Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1883, Image 1

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. ' '
A Day Wasted in Useless Work
by the Legislature ,
Woman SuftraRe in the Senate
and Bogus Railroad LOR-
iulation in the Honae.
The House Railroad Committee
Charged With Smothering
Important Bills.
Which ia Indignantly Denied
- ' < and a Demand Made to
Take it All Back.
The 'Wliolo Formtae a Pathetic
Fnron for the Cuppers
Special Dispatch to Till UBR.
LINCOLN , February 1C. It will boa
blesoing to the tax payer of Nebraska
when this legialaturo adjourns. Its
work to day shows that nothing ia to
'bo expected from it except jobbery ,
Tha senate frittered awfcy nearly a
whole day in the frivoloua debate over
the dead itaue of woman unfiVago , aud
the house outraged decency and dis
graced itself by its shameless disregard
of the popular demand for the aboli
tion of the present system of railroad
assessment and relief from extortion
by restrictive railroad legislation.
Nine-tenths of the legislature plodded
their aaorod honor bsforo the election
to carry ont these needed reforms ,
but , recreant to this trust , they bavo
not only shirked their duty , but
added Insult Id injury by duviaing a
railroad bill through the cappurs of
the house committee that has not i *
single redeeming feature. This bill ,
amended in unimportant pavtlculaic ,
will in effect simply take 812,000 out
of the treasury for a bogus commis
sion that la to guthor statistics moat
of which are already embodied in the
reports of the United States commis
sioner of rallrosda. No provlnlou ia
made far a reduction of pas
senger or freight rates and
no relief la affoidcd from
logalizad highway robbery by
monopolies in any direstiou. In tether -
or words , Nebraska ia to submit for >
nearly throa years longer to the ar
bitrary and rapacious exactions of I
railroads. Trne , there is decided op
position to this brazen attemp t
legalize the plundering of < the people '
for three yeare longer , but there is a
lamentable want of leadership and |
' ' ' '
b-jok-buno'irHSBTiaUser' TOiolow ]
with the exception of Robborta , ton ]
all actively enlisted in the railroad nw
terest. Speaker Humphery , Blorbow-
r er , Grout , Whcdon , Field , and even
ft Holman , are obstructing every effort
to redress the grievance that
caused the anti-monopoly revolt Inai
fall. While the republicans must bear
the responsibility for the failure of
this legislature to redeem iti pledge ; ,
there are more rotten democrats in tit
according to their number than thcro
are republicans. These democratic ,
jobbers and monopoly stool pigeons )
have shown their baud at every sta o.
They vote for nearly every job and
steal , and are always ready to sustain
Humphrey and hia gang of republican
monopolists in opposition to any
measure tending to limit the exactions
ions of railroads. After patching up
the house railroad bill , Robbarts moved
ed that the senate bill to
fix maximum passenger and
freight ratea which had been
referred to tho. committee \ a
railroads ba returned to the house
to-morrow morning so as to give an
opportunity for itn consideration.
Mr. Robborts In support of the reso
lution charged the railroad committee
with koepinc important bills from three
to four weeks so that they could not
bo properly considered by the houeo.
The reference to the committee , was ,
in his opinion , an effjrt to smother the
bill. Whedon roao in high dudgeon
over the impntatiju that redacted upon -
on any member of the house. It was
the first time during this session that
any ono had boon charged with wilful
ly impeding legislation , and he
requested Robberts to r his
motion and the record be expunged
so that future generations , when
these members are dead , should inot
Impute bad motives to them. Grout as
chairman assured the house that ho
would expedite tha matter , but could
not cay when the committee would bo
able to act. Robbarta finally
consented to have the record 1 ext -
punged. This dramatic Incident created -
atod considerable of a sensation , , but
* oy down deep among the rlngatera
it was regarded as a pathetic
farco. The Grand Island membei
who supported the capital job had th (
satisfaction to-d y to have his bll
louating a normal sohool at Grand
Island defeated by a vote of 41 l ? 22
In the senate the capltol lobby hove
succeeded In securing a majority re-
pirt fayorlng the appropriation. Tht ,
minority report , adverse to the bill
will be handed In to-morrow.
6po Ul Dispatches to TUB 11 i.
