im L * / ' \ TRE DAILY BEK--TEUBSDAY MARC I I -MEW STOCK-EASTERN PRICES DUPLICATED. 32 MAIN STREET AND 33 PEARL ST. ( New McMahori Block , next door to Postoffice. ) ( JOUNGIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA , . - . J'ESPEOTFULLY ANNOUNCES THAT HE IS NOW EEOEITOfGA. VEBY LABGE STOCK OF PE AND WINDOW SHADES , CARETLLY SELECTED from the full line of the LEADING MANUFACTORIES. Citizens of Council Bluffs and surrounding towns are respectfully invited to examine THE NEW STYLES FOR 1883 , whether you wish to buy or not , PRICES guaranteed as LOW as anywhere in the United States. COTJlsr OIL PROPRIETOR OF = MUSIC TALL ! Headquarters for the justly Celebrated WEBER PIANOS , now approved and used by a'l first class Artists. WESTERN COTTAGE A D BURDETTE ORGANS. Importer and dealer in MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , such as Violins Guitars , Accordeons , JVUisic Boxes , Italian Strings , Etc. , , Etc. Also a full line of 3/ITJSIO IBOOIKIS. IMZTTSIO IBIIISrXDIEIIRS IsTID SHZEIET DVCTJSIO , Fancy Goods , Ohildrens'Carriages , Velocipedes , Bycicles , Carts and Wagons. To make room for new stock sell at atx W FIGURES THE NEXT SIXTY DAYS. Good Organs at $50 and upward. Pianos and Organsfsold * for bash and on Monthly Payments , Orders solicited . Address , * . d. MUELLER , Council Bluffs , Iowa. V * Th t norer require crimping , at Urn. J. J. Quod's Unit Store , at prices roior before touched by nyothorhnlr dealer. Also a full line at switches , eto. ut s reatly reduced prices. Also gold , ver and col or oil nrti. Waves made from UdloV own hair. Do not ( Ml ta call before purchasing Iscwbero. All prnndu warranted a * rttpicasnleil. MRS. J. J. GOOD , 8H Mam etreoi. Council 7ilug0 , lown. DOCTOR STEINHART'S i&Ns Ns > FOR OLD AND You.vo , MALB AND FEMAUI. It Is a euro , prompt arid effectual remoda or ( n. digestion. Ujgpep-ia , Intermittent Fovcra. Want of Appetite , Nenoua Debility In all lUStngr : ) , Weak Memory , Losa ol Brain Toner , Pro tntton | Weakness and general Loaa ot Poer. It repair nertouauasto , rejuvenatea the failed Intellect , etrenghthena the enfeebled brain and restore ( mirprls ng tone and vigor lo the exhausted or pans. The experience of thousand. ) provoa It tr oa nn Invaluable remedy. Price , $1.00 a bottle. or six or $5. For sale by all diiiggljts , or acnl secure from obsenatlon on receipt of price 'j > Dr. Steiuhav P. O. Box 24CO B jLonis AXo. DOCTOR 8 The Great Popular Ucmcuy for Piles. Sure euro for Blind , Bleeding IichingT And all forma o ( Hemorrholdal Tumors. These SurroarroRipa act directly upon tht coats of the Blood Vessels , and by their astringent effects gently force the blood from the swollen tumors , and by making the coata of the veins strong , present their refilling , and hence a radi cal euro Is sure to follow their ujo. Price , 78 cents a box. For sale by alldrugglsta , or sent by mail on receipt of price , by En Hsli Mndion ] , Institute , 718 Olive St. ft " ' j : i CUBES SCROFULA , do. SORES , do. ULCERS , do. BOILS , do. ERUPTIONS , ? ' - do. CATARRH , J ' , .i do. ECZEMA , do. RHEUMATISM , do. SKIN DISEASES , f ) do. BLOOD DISEASES , SWIFT'S SPECIFIC REMOVES ALL TAINT , HERKDITAUY OK OTHEUWISE. SWIFT'S SPE8IFIG IS THE GREAT KLOUi * KEHEDY OF THE AQE. ' J \ Write for full riitleulurs , mil little book ' Mes , uge to the Unfortunate Suffering. Va.SlOOOn : ward will ho paid to an ] ChemUt who w.ll flnd , on analjels of 100 bottlei ot a , S. S. , ono partlc'e of Mercury , loJIdo ol Po'asslum , or o.htr lllncral gubstanco. SWIF1 SPECIFIO CO. , 1'roprictora , Atlanta. Qx Price of Small Size 8 1CX targe Size . , 171 SOLI ) 11Y ALL DUUOU13TS. Coin/Oil , TlKflli TABLE nticaO , UOOK ISLAND AND PACIFIO. Dtpart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf. . .K.