Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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health and avoid sickness.
Instead of feeling tired and
worn out , instead of aches
and pains , wouldn't you
rather feel fresh and strong ?
r a You can continue feeling
miserable and good for no
thing , and no one but your
self can find fault , but if you
are tired of that kind oflife ,
you can change it if you
How ? I3y getting one
bottle of BROWN * IRON BIT-
TERSand taking it regularly
according to directions.
HamfWJ , Ohio , NOT. tt , i88r.
Gentlemen : I hira inflfered with
fain In my tide and tick , and pent
aoreceM on my brcxit , with llroot-
tnfpalni all through tnybodjr ( at
tended with great vealcneM , depro-
Ion of iplrlti. and IOM of appo-
tilt. I hare taken tereral different
medicine * , and wat treated by pro m-
Inent phrtldaia formyllrer , kid-
ncTiandipIecnbut Iirotnonllef.
I thought I WOUK try Drmra'a Irea
Dltttn ; Iharo now taken ooebottl *
and * half and am about weJl p lo
In tide and back all cone torine * !
11 out of my brtut , and I hara a
good appetite , and am gaining la
trnirth and fleth. It can jintly b
Called fotkiHfqfmKtuintt ,
Joiui K. Aitzrou.
composed of Iron insoluble
form ; Cinchona the great
tonic , together with other
standard remedies , making
a remarkable non-alcoholic
tonic , which will cure Dys
pepsia , Indigestion , Malaria ,
Weakness , and relieve all
Lung and Kidney diseases.
Every Corset U warranted satU-
Vujtory to Ita wenrer In every way ,
' or th * money will bo rotunded by
tbo person from whom It was bought.
ITfc * only Oonet pronounced t > r our iNulliur phjtl lau
Merloni to th wearnr , and radorMd br ladlcx u
tt f'moit comfortable art pertMt fitUng jOorwl mt
" " * * * ' ' '
rHIOEB , * y KB ! ! , Pcetac * Paid l
WMlU Pr ertlD . * 1.BO. Belf-AajiiUJur. 11.8
AW.mlnU ( tr l1e Tr ) I.OO. NureUi , 1.B
MlUi PraerTtiiB ( fl e M U1) 1.00. 1'wMt * *
Vr aale by Icadln * Uetull DiwUra rerrwkcre.
VUIOAOO causal co. , Chicago , m.
1100 and 1111 Dodx Btrool ,
nug 7-mo Cm OMAHA , NEB.
A Skin of Baauty U Joy Forever.
Oriental Gream or Magical Beau-
tifler ;
n. PtrnplM ,
Ficck te i ,
bleralih on
dtfld ile
lectlOd. It
bat rtooe
the toil o
li 10 harm
twte tt tc
be ire IL
piopa ra
lion It pie
perljr mv !
mrt < r ( l
of itmllar rane. The dUtlnirnUhfd I/ . I , , A
Ba ) tr. aald to a la < 1j tithe ll.i'TTOH ( anitlenf
" . \i you la I K * 111 t\K > theti , I ircominoru
'U uniid Oiiaru' ai tbo Icait h * > uu ) ot all th
Skin | irci > ai tkns. " One I otic will lint th
n.oritbiii l" | { lie' err lift ) . Al i nu < lri > Juli
tile rtmoiiiupufluoua hil > 1 lio\t Injury I
I Ma. M. I ) . T. QOUI1AU1) , B i proi. | , 44 Ben
St. N'i Y.
Fir aile by all Dru ' | ; I U r nJ Vancy Oca'
Dra'eriithioitfhout tta UnlUii btituCanau
ai d Kuroi c.
/t5Tl.'f ' are ot lia ItnlUtloni. 11,000 , lewar
tor arieit and < > rro ( clary ono wllla ; tic turn
J H-TCOW u.u 2t oCm
The above reward will be paid to any peno
who will product a Falut that will equal the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubbe
Paint ,
for preMrrlng SMoge * Wo an ] OrartJ Jlooh
Warranted to * i tVe apJ.i Waft ; Vna , A
ontert promptly Mrpded I c'jftpti all < ! b
ker tbu otrurjialntnj tiflie.
