Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1883, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Bee
Pnbllthed every morning , except Sni
7. The only Monday morning dally. J
Out Year.$10 00 I Three Montbi.$3.0
Biz Months. . 5.00 | One Month. . . . 1.0
: HE WEEKLY BKK , published over
Ono if ear $2,00 I Tliroo Months. M
Sir Month 1.00 | OnoMouth. . . . 2
Newsduftlers in the United States. ,
.atfons relating to News nd Eciitorl.t
jiAttera should be addressed to the KuiTOr
fiottere ami Remittance * rlioulci l > e si
treated to THE BEE PcnusiiiNO ConrANT
OMAHA. Irnfts ) , Chocks and Postollice
Jrdcra tb bo made payable to the order ol
the Ooitipauy.
The BEE PUBLISHING 00 , , Props ,
IT la a free for all race for spoils at
Lincoln , with the devil not Tory far
distant from the hindmost.
THEBE ought to bo a good market at
L'.cooln ' for * number of elgna with
Sole" neatly paloiaa on thcm ,
TnK net earnings of the Union Pa-
olfio Incroaacd over $1,000,000 , in
1882. For a paupsr corporation this
la doing very well.
NEBRASKA , wanta no protection for
her logUIatlvo stool Industry. It la
already ovoratiranlated by the pros
pect of the close of the session.
UiO IfeglslnlutO ttlll b'Jllovo
that Tnfe BEK had no grounds for Ho
charge of barf faced bribery in con
nection with the l > of the capt-
tel appropriation.
IF half the mombora of the proaont
legislature could bo placed in the reform -
form nohool no taxpayer would begrudge -
grudge , the appropriation'of $60,000
recommended by the senate.
WHATEVER may bo the end of the
Michigan senatorial contest , the dis
closures show that the United States
aenatorshlp in that state i * a market
able commodity , and that Ferry failed
because it waa doubtful whether ho
could make good hia promlnrs.
THE ROT. Joseph Cook admits that
his knowledge as to the time when the
soul qniia the body ia not exact , and
hia statement that it remains for hours
atter death ia partly a surmise. But
ho knows for pyslllvo fact that thnro
ia no probation after death. Ex-
It Trill bo a delightful surprise to
the general public outside of Boston
to learn that there ia anything of
which the RST. Mr. Oook admits hfa
THE civil service commissioners
have been appointed by tfco president
and Darman B. Eitou , aa waa expect
ed , heads the Hit Mr. Elton will
now hare the pleasure cf applying niS
-pot theory to 10,006 clerks , while the
heads of departments and all the moat
influential officials of the government
will eacapo the rules adopted by the
communion , John M. Gregory , of
"UlinoLi , and Lvoy D , Thomas , of
Ohio , ore the t < ro remaining members
of the commission.
THKUE U great depress1 Jn Uj0
g , j &t patent , and Pig
Iron Kellejr and hia friends hold up
the recent failures aa terrible examples
of what will certainly follow through
out the country if the tariff on Iron
and steel la reduced from its existing
extortionate rate * . All the high Urifl
organs are joining In the cry and ap
pealing to congress againit what they
call the destruction of American in
The fact of the matter ia that exces
sive protection is the chief cause ol
the troubles In the iron and stool in
The tariff on raw material nd pro
ducts ranges from CO to moro than IOC
per cent. This la virtually prohibitory ,
At the outset just aa in the paper iu
dustry It assurred such enormous
profits as to attract n rapid Influx ol
capital. Ton furnaces and mllli wore
\ erected where ono was required , and
overproduction was the result. Ra
suiting from overproduction came cu
throat competition , and the failure o
the weaker firms , \rhllo the establishments
monts whoso accumulated profits won
the largest , have been enabled by out
ting down wagco , and shutting doni
the mills to tide over the atrlngon
And now cornea a cry for mor
tariff or against any reduction in th
piratical imposts which have boai
chiefly responsible for the failures
The trouble has boon and now is the
a prohibitory tariff has been an mi
natural and suicidal stimulus t
many of our Industries , and thoa
which have been most highly protected
od are Buffering the most. ( j
The homo market is clllttcd an
foreign markets nro closed , nnd y <
the Industrial cormorants claim
against any reduction of duties I
loner prices and decrease public to :
ation. The tariff ii a tax a noccseai
tax in a young nation wishing to fo
ter growing Industries but at U
same time a tax which must bo ad
justed to the necessities of Industr ;
and not to the greed of great mi
Several days ago THE BEE oponl
charged what orory member of th
legislature know. It assorted tha
the capitol appropriation bill had beoi
worked through the house by brazei
bribery and conscienceless trading o
interests and votes.
