Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Tuesday Morning , Fob 13.
"Wentier Koport.
( The following observations are taken at
the Barne moment of time at alltho etatlons
nontlonrxl. )
Omaha Ciloe Club concert to-night.
City council meeting again to-night.
' Yesterday was another bright , clear
day , end the mow disappeared rapidly.
Omaha Is likely to h&ro n Hood that
will discount that on the old Ohio , this
Really fine valentlnci of exquisite de
signs are to bo had at Kuhn's diug store ,
15th and Douglar.
Over 300 tickets for the Uleo club con
cert to-night were luld yesterday mnm-
Iru the first hour after opining the box
The old-tlmo correspondent of Tin :
BEE , whoso letters from Saratoga , ovet the
nora do plume "Cuckoo" are to readable ,
in with uo again , as will he H ten by his let
ter In another column.
The veteran Sim Gardner has re-
tutnad fromllot Springr , Ark. , with n full
beard and a healthful countenance. Ho
looks better than In many yearc , ami Ii re
ceiving waim congratulations from his
many friends.
The funeral of the late Abram Hawes
took place at 2 p. in. Sunday , under the
auspices of the Iron Mouldem' union. It
was very largely attended. The norvlces
were conducted by Itov. John Williams , of
St. Barnabas ,
Ti.o committee for the Swedish Li
brary atsoclatlun'tf inaiquerado are de
termined tomakotbo i.lfair n ( .rand suc
cess. Their arrangement ! lire cotuploto lu
every detail.
The Ashland Gazette publishes n com
munication re Heeling seriously on n well
known young gentleman of thli city , and
wblcb wo are satisfied Is founded In the
writer1 ! ) own imagination , No one whi
knows the party would take any stock it
such n yarn ,
For some time past frequentrofcrono
has been made to ouo Mannweiler , wht
eeemod to have the faculty of getting Int <
trouble pretty often , lie Is an entirely
different party from II , Mannwellcr , thi
employment agent , and the two nhou d no' '
bo confounded.
Washington's birthday will be cclo
bratod by a grand sterooptloan entertain
ment in the ball ot Crelghton college , ti
be given by 'Oapt. Thos. , Qulnn , o
Fort Omaha. The views will bo fifteen 01
twenty feet in height , and will comprise i
judicious selection of the places of note am
Interest in the Holy Land. They will bi
described by the captain as they are pro
entcd la turn , thus making them doublj
mtertnting to the spectators. The enter
talnmont will bo for the benoGt of thi
parochial school of the Holy Family parish
A hone , saddle , bridle , baiter , horai
blanket and stddlo t Unket were etolei
Wednesday night from William VarUer
three rnlloi east of lAvlrfiold. The horn
was a largo bjy gelding , weight 1,30
pounds , about nlno years old , has a sea
under hti throat and the hair off on oac
aide just behind his fore log * . Hits n
white marks. The saddle Is a large doubl
clncha Texas saddle , covered with llgl
colored leather. The supposed thief
bout 30 years old , dark complected , dat
hair and heavy dark mustache. He wca :
a back bat , or cap to pull down over tl
ears , and an overcoat made of black rcug
goods. A reward of $25.00 will bo paid fi
any information leading to tbe recovery <
the stolen property and thief , the latti
being supposed to have gone east.
Tne Monday ' .Morning Docket a Fa
Judge Boneko waa able to bo en
again yesterday and business wi
resumed In the police court with as U
tie interruption ai if not a day ha
been missed. Lout week was rothi
light nil -around and the batch <
ouendura was not the heaviest.
One man , arrested as a unsplcloi
character , was discharged , proving b
letters in his possession that ho was a
Four vagrants were up for dlsposs
One was fired out of town , ono sei
up for fifteen days and two oominittc
for six days each , all on bread aii
water diet.
Lilllo Woods , the nymph du pai
from Council Bluffs , who kicked ovi
a lamp in Mrs. Coombs' place at
tried to clean out the Shannon aalooi
was sent up for five days to reflect c
her sinful ways.
There were throe plain drunks , t >
of whom were mulcted $10 and COB
each. One paid and ono was coi
mlttod. The third was discharged.
Two men arrested for fighting at t !
