved by all e
porlenco to bo the best protection f
human life against the assaults of t !
lawlosa. In Swltzsrland , whl
abandoned the death penalty sovoi
yoara ago , murders have increased
per cent annually since impriaonmo
for llfo baa boon substituted for t
Grand Celebration of Els 105th Am
vereary at Boya'a on To-nlRht.
All mon should glory in the prim
plea of Kobort Emmot. They are pri
ciplos Imbibed from our own Immc
tal Declaration of Independence Ai
all mon must admire his heroism ai
magnanimity of character , wondorf
genius and transcendent virtues. Wl
has not felt a throb of sympathy upi
roadlntr the melancholy fate of tl
youthful victim of the barbarous mi
ions of a hypocritical government. Ti
programme below tells how filling
the Irish citizens propose to honor h
memory and they extend a cordial 1
vitatipn to the other cltizans of Omal
tc unite wilh thorn ,
,1 Overture , "All the lligo in Ireland
. , . .Bye
A. 0. H. Band.
2 , Chairman's Address. .Mr. John Qrov
3 , Song , "American Ensign" . . . Webst
Double ( Jar lotto frcm Omaha GJ
4 , Oration . Hon. M V. Ganm
5 , Song , "She is Far from the Land , " . ,
. Stove :
Emmet Quartette.
6 , Poem , "Ivobert Emmet" . Origin ;
Miss S tool a Orowley.
7 , Piano Solo , "Meditation" ; .Gottschal
Mbi Katie Murphy ,
8 , Trial Scene In Costume .
( Kobott Linmet. . 0. J.Smyt
I Lord Norlrary . J. P. Murpb
Baron George . J. H. Foonc
B ron Dley . Will Wau
Foreman of Jury..Geo. M. O'Brie
Soldiers , Jurors , etc.
9 , Song , " Waiting" . Mlllai
Miss M. , L. MoNfttnara. ,
tO , Addresi . Gov."D wi
LI. Bongr , "God S ve Ireland" . KOI
Double Quartette from Omaha Gl
L2. "Emmet's March" . Herms
A. O. H. Band
Miss Olara Pierce , Accompanist.
Iho City Physician's Showing for tt
Month of February >
The report of the city physician f <
the month of February shows the fc
lowing mortality rate :
Total number of deaths from t
causes , 2G , viz : dipthoria 1 , Ooreb :
spinal fever 1 , other f even 2 , rheum
tlsm 1 , pulmonary diseases 11 , hpa
disease 2 , convulsions 2 , hepatitis
cyanosis 1. congestion of lungs 1 , ui
known 2 , injury 2.
First ward 5 , Second ward G , Thli
ward 4 , Fourth ward 3 , Fifth ward
Sixth ward 5. hospitals 2.
Ago Total Under 5 yean , 8 ; 5
10 , 3 ; 10 to 25 , 5 ; 25 to 50 , 5 ; 60
70 , 4 ; over 70 , I.
Male 15 , female 11. Colored
Married 9 , single 15 , widowed 2.
Burial Holy Sepulcher 11 , Prc
poet Hill 7 , county 1 , Lanrol Hill
German Catholic 3. removed 1.
Births Total 01 , White GO , colon
1 , Male 29. female 33 , allll born
twins 1.
Satisfactory Evldouoo.
J. W. Graham , Wnolesnlo Druggist ,
Austin. Tex. , writes : I have been hnndh
LUNU8 for the past year , and have fou
it one of the moat salable medicines I hn
ever had in my house for Coughs , Col
and even consumption , always givl
entire satisfaction. Pleate tend me o
RTOSS by Saturday's le mer.
Remarkable Growth.
The Lutheran church haa shown i
moat remarkable growth in thla cou
try. The membership has doubled
the last ten yean. The gains report
for 1882 were 02,000 , equaling t
total membership of the donomlnatl
in this country * > century ago. Tl
largest Proteatant denomination of t
world now stands third In numbers
this country , and at the present ra
of increase it will soon bo the atron
eat numerically In the United Stale
Her creed ia the oldeat , and her liti
gy one of the most sltcplo and boa
tifnl. of all Protoatant donomlnalior
Washington Star. _
wonders ot modern ohei
latry are apparent in the boantll
Diamond D ; ea. All kluda and cole
of Ink can bo made from them.
Money for the Unmarried-
Due ot the most eoliil and subntant
Institutions in this country is the M :
rlago Fund and Mutual Trust Associate
of Cedar Rapids , Iowa. They are or i
Ized under the lawa of Iowa , nnd heir
ficera and directors are among the leftdi
and moat prominent business men of Cec
Rapids. Every unmarried person shot
have a certificate in thla association.
It ia A splendid investment , as safe a
government bond. You can Justna w
have a Rood turn of money to oommei
married Ufa on aa not , A large number
member * have been paid off , receiving
800 per cent on their Investment.vr
for clrcnlwa fully detailing the plan , whi
la the fluent known. Do not poalpone
Good agents wanted. Mention where j
taw this notice , K-3m
II. M , Grlaer aud E. M , Coffin , Oi
G. W. Colllna , Bam L. Savage , John
Settman nnd Chas. K , Hanson , Kearni
W. A. Scott and W. P. Connor , Yoi
Selh P. Mobley , Grand Island ; J.
