Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 28, 1883, Image 1

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I Memorial Tablet For the
EfraveB of tlio Political
Dofnnct ,
* *
' 'With Particular and Pointed
Rofaronco to the Throe
Principal Knaves.
The Idiotic Lieutenant Govern
or Makes His Mark Pound *
ing With the Gavel.
'The Purchased Power of Hum
phreys Faithfully Wielded
for Wealth ,
While the Hash Huckster of
Douglas Bells His Soul for
the Militia Mess.
The Canfleld. Ptarxnan and Ken
nard Steals Boldly Ferpotrated
in Daylight
The Closing Day In the Senate
Correspondence cf THE BIK.
LINCOLN , ZTebrnary 27 , 1883. The
mountain labored and brought forth a
mouse. The legislature which cloned its
session at lialf past oa < ) this morning
will bo remembered chiefly for what
It has not dono. Born amlist the ex-
citetnont of a papular revolt against
corporate extortion f.nd tyranny , this
legislature entered upon its active
"duties full cf high sounding promlaes.
Its career closed with every promise
broken and every vestige of ntlf-ro-
apoot loat.
When this legislature mot it ap
peared to be ao intelligent , well-be
haved and honestly disposed body.
Within less than seven weeks it had
degenerated into a howling mob.
Men who came down hero with the
very best of intentions have fallen
prey to the tempter , betrayed , popular
confidence and destroyed & reputation
that it has taken years of toil to build
np. Others Iwvo only dropped the
mask. These wolves in sheep's cloth
ing -have boon imposing on popular
ccnfidenco by shamming antimonopoly
nopoly to make their election Bare.
Bafore this legislature organized nearly
every member proclaimed1 himtiolf a
ntauuch anti-monopolist. 1'jua woa
J V 'notably true of Speaker Humphrey ,
who mada the most "rattling1 antimonopoly
nopoly speech In the republican caucus
lAat Saturday this blatant reprobate
'made another speech in a republican
-ir-yi. i conference on railroad legislation and
declared himself an opposed to all rail
> R. road regulation , If the republicans oi
jfrSi ' this State meet with dlatster in the
fr next campaign they can lay their do *
V" feat at the door of Humphrey.
, , But this brazen tool of the monopo
* lies la not alone to blame for the
K. . wretched record made by this legisla
ture. From the outset the corrupt
elements of all parties have been .in'
tent only on plunder and jobbery ,
and their greed has had nnbridlec
way , *
It was * the policy of the rallroac
lobby to encourage and aid ever ]
bogus claim , every rotten job and
every scheme for local appropriations.
For these shameless raids upon tb <
treasury the capltol appropriation af
forded the nucleus. Once withh
these serpentine coils of greed , mei
became the willing accomplices o
highwaymen and burglars.
The noonday robbery of the ' atatt
treasury was only made possible bj
the collusion between theoapitollobb ;
and the railroad lobby , And the las
day of the session with its rush o
business , hurried conferences and general
oral disorder afforded the desired op
portuolly for the perpetration of in
famlea which would shame a hora
thief o > a pickpocket. Establlshei
usage , printed rules. and even statu
tary law wore trampled under foot b ;
presiding ofllcors in both houses. Ap
proprlations wore recklessly voted con
trary to all precedentnnd every claii
and job was put through in total die
regard of common decency. The at
joot degradation to which the jobbei
were reduced was forcibly illustrate
by an incident that occurred yeatei
day afternoon In the senate chambei
A bill in which Lancaster -jobbei
were interested was put on its pauag
and lacked just one vote to make i
a law. "Call Oanfield in , " s oute
Brown , of Lancaster , to Tom Kou
nard. Presently Senator Oanfield a ]
peared. "How shall I vote ? " ei
claimed the contused statesman froi
Douglaa. "Voto aye , " shouted Brow
within everybody's hearing. "I vol
yea , " shouted Oanfield , amidst HI
roarloua hilarity. "Who is this ma
Oanfield ! " whispered a bystander , i
an undertone. "Why , ho la the tl
can tied to the tall of that big Linca
ter canine , "
1C there was anybody in that aenai
moro .slavish to the monopolies ar
jobbers than Oanfield , it was the pro
Ident of that august body , Lientonai
Governor Ageo. As Incompetent :
ho is insignificant , this man of stra
with mush in his mouth has dlsgusti
friend and foe alike by his wretohi
pronunciation and arbitrary ruling
But ho made himself immense
useful in the closing hours by c
podlting business in a way th
would have made a Nubian bins
Oarna was a bold bad man , but tl
fellow ii a cross between a magpie ai
an Idiot. At no time was there a bi
ter opportunity for the passage ef
wholesome railroad law than on t
closing day of the neulon , The ca ]
tel lobby wore intensely agitated o\
th pcwlblt rejection of the sem
amendments to the oapitol bill by the
bouse and it was within the power of
ho few honest republicans in both
housja , who favored railway regula
tion , to compel the passage of a rail
road bill before the cmtiltol bill was
pasted. But Jthe capltol - appropriation
tion was allowed , ropassed the house
and when the railroad bills came np
they wore slaughtered. At the laat
moment , when , the clock had almost
struck twelve , the house went through
the farce of adopting the report of the
conference committee , which recom
mended a roconstrnotod bill that had
not the remotest chance of passing ,
BpecUl Correspondence of The Dee.
