Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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A Spond-Thrift'e Escapade and
a Broker's Borongo ,
3 ho Latest Society Furore.
How Boras MlllloaalrM H T I > ft-
trJbnicd Tfeeir Property. t
There ii a good itory told t th r
clubs about a corUln young man la
thli city too good not to print
whlob , unfortunately , dooa not loao
all Its point in withholding tbo names
of the principal ! , The young man In
question Inherited a fine business
from hla father ( a Bolf > made man of
the highest integrity ) , and although
the estate has not yet boon settled ,
the son hnsvbeon able to got hold of
considerable money ; but , having got
under the Influence of n cleverer and
moro vicious man , ho la spending more
than his Income warrants. Although
ho has a wife , ho baa become inter
ested In a lady connected with the
tage , to whom ho has been paying
marked attention. This lady took it
Into her bead the other day that aho
wonld like to have Homo diamonds ,
and the expressed her wluh to the
young man , Of course , gallantry
compelled him to gratify the wish ;
and ho went down to a diamond broker
in Maiden L ne and purchased $10-
000 worth of the precious atones ,
which ho duly presented. When
ho took the diamonds ho
did not pay for them ; but the
broker , knowing who ho wai and hia
father's reputation for 'integrity , al
lowed him to take them with a simple
memoranda of the transaction. In a
day or two ho called at the young
man's place of business and aaked for
payment. The young man was very
polite , but regretted he had not the
money just ( then. Ho would , how
ever , give him an L 0. U. , which the
broker'took for the take of having
aimothlng negotiablo. Ho felt a little
uncertain about its value , and con
sulted with a prominent business man
who ho know wonld know all about
the young man'a affairs. To hU supreme
premo disgust , ho waa told that the
note was not worth the paper U wai
written on ; that , while the business
the father had left was apparently
flourishing , this note was entirely por-
I'A , and that the town waa white
with similar ones. The poor broker
was worried to death. A loia of
$10,000 was not easy to bear , but ho
aot himself to work to think out a way
to retrieve ins loss. Relief cwno in
the most unexpected manner , llko an
answer to prayer. The woman to
whom the diamonds had been given ,
with a fioklenoes that la peculiar to
her kind , got tired of the setting In a
few _ days , and , without naying any
thing to the young man , "sent them
down to maiden Lauo to bo react.
When the broker aaw them como In
ho oonld hardly bollovo hla eyea
"They wore aont to be react , " aatd the
clerk , handing them to him. "I will
reset them , " Bald the broker , "I will
reaet them in the Bate ; " and there
they are to day. What the woman
said to the young man when her dla
monda didn't oomo homo , and what
the young man said to the woman In
explanation , la more than oven the
prying eara of the club have discov
ered yet , but I fancy that there waa a
aoino on which it would , bo well to
ring down the curtain.
The fancy dress and masquerade ball
of Mra. Willlum K , Yandorbllt on
Enter Tuesday la the great , aoola
event of the future , which all other
affrin briskly atop out of the Way of.
It will be qnito the thing to go. I am
afraid a good docl of the Lenten Intel
lect will bo wasted in the plans and
conspiracies that are even now goiug
on about ooatnmea , A good many
have been decided on , and some are
already "in the worka. " Mr. Vanderbilt
bilt will appear as "Mlno Host ol
Minulnn'rand Mm Vanderbllt wil
poraonato Olndorolla. Mr. Edward
Woolsoy goes aa a Knight , Mra. Wool
aey aa "Patience , " iiidy Mandovillo aa
"Tho Four Seasons. " "Tho beautlfn'
Miss Chamberlain , of Ohio"is now a' '
Cannes with Col. John Hay and Mra ,
Hay , but It ia reported that aho wll
get home in tlmo for the ball. It li
alao rumored that the Eagliah beauty ,
Mra. Oornwallla-Weat , will como eve
and may bo preaent , but this la un
likely. Thirteen of thla season's pro
tleat debutantes will appear aa a an !
of Girds the thirteen hearts.
A furor which has bcon raging
among the ladles for some time , and
which seems to bo at ita height at
present , la that of having a piaster
ccat inado of one's hand ; notno oven go
I' ' ao far aa to have them done in marblo.
