M 1 ' W THE IJAILY BEfir-OAlAHA , FRIDAY. FaBRUAHVT 23 National Bank , Of Omah , Neb Fald np Capital , - $200,000 Of tsiD ( or buslnce April 27 , 1882 , with the ftstciflUi aj MI * nhebrukk. DIKECTOKS : JOI1N30N , PrcelJcnt.of Stwlc , Johnson ft XOUZAL1M , Vice Frceldeni , ot 0. , B A ( J B R. , Doston. W. V. MORSE , of W. V. Morw ft Oo. JOHN S. COLLINS , ol 0. U. & J. 8. Oollloi. J. U. WOOLWOUTH , Counsellor and Attomej- ftt-Law. L. B. REED , ot Byron R ed & Co. H. W. TATES , Ouhler , Me Cashier ot tha Ftnl Hktlonal B&nk ot Omihk. connected with the Active muiagement ol that Bank tinea 1U orK&nliMIon In 1863. OomcnOHS receive gpocUl attention and chat ( ef lowest obtainable here or elsewhere. IKTIRUT allowed on time deposits upon l vor- able term * and upon accounta ot bankg and tank- FoanoM Eionixoi , GovornmentBondi , and County and City Securities boueht and gold. It iiprepareiUI ( ( rcneral banking buslnest 10 ts detallg , an 1 In the treatment ot custom | | T ) pureno tha most liberal policy conilotent wit LIVE STOCK Bpocl&l C'9 ? tchcs to Tni Bsx. CIIIOAQO. OHIOAOO , February 22 The Drovers , ' Journal reports on folio we : Hogs Quality fair , and demand good : opened stronger but closed weaker ; mixed pivcklui ; , 6 25@7 23 ; .heavy , G 85@ 7 CO ; light , 6 20@7 00 ; kips , 425@GOO. Cattle Mete active and steadii r than yesterday ; exports fi 80@0 20 ; good to choice shipping , 5 1E@5 70 ; common to fair 4 C0a ( 5 00 ; mixed butchering and onning moderately active and firm ; common to fair , 2 C0@375 ; medium to goad 4 00@4 CO ; stockers and feeders in moderate supply at 3 25@4 75. Sheep --Trade elow and weaker ; loreo vol ume of business done ; common to fair 3 00 @ 4 CO ; medium to good 450@5 25 ; choice to oitra 5 75@6 40. KANSAS OITT. KANSAS'CITY , February 22. The Live Stock Indicator reports : Cattle Steady ; native steers of 1,200 to 1,500 Ibs. sold at 4 80@5 30 ; stock- era and feeders , 4 Oj@-l Co ; cows , 2 80@ 3 75. 75.HogsHigher ; light , G 40@G 60 ; mixed to choice packlrg , G C5@7 15. Sheep-Quiet ; 4 00@4 25 for gqod to choice. 8T. LOUIS. ST. Locis , February 22. Catllo Fair supply with alow movement and steady price * ; export ? , 5 76@6 00 ; good to choice shipping steers , 5 25@5 75 ; Htjht shlppin ? , 3 75a5 25 ; butchers' steeis4 00@4 75 ; good to'best cows , 3 C0@3 50 ; common lots , dull at 3003 0 ; stockeu and feeder ? , 3 60@4 60. Sheep Good shipping demand and top grades wanted ; common to medium , 3 23 @ 4 00 ; fair to gocd , 4 15@4 75 ; choice to fancy , 5 25@6 00. TRAFFIC. Bpodal Dttpttche * to Tni Bu. LIVB STOCK. CniOAOO , February 22 , Receipts , and ihlpmonU of live stock for the post 24 hours have been ai follows : Rec'ta. Shlpm'ts. Hogs 21000 8.500 Cattle 7,500 4,800 Sheep 5,000 2.7CO KANSAS CITT. February 22. Receipts and shipments of live stock for the past 24 hours have been as follows : Rec'ta. Shlpm'ta. Hogs 6,800 . . . . Cattle SOO Sheep 700 OMAHA MAKK.fi TB. Wliolecala Price * . * Ornoi or Tn OMAHA Bet , 1 Thursday Evening , February 22. J No changes were reported in the market to-d y. Produce and Provisions POTATOES 50@60o per bushel. ONION8-60@55o per bushel. BUTTBK-ChoIcfl country. 15@18j. KGOS 25o pickled ; fresh , 35@40c. HONEY Califoraia , perlb , ai. APPLES Per barrel , 3 00@3 10 OYBTEnS-Booth'a and Plait's select oysterp , 40o Standard , SO ; mediumn , 25 , ORANGES -Florida , $5 CO ; Messina , $4 CO LEMONS-81 25@4 PO per bor. BEANP Novy per bushel , 2 75@3 00 OHIOKENS-lfio per Ib. TUKKEYS 10@18o per pound. Liocat Grain Ooallnga. WHEAT.- Cash No. 2 , 90o ; caah No 8 , 76ic ; rejected , C3Jo. BARLEY. Caah No. 2 , 73c ; No. 8 43c. 43c.ftYEOanh. . 62J. NEW MIXED CORN- 3. OATS 35o. SEEDS Flax eced 9Go per bu. Qrocera Lltt CANNED GOODS-Oystere , 2 II ( Field's ) , per case , 4 00 ; do 1 Ib ( Field's ) per case , 3 75 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cane 390 ; Btrawberriee , 2 Q > , per case , 2 40 raspberries , 2 7b , per case , 3 50. Dam eons , 2 Ib , per cane , 2 45. Bartlet pears per CABO , 2 4J. Wbortleborriei per case , 275. Egg plums,2 tt > percbse , ? 90 Green goges,2 Ib per caee , 2 90 ; do choice , Ib per case i CO. rine Apples , 2 Ib , per oaoi 400@57fi. Peaches , 2 ft per case , 300 do 3 tt , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , S D , pe 080.280 : do pie. 6 JS > , per dozen. 3 80. FJj'JUR Jobbtnff prices , Jack Fros St. Louis winter ) $3.90 per 100 ibi. : To peka Patent Kaniaa , $3.85 : Minnehaha Minnesdta Patent , (3.70 ; Shawnee Fane' winter , $3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX winter $3.00 ; Triumph spring , best , $2.80 ; Cbrii Uian'i tnperlatlTe. 3.C5 ; bran , per ton ( gl4.00 ; chopped feed. $28.00 : Queen Be . .flour , per sack , 8 25 ; Nellie Blye , per sac ] SUGARS Powdered , lOJc : Cut loal lOio ; Granulated , 9o : Confectioners' A ; Standard Extra O , 8gc ; Extra C o ; medium yellow , TJc : dark yellow , T& SYRUP Standard Com. , 42c , bbls , Standard do , 44 gallon keps , (205 ; SUr dard do , 4 gallon keg * , (1 90. 