Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
ft Saturday Morning , March 3 ,
Weather Report
( The following observation * are taken at
the garnn moment of time at all the atatlona
WAR DK 'T U , S. SIGNAL SnnvioE , \
OMAHA , March 2 , 1883 , (1:45 ( p. m. ) J
( I
Matinee nt Boyd'g to-day.
Kggs 15o a dozen at Nicliol'g.
The work of paving will Boon be re
' commenced.
The Ice la expected to break at Sioux
City within a week ,
The funeral of tlio Into Jon is Thomp
son took place at ! i p , m. yettcrday ,
The sound of the hummer and saw is
ngtln heard In the land ,
A meeting of the Social Art club
will bo bold on Monday evonlng iaotead
of Friday.
Gov. Dawe * baa issued a proclntim1
tion declaring Lincoln n city , of the second
K ; The Harritonn play their amusing
comedy of "Photos" itt tbo opera houeo
this afternoon and evening ,
The lady members of the Y. M. 0. A ,
give a reception to the now eeoret.iry , Mr ,
Geo. A. Joplln , at the rooms on Saturday
General Cowin delivered his second
lecture on "Medical Jarliprudence" at the
Omaha medical college yesterday at
o'clock ,
The streets nnd road ways loading from
town are In about aa bad condition aa they
well could be , but a few more dnys of this
sort will reduce them to a level.
Twenty-three Mormon flsslonarles ,
three of whom will go to Chicago and the
northwest , and the remainder to Chatta
nooga , Tenn. , wont east Thursday.
A persistent brace of burglars made
throe or four unsuccessful visits to the
residence Mr. Edmund Feycke , on Doug-
Its street , on Wednesday night.
Donne and York colleges have each
made application for fiffy stands of arms ,
with a view of organizing a company of
i ? The regular monthly meeting of
Tranklln assembly No. 2122 , K. of L. ,
will take place this ( Saturday ) even
ing , All members mint bo present.
Hon. S. H. MaoColl and 0. L. Ervin ,
* of Plum Creek , Thursday left for home ,
taking with them two splendid Fercheron
Norm an stallions , which were purchased
from M. W. Dunham of Illinois ,
i of political and religious free
dom cherish the memory of Robeit | Km
met , tbe heroic champion of both , and
will p y fitting tribute to it on next Mon.
day evening.
It is an item of interest that the limit
ation formerly placed on the number of no
taries public is removed by n law passed
this session , The governor may now op-
point and any all who can give tho.requlred
bond ,
The west-bound train Friday on the
U. F , was two hours late , and the over ,
land train from the west Thursday forty
minutes late , the last delay being occa
sioned by a wrecked freight train at
& i Schuyler ,
i S' * A special car of the A. , T. & S. F ,
railway , attached to the overland train
from the west Thursday , conveyed A ,
W. Nlckereou and family. Mr. Nickoraon
U one of the directors of the A. , T. *
S. F.
The members and friends of the Y
M. 0. A. are requested to attend tbe re
ceptlon to be Riven our new general secre
tary , Goo. A , Joplin , Saturday evening
March Sd.
Business for aalo in the prettiest am
best business town in the Elkhorn valley
I offer fcr sale ( with a liberal discount
stock of general merchandise , Includln
fixtures. Will Invoice about , $1,000 o
90,000. Will be reduced to suit. All
clean , nice stock , large caih trade , cheap
rent. Reason for selling : On account ol
my health , Will migrate to warme :
climate. For further particulars , address
J. Vottroosky , lock box 2 , West Point ,
Oumlng county , Neb. mlm e2t
At the Colorado pool meeting held In
thla city , rates were fixed lu the < J , A , R ,
encampment at Denver. These rates an
not for the public generally , but will be
transmitted to the G. A. ' 1U departmen
commanders. .The rates are very satlsfac
tory to the department commanders o
Nebraska and Kansas , who expect that al
most the entire W. A. II. membership o
these two states will attend tljo groni
parade la Denver on Friday , July 27th ,
Ecus 15o a dozen at Nlchol's.
An Interesting record in the office o
the secretary sf state is the mutter roll o !
the old Pawnee RCouU , which were unde
the command of Major Frank North. Oni
of them borethe ( poetic name Giving-Up
Ills-Seat. Tbo poetlo sense of tbe Indians
led them to take names from natural sur
rounding ! and occurrences , and tbe infer
ence is that the savage sat down on a bum.
ble bee at eome time in the early am
ecuntlly clad part of ills career. Ho wouli
made a good republican contestant for n
I seat In a democratic congress. 1'imt-to
llun was probably n dlscrotit warrior ,
Man-that-Steatj-IIor M has ajrefrcshlngly
/rank scund , and if names were always np
proprlately .applied this waa probably o :
the Smith family of the Pawnee * . Lu
kah-dlx-tah-ou-kah-tar-har , Keh-o-ka-rns-
ou-ka-wab , and Ste-tock-hah-ha-ho-Ia-
are names that would look well on a'hotc ' !
register , and be bavdj to have around' In
case ont Iwt hii Mat rope.Major North
to g t J
come Indians for Brvrnnm , nnd he will try
to maVo arrangements to bring soventy-five
of the hid scouts up to the next reunion at
Hastings , Journ al ,
March 14th will be the third nnnlvcr-
sary of the organization of the Gorman
Ladies' Society and it is propored to cele
brate it at Turn Italic with a Calico ball.
