Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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    nit ra ' * * TTTXT
* > o '
That never require crimping , at Mrs J. J. CKcd'a H lr Store , M prlcia nev i Ixltro touched by
/other hair dealer. Also j. lull lluo et o witch < e , ftc -.ttrcMly reduced vikc < 8. Also gold ,
vcr and colored rets. WMca muda Irom t-.tllos' own hair. Da not tall to call bctoru purchasing
t'saxherr. Allgcodo vc.iii.ntcd ai riSptfocntcd. MRS , J. J. OOOP ,
M M tn otroei , Cotincll Bluffn , town.
8 iF ?
CEg Jw.
FOR ( Ha AND Your-a , MALI AND fuMtLK.
It Is a iurc , prompt a nl clfectu. , ) reined * or Iti
digestion. "Dytrcp-la , Intermittent Icu-n ,
olApi-vtrto , Nervous IMilllly tn all It
Wcnk Jlcinorj' , I/in o ( Ilmln 1'nwer , 1'
Weakness aiMi | < . "c'.ltxi is o ( l'o cr.
nervous \\twto , rojntcimiti the faded Intellect ,
strengthens thn int.t.llnil ( linxln nnd tislo-i'i
Biir | > rk ] tig t mo ami tl or'O Miu cxhiu'jtcdor-
pnns. The experience of thousands pioM'lttc
bean In valuable rctnoilj. Prite , Jl.uja bottle ,
or sin or $3. For .ilubyall druigl-t , 01 ncnt
8ecur3/romobior / > atlonon recJpt ol | > rko '
PH. Stotnun" f * . O. Hoc 24CO Rt
Lcniii Mo.
The Great l'6pular Itcnux.- for 1'llcs.
"Surecure for Blind , Illiwliri. ; v I chitul'
And all forms ol Heniorrholdal Ttnuorn
Thcoo ScrrosiTORiPH act dlreotlv upon th
coats of the Blood Veescli ) , nnd by their astrlnecut
eCfects gently ( oito the blood from the swollen
tumors , and oy making the coats of the tclni
strong , pro\cnt the r refilling' , and hence a rndl
col euro is sure to follow their uao. I'rlco , Tt
ccnta a box. FQT Halo by nlldrugvrlits , or sent bj
mall on receipt of price , by Eu linli Modtor.1
JVistituto , 718 Olive St "V TnU
KANSAS TITV , Mo ( Sept oo , 1032.
I think It a duty I owe t3 humanity to my
what your remedy has done ( r mo. Oto ) mr
ago I contracted a bid case ot lilooJ IX cnso , a d
not knon ing tlio result of such i roubles , 1 ailou
ol It to run lo Bom ° > fine , but finally cpollcil to
the best phya ciati in t is city , who treated me
lor six montlis. INTIIATTIMK i TOOK o\Kti,600
andhad run donn Inulght ( rom i'10 to 1IS7
pourdu , and was conflneil to my bed w Ith Mer
curial Hhe > mutism , scarcely able to turn mjucll
over. Being a traveling man , tome o ( the ( ra-
ternlty ( ounJ mom ( big dcplo uMo conuaion ,
and rccom * lw ' h o y
mcndclmc l < - " o wo I
to try jour Ji\ o \ oral
spec flc. 03 < "ii'c-lllg | ! that
had been mred by Its use I cMninerdou the u o
itulti cry life ( alth aip li lc < u that th'co
ucchs nns able to tnko mv pmcoon the road The
sores and coppcr-tollorcd sjiota gradually d'sip- '
puvicd , and to dav I htuonotus ) oor cpot oninv
person , nnd mv welg t Is aiTpounUs. bclnu moro
than itmer was. I do not > tUh ) ou to publish
my name , but j ou may show this letter to any
wno doubt the merit ot a. S. 8. lor I now it is a
Yours Truly , J-H. I ) .
So Tothlrt' years ago there iltodln Jlont'O-
mcry , Ala. , a 3011117 man who uos terribly ntlllc-
ted. ( Itcrl'o'nifiroiti.d ' lor a Jon ? tlmo liy ttc
mod cal pro'oslon ol this town with no benefit ,
hu comnitnccd taklni ; S S S. Alter pufeltitcntly
taking It two months ho ns enrol , llilnirnr *
quainted with hi n ( or tto dls < .ano never made it9
return. J.V. . ilisnop , J. 1' . , Dot Springs Ark.
It you doubt , como to sec us , nnd o w 111 CURE
YOU , or cbar o nothing ! Wrlto ( or particulars
and copy o ( the little book , " Missogo to the
Unortunato SuHering " Ask any UrujKlst as to
our standing.
T3US1.00D Rewurd will ho paid to any
Chemist who w.ll flnd , on anVjsls o ( 100 bott'es
olS. S. S. , one parllc o ol Mo'cury , lodldo ot
Fotosslum , or o'.htr Mineral substtncc. SWIFT
SVECItlC CO. , Proprietors , Atlanta. Qa.
Price ot Small Size . $ 1,00
Largo Size . ITS
_ _
PERSONAlj "Parts ot the hu'i an body
enlarged , developed and strengthened , " etc. , ls
ah Interesting alicrtBomont lo'-g run In our
paper. In reply to ipqurles wo will nay that
thcro Is no evidence c ( humbug abiut this. On
tbo contrary , tbo rulvertlnrn ar very hlgnly In *
dorsed. Intores'od persons n ay got sealed cir
culars giving all particulars , giving ell particu
lars , by addressing Erlo Medical Co. , P. O. Box
613. Buflalo , N. Y. Toledo Evening Bee.j ir3
aall-ly _ _
617 3t * Ohnrlca Bt , ST. X.OUIS IMo
A KEQDLAR GRADUATE ol two medic *
collK09hvibeen longer ti.f-.eod ( In tha treat
ment ol cmtOMO , NERVOUS. SKIN ANB
BLOOD Dlaoasea than any other physician In SI
Louie as city papers show and Ml old resldocli
know. Coneultatlon free and Invited. When II
U Inconvenient to visit the city for treatment ,
medlclnta can bo sent by mall or cxprtas every
where. Curable canca guaranteed ; where doubt
eiljtn It la frankly stated. Ctll or write.
