Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1883, Page 2, Image 2

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The blood is the foundation of
life , it circulates through every part
of the body , nnd unless il is pure
and rich , good health is impossible.
If discaij has entered the system
the only sure and quick way to drive
it out is to purify and enrich the
These simple facts are \ycll
known , and the highest medical
authorities agree tha nothing but
iron will restore the blood to its
natural condition ; and also that
all the iron preparations liitlicrto
made blacken the teeth , cause head
ache , and are otherwise injurious.
oughly and quickly assimilate with
the blood , purifying and strengthen-
5. < H it , and thus drive disease from
any part of the system , and it will
not blacken the teeth , cause head
ache or constipation , and is posi
tively not injurious.
Saved his Child.
17 N. Eutaw St. , Ualtlmore , Md.
Feb. n , 1880.
Genii : Upon the recommenda
tion of a friend I tried UROWN'S
' IKON liirrnus as n tonic and re
storative for my daughter , whom
> I wai thoroughly convinced was
watting away with Consumption.
' Having lost three daughters by the
terrible diseaie , under the care of
I eminent physicians , I wai loth to
believe that anytlijtic Could arrest
the progress of the disease , but , to
< I my great surprise' btfore my daugh-
' terfiad taken onebottlc of IlitoWN' * *
, IKON HiTTKRS , the began to mer.J
and now Is quite restored to farmer
, , health. A fifth daughter began to
ihow tlgns of Consumption , and
when the physician was consulted
1 he quickly laid "Tonics were re-
nulredj" and when Informed that
4 the elder sister was taking DKOWN'S
IRON UiTTKHS , responded "that Ii
' a good tonic , take It. "
AtxxiAM Pinu-3.
ly cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion and
Weakness , and renders the greatest
relief andbcncflt to persons suffering
from such wasting diseases as Con
sumption , Kiducy Complaints , etc.
Every Corn'ot Ia Trilmmtod satli-
factory to Ha wonror la ovorr way.
- _ . , 1 pronounced fay our leading phjmfdani
tt t Injurtoua to thowearcr. and endorsed by ladlea ai
to * "mtntoomTortablo ana perfect flttlntf Conet er
* * * d * ' "
I'IlICESbT Stall , I'c.tnso Poll I
Mtaltu Prcicrvlnu. 01.00. Hclf-AdjuitlnB. 91.00
Abdominal ( extra henry ) 8.00. Nnrtln , 91.00
if. tbftlth H'reierrlns ( One routll ) Z.OO. 1'aracoa
Bklrt-Supporttnii , 1.00.
kr nlo by Icudlnv Itctull Drulcra ever/where !
ClllOAQO OOItSKT CO. , CUlcaco , 111.
BTAULiailEI ) lt > 63.
1109 and UU Dodge Btroat ,
nui ( 7-me 6na OuAni. NEB.
"By thorough knowloOgo ol the natural lavi
which covern the opcratloui of dlgcatlon and
nutrition , ad by a oaroful application ol thi
Bn prou rtle ol wellHrleotod Ooeoa. Ui
f IP1. , ' Crorid J < > " ' broakiMt tibloa with i
dtllcatoly BavoroJ
boyerago which may laro at
many hoBVj doctora' bills It U by the Judleloni
cuaot each artlclot ol dlst that conV.ltutloi
may bo gradually built up nntll tron ? enonzt
to i.tlit Tfliy tend Doy to dlscaio. flundrcdi
pi tubtla tnoladlee are floating around us road ]
to attack wh-irever th r Ia w ak point. w {
may eacape many a ItUl ihalt by keeping our
M v.i wofl lortlfled with nuro bloSd an a prop
lly nourUhed tram . " -6lvtl Service Qantta.
Made ilmjily with boiling water or milk Rnl
In tlni only ( i'lb and Ib ) . label d
Homceopathlo Ohemlata
"lv .ixindon. Hnalan
Weitern Agents , Libjctte , Indiana.
Dirifi1 ! ! emi tr
Rubber Boots aud
Boots and Shoes
The center pieces are Interchangeable and re-
renlble. It prevent * tbo counter from ruuqlnj
oio' , requiring no heel itldenen.
