9 - * " " THE BALL ? BEEOMA&A THURSDAY FEPRUARY 22 THE CATTLE RANGES. The Effects of the EP ; storms on the Wesf ( < OTn Oatto ! Croats . , / \ An RBregnta Lees of Over TWJ Millions of Dollars Pfiported. Chi ao Tribune. OODEN , "Utah , February 18 Aqitiotbly to instrnctloriB , inquiries on * * bahilf of the Trlbuno have bacn sent to the prinoiml I'o-'nnu of Iho otiltlo trdo in Colorado , K < m3 , Nebraska , Wyoming , Miwtmi < v , U a'l ' aud I iaho , to obtain the ilf--ov of the < uvoro r.tormi of the last two wrote ou thu Imaieiiay cUtlo lutuvffita if lha west. Auanrcrn b } iniil and telogfph f'om .over ono hunutud p.Viatt ) giro an uggrfgitu low of ever 82 OOJ.O'JO The prcna di'pa'chso f ut ftom Cheyenne b/ the Sxck Grovero" neso- clt Uoc lo t week to t ! > e MlVet th1 the intensely cold wailhoi httj cut.ad no lOJfl ff.1S ( JVM to 1'I9 Cartlo fid BCeOp herds , wura , llko all r p rli from tha' association , entirely uuriliiblo , brina biased bf tlwir interests in iho "bull" tide rf the market. Oheyonuo Las \\o r become a centra for the cattle in- tercets of the Mtddlo Rooky mountain region , and largo ualco to foreigners ro bolng constantly negotiated at tha' 'piint. lleucs the blai ff thdij - patches to baooi cattle wising as an in. voHtment thai never nulTr3 lorn. SOURCBS OF DANOER t3 OATrLE. As the cattle of the western plains rom wild and nncared for the year rouud , except during the umal "rouud-n ] ' , " the approach of the wir.- tor spnson orinjjs with it t\7o causes of death to mtny thousaids annually Viz. : deep unov , ' and intoa a ookU With the vleop nnowa of whiter , the 'salvation of the utock ia a high wind that frees thu hillsides and drit ( "tho bonutifal" into rnvlaos and hoUo-va. If a crast forms bofora & wind uruea the snow will cffbotunlly cover the feed and ttto cittls will stacvo h > death. Thaccoond saaroo of loss is Vhat oc- 'currod two \woku ago , bftforn the tre- mwdoua snow-atorma of la-t wook-1- thn freezing of atreAmi by t > ho intense cold , vrhen many , nneb ! to roach wter , will die of thirst. "No > v thafc tha nuonto two feet deep ou tholevtl , > ajd the Onion Pftcifb , oc TCO miles of ita road < wat of huro , in wvoatling with the worst enow blockade'or ymim , attention - tontion tnny bo calloi ( o thfi fact that 'Gjn litzsii , the gentleman who h s caargo'ot oUr Natioual woathftr , pro1 dieted a few mouths ego thi * Jftnutr ; aud February would be free from BCTere storms and cold that , in uhou , wo would have a mild and open win1 tor. The Rocky Mountain wintot began BO , but has taken a grund turn/ bio. Its unusually mild beginning j * augured well for the cattleman , ss th ( * ' " * stock able waa cxceptienully fat ani to endnro a good long seigo ou iteil rations. Unfortunttnly the cold entp ranging from 25 to45 degrees ba'.ow zaro , which' almost regularly dtfep down upon the cattle rangni fiMfti weat in Marchicamo this winter n January , leaving several mouthc. o winter weather a till hhcad. 'WBATnBE. The intense < xsold that has ; jus passed has not been equaled before ii January in many yearn All througl the grant valley of Salt Like , in'Ctah which has an average elevation o ' 4,200 feet , the moraary reiouod i minimum of 25 to 35 degrees telo ? zaro. In Wyoming , Idaho , and Ool orado , whore the elevation ia cnuc greater , the cold was proportionate ] more covoro. For thrao days alon ; the Oregon 'Short Linn , which rui i from Granger , on the Union Paclfi : northwest into Idaho , the spirit the i momotera indicated 4G degrees bolo zaro. A number of pnraona wot' frozan to death , and a largo loss i the live stock Interests. rosaltu : Along tho'Utah & Northern raiiroa i from here to Montana , a greater d t gree of oold was felt. At the icmoni of the route the apirit thermomete i gave a minimum of 53 below , and o ] work wss stopped in the gradln. camps and elaewhve , Every etreai : in the country frcza up , and man of the rauoljmon turned out to cu holes in the ice to relieve the Buffarin stock. KANSAS AND NEBRASKA. The stockmen in Nebraska am Kinaas telegraph that , while the eattl have thus far beeu in fine condition the great depth of the snowfall wil cause an immense loss nnlosa an uti expected thaw should occur to bar the hillsides and furnish both grM and water. Four yeara ago a elraUa snow-storm occurred , covering th great plains of Kansas from the ban of the Rocky Mountains to the Mln sonri river , a distance cf GOO tnilo ; entailing a fearful loss of cattle , whit