StSft'iHT. TfifllEKSOW.
Bol ProprleTOci.OmalJa UDU Omaha , Nil
Officer & Puaey Dr.RlcejfO * Honey , full
Council lilufff. lo it a.
On oOlcf , Ooiaua HID.
'ho Bonutlfol ftnd dftaahty YOULK
ofis or ObQulcoa Dlua
Alone m a llumblo
Wtw York WoilJ.
A abort , sensational and sorrowful
Ifo was brought to ft cloioon Wedues
day , when the duchess of Ohaaluoi
nee Princess Sophia Galllzlu ) died at
ho ago of twenty-five In a humble
aottago in La Villotto. She waa mar.
rlodfn 1875 to the duke of Ohaulnes ,
and their feeble llttlo children arc
ho Iwt survivors ot tbo great house
A Loynos , the foundations of whoso
ortnnos were laid by d'Albert , Gist
psgo to Louis XIII. , afterwards con-
table of Franco. lie and his two
rothcrs once were compelled to make
heir visits to court semi-weekly bo-
auso they only had ono gala costume
otwocn them ; a little whlto later aud
aoh WM the husband of an heiress
nd had boon adopted into a family ol
lo anolunt nobility. The matrimonial
menial ancccBioa ot the Luynoa are
bronloled by Saint Simon and other
wrltora of hla time. Of late
oars the hand of death
nd mUfortuuo hai been heavy
n the family. The duke of Cher-
ouso was killed by a fall from his
one In 1854. His elder son , who
erved In the Pontlficlal couavcs , was
tiled wbilo leading a battalion ol
loblloa In the war of 1871 The
DUDgor son , whose wjdow has just
led , never recovered frtm the effects
j the same severe campaign In whloh
o wai wounded , Their slater died
Oddonly. Their mother , the daolusn
f Ohovrenae , who still survives , U an
ndrgotlo , ambitions and Impllotblu
Ittle woman , a devotee In religion ,
nd perhaps also slightly deranged
brongh her misfortunes. Her son's
mmlago with the boaudfal'und ' daiE *
ogs Sophie Oalltlzln , a daughter of
he Prlnoo An notln , who sacrificed
n estate of $140,000 a year by ftbjnr-
ng the Greek faith for the Catholic ,
was a tore trial for the duohead. Two
'omen ' could not very well be Im-
glued who were leas likely to got on
ogothor. The bride was gay almost
lid Ll h tempered , fond of society
nd hunting ; the mother-in-law austere
nd Impatient of opposition. As for
10 husband , the last spark of his
noestral energy seems to have burned
self out during the campaign against
10 Prnsolaos , and ho baa been repre-
ented ai BO lazy that bo took hit meal a
nd was shsved In bed , and only
bandonod the blankets to go to
bapol under hla mother's watchful
ye.It la not quito a year ainoe the
duel of the dueheroes" Rcaudoliz d
French society. Had they boon fish-
Ives instead of representatives of
wo of the great families of Franco
nd Russia they could not have abused
aoh other inoro virulently , and ,
rhlahovor side was to bo believed ,
DO revelations of aristocratic llfo were
veti loss savory than those that crosu-
otlorm tor ncsault and battery are
accustomed to provoke In a police
bnrt In a disropntablo neighborhood ,
'ho duke { of Ohaulnoc had died and
ho custody of hla children had been
atrasted to their grandmother ; for
their possession hla widow contended ,
alleging a series of persecutions and
jutragea that did Hot yield in their
pmanllo and thrilling character tc
anything recorded in the literature of
he Inquisition. The young duchess
illeged that she wai shut npln a conn-
ry mansion and nagged perpetually ;
hat when sick it wai not her mother'
n-law'a fault If iho recovered , aud
hat the elder lady , maddened at her
son's marriage , Inflamed hla mind with
nnplolons aud did her utmost to com-
iromlso her daughter-in-law. The
duke wai Induced to. depart on thb
Ologod voyage , which has furnished
n incident for the plots of how many
lovela and dramas , and ro
nrnlng unexpectedly at night
> rocoodod to "draw" hla
rlfe'a apartments , accompanied
iy all the inmatca of the chateau ,
guests and servants , aftorwardu com-
idling hur to appear In the hall nud
ipou her knots confess her infidelity
nd plead for the forgiveness of whloh
ho waa unworthy. Ou another ooca-
Ion the young duchess waa awakonid
rom her boauty-aleep to beheld the
Jartnlng spectacle of ono priest at the
load of her bed and a second ot Us
oot. They duly prayed over ita
itartlcd ocoupaut , aud stood aside
while the old duchess produced a p .
