; \ I OMAHA DAILY BEE. TWELJFTH YEATv. OMAHA NEB THURSDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 15 1883 204 A MIGHTY FLOOD. Appalling Buin and Destitntioi Wrought by the Rising Ohio and Tributaries , Oities and Villages Surroundec by Water or Entirely Submerged. Cincinnati Practically Isolatec From the Out&ide World. All Business topped and th Work of Relief Actively Bogun. The Town ot Milton Wipd Ou and Newport Badly Wrecked. The People of LaTTrenctburg Indiana , Surrounded by a Vnst , Unbroken Sea. Louisville Terribly Excited b ] Gloomy Reports From Above. Heavy , Continuous ! Ralns I Banlil all Immediate Hope of n Fall Appeals for Help Promptly Respond edto by Neighboring Cities Special Dispatches t ) TUB BBK. A LIFE SAVIKO EXPEDITION. LOUISVILLE , Fol rnary 13 * To-da ; Ma/or Jacobs chartered a Btoamo with a corps of men and traversed th submerged district , taking off a nntn bar ot parsons and by moans of boat supplying food to thoao who remain ? in the houses nbovo nator. A Binge lar incident occurred on the trip , On man waa found clinging to a tree. A the men approached ho cried , "G over to that house ; there is n wumai and several children over there. will hold here nutil you save them. The house was 50 yards away. Th men started. Before they reached i the house turned over and wai carriei away in tho.rash of waters. Nonets was hoard from the house. Nothing I known as to whether the people ha boon rescued or not. The men cling ing to the tree was afterwards rescue and declared that a woman and BOV era ! children were in the houaa what it turned over. A family namad Wat kins was importuned to move out c 'the houney-but -iaothoeArn3.Blc and they' did not believe the wato wonldcomo over when a break came 1 the out-off. The house was movei from the foundation and rocked to an fro. In the moment when the dange came the woman was in the pains c parturition. In this condition the be was taken up , put In a skiff and th woman removed. The excite men throw her into spasms , and her recoi ery is doubtful. An old colored ma living alone Is raiaaing. On or point near Porland 1,000 house are under water. A , vast ms jorlty are owned by poor peoplt The authorities have taken stops I provide food and lodging. The boai of trade is raising a fund. Individu subscriptions are liberal. A Garma citizen give $71G Entertalnmea for the beneGt of the sufferers will I hold. Everything will be done fi their relief. It is folly to attempt i fix the loss of property In the prose : state of affairs. The question now how to care for the sufferers. Tl Doaohoo and a man named Shlppt wore arrested on charge of kiliii Sam Bell last night after the wat broke over the cut-off dam. Thr parties were drinking and got Into skiff to go to the rescue of a ma Bell fell out or was knocked out the others and drowned. It is i possible to say if the men are gull or it the death was accidental. TUB SITUATION AT CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI , February 13. gleam of hope came to-night when t reports showed that the river h reached the highest point at C p. c S when the marks showed G5 feet Inches , and though It receded but h ; an Inch during the next four hon the fact that thu worst Roomad to over gave relief. The tension 1 I been atroiig on the entire buslm portion of the city , and the sllg rains which are filling now gives no ous apprehensions cf more disaster come. The situation is alarming , a It would require the publication of t greater portion of the directory names of the business men , parti larly In tobacco , produce , grain , cc mission , whisky , and all kinds mannfacturera'intereslswhoBobusln Is wholly suspended. Many of th also lose goods , and manufacturers lose heavily in damage to machln stock aside from the loss of tii Moro than a thousand business fii and manufacturers are thus pi traiod , yet the business men cro discouraged and for two days h sent In contributions to the fund the relief of suffering among 1 much greater class , the poor , who driven from their homos and are prlvcd of work. It Is estimated 1 from thirty to forty thousand men out of work by the closing of the n ufactorles. To tbem the loss of t and injury to household goods is smallest loss. The dampness' In houses after the flood subsides r. bring sickness and suffering. common council action , 'who authority to iesno a loan , promptly met by the leglslat both houses having passed a bill thorlzing a loan of 8100,000 , 1 the city has arranged to provldi itself. Telegrams have been ceived to-day from Chicago , York and elsewhere , offering assist