Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1883, Image 8

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( - ; The Daily Bee.
Thursday Morning , Feb. 22.
: ' Keport.
( The following observations sro taken at
the same moment of tltno at nil the stations
There will be a meeting of the fire
department Friday eight.
The first tomatooa of the soanoa have
arrived from Bermuda.
Washlngt n' birthday to-day will
be celebrated chiefly by government offi
All the banks in this city will close
to-day on account of its being n , , national
The Bonner-Wnrd scandal promttes to
be revived through moans of an Investiga
tion ly the church authorities
General Howard delivered an enter *
talntng lecture on "The Battle of Gettys-
burg" Tuesday at Brownoll hall
The Omaha postoffise will be closed
to-dao , February 22 , name as Sunday ;
open only from 12 to 1. The early more-
Ing mall will bo delivered by carrier na
A drunken individual with a super
fluity of Dutch courage made Homo howl
on Farnam street at a late hour Tuesday
Ho had evidently lost ic-mo ono whom ho
wanted to kill ,
The atereopticon butortnliimont at
Crelghton college this evening , in
boner of Washington's birthday , will bo a
very enjoyable affair.
The reception of the Y. M. 0. A. to
their new general secretary , Goo , A. Gos-
lin , has been postponed till Saturday evening -
ing , March 3 , a telegram having been re
ceived that he will not arrive till March 1.
The quarterly meeting of the Union
Catholic library association took place
Tuesday , and was largely attended. Mr.
W. M. Bushman was unanimously elected
first vice president of the association.
Mrs. Marcella Everest , wife of Frank
Everest , of the Union 1'aclfio , died Feb
ruary 23 , at 0:15 : p , in , , at the residence
1109 Pacific street. Nebraska Oity papers
please copy ,
The ladles of the North Presbyterian
church will give a Lidy Washington tea
party this evening in the church
on Saundera street , to which all are cor
dially invited.
Mr. J. I. Fiuehaut has received a let
ter from St. Louii , sent by * the imperial
German consul there , Mr. Von Zerllck
acknowledging the receipt of $142 , which
were collected by the Omaha Turnverein
for the sufferers by the floods la Germany ,
For the Information of the many
friends of the A , M. E. church , who are
helping or waiting an opportunity to aid la
the construction of the new church edifice ,
It is stated that on last Sunday , the 18th ,
there was the sum o ! 84G.GO raised in the
church. Outside friends contributed $10
more and Ittner Bros , gave 2,000 brick ,
While George A. Simpson and Charles
Ghukson , of Council BIuH , were about to
return homo from thU city yesterday
their team became unmanageable and ran
away. Mr. Simpson was thrown from the
carriage , and In striking the ground he sus
tained * verysavore fracture of the left
wrist , It will doubtless bo many dayi ere
be can have its full uia again.
The remain * of George Boehm , the
Grand Island brewer , who died suddenly
on Sunday , arrived In this city Tuesday
afternoon In [ charge of A delegation from
the Grand Island lodge of Odd Fellows
and the Grand Island Liedeikranz , num
bering sixteen friends of the deceased. A
committee of Allemanuen Icdgo of this
city [ received the body at the depot and
took charge of the funeral , under the super
vision of Mr. Jacobs. Mr * . Boehm and
children accompan'ed tbo remains. Among
the Grand Island escort of the dead brewer
were Messrs. George Cbrndlui , Fr.
Guentber , John Eggers , Dr. Jams , Joe
" , IT Jeneman , Charles Guenther , Jas. llecscb ,
G. Koehler , 0. D. Moves , Henry Vieregg ,
Carl Renueberg and other warm friends
and companloni cf the largo hearted and
\ lamented George.
A Startling Scene la the Olty Court.
. Tbo CMO , of W. J , Duncan was
icalled up in the court presided over
by Judge Botieko yesterday at 2 p. in ,
, and tbo room wan , cf course crowded
with persons fond of bearing such
'matters ventilated na were discussed
Daring tbo time in which Duncan
waa In the court room some Individual
in tbo crowd raited the cry , "Honj
him ! " which \raa taken up , and the
crowd surged forward toward the prla *
oner. Judge Boneke at once called
f upon the police , and a cordon of ah
stalwart wearers of the atar formed t
bulwark of protection to Duncan , one
the case being continued until tht
27th , escorted him to qntrtcrs In the
county jail.
Duncan Is a detpcrato follow , nnc
the testimony on hla preliminary hoar
log on the charge of Inceat boa beer
ouch aa might troll tncito men to cal
npou Judge Lynch to paw a verdict
and execute the decrees of his court ,
Oolonel Smytbe , the defendant' *
counsel , rose to the solemnity of the
Bolumnity of the occasion and hurled
defiance at the crowd , and no violence
waa attempted.
The continuation of the preliminary
beating to the 27th , waa on the aQi <
davit of the dtfenie.
What the Oity Engineer Has
Done in a Year ,
The Statement From the Board
of Public Works.