PARIS , February 10. In the cham
ber of dcputioA , Marcou , reporter of
the committee on the expulsion bills ,
road thu report aad demanded linme-
diato disoncslon. The minister of
justice said President Grovy , on ac
count of iho illuces of Falllaros , had
not yet accepted tbo resignations of
thi ) ministers. The cabinet , Doves
said , was ready to place itself at the
orders of the chamber. FJoquo An
nounced ho wruld accept' M a basis of
compromise , Senator Bnrboy'a pro
posal rendering princes liable to ox-
uutaion by dvcreu of thn preoideut.
Thu genural debate then closed.
Proush , republican , then mo\od that
Senator liaiuey's proposal , > rlth a
mod fic.Uion placing the princes uudcr
Im f py , Instead of depriving them of
thur military rank , be accepted ;
adopted -342 to 182. Freppol pro-
raited in the name of Ahao and
Lorraine agaitiBt expulsion of the
heirs of these who ( \dvancndtho | pro
vinces to Franco. Gen. Thlbediau ,
minister of war , promised after the
senate adopted the bill , if auch should
bu the can , ' , ha would uxplaln the
courco the government proposed in
rccaid to the princeu
L France reports thu r.rroit , of LD-
Polhtier , director of llu Credit de-
LONDON , February 1C In the
houeo of lords Wolistlcy took the oath
and neat amid ohoers.
In the dotato on the address in
reply to the speech from the throne
the Marquis of Salisbury ( conserva
tive ) complained that the quoon'a '
spoeoh did not a tat a when the last of
the British troops would quit Egypt.
Ia regard to Ireland ho said great
credit waa duo Eirl Spencer , lord
lieutenant for hia administration of
affiira In that country , but tbo
measurer. rolaKvo to Ireland , which
the government had introduced In
parliament were failures.
Erl Grnnville , secretary of atnto
for the foretell department , said the
criticisms of Saliabuiy were bated on
gooaip siud after dinner spoechca.
complainn cf neodlcsely iritating
prison inloa at Kllmalnham.
My lords and gentlemen , I nm
hapiuy to ntato that the Improvement
in tlio Eoctel condition of Ireland ito
which 1 referred in December con i-
tinues. Agrarian orltao is sensibly
dialniohod , and the law Is everywhere '
upheld. Measures will bo promptly
submitted to yon for the establish !
ment of a court of criminal appeal for
pi eventing corrupt practices and per
petuating and amending the ballot
act. You will also be Invited to con
sider a proposal which will more :
effectually secure to tenants In England
and Scotland compensation for agrl-
cultural Improvement. You have
provided in recent years by a liberal
devotion of your time for the most
nrgent | needs of Ireland , and claims
on general legislation and other paris
" nr
will bo able to deal with some tf the
legislative wants of Ireland for which
provision has not yet been mado. I
rely upon your energy and prudence ,
and beseech Almighty God now , as
horutotore , to bless your labors.
I qrd Northcoto waa cheered ffhilo
onterlug the House of Commons. ho
speaker road a letter from ! b ,
declaring that the hou < so having refus
ed to heir him or hia constituents uho
should p"rcaont himself and do all the
la-v required In the endeavor to sit aud
vote. The Marquis of Hartington > ,
secretary for war , eaid the government :
would introduce at ones bill authortj
ing members to Imako affirmatione.
Aajhoion Cross stated he would oppoao
the bill aa strongly a poaaiblo. The !
speaker read a letter announcing the
arrest of Hoaly. HartinRton said the
privileges of a member were unaffected
by such an arrest and the government
would not therefore move for a com
mittee of inquiry. Parnoll moved the
appointment cf a committee and hone
claimed Honly was imprisoned on account
count of hia ability.
The attorney general opposed Par-
nall'o motion , contending that In cases
of crime the government left. the
menibars to find c , remedy elsewhere
than In the house.
Justin McCarthy and O'Donnell ,
Irish members , spoke In benalf of
Heiily'd offenno. The chief secretory
of Ireland said H-'aly'a offanse Will
ono of a moat serious character , con
sidering the condition of Ireland.
Gorst , a conaarvatiire , complained
that the gnvA/Aj-nt / hai given no
o Jrv j n o
precedent tur It"4 f n. m In regard to
Qoaly. The attorney gononil had
ouly quoted an antiquated caio from
the days of the Stuarts. The cao o
Healy , Gorst raid , ehould be treato
aa that of nn EaglUh member of part
llamont would bo. Parnoll's motion
was rojacted 353 to 47.
Parnell gave notice that he would
introduce a bill amending the land
.instln McCarthy gave notice that
ho would introduce a bill to abolish
ho Iriah vice royalty.
BERLIN , February 10. The au-
horitlos of Bayrouth unanimously
decided Wagner's funeral will bo at
, ho expense of the town.