Academy of Muslo Sunday were he
to answer at 5 p. in ,
A woman Clod a complaint npalt
two of her neighbors , whom s
charged with assaulting her and threi
enlng her life if sbo had a warm ,
sworn out aputnat them. The troul
wan in regard to the possession o
piece of board , claimed by both p ;
k HA , NEB.
Tables supplied with the best I
market allords. The traveling pub
claim they got bettor accommodntic
and more general satisfaction In
than at any other house In Omal
o , | 2 per day. . , ug21tfm
Oonsifl&Tatlou of Proposed Uliar-J
tor Amendments.
It 1-3 Decided to Keep Certain
Offices in the Hands of
the Mayor.
Glaooio Work * and the Paving
QaoHlion ta Bo the Subjects of
The board of trade held a meeting
at their rooms in Rodick'a block last
evening , which wat > qulto well at
The secretary presented a communi
cation from Mr. Thatcher , of Fort
Nlobrara , requesting the board to nao
ita Influcnco in securing an appropria
tion for the enlargement of the garri
son at Fort NIohrnrA. Under the in
struction of the board of directors the
secretary had already written to our
senators and representatives at Wash
ington requesting them to comply with
Mr. Thatcher's request.
The secretary called attention to the
tire important bills uovr pending In the
legislature , and affecting Omaha par
Trio iirnt was the ono providing for
holding the churtor elections on the
first Tuesday in April , and making
the oilico of city marshal , city attor
ney , city engineer imd utrc.ot commln
sioncr oUctivo instead ot Appointive.
Considerable discuauion ensued on
this proposition.
It was moved that the board rceom
mend the pamago of the act ,
Ex-Mayor Ohaso , in speaking on
the bill , said ho was opposed to con-
trallzitlon of power. In that respect
ho was a democrat. 11 o thought the
city attorney should bo appointed by
the mayor but , still more , ought the
oilioo of city engineer to bo appointive ,
and that cilicial ought to hold for not
less than ton yearn. In general he
was in favor of leaving the naming of
Lllhlals to the people , but especially
in the matter of city marshal and city
onglnotr , the mayor should hayo the
Judge Savage agreed with Colonel
Chuao that it was important that the
city marshal and city engineer should
bo appointed by the mayor. It was
possible that the chief engineer should
bo r-lectcd.
Mr. ; Shcoley thought the ofllco of
chief engineer ono of the most im
portant in the city , and ho would op
pone the election of that o nicer by the
people , Ho thought if that oflieer
were appointed by tno mayor , we
would gut u good ono , or at leant one )
the department would recommend.
There would hardly bo an election this
year nny wuy , but tf the matter ohould
bo life to the department the old chief
would probably lo ro > olcotod ,
Mr. Gibson favored the appoint
ment , and not the election of the city
marshal , street commissioner , city
engineer and city attorney. "Lot the
law alone as it now mauds would bo
my idea "
Mr. IIousol thought it safer not to
tamper with the law , but to lot it
stand alono.
Col. Chase thought the people were
all right , but the miserable caucus
system was what made it unwise to
ohango the law.
Mr. Evana offered the following
resolution : That the oflioo of city
marshal , city engineer , city attorney
and chief engineer ought to be ap
pointive and that the Douglas county
delegation bo rrqnostod to eocuro the
defeat of nouso bill No. 113. Unani
mously adopted.
It wasstated by Mr. Gibson that Hon.
Q. G. Clark desired an expression of
the board as to the now arrangement
In regard to judicial districts.
Judge S.ivasru felt an Intonnt in the
passage of some appropriate bill to re
lieve our courts. For five years the
dockets have boon crowded and the
bills increasing the jurisdiction of the
justices and county court have failed
to keep pace with the rapidly iuori'a *
ing business. In most counties n
cause can bo reached in from three U
six months but lu this county oluh
teen months to two years is the average
ago time In which a cause can be
reached. The jndgo thought it high ) ]
dcsirablo that that such a bill shook
bo passed.
