I" A rf THE DAIJLK BEE--OMAHA. TilUESDAI MARCH .1 ' 3 -I I * ft taxtilt o/Jroii , J'cruriau Jktrli mi < Z JV o jiori ( < i < n yalatable form , for Debility , Xo of imo- titcl'rosh Ufa I 2'otetra 41 tie. r.j. : AAWA1 . , .LWA1AW A M In stating that I "Iconaiderit acreauonoQtOd I . . moot excellent remedy foi \ use. Mlnlstoro and - . the debilitated vital forces. lie Speakers will find it of the greatest valno where a Tonlo is neoco- ary. I recommend it aa a reliable remedial gent , possessing nn- doubtoa nutritive and restorative propertios-- * - - ' - ' - ' V. , Crt.Z , 188S , .BARTER MEDICINE co. , 8 H. JJAIMor.or , UNO , WILLIAM SNYDER , MANUf AOTURKtt OF CARRIAGES BUGGIES Paining ana Trimming , Boualrlnfi Promptly Done ii9 : HAVIIDT. Oor. l/lth. Omabu PERFECTION HEATING "AND BAW ( B only Attained by using Stoves and Bangos. WITH , OTB (1AU&B ( OYMR DOOBS , For sulo by MILT08 ROGERS & SONS tnll > m&a1 HAS THE BEST STOCK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PBIOES IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been finished in our store , .mal' - ing it the largest and most complete FURffiTURE'HOUSE In the West , An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , One Exclusively for the use of Passengers , These immense warerooms - roomsthree stores , are 66 feet wide are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Office Furniture evei shown. shown.All are invited to call , take the Elevator on the first flooi and go through the building and inspect the stock- GHAS. SHIVeRIQK , 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTER N HOTEL HOTELS. PROPRIETORS ' TQWK ) ARLINQTON. J. Q. MolNTIRE , Unto < n , Neb WEATHERUY HOUSE , A. Q. WEATHERLY , Manrlng , Iowa. I REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. O. REYNOLDS , Coon Rapids , OWA.J SARATOGA HOTEL , J. 8. OTELLINIU8 1 Mllford , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , E , MANS , BROWNSVILLE N k COMMERCIAL HOTEL- JOHN HANNAN Stromtburs N HALL HOUSE , A. W. HALL Louisville , CITY HOTEL , CHENEY &BOLARK. Blair , Ne .j COMMERCIAL HOTF. . . J. Q. MEAD , , Nellgh , Neb. GRAND CENTRAL . BEYMO'UR , . Nobraika'Oliy'K b MISSOURI PAOIFIO HOTEL , p. U'THORP , Weeping Water.N COMMERCIAL HOUSE * A. O. OAARPEIT , Hardy , Neb. GREENWOOD HOUSE , W. MAYFIELD , Qreenood , N b COMMERCIAL HOUSE. E. STOREY. Olarlnda , Iowa ENO'8 HOTEL , E. L. CNO , Eremor.t , N l EXCHANGE HOTEL , 0. B. HACKNEY , Aihland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTtL , PRANK LOVCLL , Atkinson , Ns&l MORGAN HOUSE , E. L. QRUBD , Qulde Recd , K , SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & BECKER Crouton , li. HOUSTON HOUSE , ' QEO. OALPH , Exlrn , U. REYNOLDS HOUSE , ) O. M. REYNOLDS , Atlantic , la , WALKER HOUSE , D. H. .WALKER , Audubon , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Neola , lal CITY HOTEL , 01 A. LLIAM3 , H rlan la , PARK HOUSE , IVRS. M. E. OUMMINQ8 , Corning , la. NEBRASKA HOTEL , JL. AVERY , Stmnton , MERCHANTS HOI EL Q.JW , OURK. Burlington Jumtloi COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Blanchard , I * . PARKS HOTEL , F. M. PARK , Bhenandoah la , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , Dnyld City , Neb BAQNELL HOUSE. OHAS. BAQNELL , College Spring * , ! COMMERCIAL HOUOE , WM. LUTTON , Vllllica , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , FRANK WILKINSON , Malvern , la , BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Orovela " COMMERCIAL HOU81 B , F. STEARNS , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Otcoola , Neb. DOUQLAU HOUSE , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olarka , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSE J. T. QQEEN. Bedford la , ARLINQTON HOUSE J M. BLACK & 8ON , Wnnivllle Mo NORFOLK JUNOTIONHOUBC A T. POTTEH. Norfolk Junction Nth WIN8LOW HOUBfc a McOARTY , Oeward , Neb. AURORA HOUOE M. B. JONES. Aurpar Ner , CROZICR HOUSE O. R. CROZ'ER , Sidney , Neh. AVOOA EATING HOUOl D. W. ROOKriOLD. Avoca U CENTRAL HOUSE LOOKWOQD & 8HATTUOK , Red Oik FOSTER HOUSE Oapt. 