Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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That never require crimping. at Mn. J. J , Quod't Hair Store , at price * never beluro t jacJicd b
ny ither hair dealer. Alw > a ( nil line cf iwttibea , etc. t greatly reduced puces. Alrugcld ,
vet and colored net * . Waves tn do Irom ladles' own halt. Do uot fall to cull bcloiu ] .uich lDj
Iwvbcrv. All goods wairanttdM represented. Mlta. J. 1. HOOD ,
1) Mam fttreot. Onum It nliii n tn r .
It Is a sure , prompt and 3ectuol rcmods or In
digestion , vnpcpria. Intermittent Keven. Want
of Appetite , Nonous Debility In all Its Stages
Weak Memory , Loss of Drain rower , Prostration ,
Weakness general Loss of Power. Itroimlri
nervous wisto , rejmonatoa the faded Intellect ,
wtrcnghabcna the enfoublod brain and rootora
surprising tone and vigor to the exhausted or-
. The experience of thousands proves It to
e an Intaluabto remedy. Price , SI.00 ft bottle ,
or she or J5. For calobyall drutfghtu , or int
secure from observation on receipt of price by
Jhj. Stelnhav * . .P. O. Box 2400 St
The Great Popular Remcuy for Piles.
Sure euro for Blind , Bleeding & Itching F
And all forms of Homorrholdal Tumors.
"Thoso SurrosiTORtM act directly upso tlH
coats of the Blood Vessels , and by their astrinront
effects goptly force the blood from the swollen
tumors , andhy making the coats of the verai
strong , prevent tholr refilling , and henoa a radi
cal euro Is Biiro to follow their use. Price , 78
cents a box. For sale by alldru sta , or tent by
mall onjecelpt of price , by En llsli M dic il
nstituto , 718 Olive StSt lmU
do. SORES ,
do. ULCERS ,
do. BOILS ,
do. ECZEMA ,
Wrlto for full particulars , and little book "Mcs.
cage to the Unfortunate Buffering.
53-81OOO ntoword will ho paid to any
Chemist who w.ll find , on anal } sis of 100 bottles
of S. S. 3. , one partlc.o of Mercury , lodldo of
Potassium , 'or other Mineral substance. SWIFT
SPECIFIC CO. , Froprlotoro , Atlanta. Go.
Price of Small Sire $ 1,00
Large Size 1.76
nSt-CkarlecBt. ST. LOUIS Mo
A REGULAR GRADUATE of two medic *
OQU > gMhM been longer engaged In the treat
BLOOD Dlsouoi than any other physician In 81
Louis as city papers show and all old resident !
know. Consultation free and Invited. When II
la Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment ,
medidnei can bs eont by mall or express every
where. Curable case * guaranteed ; where doubt
exist * It Is frankly stated. Call or writ * .
I * Nervous prostration , Debility , Mental
f and Physical Weakness , Mercurial and
other affections of Throat. Skin and Bonea ,
.Blood Impurities and Blood Poisoning.
Bkin Affections , Old Sores and Ulcers.
Impedimenta to Marriage. Rheumatism ,
Piles. Special attention to oases from
over.worked brain. BUKOIOAIi OABKH
receive special attention. Diseases arising
from Imprudence , ETceases , Indulgence !
pages the wholi
MMM story well told. Many
receipts ; who may mar
ry , who may not , why ,
oouscs , consequence
and cure. Sealed for 29c postage or stamp
( Toungstomi , Ohio , Uay 10 , IBSO.
. B. J , KKIDALL ft Co. I had a. very valua
ble nambletonbu colt that Itnitrd very highly ,
he had a largo bone spavin on 0110 Joint and I
small ono on the other which mada him very
lame ; I had htm under the charge of two v "
Inary surgeons which failed to cnro him , jifrwai
ono day reading the f-d ver tliomen A OJ - - Kend ll'i
Bpavln Ouro In the Chlos-go & * 3mi dotcrmlnsi
atonce to try It and -
- K0o Cnigglsts here V
Uindri > tey\o'3o \ th"e 6ottlfe ! l to ° !
all and I thongm tuwouid giTO it a thoroucl
trial. I used I U " " JiSg to dlrettlonn and tt
fourth day JJfgfi eCa cd to bo lame and th
e appcare" I uied tat ono botU
. . colt's llnYbs areas Ircoct l"mp
tmooth aa any hone In the state llejs entlrj
. fomaikablo
iTeured. The curs wai. so
Svolettwoof my neighbors bavo the romali
Ine two bottles who are now nalnglt
lend for Illustrated circular giving
proof. Pilcetl. All Droerists lhave 1 or
grtltforyou. Dr. B.J. end.ll * Ooi P .
prletors , Knosbturgh "
JX.Xj j
rour diittn
itlinul nt ana ui
Tf- AgonU for th Llfo , Tin
\ \ ' and Treaohcrc
bo only IKo autboiltod by her and wblch
not be "lllnod and 1 liundcr" story , euth aa
been and will bo pul llshed , but a trua 111 * by
only person who Is In poscxulon of the In :
falthlul and devoted wife. Truth Is more t
t eating tbin fiction , A ( rents should apply 01
ritory at once. So 75 cts. for Sample bi
J. H ChnmbomuS : Co' ,
, v.e btLoplatlo :
Dtpart. Arrit o.