The following roporto from the city
engineer and board of public works ,
presented to the city council on Tues
day night wore unavoidably crowded
out yesterday by prcisuro of telegraph
nowa :
In his annual report , reviewing iho in
auguration of the public works In the
city by the present administration
and the vote for $100,000 sewer
bonds , continued by giving hia rea
sons for the adoption of the Waring
kystom. Ho cays :
"It Involves the construction of n
system of small sewers exclusively for
oowage and housb waste , with pro
visions for thorough ventilation of
laterals through house connections
and automatic apparatus at terminal
points for dally flushing. For surface
drainage largo sewers in the valleys
of the North and South Omaha crooks
and branches wore decided upon , with
Intercepting sewers along the base of
the high bluffs to relieve the bnnlnoin
portion of the city from the effects of
excessive storms. Work upon the
snperato system was bognn In October ,
1881 , and oontinncd with but very
llttlo interruption in the winter till
December , 1882 , The necessity for a
sewer systomatthattimoiabest evinced
by the fact that within "three months
utter beginning work a largo number
of our largest business houses and
hotels utilized them for hydraulic ele
vators and sewerage wasto. The
adoption of the storm water or com
bined system would have necessitated
very largo mains across the bottoms to
the river and largo laterals aud flush
tanks. Its cost , as well as the pro
tracted nature of the work , would have
made it Impossible to have given sew
erage facilities to so largo on area as
was covered short of three or four
years. The cheapness , feasibility of
rapid construction , freedom from sewer
er gas , ease of dally Hashing and the
influences of excessive atorm are
among the strong conaidorationa which
have influenced the adoption of this
plan. "
To-day ( January'.lil ) there are 242
water closets , 01 urinals , GO baths , J 31
kitchen sinks , 0 elevators , 105 basins
and 14 waste water connections in use
with the Waring Byntnm. Actual tests
irudo on December 10 , 1882 , gave the
following results of flow in the 1G inch
mains at the rlvor outfall velocity 3
feet per second ; depth of flow 3 Inches ;
amount of sewage per hour 5.750 gal
lon ? . Estimating the above to aver
age fifteen hours out of the twenty-
four wo have as the present daily flow
over 100,000 gallons per day. This
discharge comes from four diulrlcto ,
comprising about 10,000 fcctln length ,
although nine districts are now com
pleted. There has practically been
but ono stoppage within the pipes dur
ing the year and a quarter in which
they had boon used ; a paint brush
wrapped in rags and tallow wa afonnd
n the sewer below the Pattern hotel ,
having evidently been dropped by
some careless 'mechanic during
the construction of the hotel.
It waa reniovcd through the hand hole
by the nso of a rubber float attached
to a string. There are altogether of
the Waring system 33,470 foot of lat
eral and 4,880 foot of mains laid ,
making a total 38,808 foot , or between
seven and eight miles. Too total cost
of the mains waa $10,730 and of the
lateral $33 570 , making a grand total
of $50,310 Invested in the Waring
system. The mains were built out of
bonds and the laterals by special taxa
tion upon the property In the districts.
The engineer then reviews the his-
ory of the storm water sewers , and
says : -
"Work upon the syatom of storm
water sowers- was begun in 1878 and
continued for nearly two years. It
was stopped suddenly by a decree of
' .ho . courts declaring the course of pro
cedure illegal. To date of stoppage
here had boon constructed by Benja
min Ittner 1,035 foot of sewer , G feet
3 inches in diameter , at a cost of f 15-
34833 ; by M , 0. Meany & Co , .
1.990 feet of 5-foot sowoi at a cost of
$20,735 03 ; and by B. Stanley & Go. ,
331 feet of sewer , 8 feet G inches in
diameter , at a cost $7,022.08 , Those ,
with incidentals , aggregated in cost
"To meet the payment of these ille
gal contracts ana the interest of the
debt , provision was made by charter
enactments , whereby an annual tax
upon the whole city is to bo levied at
the rate of 1J mills on the dollar until
the debt is liquidated.
"Tho sewers thus begun wcro ox >
toe dad by the present administration
fronva point forty foot coot of Ninth
atroot to Thirteenth street under con
tract , with Mcllugh & McGavook as
assignees of Mosars , McAuley &
O'Brien , to whom the contrr.ot was
originally lot. "
The engineer after reviewing the
basis upon whloh these were construc
ted submits a tabulated statement ,
from which wo glean the following
facts ;
Storm water sewers constructed at
the beginning cf the present adminis
tration , 3,3C2feot. ; Cost , $47,415 , , to
bo paid by levy.
Bowers constructed in 1882 as fol
lows ;
South Omaha EOWCM , 1,409 foot ;
cost , $35,075.
North Omaha sewer , 2,101 feet ;
cost , $4G,400.-04
Open ditch across the bottoms IE
connection with the North Omahc
sewer , $11,712.02.
Summary :
Total length of storm water BOW
era In South Omaha to date , 4 771 foot ]
ccBt , $85,080 ,
In North Omaha , 2,101 foot ; coat ,
$40,219 87.
Total cost of all storm water sowcri
to date , $134,308 01.
In connection with this work the
engineer recommends that the ok
creek channels , both in North and
South Omaha be filled up by the grad
ing of adjoining etroota. This i
necessary for the sanitary proteotioi
of the city , s well as for the nocoesl
ties of travel , Ho also urges the con
strnotlon of storm water sewers on tin
following line l"or this year :
First Extension of the North sow
er to the Military bridge ; estimated
cost , $24,000.
