Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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DR. A. J. COOK ,
Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum a Specialty.
The Dr , has been located in Ooun-
-cll Bluffa nearly two yoara , and hav-
ng been called professionally anting
that time into the beat families intho
city and Rnrronndinc ; country , taken
pleasuroiu nn announcing that ho has
come to stay. His constantly iucreas-
Inp practice at home , iu thu miclot of
his own people , ia the baafc nvidatiretf
hi ktll M a SPEOULTST , end hu
wishes it uuiAeratood , onoo for all , that
his methods of treatment uro 8 TRIO I'-
LY Bcioittific ; that ho desploes quack
ery us well among BO- called "Regular"
and "Homewpathlc" practitioners an
among travohngcharktans and "Cure-
Alls. " He has devoted fifteen yearo
to the study and practice ot hi * SPE
CIALTIES and has had the benefit of
ho moat eklllful training in the beet
ollogoa nnd hospitals in the land , and
as no hesitancy in promising the very
est result H to bo obuinod'trom ' ecion-
cmedicino and surperj- .
It mast bu ovidwnt to every close
observer tint no ono mind , however
gifted , can pra p morn than u. muro
amiUtorintf of medical sci iico. Tliti
field is too largo and the dlvts
iono too nutnerona ( or anytnmg tnaro
than a cursory via * ' of Ih * viwt obsta
cles to bo utitiouutored by tiia "gm-
enl" pi-aeiltioa'ir \Vo have our em-
iiu > nt aarzoous and our mninont prvo
tltionora of modUino , af .or which fol
io IT the noted Bpeclalista , embracing '
the Eye , the E r , the Throat , , the'
Lungs , the Kidneys and Bladder , Dls-
oauea of WODIOD , Insanity , &c , &o. ,
any ono cf which requires yeara of
patient study nnd practice to insure
proficiency and ultimate success.
I'ho busy practitioner of to-dey
the "family" physician can no more
O'abrnce all these specialties in hla
practice nnd do justice to his patients
than ho can "bottla up sunlight , " yet
HOST many phynlcians in the western
l.i i.i '
. . , i
That never require crimping , at Hn. J. J. Guod's Ilalr Stare , at pricu * never belere touched by
ny other hair dealer. Also a lull line of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold ,
ver and colored net * . Wavoe made from ladles' own hair. Do not tail to rail before purchasing
Isowhore. All goodj warranted u represented. MIIS. J. J. GOOD ,
. 23 Main street. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
It U a sure , prompt and effectual remoda or in
digestion , Djspep-li , Intermittent Fevers , Want
of Appetite , Ncnoua Debility In all Its Stages
Weak Memory , Loss of Brain Power , Prostration ,
Wetknceu and generalLoas of Power. It repair *
nerrous waste , rejuvenates the faded lutclloct ,
etronghthens the enfeebled brain and restore *
mirprla ng tone and vigor to the exhausted or
gang. The experience of thousands proves It tc
bean Intaluablo remedy. Price , $1.00 a bottle.
Of six or $5. For Bftloby all druiprHs , or Bint
secure from observation on receipt of price * > ;
PT. Stotiiliav P. O. Box 21CO St
Iioals Mo-
The Great Popular Rcmixiy for Piles.
Snrecure for Blind , Blooding & Itching F
And all forms of Tumors.
Those ScrrosiTORira act directly upon the
ooats of the Blood Vessels , and by their astringent
effects gently force the blood from the swollen
tumors , and by making the coats ol the \ clns
Btrong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi
cal cure is euro to follow their use. Price , 76
centa a box. For sale by all druggists , or scut b ;
mall on receipt of price , by En lisb Mndioa ]
Institute , 718 Olive St St l > onlr
do. SORES ,
do , ULCERS ,
do. BOILS ,
do. ECZEMA ,
Write for full particulars , and little book "Me
tags to the Unfortunate Suffering.
(3.81,000 .Howard will he paid loan
Chemist who will find , on analysis of 100 bottli
of 8. S. S. , ono partlc.v of lloicury , Iodide c
I'o'asslum , or othir Jlliaril bubsUncc. SWIf
8PKCIFIC CO. , Propricton , Atlanta. Qa.
Price of Small Size 8 1,1
Large Size , . . . , 1.1
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Kit. . .8:20 : p m I Pacific Ext 9:15 : a m
Kxaml Mall.9 ! 3am Ki and Mail.0:55 : pra
I ) , llolnce ac.7:15 a m | Doe MolncsRc''lUO p m
Depart. Arri\ .