Ward , Firth ; C. W. Phelpt , Clear Crci
Chap. 0. Whedan , Lincoln ; C. J. Bowll
nnd M. A. Dangherty , Crele , and W.
Smith , of Tccumseh , were amo.iR the ii
tlngulahod Nebroakaus at the I'axton y
treay ,
IIou. M. V. Gannon , dlttrlct ntlori
of Davenport , Iowa , nnd one of the m
eloquent and able lawyers of the Iowa 1
bar , arrived In the city yesterday , t
sojourns at the Mlllnrd ,
D , J. VanMetor , a veteran nowopn
man , came in from Dei Molnca Saturc
night , having been absent from this c
for nearly a year.
Mrs. Charles P. Slorra loft Saturday
Nevada , being called there by the terl
illness of her ton.
Robert K. Downing , of the Misao
Pacific at St. Loula , is at the P&xton.
Supt. C. M. Lawlor , of the Sioux Cltj
PaclBo railway , is at the Paxton.
Goo. M. O'Brien , Jr. , loft for the w
yesterday to he absent some time.
MN. Captain Swobo and eon came
from the west last evening ,
G. W. Ambroeo wont to Grand Isla
yeslordny to attend court.
Alex. Mead and wlfo , of Greeley , C <
nto guests of the Paxton ,
The Harrisons left on the overland tn
yesterday for Cheyenne.
Col. J. J. Dickey and wlfo have retui
od from Salt Lake City.
Brad D. Slaughter , of Nance Co. , v
In the city yesterday.
Mrs. A. E. Keith loft for Chicago y
terdny to buv goods.
A , A. Moore , of Kansas City , was
town last night.
Lyman Richardson haa returned fri
New Orleans.
J. J. Cumminga catno In from the w
Frank Rlley came up from St. Joe y
.M. M. Patterson , of Cheyenne , is at I
W , H. Fay , of Indianapolis , Is at I
Jno. Barsby , of Fairmont , is nt the M
P. J. Cohn , of St. Louis , ia at the HJ
E , G , Evan ? , of Colorado , is at the Pi
J. C , Howe , of Denver , ia at the Bl
DIED Clnnlo Johnson , March 3d ,
years , Furneral will take place fro
912 Capitol avenue , between Ninth ai
Tenth street , March 5 , at 2 p. i
Friends nil Invited.
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatic ;
( Lupibago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Ser Throat , BwflllnB" , Hprnlni , Ilruliei
Uurns , Boaldm Froit lllte *
Bold DrngtfiU toil DetUra QTerywhtre. Fifty Clot
toule. Directions la 11 Ltntuiiti.
1immnttA.TOUiLiaCO ) BtlUnon , Bd. , C. S.
Warranted Absolutely pi
Cocoa , ( rom whlcl tbeoxc
of oil In 9 been removed. Itl
throe tlmet the strength
Cocoa mixed with Sttrch , ,
row Root or Sug r , and lathe
fort Ur moro economical. 1
delicious , nourishing , Btreny
enlne , easily digested , and .
mlubly < l pteu for lnv Ida
vsoll 09 ( or poraona la hoilth
Sold by Grocer * Everywhi
W. BAKER & Oo.TorcliB8terMa , ] ,
tea * HAKIM
Fioeldent. Vlco fin' )
W. B. DuflKus , Bee. aad TIOM.
Lincoln , Neb.
Corn Planters Hrrrows.Farm Belle
Bulky Hay Babes , BuoEot Jfllovatl
Wlnamllla , &o.
We are prepaitd to do Job woik aad maDOl
ng ( or other ptitlet.
n al order *
Llanoln. N *
"Who want glossy , luxurinn
and wavy tresses of abundnut
beautiful Hair must us <
lesnut , cheap article ahvayi
makes the llair prow frcclj
and fust , keeps it from falling
out , arrests aud cures gray
ness , removes dandruff am
itching , makes the Kail
strong , giving it a circling
tendency and keeping it ii
any desired position. Beau
tiful , healthy Hair is the sur <
result of using Kathairon.
me-ecU 1th , 6th or kth p.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
Cor. Faruam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,
Growers of Live Stock and Others
It Is the beat and cheapest food for stock of any kind , Ono pound la eqna ! . ]
tothroo ponnda of corn. ( Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter -
tor , Instead of running down , will Incroaaa in weight and bo in good market
able condition in the spring. Dairymen aa well aa others who nao it can tes
tify to its merits. Try it and judge for yonroelvca. Price $25.00 per ton ; no.
charge for aacks. Addroaa
o4.ood-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL CO. , Omaha , Nob.
M. Hellman Co ,
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor.
WhiskieS !
in Bond or Free , Also direct Importers of
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine
Agents for Jos. Schlitz' Milwaukee Beer , ,
Bottled and in Kegs.
214 & 216 S , 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA , HEB , ,
syiHcii aseBcsBypHa
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped :
All Our Goods arc Made to the Standard or ow
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West. - " " " l
Dice Comer 13th and Harnoy Streets , Omaha , Neb ,
1213 Farnam St. . Omaha. Nab.
Carpenter's Materials ,
SASH , , , ,
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
First-class facilities for the Manufacture of all ktadea of Mouldings , Pointing end-
matching n Specialty. Orders from the country will b promptly executed ,
bddreualloommunlcatl nato A. MOYKR , Proprle