LINCOLN , February 20 Immediate
ly after the journal of the sonata had
boon road this morning , Senator
Brown , of Douglas , Introduced a reso
lution authorising the committee on
enrolled and engrossed bills to spread
an explanation upon the record concerning -
corning their action in regard to the
oapitol appropriation bill.
Senator Butler , who had throughout
boon the champion of the capltol bill ,
moved the indefinite postponement of
the resolution.
The following report from the com
mittee on enrolled and engrossed bills
cpon the capltol appropriation tead.i
as follows :
LINCOLN , February 24. 1H8) . f
MB. PBESID T Your coraiLtttro on
cnriifed MM toiolltd bill * , having had
under considerntiun the engrossing of the
senate amendments ( o tha house roll , No.
189 , would respect fully report that we
find tbtvttho errors arose from tbe piloting
of the senate bill with this amendments of
tha senate committee 011 public lands and
buildings , and which was road by tha
clerk ot the committee of the whole , to
which bill , as amended by said committee ,
amendment * by the senate were made.
Wo further find that five (5) ( ) lines of the
original bill , at the end of section 18 , niter
tha figure 5 in tha fifth line , were omitted
from tbe printed bill , ' and seven (7) ( ) words
Inserted In lieu thereof , and BO tar as we
know without authority.
We further find that the amendment ia
Hoe 80 , page 8 , of the original bill ( befog
line 7 of section 15 of the printed xenate
bill ) , to strike out the words "General fund
of the" and insert in lieu thereof the
words "Special fond created for the erec
tion of said building , " the word "Treas
ury" should be added.
Wo farther find that tbe amendment to
section 4 to strike out the word "one"
otter the word "section" and insert the
word "throe , " which was adopted by the
senate , does not appear on the certified
transcript of tbe records.
( Signed ) L. D. BABEEB , Ohr'n.
W. H. DEOH ,
.T. W. DOLAN ,
The debate on the motion to table
this report wan very warm and con
tinned up till ilooa with Brown , o :
Docg'ac , Djch and Harrison against
nud ilutlor and Brown , of Lincastei
for the motion to tabln , which wai
finally carried by'16 to > 12.
Dozing tho. day theBonatovqtoj
away about a.mllUofa of "mbrie'y. Son ?
of the claims allowed 'were honcatl ;
duo from the otate , but many of then
were down right steals. Those steal
came'In the general appropriation bill
in the salary bill , in the mlscellanoou
bill , in special bills , and in ever ;
imaginable way. The commissioner o
public lands and 'buildings has bee :
given not less than 820,000 to diapca
amona ; hia political frtenda , hb unc'c
nephews , cousins and his aunts.
Reynolds offered the following resolu
ijtion :
WHEREAS , There is yet a poaalblllt ;
11 that by thla legislature remaining i
session for a few days BOUIB laws ma
bo enacted that will in part meet th '
demands of the peopla who Im'o em.
us here , therefore I move that tli
resolution heretofore adopted ty tli
senate to adjourn , be now recur
aldered in order that the people of thi
f | state may receive some of the relit
they have a right tojezpoct at on
hande , and whose servants we aro.
Fending consideration of this mi
tlon , the senate adjourned until 1:3
11 p. m.
f | In the afternoon Reynolds' molio
made just before recess wao called n
and was lost. " "
It is very apparent from the action
of this body to-day , the last honra c
the session , that our system of makin
laws is by no moans perfect. Eve
slnco the state had an existence tt
thlovoa that hang around the state fc
the two years previous to each Boislo
of the legislature and wear their sun
mor clothes all winter , gather in th :
city for the purpose of worklt
through some imaginary claim ; the
underataudthe ground , for they ha\
boon over it 'year after year and the
hardly over fail , and let it bo recorde
now that not a single claim out of tb
many scores that were presented (
the senate of Nebraska for their a ]
proval , failed to pass.
