THE DAILY -COUNCIL BLUFFS J.OWA THURSDAY PS 3RD AB , Y L The Daily Bee COUNCIL BLUFFS. Thursday Morning , Fob 16. SUBSCRIPTION RATES : B ; Carrier , . . . . . iOccnUper week , B/M I1 - 10.00 per Year. Office : Mo. 7 Pearl Btroot , Near roadway. MINOR MENTIONS. 0. II. Orvls shipped a car load of very fine hogs to J. E. Boyd , Omaha , on Tues day. Sheriff Middleton , of Ilarrlf on county , was hero yesterday with an iniano mm whom he was taking to the asylum at Mt. 1'loasant. One of the prisoners in the Jail named Kelly , committed hero on a charge of bur- filary nt Ncola , was yesterday released on $ V)0 ball , to appear before the grand jury next May , A warrant Is out for the arrest of the parties now districting the history of I'ottawnttomie county , the complaint be ing that they have not the necessary li cense. At the residence of Kev. J , G. Lemen , 719 Fourth street , this evening , the ladles of the First Baptist church giro aeoclablc. A warm welcome awaits thcno nhonttcnd , and a pleasant evening Is anticipated , John Il&ymond , who was lodged in jail a few days ago for breaking open a door of I'rnzer's saloon and stealing en overcoat , was brought before Judge Ayles- worth jcsterday , nnd the case continued until next Monday. > J G. II. Nicholas came to the surface ngalu ye > terday as complaining witness In the State v ? . M. K , Wuatherbco. It was before Justice Sohurz , After the evidence was all In Justice 8. thought it not suffi cient to bold Weathorlieo on , and the brief bitterness ended. A complaint was entered before Judge AyleswoJth against II. i'ethyrUgo fcr slaughtering sheep , calves , etc. , on Pierca atrcet back of his market. The case was dismissed on payment of costs , nnd the promise to desist in future. In the circuit court yesterday tlia re plevin cato of Osier vs. Smith was tried and decided In favor of the plaintiff. The cato of M. G. Grllfin & Co. vs Schurz k Strnbehm WAS taken up for trial. At the adjournment of court yesterday afternoon the jury In the case of Williams vs , the Powers estate were still locked up trying to reach a verdict. Kobert Jones , nccusod of horse steal- inic , was taken to MInden yesterday , to have another preliminary heating , In ac cordance with the judgment of Judge Ayloworth when the caeo wan brought be fore him on a writ of habeas corpus. At- torneya Wright and Dilly went nljo , the former to prococuto nnd the latter to de fend. The examination resulted yeatcnhy in the discharge of Jones , no prosocutlnp wltnoaa appeariag. In the latest Idiom It behooves the city authorities of Council BlufTj to be hoove themselves with reference to the Impending ihods. The gutters in most parts of the city are about large enough to carry off the tears that will bo shed In the event of a sudden thaw. Citizen * of the Bluffs , suppose the drizzle of Tuesday bad grown Into a heavy rain. Wo cannot tell how soon the water will rise. "If it were done , 'twere well and it were done qnlckJy. " Rev. Henry McMeeftin has been engaged - gaged by the Presbyterian church to sup. ply Its pulpit for the next throe months lie has lately been In Oeceola , Nebraska , strengthening a young society there nnd building a new church , a work In which ho has had much experience. Most of his ministerial life bai been spent in Canada , and since leaving there he 1ms been en gaged largely In miadonary labors In I1H. neb , Iowa and Nebraska. Corn is on the climb , Farmers con versed with yesterday on the subject all have sanguine views on the future price of this cereal. Shippers have put the price up to 35o nnd , gay the producer ? , feeders rmiet go higher In order to get their corn. A giizzled tiller of the cell