Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 24, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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    A Tiw . . 'YiM * TT A fl A TTTO n
The Omaha Bee ,
Published every morning , oicept Sun.
7. The only Monday morning dally , ]
One Year.$10.00 I Three Monlhi.$3.0C
Blx Months. . C.OO | One Month. . . . l.OC
CHE WEEKLY BEE , published everj
One Year $2.00 I Three Months. EC
qir Month LOO 1 One Month. . . . 2C
Newsdealers In the United Statos.i
latfons relating to News bad Edltorla'
matters ehould bo iwldressod to the Knrroi
Iictters and Remittances iihould bo (
OMAHA. Drafts , Chocks and Postolfitx
Orders to be made payable to the order ol
the Company.
BiSMAnoK thinks the American Sab'
bith tyrannical. The count haa nevoi
llatonod to an Omaha sacred concert.
Sioux Indians in Dakota predict i
welling flood for the nppor Mlssour
country from the molting of the dooj
now this spring. The lower Mlsaour
is not llkoly to escape.
JIM ELAINE , in the house of repro
Bontotlvos daring the last winter
wonld have been worth a hundroc
thousand votes to the ropublloai
A GIFT of $150,000 to Ulovolam
university by Luther E. Holdon !
reported. Holdon is the great Utal
mining sharp who olearod a cool mil
lion by soiling the old Telegraph mln
to a French company.
ON Monday the president , oashio
and bo6k-koeper of the Fifth Wan
Savings bank , of Jersey Olty , whlol
closed its doors on Jenuary 10 , won
sentenced to the penitentiary , Jor
toy justice Is almosi as prompt In lit
operation as Jersey lightning.
A MEDICAL grist mill is to bo addad
to the state university at Lincoln ,
with power to grant diplomas one
grind out fall-fledged doctors , It wai
ahBsty _ and Remotest move on , tfio par !
of the legislature. The country hai
too many medical schools and too fov
good ones. Largo cities are the enl ]
locations where snob institutions cat
flourish. Distinguished physician
and surgeons fit to instruct students
and large hospitals offering sullabl
clinical advantages cannot bo founi
elsewhere. The score of weal
and inoonsequontal diploma mill
which drag oat their exiiteno
all over the United States have don
more to degrade the medical professioi
than any other cause. Many hav
been started by physicians for nether
other purpose than to advertise them
elves aa professors. None of then
can bear a moment's comparison ii
the advantages they offer with th
great medical colleges of the east. Fo
these reasons the addition of a medical
cal department to the state unlvorslt ;
la a mistake
BEN BOTTERWOHTII , who retires t
private life after March 4th , is 'strain
Ing himself to force through oongres
the Southern Pacific consolidation bli
which la a job ot the most flagran
description. Its object'.Ls to revive th
lapsed land grants of the Texas Pi
clfio and transfer them over to Han
tlngton'i syndicate with all the right
which will accrue from their possei
sion. The Texas Pacific never earne
an acre of the 50,000,000 now dc
manded on behalf of the Oentn
Pacific and there Is no reason wh
this enormous sllco of the pnbli
domain should pass into the hands c
the Central Pacific monopoly. Anothc
object of this job which is beln
urged by the railroad lobby with dei
perato energy Is to ralso the Souther
Pacific and the other connecting roac
above the jurisdiction of the utati
through which they run. It maki
them a federal corporation , which wl
claim at once that its acts and met !
ods of doing business cannot be supe
vised by any local authorities. Co
gresa has twice refused to pass tt
bill under a suspension of the rule
and any representative who votes f
It will lay himself open to the gravi
suspicions of having boon tamper
with by the railroad lobby.
A citizen of Oharlton happened
e in a certain office in Lin join , Not
last week , and noticed qulto a 001
motion among a number ofloadl
business men who dropped In. ]
discovered the cause to bo their i
prehensions lent the biU making
appropriation for the improvement
the state capitoi should fail to piss
legislature , Our Ohlritou gontlon
was lot Into the uocrot , and it
found out that an additional f
thousand dollars was needed to got
bill through. A number of lead
business men were then called a ;
with a subscription paper , the e
was raised , and the next day the
was passed by a small majority. J
think of thn economy of our Nebn
neighbors ! Only four thousand <
lara to get an appropriation
through , and that raised In Lincoli
a conplo of hours. Why , such a
in Iowa would have cost fifty tl
and. Nebraska Is the place for ct
legislation. Qhariton ( la , ) Demo *
If there b single member of
legislature at Lincoln who pretend
doubt that the capltol appropriation
steal wan lobbied through , ho is either
a wilful liar or a blind idiot.