Second The construction of an In-
tcrcopting sewer along the base of the
bluffs from Sixteenth and Harney
north to Chicago , and cant from Chicago
cage to the Missouri rlvor bottom ; os
timnted ocat , $10,500.
Third A Hue of sewer from Savcn
tcenth mid Oass north to Izard struct ;
coat , estimated , $7,000.
Fourth Extension of St. Mary's
avonuesower north and west toTiren
ty-second and F.irnani otreeli ; cost ,
estimated , $10,000
Fifth Extension of South Omaha
sewer main from Ninth street to the
bottom ! , ; estimated cost , $15,500.
Total estimated cost of proposed
extension , $85,000
The engineer recommends the sub
mission at the coming election of t
proposition Involving $100,000 bonds
toc | rry out these plans and cover con
The c"y engineer reviowo the work
and recommends that the iteuo of
$50,000 additional bonds bo author
Ized , in view of the possible necessity
of extending pavement beyond the
business centre.
Curbing and guttering done under
the prosontladniinlstratlon la estimated
at $37,838.78
Grading at $12,123.01.
SMowalkfl , $3,600.
Bridges , $434.
There has boon paid out on the
present paving contracts to date , $8 ,
307.20. .
The total summary of work dcno
under the present administration un
der the direction of the engineer de
partment is $200,337.70.
lion. Jas. 1C. Royd , Mayor ot
DKAK Sin Although there is no
provision of law requiring Iho board
of public works to report to your
honor or to the common council the
business transacted or.tho public works
conducted or supervised by the board ,
yet in compliance with a custom pre
vailing almost universally in the man
agement of municipal affairs and be
lieving in the growing necessity and
propriety of B ich a report , wo here
with beg IOAVO to present to you a
statement of the improvements car
ried on under the supervision of the
board during the brief period of
our official connection with the city
affairs , and to supplement our report
with nuch rocommoudations touch
ing the extent , chancier and
necessity of ouch future improve
ments no may bo ordered from time to
time or of such improvements as in
our opinion should bo inaugurated
during the coming season. Our re
port will bo nccsR&nrily brief , and is
only presented at this time for the
purpose of making a beginning for a
duties cf similar reports , which , wo
trust , muy bo annually presented by
Omaha assessors in u moro elaborated
The following Improvements have
been begun ana completed during the
period included between July 22 ,
1882 , and January 1 , 1883 , and con
sequently corno under the direct onpar-
vision of the board , viz :
Lateral sewers
Districts C to 0 818.357.43
Waring main sewer 0,170 74
Stone water fewer 2-IS4.37
Curbs and nutters 17,131 37
Grading 7,49000
Biidges 434.0J
Paving 8,367.20
Total 800,85371
The following improvements and
public works are noir under contract
and in process of construction , viz. :
Paving of Douglas street from Ninth
to Sixteenth streets , with Trinidad
asphaltum. by A. L. Barber & Go.
The paving of Toa'h street between
Douglas aud Maroy streets , with gran
ite block , by Wm. Mack & Go.
Onrblnpr and guttering Tenth street
between Douglas and Farnam streets
by F. W. Krone.
That portion of Douglas street
whloh baa been paved with asphalt
wns done at a tlmu whou the weather
was not favorable for such work , and
.Ithoogh . the paving is in apparent
; oed condition , yet there is a possi
dllty that sorno of it may provo nn
satisfactory , in which case the con
ractor will bo required to immediately
ol&jr the same at bin own expense as
irovlded In tho'contract. .
In roqnrd to the contract of Wm.
lack A Go. , for paving Tenth street ,
wo regret to say that owing to snow
biookade the quarry men have found
"t impossible to supply the qranlto in
itrlct compliance with the terms of
their contract , and so far have deliv
ered only a sufficient amount of the
blocks to pave between Douglas and
Farnam streets , butaa soon as the
weather permits they will no doubt
bo able to make the tally supply equal
to the demand , and thus cause no ma
terial delay in the completion
of said contract. Owing , also ,
to tbo severity of the winter ,
F. W. Krone has boon unable to proceed -
coed with the curbing and guttering
cf Tenth street , between Farnam and
Docglas , but expects to complete the
same so as not to interfere with the
paving of the street ; and In this con
nection the board would recommend
that all streets which the city propose
to pave ohould bo first graded , curbed
and guttered , and that all contracts
for Buoh grading , curbing and.gutter
ing should bo entered into in the
early spring , so that all such streets
could bo paved and the paving con
tracts completed not later than DJ-
corabor 1st.
The city council has now under con
sideration an ordinance ordering a
quantity of paving , 'tho construction
ot which will oxh ust the $100 , OCO
In bonds already voted and available
for paving purposes , and the board
would therefore recommend that at
the coming spring election the ques
tion of bonding the city for an addi
tional $50,000 for pavlug purposes bo
submitted to thd people In order that
said amount may be available for the
year 1884 : and that work proposed to
bo done during that year can bo con
tracted in the winter or during the
early spring.