Df . i He had prepared rough sketch o
a bill which would allow of the np
er | polntrcont of two or more judges it
ono district , as the supreme court hac
Intimated that that would bo a constl
tutlonal changB. As to the rednotioi
Ir of the district to a smaller number o
counties ho rather favored it. It i
important ttat this oountyshonld hav
a judge hero all the time and Insld
of two yean Douglas county will far
nlss all the business two judge
can attend to. Ho had prepared
pared a bill for a mnniclpn
court , bnt it had mot with snch oppo
slllon that bo expected and wished i
would not pass. The jndgo though
Sarpy county and Douglas county ii
ono district , with Washington am
Burl detached , would glvo two jcdgc
all they could do , and Sarpy is gen
graphically bound to us as the otho
counties are not.
Mr. Gibson offered a resolution t
the effect that our senators and roprc
sontatlves bo instructed to work for
bill that would create a now jndicie
district , consisting of Douglas an
Sarpy counties , with two judgoe
Unanimously adopted.
Mr. Gibson brought np the sub joe
ro of glucose works and dilated some
its what upon its importance to the com
n- munlty. Ho called upon a vlslto
nho present , Mr. Harris , to nay somothin
ho on the subject.
ild Mr. Harris had been around amen
the wholesale grocers asking ns to th
: st demand for such goods and tonnd the
ho It wan largely in excess of the supplj
ntnt Being in the midst t f the corn country
Omaha could save two costs of tram
3lo portation by establishing worlca hoi
fa and ho had supposed they were goic
ar- ahead until ho
arrived. Ho had 11
doubt ho could bring foreign capiti
hero to start the
[ A works and wonl
like to meet the Omaha business me
and talk to them on the subject.
.ho President Goodman said the boai
hid resolved to hold special mootluj
ins this year for the discussion of varloi
jre subjects , and to try to make the boai
10. a useful body. Ho was in favor
appointing a special mooting of tJ
board for Frldsy evening to consider
the glucose quuHllon.
Mr. Gibson mjvml to adjourn to
Friday nvcnlna at 70 : o'clock , and
then meet let ditcuis I ho g'ucaio queii-
Mr. Mx Mojpr moved to mciet
ngaln on Monday night to disou'H the
question cf paving. Agreed to.
The board then adjourned.
Which In Lent are "Few and Kar
lietwoon. "
Master Uuy Clark , son of Mr.
Byron Clark , a well known cilizan of
Omiiha , celebrated his fourth birthday
annivormry Saturday afternoon nt the
residence of Mrs , Bittingor , mi Fifteenth
toenth street.
Thi party was arranged by Mr.
Olatk , whoiinlways ready to do any
thing to plorwio his two little boyo , to
whom ho ii ( Uivotudly nttachad.
Amorg the { jurats on thlo occasion
wore :
Clara Large , flraca Cp'Milnghp.m ,
Graoo Kirnnr , Clunk Mldgoly , Magglo
Molclium , Mabsl Cheney , Della El-
helm , Hmrthn Shackelford , Matnlo
Diwlti , Alllo Bittinger , Inm Kirner ,
Alllo Gnrdoti , Jimmlo Shr.ckulforcl ,
Frank Mu.e , llal h Bittinger find
George Clark.
Thy p-escniu wrro numoroua nnel
nlco uuuuuh to mil.'o u little boy happy
for whole yuf.r , and the ot tfrtuin-
munt , superintended by Mm Bittln-
jjer , wee par or.cjlloncn.
Tlio whole party woa Irrated to u
grand nl'iigh ride in tbo if ornoon , and
at C o'cluck uu ulegani din/ior was
sorvo3 , and the fentivitUHviund up
in the unuul Iinppy timnuiT ,
who&o niariiigo vttin chronicled lust
week nro aottk'd doirn and keeping
honso na coilly ni ; i couple who Juct
had yoain ot oxperiuncf > . It IE no
wonder thnt they can take things co
easily and cotufni'tnbly in inicl-winti'r ,
for they wen ) u Iinndsomely remeui-
borcd by th'jir many frlt-ndfl that
ocarcely n uceltublu i.rticlo for house
hold uco or lulciiiuiit-ut r > ao forgotten.
