Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 20, 1883, Image 6

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The Daily Bee
council BLUFFS !
Tuesday Morning , Fob 20 ,
BT Carrier , - . . . . SOcenttpet weeli
By Mall . . - - - - tlO.OQperYtai
Offloe : No. T Pearl Street , Nea
Broadway. _
Felix Blti , of Carson , will be more Fc
Hi when be marries Mlu Ethellnda Dur
Louis * Tunkle , of Keg Croak , will gi
to the Klrchhofl whoaeothor ) name Is Her
m Q.
Amell * Oldway , of Silver Greek , go
permission to become Mrs , Julius Stroh
bebn yesterday ,
Wllhelm LawBon of this cHy and Caroline
line Kelson took out license to marry a
the city clerk's office.
US John 0. Kliwick , of Carson , and Mlm
RhodnJ. Durham will also marry. 'XI :
likely to be a double wedding.
Ihe general agent of the 0. H , I. &
V , , Mr. S , S , Stevens , returned Sundn ]
from beyond the Kocklea with ula wife.
Mr. J. C. Barnard , of this city , diet
yesterday from paralyils at his residence
on Neguster sheet , lie was elxty-thrc
years old.
Dawn towards the transfer the water
cover the street railway in tome places
canal boats can probably be put on if th
flood comes np.
To watch snipe shooting by th
Council BluH'a kids Is one of the pastime
of the city editor on bit dally rounde
Some of them are becoming ( | ulte expert
A brace of coons interviwed Judg
Aylesworth jesterday , nnd discussed th
question of Internal revenue on whisk ]
The judge thought S9.GO the fair thing o
what they bad drunk.
M. V. Faluth , of Garner , an ol
farmer of 71 years , asked leave of the clt
clerk to wed the maiden of bis cholc <
Mrs. Charlotte Yost , of Harrlton oountj
r The biido Is sweet 64.
Wo noticed work being donj yesterda
on upper Broadway on the banks of Ii
dlnn crook. The intention Is to prevei
any more good Council BlufTa real oatal
moving off to the gulf ,
A meeting of the Central Labor link
was bpld yesterday at the Knlphts of L
bar ball and a temporary organization o
fected. This society is a ropreuentath
one from all the different trades ,
Hon. lUohard Trevelllck leclursti o
Organization , ita Hlttory and Neccsiit
at Bloom & Nixon's opera houie on Tuc
day , the 20th Inst. , nt 8 p. m Admits ! ;
10 cents. Tickets at OHmore's news stan
512 south Main street. A crowd In e
Wo called on County Treasurer Be
nett yesterday and found blni huilly e
gaged In the tank of collecting thnlcvy I
this year. It amounts to $35,000 , and
not uotnlnK 10 rapidly M last year. 15u
per cent remains uncolltctcd of the torn
levy , and that is almost exclusively p
Bonal tax that la beyond the postlbllity
_ _ collection.
A little snow-bird with brokou wli
bedrngijed with mud , beating Its life i
in a lake of water on Main street attract
our attention , Just as wo were wad !
out toward the poor little outcast , ft I
snarling cur sniffing around In the vicln
got onto the scent , nnd the wretcl
waif waa despatched before our eyes ,
shall carry a revolver for days hereafter
The little globular morganatic exor
oence over the way Is excited because
are not charmed by bad nlnglnp , wo
acting an In stable loft theatre. Ser
but really now , do you dare to place tl
covert insinuation in actionable type ,
it Is true you may with Impunity , If It
not you are a libeloua liar , Heat ?
It is proposed that the city Rive I
preient high tohool building to the b
pltal association , to bo under the surv
lance of the municipality. Some asu
that this cannot be legally accomplish
as the building was erected by the sell
fund , and It cannot be diverted from
original use. The hill is too much
children to climb , and It Is thought tha
hospital it would not make no much
ference. At present the matter lies
abeyance ,
Louis Meyer visited the office of J
tlce Vantchan to answer the proiocutloi
the state for grand larceny , at the a
plaint of Fred Bokempor. The cbargi
grand larceny waa withdrawn and p
larceny oubatltuted. The arraigned pie
ed guilty , was fined $5 and costs and
default of cash will count the cobwebs
the county jail for forty-eight hours
"Well , " said the reporter as he stro !