-20 p m Paclflo Ext. . . .9:15 : n m Kxnnl Mall * . . 0:25 : am Ex and Mall".6:55 : p m U. Molnca ac.7:15 : a m DCS Moincusc.4:40 : p m CIIIOAOO , nUnLI.SOTON AND QU1NC . Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..5.30 p m Pacific ExJ..920am JIal > and Ex.i0 ) ! a m Mall and Ex,7.00pm N. Y. Ex 4:00pm : Neb & KM Ex..8:20 : a ra CHICAQO AND NORTIIWK3TBRN. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..6lfipm : Padflo Ext..9:15am : Jill mi4 Ex.0.'JUani Mall and Ut.0:15 : pra Accom. ( Sat. ) . 5 : , " > 0 p m Accom. ( Mon..l:45p ) : m KAJ.HAS CITY , BI. JOB AND COUNCIL BLUFFS. Depart. Arrho. Mall and Ex. . . .9:55 : a m I ' i\prcna CM p m ' ; ? : : = . . .M ( . .3 0 P Mill a-a Er. . . ? ' p ArriTo. Ovotlwi iJi.r .4-COp.Jin. Llnoclii Ex..lla3 : a. a. Dtcrer Kx..8-00 a. tr , Denver Ex..7.00 p. m. I/C3ilKx 6 0 A. m. Local Ex 7 25 a. m. " Fx 9:05 : a. ra. emigrant..5 0p. ra. " Cx ( " 00a.m. WABASII , 8F. LOUIS AND FAZIFIO Depart. Arrive. Mall and Ex , . 9:15 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p ra Caqnon Ball. . 4:50 p ra | Cannon Ball , . 11:05 : a ra 81001 CUT AND PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. For Sioux City.7:55am : Fnn 8loux C'y.6:50 : p ra For Fort Nlobrarn. Frm Tort Nloorara , Neb" 7:55am : Neb 'OAOpra For St. Paul..7:10pm : From St. Faul..8:50 : a m CHICAGO. UILWAUKBB AND ST. FADL. Lca\ Council IllnCTa. Arrives Council Muffs. Mall and Ex.9 0 am I Mall and Ex.OA5pm Atlantic Ex. . 15:15 : pm [ Atlantic Ex..19:10 : am CHICAGO , HILWAUEXI AND ST. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. Mall and Ex , . " 7:15 : a m I Pacific Ex 19:45 : a m Atlantic Ex. . | 3:40 : p m | Mall and Ex. . " 7-25 p m Except Sundays. fExcept Saturdays. { Except Mondays. ( Dally. Council Blu&s & Omaha Street R. R. Leave Council Muffs. Leave Omaha. 8 a ra , 0 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 0 a m , 10 a m , 11 a m , l m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 am , 1pm , 2pm , 8p m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m. m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 6 p m. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Paclflo Depot. On Sunday tbo earn begin their trips at 9 o clock a. in. , and run regularly during the day at 9,11 , 2 4 , 5 and 0 o'clock , and run to city tlmoj FOUNDRY. WINTHERLICrl BiOS. , Are now ready to contract for small castings ol c\erj Uoscription In MALLEABLE IRON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Special attention H called to the f ct that the metals are mo ted In CRUCIBLES which glvoa tt my best catlings , Burning Brands FOB DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc , Etc. , As wall as Cattle Brands AME NICELY EXECUTED , Worki : Comer Sixth street and Eleventh avouue COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. MRS. R J HILTON M D . , , , , , , PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON 222 Broad-Briiv. ConnolllBloff * FARM NOTES. Preserving S.IcntlUc American. Referring to a recent article in thia paper on the preservation of eggs , onr correspondent , Mr. 'M. P. Btuimfinn , of PlttHbare , Pa. , glvoa the following method , which in bin hands worked to perfection : Having filled a clean keg or banal with frenb. eggs , ho covers the oggn with cold Biltcylic water. The oyga cnunt bj kept down by a few email boards floating on the water , and the whole covered with cloth to keep out dast. If cet In a cool pbca the ogB BO packed will keep f rash foe months , bat they must bo nsed as soon as they are taken out of the brlao. To tnaku the salicylic eolation , ds- ! Kolvo fliilioylic acid ( which costo about about $3 a pound ) in boiling water , ono tablcBpoanful of add to the gal lon. It ii not necfstary to boil all the water , as the acid will dieoolvo In a IPSD quantity , and thu rest may bo added to the solution cold , The fcdlu- tlon or briuo should nt no time cotno in contact with any metal. In a clotm , airy collar ono brlno ia Bofli- cient for three months or moro , other- vrlao it should bo renewed oftener. For that purpose the kegs , etc , , should bo provided with a wooden nplgot to draw off the liquid and replenish the vessel. Butter kneaded in thoaamo Dolutlrm , and packed tight in clean atone jura , will keep fresh the whole winter , but must be covered with mualin saturated n the water , renewing it sometimes. Cover the jars with blottllng paper saturated with glycerine. Salicylic acid la harmless , and yet one of the best and certainly moat pleasant dlaln- "octants in existence , with no color , imell or taste. The water Is an ex cellent toothwasb , and the best gargle 'o prevent diphtheritic contagion , Hedge Fence. ' own Uomesteid. It makes but llttlo difference whether yon plant Oaago orange or hawthorn for fencing In your farm. Either ono makes a good fence when properly attended to , and neither ono makes a fence at all when neglected. The Osage orange will make a fence in loss time than hawthorn , but it will cost more to keep It in order , on ac count of its thrifty growth , unless you lot It take ita own course , as our worthy ( or unworthy ) trnitocs do the ono grow ing on the burial grounds oi our county coat. Snid hedge h twenty- five or thirty feet high , and where it is thin enough for a cow to walk through they have put in boards nnc nailed them to the hedge. That klm of a fence I would call a nutmnco The nice thing about a well sot hedge tonco IB , you olways have a surplus o material , and the brush or triramlnga will alnays pay to gather and burn them , whereas , in repairing a ral fence you must always anpply nov rails In place of those that have rottoi out. out.Tho The hedge fence , if ta'ten care of la an everlasting fenco. I neve knew ono to dlo that was taken car cf , I could show you hcdgo fence , moro than a hundred years old , am good fence yet coed enough to turn hrgi or horses. I would advise over farmer that has a nice laying farm t plant hedge fento for road and lin oncea. It don't make any difference whether it is hard froze , or wet from tie last big rain , yon can trim hedge once all the same ; in fact , winter la tie titno to ohapo up the hedga fonco. Vith a good hedge fonoo around your arm you can rest comtentod till morn- up , wlthont belng afnild the wind will blow down the line fonoo and let ronr neighbor's atock in on your fields > f grain. I admit there are other dnds cf fence that citi be made quicker and cheaper than hedge , but hey will eventually rot out , and then o replace makes them the most oatly of the two. Not BO with the ledgo. It starts up iwory spring and mts out its loaves , and Appeals to on- oy Hfo with the frtsh graaa and grow- ng grain. As for the hedge dyinu out n account of thin soil , 11 is out cf the neation when nod ia put under and nbsoil on top ; > the loaves from the ledge will kiop tbo neil rich enough , would rather attribute the ciuso of ; he hod e dying to the eurplui of Ugnant water poisoning the roots , Poultry Houses and Vermin. PhlbclelphU UecorJ , euccojeful in raising poultry > no of the 'fir t things to bj considered A a ouitablo house. An expansive or ilabarato housa is not a necEeslty , > ut a disadvantage , in poultry knop- ng. The two great drawback * in the way qf success are cold find vermin. Pho costly houae ntTjrds no protection rom either , But build a plain ( the > laluer the better ) , substantial houne , me that can b'j