THE DAILY BEE OMAHA WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 28 j SEEK iv . . , health and avoid sickness. ; Instead of feeling tired and 'worn out , instead of aches 'and ' pains , wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong ? ' ' You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing , and no one but your | : self can find fault , but if you are tired of that kind of life , you can change it if you choose. How ? By getting one Lottie of BROWN' IRON BIT TERS , and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield , Ohio , Nov. 26 , i83t. Gentlemen ! I hare suffered with pain In my tide and back , and preat aorcnesi on my breatt , with shoot- vnK pains all through my bod/ , at tended with crcatweaknets , deprci- ( ton cf spirits , and loss of appe tite. I have taken several different medicines , and was treated by prom inent physicians for tny liver , kid neys , and spleen .but I Rot no relief. I thought I wouji try It town't Iron Xitters ; I have now taken one bottle and a half and am about well pain in tide and back all gone soreness 1 all out of my breast , and I have a good appetite , and am gaining in strength and flesh. It can justly bo JOHN K , AltCNDEB. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is composed of Iron in soluble form ; Cinchona the great tjonic , together with other standard remedies , making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic , which will cure Dys pepsia , Indigestion , Malaria , Weakness , and relieve all . .Lung and Kidney diseases. X- DORSETS Every Conot In warranted satla * TMtory to Ha wearer In ? vorT way , or tha money will bo refunded by the person from whom it wa * bought. oj lyCor t pronounced by onr leading phjtlcUi t taftrtooa to thftwemr , andenooiwU l > y lodlo i * mott comfortable wad pcrftct OtUng Conwt TI ttHtll Prterrln . $1.00. BelT-AdJultlD * , 1.6 MLMamlniU ( extra henry ) 9.00. Nurtlnr. .B Milk PracrTln * ( Boa rontll ) O.OO. 1'wBCo Bklrt-lDDportluv , 1.00. Vtf ule by le dlB JUU11 Dealer * everywher OUIOAQO COUSUX CO , , CUcago , HI. BTADLI3UKD 1869. TDK BPRINOIATTACnMEST-NOT PATHN' ED. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING CARRIAGE FACTOR ! K09 nd 1111 Dodge B'.root , aug 7-mo 6m OMAHA , NED. A Skin of Deauty I * a Joy Forever. DR. T. FELIX GOmiATJD'a Oriental Dream or Magical Beau titter , - a Bemo\cs Tan. rirople FicokU Mathpitc Memltb'c /lectlcn. has itoc the tot tOyearia : li BO hart 1(188 W Ui'e It be sure t ! prep * r i lion 11 pi pcrlytuv Accept i of almllar Damt. The dUtlnfulehid Dr. L. t 8 rro , Mid to o lad j cf the liiur Of ( apatlenl "Aa jou lulrt will u e thorn , I tccommer 'U < urtud'i Cream' M tbe least harirful of all t ) Skin ptcpaiatlini. " One bottle will htt il month * , role ? It every day. AUo 1'oudro Jul Ule rcmoua tupeifluoua bill wl.hout Injury I thoklo. It us. M. B. T. GOUKAUD , So'o pror. , 43 Ben 1 * . Ii. Y. For nlo by all UruiRlstj and Fancy Gcod Dealer * throughout the United BUtcf , Can d -and Huroj e. Ot' aroof bue Imitations , 9iooOrewar ( or urnt and proof clary one eolllag tno eam < j H-wcow ae St ewCm $500 REV\/ARD \ ( Tbe abore rowud will be paid to any rxrsoi who will produce Taint that will equal the Pennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , I'M prw nrtnj8hlnrfe Sfn and Drawl EooJt. WM-mited to b tire anJ JVufr 1'rodf Al orden promptly tended I'p. ' CfiSaper o btt- * < . ' i * * ( UrUuui aoj oUwHulntij v ) fcftme. , i g JSTEnlVRTSiTKlJUENSCW Sol PropriotCKi.OmUJa liSuea Omaha , Nib , BHFEBBNOEH. ' , -Fuller DM offlce , , Keb. ROGUE'S QUIET TRICKS. . Sly Work ot jirfcictio Oriminals , Slok PJokpockQta Who Ply Tholr Vocation .at Wed dings , Parties and Where tlio Swag In Kara imd the Dot cot Ion Almcst Impossible sible- "Get out of the ruts. " shouts some oratorical reformer. However gonj advlco this may bo In aorao instat ) t would bo nnforlunato if it wcto fol- owed in all cases. The rpi may bo n good ono , and it may ba far better foi ill concerned if it bo kept. The fact hat people are apt to have a partlon- ar way of doing things , and that tholi acts are apt to boar some resemblance o each other , both