THE DAILY BEE OMAHA MONDAY MARCH 5 < i That BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. * Will insurca hearty appetite and increased digestion , Cures general debility , and gives a new lease of life , Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerveSjCnriches the blood. Overcomes weakness , wakefulness - fulness , and lack of energy ' Keeps off all chills , fevers , and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Walker St. , Baltimore , Dee. iE8r. For six yean I hive been a great sufferer from Blood Disease , lys- 7epsla.andConstlpation.andbecamo * o debilitated that I could not retain anything on my stomach , In fact , life hid almost become a burden. Finally , when hope had almoit left me , m husband teeing BROWN'S IRON EITTHRS advertised In the paper , Induced me to give It a I am now taking the third loilla \ and have not felt 10 well In six yean as I do at the present time. Mra. L. F. GRIFFIN. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs "bracing up , " than any medicine made. m J- CORSETS Eyery Comet la wan-luted tails- factory to ita wearer in every way. or tbo money trill bo refunded by , tbo person from whom It waa bought. rphntctuu irwt rer PBICESby Mall , PotUoe Paid I JK lUa Preferring , 1)1.00. Belf.Aaiu.UnB , 91.00 AMonlnai ( extra heavy ) * a.OO. NanlBi.ftl.BO feballli PreerTlac ( flns contll ) B.OO. 1'orxoa Skirt-Supporting , 1.50. far cle ) by leadlm lletnll Denier * everywhere. CHICAGO COIISUT GO , , otuoaso , ni. GRATXOTn.-COMFOKTECTQ. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST , "By thatotiEh knowledge ol the nutnial Uw which govern tha opetktloni ol digestion fcad nutrition , nd by careful application ot tht flu propeitlei ol wcll-itloctecl Cocoa , Mi , Kpca baa provided oar breakfast tablet with > delicately flavored beverage which may tavo M many heavy doctors' bills. It Is by the Jmtlcloai DM ol luch articles of diet that a conotUutht may be gradually built DP until ttiong enoagt to reslit every tendency to dlseMo. unndredi ol subtle maladloa aie floating around 09 ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point. W may eectpo many a fatal chaft by keeping our selves well loitlOed with pure blood and a piop < > Iy nourished frame. " Chll Ciervlce duetto. llade simply with boiling water cr milk. Bel n tins only ( t-Ib and Ib ) . labeled JAMBS KPP8 & CO. , Homaaormthlo Ohemiata n * sal.wlT JLondon. Ruffian WESTERN WORKS ! 0. SPEOHT , . . Proprietor. 1212 Barney St. - Omrha , Neb HANUFACTUttEU8 OP OORNIOE8 , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALS Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofing , Bpocht'i Patent Motallo Skylight Patent Adjuatod Ratchet Bu nd Bracket Shelving. I am the general agent for tha above line of goods. IRON FENOINQ. tlng-i , Balustrades , Vcr nd sO | H * Bank Railing * . Window Oi 'mr ] Quirdi ; olao GENERAL AOBN BRIDGE PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals will be received by the Board of Coonty Commissioners of Gage county , Neb , , lor the erection of a bridge across the Big Blue rhcr upon either ono of thi wagon roads leading cost from the town of Wyinorr , Gage county , Neb. , and ever and across said river , ttald bridge to bo one hundrcxl and fifty ( ISO ) feet long , aild to hare either piles , stone , or Iron p.'cn ' ) . Also for the erection of n bridge , suitable to the place , across Indian Creek , on the line between sections twentj-nlno (29) ) und thirty (30) ( ) , about onemllo southwest of Wyroore , Gaga county , Hob. law bridge at this plsco preferred. Alto a bildga across Tarkey Creek , Boutheast of DeWItt , Nib. , to replace the old ono now In use. use.All br'dzes to b of wood , Iron or combination , All bids to b accompanied by 'plans and spvcl. ficitiQns.lo b sealed and filed wttli the Connty Clerk , on or before 12 o'clock noon , ilarvb 20th , The Commissioners r.tcrre the'Hgnt to reject y and all bids. Bucc i ful bidders will bo o- ulre'd to'elto bond for tbo faithful performance cf Uielr contract , i ' " ' v , Uy orderUieCcuntrOimmlssIonerfi. . < r