Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 26, 1883, Image 10

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The Daily Bee.
Monday Morning , Feb. 20
It Is learned through a gentleman
from St. 1'anl , Minn. , that onr old friend ,
Mr. Charle * A , Foster , formerly clerk at
the MllUrd hotel In this city , li now chief
cletk of the Nlcolet haute , at MlnnesoU'n
capital. Charley IB one of the moiit popu-
lr and efficient clerks in the west , and
came to Omaha from Denver with r oom.
mendatlons and endorsement from prom
inent men out there that we can't beat , or
we won Id be slad to. It b with genuine
regret that we ret him leave the ( ? . to city ,
but ho Is followed with the best wishes
of all with wht mho has come In contact
both here and Denver , and all take pleasure -
uro In hli continued euccean.
A sheriff from Montana arrived in thli
city Saturday evening with two prisoners
for Jollet ( Ilia. ) penitentiary , who were
placed In the county J ll fur s fe keeping
until yeitorday afternoon. One prisoner
la a murderer , sentenced for four your * ,
while his companion , convicted for an out
rage upon a little girl , Is sentenced for ten
On Frld.ty evening a regular old-faith-
ioned house warming wan held at the ele
gant new rosldenre ot It , II. Walker , Esq. ,
on Nineteenth and Paul streets. Mmlc
and lefrishmcnlB added to the evening' *
It Is learned from a gentleman whc
jait came down from O'Neill City thai
they are prospecting ( or coal up In thai
country , with great promise of uuccen.
crowning the work.
Two hundred and eighty-five nicks ol
"Black " Australian mail
Strap" or pasaec
through Omaha Sjtutday afternoon , | .o
ing east over the Chicago & Kock lilant
railway ,
The thaw continued yesterday , i
bright iky and a warm run sending tor
rente ot water rolling through the gutter
to Join the murky AlUiourl in it * trip ti
the sea.
Judge Bencke fined Dr. Stephens n
$10 and coits for assaulting hli wife , in ;
the doctor tcok an appeal.
A plranant meeting of the Belles Let
trea club took place on Saturday evening
There was a light train weit on th
U. F. yesterday noon.
& Jas. A. Smiley , Indicted for Bellini
mortgaged property , baa been acquitted
It ledos that Juried tnd ciurti are glvln ;
it to the cent per cent men in the neck o
All bricklayers are requested to alien' '
the monthly meeting un Tuesday evening
February 27 , at 7:30 , at K. F. hall. Bua !
ness of importance to be transacted. B
order of the union.
A private masquerade party will b
given la Firemen's hall next Thnrsd *
evening. The executive committee cor
sluts of Jerome O. Pentzel , maniga
George .Blake , George W. Steele , i
Roach , Wm. Webb and James O'Brien ,
The funeral of the late Hugh Dalle ]
who died suddenly In the barber rbop o
Sixth and 1'acIQo. Thursday evening , ton
place Saturday. Tne coroner did m
deem it ntcetsoryto ho'd ' any Inveitlgi
tlon , Dr. Ajro * certifying that heart dl
ate waa the cause.
A telegram to Bradstreet'i Saturd *
tales that the stores of Peter AbrahuV.
& Co. , general store , and M. E. Gordo
furniture , of .Hampton , Hamilton count ]
Neb , were buined Friday. The It
i t
urance Is reported light.
Hon. J. C. Oowln delivered a leotui
Friday afternoon before the .pupils <
the Omaha imdlcal college on the sube | <
of medical jurisprudence. The lectui
was hcholarly and at the tame time ente
talnlng , and was listened to by the youc
gentlemen with much Interest. '
\ o Tha attract lous at Boyd' * this wee
will bo Loavitt'a "All Star" c-mpaoy c
i i Monday , the largest vaudeville troui
that has over vlelted Omaha. On Thur
day evening M. B. Curtis will presei
"Sam'l of Pusen , " pronounced by tl
press anil public as the moat original cha
actericatlon on the stato. Tie ITarriioi
appear In ' 'Photos" next Saturday.
The news baa reached this city of tl
death of Capt. ( Clifford , of the Seven !
m infantry , at Fort Brldger , Wyoming Tl
captain passed through this city only
few days aqo to rejoin his company , at
died very suddenly at his post , of be
dUeate , He was a native of New Yoi
and was appointed to the United Slat
service from the volunteer service , hi
aerved with the Seventh since 1(71 , ai
. was greatly etteemed by his fellow offlcet
) : ' He leaves a wife , an Infant child only
few dajrs old , and a son twelve years
ft * .
t A Preparations for Honors to tne Irte
The programme forthoEmraetMoi
ament Association entertainment , to 1
given March 5th , haa boon arrangi
and comprises a varied and pleasing 11
of apoechos , aonga and recitation
The programme la aa follows :
Overture A. O. H. Bai
Chairman' * addres * . , . Mr. John Grov
Honir "American Enilgn" Doui
quartette from Omaha Glee Club.
Oration Hon. M. V. Qann
Song "She Is far From the Land. "
Kinmct Ouarle
Original Poem-"E'j > wet"
MUa Stacla Growl
Piano Solo-"iIedltaUou"
Mba Katie Murpl
Trial Scene in Costume
Hubert Emmet 0. J. Kmj
Lord Nortmry J. 1' . Murp
Barm George..J. H. Keec
BronD ! ey Will Wan
Foreman of fury..Gco. M. O'Ur
Soldlvn , Jurors , etc.