In character and method , js of crcat service to doloa tlves in their attempts to bring crlml nala to justice. There are many ways , > f course in which a murder or a burg ary or a theft may bo committed , and a sharp detcotlvo will always carcfullj itndy the ease ho is investigating , and : ry to arrive at a conclusion as to lion .ho deed itself was performed. Thor 10 will recall the many criminals the fnowledge tf wham ho has gained luring , it may be , his long experience , Ho will try to recall ono who hat shown a bent for operating in thai particular way , Criminals , as soon tu caught , are studied and cassified. "Wo find out , " said a detective , "what ho has been doing aud where 10 has boon doing it , and wo almost nvariably find that ho has boon opor itlng in some particular way , wntot 10 slicks to. There are few thieves , ndeed , who work in all fashions aua a all places. The bulk of them make themselves familiar with ono or an ) ther mode of working and carry oc heir operations among a certain class , Yon see , there ii a fine art in rcgaorj aa In business , A man beglm OB a thief by simply stealing , bnt he soon finds that there are some placoi There ho can steal moro safely nni lad moro to steal than others. 0 : course ho suleotu those. Thieves havi 'uncles in tholr work , too. They llki to steal in certain places and to rol certain people. They take n sort o prldo In their operations , and thus on Inflaonc3 or another always operate to keep them in a certain rut , thank to which wo ssolgn them a cortuii classification which facilitates all on movements againat them. Indeed , n the detectives say , it would bo posai bio to make nut a long list of 'crooked pcoplo who have fallen into or chose : tholr own lines of work , and to lllns trato it with cuts from the roguei gallery. " It ia the supposition of many tha detectives are engaged for the mo : part in bringing murderers and but tflars and the llko to justice. On th contrary , very much of their time i occupied in bagging small gamo- smaller in a certain sense , and ye fully as difficult to entrap , There is class of crooked people who may b denominated society thieves , The ; often got in their work with exceeding ingenuity and artistic skill. Whoi brought to justice these persona oftoi escape , for their victims are relnctan to acquire publicity. ObnseijaenU' ' the public hears tint littloocthe ) aooiet ; thief , and that little so incomplete ] ; that it really forgeta all about him. The detectives hear enough of him however , for he has grown BO nnmer ous and audacious that no mixed re caption in society is safe from bin without special protection. A dates tlvo ia now aa necessary a feature o most swell social occasion ! aa the guest themselves. If the gathering is a largi one it takes several detectives to do 1 justice. As many us half a dozen an sometimes called in. The society thief it invariably i man or woman with moro atandinj than moans to support It. Not a fov of them of Isto years have been drawi from the ranks of the needy advon tnron whom English society has vomited itod forth to prey npon our own Their operations are usually qulti aituply ' conducted , They morel ] watch for an opportunity to slip out o the crowd , on aomo pretext or an other , and then work at tholr ease li tha deserted rooms of the houto. It some cases whole houses have boot ransacked by them while the danci wanton. They steal only portabli * and valuable objects , of course , anc generally work clone. Somutimci husband aud wife will ongsgo lu thi business together. Not long BJCO a rcspoatablo appear ing man aud wife were arrested fo stealing aomo trinkets presented t the little laughter of tholr host at ho birthday party. While mother an < father wore robbing her , their son wa dancing down stairs with the chili they were plundering. The some gathering which offers the best oppos tunlty for peculation Is the wedding and the wedding thief has overythln his own wpy. His greatest difficult is in being admitted. Sometime ho holds % position in soclot ; circles which . .enables him to ; onto by invitation. Some times ho enter on the pretext