ance. The school board have cloned the schools In the vicinity of the flooded od district , and the houses are placet at the disposal of the relief commlttot for the liomo'cso people. A sys tomatlo visitation was made to d\y tc all parts of the city and all canes oi distress wore promptly relieved. Tl. < militia , in largo numbers , are nldinc the police to-night. Goal oil Hfihti have been placed on the streets In the business portion of the city , nnd IK oaBoa of pilfering have boeu reported , Two false Alarms of fire to night gave rise to the suspicion that it w.ie thi work of thieves. The water is dco ( enough on Pearl street to allow boat : to run within a square nnc a half of the Burnett lioueo and it reaches to the market house ot I'enrl and Broadway. There h nc essential change in the railway traiui rnuuiiig on thoO. , H. & D. , thongt the track Is covered with watur for : sh'jrc dla'anco. The malls are vorj much delaj od and thcr city service i : alao greatly confuted. No just cell nuto of the damage can be made now When the attempt is made people tall only of millions. The river has beet falling at Portsmouth , 113 mlloj abo/i hero , alnco lust night , eUht iuchoa nnd has boon falling oi ht feet a' Pomoroy. This RIVCS the hope thaf the worat is over hero. THE IUVE11 RISING AGAIN. CINCINNATI , February 14 Thor < ii ndditiomil gloom over the pooph this morning caused by the fact thai the river , after fulling to sixty-foni feet ten and three-quarter inches , began gan to rije under the influence of ( steady hard rain. The rain has advanced vancod from the west , thus chocking the fall , and extends this morning ai far as Pittsbnrg. Unless it atop ; speedily there la no hope of the rive : receding , while the gravest fears exit that the prcat height reached yesterday day will bo surpassed. The rain sorl < onsly embarrasses the work o the relief commissioners , but the } are doing all they can to dls tribute goods. Soup house : wore opened to-day In various parts o the city to feed those able to get t > them. Bishop Elder ordered all Oath olio churches thrown open to nccom modnta thu homolesa , and sends a cir culur to churches to-day asking tha oiiitrlbutlous bo sent to the chttmbei of commerce nnd city 'council relic , committees. The sinking fund trus' teas will advnnco money on the bond yesterday authorized by the Icgisla tuw , ro tint relief will bo prompt There are many CASES CF EXTREME DESTITUTION reported by the relief baard , and ii some cases the frantic cries of sturv ing childoen for food ere heartrond Ing. Bakeries not Inundated an pressed to the fullest capacity to keo ] the supply of broad. There has beoi some fears of a meat famine on aa count of the difficulty of receiving liv stcck , but several thousand rescnot distillery cattle can bo utilized in caa of necessity. Dispatches state the paoplo are be- Jng.movqdju faat as psBsiblelfrom Hal dentown. Th < rni i r. tha | M > > > nnd Whitewater rivers. _ LAWBENOEBUBO h likely to bo most damaged. Th people of the latter place received c&f of provisions In good shape thl morning. No lives lost yet. Th water is C feet deep at the forks c Tanner's creek , Qnllford , Indian ! The witor rose atLiwrenceburg Junt Hon 6U1CO morning an inch and a hal Raining all the time hard. The It dlaitn leglilatnro appropriated $40 000 f jr Lawrenceburg this mornln ( The board of trade of Indianapol has $1,500 for the same object. Ai other carload of provisions wore set to-day. The liver hero Is rising at the rat of an inch and a half hour. It ston sixty-five feet an Inch and a half at 1 o'clock. Reports , both up and dow the river , nnow rain. The river falling at Portsmouth and Mayavlll olowly at the latter place THE FIB8T AUTHENTIC BEI'OBT concerning the loss of life at the Oh clnnati Southern depot yesterday wi made to-day to the police at Oliv street station , by Herman Welsber a boy living at 17 Wilstacht strec Ho says he and his brother Josop with thirteen other boys , wore on tl platform when the water broke throuj McLean avenue ; that the entire par were thrown Into the water ; that ! swam to Geat street , escaped and wo home ; that his brother and < other boys were drowned. 