Hong "Waiting" . .MIuM. L. MoNami
Oration..Hia ICxcelleocr , Uov. Da >
Bong "God Save Ireland" Dou
Quartette from Omaha Glee Club ,
"Emmet's March" A. O. li. Be
Made frorr the wild flowers of I
it la the moat fragrant oi pcrfuu
Manufactured bH. . B. Blaven , 8
franclaoo. Forsalo in Omaha by '
f. WhltennuBo and KonnaiQ fir
A Sooioty Belle and Her "Mash"
On a Bnrglar ,
A Secret Marriage Dissolved
by Judge Neville.
Another Proof that Trath la
Stranger 'Itoan Fiction-
Among the moat intereating CMOS
on the district court docket thia term
waa that of Annlo L. Savage va. Wm.
Savage , numbered C41 on the printed
docket and act fora hearing March 1C
It waa takou np In advance , and the
hearing reanltod in the court granting
a bill of dlvtrco to the plaintiff , who
la a remarkably handaomo woman ,
aud formerly a society belle of Detroit.
The atory of the woman'a marriage
roada like a chapter from Dumaa , and
if workwd into a melo-drama would un
doubtedly bring down the house On
Juno Q , 1870 , Mra. Savage , then s
Misa Manning , waa 1C years old and
lived with her paronta in Do troll , Hei
father ia a merchant of prominence
and good standing , aud the yoaiif
girl , at that time just blooming inu
womanhood , waa unrroundod by i
nutnbur t/f Romeoa who wuro only toe
willing to make her a Juliet. Thi
gallants were importunate , but she ro
alatod thtlr appeals , and would Hatoi
to no HUggcallonii from her parents ro
yarding the qnalllicatlons necessary f o
her future lord. Uuo day whllo returning
turning from her musio teacher's ahi
met a young man on the atreet an <
began a llittallon. Ho npproachti
her and apckn naylng that ma naim
was William Savage , and that ho , resided
sided in St. Louis , where hla fainil ;
occupied a prominent sjclal position
Ho waa tall , slim , well dressed , am
spoke in a low musical tone , alway
using the beat of language. Ho walk
with Miss Manning to her lalher1
door , and before they parted an ap
polutment waa made for the followin ;
day. Both kept it. Mr. Savage , a
ho called himself , confirmed the gooi
impression ho had made , and afte
discovering the position which he
ftmlly occupied he proposed marriage
Mita Manning at first refused , but h
ineisled , Baying that it could bo kop
secret , or it aho wiahed to leave home
ho would take her to the sunny Soulh
land , aud then take her to 8t. Lou !
and introdnso her to his family. Th
girl consented and the pair worn tnai
mled. The parents heard of the ma
ter the next day , and three da ]
after the ceremony waa performc
"Mr. " Savage wua jailed on iho chart
of burglary and larceny. Hla roooi
waa then published in the paper
and the unfortunate woman diicovert
that her "mash" and newly mac
husband waa ono of the moat note
lous burglars iu the woat. The mom
which had been spent during the thn
dys' honeymoon was the proceeds i
the burglary'tor which the man w ,
arrostod. The young woman's rol
lives took charge of her , and tl
"masher" burglar lay in the Detro
jail all that summer. In the fall 1
waa found guilty aa charged and sei
toncod to the Jackson penitentiary fi
three yeara. He served his time , ai
after hla release started in search
hla wife. They mot and ho ondeavo
ed to blackmail her. She repudlati
him , and he threatened her with i
sorts of vctngenco. Fearing for he :
self and family , ahe gave him tl
money he required , and he Boon aft
disappeared. Hla diaappoarauou w ;
caused by his arrest in tit. Louis 1
Detootivo O'N ll , on charges of bur
lary and Urcony. Ho remained in j
there several months , and whonjtrii
waa found guilty aud sentenced to tw
yoara in the pouitontiary at JoiTerac
Oily , lie waa released only u fe
months ago , and had not been fn
moro than a week when ho waa arroe
od by Ddteotlvca Lawleraud Doamoui
on Thirteenth and Olive Directs f
grand larceny. Ilia great specialty
"house work , " audhohad juatatcppi
out of an Ollvo atroet boarding hous
wlthJDGvoraljooata and silk dresses on h
arm. The dotectivea recognized hit
and ho waa taken to huudqnartci
whore hla picture waa taken andplaci
in the ruguea' gallery Ho waa placi
iu jail and indicted for grand larcon
but by consent of the attorneys for tl
atato was allowed to plead guilty
petit larceny and was sentenced to tl
workhouse , where ho is at the preset
time. The suit for divorce waa fill
in Omaha aomo time ago , and in
Mrs. Savage alleges that her husbu
never contributed a cent to her sa
port , that ho is a professional burgli
and haa been confined In a number
penitentiaries. She never know hi
as a' husband , and could not tell t
court whether ho waa dead or alh
She was granted a divorce.
William Savage , allaa Kelley ,
well known to the police of St. Lot
and Chicago. The detectives sta
that ho la a well known house thli
and baa frequently made .aomo go
hauls. After belug reloaded from t
Jackson penitentiary In 1879 , he wo
back to Detroit and put np at t
Michigan Exchange hotel. The ne
morning ono of the guests of the he
tnlry work up to find that hla roc
had been entered during the nig
and robbed of valuables approxlmatl
$4,000. The property oonaiatod
samolo silverware , a gold watch a
$1,800 in bills. No arrests wore mat
but Savage was put down aa the m
that did the work , although no o
denoo could bo found against hii
He "worked" for a whllo with a th
named Blake , until the latter was i
rested ai Dlxon , 111. , and sent
Jollet for seven yeara for shooting
man while attempting to burglar
his residence.