It ia still doubtful whether Reich
stag will assent to Inoreaso military
For a few days past there hove i been
rumors of on impending conflict with
the crown.
The progrosaUtb1 organ , The Trib
une , ceases this week.
Except the Bordan question , in which
ae still upholds the United States
Minister Wallace has arranged for
settiement of all American claims.
PANAMA , February 1C. Foreigr
residents of Guayaquil have requestec
, , protection on account of a revolution.
The American gunboat Essex : and
French and English ships , have boon
ordered hero.
nro reported on the isthmus and in
LONDDN , February 1C. The speak
er in reply to Neudegato , taidtho resolution
elution of the lant session against
Bradlangh was not valid this Botsion.
The Matqala of Hartington mid it
was the burtlnoaa cf thohonfto , not thu
government , to nttoud to Bradlangh'a
BERLIN , February 1C. The prcsj.
dent of 'Uoiobstaa gave an account of
the fund for ths relief of sutFerora by
the inunditlon In Gornuny , mention
ing the amount received from AmcrSOE
ica and olsowhoio. Herr Bernmth
asked that the house express ilinuks
for thocovco.o \ donations atnid loud ap
plause , which the president naidho re
garded as an expression of thanks by
the house.
In the senate Doves , mltmtor of
justice , introduced the bill proposed
by Senator Barbey , rendering princes
liable to expulsion by decree of the
pronidont of ttio republic. The mo
tion for urgency was granted and the
bill at once referred to a committee.
The Star Rnuto Informer
Special : Dispatch to Tim Dtn
WASHINGTON , February 16. Ker-
'doll contlnuod hij to tlraony In the
atar route trial to-day. Witness t a-
tified that a lot of blank nfiidavits ,
letters , etc. , wore abstracted from his
desk , and S. W. Doraoy waa the only
man except hlmsoll who had n key to
his cfiloo.
Morrlok , ono of tbo prcsncutora for
the government in the case , Bfcld to a
correspondent : "Whon Rardell
pleaded guilty to-day the bottom
dropped out ot the cane , BO far as the
other dofondantH uro considered. I
had an intimation yesterday that User-
dell wanted to bj used ta u govern-
roent wltnoeH. and I declined to ac
cept him. I told his counsel that I
would have nothing to do with him
unless ho got up in court and pleaded
guilty. Ho thought this over laut
night and to-day did so. The devel
opments that will be raado before he
leaves the witness stauu will convince
bverybody , and will most undoubtedly
result in the conviction of Brady and
Dareoy. Ha knowu It all nd vrill tell
It. Wo know onouxh to toll the moment
mont ho loaves the truth , should ho
try to do BO , though wo do not thli k
he will. His ovltlouoo will corroborate every particular , nd these
two , with the record nnd other evl-
deuce yet to bo preseiitod will form a
chain complete in pvoiy link and con
vinoing ot the puilb of all of the de
Th Tribune on Senator Miller-
Special Dispatch to TUB UKB.
OUICAQO , February 1C. The Trl-
buno saya : "Senator Miller , of Call-
tornia , had his ox gored on Wednea-
day. Despite Us remonstrances , the
senate maliciously put a tax of 75
sonta a ton on coal. A largo part of
era n o riuVortod. MiB OS
protested. He thought this not fair ,
lt was unjust. It is not. It Is the
same way wo protested when tnlssen-
ator from Callaornia voted to tax
every fanner , workiogman and mer
chant of the tretsleEB states for
the , further enrichment of a sw
lumbar bnascB , but Mr. Miller an
thought . that taxes were fair. It did
not ( touch him or these ho represent-
od. This country In evolving a now
opocicH of Btatounon , whoso only atari-
dard | of action is ho niirowod aelfr
interest. The constitution Iws some
thing to any about levying taxes for
the general welfare. These protec
tionist bouses act co if they thought ;
these \7Q-da of pleasant sound referred
to ( the name of ono of the forgotten
horos of the revolutionary war "
The "Wires DcmoriH ntion.
Special Dispatch to TUB 11 .
OHICAOO , February 1C. The Western -
orn Union oilioera hero say tho. do-
moralizitiou of the wires is now com
plete , and extends from Buffalo nuto
Omaha , and from St. Paul to Cairo.
Tfto poles themselves are washed
away in some localities , and the preva
lence of a fog causes such a rapid ea-
capo of electric fluid and Buch induc
tion that where the wires iv-o Intact
buslnesa can with difficulty ba done. >
Speedy relief Is expected , however ,
and the ntmoophoiic conditions are
Improving in the west. The tempera
ture Is lowering , being zero at Cheyenne -
onne and only 9 above at Omaha.