'MEATS Hama per Ib. , 13c ; B btco per Ib. , 13c ; clear side bacon per Ib . lit dry salt tides per Ib. , 9&c ; dry salt ihon ders per Ib. , 9e ; bacon shoulders per Ib , tile ; tierce lard per Ib. ; lie. Sl'lOKS.-Pepper , 21) ) All pioe , 18 Cloves , S5o ; Nntmeirp. $1 00 ; Oa sa,2li Mace St 00. L'XRD ' Omaha Refininln ? Co. : Tiercei 12oj 40 and 50-lb cans , 12Jj ; l0.1b ! can 121c ; 10-lb pails , screw top , lljc ; 5-lb di 12Jc ; 3 Ib do , 12Ja. UICE T > oni lina prime to choice , Ci 7o ; fair , 67j3 } Patma , 6Jc. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 6 7 No. 1 mackerel , kits , 1 00 ; family mac ! erel , half brb , 4 75 ; family mackerel , kit 85c : No. 1 white fish , half brls , 6 00 ; No. OOFFST. Rio. tair , Uo Klo , go < llic ; jmltse to choice , 12 to 12ios Old gov , Java , CSlQUto.Z Mocha , 23&0 ! Arbnokle' ' UHEEaH-Fnll Cream , 14oj Pa Bklm , lOJs. LYE American , 8 85 ; Greenwich , 8 4 Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 OOj Lewi lye. 4 60 ; Jewell lye , 2 75. FEBD-Jobblng prices. Chop fee * ' ' ° ° ? C ° T ° ' " ' TOojer 100 Ibs. " HNY-New , 4 25 per bbL A. In Ib papers , 83.20 per case ; k : -eaal' nb " 0 ; do in half bbls. 4 00 ; small ! , in bb ! 900 do , In halfbbis , 600 ; gherkins , " Bl'ARoil.-.Pearl ° ln half bbl * ' 6 00. . - , 41c ; Silver Glc "jlS * 1 * ° ' ExeeWorQl01 To Co TEAS .Uuni order , good , 45 < at Oboloe , WO75c ; Imperf. ! . 404 ! Chcloe 0075c ; Young Hyaon , good , 8G © SOo ; choice , G5c@l 00 ; Ja ] un Nat Leaf , SCct Japan , choice , G0@75c ; Oolong , good , 85 ® 10 ; Oolong , cho.ce , 4Ka.Vi ( | Souchong , lood , 3540cj choice , 35@45o. ROPE Sisal , i Inch omt larger , lOic ; i Inch , llti J Inch , llic. WOODEN WARE-TWO Loop paiii , 1 75 ; throe hoop pall * , 2 00. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboards , 1 85 Double Ciawn290Vellbuckoti ; , 350 , LEAD Bar. 81 65. VINEGAR Pure tpple extra , 16o : pure apple , 13ci Pruixinc euro acolo , ICe , SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 65 ; Ash- ton , in sac ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy CO , us , It 60 SO APS Kirk' . Savon Imperial , 845 ; Kirks mttlnot , 3 60Kirk's ; standard. 3 75 ; Kirk't white RueaUn , 525 : Kirk's Eutoca , 216 Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cftko ) , 40 ; Kirk's magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 case , In case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Boll , 2 doz. In cose , I 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doz In case 160. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten. neitsee , lOopor Ib ; fanoy white , lOJo perlb ; raw white Virginia raw , lOo ; roasted , * o. o.OANDLKS Boxes , 40 lbslf , s , 15Jc ; 8s , . . bt xes 4U Ibs. , 16 oz. , 6s , 16J. o. MATCHES Per caddie , Oho ; round , taaos , 58 10 ; square , cases , 5 40 , Dry Goods , BROWN COTTONa-Atlftntio A , 8Jc ; Appleton XX , 7c ; Atlanta A , So ; Boott FIT , 8ic ; Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7c ; Cabot W , 71c ; Chltteuango A. 6 c ; Uroat Falls 12 , 80 ; Hocsler , 6Jot Honest Width , 8Jo. In dian Head A , 8c ; Indian Standard A , 8Sc ; Indian Orchard d , w , , 8Jo ; Lawrence LL , 7c ; Mystic Kiver , 7io : Poquot A , 8o ; Bhawmut LL , 7c ; Utica 0 , 5\o ; Wnchiu- ett B , 7i = ; do A , 8Jc ; do E 48,12&0 } Wai- cott BB. 8Jo. FINE BHOWN OOTTONS-Allendole 4 : 7ic ; Alligator 8-4 , Sc ; Argyle 4-4 , 71o ; Atlantic LL , QJc ; Badger State X 4-4 , 7c ; Bennington 0 4-4,6Jo ; Buckeye S. 4-4 , OJco Indian Orchard AA 9-8 , SJcj Laconia O 39 , 8ie ; Lehigh E 4-4 , 9Jc ; Lonsdale 4-4. lOo ; reppereil N SO , 7c : do O 82 , 71o ; do K 30 , 7 c ; do E 89. 81c ; Poeasset 0 4-4 , 7 c ; Womsutta4-4 180 BLEACHED OOTTONS-Androscog gin L 4-4 , OJcjBlackstoneAA imperial 8i'c ; do do half bleached 4-4. Oc ; Cabot 4-4,89 ; Fidolity4-4 , DJcjVrult of thoLoom , 9J ; do can.bric4-4,12jcdoWnterTwist,10joGreat ; ; Falls Q , 9Jcj Indian Head Bhrunk4-4 _ , 12c | porel ll vr xwina , ngu : JL UUAUUUVUB * * , 9 o ; Pocogsct 4-4 , Sic ; Utica , lie ) Women tt a O X X , 12ic. JUDGES Colored ) Albany B brown. 8c ; do 0 , drab , lie : do XX stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; do XXX brown and drab , stripes and plaids , 12Jc ; Arlington fancy , 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jo ; Chariot fanoy 124o ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall River brown , extra heavy , llic ; Indiana A brown I3nt NoDonset A brown. 