The Agency ( or these goods in tbU town hki
. Other * sinno procura them. - wn
Call and xaralno a lull line cl Leather and
"Candta * Uubber UooU and Shoei with the Ra-
. renlbla Hetl.
. ( . . . , , MM. K. PETEnBON.r' '
- LouUTUl , l { b.
Story of the Recovery of
Stolen 81,500,000 , , ,
Red Loary Ito Custodian
Negotiations that Failed.
Soott anil nlnp. in Prl on , Cnnso
Hli'AvrcRt , and Tlinrcttpon the
Northampton Bnnk'ii VaalU
Fill Up Again
New York Sun.
The Northampton bank defended
successfully lust wcok nn aotion
brought In the United States court in
this city to recover $10,000 , the value
of bonds which Mra. Fanny D. Wylio
lad on deposit for safe keeping in the
sank at the tlmo of the famous rob-
jory in 1870 , The manner In which
; ho bank recovered from the thieves
51 , GOO , 000 in BoouritloB wan partly
.old for the first time in the ovldonco.
Many of the details that might have
icon told by Datootivo Pinkerton
when ho was on the stond were not
elicited. With the o details supplied
ay him the story of the recovery ol
, Lo $1,500,000 of securities is as fol-
ows :
For a year after the robbery the
Dank officers were constantly receiving
iroposltlons for the rotnrn of the
stolen securities. Thcso propositions
came from lawyora in this city , and
moat of the correspondence- by ad-
vortisomonts. At no tlmo was the
difference between the prlco the
thelves a&kod and the 'prlco the bank
would pay reduced to loss than $100-
K)0. ) As a tulo in such cases , the
; hiovoo demand from CO to GO percent
qf the valno of the stolen property ,
and the losers do not want to pay
moro than 25 or 30 per cent. In this
nitanco the burglars at first demanded
75 per cent.
After negotiating for a year , the
jnnk decided to act upon the adyloo
ofTorod by Flnkerton'a agency and
canso the arrest of as many of the
ihlovea as cculd bo caught. The de
fectives argued thai it was useless to
lope for the rotnrn of the property
intll some of the thieves were in the
lands of the law. Shortly after this
loclalon was reached Soott and Dun-
ap , the latter the loader of the sang ,
were arrested In Philadelphia. They
were about taking a traiu south to
commit another burglary. They
were convicted at Northampton and
sentenced to twenty years' imprison
ment. At the name tlmo indlctmoutt
wofo obtained against Rod Loary ,
Bhang Draper , Connors and others o !
the pang. They were arrested ant
lodged in Ludlow etroot jail ,
from which Loary and Oonuora cs
coped pending the long litigation ovoi
their extradition. The bank fought
their cases to the court of appeal !
and through the supreme court of the
United States.
In the meantime a good deal ol
quiet attention was devoted to
It was known that the former was the
brains and loader of the party. II
was aald and believed of him that he
always Insisted before going into anj
job that if the plunder was to bo hold
for ransom it should bo left in one
man's hands , and that ho should be
the man. For this and other roasoni
ho was believed to hold the key to the
Northampton bank's properly , Af toi
Lho pilc.Uod boon ln..nriiwDufaniAflni {
to the c ulcers of the bank that the ;
could effect the return of all the
stolen Bocurltics oxoopt the govern
ment bonds and $100COO of the
> ther neouritiea. They had been
opt in separata confinement.
Persons representing the binli
to sea them. Both instated that
Danlap nlono controlled the property ,
md that ho would surrender in rotnrn
'or a pardon or a now trial for both
They said that bcforo the robbery was
committed , it was ngreod that all of
.he railroad and other securities should
10 held in bulk for redumption by the
) ank. The government bondaamount.
np ; to abont $40,000 , and the $12 , .
000 or $13,000 in cash were divided at
once. Two days before they wore ar
rested $100,000 of the moro available
securities were sot apart to be utilized
n raiajng "fall money" that Is ,
money to help out any of the gang
who mlL'ht be arrested. Part of this
8100,000 was the $25,000 in bonds
lolonglug to Director Hinckloy , of
.ho bank , which he received by pay-
ng $0,000 for while Scott and Dun-
an were being tried. The . bonds
which Mrs. Wylio sought to recover
.ho value of from the bank were also
part of this $100,000.