Of course the investigating commit *
too fallsd to locate the payments of
money or the subscribers to the funds ,
but every one In Lincoln knows per *
footly well that money was paid for
votes , and that a corruption fund for
this purpose was raised by subscrip
tion of Lincoln merchants.
TUB BEE did not hesitate to make
the charge , and it has soon or hoard
nothing to make it retract it. On the
contrary all thg ovldonoa adduced by
Senator D.o'i'a committee wont to
substantiate in every rospact its accu
It appears that even the country
papers in Iowa know something of the
corrupt lobbying which attempted to
Impose upon the people of Nebraska a
tax of $50,000 for an addition to the
state capltol for which there can bo no
demand for years to como.
The corporations of Nebraska op
pose the idea that they can bo taxot
for the peculiar privileges which the ]
enjoy , and which have been grantee
them by legislative power. The tati
or the olty confers on a oorporatloi
the right to do certain things not permitted
mittod the natural individual or asso
elation of individuals , by means o
which largo sums of money are annu
ally mado. Without this privilege th
corporation might bo so exposed i
competition that Us business wonli
poisons comparatively little value. Oi
this acooant the franchise is property
and according to our constitution , i
subject to taxation for what it I
worth. To arrive at the value of i
franchise , the market price of its stool
is averaged for a period , and Is regarded
gardod as the full value of the franchise
chiso and capital invested to maVo tin
franchise of practical valno. Fron
the sum of the capital stock , as thui
obtained , deductions are made for al
tangible property on which tin
corporation pays taxes. Thus i
etro9t cur corporation would be
taxed for horses , buildings , can
and other fungible property , but those
things might not r pn rt moro thai
half the market value 0 * the corpora
tion's property. The franchise"
eentn the remainder , for it is Jbi
franchise which ha made the property
worth twice as much as It cost ,
The supreme court of Oalifornli
has settled this question in the casi
of the Spriug Valley vs. Sohottler o
al. The board of supervisors ha <
raised the assessment of the Sprinj
Valley company from $5,000 to $5 ,
000,000 , which latter sum was the et
timatod valua of the company'i
franchiso. Tno company held thai
the value of their franchise ohouli
not bo taxed that their property con
slstod of certain flames , reservoirs
pipes and other things the assesso
could see and fee ) , and that the dil
foronoo between the assessed valno o
thesa tangible things and the marko
value of the stock WAS a species o
property which the company mtgh
enjoy without being taxed for. Th
supreme court decided that the bean
of super visors' assessment should stani
and that the value of the franchise
which was taxable , was properly ar
rived at by the method described.
Notwithstanding tho. mandate o
our constitution every corporation ii
Nebraska has evaded the taxes upoi
their franchise , because the rovonu
law has boondofiolont | in specifying th
means by which the value of the fran
chlsoa should be determined. On thl
account thousands of dollars ever
year In taxes , lost to oua people , hav
boon added to the profits of the 001
poratlons. No revenue law passed b
the legislature will bo complete whlc
makes no provision for the assessmei
and taxation of the franchises of pul
Ho corporations.
The twenty-first French Crisis sine
Sedan , has ended in the resignation <
the Fallloroa ministry and Jules Fen
las formed a new cabinet , announce
its programme and assumed the di
lea of premier. M. Ferry's cablni
s made up for the most part of mo
already well tried and of prove
competence In the subordinate admli
atratlvo positions. His own capabil
; loa are also well known. While ho
not a man of great breadth , or
statesman from whom great roforn
1 are to bo expected , ho is in every wt
so far superior to the obeonra persoi
who have filled the post ot preside )
; o ef the council for the last six montl
i that the uneasiness growing out of tl
i'B government's repeated exhibitions
'B ' Incapacity will bo sensibly rollovi
P by his acceptance of cilia
m The prime minister yields to t !
of wishes of the chamber of deputies 1
sn announcing that thn government w
as at once deprive princes of their ml
nr tary posts. This with the accepts
he by the souato of the deputies expnlsl
bill seems to settle for the present t
im excitement into which Plon Pic
illl manifesto plunged the country. Otl
ist portions of Ferry's programme luck
reforms in the maglstraoyjaud tho'm
ol111 tary , audjmeasuros to facilitate the i
in ecution of public works and torotroi
the expenses of theTnnUlanjoccupatl
JUMP M. Ferry closed his speech with
at. assurance that Franco would malnt
her place which belonged to her ami
the the nations of Europe as a strong g
to eminent willing and able to pro !
icr own interests. It wan noticed
, hat no mention was made of the de
mand made by the deputies for const ! *
.ntlonal revision , the object of which
s to curtail the power of the senate ,
[ t is understood , however , that M ,
Ferry favors such a proposition , which
moans froah disturbances and renewed
danger to the stability of the republic.