The editor of THE BEE wont farthe
and declared his knowledge of a dla
tinot instance in which money hat
been paid for a favorable vote on thi
capilol bill. Ho named the sum ai
$000 and the bribing parties as Llncoh
merchants. Beyond this the editor c :
this paper did not go , The furthci
elimination of facts he loft to thu lo #
slaturo itaclf.
The house very properly appointed
a comtnittoo of investigation and Mr ,
kLontgoincry'a testimony is now bc-
ere the people of Nebraska. It cor
roboratcs fully the charge made bj
Mr. Montgomery swears thnt o
und for the pAasogo of tiio rapltol ap
propriation bill wan raised by the rnor-
hanta of Lincoln , and that ono of the
obby pointed out to him a member cf
ho house to whom § 500 was paid in
onsidoratlon of his voto.
This woa the charge made by THE
IBE , which the pap-sucking organs of
10 railroads who haTO all been tloi
p * n this robbery of the taxpayers of
Nebraska , protest had no foundation
n feet and wan made for the oako of
Now lot the name of the bribe
aker bo made known. It wl" ,
10 doubt bo a at"7 ,
member charged with
! ? rCptlon by THE UEE wan helped by
t to know that for once ho has been
larking tip Iho wrong trco. The
abboilng Joh'.Vaou , who conaidora.any
ihargo made In TUP. BEE a compliment ,
nay also Und the disclosure an inter-
isting ono.
By all means lot us know the name
if the brlbo taker who hao boon uu-
'ortunato enouqh to have boon dta-
: ovortd in getting away with hia portion
tion of the Lincoln merchants' lubii-
Until the whole truth Is brought
out , fully fifteen members of the house
will bo reading the handwriting on
the wall. They ought to bo relieved
at once from their suspense.
The exponent of that atmon pnro re
publicanism which relates chlifly tc
the distribution of the loaves and fish
es of political pitronago reads the re
publicans of Omaha a luoturo because
the bar of this city has almost univer
sally ondoised Judge Wakoloy for ap
pointment to the additional judgashlp
in this district. Judge Wakoley ic
admitted to bo thoroughly oompoten <
for the position in every respect , bnl
unfortunately ho happens to bo o
democrat , which , in the opinion of the
editor of the Republican , who hat
saat two votoH f jr presidential elector *
unfits him thoroughly for an office
idmlnktorod so admirably for yoarc
by Jadgo Savage , unfortunately also
membo * ° * ho Parly * ° whl ° Mr.
( Vakoley belongs.
The TfcpitWfcaft rises to Hid occialon
n an addrceo to Crash. * republicans
ipon their dutloa aa purUoans nnd. IB-
'ormo ' its roadoro th > t "no office thai
a Bocurod thr aflU tllO nominating cbn-
mention lrt toft trivial to command par
ty RUppdtt and none is too high. "
Probably no office Is too trivial to
command party support. A Tory im
portant fact that the Republican over
looks ia that oloar-hoadod voters do
not elect cfthcs , but men to fill the
offices. They ballot for judges , and
not for judgeahlps ; for candidates , and
not for opportunities for drawing sal.
The day * for blind partisanship ir
local elections have gone by , nd the ]
are not likely to return untl
political parties are again divided ai
they were twenty years ago upon thi
great issues , Under such ciroum
stanccn nominating Conventions ma ;
Boleot Incumbents of offices and :
partisan maj otfty ratify the cholooo
the primary and caucus. When grua
principles nro nt stake , partisan exciti
mont Is excusable , often commend
tkblo. But when the only Issue i
good Government , citizens are incline
tojlaugh'.utjparty whlpsaudtouso the )
own judgment in ratifying or dofca )
ing the doorces of the nomlnatln
ROSEWATKU'B charge of bribery i :
the capital appropriation affair turn
out to bo the usual unfounded Ho fc
notoriety colnon. lie saw a man thr
saTramau that hoard of a man th'
know a man that kuuvr it.7 Omaha 11
Mr. Oarl Montgomery , of Omaha , i
the firm of GroQ & Montgomery
whoso testimony appears olsowhci
puts the qutatuB on this ntatomon
The lleinMicun batking up tl
wrong tree as uiu&l. Lot it turn i
batteries on Mr. Montgomery who
unsworn statement will ntaud any dt
against tbo oath of the editor of tl
tha .