Of oourno thla la only done when the
lady haa , or thinks she baa , a prooty
hand. Theao little aonvonlra are
given to a favored lover or put on ex
hibition in the drawing room , I waa
talking with n prominent icnlptor
about thla rage the other day , and ho
aaid that while ho had made many
oasts of ladloh' handa bo had done very
few which ho would care to use fet
models ; vary few which came up to
hla idea of artistic beauty. Artists by
no means consider a small hand beau
tiful , except It bo well shaped and belong
long to a tiny specimen of humanity.
"By the way , " aald the aonlptor , " 1
met a lady from Cleveland , the othei
day , who haa jutt the kind of n hand
I want fcr a model , and what la mon
aho promiaod to lot mo make a cast Pf
it. Possibly you might not coi'uldui
it as fine ai I do. I think it iilmos
perfect ; it la long and strong , will ;
tapering fiogora , not the band o !
worker , for you know workers almiy
have cqunro flngnr oudo , but the ham
of ono who combines etronqth o
chartctor , firm nets ofvill , with n ino
artistic temperament thu hnud o
ono who hcs generation of cultur
behind hor. "
"Who is thia paragon ? " quoded ]
"Ah , now you are asking toonupl
I cm willing to talk on art , ovou K
you Into the aaorota of ou
branch of art , but I dare not revet
the secret of the lady'a name ; my Hi
would not be worth a day'a purchai
did I do ao. "
So I must needs bo aatiaQed , know
ing that at least one of my fair road
ara holds the key to the secret.
The passion among mining mlllioi
alres to erect ft b'g brick and plaiti
structure that shall perpetuate the
names In thla city and yet return
snutr percentage seems to DO on the i li
crease. D. 0. Mills finds his W >
street offices his beat Inveatmen
James R. Jlootio has bought land on
Broad atroet to oroot hla pyramid , and
ha will make It pay , aa a matter of
oonran. But Millionaire Mackoy haa
gene up town , and , In conjunction
with Ed. Stokoa , haa purohaaod Mad
ison Square garden , Intending to
occupy ita centre with the most com-
modlona theatre in America , and to
build lofty and handsome apartment
houses ai the fonr corners The price
paid for the fifty lots la $050,000 , and
If judicious Investments have boon
made by Stokoi and Mackoy In ad
joining corner lota the scheme will
p"ay handsomely.
The wllla of three public-spirited
cltltona have boon admitted io probate
within the past week , and they donate
a full million and a half dollars to
charity. William E. Dodge left $300-
000 to charitable objects , but had
given moro than double this amount
in hla lifetime. E. D. Morgan be
queathed $750,000 , and had been a
liberal giver alto while alive. Samuel
Wlllotta waa a conatant benefactor
through a long life , but very quiet and
unostentatious in hla gifta , and hla
estate will pay between $300,000 and
$100,000 In charitable legacies. Thoao
figures look largo , and are largo ,
and suggest the question as to
whether the now men of to-morrow
will do aa well aa the old mon of to
day. But another man passed away
to join the silent majority during the
past week who wai a more liberal
man than any I have over known ,
and whosa generosity waa only equaled
by ha ! modesty. This waa Jeremiah
0. Oirthwalto , of Newark , N , J. , well
known here aa a business man , and
better known throughout New Jersey
as the chief benefactor of the Episcopal
church and/Ita / charitable Institutions
as well as of local charities. Hla waa
a beautiful life in ita entire unselfish-
ness. Childless , ho made himself a
father to a host of younger relatives ,
to whom hla hand waa always open.
Ho gave away nine-tenths and saved
only the tithe for himself I remem
ber him best thirty years ago , when he
was ono of the sturdy hand of frienda
who stood around Blahop Doano , of
New Jersey , in the tlmo of hla sorest
trial and made hla defense a triumph.
Dr. Mutter , of Philadelphia , and
Messrs. Oondit and Garthwalto , ot
Newark , were the throe mon who
throw themselves into the broach , and
with pnrao open and by personal labors
saved the mitro of the eloquent Blahop
of New Jersey from being tarnishod.
Bat only a few persons know thit quiet
Mr. Gatthwai'e had ventured hla entire -
tire forfcuio in behalf of the slandered
Bishop and to uphold the Institutions
ho had founded at Burlington , and
which had bec mo weakened and en
dangered by the iJ.Ucks of enemies.
Ono of the many Changes which
tlmo has brought about is that of
showing summer goods in midwinter.
The last of January or the Grat of
February , the windows and counters
are full of diaphanous fabrics , which
ooom woefully out of places as wo g
thlvorlng about In our furs and
heavy cloths. The reason for thla Is
found in the fact that a largo portion
of Now Yorkers go south at thla time ,
and they must nooda have everything
in the latoat fashion before they go.