On thh occasion the gold watch and the
sofa rallied oil at the German Ladles' Fair ,
the lucky ticket holders for which never
put in an appearance , will "bo raffled off.
The Ladles' Fair Association disbanded
yesterday , having accomplished the object
o ! their organization 'and delivered the
money over to the German Society , They
then donated the articles above mentioned
to be rallied off at the Calico ball ,
Anotnor Grand Sacred Concert-A .
MuBtcalo. I
Those who had the good fortune to
bo present at the throe concerts given
iy the Musical Union orchestra , and
card the excellent playing of the em
nont muticlana Measrs. Gowert and
ohl , will bo delighted to know that
, here is still another treat in store for
; hem , Another concert , the farewell
ppoaranco of Moears , Gowort and
Kohl , will bo glvon by the Musical
Union at 3 p. m. on Sunday next , at
Turner hall , aud it la to bo hoped that
' , hooo who appreciate ronlly fine music
will bo present aud pack the hall to its
utmost ,
A similar concert will bo given at
Dohanoy's Opera houeo , In Council
Bluffs , on the 12th inst. , and probably
another nt Fremont ut ati early day.
The programme for Sunday's con
cert Is as follows :
I'AllT I.
1. Concert Overture I3oottgcr
Musical Union Orchestra ,
2. Introduction , five variations , solo
for clarionet llaldrich
U. Kohl.
3. Ever or Nflvor , Wnltz..WaldscnfIo
4. Fantnnnio , Marl borough , solo for
cornet Arbau
11. Gewert ,
K. Overture , LeKlloo Hoffman
0. Scuno varle , sob for bass clarinnt
11. Kohl.
7 Los Dllloor de Intorlakcn , polka for
cornet t Gael
11. Gewert.
8. Mlncott Hocchoriu
Hodman. Kohrn , Karhocb , iSurk-
owsky and Kaemmorllng.
0. Serenade , duett for cornet and basa
clarionett Schubert
Gewert and Kohl.
10. Potpourrl.llow Delightful Catlln
Tbo Dally Bread Dispensed at Mn-
sonlc Hall.
Slnoo the 29th day of January a
free dinner baa boon sot oat dally at
Maoonlo Hall for all tbo strangers aud
poor who ohoso to partake , The din
ner consisted of uonp , ooiToo , broad ,
etc. , sufficient to make a square meal ,
aud the only questions naked appli
cants was at the bloso of the meal ,
"Have yon had all yon wantl'
At first only a few came , bat the
nambor gradually swelled until about
Bovonty-fivo persons , young and old ,
cot tholr dally noon-day meal at the
hall. Among thcso were perhaps a
dozan little girls of six or eight years ,
who oamo regularly , then there wore
boys ranging np to sixteen years and a
number of adults oi both sexes. Both
colored and white races iavo been
regular patrons of this bounty , no dis
tinction being made In any respect ,
The dinner is provided by an assess
ment levied on the members of the
various Masonic bodies.
For the pant few days there has been
a slight falling off in the number of
applioants and should the present
warm , spring-like weather continue It
la probable that the meals will be dis
continued this week or next.
A Mother's Suspicion for Bor Dauuh
tors' Safety.
There was quite a scene at the room
of a couple of well known young
men of this city Thursday , but
neither the names nor the locality
of their room shall be mentioned.
They are quite snugly fixed ia ono
of the many brlok blocks in our prin
cipal business street , and have
hired tholr washing done by a
washer woman who has two very
pretty young daughters. It appears
that the boys have been carrying on a
little flirtation with the girls , who
came for tholr washing and took it
homo again aud thus got the ran of
the place and became quite at homo
there The old lady took alarm at the
tnrnjof affaireand Thursday when the
young ladle * had been absent quite
aa long as she thought was necessary ,
she procured the services of a special
policeman and some ono clue , who
proceeded to the lodgings named and
there found the woman's daughters ,
but no ono with them. The glrli
had obtained the key from the fol
lows , and going to the room wore |
merely taking tholr own time to leave
Only that and nothing more. The
proprietor of the block speaks highly
of the character of the young men and
is confident that suspicion us to thol
conduct was unfounded. So far BU
learned there have boon no arrests aud
will not be.
BAllNTHOUSE-March j 1883 , at 8 a
m. , Itacbael Burnthouse , mother
William 11. Drown , aged 67 years.
Funeral will take place Saturday , March
3rd , at 2 p. m. , from her late residence on
Sherman avenue , near fair ground *
Friend * invited.
Mlwourl and Kansas papers pleas3 copy.
Tables supplied with the boat the
market aubrda. The traveling pnblio
claim they got bolter accommodations
and more general satisfaction hero
than at any other houee in Omaha
Rate , f > 2 per dav , aug21tfm
Made froir the wild flowers of the I
It is the most fragrant oi perfume.
Manufactured by H , B. Slavon , San
KrancUco , Forsala in Omaha by W ,
, Wblioanuie and Kennaia Bros
The Bonnor-Wnril Liountions-
DOSS Ventilated in Church.
Tbo Odors of Sanctity Replaced
With Moral Filth ,
Matilda's Mashing Methods De
tailed to "Oousin James. "
And the Varnished Rascal In
vited to Oall When Hubby
is Away.