all the horde in the mountains , wher the hillsides w.oro bared by the wiude escaped , Sheep require constant car and watching and unless sheltered i ; corral * at night will frequently perkl ei masse in a snow storm. Cattle , o the contrary , nro hardy and aooni tomod to rough it for themiolvos I Is their instinct to rotrcat before sc vero and protracted etorma Tnraln their tails to the wind and storm , the will drift in great herds for huddrod of miles , until they reach a wildc climate , unless induced by a positiv chang ] of weather to halt. In th : event they will rntnhato wherevc they find water , or else return to the own ranges. Two years ago , during month of intense cold , the great bul of cattle which saved their liven drlftc before severe atoms from thu north u the way from Northern Colorado at Southwestern Nebraska to the regie of the Arkansas river , ROCIO giiug i far south as thu Indian tuvritor Last winter all herda remained c their ranges , the ozcanlonal 03 snaps causing no movement amoi them. A LAKOE STAMI'EDK. Telocgraina from Eastern Colorat and Western Kansas state that o lari stampede o ccnrred there among tl cattle , extent not known. Ono her numbering thousands , passed to tl sonth of Denver , headed for tl mountains. Among thorn were son of the celebrated Illflf brand , who range is 103 mlloa away , which di tanoe they had traveled aiuco the b pinning of the cold ana The ca yon * of the Platte river were auppoa to bo their deitlnation. The same I atlnot which cauees them to drltt hun dreds of miles in a protraotoi march leads them to a place of shelter from a temporary storm. Their drifting towards the mountains is considered u hopeful Bljin , being taken as an indica tion that they are only socking shelter from the savcrity of the winds , This protection i * given by the tavines and canyons if the foothills. Thoto thay will roraaHi for a few dayn ; if thee > ld h protr otud , they will proceed suth : to R warcor oUinr.tc ; if the weather moddratca aud rem&iua plonsAnt , thy will return to their rtnpeotivo rargos , COL < IUDO The cattle in all jmto of Ooloiaio uro frf ) , n til had an tbindoii3oof U.-HIO up to the pt-vBont Lof \ \ autiw. Ssventl otiok men tskertp'i : "Cattlo fiit enough to oUnd three eoksof cold wcattisr without fo * d ; if driven south- ar.i they cuti rtaoi a cu'm r piou b&forc stiirvr.tlon or ilealh by frj Ring oooarj , If u thaw rustics u id u fret ? 3 f l > era bcf > : o the s ow lo gene , tha : a ! j will be i" -id i i ioo rid e arra- bn will p.oiluoa.it . 1 , .335 , udn if n dmo it brgaa. " Letters from Teller and other pc ills In the north aud middle parts of Oolon-'o Btato that the c t l. ari rttwrg | ( rom t10 { hok cf wi'.or ' , the streams btiup frczm up during tbo odd Bnnp , mid there h not oaflMont Bnowto moisten the feed , TUB hWfii'rWATKR , UP1TJR 1'LATTE , ANH OTHER REGIONS AdvicRu from the Bweotwater and tJpper PJatte region atato that the snowfall was neb M heavy as in east ern Wyoming The loesos in c.-.ttlo are reported at 1 par cent , and In sheep nbout 2 per caut. The capital now invented in caUlo in Wyomingag- In the Bitter Oruok country the loaa of sheep waa vcrj latgo. Ufttln drifted bidly during the etoruia , and ranch- mcu have not RQ yet iaoortnined the iiiiicunt ( if damu/ to their respective hcrda , which may aggregate more than oxpec ud. Il'jporta from the Bc.wcr stuto that the aneop offered a great nteal during the stortttp , especially the old jnce , d hrgo uuubor cljiog. Adviooa from thu Mcdfciuu Baw TIV g on atato that , whiljgrr.zhig o | > eli "lave boon left by the dnf ting of the jtiow , the c 4 1 tie hava Buffered "ftou I th intuneo cold. A telegram from 'Liramie ntatoi khlt'dcad nntclopb U&VM boon found 01 tha xuadn along tbo Llttlo Ltrftiu'ii river frozin to death Nuiubors o o \Ulo have pertaluxi. The onow oov oct , the huge bxiamtt known ao tbi ' "Iiiwimo plains , " and no b ro plnci wui vinlblo. TJce cold vat intoure canginging frou-B5 to 45 bsiow saro A lottot lr < iut a oxttlo man in Olwy oiiiio & > : "Ia this city A--d. for md * m uvurytdiroot > kn the outlook is ti dai'kojit , Thti'snow llec ou n level t the deuth of tan to thirty- five mck& in an unbroken waate. The catllo o : all this vuatrange cannot obtnic. morcel of gttsa , and them ia no imne diatn prospsct ot their chances boin bettered. Ef the wind hud only bee blowing during the snow storm , eo n to keep the iground clear in apots , the : would have boon no diffisalty. If