Savage la described at present aa 1
tug consumptive , and tha nnmerc
sentences which ho hta undergo
have had the effect of weakening !
nerves so that ho will not take a 1
job , but has dropped into the rai
of potty thieves.
i ouuty QoinmlBBlonora ,
SATURDAY , February 24. Boi
tnot pursuant to adjournment. Pr
ont , Commissioners Corliss , Knlj
and O'Koefe.
The claim of Btnll & Bell , for m
ing transcript in state case , was ref
rod to couaty attoiney.
The following accounts were allot
irom the general fund : J , MoNiot
hauling for connty , $1 60 ; fifteen persons -
sons , graLd jnrort , $ ! i54 ; V. Mote ,
urand juror , $18 ; M. Morrison , pom
jaror. $30 ; J. A. Qrlffin , ulo jnrnr ,
$ G ; H. Grebe , bailiff fee * , $3G ; E. U.
Orowell , bailiff fees , $30 ; A. P. Borden -
don , ticket for poor , $2 30 ; O FI.
Footo , tlokot for poor , $4 80 ; F. K.
Moore , ticket for poor , $7 40 ; M.
Rogers & Sou , goods for connty ,
$23.45 ; J. D. Coo * , work on road ,
$4.50 ; W. Bennett , defending
prisoners , $00 , 0. Rlowe , coffin
( or poor , $2 ; Morgan & Gh p-
man , coffee , ole , $34 78 ; Win.
Harrier , wltnofB fee , $5,60 ; Wm.
Harrier , witness fee , $5 60 ; A. F.
Sigwart , witness fee , $2 ; R Dutchor ,
witncaa fee , $18 ; 0. Qalnn , witness
fee , 12 ; W. Honnohofer , wltnow fee ,
$8 ; C Belndoiff , witness fee , $8 ; J.
W , Search , witness fne , $4 ; four per *
Bens , witness foe , $12 ; L Sponborg ,
wltncai fee , $4 ; D. 0. Etiler , talrs
juror , $4 ; M. Grace , laleH juror , $4 ;
A L Strang , work at pour house ,
$11 ; Mohoncy Broa , groceries for
poor , $2.75 ; Jeff. Bedford , coal for
poor. $3.40 ; H. Bnllu it Co. , gro
ceries for poor , $3 50 ; Billiard &Pnck ,
flour for poor , $1375 ; H. F. Dor-
maim , grocorlen for poor , 310 40 ; J. J.
Brown , goods for poor. 34.08 ; U , P.
R. R. Co , ticket , $9 80 ; D F. Mar-
coy , key for county treasurer. $2CO ;
J. M. Wolfe , directory , $3 50 ; G.
Robinson , witness fuo , $10 ; G. Ander
son , fees ai jtiBlica , $10 80.
Adjourned to the 26th
County Clork.
The Beporc of tne Government Dl
The government directors uf thi
Union Pucifia II ill road company
namely , 0. G. Huvenr , IBJMI H
Bromley , W. Paiiah ud Oolgat <
Hoyt , transmitted to the secretary o
the Interior , on the 20 : h inut. , the !
report. It begins with a long statement
mont of the dtfliculties experienced b ;
the direct > ra Iu gikiulng infornuitioi
requisite for llio intelligent aud faith
ful discharge of iholr dutieo , but whoi
information waa obtained , the govern
ment directors any , ru were agreoab ) ;
aarprlsod to fiod from all -v
could learn that the management o
the road haa been prndont and wlae
Ita affairs houcstly and ably ad rain is
tored , its coi.'dillon aud prospect
good , with nothing to bo gained fror.
concealment or ovation , and no thin
to bo feared from publicity. Upo
the same subject later the direictoi
say : Wo rcpoat there is , in onr judgment
mont , no evidence ot wilful violutioi
but only neglect to comply with th
requirements of the law under POPS
bio misapprehensions of the oilioii
functions uf government dirooton
The report then proceeds to a doltlle
examination of the road. The con
mlasloner of railroads ( makes thn Hi
bilitiea $210,905,748 ; assets , $22G 822
580urplus ; | , $5,850,538 claimed by tt
The Sioux City Journal pays ; Tl
western line of the Sioux City at
Paolfio la operated only to Thatche
It bad been expcotod to have tha b
out at thn Nlobrara finished and tt
track beyond laid to Valentino ear !
In January. Bnfcrbeforo the sand hi
all been taken out tf the cut the go
ernment waived Contractor Brow
away with its heavy hand , and howai
leaving hia job unfinished , The b
cut ia on the Fort Nlobrara reierv
tlon and some influenceUnion , Pao ! . (
probably. Induced the government
notice this trespass on its domain. Tl
Hog Ranch , " where half a dozen i
BO murdero have been committed wit ]
In the paat jear la allowed to rema
on the reservation undlaturbed. Tl
railroad , bringing outtlomont and cl
iliaatlon , la forbidden to trespass t
military land.
D The Missouri Valluy Tlrnoa aa ;
that Win. 1 Ransom , formerly pa
oongor conductor on the Sioux Ci
and Pacific passenger train , nnd o
Conductor Hoffman , of the Yankt <
train , have aucnrod a patent on < t aoi
remover for ntoam boilers , inventc
by the latter , nnd have pot n b
thing. According to The Tiraea t !
soalo remover ia now being used c
142 engines on the Atchhou , Topol
and Santa Fo road , nnd each onpli
paya $10 per month royalty. Tl
Milwaukee and the Union Pacific a
also trying the invention. Shou
the railroads of the country all ado ;
It , aa seema probable now that tl
Santo Fa road is paying royalty for i
use , it will give an almost fabulous i
come. It haa been but a few wee
since Ht ifjjan waa assistant baggag
man at the depot In this city. Bofo
starting ont to introduce his scale i
mover ho invented a oar grease wa
ranted to euro the worst case of h
box , and a safety block tor.crosah
frogs. The atory of The Times aooi
jnat a little to 3 good to be-true.