into Police Justice Sahurz' * court i
thrust his muddy boots upon the 1
stand , "do you grant divorces hei
"Veil , " raid the genial Judje with a C
Fretzel twinkle in his eyes , "what do ;
want to know foi ! " "Never mind , "
joined the reporter , feeling In the jud
vest pocket for a cigar , and fishing u
pool check. "What I am after is , do ;
grant Wt" "Dot , " observed Mr. Schi
with an apologetic glance at the \
check , "dot vat taken from a gambl
"Ye > , I understand , " pursued the repoi
_ severely , "but how about this severing
the b nds of hymen1 "Haf a mate
Insinuated the court , "dor I.h ai ) crlrul
business up here tills morning. Come
to-morrow , any day , some other da
' * "Look here , " exclaimed the reporter , "
lq you down easy to-day. Are you a
latlon of Carl Bchurit" "Carl. Carl ! "
aald reflecting. "Y s , Carl Schurz , Ii
rlor Department Schutz , friend of N
and intimate with George W. Curtis
Harper's Weekly. Now you have
"Ob , ya , I know him now. Vby , he
no relations at all. Vhy , blew your si
young roan , dot Carl Schurz was a cl
See the fmo lot of Llneu and C
ton Drees Lawns , at Harkneaa , Ore
& Co.'a. 2
> Ve notice the Marriage Fund , Mn
Trust Association , of Cedar llaplds. Ic
highly spoken of in many of the lew
paper * of the state. "Money fortho
snarried" beads their advertisement
another column of this paper. f C
. J3t. West , Deattat , 14 Featl str
' . , A '
f A- , ,
Ho Fltoa to Hto Highlands A Obasi
Through the Qlons.
A reporter waa sitting in the polio
nation last night about 1 o'clock , re
clinlng in nn easy chair , when in cim
a hlgblyoxcllod man , who ( want
cd a policeman to go down to a ehant ;
near the Rock Island depot and arroa
John Roderick , who waa organizing
little hadoa of his own , boating hi
wife and throatonlng to cxtorpato th
whole family. There wore also twi
ether suspicious men hovorinj
abont the promises of Roderick
who , though a well digger , Booms t
hat o never found tenth oven at tin
bottom. Thrno policemen , Taylor th
informant , and TUB BEE reporter no
out on the tramp. On the way Tay
lor informed na that the favorite til
version of thia eon of Bollal waa kick
ing hla wife and "slugging" her will
hla flits , nnd that ono time when ah
hold hla hands to prevent him froti
hitting her with his fieta ho had reach
ud over and bitten a piece from he
arm. Aa wo came upon th
ihanty cki up to the blulla bad
of the Rock Island depot , the roporte
caught sight of two men running nvra ;
up a wooded ravine back of the houao
Ohnso waa given by the entire corn
man'd , the reporter and the pollcomo :
clambering np the ravine , while th
other two men made a detour aronm
n spur t , ? cut thorn off. Thonnow wr.
throe or four feet deep in the glonntu
brushwood and loga obstructed th
way , but the party pressed on an <
routed the quala ! from cover , junt ii
time to run them on to th
ether party , who ordorad there
o halt , and on their running
hey fired two ahota , whioh onf
purred thorn faster. The puraul
opt.on for over a rnilo up into th
Sluffa , over fallen timber , pluogln
into treacherous snow drifta wit
roams of water beneath , falling Int
rush piles , until at laat the wear
flioora were compelled to desist. Th
lllalna know their ground thorouttbl
nd arc up to trioko , but if the polk
ou't catch "em in two weeks the re
rtor la a'chump and no mistake ,
John Raymond , accused of bni
; lary , b breaking oponaealoon noa
ho 0. and N. W. depot , and donatin
t coat to hlmnolf , was cleared on th
ihnrge , before Jualiae Abbott , Rover ;
witnesses swearing that the unloon wi
ipon at the time. The atnrdy judf
hen ordered information for larcon
o bo filed against John , and findir
t A oloar cast ) , gave him ton Julia
nil cssta , or thrco days in the oyuu
arnvanaary. John took the latto
making nowslty a virtue. Flo h
ilready boon in jail alncu Fobrua :
, hird.
