Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1883, Image 1

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Senator Van Wyok Attacks the
Department of Justice ,
And Bhowa Up the Extrava
ance of the 'Antique
' Brewater.
The Revamped Tarifl Bill
PasBtiB by a Oloso Vote.
The Su ar nnd Iron Baton
Raioed Ooneiderable.
( The Marriage of Senator Tabor
Scandalizes the Catholic
Nominations , Confirmations and
Other Matters
! Special Dispatches to Tim Bun.
WASHINGTON , March 2. The nom
ination of llobort Morris , today , aa
postmaster of Danvor , ondo a long
and atrunuona contest between the
Hill and Teller factions , in favor of
the former's candidate. It ia staled
at the department that the decision
was baaed upon the ground that as
Denver is Senator Hill's homo , ho Is
entitled to the appointment.
Eev. Dr. Ohupollo says had ho
known or suspected that Senator
Tabor or Mrs. Lizzlo McOonrt had
gone through divorce courta ho would
not have officiated at their marrlapo.
He made what he thought a careful
Investigation , and if the statement
concerning divorce la correct ho was
/misinformed 1 by parties conoorned.
' The Catholic church does not allow its
clergy to solemnize marriages when
either party haa been divorced.
Russell Errott , pension agent , Pitts-
burg ; Geo. Drnry , collector of inter
nal revenue , Louisiana ; Edward 0.
Graves , New York , chief examiner of
the civil sorvlca commission , vice Silas
W. Bnrt declined.
Martin P. Kounsrd , assistant treas
urer , Boston ; Banj. M. Thomas , reg
ister of laud eflico , Tucson , Arizona ;
JOB. Sorgenson , register , Walla Walla ;
Elihu Boot , attorney for southern
district cf N w York ; W. H. Da Witt ,
attorney for Montana ; F. Coffin , at
. torney for the district of Ne
vada ; A. 0. Tate , marshal
east district of New York ; Robert J.
Fisher , examiner in chief of patent
office ; James N. Beneliot , surveyor of
customs , district of New York ; Chas ,
K. Graham , naval officer , Naw York ;
Andrew J. Perry , appraiser , New
York , Pedro Sanchez , Indian agent ,
Pnoblo , Now Mexico. Post mas tore ;
H. L. Street , Sonera , Oal. ; J. H.
Jjorioa , Ooluna , Oalj Robert Morris ,
Denver , Ool. ; A. B. Croasman , Salem ,
Oregon ; W. B. Merchant , New Or-
1 The Evening Star says : Does The
Congressional Record , record ? If not
what la the uaa of printing it under
the pretence of it being an official
transcript of the proceedings of con-
greaa ? There la not a word in to-day's
laane of that publication to show that
\hero occurred in the house last night ,
a scene which no one can fail to pro
nounce disgraceful in the extreme.
Such waa the unpleasant truth , yet to
read official proceeding aa printed In
The Record , one wonld aup-
poae all the members had be
haved with the utmost dignity
and decorum. Its reporta of the senate -
ate proceedings are no better. A few
days ag6 two members of that body
exchanged opinions the reverse of
complimentary , but their remarks ,
although uttered in a loud , threaten
ing tone , failed , apparently , to reach
the ears of the official reporters , as
their report failed to ahuw the slight
est Bljm of what occurred. If it were
not for the dally papers the country
wonld get but an imperfect , indeed a
false idea of what actually occura In
made in the tax and tariff bill by the
conference committee are in items
given below , upon which the commit
tee recommend the following rates :
China , porcelain , parlan ware , includ
ing decorated wares of these materl-1
ala ; also earthen , stone and crock-1
ery ware , painted or gilded ,
GO peroentnm advalorom , All
other earthen or stone crockery 11
ware , 65 per centum ; colored glaas 1
bottles , jars , etc. , not cut , engraved 1
or printed , one cent a pound ; if filled '
and not otherwise provided for , said 1
articles shall pay 30 per centum in ad
dition to the duty on contents ; all
vessels of glass , if filled , shall pay the
same rates , in addition to the duty
chargeable on contents , as if not filled ,
except otherwise specifically provided
Iron ore , 75 cants a ton , sulphur
ore , containing moro than 2 per
centum of copper , shall pay in addition
; thereto , 2 | cents per pound for copper -
' per contained. Iron in pigs , waste ,
caat , scrap Iron , and stool , 3 1-10 of a
cent per pound ; stool rillway bars ' ,
$17 per ton ; bar Iron of varioua slzao
and ohapea pays a specific duty , but
all Iron in blooms , slabs , ( more
advanced than pig iron ) and all bar
iron must pay a rate equal at least
to 26 per centum advalorom ; caat Iron
vessels , plates , stove plates , etc. , i
cents per pound ; stool Ingots , blooms ,
stabs , etc. , valued at 4 cents per
pound , 45 per contnm ; steel not ea-
poclally enumerated , 45 per centum ;
mineral substances in crude state ,
not specially provided for , 20 per
centum ; manufactured articles or
wares not specifically provided
for , composed wholly or In
part of iron , steel , copper , lead ,
nickel , tin or nny other metal 45 per-
centum ; all eugars nbovo 13 notnbovo
1C Dutoli standard , 2j cents per
oontid ; ftuits preserved , jollies of all
kinds , 35 poroontntn ; ginger ale
or boor , 20porcontum , No additional
duty on bottles. Uloaohod llnemr ,
lawns or other manufactured flax , jute
or hemp , n tt specially provided for ,
35 peroentnm.