Atlantic Kxt..5:20ptu : I Paclflfl Kx.BlBam :
Kx and Mall".925 a m Ex and Mall'.6:65 : p m
D. Molnos ac".7.U ) a m | DCS Uolucsoc'.4:40 : p m
Depart. Arrli o.
AtlantloEx . . .t350pm Paclflo "
M lland Ex.920 a in Moll and Ex,7.-00pm
N. Y. Ex 4.tXpm Neb & Has Ex..8:20 : a m
Depart. . Arrho.
Atlantic E\f..B:15pm : Pacific Ext..OlKam :
Mail and Ex.9.20am Mall and Ex.0:15 : p m
Acoonu ( Sat.CJ > 0 p rn Accom. ( Mon.l:45pm ) :
KANSAS cnr , ST. ; oi AND COUNCIL BLirrrs.
Depart. Arrive.
Mall and Ex..0 5 ft m I Express . . .0.60pm
TX3. . , .9ilO p t | Mall aid Ks..2'i3 p n
CHio.i ? Acmo.
Depajl ArrlTo.
OrojUnd Xi.U 0 . m.
Lincoln Ex..1129 v a > . 3 > inTerEz 8-OOa.m ,
Denver Ex..7.t > 0p. n. Local Kx 6 30a.m.
Local Ex..7:25 : a. m. Ex 906a.m.
Emigrant..520 p. m. " Ex . f.DO , m.
Depart. Arrive.
Mall and Ex. . 9:49 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4 )0 p m
Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : p m | Cannon Ball..11:05 : a m
BIODX cnr AND FAnrio.
Depart. FAnrio.Arrive. .
For Sioux Clty.7 5 Frm Sioux C'y.6U50 p m
For Fort Nlobrara. Frra Fort Nlobrara ,
Neb * 7:53 : am Neb 'C.Mpm
For Bt Faul..7:40pin From St. Faul.850 a m
Loav e Council BluHs. Arrlos Council Bluffs.
Mall and Ex. . ' 920 a m I Mall and Ex.GJtt p in
Atlantic Kx.5:15 | : p m | Atlantic Kx..19:10 : a m
Leaves Omaha. Arrh os at Omaha.
Mall and Ex. . 7:15 : am I Pacific Er.9:45a | : m
Atlantic Ex.3:40pm | : | Mulland Ex.7-25pm
Except Sundays. ( Except Saturdas. { Except
Mondays. ( Dally.
Council Blues St Omaha Btroot B. R.
Leave Council Uluffa. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m ,
11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 11 a in , 1pm , 2p m , 3 p
m , 4 p m , S p m , 6 p m. | m , 4 p m , 6 p m , C p m.
Street cars run half hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. On Sunday the tars begin their trips at
9 o clock a. in. , anu run regularly during the day
at 9,11 , 2 4 , C and G o'clock , and run to city time ;
Are now ready to contract for Email castings of
c\ cry description iu
Special attention Is called to the fict that the
metals are molted In CRUCIBLKS which gives the
\crybcstcaatlng9 ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. ,
As well aa
Cattle Brands
Works : ComerSlxth treetand Eleventh avouue.
MRS , fi. J. HILTON , MD , ,
Justice oi the Peace and
Notary Public.
l6Broadway. Council Bluffs.
The finest quality and largest stock west of
Chicago of n ooden and Metalio Cases. Calls at
tended to it all hours. Wo defy competition n
quality of twAls or Drlceo. Our Mr Morgan has
scrteaasuaUertakcrfor forty Jt-ars and tlior-
oughly iiooorstatnta his ni n is. ' Warerooms ,
311 BroauwoJ. Ut'OOLKrERratO in all Its
branches uromotlj attended , to a1 o oarcetla
log ana laniurequlna. iXitcgraphlc aim uia orders -
ders filled vithout delay.
Omaha and Council Bluffs
Real Estate & Collection Agency.
In Odd.Fellow's block , over
AnriAtl Poluti Etntr.ndOouth.Ea t.
* "
Ntrjly 1,000 miles. Dcltd Smooth Steel Trac
U connections are mido In UNION DhPOT
baa a National KepnUtlon M being t
rent Through Car Line , and U nnlvcna !
needed to bo the FIHEOT EQUIPPED Re
ad In the world for all clauses of travel.
Try U and you will Qnd trarellng a loxi
nstead of a discomfort.
Through Tickets vU rhis Celebrated Line
la o at all offices In the West.
All Information about Rites o Fare , deep1
Car Acocmraodatlons , Tlmo Tables , HO. , will
cheerfully clvcn by tppl ) inlm ; to
SJ Vlco-1'rea't & den. Uanagtr.Chlci
don. Pwwoiytr Agl. Chk
Qen. Agent , . , Council _ Blntfi. . . . .