NorvouH prostration , Debility , Mental
and Physical Weakness , Mercurial and
ether affections of Throat. Hklu and Boue-i.
Blood Impuritloo and Blood Poisoning ,
Skin Affections , Old Sorea and Ulcera ,
Impedimenta to Mnrrmtre. Rheumatism ,
Pilca. Speolnl attention to cases from
ovor.worked brain , dURGIOAIi OA8KB
receive special attention. Diseases orialng
from Impru'lonco. Kxeoaaee , Indulgence"
I'1 200 pages the whoTJ
MARBIA&E story well told. Manj
receipts ; who may mat
ry , who may not , why ,
causes , consequence *
and cure. Sealed for 25c postage or stamps.
iToungstown , Ohio , May 10 , IBSc.
Dx. II. J. KVHDALII t Co. I had at very valci >
ble Uambletonlan colt that I prized very hlghljr
ho hod a Urge bone Bpavln on one joint and (
smill one on tha other which made him vsi }
lame ; I bad him under the charge ot two Tetoi
Inary Burgeons which ( ailed to cure him. I wt.i
one day reading Ihe tdvertlsemcnt ol Kend-1'i
Sparln Cure in tha Chicago Express , ! dotormlciid
ktoncototry it and got ourfirugglsta her li
eond ( or It , and they ordered throe bottles ; I too !
ail and I thonql'J I would fclva It a thorouel
trial , I tucd it according to directions and li <
fourth day the colt ceiaod to be lame and tht
lumps htu 9 disappeared. I ueod but on3 bottli
and the colt'e llmbj are aa free ot lumpe and w
smooth ta any horse In tbe btato He is rntlrr
ly cured. Tbo euro wan oo remarkable thai
iiavalettwaol my nelgbbors have tht rcial >
ing two bcitlei who urenow ualnztt
Very rMpecllully ,
Bend ( or llluetrated clrcu'.nr giving poilllo
proot. PrlcoUl. All Dniirsflsls hive it or CM
f gotitlor you. Dr. B. J. Kendall ft Co ; , Pro
prietors , Encitmrgb Foils , Vt.
Thelntrlnsle merit and superior quality ol oni
Oold Rope Tobacco haa induced ether manufac
turers to nut upon the market "ooJj elmllar to
oar brand In name and style which are o3ered
and told Icr lets money than the genuine Gold
Rope. We caution tbe t ado and Mnanmer to fee
that our name and tiado mark era upon cb
lump. The only genuine and original Gold Hopt
Tnbacco la manufactured by
$500 REWARD.
The above reward will bo paid to any persoi
who vfl\l \ produce a Paint that will equal the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber
Paint ,
lor preserving Shingle * , Tin and Gravel Rooli
Warranted to bo Fire and Water Proot. Al
orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and btl
Ur than any other paint now In use.
Sola Proprietors , Omaha IIous , Omaha , Kcb
r , . , Pu"7' Plnney , - Full
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Bu office , Omaha Neo .
CI110A9O , ROCR .
Krirt Arrhe.
AtlantlclM .f. U p in J 1'aclflo K\t..9lSa : m
Fatul Mall' O.-M o in 1 \ \ \ and Mall'.0 S n in
0. Moll-en iw . .7:15Hft : I
CIIICAIW , Rvmrxiroi AND uni-scu.
lH' | it. At riie.
Atlnntlc r.xt. 6M p m Pacific ExtM ) m
Mali and F.-.p:20iun Mall and Hx'.7:00)i : in
N. Y. Kx 41Xj > m Neb j. Kan Ex,80 : a m
IK'parU Anhc.
AtUnllo F.\t..5l"i : p nI'arlhc EM . .tclSftm
Mni'an-1 ' Kx.0-S0am Mali and Ux'.0:15 : pm
AcJJtn. ( Sat..BJil ) pm Aixom , ( Mon.l)5pm ) :
Depart. ArrUc.
Hall and Kx..r.M n m I Expriwi 0:50 : p m
Exprctu 9:11) : p m | Mall --id Ex.G'45pm
D.N10V TAClriC.
Deport. Arri\c.
Overhnd 1X11:30 : a. m. " ( hrrUnJK.\.4 00 p. in.
Lincoln ix..H.Xiv. : ) m Dent cr Ux . 8 00 a. m ,
Uemcr Kx. .7.00 p. m. Luc tl Ux . . . , G:3Q : a. m.
Local F.x 7:23 : a. in. " Ex .03a. m.
EmlgrAnt..n.20li. m. " Ex
Depart. Arri\ .
Mall and Ex. . 0:43 : am I Midland Ex. . 1:30 : pm
Cannon Itall , , 4f-0pm : | Cannon Ball..11:03am :
Depart. Arrh o.
Kor Sioux Ctty.7:53nm : Frm Sioux 0' 'y.cao p m
For KortNlobrara. t'nn Fort Nlobrara ,
Neb Neb ' 6 0.
For bt. PAul..7:40pm : From St. Paul.SJJO a m
Lc.-u o Council Dluds. Arrives Council Dlufls.
Mall and Ex. . ' 9:20 : am I Mall and Kx.'G.fi5m
Atlantic bx.5:15pm | : | Atlantlo Kx.9:10am | :
I nvcJtOmnh'x. Arrives at Omaha.