Atluut'aKxt..6:30pm ' : Paclflc ExJ..920am
Mai. end Kx.920 in Holland to'.7:00pm
N. Y. Ex 4X0 pm Neb & Haa Ex..8:20 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
Atlantic Kxt..5:15 : p m Pacific Ext..0:15am :
Mali niU Ex.9:20am : Mall and Ex.0:15 : p m
Accom. ( Sat.5:50 : p m Accom. ( Mon..l:45pm ) :
Depart. Arrive.
Moll and Ex.,9:55 : a m | Express..G.BO pin
! l : r-c3..CiJ3 y \ Mill a-.i Es..S'l5 p n'
Dtri&lt Arrive.
Or rUni lx.1130 1ra. . OT.-ilanJKr < 'J.OOp.m. |
Lincoln Kz..llWa. n. PtnvtrKr. . . .8:00 : a.m ,
Denver Ex..7CO : p. m. Local Ex.,630 . m.
Local Ex . 7:25 : a. m. " Ex 9OT : & - m.
Emigrant. . . . 620 p. m. " Ex r-o3a.m.
Depart. Arrive.
Mail and Ex. . 0:15 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m
Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m
Depart. Arrive.
For Sioux Clty.7 5am ' Fnn Sioux C'y.a O p ra
For Tort Nlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara ,
Neb 7:55am : Neb "C.SOpm
For St. Paul..7:40pm : From St. Paul..8 0 a m
Leave Council Bluffs. Arrives Council Bluffs.
Mall and Ex.920 a m I Mall and Ex.-6:55 : pm
Atlantic Ex. . 15:15 : p m 1 Atlantic Ex.9:10 : a m
Leaves Omaha. Arrh cs at Omaha.
Mall and Ex.7:15 : a ml Pacific Ex I9:15ara :
Atlantic Ex.3:40pmMalland | : | Ex.7-25pm
Except Sundays. fExeeut Saturdays. ( Except
Mondays. ( Dally.
Council BluOa < Si Omaha Street R , B.
Leave Council Bluff ) . Le re Omaha.
B a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
11 am , 1 m , 2 p m,3 p 111 am , 1pm , 2pm , 3p
m , 4 p m , B p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m.
Street can run half hourly to the Union Paclflc
Depot. On Sunday the can begin their trips at
9 o clock a. in. , and run rotntlarly during the day
at 9,11,2 4 , 5 and 0 o'clock , and run to city time ;
Are now ready to contract for email coatings o
cery description In
Special attention U called to the t-ct that the
metals are me ted in CRICIBLKS uhlch fUca tte
very best castings ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. ,
AB well as
Cattle Brands
Works : Corner Sixth streetand Eleventh aveuue
MBS , , J. HILTON , M.D. ,
country are PBETHNDINQ to do BO , to
the coat and injury of their patients.
The Dr. does not pretend to cure
ALL ohronio diseases. Ho claims ,
howovflr , that yeara of patient atady
nnd practice , in the hospitalsaud ) sa-
vhore , give him advantages in their
tfa < itmant which no ordinary praotl-
Honor o&n possibly have ; tha.tko OA.N
CURE many cases now pronounced
[ NOURA.BLE by them , nnd glvo re
lief to hundreds of others whose dis
eases come within the range of hisSPE-
OIALTIES. Ho is prepared to glvo
the most approved electric treatment
and medicated vapor baths , when
needed. PartioarcsliVng at a distance ,
whoso means will not admit of their
taking a regular courae of treatment
hora , wiil ba furnUhod blanks with
quoHlons , which can bj anaworod and
r turned to the Doctor , who will make
up his diagnosis and give treatment if
desired , but ho much prefers to make a
Burlington has eent$957.CO to the Rhine
oed euflerer ? .
Des Molnea has pat 25,000 tons of Ice for
next summer ,
John Qaiaoy Adami ia president of the
Iponcer board of trade.
A boom haa been put la place to protect
he Clinton bridge from floating ice.
The total amount distributed to the
Grinnell tornado sufferers waa $08,051.78.
The town authorities of Waterloo ara
bout to commence the erection of water
works ,
An oggrieved young lady in Clark
ounty Buea her too iatiuiato friend for
Ottnmwa la promised letter carrierd ou
-lay 1 , If the etreeta are numbered by th t
date ,
Seymour'i barrel and butter tub factory
at Ottumwa did $250,000 worth of business
ast year.
Large involcea of plate glasa for the now
inpicol building are being received at Des
The Doa Moinea nnd Oscoola railroad
will soun erect a substantial depot in the
list named city.