The bill appropriating $3,000 f <
the relief of J. W. Pearman came t
, o on its third reading and passed , The
voting in favor of the bill wore :
Bomgardnor , Brown ( of Ltncaatei
Brown ( of Oolfax ) , Butler , Oanfiel
in Oaso , Oonkling , Connor , Dye , Fillo
Ffahor , Harrie , Harrison , Hoiot , Pn
toraon , Rich , Rogers , Schoouhel
Sewers , Thatch , "Walker.
Those voting in the negative wet
Barker , Brown ( of Douglas ) , Broi
( of Ulay ) . Dech , Dolau , Dunph
Ho well , McShane , Norrls , Reynold
The house railroad bill , slight
amended , came up In the shape ol :
ly conference committee bill and after 1
xat warm discussion was laid upon t
at table.
h.ds Brown of Olay thought that a lit
ds was better than nothing , and favoi
ad the passage of the bill as reported
it- the committee of conference ,
ithe Harrison o'f Hall said that he sai
he political fix-up between the domoor
pi- and antl-moncpi. *
rer Senator * Dech , Reynolds , MeSha
ite Brown of DovflM , mad Oonaoir ,
that the senate had sent a good bill to
the house and no action had been
taken upon It , and they wore willing
to stand or fall by the record they had
made on that bllL.
A .resolution presenting chain to
Lieut. GOT. Aggie and President pro
tern Connor , wore pasied without a
dissenting voto.
The appropriation bills falling to
pass the house with the senate amend-
mcnta , a conference committee , con *
aistlng of Butler , Hoist and Oasc , was
appointed , and when they reported it
was found that they had
of nearly all the clerks , and that the
same had boon done contrary to tbo
constitution of the state , lu as much
as the amendments' had not been
printed. Senator MoShano in voting
"No , " explained his vote &s follows :
"I protest against the adoption of
the report of the committee on cons
foronoe , to whom was referred House
Roll 204 , for the reason that the
amendments made by said committee
in lines 28 , 20 , 30,31 , 34 and 40 wore
never printed , consequently were
made in direct violation of section 11 ,
article 3 of the constitution of the
state of Nobraaka , which provides that
every bill and all ita amendments
thereto shall bo printed. "
Brtrnrnvlllo Rejoicing.
CptcUl Di i > tch to Tin fill.
BHOWNVILLE , Neb. , February 27
Oar county neat fit > ht Is ended , ani
Brownvillo is victorious. About
2,800 votes wore polled , The Brown
villo people are rejoicing.
Rnllroad Progress in Florida.
Special Dispatch to TUB EKE.
TALLAIIALSEE , February 27 , The
bill incorporating the International
railroad and steamship company was
signed by the governor to-day , Qon-
oral Qordon , of Georgia , the leading
spirit , says a trunk railroad , will be
built down the back bono of the pen
insula to Key West.
Mozloan Central Stocks ,
Special Dispatch to TUB IEI.
BOSTON , February 27.
The Boston Transcript says that
a1 uEcrlptlons of six million dollar i ,
called for by the Mexican Oantral
Railroad company , Dome weeks ago ,
won completed to-day , the public
taking $3,500,000 , and arrangement !
wore made placing the remainder.
Michigan Senatorial Contest.
Special Dispatch t > TUB BIB.
DETROIT. Mich. , February 27. A
prolonged effort was made to-day tc
elect a senator. Eleven votes wen
taken. The last vote stood ; Stock
bridrro 33 , Palmer 32 , Willots ,9 , Stout
democrat , 42 ; remainder scattering
All tha ballots' varied not moro thai
f three from the above figures. Botl
houfios adjourned over to-morrow oi
Ij Ir account of holding the republican ju
j dlclal convention. - . . ,
Slnggen -
Special DUpatch to.TBi.UMf.
of local brnlsera
Kelly , fought a ptiza igkt'io'afeht 1
the town of Like. A't the concluslb
of four rounda the police desoonde
on the scene and arrested the partic
pants ,
The Brmidwood Calamity.
Special Dlapatch to TUB BBB.
BRAIDWOOD , February 27. Tl
water i > as been lowered five feet aim
yesterday. It now stands GO fei
below the starting point. Some i
the bodies are shortly expected I
rise , as they will float when the watt
roaches a certain point. There wi
7y 7n $2.300 received to-day : iotal funt
y $10,050.