'JOHN FOSTER , Lewis , la. WHITNEY HOUSEl E. HAYMAKER , Grltwold , la. ' DEPOT HOTEL , O. L. CHAPMAN. Dunlap , la LU8K HOUSE. J A.sLUSK , Logan , I at DOW 01TY HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , DowClta.ia AGGER ; HOUSE. JAGGRR& BON , Denlion , la , HARMON'HOtFBE. TAMA CITY. IA. . Hiinnon & IC a ] < w. Pmn I WJHiRr r CORNICE WORKS ! O.j SPEOHT , Proprietor. $12 tfarney St. - Omrha , Neb UANUPAOTUIIEIIS OF i H n irl YoMm j IVOOBNIOEg OOBNIOEg , DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIAL81 , Tin , Iron and Slate Hoofing , Spucht'a Patent Motallo Skylight Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bar and Bracket Shelving. I am the general agent for the obovo Hno of oodn. IRON FENCING , i CntuGtredi , Uuardi ; alia 1 CANDY , s GANDT - i ScnU 81 , SS , 83 , op S5 for n unmplo ro. tnll box liy KxprcHN , ortliobcMtcandlcHln America , put up In cleeunt boxt-M. nnrt Mtrlctly pure. Snltn. bio fop nrcscntH. Kx. Herors to njl Cuica . Try It once. C. P. GUNTHEB , Confectioner , Cbicmro. EPPS'S ' COCOA , ' ; BREAKFAST < "By a thorourh knowledge of tba nitunl Ur l irhlcn govern the operations of digestion toe nutrition , and by a careful application of tbt One properties of well-a.lected Cocoa , lit , * Bppi has prorlded our broakfoat Ublo * with t delicately flavored beverage which may lave at many heavy doctora' blllt It l > by the Judlclorn me of rich artlclei of diet that a conatltutloi may be gndaally ball ! np until ttraog enoagt to roelit every Undenqy ( o dlseate. uandredi of labile maUdleiare jtottlngaronnd'tuiead ' ) ko attack wherever there li a weak point. Wi .may escape many a fatal ibaft by keeping ODI selvea well fortified with pure blood and a prop trly nourished frame. " Civil Service Ouette. Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sol In tint only ( j-lb andlb ) , labeled JAMES EPPS & CO. , Homoaopathlo Onemlata ( Mus Bewarded , OK , ! ho Story of tbo Sowing Machine , * U , bindMtaj lllllc ptmphlot , bioefind | ot tST * vltb ncmtion eacrkvInji , wlllbt HVBN AWAY Is ny aaoll person rUMng for It , at anr branek or inb-oUoe of The Blnier Uanutaetnnag Oem > p ny , 01 will be Mnl by mall , pott paid , tr aDTpron _ living at dliUac * from oar oflUei fie Singer Manafaoturlnp On , , Frlnolpal Office , U Union Bqtuu JTBWORK TRANSFUSION OF BLOOD. Dr. F. 1) ) , YalentlnD Exp a ns How Ho Perlormofl the ODera'ion ' on Mr , Okoburg , A Burclcftl Remedy Which 3o Thinks All People Ought to Know. New York World. The caao of 0. J. V. Okoburg , who waa found in n room at the hotel St. Andre , at No. 11 Eleventh tttroot , on Sunday morning , Insensible from In haling lllnmlnntlng gaa , and whoso llfo was saved by "tho trnntfashiR of blood to him from a negro nnmcd Edwin Banks , aimed much comment yesterday. Dr Fnrdlnnnd 0. Vuloti- tine , of No. 28 Eleventh street , the physleinn who attended Okoburi ? , wan soon yesterday by a reporter of the World. Ho mid : "Slnco the publi cation lu thl.i morning's World of the account of Mr. Okuburg'a case It has become known that the cironmatances under which ho nearly loot his life wore purely accidental , though at the tlmo it did seem as though it was an attempt at suicide. Mr. Okoburg is a . woll-oducatod man whoso mind was I temporarily unsettled , awing to the j strain caused by a prcspuro of busi ness. Ho loft homo on Friday morn- lng without breakfast and wnndetcd about the city all day Friday , and at night put np at the St. Andre hotel , wt ore he waa assigned to room No. 0 , Ho retired about 11 o'clock , and was ound In the state already described t about G o'clock the next morning , rVheu I was called in 1 found his res ilratloua ten or eleven to the minute .nd . his pulse had no perceptible b.'at. Artificial respiration was indulged In , ' md wo soon had his respirations up o fourteen a minute. Daring this pcratlon somtbody present searched la clothes , and from letters toand It was ascertained that ho was a friend f Dr. Qorrioa , who wna then sent or. When ho arrived wo consulted and ecidod th'\t the transfusing ol lood ehonld bo done , and at about o'clock the operation was per- brmod 3 "It WUD not n quart of blood , how ver , that was taken and transfused , s has boon asserted , but six ounces of load from Banks , and Immediately [ tor the termination of the operation , Okoburg exhibited signs of returning lonsciousness. " THAT TAT.K OF SUDDEN FIUTBIMUTY. 