Wo were told In a whisper by those wl
nght to know that "sutliiu' now" w
develop in the Tonnoy burglary caao
o next very few liours.
The ease of the State VB. "Or.
Logged Sulllyon , " before Jnstlco A
bott , yesterday , rcuultcd Inadlaumi
of the oaao for lackof , cvldenco u
an allotment by the court of prccisi
fourteen hundred and forty rainul
in whioh to reduce the population
Council Blnfla by ono.
, All goods very cheap at the gri
aalo at Harknoaa , Orontt & Oo.'a.
Young man or woman , if you want
money for a email amount , Ineuto in
Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust Assi
ation , Cedar llapids , Iowa. 5- !
"Ho Turns Upon Them. "
"Sport" Miller , a dooroplt old b
black of this city , waa "pursued 1
night by a crowd of young hoodlui
who delight In torturing him.
last Sport fired hia boot box at the
and disabled ono of thorn by a BOV <
blow in the back. The police hi
ngaln nnd again warned the boya
coaao abusing the poor old follow , 1
it Booms that thla last warning la I
moat effective of all.
If you are not married , wrllo the M
rlage Fund and Mutual Trust Assoi
tlon , Cedar llaplds , Iowa , for clrcul
Qxplaluing the plan , f6 !
* A11 ladles who may bo troub
with nervoua prostration , who BUI
from organic displacement ; who hi
a seuao of weariness and a fooling
lassitude ; who * are languid in
morning ; in whom the appetite
food la capricious and sleep at pro
hours uncertain , uhonld have recorj
to Mrs. Plnkham'a Vegetable 0 <
pound ,
James O. Day , from Sidney , la at
A. B. Williams , of Glenwood , is at
Ogden ,
12. M , Stodman , vlriting , stops at
rl F. E. Hopgood , of Chicago , Is at
u Ogden.
Thos , J. Savage , Boone , \a at the Og
Martin Oberfelder , Omaha , was at
Ogden yeiterday ,
Ottumwa is represented by Martin 0
feldor at the Ogdon. *
0 , E. Hoyt comes from Sterling , . '
and eats at the Ogden.
Wlngeland , from the city cat
Sioux , Is at the Pacific.
A. J. Kaln , from Philadelphia , Is st
ping over at the PaolQo.
"U. J. 8cottwlfe and Uld.DesMoIn
is Inscribed on the Ogden register.
v F. A , Naib , of the St. Paul & Mlln
kee , Is back to the Bluffs from bis cast
J. A. Kolllns , of Omaha , Is over in
city , and purposes moving < to this side
' the mammoth Muddy.
S. T. French , of this city , U expe <
home from Loadvllle this week , where
was married on the 15th inst , to one of
Colorado belles.
Mr , II , W. Tiltbn leaves this week f
trip east , lie will vlelt bin mother
Jauesville , Wit. , take a peep at Chic
and perhaps extend his tour still fur
toward sunrise. The present city ed
In considerably la debt to Mr , Tilton ,
much so that he is looking toward repv
tlon as the only pouible escape ,
t , lerlouily , we shall have to'alwayi'counl
predecessor as ono of our valued friends o
the "press gang. "
A Mammoth Institution.
For some time past the half-pagi
advertisement of Van Brunt , Thomp
son & Oo. ban boon the moat consplo
nous feature of TIIK BHK. Thia firn
la doing a business of a msgnitndi
corresponding with the space they oo
cnpy in our advertising columns , Thi
Bennett block , a magnificent bricl
and atone building , with 70 foot frontage
ago and four floors , near the corner o
Broadway and Bancroft streets , i
filled from collar to roof with the varied
riod and extensive atock of thla firm
But thla la only a part of the array o
agricultural implements , wagons nn <
buggies kept on hand. A number o
largo warehouses , located near tin
Northwoatorn freight depot , am filk'i
with the goods of Van Brunt , Thomp
eon & Go. The office" are large
airy and convenient , and from morn
ing until night the pripriotoia nro ii
attendance on their customers.