There ban seldom boon so long and
continuous a prostration of the wires
aa during the paat two or three
A MallRnud Ponslon Agent
BpecUl Dispatch to Tun UBI.
WASHINOTON , February 1C .
Hood , appointment clerk of the Inte
rior department , eald to-day that ho
hod received a number of letters in
regard to charges acainst Pension
Agent Cox at San Francisco , the
great majority of them being In favor
of Cox and In denial of the charges
that there was any crookedness done ,
or intended. Ho said Dr. Cox's side
of the case waa n thorough denial of
the charges , and if there was nothing
else received Dr. Cox would remain Indo
Heavy "Wool Sales ,
Eid l Dispatch to Tin UH.
BOSTON , February 1C. The aalo of
nearly five nnd a half million pounds
of wool a week ugo was regarded 1 aa a
very heavy week's busiaess , but > It
was known that a great deal was sold
between dealers. There was a good
deal of anxiety to BOO if the move
ment continued and if consumers
were disposed to buy on a market
which had advanced two cents a
, pound. There has been little or no
trading between dealers in the past
week and yet sales have again boon
very large , nearly four and a half > f mil
lion pounds , with advances in prices ol
about ono cent and sales have been
. . almost entirely to manufacturers ;
lianco the wool has gone Into tiao.
Voting the State in Boot
i All Eternity ,
Explanations for Record of
Senatorial Votes on the
Railroad Bill. ,
Topographical Division of the
Proposed New Deal of Judi
cial Persimmons ,
Some of the Hogs Wbo Hope
to Feed Ofl th * Miscellane
ous Appropriation Bill. '
A Lively Skirmish in tka Homo
Over Ilio Unllrond Bill. _
Sped Correspondence ol The Boo.
LINCOLN , Nob. , February 10. Ypur
correspondent ovorhosrd alittlo con
voration In which Oapt. Lee , of Fur-
nan county , participated. The Captain
said : "We are voting thlsstato' In/debt
to an oxtout that will cnrao all
eternity. Nebraska will never so6 day' ,
light again , aho will never be ; oul' < if
debt. " ' 'Yes " said "I
, thither , no-
tica that THE BEE ismaklngthat kind
of a charge. " "TiiE BEE ? " said Jho
Captain , "Damn THE BEE. " From
this it must bo apparent that the afore
said BEE and the captain nro not , on
the boat of terms , aud it la moro than
probable that he has been voting vfOr
the stoats mentioned and his course
has not boon endorsed by that news
paper. If * ho captain can reconcile
his couraa with the atatomenta hero
made , wo will turn him over to his
constituents and let the reconciliation
toke place in the county of Fnrnas.
In the sonata yesterday the senate
resolution by Brown , of Douglas , pro
viding for the admission of an amend
ment to the constitution allowing
women to vote npon the suffrage
amendment , oamo up in the commit
tee of the whole , and occupied hall
the afternoon. Brown , of Douglas ,
spoke ia favor of the rceolu
tion , and Ex-Govorror Butler spaki
an hour and a half or two houro..koap
lag the senate Insosslon till 7:30 : p. m
Senator Deoh also npoko at length in
favor of the resolution. McShano
Sohocnholt and others opposed it , Before
fore a vote was reached tbo committee
arose , and the senate adjourned. I
is understood that this resolution vrll
comoup * gain to-day.
When the vote waa , reached yesterday
day npon the sonata railroad bf" ' *
following explanation's of Votes
sent to the secretary of the Donate tha
they might be made a matter of ro
Senator Klnkald. I believe tha
this' ' bill is not the best .whichcbal
havebaen _ offered ei'por rdC coul'u
bo passed.
Senator Connor. I do not believe
this act will meet the just oxpecta-
tions of the people. Its provisions
are not complete and ample onou-h
: o properly restrain aud control rollm
road corporations , but , bellevlnc ; It
will bo impossible to onset moro thor
ough legislation of this character al ,
this session of the legislature , I " " '
my vote in favor of the act
Senator Brown , of Douglas In ox
pltumt'on of my vote on this bill , I
wish to sa that I entertain crave
doub a respecting the constitutionality
of sections five und sovonteor ; yet I
am constrained to rcsolvo thcao doubts
in favor of the bill , trusting that the ;
bill , should it become n la * , will bo
Instrumental in correcting tbo gross
abuses and unjust discriminations as
praoiced by the railroad companies
doing business in this state.