1 'la it true that after the operation Okebarg addressed Banks as his brother'and refuted to recognize his wiftl" "No. That waa thb invention of .n . imaginative person who la addicted o dabbling in startling theories as to ihyslology and is'apt to be in a hurry o bolster them np. It is a fact that Okebnrg did not at first recognize his wife , and it la a fact that he spoke very gratefully and warmly to Banks , but these facts are susceptible of very simple explanation. "Ilia wife called while he wan un conscious , and of course it was 1m possible for him to recognize her. Flagellations and shocks of electrics currents aided us in restoring him to consolpuanesa , which state he gained at about 6 o'clock p. m. When ho waa well enough wo told him of the opera- Ion to/fhich he had been one of the principals , and he earnestly thanked Banks for having given him the blood. " ' 'Is the transfusion of blood a rare courronck ? " asked the reporter. "No ndoed , " replied Dr. Valentine. "On , he contrary , it is much more common nan yon would believe , and it Is most ( fluaoious where a peraqn through hemorrhage or from other causes is at death's door , from loss o blood. Nor is the operation difllcnl one ; on the contrary it is so simple tha any intelligent person ci n , if proporlv 'nstructed , perform It. The syringi a the only thing necessary topnrohase aa cups and linen can usually be ob talced free. If the operation wa generally understood , I feel confiden t that the loss of llfo at railroad acoi dents , boiler explosions and other llki caanltlea , where persons in many cases die from absolute leas of blood would be much loss. " "What is the usual method of trane fusing the blood ? " "Well , afcer first tightly binding the arms of the person from whom the blood la tq bo taken and of th person to whom the blood la trans fused , an Incision la made In one o f : the veins of the former an a the blood which flows from It la placed in one or tw o cups or bowla. Then the blood which meantime has been thoroughly beaten to prevent coagulation must b atrnlned through A piece o ( Ijnen int another cap aid It is then ready fo : placing into the nrui of the patient This la done slowly a little at a tim by the aid of tljo syrlng through puncture made in a vein in the arm and the operation Is done. It is , yon will see , simple and almost Inva riib'y effective. Of course care must bo taken to have a healthy person tc 'draw from , as otherwise any dlaoas o might be transferred , " though' , to m ; mind. I would'.soonor nave anun , hoalthypersonfto draw from thai nbho at all , I most earnestly advo cite the'teaohlng of such simple life saving'remedies in'the , higher classes of our schools , aa they are beneficial In their results and require hardly any anatomical study. I know , of course , that I will bo 'pitched' into by some of ) the fraternity for speaking aa I do , ' but I bo'llevo that physicians have a higher aim than keeping to them selves simple and effective lifo-savlnp ; remedies such ixo thlo has been proved to bo. " "What la Mr ' , Okoburg'a condition to-day ? " "Ho la well to-day , and still remains - mains ct the hotel. I believe I will send him homo on Monday , and in n few days allow him to resume work. " * For the delicate and complicated difficulties peculiar to women , Lydla E , Finkham'a Vegetable Compound is the sovereign remedy. Let Well Bnougn Alono. Columbai iQa. ) Tlirci , Yesterday afternoon a man from Glrard came into the Rankln house considerably excited , and inquired if a certain person wai stopping there. Ho explained that the man hud "done him dirt , " ud ho was iiuxiuui to llok him. Fmdiog that the man had just Itfc