OiuiiLiH BROWN and Mi
Bhiino deserve the thanks of the ta
pjyora of thla city and county fi
their manly fight against the $40.W
capitol atoal , whicli will aaddlo near
50,000 in taxes upon the people
Douglas county. They have opposi
the bill on and off the floor of U
eonsto by all honorable moans , ai
have withstood all overtures made
capture their votes by the hired lobb ;
and committee on bribery who hav
rushed the measure through the house
Dnuglas county will not forgot th
services of Mocsrs , Brown and Mo
Shane In this matter any moro thai
they will fall to remember other worn
bors of the delegation who hav
worked and voted in opposition to tb
wishes of their constituents.
THE president has nominated Sand
ford Parker receiver of public money
at the Niobrarn land cllico.
The frontispiece portrait of Gam
bottn in the Match Century , and th <
accompanying artlulo by a wntur whc
was intimately acquainted with Gain
boita , appear now with a timeliness ,
which , a foot note explains , is not tc
bo credited to editorial husto or energy <
orgy , since they were both in propura
lion for tbd March Century baforc
GambuUa'a likes * , A Bhort bio.
graphical sketch cf tht l r > # ' J on-
ard B.ICJU. . with portrait , is contrib
uted by his non , Leonard Woolaoy
Uacon , under the appropriate title ,
"A Good Fight Finished. " Alno of a
controversial character is Mrs.
ilunkle'a pica for the higher education
of women , apropoa of the recant p ti-
ion for the admission of women to
Jolnmbla college. It IB called "A
New Knock at an Old Door. "
John Burroughs , In Sfgii * atld
loason , " chat charmingly and inslruo-
Hfo - d nftturo ; and
; h > § Uln tr ted tfcd
" ' " oral otrlklngengravlngs.
7dflt with the rural American-
' 'In of this paper la H , H.'s otudy cf
locnl scones and character in ' 'The
Village of Oooramrnorgau , " which she
visited at the time of the last Pasoinn
Mr. Cable continues hia illustrated
historical series with "The Eod ol
Foreign Dominion in Louisiana" ; and
Dr. Edward Eggloaton , in hia third
historical psper , ' treats of "Tho Mi
graliona of American Colonists. "
A realistic romance of the Russo-
TurkUh war. entitled "Yantil , " bj
Frank D. Miller , the artist nnd was
correspondent , iu the short otory of the
number. Mr. Howollo , in his second
part cf "A Womnn'o Reason , ' ' which
has already made a strong impression ,
Introduces n catastrophe that changer
the whole tenor of the hcrolno'n life :
there ia also a detailed ieseriptlun ol
a Boston i.'uctlon. Mr a. Burnott'i
"Throuijh Ono Administration" ii
nearly finished , and Mrs. Mary Hal
look Footo's striking otory , "Tht
Led-Horao Claim , " is brought to nr
offcotlvo conclusion.
The ponms of the number nro bj
Andrew Ling , Mrs Julia C. R , Dorr ,
Ina D Oonlbrlth , John Vance Cheney -
ney , W. P. Andrews , and others ,
Worthy of special mention IB an uu
finished pbem by William Calloc
Bryant , entitled "A Poet fto Hit
Wife , " and dated Roslyn , 1873.