Liuu county now has seventeen nowep.v
icrc , the laat ona having been established
ocently at Walker.
Dennla Brown proposen to build a fteam
Uouring mill at Ida Grove if the citizena
will put up a 81,010 bonus.
Uakalooeft haa voted a 2 per cent tax iu
aid of the Toledo , Oskalooaa & Western
railway by a majority of GOO.
Uubuque haa the largeat number of
school children between 5 and 21 years of
> ge. The figures showing 18,501. Kmrnett
ma the least with 767.
A recent decision of the supreme court
declarer the county cannot be liable for the
witness feea of defendants in criminal
The proposition of voting 820,000 tiouda
or schoal houpo purposes will come up at
the next election in Creaton.
Keokuk'a fine public library was thrown
open to the public for the first time on last
The search for coal at LaMara has
proved successful , A 3-foot vein of good
: oal at 100 feet and a C.foot vein at 300
feet below the surface were discovered ,
The butter and cheese convention which
waa held last week at Marsljalltown , was
well attended and proved a aucceaa ,
DnbutjuB has a bonded debt of 8900,000 ,
a floating debt of $100,000 , and apenda
(40,000 more than her income every year.
This ia certainly a good record.
A disease known as Texas itch has made
ita appearance among the horses and mulee
in the vicinity of Kelnbeck.
The city government of Atlantic during
the year ending February 1C , spent $11 , .
725.08 , while the Income waa but 87,737,78 ,
There are 100 lodgea of the Knighta oi
Pythias In luwa. These have a member ,
ahip of 5,000 , of which 2,000 were added
during the past year.
The cai didates for the varioua city of
ficei in Oreston are numerous , nnd thi
prospects are that there will be a verj
lively campaign this spring.
There waa a serious shooting affray it
the Commercial hotel In Crestnnlaat week
Alice Kelly became an objectlonabh
boarder on account of her loose procllvi
ties , and she waa requested to move. Shi
fired a pistol at the landlord and did cou
slderable damaa-e. The woman wa ar
rested ,
A local munlclan , being convinced o
home talent existing In Creaton , has Issue *
a card r que tlng all singers to call 01
him anl arrange for the production o
I'inafore in that city at an early day.
A state warrant haa been issued by th
state auditor for 82,70'J ' , to defray the ex
penres of putting the electric light in th
state prison at Anamosa.
The railroads Bouth and west of Do
Molnes are preparing for trouble when th
poraonal examination and treat all
patients hero , when possible , thus
avoiding any clianco of error in diag
nosis ,
The Doctor treats all forms of chron
ic disease , without mentioning anyone
ono in particular , and has no hesitancy
in saying that ho CAN aud WILL
give the best treatment known tomod
ical acionoe , and charge only a reason
able fee for his'services.
This is ono of the SPECIALTIES
to vhloh the Dr. has devoted the best
yeara of his llfo , and hundreds of
women , now livlnq , are roidy to teati *
fy that they found relief at hia hands
when othora had failed to benefit
them. The "family" phyaloian can
not treat thpso diseases successfully ,
for many important reasons. , chief
among which Is , that he has not the
time to devote to tholr study , nor the
patience to do them justice. Nor
oe begins to move in the Dos Moines and
Coon rivers. A big flood is anticipated.
The recent fair held by the G. A , R.
people at De Moinea realized something
over 86,891.10. Tbla amount will goto
he widows and orphans' fund of the asso
Des Moinea baa 823,000 cash in the
inking fund of the city , and the papers of
bat place fear the amount will sink out of
sight altogether.
The new boat of the Kookuk packet
company ia called the Orchard City , and
will cost Romethintc like 800,000. She ia
o be the beat bant on the upper Mitsls-
During two daya last week1 the Burling-
on road moved over 100 cara of itn-
nigrant inoveables through the state ,
tlost of the cara were billed tu Nebraska
> ointa.
The millt i a force of Iowa is aa follows :
Two generals , sixteen stall officers and
one hundred and ninety-eight commissioned
officers. The organization numbers 2,003 ,
aud the number of men available for ser
vice is 210,040.
About one hundred ben keepers of west-
) rn Illinois and eastern Iowa met on the
21at of February at Davenport for the
purpose of forming an association. A con
stitution was adopted and several papers
were read on experience In keeping boos.