Mra. Ward Before the Church Co :
The First Methodlat church pooj
veatlgato the charges growing ont
the Bonner-Ward aoandal. The r.
Ian of the church decline to aay ar
thing about the affair , and ahako thi
hoada in rather a wlae f aahlon whe
over interrogated on the subject. I
porters for the dally proas are to
excluded from the investigation a
considerable aeorooy will bo given
the whole affair. The charge to
looked nf tor will bo designated" ! :
proper conduct , " and U relates to Mi
Ward. The lady declares her ablll
to show that her conduct Instead
being Improper haa always bo
highly proper , uotwlthatandl
the assertion of Mr , Bonnet to t
contrary. THE Dr.K will glvo a f
and correct statement of the case a :
proceeds , leaving ont , of course , 6
Indecent particulars that may bo c
: d volopod by the brethren in questli
log the many witnesses that will
, . examined , iirother Bonnor will i
bo investigated for the reason that
la no longer a member of the chun
kr - aud there la no jurisdiction In hlsoa
r- He evidently thought his roslgnat !
rad aa a member would bo acceptable , a
ad therefore handed it in before act !
adM waa taken in hla caae.
OloBlngLeotaie of BOY. Hawk's '
Winter Series ,
An Interesting Discussion ot
the Prebbjtorlan Church.
Daring the present winter Rev. W.
J. Harsha , of the Second Presbyterian
church has been delivering a series of
very Interesting loctuns , extracts o , '
which have appeared from time to
time in THH BKB. Hia lecture hut
evening , the lost of tht aorlea , waa on
the subject
the text being taken from I. John
11:1 : : "If any man sin , wo have n ad
vocate with the Father , Jeans Christ
the righteous"
Mr. Harsha said : In this aerlea ol
lectures , to the close of which wo are
brought by this ovonlng'a aubject , 1
have endeavored to bring before yon
some practical considerations npon
trno success iu life. I have insisted
that true success must take the future
into account aa well aa the present
that it cannot bo rated in more dollan
nd cents ; that It includes over )
noble development , of thn body ant
every goneroua exorcise of soul , am
that it is shown to be aueoeta by the
fact that wo have auowedod Iu preparing
paring far eternity.
The Bubjoct bcfan us to-night li
particularly important. The verj
boat of na must bo r.oneclouo tha
many olipa of judgment , many angr ;
and ungonoroca wordi , many posltivi
and open aiua have marred and dUfii <
nred onr past lives. And therefore ) i
is a very Borious question as to whether
or wo can be Bet right with onr Maker
and if so , how ? The words irom th
Bible to which I invlto your attentioi
to-night glvo us this assurance : tha
if we , or any mm , have sinned , w
haVe an advocitc , a substitute , wh
sounds before God and pleads onr cas
fcr UB. Let us notice -
Some parsons have denied that it I
possible for ono person to boar th
alas of another. If they moan by thi
that ono man cannot answer befoi
God for the alns of another mau , w
have no quarrel with them. But I
from thia truism they would go on t
the conclusion that God cannot bei
human sins , we request a better proc
tban a more assertion , or even an a :
gamont from analogy in which th
conditions are different. True analc
gy bears out the bible idea of subst
tutlon. One cf the greatest I rut ha i
the world is that men and women au
fer for the benefit of othera. Erei
blessing we enjoy has come to t
through the Belf sacrifice of tome oi
else. Mothers suffer for their chlldrei
mtrtyrs suffer for posterity , tolle
suffer for those who enjoy the fral
of their toil , and children often boi
the punishment of the sins of the
paronta. Liberty , knowledge , roll
ion , have como to ua through the pal
and blood of the centuries. All th
confirms the Bible's teaching that , i
the sheep and bnllocka were aubat
tnted for the culprit in the Jewlt
church , BO haa Christ suffered in ot
in our stead , bearing in his body , c
Calvary , tbe punishment of oar sin
But the queition may arise in yo
minds , why do we need a aubstilut
Why cannot I atand alone and answ
before Uod for my sine ? To thla it
sufliolont to ttnawer that no man h
ever yet been able to aland alone b
fore conscience when it waa thorough
aroused. No man has ever boon ab
to atand before the divine law when 1
understood what God's law la ai
says. No mau can stand ulono befo
death. When that darkneaa begins
creep over UB wo instinctively cry o
for aoino friend to stund bonlda c
And no man can answer for Ma al
before the great Judgment Day. Th
human pride will bo crushed and h
man opposition broken , nnd men w
beg for some ono to answer for the :
What a bloasod truth it la that if t
ln and who haa not ? wo have
advocate , a lawyer , who will anew
oouaclonce , God'a law , death ai
judgment in a way that they must i
If It bo of oonaeqnenco to a cite
to know the character of hia lawyi
how important it ia to na to know
Christ be qualified for appearing 1
fore God's court and the court
death for us. And how onoouragl
It ia to notice that the Bible proinli
jnat those charaoteriatlca which
know , % ro psaeutlal in a ancceas
advocate. He ia willing to aaani
our casou that la a great thing. 1
will make our cause His own. ' .
loves to pioad the slnnor'a caaa and
one who cornea to him ia either
quired to giro a. retaining fee or to
awny without satisfaction. And tt
He la sufficient for the task. !
never lott & caao. From Hia p
the Father will never turn aw ;
Thla la a. very important thing ,
even the moat willing human law ;
lose their case * . And He is a
righteous the teat says : "Je
Christ the righteoua. " Thla ahowa
tha relation of worka to faith. (
Advocate being righteous requires
to keep Hla commandments. If
sarna earthly lawyer should free
from being hung , we would be vi
glad to grant him any favor within <
power. So it la with Christ. We
Hla commandmentB , not because
hope to be saved by doing them ,
are saved , and we do Hla comm
menta because wo love him.