th howling wABto of atuioaphow whic was hurliug itiolf all over this part < thu couatry last week had oomo at th proper time it wonld have been a boo and a btoseing instead of a nource < profanity. The barometer does ni indicate recurrence of theae ireezj aud it ie probable that before < there u change a crust will ha formed over all iho avoir , ovi which the wind will elldo as nnaval ingly aswater over a duck's bad The cattle are getting huugrf , ant with brute Instinct , are travollr toward the South. If they travel fa ouough thoymay roach graea ; but lo toring , ea they probably will , mat will lie down and die of otarretiou ac cold1. Two yeara ago some atookmc lost ao Ugh as 50 per cent , . an'd tl bones -of the famished herds wo : nuwed by coyotes from Ohoyonno Central "Kansas. . ' It will hardly bo t bad tblc year , though the paaaongo on all < the weatorn railroad 'ilinos wl eoe carctaaoa" otrewn along tbo track i a way * very auggeativoof the season ecord. 'When the snow to not ov s two or three inches deep the a vero ; 1 stcor oac paw around and ot plcn of grftfla ; but two feet of 'tko boaul 'ul , ' aa Wyoming now poaBcsacs , on off his supplies. " Roporta fi m Noitharn Wyomii descriho the stock in good condltli > rlor to the storm ; weather intonao old , 3C bE.low zaro ; losses not know I ? rom Sotko , ] Bear , and White rivoi n Southern Wyoming and Northei Colorado , ) simil.ir reports are rocolvo L'ho cold was very great , 35 and > olow zaro. No coaches are rnnnin ho maila > being t akcn in on horaebac he snow on the divides being aa gro as five feet in depth. Couaidorat oas to stock is ex pooled. UCHmSBBD BY THE CAKB-2AIUVj RE1 "ORT8. Largo numbers of cattle have bo tilled along the Union Pucifio , 'oititof Unoka and many other placi or which the raili tud pays damage ? ho aggregate has. become BO lar hat special order * Uavo been loaned ill trains to lose til ao in preference dlllng any moro t iock. Cattla lie o stand on the tr , ick on cold da ] , nd hive a habit of lying on the roa ) od at eight , Dari ug snow eton , hey take rcfaga in the BQOW ahoc which uro nurnuroua along tho'Uni ? AoiGc , and In lengt h from 200 3.000 foot , wrecks frcq uently reaultlr as none of the anew s 'icda ' have catl ; uarda of any kind. Your representative had nn info view with Gunortl Suoerlutenda W. B. Doddridero , oC the Oregon She Line and Utah & Northern rallrcmc who baa ju t returuod to thia ci From a long ijapcotluu of the roac Ho titca that the cattle in Idaho ai MotitRiia ware in fine condition up tb'j beginning of the /uonua / , ti rgo , but that they have u doubtodly auffored , to what extent not known. The cold was no intou Hut at slx-cen statiouo along the Oi gen Saort Line thu walcr tanks we rendered uteleaa , the ice tJong nidt top , and bottom bslntf two fc Boltd , Tai w&ter trains haul ! water lo the conatruction. peril over the great Lava deacrt , fovcn mllca long , near American FalLr , we ntoppod , the tonka in the care bcii frozen oolid , to that all tbo conttrt lion work had to ba auapendcd , T thouaauds of anlmala at the grade catupi euffdrod from want of water , did also the cattle la the vicinity to greater or lee * degree. Millions Hollars bflvc been inreatod In cattle iH-'tiii'8---1- l Idaho , largo herds covering Ml * ho available raugoe , except on in * Tndiin reaorvatlons. The ownria cf mviy > < l thoao herds are cast , aud no dcfiulti * information aa to thulr loaaoa oi.n b \ had until the spring "round.up" ooauro. From stun * utiu the intnnnu cold the ontlro road KM blockaded , and uo trains co.ild tn run tur several dayn. Pdeecngcra who arrived from the east on the train to night state that deep eniws itill cover the entire lire of tliJ.Uoion IVoifi ? frw Omaha hor.1 , 1,030 mtloj ThoUi&uda o $ cattle were scon atnndlnic nc.tr the rn lroa-3 , their backs immpsJ up , and &o weak- otiod by oM nr.d hunger tha1'they oouhi uol got out of I'.hcir tracks. U i- less the weather moderates and a th&T ; conies soon , tha loss to thocatilo intoroito in Colorado , ICiuaia , NJ > brtika , Wyomiop , and Idaho wi'l , v.ii'vin ' thu uoxt thirty days , amour. , to aqvornl mil i JIID of dollars. GENERAL FOREIGN NEWS- ie bl UlipA'ch'9 to 7ns list. LONDON , February 21. . The Noivs Hftju tbo Parnelhtcs are greatly diaaa'islied with I'ariioll'a intention to nnvo rn amendment to the address in reply to the apooah from the throne , arraigning the oxoontivo of Irsla-.d for aduiiulutration of the c.lines &o\ \ % iu