L Boadi Carried ,
Special Dispatch to Tux BBB.
" OAHSON , Ia. , February 27. Tl
. vote for tax to the Toledo , Oskaleci
I * and Western railroad to-day waa ca :
ried by ninety-four in Carson towi
Suffocated by Gat.
Special Dispatch to Tux BEE.
MADISON , Wis. , February 27.
man , wife and three children , name
Haley , were suffocated by coal gaa. ' .
ia believed none of them can recove
A Paper Mill Suspended-
Bpo'lil Dispatch to THE BEE.
SOUTH BEND , lad. , February 27.-
Luolns Olark & Oo , paper mannfa
tnrers , have suspended. The firm i
BUO a circular calling the creditors t
gather and promising a statement <
their assets and liabilities for Satnrdi
next. The mill at South Bend is oi
of the largest in the west. The fir
la heavily interested in paper man
> y facturlng.
re A. Heavy Trans action *
reS Special Dispatch to Tin BEE.
OUIOAQO , February 27. The rote
[ o dry goods house of Charles Uossa ;
& Oo. has been Bold to Caraon , Prlo
Soott&Oo. , of Chicago , for ? 1OCC
000. Charles Gossago , the founder
the firm , died reoently.
A Mora Liberal System ,
> P Bpocltl Dlipntch to IDE UBS.
80 OmoAao , February 27. The cor
mon council last night adopted ord
nances considerably extending tl
license system.
A Cold-Bloodc J Murder.
SpoclU Dlapitch to TIIK list.
CLEVELAND , February 27. Edwa
Tetter was summoned to open 1
m doer at an early hour this morale
and on responding waa assaulted '
three men and shot. Ho will pro
ably die. The affair is shrouded
a AFnlao Story.
a Special D'ttpitch to TUB Bis.
he CHICAGO , February 27. The ate
about the polslonlng of Michigan lu
tie bermon proves to bo a canard.
by A Wealthy Snioldn.
Special Dispatch to TUB BII.
r a KANSAS CITY , Mo. , February 27
aU Henry 0. Parr , a wealthy and n
known stock man suicided at hia ho
ne. hen last night. Tha act eurnot
aid aoeoMtffi tor. '
The Senate Tariff Bill Turnofl
Over to a Ooiiforenco
Senator Davis Resigns the Pres
idency of'tha Benato to Fa
cilitate Succession.
> -u i
The Offlco Generally Conceded
to Edmunds , the Ver
mont Giant ,
The Mule Driver From Oalu-
fornia Cracks His Whip.
Over the House.
The Ohili-Peru Negotiations
Ventilated by VanWyok'a
. IV
Proceedings of Oonsrcsv-RordoU' *
Examination and Other
Spsdil Dlspuchos to TUB Dm ,
WAaniNOTON , February 27. There
are 592 bills left unroportud by the
honso commltteo on military alinirn ,
the most notable cf which are the
Grant retirement and the bill to re
store Fitz John Fortor.
In the house to-day Mr. Hnokoll ,
speaking to. a point of order , began re
marks by the statement thnt the lines 3
tariff bill was dead , killed by doluy
and obstruction.
It is believed that the announce
ment by Judge Davis , that ho will resign -
sign the c fli 30 of president oi the sen
ate pro torn at noon next Saturday ,
was prompted by information from
President Arthur that ho does not in
tend to convene the senate in special
soBiion on the 5th of March. It It
understood that democratic senators
will offer no opposition to u prompt
election of a republican senator prc
tempore president. Anthony will not
be eligible to hold the place during
the coming recess na hia preuout tern ;
will ozplra March 33 , . Ho caunot b ;
sworn in again until' thtMe'xt meeting
of the senate. Although no cancu :
aoiion boa boon taken on the nubjeoi
the indicitiono are that E'Jnm-ide : wi !