„ - - -
OS , 1 , DUSLL , Ticket ( Agt. 0"
baa Tbo directors ol the Etati Bank of Rod Cl
the Ntb.lwlll rcol\o itsled bldsuutlUIondty , :
j a ruary Cf th , for ths ttta Icii of a two story t
ter bulluln-SCxlOO , Ccntrictcr to lurcMi e\
Ur thing , rUiis and tpodflcatloca cm Us aec
the Dank.
Th < right Is reserved ti reject anv r rail I
A stock compnny la to build a creamery
Dnvenport np nt 807,500 on her public
school' dialog 1H82.
The einull prx < | uarAnllno at IJft Grove
ban boon rulml
Cnlcttlntlug ( rnm ( he nowdlrtctory Bur-
Huston clatma SO 000 popuUtloii ,
InditrjoU linn ntlm ! the required stocker
( or n otnulng uotnpany ,
Mar > h llto n r nn dctormlno J to try the
oltctrlo 1'ght nuil will put in twenty pRhts
nt once.
The recent (1 ( > oda nt Webster carried oft
two imam of the bridge there with nloiH
It Is i nid that merchants of Eljora profit
Hy thn reform soliool to the amount of
5 8,000 per yeor.
Mursbnlltown'ii old jail has been torn
down , A now one will bo commenced
Atlantic has offered the proponed niw
railroad from Oakalooaa § 00,000 , to make
that town a point on the road ,
The Mt. Ayr colony which went to
Croighton , Neb , , come time since end Bottled
tled there , is In a nourishing condition ,
Kcoltnk saloon ( keepers have netitloncd
the city rouncil to take out the 82,030 bond
clause from the now license ordinance.
Scott county , by a vote of 1,031 to 140 ,
decided to build a new poor hnune , to take
the place of the one th t burned recently.
The Peck Hue of upper MUsourl steam.
boats are undergoing repairs nt Sioux City
preparatory to the opening of the BO BOD.
Waterloo has received three pieces cf
artillery and four cannon bills with which
to decorate the gravM of soldiers burled
Dubuque is about to fwlopt the cower
system or Mempnis and Do * Molneu ban
already adopted un extravagant system of
The tutt of n Mrcn * saloon keeper
against the city martlul for destroying his
stock nf good * has been settled by tbo mar
shal paying $75 ,
Peddlers of poor clothinz are attain
traveling around through the state in
search of suckera. They will doubtless
find them.
The Os1aloo > a packing homo ban shut
down after killing 17 591 hoga. for which
SSOO.OtO wag v U. The labor bills
amounted t > $16,000.
The Milwaukee railroad it preparing to
sink an artesian well at Perry. If the un
dertaking h nuccMsful the company will
pay 810,000 for It.
Keokuk thinks It has in s'ght a govern
ment dry dock to cost when completed
S1WI.CCO. An introductory appropriation
of $30,000 id assured.
Business at Vail , Crawford county , his
been very need for snmo tiruo past. From
160 to 200 loads of grata are brought into
the town daily.
Quails will be scarce in the state if the
report prove tma that whole envoys have
been found frozen in places where they
Bought shelter- ,
The ISugle iron works at DCS Moinra hnn
been bued by a Vermont man fur 020,030 ,
damages for the infringement of n [ intent
for making barbed wire Invented by him.
The 1'olk county treasurer paid out
8410,511.11 during 1882. This includes
$140,095 10 collected for DOS Moines and
turned over to the city treasurer.
Dubuque Telegraph , 15- While it is true
that the funded debt of the city ii nbaut
8800.000 and the floating debt about $100 , .
OCO , it Is not the fact that the municipality
is bankrupt.
A minor has been received at Mt. Ayr to
the effect that W. B. Starke of that place ,
and six other Iowa men , were recently
froeeu to death In Sweetwater Valley la
Keokuk Germans held a meeting on tb
10th , at which it was resolved th.t money
collected would be sent to sufferers from
the Ohio flood rather than to victims ol
the Rhine Inundation ,
Cedar county has just occupied its nen
poor house which cost $5,952.40. It was
also constructed with' special reference tc
the nerves of Insane patients.
The 200,000 pounds of government meal
for the Standing Hock agency lo belnc
shipped from Sioux City. The meat wai
all bought In Sioux City.
It Is stated by some politicians in tb <
state that the fusion of the prohibition and
greenback parties will give a united vote ol
70,000 in the coming spring election.
A prominent capitalist of Des Moinea ii
contamplatlng the erection of aLOO,00 (
opera house. It will probably be bull
during the coming season.
The police of Crestou have raided i
poker room run by a man namul J. B
Wlie. Toe cue will be tried in a fustic i
court and determined whether the garni
will be tolerated.
At the meeting of the State Butter ant
Choeto uscclatlon at H nballtown it wa
stated that tnere were 1,000.000 cows ii
Iowa and that these bad heed paid outT ;
milk and cream during the past * " " * *
000,000- - . . .