' The coniinUtco havu Inserted ( n the
bill the following provision : ' 'If two
or more ra'.ca of duty should bo np-
plicnblo to nny imported article , it
shall be cWslfiud for duty undur the
hliihoat of such rates. " Only three
chan i B hnvo been made In that part
of the bill rotating to internal revenue.
The provision which ropualed taxes on
ctpltal and dnpoalta of banks and
bnukots has boon changed so ai to in
clude alii national banking associa
tions The datn upon which the re
daction of tax on tobacco , snath ,
c'gAio , cigarettes and reduction of
special license taxes shall go into of-
fuot has boon changed from July 1 to
May 1 , 1884.
Special Dispitch toTna Ban.
WASHINGTON , D. 0. March 2. Sen
ator VnnWyck presented the creden
tials of Charles F. Mandoraon , elected
senator from Nebraska , and the presi
dent presented the ctcdpnh'aln of hla
anccsiaor from Illinois , W. W. Cullcm.
lljad and filed.
The river and harbor bill was re
ferred to the committee on commerce.
The act to exclude public lands In
Alabama from operation of laws relat
ing to mineral landa was taken up.
Senator Morgan explained the bill.
Senators Allison , 'Elalo and Pock
were appointed conEores on the sundry
civil bill.
Senator Ligan submitted rt conference -
once report on the army appropriation
bill. Agreed to.
( The Item limiting compensation to
bo paid subsidized railroads for army
transportation was stricken from the
bill. )
speaking "of pending business
Senator Van Wyck critlolaed the large
oomponoatlon allowed the special at
torney engaged In the star route cases
and the department justice in allow
ing auoh a large amount. Ho had
hoped the stories told at the street
corners aa to the extravagance of the
department were not true. Taking
up the vouchers of George Bliss , he
ridiculed the charges made therein ,
quoting such articles as "fifty cents
for sleeping car porter , " and "five
cents for stamps. " Tha vouchers
ahowod ho was allowed $160 a day and
expenses , Morrick , another lawyer ,
received even largerper | diem , bnt
as he lived in Washington the
vouchers did not show ho
charged for board. It was perfectly
plain now why these suits continued
aa long aa they did. It was an Induce
ment to these men to continue the
suit six months and a temptation to
ang the jury , if it was true they did.
He did not say they did. That the
courts for administration of justice in
the District of Columbia should be
occupied for six months in a common
case waa an outrage which ought hot
to be tolerated. No greater disgrace
had been connected with jurisprudence
In any country than that which haa
bfeoa exhibited In the treatment of
oaacB In the District"of Columbia.
Ho desired that the people should
bo protected from such outrages.
It had always been charged In the
past that the republican party punished
its own thieves. Orily lately he had
discovered why Howgate had the
prison doora opened to him. It
seemed Howgate was a democrat , and
M the republican party was only un
der obligation to punish republican
thtovea , of course Howgato got off.
Without any doubt these performances
were equally infamous aa the star
route robborios. There waa equally
a conspiracy here to rob the govern
ment in a suit which ought to be
treated as an ordinary suit. Good
lawyers were gathered together by the
department of justice , allowed to place
their hands in the treasury to any
depth they choose and to any extent
and for any time they choose. There
wau nothing to limit them in price or
turn their countenance. He knew of
another case where a member of con
gress was employed by the district
attorney , M. J. Townsondy aa special
attorney , when the department of
justice knew that he shou.d be attend
ing to hla duties at Wasllngton , and
for these special services' he received
$0,000. Where waa the protection of
the people when tbo he/il / of the de
partment of justice nob' only tolerated
by inauguration such iroceedlnga
Senator Cameron ( loon } Do you
mean to say ho gob a dollar of it ?