In the recent Braldwood dlaaj
the minors had only half an hour
prepare for eternity. Oh how ha ]
were those who had made their pe
with God before that day 1 Lot na
our elus , onr doubts , our fears In
handa of an Dlvlno Advocate , trust
Him fully tor our salvation ; and t ]
may RO forth to do Hla ootnmandmoi
not fearing what death or the ju
mont can do unto us. Wo may h
only a few daya or hours to prep
for death. la It wlao to delay loav
our alns forgiven and washed awaj
the blood of Ohrlat ? Peace with (
la true success in life.
Quick , complete cure , all annoy
Kidney , Bladder , and Urinary I
easM. DrnggUta. $1.
Candidates Springing Up Thick
for the Mayoralty ,
Proapeota for a Lively Cam
The city elections , which takei
plaoe April 3d , are already the inb <
ject of considerable conjecture and
discussion. At thia election a mayor ,
city treunrer police judge , and all
councllmou at largo will bo chosen.
There are numerous aspirants foi
the aldormitnlc officers , but the chlel
lutorest at present centers on the
mayoralty , for which there are now
ix men , either candidates or prominently
nontly mentioned for the position. .
The six are : Hon. Jamea E. Boyd ,
the present Incumbent , Hon , Oharlti
Kanfmann , Ex-Mayor Ohaio , Hon ,
John A. McSlhane , W. F. Beohol and
Edward Walnh.
All these gentlemen are well knowr
aud should they outer the field woulc
ouch . carry considerable strength ,
Moanra. Bechul and Ohaao alone could
bo classed a republicans , Boyd , Mo
Shane and Kaufman being democrat
and Walsh chiming to represent the
laboring man ,
Mayor Bo'yil's frlonda are urging
him to bo a candidate , but it la no
certain that he will consont. His 1m
monso .majority at the last oleclioi
and the biMtneiis like manner in wblcl
his administration has been con
ducted , together with his popularity
would make him a atrong man.
Mr. Kanfmann has served aoven
terms in the city council , and haa booi
one of the most faithful and efficion
workers in the city'n legislative body
He is now acting president of thi
council , and if any man could can
the right to Bnch t\ place by bar
work , Mr. Kaufmann would d
so. Still there are ret
sons why his nomination .e
the handa of the democratic part
is doubtful , and they are of a charat
tor not less complimentary to himael
than to the popular man whose nomi
nation and election hla owu inlgt
possibly effect. Ex-Mayor Chase ha
served three times , and just ho ? ? h
would stand in the republican convot
tlon depends on circumstances. H
may ran independent anyway. I
this connection a let waa mud ) Fr
day ' between Mike Moaney aud I
MoH'ngh , which waa settled b
by reference to the record ,
Mr. McHugh thought that Hon. Ezi
Mlllard waa Col. Chase's opponent i
the election of 1879 , while Mr. Meanc
held that Mr. B. E. B. Kennedy wi
the democratic candidate. Tbe ie
orda show that Col. Chaao first re
against Brewer In 1873 and waa d
foated. In 1875 he ran agilnst Jpdj
Savage and waa elected. Col Wilbi
r filled the interim from 1877 up' '
r 1879 , when Col. Chnso again went I
by a large majority , but not BO lart
i as I hat received by Mayor Boy'd I
i 1881.The
The office of police judge ia also
be filled thia spring , but aa yet i
candidate baa presumed to conte
Judge Bonejie'a right to re-electloi
and all is quiet in that direction.
Hon , John A. McShano ia our pre
out float senator , and a very popul
Mr. W. F. Bechel is the well-kno *
officer of the Pacific express compan
a popular man , a gentleman , and w <
* qualified to fill any office at the oil )
Mr. Walsh waa the leader of tl
Omaha Protective Libor nnion , ai
claims to have the support of the war
ing men on hla aide , but this la al
claimed by the friends of 'Mr. M
o o Shane , who say that ho will have tl
nnited support of the labor el erne
if ho la a candidate.
i- A Lecture That Will not Occur
iII Arranged.
o It waa announced several daya a
in THE BEE that Rov. H. W. Thorns
D. D. , of Chicago , would lecture
the First Methodist church of tl
city , on Marth 7th.
The announcement raised a bret
In the church , and the pastor , R (
0. W. Savldge and R. W. Breckc
ridge , Eiq , chairman ot the lectt
committee , who had engaged I
Thomas , were sharply criticised
open meeting by a minority.of t
members , who were horrified at t
idea that the lecturer ( who had be
expelled from hla conference In
llnola for heterodoxy ) should enl
the Firat M B. church of Omaha.
