I f THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL EJLTJ.F.FS IOWA SATURIXa.f ILftKOH 3 i t j IRhe Daily Bee COUNCIL BLUFFS. Saturday Morning1 , March 3 iUBacrupnoN RATES : SrjOarrlor , - - - - - to cents ptr week. Ey Mall 110.00 per Tear , Office : No. 7 Poor ! Street , Near roadway. Borne one always in the offlco. MINOR MENTIONS. Mud , mud , mud , See Joieph Relter's spring style ? , Adolph Bed and Peter Krucht are wanted at the police court for selling wine and beer contrary to ordinance. The flood of Indian creek has subsided and the street car horses are no longer obliged go swim to the 0. & N. W , depot. THE BEE will be found for sale on all the outgoing trains In tbe morning , Balls- factory arrangements having been made to that effect. Gentle spring has arrived , and BO baa the man with soap warranted to waah the spots out of anything but a politician's character , Tomfand Nellie Drisocll , of 111 fame notoriety , were said yestcadny to have "skipped , " pending their trial In the police court , Marbles are coming out an the spring weather appears , and wo heard one boy whisper to a chum that ho thought ho should get hla kite fixed up by Sunday , In another place will bo observed a list of church notices. Wo shall bo glad if any of tbo pastors or laymen will lot us know of any special service or any correc \ tion to be made In the list given. Those having nlco clothes should bo a little careful just now in not getting too near moving teams , as they will be very apt to receive an ornameutatlon more con- . splcuous than desirable. A land slldo occurred n few days ago on Willow avenue , where teams have been getting dirt to fill the different grades. The lace of the Uluffa now showing a perpendi cular height of nearly 200 feet. Yesterday aflemoon municipal affairs (1 were the theme of the street corners. Dodgers announcing a mass mooting by W. R. . Vttughan provoked considerable talk , and what would be done in the even ing was the constant query. Ducks were shot in considerable num bers yesterday down on the Missouri flat * . They wore chiefly of the pin-tail variety. Gesso have been aeon going north for Borne day * , but some of them have since been seen sailing toward the Kulf. l.q Some of the Scandinavium women down in the lower part ot town bavobeen having a disturbance. Jennie Jensen , tbe cause of the riot , ia as Chief Field says , a little cracked. A warrant for the arrest of Jennie was Issued , and she will appear In ' the police court to make response. The case of Richards vs. tbe C. M. k St. P. R. R. engaged the attention of the circuit court yesterday. The court in formed ns that an adjournment would probably be taken to-day , there being no more business to do. The court meets next In Jefferson county. ' 'I want all the saloons In Council Bluffs that can come here , " said a saloon keeper in one of the large brick saloons on Broadway- don't care if we have ICO saloons here , I'm not afraid of the poor man's saloon hurting me. That's the way I thlnk and that's the way I will vote. " Another minstrel and variety show is to play here Monday night , the "Squatter Soverignty" company. To judge from the show bills around town , is simply a Bowery boy farce transplatod to Iowa. Those who like that kind of shows w.ll attend. Fur ther remark Is unnecssary. E. M. Galllgin , of this city , member of Lincoln Post , G. A. R. , , and an old subscriber of Tn BIB , called in to Bee us. He was one of the crew of the war steam er Escex , Commodore Porter oommanier , the first to enter Now Orleans from the west in 18G2. He intends visiting Dakota in a few days. We wonder if any of our readers have ever remarked the expression of confirmed melancholy that sits upon tbe cadaverous features of the disembowelled mackerel who is shoved in all his shivering naked ness out upon the street