cleaned in a dhort imu , and well ventilated. And bo mro to have the laying boxes at a Ittlo distance from the rooat , that .hoy . may bo kept free from lice , ifako two sets of boxes , BO that when ono sot gets dirty it miy bu replaced with the other set , and clean and whitewash ready to change when the > thor set gets dirty. Of the three dnds of Insects moat troublesome to iho fowl the tnlto Is the worst and iftrdest to get rid of. The body and Feather louto can bo rolled off by the lien in the dust-bath , and may bo driven away by applying Persian In- tect powder or some other insect killer. . But they eoldom brood In such nnmbera-aa to completely over run a fowl. But the mlto breeds on the poultry-home , not on the fowl , ind does not cvon need the prcsenco If a fowl to propagate. The mlto IB analogous to the chinch , or the bad- bog , and , ' 'iO vlng darkness rather than light , " because its deeds are evil , at tack * its victims on the roost and leaven thorn in the morning This is the lit- tie fellow which In BO dcstraotivo to the Bitting hen , which hf.n no chuna.i during the day to prevent ita attackd. A dusting of Persiou Powder two or three thnea a weak ia a great help to the hen ; but it does not destroy the mydads which dwell in every crack and crevice of a board , Ilenco the necessity of having DB plain a houao as possible , thus avoiding hiding places for tbo lice. Whllo the insect powder is a great help , yet the first tima the hen loaves her nest she shakes the in secticide from her feathers , and. when nho goes back the mites renew their assaults. The sitting period Is a severe ordeal to a hen , and usually loaves her nothing but kin and bones. Her comb ia uhriyoled and colorless , and her foithera are in the same con dition. Thin is the ctfoot of vermin , as may bo shown by noting a hon that has set in some place distant from the poultry-house. She has lost some of her bright color , and her fotxthern are not us bright aa they should be ; yet a week or two will put her in good can- ditlon again. A largo percentage of epga in au in fested nest fail to hatch , it being iin- pooaiblo for a hen to sit closely enough to kuop up the requisite temperature. The constant twisting of a hon to fight the llca admits a little cold air to the rgga , tuid they become rottou , and when an etrg becomes rattan ( the c&uso being duo to the death of the embryo from lack of heat In nest cases ) , Its contents'bn ina to oxhudo through the pores of the ahull , and then the mitoa an arm to the cggasnd stick thcro and increase so rapidly that the hen is compelled to Icavo her neat , or if aho nfuses to leavn her neat , aho often lies a victim to lie ; . It will bo seen that the larger and rnoro elaborate and complicated the poultry house the moro craoka for the vermin to breed in and the harder they are to exterminate. If the house ia plain It can bo cleaned with little labor und expense. Formerly chlc'iono were allowed , to Gnd th ir own roosting- places , and the cholera and croup were unknown. The birds will hvo out all winter , but common fowla are educated blrda or BU8cp.lba ! of education , and thcro ii llttlo trouble in inducing them Lo sleep indoor ; ; In tact , they are more than willing , an may bo BOOH in cold weather , when they hnnt f jr a ahod or ciitno ether aholtcred place. Houses should ba provided that will retain the lioullhy condition ! ) ot thotreep and yet protect thorn frcm the cold and storms. Look to yourhousca and see that they are in a good condition. Renovating Old Gardens. American Gardener. After a garden hat ) been maintained In the same place tor many years it sometimes loses its productive power , In apito ot repeated and heavy manur ing. M ny kinds of