MalUndEx.-7:15nmPacinoE : | > ; | 9:45am :
Atlantic Hr..I3:10pm : I Mall nnd Kx.7-25pm
Except Sundays , t Except Saturdajs. { Except
Mcndajs. ( Dally.
Oouncll Dluttu St Omnbn Street R. R.
Leave Council Mutts. Leave Omaha.
8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , 8 a m , 0 a m , 10 a m ,
11 a m , 1 m , 2 p in , S p 11 am , 1pm , 2pm , 3p
m , 4 p m , n p m , 6 p m. m , 4 p m , 61 > m , G p m.
Street cars run hall hourly to the Union Pacific
Depot. O.i Sunday the cars bctfnthrir trips at
0 o clock a. m. , and run rcgu'any during the day
t 9,11 , 2 4 , B and G o'clock , nm'1 n to cltvHtni ) " ,
Are now ready to contract ( or email castings o
o\ cry description In
Epcolal attention is called to the ( ct that the
inetals are ino ted in CKUCIBLKS which gl\es tbo
\ cry beat coatings ,
Burning Brands
FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. ,
As well aa
Cattle Brands
Works : Corner Sixth street and Eleventh aveuue
< OOJI CTA3tr.ll. nOI2U OCH4BT
President. Vice Froe't.
\V. a. Dii-Bjn , Sec. and Treat.
Lincoln , iMcb
Oorii Planters Brn'owQ.Pnrm Bollore
SuDiy Hay RaKes , auoaoc Kloyutlu
WlndrnlllB , too.
Wo nro prepared to do Job -rork ind macatiK
arlng ( or other parties.
Address al orders
Lincoln. N *
MBS , E , J , HABDINQ , H , D ,
Medical Electrician
Graduate ol Electropathlo Institution , rhlla
delpbla , Fenna.
Offlco Cor , Broadway & Qlenn Ave
The treatment ol all digeaiei and p lnful , d
flcnltloa peculiar to Icmales a specially.
inos. orrioiK. v. n. if. ruan
Council Bluffs , Ia ,
Established , - - I860
Dealers In ForelrttudjDome | | tlelEzcbang
ri'l hnmfl mtcuiltle * .
o im * J
. > . 375J DOC 3C0 ! ? 3ES < OO7
Office OTor uvlnjj bank.
Juctico oi the Peace anc
Notary Public.
J.f" | roadwiWi Council Bluffs
Oranlm nnd Council Bluffs
Real Eatato & Ooll&otlon Agency.
In Odd Follow'a block , over Savlngo1
Bonk. ian8l :
.MOBOAN , KELLER & 00 , ,
Tlio finest quality a"d largest stock west o
Chicago o ( MoodcnandMetallcCaies. Calls at [
tended to it all hours. We d.iy competition li
quality ol goods or prices. Our Mr. Morgan ha.
served as uuderlakcr for ( orty } caru and thor
oughly understands his buslnesti. Wartroomi
311 Itraodway. UHIICUJTEIUNO In all it
branches promptly attended to ; a'so carpit-lay
Ing and lambrequins. Telegraphic and mall eiders
ders filled without delay ,
How Dr. Edwnnloa Was D/lvon to
Ono of tbo qulotcjt villngoj in
and bus bcun lii'nupuly cxcitou b ) n
utiavknblo | cpi < < i di lu in lioikl pr i
Ico. Or EJvratdo'i , n > i'tui ( { i > hy i *
ian tf cxoollciiitroputatlon.purohivscd
u 1881 n nliaro in the p.-sctloo
f Dr WhUiimrali IIouuo'.ow
, ; , pi\y *
ng ? 9CCO , for it. Having wiuni-ig
u ntioraMndboiifhnpplly ) ; uinrriod , ho
nt u Fuccouded in nuking hiinnolf ( ho
ooro popular physlcmti of the tlun.
'ho pn\cticn , huiruvi < r , WBS not ao
argn us he h d oxpuctud to tind It , for
t t'io ' ck'su of tliu fir < t twplvnmonth ,
'i ' October tnat , hln nhnro of the pro-
ta f.inouiitcd to $710 , out of which head
ad to pjy for hie liortu rvnd gron n ,
V di ] iiito nroKo botwouti the ptrtuora
'i ifgird to the value of thu ptnatioo ,
) Whltnurah ODiitendiui * thnt the
uaoni'tfi T7ota three mouths behind ,
ud thnt the book dobta could no * , bo
olluctcd until after Ohriatuins , nnd
eltoratini ; the utatomont. that the pro *
i-n had uvorngud $8,026 nnuunlly for
hreo yoaro before Dr. Kdwurdos pur-
baaed an intnroat. Dr , Wlutmanh ,
nioreovor , did not hcsitnto to rouow a
candaloua charge , which would
ulnod hta collunguo'a reputation it It
ind boon aubitantlatod ,
Thia chnr o , originally made by
Ira. Bigncll , one of Dr. Edwarc'ca *
tatlento , had boon rotr otod. ) ) r.
Whitmarah , rucolvicg the nao ho could
nako of thia atala calumny , reminiiod
Us partner of tlio discredit brought
upon the prautico by the circulation of
ho acandnlou * roporta in the vlllogu.