The bank was convinced that Dun-
ap controlled the securities and , of-
'ortu were made to accede to his torrus ,
lut to 110 purpose. The various gov
> rnors who were appealed to , declined
.0 listen to any proposition for the
nttlgatiou of tro sentenceof the men.
Governor Long said that it was be
neath the commonwealth of Massu-
chiuolts to entertain tor n moment any
such proposition ua the two imprisoned
robbers mado. He said that when
; hey yivo sonic Indications of poni-
once by returning the property and
doing everything in their power to
make restitution , It would bo time
enough to' make appeals for clemency.
At this time Scott and Dunlap had
apparently found means of communi
cating with their associates , who wore
out of prison and with each other ,
probably through their relatives , whc
were allowed by law to visit them at
certain times. Both made attempts
to escape on the came day , and wore
aided from the outaldo. For cvoi
throe yearn and a half they stuck tc
the story that Dunlap &lono controlled
tlio stolen securities , and his term !
were a pardon or now trial for both.
Moant'sno ' Scott fell sick , and hia dis
ease developed Into quick consump
tion. His mother , a very respectable
Christian woman , living
visited him and urged him to m kc
restitution. The
dying burglar ac
cepted her advice. Dunlap was made
acquainted with his couipanloti'c
wishes , and apparently being lutla-
encod by them , aa well as convinced
that ho could not better his own con
dition nntll ho had dome something In
his own favor , hq took a now course ,
H sent for ono of the officers ot the
bank , to whom both told the same
story , It was that they had been do
colrlng the bask all aUmc In
that Dunlap controlled the securities.
This was the case , they said , till Dun-
lap und Scott were convicted. The
mcnrltlea were then turned over to
Ud Loary with the understanding
that If any member of the fiacg who
might bo caught should call for thoro-
turn of the aecnrllies they should bo
returned. Danlnp and Soott said
they believed that Leary would fulfill
hia part of the bargain , uud that they
had apprised him of their
wishes fa the matter , namely ,
that thn securities bo returned , eo
that Scott might bo allowed to die
outside the prison walls , andDanlap'a
term possibly bo shortened. Loary ,
they sold , had replied to them from
Europe , writing on encouraging letter ,
in which ho said : "Hold the fort , tor
I am oomlng. " Ho had slnco returned
to this country and sent them several
messages , and up to within a few days
they had supposed that everything
wai going on as they wished. Loary
had then apparently changed his
mind , Influenced , as they thought , by
bad advisors. They also thought that
the messages that passed themselves
and Lcary had boon changed-by the
gj.botwoon to suit his own plans.
They suggested that the only way by
which they could got untamperod
communication with Loary and com
pel him to give up the securities waa
to have him arrested.
Up to this time Leary , who had dug
his way out of Ludlow street jail ,
pending the fight over his extradition
to Massachusetts , waa supposed to bo
In London. Indictments had boon
obtained against Loary , Draper and
Connors when the excitement over the
robbery was at ita Height. The ovl-
donca was afterward held to bo In
sufficient. Dunlap said that he and
Scott would go on the stand against
Leary or put the officers la the way ol
procuring evidence npon which he
could bo convicted , if he did not re
turn the securities. If ho did return
them , Danlap said , nothing could In-
dnco him to Injure Leary or any ol
the others.
The bank proceeded at once to re
capture Leary , and to that end De
tective Pinkerton paid Dunlap a visit ,
and received from him the name ol
the go-between. The go-between wet
traced to a little isolated tavern oppo
alto Greenwood cemetery , kept by an
old Englishman named Shay. Abonl
1 o'clock ono morning , Loary wet
arrested as ho was driving alone in c
sleigh toward Shay's tavern. Oonnore
was taken in Philadelphia , end , with
Loary ard Draper , waa taken to the
jail in Northampton.
Aa noon as Leary waa lodged there
Danlap and Scott were allowed tc
have an Interview with osch other. It
was the first alnco their confinement.