For the purpose of protecting tLo
street already paved and to be paved ,
and to enable the board to inaugurate
n system of shallow gutters and low
curbs , the board would recommend the
extension of the present main sewers
and also the construction of lateral
sewers running an nearly as pot Bible
along the plateau r and In a direction
nearly north and south ; and for the
acnompllshmont of these ends the
board would also recommend that the
city bo bonded for an additional $100 , *
000 , and that the question of so bond-
Ing the city bo submitted to the people
ple at the coming election ,
It might not bo Inappropriate for
this board to dwell upon the fact that
no people will be willing to incur a
bonded Indebtedness unless they have
full confidence in the r fibers that may
be intrusted with the handling of their
tnonoy , and that consequently it is of
the first Importance that men cf strong
character , of recour.lsjd business
capacity , and cf a hlph ord r of ability
should bo given control of the affairs
of our city , moroparlicdlarly at a time
when wo are about to begin on exten
sive and costly system of public im
provements. In this connection wo
epoak not only an ( Ulcers of the city
but also as citizens and taxpayorn , and
wo trust that it Is not too much to ex
pect of this people tint aa their own
intercuts they will aou to U thai those
who are to administer the affairs of Iho
city for the next two years shall poa-
new the strength and reliability of
those who bavo conducted the same
for two years last pant.
Oar cffhial rotations with your
honor during the brlof period of our
existence as a board have been rroit
agrcoablo. You were chlifly inslru-
mental in securing the legislation
necessary to the creation of thin board
and you were also the originator ot
the who and effective financial plan
that has enabled the city to carry on
Itasystem cf improvements jnnt begin
and for tboeo gcod and sufficient
reasons wo earnestly hope that tour
valuable services will bo demanded by
this people until ouch time as the pub
lic improvements aio In an advanced
ntato and enabled by their condition
and character to speak for their own
continuance and extension.
Board of Public Works.
A Oouple of Bold Midnight
Raids ,
A Ocol Burglar and His Oool
Every day now brltgs with it news
of ono or moro burglaries , and it seems
as if the desperadoes are making up
all at once for a long period of quiet.
waa bad by ono cf them who visited
the residence of Ool. Barnham , on
Idaho street Tuesday night. Ttvo men
wont to this p'aoa and having opened
the front door by turning the key in
the lock with a pair of nippers , the
marks of whloh were plainly to bo seen
this morning.
On i of the men then stood onlsido
on watch while hla companion
who iroro an overcoat and ulater , en
tered. Gol. Burnham sleeps in the
B'-oond story , hla room opsning into
the hall just at the head of the stairs ,
acd opposite his wife'd room. The
first the Oolonol knew was when he
awoke about 4:30 : , and imagined that
he smelt fire in the house. Grossing
the hall to his wife's door , ho asked
her what was burning. Ho then saw
the intruder , who , aa quick as thought
from his bosom , and placed the
muzzle against Ool. Bnrnham's
breast , saying "Got back ! Got backl"
As the oolnuol waa clad in hia night
garments and had no pistol at hand
ho was forced to boat a retreat to
his own room and the robber then
made a daih for the stairway ,
at ono leap , It is believed that ho
hurt himself , as in his fall ho toro nut
one of the stair rods and the carpet
with it. His involuntary host , on
reaching the room , pulled a small
pocket pistol from the drawer and ran
down after the burglar in time to
at him as ho went out of the door and
two moro as ho fled from the premises
with his companion. The fellows got
nothing although they came near get
ting more than they counted on. Gol.
Burnham says next time they come ho
will give them a heartier reception.
A more romantic incident waa that
which befell Mr. 6. P. Chamberlain ,
who Is proprietor of a meat maxket
on St. Mary's avenue aud South
Twonty-jiith street. Ho was
awakened by a man standing in his
room , and seeing that he was help
less hn admitted that the burglar had
the drop on him and quietly told him
BO. The man , who were a gossamer
cloak and a black mask , replied that
ho would do him no" harm , aa all ho
wanted was money.
conversing with the proprietor quietly
meanwhile , who told him all his money
was in the bank.
At length ho loft , taking only a ail-
ver watch and chain , a vest , a pair of
pants and a little loose chauga. The
garments were picked up this morn
ing on the street by a milk man. This
occurred about 5 a. m. yesterday.
[ Real Estate Transfers.
The following deeds were filed for
record in the oaunty clerk's office ,
February 20 , reported for THE BEE
by Ames' real estate agency :
R. B. Guild and wife to F. W.
Brown , w. d. , a. 84-ft lot 4 , block 1 ,
In subdivision of lot 5 , Capitol add , ,
north of Farnam atroot $1,300.
B , aud L. S. Heed and when to Eli
Boldolman , w. d. , parcel BOO. 16 , 13 ,
3& & acros-$245.
D. M. Miller to 0. L. ' Thomas ,
sheriffs deed , lot 7 , block 257
$ C4.-25.
W. J , Wagoner nnu wife and H.
Loupan to Albert Heller , w. d. , w. i
lots 9 and 10 , Thornoil'a addition
I. B. Haecall and wife to R. H.
Plokard , w. d. , part block 0 , Bowery
Hill add.-$200.
Kidney Disease.