The consequence la the aaason is
forced , and summer gooda are put
upon the market months before they
are needed for rise , dimply for thi sake
of oatoring to the favored few. >
Straw hats are shown in all thi now
shades of blues , browns , roda , and
greona. Thia ia the firat aeason for
years when an extreme of faahlon in
millinery has not prevailed ; all tie
bonnets and hats are of medium
For dresses the most lovely of all is ]
the Canton crape , which Is shown in )
all the delicate colors , and costs , the
plain , but $1.50 a yard. Xjbr tha em
broidered robes , $75 , $100 , and $150
is aakod , according to the amount of
work on them. They are BO soft and
fine that the material for a whole
dross may bo drawn through a gold
In cheaper goods the French iwtoons
rank the highest , both in regard to
finish and faatnosa of color. Thoao
who were them lost year toll mo that
OPO need have no fear , that even the
moat delicate blue will not ohango
color. Theao cimo in plain and fig
ured goods for combination suits , A
ground of dark reddish brown haa \
thistle blossoms in natural colors scattered -
torod over the onrfaco , Another , of 1
pale blno , has clusters of delicate wild
roses on it , while palo blue of the same
shade , with u finish equal to satin ,
onmoa with it for the underskirt. The
Marie Antoinette styles , overturned
baskets of flowers and garden utensils
scattered about , are extremely pretty
and stylish when made up , and espec
ially if accompanied by parasol and
fan to match. i
There Is many a 'bargain ' to bo
picked up now , as all the morchantn
are advertising nearly , their entire
stool's aa "marked down. " A good
deal of it la but an advertising dodge ,
though umall merchants must sell
their goods to git money for their
now stool * * and Urge merchants are
trying to run off their otook of novel
ties , etc. , whlob have not had "a
run , " as they will bo a dead loss if
kept over till next year. Bo It la
well to look w ll about before buying.
' 1
- Chkngo of Mlud-
- I declined to Insert your advertise
. ment of Ufp Bittern last year , because
cause I then thought they ml ht not
ba promotlfo of the cause of Temper-
anoo , but find ttu < y are , and a very
valuable medicine , myself and wife
: having boon greatly benefited by them
and I taka threat I'leaauro ( n making
them knairo.s
a i Editor Bom ? Sentitu I , Af tonN. Y.jfJ
BA ? CITY , Mich. , Fob. 3,1880.
of I think It my duty to send you
recommend for the benefit of any uor
of oou wishing to know wjiothor the srop
Bitten are good or not. I know the
are coed for general debility and Indi
gestloa ; strengthen the nervous syu
tern and make now llfu. I rccomnumt
my patients to van them.
a,0 Xruo to lior Trait
Too much cannot be naiil of the eve
w- faithful wife and mother , constant !
watching and caring for her dear on&
d- never neglecting a rfugle duty In their 1 >
half. When they are awaited by dlaeau
on- and the system should have a thoroug
itor cleansing , the itomach and bowels regi
iclr lated , blood purified , and malarial poise
exterminated , the mutt know the thi
a . Electrlo Bitten are the only ur reined'
In. They are the bent and pureat medicine i I
j I the world and only oott fifty centi , lold
. I by 0. F , Goodman.
Mrs , DoBolloviilo Wins a Suit
Which Has Had Wide
Publicity ,
A Well-Known Actor of the
Union Square Theatre Con
demned in the Bu-
preme Court.
NBW YoBKi Febrqary 25 Judao
Donohno decided yesterday , In the
Supreme court , that Frederick do
Bollovlllo waa a vllllan In private life
as well aa on the atago. In the suit
for divorce , brought by the actor's
Bocond wife , the judge rendered a ver
dict In favor of the plaintiff , and or
dered the defendant to pay $30 a week
alimony. There will bo another trial.
Frederick do Belleville , In consequence
quence of the suit , has lost a profitable
place In the Union Square theatre ,
where ho received a salary of $125 a
week. Ho haa a fine preaenoo and
vi aa noticeable on the stage for dignlly
of bearing , a gentlemanly face and
manner , and a powerful physique ,
which gave him an advantage of an
inch or two over every ono else on the
atago. Aa a lover ho was gentle , sym
pathetic and refined. AH thoao qual
ities were reversed In his private lifo.
TUB PLAtnTivr'fl CASH.