bo chcspn prcaldenl pro toin atd thr
other cflUoro will hold tphir pooition
unUl next December , j " '
_ , _ , . Orie'colMaa Wi
h * * 4 T.J. : B. , 33 13 p r e t. Tk
figures'Bet down in the white colura
represented the percentage of pa
upon the routes. Ingersoll aakod wl
ness If ho had not demanded mom
from the government. He answorc
ho had requested allowance of $5,0 (
for counsel fees. Rardell said hia aha :
from one route waa $2,000 per annul
Davldge moved that the court allo
defendants accesa to papers referred
in the examination of Rerdell and
waa ordered they bo deposited wi
the clerk. Witness admitted havli
written the articles published
Tbe Star , intending to lead the d
fendants to believe he was not goii
on the stand. Speaking of the met
ing botween'Boaler , Dorsey and Bra <
at Chamberlain's club house , he sa
he did not see Brady , but nnderstoi
they wore to meet him there. I
remembered the time , in August , 188
because Doraey gave hlmamessag ;
not connected with this case , to soi
to L. P. Morton. Witness copied i
keeping the original for a vouohc
Ho had a copy vow. No effort w
made to bring out its contents 1
either tide and tha court adjonrno
The senate in executive session d
elded to postpone consideration
the Mexican commercial .trtuty ui
o- next December.
The conference on the internal i
venue bill met to-night and informal
diecussed the situation. A meet !
will bo hold to-morrow morniug at
a- o'clock. No programrae'hu yet bo
arranged ,
0. 0. Wingttrd , ais > ololo justice
11 the supreme court , W , 'J ? ; J ao. \
Foster , Indiana , envoy extraordina' '
and minister plenipotentiary ) ) 8pal
Wiokham Hoffman , linutor reside
and consul general to D-mmai
D wight T , Reed , tccrotnry of iegatl
and consul general to Madrid ; B.
W. Benjamin , minister resident a
consul general at T-tieran , Pen
n- W , P. Button , consul general at Ma
n11 - moras ; L. H. Footo , envoy ex'raor
tie nary and minister plenipotentiw/
Corca ; Root O. Dyaoforth , Illlnc
assistant commissioner of paten
Wm. E. Dargro , postmaster , Oaklai
rd Martin Townsend , ( N. Y. ) attorn
lia for the district of Now York ; Ji
Paul. ( Yn ) , judge of the weste
district of Virginia j Deolno S. Wai
( Montana chief justice of the s
in promo or < rt of Montana ; Wm.
Church , ( N , J. } . associate judge of I
euprcmo court , Dakota ; Jno , BA11
( Washington territory ) , attorney
the territory of Washington.
Proaid * Arthur to-day tranan
ted to the conate a report from
lecrotary of state ia rwponie to " \
Wyck'B revolution inquiring whet
the minUter of the United State I
rell b en Instructed to Invite or M
me medlUUoa of European powtM
MttlMtMtof tk dlffi <
OUU imd P nu HM
ho received a dispatch from Part
ridge saving representatives of Great
Britain , Franco , Italy and the tfaitod
States , ( Germany declining taking any
part ) considered the subject of the
above named difficulties at an in
formal mooting at Partridge's honso
and concluded that each should de
clare to his government the belief
thift the only way to bring about
cessation of hoitllitlcu was an Agree
ment < addrois representations to
the Chilean qovornmout expressing a
wish to ace peace made on the basin
of cession of Tarapoca. The ministers
further declared they considered it
their duty to urge the respective gov-
crnmontn to take thn nirp indicated at
onco. Upon receipt ot the dispatch ,
Partridge \vtu telegraphed by the
secretary of state in subilauco that
the leave of absence \o had requested
was granted and ho was expected to
return by the first steamer. Ho was
farther informed the action sot
forth In his dispatch having
boon taken by him without
authority nrua disapproved , Ho was
directed to eo inform these of his col-
leagaoa who had noted with him. A
telegram was at the name time sent to
the lalnistors of tbo United States in
London , Paris and Rome1 , informing
.them that Partridge had joined with
mprotontattvcD of Great Britain ,
Franco and Italy , in a recommenda
tion to their rcspcctlvo iovornmonti
to intervene in the Chili-Pern difficul
ties , and instructing them to inform
the covornincntn to which they are
respectively accredited , that this ao <
tlon was taken by Partridge without
authority , and has not boon approved ,
The commissioner of railroade
statea that all laws In reference to the
telegraph Hues on the Union , Central ,
Southern and Northern Pacific roadc
have been complied with.
A prominent democratic represent
ative from Pennsylvania stated this
evening that ho had authority for oay <
ing Randall will decline to servo ae
confnroo on the internal revenue and
tariff bill.
The sonata devoted four hours thi
afternoon to the consideration of ei
ecutlvo business. The proposed com
msrolal treaty with Mexico , was firs
token np. Without dlocnsslon ,
motion to pontpono its further con
alteration till next December wa
carried. The treaty with Mexico prc
viding for the retrial of the Well an
InAbra claims was tmnilarly dispose
of , after which the aonato took up
long Hat of nominations.
