Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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    * / " *
A [ t * ,
The Secret
of the universal success of
Brown's Iron Hitters is sim
ply this : It is the best Iron
preparation ever made ; is
compounded on thoroughly
scientific , chemical anc/ /
medicinal principles , and
docs justwhatis claimed for
it no more and no less.
By thorough and rapid
assimilation with the blood ,
it reaches every part of the
system , healing , purifying
and strengthening. Com
mencing at the foundation
it builds up and restores lost
health in no other way can
lasting benefit be obtained.
79 Dearborn Are. , Chlcnpj , NOY. 7.
I have been great sufferer from
a Ycryweakstomicliheartburn , an J
dytpemla in its worst form. Nearly
everything ] ate pive me dtitresi ,
and 1 could eat but little. I htv *
tried everj thlngrecommcnded.hava
taken the prescription * of A dosen
jh\sdan ! , but got no relief until I
toot Uroun' Iron Bitten. I feel
none of the old trbubles , and am a
new man , I am Retting much
tronger , and feel fint-rate. I am
a railroad engineer , and now make
my trip * regularly. I can not > ay
too much In pralio of your wonder
ful medicine. D. C. MACK.
docs not contain whiskey
or alcohol , and will not
blacken the teeth , or cause
headache and constipation.
It will cure dyspepsia , indi
gestion , heartburn , sleep
lessness , dizziness , nervous
debility , weakness , &c.
Use- only Rrown'i Iron Bitten made by
Urown Chemical Co , , Ilaltlmore. Croued
red licet and trade-marie on wrapper.
Evorr Corset la warranted satla <
"jvctory to itawonror In very -woy ,
or tbo money will bo refunded by
tbo person from whom It TTOI boueht.
. Bclr.A ] DitlD , 1.BO
) .00 , Knr.ln j 1.00
l > rewrTlB One cvatll ) .00.
Bklrt-Happartlnc , 1.00.
! T r ule by leading ll UII Uriler *
CHICAGO cons v co , , cuioasro , m.
i "By a tborouth knowledge o < tbo n tor l Uwi
rhloh govern the op r tlon ol dlgeUlon oi
nnlrltlon , and by careful application ol Ibi
flna propcrllo * ol well-i > lee d Cocoa , III ,
Rppi hat provtdod our breakfut tablet nlth I
d lloaUlyiavorod beverage blch may lave at
many heavy doctors' bills It li by the JndJclon/
Me ol tuch artlclca ol dlst that a cooitltutloc
May bo gradually built up until etroig cnouirk
to ictlit every tendency to dteoaia , uandredj
ol labile maladlec are floating around ni rtadj
M attack wherever there li a weak point. Wi
nay eioape many a fatal ( halt by keeping our
Mlrtt well lortlfled with pure blood and a prop
rly nourlihod frame. " olril Bcrrloe QaietM.
Bade limply with bolting water or milk , Bel
In tltu only ( t-lb and Ib ) , labeled
Homosopatblo Obemletu
11 < ial wly London , Bnirlan
If JaU t rHUGJ
JoU * dlltlfl Vltft nlKlit wrfrk to rti-
" tore hrali ner vr
Hop "sitters Irifit * UK Hoffljc
OlK-ttlior. If jou jcurjl ur ( Unrlpa rn | , . . . . tf JOU . * 1M
tire , or ln le , old or I , ynut K , tuTi rtrjjTrri
IKKir l rltli or Unpultli I jlnir J.I i , brJ ? C : >
atu. r lr on Hop ) 1 Blttur * .
Wliucrer yourr. -
nli D iTrr yon fcol . ill f r urn sonis
cu t yoor ijrr-- fonudt K loner
< o tluit nuKU >
inur tlmuiil . . .
without difpx'tat'r.i' , Jf tlranir 'iwQl
t h HOD McpEtter !
0. , I. O
and Irreili'b
ot ( t. llooil , HOP hi * cur , toi
< itrroin < nt > i UKVO' OJllVAL
You will fie toliaceo , cJ
cured It yoautt
Hop Bltt r
lfyoa * t Un- BoMoyercr ,
Ilr vr k niul
Iow j.lrlUdtry NEVER
tt < It muy
* < tv ( . your FAIL !
llf life. U hah
euved hun
t * T > neteO k
8TABLU1JK1) 1B 8.