Ho told Dr. Edvrardos that , notwuh-
tr.ndluitho woman's denial , harc.a
nclincdtobeliovu tho'ohargo. Ho con-
rcyed to outsiders the impression that
ho orlgiual ntatomont might htvo
> eon trno. To ono man ho declared
hat Dr. Ednrnrdra onght to bo berne
whipped , Ho Jiold o.umnltationa with
ho liignolla and employed their law-
rcr to roprueunt him in the nogotla *
ions which ho waa conducting for the
mrcliRao of hla partner's aharo in the
) ualnoB9. Dr. Edwardea , fuidlnu
ilmaalf entangled in a tangled web of
calumny nnd treachery , tundo ouo
ami ctfort to fight his way out. IIo
charged Dr.Vhltnmr k with
egging on Mrs. Blguell to
jrlug n false oharco agalnat
itm , and ordered hia eolioltor to pros
ecute for conapiracy to extort money
from him. Ho waa , however , too dla *
tracted in mind to await the action of
the conrta. Ho felt himaolf to bo ( ho
dnpo of hia treachorona partner. Ho
told hiti wlf j that hla peace of mind
bad gone , that ho waa being hounded
on to hia grayo. Ho ahowod evidence
of mental doprcoaton and excitement ,
and finally committed nulcldo , after
writing a letter in which ho deacriaod
himself aa a victim of organized
calumny on the part of Dr. Whitmurah
and Mrs. Blguoll. '
Onrloualy enough , public sentiment
in the village waa wholly enlisted on
the alda of the dond physician. The
contents of the letter convinced every
body that the scandalous charge was
a foul calumny , and , nointemo was the
fooling of Indignation tint Dr. Wbitc-
marah'ti house waa attacked by a mob
and Mrs. Bignoll's lifo threatened.
The villagers wdro BO oxaaporated that
a strong body of police had to be
posted In Hounalow to maintain pub
lic order and to prevent the recur
rence of scones of mob violence. The
coroner being required by village
aentlmont to vindicate the judgment
of the mob , aa well aa to investigate
the canao of death , held a most Beach
ing Inquiry respecting the bnalneaa re-
latlona of the two practlUonor. , nnd
the acandalona charge made by the
woman Bignell , the Jive 4aya' proceed *
ings being marked bysomodiigraonful
exhibitions of village oxcltomout. The
reault was an emphatic oxproaalou of
opinion on the part of the jury that
the nnhappy physician "had been
driven to his death by the prespure
brought to bear by hia partner , Dr.
Whltmarsh , using the false charge of
Mrs. Bignell as a moans to drive him
to a dishonorable dissolution of part
nership. " With this explicit st te *
mont of the calumniators' responsi
bility for the suicide , Hounalow will
be forced to content itaolf , for crim
inal charges oinnot bo lodged against
either Dr. Whitmarah or his accom
That this was not the only instance
in which Dr. Whitmarah had elan ,
dorod his professional brethren wai
shown during the inquest. Ho had
imputed to another physician neglect ,
carelessness , Ignorance , and Improper
treatment in a confinement caao , and
had asserted that if ho had
boon called in he could have saved the
patient's life. The post mortem ex
amination proved that ho had been
misled by hearsay evidence of woman
gossips , and ho had boon compelled to
publish an apology in various journals.
Woman's Trno Jfrtond.
A friend in need is a friend indeed , Thle
none can deny , especially when assiutancoh
rendered when one la sorely afflicted with ,
disease , more particularly those coin-
plainta and weaknesses so common to our
female population , Every woman should
know that Electric Bitters are woman's
true friend , and will positively restore bar
to health , oven when all other remediea
fail , A single trial nlvvaya proves our as
sertion. They ore pleasant to the taste ,
nud only coat fifty centa a bottle. Sold by
0. J ? . Gooilman.
The Plaint of a Cleric Who Walta on
the Ladles.
"If you want to study human nn-
turo , como behind the counter of i
dry gooda store , " aaid a saloaman In
tbo lace department of a Boston retail
houao the other day. "I don't bo-
Itoyo you will find such a good oppor
tunity any where oho. When yon
wcro n boy , if anybody rubbed youi
noao the wrong way you felt at liberty
to holler and make a fuas , nnd likely
aa not punch the other boy'o head foi
him ; bn t when ono of the can <
founded , angular , elderly female-
comes noising around , dlaturblnp
your digestion and destroying
your peace of mind , you don't fool
at liberty to do anything bat grin aao
bear it , Of course a man ia not al.
J ways ebld to control himielf. Not r
long time ago ia ouo of our dry goocli
utoroa there wna n young fellow waiting
on customers , working hard , atacdin {
on hie feet all day , getting no thanki
and having altogether n deuced han
I time of it. Ono night about time fo ;
n closing up ono of these elderly , angu
lar fomalea I apeak of got hold of him
Hho waa looking for u piece of goodi
and couldn't find what aho wanted
lie know aho couldn't find what ahi
wanted under any considerations bo
fore ho had been showing her the stock
for five mlnutof. lint aho hnn.on
and persisted in looking t everything.
It was dark ; everybody wna eoint ; homo
or gone ; the store w s all abut up , and
still Mio wouldn't go.
"Woll , " ho enya , "m d m , I don't
think I can auit you anvw./ . "
"Well , yon'ro nero to w t on folka ;
uiu't you ) " aho aays.
" 0. yes , " ho naya , aroatlcMly ,
"that'ti what I'm hired for I'll wait
on yon all night If you eay ao. "
'O.u'c you dhow mo a remnant of
that material ? ' she nays
' 0 , yea , " ho saya , "I om ; but it'o
not wh t you want , I know '
"How do yon know lt' nut what I
want ? P hapa I am a bettor judge
of what I want than you are. Per
haps I am. "
llo got out the romntut and un
wound it from the bo.\rd. She looked
r.t it and felt of it and ( shook her
"No , I don't llko that at all. "
Tnat wts moro than the follow could
alaud. Ho caught up the board and
hit her R clip ever the head with it.