1 does not know 1 their nami A TOWN KUINED. MADISON , Ind. , February 14 T river la rising ono and a half inches hour. Milton , Kentucky , oppoa hero , Is cubniorgod , not a houao is e ompt. Giblm tro used to anchor t buildings. Tao water Is in the scon stories of many of the honacs. T ' eastern suburbs of thia city are ab : doned nnd all front nnd extreme we orn parts. The backwater and crooked creek have Inundattd the ci on the north. Sprlngdale comet * is partially submerged. Morn r ; will cause the creek to deluge Wall street. A largo part of the to of Oarrollton Is Buffering i food. The provision stores are i haunted. The Western hotel la < sorted as dangerous , UAIN AND BDIN. INDIANAPOLIS , February 14 , Ra ot ing hard since midnight. Poguoai yo has again overflowed. Rillroad tra or are under water. A Joffersonv iat dispatch says : The city is flooi ire from two to twenty fact deep ; 5i [ 0. people are homeless , many lose eve , at thing. Many cottages in the lo , re part of the city have been swept aw ; n. Hundreds are quartered In the * e& ine story of public buildings and sto , ho Fee d Is sent them In skiffs. The wat ho lty from the sewers and the suffoi nat isappallng. It Is still ralnlni ; , 'ho river rising. Loss over half a mill uk Contributions are ankod for. eas FBANK ORT , Ky. , February 1' ro The Kentucky river is stationary iu34 foot. It la now raining. 1US THE FLOOD AT LOUISVILLE. for LOUISVILLE , February 14 , The ( reU 41 feet G Inches , and rising an ! Tew an hour. There Is immense en mont on account of the rlso above hero. Business IB at a standstill. Nc boatu are arriving. Many trains urc stopped , and all run irregularly , Ulver men predict HIP river will BOOH recede. Water surrounds the entire city. The wildcat estimates of dauv nga are made , uouo reliable. Nothlnp moro is known abcnt the loss of life , houses being still cut off , except tc divers. The loss of life is not extraordinarily - ordinarily largo , BELIEF Von LAWBENOE1IUBO. INDIANAI-OLIS , Ind. , February 14 A committee sent to L wronceburf last night reported suffering increas ing , nnd moro imistancj will bo need ed immediately. Another carload ol provisions with dolicaolei for the sick trill no to flight by a special train. AI Gailfurd it was etill raining hard ut C p. m. , with indications that it wll ! continue during the night. E. G , Burkhnm , of Now York , aonds $1,001 to the Lawrenceburtf relief , AN A1TEAL FOB AID , The following has boon leaned bj the mayor of Newport , Ky , : " great calamity has overtaken the city After passing through a protractet slogo of smallpox wo find at least one third of our city submerged by tin prevailing floods. About 3,000 fami lies are suffering nnd doutitute.We need help It is only necptsary ti announce this fact to the citizens o our common country to obtain rulioi. Please send relief to W. H. Lope treasurer of the citizens' [ relief fund Newport , Ky. , or to Win. H. llurlau mayor. ' A GLOOMY DAY. CINCINNATI , February 14. MID NIOIIT The river at nine to-nigh was sixty-six foot , three quarters of ui Inch , and rising slowly. The day ha boon the gloomiest in the history o the city , Businm was wholly no gleotod on 'otiango , and all attontiot given to the saving of property and af fording relief. While the unexpected rise of nearly a foot to-day has no made a very great change apparent ! ] in the sUuatlon , there is such uncer tajnty about the future that nil plum are unsettled. No ono cm tell whui the rain will OORSO along the river Weather warm , utmost sultry The effect of this uncertain ty is to cause another lifilnj to high lovelb of vast quantlUos o goodu hitherto supposed to bo abovi the reach of water. This in douo a1 Immense labor under the must tryuu circumstances , men utauding in wnlor The wnter sioy& stands in tluj futtor. ; . on the ftouth hide .of Pearl street unt on Walnut. The LUtle Miami rail road depot is flooded , Wagons un no longer able to croes the NewpDr bridge. Thn Louisville & Nashvilli trains are recaivlug passengers on thi trestle at the Ciucmnatl end of thi bridge. They are reaching It b ; boats. The Cincinnati , Hamilton 6 Dayton road , which has been the enl ; outlet for trains north and east to night , wont under the flood to such n : extent that no trains could pasu This loaves THE CITY PBX3TIOALLY CUT OFF Mt.