' " "IM' ' > Aunnbo :
terminated th
Moll Strahl , fu' '
dred a shotgun iuto a crow
and they , returning the fire , killed Strah
0. C. Kvcrctr , the Dickinson count
teacher who was arrested on charge c
threatening ts use a revolver to subdue r <
fractory pupils , has been examined nr ,
dbcbargtd , the evidence showing that'n
was being violently assaulted by tbo U > yfl
The LIB county grand jury , aftofa
rpccting th ? county pear house , riporti
l ! Wo think that such a jumble "of/untor
tunate poor nnd decrepit , with the janaUte
with their filthy habits and env/loWlen' '
la to the coan'/i enl
of foul air , a disgrace
ought to be abated , "
A recent scene inoontry cTnu-ch nea
' " rudlo' ° " ' " "
Clinton disclosed' . . "j/0"pl"g
( . „ , .miBicv ( . The preacher wa in hi
hirtsle-v/Ttho / religlouj port on of th
" " " -
ryufitlon were on their foot nhoutlu
TSianelujab , " the country beaux an
girls were flitting In the rear
while the hard young wen wero'hai '
ing a game of live cent onto up in on
corner. - .
The Cedar Rapids mall robber has b o
caupht , and the monev , $2,350 , resoverec
He was a hockmon of tbn town nane
FlemmlDK B. I wi ! . The case w
worked up by Special Agent Bears , <
Peru. Ind. , and J. . D. King , of Wiscoi
sin , Lewis says that he found the regi
tered c ck on the baggage track in tl
bopgwr * room , cut It open , threw tl
pojrtbterod letters Into hi hock and dro'
off. Ho had spent but $50 of the monc
One Iowa woman ut least Ii not afraid
say what she wants. Listen to what si
says : "Husband dead a year ago ; aiy.Re
eman feeling inclined to fill tbo \ o uc
ddress Mr * . Ktiz beth Fogl , Oamancli
owa. Mv ago is 10 years , height 4i fef
weight 'J75 pound * , complexion dart , ej
'I ' ray , and I have four false teeth in i
ewer j w. I have ( jot innney
toe ; ) two of UB the rest of our day * , n
an whip anv man that will vote for t
inendment. "
, v
* Many ladlea who hod scarcely <
eyed the luxury of feeling well ;
fears have been BO renovated by utl
JydiaPinkham'a Vegetable Oompou
that they have triumphed ever the
Bo dean la said to bo holr to , and life !
boon crowned with the added clu
of a fresher beauty.
Grave-Yard Qhoata.
Interviewwl.ha Gave Digger In the Pitts
Leader. <
HU "I can't soy that I oversow of
HUeb one being burled allvo to t certai :
rlc Onoo , however , after a man had I
cry n a burled , and after the last clod
been hammered to It * place , u I
P. about to leave with B ujmpauiop
hoard a strange voice coming np from
lht > grave , "Oh , myl Oh , my ! " and
deep , heavy breathing , and the sound
of a struggle. Wo didn't stay loug.
It wasn't a comfortable place to bo In
juat then , and no Investigation was
made. It was rumored that some
time after the man's ghont had been
soon perambulating through the grave *
yard."Well , I can't say that I do believe
in ghosts altogether. It's kind of
natural you know , for n colored man
to bo n llttlo superstitious. My father
bollorod in them , nnd BO did my moth
er. But then , you know , there nro
plenty of white folks , highly educated ,
too , who have the same notions. Why ,
when the old Puritan fathers of Now
England believed in witchcraft , In
ghosts nnd the llko , yon ought not to
wonder at the poor black man , iguor *
ant and illiterate , being inclined to
such seemingly unreasonable and
ridiculous things. I remember one
morning , now many years ago , as I
was on my way to town , going past
the graveyard it waa in the dark that
immediately prccodoa the day when
suddenly thcro appeared atraugo fig.
nroi filing Indian style out of the
graveyard. They ranged thomualves
In front nnd on eitbor aide of mo. I
couldn't movo. They were little fol
lows with loner , peaked faces , ihnrp ,
black oyoa , bony arms , spludlo log ? ,
and each a different kind of a hat
which ran to a point high up , and
each a sort of a etlck in his
hand. They made all kinds of
grimaces and signs , danced around in
a sort of hellith delight , seated thorn-
solves on atones , stumps and on rails.
Suddenly they remained motlonleos.
Then a fire sprung up in the middle
of the road. It waa a sickly sort of n
light nnd had a great deal of smoke
about it. Then a little black dog
came quietly ont of the graveyard and
walked around the fire ; then another
and another , until seven had done the
same thing , and all disappeared as
quietly as they had come. The fire
wont out and in its place sprung up n
hngo man with long horns , who had a
long polo in hla hand which ho waved
three timcB when each little man van
ished ont of sight. Seeing my way
clear , nnd fearing the renppoarnnco cf
the biff dovll , having regained my con-
ociousncss a little , I Btartod off on a
run , looking ever ray chouldor
occasionally to sob if nil was right in
the roar , and feeling somewhat re
lieved , ahot off llko a deer , not stop
ping till I got full well into town.