They were left together for three honrt
and as the result of tholr consultation
they wrote a letter to Leary. The ;
called his attention to hla last com
munication to thorn , in which ho had
told them that they wore entitled tc
two-Bovonths of the spoil ( there wore
seven in the gang ) , and that thai
proportion was all tnoy could control :
that they had nothing to say about the
other five-sevenths ; that two-seventh )
was at their disposal , t.nd would b (
given up on tholr order. They sug
gested that he might now BOO thlngi
In another light. They added thai
they wished htm no hurra , but that 1 :
ho did not deliver up what was in hli
charge , according to the agreement
they would find means to appear a
Northampton and "down him. " Bn
ho knew thorn well enough to taki
tholr word for It , that if ho "gavo op'
noMvaHy-o ? t'nffolheft ni tojtajun
L ja.ry apparently paid no attontlot
to thin letter for n loug tlmo. It wai
presumed that ho wanted tlmo t <
communicate with his associates it
and out of prison. It is gonorall ]
presumed thai ho obtained the consoni
of ull the thieves interested in the
surrender. About three weeks afcci
ho got the letter from Scott and Dun
lap word came to the bank oflicure
that on attorney in this city could toll
them where the aucuritleo were to be
found. Through that attorney the BO
onrlties were recovered from a safe
deposit company in this city. Thoj
worn in good condition , though damp.
It ia presumed that they had boon
buried , protected by piled Bilk and
rubber wrappings. It ia also believed
that Leary nlono know the hiding
place , and that ho revealed it by raoanc
of n dlngram convoyed out of the
When Laary and the others were
put on trial Scott and Danlap did not
appear against them. The evidence
upon which the indictment were ob
tained were submitted to the court by
the attorney general , and the court
dooldod that it waa insufficient to go to
trial on. The throu men were re
leased. Scott died in prison soon af
terward , and Dnnlap is serving out
his twenty years' sontencoat Concord.
Ono voice all over the land goes np
from mothers , that says , "My daugh-
toro are DO feeble aud sad , with no
otrongth , all out of breath and lifo at
the least exertion. What can wo defer
for them ? " The answer in simple and
full of hope , One to four weeks' use
of Hop Bitters will make them healthy ,
ro y , sprightly , and cheerful.
The Sensational Qousar-Mander
Damage Suit ia Lafayette , Ind. ,
Which 13 Exciting tno Good
People of It-dluna in Gen
eral , and the Temper
ance Loaccue in
LAFAYETTE , Ind. , Fobrnary 12.
The ono and all-absorbing coplo of
conversation la thn dnrruga suit of
Uolon M. Qougar ( pronounced Qow-
gar ) , the editrcBs of Our Herald , and
a noted temperance losturer and
woman's rights advocate , vs. Harry
Mundor , chief of police * , which is now
ponding. The defendant sues for
$10,000 for alleged defamation of
character , she charging that the defendant -
fondant circulated a < tory to the effect
that eho had boon f.ullty of adultery
with Capt. W. DeWitt Wallace. Tc
this charge Chief of Police Maudor
pleaded juatiQoaton , The trial began
a week ago , aud has not been without
Its sensational features. At the very
beginning an o'/ort on the part of the
dotonno to establish the specific act on
which the salt was brought by othei
acts prior tr it was met by thoplalntlfl
by an assertion that this would not be
legal ; thpc the defense- must confine
thomselvbs to the act In ques
tion , a.'jd that no. precedent foi
such ccarso existed. The point railed
was bitterly oontestod by both sidci
and finally resulted in a declnlon In
favor of tno defendant. The trial be
gan last Monday a week ago , and from
the first attracted almost national at
tention. During the building of H
now court house the spacious council
chamber I being used as a court room ,
and the room is packed with Inter ,
usted spectators from the opening un
til the close cf court each day. Hun
dreda ere turned nway dolly , and there
Is eonio talk of renting the Grand
opera house for the remainder of the
attending the daily seances of thi !