of being a reporter , am aomotimoa ho aneska in , Once in h takes his choice of overcoats , hatt and other articles of wearing apparel Ho inapeota the presents with a vlo\ of ascertaining which of the mor valuable of the smaller articles wll please him the boat , and whou nn solved ho slips them into his pocket o under his coat. The more public thi weddlrg the better the opportuuit ; has the thief to realize from his efforts When n wedding is solemnr.2d ! in ; church tboro Is rlways a ditplay o jewelry , which offers tempting Induce monta to a dextrous practitioner. Met and women dress in tholr best te honor snch eveuts , and if they have any ornaments of price put them on. The wedding thief is commonly a facllo hand at picking a pocket , and c ready wleld'r of the "palm nlpporoJ1 Bo uonally has an nccomolico , to wh Jfu ; o passes tha pnrsei ho hamatffr ; ho jewels hu snips off , and when rested rarely lias any criminating eot about Ids person. ' Fuuoral thieving is recognized by detectives as a distinct branch of the rodatory profession. The funeral hlcf generally a professional , hulo or emslo , and commonly figures' ' lu the logues'gallery. The funoralf thieves cecp the run of mortuary1 events brough the newspapers , and drop In i wherever there la a fonoral which li likely to offer any spoil. They steal anything they can lay hands on , from mantel ornaments to jewelry , The Boml-pnbllclty which attends almost every funeral , the privilege extended to almost any one who has over known the deceased to come and take n last inptf nt Jiltn , renders access to many hohoS3 easy , ffhlon wCalS Cli1" ? w tightly barfed ngalr.nt intrusion. The fnnoral thief paesos for n outside friend of the dead ptreon readily enough , and Is alrcn tvj0 liberty ol the place , whichTio D vor falls to util ize , if it is poislblo lor him to do so , or If there Is anything to bo stolen there. Tno meanest sort of n thief who adopts any special line is the ono whc robs children. The "kinchin lay , " tu t is called in the parlanoo of crime , ie jriwtlcad by como men , bnt more women. It is simply the robbing of children on their way to the grocer ; or the boor shop , and , to our credit at a people bo it said , that it is not an in < ilgonous crime. It was Introduced koto from Enjzlnnd. Thieves whc practice the "kinchin lay" are now sc frequently arrested that the cffsnsc baa become qnite a common ono to th ( oars of newspaper readers. Another class of young criminals ie formed by the young theatre thieves , Taoy haunt our pluy house doors anc pick pockets In the Ingoing and out ijoing rush. Church thieves are alsc recognized as independent operators , and others are known who make oni railway depots their battlcgroundi aqalnst society. The street oar thlol is another criminal who impresses him self frequently on the public , bnt ho L not so numerous as bo usocMo be , ai the conductors and spotters havi learned to know and guard agaius him. him.Those Those who engage in the forms c potty thievery alluded to nbovo oitho 150 unpunished or get cff with Ugh penalties. Detectives know a VAS number of them , and are acqualntei with their peculiar methods of oporat Ing. When called npon in any par tloular case they , as already statoi above , find out where and when it oc cnrrcd , and , as far possible , the man ner in which it was accomplished With these data it la the ezceptloi when they are not able to get at one BO far toward detecting the offender ate to suspect some particular person o persons of being the guilty onca And they are ablo' to do this mainl ; because people do not "get out of th rats. " COLORLESS AND COLD. A young gh deeply regretted that she was DO coloi lees and cold. Her face was too white and her hands and feet felt as thong the blood did not circulate. Af tor on bottle of IIop Blltera hud been take she was the roelost and healthiest gh in the town , with a vivacity and chcoi fulness of mind gratifying to he friends. Mrs. Grant aa n New York Hoclot Leader. St. tool ] Republican. Mrs. Grant gave a fashionable re ceptlon at her richly equipped horn up town , and she has excited all th dames and dowagers