"Again , too , In daylight once when
I was taking a load of wheat to the
mill. I had to cross a buggy in which
waa n sorrel horeo driven by a tall
man with a long flowing beard. That
wo might not moot on the bridge. I
saw them distinctly. All of n snddon
the man sprang from the buggy , leaped -
od over the bndgo nnd was lost in the
creek. The hoi so nnd buggy dlnap-
poarod nnd the way waa loft clear for
me to pane , but I was frightened nud
bewildered nt this atrango phenome
non , and it took a good deal of skir
mishing around there before I madn
up my mind to go over the bridge. I
never pass there now that I nm not
reminded of that sight.
"O , I could tell you of a hundred
or moro such storloa that I h vo hoarder
or been a witness to. I don't bellovo
in ghoats or witches hat , aa I oald be
fore , raised aa I waa , I can't get rid
of the thought that supernatural beings -
ings sometimes make their appearance
in qnort shapes and itrango places ,
Dr. Dlk and many ether aclontlfli
men have demonstrated the absurdity
of such things. Bat , notwlthatandlni
that , I often get weak in the knee
and experience queer sensations a
auoh Bights aa I have mentioned. "
I had severa attacks of
kidney trouble ; waa
used Hop
in a abort time.
yer of Wayne opj
u- " ° * '
. ? ot quack medilno ndver
In these t nefvjere , It Is truly gratify ,
llseraentai evej remedy that Ij'worthy ol
J&rS&t Which really does jf 13 recom
mended. EHctno Bitters we/ / can vouch
for as being a true and reliable remedy ,
end one that will do an recommended.
They Invariably cure Stomach and Liver
CamplaWta , Diseases of the Wilnoya anil
Urinary dlilicuIticB. We lumv whereof
we ejiSit , and can readily say. frlvo them
B , tifol. Sold at fifty , cents a bottle by
0. y Onodmin if
Corrected dally by J. TJ-fuller , mer
chandise broker , buyer ilil shipper ol
grain and provlalouc , 39 Per t Btreet.
WHEAT-No. 2 springJo / ; No. 3,63 ;
rejected 50c ; Rood demand
CoilN 35o to feeders hnd 81o to ship ,
per * ; rejected corn Chicago , 49J@01ej new
mixed , 62o. The receipts of > , orn are lighten
on account of bad roads ,
OATS Siarce and iu good comand ; 30@
oo@e 00 per ton.
llYK vi0. light supply.
COAL DolliV d , hard , 1 00 per ton ;
aoft. C CO per ton.
BuTTin-Plenty- In fair demand !
25e ; creamery , SOo.V
Eoaa-Bcarce andvjn deennd ; 80o pei
dor on.
, POULTIIT Firm } dealer * p ylntr 13o per
Vpund for turkeys and lOo la chickens.
1 matooa , pickled i
n. I and moro economical 1
'or '
Money for tlio
, . i irauiutionB m mis n u
ua rlago Fund and Mutual' .
of Cedar Rapid * , lowo.
Ized under tha laws of lol
m licers and directors nro
and most prominent bust
I Haniila. livery nnmarri
have a cortllicatu in thla I
It la a splendid Invesl
( government bond. Yoil
I kave a good nuin of "
Miy I married life on as not.
I members have been pal
300 per cent on their III
for circulars fully detalhl
1 la tlio finest known. Dl
- I Good agents wantou. II
we 'BM ' ? this notice ,
The Boy Asulstii to Glvo th
Good Start.
'cck'i ' Sun.
' Dal ha , ! Now I have got yon , "
aid the grocery man to the bad bay
ho other morning as ho came in and
atnpod upon the oonntor and tied the
nd of a ball of twine to the tail of a
log , and "sicked" the dcg on another
log that was following a passing sleigh ,
ftualng the twine to pay ont until the
whcle ball was scattered along the
> lcck. "Condemn you , I've a notion
o choke the liver ont of yon. Who tied
hat twiuo to the dog's tnlll1' '
The boy choked up with emotion ,
and the tears came into his eyes , and
10 said ho didn't know anything about
ho twlno or the dog. Ho said ho no-
toed the dog eomo in , and wag his
all around the twine , but ho supposed
ho dog was a friend of the family ,
ind did not disturb him , "Every-
> ody lays everything that is done tone
no , " said the boy , as ho pnt his hand-
lorohlof to his nose , "and they will
bo sorry for It when I die , I have a
; oed notion to poison luyaolf by cat *
ng some of your glnoosu sugar. "
"Yes , and you do about ovorythlng
hat is mean. The other day a lady
aino in and told mo to send up to her
louse some of my country sausage ,
lone up in muslin bags , and whllo sno
was examining it she noticed some-
hlng hard inside the bags , and asked
no what It was , and opened it , and I
lope to die If there wasn't a little
> rass padlock and a piece nf red mo *
occo dog-collar imbedded In the sail-
ago. JNow , how do you suppose that
; ot in there ? " and the grocery man
ookod savage.