at the con junction of Main street and Pearl , cracked his twelve-foot whip-lash at the gutter aud observed : "Yes , corn Is riz , but It'll be rlzzer nor It Is. The Bluffs Is a good mar ket and I reckon the BlunVll get my kernels , but she'll have'to boom , young man , she'll have to boom , " Oar reporter called on Welghmaster Honn and asked him about the hay bull- ness. "Illgbt" said ho interrogatively. "That's It , " rejoined THE BEK , and we 1m. mediately wout into committee of the whole on the question of cured grass. Mr , H. weighs twenty tons a day upon an av erage that is , on his scales. Last Mon day and Tuesday ho weighed over 80 tons , all sold and consumed In [ Council lllutl * . Nearly all of this hay comes from the Missouri bottoms just south of the city , if , Yesterday as high as 87 a ton was paid or the atrcet. Sheriff Dan Farrell wrote to Chle ! Field the other day to look out for a ono armed man , who had a little daughtei being cared for In one of Council Blulfi best families , and who was determined ti ratio trouble and get the girl away , thougl he was unfit to take care of the girl , botl financially and morally. Yesterday th man appeared here , and by chance he mo the little plrlon Broadway and tried to ge her to go with him. As father and daugh ter stood talking on the street her cryln , and protests attracted the attention o some who knew the circumstances of th itlrl's life , and Interfered , and despite th threats of the man the little girl was take : back to her charitable home. ' Dr. West , Dentist , M Pearl street Fine weather for baths. Tnko then at 21 Byrant street. Sco advertise ment In another column. We notice the Marriage Fund , Mutua Trust AiiocUllou , of Cedar Unplde. Iowa highly tipoken of In many of the lea < ( ln | paj ) H of the Btate. "Money for the Un married" heads their advertbeinent Ii -t another column ot thla paper. f5-3u The Cneat lot of anthracite coal thn bu boon received hero this winter hai jaat arrived at A. II. Mayno & Co'a J. P. Filbert bu moved to No. 20 ! J3rondway , oppoalto Bryant homo. CITY AND COUNTY. Their Alleged History in the Form of a Ton Dolhr Book , The Good and Bad Streaks Pound Bttwoon the Lido. The now hlitory of Pottawattnmle county has just boon isaucd by Bankln & Co. , and la bolng distributed here to subscribers , not all of whom Hoom oa ready to take the book and pay the $10 asked for it , as they were lo uub- Bcrlbo for It on the promise of what It was to bo , as pictured by gllb-tonojued canvassers. The volume aa It appears in fact does not seem io moot the oipoctatlono of some of the subscribers cither In quantity or quality. Perhaps they expected too much. The book In fact is of royal octavo nlzo , containing Gil pages , of which 301 are given lethe the history of this city and county and 277 pagca to blograpHcil nkotchoa. The book seems to bo well bound , the paper good , and the typographical appearauco quite favor ablo. Even at a glacco onu iindn nomc- typographical errors which ought not to bo fonnd in a work supposnd lo bt > BO OArofully prepared , the words , "at- lornor" iiistoad of "attorney , " "stanch , " "also" for "also , " "fxton slvoly1 "sings" for "signa , " otc. In many places matters of an entirely dliforont nature are run together in the same paragraph , giving u gentle start to the innocent reader , who without the olightoat warning finds an account oi Dr. JcffriV lottery scheme running into a statement of the pub lic eohools , and thu statement of the action taken for the relief of suflorors by the Chicago fire closing with on obituary notice of a worthy citlzon. There surely cannot bo the ozciiao of hasty preparation in a wotk of thlo