per and bade her sign or die. Alma
le Ohaulnes sprung from her couch
> nd fled toward * the door , but her
lUiband appeared at the portal to cut
off her retreat with a cocked revolver ,
> nd she had to sign the document aud
declare herself unworthy to have the
ihargo of her children. And who& her
mebaud waa dying , desplto his
wlahea and her froi-zled pleadings ,
she waa r closed the last sorrowful
> rlvlledgo of closing his eyes , auc
hrust from the gates penniless one
rlondlcss. The young dnchou die
not deny havlug signed the coinpro
raising documents , but Insisted thai
Mir will had been forced by threaU ol
death , and she g&vo the final romantli
touch to her caao by attempting the
abduction of hur children , Aided b ]
gentleman who was said to h vo d
clared'hla passion for her and to havi
received the promlso of her hand am
heart ai soon ai bo had compassed th
rescue of the llttlo one * from thel
gorgon grandmother , and provided i
[ athfnl maid servant aud a retainer
shrouded In an ample cloak , to stea
the children , a ole > pd carriage with ro
ya of horses lolng In readiuesis , am
Cihlng.smack awaiting the party'
arrival at the seashore , The plot
however , niltoarriod.
One story Is proverbially good nntl
another ho * boon told , and when tht
duchess of Ohovrcuso came to put In
her uvldouoo abe alleged the exlatuuc
of an cHcgother different a tutu f ,
things. She inslatod that the youn ;
duchess was too much occupied wit !
her numerous lovers to pay any ntton
tion to her children , and that ono o
thcas lovers had been chased by th
servant * , but had osoaptd through hi
fleutneaa of foot , lie waa a pruden
swain , aa appeared from the fact tha
ho rigged a rope to the window of th
chateau ao aa to ctoapo the mor
readily , and that ho put on a pair o
rustic boots that hla footsteps on ih
snow might not betray him. Ill
gloves , handkerchief aud love letters
however , remained as trophies. Th
young duchess was describe *
as "knocking her children about ,
end even turning them nut of bed t
make room for her dogs ; she waa ao
ouaed of conaumlng great quautltl
f opium and regarding tbo fevered
areama cf her Bleep thinfca ttiat had
ottlly , hcpp&uod , Her mlio.iuduot
tilled her huaband , and he diud euro-
ng her name and Imploring ha !
mother to keep his children from eon
Amlnation tby their mother. Alto-
other , whichever a lory was to bo bo *
the raoitiest ft'nd mTTaV miser-
bio woman of the countryside had no
oiuon to envy the lifo of the rival
The charts , as rpadera of The World
lay remember , sustained the allega-
ons of the grandmother and g vo her
: io custody of the children. Slnou
lit time but llttlo has been
nard of the young duoht
whoso llfo has just gene out.