The .goods handled are of the mou
approved and latest pattern/ ) , made b ;
th * loading manufacturers , and full ]
abreatt of the times in nvory respect
The dealers in this line of good
throughout Nebraska and Iowa am
pointn adjacent will find it to thoi
advantc t ) to open n corrcopoudonci
wfth thia firm.
Mental depression , weakneRB of th
muscular eyntcm , general ill-health
boucfuted by using Brown'o Ito ;
Telephone Troub o.
The working of the telephone lin
between Oonncil Bluff * and Oman
the greater part o ! the limo in oxccrs
bio. Ita operation la attended wit !
difficulties calculated to fit the oditu
for a cell in the penitentiary and th
clergyman for asoat _ in congress , It
biography is a chapter of profane hti
tory. Ita buzzings. muttering * am
rumblings , its maddening uniutclll
glbility , ita provoking reiterations
and finally lie a&toundtcg incoheronc
what ore they all but the advahc
agents of moral destruction. A tele
phone looks aimplo , innocent , unol
fondlng. Itcoetns to court converse
tiou , A deaf rnaa glances wistfull
at Ita oar tubo. Ita general coritoi
and tout ensemble invites your coi
fidonco. But you have a mei
sago for a party in Omaha. Yo
prance up to this masked battery wit
an air of nonchalance ; yon twirl tb
rnodoat llttlo crank that rings tlio bel
and dtftly solr.u the car trumpet I
receive the nnswors and pleasantly r
fleet on the achievement of 19th co ;
tury acioncn , und the ocatatic blosad
noaa of living at prcoldoly thia porloi
and poaseDsiug o 'phone. Thla tyi
paunm is suddenly shocked with
most fiondieh combination of amatei
violin practlco and aavr-fillng ; it seer
an though the entire central oflic
balteiiov , operator and nil were oh a
ing up and down the labyrintha
your head. When you catch yo
breath the central oilbo h ohriokln
"Hollo , " in a pungent , opigrammal
atylo that nearly upsets you. Yi
gasp your order , aud the oporat
yells back , "What d'yo Bay ? " .
thla point you probably make a pare
thotical remark and your ordi
There IB n whizzing and fizzing for
few inlnuton and you hear "H'l
coino aoroca the rlvor like a anowb
wrapped in rod flanno ! .
Having ulroady haa some expo
enoo your BUtnmon yonr larynx np Ir
your month , and a requisition for yc
diaphragm and fire your ponotta 1
"flollo'v into Iho instrument , i
answer , again , allont a < a narcophag
Then yon ring up the central and 1
fore you reflect that a lady ia liatonl
employ Bomo unparliamentary expr
sloup. But the central in bland a
dnlcot tones informs yon that there i
BO many wiron it causes "indaotlc
and that the ouporabundanco of ozo
In the utraoapburo , the "traction '
the olootrlo light after dark , olcato
oiootura ; all of whioh are about to
obviated , occasions thu irregular )
complained of. Then you go back
the'phcuo nd ring tni bo low tl
policeman atopo in eagerly and a
"whoro is the man that ia making
that racket , " nud "thu man in
next office won't aland it any longc
The two little rhlning balls of nto
allow your fixco on thia convex aurfi
twlatod llko a harlequins , and rod c
flamaugo , and jnat ut thla time yi
frlond over in Omaha wakoa up to I
realization ot the fact that you w
to commnnlcito with him aud bog
to ring the boll and ahrlek over
10 wlro in a wild deiuonlaa style , nnd
central ofliuo cnti in and gently a
"if you are not done talking" and
whole universe Booms to be concent
ted on ouo weak mortal standing
abject helploaauoiB before a 111
wooden box with a funuol to hla
and becoming pain fully a ware that
aforcaald funnel nlvoa him the pppc
anco of a one-oared acsis thia a fey
oy ekotoh.
Oomo oh ! thou doubter aomo fo ;
nil-lit into our sanctum and enjoy t
10 felicity of convewlug with yi
friend ever the Mlatouri a
Omaha "only five miles awa
Money for the Unmarried.