1109 and HllDodjeBtieot ,
7-me 6m OMAHI , No ,
Progress of Japan During Last
Fluctuations in Ourrenoy-
Ilio Fiiilaro of Mlfislomxrlcfi Roln-
of Clilna nnd Japan-
Coitcsiondcncocl the San Franc'tcoCbroolc'e.
YOKOHAMA , January 13. The pant
year has boon ono that Ina satisfied
Iho husbandman bolter than it hao the
rjimchuiu. tropi tiaro bocn bountl
[ ul , but trudo and ootnuiorco have
boon ffllloifcd with etagnaUon. The
dabtor olasB have been tried aa by uro.
The pnpor ctirruncy of the counlry
has appreciated f rota an overage quota
tion of ICO to 128 ; Mid as all accounts
are eqanrud and liquidated nt the end
of the year , creditors have reaped n
rich harvest in the fluctuation. 'Iho
iffMB of the empire are in a hotter
condition apparently than they wore
ono yunr ago , The balance of track
Is largely in favor of Japan , exports
being on the increase , while
Importations have decreased con
siderably. There is no demand
for silver to ezort for | iottlomont ol
balancea , htnco the appreciation of
papnr. Given ono year moro of con
tinuance of the current of trade in
the direction it is now running , and
piper money will bo of equal value
with the allvor dollar , but m the pro
cess of equalizing the currency many
A debtor will go the wall. Extra
territoriality will have to bo obliter
ated from the treaties and all resi
dents of tin empire bo subject to ( ho
demand of the laws of the laud , or Iho
retreat of the larger portion of the
trading canmunlty will onsno. They
trill have to fold their tents and stoat
away for pisluccs now. This is so
pitrnt to the observing onlooker
that it is strange beyond degree
that the g'lardimis cf national inter
ests English , French , German nnd
American onuot appreciate the
problem and solve it nt onoo. It is
, ho faslionto assort that the admin-
str&Uon of Jap ncsa la\v ; where for
cign lntcr ? lo would bo in J optrdy ,
would result in Bpolittiiou ana ; u 'iolM '
lObfcay , yet it ! : U ftssertlOR Mid
eptcalatlvo vltuparatlon.
It in the ohamo of the times that the
foreign press of Japan hold firm In
their conctont attncko upon the gov
ernment and itu capacity , constantly
mpugning Us honesty and alms ,
thereby sowing the seeds of suspicion
and discontent in the minds of the
Japanese people. As censors of what
should bo , as well aa what is , it is but
natural that the Japanese press should
become tinctured with the teaching *
of the foreign proas , and oapeclally
that portion that is in opposition to
the government ns now established ,
and which is cliunnring for representa
tive government and the olootivo fran
chise. The foreign nrosa of Japan
sooma to bo poi&csaod with a spirit
that Is near being pestiferous , and are
constantly growling at the govern
ment. Ono exception there is in the
Japan Mall ; sometimes it can discover
that it can commend , and bucauno It
docs sometimes BO commond'tho other
papers charge that it is venal aud sub
sidized , and not at ull to bo conoldored
a reliable exponent of the truth.
"Tiino at loot seta nil things even ; "
time will Barely hrlng its rovongoa for
all who dare to be true to the dictates
of fairness ,
There is a dearth of current nowo
of Intercut It la lumonncid thai
Prinoo Hachisnka has boon given his
portfolio aa minister to Paris , and
that ho will leaVe for his1 post during
the coming month.
Admiral Ito will shortly proceed to
Europe to purchase n number of
toamors for the Kiodl Una Kwalsha ,
a now steamship company lately inau
gurated by the government.