came colebro are composed of the bet
tor class of people , and it is said some
of them pay pretty good prices foi
oven standing room. Each day develops
volops something in this now cele
brated case , end the evidence so fai
elicited ia damaging to the charactei
of the plaintiff , The testimony hat
not been without ita dirty 'features ,
and this ia the moro surprising con
sidering the hitherto high social stand
ing of Mrs. Gongar and Oapt. Wal
lace. The people are generally as
tonndod to think that language and
actions such as are credited to Mrs ,
Gougar could bo laid to the door of c
woman who has always hold heraoll
np to the public as a model of whal
the women of this century could am
should bo. Ono very strong feature
In the caeo la that the most damaging
testimony so far elicited is from wit
noises whoso character is unlmpeaoha
bio , and in which not the sllghtcs
flaw can bo found. The witnesses , in
the main , are old and Influential citi
zana whose names are above thi
shadow of reproach , and the genera
belief is that the defendant has al
ready established hla case. Mra
Gongar , the plaintiff , ia a promlnen
feature in the court room as she slti
croct and usually dtfUnt , herhusbanc
at her right hand and Oapt. Wallace
with whom she is charge *
with criminal Intimacy , at ho
left. Sitting round about her
owing , knitting or reading , are semi
half-dozen or moro ladles of the torn
peranco league , all firm believers ii
the innocence of their bosmirchei
ooworker , and ready at trying moments
monts with words of comfort or cheer
Occasionally , when the evidence 1
unusually severe , Mra , Gougar will re
sort to team , but soon recovers , and
with her eyes firmly fastened on thi
witness , listens intently to the testl
mony. Frequently some point in thi
evidence will bo noted down by her
and consultations with ono or.thi
other ot her eminent coucs9l an
numerous. She Is a woman of com
manding carriage , tall , supple ant
graceful , and her face , though show
ing the marks of tlmo , ia still vor ;
attractive. She la credited with being
a woman of rare mental ability , ;
fluent talker and a writer of no meat
pretentious. Her paper , Our Herald
hhs frequently made its sting felt , anc
its oggrcsaivonora has not boon alto
gather irresponsible for the nnpleaa
ant situation in which she now findi
hersolf. John D. Gougar , the
In this case is a small , pleaaant-looklnj
gentleman , with dark hair aud whiskers
ors and a face that betokens a man it
poor health. Ho is a lawyer , with i
largo and lucrative practice , and ha
always berne a character which 1
above reproach. He is of a rotirlni
disposition , yet always gontlomanl ;
and highly respected by every one. I
has always been said of him that h
waa "tho man without a known one
my. " The very damaging teatimon ;
. " ' * of tb
concerning t"ili'lB"inofH ,
- fA V" * n ° naa alway * fmcei
the most'lmplicit confidence ia havln ;
ita effect upon him , and the cloao o
each day but adda to the burden of nor
row ao plainly depicted on hia face
Wrapped up in hia buslncaa and hav
ing tno strlctcot confidence ) in his wif B'I
integrity , thia caeo haa burnt like i
thunder-bolt upon him. Capt. W
Do Witt Wallace , the alleged paramou :
of the plaintiff , soema to bo the wore
broken up party in the caao. Hii
manner , uanally easy and dignified , ii
quick and norvoua , nnd ho looks liki
a man momentarily expecting thi
crack cf doom , yet dreading ita com
Ing. Ho has boon u prominent worke :
ID temperance nnd religious fields fo :
yoatfl , and has several times boor
nominated for high eflhos , althoufil
invariably defeated. He was the republican
publican nominee for utnto senate :
from this district at the recent atati
election , but was moat ignornlnlouslj
suowcd under. Ho ia a married mar
aud has an interesting family. It wai
Mrs. Gougar'a effort to boom the causi
of Wallaoo in the recent election tha
led to making of the remark onrhlct
this suit was broc ght. She was vorj
abusive of all antl-prohlbltionlato , nnc
Chief Mandler was ono of her victims
Ho la a German and an avowed antl
prohibitionist , but a man whose character
actor for truth and voracity is abov <
reproach. The ovldouco so far oatab
lisnes frequent clandestine mooting !
between Mrs. Gonrgar and
Capt. Wallace , and ono witnoaa
Mlaa Mary Cunningham , a young lad ]
of spotless character , toatlfioa to Wai
lace having staid all night at the housi
of Mra. Gougar during her hnaband'i
absence. It hos alao been established
by moro than ono witnoaa that hoi
visits to the law offioj of the festive
captain were neither few .nor far bo
tneon , The defense do not oxpeot tc
close their cue for several days yet
and hint that they have eomo evidence
that will prove a genuine bomb ehol
In the onemy'd camp. The plaintiff
it ia said , will also offer some verj
strong evidence in rebuttal. Some
Bay that.if Mra. Gouger had at once
dropped the case when the point ol
admitting evidence concerning othoi
aota than the ono specified in thi
complaint was decided against her , II
would have been the beat thing ohi
could have done , outt-ido of having
never brought the suit at all.