1 lie Retnlt of tlio Chnroh Trial-1
Tlio Grand Hounoonnd App al >
No e caudal that has octnrrod In thin
community nor a longtime has excited
more Interest than that involving the
; oed names of Mr. James Bonnor nnd
Mrs. Matilda Word. Pretty full do.
alia have been given of the ctiso up to
the beginning of the church trial , In
which Mra. Ward wan defendant ,
Bonnor having withdrawn from the
church and pjot out of ltd jurisdiction
before the scandal was made public.
wns begun on Wednesday morning In
tlm lirat M. E church , H.HMr. .
Shank , pronidlng and Meant A. 8amucl
Tlawvur , lloht. J. Snxo , N. I. D
Solomon , .Tamed A. Johnarm and
Newton J Smith noting no a cominlt-
tee of arbitration or jury ia tlio mat' '
tor , Some'llttlo difliculty WUB * ex
perienced in getting under way , anil
there woo nothing of interest to bo
made pnblio until the
yesterday morning. Rov. Marqnott ,
counsel for Mra Ward , obtained pea
oeafllon of thn Inttors written by bor to
Mr. Bonnor , nnd rofniod to return
them aajlng time Bonnor should never
cot them In hi * hands again.
Upon this Brcckeiirldgo , counsel for
the church , told hia clerical opponent
that ho should never walk ont of the
church with [ those letters and oim
polled him to give them top. In the
afternoon there was another scene
whan a number of the witnesses ,
frinnds of the [ fair defendant began
applauding Mr. Marquett in all the
points ho made and kept it np nnti *
the religious court was transformed in
the semblance of
The presiding pastor told them that
If they did not keep puiet they would
bo turned out and order was thus
| against Mrs. Ward were :
First charge : * Imprudent conduct. .
Specification 1. In that pursuant tea
a previous appointment she had mo
Mr. James Bonner at Onawa , Iowa ,
and had driven ont with him in i
bogc > y a distance of twelve miles , to
Konnobec , returning home at 0 o'clock
at night.
Specification 2 , In that she had
made an appointment to meet James
Bonnor at the Bee Hive studio on
Sixteenth street. '
Specification 3 That subsequent to
December 2 , 1882 , the date of Ban
ners withdrawal from the church and
his confession of Improper oondno
with her , the defendant had addressed
him letteri in terms of endearment.
Second charge. Falsehood ,
Specification 1. Falsely denying
that she had made an appointment to
meet James Bounor at the Boo Hive
Studio on Sixteenth street.
Specification 2. Falsely denying
that she over told James Bonnor to
keep away from the hoaeo when her
husband was at homo.
Specification 3. Falsely denying
that eh3 had written to James Benne
subsequent to his withdrawal from thi
Specification 4. Falsely denying
that she over said to Jameo Bonue
that there wore certain things In thi
way of her over becoming his wife.
There was a mass of evidence thi
subHtanoo of wHch has been givct :
already , but ono or two question
asked on
deserve mention , Ono of those was
the question :
"Did not James Bonnor always
famish you with stamped envelopes
addressed to himself , with which to
carry on your correspondence with
This question the defendant de
clined to answer ,
She woo also asked :
"Was not Mr. Bonucr In the habit
of visiting your house without your
husband's knowledge and against hi
content ? "
Mrs. Ward replied that Bonnor had
vlalUd the house both In the presence
and abttmco of her' husband , She
was next asked :
"Is It not a fact that when , _ . .
husband was away yon placed the
blinds In a certain position , and that
you had various signs about the homo
to indicate his presence or absence ? ' *
This question defendant declined in 11
answer and began to shod tears.
The most damaging teitimony
against Mrs. Ward , however , was * the
letters written by herself to Bonnor ,
two or three of tbe most pointed of
which are glvon herewith :
DEAB UOCSIN Will tbatyutt you better
than Mr. lionner ? I must say Ithlnklyou
would take the premium for writing love
letters , I shall eon learn how , eo I can
write to John , and if I do ax well as you I
know I shall be able to make a mash , I
haven't commence ! yet. Will let yon
know when I do. As it It , I can't half do
my work anil read yonr letters and answer
them. You bet your Ufa I have n steady
job with you , It h n peed thing Heed
don't take up any time , I was past yonr
store yesterday and th's ' morning , but
failed to see your Bulling face. Mr. BIgel
bos not got the g , b. , but Hose will not en
with him all the time and no one clue. If
that is what he wants he had better stay
avvav. Will did say what I told you , and
I Will show you his letter some time if I
ever have the chance. I don't want to
hurt your feelings or put a straw In your
way , but if you write me any
more about Mr , Heed I will not
answer your letters Mr. Heed has never
took the least advantage of me , nor
has be made love to me , and as for me to
tell him not to speak to me. I ain't ageing
to do it. and I mean juit what I say and
If you don't let him alone yon will make
trouble for yourself and me. Now be good
and stop , and don't say another word
about him. lib don't do yon no harm nor
ma either. Didn't you lay you would
neither write to me nor come here for a
month ? Are yon doing It ? Can't come
wKli Mrs. Kdmunson this week. William
ain't working , Just now , and don't know
when ho will , It don't do for you to come
while he it home He seems to have a Rood
deal to say about yon nowadays. Now ,
remember If you write me any more about
Mr , Heed I will not answer your letters.