JOHN'S DENIAL , OTTAWA , February 21 In the coin- ruocs to-day Sir John McDonald , pr tuior , speaking of the association i > f hii ur.mo with the governor genera'- ahip , said he had uo aspirations ia that direction cud if ho had there * as not tha remotest chance that they wonld bo f ulfillod. THE FRENCH MINISTRY. PARIS , February 21. Ferry , ptimn mlulntcr and minister of public in- Btruotion ; Oiiolloir.jl Lioour , foreign affulrB ; Waldoelc Ruoaeau , iufoiiorj Martin Feuilloa , ' iustioc ; Ob.arlei Brun , maciuo ; Mellno , . * "Tiotjlture : Hertiasoo , oonimurce ; Ooojory , poati and tolegraphe ; Uoynal , pt.blio wosrkc Tirara , linauco ; Genetal Thib udin war. war.Priaio Miniotor Fecry will tomorrow row rsqajat Preoidont Orovy t < i slgi Occrcea , placing princes in the arm ] on the retired list. OUT. OUIIMN , February 21. "Slnco 0 * roy'a disclosures many Irish Anted c-ins and farmers' suns are leaving fo America. D er Gray , owner ol Th 57reodman'a Journal , wlton chairenai of the munlelpil health committee wan charged by Carey with conspiracy The firsc latter of condolence Miu Burke reoolted alter the murder o her brother , was front Jamea Cares The Irioh National loagao condemn the preaonco of "ovosdropping" poll : at tbo meetings. TEE AMERICAN Hod. BERLIN , February 21. The but doarath approved unauiaionely th till prohibiting the importation i America , plga , pork and sauaagos. PAYING 11AOK. BERUN , February 2L S atsori ) tlona were opened to-day far the au ferera by the floods in America * . DEPARTED UENCX. LONBON , February 21. Two Ire nationallata implicated in iho Clorko welll Arma afTair , havn goue ' America. FAILED. LONDON , February 21. John Kk land & Son , timber einrohama Dundee , have failed , with lia bilitioB 60-000. , 60000.A A HOT-I Ia tha commons O'Brien that the crime in Ireland was' d tincUy traceable to evictions aud < t tyrannical administration of the li by the Dublin castle < fUi.ala. IL epccch waa most vioiout , and w oheorod only by a few Paruollb while the other members romoic lilont. A KINGLY OONDKCOKNf HON. BuauN , February 21. The king Bavaria visited Wagner's tomb ale at midnight on Monday and remain a quarter of an hour. A LOBT'flEUP. HONO KONQ , February . T United States ship Anhuel ot wac lo All the officers were &ved , but olev of the crew wore 'drovrned. ' ' ? T Aehnolot was an iron peiddlo ves and .carried six gans nd was ofT ? toes burthen. Bpoolal Dispatch ta TUI BEAIDWOOD , February 21 , The fi pumpc are hard at work on the C inond mine. Water was lowered thlrtyjoot to-day , but o the cave n balng filled with dirt and hay tl morning it settld down considerab causing the w&tor to riao five < higher. To-night it otundn juat wht it was Jwit nighfAt this timo. The WAS 81,344 added to the relict fa to-day , making the total $3,009. iCpposed tq-Sprague- SpecUi DiipitcU to TUB UtR. tote PCOVICENCE , R. I. , < Pdbruary 2L to The domocr.itlo statti coutrnl comm CO tee oppose the candidacy of ex-Sei tor Spragae for governor. Rouuds TJij. iaB SpecUl lX < n > tth to TUB UKR. B OniCAao. Fob. 21. 0. U. R thaki editor of rThe Deliver Tribune , 'v married tornlght to Mies May Rnnni daughter of .Public Priutor Ronct Arthur sent a bouquet of oimel and Oscar Wilde cabled congratn r. r.it it it o , ty B id La CO Q > ii tea a * ro CURES RFeurnalism.Ncuralgia , Sciatic Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , Bore Throat. Hirelllni * . Nprnlnt. llrulio llurnt , Hcoldi. Kro.l IIIUs. 1RD ILL OTUCn VOIIILT filVH 1HU If IS 13 SftU tr Dmf ( liu w4 Dealers fftrjwbv * . Tint C o bottU. Ulr elloDt la II LtaiaxM. T1IK CIIAIC1.EH A. lOdKLlilt CO. - "KOMBER ONE" General MoAdarlH nncl ate Where abouts "No-1'Mn St. LcuU Special Dispatch to Tll UK . ST. ' Louis , February 20 - General McAdarle , who ia nnaptcUd by tha English authorities of being the uiya- torfous "No. 1 , " oonn.ootod with the PLcealr Park murdow , is well krown in St. Liula. Ho la an IrUhnun by birth but WPO raised in 1'Vanio and tva an ( ftl : or in Iho Fret ch army , lie served in the Fanoo-Oiirmnn war , and first ostna here in 1805 In cnnuoo- tloti with the Fonian movement , and rolutnod again in 1873 and married a , widow named Mrs. Oiickard , nee Doylva lady of largo wealth. They livid here abaut two yenru and then went to Enropo , but tholr homo h sllll in S5.LonU | , but hey spend most tholr time in Grott Britain attd ou the con. ttnont. They have a fine plao in Bjrdoaux , Fracco. They were hereabout about two years