The plaintiff in the anlt Ia an ox-
Foodlngly handaomo woman , fjand ap
pears to. bo about 24 years of aye.
She was plainly dressed and her eyea
looked BJ though she ; had been crying.
There waa a noticeable absence of any
of Mr. do Bellvllle'a fellow-actors In
tho'court-room when the oaaa was
called for argument. Ex- Judge "Dit-
tonhoiffer , who 'represented the do- ;
fondaut , had snceoded In having the
ease postponed three times , and now '
asked for further delay. Mr. Bird ,
Mrs. do Bollovlllo'B council , opposed
the adjournment. ' 'Such are the exi
gencies of my client , " ho aald , "that
aho cannot await the pleasure 'of her
treacherona husband , I have two af
fidavits to proaont to ahow causa why
an adjonrnmnnt Bhould not be mado. "
Judge Donohno said that he wonld
hear the affidavits. Judge Bitten-
buffer presented Mr. do Belleville's.
It gave a portion of the history of hla
"Ho wai born In Franco In 1849.
About ton years ego ho made hla first
appearance on the English stage. He
married , in 1875 , in London , Julia
Josephs , a widow , who was about ten
years his senior. After his marriage
he learned that hia wife's temper was
not amiable , and that oho could not
wrlto. Ho had not discovered bor
Illiteracy before , because she managed
to gut him out of the room when oho
signed the marriage contract by mak
ing her mark , ' He had not been long
taartied whou ho wont to Havre and
assumed the management of the Al
bion hotel. A very llttlo experience
provodto , him that hla abilities were
not thoao of an Inn-keeper , and he
sold out hia Interest in the hotel. ' In
1870 hla homo llfo had become so un
happy that he felt Induced to leave his
wlfo andgo ( to Melbourne In Australia.
Ho had'never aoen hla English wife
alnce. At Melbonrno he went ono day
to a calo where hia attention waa
attracted by a 'very ' pretty woman alt-
ting at one of the tables. The woman
was dressed Inmonrnlneand hada bun
dle of books with her. He followed her
out cf the cafe and spoke to her , and
waa not repulsed. She told him she
was a widow and lived In one of the
taburba of Melbourne. Ho tClted
hjr at her home , and It was not long
btforo he know her intimately. They
woio afterward married , and wont to
Hvo\gethcr as man and wlfo , although
Mr. to Bellville know that the mar
riage Kia Illegal aslong as the English
wlfo Ifrod. Ho afterward brouzht
the plaintiff to Now York , and nlno
months a0 { separated from her. Then
wishing to marry another woman , ho
consulted a lawyer , Mr. F. A. King ,
and asked h' n to proouro n dlvorco
from hla wife In England. The law
yer got for him a certificate of divorce
signed by a court in Arkansas , and
i\Mr. Do Belleville wan married for a
third time. Ho defended the present
1 wit on the ground that the plaintiff is
nit hia wife , his firat wlfo" having been
HVing when they were married In
Aujtwlia. "
It Is Holdom that a defendant re-
coivcB a moro stlnglnq ; robnko than
was adwinlBtv. by jujao ( Donohno
Ho sail that ho fin * . . . , _
nBvm. „
" " n
o\ m87
hoard oan affidavit
to the paraon making It
whlob thd uotor offered In hla own
As Judge Donohuo haa had a long
oxporlonco on the bench , ho could
hardly have said anything more se
vere. The piper dooa , Indeed , reveal
a most painful lack of moral sense ,
and plttilosa selfishness. The plain
tiffs affidavit waa In substance aa fol-
lowi :
"I have not a relative in the world ,
and I am absolutely penniless. I am
Indebted to the gentlemanly proprie
tor of the Morton house for my lodg
ing and food , and I am anxious to pay
him as promptly as possible. I have
no vocation , and my mental distress
la auch that It incapacitates mo from'
- any attempt to earn my living. When
Heft Australia I had $3,000 in m ;
possession , but the defendant spent/t
, all and then took my jewelry , pawn/d
it and dissipated the proceeds. Jo
IIM alnco offered to pay mo 8100'or
discharge my indobtodnoes at the or-
ton House If I would rellnqulathis )
anil. Uo has tried to Influenomy
only frtenda , Mr. and Mis.
i against mo , by circulating i , ,
- atorica about mo , and has inUed the
publicity which this cult has quired.