One of the moat tolld and tubatan
Institutions in tlili country is the M
rloge Fund and Mutual Trust AtandatI
of Cedar llapldn , Iowa. They are'orij
ized under the laws of Iowa , aud their
ficora and directors are among the
and moat prominent business men of Ce
Kapids. Every unmarried person aho
have a certificate in thia association.
It ia a splendid investment , aa safe a
government bond. You can Just as v
have a good sum of money to ooinmei
married life on aa not. A large nnmbei
members have been paid off , receiving o
300 per cent on their Investment , \Vi
for circulars fully detailing the plan , wh
ia the finest known. Da not postpone
Good agents wanted. Mention where 3
saw thla notice , f5-3m
Tbo Topic of Talc ,
ir "Aro wo going to have a aprl
> f flood ] " ia the favorlto query in i
Bluffs thcao days. "Wiggins has vi
glod his last , Yonnor no longer Is v
noratod , and the sinking heart of <
property holder turns In anxiety fr
the Associated Press dispatches to' '
* weather "Indications , " aa they
are now called. When
er manda a aenatorlal investigation ,
hopes are llko the aunrlao In Oaucaa
sent but wHer Secretary Lincoln col
enggests a' ' ourt martial , hla thormt
nt oter goes down the grade llko an ic !
ur down the sohoolboy'a back. Wl
18 Main Street and 17 Pearl Strcot.
J. M BABSTOW , M. P. . Cor. Cth OFFICE St. and : Ctb Avo.
° E : Oor. Main and Dth up-stalra.
FIR IF WHITE OFFI f + * t . * \st * * * * * * * * t > t t t t- * y * * K
Residence , GOO Willow Avonno.
HQPUIID7 Office after February IGth , over' American Express.
for funorala at roaaonablo ratoa , No. 22 4th St.
Whocsale luttcr , ( gt * , poultry aril frolt. Slilptoin. Drnflby return m lf < 310 Broadway.
Broadway FMcat Market , 327 Broadway.
HDCnTLIVRDSTlPEi I , The beat Moata at lowest prlcia.
rj a/B / ITU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7th and
Cr OlVil I 111 Broadway. Plans and specification ! ) furnished
Wlflf uH nlflMNi that brings patronage. 124 Main street.
, and lleaaouablo Cnargoj. 872 Broadway.
Household Supplies , 303 Broadway.
Practices in state and federal courts.
Mann'f Fine Farnlturo.Upholetpry gooda
.jCurtainaand Window Shades , 309BVay-
Bargains , Bargains.
Ladies' ' Misses' ' And Children's
Men's and Boys' Boots & Shoes ,
' 3Q .A " 2TS.
would modern aooloty do without- , the
lally forocHstipg of the elemental
Nowa C01H08 from KAiiaas Olty that
.he river is breaking up nt that point.
"If flho does that , we nro enfe , "
oald a Routlomari at the Ogden ;
"but If aho givea out at the
Yellowstone we'll cat oh it. " Mayor
Bowman observed that he had never
had ao inuoh nt stake boforo. "How
much ice have you in your Ice house ? "
asked THE BEE. "Over 4,000 tona ,
and If the river cornea up there will
not bo ft scrap of It left. " "Will the
high water , if like the flood two years
ago , interfere with the waterworks ? "
"It wlllaurronnd them , no donbt , bnt
the capture of the works ia not so cany
for they are built far above any chance
for serious damage. "
The great distinguishing feature of
RoiMlng'a Jluasia Sal.o is Its power to re-
: m"so Inflammation
Of How It Strikes -him.
Oouncil Bluffs ought to be a happy
town. A number of her "peace"
I'8 magistrates have been arrested for
' 0 keeping up a bloody fight In court and
, a disturbing that which they have aworn
ks to preaerve. Oakland Acorn ,
llo "Bloody fight" is good very good ,
tl ai Poloniua would any. Great naka
: lo from email acorns , ot > ks ia
00 thla caao to be translated romances.
i a Oh , no , brother Nut. Our judges
JO may bo violent , but they are never
sh sanguinary. Take a change of venue ,
nu came ever into our jurisdiction , and
he we will warrant yon the fiuu shall bo
ho imposed with as anavo a grace OB
ka ChestorCold posaeecod.
ho Oonncil Bluffa is preparing for an
a- other inundation on a magnificent
in shn gets UD everything aho
does. McDonagh't Watchman.
ar Our friend Me. is a prophet or noth
lie ing. If ho had lived during the reign
ir of Noah ho doubtless would have sat
on the roof of the ark with a prognos-
tlcator in ono hand nnd muae-io machine -
JV chine in the other aud foretold each
la day's weather the day after.