I WILL OIIIT OIlDKim , but till then I don't
have to , and don't yon forget it. I would
'o veto gratify yonr evciTwisb , but I know
.0c .0t Is not for the best to do so. I am as tree
; o yon as you have been to mo in tbe time
post , but I have no wish to ( recall ? ) the
past , but I do not Hko yonr way of doing
things I lately , nor can I think you ar
right either. Just wait that month. Tim
makes nuny changes. If I were to write
for a week 1 could not tell yon more than
I [ have. When I have been yours itt the
past you know how mwcA / hate gone
through for you , and the trouble I have ha * .
C n't write nny more. Will go to the B K
lIiVK ! , on Sixteenth street , to-morrow at 3 ,
if f I can , and tbo inn shiner ; but If it Ii
any ' trouble don't you bo tbere , for I don t
know yet us I can go or not ,
Yours tru.y , M. WABU.
OMAHA , Wednesday morning ,
Mr. Manner :
D An FuuND-I know you don't wont
mo to , hut I leel an though I rnmt answer
that Iblter I gnt from you yesterday. It
caused me to ( hcd many tear * . I wna nil
broke up with thu contents of It. You eny
I won't bo advised by you , nor you won't '
be advised by me , so I am doinp just the
nmno as you In that rc pcr. I have not
gene baon on you , nor h ve I dropped you ,
either. You would not * oenk to me last
night till 1 ywka to you , If I had known
I wan going , I would have written you.
but I did not know I was going l"l Jullt
before I went. Will you Ry that you bal
nothing to ( lowItli Bending that letter to
Heed ? I can't think it wax any ono elite
but you. To my wov of thlnxing , it WM
one of the woist things th it could be
done , and just after tliat cnie Jn. nn.l
Anne nd said they had been told / took
poiton and vias tick. You know / told yeu
to keep that to yourself. Now Isir. VVurd
thinks everything , I know you mutt
know , too. I suppose tbe next
thing I hfar will bo all you can
say about Mr. Bankeu. You sof m to think
I am mnttinir over Mr. Bankes and every
other fillow I can. If that la J our oplt-
lon ot ino , ail right ; time will , I trust ,
prove all tht * . I wish I was away from
Omaha , and out of your way OB I am noth
ing but a trouble to you , I did not tell
you to stttj away from my house but did
ot know If it wan brut for you to come ,
now an you were doing to much talk. If
I haven't showed myself your friend in
tbo past T can't in the ftitur ? , and you are
so unreasonable , / / /can't tpcak to a man
whote character ttandt at s/ood at Mr.
Heed's , vtho can I ( pealcto ) ' 1 must Bay
I can't be kept down in such a
way ai this. You know / have had
to muchjealtusy to contend with all my life
I'nrri iihnut sick of It , Why did you take
I/our letter wt of the church } l JUST AS
GUh tell yon what she did ? If BO , I am
done with her.
Will you ploafli to tell me If you had to dovlth the sending of that
letter to Mr , Reed. I wish you to say do.
I must close. Hoping you will have al'
the happlno s that ii ) the lot of any one ; r.i
for me I don't expect any , M > I feban't be
disappointed. So food byo. From your
friend and well winner , M. WABD.
Should like t ) know if you get this al
' ghC .
C 'OUHIH ' JAMK4 I can't write for I don't
know what to say. Here U your letter
that you make such a fu s about. If ycu
H send any more I won't nend them back ,
and don't you forget Ir. I got a letter
from my Wi I , he nays ho never thought
of such a thing a * getting mnrried. You
had bettor be careful In what you say
about me and William , You need not
worry about mo , I can tukeoare of myself ,
I ain't such a fool as you take me for. You
let me alone and I will you , and the less
you say about me and friends the better
for you in every sense of the word. You
musn't think you know it all , for you
don't. If I ain't as old as you I know a
little , and 1 mean that little shall be my
guide. Bo fare tbee well.
Be good a let me alone.
From your muc'i abused cou in.
COCHIN JAMKH I do so hope you hav
vet over your anger and unkinclneos. ;
think you had better let your judgmon
rule you and not your feelings. I will
suggest that to Mr. when I fee him
If U is as I can , but don't know when thai
will be. I might not tee him this week
nor next ; I can't tell when I sh ll see him ,
I shan't forget your threat and unkind
talk In a hurry , I would like to have
treated you M a cousin or a brother-in-law
If you were willing , but nothing more. .
You need not take the trouble to anawei
this , for I muxt glvomy mind more to my
family and to my work. In haste.M.
M. W.
Kay the leant. Do mi no barm if yon
can't do me any good , and I will do tb <
same by you , and don't you forget it
The ttorm it to hard it will teen be over.
COUSIN J AMES I think it bent not to
give your note to Mr. Ward , before Mrs.
Bonner coming to see me ; I don't want
her. If the had treated mo aa a sister
there would have been none of this.
If you have peace , I am glatl of It ; I
have none , nor don't expect any. If I have
deceived you , you have me. If I havt
done wong , to have you. You have always
been kind to me till of late , but have I not
been the same to you ? I shall always
spenk of you kindly , but as little as possi
ble , and try and not think of yon as I last
saw you. So as you let mo and
my affairs alone , I will yon
and all is said that you bear about me , of
course , yon will believe , but don't you for
get it , 1 am at good at you No lady ever
saw me pass n letter to you , end he lien
when the saya it , Seems to me you hear
More Hea than you do the truth , > < ut can
I can't ttand the racket much longer I
guen. As this Is my last , I wish you
peace and prosperity. If you should ever
think of me , lee it be kindly ,
Your cousin ,
I'leate burn this as soon as you read it ,
and oblige me that much for once.