Parisian chroniqneur thus
escribed her at tbo time of the trial
n May , 1882'Sho ; ' waa in deep
mourning. Her golden fleeoo of hair
' ung down hur back In a long , loose
ot of yellow silk , hardly dlstlngulsha-
'lo ' from the burnished mats it con-
alned. If the dnohosa do Ohanlno *
lad a perfoot month aho would bo a
woman of rare beauty , It Is not ugly.
? ho lips are red and fresh and not too
lde. But the expression la silly.
A.ny ono who haa gene through the
world and baa an eye for pbyalognom ,
would know before ahoapuko that her
oonveraation la disjointed , precipitate
nd mouotonoujly vapid , faho might ,
icr teeth being clinched , Insert her
orefiuger between the upper range
whloh Is white and oven and the'
undor. The eyes are of opal gray.
At the Palala de Jnstloo they were
artificially encircled with lustre , which
; vo a languid , snfforlng air , aud by
orce of contrast blanched the fair
omploxlon. " _ . . ,
Durkoo's Salad Dcasing , a ready *
made , rich and delicious dreolng' for
all salads of moat , fiah or vegetablet.
Cheaper and Infinitely better than
lome-made. No aanoo equal to U.
A Love Lorn Malaon 8e ka Belief
from on Editor , ana Qottf It.
rojklj-n Kigli ,
"It is really a most dollcato thing
hat I oomo to see yon about , " she
ottered , and as the managing editor
} l ced a chair for her ho looked gravu ,
or the bluahes chased each other over
hu prettiest face he hadjaeen for many
"What's his name ? " asked the man-
giug editor with soothing encourage
"Sir ! " faltf red the beauty , turning
ptizriod pair of bewildering blue
yea full upon him. "Huir how did
ma ktion ? What made yon ask me
hat question ) "
' 'And 1 suppose you have set the
ignro at 975,000 , " continued the man-
agiug editor , nulling covertly at hla
"D. you ineaanro my precious soul
by paltry money b'ngs and filthy
oskal" she demanded , with a
ng glaoce and blushes that chased
each other faster than ever.
"I don't , " replied the managing
editor , " "but the jury will. I would
I ! 3 ! were a juror ! " and he smiled
agtin , this time In admiration rf th
delicacy of his compliment.
"I don't think you qulto under-
itand me , " slghad the talr visitor.
"I am in great trouble , and I have
oume for advice. Thura is a young
man " and here sha broke down en *
ilraly and sobbed bitterly.
"Is there any way I can brace you
apt" Inquired the managing editor ,
rubbing hla noio with a corkscrew as
& gentle hint in the direction of his
"No , thankil' .iho remonstrated ,
recovering herself with an effort.
"Yon are very kind. I don't think
? ou can do anything for me at all.
roar religions editor In ? Ho will be
more apt to understand the nature of
my trouble than than yon will. "
"Shouldn't wonder , 'i retorted the
managing editor , dryly. "Hero he
a , " and he pointed out the man
who does the truly pious for the
"What ia 111" asked the religions
editor , sharply. "Fuller In the bible
class , librarian , tenor in the choir , any
of thorn ? "
"Y-yef , " aho stammered. "It's
, ho tenor. Wo were converted at
ho same time , and now wo are
afraid "
"Infernal rascal1 ? growled the
nitiHgtng editor , wiping away a tear.
' 'Just lot ns write him up "
"Wull , " coiiilnnod the rollglona
editor , still more sharply , ' 'what
tbont him ? Is the librarian getting
ealniu ? Glass Itador threatening to
oil your mother ? Anything of that
kind ? "
"If he does , I'll write an editorial
on'him myself , " muttered the manag
ing editor chivalrously.
"Not exactly that , " smiled the tnf-
Forrr through her tears. "You see
Oh I how can I tell you ? " and she broke
down again.
"Want him clubbed 1" demanded
the managing editor , brandishing
'Not ' for worlds ! " she exclaimed ,
throwing herself before him as if to
protect some ono In danger.