as a spectacle for the pasiersby. How any one can ever summon the nerve to eat the wretched fel low afer beholding his misery , la more than ever we could guess. Conversation between the citizens of Council Bluffs. "Hello John , I thought yon bad the contract for that cornice work bat I see these are not your men at work there. " John , "Oh no , the parties thought they would rather give It to an Omaha party at higher figures. "Oh , I tee the "foreign" business is only a get oil and only to be carried out in trying to brow beat a "foreign" paper. " Up In Dutch hollow the dogs are growing to be such a pest that It Is dan. gorous to venture up in those secluded precincts. Yesterday a lady driving s hone to a light buggy came very near be < ing tbe victim of a runaway from theii attack. A gentleman who has bad con. elderable trouble with these unoontrolablt canines emptied tbe contents of a revolve ] at them yesterday , but there were m deaths. Chairman Baird stopped ui yesterdaj morning on Main street , "I've got it , " Bale be. We hastened to assure him wi ' doubt the " 1 hadn't any on subject. mean tbe alderman for tbo Fourth ward , ' be continued. "Of course , " we assented "I have telegraphed back to Ohio for i man who will run ; they never refuee However , If Ohio can't get here on account of the floods , I have gent an advisory dls patch to tbe neat of oillco-seokers down al Keokuk. We'll net there no mUtake- ta , ta"andbe vanished. A fellow who evidently had not tote much of life , entered a gambling bouse IE Council Bluffs last Saturday night , and racoeeded In getting away with the "tiger1 to tbe extent cf 9360. He pocketed hit wealth , pulled his gun , and marched down through the middle of Broadway to a betel < tel , where be deposited the wealth , aftei he put away the "pop" and breathed easier , No doubt t tbe man had nevur seen that much money before , and be did not pro prose to be surprised and robbed on the principal thoroughfare of Council Binds at 10:30 o'clock in the evening. Ho WAS sensible In quitting ahead of the "game , " anyhow. Shenandoah Republican. In the case of Tooloy vs. Onrtln , in the circuit court , tbe jury gave a verdict for $25 In far or of the plaintiff. Jomea Sullivan b s been talking to Arabella Van Scoyt on the matrimonial question , and the upstart of tbo matter U a license to marry Issued by the county clerk yesterday , Travel over tbe lllvor road la rather Ight Just now , owing to floods , causing uncertainty as to the time of reaching des tination , but In A short time will get down o steady work. Some rlrls on lower Main street were laying lots cf fun yesterday morning with a victim named Dan. The poor fellow lad received baptism from a pot of paint , mt ho took it all good-naturedly. lUv. A. McMukln preaches to-mor- ow night at the Presbyterian church , at :30 : p , in. , on ' 'The Medical Aspect of bo Temperance Question , " The eorraon s delivered by request of many citizens of ho city. Considering the present agltn' ion of thin subject , nnd the known ublllty and the eloquence of tbe speaker , a largo attendance will , without doubt , bo pres- nt. MUSTERED OUT , Talk With a Discharged U , S , Regular , Indian Warfare in the Moun tains and Barrack Life in Utah. Wo mot at the tran&fcr this week a alnowoy man , unmistakably Scandina vian in conntonanco , who were the regulation blue of the U. 8 , army , lo was atandlng , when first wo saw lira , in the main corridor , erect , with ho precise military bearing of the drill ; round , contrasting ntrongly with the various stooping , bonding posturoa of , ho crowd about him , Strolling up to this inflexible statue wo ventured to inquire if ho were sta- lonod at Fort Omaha. "Oh , no , " aald ho in good English OIIRUO with a faint smack cf the Torsk accent. "I am just In from Utah. " "Where are you ordered