-oi-0 world by aitcon tbo frr > m mhmuauuu , oxctpt that the Bee Lin road atlll runa trains , leaving from th stock yards , The Oinclnuatl Souther sent out a train to-night , and receive one , but the water has permeate McLean avenue so tbat wagona sin to the hubs in unloading express an baggayo. Foaro nro entertained the the whole street will sink under tli trains. It cannot yet bo told win arrangement will bo made for forwarc ing mail. A long haul must bo mad to reach the train. No steamers ni ranuing , thorn being no place to lone Cool bwfjeu to-day worn towed n from Central avenue to Pearl streo where carts run alonuoido to rooeiv loads. Stories have been current i a mob of lawless uion standing at t > water's cdgo demanding whisky ai : doiag other lawless acts. Careful h quiry shows there la no foundation fi such stories , Soft punishment follov the discovery of crime. THE CITY IS I'ABTLY LIOI1TED to-night by lamps sot Inside of g lamps. The work ot relief ban goi on vigorously to-day. Many tuuo ing aoenes wore witnessed. Thouj no appeal has boon made for Help fro abroad , assistance has boon BOB among these $2,500 by H. H. Warn & Co. , Roohestar , $1,000 from tl Adams express Co. , New York , $21 from the proprietor of the Gllai house , Now York. The M sonic fraternity has organized special relief force and telegraph to Cleveland , Sadusky and Toledo f boats. Among the Incidents of t flood was the finnUing of a ba asleep in its crib In a homo floating the ferry bank , below the city. T o llttlo waif was rescued and taken oi of by the Catholic Orphan society , barn with a fine biroucho fl latod to day. This evening n collision < curred on thu Cincinnati Norths railroad , between Avondale and Id wild , lo which John Roberts , onion was instantly killed ; Isaac Knig' Russell M , Manning and Diniol drowa were seriously injured. 1 , latter is a well known merchant. WIIEELINO , February 14 The ric is 20 foot and rising. Raining hi all day. ORGANIZING BELIEF. CLEVELAND , February 14. In spouse to a call from Cincinnati F Masons for boats , the Masons of t n- city to-night shipped eleven row bo iB in and promised , if needed , to send lo ( morrow a life saving crow with ape ratus from this station. 3d 30 Tbo Grnln Speculator. 7or Special Dlipitch to Tils bill. or TOUONTO , Ont. , February 13. J. Flommlug , of Chlcaga , was nrree hero on a charge of obtaining mo under false pretenses The fru Is amount to nearly $5001009 , and 811 " 1 000 were found In his person. Fl ad mlng declares the arrest a schoini in , squeeze money out of him. Ho kn that ho cannot bo extradited and not give up a cent. at A Sliding Supreme Court * SpcclU Dlipitcb to THR DK , lib WASHINGTON , February 13. Si ich tor Van Wyck submitted to the soi te- from the commltteo on public lam report In favor of his bill to faollltati the tax sales of railroad lands when the railroad companies Imvo not per footed titles by paying to the government mont the coats of survey nnd focatloi as is required by law. The repor claims that the supreme court has do oldod in ono case to shield the rail roads from taxation and snbso quontly abandoned the decision to nid the same companies to dofeal the rights given to cltlzons by the terms of the grant. The committee believe it nets n sample of justice thai the landa of companies should be taxed , and that the United Statoi should bo placed In the attitude o : being used oven by the decisions 3 ! the oupremo court to further nld Ii perpetrating thin injustice. CONGRESSIONAL. Special Dispatch to Tin Dm. 8KNATE rUOCEKDINOH. WASHINGTON , February 14. Sana- tor Blair introduced n bill to proven convict labor bslng paid for ; by thi government. The tariff bill wt\s resumed , tin pending question being upon ngreeinc to the amendments madoiucorumlttei of the whole about putting' books etc , rn thn free list. Senator Morrlll opposed the iwnond mont. ' . ' Senator Bnynrd said ho voted to pu books upon the free Hot , but noon reflection flection thought tbo action of the committee mitteo ought to bo modlfiod-and a preliminary to restoring the - > para graph laying n duty on books , twhic ! had been struck out in committee o the whole , ho moved to amend thi language so as to rostrlot the doty t < books "wholly or partly in thn Kng llsh language. " Agreed to ayes 32 noes 21. This loft Iho duty at 15 po : cent ad valorem , having boon changoc In committee of the whole from 20 tc 15 before the paragraph wiv Vtrncl. . out. Senator Mnrrlll moved to restore the duty lo 20 , the original figures Lost ayes 29 , noes 32. A rote wa : then taken on concurring In the ao tlon of the committee of the wholi striking out the paragraph so as to lo booko , eta. , go on the free list. Tha action was dlungrood to by a vote o ayes 31 , noes 331. So the para graph was reinstated In the bill in thl torui : "Bjo'ita , pamphuta ( bound o : unbounil ) , and nil printed matte wholly or iu part in the Enqlhh Ian ugo , not specially enumerated o provided for in this net ; engraving bound or unbound ; etchings , illnstra ted booko , maps and charts , 15 po cunt advalorem. " Mr. Morgan give notice when th bill shouldlboopuned for general amendment mont ho would move nn nmeudmen to admit free all books , designed io instruction In sohooln. Saulnbury