"Let her alone "
! shouted the re
ligious editor. "She Is all/Ight. Now
go ou. Yon left off by both being con
verted together. What next ? Is he
after the aopranol"
'She. thinks ho Is , and there la
where my trouble Is. You see , she
isn't a Christian only a singer , you
know aud she can dance with him at
parties. Now what I want to know Is
la whether It wonld bo wicked for
me to dance too , until I cut her out.
Please toll mi-I" aud her lips parted
nnd her eyes were suffused with tears
of anxious Inquiry.
"Certainly not ! " growled tbo rell
glous editor , who didn't teem In tha
least duzod by the question.
"W-w-whal ? " demanded the manag
ing editor , his lower , jaw dropping. "Is
that all ! "
"Why certainly , " reepondod the
beauty. "Isn't that enough ? What
did yon suppose was the matter ? Tin
whole church was against mo , am
when I said I would leave it to you
tbo superintendent bet the tenor i
yon would decide against mo. "
"That's about tbo wiy wllh thorn
all , " explained the religious editor , as
the gratified girl took her departure
and the two editors stood gMzing a
each other. "You'd think they were
In all sorts of scrapes nntll yon come
to question them , and then > ou fine
that It I only some llttlo point in rell
glous etiquette that anybody could do
cldo. By the way , what did you tup
pose the matter w sl"
"Nothing , " replied the managing
editor. "I didn't know but what she
had lost some money on a dog fight , or
ecmetblng of that kind , " and the man-
suing editor wont back to his work
* lth a sigh , while the religious editor
surreptitiously abstracted the corkscrew -
screw , and winked at himself with a
prodigious wink.
- , ,
deeply regretted that ho waa so color-
Wand cold. Her face waa too white ,
and her hands and foot felt as though
the blood did not circulate. After one
bottle of Hop Bitters hod boon taken
aho woa the rosiest and healthiest girl
In tbo town , with a vivacity and cheer-
alness of mind gratifying to her
rlendi. _
Hanging ithe WronK Man.
You see , William Bovers waa as
much to blame aa any of us , and being
10 was the man who was hnng , he
> nght to have entered Into particulars
b a further extent than ho did.
I shall always blame him that ho
William WM placid. I know him
or three years , and only three times
did I know of hU countenance undergoing -
going a change for even a second.
Once he met a grizzly face to face ,
and that placid oxprwalongave way tea
a look ol surprise and interest. Ho
rasi pursued ou another oocaalon by
iwcnty-four Indians , and his conn-
ouanoo oxprcaaed homesickness , The
' hlrd change Is what I tm going to
'ell you about.
There had boon a good deal of rob
ilug and killing around the camp that
mmmer , and tomohow It had been
Impossible to lay a hand on ono of the
perpetrators. The men had become
rolled aud desperate , and It waa gen
erally understood that the first
offender who fell Into the clutches
wonld step off the head of a barrel to
bo brought up suddenly by a rope and
a limb.
One day when Homo of the boyi
were returnlcg from Pot-Luck Greek
with flour and pork , they came npcn
the placid Wm. Bovera In a bad sltna
tlon. He WM bending over the body
af a man named Powers , who had
been settled by the thrnst of a bowle ,
and hla hands were bloody.
The placid William was nabbed.
What did ho dot Nothing at all ?
What did ho say I Why , when the
bnyn laid hands ou him ho quietly re
marked that ho discovered tha body
ouly five ruinates before , and was in
apeotlng It in hopes to discover slgna
of life.
Too thin.
And too placid to fit that crowd.
The camp didn't waato any valuable
time over William's ooae , Within the
hour a court was convened , William
wad arraigned , aud the dead body was
placed in sight of all. Circumstances
were against the prisoner , but there
were some things wo forgot. William
liad bsun n quiet , honeat , civil resi
dent of Diamond gulch. He had
Qovor boon known to carry a bowie-
knife. He had | been down the
trull to wash some shirts , and had
discovered the body on his return.