Senator Butler. I deaire to aay , in
explanation of my Vote , on this bill ,
that the railroads of thla etato were
"aided , " as it was called , in their
construction by subsidies from the
national and state governments
to an amount exceeding their cost to
the companies , that I am convinced
that the freight rates of such roads
OB now and heretofore charged by
such companies , are largely in excess
of the amounts necesea.-y to piy a rate
of profit on the capital invustod equal
to th j average earnings of invested
c pltal In this country. That by
means of such charges the companies ,
are now taking from the people of this
state an aggregate sum of between
thirty and forty million dollars annually
nually , aud the enactment and en-
forcemantof the provisions of this
bill will reduce said charge by about
olght mllliono annually. I therefore
vote "aye. "
Senator Reynolds -In explanation
of my vote upon the pasrago of this
bill , conato file No. 14 will soy that
whila I do not think fhis Is the best
bill that might have luen formulated
by this senate , yt 1 do believe It
wiu bo of great ben. fit to the people
of this Btato aud It being a beginning
of the solution of this great question
which moro than any ono other BUD-
jeot Interests the gtoateat number of
the people of this commonwealth.
Therefore I vote "aye. . , , . , .
The conaidoratlon of the bill divid
ing the state Into ton judicial dis
tricts , having been made a epeoUl or
der for 10 this morning , at that hour
the senate went Into the committee-
the whole to consldur the bill , and a
lively fight woo opened all along the
lino. Juet before 12 o'clock the fol
lowing division was agreed upon :
First district : Gage , Johnson , No-
maha , Pawnee and Itloharducn
counties. _ . .
Second district : Cass , Lancaster and
Otoo counties. , _
Third district : Douglas and Sarpy
countloa-to , have tw : > judges.
Fourth district : Butler , Oolfax
Dodge , Platte and SannderB counties.
Filth district : Adams , C ay , , Fill
more , Jefferson , Saline , Nuckolls and
. Tbayor counties.
Sixth district : Hamilton , Hall.How
ard , Morrick , Howard , York and Polk
Boventh district : Bnrt , Cedar , Cum *
Ing , DikoU , Dixon , Madison , Wash
ington , Stanton , Knox and Wayne
counties and the Omaha and Winno-
b go reservation ) , and unorganized
territory north of Knox county.
Eighth district : Franklin , Fnrnas ,
Dandy , Hitchcock , Harlan , Kearney ,
Pholpa , GtBpor , Rod Willow , Webster -
stor , Frontier , Ohaso and Hnyos
.Ninth district : Antclopo , Boone ,
Nauco ( Grooloy , Holt , Valley and
Wheeler counties and the unorganised
territory north of Ouster and Holt
counties and went of Holt and
Wheeler counties , and comprised in
the no * counties of Brown , Cherry
and Loup.
. .Tenth ' district : Buffalo , Sherman ,
h'weon , Ouster , Keith , Ohoyonno ,
Jnooln and Sioux counties and the
norgatilzod territory north of Kolth
ad Lincoln counties and south of the
ofr/county of Cherry.
But as there was some llttlo con-
: ovorsy over the proposition allowing
10 governor to appoint thonow judges ,
ao 6dmtmtteo roau with leave to sit
gain to consider the bill. The cllvis-
on of territory ia all settled however.
, ,1 < t hero I would like to remark
ia't the mlEcellancoua appropriation
ill is n darling , and the party that Is
resbbnslblo for It * paisago will have
licj 6hcik of a Buatrioo pol iticlan If it
vet' asks a taxpayer of this state to
oto Its tiokot hereafter. To shut the
ruonthn of the country proas , It do-
tb ' a small sllco to each of
ho'ra ? 35 for printing the gov-
ruor'e suffrAge proclamation. Of
oarao The Liucolu Journal is Included
n.tho list , for no steal Is too magnl *
icont and no case of laroony too
potlt" to receive consideration at its
lands. It gives Boss Stout $2.000 for
onio imaginary change In the east
wing of the capltol. The olg'jra and
iliatopsguo utod by the state ofllcors
n their patriotic campaign against the
Omaha rioters , and for which payment
wai refuaad at the extra session are
now to bo paid for in full. Si Alex-
/vndor wants $50 for a pleasure ttip teD
D < mvor , aud several noted lobbyists
are allowed onms varying from $10 to
J500 as "sheriff's foes" during the late
senatorial campaign. The men who
rmreuod the Minden murderers in
iopo of getting the reward for cap
turiog them , now want nbout $2 COO
for failing In tholr speculation. Thin
mUcolhnoouo bill is ono of the worst
of Us Kind nnd moro than half of the
items are downright stoats.