At the conclusion of the investlgn
tion the committee returned ( he fol
Wo , the select committee , chosen
to adjudicate the caao in which Mra
Matilda Ward ia charged with Im
proper conduct and falsehood , find
that the second and third apooifica
lions of the first charge are auatainod
and being sustained tbe first charge ia
Wo also find that tbo rooond , third
and fourth Bpeclficatloun of the second
charge are sustained , and the charge
Is ' proved thereby , and that In our
'udgment the said Mra. Matilda
iVard should be expelled from the
church. Signed : Samuel Hawvor ,
Robert J. Saxe , N. I. D. Solomon ,
James A. Johnson , Newton J. Smith.
In accordance with this finding of
the committee , Rov. Mr. Shanks pro
nounced the Dontonco of expulsion
and the defendant gave notice of an
appeal to the court of the conference ,
so that the matter may bo considered
as not yet settled.
j.uu rrondoro ot modern chemIstry - ,
Istry are apparent in the beautiful
Diamond Dyes. All kinds and colon' '
of Ink can bo made from them ,
Feenoy & Oonnally's now stock of
spring Boots and Shoos are now arriv
ing. They are putting in the best , and
most select stock in the city and prices
away down. A largo stock of Rubber
Boots , Sandals and Rubbers.
Criminal Docket Being
Pushed by Judge Ne
ville ,
The Monthly Report of Orimo'
by Judge Benoke.
County Court , T7 > 8- Court nad
Othtr Item * .
Judge Novlllo IB puahln" the buol-
nosa on the criminal docket to aa oorly
omplotlon aa possible. The trial of
i'crry Shotwoll , Indicted for murder
, u the aocond degree , waa concluded
Thursday the jury retiring about 5
'clock. It will bo remembered that
Shotwcll had an altercation with Henry
orliiifr in the Occidental hotel on
Thankoglving night , when the latter
waa using aomo profane and obacone
angnago. After ejecting him from the
houBo , Shotwoll followed Eborling out
on the sidewalk and in the fight which
'ollowod waa pursued by Eborling
acrooa the atrcot and .finally turuod
ind ehot him in the liock ,
Eborling dying a week later ( rom the
offocta of tbo wound , The plea was
iiolf defouso and the prisoner was rop-
reoonted by Ool. Smythe , while Dis
trict Attorney Godwin was assisted
by Oao. Shlelia , Esq. The defence
waa ably conducted and it waa gener
ally expected that a verdict of acquit
al would be brought in but at 7:30 :
the jury came in with n verdict of
manalaughtor. It is probable that b
now trial will bo demanded.
The next caco following that cf
Shotwoll waa the State vs. John Quirk
and Tom Henderson Those two
young men were indicted for the bur
glary of oeveral saloons nnd ono or
two stores , the greater part of thu
goods taken being liquors nnd cigars.
A search by the police resulted in the
recovery of a quantity of gooda from
the room occupied by the boys and it
waa considered that there vraa a dead
sure caeo againat them. The character
of John Qalrk waa auoh that hia
arroat caused the greatest surprleo
among hia acquaintances , he bauog
been bartender In two of the leading
ealooua In the city , and apparently
very much of a gentleman. On being
brought into court yeoterday ono
of the two , Tom Henderson , plead
guilty to the charge and Quirk ob
tained a continuance of hia case and
woo released on $500 ball.
In thla connection it la proper to
say that the on position that the reel
denco of MoVuy , who waa arrested
for counterfeiting ) recently , waa
the ono at which Quirk and Hondcr-
on had a room and In which the
cigars and liquors mentioned above
wore recovered waa erroneous. The
McVey'a never kept any lodgers at all ,
aa Mra. MoYoy Informs us.
"The Mike Qilligan caao waa con
clndod In the district court last oven
ing about 5 o'clock and at 0 o'clock
the jury returned a verdict of acquit
The name of Pitt Harrington ia a
pretty familiar one In police circles
here. The last turn made by that ex
pert hotel thief in thla city waa hia at' '
tempt to go through aome of the roomi
in the Paxton , and ho waa captured
by Olerk Bowman and Porter Hurley
when attempting to escape. Ho waa
fired out of town , and next turned up
in Chicago , whore ho held a man up
with a piatol and robbed him of a gold
watch and $150 in money. Harring
ton la evidently ont of luck , for he waa
captured , and will probaDly serve
term at Jollotto for highway robbery.
In the police court yesterday
there wore only two casea of plain
drunk , one of the victims paying $10
and costs and the other being dis
charged , it appearing that ho had been
sick and only took an overdose of hie
Mr. Jerome Ponzol hao just made
np the following report of crime for
Intoxication 33
Embezzlement 1
Assault find battery 0
Counterfeiting 2
Carry lug concealed weapons 3
Highway robbery 1
Larceny 29
Disturbance of the peace j 20
Suspicious persona and vagrants , 23
Shooting with Intent to kill 1
Threatening 2
Prostitution 45
Gambling 4
Total 173
In thla connection it will ba inter
esting to note the criminal report of
our neighboring city ,
Judge Obadwlok will open the Feb
ruary term of the county court on
Monday next with an average docket ,
u. s. COURT.