Carey's confessions in the Phcejlx
park trials have spread consternation
.hrongh Ireland , and paralyzed all
agitation for the time being. All ilu
conspirators of the Gth of May trag
edy with ono exception are now iti
.ho hands of the government and tht
evidence for tholr conviction saemi
conclusive. The most serious ol
Carey's minor confessions is thai
which impllodly charges that the
funds of the Land Lgngno were used
For assisting In the commission ol
orimo , and that P. J. Sheridan , th <
man who negotiated with th <
English ministry for Parnol
and Davltt's release wai
connected with the inner circle of as
sastins. This la earnestly denied b ]
the officers of the Land League , bn
In this country it has had an nnfavor
able effect in checking subscription ;
which are now greatly needed fo :
famine relief. The government clain
to bo in possession ot evidence show
Ing the existence of a conspiracy o
much wider scope and moro dostruo
tlvo aim than that of the murder eocl
oty. Many arrests have been mudi
during the post week , and the terror
ism which criminals have oxercluoc
over the government now oooms to bi
turned ogalnnt themselves. Scores o :
young men who have reason to feai
arrest are said to ba leaving thi
country. _
In the absence of Mr. Gladstoni
parliament has began its worl
languidly , and dob.itn on the queon'i
speech draggfd slowly through thi
week until the Irish question cami
up or Wednesday , in response to In
qnlrios concerning the treaty of Ktl
malnham and the land loaguu'a re
sponsibility fur crime lu Ireland. Thi
charge that Gladntonu , in hla nu
gotiadonn with Piiriioll , waa izmde thi
dupe of the radical clement In the cab
met , and tltnt every return of the liberal
oral party to power was accompauioc
by fresh Ii iak outrages , was ropollec
by the homo secretary , who , whili
admitting the government had fallec
to check crime at first , attributed i
to the inefficiency of the polioo
Thursday was noted In the commom
for Foster's attack ontho _ lane
league in n speech which la admitted
tobo the greatest effort of his life. Hi
charged the land loagao witl
_ divortlng its funds to support aosassl
juitipn , Ho nocuiod , Parnoll with
hoauing an 6rganiz tton that promoted
meted outrages and incited mui'uer ,
Parnoll refused to respond to the lone
cries calling upon him. to answer Fos
tor's speech , but It Is understood tta
ho will make an aggressive speech Ir
rejoinder before the close of debate.
In Germany attention is directed ti
the efforts which are being made bj
the government to renew friendly re
latlonswlth the Vatican. The pop
demands as a basis for rcconcllatioi
substantial revision of the Falk laws
and such changes in the laws as wll
remove all state Interference in th
schools for training the clergy. Th
anxiety of the goverment to bring i
a close the long contest with the Vati
can arises from a desire to secure thi
cooperation of the clerical party in ob
talning a majority in the Reichstag. A
last advices the situation was not ma
terlally changed from the condition Ii
which Herr Falk loft it , except tha
both sides are giving evidence of dc
siring to bring the controversy to ai
end by mutual concessions. Th
bundesrath has pasted the bill prohlt
itiug the Importation of America
pork , which will go Into effect wlthl
a _ _ _ _ _
At Moscow the preparations for th
coronation of the czir , are procoedin
on a tabulona scale of magnificent
Eleven miles of tables are being coi
struotod for the banquet on the plait
and eighty-five circular counters fc
the distribution to the monjlhs c
000,000 pies , llnbensteln Is to writ
a march and direct an orchestra c
1 000 musicians and 8,000 chorister
Sixteen enormous vats , to hold th
free beer , are being built in the publl
places , and an English company i
covering the Kremlin with oloctr !
lights. Meanwhile the anxiety abet
the nihilists 'grows apace , and th
latest report la that the Gorman pollc
have got possession of some of Har
man's communications to the nihilist
giving instruction on the subject <
A nihilist chief of polio has bee
discovered in Russia , and created
great sensation as Indicating the ram
ficatlons of the nihilist conspiracy. ' .