T- . . . -rt " A. J. 1'KTHOUD , F b , It tne-d-lw i ' i f " * * * * . , CROWNIHG OF THE CZAR , A Russians Account of the Gor geous Spectacle , The Summons to the Empire < Moscow "and the Kremlin , Brilliant FnntnrcH of llio Ceremony ST. PETERSBURG , February 2 , 1883. The long expected nkaao has made ils appearance. Alexander III. will bo crowned In Moscow on Sunday the 27th of May next , and will thus become by right the czar of all tbo Rusdann. Tno coronation la without exception the grandest , most solemn and brilliant ceremony In the world , nothing over soon or hoard of eluo- whcro approaching ita aplonor , and for thia'reason n full description of It may bo road with Interest. The czar while uncrowned has very little power as a monarch , being , BO to say , a minor holding the reins of stata more by courtesy than by right. Ho cannot proclaim war or conclude n treaty of peace , nor can ho enter the Imperial throne room , or confer the grand cordon on any of the decora- tlona. All ordora leaned by him are null and void unices countersigned by two of the ministers ot state , the body of which they form part acting In every respect aa regents of the empire during the Czar'aApolitical ) ( minority. During this perod ho has no right to the fifty- six titles belonging only to crowned czars , but ia addressed simply as Alex ander son of Alexander and , as a matter - tor of etiquette , czar of Russia. Under - dor these circumstances it Is not singu lar that the various czars should have always hastened their coronation in Moscow aa much aa possible , being naturally unwilling to be under tute lage , which In the majority of cases Is obnoxious ; and hitherto successors to the throne have , with very few ox- coptlons , boon crowned within two months of the deaths of their prede cessors. In cases vjhero thora have been disputes about the throne , or whore revolutions were threatened , or where the yirono hoa boon usurped , ns it waa by Cather ine , the ceremony has taken place with what may bo called Indecent boato. History Informs us that Oath- luo atolo away while the body of Peter was yet warm , traveled to Moscow as fait aa horaen could carry her , and on the very day of her arrival there got crowned ; once crowned , eho knew that she was safe , The millions of Russian peasants cannot bollovo the czar to bo "by the grace of God the most powerful czar" unless ho has boon anointed at Moscow. Even In death an uncrowned czar docs not receive the honors due to his rank , the body of Peter III. being deposited in the common church yard of St. Athanaslns , instead of being laid among the czara , in the great mausoleum of the of St. Peter and Sb. Paul within the St. Petersburg citadel , for although Peter was emperor , ho had not been an * noiutod and crowned. The bodies of two other uncrowned czars have re ceived the same unceremonious burial. In Rusala children who have died without being b&ptlzsd do not receive Christian burial , and to a great extent an uncrowned czar is In the same cate gory. gory."la "la Roe est mort ; v 'fe le Roi , " Is the saying throughout the world ; bat ID the present case It has not been ao. The reaaona of thopostponmentof the ceremony are not understood by strangers , who imagine that it was duo to Nihilism , Alexander UI. , like all the R mano0S | kn OWB not what fear ia ; indeed , ho would not bo a Romanoff - off If ho did. Had ho boon afraid of the assassins ho could easily have been annolntod and crowned secretly long ago , instead of which ho meana that the ceremony shall be public and on a magnificent scale. The reason for the postponement is duo to nothing more nor less than the great respect the un crowned czar has for his departed father , to whom ho waa much attach ed , and whoso losa ho , In common with all Russians , still mourns. SUMMONS AND rfiEPAKATION. It lias always boon the rule to issue the imperial ukase respecting the coronation several months la advance In order to plvo guests who have to como from a distance ample time. The minister of the household , by order