ious public questions nro discussed it :
"Topics of the Time , " notable ono ic
"Stealing a Minister , " and the othei
editorial departments treat of novt
bot'ks , In ' 'Literature , " of "Home
and Sosioty" topics , and of now Inventions
tions in "Iho World's Work. "
St. Nicholas for March has a not
able list cf contributors Archibald
Forbes , the distinguished war correa
poudout of The London Daily Nawa ,
furnishes a vivid and interesting atoij
of the Turco-Riatian War , entitled
"Where wts the Villleral"-whloh hot
the additional attraction of belug 11-
lustrateO. by the well Known painter" ,
W. H. Overoud , of The Illustrated
London Nawa , himself both n per
sonal friend of Forbea and VlUiora ,
In the "Latter box" la a pan and ink
nkotoh of Mr , Kprbcp by Hubert He *
k Taer , from the portrait of him H ] [
lat artist. Rose Terry Cooke con
ribntea a capital story of the Mich
an firoa of 1881 , called "Tho Wjronj
> o t. " There ia a charming poem
'Ben ' Bruin , " by Lucy Larcom , ant
no by Celia Thaxter. Luorotla P
lalo gives us the latest particular !
rom the Potorkino , and tells hov
'Mrs. Petorklna Faints on the Grea
Pyramid. " Professor William Ello
Iriffis , the eminent orientalist , wrltoi
bout Hokusai , a famous Japanosi
omlo artists , and the paper ia lllua
rated by reproduction of some o
loknsal'a moat popular pictures.
"The Sly Old Woodchuck" ln.i
haraoterlatlo American boy story bj
V. 0. Stoddard ; and Miss Annli
Elohbsrg , author of "The First Vio.
in , " has a delightful tale from thi
Jerman of Laander.
E. 8. BrooUa flnlshoa hia four-par !
lory of "The-Field of the Oloth o :
Gold , " Frank 8. Stockton contribute !
picturesque nnd thrilling installmonl
of "Tho Story of Vitoau , " and J. T
Crowbrldgo tolls how the "Tinkhau
Brothers" took a firrr eland in dofons
of their "Tldo mill. " The fronttsplec. .
s nn engraving of Qrouza'a celebratec
painting of "Tho Broken Pitcher. "
Besides the foregoing there ar
itories , sketches , poems , and picture
by Charles Barnard , Sarah Winte
Kolloug , Joel Stacy , Palmer Cox
Reginald B. Blrob , H. P. Share , W
Li. Sheppard , Do Cost Smith an
many others.
Log-Rolling for a Tariff.
New York Times
Senator VanWyok , of Nebraslt
lias boon making himself dleagreeabl
to the high taritf "combination" in th
senate by Insisting on letting th
country know about the "negotiations
thct have been going nn for the mntui
salvation of certain "great Interests.
There was no dauger that the countr
would "burst in ignorance" cf th
prevailing method of legislation. Th
oouato has boon trjiug to inak
a tarld by the farulMar jm
cess of log-rolling. It ii the imm
method by which river and harbc
bills have baon "put through" intimt
pant. The country has long been , di
maudlng a reduction cf the revonm
und therewith a thorough revision <
the tariff duties on imported good
The demand has been made in voi
clear and emphatic terms. It may v
safely said that the people general ]
have not asked or expected a revlek
of the tariff and not a reduction of t )
revenue therefrom which should lea )
all thu highly protected Interests n :
touched. They have too much BOO
to expect anything of the kind , but
largo number of the members of tl
senate and the house of represent
lives aa woli have assumed the part
representatives of the protectudinU
osts , Tboir constituents are not/itntc
or the people of states so much aa th
iron Interests of Pennsylvania am
other places that have iron Interest *
the lumber interests of Maine am
Michigan , the wool growing interest
of the west and the wool mauufactui
ing Interests of the east , nnd the ango
Interests of Louisiana ; oven iho vine
par interests and the salt Interest
haTd their special champions.
Who Are Roaponalblo. .
PhlUlelphl * K'cord.
Of course , the republican party i
mainly responsible for legislation , hav
ing control of the executive nnd lejjis
l tivo dep&rtmentfl of the government
But the democrats in congreDs will no
I'topo thuu'sharo of condemnation fo
the frfiluro of revenue legislation
The country does not fail to obsarvi
with the appropriate indignation tha
the demand of the people for relic
from tsxitioii ia lost Bight of by tin
democratic sonatora from Wool Virgin
in when the torff on coal Is considered
Pintiuta overturn the democratic sen
ator/i / from North Carolina ; mitohoi
demoralize the democratic oinaton
from DolajvRro , and ttigir nula all the
dewoorallc sonatora Ina i-tato of panic.