The boy looked interested , and pnt
n an expression as though in deep
bought , aud finally said , "I suppooo
ho farmer that pnt up the sausage
lid not strain the dog moat. Sausage
moat ought to bo strained , "
The grocery man pulled in about
mlf a block of twine , after the dcg
isd run against a fence and broke it ,
aud told the buy ho know perfectly
Tell how the brass padlock carne to bo
u the sausage , but thinking that it
vaa safer to nave the good will of tha
> oy than the 111 will , ho offered him a
mndful of prunes.
"No , " saya the boy , ' 'I have sworn
( f on moldy prunes. I am no kinder
; orton any more. For years I have
eaten rotten poaohoa around this
tore , and everything you couldn't
ell , but I have turned over a now
oat now , and after this nothing ia too
oed for mo. Since pa has got to be
an inventor wo are going to live high. "
"What's your pa invented ? I saw
heareo and three hacks go up or
rour street the other day , and 1
bought nisy bo you had killed r-1"
pa. "
"Not muoh. There will bd more
then tbroo hacks wb I bill pa , and
don't yon forget ' < Wo" . alri Pa hB ) !
struck a fort n ° i * ne oan malco tno
, hing work Ho has got ar Idoo
about ooal stoves that will bVing him
n ovcral million dollars , if ho gets
a royalty tf $5 on every ooal steven
n the world , His idea .is to have a
coal steve on castors with the pipe
made to toloocopo ont and in , and
rubber hose for one joint , so you can
pull the steve all around the room and
warm any particular place , Well , sir ,
to hear pa toll about it , yon would
think It would revolutionize the coun
try , and majbo It1 will vi-en he gets It
perfected , but hofcamo near burning
the house up , pa icarod us all hall
to death thlf Corning , and burned hit
. - he fs all covered with
> had a pipe made and some castors
put on our stoic , and ho tied a rope to
the hearth of the stove and had mo
put in the kindling wood and coal
last night , so ho could draw the
steve np to the bed and
light the fire without get
ting up. Ma told him ho would
put his foot in It , and ho told nor to
dry up and lot him run the steve busi
ness. Ho said It took a man with
brains to run a patent right , and ran
she palled the clothes over her head
and lot pa do the fire act. She has
been building the fires for twenty
yearj , and thought she'd let pa soc
how good it wao. Well , pa pulled the
stove to tho" bed. I touched off the
kindling wood. I guess maybe I got
a bnndlo of kindling wood that the
hired girl had put kerosene on , 'cause
it bit zed up awful aud smoked , and
the blnzj bnrstod out the doors and
windows of the stove , and pa yollot
fire , nnd I jumped out of bed and
rushed in , and ho was the scartesl
man you over BOO , an * you'd a dlde tc
BOO how ho kicked when I throwod t
pall of water on his legs and put hie
shirt out. Ma did not got burned ,
but she waa pretty wet , and she told
pa eho would piy the $5 royalty or
that stove aud take the castors oil and
lot it remain stationary. Pa saya he
will make it work if ha burns tht
house down. I think it wasroal meat
In pa to get mad at roe because 1
threw cold water on him instead ol
warm water to pnt his shirt out. If 1
had waited till I oonld heat water tc
the right temperature I would have
been an orphan and pa would have
boon n burnt offering , But some
men always kick at everything. PC
has given np business entirely , and
says ho shall devote the remainder ol
his life oaring himself of the differenl
tronblcH that I get him into. Ho hae
retained a doctor by the year , and hu
buys liniment by the gallon. "
"What was It about your folks getting
ting np at night to oat ? The hiroc
girl was over hero after some soap the
other morning and she said she WM
going to leave your homo. "
"Well , that wiu a picnic. Pa suit
ho wanted breakfast earlier than wi
had been in the habit of having it
aud ho taid I might aeo to It that tin
houao waa awake onrly enough. Tin
other night I awoke with the awfulcs
pain you ever heard of , It was tha
night that you glvo mo and my chun
the bottle of pickled oysters that hat
begun to work , Well , I conldn'
sleep , and I thought I would call thi
hired glrlp , and they got up nnd go
breakfast tu goiui , ' , aud then I tappei
on ma and pa's ' door nnd told thui
the breakfast wan getting cold , an
they got np aud came down. Wo oa
breakfast by gaslight , and pa yawno
ier\nd said It made a man feel good t
up and got ready for work bofor
iho way lie used to on th
rnxsho yawned and agree
wiao she has to , or hav
flatter breakfast wo BE
hoar , and pa aald it'wt
, o getting daylight , nt )
bymoby pa looked at his watch , When
he began to pull out his watoh I lit
ont nnd hid in the storeroom , and
pretty soon I hoard pa and ma come
up stairs andjgo to bed , then the hired
girls , they wont to bed. nnd when it
was all still nnd the pain had stopped
Inside my clothes , I wont tu bed , and
I looked to see what time It was , and
It was 2 o'clock in the morning. Wo
got dinner at 8 o'clock in the morning
and pa said ho guessed ho wonld call
up the house after this , on I have lost
another job , and it was all on account
of that bottle of plolclod oysters yon
you gave mo. My ohnm says ho had
: ollo , too , but ho didn't call up his
folks , it wai all ho oould do to got up
tilpsoif , Why don't yon sometimes
jive away something that lo not
The grocorymau said ho gnossed ho
know what to glvo away ; and the boy
wont ont and hung up a sign in front
of the grocery , that ho had made enwrapping
wrapping paper with rod chalk , which
road : "Rotten eggs , good enough for
onatard pics , for 18 cents a dozen , "
A Clipping Pot for tbo Period.