Pain , Irritation , retention , Incon
tinence , Deposits , Gravel , ( to. , cured
by Buohupaiba.1
"WINE OF CAnDUl" cures Irregu-
lor , painful , or ditlicult menstruation.
The Progress of Legal Business
Before Judge twillo.
Judge Beneke'o Machine TJn-
Police news was rather plenty ju-
torday , more no than usual. The four
men arrested on onepicion of being
connected with the burglaiies in Bo-
hemiantown vruro dicnhirgod by Judge
Baneko yrutcrd yj as th-jy gave a
] good account of thonii.elvt.-3.
Janicn Watson and Ohr.rles Ander-
aou , who wcro indicted by the last
qrard-jury for grand larceny wcro al
lowed to go before the police judge
aud plead gjilty to petit larceny , up
on which the indictment was dismles-
ed. These men wjro arrested for
stealing a tult of clothes and au over
coat from a Douglas street hotel aud
have been in jail over since early in *
December. Tiio Judga took thla into
consideration and let them eft' with a
sentence cf 15 days on tread aud
Charles Rinoy and James Often ,
arrested for carrying off an overcoat ,
some shirts and other articles from the
hotel Garni , at which they stopped
Monday night , were both given a
term in jail , Ran got ton days on
bread and water , and Or/en twenty -
five days on the same diet. The two *
young followo are quite gantcol look-
inf , and wept when they wcro put in
jail. They hall from Council Bloffr.
The Gllllnskl case , in which acouplo
of email boys were charged with stealIng -
Ing loose material from the U. P.
yard and selling It to a junk dealer ,
rraa dismissed by the conocut of the
prosecution. They wcro warned by
the judge not to repeat the oCtanea or
ho would eend them to the reform
. Cnan. Lud trig was on trial Tuesday
in the district court for robbing Henry
Itohlfa of $120 In Siort'd saloon. Ho
was acquitted by the jury.
The oaao Jamea Smiley , charged
with colling mortgaged property was
on trial yesterday.
Frank Douahoo , indicted for grand
larceny , itaa allowed to retract his pica
of not guilty and plead guilty to the
lessor ofLjnno of petit1' larceny. Ho
will bo sentenced by the court which
baa jurisdiction In hia case , as his of-
faiiBO was committed outside the city
Vicissitudes of a Uogua Theatrical
A map named H. T. "White , claimIng -
Ing to bo the agout of the Boston Ideal
Opera company , came up on the K. 0.
& St. Joe Tuesday morning and put
up at the Pax ton hotel.
He wont to Manager Boyd and triad
to arranco fcr a performance of the
company on March 20th and 21st
nd'protended great indignation bo-
causa Mr. Boyd thought he couldn't
, rrango dates. He went-to the Union
Pacific to got ratoa over that road and
flew high through town. He an
nounced that Fester , the old agent of
ho company , had been superseded
md ho put in hh place. Thla Boomed
unny because the Boston Ideals are
now in New York and billed for Boo-
on early in March , the finishing of
season in the east.
Wnito explained that the western
.rip . had proved so successful that Miss
Obor determined to repeat it. White
was a seedy looking customer and his
oppoirnnco caused suspicion that ho
was n fraud. Mr. A. U. Danes , of the
K. 0. road , telegraphed to Mies Obor ,
mannger Boston Ideals , and received
word that she had no such aoont.
White dropped into Ool. DAWOS' office
md said ho waa tryirg ) to obtain rates
rom the U. P. , but tnny wanted him
, o buy the road. Mr. Diwos told him
he had better skip as he was a fraud.
Nobody baa heard from him since.
Evidently ho is a bllh like the Borden
who worked the country for free hotel
bills and passes some months ago.
W. A. Spencer , of tiercej E , Stringer ,
of Ewing ; Wm. A. G. Oobb , of' Fremont -
mont ; LfW. Osborn and W. C. VouRhn ,
of Blair ; A , G. Glenn , of Columbus ;
George Berry , of Valentino ; USDS New
man , cf Creighton ; Loran Clark , of A
bion , are among the Nobrasldans at th
Mr. John Grant , the representative of
A , L , Barrier , the paving contractor , loaves
to-day for Washington City. He will re
turn April 1st to begin work and a part of
his business east ! a to eecure new ma
chinery. He b a man among men and
leaves lots of friends in thla city.
W. B , Jerome , western passenger agent
of the New York Central and Hudson
Kiver railroad company , fa visiting the
Gate City on business. He is located at
C. E , Lambert , general passenger agent
of the Troy & Boston railroad ( Hoosao
Tunnel route ) with headquarters at Chica
go , is in the city , a guest of the Millard.
T. F , Lyon , of the Millard clear stand ,
has returned from visit to Hot Springs ,
looking much improved.
G. Williams and Mri. Momson , oi
DeadwooJ , are guests of the Metropolitan ,
G. W. Hulat , D. P. Marty n acd V , T
Price , of Columbni , nre at the Paxton ,
B. K. Kimberly , V. M. Game and Will
Vlatcher , of Denver , are in the city.
J. W. Highly , of Council Bluffs , was at
the Metropolitan-last night.
