i THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA FEIDA ? FEBRUARY 16 4 the Daily Bee COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , Fob 16. SUBSCRIPTION BATES : BrOtrrtcr , - - - - - 0 cent * per week. BjrMMl . . . . . -J10.00 pel Year. Offloo : No. 7 Pearl Street , Moor roadway. MINOR MENTIONS. The city council hold an adjourned meeting this evening. At the Ogden the Chas. A. Gardiner troupe are quartered. A herd of cattle driven down Broadway early yesterday morning occasioned a fall in beef , The ewe of Williams , charged with malicious threats , is to have a hearing be fore Justice Abbott this morning. This evening all citizens interested in the horpital movement should bo present at the chapel of the Baptist church , Justice Vaughn yceterday tied the knot matrimonial between Jamei Boyle , of thii city , and Ellen Tool , of Olarke county. Only ono lodger woke up at the city hall chamber apartments yesterday morn ing , lie thought the street too damp , bad and hard. Notice was served on the Nonpareil office yesterday to clear away the ashes from Its precincts , and generally brush up. J. U. Pierce and R. It. William * , of the BKK force , wont with the boys to Mia- eourl Valley. Mr. A. J. Hart , of the firm of Lindt A Hart , took the Book Inland train for Ncoln , to attend to an Important case at that lively little burg. The warrants out for the peddlers of the alleged history of I'ottawatamio county are not yet served , owing to the Inability of the officer to find the portion. City Clerk Savaicool usurped judicial functions at the city hall yesterday during Judge Aylesworth'd absence at the Missouri Valley G. A. R. spread. Mr. John Llndor. of the firm of Lin- dor & Kiel , yesterday bad a half barrel of wine drop on his foot , injuring it quite badly , but not breaking any bones , lie will bo confined to hla house fora few days , being unable to uio the injured member. Hon. Richard F. Trevelllok will lee- turo at Bloom and Nixon's opera house on Tuesday , the 20th inst. , at 8 o'clock p. in. Subject , "Organization , its History and Necessity. Admission , 10 cents. Tickets on sale atGilmoro's news stand , 512 South Main street. Go early to secure seats , In the circuit court yesterday the case of M. G. Griffin & Co. vs. Sohurz & Stro- heim waa on trial. The jury in the cape of Williams vgfltbe 1'owell estate brought In a verdict giving the plaintiff about $750 , It taking them about twecty-four hours to reach this decision. Matrimonial permits were yesterday granted to Noah Welbaum , of Modale , Harrison county and Leona Skinner , of Rockford township , this city ; EdUon M. McNeil and Alvnnetta V , Ayres , both of this city ; James Boyle , of this city , and Ellen I'oyle , of Clark county. About a dozen taloonista are still feel ing in their vest pockets tor the $300 need ful to run legally durrng the coming year. The city hall people are becoming restive about the matter aud delinquents may ex pect to hear something drop any day. Constable Skinner yesterday arrested a man named Jehu H. Ottrem , on a charge cf seduction , preferred sgalns him before Justice Vaughn by Miss BUen Nelson , of Nebo , Oitrem being unable to give the $500ends required , waa committed to jail , and the examination set for thin morning at 9 o'clock. Formal notice was yesterday served upon the Noith west era railway company to fix up its part of the levee nt ouco in accordance < cordanco with the agreement entered intc some time ago , and that unless the mattei is attended to promptly the city will'hold the company responsible for all damaget resulting from the neglect , either to the city's portion of the levee or to othoi property. The agent f the history of Pottawat' Umle county was yesterday called Intc court to explain why be did not bavo i peddler's license. Ho Indited that the ordinance did not require him to take one , but rather than be troubled further hi paid the bill , about $27 , under protest ant with the avowal that he would take stepi to have ft remitted. We had a call yeiterday from Mr Flmeingof