the house , ho ruahud out nftcr h.m , nnd , finding him on Fort street , walked up to him and announced that ho had ojino all the w y from Glrard to liok him , and accordingly ho started lu , In a few inlnutos ho had blacked both the ninn's eyes , walked over htm and rcdaocd him to a general wreck When ho had finished the job ho stood the man np against the wall o ( .the Pioneer store aud remarked ; "I want you to understand that I consider you the moat Infamous whelp I over saw. Yon dirty little our. I I "Hold on , " said the man who had just been licked , taking off his coat , 'I thluk that after thrashing a man you've no right to abuao htm , I can otaud a licking , but I won't stand abuse" from any living man , no mat ter how much ho weighs. Now I'm going to liok yon. " Uowns > ns good ai his word , and started in with the most bualncea-liko air liuaglnablu and knocked hia late viclor Into the putter. Erory time ho got up ho knocked him down , with : "Bloat ma , I can't stand abuao. " \Mion ho got all through with thojb Qirard nv n the crowd thought It wisa pile of rags nnd mud. "Now , look hero , my ftiotid , " aald the last victor , "next ttuio you lick n man lot well enough alone. Don't abuse him. You handled yourtolf well enough while you were licking mo , but you overdid the nbuao. " An Extraordinary Unio AUSTIN , TEXAS. Feb. 20,1880. To Mr. J. W. Gri\hnni , Druggist : Dear Sir My case was an hcuto form ot biouuhllir , and waa. of one and n half yenr'a duration , I employed the tiont medical aid poaaible. but failed rapidly , until the doct ton aald I would die that my case waa lu1 curable. Thrown upon my own resources , I vet a bottle of Dn. Wit. HALL'S BALSAU FOR THE LUNGS , and in nix hours felt a de cided relief , lu three days the cough al most disappeared. Now that my chances of life are good for many year" , I earnestly recommend the above to every sufferer of IUUR or throat dUeaae. fel)24d&w-eod.lw O. Q. LATIIROP. THE FREOKL.E.FACED How She Entertained a Visitor While Her. Ma was Dressing. Boston Globs "Mu'fl np Btalra changing her drees , ' aald the freckle-faced little girl , tying her doll's bonnet atrlnga and casting her eye about for a tidy largo enough to serve aa a shawl for that double jointed young person. "Oh , your mother needn't drees np for me , " replied the female agent of the missionary aociety , taking a self satisfied view of horaolf in the mirror , "Run up and tell her to com * down just aa aho la inher everyday clothes and not atand on ceremony. " " 0 , bat she hasn't got on her every day clothea. Ma waa all dressed np her new brown ellk , cause she ex pected Miss Dlmond to-day. Miss Dimond always comes over hero to show off her nice things , and ma don't mean to get left. When ma saw yon coming aho said , 'The Dickens. ' I gneia she waa mad about something. Ma said If you saw her now dnsa she'd have to hoar all about the poor heathen who don't have silk , and you'd aak her for more money to buy hymn books to send 'um. Say , do the nigger women use hymn-books leaves to dot heic hair up on and make itfrlzz } ? Ma says she guesses that's all the good It doei 'em , If they get any books. I wish my doll was a hoathon' , "Why yon wicked little girl , what do you want cf a heathen doll'/ / ' inquired the missionary lady , taking a mental Inventory of the new things in the parlor to get a homily ou world' ' ly extravagance "So folks wonld sand her lots of nice things to wear and feel sorry to have her going about naked. Then aho'd have hair to frizz , nnd I want doll with truly hair nnd eyes that roll np like Deaoou Sliderbaok's -when he aaya amen on Sunday. I ain't a wicked girl , either , 'cause Uncle Dick you know Uncle Dick , he's boon out west and swears awful and smokes 'in the house ho says I'm a holy terror and ho hopes I'll bo a angel pretty soon. Ma'll bo down lu n minute , so you needn't take your cloak off. She said she'd box my ears if I asked you to. Ma's putting on that old dress she had last year , 'cause she said she didn't want you to think