Spechl Corrcipanil.noo ot The From.
LINCOLN , February 10. Thoprln
clpal business done In the house tills
moiling was the consideration In the
oommlttoo of the whole of the rail-
raid commission bill.
A very lively discussion took place
anti'numorounamondmontsworo ' ; rrmdo.
Thobill as It now stands provides that
the ( secretary of state , the auditor and
tie/milrer ahall constitute the board of
/ * _ . . . tea
ixpensaTof the board , toward , of
31ay , made a motion to have a section
ti.v fixing the maximum rales
jut it was voted down. Steadwell
TBS of'the opinion that it would borer
inconstltntlonal , on wo had nc power
to delegate the fixing of rntoa to any
rothorbody. . Ho looked upon the bill
as a very expensive way of providing
lo do nothing. Nattloton thought ;
three cents n milo would ba n paying
ralo. Neville Bald they had no moro
right to fix the rates of railroads
than they had to fix the price a
fanner sliould sell his corn
Jensen ogreod that wo have * no right
to fix the price the farmer should loll
com at , but ho pointed out that the
railroads virtually have that right
already , and the people have to pay
the prlco the railroads eoy corn shall
bo sold at. ,
Howard urged that If the railroads
made a throe-cent paseongor rate ,
they would bo moro than amply compensated -
pensated by the increased passenger
travel. . . . .
Franso knew of roads that charged
only four cents a rnllo , whereas the
expense of running these roads was ac
tually eight cents a mllo.
Paynn admitted that there might bo
some roads that could carry passengers
at three cants and barely make their
expenses , but ho was certain on some
branch lines in the state they did not
make their expenses even with a four
cent rate , aud even if the rate
was doubled , they would not make
tholr expanses. Uollman favored , abe
graded schedule. Gray did not < bo ,
Hove in a graded rate. Ho belnSyqtt
in a uniform rate all around as i the
sparsely populated sections pf the
state could as illy afford to pay
higher rate as the moro densely' ' P'- H
latod. Ilobberta voted against the ) bill
as he looked upon It as doing nothing
but provide lucrative offices.
Rftinoy made a motion that the
bpard"BUonld consist of Marquett ,
Pnpploton and Thurston. Franee
amended to have Ilosowator substitu
ted , Both the motion and amendment
wore JUBW.
The bill wan recommended for pan-
ssge by a veto of Cl to 3D. The com-
mlttoo did not adjourn until past , ono
o'clock ,
Aooldont In a Mine.
Speclil Dispatch to Iiii
A , nni.i
OHIOAOO , February 10. epoclal
o The Diily News from Jollot says
amlno at Braldwood , a mining town
twenty miles south of that point ,
caved In and imprisoned 75 men. A
subsequent ilspatch to the same paper
saya 45 of these minors are dead.
Tinkering with the State Debt
Special Dl p tch to Tun Ui. .
NASHVILLE , February 16. A caucus
of democratic members of the jeglsia.
tare , last night , adopted a motion to
Insert 3 per cent as the rate of Interest
est on the etato debt proper.
. .
eSp Senutor.
Sp cUl DI > Uh to Tris UK. ,
DKTIIOIT , Fobrnsry 10. Onto-aay
ballot for senator Ferry received 13
votes out of 108.
The Japanese Indemnity Bill
Agreed to by Both Houses ,
Sections of the Tariff Bill Dls-
ouoaod and Acted Upon
the Senate.
Being Confined to Grades of
Iron and Imported Wines
and Liquors.
Rerdell Turns States Evidence
and Qivea Away the
Whole Gang ,
Other News of Importance From
Sprttal Dlsjmtch to Tim Imi ! ,
, February 1C. The
conference report on the Japanese In-
domnlty bills wna presented and after
discussion agreed to.
At 2 p. m. the tariff bill \vas taken
up. Thu pending question was the
amendment offoroa last evening by
Mr. ' Conger , providing for a dnty of f
half a cent per pound upon charcoal 1
iron advanced in iron manufacture be
yond pigs , in addition to the duty on
Iron made with other fuel.
The senate proooodod to consider
certain portions of the bill which had
been temporarily passed over.