because of th array of desirable people that was al traoted. The house is richly deoc rated , and it is hard to find anythln worth inspection that is not a prcsoul The Grant family is getting back Int the privacy of lifo more this wlntc than in a long series of yean before and therfcils morn of a honsohold n far leu of ] an official air about tfed surroundings. Hence they are livin to a degroa in the past , and the variou presents form a good topic when con venation drag * . Mrs. Grant doom' spoil in New York social life. Sh qnite dumbfounds the rich mesdame who oultivato the chilly air of arlstc oraoy , for there is a flavor of the wea in her hearty manner and health ; laugh , and this seems to bo the score ot her social success. She sails into ; room where the wall flowers are be ginning to grow , and shifts peopl about , introducing them , opening con vorsattona between strangers , revivlnj it where it begins to lag , and posies 01 with a toss of her head and a swoop o her hand that Indicate that she want it understood that her guests are ti make themselves agreeable to oaol other. Mrs , Grant la this win to bringing out her nolce , Miss Shaw , i pretty young woman , who is to ba i match for some rich young man. Gen Grant la a domeatio sort of a man now and ho lores to alt in his library o fresh virgin books as pnro as unsulllec snow , and talk with his old chums anc with now acquaintances , and to hoai the gossip oi the day. His llfo is i very quiet one , largely by choice , am while bo good-naturedly accepts man ; invitations ho usual gets out of appear lug at dinners. Ho hates / speechmaking making , and shwo he got a rcputatioi a few years ago for aftff dinuo : speeches , ho hna boon in much do mand. Mrs. Grant keenly enjoys hoi social prominence. At ho ; last rocop tlon she had Mr. W. W. Btory , who ii coveted as a lion this winter , and thi number of other conspicuous figurei that como about her saito the atubl tlons of the richer woman of the avenue nuo with envy. The reputation earnoc by the Grants in Now York society I that they are good-hearted folks anc steadfast friends , which is somethlnf positively unique where there is si much cold veneer of polite policy eve : very base selfishness. Indigestion , dyjpepsla , heart-burn nausea , etc. , cured by using Brown * . Iron IJitturs. A Stinntoriul l > lnn v Intarrupted. WaahiiKtniCorrcv.o Jc f > ol the Arstln ( C . Lhroa Ur. about 8 o'clock font iiisht Senator Dane of Illinoin , Edmunds , Fryo , In iMll , H-ij-ftrd , Ininar auo Logan wen obeomd mi thy door aroMtd to kill with conspicuous button halo boquote gorgtoubly displayed on the front o their spjkti tail coata. It euon bejami known that a big dinner wan preparoi n Mr. Edmunds' committee room add that the bouquet men were thi selected guests. Senator Butler anc others determined to have some fur at the exponto of the brethren whn with eager appetite , slipped out of the chnmber and made preparations tc enjoy themselves , while their atap iitoa , after an oxhanstintf session o many hours , proceeded to take a fr < si grip upon the tariff. Just as the Ed innda party bed eaten a half dozer raw and wore midway in the dlscmaior f turtle soup , pagoa burst in upon hem and demanded their presence laoTrhejro to disclose a quorum. One > y one' the fenstors entered the cham ber , trailing grimly at the unexpected summons. Presently they departed in single file and sat down to fish. Again ho pages rushed in and an nounced A second call for a quorum , There was another return of the ; hungry men to the chamber , who 111- concealed their annoyance. Thli thing wea repeated halt fl dozen times. The last'Bumraona had so fanporato Jook thai Mr. EJmnnds took a eko\v \ of toUcoS t&ro sl lT" lllty In Ma seat , while Undo David Davis , with ils hat in ono hand and a big cano in ho other , looked around as if ho would llko to have made the boys skip and stop this nonsense. Sanator Bayard and Lamar did not know , ap parently , what to think of the pro- ieodlnp , and must have audibly re- iciccd aa aomo stinging and Junt ro- narks of Mr. Morgan compelled Mr. Morrlll tu move an adjournment , The