Democratic oenntora , f'rioothl hc
tcpubltcan aelialors have tiono of thoni
fought more desperately , each for hie
particular Ice il interest , ns the sche
dule of tariff reduction has bflou con
alJored. The long continuance ol
protective monopoly seems to have ae
thoroughly rotted the fibre of true
dtmodracy a ) it has destroyed oven the
eonso of tiolf-proiorvation in the party
ia power. But tax reduction must
oomot in nplte of the cowardioj o <
parties. . '
AWnetoof RAW MttlerlQ' .
Kan a Clly J.uin&l.
The PuUraa * s'locper , Villo dt
Paris , which bears Ottomnr Roth-
acker , editor of The Denver Tribune ,
to hia woddiog in Chicago , carried twc
barrel ] of bottled boor , thirty six two
gallon demijohns of whl&ky , five oaoci
of Mnmm'a extra dry , two cases o !
Apollinarlft water and twenty boxes ol
cigars. From what wo have heard o !
the hardy sons of Colorado who are it
this car wo aru prone to bollovo then
is a grievous vrt.ato of Apolllnario
The Bolection of tha baer , whisky am
wine was made by a very carofu
arithmetician , well veracd iu Coloradt
Potter and tlib Bowle-Knlfe Aflalr.
) llwackec TlcpiibllcAS-Scnllcel.
It is uon nearly a quarter of a ban
tury ego thnt the Pryor-Potter duo
was the sensation of the day. Pottui
then represented tho'first district o :
this state , which , at that time , in
eluded Milwaukee. He was a littli
moro than 40 yoara of ago , broad
shouldered , muscular and powerful ,
Of frco-soil antecedents , he belongec
to the radical wing of the republican
party. Pryor , then a member of con
green from Virginia , was ton years o :
moro hia junior. He was tall , rathe :
slender , with an almost beardless face
sallow in complexion , and , as wai
waa the fashion of the southern gen
tlcmon of that day , were his hair Ter ]
long , falling down upon hli
ooat collar. Ho was one of the "Cro
Raters" of the nouth , a fanatical sup
porter of the slavery , arrogant , im
potnons , and infhted with piovinclu
vanity. All northern mon wore * it
his opinion , cowards ; In the aoutl
nlono on this continent could gentlemen
mon bo found and men of gallon
courago. The northern democrat
were tolerated by him bcc&nsu thej
were uaefol supporters of the slavi
system , but for republicans he fait '
lofty contempt. He was reputed to b <
A good shot , and , like moat sautherr
mon ot tlUlt dft7 ° adept ift thi
dueling codo.
Without tha Bllglilfcst apprflhonsloui
that a northern man would accept c
challenge , H scc\ned an easy am
cheap XVay el acquirhjg renown ant
popularity iu hia own Eoatlou , to chal-
l9ngo Potter after they had had aon *
heated worda In the house. Aa thi
challenged party , Potter had the righ
to choose weapons , and ho prompt ! ]
informed Pryor that he would figh
him , the weapons to bo bawio knives
In thoao days Potter did not look Hki
would be ti
a man whom it pleasant
encounter at close quarters with auchi
weapon , and . once rd-
calved a note from Pryor'a sec
oads that that gontlemtn repard
ed the weapons deoii natod ai
"barbarona" and declined to fight
The affair made great noise at thi
time and seriously damaged the pres
tlgo of Southern chlTalry. Everj
poealblo detail respeutlng it wauool
footed and published by i'ao nenspa
pen.NoW | after a lapse of man ;
years Pryor , oomoa forward with ai
untlrely new Torsion of It. H
claims that he waa in concealment n
Alexandria , and that his friendn ro
leived Pottor'a acceptance , and , with
ut conaultinp ! him and without hi
knowledge , rejected the proposition t
Belli with bowle knives. Hoknewmttl :
lug about It , he Bays , until thematic !
was settled ; then ho pould'not dlsavoi
the action of the gentlemen wit
whom ho had intrusted 'hla 'interest ' !
and ho was obliged -acquiesce. . ]
such were tuo fact , ho'evidently at
lectod hla friends wUhffomarkable dli
crimination and prudence. But w
think his memory is ftt'fanlt , and tha
if his present version Were the corree
ono It would have appeared while th
affair waa froon and wna the aubject c
comment and discussion" in all parts <
the country.