announced ho wouli move to admit free all booke not pub liflhod in this country. Sanntor Vnn Wyck introduced th following resolution , which was oi derod printed and to Ho over until to morrow : , < RESOLVED , That tho' secretary ( - ol jro audited by the first auditor- th treasury on acoount'of the oxponst incurred by the deuartnient of juatic since January 1 , 1882 , with the name of special attorneys employed by th department of justiceand by what ai thority in law no'audited bills and ai counts of said special or assistant a torneys. The amendment made In comrnittr of the whole , raising the clnty o bitumlnonn coal from 50 to 75 oenl per ton , being reached , Senator Vauc asked for a nwparato vote upon agroi inp to It. Senator F.trlcy said the chief bu don ef tax of coal foil upon Oaliforni nud thla Increase would add S150OC a year to the tax thuo levied upon h < people. Senator Davis ( W. Va ) advocate the amendment. Senator Morgan said this bill ougl to bo entitled "a bill to tnx the paop of certain portions of the country at appropriate money to cartaln oth ( pooplo. " It had all the worst charai tedstlcj of the river and harbor bl lust session. It has produoad tl tame kind t f combination. Both bil were framed and pushed forward upc the same principle "you tickle m I'll tickle you. " Negotiation ha ) boon conducted not only in the lobb bub openly on the floor of the eenat In this matter of coal , lar | bodloa of coal lauds In West Vi g'nla belonging to certain gontlomo representatives of thoao Interests we in the senate voting money out pt tl pockets of the people of 0liorr ( Into their own. "Sir , " said Morga "I have no sort of concessions make to monopolies arranged betwo ilffcront Industries of the Unit Slates through lobbies and upon'the ' 5 floors. I luvo nothing but war n make upon thono , and though I eh stand alone , elr , I will buttle for t > , right upon this quastion. All otr I , monopolies combine Lr mutual pi itectlon and wh ? should not the soi tor from West Vir ini * and his cc froros , owners of larv coal fields , ; r the same ? Thcao m < opollos had th : d regular "congressou and the congr of Iho United Statet , which used enact lawn for the bouofit oi the wh people , was not the servant of th Rreat monopolies and their lobbylt There has boon ehamolcs ] work nj this floor , " said Mor an ; "every n : hero knows It , everybody fools It , It will bo proclaimed from the floor this senate until the people of United States shall know It and I it. " Senator Williams thought coal on R. to bo on the free Hat. R.ed Senator Miller ( California ) said . three-fourths of oy Pacific coaat p.ld da tax on coal , and that , ho thouj wnH on unfair application of protcci in principles , into Senator Davis ( woat Virginia ) WB plained that there wan no duty ' 111 anthracite coal , the kind nsod for mestlo purposas. Aa to the nrgura of the senator from Alabama , thought a large portion of it nnwoi of the senator or of notice. Senator Morgan asked Seni ito Davis to point out the unworthy | i a tlous of the argument. Senator D did not care to got into personal eon trovorsy. Sanator Morgan When the sonatoi tolls mo that a portion of my argu input la unworthy qf no'ico , I wish ti ask him the question ( addrotslni D.vvls ) , "Aro you not a largo owner o those coal lauds ? " .Senator Davis Certainly I am. An you not the owner of the coat yon gel on ? Senator Morgan Yes. Senator Davis And don't you voti lower tax on It ? Senator Morgan No ; not on thl coat , on the next ono I buy. Senator Davis Well , I don't r < m to go Inton personal controversy. Senator Morgan When the senate crises and says that my argument ii not worthy of notice , Iwauttoknoi who It la that makes that remark nm to show that It In a man who la votiq taxoa on my people to put Into his owi pockets to enrich hluisolf. SenatorDivls 1 want no persona controversy with the senator. Senator Morgan Well , keep off in ; feet if you don't. Senator Divls I bollovo the sonn tcr will think bettor of it hereafter As to my ownership of ooal lauds , am ono of u oorpjratiou In which per haps n hundred other people are inter oeted. Senator Gorman defended Senate aviK , and the debate wiui carried oi in great length. Senators Brown and Bock had i pointed controversy on the question o "protection" and "monopolies , " an < 'tariff ' for revenue. " Senator Beol talked about the iron and stool men opoly , and Senator Brown doclarci the "whisky ring" had the groatos monopoly in this country. A vote was finally taken and thi amendment adopted iu committee o whole making the duty on bltumonou