It waa expected that McVey aud
Roben , the two men arrested for
counterfeiting , would bo taken before
U. S , Commissioner Frank yesterday
Decline of Man
Nervous Weaknoaa. Dyspepsia , Im
potence , Sexual Debility , cured by
' 'Wella' Health Ranewer.7
. $1.
The Report of the Weather Service
for February.
The meteorological summary for the
month of February 1883 , has jnat been
issued bj Observer Pollock , of Omaha
station and. containa the following in
teresting statistics :
Dally moan temperature 21,7 ; dally
moan barometer 30 , 358 ; dally moan
humidity 60.5 ; dally rainfall 030 In
Highest barometer , 30 881 on thu
17th 3 ; lowest barometer , 29.522 on the
15th ; monthly range of barometer ,
Highest temperature , 57.2 on the
28th ; lowest temperature , 24 9 on the
4th ; greatest daily range of tempera (
ture , 38.5 on the IGth ; least daily
range of temperature , 4.5 on the 14th ;
moan of maximum temperatures , 29 7 ;
mean of minimum temperatures , 10.9 ;
moan dally range of temperature , 8 8 ,
Prevailing direction of wind , north ;
total movement tf wind , 5,134 rnlloi ;
highest velocity of wind anil direction ,
24 mllon northwest , on the 1G h.
No. of fogey uSya 1 , 15th ; No. of
clear days , 14 ; No. of Mr days , 8 ;
No. of cloud } tUyson which no tain
or snow fell , 0 ; No. of cloudy days en
which rain or snow foil , G ; total No
' of days on which rain or BIKHV foil ,
12 ; depth of uumultnd suow on
ground at end of mouth , 0.
Dates of aurora * , 24 b ; ditea of
solar halo * , lU'h ; datoa of lunar
halos , IGth , 20th ; da'.os of frosts ,
llth , 25th. 27th , 28th
1871 303 1877 37.3
1872 27 r. 1875 307
1873 21 4 1870 2(5.8 (
1874 23.0 1R80 SO.'J
1876 2o 7 1881 17.0
1870 30.4 1882 30.0
1871. .1.7Gin < hea 1877 0.44 incheK
1872. .0.43 " 1878 0.11 "
1873. .0.02 " 1870 0.03 "
1874. .0.02 " 1880 0 9 "
1875. .0.51 " 1881 3.00 "
1870. .0.40 " 1R82 OCO "
c c DOOJI lame back or n disordered urine
Indlento vhat y on are a vlotimP THUN BO
J- once ( druffRlfltn recommend it ) and I twill
ipccdlly overcome the dlscftoo and restore
a healthy action to all thooreans.
V 1 sarlinCI"orcomplalnta peculiar
and weaknesses , KIDNEY-WOUTUunsur'
piuicd , oa It will act prompUy and safely. .
| Eltliei Sex. Incontinence , retention 01
urlno , briok dust or ropy drponlta , and dull
dragging palna , all epoedUy .yield to Ito oar.
atlvo power. < ! 3)
A well-known tlergjnun , llev. N. Cook , ol
TmiH'clean ' , Wli , s j : ' I flnd KIdnoj Wott a
sure i ute for kidney and 1 vcr troubles
I for all dloeasoa of tdo Kldneyo and ( |
It has apcclflo action on thla most Important
} organ , orrnbliru U to throw off torpidity laid J
. inaction , stimulating the healthy secretion
, oCtlioDlle , ttnabykcoplcetliebowoUlnfroc
I condition , eObctlne ) to roculardlschtrKO.
I Ifyounresufrbrlngfrom
l malaria , h vo the chills ,
[ are bilious , dyspcptia , or constipated , Kid-
. ncy-Wort will surely roUovoit quickly cur * .
I In thla season to cleanse the System , everyone
> ono should take a thorough courco of It. ( SI )
SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. rrrce * 81.or .
"Last you , I went to Europe , " pays Henry
Ward , late Col. 68th Keg N. O. S. N. Y. , row
> ln ? at J73 W. Side Avo. , J. R. Illghts , f. J ,
'only ' to ictura worse ( rim chronic li\cr com
plaint. Kidney-Wort , KB a lost resort , lion Ucn
me better hialth than I fca o hi hcrtu e jojed
for many , many y ars. " Uc'a cutejl cow end
" h PPJ' .
cl No other dl'iaiela BO prevalent In thii
country M Constipation , and no remedy
lhaaivcr equalled the celebrated KXDNUY-
WOIIT as a cure. Whatever the caufie,1
however obstinate UIA caco , thin remedy
will overcome It.
Tins distressing rom.
i pl&lnt Is very npt to be
complicated with constipation. Kidney-
Wort strengthens the weolccncd parta and ,
quickly cur en all kinds of Plica even n lion
.physicians nnd medicines have before fiU-
i < | ed. CTIf you have cither of theno trouble *
PRICE 71 ] USE tbrugrlgtsSeni ! >
. - -
"I will recommend It everywhere , " writes Jus ,
B. Moycr , Carri'ge Manufacturer , JUorstown
Pa , "because. It" Kldney-Woit-cured my pi ofT
- - - - - - - - -
As Hl for all the painful dloo * s of th.