kind. The illustrations in this work arn quite good , but they are not very nu merous. There arp portraits of N. J. Bond , P. T. Brosoo , A. S Bryant , J. P. Caoaady , E 1 Clayton , B. B. Clay ton , G M. Dodge , J A. Jackson , John Keller , Joseph Ktinttj , Dr. Ma- crao , nnd George F. Wright , while there ii bat ono city building and ono country dwelling gi\on a placo. Only twelve men In the whulu county , and two buildings worthy of being shown up ! Alan for Pottawattamio county ! A glance through the history proper shown that much intoresticg reading' matter and many valuable laota have boon thus gathered and placed in per manent form. Tuo hiatory of this otty ban boon irrltton by Colonel J , II. Koatloy , nnd the chapter penned by him Hoom .worthy of much praioo , thu material having been well oeloctodand well handled. The oolonol is H grace ful writer , nnd ho ban given the work a number of very Interesting chapters An already stated , a largo portion of the book la devoted to "blographlpnl okotchos" so called. Llko most works of the kind , this portion of the book Impresses ono as consisting of a rcesa of praise and advertisements for pat- ronfl of the book , without regard to the prominence or record of the per sons BO selected. There are somn biographies which aeom justly entitled to a place in a $10 book of this dig nity and importance , but many which are not. In thla volume there Is one noticeable omlnulon of many of tno really prominent men and old sattlern of the city and county , whllo many given space whoao names arc qnlto un heard of outaldo of a limited circle of business and friendship. There are many ludicrous features In the biographical portion of" the work , Of onu man it records the startling fact that ho keeps n flno stock of fnrnlturo , crockery and glass ware , ana "his family are all nt homo. " Biographical akotchoa are given of a bank and of oevcral grocery storee , millinery shops , livery stables , otc. Of ono doctor it is stated that , "Ho la now tjormanonlly located in Council Blufla , with the intention of going to Ornaoa In course of ono year to make that his headquarter * . Ono attorney is given the credit of bolng at present "edltor-ln-chhf of The Daily Monitor , n republican or- Kan recently founded in Council Bluffs. " What " " the "Monitor" la , or where or how It over came Into life , no ono hero Is able to any. Such a paper bolng a myth. Ono grocery house ia given a pocnl. lar biographical sketch , The honao haa ainco failed , Porhapa the thought of anch a akotch killed It. Porhapa the buplncua policy indicated In the sketch did the work. It roads "Ho now carries about $5,000 worth of stock , and from present prospects his annual Bales for the prcsont year will amount to abont $1000,000. Ho em ploys three men in his establishment , and keeps nlno men on the road , nnd expects aoon to Increase his force of travelling men , " Such nro the samples gleaned by a hasty glance nt this 810 book , nnd nnny moro could bo culled by leisure. With the exception of the few chap tors by Col. Koatley the book will probably disappoint thoao who have expected much of thla work. It Is well that so mnoh valuable his torical matter haa boon preserved in book form , but It la to bo regretted that there was not more and bolter material to fill Ita pages. It la alao to bo regretted that so much of the book la taken up with "Blnah , " and that BO many pagea boar the marks of having boon devoted to puid advertisements , maaquoradlng in the garb of hlatory , 18 , , ' Young man or woman , If you want blf money for a small amount , Insure In tin Marriage Fund an t Mutual Trust AHSOC ! ation , Cedar Ilipldi , lows. fG-Sin