to report ? " "Well , " said he with a Bmllo , "I lon't have nny one but myself to report - port to now. " Ho wont on , in anawor to our Inquir es to aay that ho waa a private of the Sixth Infantry , had served his full imo out and was now onrouto to joavonworth , Kan. , where ho had rionda and hoped to got employment. Ho had boon out in Utah for two rears and had some thrilling stories , old In a simple liana Christian Ander son way of mountain life and Indian service. Hla regiment waa ordered up into the lava bed country after the capture of Captain Jack and diaper- alon of hla band of Modoos. During the stormy times following when the fndlana refused to go on the resorva- Jon appointed by the United Wtates government , he in com- ny with a aquad of alx was stationed to guard aomo provisions. A demonstration waa made by aomo redsklna in ambush to entice the squad off and a company of squaws made a rush for the commissary. One of them waa bayonottod and aa she roll caught with her tooth onr aoldior'a of and Inflicted a bite of which a deep near la witness to-day , Once in the mountains of Califor niaa , detail of ton men , ho of the number , were caught out in the utorm ind two frozan to death , Ho aayn ho lias had enough of soldiering for one life and will aottlo down to the pursuits - suits of the civilian. Young man or woman , If you want big money for a small amount. Insure In tha Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust A ocl. atlon , Cedar llaplda , Iowa. (5-3m. FOB SALE At a bargain , two choose vata and Cxturea. Address 2,304 , Council Bluffs , Iowa. _ feb27-tf OHUnOH NOTIOK8. BArriBT CiiuncnNortheast corner of South Sixth and First avenue. Services every Sundav at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school at 12 m. IJov. J. O. Lemen , pastor. CATHOLIC CHURCH Pearl street south of Willow avenue. Mats at 7 , 8 , and 9 a , m , High mass and preaching nt 10:80 , Sunday school at 2 p. m. and vespers at 3:30. : Rev. B. P. MoMeuomy , pastor. PBESinrTiniAN CHUBCHNortheast cor ner South Seventh street and Willow ave nue. Morning services , in-go ; evening , 7.SO , Sunday school at 22 m. Younj people's mcoUnif Sunday evening , 6:30. Uov. H. McMukln , pastor. BBOADWAT M. E. Otiunon Cornet Broadway and South First street. Services - vices at 10:30 : a. m. , 7:30 : p. m. Snndaj school , 12 m. Kov. Armstrong pastor. CONOIIKO ATIONAI , CiiuucitSouthwesl comer Slxthit.and | Seventh ave. Servlcei Sunday morning at 11:30 : ; evening service at 7:80 : ; Sunday school at 12:00 : ; young peo. pie's meeting Sabbath evening G:45. : Itev Cyrus llamltn , pastor. EI-BCOPAL CucnoH West tide Pear south of Willow ave. Services at 10:30 : a m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school 12 in. Rev. Thomas J , Mackay , pastor. < Msus Bo at the mass meeting to-night nt the conrt house. No man must be elected unless ho ia In favor of "Im provements. " > Ve notice the Marriage Fund , Mutua Trust AMocIatlon , of Cedar Rapids. Iowa highly spoken of In many of the leading papers of the state. "Money for the Un married" heads their advertisement it another column of this paper. f 5-3a Mass Mooting. Bo at the raata moetlug to-night al the court house. No man must be elected unless ho ! in faror of "im provomonla. " If you are not married , write the Mar < riage Funi nnd Mutual Trust Associj. tlon , Cedar Rapid * , Iowa , for circulars explaining the plan. _ _ f6-3oi. Baoblm B Arnica Halve. The Beat SALVI In tha world for OnU. Bruises , Sores , Ulcers , bait Rheum , Fe. ver SorM , Totter , Chipped Hacda , Chll1 blalno , Corns , and all skin eruptions , ani positively cures pll , It Is guaranteed to give eatlalootlon i ox cry r fnud l. Price , 25 oenti ptt I" ex.or call by 0 v Qoodm * * WORKINCMEN'S ' MEETING , Largo Attendanoo Thorongh Resolution Benoral En- thnBiasm , B. B. Pondo , Lawrence baa and Oharlou Nominated. The Republican Caaonn Rofuscn to Nomtnato in the Fourth 'Ward- For aomo tlrno before eight o'clock last night the stairway and halla of the conrt honae were throogod by thu gathering mcmbora of the Central Trades' assembly. Republican nnd democratic politicians were there too , a fair sprinkling of thorn , talking around the edges of the fray , am ) eager to know what was goiujj to bo dono. Outeldo of these who came out of curiosity , there were probably two hundred who took a live Interoat in the mooting. The mooting was called to order by Mr. Coc enhall , president of thu Oontral Trades' assembly. On motion Mr. Ooggeshall was made permanent chairman U. W. Oonnoway BOO retary. Messrs. Gregory , Mo- Workman and O'ltourko were appointed a coinmittoo on rc-colutloiia. Lt wan moved nnd carried to proceed with the nomination of candidates for councllmon. Mr Browning nom- tinted Mr. E. II Fondu for alderman- at-lnrf-o , and moved to elect by accla mation. Mr , Fonda wan unanimously nominated. Ho won called for and spoke aa follows : "I never made n speech in my Ufa , and BO shall not now. If it vras n [ uestlou of buuiplnq cars together to , est them , then I uhould ba there , but lere I am at n disadvantage , My ecord you know. I will say no more , ave to thank > oti. " Liwrouoo Kvnnnhan was then nom' nated by accluuiitiou for the Fourth rard. Mr. Kenuohnu made the fol- owing addroes : ' Gontlomec of the Central Traden lesembly This la not an oflico I tavo Bought. I have been asked by rionda In the republican nnd demo cratic parties to rrtn for their uomlim- , lens , but have refuted. Universal BufTrs'ro ; Is my motto. I am glad to note this now departure on the part of iho worklngmon of Council Bluffd Wo don't want thoae who rofnso to recognize a man nnlesa ho livoa In n brown Btouo front. If I am elected I shall be a councilman for the whole city. I think you for your nomina tion. " Chan. Spies waa then nominated by acclamation tor the Third ward and in response to calls for a speech spoke aa follows : "You will have to excuse me this tlmo. I am aat.sGud with the platform and If olootod will do what I can for the interoato of the city. The committee on roaolutlona then reported aa folio we : WIIEREAB , The neceaaity of imme diate and radical reform presses Itself upon ua , therefore be it RESOLVED , That to the end euoh reform may bo inaugurated and suc cessfully carried out , we , the workingmen - men of Council Bluffs , In mass con vention assembled pledge ourselves to the following principles : 1. The strict enforcement of all ex isting laws and ordinances for the pro tection of life and property. 2. The purification of the police and other departments of the city govern ment that lawlessness and vice may bo exterminated and punished , 3. The abolition of the contract sys tem on city Improvements. 4 Full accountability of all public servants for faithful performance of duties. 5. Improvementa in the streets and avonnoa aa apoedlly aa the revenues will allow , at the expense of the city C Sufficient compensation to public servants , and all feen of office deposit ed to the city's credit. 7. A license law for the regulation of the traffic In liquor of not lesi than $800 per annum. 8. The support for official position of such men only aa will , by their good character and adhoronca to these principles in the put , guarantee thulr conformity to them In public life. Signed by the committee , Messrs. Gregory , Mo Workman and 0 Ilourko. J. H. Pierce , of Tun BEE , and made a abort speech , commending the plat form of the mooting , urging the uoad of purging the city of gambling dons and low divoa of all kluda , and assort ing that the time had como for more liberal improvements In the city. A vote of thanks waa tendurod Mr. Pierce for hla speech , and the moot