It then devolved upon the leott
committee to secure another place a
a change of date , If possible , and t
opera house , which waa already i
m caged for an entertainment on Mai
[ e 7to , waa proposed for March 6th. 1
BO committee wrote to Dr. Thomas ab <
y. the situation , but wore dlsappoln
y.or In bringing about the change. Tl
or received the following yesterday :
CHICAGO 22 1883
BO , February ,
Informs that hi
us Slayton me you
nr trouble about Retting the Method
us church for the lecture. I would 1
he to give yon another date , but cam
The Methodists of Omi
aa do ao now.
moat be foolish to object to my ape
nr Ing in their church. I go to Newt
do Iowa , on the 6th , especially to lecji
ire for the Methodiita and in their chur
and to help pay of a debt. AiTy ,
Real Estate Transfers.
I * The following deeds were filed
py record In the county clork'a office
co February 22 , reported for TUB I
u * by Ames1 real estate agency :
L R. Tnttlo , jr. , w d to Alexan
B. Rogers , lot 11) ) Tuttlo'aanbdlvivla
en five acrea , $500.
James Thompson , Loula 0. I
saint aud Charles Whltakor and wh
vo w d to David N. Nlolson , n * of n '
ro of section 26 , 10 , 12 , each 80 aoi
ag in 51,000.
Byron and Lewis Rood aud wh
v d to Francla B. Bailey and Ole OIi
the east 151 feet of lot 113
odB whole of 114 , * and weat SGj.feot
lot 115. all In Nelson'a addlti
B Henry Heaa and wife , w d to T
Uam Y. Morte , lot 0 , block 6 ,
Kountrs & Ruth'a addition , 91,400,54.
llannah Jackaon and Knnd J ok-
f on , hnaband and wife to Thomas J.
Dnnahoo and Mitchell Donahoo , the
e of B w I of B w | , and w of o
I of the B w i of lection 10 , 15 , 10 e ,
acrof , w. cl. , $ GO.
Alma H. Olaar and Rifua Oltar to
Ferdinand Btreltc , lota 5 and G , iu
block 207J , w , d. , $975.
Frank Uoola and wife to Thorn M J.
Donahoo , lota 1 , 2 and 3 , in block 20 ,
in the town of Waterloo , Douglas
county , w. d. , $425.
U. P. R R to Thomaa J. Donahoo
and Mitchell K. Dotiahoo , Inia 9 and
10. in block 9 , In town of Waterloo ,
w. d. , | 120.
D. P. R. R. to Mitchell K Dona.
hoe , w. d. , lota 1 , 3 and 4 , In block
23 , In town of Waterloo $105.
Oolla Miller and huaband , w d ,
to Byron Rend and Loifia S. Reed ,
lot 4 , block 349$425. .
Jean Schons and wife , w. d , to
Jacob Blickendorfer. lot 24 in Griffin
& laaao'a addition $4,000.
LINDDEIIG thn city , 1'oh. 24th , at
11 p m , , Inxandur LiudberK , aged 36
years , 3 months nnd 21 dayv.
Funeral at 2 p. ID , to-day from the real.
donee , No , 12ZG North Nineteenth streets ,
Friends invited.
WHlTK-At the residence of Hon. Chrli
Hartman , nn Howard street , Koyiil
Jessie White , aged 0 months.
The remains were taken to Tekamah
yesterday for interment , the chlld'n father
being the coahler of tbe Hurt county bunk.
USB KcxMlir.j'H Kupfliiv Salve In the
house.und une Iledding'B liunalun Salve in
thu Btiible. Try it.
$10 REWAKD Loat , yesterday evening -
ing , a pockut-hook containing mono ) '
nnd an order signed by S. B. Knapp ,
Papillion , for pxyment. of $30 , In fttvoi
of John Liiu ttue. Finder will got
the above rowurd by leaving natno nt
oorcor of 5th and Pacific mrente , ot
BEE office. fb2d 3b
Iipsa of Appetite , Bowola costive ,
Tain in the Hood , with a dull on-
ation in the back part , Pain under
the Shoulder blade , fullness after
eating , with a disinclination to ex
ertion of body or mind , Irritability
the heart , Dots before the ayes , Yel
low Bkln , Headache generally over
the right eye , RoHtleasness , with flt-
ful dream , highly colored Urine ,
TTTTT'S PI 1,1,8 are especially
adapted to auch cases , one dose ef
fect * inch a clmnue of feeling as to
aitoiiUh the sufferer.
They liicreaie the Appetlteand canse
the body to Take on Flesh , thus the sys
tem Is nourished , and by their Tonlo
Action on the IHRCstlve Organs , Iteg-
nlor HtooU nre produced. 1'rlco 25 cents.
: ta Mnrrny St. , IV. V.
QIUT HAI _ on WHISKPRS change to a Qvosmr
ULACK by a single application ot this DYE. It
Imparts annturnl color. Acts Instantaneous-
} ly. Bold by Drnjjclsts , or lent by cxpreus-on
receipt of.,81.00.
ICMtol lUetlptl vlll fct U4 fllUt M > ppU U . J
CV8PEO IAI t v.111 FCfclTIVELY not b l
erted unless paid In advance.
Ityf ONEY TO UlAN-Call at Law office of D. 1
IVi. Thoiuu room SCrelghton Block.
? -\/l / ONEY I/UNED-On ChatUl
1 JLYL cuil'y. Room No. 1 , o > cr nt . .
t tonal Uanx. 1)77-ln > t
TITOSKY TO LOAN At 8 per cent Shrlver
iY.l It'M Estito ud Loan Agency , oppottt
poatofflce. 707-tt
A QE TS W nt il male cr ( eo'ala In ei
± \ _ fi yaiic tn nlu tbeUrltetl States JlO.i
to < 15.(0 par day esHlly tnft'o G. B. lUVEUU
& CO. , 10 Barcl y Jstrcet , New York Cit > .