ago , slnca when they h vo been in England , Franco o-jj other European countries. It dor/ja't aeom to bo known hero whotl'.or Vho general Is connected with r.ny irjah Booloty or whether ho hss lakon port in any events with which , his name Imi bjon mentioned. Social Dispatch to Tim llr.j. ST Louis , Fob'.aary 21 ullolnol A ( Doyle , broth a of tlw wife oJ Oou- oral MoAdarl , who ) j cuspeotod of bolng "Nuir.oor One" of the Imb. In. clnoiulos , , ind oonoewiad in the 1'ho- nlx park murder , la au intorrtow to day dp diad generally und spoclticallj that she general oouKl hvru been con- noc.ci d with tha ventu Mentioned , He said to his knowloago McAdcjit h > \d no : been ooimeotod wHh any Ivhl movement elnco the Fi > orlan UMCO ir 1865 , Ho it. in ooaatatit correspond- ono3 with the general If the Itttei had bean BDgugad ia any revolution ary or ether political sohomea hi would kraow'ik. ' Ho wiys McAdaris li aniavAlld , almost constantly travel log with his vrifo. There ia no secro y whatoroc about he's movements. I the English authorities winh to fioc h'in theycan obtaxr. his ttddrcss iron the B nk of England. Deylo sayi Tin met BIcAdarii.iu Dnbiin lost Au gnnt , witoro ho iwid hw family won stopoitiT in the ntoat opn t-iaunor n thoSlrslbourna hotel , the most promInent Inont house in Oobhn. lit spunk lu of tbo PhoaaU park ttngady at th time , and it waa the oabjtct of gonei al craimont , MoAdarls coudr.mned th crlpco in etrong terms , rematklng tha such things oonld bring no good t ' Ireland. Dsylo eftjs he knows rjoo ! tivoly that McAdaric rns in Kgyj during the whole tinio covered by tt ' I conspiracy nrid while the plottini I against Forctof were oipg on. B I was at Groiao , a raonatain reeort i I Ecanco , fifty miles frctn Nice , wht the Phceate park usocaeinatiou ocou - red. He had not boon lu Irelai kroai lite in 3S4 till Angui 1882 Doyle scoala the Idea that ii olBter ootrid bo concocted with oui orimo as the Pbicaix park luarrlo Doyle hta many letters from M Adarin , and can gho his whcreabon for sovocal yearn past. Ha is < jui couGdeut the arfihorltlos are on < ti wrong track. SpecUl Dlspatchecto Till Una. February Moagher , n well known roughest and fttllod STioholas Meckiu , lu of saloon cow this cfternoon. The mt derec was arroatod to-night. In vfaw of the terrible calnmnit- the Cuthollo eokool in New York , t bowel of edocutlonof thia city doold to hare all pubMo schools inipectod to the prorialtns for the eosapo Bohnlurs in case of fire , The wholesale grocery honoe of 1 T. AUon&'Cb. , failed today. 'I Ml ostignBo cfitimatoo th'o liabilities I * d , over g400OGQ ; assets nominally $50 > 000 , but will realize .much lees. In the unao of the alleged iuaan : of tko son of Perry H. Smith , < of well known politician and mlllionn ! 110 the jury tide .afternoon brought di od verdict to the tffdct that ho is & 'l tructod pornaD. The , Chicago Proas club mot t afternoon to 'take appropriate erti lie it. on the death < of its late president , J. Medlll , who died at Quincy yoot day. A committee of escort waa i IBml pointed aud laft to-night to ac oin ; 30 ny the remains to this oity. 1 funeral nillbo held Saturday. ' 1 memorial mooting of the Proas cl will bo re Who Bald Ic Did. c\T York.Trlbuno toro The annual farce of iutroduci blllo forbidding ruombara to ace < railroad paoaea is being repeated several logisU lures this winter. 1 occasion is generally improved by t members , who have a hilarious tij ro voting that they will not accept wl they hve in their pooketo then. ' . dividual votes are greeted with a lo gufiawi tuuliholot'iBlatori who oroai loua to DOBO as otitl-monopoHotn ti the opportunity to throw du t in I eyes of the "dear people. " The ia : Lt-j deceives nobody. * i "i aa Is , s. s.as SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID SLIVEK I.OBS of Appetite , Bowels ooatlvi Pain In the Hand , with a dull § 01 cf tion In the baclt.part , PaUi undc tuo Shoulder blailo , , fullness uftc eating' , with a disinclination to try ortlon of body or mind , Irrltnbtut of tamper , Low op Wta , with a foeC IIIRT of navlncr neglected Bomodut.i We rlness , Dizziness , Fluttering 6 the Laart , Dots before the eyes , Ye ! Icwrtflcin , Headache uoneraily ovc therlsht eyo.lto tle88neas , with fll ful dreams , lilifhly colored Urlxu and CONSTIPATION. Tt7T7"H I'lTjT.H nro eperfall nilaptca lo vutlt CHKBK. oii ilojc el tertH oiicli a ilmiiKo of feeltjiu t m.tn Ult t lie sit Hi i er. * liny lucrrnne tliuAiipddte.imdcaui the bo < ly to Talie on 1 < lc li , ctiuj thu y ti-ni Is iionrlMlieil , ana bv tlielr Tonl Action unttii I > lue > tlveOniuii , ltei ulni'Hlooln nriMToiluora. I'lIioWttnt : ! 