Constipation , liver nnd kidney dis
eases are cured by Brown's Iron Bitten -
ton , whioh onriohea the blood , and
strengthens the whole system.
Ullly Bound for the Bluffa.
"Blllyjho Kid , " which moans the
kid that took a band in the Touny
ar burglary , has been arrested at Slonx
Ida Oity. Oflicor Morao loaves to-day to
a fool Billy's pulse and If his state of
ce health will permit to travel will bring
of him down to share the bounties of
to er Oonncil Bluffs' hospitality. Thus ono
toh by ono the roaes fall and their perfume
it.U la wattod abroad. Ono hundred twen
> U ty-five dollar's were offered by Mr.
Tonny $50 .for the men and $75 f ° r
the plunder.
_ - Diamond Dyea for family
nao have no equal All popular col
g ors easily dyed , fast and beautiful. 10
n cents a package for any color.
m FOUBES-GUAVKS-At the Omaha
be house , Ogden , Utah , February 8th , by
Kev. lllchard Hartley. Charles F.
Forbeu rf Lafayette. Ind. to Miss KUa
* u vft udinjcbio AUUfi H.
Graves , of Council Bluffa , Ia
"I Have Been Afflicted
" with an Affection of tha Throat from
ly childhood , caused by diphtheria , and have
used various remedies , but have never
found anything equal to BnowN'a Baox-
OHIAL TBOOUES. " lln : O. M. F , Uamn-
at ton , Fifrten , v , , . Sold only In boxes i t
Our New LiCmu and Improvement O
Investigation into the matter coi
vlucen ua that ono of the most equit
ble , reasonable and feasible plena
building homes' U that proposed at
in operation by the Mercantile Loa
Trust and Improvement company
thia city. By investing in elmres
this institution , which is backed 1
some of our beat and most reliat
business men , it becomes possible ci
comparatively easy for a man of mo
erato menno to secure a oomfortat
home for himself and family. In ta
ing a certain number of shares , nt
certain monthly payment , in a fi
years a man can own a hou
of his own for about the aama
ho pays monthly for rent. V
believe the Mercantile Loan and Tru
company , by organizing and oponii
np for business , having filled a lei
felt want in Oonncil Blufft. The
plans and system of loans will bo
the most cnrofnl ucrutiny and exat
{ nation , and vre have nu hesitancy
pronouncing them reasonable ni
equitable , Mid backed by gentlemi
of honor and Integrity. As the coi
pauy exists it becomes at once an i
stitution of value and credit to o
city and those who desire home
Their president is T. A. Kirklan
vlco president , Judge Peako ; se
rotary , I. 11. Beery ; treasurer , Ot
Beebo , and their office in in the baa
mont of Shugart's and McMahor
new block , corner First avenne at
Pearl street jan27-ly
NOTICE. Special advertisements , boc
Lost , Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Ho
Wanta , DoordliiK , etc. , will bo Inserted In t !
column at the ow rate oi TEN CKNTU Pi
LIHK ( or the first Insertion aud FIVE CEN
PER LINE ( or each subsequent tneertli
Learo mlv ertlsemonU at our office , Mo ,
I'earl Street , near Broadway.
Everybody In Council Bluffs
WANTED Tm B , 20 conta pet week , c
Ilvurcd by carriers. Office , No 7 Pearl Btre
near Broadway. _
For Sale and Rent
QTOHE FORKENT-Wlth eight loom > . c l !