Messrs.Fleming & Co. , Omaha who Is about to establish an agency 01 this Mde of the river for Riverdale Per mentum Compressed Veast , advertisemeo of which you will find in our local col umns. He speaks from an experience c three years as agent at Omaha of thl Compressed Youst , and says tne trade be increased to that every single groce : without an exception , keeps'it for sail The object of bis visit is to Introduce an establish it here , and it can bo found neat at most cf the retail grocery stores. It seems doubtful whether any chanj will be made iu the location of the li : engines , eo as to better protect the valu ble property on lower Main street. Tl > difficulty seems to be to provide the nee ed water tupply In that vicinity , wltho expending two to three thousand della la building a cistern , which seemt a nee less expense in view ot the fact that t water works will be completed so as furnish a supply from hydrants by the It ter part of July next. Th'ose who a potted in eucb matters nay that cltter cannot bo well built at thl' season of t year anyway. In view of these facts t only way seems to be to make some i rangement with the railway compon ! to nio the tanks for water supplies , a ; the committee la trying to effect eome i rangement ot thatsort. _ _ Dr. West , Dentlat , 14 Pearl atroc Fine weather for baths. Take the at 21 Byrant street. Boo advortia merit in another column. The finest lot of anthracite coal th has been received here this winter h juat arrived at A. H. May no & Co.1 Young man or woman , if you want t money for a imall amount. Insure in t Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust ASBO ation , Cedar Rapid * , Iowa. f5-3. fc'- DBFEHOELESS OOUNOIL BLUFFS The Expedition Against Mis- ( jouri Valley. Wroth of the Warrior * nt the Chicago & Northwestern "Thy voice is heard thro' rolling drums , That beat to battle where ho stands. " The doughty votoraus of the O. A. II. who were to depart for Mlasour Valley yesterday morning , didn't present - sent a very solid phalanx at the depot , In fact , there waa a deal of straggling. True , Provoat Msrahal Fox , than whom a braver soldier never drew sa bre on the ensanguined field , hurried down the gnna , munitions of war and camp equipages , and in trumpet tones that rivalled Anthony Van Oarloar rallied the deserters and nhoorod the faltering. The aky waa forbidding , and the inland sea abont the Chicago & Northwestern depot was dlscourag Ing , and oh ! oaddoat stroke of all , the agent refused to sell round trip tickets at reduced rates , unions twenty-five of the war-scarred eons of Mara would muator for tickets. The spirit of strife roao high among the assembled warriors ; norno were for taking the depot by assault , whllo others thought denunciatory resolution abont the cor rect thing. Fox , the choleric , strut ted around with a pugilistic pucker on his face and a brand now military cup on hia oapat , giving high defiance to the whole 0. & N. W. company , and daring them to mortal combat. 1'ierco , the urbane , made a personal appeal to the obdurate agent , but to no avail , and tno Isat aeon of the defenders of Council Bluffs they were trying to bat row enough money of each other to pay the extra faro. Still nuothor squad loft on the afternoon train and till their return the bnrghora and wives of Council Bluffa will look toward the northern horizon with eyes anxious aa thono wlto looked from the walla of Loydon on the rofcuing fleet of the Prlncu of Orange. When thu army cornea homo again wo shall glvo an account of the battle , the slain and the ocoapod. LATBU : Mr. Hubbnrd found hia organ at the Union Pacific depot juat on thd eve of being shipped to Grand Island , rfhlthor the evanescent Clara had flown. Shipment waa stopped , a replevin served returnable Tneaday , and the property la at last likely to bo returned to its owner. J. P. Filbert haa moved to No. 209 Broadway , oppoaito Bryaut houco. Dead at Denver. A dispatch from railroad authorities atDonvor to Mrs. Edith Ferrill , of thia city , eaya : "Frank has fallen bo- tweou the