Van Wyok Oh ! n/ / ,
Senator Oameronf-Thon you be
careful how you talk ) Be more care
] ful how yon talk ; you must atop now ,
atop hero. /
Senator Van Wy I am glad mr
friend cornea to thl rescue I tried
to do It , bnt the foils were against it.
"You are" begin Cameron , throat-
onlngly , but stopffid.
"I have not safl the attorney gene
ral took any of tha money , " contin
ued Van Wyck. /
"You talk toomuch ; don't talk any
more in that war , " replied Cameron.
Senator Van/Week / I don't pretend
tend that the attorney general took
any of this moioy , bnt when ho put 11
hla algn-mannaf of "Browator" to the
voucher ; when ho allowed $10 a day
for hotel expenses ; when ho at
one time allowed twenty-five cents for
a telegram and at another time 5 cento ;
when he allowed 21 cents for a mes
senger ; whori'ho ' allows Bliss not only
traveling oxjiunsen but n sleeping car
and 50 centl for a porter , 1 aay ho
does a thlna which any man In hla
sense knowa not to be right I don't
pretend ho obtained any of thh money
himself , bnt this mode of extracting
money from the treasury la no better
than the star route method. None
Senator Logan said this proceedings
of the senator from Nebraska was ao
remarkable , so unprecedented , ho [
would ask the senator whether here
papers which ho WM referring to were
original papers from the attorney gen
eral's office.
Senator Van Wyck laid they wore
copies which had boon called by the
resolutions , *
"Did the papers cnmo into the pos1
session of the senator ? " naked Login.
"Into the posseaslon of the senate , "
replied Van Wyck ,
Senator Logan Dooa the senator
intend to refer them to a committee ?
Senator Van WyckI intend to do
Senator Logan But the 'senator
takes the opportunity of maklnga gen
eral attack on the attorney general's
department without reference to anv
report or anything whatever , except
to gat this haraoguo before the coun
Continuing , Senator Logan said the
course of the senator from Nobraski.
rrns so disgraceful and so wide a dc-
purtnco from tholusunl muthod of pro
ceeding that , without desiring to ou
ter the merits of the case , ho felt jus
tified in saying that if auoh a speech
was made by any man out of doom
whllo a trial of these men charged
with robbing the government waa go-
lug on , the country would understand
the speaker waa an attorney for the
Senator Van Wyck said ho had hit
IIC his duty to ascertain whether the
charges made against the department
of justice wore true , and when tbo
treasury department had sent vouch
ers bearing the attorney-general's own
sign manual ( Browater ) , showing that
$150 a day waa paid one of theeo at
torneys , there was no need to wait
for ( a report from any committee. IIo
felt it to bo his duty to nuke this
"harrangao" and get the facto before
the pooplo. The senator from Illinois
hud said that if a man "out doors"
made such a speech ho would bo re
garded as an attorney for the defend
ants. "Is It possible , " said Van
Wych , ' 'that that ia the way
the gentleman , or the attorney-
general wonld sock to make these
charges. It what I have read is true ,
and : It is true , snrHy it demandb other
answer : than that. I do not vrant to
BOO the treasury plundered , aa plun
dered It Is , by conspiratorr , star
routers or in any other way. In no
country where justice IB decently ad
ministered would it bo possible to
have an ordinary criminal prosecuted
aa this star ronto trial has been , not
once but twlco. The treasury haa
boon robbed. What hao boon saved
through the efforts of a former post
master general IB now being spent by
common lawyers getting $150 per day.
Cln want this extravogance stopped. I
mo\o these piporo be prlutel and re
ferred to the judiciary committee *
ftBI The motion was agreed to and the
senate then took a recess until 8:15. :
BIa' When the senate reassembled Sen
ator ' Allison presented a conference
report on the legislative , executive
and : judicial appropriation bill. Agreed
The conference report on the naval
appropriation bill waa agreed to.
Senator Merrill presented and ex
plained the conference report on the
i iternal revenue and tariff bill. Ho
said the entire reduction resulting
from the pMisgo of the bill is esti
mated at $75,000,000.
'Senator Beck mada a fiery speech
In opposition to the adoption of the
report. Ho said , ia part : This report
appasrs to be simply increasing the
* Ty-arilil committee
duty upon * * - -
attempted to touch of rates in the bill
passed in the senate. I know frum
the beginning that we wonld got a
worse bill than either house or senate
deuired. I knew the bill wonld go by
he ok or ctook ( and it has gone by
both ) to a conference committee , who
wonld pick ont just what they pleased ,
in defiance of the will of both houses ,
and wake a tariff to suit thomnolvoa ,
and force it on the American pooplo.
Mr. Halo reported the deficiency
bill. Ordered printed.
Senator Bock continued : The sena
tor from Ohio went into this so-called
conference committee and restored
every provision upon which the senate
voted him down. The senator's was
the bralna of that committee in regard
to capacity , audacity and intellect.