The memory of thtoo "old ut
hnppy far elf things" has boon revive
by the present reportn of Sir. Potter
Borlona Illness. Those * reports ha\
boon accompanied by an absurd fltoi
of Mr. Pottor'e poverty. A friou
who haa recently Tlsltod him infoin
us that hla health is as oed as it hi
been for aomo years past. Abet
three yoara igo ho had n oirbnnclo o
hii ) nook whtoli wf.a nearly fatal , blni
then ho hai not boon as well aa fo
raorly. During the last autum
ho had an attack of Illness , bi
bad suiUoleutly recovered to ntteii
the election , and his health has In
proved nlnco. As to his poverty , 1
owns n fiuo farm on which ho has llvt
Blnco territorial days , nnd OWUB othi
property which glvoa him a comfor
oblo income. Ho entertains tl
friends who vlalt him with a goneroi
hospitality , and la always glad to we
oomo them , nnd there is good roasc
to hope that many years.of useful 11
are yet In atom .for him
The most brilliant shades potslbl
on all f brlca , are made-by the Dl
mend Djrca. Unequalled for brillla
cy and durability , 10 conta.
The Railroad System of the United
State * , Voraua tbo American
This ia not the only question effect *
ing our people. Bat of nil great poli
tical questions , for indeed it haa be-
corao ono , it is the very ono thatnooda
the most immediate attention. Un
like the political questions , it threat
ens dircclly the civil liberty of the
citlzon , and consequently jeopardize
the American rcpuohc ,
The American people should , na of
old nnd by the eternal It will accuro
to nil without regard , life , liberty and
the pursuit of happinoua in the high
cat degree ; und to retain It no Buch , it
ia absolutely essential that no trium
virate or syndicate of capitalist gam-
blew ehnll be ennbled to control , ai-
icotly or Indirectly , the induitrios of
the people , for the roanon that flUoh a
control placm the avarice of the oltl-
zeii in opposition to and In oontaoi
nith h'd civil duties.
Dj the railroads effect the Industries
of the people ? Who dare answer ,
Nw ?
Some men will sacrifice their avarica
to their civic duties ; hey are true
patriots , but their number ia tbo
small , very much too amnll ; and their
manly independence oftentimes ro-
anlta in dUacter to them end theirs.
Thia should not bd made possible In
; hta Und of onis. But besides those
'ovr men , there nfft olhera. The mil-
ions who toil day by day , year In nnd
year out , are at the mercy of unscru
pulous demagogues , who stop at noth-
cg to subvert the suffrage of the people
ple to their greed , and thla is an out
rage upon the civic rights of all , for
the reason that the American repub
lic becomes a farce if the nuflrago of
the toiling millions ia not placed above
the ambitious fancies of men who by
chauca happen to bo their employers.
It ia more important to republican
institutions to safely guard the Bnf-
frago of the weak than to strengthen
the suffrage of the powerful , and. no
true American will over otand 'oy a
system which haa a tendency to
weaken the civic libarty of the massed
for the pecuniary Interests ot the very
It ia much moro nrueosary for the
miiintenanco of our democratic repub
lic , tint the tolling millions retain
their suffrage free and unrestricted ,
thnn to have the prestige or power of
a few millionaire railroad kingo prot-
tituto thnt suffrage.
A prostituted suffrage , such aa ia
wished , encouraged and forced by
railroad or monopoly cappers , ia the
ono great down grade of republican
life , which loads direct to an abyaa
where despotism rules absolute. Com
paratively it would not bo an evil , BO
far aa the American republic ia concerned -
corned , if half a dczan railroad kings
were disfranchised ; but It would be
the ruin of the American republic if
the suffrages of the toiling millions
were at the mercy or command of a
few unscrupulous capitaliots. So
much for the difference between the
suffrages of the few nud < iho suffrages
of the many.
Capital is avaricious and cowardly ;
the ballot should bo liberal and
brave. Therefore no political con
cord can exist between the two.
It may , perhaps , seem An exaggera
tion ia some to take thla advanced
view of the situation , but really it la
not , OB the aequel will show. Daring
the last decade the power of corpora
tions haa grown at such a rapid rate ,
thvoT conduct BO reckless and so deVoid -
Void of pauPtIflm ! and their will BO
despotic , that no uu9 can gainsay or
doubt the proposition , Q r railroad
system haa become a matter of stock
jobbing and robbery , " wild and fabu
lous , a political problem instead of an
ndustrlal enterprise , as it should be ;
i lid the result will prove aa dlsaatrous
o capital as it has been to labor , and
nero tco , unless an end is at oico
irnughtto that spsculative frenzy.