vegetables refuse to thrive , and it booomoa necessary to change the garden-plat , or infuse now llfn into the cloyed soil by a period of rest and a partial return to a state of nature. The location of the vegetable garden In not always a matter of choice , and frequently there ia but ono place which unites the difTdront requlromeuta of soil , oxputjoro and convouioncu , and after this hau been permanently in closed it ia annoying to arrive at u period when the gardtm becomes uu able to meet j ruuiplly the duminda upon it. It. hivn long Hon known Unit heavily stocking a i old garden wi'h rt-d clover , and allowing U to rernom two years without plowing , will bring the Boil back to ita fertility and vigor. This is sometimes done by farmers , but it Is hjrd to persuade a village resident to adopt a remedy no far outside of his usual course. As a substitute which , under certain conditions , is oven bet ter thun clover , I would recommend planting ntaw.borrlea. One-half of the garden may be planted at a time , leav * Inp the ether half for the raising of such vegetables as still continue to lourlsh. Plow at the usual tlino , and in Aprl plant strong plants of any very vigor ous variety , with perfect bloaaoma and desirable fruit , In rowti thirty inchca apart and fifteen Inches in the tow. Keep cloau and allow the roc * nors to cover all the ground. Lite in the fall mulch lightly with 'chopped straw , and in the following npring pull up any weeds that ehow themselves. Under anything but extraordinary circumstances such as a very late froat or peculiarly unfavorable weather at blooming time you will in Juno pick a lar o crop of berries , which will bo a trifl i moro difficult to pick than if they were in separata rows Alter picking rnmovo all largo or tall-growing woods that may have grown and leave the plantation for for another year's fruiting , mulching again In winter. The result will ba a crop of borrlea nearly as largo as the Immediately after bearing , the heavy crop of old and new plants which covers the land ahould be plowed nudor and the ground planted to Into cabbages or Swedish turnip ) . The following npring it will bo in con dition to grow n very largo crop of early potatoes , followed by celrry. After this the ground will ba fib for any garden crop , and the ether half of the garden can be to the same rotation. The result of treating a garden onca in ten or twelve years to a change of thia kind-will bu emi nently HUlefaotory and profitable. Saved from the Grave , 11 us. NACY J. SMITH , of Eastland , 7ex , writes "I was terribly nllllctcJ with KWnej PUcaio and Dropsy , having Buffered for over three years. I employed tie best jihjelclnns In this county , and obtained no rtl of , hut wai getting rapidly uorao. My family and friends had lost all hope. Ity son hippmed 11 read your advertisement of Hunt's Remedy , and procurad the nedlclno ( or mo. I began to take It , aad It worked Jlko a charm. After taking several bottlci , I became entirely well. I am Indebted to Hunt's Hemedy freaving my life ; and l ( It had not boon your medicine , 11 would have been In my grave to-day , " Internal Revenue Department , WathlnKton , D. O. Mr. 8telicN | A. Alpln.Waihlrgton , D. U.imye : "A member of my fi lly having been troubled for several yatis w > ih Kidney Dlsea o. anil , alter trjlngtmiutrou * remedial and methods of treatment - mont lth-u obtaining relict , ( ho wa3 Induced M to uao ) our Hunt iKemj'y , and ltJor atncrjugh trli atio li camp completely cured Knowing thu fucU In this cuie , I ubuerlnlly recommend ltd U8ito any oncallllcted with ilUtMcaof the abe > o ratare. " Acts Like a Charm. 11 liaio used Hunt'a Konedrflor Kidney trou bles , and rocojuuemliil It to others , aud found It t ) act Ilka a charm , " JOHN ClIAMUKttS. 