appears that several persons , ocoup
lag high social and ofliolal pooltlons
the government oj Yolhynla , recent
received a number ot threatening le
ton signed by the "Socialist Oomml
too. " One of these documents w
addressed to no less a person than tl
governor himself , and threatened hi
with death unless ho forwarded a su
of 3,000 roubles to a place named 1
t n certain day. A trustworthy pora
was sent to the appointed spot , whl
waa cloioly watched by a strong boi
of subordinate officials. At mldnlg
the mysterious author of the lott
made his appoaranoo to receive t
money , and was recognized by t
watchers , to tholr utter bowlldormoi
an the chief of police. Ho waa i
aUutly arrested , nud remains in ntr
confinement. On oxuinlnatlpn Tt v
found that his writing correspond
with these of the threatening lette
About the middle of last month i
Ollllans Inviod another military tax
(100,000 on the people of Lin
Hitherto these contributions ha
) r been so adjusted that the followers
lo Don Nicholas do Piorola almost who
il avoided their operation , but it la algr
ilL leant that the Chilians are now sookl
jh Plorollsts aa diligently as they b
formerly avoided them. The moll of exacting these oontributlona la
ae make oat an arbitrary list of fifty wi
In to-do citizens and demand from thi
$2,000 each. In default of paymi
the persona notified are "deported1
vt a military prison , In Chill. The sig
t fioinoe of the January list Ii cooita
. ' /
to bo a total disgust on the part of the
Chilians with the Plorollst party ,
from whom moro or loss hope
of a peaceful settlement has
been continually held out.
Now , according to the latest Panama
advices , the only lingering shred of
peace prospect comes from Inglcsals in
the north. Iglesais is personally moro
of a man than any of the other Peru
vian loaders. Ho is wealthy and hai
hla property so situated that ho could
easily IJvo in f fllqonco without taking
any part In public affitrs. Ho declares
that the country has boon defeated ,
and ho bollovos its safety lies In
making an early peace with Chill.
This ho makes the openly professed
platform of his movement. The
Chilians favor him for the present ,
but it is nald Inglcsala has but an ex
cessively meagre following and no real
power whatever , while on the other
hand Chili appears to have entirely -
tiroly failed to detach Bolivia
from her Peruvian alliance.
Sir William Harcnurt is compli
mented by British papers as being the
first home secretary who has had the
good sense to rccogoiza the claims of
the working classes to bo represented
on important commissions by mem
bers of tholr own community. Ono
of his first acta was to appoint a workingman -
ingman to an inspectorship of fac
tories , and ho has recently given fur
ther evidence of his doairo to do jus
tice to the Interests of labor by
appointing two representative work
men to visit and inspect the convict
prisons In the vicinity of London.
The requuat was made by the Amalga
mated Cab Drivers' society , which
claimed that , in the interest of
prisoners of the working class , a peri
odical inspection of prisons should bo
made by ruprosentativo workmen ,
"cognizant of the wants , habits and
failings of their olaas , in order that
whllo incarcerated they should not be
subjected to undue severity or unjust
treatment of any description at the
hands of the officials. " As the prleon
officials for the moat part are persons
of military training and sympathy the
suggestion was an Important one , and
Its adoption by Sir William Hurcourt
ia certain to productive of some good.
The Snudoy law Is being strictly en
forced In Saxony. The mininter ol
the interior haa ordered that in the
future workmen employed by the gov
ernment ohall rest on Sunday and the
magistrates of towns and villages arc
prohibited from having work done oc
n Sunday which can bo done on anj
other day. The police are Instructed
not to allow the peasants to work on
Sunday in the fields , carpenters to plj
their trade , sailors to load or unload
ships. Hunting and ether amnso
inents by which Dlvino service might
bo disturbed , are prohibited ; and
especially military shooting parties arc
no longer allowed to practice witfa
mu lc on Sunday morning during the
tituo of service. Noisy amusomente
are liitordlotod and Ml beer aloone
antt dnnco hullo are put under police
snrVoilKnce Saturday night and Sun
day to preserve * some decorum , DC
cording to religions Ideas.
THERE Is an alarming Increase ol
lawyers in England. One hundred
years ago there were a few less that
300 and at the beginning of thi
present century there were botweer.
COO and 700. Now there are noarlj
7,000. The Increase of solicitors ii
no less marked. In 1880 there wen
abjut 1,500 ; nowthey number nearlj
5,000. The population of Englanc
haa nearly trebled since 1800 , bu
lawyers multiplied at a ratio nearlj
throe times faster. And this movemen
haa gone on notwithstanding thi
changes by legal reforms which have
made laws less complicated than the ]
were eighty years ago.