only senator present at the feast and labjoct to interruption who did not lave humorous attention drawn tc aim was Mr. Garland. Ho owed hii 2scapo from merriment to the fact thai 10 wore hla old coat and put no flowon In the button-hole. The mural of thli Is that senators who have a banquet in prospect had better not advertise it bj irets suits and a stunning floral dls < play. The other men , mad , tired and hungry , are anro to put a spider It the pudding and erect a skeleton al the feast. THti ELEPHANT'S TUSK. Causes of the High Price of Ivcry- IncreaelDR Demand and Lim ited Supply. London News. An ivory-haftod knife to the ordl nary diner out is simply a piece o table cutlery , uootul at meals , bnt devoid void of all romance. He wondori not at the ingenuity that made th stool and fashioned the blade with it keenly cutting edge. Seldom does h bestow a thought on the haft. In hi eyes it is only a knife handle and hi does not allow its autocadants to interfere torfero with his appetite. But throng' what an experience thin bit of ivory so smooth and shining , has passed It onca formed part of an elephant' ' task and was probably dug out of thi desert or found in some dense Africa ) forest , while the jackals or the vnl tares were feasting on the animal'i carcass. It was most likely carrioi hundred of miles over a tracklos country and/territory / peopled by noa tile tribes ready to shod blood for it possession. Llko fame , ivory ia frc quontly very difficult to got , and when by the exercise of ( strength , oudui auco , watchfulness and cunning , th dusky natives have brought It to th ahoro , they deserve a substantial pric for the precious load that baa fatigue their limbs and made their shoulder ache. A tusk sold last week at Llvoi pool weighed not less than 140 ponndc and it can scarcely be said that th African' ? yoku ia easy and hio burdo light wnon ho has to toil along , 1 tropical heat , with en elephant's toot ! in his grasp. " " " "But the obstacles to bo overcome ii getting the Ivory to a civilized regio : are not entirely responsible for th present high prices in the Englls ; market. The elephant ia defunct li Egypt and tusks are only obtainable there by dredging in the sand ; but th Iflvlathan of the woods is by no mean .extinct ia Africa and India , and wonli poiaibly yield an abundance of Ivor ; demand onlygrowas slowly a tluTho extensive use td wbicl s jiul la really the ieoret > of th idvanoo ia its value. It h no longe looked upon merely as a material on of which to fashion thb beautiful chest man and exquisitely carved figure that stand as curiosities on qualn sideboards. It is utilized in makln ] snob a vast numbsr of articles in dail ; use , from the dainty ivory-backed hoi brush to the most Lilliputian of pocko knives , from the universally domandec billiard ball to the fox-head scarf-pin that the price of the elephant's tual must go up. So dear has ivory become como , indeed , that ono doubt whether Solomon , with all hla wealth would have ventured , had ho lived ii these days , to make "a throne o Ivory overlaid with the best gold. " At the Liverpool sale laat woel 1,2QO a ton was the sum obtained foi tusks from Angola and Gaboon , anc Niger ivory Ia almost as dear. Ii throe years the price has actually doubled. In 1879 it was possible Jo : broken to buy at 000 per ton , and since then nearly all kinds of ivorj have risen at least 100 per cent , it valuo. Stocks are now very low It the ivory warehouses throughout th < country , and the fifty tons offerad It the Liverpool market were oagcrlj Durohaacd , only bangles and bals going a little cheaper. THE BAD MD WORTHLESS Are never imitated or counterfeited This ia especially trno of a family modtclno , and it ia poaltivo proof tha the remedy imitated in of the highos valuo. Aa Boon aa it hod boon tostoc and proved by the vrholo world tha Hop Bittern was the purest , beat am most valuable family modlcino 01 earth , many imitations sprang up am began to steal the notices lu whlol the press and people of the country had expressed the merits of H. B. and In every way trying to induce saf foring invalids to use their stuff in