The latest advlooi from Ooroa indi
cate that the government will have to
watch the movements of the people to
guard against being made the victim
of insurrection and avoid compllca-
tlsun with the treaty powers , aa there
Booms to bo Intense hostility on the
part of largo numbers towards the
foreign irruption that has been sanc
tioned by the king. It ia to bo hoped
that Christian nggreislon in attempt
ing to proaelyto the Ooreani may not
precipitate matters. It would bo
greatly to the advantage ot the for
eign populationa settled in the far
E st If all clerical and missionary
work were confined to the sphere
of the demands of the foreign resi
dents. ' The sooner the grand scheme
of attempting to convert the
peoples from their religious
notions can be abandoned ,
the better. This may seem ultra anil
conflict with the aspirations of the
churches , yet It must bo the candid
opinion cf all who have watched the
missionary operrtions In this country ,
The peoples of the far emit , especial I j
of Japan , are not untaught tavages 01
cannibals ; they have a religion thai
is founded upon a rock older than thai
of Christianity , but the bant ) therooi
is as broad and comprehensive a lo
needed for the structure , and the
todohlngi of its fonndora rs subllmn as
any to DO found inculcated by Ohrist
himself , and possibly the deviation
from the cardinal principles taught by
Oonfuclua and the Buddhists has iiol
boon moro marked than has happened
in the Christian church. Ono divine
injunction is not infringed by the people
plo of Japan they swear not at all.
No ontha are in their vocabulary ,
The extremity of tholr awoarlng le
reached when they call a man a beast.
They damn no man's eyes , neither dc
they cutso tholr God.
THE TWO ncuaioNS.
If an unprejudiced umpire wore tc
arbitrate between the religion of the
west and that of the far east , posslblj
ho oauld find as ranch to admire in thi
ono as in the other. It is a fact thai
the larger number of those on the
ground in thu far east look upon the
missionary outorprlse as a most tro
moudous waste of rollglona zeal
though a good thing for the mlsslonarj
who cornea to labor among the Japan
oso.There are those who assutt that the
relations between Japan and Chiut
a o strained to the verge of breaking
No doubt the wish ia father to the
thought ; bui those who nhould know
boat nro not aware of any suspicion o
( roublo between the two'govcrnmontfl ,
There is nothing to warrant _ the aa <
sortlon that trouble ia brewing ; bul
tbo Japanese , as well as the Onlnoso ,
are acting on the motto , "In time oi
peace proparo'for ' war , " The Chinese
have boon strengthening , their nayj
and the Japanese are about to do the
snmo thing by the purchasa of wat
vessels in Europe nnd the construe
tlon of others ia their own docfe
yards , X ,
Down the Mloaleslppl Tno , Neirrc
Roustabouts on n , Ootton
New Yotk Sun.
NEW OHLEANH , February 4 , Life
on a Mississippi Htoamboat ia monoton
ous. Winding in sinuous curves , the
mighty river flown through a ooono of
almost absolute desolation , There are
tbickota of cottonwood trees on both
Iho loir shores of the rlvor. Newly
formed bars are covered with a donco
growth of young trees not moro than
six or eight foot high , the growth of
the previous summer. As socn from
thu pilot house , the younft forests
standing on newly formed land pre
sent distinct terraced Unco , rising ono
obovo the other far back to the main
land. The terraces mark the annual
growth of the bar and of tbo trees
with which natnro socks to protect
the bank the river has created In
obedionoo to her laws. . At _ long in
tervals , plantations are seen on the
rlvor shores , At long intervals , ill-
built , foul-smelling , and dirty towns
are seen. At short intervals , on
cither bank are the shabby buildings
that are erected at most of the steam
boat landings. TheBo consist , generally -
ally , of a otoro and a dwelling
house ; occasionally there ia a email
Freight house , in which any goods received -
coivod for the planters that could pro-
sumab'y bo injured by lying in the
tnnd or being rained on nro stored.
Those landings usually belong tonomo
ieighboringprantation ) , and , if not
icoptby the owners , are rented toother
oarticji , who keep littloacockaof , cheap
goods and provisions nnd a foir barrels
) f mean whisky t ; trade fo the no-
; roos. Another source of revenue It
oil of 25 cents per bale of cotton or
leavy package , nnd 10 cants per hand
uckngo charged for every package
hipped or received. Many cf the
( Hiding whoee building ! would not
ell for $600 , rent for from $1OOD to
13,000 per year. .
Bick from the rlvor , behind the
ovee nnd beyond the forest line bor
dering the banks , are the houses and
cotton fields of the planter ? , Many ,
udoed most of thoao houses are far
inporlor to the farm houses of the
tforth , They resemble the summer
iqusoa built in thy country by rich
northern men. The grounds around
these residences are generally well
kept. Scattered broadcast ever the
laud are the negro cabins. These are
no longer built in long rows , as wan
the case in the days of slavery. The
now order of renting land to the no-
groca has necessitated the breaking
up of the plantation village.