H. M. Footo , the St. Joe millionaire' ,
was at the Pax ton yesterday.
d. L. Hamilton , of Albion , is regis
tered at the Metropolitan ,
Hon. G. W. E Dortov , of Fremont ,
was in the city yesterday.
B. 1 > . Mobley , cf Grand Island , was nt
the Paxton yesterday.
W. S , Morton , of OrtapolU ; S. P. Van-
etta , of rUttamouth ; H , D. Hathaway
and M. W. Osborn , of Lincoln ; A. K ,
Plnkney , of Hepubllcan Oity , and A. W ,
Laird , of Hattlngr , vliitcd Ointha yester
, of Denver , registered at
tbo jii Itrd yesterday.
Cbauncey Wlltee , of Grand Island , is n
guest i f the Millard.
F Etrnost , of Ft. Steel , Wyo , , is a
guest fct the Paxton.
Jamea P. Connor , of Boieo City , Idaho ,
tanttho Mlllaid.
C. E Hlglnbothatn. of Suttee , ( s at tha
W. N. Frenwn , cf Denver , la at the
John G. Moore , of Hastings , is at the
Metropolitan ,
W. B Kuttz , of Eoleo City , Id ho , U at
the Faxton.
John A , M&cMutqhy , of PhtUmoutb ,
ii in town ,
Congressman Lilrd was at the Fastou
U E. Peters , of Pdorh , ie at the Met
ropolitan ,
Dr.'P. S.hwenclf , of Norforlk , It at the
Hon. Thcron Nyj , of Fremont , la in
E. H. Cowlea , of Sidney , is r.t the Mil-
W. Fv. Pewinser , of Central City , is in
J. 0. Green and wife hnvo removed
from the Hudson Rivnr House to thn
northwest corner of 17th and Capitol
avenue , where they will oondact a first-
clats private boarding liouso in con
nection with their summer resort at
the Olty Park , known na the Park
nvenun. Terms moderate and a hearty
welcome to all. fdb21-3k eod
, e
L'ST A. pocket-book containing
$15 iu money and some papers. Five
dollars reward. 0. A. Jones , IG'.h
and Dodge streets
Delicious Aromatic CORDOVA.
5T8PEOIAL C will FCSITIVELY not beln
serted unless paid In advance.
R /I ONEY TO LOAN Call at Law office of D. L.
JjJL Thotras room SCrclghton Block.
LOANED-On Chalte 1 Mortga o so-
MONEY y. Room No. 1 , over Moicnintt ) Na-
tluual llann. 977-1 mf
TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shrlvcr's
MONKY Estito ( .nil Loan Agency , opposite
postotnce. 7U7-U
AflATO I-OAN At 8 nor cent In-
M . .lUlterestm sums of $2,000 and up
wards , forsto 0 years , on drat clw city and fnrra
propcrt ) . BUMIS URAL UaiAia i\nd LOAN AQENCT ,
15th and Douglas Sta.
A GE TS Wantodmalenr femalo. In nory
jt\ . l y and tovtiln IheUrlted Stales. $100
to S15.(0 rar day easily made. G. E. lUPEOUl'
& 00. , 10 Batcl y Street , New York Olty.
J IS Imj mor.
\\7ANTED Immediately , lw three Drat-
VV class w Itor slrla. Must cooo ? with gaud
rcfcroocfl' , at the Merchants Hotel , Deidwcod ,
D T. Write fo 0. H. WAONES , Mc'ch nts
Hotel , fur Information. 1G3-27
\7rANTED-.Firat-cl [ 99haTber at 1413 Farnam
A woman for general bou'cwork ,
WANTEO 19th Street. 153-28.
A good tinner at onco.
IM-lw Etella , Neb.
A few first cla'i table hoarders
1718 Dodge St 135-241
'ANTED Two goad tellib'e men to canvass ]
W Oill 421 South 10 Ft. 130-221
ANTED A Uunorcsi at the Crelghton
W house 111-21
/ - - In owy town to Bella
W/NTPD-Ago-ta bofcre cQercd In thl <
ttae. JjMga pr flti pnd quick ta'es assured
AddresR J. .ch n rcdt 323l4iaUt. Omtba.
139215) )
"ho Ud'cs ' to knw that owing to
WANTED " nuroi cr who wish to learn our
f > 3 stein of perfect dtB'B cutting dnrlog tno c'tn-
Ingteek , the ogect will remain at 1413 D lUo
btroet. 125-21) )
\ \ JvtiVED dilution by a > ounif girl to
W da sencral hcosowoik. Apply at So.rdi-
B Tl.ulIote.
" \T7ANTED Position in grocery stcra , with
YV opportunities of learning thi builnesa.
Ppoiks both German and lingliso. Address "w.
Z. " Dee office. 160231
XITANTEU "lluition by a younirman In office
YVorftoie. Good references. Adlr ( 4 "II.
A. N. " Bee olllce. 1102 2it
"TTTANTKC Situation by a youcs won an to do
YY gener.l housewoik. Addresa 20thami Izirfl
trrott. 167-2J :
Bra QjTnan ( jlrl A'i'tiatloa In a
WANTED . nates ni object. Ameri
can bally preferred. Addresa "Miss A. R."N } .