A true strengthening medlcino anc
health ronewer is Brown's Iron Bitters
UBB Koddltm'a Kusaia Halve in the
house.nnd lieddlug'a Hussion Salve ii
the stable. Try It.
A SHelit Cold ,
If neglected , often attacks the Junes
and , almost immediate relief. Sold only i >
Price 25 cents.
Tables supplied with the best thi
market affords. The traveling public
claim they get hotter accommodation !
and more general satisfaction her <
than at any other house In Omaha ,
Rate , f 2 per dar < ug21tlm
Tha Marietta and Cincinnati has been
reorganlztd as the Cincinnati , Washington
and Baltimore ratlrniul , nnd h under the
control of the Baltimore nnd Ohio.
The Mexican Natlu&M will t-robably be
completed to Snltillo In June , Saltlllo IB
A boiullful little town In the mountains
about fifty tnllea beyond Monterey nnd it
known as a delightful resort for Invalid * .
Thirty-el * mltcs of steel mils wan re
ceived at Memphis for tbo Xanana City ,
Springfield and Memphis railroad , nnd the
work of laying the track at that cud of
the line haa been commenced.
As soon as ftvornblo weather arrives the
Wisconsin railroad will tend out n survey-
ing'party to locate the now line to bo built
1)7 the company through Pcnokce range ,
The line will extend 0 miles duo cant from
the mala road nnd thence in n northenstly
direction into Michigan.
A railroad contractor haa commenced
building a railroad OB a branch or feeder
for the Little Hock , MIsaNnlppl river and
Texas road. The Hoe will be laid from
Vnrncr'd elation and terminate at the
Cnmmlaga plantation on the Arkansas
The Alabama Great Southern road has
commenced replacing the iron rails with
steel , The work began at Tionton and
will bo carried nouthwnrd.
The Newcastle and Northern railroad
company has been churtored at Ilarrisburg ,
Pa. The capital ia $230,000.
The Galveston , Sablno nnd St. Louta
company has been organized with a cauiUl
etnckof | § 1.500.000 , to build a railroad
from to a suitable point on the Hod river
in Grayson county , Ark.
The report of the Buffalo , Pittahnrg and
Western company states that the gross
earnings of the company for 1862 were
$893,425. the expenses $154,386 , and the
net earnings $441,089 ,
The Indiana , Blftomlngton and Western
system earned in January 8218,142.03 , an
Incorense of 62,318. 9 over the earnings
of the corresponding month of 1882.
A full and final settlement has been
effected by tbo Louisville , New Albanj
and Chicago railroad company with the
Crawford syndicate , by which the lattei
haa given possession of 1E8 miles of road
to the fonner. The new road extend !
from Indianapolis to Chicago , Is an all
line , and was built by Henry Crawford foi
the Louisville , New Albany and Chicago
A force of men have been ordered to Col.
lege Point , La. , to grade the line of the
New Orleans and Mississippi Valley road ,
In the course of five or six weeki the road
will be completed and trains running from
New Orleans to College Point , a distance
of BO miles.
A contract haa been entered into bj
President Allen , ' of the Allen paer cat
wheel company , with the Northern Pacific
road to furnish it with all the paper wheel *
required for its entire passenger equip
For Couglisi Asthma and Throat
Disorders ,
Usd BROWN'S BHONCIIIAL Tnocnss , hav. .
ing proved their efficacy by a test of man ]
years. Sold only in loxci.
Don'tDlo in the House.
"Rough on Rats. " Clears out rats
mice , roachoa , bed buga , flies , ants
molis chipmunks , eonhora. 15o
And nil Poluts Eait undtOouth-Esat.