Ha scarcely knew the murdered man
by sight , and could therefore have had
uo crndgo against him. The victim
bad little or no money , while the ac
cnsod had the biggest pile of any man
In camp.
But placid William should have
Whloh he didn't do worth a cent.
He pleaded not guilty In a careless ,
Indifferent manner , u if the reanlt was
of no particular consequence to him.
He told about going to wash hls.shlrta
and of the finulng of the body , but
there was nothing anxious about him.
* * 'If you believe ma Iwt mo go ; If
ybu do not believe me bring on the
rope ! "
That was the sum and sabstance of
Ma defense , and It was bad for Wil
When it was too late we saw where
10 could have proved his record clear
f he had tried to , but wo had sent
ilm to answer before the highest court
of Ml.
Well , the court could scarcely fell to
convict under the circumstance * , and
n leaa than an hour It became the
painful duty of the judge to arise aud
remark :
' William , you have been found
guilty of murder. Does it make auy
rreat difference to you whether yon are
„ mng this afternoon or to-uiorrowt
Weather's liable to change , yon know ,
and we may neb have such an otter-
noon again for a week. "
The placid William replied that he
vonld be ready In half an hour , and
10 was.
Ho went to his shanty , accompanied
iy Ojl. Smith , and when ho had die *
Dosed of hla property and written a
etter to friends in the east , he walked
coolly to the gallows tree , mounted
the barrel , and never winked an eye
when the noose waa slipped over his
Then came a palnfnl pause.
William waa about to be launched
Into the great unknown.
It ia a serious thing to kick a barrel
from nnder the feet of a fallow man
and let a rope catch and choke him to
death. Wo felt U so , aud when the
pause came we could hear each other's
hard breathing.
"William Bovers ! "
solemly re
marked the judge'yon ' are about to
hanp ! "
"Yes , " calmly replied the prisoner.
"Aud now onoa more I aik you if
yon are guilty of the awful crime ? "
"No , " WAS the equally calm reply.
Bat he had been tried , convicted
and aentenoed , and the sentence most
be carried out. If was when the man
advanced to pull away the barrel that
William's oountdnanoeloetlta placidity.
For five seconds ho seemed a stranger
to us all. A white shadow crossed hla
face , a look 'f tear erupt into hla eye *
and his jaw full.
Then placid William waa himself
again. Ho braced right tip , shut his
teeth hard and ho died with a coun
tenance aa nnroadablo aa a stone.
A week afterwards a robber who was
fired on and fatally wounded confessed
that he was guilty of the murder for
which William Bovers had boon hung.
That was a nlco meaa for u , and there
wore many solemn f aces aa wo gathered
around the judge and aaked him what
could be done about it.
"Wall , I reckon we'd better have an
inqmat , If thar'bo no objections , "was
the reply , and we had ono.
Wo viewed the rope , the barrel , the
tree and the grave , and the verdict
was :
"Hnng the wrong man and aoiry
for tt. "
But placid William was half to
blamo. Ho should have nerlously ob-
to being hnng.
The HonfordAlraonno And Cook
mailed f rco on application to the RnraT
ford Chemical Works , Providence ,
R. L ,
* * * * * M > M *
HA , NEB ,
Tables supplied with the best the
market aflords. The traveling public
claim they got better accommodations
and more general satisfaction hero
than at any other honno In Omaha ,
Rate , f3 per day. aug21tfm
I had severs attacks of gravel and
kidney tronble ; was nnablo to get a
medicine or doctor to euro ma nntll I
used Hop Bittera , and they cured mo
In a short time. A Dl Bul hod Law
yer of Wayne county , N. Y.
Boota with Meal and Bay.