ROBCUO No. 3 , Yoatorday THE BEE sharpened iti No. 1 BOt { Imodlum "led poncal , ahool the night's dow from Us wlnga am took B fly. Tiio Iloacno englno honai waa the firat blossom lighted on , Tin BEE was greeted at Iho end of i flight of atalra by Mr. A. L. Bert ; man , who gripped our feeler am showed us through the building , Tin aloeping apartments , the wardrobes nd bath rooms were gazed at , and Tai BEE could scarcely bo d unadod fron a slide on the fireman's polo. Dowi V itnlra TUB BFK buzzed nbont the In telligent horaca and cnmo near letting a wing by the tooth of ono purlieu- lurly discerning bay cqalno , who was Bvidentty n connoisnmir of Ins-els The hose cart , with 1,400 foot of hoie , wnsn halting point. THK BEE Basked ( w ) hose cart It was , and receiving a civil , straightforward answer , vowud to drop the pun serious aid conflno Htolf < o the remark jocular horenftor. Ilsouo nngino N > ) . 3 next dazzled onr ryca. It reminded ui of the bootblnck who wore spectacles , explaining the cause by saying : "Vo ROO , I pnta snch a shiny shine on Ron- llomon'fl boots it hurts rno oyos" UOBQUO No. 3 ghoota the llqnid column illy fcot highnr thnn ttin splro of Broadway M E. church. Thirty-five seconds , by the ticker , from the mo ment of alarm to the wink of leaving the oiiL'i'io houiui in full p.-iraphernnlln , It the time the Soya do it In. Btf TO leaving THK BEK fonnd that Mr. Bergman was ton ye rs ngi a dweller atGrato , Nebraska , the former bonny- paslnro of it lf nnd remembered vividly a horse thief and neck-'lo ' pic- nlo given by Its citizens in Ihoao prim itive dnya , * A11 ladiea who mny bo troubled with notvoua pioelratlon , who BufTiir from orpanio displacement ; who have seiiBO of weariness and a feeling of lassitude ; who are luuguid in the morning ; in whom the appetite for food la cipricious and alcop at proper houra uncortuln , ahould have recourse ) to MIR. Pinkliain'o Vegetable Cum- pound. PERSONAL. The hndnf Gunljetti ii roprojontcd by Samuel Khrllch nt the Ogdcr. Thco-loro J. Wolff , of Sioux Kails , Da kota , stopn nt the Otfdcn , George Br.iltc , of Omahi , crossed the big muddy yesterday to visit the railroad centra of the not. Fay WyckcfT , a Chlcagonn , flourished his fist on Hie 0/den houio register yeiter- day. Wllliatn Simor. . ) , attorney , from "over there , " which fsuu'led ' Oumba.ahook hands with Tint BEE olllco jeBterday. Ldwin Togatad , who makes hli homo with K. KosocranB , ia quite 111. Ilia broth- era of the orders of the K. of P. and the Druids nro cirlu ? for htm. Dr. Stlllman has been delivering a course of lecturca before the students of the med ical department of the Iowa university , nnd Is at homo again , HoisfonV * Acid Fliospbatn promuteii tlufp when the nervous oys- torn ia overworked or worried by euro and anxiuty. Demand it , and toke no other iron prnparatiou except Brown's Iron Bit- tola. It is the bust. SWINGING AROUND THE CIRQUE. That's Want the Flyoravlll bo at May 22d. In conversation with Mayor Bow- lan yesterday wo learned that the 'ouncil ' Bluffs driving park ataoclatlon pushing matters for ita sprint ? moot- : ig , Mij22. Suvonthpusandfourhuu- rod dollars will bo given in premiums , > nd swift Bpcoduru will tot the daat pinning. Tno track nnd gronndu are 0 bo placed in prinio condition for fast ones" frcm all over < ho wuat and liu Bluffr people may depend upon peing eomo fast time and ( inn oport at ' 10 spring mooiiag. President Hart 1 in correspondunca with parties now 1th reference to their presence. L'jt lie good work go on. Millions G-tven Away. Millions ) of Bottles of Dr. King's New 3i covery for Consumption , Coughn and 2oldn , have been given away a.i Trial