"Well , how do you llko thatt'ho
ya. Then of conrso thcro was the
euootopay. The elderly , angular
oinalo wont off in high dudgeon , and
ho next morning complained at head-
uartoru of what she called the nut *
'agootn conduct of the salesman. But ,
hun tho' manager came to hear hia
do of the story , ho atid ho thought
o should have done the same under
10 circumstances , and eont him buck
o hla desk. Discourtesy to euslom
rl Why , I ain't much of a writer ,
> ut I'll not I oiuld wrlto a harrjwing
ook about the ditconrtcay of cua *
oinora. Of COUNO there are people
who are ploaa ut and aflfAblo nnd know
what they want , and know how to go
work to get it , but you'd bo aurpriiod
0 fled how email the number ia. Bo-
idea , ono elderly , angular female will
make you fool worse in tivo mlntttcs
ban an hour with pleasant cuatomora.
iVhy elderly and angular ? 0 , don't
ak mo. I'm anro I can't toll. That's
no of the mysteries of the trade ; bai
have noticed nomohow that our trou-
ilos come mostly from that class of
'otnaloo. I don't know ot any partiau *
ar reaaon for It.
"Now , I don't auppoao that there
ro any moro reaaonnblo people In ouo
ex than in another ; bat na I am in a
ace department I see more of women
han of men. I'vo hoard aorno very
ihocklng experienced of ladlca trying
o got waited ou , the neglect of
clorke , ' the insolouco of salesmen ,
to. The other nlgat I was waiting on
omn ladies when u rod faced and raw *
ooklntr female pranced In and called
t : 'Young man , young man , I want
get a train , Otiu ynu wait on mo at
db1 Well , I loft cff to wait on her
" 'I want ono of them 37 cent
Ishooa with the plain figure I saw hero
ho ether day. '
" * I guoes you didn't BOO them , hero ,
madam ; wo haven't got them in a took-.1
" 'Haint ? I 'spoao I don't know
what I'm talking about. I oaw them
lioro , I'm very sure. Oan't you look
, nd see ? I want to catch my train
down to the eastern depot. '
" 'But wo haven't any fichu of that
description in stock , madam. '
" 'Well , but you don't know. You
havon't looked. How much are these
n that box ? '
' ' 'Different . The
pricos. ono yon
iiavo there ia $1 50. '
" 'Well but havon't
, you got any
for 37 centa ? '
" 'I have already told you four
times , madam , that I.haven't. ' And
if you'll believe it that woman broke
down , brg.m to cry , and aaid : "Thie
ia the firat time I have been Insulted
to-day. ' If she hadn't wanted tc
catch her train she would have oem
plained of mo to the manager , I sup
pose."Thoro are women who como to thit
store regularly almost every week , and
look all ever our atootc , aak questions
and bother us to death , never buy any
thing , nevpr wore known to buy any
thing , but they take up our time more
than paying customers. There arc
women who come in hero looking foi
things wo never had in stock in the
world , which they are perfectly , posl
tivoly sure they saw on our counter
the day before. There are women
who oomo back , looking for parcels 01
purses , which no argument un
tor heaven could convince their
that they hadn't left lying or
my counter five minutes before ; the-
are so sure of it that they can point on
the exact spot whtro they had deposited '
posited ( hem a short time ago , one
they look and act as if they though
if they could orly not in behind the
counter they wgnld find the missing
article secreted among the boxes. Th <
polite clerk ia a hypocrlt , or elao hii
politeness la very variable. It's oasj
enough to smile and look extromolj
affiblo when you'rs waiting on a nic <
young lady , but if anybody can fine
any rominco in Mrs. Stiphonmuqgec
ho must bo endowed with a very livolj
imagination/ *
Hop Bitten are tha Purest and Dcst Oltten
Ever Made.
They are compounded from Hops
Malt , Buohu , Mandrake and Dandelion
lion , the oldest , beat , and moat vain
able medicines in the world and con
tain all the boat and moat curative
properties of all other rernodiea , hoinf
the croateat Blood Parlfier , Livoi
Regulator and Lifo and Health Res
torrog Agent on earth , No disease 01
ill-health can possibly lent ; oxlatwhen
these Bitters are used , BO varied aut
perfect are their operations ,
They give now life and vigor to the
aged and infirm. To all whoso cm
ploymonls cauao irregularities of the
bowola or urinary organs , or who require
quire an Vpotlz3r , Tonic and mild
imulftrU , Hop Hitters are Invaluable ,
being highly curative , .tonic and atlnv
ulating , without intoxicating ,
No matter what your feelings or
aymptonn arn , what the dlccasnor nil
in mil ID , uco Hop Bitters , Don'v ' wail
until you are sick , but if yon onlj
fool bad or miserable , nao Hop Bittori
at onco. It may save your lifo. Hun' '
dred ) have bjon aavod by so doing
$00 will bo pu ! for a caao they wll
riot euro or help.
Do not anifer or let your frionda onf
for , but Ufte and nrgo them to uae Ucj
Remember , Hop Bitlera ia no V.lo
drugged , drunken uontrani ) but th
Purest and Beat Medicine ever made
tbo "Invalid's Friend and Hope , " am
no pcraou or family should bo wlthcM
them Try the Bittern to-day.
The Horiford .A 1 manna and Coo ]
mailed free on application to the Ram
ford Chemical Works , Providence
R. L
- - --iii.f.i i , ini--- r.j |
Tenement hounsi Hru to-rco nnd
Bt Davenport ,
I ) w Vnll expects r. largo-sited building
boom thlj year.
The wnr on tlio wntcrworku company * lu
DOJ Afnines continue ? .
WiMhtngtan i-icnntoitplaUnirnn nrtedan
well , nt A Gout ot $8,000 ,
A jjbWa' nd imiiufo.ur' > rHBiocIn *
lion linfl Ix-cn formed nt DM Molnos.