she was able to give much this time , and she need ed a now innff worse than the queen of the cannon ball Islands needed re- I Kgion. Uncle Dick aaya yon oughter go to the Islands , 'ctnse you'd bo safe there , and the natifa'd bo sorry they waa such sinners onybybody would send you to 'em. He says ho never seen a heathen hungry enough to eat you , Mesa it was a blind one , an' yon'd set abllnd pagan's tooth on edee so | he'd never bunker after any more miealonary. Undo Dick's awfnl fun ny , and makoa ua aud ma dlu laugh' ' ing Romotlmus. " "Your Uncle Richard is a bad , de praved wretch , and ought to have re mained out went , where his style is ap preciated. He sets a horrible example for little girls-like you. " "Oh , I think ho's nice. He showed i mo how to Elide down the bannisters , and he's teaching me to whistle when ma ain't around. That's pretty oloak you've got , ain't It ? Do you buy all your good clothes with missionary - ary money ? Mi i ays you do. " Just then thi freckle-faced little girl'a ma cauiu Into the parlor and klsaod the missionary lady on the cheek , and said she waa delighted to see her , and they proceeded to have n real sociable chat. The little girl's ma can't understand why a person who professes to bo so charitable as the mlaulonary agent does should go right over to Miss Dlmond'a and Bay such ill-natured things as aho did , and she thinks the intsoionary la a double- faced gossip , Hereford's Aoltl Foil WOMEN AND OHILIWKN. DR. JOS. HOLT , New Orleans , La. , aaya : I have frequently found it of excellent service in casra of debility , losa of appotlte , and in convalescence from exhaustive illness , and particu . larly of service in treatment of women and children Buciriin s Arnica i The BXUT OALVK In the world for Onto , Bruloot ) , Bores , Ukert , bt.lt Hhenm , Vo. Tor Bores , Tetter , Chipped Ilandt , Chll blalni , Oorni , and all akin ernptlona , and poiltlvely curtxplUi , It U guaranteed to giv * utlafaoUoB SExctj rttoadtd. Prloe , SCixraUpwpot. ' bf 9. V Qoodxu A THRtJMCma EXPERIENCE. The Mnn Who Jumpoil F"rom Hun- Trail. . St. Loult Koputillc n , I'cbriurjr 27 , Mr. John ll yes , the man from Eist TonncBoro , who jumped from a west-bound Vnudalia train whllo it was running at fulltpocd iioarDoxtor , Ind | , last Friday , arrived in St. Louis last night , badly battered up about the head bnt "still In the ring. " The conductor on whoso train ho was brought from Djxter gavothlsacuount of the man's adventure : "When the train on which Hayes and his family wore travelling was passing down a steep grade ho poked his head out of the oar window and ! lost his hat.Vlthout taking any notice of Ifca velocity at which the train was Coving ho ran to the plat form of the smoking car and jumped off. At the tlmo the train happened to bo passing over a trestle oxteudlne across a creek , which the rain had swollen Into a violent torrent. After striking his head against ouo of the trestle's timbers and being knocked Into an innonslblo condition , ho fell Into the torrent twenty or thirty foot bolow. Instead of sinking , ho WA carried by a swift current to the op posite shore and deposited among a lot of brush. There sorao farmers found , him shortly afterwards , groan Ing with pain , and convoyed him to a farm house near by , oaring for him as best they could until they learned from ] the papers that his family had boou carried on to St. Louis. They took him to the nearest station and ahlppud him to St. Louis. "Ho made the trip to St. Louis lu 11 the baggage car , as tlio railroad au thoii'.ka feared ho would make an nt- tempt < to again jump from the tra'n. The wife and children of the man be lieving 1 | ho had boon killed , loft for Arkansaa last Sunday night , but th-y were notified by telegraph laot night that ho had boou found. " ( Do Not Bo Doooivod In these times oi quack medicine advor ; laoiuenta everywhere , it is truly gratify' ' | ng to fmd ono remedy that in worthy of praise , and which really does as recom mended. Ellctnc Hitters we can vouch for as being