} NYhllo I am dostisato , ha l aptnding
. largo aunia of raouoy , and l anticipat
ing hlo salary to BUlsfy tW whimi of
hia aliened wife , with/ " > ho livea
at the Sinclair Ileuses' ]
Mr. Bird then charaorizd | tbo
defendant divorce fromhla ! former
wife In London as a farcojhat waa ob
tained in a western court and chal
lenged the defence to dltrovo that it
iris otherwise. The ju o ruled In
, favor of the plaintiff , aa afeady stated ,
bo- and aald , in relation to tl alleged dl-
, vorco procured la Arkans , plaintiffs
u- counsel would be doing jjmore than
son his dut/'by submitting tl papers to
hat the ueral term of the ( urt , ao that
. tb conduct of th& lawyeKlng might
DO investigated.
Pending the anlt Mr.b Belleville
< vaa withdrawn from the cast of the
Union Square theatre , where ho im-
oorsonatod the villain in "A Parisian
Romance. " Mr. A. M. Palmer of
fered .him a part In a traveling com
pany , but this professional humiliation
was declined , and Mr. do Bollovlllo la
now out of employment.
An Extraordinary Gate
Al'HiW , TBXAB , Tab. 20,1880.
To Mr. J. W. Gr h m , Urnggtit :
Dear Sir My ease was an aoate form of
bronchitis , nd WM of one and a half year's
duration. I employed the best med teal aid
poulble. but failed r pldlr , until the doc
tor * said I would die -that my cue WM in-
urable. Thrown upon my own resource * .
Ifota bottle of Dn WM. HALL'H UALBAM
FOR TUB LUNGS , and in six hours felt a de
cided relief. In three d yt the cough at-
moit disappeared , Now that my chances
of life are good for m ny year , I earnestly
recommend the above to every sufferer of
lung or throat disease ,
teb&d&w-eod-lw O. G. LATIIROP.
Htranjjo Story of Jewotl'n Death.
Worn the Uut'ord ( Conn ) Tlmoi.
On Friday morning before hla death
Mr. Jo well nwoko from a sound sloop
and Inquired what waa the matter at
the residence of the Hon. William E.
Dodge , ( hia daughter's fathor-ln-law ,
the famous Now York merchant ) . Mr.
Jowoll's family had juat received a tel
egram announcing the sudden andnn ;
looked for death of Mr Dodge ; but it
waa not deemed boat to lot him know
that any thing had happened , and ho
was therefore told that all was well in
Mr. Dodge's family. Ho said no , that
It conld not possibly be ; something
serious had happened ; the family were
in great trouble , If not actually In
affliction ; ho know it , in a way which ,
if not explitcabie. wna , nevertheless ,
as clear and certain as he saw it. In
sisting upon this , and refusing to ac
cept his family's denials , ho at longht
Induced them to telegraph to New
York , to see what was the matter
ButMr0. Jo well ao worded the telegram
aa to instrnct those who received it to
answer that everything waa all r > ght.
'When that answer came they told It to
Mr , Jewell , who refused to bollovo it ,
and at laat aakod them to lot him see
the message itself. Thla requeat being
granted , and having the ocular proof
before his eyea in the shape of an un
mistakable Western Union telegraph
message , ho dnblonaly remarked :
"Well , it does seem to bo ao ; but It is
very strange ; I know there is something
the matter that something serious
his happened In Mr. Dodge's house in
New York " And that impression ho
retained until , BO aooti atfersrard , he ,
too , on dod his early lifo. Ho survived
Mr. Dodge only about 38 honra
His fooling that "something aeriona
had happened" waa apparently aa clear
und atrong aa It wonld have boon had
ho personally witnessed the death of
his relative.
Th-3 finest mayonaiso dressing for
all klnda of salads , cold moits , raw to-
matoea , pickled salmon , cabbage , etc. ,
and moro eaonomlcal than home-made.
The medical profession may bo inter
ested in the following recipe of Dr. W.
A , Scott of Mlle , Ia. , for curing diph
theria. ThoDea
MoineB Regiater save
the euro has become famous in that
state and has saved thousands of lives.
Dr , Scott has recently made some im
provement in hia treatment , which he
akcB public :
; ono by yon published my cure for
liphthoria. It attracted widespread
attention , 1 now fifvo my improved
treatment , which can be had at any
drug store , and used by any person
without danger.