3 jlliirmv St. . IV. V. \ TUTT'S HAIR DYE nnAT HUB on Wiurarns chaiiKo to a Qtoss J.LACK by a ilnirle application of t hii DTK. 1 Impartsatmturulcolor. Art lnitaiituntioui n &J y.K5u'mMtlv'avnM" , Ol't'ICK , .ItS OIIIIAT ST. , N. THE SENATE. SpecialCnrrropondtncaolthg lt . PKAHMAN'S cum LINCOLN , FebruAry 21. Tiio first thing thin morning VIM Ilia roporf of the oommltloo on olaimi upon thtf 53,000 claim for the rollof o ( JV. . rciirmaa. Thin Mil was referred lethe the general filewhore It may bloorj for Bomo tiino , perhaps f r n couple ot year ? . Senator Brown of Conjla3 ; mo\cd lh-\t thoRonoral Bpproatlatlon bills ba given prosodniit over all other artto priationa. This \TM fought by the friends of all other appropriation btlla and was defeated after aovo'.al dilatory motiona. A motion to RO into the oominltipo ot the whole , \aafo jg\t \ ulo ollo. mlos of the oapi'.ol npproptlotion , - nd au r oovoral nmj'jdmonts had b , n tAcked OU to tha same , Batlor mo\oi the provionj queatlon , which wa = ngrood to and tlui initiun to go into c.voimiUco of the whole , with Senator Oiinnor in the ohnir , nns ctrriad , Senator BnUcr had boon Delected to got iho iloor and move the consid eration of the cipltol appropriation bill , but ho jumped a cog and failed to connect , and Senator Roynolda gut the floor and moved the consideration ot thb bill appropriutlijg $70.000 for TUB UEFORU SCHOOL AT KBRNEY. . Senator Butler moved us nn amend- in on t that the aouato taku up the cap Uol appropriation bill , the amend msnt was defeated , aud the original motion prevailed and the reform tohool bill which was taken up and road. road.Senator Senator MoShann/ / moved that the bill be road and adopted acotior by section. SonUor Butler moved uo an amend ment that when thia com mitt co ariao it report this bill back nith a rocom nnndation that It do paaa , Senators MoShano , Brown , of Olny , Brown , cf Douglas , lRynolda , Ltarrltion and Barker spoke agalntt the amendment , aud bifaro a vote T/ns reached Mr. Butler withdrew his amendment , and the biM waa ordered road sicclon by ooctioa according to the motion of McShnno. Brown , cf Oliy , moved that notion 1 be amended by Inaortiug $ bO,000 iuatead of STG'COO. Senator Reynolds took the chair and'Sonator Connor opoko in Uvor of the bill. Ho claimed that Ihla waa n cLurltablo institution and that the amount waa not too much. Senator Duch w.m not tpponod tc tuaklng a reasonable npproptlatbn t but was opposed to the amoun1 uaracd. lie anid that the approprla lions propotod in thu ( lilForont bill now pending and alrondy passed b ; this lugialature ainoanteil to ubou 81,800COO Senator Butler said ho had alway favored an institution of tufa kind and ho did not think the approprlt tiou any too largo. lie did not thin that a building buUt with the amouu of money named would bo auflicloti for the atato for raoro than two yeare Ho did not belluvo that the peopl would complain of high taxes on th' ' account. If ho thought they woul ho would recomtnoud that wo 'ha bettor atop smoking cigars or drlul lug whisky. Senator Conner moved that who this committee nsu they report tli bal back M ataoiidcd und rcoonunei that It do paaa , which waa carrie The committee then roao and the r ota port of the committee waa adopto a The aonato then adjourned tlll'l : ir- p m. in tie ad HAS BEEN PROVED aa The SUREST CURB for of KECNEV DISEASES. ofV. DOOM lauio tack eradl ordfredurin Indicate Jiat you are ariotlra ? THEND V.ho NOTIIEfUTATEi mo KIDNEV-WOttTa heat onooCdniffirlaUreoommendlt ) and ifewill peedlly overcome Uio dlicaao and roctore at * falUiy action to all tacorcana. atV B nflifC * oroomplalnt < p rclla CtUIV VB to your per , iuch aapaln and wrakflM3 < w , KIDNEY-WORT la uniur < passedaaltwlU aot promptly and ufely hy Either Box. Incontinence , retention o hoi urine , brick ifaut or ropy depoelt * , anddal Jruggln e iu ln , all apeedily yield to Ita our atlve power. ( IU i a tDBYALI < I5nUaOMT8. Is io "Jlr Ethan Lawrcnct , my townsman. " so DIl Dr PMlllu U E llou tf Monkton , -Vt. , "w bl tit d ( rom Kidney dl'c&Be. The ( kin of 1 S. legs ilrn llko glaa ; , Kldtey-Wort cured hii jr- Apr. ) 82 ip- lie IS A SURE CURE ho for nil dl8oa ca or the Kldneye end ob LIVER It haa Bpoolfla notion on tills moat Important orcnn , ouabllnc It to