15c TlUKliNUa Amoskeag A U A 83 19c ; do XX blue 82 , 18fo ; Arrowanna , OJc ; Claremont B B.lSJo : Conestoga ex tra , 17ic ; Hamilton D , llio Lewiston < v 30,16o ; Minnobaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega super extra 4-4 , 28c ; Pearl River 82 , 16Jo ; Put nam XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shetucket 8 lOJc ; do SS 12c : Yeoman's blue 29 , 9o DENIMS. Amoskeak , blue and bronn 16Jc ; Andover DD blue , IBJo ; ArlingX blue Scotch , 18Jc ; Concord OOO , blue aw brown , 12icdo AAA , do do 18 J ; do XXto do do IIJo Haymaker's blue and brown , 9Jc ; M vatic Elver DD stripe , IGJo ; Pearl River , blue and bromp , 16o ; UnoaaviUe , blue and brown , 14P. CAMBRICS Barnard , Mo ; Eddystone lining , 24 inch double face , 8Jo ; Garner A glazed , PJc ; Manhattan glove finish , 5o Newport do 6c ; do glazed , SJo ) Fequot do 60 : Lockwood kid finish 60. CORSET JEANS Amory , 8cAndron | coggin satteon 8Jo ; Clarendcn , GfojConoa oVa sattcens , 7Jc ; Hallowel , 80 ; Injdi Orchard 74o ; Narrjiganaett , improvedo Pepperill sattoen 91o ; Rookport , 7Jo. PRINTS-Aliens , 6o : American , 6(0 ; Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4o ; Cocheco , 7o ; Oonestoga , GJc ; Dunkirk , ; Dnnnell , 6J@7c ; Eddystone , 7o ; Gloucester , Co ; Harmony , 6Jo ; Knickerbocker , 6ic ; Mer rl oo D. 7c ; Mystic , 5io ; Spraeues. 60 ; Southbridgo , Co ; do. Ginghams , 7c ; Marlboro bore , 5Jo : Oriental 64c. GINGHAMS Amoskeag. 12ci Amos- keag dross 9J | Argyle , lOlc ; Atlantic , Do ; Cumberland , 74o ; Hlghlend , Tic ; Kenilwortb , 8io | Pfnn kett , 10io | 8ns esx , 80 COTTONADES AbbervUla IBJo Agate , 20c ; American , lloi ArtLsian , 20o ; Cairo D and T , ISJo ; Clarion D and T , 17icj Deccan Co.stripeoDandT.lGcj Key stone , ISJo ; Nantncket , 19c ; Nonpareil , 16o ; Ocean D mdT.lSioj Royal , 16 1 Soflaox , 12c ; Tioga , 12ic ; Wachnsett shirt- lo < f jheoks , 13io ; do , Nankin , 13io ; York , plaits iNftnkln. 12Jo ; do , checks , stripes and fancy , 12)c ; do. 8 02 20c. SHEETINGS Androsoogjrfn 10-4,2740 ! do 9.4,23cdo ; 8-4 , ,22c ; Continental C 42 , lie , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 27 } ; New York millfl98 , 85o ; do 78 , SOo ; do 58. 22o , Pombrjke 10-4 , , 25c ; Poquot 1C.4. 28io , da , 74,19o do 49 , 16c } Pepperell - " do 67. 21cdo ; B7 , < 18o ; Utitea 96 , 53 , 22Jo ! do 48.17c. Palnti Oils and V rnl hei , OILS 110 * carbon , per gallon , Us ; 1KO * headlight , per gkllon , 15Jj ; 175 * hoadlicbt , per gaUon. ' 22c ; , 150 * Water White , 21c ; llnnoed , raw , pur gallon , 03 ; Unseed , boUod , per gftllon , ECc ; l rd , winter ttr'd , per Ral , Ion , 1 00 : Np. 1 , 85 : ; No. 2 , 75c ; castor , XXX. p < r gallon , 1 25 ; No. 3,1 2) ; sweet , per gallon. 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon * 175 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon , COc ; neatafoot , extra , per gallon , 7oc ; No. 1 , 600 ; lubri eating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; nummer , 15c golden machine , No. 1 , per gallon , ST o ; No 2 , SO : Rperm , signal , per gallon , 80c ; tur pentlno , per gallon , G5oj naptho , 71 , pei gallon , 18c : 6V. 17c PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omahi P. P. . ejc ; white lead , St. Louis , pore , 6fi Marsalllea green , 1 to 5 ft cans , 20 < French tine , gioen seal , 12c ; French tine red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnlal asst 20o / : French . ilnce , . ( n oil a st 15c ; Rav d U. MA umt umber , 1 tb cans 12c ; raw ant burnt Sienna , Uoi Vandyke brown , w | refined lampblack , 12o ; coach black and l ory black , 16c ; drop blat k , 16c ; Prussia ) blue , SOc ; ultramarine bice , 18c ; ohrxnn green , L. M. 4 D. , 14obllnd ; and shntte green , L. M. & D. , ' 14o ; Paris green. 18c Indian red , 15ci Venitian red. 9o ; Tutcaj dre , 22 < j ; American Venniliod , 1.4 P. , 18 < chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. & D O. , . 18c yellow ochre , Be ; golden ochre , 16 ] paten dryer , So ; graining colors : light oak , da * ! oax. walnut , heatnnt and ash Ice. Dry ° alnta White lead , 7Jo ; French ilnc. 10c | Par whlteing 2ic ; whiting gilders , 1J < v , hi ting oomT , Uc ; lampblack Germat town , 14c ; If mpblack , ordinary , tOo ; Prni slan blue , 5 c ; ultramarine , lee ; vandyk brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4 : ; umber , rai Icjsienna , burn t , 4c ; sienna , raw , 4 Paris green genuine , 25c ; Paris green con SOo ; chrome green , N. Y. ' 20c ; cbrorj green K. , 12c ; vermillion , Eng , , 70c ; ve million , America , 18c ; Indian red , 10 roue pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cokosos 2 > ci Venetian red Am , , IJoj rei lead , 7i < chrome yellow , genuine , 20o hroine ye low , K. , 12o ; ochre , rocbelle 8c ; ochr French. 2cj ochre , Americ&n , 2 < Wintor'a nuneral. 2Jc ; lehlgb brown. 2A < spankh brown , 24c | Princess mineral 3 < VARNISHES Barrels per nlloi Furniture , extra , 91 10 : furniture , No. : SI } coach , extra , 8140 ; each. No. ] . 9120 ; Damar , extra , 81 761 span , 70o ; s. od phaltum , extra , 85cj sheila | 3 60 | bai oil finish. 81 SO. * ' , Heavy Hardware List. ir { Iron , rates , 8810 ; plow steel , sped cast , 7o ; crucible , 80 ; special urGerman , & east tool do. 16@20 wagon spokes , se 2 253 00 ; hcbs , per set , 125 ; felloes , saw ( dry. 140 ; tongneo , each , 70@8&c ; axle id each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@11 washers , per Ib. 8@18c ; rivets , per Ib , 11 cell chain , per Ib , 6@12c ; malleable , 8 Iron wedges , 6c ; crowbars , 60 harro teeth 4o horseshoes keg 6 00) sprit eg , ; , per , ) ste l , 78o _ ; Burden s horseshoes , 6 f ill Burden's mnlesboes , 6 50 illL L > SnOT.