Hearly 4,000 miles. Solid Smooth Stool Track
11 connections are m.-ulo In UNION DhPQTS
haa Nutloua ! Repntatlon ta being thi
reel Through Oar Line , and Is universal ! )
needed to bo the FINEOT EQUIPPED Rail
d In the world lor all classes ot travel.
Trylt ndyou will DnJ traveling a Inxurj
Instead oi a discomfort.
Through Tickets via rhm Celebrated Line
> e it all office ! ) la the West.
All Information about Kate a o Faio , Sloeplu.
Car Acocmtuodutlone , Tlmo Tables , Ac. , will b <
cheerfully glron by applylntne to
3d Vlco-f rcs't A Geit. ilautKer.Chlcapo
Oen. Pa33t > rvror Agt. Chicago
Gen. Arent , Conned UluflB.
H. P. DUELL , Ticket JAgl. nrn *
Murray Lanman's
0. SPEOHT , - - Proprietor.
Omita Halt
Barney 8t. - ,
Tin. Iron and Slate Eoofing ,
Bpocht'a Patent Metallo Skylight
Patent Adjusted Ratohot Bat
and Bracket Shelving. 1 am
the general agent for the
above line of goods.
Cnutlnjta , B luatradetVer > nda.O'n |
Dank Ralllngt , Window and J I' r ;
uu rdi ; alto
ERSONA If "Parts of the bui an bojv
larKed , developed and ttrcoetbeneJ , " etc. , ft
an Interesting adiertlscmeot loog run la oar.
pai > er. In reply to Inquiries we will Bay that
then Is no evidence cl humbug about thi * . On
the contrary , the advertlwn arv very highly In-
doned. Interealcd penoni nay get staled ctx-
culan giving all particular , giving all particu
lar ; , by addreatilnir Erie Medical Co. , P. O. Box
518 , BuOalo , N. Y. Toledo Evening Dee. ' '
.1 romMiwidou of J'ro.
toxlile of iron , 1'cnn-inn
Jlarliittul J'tio.tjilt oritain
n jxilatabla form. J.'or
Jtrttllttif. 101 of Apiit-
tUtlroitrntlonpf fital
tle'.tCr3 '
liEV.A. I.iIOIB8 WritoBJ
After a tnorouah trial of the
IRON TONIO , I take pleasure
In statin * that I eave boon * 'l consider It
urcaSl , 'ccnoQtocl by Its a most excellent remedy for
use. Mlnlatoro and Pub the debilitated vital forces.
lic Speakers will find it
of the greatest vnluo
where a Tonio is nocoa-
oary. I recommend It
aa a reliable remedial
nrrentt possessing un
doubted nutritive and
restorative LwtfttlU , KIOcl properties. , 2 , 18S2 ,
, , ,
Window and Plate Glass.
TAnyone contemplating building store , bank , or any other flnt will nnd It to the
antcgeto corres end with us before purchasing their Plato Qlais ,
Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and
All Grocers' Supplies.
A Full Line of the Best Brands of
V i
Fire and Burglar Pr : > : >
1020 Farnham Street ,
[ .V
In only attained by using
Stoves and Ranges.
'For solo by
( lliLTOi ; ftQGERS & SONS
The Oldest Wholesale THE LEADING
in Omaha. Visitors can here IN THE WEST I
find all novelties in SILVER General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Rich and Stylish Jewelry , Our prices are as Low aa
the Latest , Most Artistic , any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
and Choicest Selections in Pianos and Organs sold
PRECIOUS STONES and for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
all descriptions of FINE
A SPLENDID stock of
WATCHES at as Lo7 Prices
Steinway Chickering ,
ces as is compatible with Enabe , Vose & Son's Pi
honorable dealers. Call anos , and other makes.
and see our Elegant New Also Clough & Warren ,
Store , Tower Building , Sterling , Imperial , Smith . :
American Organs , &c. Do
llth and Farnham
not fail to see us before pur
Streets chasing.
A Large Stock always on Hand.
Window Shades aud Curtains ,
'Paints ' , Oils & Bruslios.
107 SoathlUth Street