He waa the driving wheel of the con
ference. It required an andaclty whlnh
few men had , to come back and
insert into the conference re
port every defeated amendment. The
change in the sugar schedule gave the
sugar refiner an absolute monopoly
and waa the worst outrage In the bill ,
If the snnate adopted the report there
wonld be such a lobby brought to
boar on the houao by the woolen , iron
and sugar men as Wonld force it
through there.
Senator Bayard characterized the
report as the niont lame and impotent
coccluaion of a winter spent in framing
a tariff law.
The conference report waa adopted ,
ayea 32 , noea 31 , Adjourned.
Mr. Oarpenti under Instructions
from tbo ouutmlttee on education and
labor , called up the senate bill amend
lag the act granting public lands to
several states and territories which
may provide colleges for the benefit
of agriculture and mechanic arts.
Passed. _ *
At the conclusion of the morning
hour , the senate amendments to > lhe
sundry civil appropriation bill were
now concurred in.
Mr. Buttorworth moved to suspend
the rules andpaas the bill'to authorize
the Southern PacjGoand other railsoad
companies to unlto and consolidate so
aa to form a continuous line of rail
road from "tho tidal waters of the
Pacific ocean to the Gulf of Mexico. "
Mr. Buttorworth explained the bill
simply authorized the consolidation of
nine roada to form a continuous line
from the Pacific to the Gulf , In order
to meet every pbjectlon to the bill It
had been amended In many parti
culars No authority was given the
consolidated road to operate branches ,
or apurs , and a provision had
boon Inserted prohibiting consolidation
of any parallel or competing lino.
There was alao a provision Inserted
that nothing in the act should bo construed -
strued to relieve any of the companies
from consequences of any failure to
perform any act required by any law ,
or by any provision in their charters ;
nor should anything therein bo con
strued to revive or confirm any land
grants to any railroad company > ,
I whether mada by the United States
or by any state. The bill also pro
1 tected 1 states and their citizens in con
1 troversies which arose with any of the
consolidated companies , nor did the
not deprive the courts of any state of
jurisdiction over controversies be
tween the companies and the citizens
of such stato. nor extend the jurisdic
tion of the United States courts over
these controversies. After dliouislon ,
and without action , the matter wont
over.On motion of Mr , Strait , the senate
bill was pissed In relation to certain
fees of registers and receivers. It
provides that fooo allowed registers
and rocoivera for testimony reduced
by them to writing for claimants in
reestablishing pre-emption and homo-
otcad righto and mineral entries nball
not bo cocsldorod or taken into ac
count in determining the maximum
compensation of said officers ,
' Mr. Flower moved to suspend the
rules and pass a joint resolution pro
posing 'a constitutional amendment
granting the president power to veto
specific Items in bills making appropri
ations of moneys whllo approving of
the rotnalplng Items in such fees.
List , 101 to 58 , not the necessary two-
thirds In the affirmative.
The speaker laid before the house
a communication from tno secretary of
the navy , transmitting a report of the
inquiry into the lorn of the Joaunotto.
Mr , Oaawoll submitted a conference
report on the poatofiico appropriation
bill , which states the continued
disagreement on items providing for
special mall facilities and limiting
compensation to bo paid to subsidized
Mr. Robinson ( Mass. ) moved that
the houao recede from its disagree
ment to the two amendments and
agree to the aamo. Agreed to yeas
125 , naya 117. The effect of this vote
is to pass the bill retaining the appro
priation of $185 000 for special mall
facllltloo , and without the clause lim
iting compensation to bo paid to sub-
sidlzod railroads for mail transporta
tion. RBCUKB ,
EVENING. The Froat-Sosalnghaus
contested election caoo oamo up , Frost
occupying half an hour in defense of
hia right to rotatn hla seat. After
debate the resolution declaring Ses-
alnghaua entitled to the Boat was
adopted 12G to 110. Scasiughaus was
then oworn in , taking the Ironclad
Mr. Cannon mndo conference re
port on the legislation appropriating
bill. The bill as agreed to In the con
ference appropriates $20,404,290.
Mr. Atkins said ho bad not algnod
the report because the amendment of
the house reducing the number ot In
ternal revenue collectors had been
abandoned ,
The report waa agreed to ; yeas 112 ,
nays 110.
Mr. Robeson made a conference
report on the naval appropriation bill.
It adds. $550,000 for the completion of
three monitors. Agreed to ; ayes 101 ,
nays 81.
Mr. Buiterworth made a conference
report on the army appropriation bill ,
Agreed to.