-Shot , 81.85) ) Buck shot , 82.1 In Oriental Powder , kegs , 86.40) do. , h : kegs. 83.48 : do. , quarter kfitrs , S1.88 ; Blai Ing. kees , 83.85 : Fuse , Mr 100 feet Mo , BARBED WIRE In car lots , 8 25 < 035 per 100 ; in lea * than car loU , 87f < 9 75 Mr 100. 5o ; NAILS Rtt * . 10 to 605 ? , 425 , Hldo * Hit * . Et . HIDEa Oroen butcher's hide , 8i)7io ( ) cured 7J@8o ; hldos , green salt , part cured 7jojhldo,74ct dry fllat , sound , 12@14 ) dry calf and kip , 12@14c ; dry salt h.des , noting 10llc ; green calf , wt 8 olSIba. . ll12c ; green calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , Me ; croon polls , 60@$1 25 ; gran lamb skins , 81 25@150 : damaged biJeo , two-third rote , cut scored aud ono grub , doused two- tLlrds rate , ) branded hides 10 per ecnt. oB Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. ? , SOc ; No. 1 20 , ) ) No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No , 1 , SOoi No. 2 15o ; No. 3,15c ; No. 1 , 5c. Fox , No.lk , COoj No. 2 , 25o. Skunk , No. 1 , b1Gc { 6Cc | short stripe , 40ei narrow stripee broad stripe , lOc. Tallow 7c , Leatnor Oak sole , 880 to 42o ; hemlock sole , Stic to 85c ; hemlock kip , SOo to 100 ; runner , 65o to SOc ; hemlock calf , 85c to 120 ; hem lock upper , 2So to 2Cc ; oak upper , 21o ; alligator , 4 00 to 6 60 ; ctlf kid , 3a S5c ; Grciscn kid , 2 50 to 275 ; oak kip , SOo to 100 ; oak calf , 1 20 to 1 SO ; French kip , 110 to 1 K ; French calf , 1 25 to 2 00 ; rus- setts. 5 50 to 7 50 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 60 ; toppings , 9 00 to 10 50 ; B. L. Morocco , SOr to 35c ; pebble 0. D , Morocco , 85o ; siiLou ; 3 ffl to 5 00. HARNESS-No t star oak , 42c ; No 2 do , S'Jc ' ; Ni 1 Ohio oak , 880 ; No. 2 do , 35c ; No. 1 Milwaukee , 37o ; No. 2dg Sic. Lumber. WBOLtBAU. We quote lumbnr , lain naJ ohlurlcA an : cars at Omaha at the following priceri JOIST AND SCANTLING-16 ft. nc3 under , S22 00 ; 18 ft. , $23 50. TIMBKRS-1G ft. and under , 822 CO. TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , C23 50 ; 1C ft , $28 50i 22 ft. , $2G 50 ; 24 ft. $20 50. SEKCING-No. 1 , 4 and G in , , 621 00 ; No. 2 , $22 00. SHEETING No. 1 (2nd ( ecmmou beards ) . $20 00 ; No. 2 , 818 00. LIME Per barrel , $1 35 ; bulk per mis- 40c ; Cement , bbl , $2 25 Iowa planter. bbl , 82 50. Hair nor bu. 40o. Tarred felt 100 lb % t8 50. Straw board , 83 60. COAL Cumberland blaoksmftb , (12 ; Morris Run Bloasburg , 812 ; Whltobreast lump , $5 60 ; Whltebroout nut , SE 50 ; Iowa lump , $5 50 ; Iowa nut 5 50 ; Rock Sprier ; ! 8 : Anthracite , 8115i'1200 ; Colorado , 800. . Drurt DRT."G3 AND CHEM10/ < S..cid , Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartavio. 55o ; Balaam Copabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , Bnaiafras , per Ib , 1 < 3 > CalomeL i > or Ib , 7fio ; Cincbcnldia , per oz , 8115 ; Chloroform , per Ib , 100 ; Dover's powders , per Ib , Cl 40 ; itp-torr. Salts , per Ib , Sic ; Glycerine , pure , pe bl , Sic ; 'Lend , Acetate , prr Ib , 22o Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per geL * 1 25 ; Oil , Castor , No. 3 , per gal , 611C , Oil , Olive , per iral. 81 50 ; Oil , Origanum , 60 ; Opium , 4 7n ; Quinine P. 6 W. & R. & B. , per oz , $1 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 11 8175 ; Balacin , per oz , 40o ; Sulphate o Morphine , per oz , $3 85 ; Sulpnur flour per Ib , 4c ; Strychnine. DOT oz. 81 65. Liquors. ALCOHOL US proof. 3 25 per wine gallon ; extra California spirits , 167 proof , 125 per proof gallon ; triple refined iip'irits 187 proof , 1 S3 per proof gallon ; re-distilled wtlskies , 1 00@1 50 ; fine blended , 1 50 ® 2 50 ; Kentucky bourbons , 200@700 ; Ken- lucky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 10(37 ( 00. BRANDIES-Importod , $8 OOQ1C 00 ; domestic 1 404 00. GINS Imported , 4 60@0 00 ; doiucitlo , 1 40@3 00. fchRUMS Imported , 4 50@6 00 ; New England. 2 0 Kci4 00 ; domestic , 1 M3 ) 50 PEACH AND .APPLE BRANDY 1754 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per ease , 280031 0Amir1i > a , case , 1200 ® 1600. CLARETS er case , 4 50@16 00 WINES Rh no wine , per caoe , 6 00 ® 2 00 ; Oatawba , per cose , 4 007 00 , Clears and Tobaccos. FINE COT In palls. Hard to Boat ! 