Take ten grains of. . permanganate of
potassium and mix with one onnoef of
cold water. As aopn as dissolved it
must be applied with a rag or sponge ,
mop or awab , to the whitish places in
tonsils and other parts Ithat'bave the
diphtheria membrane on. Do this
very gently but thoroughly every three
houra until' batter ; when every six
hours until well. It does not glvo
pain , but is rather nauseous to the
tasto. If the tongue is coated white I
mix ono drachm of hyposulphato of
soda and five drops cf oil sassafras In
four ounces of syrup made of sugar
and hot water , and give a teoapoonful
every ono to three hours aa needed ,
when awake. If the tongue ia no :
coated white , I mix 20 drops of tinot-
nro of phytolacca in four ounces of
cold water and give a tcaopoonful
o\ cry one to three honra aa needed ,
when awake. The phytolaoca is the
common poke-root of the South , and ,
as it loses Its strength by drying and
ago , the tincture ahonld bo from the
fresh root , or it IB worthloes. .
It is well to apply a llttlo swoot-oil
or dosinolino to the outside of the
throat to protect it from the action of
nir , as the patient must bo protoo
Ia local at firat , but It
the whole system when seated.
the etlnking form of diphtheria thii
oolnnon soon dostroya all smell , ant.
In every caae It destroys the diphthe
ria/inembrano without leaving an
b 3 effect behind.
W. A. SCOTT , M. D ,
Milo Iowa.
Horsford'a Acid Phosphate
DR. JOS. HOLT , Now Orleans , La.
saye ; I hiivo frequently found It oi
excellent service in rnseo of debility
loan of appetite , nnd ia oouvaloaoonci
from exhaustive Ulcew , nnd particu
lariy of service * " < - -oi > . - > : i1j of women
and children.
The digestive organs weakened and
worn out by using cuthartinmedicine *
restored by uolntr Brown's Iron Bi tors
Your attention It cal'od to contracts to bole
for dlbbin * . Ditch In Curt ami Washington
cointloi , about IhliUen uilioaonf \ , la \ \ thing
sections , ihioufh a minb , width about Gleet
aldiatloiilue 1 lo2 tect dejtn Ircm 6 to 7 feel ,
dirt to 10 mo cd about 8 feet trom brink of ditch
Number of cubunarJa to be moved about Hi , '
710. 8 IJ 'Itch la being conetructid Ly said tw
counties under statute providing for utMnln ;
iwarap line's , approved Feb. 28,1B81. Woik t.
ba done In accordance with plant and apeclBca
tloni. For further Information apply to th
county cleilc of eliber ot told counties , and eeo
report of engineer and proceeding ; ) of boards o
commlolonericf ( all counties and particular ! )
that of February 8th , 1813 Also the official ad <
verltsement In the Blair Pilot and In Hurt Coun <
Bleu are to be filed with certified check .
name of lurttle ? , on or before March 2d , 18SS
at B p. m. with county cleilc ef curt county , A ,
A. Tnomcs. Duplicate * ( without checki ) wlf
county clerk of Wublngton county. Btanl
forms for proposal ! will ba lupp.led by Ba ! <
clerks. Uy order of
will cure the worst case
of dyspepsia.
Will insure a hearty appetite
and increased digestion ,
Cures general debility , and
gives a new lease of life ,
Dispels nervous depression
and low spirits.
Restores an exhausted nurs
ing mother to full strength
and gives abundant sus
tenance for her child.
Strengthens the mUscles and
nervesenriches the blood.
Overcomes weakness , wakefulness -
fulness , and lack of energy
Keeps off all chills , fevers ,
and other malarial poison.
Will infuse with new life
the weakest invalid.
37 Walker St. , Baltimore , Dec. 1881.
For six yean I hare bee * a great
aufTerer from Blood Disease , Dyi-
o debilitated that I could not rttaln
anything on my itonuch , In fact ,
life had almost become B burden.
Finally , when hope had almost left
me , my husband seeing UXOWN'S
IBON BITTBKS advertised in the
, Induced me to eive It a truL
faper now taking the third , bottle
and hare not felt so well in six
yean u I do at the present time.
Mrs. JU F.
will have a better tonic
effect upon any one who
needs "bracing up , " than
any medicine made.
1109 and 1411 Dodge Street ,
ug 7-ma 6m OMAHA , NXB.