a true and reliable remedy , end ono that will do an rucoinmomlod. They invariably cure Stomach nnd Liver ComplulntB , Diseases of the Kidneys nnd Urinary dillicuUies. Wo know whereof wo xpeak , and can readily Bay , give them n trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by O. F Gnodmr > . Belief Near it Hand. Cincinnati Commerclal-Oicatto. A Fortunately congress will adjourn in a few days. It has become a dis turbing element. KIDNEY-WORT HAS BEEN PROVED The SUREST CURB for KIDNEY DISEASES. Doe 11 lama back or a dlaordercd urine Indloato that you are a victim ? THEN DO NOTIIEmTATEi uao KIDNEY-WOB.T at p once ( drumlaU recommend it ) and It will C ipccdily ovoroomo the dlaoaae aud roaton e healthy action toallthoorgana. o I < arliaG roroomplalnta peculiar j ; lifimPO to your ierauehaa pain 'paaaed ' , aa It will act promptly and aofelyJ 1 Either Bor. Incontinence , roUntlon of ] urine , brick doat or ropy depoalU , and dull dragging palna , all apeodily yield toiacur- atlva power. ( H ) alUDDTALLDHTiaOIBTS. Trioon. IDNEY-WORT A well-known clergyman , Rev. N. Cook , of Trdrapclean , Wli. , aays : "I find Kldnoj Wort a euro euro for kidney and 1 > cr troubles ' KIDNEY-WORT IS A SURE CURE for nil diseases of the Kidneys and ( LIVER It baa ipcolflo action on thla moat Important organ , enabling It to throw off torpidity and | Inaction , atlmulatlng the healthy accretion of the Bile , and by keeping the bowelu In flrei condition , effecting Ita regular diacharKe. aUiolok * ] ' * IfyouoroaufferlDe&om rnUldl Id * malaria.h&vathoonllla , are bllloua , dyapeptio , or constipated. Kid- nay-Wort Trill aurely rollevo d quickly cure. I InthlaaoaaontocloanaetheByatem , every 'ono ahould taken thorough eourtoorit. Ml ) ISOLD BY DRUGGISTS. "Last year , I went to Europe. " > Henry iVard , late Col. 69th llcg K. 0. S. N. Y. , now UlnKatJTJW. SldoA\e. , J. C. lllffhte , N. J. , 'only to return worse from chronic luercom- .ilalnf. Kldncj-Wott , s a last resort , him Ken \ too better hi lth than I ha e hitherto cnjojed or nmny , inuny yiars. " Ho'a cuieJ now and cooscqiuatlhappy. . W& tfa CFOR | THE PERMANENT CURE OF lCONSTIPATION. \ . No other dl' oaoli BO prevalent In this country tui Cciutlpatlou , and no remedy Q hna over equalled the celebrated KIDNEY- WOET an a euro.Vhatovor the oaiuic,1 however obatlunto the caao , will overcome it * THIS dlatrevilng com PILES.THIS . pl&int la very apt to be complicated with conatipatlon. Kidney. Wort etrenirtherm Uio T/oMcenod jurta and n quickly cured all kindii of Plica even whoii ] O phyntclana and tnadlclnea haveboforefiill- " tVIf you have cither of the etronbleo 2 * USE "I will recommeiid Itery licre , " rl c Jai. U. Mojcr , Car'l Ke Manufacturer , Jherstowu Pa , "btcavso it" Kldnoy-Woit-curuJ my pics THECREATCURE IMI-E-C-M-A-TOC-S-M - - - - - - - Aa It i * for all the painful dlaewea of tha KIDNEYS , LIVCR AND DOWELS. It cleaner * the ayatemortho acrid polaon that caaae * the dreadful nfforing which only the vlctlma ofrheumaUam can reUlae. THOUSANDS OP CA8C8 of the mint forma ofthia terrible dlsoaae have boon quickly rellevod , andlnc time PERFECTLY CURED. mint ii. i Kji'iu ir imr , BOLD > r uuicousrs , Dry can be tent by moil , \ .IT.S . KlonAlll'gUNit CtC Harrington. Yt "Mr. Walter Croti , my cus'oincr , KM proatra ted with ihtuiniitla < n for two years : IrleU In vain all remedies ; Kldncv-Wort alone cured him t lu\e tried It rnjeclt , and know that It li Rood. ' 1'ortlonol a letter Irom J. L. WHUtt , dru/glot Flint , Mich. EeiterL.Tlioias&Ero , WILL BUY AND SELL , AND AIT , TUANhACTlONS OCNNEOTKl ) THEHKViTlTir. Pay Taxes , Ilont , lloneoa , Eto. UOOM 8 CHKOHTON BLOCK Fftoontn | Sc. .umntm Neb ALMA E. KEITH Wrolooileanil Iktill HAIR GOODS I Correct an iltable Wavea a M48QLKRA.DING WIGS. ' 1282 A FEW BARGAINS Houses LOTS , Farms , * Lands- : BY EM IS ! 