stoiyj , expecting to make money 01 the credit and good name of H. B Many others started nostrums put ui in similar style to H. B. , with vari ously devised names in which thi " " " " used li word "Hop" or "Hops" were away to indnco people to believe the ; were the same as Hop Bitters. Al such pretended remedies or cures , m matter what tholr style or name Is and osplclolly these with the won "Hop" or "Hops" in tholr iiamo or ii any way connected with them or thel name , are imitations or counterfeits Beware of them. Touch none o them. Uao nothing but genuine Ho ] Bitters , with a bunch or cluster o green Hops on the white label. Trns nothing else. Druggists and dealer are warned against dealing in imlta tlona or counterfeits. METROPOLITAN HOTEL , OBL3 HA , NEB. Tables ouppllcd with the best thi market aflords. The traveling publii claim they got bettor accommodation ! \nd moro general satisfaction here than at any other house lu Omaha ' Rata , fS per day. an'g2Itfm The bept euro for diseases of the nerves , brains and muiolei , is Brown' ; Iron Bitters. " RAILROAD NOTES. The Allegheny Central nnd Lackavranni and Fittaburg roads have coniolldntod , The Phocnlxvillo and West Cheite/ mil road in Pennsylvania is being built rapidly The extension of the Philadelphia one Hoadlne railroad from WIlHamiport to thi Jersey Hhoj H 1'ino Creek railroad hiv )6eO completed , The Pullman Palac * Gi ? Company' earninRj ithow on IncM&ne of 54,000 pe day durinK January and 81,500 per day e > ar during February. Thu Bolyidere.'Delawaro railroad U to b aid with doable track from Belddere fc jambortTUIo , nad oitonslyo ihopa ore t < be built nt Phlllipsburg , Pn. The prrtidont has accepted a section o twenty-five miles of the Northern PaclG railroad In Montana coming eastward am ending 325 miles from Wnllula Junction Washington territory. The Cincinnati Southern railroad ha ordered six consolidated freight engines t < ran between llockwood and Somerset They will bo the same style aa thoie not used , having eight wheels. It Is reported in Wilmington that tin Pennsylvania railroad company will chang ; ho course of the Dorchester and Dolawar railroad so thnt , tt will connect with th Delaware road at Harrington. Tbo earning * of the Chicago & Altoi thus lar In 1883 have been unexpectedl' large. From January let to Februar ; Lfith , the increase over the same period Ii 2872 waa 7 per cent , despite the sever weather. The Harriebnrg and Western railroa company , to run from Ilanlsburg to point near Sewickley , In Allegheny COUE ty , has been chartered with a capital c 81,000,000. lliphard H. Sheldon , of th ! city. Is President , who holds nearly all th shares of the capital stock. Tbo contractors for tbe building of tb new road to Pfanalx , Penn. , experlonc come difficulty in getting laborer ? , and few days ago were compelled to accept number of Hungarian emigrants to hoi push thlncs long. They have also aoir sixty Italians at Pott'a Landing. A charter has been granted to the Nl tany and Southern railroad company I bnild a road connecting with the Susqn hanna and Southwestern railroad fro : Mill Hill to Eellefonte , Penn. The dire tors are : Hon. W. A. Wallace , S. I Fenle , Frank McLaughlln , John Hlcke' 11. R. Peale , W. H. Brown , Thomas Yan ley , J. J. Pie and W. W. Morrison. Tbe Chicago and Northwestern rallwi company bos jast completed a new wood * truss bridge across Kock Iliver. It is very bubstantlal structure. There h been about forty men employed on tl work for the ' last month , and notwit ! standing the slippery condition of tl bridge ( only two slight accidents have r Balled. A decree has been entered in the CIrcu Court at Richmond , Va. , for the re-salo the Washington and Western railroad , fc merly called the Washington and Oh railroad. The 101 d was first sold for 859 ! 