throw off torpidity and Inaction , cumulating tha healthy eoretlon ofthelllln , nd by keeping th boweli to fro . condition , offliaunfr ita regular dlschimv. WJJrsliyll Ifyou are suflerlnc from ilnSlarld > tnalaria.havothocbllli , are bilious , dyepeptio , or coustlpatad , Kid- tn ncy-Wort wiluuroly relievoJc qulaldy cure. In tliln season to cleanse Uio Eyst m , orcry ho onoauouldUkoathorouKhoourcooflt. ( II ) ho SOLD CY DRUGGISTS. Price l. tea iat "Tell mr brotIier olclpr8."wrlt-8 | J. C. PI\V ( of Troutan. Ill , anil nil ft cm , too that Kl'ln Wort cured my 21 yta'B U tr dl oul rs 1'ubli l-o U , pUiCO , in Ht. Lcud lilobo-Deonocret' ' he * sm FORTHEPERMANENTGUREOF COWSTEPATDOri. ; No other dl'aw > i > r.o prevalent In Uil „ country ai CojgUpatlon , and no remedy C o boa over t quailed the cclcbraUid KID HEY- WOUT iu a euro. Wuatever the cause , however olwtlnato Via cace , thli roamly O vrill ovoroorao It. ° \ Oil tSCt TTU8 dletrtnlnjrcom- g | litlmKiGlm pUtat In very aptto U with constipation. Kidney . -i..v . . . . feChonnthoif/c'iLcnod p&rt < and > julckly . curo.i all kind ) of Fllra even . . _ when i. W- -M - - , . - - ( ! „ ) an UJK.IC "II you liavo cllVr nf tlie o troubles Anolttr Hick 0 rhlir e'Cpea. OeTCJ I llont , 0 fhlcr ol Ityent WR ( I'a ) Hank , ial roceotl/"Kldney.Wcitcuttdinj'bI ; ill gjlies HE &REAT iMJ-JS-TD-M-A-'E'-E ' 8-U2 - - - - - - - An It l fcr oil the palnlul fllixxuira of tL KIONEYO , LIVCM AfJO UOWCL8. ItclcanM-jt ! e tyu urn ortto acrid pouon that catuca the dreadful t ilfariax which only Uio victims ot r heumatUtn a.n ic lua TtlOUOAND ! ' . OK CARGS of the Tiomt ferro of Uu * terrible c1 La TO bosn quickly relieved , ndij tUn * * ' PEHFECTLy CURED. pniani.UiuueriU , i "KUney.Wcrt hii ( 'lvcn Irrmo Ut < relief , many CMU rl ihounuitl'in , ( alrg \ under toy n Ho' . " lr. I'hlllpO. lallcu MonHton , Vt. Ar 2081. "I never ( ouud evca relief ( rom nheuinat's ' and KHney trouble * (111 I u eJ Kldnoy Woi Now I'm wo I. " DivldM. illl.er.lUrtiorJ , Wl I A. FEW EBB * LOTS , Farms , Lands- KY 15th&DouglasSt. : HOUSES AND LOTS , No. 10 Full otniiil new home3 roomi , tnl iclow Mul ono up nalra. KUht loot colling bo'ov and'o\eiiabo\e. llrlck foundation , collar , etc bargain , SUM. No. 18-LarRo two utory house , 10 roomi , twi iree cellars. | fed will anil ttntern , barn , tita , o : W.lwtcraiulIMd btreot , SO.OOO. No U Lot CiOxINl fei-t , new liouso ol twi rooms lirlck foiuulatlon 1UO barrel cistern o : Uniullton street noir Poor ClixrcConvont SMW. No 10 Ilouso aiul lot on 17th near ClarK 81 hoiiBo f > roomi etc. SliXX ) . No. Vr llouso of 3 roams full lot on Pierce 81 near WhSIMX ) No. 21 Now liousoof 7 rooms , with corner lo hall nillo wtnt of Turntable o ( rod street cars o Sail dors St. SlOCO. No. 5 House of ilnht rooms , barn etc. U Vacant Lots. No. 252 Two full lota on 10th Street near La St. J1COO. No.351 Twenty five lot * In Parkers ajdltl Just north of th end ot r d street car line fll oaeli cany torinn. No.SJo Fourlotson Delaware Et. ncarllai com paik , ( G50. No. 831 Ono half lot on South nvonue , no St. Mary's avenue , fSM. No. SlO-ElRhtoen ( IB ) lots on Ilet , 2nd , 23 3 and Blunders Btreet , near Qiace , J500 each , a 3la on cany terms. lad No , 340 Six beautiful residence lots on Cath d ino street , near Uacgcom park. $4,600. 1. Twoho beautiful residence lota en Hamll stroct , near end ot old Btreot car track ; high i 3- 3i ilnhlly , t3Mto S700. i Sovcial acre and half acre corner Iota on Cv 50 Ing , Hurt and California ntroeta , In Lowo'd I end addition and 1'ark PUce near AcaUum ; Bociod Heart ' Lots m 'Trotpoot Placo" on Hamilton i bi Cliarloj etroct. Juit west of the end of lied Sn Cart lack and Convent of the rilutenj of P Clare , ono and one half mile f rom iiostnfflca , i ono rnllo from U. P. shorts , $150 to 3500 to only B per contxlotvn and B per cent per mor Lots In Lcwa'a addition ono half mlle woit , end of Hod Btrott < r track near Convent Poor Clare Sisters In Shlnn'a adilltlon , $125 9300 each , and on very easy ternu. Lots In Horbnoh'a 1st and 2nd addltla .Sblnn's , ftrkPlaoo , Lowe's 2nd addition. Riz < Lako'g , NeluoD'a , llanscom Place , llcdlck'a dlllons , etc. , oto. Lots In "UroJlt Fonder addition" lust c quarter mlle soutti-cait ot Union Pactua and unit M. U. It. depots , $260 to $1,600 each , very a terms. Business [ Lots , Tnrao Ked Ixictneaa lota on Podf-o near 1 i. itreet , 21x120 ( evt each , $1,600 each , orH.WX all , ci y torma. Two K > od bunlncei lot < i on