1101 Howard Street. M0-22t
SI uatlon at c'eik In a Jewelry
WANTED FUo yeais practical > sperl" co P.
O. Box 405. 1229f
"TT7 ANTBD Tfom and Biard tnr younp got-
VY tlen an and wife alter JUrchlSta. Addreu
"A. L. F."Beoace. 161-21J
ANT D A houss h ile orp r ly fiinl'h-
ca , Ad < r.s B K. L. B < e office. 133-21
\TTED Toicnby are. Uth i-r -i > rl
1st , ah ineweitof Flft-entb trrt. Ren
S20 to $25 pel tnontB. AiM s3 ' > L. 1' . ' "co'f
flio ll'i-4i :
\X7AVrUD-To end t | i * tioip 'O , ' Mflh
YY lvt ! ry , ttationtdot Fort Ma haVlo ; Wjo. , H tlvu. laomtriou IUMI win ,
alter peifcrmlDg hl ouilesoa asoldie' , lug am
ple time t > ply nlfl'trade r i < l do veil , ffjty ,
room 13 , hcadquiruia department of Pin < o
E. 11. UAYrS ,
12J 22 C pL 3lh C v'y , Cainu'c Jroop " 0. "
ljK'i > HI1 NT Nowflvurcom cottajea , lOihard
JJ HlcVort. lmulr' 15128. filth St. 164-47 *
UENT Gfotifc with 3 rooms and kltchoc ,
FOll lurmtura for talt. HnuIru'JICW fuming
street. - ] 04-24) )
A It ARK CHANGE For Rent Four eegant
. \.lylur Ubid rocm with bard , 1704 17th
and Capitol Kveuuo , on Rod street tar lino.
- Taonow hcmos with R rooms ,
EOJll-ENr Paul. 132 Imo
T > EMIS' New Map of Omaha , luat completed and
JD ready for delivery at (6 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map
of Omaha ever published. OfflcUl map of the
city. Bee column.
TOO REST A largo front roe n on flrat floor ,
X > nd bed 10 iu on second , both nicely furnish
ed. Will lent together or sepantcly. thlcieo , AddJoii Bjx " 20 , ' ' Poitoffico. H8 23 }
r >
1' gontlemtn , 1412 Dodo ( treat , but. 14th and
19th streets. 150-20 ;
rUiR REST-Pluvsint front room S107 Farn-
JD ham St. also office In Bo ds Opera house.
T ] > OR REST flood furnlshtd rooms nlth clo * .
JL tls. KHNcrth 18Jistreet. 1432 t
MTV LET Or tr twn banfioma , mwly furrT-
JL Uhed rooms , 1816 Dodge street. m-JMJ
TOR RENT Three ncfurnUbed rvim * . with
JD bay window , in brick hcuw , HlO'Chc&go "
trect. -
, Wt/
JT10R nKNT-HoU < , Ut. % ! brcMftlan
JJ Aopli' , Plum , Cherry rd . \ tcottieei bear-
inDne uiapsri. 0)od location rer month
$ 0. AMES ,
121-U ICC0 F rn m.
JU convo/ilen o , 1R10 D.-dgeSf. 112-lmt
Ilull KhNl US house , 2 to In rooms , at $3 to
JJ 976 per m"nth 8hri\er'a Rent tureau , op-
posjto uoat ollicc. 1709-tf
ABARQAlN r olel and Live J Stab e ( o
la InaKKiultik wo lira twu. Flrs'-cUs
LO ul a d nnlvlnir/stii > le In town. IIoU"nn
hitclor ilab'o , wl'l ' pay > oulonra \ Igatc. Wll
sell uppirati Adoroij "Hotel' care U lice ,
ICOnuVo 121 !
FOll SALF F ur a iu lot adjolr tag city llm-
If. layumu. J Ita T. BELL.
17U3I 1'03 Frr am eticot.
FOR S Li ; CHKA1' Chilco unliuptcxed but-
In'Hi 1 ta on Farna-u ilar-cy. Douitlu ,
and D dge itrco B. D VIS. SNYUER.
Real Knt to Agrnta.
110-od- U05 Fatnam St.
CO we We T.III ol'r for sale a fl o lei of New
Mllihfows , at 'chalUr'aOinah * brljge atocn.
jar's , fr'm Turday ratrninir , February 2M
untlliold , Com car V andprtjo > rcboo' !
ffniTMOREJBROTH 1R3 , Vallej , Neb.
FOR SALC-Flour and Food bu Inets. N. W.
ccr ICthind Dodjo street. 12J-221
T11JR 8ALE Ucslrdblo bu luces proportj on IT.
' P. trick. Good for wh leailo bouto. C n
bo hid now en luty roisonublo terms.
Housinf line r'oms , now , lot COxSQO , largo
barn,500. Easy terras.
Improved lot on l-'nrnham street cry desirable.
Special terms will bo made now.
Real Estate Agents ,
107-22 1421 Farnam Street.
HOTEt , FOR SALE CHEAP-C2 mllta west of
Oumhi , en iho Union Pacific railroad.
Brick barn , two ttory hotel and furniture , three
lo's 63x132 , good stand , god business. Good
reasons for selling. Inquire of subscriber. .