75c ; Golden Thread , 70c ; Fountain , SOc , Favorite , 65c ; Rocky Mountain , 60ci Fancy , 65c ; Daisy , 50c. In tin foil Catlius O. S. , 6 Ib boxes , per Ib 63c ; Lori- Ulord's Tiger , 60c ; Diamond Crown , 660. SMOKING All grades Common , 2btc 83o. Granulated Blackwella Durham , If oz 61c ; Dukes Durham , 18 oz , 46c ; Seal ol North Carolina , 16 oz , 46 ; Seal of Nebrac. ka , 16 or , 880 ; Lone Jock. 4 oz , linen bags perlb , 81.85 ; MarburgsfPnck 2 oz , Ui oil , R5c ; Do ? T ail 65o. Wool. Merino onwM ed , light , 14@16cj bonvj-.c @ 1315o ; medium unwashed , light , 18(320 ( washed , choice , 82o ; fair , SOo ; tub-ding and w. , 2So ; burry , blaokand oottfk.1 wool 26olen Horses and Mutes. The maflrot is brisk and all grades an selling well at slight advance in p > ices The demand for good hones exceeds tbi supply considerably. Prices ronrre oo fol lows : Fine sfugle driven , 8150. to 300. ; Uxtn draft horses , 8175. to 225 , ; Common dra/ horeea , 8100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses 8110 , to 125. ; Common to goad farm horsjs 890. to 8100. ; Extr plngn , SCO. to .76. Common plugs , $20. to $40. MULES. 15 to 15 } haudff ( extra ) , 1'2S to 150. ; 14 } to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. 14 to 14) hands , 875. to 100. ; 1SJ to 1 hands , QUO. to 75. The Horiford Almanno and Coo ] Bouts mailed free on app'loUlonto ' the Ram find Gnomical Worko , Provideuco R. I. Honey fur the Unmarried- One .of the most co'li and substancia iostitutions in tnis country i ) the Mai rlage Fund and Mutual Trust Ans'-ciation of Cedar Rapid ? , lowo. They ore or'stnn izod under the laws of Iowa , and their of fieers and directors are among the leudlii ; and most prominent bujlno-s men of Ceda Rapid ? . Every unmarried person shouli have u certificate in this association. It is n splendid investment , as safe as < government bond. You can just as we ! have a good turn of money to oommono married life on as not. A large number r members have been paid off , receiving ve 300 per cent on their investment , U'rit for circulars fully detailing the plan , vbic is the finest known. Do not postpnud il Good agenti wanted. Mention whf ro yo saw this netloe. (5 ( 3m , Hop Bitter * are tha Purest and 'Best Dlttei Ever Made. They are compounded from Hopi Malt , Buohn , Mandrake and Dandi lion , the oldest , beat , * nd moat vali able medicines in the world and certain tain till the best and most oaratlv properties of all other remedies , boin the oroatest Blood Purifier , Live Regulator and Llfo and Health Roi toricg Agent on earth. No disease c ill-health tun possibly lonir exist whei thcae Bittera are naod , ao varied an perfect are their operations. They give now hfo and vijor to tli aged and infirm. To all whoeo en ploymonls cause Irregular.ea ! cf tb r-owela or urinary organs , or who fi qufo | an Ypattzar , Tonio and niil Utimataut , Hop Bitten are iuvaluabli being highly curative , tonic and atln ulattng , without Intoxicating. No matter what your foelinga c symptoms are , what the diaeaao or ai mant la , DUO Hop Blttora. Don1 ; wa until you are alck , but if yon enl feel bad or miserable , nso Hep Bitte : at once. It nay save your Hfo. Hm dredi have been aived by go doid ] $50 will be paid for a case they wl not cure or help , Do not Buffer or let your frionda au OJ for , but use and urge them to uao He Bitten. Remember , Hop Bitters ia no vii drugged , drunkennostrum , , but tt iO Purest and Beit Medtdno ever mad ; the "Invalid'a Friend and Hopo."at no person or family abould bo with lOI a them Try the Blttera to-day. The moat brilliant ahadea poeaibl @ on all f tbrica , are made by the Dl mend U/oa. Unequalled for brlllU cy and durability. 10 cents , OREGON'S BOOM. Rapid Growth of the State as tlio Railroad Jpproaohoa Completion , An Exception to Grasping Monopolies. SAN FiUNcikco , Fubiuary 13 In nplto cf many evidences of growth and eager Hfo , there aropooplo on this const who predict that Sau Franclaoo h > 3 already scon its host days ; that Its rivals to the north Portland or Seattle - tlo v.lll outstrip itin the race and will ultimately wrest from it the com mercial supremacy of the Pacific. Portland eajiociolly takes much stock In thceo preJlo'.iona. ' A city of 50,000 poodle , ita growth within the last five years has been oven moro marvelous than that of San Francisco. The Northern Puclfio , which will bo com pleted by next September , will bring it in direct oonuoc.iou with the east. It already talks ol lines of steamers running direct to China r.nd Japnn. It is reaching out in every direction for trnde , and uo merchant are aided by the railroad which does not believe in pursuing the policy that has made the Central and Southern Pacific railroads luted in this atato. Everything bids f iir to make Portland u gcent cliy , but it is an Idle to call her a rival cf San Francisco n it would bo to np ( " k of rivalry between Now York and Phila delphia , or between St. LouU and Now Orleans. New York and St. Lonls have the advantages of position and cf size , and every year will witness a rapid increase In their growth an in crease out of all proportion to that ol any smaller city with Ic&s Advantages. So it Is with San Francisco. It has a position on the direct line of trade from the Orient. It Is the distributing paint for much ot the South American and Mexican trade , and for no small part of that which goes to Australia and the Siuth Saa Islands. It will take a grrat drnl to remove