ing adjourned. FAIl TO CONNECT. The republican canons in the Fourth ward , last night , concluded that there wasn't any available aldermanio tlm- bur , andater | ( tolling storlosjawhile , ad journed upstairs to the workinginuu'a convention. PERSONAL. A party from Now York at the 0 den house arc : Davenport Bebuc , Harry Eyt- Inge , John J. Sloouin , llodney Kswan and n. Oppenhelmer. O. E , Bes wick , the efficient city marshal of Avoca , spent a part of tha day in Coun cil Bluffs jcsterday and left on a business trip to Nebraska , W. Tllden Is from Des Molnos t the Pacific. The register does not state his consanguinity to the great Samuel J , Col. J. S. Tarn , of Avoca , and the Irre- presslble Insurance man of the state , per ambulated the streets yesterday. J. 0. Adams , editor of the "Avoca Delta " was on a flying business visit to the cily p iterday. On the first of April Mr. 0. E. Beswlck , of Avoca , will rnako this city his perma nent home , A. B. Gould and W. B , Hunter , of "Soo" City , re at the Pacific. - J , H , Armstrong , of Chicago , can be found at the Ogden. Mow Welnberg and Louis Fret man , Chicago , at tha Ogdon. J , 1) . 8w n , from Creston , aUld over < ght at the Ogdeo. Mr , Rkfhbow , of Silver Creek township , DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOV/A. JOHN BENO % GOii 18 Main Street and 17 Pearl Street. MAX MOHN , } gRES H ° usMHo U. M BAR STOW ) III. P. , Cor. 5th St. and 5tb Avo. RD I C U1UITC OFFICE : dor. Main and Dth , no-Blairs. Ulii U , ! if til I Cj Residence , 009 Willow Avonno. NQ Pll I ID 7 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE , OUliUnZii Ofllco nf tor February 15th , over American Exproaa. B. S. WAGNER , for fnnorala at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Whocsalo butter , eggs , poultry and fruit , ship to uj. Draft by return mult. 310 Broidway. Broadway DMoat Market , 327 Broadway. HDCTUVRDinOC The boat Moats at lowest prices. Sausncea. T tf-affTIJ CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Cor. 7th and Fi " & l 1 I Mi Broadway. Pinna nnd cpoclficatlotin furnished' IW W QI4 RM/iM In FINE HARNESS Ih _ < iyo the variety ° that brings p-xtrotmge. 124 Main street. MERCHANT TAILOR , Artiatiu Work , and Reasonable Onargoa. 872 Broadway. JAIME P OfiM FURNITURE , STOVES and tlUlVL , Of. OUNy Household Supplies , 303 Broadway. ATTORNEYS AT LAW , James Block. PraotlcoB in atato and federal courts. Mttnu-fFlne---rn-ituro-.Up-holD-t-e-r p ° odB E STOCKERT'&CO - - - - - - - - - - ' ! Curtains nnd Window Shadan , 309,6 way- Hides , PeltR , Tallow nnd Qroaao. .j Chlcsco&15N ; MalnSt. 0. Bluffs USTATy BALED HAY , CORN , OATS , UllCni 8 SPj BRAN , Etc. , 114 North Main Street. And bath house , 421 and 423 Broidway. L. Sov ereign , Prop. , P. J. Moutgonii-ry , M. D. , Phy. BOOT AND SHOE SHOP , No. 522 , Cor. Broadway end Scott streets. VETERINARY SURGEON , Offica Bray'a stable , No. 12 Scott Direct , BROOKLYN MARKE11 , Cor. Eighth and Broadway. > C M M BTQ Q V Manuf of HORSE COLLARS , Trade aup- nwllllkOOli plied , 8th St. , between Gth and 7th Avonue. TO CONSUMERS OF WATER. The 0 mnctl Bluffs City Waterworks Company hereby announces , that it will put in Service Pipes to the curl ) of the street on tne line of its in tins for all parties who do- slru to have connect ! ns made with the street mains before the Waterwork * re com pleted , and who will make application therefor to the company BEFORE APRIL 1 , 1883. at the folowiag prices , payable la advance : i Inch Service Pipe . „ . $7 25 i " " ' ' . 8 50 i " " . 9 75 1 " " " . 11 25 1 " " " . 