0. SPEOHT , . . Proprietor.
/212 Barney St. - Ornrha , Hob
Tin , Iron and Slate Roofing ,
Spuoht's Patent Metnllo Skylight
Patent Adjnatod Ratchet Bar
and Bracket Shelving. 1 am
the general a ent for the
above line of goods.
tlno , * . D l atr cl , , Vrwnd .iO'n -
; n > c Hailing * , v- | , v d It "
Ouvrda , j.o
Sealed pr-posals will bo receh cxl by tlio Board
of Co inty Commissioners of ( lace county , Neb. ,
tor the erection of a bridge across the Big Blue
rhcr upon either one of th wagon roods leading
cast from the town of Wjmor , ( Jugo county ,
Neb , and cr and i crosi sa'd ' ricr. . Said bridge
to bo one hundred and flit ) (150) ) feet Ion ? , and
to hat u cither piles , stone , or Iron p era
Also for the creel Ion of a bridge , suitable to the
plaro , across Indian Creek , on the line between
sections twenty-nine (2 ( < ) ) > ndihlrt > (30) ( ) , about
onomlla southwest of Wjmoio , Cage county ,
Neb. Low bridge at this place preferred.
Also a Inldgj across Turkey Creek , southeast
of UeWitt , Neb , to replace the old ono now In
use.All br'djcs to bo of wood , iron or combination
Allb'dsto ' bi accompanied by plans and speci
fic.t on to bo sealed and filed v > 1th the Connty
Clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon , March 20th.
The Commissioners rifcno the right to rejcc !
y and all HJi. Successful bidders will bo ic <
ulr d to give bond for the faithful pcrfonnanco
cf tlulr contract
Bj orJc oJ thoCcunh Commissioners.
- . , A. J. I'ETHOUD ,
SKAt. { Count ) Clerk.
_ = - ' ' Beat Ice Feb. ? J 1R83 me d 4w
'Tarts of the human body
ina Btroogthened , " etc. , Is
> . . , uuont ? 0g run In our
In reply to lonu lU wo wm gay that
here Is no oudenco c : humbug about tbli On
iho contrary , tbgodvertlMn nrv very highly In
doraed Interca od poisons nay g t BcKlaJ cir
culars giving all particulars'gi\ all particu
Ian. by addressing : Erie Medical Co. , P. 0. Box
513 , Buffalo , N. Y. Toledo Evening Bco.
ai ! ! ! '
A Skin of Deauty Is a Joy Forever.
Oriental Cream or Magical Bean
tiflBp ,
Iterro ca Tan. rimplcs ,
blcmlsb ou
beauty and
defies c O
'cctlcn. I
haq 8t..cxl
the test 0
toy. in an1
lena we
t s'o It tc
bgsuro thi
pro pa ra
ilonii p > o-
pcrly IUM' <
Accept nc
count' rfel'
of similar Dame. Tha dUtlngulthtd Dr. L , > .
Sayro , s IJ to a lad ) rltho HUT ot ( a patient ) .
"As you ladU will lue thorn , I recommend
' 0 unuU's Cream' as the least lunrful of all the
Skin preparations. " One bottle will lot ilx
months , using It every day. Alia Houdro Jub
tile rcmovis tuperfluous hilr wl bout Injury to
the kln.
UUK. U. B. T. GOURAUD , So'e prop. , 43 Boi
S . . N. Y.
Fcr silo by all DrarglsU and Fancy Goods
Dealer * throughout the United Skatet , Canada
and Europe.
O eware ot base Imitation * . l,000r w r
for arrest and proof of any ouo selling tbo s mt
J 14-woow-me 2t ewCm
Window and Plate G'ass. '
AnyonecooteropUllnit bnlldlnjitore , bank , or any other Hn , will find II la thi
to corref end with ui before parchadnf ; their FUte Olaat
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar Pr ; > : >
i O O
1020 Far n ham Street ,
- - ,
118 FARN 1 b A-B- 8 . OMAHA J
; tfW * A fHP'1P0V'Ttl1llWr3I
, Lath Shingtes , Pickets ,
Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c.
and Curtains ,
Paints , Oils & BwMftu * .
II 7 South 14th DtruoC
The Oldeit Wholesale and
In Omaha. Visitors can here
d all novelties in 8IL-
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , * jaost Artistic ,
and Choices ! Selections In
all descriptions of FHtfE
WATCHES & as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable defers. Gall
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Faraham
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacture ;
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
For cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock ot
Steinway Chickering ,
Enabe , Vose & Son's Pi
anon , and other makes ,
Also Clough & Warren ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to sea us before par *
A Large Stock always on Hand ,