Jottlea of the largo size. Thin enuimous iutlay would bo disastrous to the pro iriotora. were it not for the rare merit loanesed by this wonderful medicine. Cal > t 0. K. ( looiituan'n Drug Store , and get , Trial Bottle free , and try for yourself , nnvor fu'lf * to curt ) . Rumble About the Bluffi Itwasaloppy yeatordnj ; swift our- onts of malted snow ahot acroas the idowalka and twlatod eorpontiuo folds > bout the lomp po&ta nnd dry goods 30X08 in a way calculated to itiduco ba- lot in delirium tremona among ihono under the inflaeuco of the ardent. Missouri icicles lot go tholr grasp from cornices nnd their shattered remains evoked uot a token of sympathy from the hastening crowd. It was St. Val entino's day , too , and the children wore surging In and out of the post oflico , BOUIO smilinu nnd laughing over the reception of alovomB ! < ive , others clouded with disappointment or grlovod at receiving uomo hideous , lampooning mockery. Acrobatic ex hibit iono on the Bidoiralka were con < tinuoua ; victims swore , and lookers on were risibly nffocted. The hnuian edition of the froj ( family practiced or lie last yonr's croak : "It'll bo n flnod , ser , Indado it will , ser , " quoth an Em oraldor on Broadway anc with a anddon thought- 1 Kin yo toll , aor throth , thest newspaper bhoys is the uns at Is ontc the rackets why wo don't bo af choi havin' a layvay down forniuat th < bloody Mlzzaoryl An1 I'm afthoi radin the papers a bit mosilf , I am an * It's thorn follora in Washington c Totln' the blcaaod dollars , they bo , foi duck ponds in Pennsylvania an * tadpole polo creeks in Ohio , and improvlu' the navigation o' wet marshoa In Mass a ohuaotta why the holy St. Mlko , ] say , c&n't they spend a nickel for fix In1 up the railroad town o1 the wosl aglu , the moat dovollah piece o1 frcal water na over ilowfcd down hill ? " THE BKB reporter was atumpud and , observing ho would Inquire ol the Pharlseea uud publicans , put hi helm hard n port and sailed back ti haven. Fortunes or fnrmori and Mcv chanlcs. Thomanda of dollars can be saved b < uslDB proper judgment in taking care o the health of yourself nnd family. If yo\ \ are bilioux , have sallow complexion , pee appetite , low and depressed spirits , ant generally debilitated , do not delay a mo nient , but go nt oncej and procure a bet tie of those wonderful Klectrio Bitten which never fall to cure , and that for th Jf'Ujng ' Bum of fifty cents.-TTlbune Sold by 0. F , Goodman. DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. GENERAL MERCHANDISE 18 Main Struct and 17 Ponrl Street. \Grooory215MainStrcPt. . | Uotoij17&219Main3t. O I MILLINERY at coat for . O. U. 30 daye , m Main Street , J. M. BARSTOW , M. P. , * * nn I P lAIUITC OFFICE : Cor. Main nnd 5th , up-btalrB. till. U. I" . Ilentdonce , 009 Willow Avonuu. JUSTICE OF TOE PEA.GE , Office oftor February 15th , over American Exprcsa. Uf A OKI CD LIVERY AND FEED. WILL CONTRACT SQ If H UN En , for fonorala at roasotmblo rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Wlioisalo tmtlcr , cgts , rcnltryond frelt. Ship to u ? . Dt : It liy return null 3'B ' Broadway. ! \ / ' ! > r Broad way ' Moat Market , 327 Broadway HntTU\/DD'rilir The best Mea's ' nt lowest prlc B. KvpllTIJ CONTIUOTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7th nnd Cr , vJlSVei I Mr Broadway. Pinna nnd Bpocificitiono furnished O P \ r D flfl A M In FINE HARNESS I hs vo the variety WlAf . &HK.nVIAW. ! that britiRS pxtrotmg. . . 124 Msin atrcot. S'T TAILOR , Artistic Work . nnd lloasonnble Ormrgen. 