Kenku1cU | to vote on the question of
oitaMlililni ; & superior enuct in Urn' rlty ,
The xtrceroirs returned their trips In
Ottumwn , Mler b .tiq blocked for muily a
week ,
Over ICO rullroa 1 tr iln were mn to tin at
the Creittm rniltomt yards on Sundny , the
11th ,
Hoivy , thipnienlii of Rr ln hnvo Icon
made frooi Vail during the past week or
two to tlio citntcru miuicet.
Crawford county ( Armors Vonteud that
their lauds nro Mieucd nt n higher rnto
than la town property.
Tno VcgoUble curled Inlr company N
tlio UAino of Clinton's Ut't ' Incorporated
enterprise , Itn capital It $25,000.
Arrangementa nro being mndo for nn
oratorical contest between the hlcjh achoola
of Mnrahnlltown nud Novndn ,
A Burlington couple , both well con
nected and respectable , wore mnrrled on
Wednesday after only twenty hours court *
Thn coal minors in Dot Molnos threaten
to tnr nnd feather the proprietor and
editor of n ncurrllom sheet published in
that city.
Mrs , Porter nud her Bon have been f ent
from Story cnintv to the Fort Mndtsou
pcnltentlnry , for the murder of their bus *
ban I nnd father.
A Chicago detective IIM been employed
by the city authorities of Lemars to find
the persons who 1mvo beoa firing the homos
of that town ,
The cltlzini of Ada county nro discus *
lug the ndvlnablllty.of bonding the county
for 31,030 to build n now court house nnd
jal' ' .
D. W. Bruckbart , of Independence , late
candidate for district attorney , was nt *
Btiulted anct terribly benton by a client
unmcd lrnndol on the 13th ,
On the authority of n responsible party ,
the LoMars pnpcrs atato that Oapt. More-
ton bun let the contract for sinking n shaft
8 by 12 foot in his coal district.
There nro thirty counties in the ntnto
where coal li mined , embracing 450 mines ,
and employe ! 0,000 man , The most Im
portant are located in Mnhnskn , 1'olk ,
Keokuk nnd Lucas counties ,
The Indlanoln people hold n meeting and
subscribed $3,000 for n canning factory ,
with n promise of $1,000 more wheu need *
od , With this assistance the canning com *
pany will begin operations in thi spring.
The Clinton police have broken up n
suspicious ro < ort ot youthful charnotera
which wiw erected by the boys for the pur-
POBO of a reudezvous. Two bnya and two
girls were found there drinking botr.
Corrected dnily by J , Y , Fuller , mor *
clmndme broker , buyer nnd shipper of
grain and provision * , W Ponrl street ,
WIIKATNo. . 2 spring , 70c ; No , 3 , G3j
rejected 50o ; Rood demand.
COHN Sfio to focdorn and 3to tn ship
pers ! rejected orn Chicago , 53ej now
mixed , 55c. The receipts of corn nro lighten
on account of bad roads.
OATS Scarce nnd in good demand ; 30 ®
HAT 4 00@0 00 per ton.
IlYE lOc ; light supply.
Co UN MEAL 1 2Gpor 100 ponnds.
WOOD Good BUpplyi prices nt yards ,
COAL Delivered , hard , 1100 per tonj
soft. 0 CO per ton ,
UUTTKII Plenty nnd In fair demand
25c ; creamery , 80o.
Koaa-Scurco nnd in demand ; 30o pei
LAUD Fnlrbnnk's. wholesaling nt ISJc
I'OUI.THV Firm ; dealers tmylui13o poi
pound for turkeys nud lOo for chickens.
VKCIKTABLKS I'otatnoc , 45o ; onlonx , 25c
cabbages , BU@10o per dozen ; apples , 2 61
@ 3 50 per barrel.
City flour from 1 CO to 8 40.
BKOOMS 2 00@3 00 per dozen.
< CATTLE 3 00@8 50 ; calves 5 00@7 50.
Hogs -Market active , nnd nil offering
quickly taken at higher prices. Car loti
Common , 5 45@5 60 ; good mixed , 5 GOd
5 80 ; heavy packing , 5 70@5 05 ; cholc
finoy packOR ! , G03@0 10.
A New Paper.
The cash la pat up for a now dorno
cratio evening paper in opposition t
The Globo.
Ecjcuect from the Jaws of Death.
i Mr R. TRODK. or Milton , Fonn. , writes , Nov
a " Enclosed plcaje flnd postal order for flv
dollars ind Uenty-fho tents , lor hall a dozei
bottles ol Hunt's Htmoly. I keep a grocer.
here , andean sell moro ol your medicine thai
any drug store , an I rtcommond It to alt iflllctci
with Htdney DIscuo or Dropsy. I tell them , tha
U they hive llle oongh lo swallow It , It wll
raise them from tin do id lor , a laotj for It dli
f raise me from thit slumbering sloop , and al
though Ihlswai over three years ajo , I have bai
no KUney trouble since. Llko tha woman li
Scripture , I bad recourse to many phjslclan *
and grew notbln ; better , but aver wcno. 11 u
thanks t ) Hunt" * Remedy , I am railed as om
, from thi doad. "
The Moat Sceptical Convinced.