It cleanse * the system of th acrid poison
5 that causes the dreadful suffering vrhlcL
only the victims of rheumatism e&n iwliio
of the worst forma ofthia terrible dlMee
been quickly relieved , and tn e"Tt |
"Mr. Walter Grots , my cus'ome' , as pros ra
ted with iliuima'isni 'or two } enre : tried In va n
all remedial ; Kldney-Wrrt alone cured him '
have tried l mjscl' , nd know that It ID goo
Portion of a lett- irom J. Ij Wlllttt , druggist
Hint , Mich
t3-BPEO IA1 I vlli rCbm\ELY not bel
rted unless paid In advance.
jlyfONET TO LOAN-Call at Law office o I ) , t
1VJ. Tbomaa room SCreighton Block.
MONEY LOANED On Chattel Mortgage 80
curl'y. Room No. I , over Moich&nta N
tlooal Binv. 977-lmt
MONEY TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shrlver'i
Rial EaUta and Loan Agency , oppoilt
poatofflee. 767-tt
i\f ASTED Two dr simakeM and two ap-
vv preutu | at MM , Corb U'B.lblS it. Mary'
a > enue. 2J7-21
I7ANTh U Klriif-cliM ctolt. Nona oth ' neec
Y pp'y. 110J farnnn atreti. 29 li"
ANTED-W lie stnd kitchen hep. ADI ]
1109 Farcam street. " "
WAN'KJ-Athr IrrneratB alon Uvudry
13th street , betvseet Vodgi and ' 'optic
avenue. 257-4t
WANTED A g'rl to do pencril housiwork
Apply nt N . UOS Oal forma strco ; .
W 'ANTED-A strart boy at O'Djnaroa
Do ricv Cal at onie , IC8-I
ANTED-Two girls at 1JO sou h 13 h St
bet. Douglas and Dodge. 253 2i
WANTED A gcod , it ady middle ae.
wcnmi. Must bo wllll-if to woik Wate
jlpfrwe'i Inquire H Dou la St. 215-6
WANTED \ few Udles and Kentlemtn a
agenti for the btzgejt paying buslno s n
America. Room 3,1303 farnam S ( 21S IK
W 'ANTED Men and women to start a ne-
. , busluo's at their own home ; no pedaling
We an hour made ; ecnd ICc ( or samples and In
strmtlons Addr' * <
ISt-lmeol MASON & CO. , Hontpelter , Yt.
SltUaTION WANTED Vy a youn * matrix
nun In a stoic , la wil.lut ; ti make hlmscl
u-elul at ary buiinow Addresi "J. K. 0 " He
WANTED with to m
and sell an o'tlcle needed In every family
monopoly Addro'a "H. M. " Boo oltlce.
J .
A stranger In Oman * , unmarried ,
WANTED to make the acquilntinco ot a lidy
lend of amusements and ol a social disposition ,
Addrcsi S M , " Beojjffico. 810-3
\T7ANTED-6CO privy vaults , sinks and cats
V Y pool * to clean with stnlUrr clc ner. fatia
action guaranteed , J. M SMITH.
216-lmt Lock Box < 2i , Omaha.
FOR RNT A cbeap boon on 17th Street
near Capitol avenue. 264 8
I7MI HEN CN h't l at Ar cKeb , f'tt ' 3t
J.'it4. Oood lw iIon. Liberal lo the
{ hliartt , Addirai ' 0 , Ttflt , " ATOCI ,
nor s wit
1710K Rtit iMh u.eoi f.urri ni corntr of
X1 If-h aLd Wtb ter itree'l. 112 10 * month.
i.iOlt KENT r.Mmnt front loom tin I'Hcil ,
JL1 0)1 N. Uth ittvot. bet Ct'l ' ftud Wrb-
ter. 2i7-Bt
71011 REST Fuinliho'l icm for two getii" ,
3bl ckilitm tostofllcc. luqmrc at 1618
d o s Ti ) t. 2'9-lui
17011 RENT Small houio corner Harnty and
C22i tretr. Ch np. Apply MM. " . . ' 'next
'oor , 261-3
1011 KENT 7 o nicely lu-n'shcd rrom
_ ctiMp. Crick hjujo , b < iy wlud.w. 1C'6 uh
" " *
'ago ' slieit
.AUK HENTFurnished ion ) , ntrthh % tcor.
1 Olh and J cksm. 2422)
.1OII Ufc. 1 tlruoms , 3 b i w. a .ji-st l ,8
J clo-ctn , cellar , hjUrant water. Inqttlrn at 60S
Sth street. 214 G $
OR UKNT AbcuttOa'roi. In Ihreo pieces ,
one M 26 , oooof IB , and onu of 4 cr < B. All
frncul , houao 3 rromn. Posn'Siluu iinuirrtUtoly.
One mile Irom poatofllce UhMI '
URAL KerATHAon.vcr ,
226-U _ 15'ha'in i Ujla > Sirccta.
rr\0 LET Kino parlor (1 ( or. AfuiilrrKermm
J furnished or unfutnlshod , 1015 Dojgo ctieet.