713-lm-mo J'orth nend , Nfb ,
WE offer for sale at B bargain the engine Mid
fixtures now In use at cur works. The
complete ouidt it M uonA > s new , > nd conilitt o
Wntlno(40 hers * powci ) . Billcr , Heater , Steim
Pump , umoke Stack , S ciuu and Water Gauges ,
Water lank Valves Pipes , etc. It win bo token
out about thn first of next May. Partle i mtcrts
ted are Invl'ol o call and SQ ( t ( nope-alien day
and night (8und ( ys exccpted ) at the Woodman
Linseed Oil Vorks , corner Sovoateenth aud Nich
olas ttrecta 017-lin
EOR SALE Pcckcts maps of Nebraska 20o
each. For bin-gains In u aha City improved
and un'mprn'ed ' property , call on Wm. F , Sbrl-
ver , licit Estate Agent , opposite postofflce.
I7IOU SALE Stx room cottage nith barn end
JC half lot on Chicago street , near High School
Only 82,300. JIcCAGUE ,
COO-dec 27-t Opp. PostotHce.
r.lOK BALK A arsi cl ai tecond tiuid pbaetaut
ff Callatl319IT rncySt. _
T > EMIS New Map of Omaha , Just completed anu
D ready ( or delivery at ? 5 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map
of Omaha ever published. Official map of the
city. See column.
JCJ thru and , Yard lEth ttrcct , two blocks
couth cf Be'levuo road
dec 23-3m * LORENZO DIBBLS ,
T OST OR MRAYED-BJack Kcttor drg. small
JJ white ppot n- tit as ; . Return to 413 N. 13lh
street ard get liberal reward IC'J 231
"PERSONAL Ladles. Mr' . Cook haa opened
I non dreua making establishment at 1G1S Cap-
lol avcnuo 151-21
NAL Boots and Shoes made ti order
and rcpalroJ t 1010 Ca'.lfo avenue. Ruboer
coots and Shoes neat y mended. 152-24
PVR'ONAL S rangers and others viantlnga
well cooked meal at moderate prices , cau bo
accommodated at Masonic liall "cstaurant , 205
North 16th street. GEORGE HOUGH ,
150 20 Proprietor.
VJT Vienna Bakery , 1612 Capitol avenue. 149-20
T7OUND-Op Eaturdav tbo 10th Irst , a Mxllto
JC which fell frim ruuanay farmot'H wtgon on
thatdkto. Owcer out have It by t > y ng expen
ses , at A. Erown'd Grccery store , Camlig street.
131-21 }
TTOUNr | Thi-pl cotolav < < S Cecils cut to or-
JD er , Clothe * Wnn erUnjurcllw , ' 'arasils.
M d Fans irpaiied looK mlthinrell Hanging ,
arid - wfllij ; , sjitclultj , atF. A. PutnamV ,
lOlinithlG h tr .t. KO 24
LOST OR HTOLE. B > t rd.y l on'nfr ' , 17th
1-at. , at the r < ldenc cf J. Wet 8. W. cor.
Ilth nn fjc fiJ etree' , i.u dlniond crar , ' xtud
and c\rj The Under will bore atdrd two fold
Itetftluo byleKViDgfo-uurett n > y residence and
ni q ed'iuiia aik i. . It as a 1C ken 1 id not
w.uti to lurt w ill. 133-lt
JJJ ASI II > l T CULTUf-HT.S. arc now taking
ordera for 'tult anil oinameii al trie , rbrui < i
and nmoil cpl t < , fir iprn ? i liverOteen
matt bo in bcior th" 1- ' ' t April Stt stoctlon
gm a teed , ufflcj 1309 liarneyitro t , Omiba. r
Tlt'NALIST ' , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Ilarnoy. Will , with the aid cf guardian
spirits , obtain for any one a glance of the past
and present , and on certain conditions In tbr fu
ture. Boots aud Shoea made to order. Pcifeol
satisfaction guaranteed.
Matter of Application of Kitchen Bros. ,
for Liquor Lieerse ,
Notice Is hereby given t'a ' * Kitchen Brothoia
did upon the 17m any nt Fob. A D. 1881 , fllo
the r application to the Mayor and City Council of
Omihafor Hctnso to tn'l ' , Spirituous and
Vinous Liquors , it Pax en II UI , F roam
street , third ward Cnahn N h.t from the 4th
diy ot M 18 3 to the Uth day of April,1883.
If thtro Do no objection , rcmonnianco of pro-
jest tile I wl bin twj weeks from Fonruaiy 17th ,
A. D. 18:3 , to the said llcenno Kill berrantcd.
The Omihi Eeo nowaoip r will publish the
above notice once each weett for two weeks attho
expense of the applies nt. 'Jho < 31ty of Omaha l
not to > o chaigod therewith.
H3-21 CltF Clerk.
Thlspowder no\er xarks. A marvel of purity ,
( trengto and wholesomencss. More economical
than the ordinary k'nds ' , and cannot be aold In
competition with the multitude of low tott , short
weU-ht , alum or ph sphate pow 4er. Sold only In
cans. ROTAL llAKlSQ IOWDKK Ca , Wall 8t , M
New York.