5th&DouglasSt. HOUSES AND LOTS , No. 19 Full ot and now house , 131 rooms , two below and ono upjanlrs. Elitht foot colling below amlie\uiabo\o. Ilrlck foundation , collar , etc. A bargain , JOOO. No. 18 Large t o story homo , 10 roomi , two age collara , pnod well and clitern , barn , etc. , on V.later and 22d street , $0,000. No 17 I/ot 60xlM ( oet , new house of ( wo ooras brick fcundatlon 100 barrel cistern , on latnllton street near I'oor UlarcConvent tCOO. No. 10 llouso and lot on 17th near Clark St. IOUBO D room i etc. $1200. No. IR Homo of 3 rooina full lot on Pierce St. ear 10th $1600 No. 21- Now hoiiBoof 7 roomn , with corner lot , half mile- west of Turntable pt rod street can on lam dcrsSt. 81000. No. 6 House of eight roomu , barn etc. lot ; Oxl6&fcctt2SOO. Vacant Lots. No. 252-Two full lota on ISth Hired near Lake t. tlCOO. No. 351 Twenty five lots In Farken addition .uit north ol the end of lodatreet car line 1400 each easy terms. No.830 Four lota on Delaware Bt. near liana- com patk , 1660. No. 831 Ono half lot on South avenue , near St. Mary'i avenue , (550. No. 340 Eighteen (18) ) lota on Zlit , 22nd , 23rd andSaundenitroet , near dtace , 1600 each , and in coay terms. , No. 3lfl-Sli beautiful reslJeucelota on Cathor > me street , near Hauscom park. $4,500. Twelve beautiful residence lota on Ilamllton itrnot , near end of old streetcar track ; high and lightly , 360 to 1700. Several acre and half aero corner lots on Cutn- ng. Butt and California street * , In Lone' * sec- ind addition and Park Place near Academy of Bacied Heart. Lota in ' 'Prospect Place" on Ilamllton and Charles street , Juit west of the end of lied Street Cartiack and Convent of the Sisters of Poor Clare , one and one half mile from postofflce , and mo mile from U. P. shops , ? 1M ) to $500 each , inly 5 per cent down ana S per cent per month Lotnln Lowe's addition one-half mile weit of tidol Rod Strott Car track near Content of 'oor Clara Slaters In Shlnn'a addition , 8125 to 300 each , and cmery caay terms. Lots In Horhach's 1st and 2nd additions , hlnn'a , lUrk 1'laco , Lowo's 2nd addition , Htnn's > ake'8 , Nelson's , mnscom Place , Hedlck'a ad- Itlons , etc. , oto. Lota In "Ore lit Fonder addition" Just ono- .uarter mlle aouth-f et of Union Pacluo and II. mill. H. It. depots,9250tolCiOOoach , > eryeasy erms. Business Lots. Three good business lota on Dodge oear12tb ] treet , 22x120 ( cut each , (1,600 each , orU.600 for all.euy termi. Two good bunlnces lot * on Farnam street , 33x 90 feet each , with frame building theron.renting lor about feCO per joar each ; price ? 1,250 each. 44x132 feet on Farnam near 10th > lr e'/ , corner 12.000 . Splendid Warehouse lot on Union P dflc right i' way. north of track nnd caft of Nail Works i lux 13 ; fo't r.orlh f ontvo on M.sin atiott , uy ulioi't 100 fo t went IroiUn" ) on 1'itli at. FArm * a d wild l nh lo Iotila9 , Harpy , Didgo , Wkthloiiton But Wivne H'anton , and : > ther good countloH In eriiN.ilira kaf' > r sale. J'axen pal i ronta coluc'eJ , anl money loaned n Improvu cltranl u'liutryjproi trty at .low ratti of Intercal. BEMIS1 NEW CITY MAP , FOUR FEET WIDE AND SEVEN FEET LONG , WITH EVERY ADM- TION RECORDED OR OONTEM- PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFFI- 01 AL MAP OF THE CITY. " $5.00 EACH. CEO. P , BEMIS , Agency , 16th and Douglas St. , , YDiA E. PINKHAM'S ; VEQETABLS COMPOUND. Snro Cnro for nil FJMIAIilt iMIKSKS , Jncluillnc tcitcorrhirn , Ir.f rexnlar nml I'nlnful lenatrnntlon , Inflnmnmtlon nnd Ulccrnlton of tlio AVoinli , rinoiltnff , FltO- JjAl'StlH UTKUI , iV-c. rtf ricamxnt to the tn.'te , eTJenfloiit and lmme < llita ItselTect. It lanirrc.it 1. dp In I rrjnnncy , and r * > tea pain during labor and nt n nul&r t tlo < l . rntstruns rsi : IT aMirnr .11.11.2 IT IIIHT.T. CVFoB ILL WitntKsrra of ttorrneratlvo orRMK ellliPrFH.lt luFCCDndlnno icnmlythftthaa CTB n bctoro the public t and for all CIscMes of. th ti.HlTB It Ui the OrratMl Hrmr.lv In ( tie irorlil. r-miiNKY COMPlV.l.VTH crn-irr Kct rinilf.rcat I'cllil'iiil I'ac. T.YIHV E.PINKHVW'rt Rlointl PFKtnKB 111 cradlinto cterr Toctlr.c tif 1 u n' ia lion tha jt > on , nt the tuxmo tlmn will K\\P \ tni tt mil f r n th to oejHtem , Aumarrellonnlii n uliH o. * ! .j C i jH > uniL. IVDoth tlio Compound and Illciciirniirrr nre pro > nd nt U and 15 Western A irue , Ijl'i. 5 ! OB.