this trade , especially when ono remembers that thin IB the only good harbor on the Pacific with the exception of sev eral on Puget Sound. And right hero come a In the chief drawback to Port land. Its bar will always bo a 'great check to commerce. It la so rouRh that steamers frequently llo-to for several days before the aea la smooth enough to venture in , while ships fre quently cruise on and off the month of the great river for a week or ton dnys , vainly HeckiLg an opportunity to cross iho treacherous bah 'I he re would bo millions In it for Portland if seme eyrtom for drcdglrg out the bar cculd be devised. But the pros pect of acch an engineering teat Is very gloomy. Without it Portland Is doatltud to BOO a rival to the north ono of the now cities on the shore if Fagot Sound surpass It in alz3 and commercial importance. A JOUBNALI8T1C EXfLOIT. Portland , in the meantime , is grow- into Jack's bean-stalk. Is Is putting up moro coolly bnslnets blocks than San Frauciscr ; it Is spreading out in . all directions and-taklng on the airs ol a metropolis It ha * lately added tr its outfit a new dully paper , an eight page sheet of about the aiz ) cf the In dlanapolis J nrnal. It means some thing to start a now doily In Portland For thirty years the proprietors of the Orcgonlan had had a virtual monopoly of the newspaper business in the northwest. They had control ef the Associated Press dispatches , which they farmed out to small newspaper ! In other cities , but , cf course thej gave no fuci'i'.iea to any journal thai could prove a rival or wao nn friendly to them. Thua IVirrlaud wai completely in their DOWHA Thej owned stoik in nearly all local cor poratfous aud had a finstr in over ; political jib. But oviriuuch powoi tnrnod thulr heads. Th < y waxed in solent , aud were so dcjnlncorli.tr thai they alienated evcrjoue cave those di rectly dependent upun them. The ! : baoiiK-aj did not ril'ir , because then was no r ceo arc ; f r thojo whom the } balldtVad bat to pilronlzj them They oviin.we.it BO fr.r cs to nllonatc the Northern Pacific rnllroul anil make an active enemy of this power fal oorp'inttion. The last straw whloli broke th , u imel'a back was thapapor't bitter Ofvjaition to Mitchell for Uni ted S ittcd Bonator. He had a strong bodof partisans and they cast about for some meano of revenge. Tdoj f und the moans in a young utd en- t'rprisluR nowapaper man , Nathac Ode , Jr. , a son of or Congressman Oolo , of 8t Louis. He had started a dallj paper in LOB Angeles under the ox peoUtlon that the rapid growth of the city would-Insure good business sup port to the now venture , althougl three other dallies were already li the field. He made a gocd paper but was compelled to sell ont to hi partner , with whom ho could no agree Then bo started In after i few months with a now paper , c which ha was the solo proprletoi Thii also bade fair to be a succea when the other dallies cut down th advertising rates to such a figure tha there was no money in the bnsinesc so OJlo packed np his plant , and having already surveyed the groun and mot good assurances of supper ! shipped his material to Portand. B much diplomacy ho obtained th 10 cream of the associated press dii n. patches , and the HOT year saw th 10o first iiano of the Now Northwest , e oId. ho called his paper It showed cigc Id. of the travail in which it was brough forth , but now it is a very crodltabl specimen of journalistic work and I gaining friends every day. The ol monopoly baa opposed it in every waj but has been forced Into many in provomonts and Innovations In shoe self-defense. It baa enlarged its loci ran force and established a resident co : nR. - respondent in this city two change R.Ill which have been the direct result < Ill wholesome competition. Mr. Oolo. will bo soon , has fought a good figh and deserves the success he has woi He prints nn edition of 5OCO , copiei and expects to double it in urn if1 months , He has just paid a visit 1 bo this city to make arrangements for now steam preaa. id 1UP1D KAILKOAD WOKK. ut Raihoad building on the Norther Pacific Is proceeding at a rapid rate I spite of the Impediments of a rong le , coantry and severe weather. Full la- fifty miles of track are being lal every month , and the prospect u thi if the proeent rate of speed can 1 maintained , the trap wil bo cbsod up by August or S ptimbor , at latest. All thu hands who can bo cngipod are crowded on the work , and the moving city which advances no the trno1) layers uiuvo forward , is composed cf as bard n cro-rd of citizens as ono will BOO out of jail. The dhpttohoa from Woeksvillo , a HOT railroad town In Montana , show that the vigil ance committee , which was established recently , la the only power that hose border desperadoes fo.ir. The railroad will not bo oomp'otod in time to bring ont any of the visitors to the triennial couchvo of Knights Templar , to bo held b this city in June , but the man. agon of the road propose to do a ( nod tourist