Mr. Calkins called up tbo Iowa con
tested election case , Cook againit
Ontta , the report being In fayor of the
contestant , Cook. After a long de
.tha honaekft r ordering.the pre
vious question , at 2 o'clock adjourned.
Davis' Sdoomor.
IpecUl Dtapktcb lo Tni Bli. ,
WASHINGTON , March 2 The re
publican members of the senate held
a CIUCUB this morning and selected
Edmunds as their candidate for presi
dent pro tern. , to succeed Davis.
There was TO opposition.
A Sneak Thief Html
Spedil Dlspith la TIB Die.
PHILADELPHIA , March 2. Whllo
John S. Brown , treasurer of the
Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit com
pany wua in the office of the presi
dent of that corporation , a sneak thief
entered the private apartment of the
troaauror'a office and stole $70GOO
worth of consolidated 5 per cent bonds
ot the People's Passenger railway
company. The treasurer had just
taken the bonds from a tin box , cut
off the March oouponc and laid the
bundle on top of the box whllo he
stopped into the president's room.
When he returned the bonds were
gone , and * director of tha company ,
setting In the president's room , Jn * ' * "
ing him that ho Baw , - Jf.a | ° man
" 6 " " ' "
pa outfrom behli
st.X n8 tJp Wool , n Mills
, DJTXTER , Maine , March 2. The
directors of tbo Dexter Woolen mills
corporation decided to 'entirely BUS
pend operations. The corpiratlon
owns three largo mills hero , aid em
ploys when In full operation aboit 350
hands. The principal reason li the
high price of coal ,
A Canada Paolflo Scheme-
Special Diipa'ch toTim OIK
TORONTO , March 2 A special frou
London says George S.ophon , of tin
Canada Pacific syndicate , made a sug ,
gestlon In the Lonrfmi press for roller
tory , and offers to provide capital for
starting by way of loans.
Relief for Flood SnfToroiK.
IpocUl Dispatch to Tun Dm ,
CINCINNATI , O. , March 2. The
committee sent by the Philadelphia
relief committee to make a personal .
Inspection of the snObrlng localities
ahng the Ohio river have visited New
Richmond , Ohio , and left 82,500.
They also visited Lawrencoburg , Ind. ,
and loft ? 5OCO The committee have
gene to Louisville.
The Nllsson concert at the Music
hall had an audience of 4,500 , and
there was great enthusiasm.
The Elllot-Dnim Trucdey.
BjwclM Dlep&tch to Tin tin.
CHICAGO , March 2. There Is little
to add to the account aont laat night
of the shooting match between Jere
Dunn and Jim Elliot , in which the
latter was killed and the former
wounded twloe.'Q It remains an open
question as to which fired the first
nhot. Pialstod and othera say Dunn
fired ' first and that Elliot hnd no pis
tol. Hla belief Is that Dunn had two
rnvolvon , ud that In the struggle
Elliot got hold of one of them , Dunn
nnd hla friends still insist thtt Elliot
fired the two shots which hit Dunn
before the latter firod. Dann remains
under arrest , suffering considerably
from hla wounds. The Inquest over
Elliot's romalna will bo hold to-mor-
SpccUl Dtipulches to Tim Dn.
QoV , Stephens , of Georgia , la flerlotuly
nek ,
Tha dlvorco suit of Minnie Coniwny
ngainit Cornotltt LevI ia Now York , In
Anti-discrimination rnllrond bill paused
wcoml reading In the i'cunsylvanU logli-
uturc ,
LMIO S. Dcnuisou , .1 Now London ( Ct.V
youth of 14 you , Idlleil himself , the result
of a ( llmoncnel.
0 pt. F , J , Ortswolil.l'ortLntour , N.S. ,
died after an enforced f t of nearly n
month , the load passages closing ,
Walter J. lloaford , a young married
man of Thompaonvlllo , Vt. , nskecl Uello
Young to marry him , the refused , Ho
' .ben altemptuii to shoot her and killed
ilmiolf ,
Barbara Miller , of lUchmoml , Vn. . con.
esses that Cbnrloa Lee killed her husband ,
placed the body on the track to make It
appear the man was killed by n parscngor
train , All colored , The widow and Leo
nre In jail , ,
lltnry Allen , the bogus "Lord Cantyre , '
who eloped with the Ottawa valley heiress ,
was brought before n magistrate In Brook-
vllle , Ont. , on acbargoof obtaining money
under false pretenses and was dUcliargoi ,
* WiBB'K ' * Windy ) Wavc-
SpecUI < < Dlntch to TIIH Unit.
OI AWA , March 2. Wiggles ad
heres to his prediction of a storm
March 9th to 13th. no says the
storm will lo na great a atorm aa ever
occurred on earth or can possibly oo
cur. A positive tidal wave will occur
In the bay of Bengal , the coast of Aus
tralia and the Gulf of Mexico.