- rlenot cither , ( I , Six bottle R for ( \ T feir ; < iund ncntij \ mall In tlio form of pill" , or of lM r.Tr-on /colpt of prlct' , Jl per box for fllhf r. JJr" . llnkh&n ee'ij answers all letters ot Inquiry , l.nc'.p.w 3 ct\Dl amp. Bcni for pamphlet. Mint Ion thtt r.ifrr. .n . mciAH'n T mm Ptu * ruro . on. Illllousnexa and Torpldltjr ot the IJu r. 4 ccnla , TO CONTRACTORS DREDGING. Ycur attention Is eal'oJ to contracts to be let for dlt lilni. Ditch lu Curt and Washington coint'on , aliiut thlitccn miles long , In writing aootlons , iluoiih n uiarsn , nldih aboutOlcet , sld s flophg 1 to 2 feet do ; ta from 6 to 7 feet , d rt to ' e moved about 8 feet from brink of ditch. Number of cub a > ard to bo moud about 1U , . 740. Slid Itch li beingconittut < d tiyealdtwo countloa under ttatu'u provlillni ; dr nralnlng swamp l-nos , arproved Feb. 23,1881. Wo.k tc ho donu In accordance ul'h plinaaod srclfloa > tlons. Kcr furltier Informitlin appltr to the county cleric of d her of aid counties , and see report of engineer nnd pr3co3tilns cf boardi of eomml'iloncM i f inla couitlos nod pirt'culaily thatof Fthrimiy 8lh. 18n Also the olllflal ad- Ttrllscinect In the Blair Pilot and In Hurt Coun ty News. Dldsarolo bd flld with certified check and Dime of iiirtt'con or before March 22J 1883 , at n p. m. with county dotk ff I utt county , A. A. Tnomcs. Duplicate ) ( without checks ) with county clerk of Washington county. Blank forms far proposals will bo lupp.lod by said c'crks. By order of BOARDS OF SAID COUNTIES. feb 10 oew m& e 3t . BRIDGE PROPOSALS. Scaled proposals will bo rocelod by the Hoard ol Co mty Commissioners of dago county , Neb. , lor the erection of ft bridge across the Illg Blue rl\or upon either one of tnn wagon roads leading- coat from the town ot Wymor ? , Uago county , Ncli. , anil vor and across said river. Hald bridge to bo me hundred and fifty ( ICO ) feet long , and to hare cither piles , stone , or Iron piers. Also for the erection of a bridge , suitable to the place , across Indian Creek , on the line between sections twenty-nine (20) ( ) > nd thirty (30) ( ) , about one mlle southwest of Wjmore , Gaga county , Nob. Low bridge at this place preferred. Also a bridge across Turkey Creek , southeast of DoWItt , Nab. , to rcpla-.o the old one now la use. use.All br'dgcs to be of wood , Iron or combination. All bids to be accompanied by plans nndspcd- flot onsto be sealed and filed with the County Clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon , March 20tb , 83. The Commissioners r.rcrro the right to reject y and all bids , SuccoMiful bidders will be re- u'rid to gho bond for the faithful performance of tlnlr contract lly order of the Ccuuty Crmmlrsloncrn. r * < ) A. J. PKTIIOUD , County Cleik. 'Bcatihe ' Feb. 1863 me d-4w I /I / Are acknowledged to bo the beet b.y all who hive put ihem to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT GOAL .COKE OB.WOOD. ' . . . JIANDFACTUIIED BY Buck's Stove Co. , RAINT LuDIS. PIIHU'Y A < IUU NFORD , IOL ' , AGENTS FOR OMAUA. FALLLY & HOES , Wcetern Agents , Lifayctte , Indiana. HEELS FOR- Jlubbcr Boots and Boots and Shoes OF ALL KINDS. The center plccrs are Intcrchangeablo and re < venlblo. It presents the countsr from runulng o > requiring no heel ktlllcrcrn. The Agency for thcuo goods In this town his been pUt > < rt Others eanno prcituo hem. Call and ixamlno a full line ot Leather and "Candco" Kubbcr Boota and Sheen with the Its- t entitle Heel , MI13. M. PETFJl ON , 313m LouIavilV.N8 nd TrDaoIinrooi . - . o. v .niHwiFE.JBBSBJamM&\ * % ba only life authoilied by her and which ml < & tf , o not be a "Blood and Thunder" story , nichi Kak Tft o. v . \J f been and will be pul llshfd , but a tiu lltejM& v. < i , T > * . 1 only person who It In posetalon ol thdwctV * S&L ' av faithful and devoted wlf ; Truth U 317 * . * . V"i - * & . * 'A 'v * . ertlcg thin fiction. J > cenl * ahould a ] rttory at once. 8e 75 eta. for H I 4V