buslnoes Iroiu this end ol the line. They own the Pacific Coast Steanuhlp company , and they pro pose to run regular excursion steamers from hero to Alatka , and also many point ) of Interest on the Columbia river and along Puget Sound. The excursion from this city to Alitalia will take t > vonly.fivo days , acd the faro la put at $15 for the round trip. Ono of the chief drawbicka to northern travel on the coast ia the terror of thooocau trip to any one who is not a good sailor. Pooplunho have made the vojngo to England mm } ] ) lau's without lonnig a meal , are forced to render tributeto Neptuco on thla chart voyngo of three days to Portland. The uon is choppy , and the Pacific is seldom at rent nloiig this nugh and reeky coaat liunco the prospect of all rail conrootion between lioro and Portland will bo hailed hero with great satisfaction as a moa'ns of deliverance from the un speakable woes of oca ( sickness. Work Is bilrg done on both ends of the California & Oregon railroad. Li Oregon It is built considerably beyond HoBoburg ; in California the present terminus is Redding , in Shaota coun ty. The distance to bo covered is not great , but the country is badlv broken and several long tunnels will bo re quired to got over the mountains. The Central Pacific will control the Cali fornia road as far north no the state llnr ; from this palut it will ba opera ted by the Villard management. L1BEIU1 , VS. MONOPOLY METHODS , The Northern Pacific Is very popu lar in Oregon and throughout all the northern tier of territories It haa adopted the correct plan ef dolug ov- erythlrg In Ita power to dovulcp the country and help the merchants and the farmers. It hns gained control < f ill the avenues of traffic , and could readily fix on the far northwest a mo nopoly moro galling than that of the Central and Southern Pacific roads in this fl'ato. tBut thus far there lisa been no evidence of the tac tics practiced by our railrosd monop olists. Frtlghtshavobeongradod ac cording to the distance they were to bo carried , and heto has "been none of the absurd aud acnoyltig discrimi nations which have made the Central Pacifij hated by the farmers of Cali fornia. The long-comlncd tyranny f under which the grangers and nior- chants of this state have groaned la bowing its legitimate fruit. The leglnlaturo is on ajed In pmlng bills to prevent the consolidation of the Southern Pacific with the Te-xas and P. clfio , and to devise means for corn- polling all railroads to pay their juti taxes to the counties through whic they run. Stanford and Hnntlngtor declare that this U blackmail on i great corporation , but any ono whi has seen the devices which the rail , road adopts uot only to bulldtz ) al shippers , but to control the politics e the state , will agree that no moaaun that has baon proposed ia too seven to protect the public from a corpora tlon that surpasses the Standard 01 Company ir. power to do miechicf am to override private Interests. * Many ladica who had scarcely enjoyed joyed the luxury of fooling well fo ycara have been so renovated by usinj LydiaPinkham's Vegetable Compouni that they h&vo triumphed over the ill flesh is said to be heir to , and llfo ha boon crowned with the addoJ chnrr of a fresher bnau'y. Are acknowledged to be th best by all ho have put ihoi to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT GOAI COKE OE WOOD. IMINDFACTDHED BY Buck'sStpveCo , SAINT LOUIS. PIEKCY & 8014' AGENTS FOU OMAHA. "I'artsof the biiTan boi enlarged , duveiopoj and stre K o cj , " ctc ah Interesting ali'crt nonoit lo g run In o papor. In reply to l-iiurlcs wo will ay th i there l no evl lcn.ce c t liumliu ? ub ue thla. ( the contrary , the advertltirs ur very highly I dorsed , InUiroa'od ' pontons Bay get stai.d cl culars glvlni ; all particulars , glvlui ; all partlc ( art , by addreuln Erie Medical Co. , P. 0. II 613. Uunlo , N. Y. Toledo Evening Bc . JC'C an. .ll-ly $500 REWARD al alr The abort rewaril will bo paid to any , p r who will produce a I'alnt that will equal the of oa Pennsylvania Patent Rubbc It Paint , t , ( or preserving Shingles , Tin and Oravel Roe n. Warranted to be Fire and Water Proof. . orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and b iB , tar than any other paint now In UM. DOte BTKWAHT & BTEPHEN80N. to Sols Proprietors , Omaha House , Omaha , Mi Officer ft Posey , Dr.IUce , Or. Pinner , Council BluBs. Iowa. Uss office. Omaha K o " " rn" In McOABTHY & BDEKE InS Id Undertakers at 318.14TH ST. , BET. FARNAM AH be DOUGLAS HAS THE BEST STOOK IH OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PBI01& IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now been fimshed in our store , mak ing it the largest and most complete FURNITlMHOUSt In the West. An additional story has beer * built and the fiVe floors all connected : with two a HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS , , One Exclusively for the use of Passengers , These immense warerooms - roomsthroestores , are 66.loot wide-are nl od wittt the Grand est diup'ay ' of all kinds Household . and Oflioo Furniture evea AJ1 are invited to call , take the Elevator pu the first flow iuid go through the building and inspeat the stock- CHAS. SHIVERIOK , . 