Btrnob By a Train. I
Special Dtapatch to Tni IJn. 11
BATH , N. Y. , March 2. R 0. Wil-
lard , superintendent of construction
of the Now Pork and Pennsylvania
telegraph and telephone company , and
Trunk Smith , general superintendent
both of Elmlra , were probably fatally
'njnrod by a train while crossing the
track | near the depot In an omnibus.
The driver was fatally injured ,
BuiLneig Failures.
Bpecltl Dispatch to Xni DII.
SHENADOAH , Pa. , March 2 The
failure cf 0. Holdoman , jeweller , ia
annonncad ; liabilities heavy.
NzwYoiiK , March 2. Humphrey
& Co. , dealers id hides and leather ,
nealgnod , No preference. The firm
refute to make any statement.
The business failures the past seven
days Is 272 , and Increase of forty-two
as compared with laat week.
Mexican Central Stock-
Sped * ! UUpatcn to Tni DEI
BOSTON , March 2 The entire sub
acriplion to the Mexican Oantral rail
way securities under circular No. 4 ,
amounted , at the close of the booki.
to * 7,229,600 , or $ ,197 ' 000 more tha/
aekVlfor , It Is ld that the syn'
cato took bnt a million.
James Jackson and wife , Woo/River ;
D. Cub , North Pintle ; Frank/M. / Dun-
ninfr , Tecumseb ; Joel Barney llooper ;
Frank Cariutb , Plattsmouth/0. M. Car
ter , Ashland ; J. O. Blacking , Fremont ;
S. S. Lowe and wife , Fremont , and James
Balding nnd Wm. Boy * , yalparalso , were
among tbo Nobraskana at the Paxton yes
terday ,
Wm. B. D. Page , of Council Bluffs' ,
wfta a guest of ( he Metropolitan laat nlgK '
N. Sweetland and wife nnd John lK.
Davis , of Cheyenne , are nt the 1'axtot/
Thomaa Wolfe , the Dfttld City baiter , I
was In the city yesterday. / '
Wm. Valentine , of Bellvuo , waa/t the ,
Metropolitan yesterday , /
J. H. Hungate and wlf , o/'Plalr , are
guests of the M" r(1- / |
r. e T. Davis , of Bl/lr , was In
't ' night.
Jos. Garneau and wife , of St. Louis ,
are nt the Paxton , I'i
Mrs , Hauzer , of Nebraska City , la at
the Metropolitan.
Isaac Power * , jr. , of Dakota City , waa In .
town yesterday. '
L. H. Devine , of Council Bluffc , waa
oyor yesterday.
0. II. White , of S' . Louts , is at the
E. If. Wilcox , of Clear Crook , I ) at the
Herman Gelat , cf Herman , ! nt the
D. L. Clifton , of Plftttsmouth , la nt the
Metropolitan ,
J. H. Collins nnd wife , Boulder , ere at
the Pax ton.
M. II. Hoglo , tbo Chicago ens plpo man ,
In town.
, B. Moore nnd wife , of Chicago , nre
c-jtnk Parker , of Jackson , Mich. , la In
tWc.y ,
1 Wedergen , of Oakland , IB at the
Miili at
. , .
, C. Cam ? , of Howard , Is in
W. P tV , of Oakland , h nt the Mil
B. U. JVIllsejr , cf lilalr , ID at the Mil-
P. J. Sjth , of Chicago , ia nt the Pax-
I hw used St. Jacobs Oil with
iplendld rosulto for neuralgic and
rheumat p ln . It alwaya works
well and ive § entire mtlafaotlon. It
U , lndetaKreatromedj"BaldGov.
D. W. "erlwether " , ex-VVornor of
New Me o , and now a number of
the IcgL.ure of Kentucky itr his
fourteen term , 'to a reporter in
Frankfa. Ky.
' (
Anotlior Series of Startling Dis
coveries Announced by the
Dublin Police ,
The Capture of Walsh Sold to
bo a Bonanza in the Con-
opiraoy Line.
Hamburg Kvolvoa n Grand
Sohomo Costing Into
the Millions ,
The SjiKuIsli Rovolutipm Imxnrt-
ant in Bloodtlilriitlnoii ,
SpcclM Dlipaicho * to Tin DII.
LONDON , March 2. Eleven thou-
naud four hundred bales of Now South
Wales , Queensland and Victorian
wool were sold to-day. Fair demrmd ;
prlcoa unchaugod.
The commons unanimously elected
Arthur Otwny deputy speaker.
Gladstone has returned.