Senator Jonas moved to reconsider
ho vote by which Section D , pro
viding that In respect to all articles in
, ho sugarsohodulo act shall take effect
April 1st , 1883 , had boon agreed to.
The motion to recontidor WAS lost
28 to 20.
Senator MoPhornon moved to take
up the paragraph ombraclrig Iron ere
and Ipyritoa. Ho moved to make the
rate on foreign ore ono dollar per
ton. Motion lost 18 to 36.
Senator Conger moved to make the
dtity 75a per ton on iron ore , includ
ing maugaulforoun Iron , but nut on
pyrites. Loot 28 lo 33.
Senator Mitchell moved to make
the rate GOJ n ton. Loit 27 to 30.
The amendment made in oomtnittoo ,
of the whole In relation to the duty
on sulphur ere .is pyritoH or sulphate
ofdi iron was agreed to 31 to 2-t. The
duty on card clothing was rnudo 25o
per square foot.
Senator Bock moved to amund the
paragraph embracing wlnco , brandies
nnd other splrltous liquor imported in
bottles by striking out the proviso
laying an additional duty of 3o on
aoh bottle. Last 25 to 27. The procc
vlso was adopted in committee of the
whole ; on motion of Senator Allison as
ar amendment to the salt paragraph.
arIt provides for refunding duties paid
on imported salt nsod in curingjnoats
- trnuainr r. - - ? nt
mlttoo of the whole TTA adopted , providing -
viding that imported salt In bond maybe
bo used in curing fish taken by voa-
sola llcenaad to engage in fisheries ; OSIn
ourlnjj fish on the shores of navlgiblo
waters of the United States , under
such rogulationa as the secretary of
the treasury shall prescribe ; that upon
proof of the use of Bait for either of
the purnosea stated In the proviso , the
duty shall bo remitted. The section
preacriblng the oaths to bo taken by
importers was adopted.
All reoorvod piMgrapha having
boon diepoaed of the bill was open teen
amendments generally.
At the house evening session ,
Bnxge , Diwcs nnd Wheeler obtained
leave to have printed in The Record ,
tholr remarks upon the Fiiz JoImPor.
tor bill. ,
The house resumed In committee .
the coneideration of the legislative ap
propriation bill
Special Dispatch to Tux lUit.
WASHINGTON , February ! ti . TVTi- .
Hiscock , chairman appropriations com
mittee , said this evening that ho may
ask the house to finish' the legislative
bill to-morrow. Ho deemed It im
portant to send It to 'tho Donate itnor
mediately. Probably within two or
three day .
Tha appropriation oammlttoo will
aek the house to lay aside the tariff
bill and proceed as rapidly ns pos
Bible with the remaining ition
inuibjllfl In view of the near expiration
of congress they cannot bo longer
i Mombcio of the republican commit
too of the houdo have had ono confer-
ouco with the senate caucus committee
' roepectlug pending tariff legislation ,
with no rault. A member of the house
committee slid this evening that he
| did not know when another conference -
once would bo held , if at all , and
In his opinion , prospects of any tariff
legislation by this congress are ox-
tromoly dubious.
In the executive session of the senate
ate to-day Edmunds called attention
to the alleged abuse of privileges on
the floor of the senate by lobbyists
and others , who , through the indulgence
dulgenco of senators , boon In the
habit of obtaining cards of admission
ostinslbly as secretaries. With a view
of correcting the evil Edmunda _ In '
troduced the following resolution.
"Ordered , that no person shall be
admitted to the floor ns private auof °
tary by a senator until the senatoi
appointing him shall certify that . , Ir
, writing to the Bergeant-at-armo tint
. ho is actually employed for the per
forraanco of duties of uuch : rotary
- and Is engaged in the performance > o
the samo. " After dlsouseion of theo
resolution it was referred to the com
mittee on rules and ordered printed
. The department of agriculture n
ports the results of the statistic
returns' relating to the comparative
quantity of the presort crop that
as a whole - > aotu , waa unusually
favorable , Kotnrns are nearly unanf *
mous in declaring this staple longer
than usual , whiter and comparatively
free from trash.
, WASHINGTON , February 10. The
senate committee on foreign relations
have agreed to recommend , and the
house oommlttoo on foreign affairs to
day authorized a joint resolution to
glvo notice of termination of tha
fuhorlos article of the treaty.