The following from The Olarlndn
Dally Star may furnish something for
onr city politicians to chow on between -
twoen moats nt this opoob :
The evils of the caucus are apparent
enough , Perhaps not half a dotsn
mon who attend a caucus go away
satisfied. It is Improbable that a hun
dred mon or moro can agrco In ohoslng
a candidate and each ono must make
up his mind to occopt what ho dbn't
llko , ojr only half what ho wants. This
Is where the caucus is fairly conducted.
But it is not always fairly conducted.
Ten to ono some candidate Ins fixed
np the caucus in his own Interest. Ho
has "soon" his friends and has them all
there nnd posted how i' act such a
man for chairman , another to spring
how it was that she "as able to en
dure that to whloli stronger women
yielded. "Oh I" * ho replied , laughing ,
' mumma is nluost a crank on that
oubjeot. She Is bound I shall not
look passe at the end of this my second
end winter. Every night when I got
homo , no matter how tired I am , n
wrm bath is Driven mo , after which I
drink n bowl of bouillon nnd nm put
to bed in the guest chamber , which to
moro qulot than my own. In . the
morning I am not called , but arise
when I nwnko , wMoh is not often before -
fore Innch time. It grows monoto
nous , I aiuaro you , but if I go , I have
to subalt. I toll mamma she treat ;
mo M if I was a Maud S. or a prize
fbntor. "
A Vexed. Clergyman.
Even the patience of Job would become
xbnustcd wcro ho a preacher nnd endoav
iring to interest hla audience while the ]
voro keeping up on incressant cotiehine
naking it impossible for him to. bo heard
Yet , how very easy can nil this be nvoidoi
> y simply using Dr. King's New DIscovo
y for Consumption , Coughs and Colds
Trial Bottloa given away at 0. F , Good
uiun's drug atom
The Minstrels.
The performance last night wa
procty fair of its kind , but a bad kind
? ho jokes were calculated to provok
a smilo-not of mlrth. Mlsa Annl
) oyd did some very good singing
? ho galleries were in a constant ntat
i disorder ; yells , cat calls and howl
ug wore frcqaantly indulged In.
The acrobat business reminded n
> f a couple of atlff-leggod oxen In ,
mm yard. We hoped to hear am
m aumotnuigvnuiT , uu. no iuuuiua <
o disappointment. If the next mln
trel show does no better , wo trns
hat the house will fall in on them.
Saved from the Grave.
MRS. NiJCY J. SMITH , of Eutlaad , Tex. , write :
"I was terribly afflicted with KWnoy Dlsean
nd Drop/ , having suffered for ovcrthroo years ,
employed tko best physicians In this county
.ad obtained no relief , but was getting npldlj
worso. My family and friends bad lost til hope ,
Jy son happened t > read your advertisement ol
lunt'a Remedy , and procured the ncdlclno foi
mo , I began to take It , and It worked Ilka t
harm. After taVIng several bottles , I became
entirely well. I am Indebted to Hunt' * Itemed }
: r saving my life ; and. It It bad not bean
i'our uioJIclno , I a raly would have been In in )
grave to day. "
ntcrnal Revenue Dapartment , Washington ,
D. 0.
Mr. Btoiihc. ) A. Alpln.WaiMcgton , D. G.savi
'A member of my fatrlly baling boon troubled
or soreral yoirs Kidney U'sca-e , and , altci
rvlngnunuroui remedial and methods ot treat
men t with ou obtaining relief , the was Induced
a use your Hunt sHrmo y , and tltfcr a thorough
rla she bcarnn : completely cured. Knowing
he fact ! In this caio , I cheerfully recommend Iti
use to any one afflicted with dUeasesof the abovi
nature. "
' Acts Like a Charm.
11 have used Hunt's Reaedyffor Kidney trou
iles , androconmended It to others , aid fount
t t ) act llko a charm. "
721 Carson Street , Tlttiburg , Peon.
"Gratitude ll the rnrrmry of thuhcttt , " IIov
many heart memories clutter aroun 1 Hui t'i
terccly In gra cful rnmjbo'Js whro It ba
wrought ltd magic euro.