cara. Both legs were cut off. Ho died in fifteen minutes. " THE BEE sought out MTD. Forrlll where oho is atopping with her mother , Mra. Allen , on Glen avenue. Mrs. F. loft Golden , Cole , whore oho liver , last November to visit her mother horo. But two daya ago she received a Setter from Frank , who was well , and dealroua of seeing her and the baby , born slnoo her arrival hero , now not or to see the light of its father's face. Mr. and Mrs. Forrill had lived eight years at Golden , Frank working as a brakeman on the Denver & Bio Grande , and ono child besides the baby had boon born to them. A sis ter of Mr. Forrill living ja the name place will care for hla remains. At the time of his death Mr. Forrill was on a particularly dangeroua beat , it being on a special train , whoso work waa to eloat | thoa now from the doopravinosnnd | narrow cuts of the Hooky mountains. Hereford' * Acid Phosphate promotes sleep when the nervous sys tem la overworked or worried by oarc and anxiety. A PASSING FANCY. Bbo Wunts to Put on Airs and uc Elopes. Mr. Arthur Uubbard , of Sioux City stopped yesterday at the Ogden fo : dinner , and sitting next to THK Bui told him about his little prlvao dotoo tivo scheme. List fall in the city o Yankton , up in the territory tha wants to bo carved in twain by th congressional chocao-knlfo , lived quondam maiden known aa Clara Poi tor. Clara was giddy and the Yanktpi youth didn't fall to observe It. 1 young man employed by Mr. Hnbban became mashed on Clara and in a froal of benevolence gave her an organ o Mr. Hubbard's. Having an lustru mont the Porter organized an oporatl company , consisting of self and organ and took a tour through Sioux City Onawa , Missouri Valley an western Iowa generally , asanmin ; aa ia the custom of artlatoa anothe name Mlea Nellie Shepherd. Al thia time Mr. Ilubbard waa no dreaming of next summer's graa : hoppers , but was setting his spring for the bird that had flown. Soir time ago ho learned that an orgon bo directed to Mlaa Shepherd , had co n to the transfer , boon taken across th river and received by ono Stewart , haokman working for Seaman & 0 < Mr. Hubbard croaaod the river , oaco talnod the covert of the game and la night crossed aqaln to spring the tra Demand it , and take no other ire preparation except Brown's Iron Bl tors. It is the best , re DS Council Bluffs Hoepltal. tie It Is hoped that the mooting t be night at the Baptlat church will lei ir- to active work and in the end an ci cient society with ample foudi ai id commodious buildluga for the hosj tal. Humanitarian work in all o largo cities has assumed large propc tions , and Council Biufli nlth her a cuaomcd energy does not propose bo behind the van- . Millions Given Away. Million * of Bottles of Dr. King's Ni Discovery for Consumption , Coughs a Colds , have baon given away as Trl Bottles of the large size. This enormot outlay would be disastrous to the pi prietow. were it not for the rare mer poMMed by this wonderful medicine. 0 be at 0. F. Goodman's Drug Store , and f clB - a Trial Bottle frte , and | try | f 6r4 yoVreo B , never f a1 U to cure. „ . , - - } FERMENTUM. Compressed Yeatf , What ia It ? It fa a pare , quick yoiwt m do from aoand grain by the llivordalo Com pound Yoaat Co. , well known farther east and now being introduced here to the retail trade by the Omaha agonta , who have in the pant three yearn os tabllahod a largo trade. It gives splen did satisfaction , makoa better broad than hop yeast and never falla. When ever it makes a customer it holds the trade. Aa an indication of the growth wo might aay the trade has Increased in Omaha on tiia ono brand from CO dozan cakes a wcok to near 200 dczoii a week. Ewtern people I now what it la and will bo glad to know that it in abont to bo oatablishod in the trade hero , Ladlco rif Council Bind * who have not perfect natiifactlon with their bread and nlfih to improve , will bo pleased on giving this a trial or two. Aak any ono who has rmd it and don't forgot to call for Fermontnm Comprotaod Yeast of your grocer. Ilcapoctfally , Wit. FLESIINO & Co. , Ag'tu Foruiontnm Oomprossed Yoast. * A11 ladles who may bo troubled with nervous prostration , who puffer from organic displacement ; who Lave aoencoof wearlnesa and a fooling of latitude ; who nro languid in the morning ; in vhom the appetite for food la caprlotoua and sleep at proper honrn nncortnla , ahould have ruconrao to Mra. Piukham'a Vegetable Com pound. PHBSONAl * W. Booth , from llarlnu , Iowa , ! a at the Ogdon. J. 8. Wood U at tha Ogden , from Ot- tumwa , Iowa , A. Richards , . of Omnhn , dined at the Ogdcm yesterday. W. G. Templeton , from Sidney , Iowa , ate breakfast at the Ogdeo. Simon Kohn , Chicago , picks bis teeth with the Ogdcn IIOUBO tooth picks. Postmaster O'Kelsoy , of Loreland , was in the city yesterday , and favored THE BEK with a call. Franklin Benjamin , the well known Avoca attuniFy , waa hoio ogaln yesterday on couit bmincBii , Sheriff Kiloy Clark , of Ncola , wa in the city here yesterday , having escorted hither anew boarder for Jailor Schontz. Miaa Mollie Larimer , niece of Judge Ltrimer , has returned to Chicago , after making ( mite an extecalvoht \ to friends here. Justice Abbott believes it bettor late than never , and eo went up last night to Missouri Valley to join the boys in their good time around the camp fire. There was a pleasant and informal cleri cal gathering at llev Father McMenomy'a yesterday , the visitors being Rev John Kompker , paator of the Catholic church at Ncola ; Rev MoLynch , pastor of thg church at Dunlap , and Rev Mat. Lcnihan , pastor of the church at Vail , 6. IT. Nichols , whoso name his been rather unpleasantly before the public iu connection with hiring livery teams of Dr. Fatten and Mr. Weathcrbce , started yes terday for Kansas City , expecting to re turn soon with his family and become a resident of this city , having arranged to take charge of the Western house on upper - per Broadway. If you are not married , write the Mar riage Fttn-t and Mutual Trust Associa tion , Cedar Rapida , Iowa , for circulars explaining the plan. f5-3in. Wandorlntf WnlfH Lilly Ilaggorty la a little girl from Olarlnda who canio in on the train last evening , expecting to moot her uncle , Dot Halo , of Creaton , nt the depot. Dot fulled to appear and Lilly was taken to police headquarters and thouco to a hotel till her rchtlvoi show up. Another waif , John Morris Thomp son , had , oomo all the way to Chilli- ootho , Mo. , on hla way to Gama City , where lives his undo. John ia sturdy , dirty lad , and though ponni- losa at the proaont stoutly assorted the fact that ho would have $1,200 when ho waa 21. ; We notice the Marriage Fund , Mutual Trust Association , of Cedar Rapids , Iowa , highly spoken of In many of the leading paper. ) of the state. "Money for the Uni mnrrlod" heads their advertisement In another column of this unper. Badly Burned. Yesterday the engineer at Djoro Co.'a warehouse noticed that aome < thing waa out of order about the engine. Gas ia used to gcnarato tin steam and by oomo cause the gas hat bcon leaking out in such quantltlei that upou beint ; touched by the ll h in thu engineer's hand it exploded burning his fsco , hands and ncol Eovoroly. Jills burns wore drc&eod am ho la now likely to out in n weak 01 two. Our Now Loan and Improvement Uc Investigation Into the matter con vlnces us that ono of the moat equita bio , reasonable and feasible piano o building houioa h that proposed am In operation by the Mercantile Loan Trust and Improvement company u thia city , By Investing in shares li 0. thia Institution , which la backed b ; j acme of onr boat and moat rollabl business men , it becomes possible am comparatively easy for a man of moderate orate means to DOCUCO a oomfortabl homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain unmbor of nharca , at certain monthly payment , in a foi years a man can own a hous of hla own for abont the Bams n ho pays monthly for rout. W believe the Mercantile Loan and Trua company , by organizing and oponln ; up for business , having filled a Ion felt want In Council BlnfTi. Thel plana and