The fact la that our railroad system
s far in advance of the rooorda of the
country , not in carrying and producing
capacities , but aa to the relation of
our population and the vast extent of
our territory. Our agricultural cen-
ors have by scheming legislators been
lurlod away at breakneck speed from
he manufacturing centers , and the
esult is what we BOO , to-wit : That
he laborers In the manufacturing ceu-
ors , aa well aa the laborers In the ag-
{ cultural regions , are the victims of
hoao scheming men who have subsi
dized national legislators for the en
actment of lawa which not only made
: ho Godlike homestead law a sponsor
: Q the Immense land tmbsldlos which
hose Bohemlng men have secured , but
which has also placed labor at the
neroy of capital. Such a state of af
fairs cannot exist much longer , ere la
bor must , per forcp , assert Ua equality
with capital , and supremacy over ac
cumulated and ill gotten rlohoa.
Legislation must furnish the reme
dy , and speedily too , or a moro majes
tic , but moro terrible power , will.
It must bo undoratood , now and for
ever , that the fallacious sophistry of
railroad cappers , whether ponny-a-
linora or rellroad superintendent * , can
not forca the labor of our land in
chains. Tbo laborers of thla nation
rofnBo to moot railroad kings aa theli
equnla , in a political socae , because
ouch an equality can only ba debasing
and ruinous to the American repub
lic. Patriots on over meet patrlotr.
but railroad klnga have become ty
rants , and between the patriot and
the tyrant la thd lawl but if the law
la aot uaido by the oorrnptlve powci
of capital , beware for then there
may bo blcod !
To bo or not to be without St.
Jacobs Oil ia not the question ; 1
muet alwnjn have it. Without it I'd
bomiaurabk lo&l ; with it , I uu hap
py in my anfoly.
The Target of Malice.
SJ.ujler Em ,
Senator VanWyck Is made the tnr <
got for a great deal of political malice
on the part of thoao papers who&o ox <
pootatlona failed to materialize. Bui
for all this Nobratka haa never had i
moro vigoroos champion in the senate ,
* Mnny ladles who hnd scarcely on *
joyed the luxury of fooling well foi
years have been so renovated by usin (
LydiaPlnkham'o Vegetable Compound
that.they have triumphed over the 111
flesh la Bald to be heir to , and life hai
been crowned with the added chain
of a fresher beauty.
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
a , U033. AND IRON mnmi rirv , czaia
Oor. Farnam and 10th Streets Omaha , Neb ,
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
It fa the best and cheapest food for stock of any kintl. Qno pound Ia enual
to throe pounds of corn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Oak 0 in the fall nnd win
ter , Instead of running down , will increase in weight P bo in good market-
blo condition in the spring. Dairymen aa well as o .hora who HBO it can tea-
.tfy . to ita monta. Try it and judge for yoursolvca , . prfco $25.00 per ton ; no
shnrgo for sacks. Address
04-cod-me WOOODMAN LINSE . .
01L CO. , Omaha , Nob.
< & Co *
1301 and 1303 Farnam St. Cor. 13th
Association ,
Orders from any part of the State or the
Entire West will be promptly shipped :
111 Our ftoods arc Made to the Standard of our
Sole Agent for Omaha and the West.
Office Corner 13th and Barney Streets , Omaha , M.
WhiskieS !
in Bond 6r "Free , Also direct Importers of
Jobbers 'and Manufacturers of Fine
Agents'Tbr ' Jos. Schlitz1 Milwaukee Beer ,
Bottled atfd in Kegs.
214 & 216 8 , STREET , OMAHA , NEB ,
Carpenter's Materials
Stair Railings/ Balusters , Window
and Door Frames , Etc.
Flwt-olft 3 Iftdlttloe for the Mannfivcttire of all klndes of Mouldln a , Fainting and
matching a Specialty. Orders from the country will l > promptly executed.
RddresBailcommunlcatl nsto A. SIOYKH , Proprleto
1213 Farnam St. . Omaha. Neb.