J li Imo nor.
-Four oxp'r cnce I lady solic tor
217 Not ) , Ifitli Uroct. 1U3-20
- ixpsrlcnccd drt'K clerk th ;
WANTED-An ( i. Address "E. I ) T tug
0'South ' 13lli street 107- . ' ?
\Tf7ANTEH-NLrEo Brl | t 1711 J. iiksou ttrec
Men and wimeti to stirt n ne
WANTED at their own home' no pcsnlln
COc an hour made ; -end l"c ( or eamplca and 1
Btru tlorm Addrtm
181-lmeod MASON & CO. , Mon'pelfer. V
ANTFD Io-mc'll Uly , a KO-K pilnVr
W Itio I'llH" office , B alr.Neb. F2a 3t
ANTED A good blacksmith. Steady woi
W to a steady U.KD. ' Address
, e 18G-Z8t Ccd.r lUplds , Neb.
1- \\7'ANfrE. , " ° 00ti Kill at 1513 Howard elm
T t7ANTli D Immo-IUtc'T , Iwa Oun ( Ire
VV cites w lUr girls. Must coire w
' j refereirc-w , at the Uirciiants ilo'el. Doadwcc
Iu D T. Wrlto to C. II. WAONE * , Me-cb. ?
10 Hotel , ( .r Inloimatlon . 1U3-27
10b 'ANTS'1 A w man lor general b
: b W 7H North 19th Street. 15J-28.
at A Bood tinner at once
K. ,
3d 164-lw tt.lla.Neb ,
"ANTED A few fltii cU < s tabV li.rj ,
W 1718 Dodge at 1M J
reat f It1'tlon by joung man In it-
WANTED Enull h ml German. App'y i
Ice North ICth street , ( iip-italra. ) 2uC-2t
ha 'ANTED SI uat'on ' IT a toung Oi-rnu
k. WAK ' du tt ) cl a builnets c lleg * . aa office ,
stoia clrrK or book keeper. Oood re ( < rem
given. Apply "J. u. " Bee cfilcc. lJl-i'4
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
VT7 ANTED SI u tlon u clerk In a Jene
, VV stora. Fire yeais pnctickUxiicil" ce
0. Box 405.
ANTED K pry one tileive orders lor f
or W Durscs , at 217 North 17lh itreet. 199-1
0. tTTANTED A ple ant room and board b ;
0.CE YV ilngU geutleu an , whoru the ( onifor'a ti
home cm lu ha I. Muit he couveulent to bu
uean. AdJrers"3 , " Uej otflte.
lor 'llghV touEekepic _ . ' Address "F. " Use olll
nOH KraT-Kurrjl hfd roomf , rates low ,
_ L1 H07 Howard , b t. llth and IBth ulrceU.
"r7"OU RENT Pleasant Iront room luroitb
JD 603 N. 18th tr t , bet. Callfoinla ar.d i
" '
st r. " '
of TTl OK BKNT Home 6 ro mi at W5 per mor
n , J ? jnqulie tDohl ' Uc Btoie. | 185-'J
DH nEM'r L r olt * * nt ( root room nlo
- ( nrnUhed , centnl location. Apply tou
. ' eut corns ! Uthacd Uirn y itroeU , or fh
In fcco. ' * . , " 2
A RSHK OHANE-r-OR PKST-Th 2nd story
\ . n4 ol bulldlDj No. Mil F tn m
tnsl. Insults onpnudsej. IM-lm
L10R R NT N'coly ' furnl.tied roira to gen
tlemen only at ICli Chloao -
, HIM * ller *
tncts required 174-911
P i ) " RKNT New BT * room cViz < i. 10 h nd
llleborr. Inqulri 1B12 H. Kllth Si. 1M-8T *
FOK HKNT lon-e with 3 rroms and Utrhea ,
ana iarnitura ( or t le. laqulre 2tOB ( "uinlnr
street. ] 6j-24t
ftOll KrWAttD And no qus-tm's ' for tht
< 3f > vU Mturn nf Itold , wat h , No. H718 , Jo *
fph Jfhfeoi , Ltterpfol , nm < er , t leu .Irom mr
hJus on tha iil bt of tht 19th lost
tf HORACE EVEAt.TP , Council BI , fls.
FOR I KNf Two now hcntoa with K > omi.
Dr 0. U..faul. -
BRM1S' New Hap ol Omaha , lust completed and
ready lor delhery at Wech. Is 4 leet wide
by 7 leet long. Largest and most complete map
ol Omaha eier published. Official map ol tht
city. See column.
TJIUUNISHUD ROOUS ul ab1e for a p < rt7 5t
L1 gentleuiin , 1412 Iodeitre3t , bet. 14lh and
lath streets. 160 201
FOR REST Pleaunt Irjnt rco-n 1407 Faro-
ham St. ulso office < u Bouts Opera houi * .
FOR RENT Good ( urnlahtd rooms with clos *
ets. lXt North 18-n elroet.
rnu l.KT Orecr twi lian ' ( ome , n.wiy liirn-
JL Jshed rooms , 1H15 Dodge street. _ 14i-V4t
FOR IIBKT Houio , barn , tbnr res alan"
Auplo , Plum , Uherry aod Aprlot ticen bearIng -
Ing , fine Qrapery. Qjod louMlon , t > er month
10. AMtM ,
12t-tl Itoo Frn m.