Some loyal hearted citizen of Dea
VIoines haa auggestcd that a soldiers' mon
ument , to cost 82,000 or 83,000 , be built in
Iront of tlm court house in that city. It
,3 likely that hU suggestion will be acted
A married man of Dhbuque made an In
sulting remark to a young lady on the
street recently. She told him to mind hia
iwn business and ho bravely shipped her
n the face Where were the police of that
debt ridden town ?
Cllnton'ii bonded debt waa reduced 89.111
last year , and now stands at 872,602. The
current expenses of the city last year
were 825,423.1li This la exclusive of In-
lereat on bond ? . The vchool .expense ? ,
Including a 815,000 school house , wore
The Burlington Academy of Natural
Science has been presented by the Itev. J.
3oas with a collection of Indian pipes.
Found by that gentleman in the mounds of
Muscatino county and points adja
cent. They are pronounced the finest
specimens of Indian carved work ever dis
The Burlington National State bank
claims to be the leading bank in the
state. Iti capital is $160,000 ; outstand
ing circulation , $135,000 ; deposit * , 8722-
000 ; loans and discounts , f 001,289. Only
the First National ol Dubuque exceeds ft
In capital atock , that Institution having
Horaford's Acid Fboipliate
DR. JOS. HOLT , Now Otleans.La. ,
says : I have frequently found It of
excellent service in C&BPB of debility ,
loss of appetite , und iu convalescence
from oxhanativo lllnttB , and particu
larly of sorviuo in treatment of women
and children.
Tno Motnoda by Wulcn Bo Uado a
Winning Hun on the Faro Banks.
New York SUr
Gonolderablo general interest haa
been lately developed concerning the
largo winnings of Dink Davis , who ia
said to have won $00,000 in a shorn
time from several "banks" in this
city ; most of the money having beet
won from ono bank , however ,
A noted gambler ou Twenty-eighth
street said to a Star reporter yester
day : "There is no donbt that 'Dink1
won a large sum of money , and it U
admitted by all with whom I have
talked that he haa scooped in at load
should it bo expected of him , in the
jbsonco , perhaps , of special training
and oxporlonca , and in the hurry and
oxcitomontpf general practice
Tno Dr. ia prepared to treat all female -
male diseases in a skillful and scientific
manner , having devoted several yaara
to their study and treatment , both in
the hospital and in active practice
Diseases of the Rectum.
Those embrace Hemorrhoids , or
Piles , Fiatulos , Fissures , Prolaps , or
falling of the anus , tumors , etc , otc. ,
and constitute ono of the Doctor's
loading specialties. All rectal tatnora
are treated by the uow method of in-
jootlng and are thoroughly and spooJ-
ily removed , with butlittliorno pain.
Oases of Piles , from ton to twenty
years standing , have boon porminout-
ly cured b ? thh now method , many of
them residing ia and noir the city at
present.EPILEPSY. .
Many cases ot Epilepsy , or Fits ,
140,000. Most of this waa taken
from a well known gambling resort
down town , and the bankers were
obliged to cloae the game for some
time until fresh capital waa obtained. "
The reporter then visited n restau
rant in the neighborhood of Twenty-
seventh street and Broadway , and
made inquiries as to the amount of
money 'Dink' hod won , the manner of
tiia winning it , and nhoro ho won it ,
and what ho is going to do with it.
One gentleman , who had elegant
whltu hands , a diamond ring and a
refined nir , said : " 'Dink' Divls has
made a etrlku this tltna euro. I know
ho won more than $40,000 Some of
It was taken from thin neighborhood ,
Davis , when hn started on this run of
lack , was nearly 'busted. ' Ho and a
certain well-known gambler were
partners last summer nt Coney Island ,
and when they divided up sumo time
ngo they hnd just $125 between thorn ,
Davis' partner then commenced play
ing cribbage , and p vin vront In with
him. The result was that in a few
days 85,000 were divided , nnd Davla
got $2,500 , with which ho com
menced 'bu .king' agalnnt faro. Some
men Bay ho played without a aystem.