Thousanla loel a thrill il Joy whenever the ;
gaze upon thomiglcal word * , "Hunt's Ilemcdy ,
lor It Is tha beat Kl Inoy and Ltvor medicine ever
known , ant ] It refill t ? memory the blesslngi It
hai pr vo 1 to tbom. It li a potltlve remedy ( oi
al ! UlsowcJ ol the Kidneys , Bladder and Crlnarj
organs , The proprietors' names ahowU bo writ
ten In lotteri ol gold , lor low men hate done S (
much lor their suflorlng folhw beings. Oni
trial will convince the most sceptical , causing
them to proclaim to nil their friends Iho mauj
virtue ] ol this great modklno. Tbe demand In
' crovu aa U beonuea known , and whcro li Is bei
known the ealtH are ths largest. As Mrs. II-own
Ing S-.JB , "Grtat Is bo wha uiei hi * greatncsi
lei all , " This U w.hit the proprlctoH ct Hant'i
llomody do. Their great mtdlclne la lor all.
Preeldout. Vlce-Pres't. Owhlor.
Of Uotmcll niaff * .
Ofg 6trcd under the Uws ol the HUtu oj lowl
PftW UP capital. . . .
Autlwrltcd taplul " ' .OO
Interest paid on time deiKnlts. Drafts Uduo
10 on the principal citloj o ( ( be United Statesi an
Kuropo. Spcclil ntl ntlon trlveu to coUnctloc
and cotrwpondenco with prompt lotatM.
J.D.EJmundoon , E.t.Bh irtrt , J.T.Hul ,
MBB , fi , J , tfl&TON , M , D. ,
322 Uroadwo'r. OoanolllBluffi.
Unolo Hnrn'fl Uonrcl of Wealth In the
Sin Francisco Vaults.
Francisco C ll.
Vhoro'B mllHbns in It millhna of
solid gold nnd nilvcr ; not the
t BO to apoak ot the thriftless
visionary , hat the tangible luoro that
mnkca men opulent , that mi\kos nv
tiono powerful , thai moves all thai is
moiaolo by hurann ngonolos in the
univorsc. Thoro'n nilllioan in it nt
i ho vault thnt underlies the auhtri'as
urj1 bni'ding ' , Thu cluurn arc ppontic ! ;
the rxpeo.nnt visitor takes his lurid
from over hin oys ; hopocra in , ontota ,
and Atnddln'n cnvo is chaniud in the
ntoro-room of u retail Ktlf.t mill , Ho
Kcua nothing but n solid ni.m of little
oiiivna eauka piled from floor to
ccllnu , homely H a grocery over *
etockod with broadatulla , Thia ia
tha { iriuclp l Vrtult , and naoh of thcao
llttlu aiirks oontalno 1UCO , nllvor del *
Inrn. Thuro In no gold hero , The
vault is thirty-nix foot long , aovcntoeu
feet vidn and eight and n half foot
high , yet it holds only 13,000 000 of
allvor dollixra , The gold vaults nro
nbout as proay , the money bulng onok-
od nnd packed in the anmn manner ,
oaoh aaok containing $20,000. It is
nskod , Where doca all this money como
from ? The nuowor la that the nub-
troaaury this moan , little , inndcquato
building la the rocoptnolo for the entire
tire rovontio of the government from
the Pftoliio coast west of the Rocky
Mountains ; from British Columbia to
The bualno a of last year amounted
In round numbers to 938,000,000
Naturally it is nskod , why is all this
money hoarded Inatcud of being out
in circulation. Paradoxical aa it may
aooin , n great deal of it is In circula
tion. To all Intents and purposes it
la passing from hand to baud every
day , doing its part in the great gauio
of financial nbj.tluooak nnd battle-
door. It la represented by nilvor and
gold certificates u form muo'i more
convenient for businoaa puryoaoi ,
while the coin itaolf la stored in the
vaults , away from the depreciating of
foots of abraiion andfromloas by other
c\unos. : A majority of tha twenty-
dollar gold ploooa In circulation have
lost ao much by abrasion that 1 hay fall
below the standard weight. Thoru are
in the aub-troasury ever aovon thousand -
and half dollars that have become do-
preolntud simply by ordinary abrasion
whllo in circulation. This deprecia
tion aorcotimcB amounts'to aa much no
twouty-aoveu dollars on thousand.
Qold being n softer metal suflora moro
from the aamo treatment. Hence , for
this ronsnn , and also bocauao they save
time and trouble in handling and are
moro oinvonlout to carry , gold ccr *
tilioitoo are fist growing in favor. Bo
aldea there la an advantage to the
government In Issuing ailvor and gold
In rccoivlng BO many millions of
dollars , it might bo auppoaod that an
occasional spurious coin or note would
find ita way across * the counter S
great la this danger that each pi too an
every note , has to pass under th
Ecrutiny of nn export. Fooplo do no
realize the quantity of counterfoil sil
ver dollars thnt are in circulation.
Not a day pasaoa thnt moro or lots are
; not ofTdrod at the sub-treasury. The
asolstont troaauror speaking of the
subject , said : "You would bo anr-
piisod at the Ingenuity thnt ia dis
played in debasing the different gov
ernment coins. One of the neatest
methods employed by those who en
gaged in thin Bpoclos of orlrao is what
la known aa the splitting process.
This is done by splitting the coin
edgeways ( probably by moans of afino
saw ) , digging out the inside , filling
the cavity with metal as nearly aa pos
sible , the weight of the gold , taken
out , and soldering the two disc
together again ID such a manner that
It will pasa without suspicion among
thoao who are not export in detecting
frauds of this kind. Fortunately this
method of tampering * with coin is so
difficult in its Bucoossfnl accomplish
ment that it is , seldom resorted to ,
and coins thns debased are not com
mon. An export at the business can
take flvo dollars' worth of gold out of
a single twenty-dollar picco. A short
tlmo ago a $100 note was presented at
the oountor. The receiving teller ,
Immediately npou taking it into his
hand , stamped the word "counter *
felt" upon its face and handed it back.
. The proceeding startled the person
that presented it , and ho asked the
teller , with an air of Indignation , why
ho did it.