PERSONAI"I'artiol ( Ilin JnraanhoJ' '
cmargwl , dovUopcM an ) stru Rtno til , " ito.l'
an Intureitlng ai crtbomuit lo'u' ruu In on
paper. In reply to lniii | rim wu will My tlia
thcro U no vUJuncu cf humbuguli.ut thin. < ) i
iho contrary , the adtertlitnt arvcr > liliitly In
ilortcd. InteriH'ul persons nay get s'.uful > li
culars giving all particulars , giving all pirttcu
Ian. by addreosinir irlo Moillcal Co. , 1' . U. Da
613 , iniflalo , N. Y. Toledo Kvonla ; llce.131
Orricx or AUDITOR of ri'uuo MOCMH ,
Unco'n , Feb. 1,18aJ.
Itlohercby ccitilled tbut Marccllui U , Rlidc
nnlO , 1' , Chubb 'ol Ouiaht , tu the county
Dauglis , State o [ Ntbra Its , Is htnby cutna
Izod to trail'act the bmlaco * cf flro Insurance fi
thu curroit > ear In a ml couniy , as agct tj ot tl
ktercuauts Insurance Companv , cf Newark ,
thostatoolJNuw Jereoyaubject ( t ) a'ltbo ' r st > l
tlous ( lid llultitloim of the law regulating fl
laeuranco compiules In this Stato.
/ , ' > < . In ttstlwony whertol , I tuvAhereun
jHiil. ( V ctmv baud and the se l of tha A
1 r > ' dltor of 1'ubllo Account * , the day a :
< ear above written.
2K-27 Auditor of f ubllo AccouoU
Milwaukee & St. Paul
fi now running Its FAST FJCPRKSS TIUIN3
Pullman's Mapifloont Sloopora
Finest Dining Oara in the World.
Or to anv point beyond ; or
Take the BEST ROUTE , th
Chicago , MilwaBkeo&StPauIR'y
Ticket office located at corner Faroam and
Fourteenth etroetn and at U. P. Depot and al
MllUrd Hotel , Omaha.
tJTScc TlmoTablo In another column.
F. A. NASH , dcnend Are&t.
0. n. FOOTB , Ticket Agent , Omaha
GcnoralManagcr. General Pass. Agent
General Sup't. Ass't Ocn. Pans. A nl
BaoMi aonut ?
President. Vlco Pwrt.
W. B. Diranim , Ben. and Treat.
Lincoln , Neb
Ooru Plantero HrrrowB.Farm Bolloia
Bultey Hey Rakea , fluottot BlovatlEg
Windmills , &o.
We are prepared to do Job work and manotaa
nrlog for other parties.
Addrwiial orders
Hobraska Loan & Trust Company
Capital Stock , - - 3100,000.
JAS.B. HEAimVEU , , President.
A. L. CLAUKK , Vice President.
E. 0. WEBSTER , TrcasurorUB
SamuelI Alexander Oswald Oliver ,
A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster *
Goo. H Pratt , Jos. a Heartwell ,
D. M.McKllllnncy.
First Mortgage Loans a Specialty
This Company furnishes a permanent , bom *
Institution where School Boi land other legally
Issued Municipal securltln > o iSobroaka can b
bo negotiated on tbo mo 11 avorabla terras
Loans made on Improved f. u I n all well settled
counties of the state , thio t r I jsponslble local
lienius Hewaraed ,
TUB oburjr ur tuo ffflWiujj KaCHlfl8 ,
A kandsome llttla p mphle , MctTud Ml
lovt wllb nnmrroiu tnrravlngi , wUIb
lo ny kaolt pen on calling for II , at acy btaaok
or sub-office of The Singer Uanafaotnruif COB *
p ny , 01 will be s nt by mall , post paid , (
inTPsrson living at dlitancafromonroffleei
The Sinpp Hanofaotnring Do , ,
Principal Office , 34 Union Bqun
0. BPEOHT , . . Proprietor. '
. . M
/212 Harney St. - Oiiirlia , Neb
Tin , Iron and Slata Roofing ,
Bpuoht'a Patent Metallo Skylight
Patent Adjusted Ratchet Bag
and Bracket Shelving. I am
the general agent for the
aboro line of goods.
Ortttlnga , Balustrade * , VercndM.lO'n * *
Dank Railing. , Window d 3 ' tr | .
Guard t : alto
The mo s centrally 'located hotel In lh city.
Room Cc 11.00 , ll.K > nd | tOOp rd y.
Y'.i 'an UwUurnnt connected wit tb *
HURST. - Prop.
' . Fourth and I-K-O BlMclB.
"By t , thorouzh knowledga o ( the natural UKB
fhlch cuvern the operations of digestion and
nutrition , nnd by a careful application o ! tb
Ine proptrtles ol we ) > J > lected Cocoa , Mr.
, tpps his provided onr aktast tables with ft
lollcat'ly flavored lov ( which may save A
n ny hoary doctors' b It Isbytho Jndl
ise ol such articles o1 t that a canctfji
u y bo KroJuolly but' until
n rtf 1st every tendf /o / dlsaa . ;
it uubtls mol&dles ai ttlng arorj
o ttttark nhvrever V la a wa
ruy eecapo many a IJ ( haft
clvsa won loitlOsd | mre blc
ly nourished Irafno. Ml Be
busl. '
& Vy fire here.
' * v A
-Sf [ I