The stories the pilots and boat offi
cials relate no to the swinging to and
fro of the river through the alluvial
soil , hero devouring land by the acre
and piblna by the score , and there
building up land and adding to the
acreage of plantations , are appalling
to men who have a firm bollof in the
stability of real estate At any point
on the river an old Captain or pilot
can tell , and truthfully toll , of great
cotton fields once cultivated over
where the boat la then moving. As I
atood on the deck of the steamer ,
watching a flock of wild ducks feeding
on a bar , a planter with whom I had
been talking touched my arm to attract
my attention , and when I turned to
him he\ said : ' < When I was 12 years'
old I killed my first bear on a new
plantation my father was then cutting
out of a forest that grow directly over
tho. waters of this bend , " indicating
with sweeping arm the waters wo wore
steaming over. Aitor n short pause
ho added : "That was a mighty good
plantation , and thete were n right
smart of bears there , too. " I looked
around In bewildered amazement.
There was a oottonwood-covered bar
on ono side of-'ho rlvor , and a. high
bank surmounted with largo oak trees
on the othor. I could BOO no sign of
a plantation. "Looking for the plan
tation ? " my acquaintance inquired.
"Yes , " I replied. "That 1,000 acres
of ootton land went Into the Mississ
ippi river years ago. Houses , cabins ,
everything excepting the personal
property slid into the rlvor and disap
peared forever. Those oaks" pointing
to the trees on the bank , " were two
miles from the river when I was a
boy , " ho explained , In reply to my
question aa to the valuoof the land ho
said : "When wo owned the nigger * it
waa worth 9100 per acre. " The loss
of property caused by the erratic
swinging to and fro of the Mississippi
foots np to an enormous sum.
During the season of ootton shipping -
ping largo steamers ply between Now
Orleans and "tho bonds. " The
steamers pool tholr receipts and dis
trict off the rlvor. The great cotton
producing region la "tho benda , " and
the largest steamers on the rlvor are
engaged in carrying the ootton bales
from that region to the expert port of
Now Orleans These steamers also
carry passengers. They are fitted np
very comfortably , and the boats are
far cleaner and much moro sweet
smelling than any of the hotels in the
lower Mississippi valley. These
stoamora are managed by black roust
abouts , who are hired in Now Orleans
for the round trip at a certain price
per day , which varies as to the cotton
crop. In prodnotlvo seasons , when
the prlco is satisfactory to the pro
ducer , and every landing Is crowded
with cotton b&les awaiting shipment ,
and every planter ia anxloui to eel ) ,
the boats are driven to thulr utmost
speed , and the work of the rousta
bouts It. most arduous. Then they
recolvo as high us $5 a day ; but the
usual wages are from $2 50 to S3 pei
day and board. The day is 24 hours
hng. A bout froitfittn ? from "the
bonds" to New Orleans during the
busy season carries about 80 rousta
bouts. Those men are armed with
cotton hooks , with which they handle
the cotton bales , two men to a bale ,
which they roll down the gang plank
and into the interior of the boat ,
where the hot air ia doubly heated by
the furnaces supplying hent to the
Immense boilers. The hold filled , the
ootton Ia plied , tier on tier , high above
the lower deck , and in some Instance !
on a lorol with the top of the white
oafi/ ( A largo steamer can carry
7,00tbalcn. .
On nil Mississippi rlvor steamboats ,
tho'clvll rights bill IB utterly Ignored ,
Snoh negroes as may doairo to travel
first-class have a cabin to themaolvoa.
iTho cabin la built on lop of the white
people's cabin. The uogrdea cannot
dritlk over the iinrno conutrr the
Trhltci U90. If they wish to drink al
the whlto bar they have to stand or
the dcokontaldo of the cabin , and the
desired liquor In pawed out of a win
dow to thvni Under no clrcnmstinccr
are they allowed to net their foot in-
aide of the whlto cabin , excepting to
RO to the office to pay their faro. In
the hold of the atoimer fa n bar whore
thu negro pitnengera and the ronaln *
bouta drink , The deck hands stnl-
wart men. They work under the di-
rootlon of the first mate , a whlto man ,
of oourtc , who has a gruff voioo and a
hickory club. They work on the jump.