of the czar sends imitations to all friendly courts to presidents of republics , and to foreign oign diplomats. Commands , not In vitationo , are sent to the members of the imperial family , the clergy , no bios , oilicors , perfects , governors Judges , the chiefs of towns and vll BROS , oto. The great ceremony has always been performed in the Church of the Holy Assumption , within the walls of the Kremlin , at the anoleht town of Moscow. An old law orders that every building must receive throe coats of white paint for the occasion , but the Muscovites do not require to bo forced by law , the are proud to re oolvo their czar , and for weeks pre vious to the ceremony their town la in gay holiday attire. Invited inonarchs , princes and diplomats are the guosti of the palaoo , but Russian nobles ar riving in Moscow are directed to the mansions of other nobles of the same rank , whom they , most probably , have never mot before , and whoso guests they remain ; while strangers go to the many hotels and private dwellings which the municipality renta for the occasion , where they stay at the ex pense and as the guests of the city. Although some of the emperors have wished the ceremony to bo performed In St. Petersburg , the clergy have al ways maintained that such a corona tion would bo illegal. The great Kremlin is not one building - ing , but a city , and a strong city , too , la Itself. It is an octagon plot of ground of many acres on a high eleva tion , surrounded by high walla and fortifications , and contains four crown palaces , throe cathedrals , the head- quartora.of the Imperial guards , the Kovernor'a residence , a university , end a number of monasteries and nun- uorler. The appearance of the Krem lin is exceedingly striking , as the walls are white , the fortifications oinorald green , the entrance rose- tinted and the roofs of the cathedrals Ijlldcd , the whole forming a wonderful Combination. The coronation pro'cea slon begins to form at the cavalry bar racks , fear miles distant from the Kremlin , THE MAHCH TO THE KHEULIK. Early In the day appointed for the ceremony sixty heralds , mounted on cream colored horaos and commanded byamoator of coroinonloB , appear before fore the Rates of the barracks and blow a salvo , upon which the colonel of the regiment appears and aak B what they want of him , "Tho czar commands thee follow mo , " is the answer , and the gates are thrown open and the regiment , which has boon expecting thu aammonn , gallops out and follows the heralds , The heraldn then pro * coed to the barracks of the Lancers , where the same thing takes place , then to the university , then to the cathedral of St. Nichols , where the clergy join the procession , then to the law courts where the judges fall In , then to the headquarters of the mar- nhals of the nobility , and ntaff officers , the several professions , the governors , the prefects , the deputations from every part of the Empire , the trade guilds , etc , , etc. , oaoh body joining at a separate place and all being sum moned by the heralds as In the first case. The procession goes on swelling until It reaches enormous proportions , so much so that when the head of it arrives nt the Kremlin the tail is still at the other end of the town. Arriv ing at St , Demetrius gate they find It closed. The heralds then blow their trumpets and the commander of the citadel appears and demands what they want , to which the crowd replies , "Tho Czar. " "And what for ? " aeks the commander. "To crown him the most powerful of the powerful , " is the reply , and the gates lly opon. The Metropolitans of Moscow , Kazan , Novgorod and Kieff hero head the procession , and with the deputations from every part of the empire they advance to the palace and form in front of it. These deputations con sist of Russians , Roumanians , Kir- ghees , Ohlneao , Mlngrelians , Bash kirs , Poles , Georgians , Circassians , Oalmucks , Armeniajaa ' , Turkomans , Tartars , Esquimaux , Afghans , Bulga rians , Laplanders , Mongolians , Finns , Persians and Bokhatians , all in their