LONDON , March 2 , In the house of
commons , Paruoll complained against
the seeming intention of the govern
ment to relieve the distress in Ireland
by poor houses and emigration.
The address in reply to the queen's
jpoooh was agreed to In committee and
reported to the honoo.
Hartington expressed regret nt the
rotlrmont of Deputy Speaker Play fair ,
nnd to-morrow moves the appointment
of Arthur Otway.
LONDON , March 2. Private advices
rom Hamburg state that Hanover and
Prussia huvo renewed negotiations
with the Duke of Cumberland In re
gard to his renunciation of hi * claim
to the throne of Hanover. On the
basis of n guarantee that tbo Daoky
Brunswick would bo raised to a grand
ducky and the payment of an indem
BpodM Ulii-atch To Tun 1) .
. DUBLIN , March 2. The police have
made rtartllng discoveries at Roch
dale. Lists of names of the chief
members o ! the various secret BO-
olotlos and documents disclosing the
extent'woro soizad at the lodgings at
Rochdale of Walsh. Ho has boon
organizing a secret society in the
north of England. Corroipondonco
with By roe regarding the organization
and a photograph of "Number One"
clearly establishing his identity , were
also found After these discoveries
were made Walsh was arrested.
D/BLIN , March 2. Another arrest
'unootlon ' with the murder con-
recently disclosed hero haa
, _ n made at Tullogoro.
It ii expected that Brennan and
Igan and several of Parncll'a follow
ers in the commons will accompany
the latter to America. Their Inten
tlon U to give a full account to the
Irlih in America of the way in which
the funds of the land leago have been
disposed of. ,
"wo , 1. "
DUBLIN , March 2. The London
correspondent of The Freeman's Jour
nal assorts that a warrant haa boon ac
tually issued for the arrest of the
party knovn as "Number One , "
coplea of which have been sent to
Liverpool and Birmingham. Three IB
reason to believe ho will shortly bo
DUIILIN , March 2. An Irish Amer
ican ' named Mulroon , a relative of
Myles Soyco , was badly wounded in
the attack on the Joyce family at
Ohurohficild. The arrested persona
aconaed of murdering a roan named
Douyurty In 1881 were remanded to
await the extradition from America of
the land steward an accomplice.
DunuN , _ March 2 The authorities |
blame l the English police for the escape
of "no one. " Fifty suspicions persona
1t have 1 left the county since the Inquiry
at the castle began. The day Farrell
turned ' informer the "unapcota" start
ed for Liverpool , ouo leaving hla coat
in 1I 1 his hurry. They were seen boardIng -
Ing I tha nt earner GermanU for the
United 1 Sluice. It h cnld that A. M i.
Sullivan oeolniry to BO * . UH couiubl for
the persons cluru-d with thu Phoenix
Pi\rk mnrdur. \
dpeclil Dispatch ( B to Till .
MADRID , March 2 , The namea cf t
the entire commlfuloa of the "Black
Hand" Boclaty , Itsvdocuments and
statutes , including a list cf members
7,000 strong are in the handa of the
government. In the apodal tribunal
to try prisoners all were convicted of
murder and probably tftcon will be
hanged , The inoal culpable remainder
dor , probably 300 , will bo sentenced
to lifelong penal servitude.
IIETUUN oiiARtrr ,
BERLIN , March 2. 'iho empress of
Germany glvea 1,000 marks to the
fund for the roloif of soffurors by the
floods in America.
PAIUS , March 2. An Irishman , .
who gave hia name aa Hyland , bnt
whoso real name in John Walnh , waa .
arrested at Havre yesterday. The
newspapers Hay ho has avowed his
complicity in the Phamix park mur
MADUID , Marsh 2. The Imparcla
says that the "Black Hand" society
numbers 4U,010 members and Includes
090 minor societies. Geneva is the
centre for Western Europe.
PARIS , March 2. The Temps says
Byrne will bo released Instantly if It
be proved ho waa in London May Gth
MALTA , March 2 , The miulug
thirteen of the steamer WlllUm Dick-
in/on before reported abandoned. , ar-
hrio ,
hrioMADRID , March 2. Additional
agrarian outrages In Andalusia are re
ported. Eleven annrchlsta are in jail
at Espora. It la declared they and
223 others were pledged to murder
landlords , commit robbery and arson
at the bidding of leaders ,
HAMiinnci , March 2. The authori
| ties have adopted a plan for the
entry ot Hamburg into Xoll-
voroln. Bonded warehouses will bo
erected , separated from the town by a
canal , The execution of the plan will
roqulron demolition of 1,400 houses
and the removal of 15,000 persons ,
The coat will bo 7V500,000. The
work will bo begun next summer and
finished In seven years.