872 Broadway. „ . . , . . . FURNIIUllE , STOVES-and f , Oyisj nouBchold Snpplles , 303 Broadway. GiX UST S ! Bargains , Bargains. I MMEN8 E BARGAINS 1 Ladies' ' Misses' ' And Children's ' Men's and Boys' Boots & Shoes , FOR THE AT THE EW BOOT AND SHOE STORE CORNEB WIAIN STREET AND FIRST AVEtlUE- A Tramp to the Tranufor A tramp to the transfer nnd back at a late hour last night found a big pow wow steaming up nt a a vloon on lower Broadway. A crowd of cooua with piauo and violin nnd a gang of railroad men were giving a varietyahow , everyone - ono filling up with hudgo and the pros. pect for lodgora at the hotel demunl- ipal becoming immim-nt. At the transfer the "Q" train wail reported an hour lato. The ground of the Chicago and Northweatern depot nt the transfer waa tranaformod 'nto n lake , the water being 4 to G inches deep. At the corner of Ninth and Elgh- , centh avenue a dance waa in prog- : em ; a tqueaky fiddle , hoarao caller md u hilarious crowd mada a pande monium of racket. At their hall the juvenile band wore rehearsing for the concert Fri day night. A bay horao waa found wandering , ( saddled , nbout the streets. He waa luaaood by the police abont 10 o'clock aud lodged hi a livery atablo. If you nro not married , write the Marriage - riago Fun 1 and Mutual Trust Associa tion , Cedar Rapids , Iowa , for circulars explaining the plan. _ _ _ f5-3on. The 13E87 S\rVE In tha world for OQ : , Urni'M , Bcran , Uloarc , bolt Ilhcnro , ! ' vor SoriM , Tetter , Ch'.ppod Hncdn , Call blniud , Coma , end tU tkiu eruptions , MiA l > oastlvoy ) curonpilr.o , Ilia gunrantced to Ave ( fttisfacKon r nvucy rofundiMl. frrlsc , o o nt < per er. ( Tor n ! a br 0. Money for the TJnmorriod. One of the inoat § olld nnd substantial lostitntlona in this country h the Mar- ringo Fund nnd Mutual Trust Aea"ci tlon , of Cedar Rapids , Iowa. They are organ ized under the lawa of Iowa , nnd their of. ficera and dlrectora are among the leudlug nnd most prominent busiuea men of Cednr Hauiilf. Every uumnrriod person shpuld thia aesoclation. IV hnvo a certificate In It i * n splendid investment , as safe ns a Rovernmeut bond. Yon can Justaa well have n K od eum of money to commence married life on aa not. A largo number of members have been paid off , receiving nver 300 per cent on their Investment. Wrlto for circulars fully detailing the plan , which in the finest known. Dn not postpone It. Good nfjenti wnutod. Mention where you saw this notice. K-3m. Our New Loan tvnd Improvement Oo Investigation into the matter con- vincca ua that ono of the moat cquita- bio , reaaonablo and foaelblo plans of building houses ia that "proposed end in operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company of ihla city. By invoatlcg In aharoa In this institution , which is backed by sorao of onr boat and moat reliable business men , it becomes possible and comparatively easy for n man of mod erate moana to secure a comfortable homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at a certain monthly payment , In n few years a man can own a house of his own for about the earns aa ho pays monthly for rent. We bcllovo the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organizing nud opening up for business , having filled a long felt want in Council Bluff * . Tholr plans nnd system of loaua will boar the most careful scrutiny and exam ination , aud wo have no hesitancy in pronouncing them reasonable and equitable , and backed by gentlemen of honor and Integrity. As the com pany exists It booomos at once an in stitution of value and credit to onr city and these who dealro homes. Their president is T. A. Kirklaud ; vice president , Jndga Peako ; sec retary , I. R. Beery ; treasurer , Col. Boobo , and tholr oflico Is In the base ment of Shugart's and McMahon's new block , corner Flrat avenue nnd Pearl stroe * jan27-ly COUNCIL BLUFFS MAHKET. Corrected daily by J. Y. Fuller , mer chandise broker , buyer and shipper ol groin and provisions , S'J I'earl street. WUKATNo. . 