respoctlvo national costumes. The Metropolitans then a'dvaneo and call upon the czar to come forward , upon which ho appears nt the portico , dressed in the uniform of a colonel of the Imporlal'fjnards , with the empress , dressed as a Russian peasant , on his nrm , The instant the deputations are arraro of the Imperial presence they kneel , and being asked by the czar what they want of him , the metropoli tan of Moscow replies that they have been sent from far and wide to see their czar anointed , so that they can return to their homes and assure thoao who sent them that-tho cztr is verily the Lord's anointed , and that they may obey none but him/ Thence nil proceed to the cathedral of the ' -Holy Assumption , the czar and Czarina walking between the bishops and the deputations. THE SERVICE IH THE CATHEDRAL. Arriving at the church , the czar and his wife are shown to ordinary thrones neat those of the bishops , and the special service Immediately begins. After the first lesson la read the Met ropolitans conduct the emperor and empress to a canopy of scarlet velvet richly embroidered in gold , f ho prin clpal figure being the double-headed Russian eagle. Under this canopy la an elevated platform upon which are the historical throne of the Czar Yladimlr Monomagne and an ordi nary arm chair for the empress , also a table npon which are the scepter anc crown of Oonitantlnna Monomaohui a sword and a mantle of ermine. The Nobles now advance from the south of the cathedral and sur rounding the platform draw their aworda and place them at the feet ol the czar , The bishop of Kazan then asks the emperor In a loud voice if ho is a true believer , to which ho replies by reading the Lord's prayer and the apostles' creed of the Creek church. The bishop next says : "If there bo any of yon hero present knowing any impodlmont for which Alexander , son of Alexander ( or other name ) should not bo crowned by the grace of God , emperor and autocrat of all theJlns slans , of Moscow , of Kleff , of Via dlmin , of Novgorod ; czar of Kazan , oi Astrakhan , of Poland , of Siberia , oi Khorson-Tawrldo , of Gronal ; Goaou- dar of Pskov ; grand duke of Smo lensk , of Lithuania , of Yolbyula , of Podolia and of Finland ; prince of Eatouia , of Livonia , of Gour- land ; of Somlgalla , of the Samolodes , of Bloloatok , of Corolla , of Foor , ol Ingor , of Perm , of Flatka , of Bulgaria , and of other ccuntrlea ; Master and Grand Duke of the Lower Countries In Novgorod , of Tchornlgoff , of Rla- Ban , of Polotsk , of RoatolT , of Jaro- staiT , of Blolosorsk , of Ondork , ol Oldorsk , of Klndisk , of Vltolsk , ot Mtakhoti , and of all the countries ol the North ; Master Absolute of Ivorak , of Kastolnlak , of Kalardinsk , and oi the territory of Armenia ; Sovereign ol Mountain Princes of Toherkask ; Mar tor of TurkostanHolr ; , Presumptive ol Norway , and Dnko cf Sohloswlg- Holstoln , of Stormaruo , of Dlthmarro , and of Oldembourg , lot him come for ward now , In the name of the Holy Trinity ; and show what the Impedi ment Is , or lot him remain dumb forever - ever ! " This Is repeated three times , and npon no objection being raised , he lays his hands npon the head of the czar , who Immediately kneels. At thla point the Metropolitan of Mos cow takes the mantle of ermine from the table and throws it over the kneelIng - Ing czar , saying : "Cover and protect thy people as this robe covers and pro- tecta theoj" the emperor replying ; "I will , I will , I will , God hefpimri" aud kissing the prelate's hand. The bishop of Novgorod now places the sceptro In the czar's hand , saying ; "May thine hand which holds this wither the day thou art unjust ; " the answer being , "Bo It soj" after which the bishop of Kloff places the crown upon the emperor's head. At this point the empress kneels beside her husband who partly covers her with the cloak of ermine , and also holds his crown above her head for a f ov seconds ends , without , however , placing it upon her head. LONG LIVE THE CZAR , The czir and czarina'remain in prayer for eovornl minutes amid _ deadly alienee , and the Instant they rlso to their foot bishops , nobles , deputations , clergy and all present kneel to them , shouting "Long live the czar. " The cry Is taken up by the hundreds of thousands who are outside , thu heralds sound the trum pets , guns . .are fired , and bells are rung. The czar commands the people to rise , and Is again surrounded by the nobles , who receive their swords back from the Imperial hands , the onf- poror faying , "It Is thy cduntry's , " to which the noble replies , "and my czar'o. " Mass is again resumed and the emperor proceeds nlono to the altar , passing through the golden gates of the Iconbstaslnl , which are closed be hind him , thus hiding him from view , Here , after partaking of the holy communion , the Metropolitan of Mos cow anoints his head , temploa , eyelids , lips , nostrils , oars , breast and hands , saying : "Behold the seal of the Holy Gfhoat , may It keep thco over holy. " The gates of the leonostaslnl are re opened , the czar appears before them and Is hailed with shouts of "Thou art verily by the Lord's anointed,1' The empress advances to the sanctuary and kneels to her lord , who bids her rise , and they walk out of the cathedral arm in arm. At the door la a glided chariot drawn by twelve white horses , Into which they outer , the princes , other mem- bora of the Imperial family , foreign monarchs , guests , etc. , entering other state chariots. The procession again forms as It did on approaching the Kremlin , and , with ita now additions , movoe slowly through the gaily deco rated town. Acnordlng to an old cus tom , the czar's carriage , instead of being guarded by troops , is surrounded by ono hundrood maldeno belonging to the beat Russian families , all dressed In white and holiday garlands of flowers. Court balls and receptions begin In the evening and last for a fortnight , after which the court returns to St. Petersburg. * For the delicate and complicated difficulties peculiar to women , Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound is the sovereign remedy. Moro Precloua Tftan Gold. Now York BUr. "About ton years ago , " said an jffioor of a safe deposit company , "wo lad in ono of our safes a small box ; hat contained a child's orlmor , two or throe picture books and a fish .hook md lino. This box was left with us by an .elderly lady , and Us contents once b'olongod to a child that died many years ago. Tire or three times a year the lady came to our place and examined the contents to see if they were all right. She was the mother of the child , and aho seemed to take a sad sort of pleasure In gazing upon the articles that had amuoed her darling in the 8'ong ' ago. Finally she , ceased coming , and when the time for which she had expired , wo made inquiry as .0 . the reason it was not ronowod. Wo than learned that aho was dead. " "Who was the lady ? " "I must decline to state her name ; jut I will say that her husband was a quarter of a century one of the lead- ng business men of Now York. Ho iook the little box containing his dead wife's treasures away with him. " Ah Extraordinary Caio AUSTIN , TEXAS , Teh. 20 , 1880. To Mr. J. W. Graham , Druggist : Dear Sir My case was an acute form of bronchitis , nnd was of one and a half year's duration. I employed the beat med ical aid possible , but failed rapldlv , until the doc tors said I would die that my case was in curable. Thrown upon my own resources , I cot a bottle of Dn. WM. HALL'S BALSAM FOB TUB Lraos , and in six hours felt a de cided relief , In three days the cough al most disappeared. Now that my chances of life are good for many yean , I earnestly recommend the above to every sufferer of lung or throat disease. feb&d&w-eod-lw O. G. IiATHSOP. A Olynefa nrin N Detroit foil tffid Jlfbund. I found on Mulberry street the well known cheap Chinese restaurant kept byfthe solemn , jovial Oriental whose name Is Fan Mone. "Chinese dinner , seven cents , " was the sign outside. "I'll it If It kills " eat mo , thought I , and went In. "One dinner , " said I. "Yip allo light , " F. M. answered. I surreptitiously smelt of the butter. It seemed good. I taated it. It was good. He brought a generous plate of roast beef , hot and reeking. "Good enough , " I thought , and tackled it. He brought on dish of beans good beans. He brought coffee prime Java. He brought 'boiled potatoes. "Beautiful1 ' I thought. I slyly whistled In my napkin. I dispatched them. He brought me a small piece of plo and cheese ; I hadn't expected that , really. I immediately enter tained them. "S-o-v-o-n cents , " I kept saying to myself. "Why need people go hungry1 "How mnohoe1 ? 