723 Carson Street , I'ltUburg , 1'onn. "Gratitude U the memory ol the heait. " How many heart memories cluiier around Hunt's KemeJy In gm'elul lousoho'ds whcro It has wrought Ita ra'iglo cure. I had sovera attacka of gravel and kidney trouble ; was unable to get a medicine or doctor to euro ma until 1 used Hop Bittera , and they cured mo in a Hhort time. 1 Dlauulihcd L rr- yor of Wayne county , N. Y. COMMERCIAL. OOUNOIL DLDrFS tfABKET. ' , Corrected dally by J. Y. Fuller , mer- ; chsndiso broker , buyer and shipper of ( grain and provialoni , 39 Ponrl street. ' WIIKAT No. 2 spring , 70o ; No. 3,63 ; 4 t rejected 60c ; ifood demand. ' i COIIN 85o to feeders and 3io to blp- ' pern ; rejected corn Chicago. 49&@Dlc & ; new mixed , C2c , The receipts of corn are lighten on ncoount of bad roads. OATS Scarce and ia good demand ; 30@ 32c. 32c.HAY HAY 4 000 00 per ton. RYK 40c ; light supply. CouN MEAL 1 25per 100 ponnds. ( WOOD Good supplyj prices nt yards. C00@000. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per ton ; Bof t. 5 50 per ton. llUTTKU Plenty and In fair demand ; 25c ; creamery , SOo. Koas-Scarce and in demand ; 30a per dozen. LAHD Falrhank'B. wholesaling nt ISJc. PouLTltr Firm ; deilers payln ? 13o per [ lonnd for turkeys and lOc for chickens. VKai TABrK.'i Potatoes , 45s ; onloan , 25o : cabbngoj , 3U@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 50 @ 3 50 per barrel. City flour frnm I CO to 8 40. Biiooiis 2 00@3 00 per dozen. HTOOK , CATTLK 3 00 ® 3 50 ; calves 500(5)750. ( ) Hogs -Murkut acttvp , and all oITerlnga quickly taken at higher prices. Oar lota : Common , 5 7f > @ 5 00 ; goml mixed , 5 90@ Ml ) ; henvy packlni ; , 0 50@7 00 ; choice fancy jiackfng , 0'05@0 10 ! , , Money for the Unmarried- One of the most solid and substantial cutitulioQH in this country h the Mar- rlafjo Fund and Mutual Trust Association , > f Codnr Rapids , Iowa. They are organ- zed under the lawn of luwn , and heir of ficers and directors are among the loudlug ind moat prominent bualueas men of Cedar ilauidn. Every unmarried person should invo a certificate in this association. It la a splendid investment , as safe as ; ovorament band. You can Just as well lave a good sum of money to commeaoo narried life on as not. A large number of nernbora have been paid off , receiving over iOO per cent on their investment.Vrito or circulars fully detailing the plan , which s the finest known. Do not postpone it. Good otjonta wanted. Mention where yon saw this notice. f5-Sm. W. R. VAUGHAN : JUSTICE QF THE PEACE. Omaha and Council Bluffs Real Estate & Collection Agency. In Odd Fellow's block , over Savings' Bank. jan8-t ] tfilSt.01mrMHt , BT.WJUI3 Mo A UEQUI.AI. ai.AOUATE of two medic * Cull'gj3hv3ti ( L loi.kUi onea ra In thu treat ment of OUltCMO , HEnVOl/t ) , SKIN AND IILOOL ) Dlteatrjt thai an > other pbyulclan lu SI , Louis M city p.jicru ehow and all old resident * know. Contultattoii free and Invited. When II h Inconrcaleut to visit the city for treatment , uodlclnrs can be sent by mall or express every where. Curable cued guaranteed ; whcro doabl extalH It IB frankly nUteJ. fill or wilt * . Nervous prostration , Debility. MenUI and Physical Weaicnoaa , MarourUI and ether aifoctiona of Throat , Skin and Bouea , liluod Impurltloa aud Ulood 1'uUonlot ; . Skin Atfcotlons , Old Borcu and Uloer * . Impedimenta to Mnmage , Ilbeuuiattifm , I'ileH. Biiqclal attention to oagea trom ovor-workod brnln. 8UHOIOAL OAS5CM receive mxiclal attention. trom luipru'leace. Eicosaos , ry.wl causes , con8equ nct ind euro. SuUod foi 25o pojUjje or bUmps. 23dA.wlf rlo ' * r real , pi - iron- and KKXB ILITT low. Ictne * I cine * E vtud f.boih Ililog * j ( UK *