Real estate In Jerusalem is booming
The American consul in that city reports
ports the issue of sixty-five new build
Ing pirmita and for adding to sixty
three others. The population haa In
creased considerably during the pas
year , aa haa also that of the city o
Jaffa and Hebron , the chief gain boln ;
an Influx of Russian Jews , and Jaff
now contains nearly 20.000 people. I
Is by no moans Impossible that "Jude
for the Jews" may become the rallying
cry and that it will be made very uo
pleasant for anyone not of that rac
dwelling among them.
The taxes paid per capita for wa
and educational purposes In the va
rlons countries of Europe are aa fo !
lows : In England war taxes amonc
to $4 45 , educational to 75 cents ; 1
Franco the respective amounts ar
$5,17 and 33 cents , in Prussia $2.8
and 58 cents , in Russia $2.45 and
cents , in Italy $185 and 1C cents , i
Austria $1. GO and'30 cents , In Swlt :
erland $1.10 and $1 , In Hollan
$4 26 and 7C cents , In Denmark $2.0
and $1.10 and in Belgium $1.62 an
55 cents.
An Effort for the Suppression of Moi
to Carlo George Sand's Descrip
The Injury sustained by Marsol
los , Nice , Genoa and especially Moi
tone , from the neighborhood of Moi
to Carlo and Its gaming-tables , la tl
subject of an earnest article by Ei
mend Planchot in the cnrrent numbi
of the Revue dea deux Monde
These cities , ho aays , will not ceai
their protests until France , for tl
sake of moral cleanliness , and Italy , f i
reputation's sake , exact that the la
public gambling establishment :
Europe bo abolished. Petltloi
signed by * a great number
persons were sent to tl
French chambers laat April. Do Fro
ciuot wonld not entertain the subjec
and the motion was laid on the tubl
In spite of the ministers oppoaltli
the sonata sent him the petitions
month later. In that short time tl
relations between Franco and Ita
10 had changed. "If it was true , " Pla
ohot gees on to Bay , "thatgambllng c
tabllahments have the power to ourl
the people Instead of making furtun
for Industrial associations , the prim
pallty of Monaco would long ago ha
been whlto with marble palaces a :
hava distanced the rest of the coast
luxury and prosperity. Not BO. Si
> d ness shows In the faces of the mlsi
to able inhabitants and moro wretch
11m soldiery. Saddest of all b the oc
11at trust between the beauty of natc
and the ugliness of vice. The ga
toil bllng fever has extended from Moi
ild oo to the 'Mauena' and v'M dlUr ;
* ' ' , .
noau' clubs at Nice. All classes of
society are affected by It. Small trades
man ruin themselves at play , and on
; ala days the ronlotto flourishes in
; ho open air. Society la demoralized.
Suicides are numerous. At Mentono
; ho cottages built to accommodate the
rich English and Russian invalids are
empty. The doctors caution them
against the excitement of gambling
ind the chill air of the Mediterranean
.hat pierces their lungs when they
owe the overheated rooms at night/1
Of the many pictures that have been
drawn of the beauties of the horrorsof
Honto Carlo there is none moro
ouoliing than ia given in a letter from
George Sind. "Straogo contrast , "
she writes. "Wo leave the magnifi
cence of nature to find ourselves , of a
luddon , amid the filth of modern clvl-
izttlon ; from the pile rays of the now
moon , the great rock sleepltg In the
shadow and the odor of I ho orange
? roves , to the fotli odor cf fever and
the rattle of the roulette. Young
married women gamble while nurses
suckle their children on the sofas. A
pretty little girl of five drags herself
to ono of these and falls asleep , over
come with fatigue , heat and ennui ,
Does her unnatural mother hope tc
win her , a marriage portion ? An old
foreign lady sits at the gambling table
with a lad of twelve , who calls hoi
mother. She seems Indifferent about
losing or winning , The child plays ,
too , with the manner of n grown per
son. Ho ia used to It.