coal 75 cents per ton wab agreed to- ayns 23 , noes 18. The amendment inserting friction o luclfor ma chcs at 35 per cent advaloi em Wits agreed to. Senator Cookrell asked for a sopoi ate vote on the paragraph laying duty of 20 per cent advalororu on gai don seeds. The amendment was agree to ayes 22 , noes 20 , Wood pipes , which had boon It eluded by the committee of the who ] with "common pipes of clay" at 35 pi cent advalorem were struck oul being left to como under the genon olaasof "pipes. " Scnr.tor Bock moved to add a oci tiou repealing uootions 2,907 and 2 008 , Revised Statutes , and provldiu that hereafter none of the charges iu posed by said sections or any olhi provisions of existing lair ah all bo e tlmated in ascertaining the value < goods to bo imported , nor shall tl value of sack , box or coverings of an kind on such goods bo estimated i patt of their value in determining tl amount of duty for which they a : lliblo. Senator Hoar moved to amend I adding "provided they are fit fi nothing else. " After some disousslc the amendments were reserved f S3" " " / ' * je 1-ttUWS.EUJ.HUB , "i ThiTnouso wont into oommltteo the whole on the tariff bill , the pen ing paragraph being that imposing duty cf 45 per cent ad valorem c manufactured nrtiolns or wares parti or wholly made of metal. Sever amendments wuro lost. Mr. Morrison offered anaiuondmoi that after July , lot , 1884 , no liijh duty shail bo levied on any article the metal schedule than GO per ci nd valorem. Lost 75 to 101. Mr. Cox offered nn amendment fi the remission of foreign built ships c pajmont of it duty of 30 par cent f valorem. Lost 59 to 02. Consideration of the sohodul "Wood and Wooden Ware , " was o torod upon , Mr. Holinan moved strike out the clause Imposing a dn of 15 per cent advalorem on lumbo hewn or sawed , and timber used f spirs In building warehouses. Tl question involved the Imposition duly on lumber was not ono of rove ue ; It wits ono of proprietary , whoth congress shonld by registration croa a motive for the destruction of Araoi can timber. MrEloarmado | a statement showl the vast Importance of the lumber 1 teroats , opeclally in Michigan , whc over $100,000 n day were paid labori employed In that Industry. Ho v In fnvor of retaining the proaont n of duty. Mr. Springer called attention to t fact that while the present dt brought a ravonuo cf only $1,000,0 Into the treasury it imposed tax millions upon the consumer. Tl seemed to him to bo a grievous bi don upon the farmers of the west , w lived in the pralrlo regions. Mr. Ilolman'a amendment v lost-40 to lOt Mr. White moved to increase I duty to 20 per cont. Lost. Mr. Anderson moved to strike c the whole clause relative to saw lumber. Lost. i Mr. Cox moved to reduce the di i- on hubs , wagon blooka , &o. , from io to 15 per cent , advalorum. Ir Mr. Anderson advocated the n is tlon. He said ho would not bo s iso prised if it should turn out that lo vote on the sugar question wo se bear somewhat cf an analogy to a. vote on the lumber question. a.in Mr. Ford , In an amusing spec inn > took umbrage at Anderson's ' id parsing the motives of every nun vi idof voted aa ho pleased. " advocated the rod 10 Mr. SprlngT ol tlon. The amendment waa lost , wera several other amendments lo ht Ing to reduction of the duties , Having concluded consideration no the wool ichedu'o without mak ill any change the ooumltteo rose , it , Mr. Cannon nalrnd that a night i vo elon bo naslgned fet consideration the legislative approbation bill. IX- Mr. Buttorworth objected. IXon Mr. Randall "What Is the In le to bo between ? " \ lent Several republican * "Whli ho whUkyl" Rocesi. by When the house mot this oven Mr. Ulsoook moved to g ( < iato c mlttoo of the whole on the ( .oglsla sr- appropriation bill. rli Mr. Bntlerworth raised the q tlon of consideration with the Inten tion of calling up the bonded spirits bill. bill.SVhon SVhon Mr. Bntlorworth saw ho was beaten , ho endeavored to make the E reposition that just ono hour should o devoted to the consideration of the bonded spirits bill. Mr. Joyoo declared that the whisky bill should not got ono mlnuto during this session. Mr. Rood suggested that Mr. But- torworth should wait until the next congress , when the whlshy bill would bo moro at homo. Mr. Illdoook'a motion was agreed to 87 ( o 02. The houao wont into the committee , the pending amendment bolng that offered by Mr. Thompson reducing the number of Internal revenue districts to 4G. To this amendment was the pending amendment offered by Mr. Uolmau , fixing the number at 82. This amendment wns adopted 02 to 82 , nnd