Senator Grover to-day presented in
the senate , memorial of the Oregon
legislature aeking an appropriation to
pay additional oxpou&eo of the Indian
war of 1855 and 1850 in the territories
of Oregon and Washington. Ho also
presented a memorial asking for the
Incorporation cf the Nioarangna canal ,
nnd General Roaocrans presented in
the houBo to-day poiltlono of dealers
of mines of San Francisco , pskltm for
extension of the potiod of holding
spirits In bond The palitiou nays
that the neglect or refusal of. congress
to pass the bill asked for will ruin
many houses In the wino trndn and
bring widespread contraction if credit
and eight months' consideration of the
The conforonoo committee appointed
laot Houston have agreed on the differ
ence between the two houses In ro-
gard to the Japanese Indemnity bill.
The aonato refused to pay the in
terest , while the honso wanted to pay
the interest and principal. The agree
ment reached provides that only the
principal shall bo paid. This IB the
greatest potslblo disappointment to
those who have boon urging the pan-
sngo of tha bill for so many years and
cmo of the loading lobbyists of the
bill said to a oorretpondont to-night
that ho had boon wonting for eighteen
years to not the bill pa sed as his fee
wan contingent npon securing the in *
torest. Ho said "I
, am to-day having
given eighteen yoara of work to the
damned bill and got nothing In re
turn. " As there was a number of
others , who depended npon the in
terest for their fees. There Is mnch
WASIIINOTON , February 16. The
BJcrotnry [ of war has written Gon. Hazon
a letter ' calling his attention to the
| grots discourtesy of Mr. Hazon'a letter -
J01 of yesterday in aeking the senate
| to appoint a commission to investigate
charged by Representative Boltxhoov-
or In remand to Hazon'e mlsmanagc-
of funds of the weather bureau. Ho
reminds Hazon that ho should have
asked the war poparttnont to invcntl-
gate the matter , or the house commit-
l [ ton , in which body the charges or-
I iginated. ? Hazon refused to allow a
correspondent to see the letter , al
I though the secretary of war said ho
waa perfectly willing it should be.
I made public If Hazen desired to. It
ia understood that the charge of Boltz-
hoover will bo Investigated through.
dVTrrTh7r ; SSTnterisf
bo nuy other way of settling Ibo matter. ' ' 8 , * . *
WASHINGTON , Fibrnary 10. Gon.
Hazan yoatorday addressed the secre
tary of war , to which the latter re
plies : "Sin I have the honor to
acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of the 14th Inst. , In which you refer
to the statements mode by Hon. Mr.
Boltzhoovor , of Pennsylvania , in a
speech printed In the Congressional
Itecord , and ask that the president
and senate ba requootad by a resolu
tion to appoint a committee of the
members to thoroughly investigate the
matters alleged in that speech , and on
any other matters that any person
may see fit to bring up relating to the
signal service.
"I unable to consider
am your re
quest favorably. I am not advised of
a precedent for an application by the
chief of a department of a bureau ,
either directly or through the head of
. a department , to ono ot the houses of
congress for tbo appointment of a
committee to Investigate charges of
official i misconduct made In a debate
by members. Your request is , how
ever ( , subject to a still more serious
objection I , In that you wish the senate
to I appoint a committee to Investigate
charges made in a debate by members
in the house of representatives. The
moro consideration by tbo Donate of
your application would Involve a violation
lation of a general rule on parliament
ary practice , which can be found In
Jefferson's manual. In speaking of
the separate branches of legislature ,
It is there said : 'They are ,
therefore , not to take notice of any
billo or any matters dopoudlng or
of votes that have boon given or of
spooohoa that have boon made by the
mnmbors In either of the other
branches of the legislature until the
same have been communicated to them
I In the usual parliamentary manner. It
IJ8 believed that any ono of the admin
istrative departments of the govern
ment is able to investigate thoroughly
the charges of misconduct brought
against officers , but however that way
bo when the officer whoso conduct la
questioned is an officer of the army It
would not seem necessary to resort to
tribunals other than those provided In
. , the articles of war. I have the honor
to bo very respectfully your obedient
- servant.
, Secretary of War.
I Tlio Complrators-
. I Special Dispatch to Tn Hsu. \i
DUBLIN , February 1C. The ox-
- elusion of the general public Is ' \
I absolutely necessary on account ot
In , nolso In the court . room. To-day , . it
" was BO great It was almost Impossible
* to hoar the witnesses. Kavanagb'a
; horoo and car that used to carry the
ot witnesses for the crown attracted great
crowds. It Is expected Edward
- O'Brien , present at the murders In
. Phcenlx park , will turn informer on
Saturday. The rumor la unfounded
re- that two Irlsn members of parliament
! were arrested hero.