Kationtl Live Slock Journal ,
0 ttlo * nd hogs will greedily eat
sugar boots or other roots when on B
fall rallon of corn. They will relish
the roots beoinse they have a ocollng
and sedative effect upon the stomach
and bowels. Corn is so full of carbon
aa to have a tendency to pro luco a
fevorlah state of the sjstom when
given too laigoly. Boots have the
same effect upon the system AS succu
lent grata. English farmers use roots
largely In the fattening ration , bat
they also food with them rape-cake ,
linseed cake , etc. , or other nltiogon
ous food. Roots , like Indian corn ,
are too poor In nitrogen as a fllnglo
food for growing young aolmali or for
fattening. Corn and roots together
would bo much healthier than corn
alone , bat a better fattening ration
wonld be oats and corn with roots , or ,
batter still , corn ; cotton-seed meal or
Unseed meal and roots. With a amall
proportion of linseed meal , say three
poandi , with nine pounds of corn
meal , roots would ' not bo BO necessary
for health , as the linseed
meal would keep the bowels
In good condition. Coin , bran
and sugar beeta or mangolds would
fatten hogs and keep them healthy
Hogs especially are bonefitted by the
me of roots. They ore usually fed on
corn alone , whloh wo believe often In-
duoea cholera and other diseases The
roots give them a bulky and cooling
food just what they so much need.
Bran Is a balky food , anil , fad with
corn , Is beneficial to hogs. Sugar
beets with good clover hay will grow
young animals qr fatten mature ones.
The clover la rich in nitrogen , and thn
roots in carbon making a well-balanced
ration. "
Arc never imitated or counterfeited.
This la especially true of A family
medicine , and it ia positive proof that
the remedy imitated la of the highest
value. As aoon aa it had been tested
and proved by the whole world that
Hop Bitten wan the purest , best and
most valuable family medicine on
earth , many Imitations sprung up and
began to steal the notices in which
the prees and people of the country
had expressed the merits of H. B. ,
and In every way trying to Induce suf
fering Invalids to use their stuff in
stead , expecting to make money on
the credit and good name of H. B.
Many others started nostrums put up
in similar style to H. B. , with vari
ously devised names In which the
word "Hop" or "Hops" were used In
away to Induce people to believe they
were the same aa Hop Bitters. AU
auoh pretended remedies or cures , no
matter what their style or name la.
and eaplcially thoae with the word
"Hop" or "Hopa" in their name or In
any way connected with them or their
name , arc Imitations or counterfeits.
Beware of them. Touch none of
them. Use nothing but genuine Hop
Bittera , with a bunch or cluster of
green Hops on the wnlto label. Trust
nothing else. Drugciata and dealort
are warned against dealing in imita
tion ! or counterfeit *
Are acknowledged to be the
best by all vho ? have put them
to a practical test.
Buck's Stpve Co. ,
WeeUrn Agents , Lifafetto. Indiana.
Rubber Boots and
Boots and Shoes
50 PER GT.
The center p'ecu '
ara In'erchargeabla and re-
renlble Hprtienti the counter from running
ore- , requiring no heel itlffer era.
The Af ncy ( or ihi > e goli ID this town hai
been pit > <
Othen eanna pro ura hem.
Call and ( lamina a ( all line or Leather and
"C nJreN Rubber Boota and Bhoei with the Re-
Tenllle Heol.
3113m LouliTll'e.Ncb .
C. IE1.
300B LX.X12&
, , OILS ,
Window and Plate Glass.
oW ' < " > < " < > ,
Flour , Bait , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies ,
A Full Line of the Beat Brands of
Fire and
. _ _ Burglar " I ! . , '
X. O
1020 Farnham Street ,
la only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges.
For Bale by
J. A.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
, DQQ8S , SUNOS , ! vJQLDtti ! ! > , L ! Ef GEM
TTnion Pacific Denot OMAHA
Window Caps , Finiald , Skylights , & .c.
The Oldest Wholesale and
in Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in SIL
Rich and Stylish Jewelry ,
the Latest , Most Artistic ,
and .Choicest Selections in
all descriptions of FIXJE
WATCHES at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farnham
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices ,
A SPLENDID stock oi
Steinway Chickering ,
Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warren ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
A Large Stock always on Hand.