system of loans will boa the most careful scrutiny and exam ( nation , and wo have no hesitancy ii pronouncing them reasonable nni equitable , and backed by gentlemei of honor and integrity. As the com pany exists It booomoa at once an In DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JOHN BENO & CO. , 18 Main GENERAL Street MERCHANDISE. and 17 Pearl Street. MAX MOHN , } < " " ionoTOK. { MRS. S. J. NOBBIS. MILLINERY 30 days at , coat IOC for Main Street , J. M. BABSTOW. M. P. , Cor. Gth OFFICE St. and : 5tb Ave. UJillTC OFFICE : Cor. Main and 5th , up-stairs. Jp If flM Cj Residence , GOO Willow Avonuo. COLE I IDT JUSTICE OF THE PEA.OE , N Office after February 15th , over American Express , Q ill A Oil CD MVERY AND FEED. WILL CON HI ACT W. VlnUNBllff for funerala at roaaonablo ratoa , Np. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Wlio'cwilo butter , tgsn , roiltry and fruit. Bhlptouj. Draft by return mill. 316 Broidway. nCTUVnDinPC Broadway KMeat Market , 327 Broadway. The best Moats at lowest prlcjs. Sausages. T RfllTW CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Cor. 7th and i HI IViS I fli Broadway. Plans and specifications furniahed OLIJTDflflARS In FINE HARNESS I have the variety WXIJ . that brings patronage. 124 Miiu street. MERCHANT TAILOR , Artistic Work and Reasonable Ohargea. 872 Broadway. P COM FURNITURE , STOVES and Of UUlfly Household Supplies , 303 Broadway. I IMftT P UlftDT ATTORNEYS AT LAW , Jamoa Block. LI IS PJ 3 04 Birtfil I Practices in state and federal courts. OTTfl n / r DT P O fl Mann'f Fine Furnlture.Upholatery gooda U E ICU till II I lilt UU jCurtaina and Window Shades , 309B'way , Bargains , Bargains. IMMENS E BARGAINS I Ladies' Misses' Aud Children's M n's and Boys' Boots & Shoes , FOR THE 30 ' 30& A - TS , . AT THE NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE f CORNER MAIN STREET AND FIRST AVENUE. stltution of value and credit to our city and thoao who dealro homes. Their president ia T. A. Kirkland ; vloo proaident , Judge Peake ; sec retary , I. 11. Beery ; treasurer , Col. Boeho , nnd their oflico la in the basement - mont of Shugart'fl and McMahon'a now block , corner First avenue and Pearl street jan27-ly IOWA ITEMS. Fonda haa placed its Ealoon licensee at $500. $500.O'Urlen O'Urlen county hai $72,000 of its school nnd loaned out. The Andubon waterworks are satisfac tory to the citizens. Dry murrain ia creating a havoc among cattle around Jelfemn , Over $50)COO worth of ice hai beoa cut and btored aw.iy at Des IMoiued. The Keinbaek trustees have reduced the aaloon licenses from SiCO to S20J per year. Kle\on men have frozen to death during the wiutcr whoRO death ia directly attri buted to whisky. dkaloojii ami Ottumwa both furnish citizens' tickets for the approaching muni cipal election. The gas tank at Indnpendenos caught fire hat week and all of the wooden portion tion of It was consumed. ho Terry broom factory is now in full running order , aud Is turning out a super- or quality of brooms. Davenport will vote at the coming elec tion on the question of having German taught in the public i chools. The man who waa superintending the uoring of the artesian well nt Dabuque has proved a defaulter and his skipped. The flouting mills in the Boone valley are ttandlog idle a good portion of the time , owing to a lack of water power. The snow blockade on the railroads in the state has been broken , nnd trains are now for the moat part , running regularly , ittouri Valley ia to have an opera house Iu the spring , which will be built by a stock company at a cost off SI 1,000 , The thirteenth annual exhibition of the Iowa state fair will begin at Dea MoincH , August 31 and continues to September 7. The Western Land nnd Loan asiocUtion with n duration of twenty jera ami a cap ital stock of $200,000 , has been orgauhod at Clinton. A collision of freight trains on the Rock Island road nt Dea Moinea , on Fiidny inornintr , killed Fronk Huntley and in jured three otheie. Van Home , on the Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad id a rapidly growlpg