Lpodol Dispatch to TUB 13 n.
WASHINGTON , February 37. In tl
poiiuto , the president pro torn road tl
following to the senate : In view
possible r- > . _ exigencies . ? . ! . . _ . . . . . , that j- might . , affe
froiaa priatew and ctt
workingtdea prot tlng agalnat a
action to exclude "union" prlnti
from the government printing offii
> y Sanator Morrlll from the commltt
id on finance , reported favorably on t
10 joint resolution to provide for te
re minuting the Hawaiian reciproci
a.w treaty. Referred to committee on foreign r
to latlonu.
it Ssnator Logan presented resol
thg tlons of the Chicago Stock Exchan
? g favoring the repeal of article 1
in amendment to the constitution. R
0 ! f srred the committee on judiciary.
IK Sanator Cameron , ( Wls ) , present
> t. a similar resolution ot the Milwank
* * chamber of commerce. Referred
idle the same committee.
} d A message was received from t
le president transmitting the report
10 , the government directors of t
e , Union Pacific Railway company ,
id 'On motion of Sanator Sherman
iti order was adopted that the sem
ir. proceed to consider , 1st , pending pe slim blllt , after unfinished business
b/ bd. dUpoeod of ; 2ad , house bills report
d. favorably , commencing at the poi
d.Q. where vho .calandar was last unc
Q. | consideration.
of Senator Van Wyck's resolution
til rooting the secretary of the treasi
to famish copies of vouchers of ito
audited on account of expenses
curred by the department of just
re\ slnco January 1 , 1882 , with names
lly ] special or assistant attorneys , t
njft adopted. After executive session Ire I
10 ] kblll to give Increased pensions to 01
en Iprmed and one-logged soldiers v
| taken up.
A raesiage from the house
nonnced the non-cononrronco of t
of house in the action of the senate
the intdrnal revenue and tariff b
asking a conference in which <
In ; houio should be represented by f
k ; Senator Morrlll moved that I
enG senate insist upon Ito action and ag :
G tCa confoionoe , lie said ho wet
nd a k for aa many confereou on the p
l ; of the senate as the houuo would i
- point on its part. Senator Ingalln aald ho would H
to agreeing to
befave the question on
lis , conference WBB put , to huvo road
* -J names of the oonfevcco who wore tc
id. appointed. Ho understood they w
In tbo ti-\nds of tne chair.
ey Senator Hawlcy called Ingalls
10.rn order , and said his remarks Imp ]
> rn the chnii
discourteous relit ption on
ie , Senator In i ? alia refused to bu ca
IUB. to order , and a wordj debate follow
The senate having voted to
its action and to agree tfo a conf eroi
on the president named Senators Mor
for Sherman , Aldrloh , Bayart and Bi
Book at first declined to B&va on
grounds that be was fully 'jicaplec '
ait- committees , but Yoorheeand 1
the rill insisted npon his earring ,
ran agreed to do BO.
her The senate held a brief
aad MMkioa aad adjounei.
Ia Uw ho M lai iJUt lj Itw
to T U Vk 4 Htw ot
Rood rosoluHon. The roaolutlon waa
ogreed to yen 129 , nays 22.
The democrat * generally refrained
from voting. Hammond immediately
arose to a question of privilege. Ho
offered a resolution declaring that the
action of the senate of subitltntlng
for the bouso bill to reduce internal
revenue taxation a proposition Impos
ing both import d ft ties and internal
taxation la in conflict with the trno
intent and purpose of the countltutidn ,
which requires that all bills for raieUig
revenue uball originate in the housoot ,
representatives , and declaring further
that the bill with the aonato iniond-
monts shall lie npon the table. It
also directs the clerk of the house to
notify the senate of the adoption of
the foregoing resolution.
Calkins raised appoint of order.
Mr. Hammond discussed the con
stitutional question * raised by his res
Mr. Kasson offered a substitute.
Mr. Carlisle raised a point of order
against the substitute. Sustained.
Mr. Ktsson then argued against
Mr. Hammond'a resolution.
Mr. Hoskoll offered a substitute
Mr , Carlisle raised a point of order.
_ i
Mr. Robc'son made a constitutional
argument acralnst the richt ; of the aen-
ate to originate revenue legislation.
Mr. Knott opposed the resolution.
After further dlocutnion , the question
recurred on Haikoll's substitute. Mr.