1300 Thesa pitori Include iho cost of opening and clrslng the street , tapping the street water main , f urnlBhlrg and Ir sorting ior [ oration crck , furnishing and puttlog In cxtia strong leal service pipe , furnUhfuK and putting In curb step , stop boi and co\er complete , am ) mtklrg all neccmary ron- nectlons bctwron tbe strictrcnln and the curb of the street which are about one-half the cost to the consumer ot dclng tbe same work alter tto waterworks are completed. Invlowofthe contemplated paIn ? of certain streets In the city , pit ties are recommended to make application Immedla clj at tbe offlco of the company , In order to caie tbo necessity and tvold the Incrcued expense of breaking up the street after paving has been done. * HARRY BIBKINBINB , Engineer. ConncU Bluffs , Feb. G , 1883. ml-dtf and a prominent farmer , was in the city yesterday. A.IT. Schroder , from Yankton. D. T. , is at the Ojjden. A. W. Jnmea is stopping at the Ogdeo , from Cleveland. 0. P. Hcndham , of Omaha , ate at the Ogden yesterpay. , J. Qninn , of Kansas City , is registered at the Pacific. J. 0. Adorns , of Avoca , la with ns at the PaclGc. Mrs. W. F. More , from Denver , stops at the Paelfi : . Seth Eggleaton is at the Pacific from Burlington. J. A. Wllsjn and wife , of Boone , are at the Orfdeu. K. A. Ireland , St. Lints , IB staying at tbe Ogden , E. Flint , of De Molnes , stops at the Ogden. J. H. Hullurd , Chicago , la at the Pa cific. cific.At At the PiclOo is L. A. Dovlne , of Omaha. K. I > . Hurt it at the Pacific frcra Alton- ton , la. Real Estate Tranbfers. The following transfora of real es tate are reported aa taken from the county records by J. W. Sqnlrea & Co. , abstractors of titles , real cstato and loan aRonts. Oonncll liluQs , Iowa : G E Blake to I. M. Palmer , lot 3 in block 7 , Eubank's second addition , city. 0. Warier to I , W. Werner , hla interest in nw i of nw J of 23 , 70 , 39 8510. T. E Huff to Z. 0 rStrong , n * nw J 1C , 75 , 39-85.800. J. McGrlnuoss to J. McRea , o 80 acres , sw 30 , 75 , 38-82,500. H. G. Kllllon to J. H. Orommot , w A sw G , 7C , 38. and o A so J 1 , 7C , 39-81,701 77. A. Bochran to J. A. Matzon , s o | n w 1. 28 , 77 , 41 , J. Brnnor to 0. M. McKlnstry , n w i 25 , 77. 38 , 8001. J. Bailer to B. Boiler , part of s w J of a w 13 , 77 , 38 , 82,200. H. Wllken to Agan , w J of n. e | , 19 , 74 , 41 , 82,800. Our New Loan and improvement Oo Investigation into tbo matter con vinces us that'one of tbe most equita ble , reasonable and feasible plans of building houses is that proposed and in operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company of this city. By Invoaticg in shares in this institution , which Is backed by some of our best nnd most reliable business men , it booomea possible and comparatively easy for a man of mod erate means to cecnre a comfortable home for himself and family. In tak- ing a certain number of shares , at a certain monthly payment , in a few years a man can own a house of his own for about the sams aa he pays monthly for rent. We believe the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organizing nnd opening up for business , having filled a long felt want in Oonncll Bluffs. Their plans and system of loans will boar the most careful scrutiny and exim- Illation , and wo have no hesitancy in pronouncing them reasonable and equitable , and backed by gontlemou of honor and Integrity. Aa the com pany exists it becomes at once an in stitution of value and credit to onr city and those who desire homes. Their president is T. A. Kirkland , vice president , Jndge Peake ; nee- retary , I. R , Beery ; treasurer , Col. Boebo , and their office la in the base ment of Shugart'a and McMahon's new block , corner First avenno unc Pearl street ian27-ly GOU OIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. fipectttl advertisements , iuc Loat , Found , To Loan , For Site , To Rent W nts , Boarding , etc. , will be Into/ted in tbli column at the ow rate o ! TEN CKNTS PER LINE ( or the flrst Insertlcn and FIVE CKNTS PER LINK ( or each euboequent Insertion Leave adr ertliomenta at our office , No. ' Pearl