This ia all nonsense. I have seen him
play time fitter time , HIM ! over nlncu
ho commenced to wiu ho 1ms almost
Invariable followed ono method of
betting Ho alwaya beta on the fourth
card. For Instance If the ton spat
has loot three tlmea ho then beta the
ten to IOBO , nnd so on with the rest of
the cards. There ia no doubt "Dink"
has got hia inonoy now , but how long
ho will keep it is nnothur matter. Ho
ia very fond of women , and they know
no limit to extravagance , especially
when they have dealings wich gam
blers , whose open bunded generosity
and liberality are become proverbial. '
The reporter talked with perhaps
forty gamblers , sporting men and
saloon keepers , and each and all seem
ed to be perfectly well informed re
specting "Dink" D vi : and his remarkable
markable- ran of luck At a well known
resort on Sixth avenue the reporter
obtained information from a well
known gambler :
"People have hnd a great deal of
talk about 'Dink' Davis and hla largo
winnings , " said he , "but I toll yon ho
has not got through yet. Why , only
three days ago ho played until ho had
lost $3,000 before ho commenced win
ning , and when ho stopped ho had won
$0,000 , leaving him $3,000 ahead. "
"Well , that's doing pretty well , "
eald the reporter.
"P/ihaw , " .null the gambler , with
oat contemp * , "that's nothing.
Why , in Borne c ? the bl : ; gamea $3,000
and moro changn hands ovrry fifteen
minutes. Out I haven't got through
with 'Dink1 yet. Why , yesterday afternoon -
ernoon bo won $0,500 more. If bis
atreak of luck shall continue ho will
break every bank in the city , Davis ,
to-day , is at least $70,000 ahead , and
I am wiilllng to bet $100 to $1 on U.
II o has been winning steadily over
since ho tcooped in $ GOGCO , , and haa
cleared at least $30,000. lie lives in
this city , and goes to Philadelphia oc
casionally to deal faio , "
"What kind of a man Is hoi"
"Well , I should call htm a pretty
peed kind of a man. Ho Is a trillo
under the medium height , from 30 to
35 years old , and rather quiet and
sedate In hia demeanor. Ho la very
generous with hia money , too. There
can bo cured if taken in tlrat1 , and es
pecially in yountf subject a. The Dr.
does not claim to euro all euros t at
como to him for treatment , but can
point to nutuorouB inat.incos * whore a
permanent euro haa boon -wrought
within the laat five years. Medicines
will bo aunt by express when i tiontu
cannot come to the city.
These troublesome parasites bo
removed iu a few hours , with bak lit-
tin inconvonlonco to the patient. The
Dr. will send medicines by oxprssa ,
with full directions for use , at any
time they may bo ordered. .
The Dr. makes no promises bnt
what will bo fulfilled to the letter. II
ho examines yon and finds your dis
ease incurable , ho will toll you BO in
plain words ; if ho finds yon can bo
bonofittod ho will treat yea for a mod
erate fee and glvo yea tbo benefit of
all that medical science can do for yonr
case. This is all that any careful
are scores of gamblers about town
now who have gone dead broke , aud
they are all after Davis for help , and
he gives It , too , and $500 In ; uot a
largo nnrn for him to glvo away. "
"Do yon think ho will hang onto his
winnings ? "
"Nobody knows ; bnt the chances
nro that they will return to the source
from which they came. This la al
most always the rule. I ] never yet
know a gambler to keep away from
the board after ho had made a big
hanl. They buck and bnok till the
money'a all gone. "
"Dink" la Davla'a nickname , plain
William bolnghla Christian cognomen ,
His father , who formerly kept the
Central hotel in Utlca , when cpokon
Lo about his son's "gambling adven
tures" a day or two ago , said that
"Dink" had "boon In the bnslnoso
about fifteen yearn , and that five yeara
ago ho had lost $25,000 In Boston.
"Ho Is a very careful player , " said
DJVIS senior , "always cool and euro to
win. When I heard of his recent BUG
ceau I wrote hic\ for a loan of $100.
Ho nunt mo $500 , and a few days
later $1,000. Ho never loses his head ,
though hia laat dollar may bo at stake.
'Dink * la entirely temperate. While
ho prefers faro , he i an export nt
poker aud other games. In n gamb
ling room here n stranger once chal
lenged anybody to match pennies for
a dollar. 'Dirk' produced $1,000 and
offered to cbanco the whole snm on a
single toss. The oiler was declined.
When out of funds ho draws on me ,
and I honor bis drafts , confident that
the loans will bo repaid. "
Saved from the drove.
Mns. NAHCT J. SKITH , oIEastland , Tex , writes
"I wu terribly afflicted with Kidney DUcaia
and Dropjy , having differed for over three years.
I employed tbo best phyilclaos In this county ,
and obtained no relief , but wu getting rapidly
worse. Ujr family and tnenda bed lost all hope.