They inovo on the ran. They are
iteadily sworn at , and the leant Biijn
of insubordination la promptly quelled
* < y the active mate , whom cotiatant
practice has made perfect in club ox
er cine. ThoBO mates are snappy ,
nervy men. Tney ate oftuu shot at
or otherwise injured by the negroet ;
but they iil ya "get away with the
nigger. " The cotton on a landlnp
atofrod on the boat , tbo gang planka
are raited by machinery , and , If
It is night , the electric lights nro
turned out , and the tired negroes fallen
on the cotton bales and are inotautly
asleep. Two , throe , , four miles , and
then the hoatso whistle of the atoamer
rpaonnds throughout the damp , heavy
air. Instantly all hands are on their
foot , alert and active. If It la night a
blaze of light ahoota forth from the
oleotrlo lamp1) , and all is light as day.
The boat swings to the shore ; the Im
mense gang planks are Iqwered. The
Instant the plank touches the land a
Bolumn of black men run np it , and
before the loot man has sot hit. .foot on
ihore the firat men are rolling cotton
bales down the plank. There la no
einglng over this work. The work is
too arduous to rejoice ovcv And
here , standing over thorn , is the mate ,
cursing and nervously owlnglng his
slnb in a suegaitivc manner not calcu
lated to canst ) a negro to burst into
sontr. The last bald on board , the
> lank rises , aud down fall the exhaust-
td roustabouts fast asleep the instant
.hoy 0trlko the cotton bales. Oh ,
low I pltlod thorn.
After the ntoatnor leaves Viokabnrg
on her down trip , no more largo
quantities of cotton are lakon on
joard , that district belonging under
; ho pooling .arrangements to other
joa.ts , The down trip is ono of idle-
io o mostly. There are A few mill
andlngs , where loan and apparently
empty bags are delivered to dirty look-
ng whlto men , the postmasters , pre
sumably. And there may bo a few
packages of merchandise or some
"plunder" belonging to black emi
grants to bo discharged or shipped ;
but of work thorn ienono.l [ | f After the
last landing above Now Orleans has
boon made , the roustabouts march to
the outside of the office to receive the
pay duo them for the trp. The bar-
tcocpor la in the office with his account
book. The mate is there with his
blmo book and' his club. Ho calls
through the open window , into which
many palra of jjblaok ojcs inquiringly
lee * , the name of the man on the
head of his Hat and the amont due
him. The barkeeper calla out the
sum the man owes him for whisky.
That amount is deducted from the
roustabout's wages , and the remainder
[ s handed to the mate , who counts it
bo satisfy himaolf that it is correct.
Then glancing at the negro whose
outstretched hand is thrust into the
office , ho drops the silver pieces into
his palm generally , accompanying with
a pleasant remark. Those mates
ibuiQ and knock the negroes about ,
aut hfj' see that justice la done .to
them , and they allow no others to
ibuie their hands. The negro grins
m reply , and hastens below deck. Ho
jlambors over cotton bales in eager
lasto to the moss room of the rousta
bouts , and there ho prepares to play
"craps , " the national game of Africa.
As the other hands are paid , they ,
; oo , eagerly clamberpvor the cotton
sales , and the game is at once begun.
"Oraps" la played with dice. They
are shaken in the closed hand , and with
a swing of the hand is opened and the
dice roll down the dirty table. Tha
; ame , I am aahamo to say , surpasses
; he mental power of white men to-
grasp. I met no white man who un
derstood it , and I utterly failed to un
derstand the explanations of the o-
groer. This la the more humiliating
M a "wild nigger , " fresh from an al
ligator awamp , thoroughly under-
itands the game , nnd plays it skill
fully. The edge of the fiery desire
that possesses all black roustabouts to
Zambia is taken off with "craps ; "
then Spanish monte and seven up are
indulged in , and the gambling never
ceases until all tbo money la in the
pockets ot five or six of the most expert -
pert Ramblers. Those men rush from
tha boat the instant it touches the
whaif at New Orleans , and haaten to
the lair of the tiger. When they es-
: ape from the clutches of that animal
they are penniless. The men are paid
uff before the boat arrives at Now Or
leans for the avowed purpose of
having them gamble and lose their
money , so that they will bo ready to
ahlp again.
Smoking is strictly prohibited out
side of the cabins on all atoamera
when they are loaded with ootton.