Thompson's amendment as amended agreed to. This is n reduc tion of 41 districts , and will , if finally agreed to , go into effoot the first of July next. Mr. Thompson moved to amend seas as to place grain distillers of n capacity of leas than 500 bushels n day on the same footing no fruit distillers , Lost. On motion of Mr. Atkins an amendment was adopted repealing the law providing for nn assistant secre tary of war and assistant nocrotary oi the navy. After completing 54 pages of the the bill , the committee rose nnd the house ndjonrnod. Dentil of Governor Morgan 8 pedal Dispatches to Tux Ci . NEW YOBK , February 14ExGov - ornor Edwin D. Morgan died at 8 o'clock this morning. Flags on public buildings nro nt half mast to-day In honor of the mem ory of Ex-Governor Morgnn. At a meeting of the directors of the Western Union to-day eulogistic resolutions were passed. The directors will nttond the funeral in a body. At midnight last night It was ap parent that the ox-governor wvi fast sinking. His anxious family saw thst death was inevitable. All during the early houra of morning ho lay peace fully without suffering any visible pain. At 7 o'clock hii condition took n change for the worse , Ho lost con sciousness nnd remained in that state until ho expired. ALIIANY , to. Y , Fobruaty 11. Tin senate to-day pivoted resolutions ol eulogy on the lute Gov. Morgan unc adjourned In respect of his memory Thn Consolidated Spcchl Dispatch to Tun DKTI. NEW YOUK , February 13. Bntwcot 1 and 2 o'clock to-day the whole matter tor of the negotiation ! ! between tin Western and Mutual Onion tolcgrupl companies waa settled by n lease am other papers being signed , and tin property of the latter turned over ti the former. Joslnh 0. Rolff , a Wai street jobber , on Tuesday brought i suit In the supreme court against th Western Union telegraph company ponies from carrying Intofeuoot In lease inadn on Saturday last by th Western Union of the Mutual Unioi property. Judge Freeman granted atcmporar ; injunction with an order on the defendants fondants to show causa on the 23d a February why It ohonld not bo con tlnuod. In nn interview with Proai dent Green ho states the injunction came too Into , the transfer and condl tlons of tha lonao having boon ful filled bof Dro the service of the wrll The injunction will bo of no cffecl oven under other circumstances. A Brnkaimru Drained. SpocIM O.ipUch to Tim IKK. : OABIIOLL , In , February 12. Lit Sunday , Robert Wileon , n brnkoma of Conductor Gallop's train , we dreadfully , if not fatally injure while assisting In cleaning away wreck near llalbur , a small station o the Southwestern branch t/f / the Chicago cage nnd Northwestern railroad. Th injured man was immediately brougl to Carroll and Dr , Wright summone to dross his wounds and rendered h condition as comfortable as posslb until to-day , when Dr. W. loft for tl south and the case was loft to the oai of Dr. Kiiobs. Ho IB nt the Con morolal house. The injury conslate of a compression of the abdomen , bi twoon two engines , ono of which wi n wreck and the other backing In I clear it away , It was the hoedles ncES of Wileon himself which cause the accident. Thn Chicago Victims. Special Dispatch to Tim linn. CHICAGO , February 13 The post authorities hero have issued a clrcul to bo mailed to the victims of Floi 10 mlng and Morrlam nnd others. Und the law tha postuflico authorities a warning them of the fraudulent chc actor of the business transacted 1 them. y 10 Pet. Special Dltpatch to Tim 1 ! < K. KANSAS CITY , February 14 , T Times' Gallatin special Buys ; A w known and reliable citizen to-d positively identified Frank James ono of the four men who stopped his house the night before the W : ston train robbery and murder. It said when the case in called next we the atato will able to present so strong evidence. A Mi nine ; Transfer. Special Dispatch tq Tint llEB. k' HELENA , Mont. , February 13 of The heaviest sala of mining prope ofR over made in this vicinity was cc > R plotod to-day , tlie Drum Lumn mine being sold by Thomas Cruse isof an English syndicate for $250,1 down and 8138,000 to bo paid in A | and Juno next. Died From the Io juries. Special Dispatch to Tin UIK. DEADWOOD , Dakota , February Id H , 0 , Clark , an auctioneer of I 'g ' * city , and formerly a prominent bi na ness man , died to-day from Injui nave received at the handsof Thoa. I llns , a dork in the store of J , T. ] mnndi. LEGALIZED LARCENY , The Robbery of the Treasury Bold , Bare and Un- blusbing , The Kennard , Hawea and Pear- man Bogus Claims Backed in tbo House , The Mysterious Influence