Chicago Authorities Lovo'lnn ' the Un
sightly Telcftrapu Polo.
Special Dlotwtch to Tut linn.
CHUMGO , March 2When
trial Union Tnlogrcph c nipany was
iitul ( ho rl | < ht of way Into the city
the piuviainn van Inccrtrd in the
tiol'ro obliging the company to remove -
move piles nnd put the wir n under
ground before March 1 , 1883. This
waa not done , and to-day , by order of
the miyor , all wires of the ouiapauy
at the southern city limits , lifty-uight
in number , were cut , and the pouco
stationed there prevent the company
from putting them up again. At the
northern city limits the wires of the
company were also ont. The Board
of Trade Telegraph company htxtt no
franchise , and Its wires , north and
south , were cut , together with four
wirea Icnood by it from the Baltimore
and Ohio company. Tbuo the
ofliocn of the Mutual Union and Board
of Trade Telegraph companies In this
city were entirely ont off from tbo
ontaldo world , and ono press aatocla-
don prevented from getting its news
insldo the city limits , except by mes
senger. The Mutual Union company
endeavored to comply with the ordi
nance and laid cablca under the
ground , bnt they did not provo suc
cessful , The city ordlnanccn Kqnlro
all telegraph wires to bo put under
ground before May firat , and the city
authorities threaten to cut the wires
of the Western Union at that time.
Oungbi ,
irritation which Irmucp * uouifliintr , ( jiving
relief In Bronchitis I.iflu'enr.i , Con.ump-
tlon and Throat
The Work Proposed by the Lutheran
The oflicors of the Lutheran church
in this city will shortly begin the work
of assist lug in raising a fund for the
erection of a statue to the great re
former , in the National Capital. The
work will be by subscription and other-
wlio , the money to bu forwarded to
Augustus Kountzo and othera as it \
may be raised.
Dr. P. 8. Leisonricg has received a
letter from Rev , J. G. Butler , pat tor
of the Memorial Church at Washing
ton City , stating that the churches in
the east are proceeding actively in the
matter , parlor societies being the
favorite way of doing the work. It ia
probable that this state will bo organ
ized soon and do its full share toward
.ho praiseworthy object. The circular
sent out says :
The friends of the great reformer
are appealed to that a statue of Mar
tin Luther may bo placed among the
marbloa and bronzes of the national
capital. While Enropo has many
atatuoa of the reformer , this will bo
the first In the United States , and a
fitting memorial of the 400th birth-
year of Luther , ho having boon born
November 10 , 1483.
It Is proposed to place the statue in
the largo triangular space in front of
the Memorial Lutheran church , which
is the property of the church. No
more , conspicuous place than this can '
bo fonnd , and the church itself is a 't
memorial of the freedom for which wo
are largely indebted to the world's
yroat emancipator.
The undersigned , after considerable
correspondence and conference , rec
ommend the duplicating of the cen
tral figure of the world renowned
. Worms group. In It Luther appears
in colossal broLz > , about 11& feet in
height , and ntandlng upon a "pedestal
of about cijua libtght. Ho ia clad in
the minUU'rihl roboa of hia tilno , boar-
log upon his arm a copy of Gcd's
Word , upon which his closed right
hand resto , whilst with upturned ,
earneat face ho appeals to God for the
triumph of the Gospel.
Thia commanding figure will coat in
Enro { . o $4,500 , to which must be
added about $2,600 for transportation ,
granltu pedestal and Incidentals.
To the different schools of Luther's
followers in the United States the
erection of thia atatno In the nation's
capital will prove a bond of union ,
whilst not only a great multitude of
the great reforraor'a countrgmon ,
among our most Industrious and thrifty
chizona , but the whole protestunt
communion , and all lovers of freedom
must heartily commend the project.
In unchaining the bible , .Luther lib
erated thought and gave freedom to
the world. The erection in our na
tional capitol of thia colossal bronzs of
the heroic defender of the faith Is
Money for the Unmarried.
One of the most lollii nnd substantial
institutions In this country h the Mar
riage Fund nnd Mutual Trust Association ,
of Cedar Rapids , Iowa , They are organ
ized under tbo laws of Iowa , and heir of
ficers nnd directors are among the leading
nnd most prominent buslne a men of Cedar
llnplda. Every unmarried person should
have a certificate In thia HMoclatlon ,
It in a splendid Investment , aa safe ai
Korernineut bond. You can jnst aa well
Have a good turn of money to ccmmencc
married life on aa not. A largo number ol
members have been paid off , receiving over
200 per cent on their Investment , Write
for circulars fully detailing the plan , which
ti the finest known. Do not postpone it.
Good agenta wanted , Mention where you
saw thU notice , fS-Sm ,