town. The business and dwelling houses all thow good taste and enterprise. The Unitarian minister at Oroaton , Rev. V. B. Gushing , has fallen from grace , having been oyercome by the seduc tive sour mitsh. lie will be given a three month * ' furlough in order to brace up. The prohibition enthusiasm at Cherokee brought a Urgn Httendance in answer to the call to consider the appointment of a delegate to the btnte convention. There were three persona on hand the chairman - man , the sjcietary and a reporter. The ssloon.keepera of Ottumwa are aa tenacious for liign license * na they were formerly ngainstlt. There are only 4wen- ty-ono of them , and they put UD their SI 000 each The high license has caused the suspension of abont twenty places , The low * Oily board f trade has resolved - solved to let her erect its own buildlnpa for care of its iniano and refuse to pay anything to the state institution or to have Its ins no cared for by the state. Abont fifteen Inmates have been sent back there by the state officers by reason of the Insufficient Accommodation ) for them. Bheridtn township , Cherokee county , has had a eensatlon. A somewhat impe cunious farmer bargained off hli daughter to A yourig and wealthy land owner , but the girl eloped with a good-looking widower ewer and married him. There trouble all around , but just at present the bridal couple appear to be holding the winning band. COMMBHCIAL. OODNOIL BLUriT3 MARKET. Corrected daily by J. Y. Fuller , rncr chandlse broker , buyer and chipper o grain and provision/ Pearl street. WHEAT-No. 2 spring 77c ; No. 3,65 rejected 50c ; stood demaud , CORN 55o to feeders and 33o to ship pers ; rejected corn Chlcngo , 53 : ; new mixed , 55c. The receipts of corn are ligh on account of bad roads. OATS Scarce nnd in good domnnd : 30@ 32c. 32c.HAY HAY 4 00@6 00 per ton. RTK 40c ; light supply. CORN MEAL 1 25per 100 pounds. WOOD Good eupplyi prices nt yards 5 00@0 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 00 per ton soft. 5 50 per ton. BuTTKn Plenty nnd in fair demand 25c : creamery , 30c. Eaaa Scarce nnd in demand ; 3Qs pe dozen , LAUD Fairbank'B. wholesaling at ISJc POULTRY Firm ; dealers paIns ? 13o pe pound for turkeys nnd lOc for chicken" . VEGETABLES Potatoes 45c ; onion ? , 25o cabbages , 80@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 o @ 3 50 per barrel. FLOUU Wholesale prices Roller pal out U 25 for superlative ; roller J patent 2 85 for dmdum winter ; roller ntandnrj 2 GO for golden sheaf ; roller family , 1 GO. Wholesale prices for flour , 2 40@3 23. BBOOMS 2 00@3 00 per dozen. STOCK. OATTLK-3 00@3 50 ; calves 5 00@7 50. llogs M-tricot active , and all offering quickly taken nt higher prices. Car lot ? Common , 5 45@5 50 ; good mixed , 5 00o 580 ; heiwy packing , 570@595 ; chok fancy packing , C 03@0 10 L EV.RINCHAM & CO. , Commission Merchants Chicago and Milwaukee , Conclnmeuta o ( Gia'n ' , Seeds and Provisions solicited. GOUHGil BLUFFS SPECIAL HOTiCES. NOTICE. Social tdvertltcmenta , cue Lost , Found , To Loin , For lo , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In thla column t tha ow rate ol TEN CENTS FElt IJNG lor the first Insertion and F1VK CENTS FER LINK ( or each eulxoqcent Insertion , rxiAve adv trtlaementa at our office , No. Pearl Street , Wants. - situation by a first clasa mea WANTED-A cook. Addrcw U.'II. Lintz Metropolitan Hotel , Council Bluffs ANTY.D A Oratclisa baiber at Ogden WHOOP Iioii9o tin ji. VOLES WANTED-For further par HOOP i all on or address Joseph Koss , CI Ujijwr Ilroadttay , FibMit For Sale and Rent T71011SAM5 A half Interest Inapijlng hole 1 } In thla city , also & half Inttr'st In a saloon bj ODELL & DAY. riTOPE FOR KENT With eight roornj. alia O and a tarn , 023 Filth streo' , opiK lte th oundrj. Inquire o ! W. Eugcl. FebJ2-12t Ihedculraljloomces lattly occu FOUJIENT beard ot trade. Apply to Bush ncll & Dracltctt , tt DECS In pacitagei of a hundred at 2Co OLD pack ; o at Tux ] } offlco , No. 7 Pear atrci't. _ U tj A N otnco , moitachantit'OiiUly ( ItiiateU , offeri idtek room In return for > crvlces ; gas , fuel etc. , furnished. Adircss , "Office , " BM olBce Oouncil Bluffs. _ _ t TjjlBCollanoouB. In Omih , February IBlh , between LOST and U. V. depot , probably In oulelde . ( Jatel fae itrcetcrM anjOldc [ io , ln * Ub. Llb r l reward will ba paid for Hi JetJrn $0 o. F. Onwford , 1521 D dg .tieet Omiha , ' BATH INSTITUTE , Bryant Street , one Door north of Dohtny'i Hall , Thormo-Hlectric , Medicated nnd Sulphur Baths. For ladles and gentlemen , Thcne Baths are full ; cnJo-ffd by the Medical Fraternity u being aa nnfalllng fnilllaiyln roc nt Colds , IthcumatUm , Neuralgia , Lumbago and many other ollmenta Boeldoo , my wife , ft competent lad ) , will attend ladles. F. M. LOOK WOOD , Propr. DUQUETTE , GUIBERT & CO. , (3ncceoaors ( to ERB & DUQUETTE ) , ttaers and 18 Peari-st. , C'ounoil ' Bluffs , Ia. Broadway Steam Laundry ! WEST BROADWAY , A.C.LARSON Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. "T" 1 E * / * ffl ru " 3 * m A T * * T * m r IP * t . p r3 HLE iiBSlRACT 0 F M 6 E. Or.7fT. . > ' * G XT 3C E6 3ES As 3 O , Lands and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. HOTARIES PUBLIC AND COKYEYAJ5TCERS. BLUFFS - M. T. DAVIS , Prealdont. N. B. E ASTON , Socy. J , 0. HOFFMAN , Vioa Pi-es. 0. HULBURT , Adjuator. Insuiea Live -v took Against LOBS by Offloo , 103 Pearl Street , OOUNOIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. The only company In Iowa that will insure yonr otock ngalnnt lota from any canso whatever. Owners o ! Stock will tonsult their own Interoit If , when Insuring thclt Stock , tncj B-e tha' thi policy Includes all the losses thf y may nae , ind bo eaMeflra with nothing Icsa. For fuithcr Information call on or address N , REA8TO * . - Council Bluffs , Iowa. m ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AfcD RETAIL DEALERS IN iiffli , 'LEHIGE , BLGSSBM AND ALL CONNELLSVILLE COKE , CE3I5EHT , LIME , PIASTER E6 , Office No , 34 Pearl Street , Ysrdn Cor. Eighth Straot and Eleventh Aveuuo , Council BlufiV. j > a aTHE THE LEADING DEALER IN ( A 337 Ernixflwy. flnpnoil Blnffq. Shuggart Implement Go. , COUNCIL BLUFFS , WPWA. THK FARMER'S FRIEND PLANTER AND TAH CHECK ROWER. BUCHANAN WAGON , OTTAWA CYLINDER SHELLER , OLDS WAGON. STAR HAND SHELLER , CO&TE3RAKE. NICHOLS &SHEPARD THRESH'R HUBER REVOLVING RAKE , EVANS TRIPLE HARROW , GORHAM SEE ! ER , HENNEY BUGGIES , TIGER CULTIVATOR SPRUSG WAGONS , ETC. , ETC. H3 and U5 Main Street. " For EnRiuea , Boilora , GaatinEs , Repairn ur > d & 8 Sentl Orflew to JOWN.G7LBjl'RT ' ] MamtfiptttrBr , - - - Corner Uala ftrtet aud 8tU * ' S. COLE & GO. B. . . , NBFAOTURHIS AND DEALERS IN ALL : THK MOST IMWOVKD KINDS QV LIGHTNING RODS , Also Wood and I'onPUMPS , Wood Tubing a d dm Pipe and atd Iron Pumn < . Order * wl 1 rtcel\e p'ompt attention. COUNCIL BLUFFS , MOEQAN , KELLER & CO. , i aw. es The finest quality and larcest etock wc.t of Chlcaco of ootlen and Jletulio Cnsei. Call ! t- tended to .t all hours. We tUfy c nipetlllon i.i . nuallti of cooda or prices. Our Jlr. Morgan luu Bcncdasuudertakcrfor forty j cars ami tlior- ouculy ULdcrstanda his business \\arcropms , sii mVadway. ui-nrujTEiusa m all iu branches promptly attcudeU to ; a'so carpet , lo > . lug and larabrequlns. Tclegrephle ana mail or- \\lthoutdclay. \ _ MEB , fi. J. HILTON , M , D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEGH , 222 Hroa.dwu'r. Oonnotl'Hltiff * S. L MAXON , A , DEC. O EC 3C3 ? KIO'3 ? . Office orer ivrlngt bank. OOUNOIli BLUFFS , lav * . raos. otYKtjL. " . a. u. rum. OFHOSB & PUSSY , Council Bluffs , Ia , . Established , - - I860 Dealers In Fortlgi S > J | DomettletEich ng nd home recuiltlea GOLD ROPE. The Intrinsic mf fit and tuperlor quality of our Gold Hope lo'jaoco ban Induced other manufac turer * to uut upon the market rood ) similar la gar brand In name and style which are ottered v and told for leu ruotey than the genuine Gold - Kope. Wo caution the t aJe and consumer to tea - that oar name and trade mark are upon each lump. The only genuine and oiljinal Quid Rope Tobacco 1 manufactured by THK WILSON & MoNALLY TO BACOO COMPANY ,