O > d a barn , 823 Filth streo , oppoilta t
oundry. Inqulie ot W. Ebgcl. Fe012-12l
" 17011 RENT Iho desirable offices lately occ
X Pled by the board ottrft'Jo. Apply to IJua
nell & Drackett. _ tl
BEE3-ln packages ot a hundred at 2
a package at Tin BIB office , No. 7 Pei
street. u
A N office , moit advantageously ltuated , ofle
\ _ deik room In rtturn lor fcrvlccs ; gas , fin
eta. , furnished. Address , "Olllco , " li offic
Council Blufls.
Dr , J , Meagli8r , = Qoulisfc , Aurisi
In Chronic diseases , off ia his senlcei to all
dieted with dlntases of thKKye , E r , or Ohroc
dlMoses ot any character , NVarrrnta a cure
ail Rheumatic adoctlons Cft * be connnltcd I
mall or In penon at the Ue opolltan bolt
Council IlluPj. Io a. _ .
L , EV.niHCHAM & GO. ,
Chlcaco nnd Milwaukee.
Oomlgnmenta olOialn , Beedi and PrOTtllon
"WINE OF CARDUl" cures Irregv
lor , painful , 01 ; dillicult meustiu'ation.
A Specialty of Fashionable and ? ' :
Men's ,
We ask the attention of the public. Our
plnco it )
And tho'c Is where jou Kill Uaj3 fine ] us.
412 Broadway , Oonncil Bluffr , 1
West Side Square , Olarindn , j
Bryant Street , ono Door north of Dohiny'a Hall.
Thermo-Bleotric , Medicated and Sulphur Bathn.
For hdlcs and gentlemen. Thcao B.ith ? are fully cnJo Bed by the Mcdlcnl Fraternity M being an
unfailing autll'a y In rec nt Co'ils , Hntuniatiem , Neuralgia , Lumtago and many other ailment *
IJcdidcs , my wife , R competent lady , will attend ladles. F. M. LOOK WOOD , Propr.
( Sucteascra to ERB & DUQUETTE ) ,
and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bluffs , Ia ,
Now Stwo " " , Fresh Goods , Xow Ptloea , Polite Attendants.
Firat Door Fast of tlio .CdetMcolitan Hotel , Lower Broadway
fcta lyfottKtli .
Y ii "J" 6 S * iffit "NJ" < Ch E * * 5 B tftt U"
1 n L t TITI A G1 ffl isF ! S E.
. . > "V / 'f. o- f 2 : 35 % -i ? < J cn > CL. ! ' . .J1-
and Lots Bought and Sold.
M. T. DAVIS , Pre.-idenf. N. B. E ASTON , Secy.
J' . 0. tlOFFJlAN.Yicjl'res. 0. HULBURT , Adjuster.
Insutes Live ' took Against Loss by
Offlor. 103 Pearl lltroot ,
The only company in Town that will insure
yonrtrncknenlrmt Jots f'onisny cause what ever.
Owiursol Sto kw ill consult their own IntcroU If.'whcn
Insurlni ; thcli Stock , tnty a r tl.a tin policy IrcludMall
'liu josacs th yinay liatv , unlVusa Istlrdnitli nothing Ic * ] .
For Imtlicr Inforrua i n call oa or address
* - * * ? *
337 Broadway , Oounoil Bluffs , Iowa
Shugart Implement Oo.3
113 and 115 Slain Strtct.B
! For Engines , Boilers , OaatiuRu , Repairs
SenA Qrflora to JOHN GHiBRRT , Manuf'iofcurBr ,
Corctr Main Strtet and tjth Avenue , Cuno'I ' Blurti. IVojin' attention . to crJcri. / ! ' *
' end KfusonaWe cVartei. 10'ly
v n. u. ram.
inoa. orricn. , . . .
il luffs , la.
Established ! . - I8ee
.tclfcchain. !
Dwltri In Foi Pi ndDom ]
ad hoiai Mcniltl * * *
' . " ! ? JV.TQC3EI KS. S
ThoDncst qualltr 'J largest stock west Of
Chlcazo ol W oodeq and Metallo Caacs. Calls attended -
tended to t all \VedtfycompetitlonIn
] lty of goods cr price * . Om lit. Morgan haa
/adcrujceror forty years and thor
oughly W ,3tand * his business. Warerooms ,
311 BrcadMupjioLsTERiNo | n all Ita
to ; a'so carptt-lay