Hammond demanded a separate vote
on the preamble and resolution. The
resolution was first agreed to , 143 to
120. It is as follows :
"RESOLVKD , That if this bill , sen
ate tariff bill , ahall bo referred to the
conference committee , it ohall bo thr
duty of the confeo'ca on the partol
the house on said committee to con
sider fully the constitutional objection :
to eaid bill ay amended by tlio n'anatc
and heroin referred to , bring the
same , together with the opinion i < f the
house in respect 'thereto ' , before said
committee of conference , and if neces <
sary in their opinion , alter having
conferred with the aonato conferees ,
the committee may make a reporl
to the house in regard to said bill
heroin referred to. "
The preamble was also adopted
117 to 3G. Mr. Hammond's roaolu
tlon-aa amended by adoption of Has-
koll'a Bubstitn'to , waa agreed to , 139 tc
Mr. Kelley Immediately moved ti
suspend the rules and take from th
apcakor'a table the internal rovonu
bill with Bonato amendments , non
concur in those amendments and ap
point a conference committee of fiv
members .on the part of the houac
Agreed to 148 to 110 , a party voti
Mr. P go moved to co into comml
too of the whole on tha river and ha
10 bor bill. A f tor considerable dtaon
of nion the regular erdor was dcmandc
ct and the vote on Pago's motion 1
to tellers resulted 100 to OG. Pondli
demand for the you "and nays V
KOOM re'eewed. * - ' * v *
' A
from the tiehaleaanoHnclng ls ( ogre
; for
ral on'fhe Internal , , revenue * , biUjfc vl
ler been received , 'the eneakor appoiti
ny Messrs. Kelly , -McKinly , Haske
Randall and Carlisle con fores on tl
. part of the house.
: e.
e.oo The supplementary J mall route b
heir was passed.
ir- After a parliamentary wrangle tl [
honso wont Into committee of tl
whole on the river and harbor bl
Mr. Pagn briefly explained the pr
visions tf the bill.
Messrs. Hoar and Guonthor BU
ported the bill.
LI , Mr. Richardson argued against i
During the progress of Richardson
speech ho was interrupted by Hntol
ed Ins , A noisy , stormy and wholly n :
intelligible ditcuulon arose as to tl
to benefit which- New York receivi
from the federal treasury. The con
ho cxltteo was in a perfect nproar , noarl
of every member being on his feet , ar
ho two or three dozen addressing tl
chair as the same time.
an Mr. Page at last managed to cat
kto the ear cf the chairman , and the coi
m- mlttoe , on his motion , arose. Tl
mIs condition of the house in regard
od the nproar proceedings was no li
int provoment' over the committee.
lor Mr. Page moved to limit debate
two hours.
dl- Mr. D tright moved to amend 1
makpg it three hours. Amid rene
iry ma | od confusion a vote was takon. I
in- quorum voting , a point of order
lee rataed with vehemence by Van Voc
.of hoes.Mr.
Mr. Holman nnggeatod a compi
the. mlso might bo arrived at fixing t
10. 1 limit at two honra and a half.
"I will not make
raa any arrangome
with the gentleman from New Ye
in- ( Van Yoorheooi ) " replied Page , a
inho shouted Van Vborbeos with etmphas
on "No mule driver from California c :
111 , crack hia whip over this house "
the Finally Dsrlght's motion was k
ivo and the compromise of two and a t
hours agreed to. Hlsoock Rupees
the those bo consumed to night , but th
reo was a storm of objections , Mr. C
lid stating his unwillingness to addres
art "pack of wolves hero to-night. " Af
ip- another noisy wranqlo the house ng
wont into committee , but in a :
ko , momenta lose. Mr. Paqo move
u rocesn until 10 o'clock to-morrow ,
the quorum voted. Homo adjourned.
1 Do I A Criminal Conspiracy.
ere Special DUpatch to TUB DKE.
NEW SfoRK , February 27. 1
to Irene Hey t , daughter of Jeeoo H
lied | committed by friends to an int
asylum near Philadelphia , in J
lied last , baa boon released , pronoui
red. eano. She nays she was put out ol
> on way to keep her from her fatl
ace , death bed , and she' will contest
rill , will on the grounds of nnduo ii
Bok. once. The pnysician'o certificate t
the which Mlsa Hoyt waa committed ,
1 on not filed and the physician * wl
lor- cited to court to explain.