Street , near Broadway. Wants. TlfANTED Everybody In Council BluKs lo YV to take Till Bn , 90 centa per week , de llvered by carrier * . Office , No 7 Pearl Street near Broaoway. For Sale and Rent KENT One large , nicely furnished ro m FOR closet , at 700 MynsUr street. PJl-8t RENT The desirable offices lately occu pied by the board o ( trade. Apply to Bush- pell & Brackett. t ( BEES In packages ot a hundred at 26c OLD package at Tin Bxi office , No. 7 Pearl street. u A N office , mo tad\anUgeou9ly situated , oders fdcik room In return ( or icrtlccs ; gas , ( ucl , eto. , furnished. Address , "Office , " B office CounclUllulIs. _ inos. orricis. w. n. M , ro n OHTOEE & PUSH Connoil Bluffs , la , Established , - 1066 Dealer ! In Foreign and Poruettlt exchange nil home Mcurltloi. _ S. E. MAXON , A3EC CJ 3QC X M ? XI O V. Office orer MTinrl bank. OOONOIL BLUFFS , Iow . at/ A Specialty of Fashionable'and Durable i SHOES&SLIPPER AND TOE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES CONSISTENT WITH FIRSV CLASS GOODS IS OUR CLAIM. PLEASE CAU , AKI ) EXAMINE OVR NEWSPRiNCSTOCK IN LINKS OF Sim's , Boy1 , Girl's , Children's HISSES BOOTS AND 5 > l $5 ! ? Wo aak the nt tent inn of the public. Onr place in And there la nhoro you will ilwajs find ns , Z.TLINDSEY&OO. , 412 Broadway , Council Bin West Side Square , Olarindo DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , ( Successors to EUB & DUQUETTE ) , Mali Frmte ana uonisctm 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bln.Ts , la. M. GALLAGHER , GIR , O O IE R New Store , Fresh Goods , Low Pricoa , Polite Attendants. - Firs } Door Fast of ihe Metropolitan Hotel , Lower Eroadway fll > 3lV8A tu th- * PETER O. MILLER , WHOLESALE AND JIETAIL AND WINDOW SHOES PAINTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES , FRESCOING IN MODERN STYLES , L8.f.KAS2t. TITLE ABSTRACT 8 F FIOL JT. "VET. > Ca TCT 3C 16 3EI As O O. ands aud Lots Bought and Bold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. SOTABIES PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. OUNCIL BLUFFS . ; OWA M. T. DAVIS , President. N. B. E ASTON , Secy. J. 0. HOFFMAN , Vice Free. 0. HULBURT , Adjuster. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE GO. Instil OB Live Hook Against Loss by THEFT OR DEATH. Offlor , 103 Peart Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. TliH only company in Town that will insure your dtock k ! lnnt lo > B f'om nv rnnno whatever. Owners ol Stock will consult their own intcrc't If , when Inuring tMr Stink , tiejs' tlm th no"cy i' < hide-nail .he lev-eel thj may ha\r , millies.i Nlli if with nothing Ices. For luttlicr informa 1 n rail on cir aildruso B , Lt.'BMXTH. Lbbal Agent. - - - - fflce , No 9 M-iin Stret , THE LKADING DKA1 EU IN 3ES , 3C ? > CJ 337 Broader iy. Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa. Shugart Implement Co. , L BLUFFS , IOWA. f FARMER'S FRIEMD PLAHTtR AND TAIT CHECK ROWER. BUOE1ANA1S WAGON , OTTAWA CYLINDER SHELLER , OLDS WAGON , STAR HAND K HELLER , CORTES HAKE NIOEIOLS&SnKPARDTHRESH'R HURER REVOLVING RAKJi , EVANS TIUPLK HARROW , GORHAM SEEKER , HENNEY BOOGIES. TIGER CULTIVATOR WAGONS , ETC. , ETO. 113 and 115 Sluin Street.0 For Engines , Boilers , OagtingH , Repairs und f'.rri ' uJi . _ _ OrdBn to JOHN tiiLBiSRT , Maimfiottirer , , Council tiluflt. I'roniiS attention crier . Tbe * Corner i fctrtct and 8tb Avenue t ) ) > WorkmnnrMn anil llci-onablo cfianiM. Inb 10 * WATER WAVES , That never require crimping , at ilrs. J , J. OuOd'i IJalr ( Store , at prlco * never beere ( touched by or other hair dealer , 'Also a full Una ct twltehet , e'c. it greatly reduced prices. Also gold , ver and colored net- Waves rctde I com hdlet * own balr , Da uot ( all ta cill before pnrchulng lUewhert. All goods wairanted a icproscnt d , 1RS. J. J. GOOD , I ) LUin itrc t , Ccuucll BluBi , Iowa.