Fnrnam street , 63 foot ciict , withrarnobulldlnKitberonrent ( or about tCCO per year each ; price 91,250 ct 41x132 feet on Farnam near lOLhstruot , cor 112,000 Splendid Warehouse lot on Union P clTorl ( ol way. north of track and eaat of Nail Woik belnir I3t lent north ( rontauo on Mason ttii by about 100 ( o > t wcit ( ronlifo on 10th it. Farmii 'd wild lands In Douzla" , Sar Dode | , WuhlDfctca , Ouit , MTavno , Stanton , i other K0i d counilcs In naslcrn Neljnsknfnr B laiei | iaJd , raulocollected , anl money loai on lmpro\'eri elly aJ countryjpropcrty i i rates of In-tereot. BEMIS1 1TEW CITY MAP , FOI FEET VTIDK AND SEVEN FE ] LONG , WITH EVERY ADI TION lUtfCOEDED OR OONTE PLATED DP TO DATE "OKI OlAL JiWvl * OF THE OIT } $5.00 EACH. * < / state 16th and Douglas Si Omaha ! * * ff L.YDBA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE OOMPOUNP. ( ImiFnultlYoCnro , For nit the e 1'nlnful Complaint , and WfcVnMM aa common to our bfit female population. A Medicine for Woman. InTcnteilby aWonui- 1'rtparcd by a Woman. , Tl flmlnt flxllftl Dtitourj Sl * lli " ol lllktoi , . tSTHrerlTeiths drooping eplrltn , InrlBoratei n4 harmonUnj the organic functions , glres elasticity an < Urmness to the itep , rentorcs the natural luitro to th eye , and plAnta on the pala check of woman th frta ! ) rose of lifo' printt and early dimmer time. ' tsrphjilclana U n It and Proscrlbo It Frcely.-W It rcmoTcs folntncm , fUtulency , destroys all crarlni for etlmuUnt , and reUoros woMuiesa of the tomach , That feeling of bearing down , cauMngpaln , welgh ( and twckachc. U lway permanently cured by Its u \ For the enrc of Kidney Complnlnt * of either § e thlt Gerapoundji unaurpaaacd. i TlIA C. PINKHAM'B ui.w"i u " wlTreredlcVto ciery vwtlm or Humors trorn nj Illood.andKlro tone and utrentrth to the system , 04 man woman or child. ln lst on having It. \ Both the Compound and lllood Purlfler art prepare * at IU3 and M Western Avenue , Lynn , Mass Price at elthcri | 1. 8U bottles for 93. Bent by mail In the f on * of pHUs or of lozonecu , on receipt of price , llpcrrxB for either. Mrs. Plnkham freely answers all letter * ol Inquiry. Enclose 3ct.rtftmp. Bend tor pamphlet. Ko family houM IKS without LTDIA. E. LUT.U I'lI.IA They euro conntlpatlon , nd torpidity of the Uver. ZS cent * per box. 3-So X Seains Rewarded , ' \ , on , v , Vlio 8rory of tuo Sowing MaoWne ; S A Irn1 omo ! ) ! ! iiMnpblo ) , bln liud iof u n Ith onmtnaj nnnr ; ilngi , will I he . &IYEH AY/AY 15 ? y Kadi yrnau ra'JInir ( or U , t nir btanok ot lufj-fltnce ol The Elnpoi UM > nractorin ; Com * p n7. or nil ) be D nt bj cull , poet piM , ta ttv ptirm IM K t i ; Oa , , tl OIBoo , 31 Union Hqc > ion Scad SI , $2 , ? H , or 85 for a ro nil box by Express of the best Cnmllea In America , put up elegant boxes , and strictly pnre" Snitnblo for prasente , Exproofl charges light. Kcfors to nil Chi i cago. Try It once , O. F. QUNTHEIl' Confectioner , EUROPEAN HOTEL , on The mo i ctntrallr located hotel to the dtr. ui Room B * n.OOJ1.60Rnd JtOOperdaj. uim f . ' M Rcataurant connected wit the m Uutn 30' ' HtJIiST. - - Prop. 30'Ol . Tgurthand l'-v Strooti. nd etrs * Bet jor nd FALLIT&EOES , eh , thof WtJtcrn Agents , LifajeUc , Indiana , ofof of to 31 , id'D. D. -FOR- Rubber Boots aud Itoofs Jir.d Shoes / 2th for . OFALLKIND3. Ing 13x 50PEBCT. TV " ch. . . The center pieces Are Interchangeable end revert - ; ht vert Iblo. It prevents tbo counter ( rom running eve , requiting no bcel BtHTeucn. ot , Tlio Agincy ( or Huso gocda In tbla town baa been pint Othera canno proiuro hem. nd Call and rxamlno a ( ull line ot Leather and tie. "Candro" Kubbor DooU and Shoos with the lie. tie.ed rersllilo lluel. ow MH3. M. 1'ETERSON , ' 31 3n LouUvllle.Ncb. THE ! R T HORT LINE U- il- -OF X1JE- 'I. lilwaukee & St , Paul % RAILWAY ll now running Its FAST EXPRESS TRAINS from OMAHA AHD OOUNOIL BLUFFS WITH Pullman's Hapificont Sleepers -AND THE Finest Dining Oars in the World. IF YOU ARE GOING EAST TO CHICAGO1 Or to any point beyond ; or ] IF YOU ABE GOING NORTH To , . ST , PAU1 OR B4IKNEAlH > iIS Take tha BEST KOUTE , the Chicago , Ticket office locate ! at corner Fariuni ami Fourteenth streets auil at U , P. Depot and at Mllliril Hotel , Omaha. tiffico Time Table In another column. i t1. A. NA3II , General Atrent , ( 0. H. FOQTE , Ticket Afnt | , Omaha. 8. B. MERRILL , A. V. JI. CARPENTER , , OeneralManagtr. Ocr.eral Pass. Agent. J.T. CLARK , . QEO. II. HKAKFOUD , ; 'I QeneralSap't. Asa'tGtin.I'iaa. AKCII