Q"Bociuso the law compels mo to do
It , " the teller replied.
The man itiaiatod that the note jvaa
good , 'but , " said ho , "if it is not
good I could have taken it back to
the person I got it from. "
"You can do that still , " said the
teller , "and if ho dnnonstratos that it
ia a good note , yon have only to como
hero and got your mouoy. " The man
did not oomo back.
Spurious silver coins are detected
mere by their weight and general ap-
paaranoo than by anything also. Said
the assistant treasurer speaking of
this : "They have got us on the ring
of the motal. They cm make their
baco metal to rlug aa well no ours. "
The detection of spurious gold coin id
purely mechanical by ringing , acids ,
weight , the eye , eta. "Experience is
every thing , " said Mr , Bpaaldlng , "A
baao coin haa uovor been passed on
us , but wo have stopped lota of them
on the way. To become export in de
tecting thrt bmo coin , men have got to
nako It a busings , R study. ' "
Real Estate Transfers ,
The following transfers of real cs *
ate are reported as taken from the
county rtcords by J. W. Squires &
Oo. , abstractors of titlon , real estate
and loan agents , Oouncll BluQa , Iowa :
H. 0 Gary and wlfo to Jamca Saint
n w of s w | of n w 1 of 14 , 74 , 38 ,
§ 810.
J , D , Kdmundson and wife to Sto *
phonson Tyndalo n o 1 of n w I 0 , 75 :
42. ? 000.
B. W. Wheolock to Oeo. MoPnh ,
lotO , block 14 , Bubdivlalon of lliddlo ,
tract , city ; $150 ,
J. Hamilton to Jamus Saint , u w |
of n w } 35 , 74 , 38 ; $640.
Mary Ami Robinson to Ellen E ,
Mitchell , lot 2 , block 10 , Enbank'j
second addition , city $000.
John O. Thomaa to W. H. and
Joioph Thomaa , woat A of northeast \
18 77 , 43 q. o. d. $700.
Sarah Amos to Ernest Illrchondorr
lot 11 , block 10 Walnut $225 ,
And all PoluU Enit and < OouthEat.
Neatly 4,000 tntlea. Solid Smooth Steel Track
II connoc.loni are made In UNION DtPOTO
hu K National Rcnntatlon aa bclne th
roat Through Oar Line , nnd Is unlrcriallr
DcoJod to bo tha FINEST EQUIPPED >
ad In the world lor all CMKI ol travel.
Try Hand you will flnJ trayollng a Inxnry
tuttead ol a dlKomtort.
Through Ticket ) via rhil Celebrated Line
u o al all offices in Ihe West.
All Inloimatlon about Rate * a Fore , Bleepttu
Oar AcocmniodatlonR , Time Tables , Ao.fill b
ohoerfully Riven by applylnlni ; lo
Id Vlco-1'ros't A Qen. M.naserChlcttij ; ,
Oen. Fauen/r r Ag * . Chicago ,
( Jon. Acont , Council Dlndi.
' U. P. DUKLL , Ticket | Ag .
ATH acknowledged to be the
best by all who have put them
to n practical test.
Buck's StpveCo. ,
Nebraska Loan & Trust Company
Capital Stook , - - $100,000.
\ ,
JAS.B. HEAKTWELI , . President.
A. L. CLAHKE. Vlco-Prealdent.
E. 0. WKU3TER , Treasurerj ,
Samuel Alexander Oswald Oliver ,
A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster'
Ooo. U Pratt , Ju. D. Hcartwoll ,
D. M. McEl lilnnoy.
First Mortgage Loans a Specialty
This Company furnishes a permanent , bom *
Institution whore School Boi' land other legally
Issue J Municipal Bocvrltlo 10 I Nebraska can M
bo negotiated on the rn 11 avorabla torma.
Loans made on lmpro > ed ( i n ( n all well settled
counties ol thoatalo , thro i t J iwponslbo ! local
0. SPEOHT , . Proprietor.
< 212HarneySt. - OmrliaNel , )
Galvanized Iron
Tin , Iron and Slate Eoofing ,
Spocht'a Patent Motallo Skylight
Patent Adjastod Ratchet Bax
and Bracket Shelving. I am
the general agent for the
above line of gooda.
Qrettlnei , Baluttradat , Vercmdr.t.pfll * '
dank Rallmzt , Window dtf r *
Cuardt ; alto
A Gkln of Deuuty Is a Joy Forever.
Oriental Cream or Magical Bean-
tifler ,
ltomo\ej Tan. Plmpleg ,
Ficckles ,
blemish on
beauty and
deflca de
tection. II
hag stood
the test o (
U RO harm *
laaa wo
tts'o U to
toBuro tbo
pro par a-
lloDli pro
perly made
Accept no
ol Blmllar name. Th5 dhtlngulshtd Dr. L. A.
Bayro , stld to a My ol the IMCT TOM ( a patient ) :
"As you lailoi will use them , I lecommend
'OuurauJ'u Orcam' * 9 the leaat hirmlal ol all the
BKIn prcpa\atl'ii9. " Ono bo'tla will list elx
months , usloi ; It every day. Aha I'oudro Jub *
tlio rtmo\ nuncrlluoua lull u I bout Injury to
tba Mn.
Vim. M , D. T. GOURAUDSoo ! pron.,4S Bend
Bt. . N. Y.
Fcr a lo by all lruirUU | and Fancy Gcoda
Dealer * throughout tbo United Slates , Canada
and Kurop * . ol bv o Imitations. $1,000 reward
( or arrret and proof ol rtiy one Bolllaf tbe simt.
J 14'W owrue 2t ew-Cm
* Undertakers ,
318 14TH BT. , BET. FA11NAM AND