of the Lincoln Lobby and Its Converts. Names of Bomo Rampant Op ponents Who Suddenly Flopped. ThoRallrondiBlooUlnc nil lation Affecting FpocUl Dispatch 13 Tin D ! . LINCOLN , February 1-1. Jobbers , bogu claimants and tax oatora are holding high carnival at the capital whllo the railroad lobby la blocking all legislation that affords relief to ship- pern and producers. The passage of the capltol appropriation bill on the heels of the most rock- loss approprlatlons that saddle the taxpayers with thousanda upon thousands of dollars to pan fraudulent and inflated claims , cap the climax of extravagance , and the meat surprising thing about thin lo- gallzsd larconoy is the fact that man , who have comn to Lincoln with high sounding pledges of honesty and economy men who only three days ago scorned the imputation that they would support thoao measures , have gene on the record in favor of thoao jobs under the moBt flimsy pretext. It Is safe to say there is something rotten in Denmark in nearly every Instance where the lobby has miulo such ouddou conver sions. Every Intelligent looker on knows that nearly nil the clalma and schemes of plunder arc tied up with the capltol ring. The republicans of the Douglas county delegation have distinguished themselves by voting solid for the capitol tax , whllo McGavook Is the only democrat from Omaha who Is recorded for It. Tobias Castor and the Burlington & Missouri pressure changed Ramsey and Palmar , of Saline - line , and some very mysterious influ ence converted Howard and Nottloton of Clay. Ashby will probably explain - plain his very sudden flop nftor. the loglslaturo adjourns , whllo zo > explanation is expected from ( hot wretched fraud who misrepresents r , > Ouminq county. A a aappIemenUrxVM to this cjpitol tax the following/In lU 'h _ warrants pon' thn ttato treasurer of any county , or any mu nicipal corporation therein , shall bo paid In the order of their registration out of any money collected to the credit of the fund upon which the same Is drawn , without reference to the year of the levy of the tax from which the money oo received Is de rived. The evident purpose of thla bill Is to draw money out of the gen eral fund for the capitol 'bnlld.'ng. Warrants bcforo the tax is collected or oven before it Is levied. Senator McShauo's motion to indefinitely postpone the capitol bill when it waa tirst road In the senate , only received ton out of ihlrty cast. Thcso ton nro opposed to any capltol appropria tion this session. The bill will bo modified in the sonata so as to make the capltol tax for the next two yearn only three-quarters instead of ono mill. This chnngo Is expected to mol lify certain senators who want an ex cuse for supporting thla unpopular measure. Among the olalmi which the house agreed to pass are Pat O. Hawos and Tom Konnard's claims and Pcarman's bogus militia claim. The evening session of the house waa devoted entirely to debate on Jensen's railroad bill. It only developed moro strongly the organized opposition to any rail road legislation. The railroad attor- tornoys and cappers on the floor made the moat captious opposition. Among the opponents were Franz , Field , Draper , of Oasn ; Payne , Johnson , Biorbowcr and Gray. Among its sup- portorn wore Robberts , Jensen , Dodd , Stoadwoll , Howard , Hall , and Cook , of Nuokolls. Much interest waa manifested by the spectators - tors , among whom was a largo railroad lobby. The bill was finally killed by a vote of 44 to 42. The following voted against the bill : Blorbowcr , Britton , Brown , Oassol , Ohapin , Charleston , Chris- tophorson , Collins , Oolpetzer , Daven port , Dawson. Donman , Draper ( of OM ) , Draper ( of KnoxJFlold , Franso , Gray , Grimes , Grout , Helmrloh , Hoe- bol , Holman , Johnson , Kuonoy , Laird , Leo , McGavock , Miller , Mor risen , Neville , Payne , Savage , Ses sions , Spanoglo , Swoaringer , Susson- bach , Thompson , Tower , Wostcott , Whedon , Wlsonburg , Wool and the speaker , The Ferry's nud Their Mliioa. Special Dispatch to TIM UBS. SALT LAKK , Utah , February 13. The buainoss men of Salt Like think the affairs of tbo Ferry Bros. , In Utah , in have been ably and honorably man to aged. The Gentiles are praying far )0 ) Ferry's election to the eonato , and pa pers to this effect were signed to-day. A Fool With R Gun. SpocliI Dispatch to Tui Bu. WAUOO , Nob. , February 13 , Ben Riddle , of Oerocoo , shot a neigh bor named Dougherty in the jaw Monday afternoon , whllo fooling with a revolver in n gun shop In Wahoo. Dougherty la seriously but not. dan gerously hurt. The ball has been ex traotod.