Jj convenlcnroi , 1R10 Dodg St. 112-ltuf
T71OR RENT 2S housox , a to 111 rooms , at S3 to
tit per month Shriver's Kent bureau , op-
posile postofflco. _ (708-11 (
T/h ( .flit
OTEt , FOR SALE.CHEAP-G2 mllig went ol
Omaha , on the Union Pacific railroad.
Urlck barn , two ftory hotel and furniture , throe
lots 00x132 , good stand , Ko-d huiducHs. Oojd
reaaons lor selling. Inquire ol subscriber.
713-lm-mo North Bend , Neb ,
IT'.Oll SALE Fresh Milch Cowj , 25th and Call-
L1 fornU street. 1&G-4
CHANOB For rale cheap , hnushold
turnlture , at 1109 I'acfc sin ot.
17 < OR S < LE A two story store , 22x00. . Also
V ft dwelling hou3J. Inquire uf IUWl < i h
Eend , house movers. 17. C (
Hotel and Llveiy SlaVe to
AliAPOAIN Ink' we tor a twn. t'lrsl-nai !
noiol a'd only livery etatile In town , n jou wan
hotel or stah'e , will pay you to Inv stlgate. WU
sell eopratii. Addroji "Hotel' care ol Bee.
ICO m&o 12tJ
SALE Fcur a ie lot adjoining ( Ity Urn-
FOR * . Kasyteinu. .T ) ll > T.BELL ,
173 } HOJ Firnam stieet.
oflt r lor Rale ut bargain the engine and
fixture * now ID uw at our works. Tht
comiJtt-i nutSt 's M good its new , nd consletj o
tnttne(40 ( br9 ? powei ) Bjller , floater , Sli.m
Pomp , Smoke Sta k , 8 earn and Water OaugeB ,
W.Ur lai-k. Valves i Ipe ) , < tc. It nlllbe taken
out about thn first ot neit May. Fartle1 Interes
ted am Invl'ol o call and . .t In operation day
and night ( Sund.ys rxceptuc' ) at the W.xdmaa
Unseed Oil 1 Works , corner Sevaatoenth and Nlch >
olas streets 917-lm
PALE PocteU maps ol Nebraska 20c
FOR . For bargains In uaha City Improved
and un'mpr ' ved property , call on Wm. K , Shri-
ver , no l Eatato Agent , opposite poatofflce.
IjlUlt SALE Six room cottage with barn nd
Jj hall lot on Chicago street , near High School
Only ? 2,300. McCAOUK ,
COCMlec 27-t Opp. Poalolflce.
JjlOR UALK A ami claw fecond hand pliaetoi
P CftllatlSianarnoyBt. C97-tf
_ CJ thru'and , Yard 15th ttreet , two blocki
south ol Bellevue road
dec 23-3m' LORENZO DIBBLE ,
INDUCEMENTa ottercUlor ( xun- s.
SPECIAL at Gilmore , Harpy coun'.v , Kcb.
Apply to O. Frojt , thtre. 195-lmf
A Good central baker ran flnl steady emp'oy-
_ \ ment by addressing Thomas Dorman , Slour
City , Ion * . 201 21
A water Spaniel pup , Ilvercolored , with
LOST ? spot on brutst , about 8 months old.
Reward will be paid tor U at the Tenth street
tewclro storo. WM. NEVE.
yuall JiH'u. bojK injrk a ' ' 'yor ,
LOST ltlier .over. Klndrr will hero ar cd
bylca\lim a > .J n McHha'i. , ' livery , Ha ney
bt. , h t. 13'.h and 1 Hi 178-H4 *
T > ERS ISAL Lidles Mr > . dook has opened a
I ncwilrcsnmakinjcatablUhmcnt at 1010 Cap-
iola\enuo 161-2
NAL I5o-ts and Shoes ina'lo t' order
PERS rei To ! 11 IGltlCa | io ftvc-iiuc. Hubner
i.oots SbocH neat y mended. lo2-24
ONAL S rangers and o'hcrs wanting *
rFR cooked meal at moderate prices c 'i be
nccomraodaled at ilnsonlc hall * esiautant , 206
North ICth Hlruit GCORQE UOUGH ,
150-20 Prorlctor. .
\J ( Vienna Uakcry 1012 Cu ltol av. nno. 149 26
r7\0UN' \ > Ibo pl'eo to havu Sic iclls cut to or-
JJ i'er , , UmbrelUa , Purasnls ,
i-rd Fans repaired IOCK tuithinw , Hell Hinnlng ,
and naw flikg , k sptcUlt ) , at F. A. Putnam's ,
101 noith KMntrm , * . 110 24
orders tor 'rule and cunaincntal tree , rhrubs
and flowcrli Kpla.t , prlnv delivery. OrdcrJ
mu t bo In befori the In ol April. Satisfaction
gnajatUcd. Office 1308 Uarney street , Oinita.
TIoNALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Ilarnoy. Will , with iho aid ol iruardlan
sclrlU , obtain lor any one a glance ol tha paat
and present , and on certain conditions ID tl < e tu >
ture. Boota and Shooe made to ordet. Pulfcl
utlalactlon miannteeil.
Absolutely Pure.
This po df r never \ arles. A marvel ol purity ,
strength and wholeaoniene 6. More economical
than the orplnary klndi. and cannot be sold In
competition with tb multitude ol low Ut , abort
welfbt , alum or pbesphate powJer. Sold only In
cans. ROTAI. Biiuia POWBIR Co. , Wall-fit. , 00
Kew York.