2 spring , 77o ; No. 3 , C5 rejecter ) 50c ; good demnud , CoiiN S5o to feeders nnd 33a to ship- pew ; rejected corn Chicago , 53 : ; new mixed , 55c. The receipts of corn are daily increasing nnd ship' era nre kept busy tak ing care of finners'deliveries. OATB Scarce aud lu good demand ; 30@ 32c. 32c.HAT 1 OOffi'O 00 per ton. RYK 40c ; light supply. Conx MEAL 1 25per 100 pounds. WOOD Good Bupphi prices at yards , 500@COO. COAL Delivered , hard , 11 CO per ton soft. 5 50 per ton , BtrriKn Plenty nnd in fair demand 25c ; creamery , SOc. EGGS -Scarce nnd in demand ; SOa pei dozen. LAIU > Fnirhank'a , wholeflallug nt ISJc I'oDLTnY Firm ; dealers nnvini ; 13o pe : pound for turkeys and lOc for chicktns. VEGETABLES Potat'iec , 45c ; onion * , 25c cabbages , 30@40o per dozen ; npplcB , 2 5C @ 3 50 per barrel. FLOUII Wholeaalo prices -llrller pat. ent . < 25 for Buperlativo ; roller i patent 2 85 for diadum winter ; roller ntandnrd 2 GO for golden tiheaf ; roller family. 1 CO. Wholesale prices for Hour , 2 40@3 25. 15UOOM8 2 00@3 00 per dozen. STOCK. CATTLE 3 00@3 50 ; calves 6 00@7 50. lltgs Market active , nnd nil offering ! quickly taken nt liigher price ? . Car lots Common , 5 45@5 50 ; good mixed , 5 00(3 ( 580 ; heavy parkin ? , 570@595 ; choke f * noy paQking , 003@G 10. GOU GIL BLUFFS SPEGSAi NOTICES. NOTlCK.-SpccUl kdrertlaomontij , sue Loet , Found , Tc Loan , For Sale , To Rent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Ineortod In thti column at the ow rate ot TEN CENTS FKfl LINE ( or the Crai Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE lor each subsequent Insertion Leave adr ertluementa at oiu oflico , No. 1 Ftarl Street , near Bro&dwa ] * . Wants. ANTED-A Qrit.li83 baibcr at Qgilet W llOU-iO fll p. H OOP VOLES WANTED-For further par tluilari' all on or aJdreas Joseph Hess , Cl ! Upper Broaday , Fcbl 14t Everybody In Council BluCs lo WANTED Bic , 20 conta i > er week , de llvcrod by carriers. OOice , No 7 Pearl Street near Broadway. For Sale ana Rent -rumSALK-AlmUliitere't inapijlnjr h'te L1 In this city , also a half Inter- in a enlooc by ODELL&DAY. O TORE FOH KENT With eight rooms , ctllai O and ft barn , 023 Fl'th stree' , oproslte th ( oundry Inquire ol W. Eugcl. Fobl2-12t KENT The desirable olllccs lately occu FOH theboirdof irado. Apply to Bush ncll i Brackctt. tf BEES In racKSRea or a hundred at 2C ( OLD package at Tim CKS olllco , No. 7 Tear street. M A N olllce , mostod\anUKCOU9ly ( Ituatfd , odcn A dtek room In return Jor icrvices ; ( ras , fuel , etc. , furnished. Address , "Olllco , " BKI offlce , Council Blultn. L EOINCHAM & GO , , Ormmission Merchants Chlcaco and Milwaukee , Coniljnmcnta of Oia'n ' , Sseds and I'ro\l9lons , solicit * ) ! . Office orer urlnn bank , OODNOlLi BLUFFS , low * . BATH INSTITUTE , Brjant Street , ono Dxt north ol Dohtny'a Hall. Thermo-Electric , Medicutt d nnd Sulphur Bathe. For lidlMi and ( fcntlcmon. Tlifso Itaths nro fully ondo scd by the Medlcnl Fraternity as lelnc lot unfulIltiK auilllatyln rcc nt Co'ds ' , llhcuirailsro , Neuralgia , Lumbago ami many other nllmcnti lioMldes , my wife , a competent lady , will attend ladles. P. M. LOOK WOOD , Propr. DUQUETTE , GUIBE11T & CO. , ( Succowora to EHD & DUQUE1TE ) , 16 niid 18 Pearl'St. , roimcU IHuJDft , la , M. GALLAGHER , IB I JS S Now Store , Frooh Goodn , Low Pricoa. Pollto Attoudnuta. i I" of ilia Jiiotrdpolitin Hotel , Lower Broadway TITLE ABSTRACT Q F FCE. ! . . i > < racr x arc , an .ac o o. I/and s and Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. KOTAE1E3 PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. CCHWCSL BLUFFS IOWA. M. T. DAVIS , President. N. B. EASTON , Secy. J. 0. HOFFMAN , Vice Pros. 0. H.TJLBURT , Adjuster. iUTUAL IOWA STOCK iNSURA CE GO. In&u 03 Live * took Against Loss by Office , 103 Ponrl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. The only company In lotva that will Insure your stuck against loea from any canao whatever. Owners ol Sto kwill consult their nnn Intcre't If , when Insuring their Stock , tncy a r tlia th i no'ley ' lr eludes all the losses thy may litivu , end be sa'inflfcl lth nothing less. Kor ( uitlicr luformatlon cat ! on or address N. R. F.ASTO * . Oounoil BlufFg , Towa. ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN LACKifAMi , LSMI&H , BLO'SSBUEB A.ND ALL I If 1 W8 feffco1 GOKNELLSViLLE COKE EMEMT , IME , PLA5TE8 , ETC , Wo , 34 Pearl T-trcot ; , Yard" Oor. T31 } bth Street nnd V Eleventh Avannw , Cotsncil Bluffs R fl RFNFDIOT a rJp rui * SnfiUUn5J' ' S w' 5 THE IjEADINO DKALEU IN 337 Tfrotxrlwav. rinnnnil . "Blnffa , Shuggart Implement Co. , IL BLUFFS , IOWA. AiiifcM'S i'Oll THE FARMER'S FRIEND PLANTER AND TAfcT CHECK ROWER , BUOQANA1S WAGON , OTTAWA CYLINDER SHELLER , OLDS WAGON. STAR HAND S11ELLEH , \TESRAKE NICHOLS &SREPA11DTHRESH'R HUBER REVOLVING RAKE , EVANS TRIPLE HARROW , GOR1IAM SEE ! ER. HENNEY BUGGIES , TIGER CULTIVATOR SPRING WAGONS , ETC. , ETC. 113 and H5 Slain Street.1 For BnRinea , Boilors. OastinRB , Repatrn Send Orders to JOHN GiUHtfiT , Mamifacturer , Corner Ua'.ii ' uttut and gt1 ! Avoiuo , OjuncU BluBj. 1'iomp' attention t ordori. 'Jhi beei Wo km'mhlii ntiil lifa'nnili'o cbae < tel ) IQ'ly ; KELLEE & 00 , Thoflneat quality and larcest stock west of Chlcajro of Vt ooden and Jletallc Cases. Calls attended - tended to t all hours. Wo cninpetltlon In quality of goods or prices Our.JIr. Morgan has scr\c < l as undertaker for forty jears and thor oughly understands his Imslnesa. Warcrooms , 311 IBrcadway. U llOLSTKUINO In all It4 branches promptly attended to ; a'so carpet-lay- Ing and lambrequins. Telegraphic anj mall or- dcrsBllcd w Ithout delay. MBS. R , J , HILTON , M , D , , PKYSiOIAN AND SURGEON , 22 DrnadwcLV. Connotl Ulntfj. Pains Bswanted , . CBt 2&3 5iory ; or tns Savfiug Macliine A bin.lH > mo lliljii rtipWt ; , bl is'tiaJ fal tsrt wlili ncunetoul ocitifc-Ioxs , win D Ii nr Biull person ctlUnj lor It , t = jr bi nsl oi iub-offlce of Tli Olnjor Utnottclarln * O > : ra piny , oi will bo cent by msU , pcj ) pild , I , JOT ptrton llrlcj dltUnu liqai osi oCcit ? ho Singer Hiwufaotnrlnjj Oo , , Principal Office , 34 Union Bqn ri / fORK W. U. U. fUOS. OrFlOBB. . . . OFFICER & PUSEY , Oonacil Bluffs , Ia. I8B6 Established , - Dealers in Forclgt C1 ndl r oraoBtlclEich njo nd home eecurltlen GOLD ROPE. The Intrinsic merit and superior quality of out Odd Hope Tobacco baa induced other manufac turers to put upon the market oois similar to mr brtnJ In name and etlo which are oOered jnd told for leia moicy than the genuine Qold I'.opo. Wo caution the t a' ' > and conenmcr to sea that our name aud trvlo mark are upon each lump. Iho pnly gonulou and original Qpld Hope Tobacco Is nur.ulactur < d by THE WILSON < X MoNALLY TO BACCO COMPANY. 1T'.i * < iil Airenta for the Life. Time * , \ \ SJIHCd and Trrochorom JOSSB James. Wi nvniswiFE. . he only life authoi lied by her and which will not be "Bloodand1hupder" story , such aa hag bcea and 111 be pill li hed , but a tiua life by the only person who U In i > Ob.Mton of the facts a faithful and devoted wife. Truth U more nter. Utlng hM flstbn. . irenU should apply 01 ter- ritory at once. Sen 75 cti. for Sample book. J. H Obnmbanl& Co , -&v-e St > H > otili Mo !