My ton happened t ) read your adTertltement ot
Hunt's Remedy , and procured the nedlclne lor
me. I began to take It , and It worked like a
charm. Alter taking ftvoral bottle * , I became
entirely well. I am Indebted to Ilont'i Ilemedy
lor wring my lite ; and. II It had not been
your modlclne , I a r 1y would have been In my
grave to-day. "
Internal Revenue Department , Washington ,
D. O.
Mr. Blei > hcN A. Alpln.Wa-iblDgton , D. O.sayg ;
"A member ol ray fit Ily having boon troubled
lor ssfoial joiiawith Kidney Dlteaio , and , alter
tr > ininumiroui romcdloi aud mothoda ot treat-
iiuntwHhou obtaining relief , ( he was Induced
to use your Hunt Keme"y , and tlfcr a thorough
trti sbo Incline completely cured. Knowing
the lacti In this caee , I cheerfully recommend Ita
use to any onoaltllcted with diseases o ( the above
nature. "
Acts Like a Charm.
' I bavo used Hunt's
Humedylfor Kidney trou
bles , and recommended It to others , and found
It to act like a charm. "
723 Carton Street , 1'lttiburg , Fonn ,
"Gratitude U the memory ol the heart , " How
many heart memories clutter around HunVi
Remedy In grateful household * where It hai
wrought Ita niagle cure. '
practltfonor should promise his pa-
ilimta * 5 * ia all he 0 < IN promise them
ami bo hinoit.
Fartioa Tisiling the city for the pur
pose of CDnaultincr t ho Dr"honld
jomo directly to hi's oft > so , whore the
bout roforonsoa ia theciv 7 will bo fur
nished when desired , aa i where pa-
tickets will also' bo oeeiste * I in procur
ing' boixrcl and rooma > ol reasonable
ratal. '
( One Block Northof Browiway. . )
Addroatn all Letters teA <
A , a1 , COOE ,
P. O. Box Ifo. 146
Corrected dally by J. Y. Jftillor . . mer.
chandlao broker , buyer and shippa ' of
grain and provision * , 33' Pearl streak.
WHRATNo. . - 2 spring , . 76o ; No , 3 , 03 ;
rejected 50o ; . irood demand.
Conn to feeders and Sto to th 'p-
pen ; rejected 'earn Chicago , Blto ; iw
nixed , Sic , The recelptzhaf com are lijj ht
on account of bad ratdii.
OATH Scarce and In good demand ; 30 < $
82o.HAT 4 00@0 00 per ton.
RYE lOc ; light supply.
Conn MEAI > 1 25per 100 ponncK
WOOD Good supply ; prices at
6 00@G 00.
COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per ton #
soft. C 50 per ton ,
BuTTEii Plenty and In fair demand ; :
25c ; creamery , SOe.
KaaaScarce and in demand ; SGo per ; .
LAUD Fnirbnnk'fl , wholesaling at ISJc.
1'OULTUY Firm ; dealers paying 13o per
pound for turkeys and lOo for chickens.
VEOKTADLBS Potatooc , 45o ; onlona , 25c :
cabbages , 30@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 50
@ 3 60 per barrel.
City flour from 1 GO to S 40.
Buooiia 2 00@3 00 per dozen.
CATTLE 30Q@350calvea ; 500@7fO.
Hoes -Market active , and all offerings
quickly taken at higher prices. Car lota :
Common , D ? r @ 5 00 ; good mixed , 5 90@
040 ; heavy packing , 6EO@700 ; choice
fancy packing , 0 05@t > lOi
4 Merchants
Chicago and Milwaukee ,
Conaljrnmcuts of Oialn , Seeds and Provision ! .
ollctltorl. _
MQRQAN , KELLER & 00 , ,
The QncHt quality and largest Block weat of
Chicago of Wooden and Mctalic Cases. Calla at
tended to at all hours. We defy Qimpctltlon n
quality of rootU or pc lew. Our 1 * .Morgan haa
served OR uauoVtalwr for forty juors and t tor-
oi ! hly unwmtaiitte his huaxieus. . Woreroonu ,
311 Utoaavff. UHnouttfEliaNQ In all It *
branches a o cupella. .
Ing and lauajirequtai. folegraphle auu m * or
ders Oiled Wthout oeUy.
Omaha and Council Bluffs
Real Estate & Collection Agency.
In Odd Follow'a block , over Saving * '
Bank. ianS-tj
MB8 , 6 , J , HABDINQ , M , Df
Medical Electrician
Graduate ol Kltctropathlo Invtltatlon , Phlla. < *
delphla , Penna ,
Olflco Oor , Broadway & Qlonn Avo.
The treatment ol all dlMataa and palatal dt.
Icaltlea peculiar to females a specially ,