Preeminent in enforcing this rule are
the black roustabouts. Stories are
told of their throwing black offenders
Into the river for this wrong that endangers -
dangers the life of ov'ory ' person onHho
boat , The .negroes dread a fire I
suppose they realize that they would
have to stand back until all the white
people were rescued , and that their
chmico of escaping would bo very
small. I naked tha mate if his steamer
had over been on fire. Ho told mo
It had. I wai curious to know
how the blacks behaved in the
presence of so crave n danger ,
and inquired. "Well , " he replied ,
"tho lust fire broke out in the hold ,
canned by some dock passenger smok
ing. When the negroes caw the smoke
curling up from the bales they be
came panto stricken at once. They
rushed forward to where I was stand
ing , crying "Fin I fire ! fire ! " I shout
ed to the pilot to keep the boat in the
mlddlo of the river ; Ithen , turning to
the negroes , I told them they could
fight fire , roast , or drown. I clubbed
them Into oEedionca. In less than
two minutes we had the hose l Id and
four streams of water playing. I tool
nine bales of burning cotton out oi
- f 4
the hold and extinguished the fire in
lisa than ton minutes , How thoie
niggers bragged ! Whim they realized
that their lives depended on their
subduing the lire , they fought with
reckless determination. If the boat
had over touched shore , or even got
near enough to mtko the attempt to
swim to it through this cold water
probably successful , every man of
thorn would have loft the otenmor , and
aha would have boon lost. "
Tno mate left me. I wan alone on
the deck. I sat lute into the night ,
watching the waters of the river nwlrl
In tiny whirlpools or boll in vast Bub
bles , dark and clangorous looking I
1 stcnod to the myaterlons voice of the
flowing water calling loudly to the al
luvial tanks to rejoin the waters that
had created thorn , Obedielnt to th
colln , great ftlicuu of the bank would
fairly jump into the liver with a loud
aplaeh. I slept in my chair , and when
I awoke I was in Now Orleans.
/'actrlm'u Arnica titilve.
The DIET SALVJI In the world { or Gntn ,
Urnlcon , Sore ? , Ulcurj , bait Rbcwn , l' .
vi r Sores , Tetter , Chapped Hands , Ohll
hlalne , Goran , and all nkin eiuptlone , nud
pcritlvoly cut pa piles , It IB grmriutocd to
, Hvo eattatuotfoo i ttiuoy refandoi ,
1'rloe , 25 ointi p r ex , Jor M ) * hf 0 ,
" Qoodm-
Bo Disinherits a Favorite Grand
daughter Bacaueo < 3bn Married
a Poor Youug Man.
ATLAKTA , Ga , Feb. 8 "I have no
mawor to make , " was the sententious
reply of dan. Robert Toombs to a
messenger who handed him a note
from his granddaughter , Mm. Galley
In which aho naked the privilege of
visiting her grandmother , Mrs.
Toombs , who is Ilkolyto die at any
moment. Mrs. Galley , neo Miss Cam-
lllo Dubois , was the general's favorite
grandchild. Mrs. Galley was raised
in the same neighborhood in Wiles
pounty Between him and Miss Gam-
illo love developed , ending ! in an en
gagement. Oalloy was poor , and this
was a mortal sin in Toombi' eyes , and
ho forbade communication between
them. Ho read his will to Miaa Cam-
lllo , in wnloh she wao remembered to
the extent of $00 000
' I will make it $90 000 if you will
break off this engagement , " said Gen.
Toombs. The lady offered to remain
single during her graudfathor'o life-
time. Growing violent , ho declared
if she Intended to throw herself away
on a poor man he would give her 48
hours to leave his house , This broligufc
matteis to a. Oriata which Mr. Galley
and Mlts Dubois Settled by getting
married Immediately. Gen. Toombs
at Once disinherited her , and refuses
nil communication. The young coup
le are applauded by the community.
Gen. Toombj is blind in one eye , and
the other is almost out. An Atlanta
oculist la to operate on him next
Durkoo'a Salad Dressing , a ready-
ma ; o , rich and delicious dressing for
all salads of moat , fish or vegetables.
Cheaper and infinitely bettor than
homo-made. No sanco equal to it.
Concerning the Prices , Hlzo and Style
of the Charmed Circlet.
From a Chat with ft New York Jeweller.