000 , of which $50,003 waapaid in caih , nr bonds wore given for the remainder. Ti purchasers failed in the first deferred p mcnt and now consent to a re-srJo whii will take place inabnut forty days. An engineering party has begun tl erection of a branch cf tbo Hunsot railwi from San Antonio , Tex. , northwest connect with the Texas Pacific railwi about two hundred miles distant. Tl road will run through Kendall , Kerr , G ! lespie , Mason , McCullougb , Callahan ai Shackelford counties , and is to be co ; structcd immediately. This will open t a vast and rich farming and stock countr ; The rights of way have all been securi for the Philadelphia , Germantown ar Chestnut Hill railroad , and work upon has bogHn in earueit. The president i the company , Mr. Harry D. Welsh , stat that it is fully expected that the road wl be completed before the end of the yea The West Chester and Phtcnlxvllle 111 will be completed sooner , and aa the su vey to Reading boa been completed woi upon that branch will be commenct within a very short while. Honford'a A old Phosphate FOB WOMEN AND CHILDREN. DR. j6s. HOLT , New Orleans , La says : I have frequently found it < excellent aervlco in cases of dobllltj loss of appetite , and in convalescent from exhaustive illness , and partict larly of service In treatment of wome and children. * ' g Buoklin B Arnica Halve. Ths BUST SALVH In the world for Ont Bruises , Bores , TJlcera , bolt Rheum , F. . vor Soree , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chi blains , Corns , and all skin eruptions , an pooitlveJy cures piles. It Is guaranteed I give satiofaction t nuoey rofnndtt Prlos , 25 oenti p r ifcot.ot r ! e by ( Are acknowledged to be th best by all who have put ihoi to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT OOAI iCOEE OB WOOD. MANUFACTURED DY Buck's Stpve Co , SAINT LOUIS. PIERCY & 'BRADFORD ' BOLE AGENTS FOR OMAHA. FALLEY&EOES , Western Agents , Lslajette , Indiana. FOR Rubber Roots and Roots and Shoe : OF ALL KINDS. The center pieces are Interchangeable and n venible. It pmenla the counter from runaln ere , requiring no becl sUdencrii , The Agency ior these good * la this ton hi been plti Mir Others canno procure hero. Call and examine a full line 01 Leather an I'Candco" Uubber Boots and Shoes with tbe R o. GKDOIDM.A.IS. : : : DRUGS PAINTS OILS , , , , Window and Plate Olass , MTAnyone contemplating bcrildlng ttoiebank. or any other flni . will find It to tbe antagoto corret end with us before purchasing taeir Plate 01 M. C. F , GOODMAN , OMAHA HEB. STEELE , JJHIS ! WHOLESAL : AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and ! All Grocers' Supplies. A Full Line of the Best Brands of CIGARS MD MUMMED TOBACCO , rl'l teenta for BENWOOD HAILS AHD LAH.IN . & BAND POWDER CO. DEALERS IN AFE AND LOCK Fire and Burglar Pro3 1020 Farnham Street , HEAT ! * 8 AND b only attained "by nalng Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIEB GAUZE OVER DOORS , For sale by MILTON ROGERS & SOHS HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES 'EASTERN ' PRICES DUPLICATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OMAHA J. A. WAEEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND BETAIL DKALBB IN Lath , Shingles , Pidkets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDEHQS , L\M \ , MTC7ATB AOENf JOB ULWAUEEE OEUKNT OOUPANT Near Union Pacific Denot. - - OMAHA . SIBJ3EEOI- MANUFACTDKER OF GALVANIZED IRON GORNIOES , Window Caps , Finials , Skylights , &c. 416 THIRTEENTH STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The Oldest Wholesale and I'HB LEADING Retail JEWELRY HOUSE MUSIC HOUSED in Omaha. Visitors can here IK THE WEST I General for the. find all novelties in SILVER Agents Finest and Best Pianos and VER WARS. CLOCKS , Organs manufactured. Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low as. the Latest , Most Artistic , any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold.- PRECIOUS STONSS and for cash or installments at , Bottom Prices. all descriptions of FINE A SPLENDID stock oi WATCHES at as Low Pri Steinway Ghickering , ces as Is compatible with Knabe , vose & Son's Pi honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes. Also Clough & "Wa and see our Elegant New Imperial , Smith Sterling , Store Tower Building , , American Organs , &c. Bo * corner llth and Farnham not Ml to see us before pur Streets. chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO , WUFAQTUHEeS A Large Stock always on Hand. V.