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha. TYUOLK3ALR AND RETAIL DBALKB IN BJiL'A. fVt $ Lath , Shingles , Pickets , BUNDS'FOLDINGS LIME , , , , , ti"5TAT : ACENX FOB IIILWAUKKS OCilSIir OOMPANT1 Union Pacific Dawo * . OMAHA JSB WILLIAM SNYDER , OF | ? irs-Ulas8 Talning and Trimming , Eepairiug Promptly Dens Single Broocli Loading Shot dans , from 85 to $18. Double Broocli Loading Shot dons , from $18 to. $75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Guns , From $ B to $25 , ' FfBliius Tackoi , Base Balls and all kinds of Fanoy Qoods , . Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand , Imported and Key West Cigars a large line o Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re : quired in a first class Cigar , Tobacco and Noti Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,000 upwards , Send : or Price List and Samples ; DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTER H HOTEL HOTELS PROPRIETORS TOWIff ARLINQTON. J. Q. MclNTIpE , Unio'n , Neb WEATHERLY HOUSE , A. Q. WEATHERLY , Manrlnc. Iowa , ] REYNOLDS HOUSE , O. 0. REYNOLDS , Oaon Haplds , owa. 3ARATOOA HOTEL , J. S. 8TELLIHIUO Mllford , N b. MARCH HOUSE , C MANS , UffOWNBVILLt COMMERCIAL HOTEL * JOHN HANNAH HALL HOUSE , A. W..HALL Louisville „ OITY HOTEL , OHCNEY AtJCLAPK. 'Jlalr , N .2 COMMERCIAL HOTC. , J. Q. MCAD , ORANtl CENTRAL E. SEYMOUR , MISSOURI PAOIFIO MQTEI , P. L. THOUP , COMMERCIAL HO'J8L < A. O. OAARPLB , i Hirdf , Neb QREENWOUD HOUQE , W. MAYFIELD , Qreonwosd , Neb COMMERCIAL HOUOC. E. STOREY. Olarlnda , lows ' ENO'B HOTEL , E. L. ENO , Eromont , Sc > 7 > EXCHANGE HOTEL , O. B. HAOKNCY , Athland , Neb METROPOLITAN HOTtL , FRANK LOVCLL , AtMnion , N > MORGAN HOUSE , E. u anuaa , Quldo Rocd-K > 4 . - SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKCK Orgiton , l i HOUSTON HOUSE , GEO. CALPH. extra , la REYNOLDS HOUSE , ) O.M. REYNOLDS , Mlantlo , Iv. WALKER HOUSE , D. H. WALKEP , Audubon , la. > COMMERCIAL HOTEL , 8. BURGESS , Naola , la OITY HOTEL , DI A. LLIAMfr , Harlan la , PARK HOUSE , MRS. M. E. OUMMINQB , Oornlne , Ir NEBRASKA HOTEL , J,3L. AVERY , Utanton , MERCHANTS HOI EL Q.W , DORK. Durllngton Jur tlon COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Oltnchard , la. PARKS HOTEL , P. M. PARK , . Bhenandoah la. OOMMERO AL HOTEL , HENRY WILLS , D ld Olty , Neb . D AON ELL HOUSE , OHA8. BAQNELL , OolleK eprlngm , I * . OOMMEROIAL HOU3E , fiM. LUTTON , Vllllsu , U. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , FRANK WILKINBCN , Malvern , la. L BALL HOUSE , H. H , PERRY , Ida Qro ela COMMERCIAL HOUSE B.F.BTEARNB , Odebolt , la WOODS HOUSE , JOHN EOKERT , Osoeola , Neto. DOUQLA8 Houar , J. 8. DUNHAM , Olcrks , Neb. BEDFORD HOUSt J. T. GBEEN. Bedford la ARLINGTON HOUSE l. M. BLACK & POK. NORFOLK JUNO ! IONHOUBE A T. POTTER. Norfplk Junction Nst WINSLOW HOUOC O MeOARTY , Soward. Nab AURORA HOUSE M. B. JONEU Auroar Hen. CROZIER HOUSE O. R. OKOZ'CR , Bldney , NaO. AVOOA EATING hOUSt D. W. ROOKriOLO Avoca l CENTRAL HOUSE LOCKWOOD & BHATTUOK , Red Oak FOSTER HOUSE O pt JOHN FOSTER , Lewll. la. VHITNEY.HOU8M E. HAYMAKER , Qrliwold , l . DEPOT HOTEL , O L. CHAPMAN , . Dunlap , la LU8K HOUSE. J A. LUBK , Login , la iur DOW 01 V HOUSE , W. H. MORTON , Dow Clta ; ia > t AGGER HOUSE , JAQQRR& BO t. Deolton , la , Un HAKMliN TAMA CITY. TA. . n rtnon A K , . l ft A Nebraska Loan & Trust Company IUBT1NG3 , NED. Oapital Btook , - - $100,000. JA8.B. IIEAUTWEI.L , Proeldent. A. L. OLJUtKE. Vice-President. K. 0. WKBSTEH , Treasurer ] J DIRECTXOIU } . &U Samuel Alexander Oswald Ollrer. A. L. Clarke , K. 0. Webster' Oeo. II Pratt , Jas. B. Ileartwell , Ib. D.M.UcElIllnney. ill * First Mortgage Loans a Specialty This Company furnishes a perminent , homt Institution where Bchool lioa ! sand other legally Issued Municipal socurltl * 10 INeliraaka can b < bo negotiated on the ma 11 ararable terms m lioaru made on Improved ( r n | n all well settlea oounllesol the stale , UuoJiU s < P Q lbl l.lo < : l If joil r ni n' ' otliu lneMwcak r ruui ot lev nedl > rtl > ertr liior teritolUnirui dulIM TO | ( | nlKlit work to nc JtlmuUntianl /our UK fhr Lni'9rr ) n' . UM HofTjc Hop Bitten. " I mUMUJrot. . -u" Vv I tiuo i IT you t F " * & ' * VSSfii - Jttur | . MTioef.r yooar < ' . jlrouT'L. rrii wLtnuTtr you ' I form > t K lu nov wids'&aMtaK.'toS ] > dlir M that mil * ! , ni ? or ittrauUtlng , I ' wlboatnlpxcalr. ( ( , j kT timely'u ed tike Hop HopBlttM * 5x1 na. kincv | O.I. O l aacttucta ( .taint , dUMie and IrrMirt t < nr > ( . Vlood. HOP Iblecnrr ldniBnn I Ill ir 01 twrvt * I UM of opti You will > ( tobaooo. nirtdlf joauitl Hop Bltt r ! llm.r Ifjoo - „ eitU. bmttat weak and ] [ . iiilrltetl.trjl NEVER Ul It may your IFAILI rr life. It hn | nved hun dreds. I > T3 UO a.