tkm War e
Sped * ! Dl p tch to TUB
Governor OMWTOB , AdJHUai Ge
McDowM aai Mjor fl. 0. C
wy foNt , t4
Ireland and the Irish People
the Burden oil the Cable
ParaeH'a Party Dissolving
Arrest of Byrne in
The Talk in the
If The Application far
The French Preparing' For
Armed Descent on Congo'
Anarouiftt Activity in Rorao BB&
Brut no ! 8
Special Dlipatch to THE 'Er.r
LONDON , February 27. The Times
Bays : The report regarding the extradition -
tradition of Sheridan caused commo
tion In land league circles. The Irish
member * of parliament , however , de
clare If Sheridan la brought to Ire
land ho will bo able to upset Care'a
It is probab'.o that if Norlhcoto'n
mctlon In regard to the Kilmaiuhkm
treaty is delayed a similar proposal
nl ! ba introduced in the lords. The if. .
opinion of conservatives of both
houses IB , that in view of the atato cf
affairs in Ireland , no useful purpose .
would be served by inquiry into a sub
ject after the lapse of a ycnr ,
The Times continues : No meeting
of Parnelliten Monday , owing to the
dangerous symptoms of revolt aqalnst
ParnoU'o leadership His following
ia now reduced half. Dawaon and
Gray , and other well known members
who usually follow Parnell have not
appeared at Westminster this session.
It IB believed in Dublin that the
United States government will refuse
the demand for the extradition of
Sheridan ,
In the commons , chief secretary for \
Ireland stated the government did
not intend to release Harrington ,
jnst elected to parliament. O'Connor
tffjvod a amendment to the reply to
. the queen's speech , declaring the dls-
' trcBa in Ireland , the inadequate mach
inery , land and arrears note , the laws
governing parliamentary and muni
cipal franchise , and the con
dition ol the local Government ,
demand urgent attention of the
legislators. Trovelyan said although
the government had no largo meas
tie ure concerning the government of
Ireland toj introduce this year , they
Intended to introduce several useful
go moature * with KK A > .to ; tkdUtre
is there ,
The p
U getting into debt. The question waa
bo , whether by giving extraordinary re
lief , the government Bhonld stay em
ill igration , which thopoor were not
ayprso to , and merely postpone tha
evil day ,
10 Another bailiff cf Lord Ardllaun'/i ,
10 named FJynn , wu attacked and left
11.o . for dead , near Olonbnr , county Mayo.
o- Throe members of the Joyce family ,
witnesses in the Maamtrasna trial ,
while protected by four policemen ,
wore attacked In a public home at
Ohurchfield. The police firearms
wore taken and used on the Joyces.
hn - One was badly wounded.
n- The Dublin Freeman's Journal pub
lie lisher a letter from Brennan , who U
3d mentioned by Informer C rey. The
Q- letter is dated London , 23d. Bren-
nan neither admit * nor denies that ha 4
once belonged to the Irish republican
the British
brotherhood , bat says
government will not be able to charge
oh nim with any extraditable offense. If
nbe it * wants him it need not apply to tha. .
American government for him.
LONDON , February 27. Accounts )
- ' -
toby from the district of Gweedore , county --i
Donegal , in the northwestern part of
by Ireland , indicate that the condition of
'the people is most distressing , The
medical office of the district reports
as that the children are much emaciated ,
in consequence of the ecarclty of diet
and tbe general use cf seaweed aa the
ro principal meal. There la a sick per
robe son In almost every house , owing to a ,
want of food'
nd Specltl Dlp tchc5 to TUB Bit.
an LONDON , February 27. A dispatch ,
from Durban Bays that it ia reported
ist , the Boors have defeated Chief Mapooh
lal and ? have captured Chief Mampoe'r.
ted Crown Prince Fred W. William , of
ere Germany , has been gazetted a knight
) ox of the Grand Cross of the order oE'
3 a Bath.
aln OATAMA , February 27. A popular
few ferment haa resulted from the altera
d K tion of the railway tariff affdoting the.
No sulphur trade. The situation li be
coming grave and two mon of war and
a recimeut of troop * have arrived to
maintain order , Many persona were
[ ary arrested , including several of im
oyt , portance.
uno ROME , February 27 , A paper borcb
iced charged with powder waa thrown into
itho the court yard of tha residence of tha
ler'a Austrian embossador here. Similar
.his petards were thrown at tha same time ,
aflu- onobcfaroijhe Australn embassy to
ipon the VatioatLaud the other In front of
waa the royal palaca. The supposed priwt
11 bo waa arrested , Ho , one Injured.
PARIS , February 27 , A bill ha *
been Introduced in the onambar of
deputtaO * ' farnlah Lieutenant Be *
wUk 103,061) firewmi , 300
- _
" * *