Are wedding rings expensive ) Well
no ; they vary In price , but the dearest
of them wouldn't break a comparative
ly poor man. This is the cheapest wo
h < tvd , fourteen carats and not very
thick , and it only coats $4. This again
is the most expensive I have in stock ,
weight tolerably heavy , yon sec ; is of
the finest gold used for manufacturing
purposes , twenty-two carat and costs
$15. Seems almost too heavy to wear
doem't it ? Bat a ring that would gall
and weigh down a woman's finger
wouldn't be unsuitable to oome mar
riages after all. Yes , I sell quite a
few of the cheaper ones. You would
naturally think that as a man only
buys one , or at most two such articles
in the course of his life , ho would not
mind spending a few dollars on it ,
But that's aonordiuR to how they feel ,
Some men aren't overburdened with
sentiment. Why , a man bought a
ring in September hut , haggled over
; he price , and chose one at $7. Day
before last Snnda y he came' in and
wanted the size altered straight way.
He was dressed in mourning and look
ed like a Iwell-to-do clerk. He ex
plained that his first wife had died in
November , and he was going to bo
married again on Christmas day , aud
is the ring was "hardly worn" he
thought it was no use buying another.
Rings are broader and heavier than
they were thirty years ago , but as a
rule the purchasers' choice is guided
Eretty ranch according to how the lady
jela about it. They say that in Eng
land the thin , old fashioned ring is
coming in again ; but in New York , as
C Bay , the ladles , mostly prefer a rather
broad and heavy one , and before mar
riage , anyhow , a man generally is
guided by bis future wife's inclinations
trad everything is done according to
how aho feels about it.
deeply regretted that she was so color
less and cold. Her face was too white ,
and her hands and feet felt as though
the blood did not circulate. ' After ono
bottle of Hop Bitter's hod been taken
she was the rosiest and healthiest girl
in the town , with a vivacity and cheer
fulness of mind gratifying to her
Free of Cost.
All persons wishing to teat the merits ot
n great remedy ono that will positively
euro Consumption , Coughs , Colds , Asth
ma. Bronchitis , or any affection of throat
and lungs are requested to call at
O. V. Goodman's Drue Store and get a
trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption , FKSE OF COST , which -via
show you what a regular dollar-aizc bottle
will do
Tables supplied with the boat the
market aliords. The traveling public
claim they got better accommodations
and more general satisfaction here
thau nt any other house in Omaha ,
Ilttto , ffl pnrdftv. augSltfm
Uado frorr the wild flowers of the
it la the moat fragrant ot perfume.
Manufactured by H. B , SUvon , San
Francisco. Foraalo in Omaha by W.
Whlretinuae and Konnaia Bros
Go ,
A. combination of fro *
tortile of Iron , 1'crntlan
Hark antll'hosphorttain
a palatable form. .For
Debility ZOM of Appe
tite , JL'rostratlon of fitat
Tower * it itintllipen <
. . . EEV.J.Ii.TOVTNEB ,
BBV.A.I.HQB3B Writcg X
-r /
THONTONIOI.t After fxthbroURhtrlalofthoX-PURIFltO/ 3toplott8nroX r/vvr # > _ , „ _ . _ , - . . , isays-
In nttittaff that I have beonyVlT Ftmni , , I1 consldop ,
KreaMy onoQtcd by Ito / U I J II R | U / o. most excellent remedy foe
uao. MlnlBtora nnd PubDUWUU tbo debilitated vital forces.
lie Spoakora will find It
of the croatest value
where n Tonlo Is nccoo-
sary. I recommend it
aa a rollablo remedial
OKcnt , posaosalnp un
doubted nutritive and
roatorntlvo louUrillt , Ay. proportloa. , Oct. 2 , 1882.
Window and Plate QJass.
& GO. ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
Fire and Burglar
. ! 020 Farnham Street ,
' "
Is only attained by using
Stoves and Banges.
For Bale by
] nllm&el
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near TJij on Pacific Depot , - OMAHA UIB
Painter&Paper Hanger
Window Shflos aufl Gnrtains ,
aints , Oils & Brushes ;
Bonth I Utli Dtreot
fj ! UT * * AM dfeJI hdPp
Flrs-Ulass Gaining and Trimming , Bepalrlng Promptly Done
1310 HarneTi'Oor. 14th ,