_ _
HENT Oood furnlahtd 'rooms MI h clog-
FOR . 105 North 18.h street. 200 31
OR RENT Pltiiantly ( .rnlsiod
Chicago direct. 22S-C (
RENT Pleasant front rrom furnlfhcd ,
FOR . 18th street , bet. California and Web-
iter. 217-3J
_ C\ . and basement of building No , 1111 Farnim
itrcet. Inquire on premises. 18-Mra
T710R BENT TffO now houses withe teems ,
Jj Dr. 0. II. Paul. 132-lmo
J7IOH RENT 25 houses , 2 to IU rooms , at $3 to
JD $25 per month 8hrl\ cr's Rent Bureau , opposite -
posite post-office. 768-tl
I7IOR SALE Car load of good young hoisfi at
JL1 JcBerfon Square Stable , IGth aud Uisattrect.
FOR SALE A good top r-ujre ) and Sarii" * .
Will sell chcip. Apply N. E. cor. 15Ui aid
ntreots. 1GO-5J
ITtOK SALE A good family horse and elJ
r b guy. S. Larson , ICIh Street , between
Civsifttd California. 271-5 (
FOR SMjV t aero lot In Park Mace , 3rd lot
cast i ( Academy ot R cred Ilcarr , Improve-
mints v.oitn CCO , ( or Uar al'i.
252-t ! W. Q. blllUVEU , Op , Post.'Ulcc.
T7\6tTSA"LE House wlllfo rooms aid 2 lots
L1 ( each 00x132) ii eoutti Omaha , * ( ur $1,000 , aa
easy term . Will > ak < 'torn on part payiient ,
loqulro at 611 S. 12th ttrect. 243-lmt
I7\OIl SALE Now 6 room cottage , goodclotctfl.
J1 Addres "S. W. L."Bro office. 212 6t
i , OK 8AL > ; CIIEAf Choice unimproved but
r Inpsi lota on Farnam , HftrDcy , Doujjlra ,
and Dadgo streets. DAVIS &SNYDER4
Real EsUte 'A'penta ,
110 end-tf 1505 Farnam St.
t,10R SALE Freeh llllch Cowf , 25th and Call-
JD fornU street. 190-21
RARE \NCE-For vale cheap , hnushold
turolturu , at 1109 Pacldo street.
BARGAIN Hotel and Livery Stable fo
A pal Ina glowing wo tern town. Flrst-c'aa '
ho < ol a * d only In ery slaM ? In town. If 3 oil wan
hctolor Btab'c , will pay you to Inrratlgate. Wll
sell scrHrate Adatoji "Hotel' care Li Boo.
IGC-m&e 12t )
l > EMIS' New Map of Omaha , lust completed and
JJ ready for delivery at 15 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and moat complete map
of Omaha over published. Official map ol the
city. See column.
CIOR SALE Four aero lot adjoining city llm-
JD Its. Easy terms. JOHN T. BELL ,
170-3 } 1606 F rnain sticet.
TT7E offer for sale at a bargain the engine and
W fixtures now In use at our works , -The
compute outfit Is 09 good ns new , and consists o
Engine (40 horse power ) , Boiler , lieater. Steam
Pump , Smoke Stack , and. Water Gauges ,
Water Tank. Valvea Pipes , eto. It will be taken
out about the first of aext May. Parties Interes
ted are Invited f o call and are It In operation day
and night ( Sundays exceptedat ) the t Woodman
Linseed Oil Work ) , corner Sevantoenth and Nlch-
olas streets. 917-lm
SALK Poc eta maps of Nebraska zoo
FOR . Frr bnrgalns in i IP aha City improVed
and un'mpr veil oroperty , call on Wm. F , Sbri-
ver , lie'I Estate Agent , opposite postoffleo.
laOR HALE A Offt cUcti fecond handpbaetoct
J Call at 1810 Harney St. 897 M
Jl tb'U'aud , Ynrd lth ctrect , two hirii !
oijlh of Be'lfcvue o < l
ASTRAY Oil Sa'urday > anr , auhlfeandred
n > t ul liulfcr ui.ll , l yinr old and Itraeon
right Ircnt leg lelrini'gt > W.E , Li i > . Stray
ed from thu bo't mi 14th tnd Grace streets.
Finder will ro itw > rcled by rttJtntng ( Mine , or
c micu Icalrg with owntr. Z05-21
U now cren fcrbuMnesg.
\J J DOVK ICthatid Burl St. 250 5t
ij t y stern at Gllmoro , Sarpy couutv , Neb.
Apply to O. Frost , thtre. 195-lmf
AND nOATICULTUFIVM , are now taking
orders for 'rult and rrnamcnlal tree ) , shrubs
and flnwotlippla-jti , for prln < usllvery. Orders
tnu I be In bclor the 1st cf April , Sat's'octlon
linvantced. Office 1300 Uaruey ftrcot , Oiniba.
TIONAL1ST Tenth street , between Farnam
and Hatney. Will , with i he aid ol fiaidlan
spirits , obtain for any one a glance ot the past
and present , and on certain conditions la thr fu
ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. I'cifrct
satisfaction truarantced.
AND EXPrHlfcuOK CO.VtlHUS TIiA' " 'Br-
1-uT.t's eHs f / n r < t IS * N Ih VAL-
Absolutely Pure.
This ponder never varies. A marvel of purity ,
strength and wholeftomencss. Mora economical
than the ordinary k'nds. and cannot be sold In
competition with the multitude o ( low test , thott
weight , alum or phcsphatt ponder. Bold only In
cans. ROYAL DIKIXO POWIIIK Co. , Wall-St. , 00
New York.