1 asked , gracefully falling into the Chinese language. "Forty-olghfc cents. " "Forty-eight cents ! Great Scott ! Yon said seven cents. " 1 ' That1 lo f or Chinaman. No goodeo. Blollcan hungly. No muohoe for seven cents. " Change of Mind- I declined to insert your advertise ment of Hop Bitters last year , be cause I then thought they might not bo promotlvo of the cause of Temper ance , but find they are , and a very valuable medicine , myself and wife having been greatly benefited by them , and I take creat pleasure .in making them known. REV. JOHN SEAMAN , Editor HomeSentinelMlonH. Y. | BAY CITY , Mich. , Feb. 3,1880. I think It my duty to send yon a recommend for the benefit of any per son wishing to know whether the Hop Bitters are good or not. I know they are good for general debility and Indi gestion ; strengthen the nervous sys tem and make now life. I recommend my patients to use them. DR. A. PRATT , Prohibition in Kansas. Kansas City Tlmeti Col. Carpenter , the collector of Internal tornal revenue , furnishes the follow1 Ing figures for the year ending April 30 , 1881 , the year before the Jaw took effect and the year ending April 30 , 1882 , the first year of prohibition : From May 1 , 1880 , to April 30 , 1881 , there were issued 1,977 retail liquor deslors' stamps , 3'J brewers' per- mlts , and 30 wholesale liquor dealers1 stamps. From May 1 , 1881 , to April 30 , 1882 , there were Issued 1,787 ro- tall liquor dealers' stamps , 2-1 brewers' permits and 17 wholesale liquor deal- ers1 stamps. The number of retail liquor dealers1 stomps Issued from May 1 , 1882 , to February 0 , 1883 , la 2,805 wholesale dealers' stamps 23 , and 'browero1 13 It will bo seen by'thls'stMomant that , although there was a falling off In the first year after prohibition ; yet the second bids fair to entirely outstrip the year previous to prohibition in the number of stamps issued , There cannot bo much doubt but that the trno way to enforce temper ance by law lies more in the direction if high licenses and strict supervision than in any attempt at suppression i altogether , This has boon the expe rience everywhere In striving to con trol Intemperance. Granting only to i men of undoubted character , make them pay a license that will shut out the low groggerias that do the mis chief , put them under strict super vision , and enforce the law absolutely , The finest mayonalso dressing for all kinds of salads , cold meats , raw to matoes , pickled salmon , cabbage , etc. , Is DuiiKKE's SALAD DRESSING. Bettor and more economical than homo-made. If yon are sick Hop Bitters will surely aid Nature io making you well when all else fails. If yon are costive or dyspeptic , or are suflnrlng from any of the numer ous diseases of the stomach or bowels , It Is your own fault If yon remain 111 , for Hop Bittern are a sovereign remedy In all such complaints. If yon are wasting away ) with any Form. of Kidney disease , atop tempting Death this moment , and turn for a cure to Hop Bitters. If yon are sick with that terrible sickness Nervousness , you will find a "Balm in Giload" in the nso of Hop Bittern. If yon are a frequenter or a resi dent of a miasmatic district , barricade your system against the scourge of all countries malaria , epidemic , bilious and Intermittent fovera by the uao of Hop Bitters. If yon have rough , pimple or sal low skin , bad breath , pains and ached , and feel miserable generally , Hop Bitters will give you fair skin , rich blood , and sweetest breath , health and comfort , In short they cure all diseases of the stomch , Bowels , Blood , Liver , Nerves , Kidneys , Bright's Disease. $50o will bo paid for a case they wil not cure or help. That poor , bedridden , Invalid wife , later mother , or daughter , can be made the picture of health , by a few bottles of Hop Bittera , coating but n trifle. Will you 'lot them suffer ? THE OP THE Milwaukee ft St. Paul RAILWAY Is now running Ita FAST EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's Mapiflcenfc Sleepers -AND THE Finest Dining Oara in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST /to / 'CHICAGO * MU.- Or to fuiv point beyond ; or IF YOU ARE GOING NORTH To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS' Take the BEST ROUTE , the Chicago , Milwaukee&SkPaulR'y Ticket office located at corner Farnam and Fourteenth streets and at U. P. Depot and ftl Millard Hotel , Omaha. tSTBco Time Table In , another column. F. A. NASII , General Aeent. O. H. FOOTE , Ticket Agent , Omaha. S. B. MERRILL , A. V. H. CARPENTER , General Manager. General Pass. Agent. J. T. CLARK. GEO. H. UEAFFORD , General Sup't. Asa't Gen. Para. Agent FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , "MILWAUKEE , DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEW YORKBOSTON , And til Polutt E it andSouth-Eatt TUB LINE COMPRISES Hearljr 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Steel Track U connections are made In UNION DEPOTS baa a National Repntatlon as being tht re t Through Oar Una , and la universal ! ] needed to be the FINE8T EQUIPPED Rail- ad In the world ( or all classM ol travel. Try It and you will QnJ traveling a laxnrj Instead ol a discomfort. through Ticket ) via rhn Celebrated Line u e at all offices In the Weat. All Information about Kites o Fare , Bleeplt. Car AcocinmoJatlong , Ttmo Tables , Ac. , will l > / cheerfully plvcn by applylnln ; to 3d Vlce-PrtVt & Oen. Uin ucrChk ro. PEnOIVAL LOWELL , Oen. Passon/rer Act. Chlciro , W. J. DAVeNPOUT , ( lea. Affent , Conncll Blntfg. II. P. DUELL , Ticket | AZ . QTO * L EVERIHGHAM & CO. , Qcmmission Merchants . Chicago and Milwaukee. , , / Comljnmenta ofOialn. SecJianj Trovliloni. oltcitted , O. IF. DRUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate Glass. ' Itr Anyone contemplating building store , b nk , or any other flns . wlllflndlttctho. mtago to corrci end with us befou purchasing their Plate Olana. C. F , OMAHA NEB. V STEELE , . , AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , andj 4 All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIBAES MD lilUFACTDEED TOBACCO ; Ipnts for BSNWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIN & BAND POWDER CO. DEALERS IN SAFE Fire and Burglar Proa 1020 Farnharn Street , JOBBER OF , . AND 118 FARNAM ST. J. A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALKB IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , UK3E , CEMEN 3ETi A KJ'iltl'JilLLJLE ' ' XT97C3. MT8XATI AQKNf JOB UbWAUKKB CEUXHT OOUPAtm Near Union Pacific Depot. - OMAHA NB MANUFACTURER OF GALVANIZED IRON CORNICES , Window Caps , Fimals , Skylights , &c. i , , 416 THIRTEENTH STREET , . OMAHA , NEB. Single Breechs Loading Shot Guns , from $5 to 818. Double Breech'Loading Shot Guns , from $18 to $75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , Prom SB to $25B Fishing Tackel , Base Balls and all kinds of Fancy Goods , Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand , Imported and Key West Gigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and. Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per L.QOO upwards Send for Price List and Samples Wade , The Confectioner , Buy your Candies' ' at Wade's. All Goods perfectly pure. Largest assortment in town. FINEST F ENOHFRUITGLAOES , FINE 'CIGARS , Or by Mail Solicited , Opera House Block. 15th St. , , or. o. BUGGY AHD SPRING-WAGON EMUFACTER - HORSE HOEING GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ 316 FlftoonthBtroot , between Uarnoy and Farnam. THE D. D. MALLORY & GO'S BRAND ! DIAMOND BRAND D , B. BEEMER , General Western Agent , Omah