"Roatlosa or frightened shadow !
wander around the cafe in the vasl
itnphlthoator formed by the monn
tain's steep sides. They looked chilly
perhaps they only look and long foi
the alight refrcohmont they no longei
liavo the means to purchase. Som <
30 off with empty pockets. Otheri
ncooat yon and almost beg for n seal
In your carriage back to Nice. Suicldei
are not rare. The waiters at the ho
tel EL'cra to have a profound conternp
for the unlucky. When ono of thoai
complains of being badly served thi
waiter answers by shrugging his shonl
dura and saying : 'So It would no
work to-night ? '
'Wo dine as boat wo can in a roon
full of little tables the people scrambli
for , deafened by the chattering of ad
vontnressca on the lookout for a dinner
nor and a friend to pay for it. Wo return
turn to the rooms to look for some
thing dramatic. The villainous smel
drives me away. Wo rush to the beacl
and reach the town , situated on a little
tlo headland deliciously carved amic
the waters , The poor little placi
jjeema to shrink , as I did , from thi
bad air of the gambling house , and t <
seek refuge among the beautiful troei
that surround it.
"Wo climb the rock to the gloomy
forbidding old coatlo. It looka tragli
in the moonlight. The palace of thi
prince ia charming. It reminds mo c
the financial home of the governor o
Maj area. At nine o'clock In the evening
ing the town la eilont and deserted
We return by the beach , where onlj
the plash of the waves breaks tht
silence. The moon has sunk bolov
the horizon. The gaslights enable ui
to BOO the base of the great rook am
throw greenish streaks across thi
white marble balusters. The rouletti
Is still going , the nightingale sings , i
child Is weeping. "
IU1UTM tnd ovm
Neuralgia ,
8eitici ! , Lumbigo ,
Soreatu , CiU , Jraiiei ,
And > U otbtr bodily aobi
ml film.
mil cms i Boini
Sold bj til Dnidili an
DetUri. DlrMltoni la I
UDgnt ( f.
Tht Chulll A.Vce l r C <
( B M j rf to A. VMtl.i Jt Oo.
B lU rt , Ml. , C. 8. J
Call And look over my new atore and s
my new goods.
1207 Farnam Street. 12O
Under the management of Mr. Kallab.
Pay Taxes , Rent , Houses , Etc.
Fit toontn St. - - - - - .Omaha N
Wtatewlc ind ReUil
Correct an4 tellable Waves a Spectaltj
1222 Farn m St. Omnha. Nt
GoO Fnrnam St. Omaha Nebras !
3LOO O > O O >
Curollly lelcctotl land In Eastern Nebraska
sale. Great Bargain * In Improved farina , Ouii
clt.fpropert y
Olironio , Nervous anil Spool
Diseases ,
Medicine * InrnUhed at offlc .
OEceN , W. corner 18ta and Farnam rtrt
over Merchant i National Bank , Omaha Not
OOlc * Dour * BtolliUa. m. , 1 to 6 and 7
p m Bealiencc 1114 loath 13th ( trot.
John Q. dacoos ,
( Formerly OUb & Jacob * .
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
UUUHU uAcniNKRY , nisf/TiNo , HOBK , BRABB AND mow mnHoa . ttr ITU *
Cor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb.
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
Ground Oil Cake.
It la the boat and cheapest food for stock of any kind. Ono pound IB equal ,
to three pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Cake in the fall and winter -
tor , Instead of running down , will Increase in weight and bo in good market
able condition in the spring. Dairymen as well as others who nso it can tes
tify to its merits. Try it and jndgo for yourselves. Prlco $25.00 per ton ; no
charge for sacks. Address
o4-ood-mo WOOODMAN LINSEED OIL 00. , Omaha , Nob.
M. Hellman < fe Oo *
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. I3tk
Druggists ,
Wall Paper !
OUR NEW LOCATION. Change having been ren
dered necessary by continued increase
in business , is
NOS. 106 , 108. 'IIP ' 112 WABASH AVE.
John J. McGrath , Chicago.
We have resumed the handling of WINDOW SHADES , and offer the only
entirely now line of these goods now in this market. Price list npon request
WhiskieS !
in Bond or Free , Also direct Importers of
Jobbers and Manufacturers of Fine
Agents for Jos. Schlitz1 Milwaukee Beer ,
Bottled and in Kegs.
214 & 216 S , 14TH STREET , - - - OMAHA , HKB ,
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings , Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
for the Manufacture of all Mndea of Moulding ? , Painting and
matching a Speeinlty. Orders from tha country will I1 promptly executed.
H ( fmirmiulcatl n to _ A. MOYKR. Pronrfeto
1213 Farnam St. . Omaha.
Wade , The Confectioner ,
Bay your dandies' at Wade's. All Qooda perfectly pure *
Largest assortment in town.
. Orders tiy Mall Solicited , Opera HOHB& Block. ffHi St. , ' . .