Lists of woddiui ! yiltn ura always interesting -
torosting to ludy loaders and a
BKK ropnrtnr obtained an invwntory of
those which were given 10 this happy
young oonplo , who sturt in Hfo under
the brightest aunpicoa Imaginftblu :
Parlor Hot , Mr. Abraham Prince ;
bedroom rot , Mr. and Men. CharleH
S.-hlauk. Mr. rudMrp. John Merrill ;
etdebouid , Mr. null Mrs. 0 Shiw and
Mr. und ilf. J. llounii-.tclri ; diuner
set , Me r.ul AIrn , J. -whciibcrj ; ; extension -
tension ta ikMr. . Loiriti Bras.h and
sist > r ; luii't ) ) , Mr nnd Mra. Bftiiwitz
ard Mir. Ph. G.'thcinw ! ; oot ( lining
cheiru , Mr and Mrn. Simon 0 < ihn and
Mr. Win Simon ; brcnklnnt set , Mr
Adnlf Slilnuk ; toi'ot tot , Mi , wild Mrp.
K. fold ; parlor clock , MOMS Bon Elm-
Dtoin and FfAnV Allen , of Chicagoj cut
silver opoone , Mias Minn Roaontha ! ;
cream pitcher , Mr Wm Xjller ; silver
bread dieh , Mits L A. Smith ; licrry
dlahand platbR , Mr. ur.dMra , V , Oihii ;
Bohemian gUsa tnmbleisMoaa , Martin
and Albett Cahn ; nut dish , Mover
Brothers ; atndont lamp , Mr. and Mrs.
A Pihckj Turkish rup , Mr. A. Ja-
cobaon ; cake basket , Mr. and Mre.
M. Hollmati ; statnettea , Mr. and Mrs.
D. Kaufman ; silver napkin riuga , Mr.
L Kaufman ; ttatuotton , Mr. and Mrs.
J. Brussels ; tidies , Miss Kixhn ; ele
gant caster , Mr. and Mrs. S. Lenman ;
card receiver , Mr. and MM. F. Adler ;
plcklo dish , Mr. and MID. A. Heller ;
butter dish , Mra. and Miss Maria
Wilson ; inkstand , Mr. and Mrs. L
Heller ; cake basket , Mr. und Mrs. S.
Jacttbt ; spoon holder , Mr. and Mrs
A. K'uiu ' ; coke dbh , Mr. and Mrs. L
Schleiulngar ; talt coilar , Mr. Henry
Bocc ; sot fruit diflies , Mlta Belle and
Mr. S. Bt'swii ? ; cake biskot ,
Mr. and Mrn. Win. Nelson ; cigar
stand , Col 0. S. Ohaa ; ; pair
of vases , filr T ) , Brown ; crayon ,
"Good Morning , " Moisra. M. Peovy
and 0.Drejfua ; ultquu inplush ) ftamc ,
Mr. Simeon Bloom ; crayon , "Come
and Sue Mr , " Messrs. H. M Peavy
and George Hoyn ; sat of fruit dished ,
Mr. and Mrs. Simon ; Etepere , Mr.
A. II. Gladatoni * ; c < tko hutket , Mr ,
F. lieswater ; Moorft'a Poftins , Mr
A. Rosowatcr ; crayon , "Roses , " '
Mlasea Roue , Eve uud Addio dlad
stone and Mr. Max Gladstone ; caitor ,
Mr. George Spitz , of Boston ; solid
silver spoocs , butter knifu and sugar
spoon , Mr. II. B Spitz , of Boston ;
tea pot , Mr. B. Ktllner ; family perfume -
fume stand , Mr. and Mrs. A. Atkin
son ; card receiver , Mr. and Mrs. M.
Donovan ; silver ladle , Mr. and Mrs.
George Helmrod ; table onf , Mr. and
Mrs. Berger ; sugar bowl and tongs ,
Mr and Mrs. J Kobln ; o rd receiver ,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Rithoiz ; tnllo * set
Mr. J. Netzuer ; syrun set , Mr. and
Mrs. M. Elgiittor ; Rigor's Group ,
Mr. and Mrs. M. Goldsmith ; clock ,
Mr. Lonlo E. Warner , of Buflal * ;
fruit dish , Mr , and Mrs. Nato Kra
mer , of Chicago ; opera glass , Mr. I
Hahn , of St. Louis ; pillow , MUs H.
Rosenberg , of Rochester ; phqnr ,
Miss E. Eichburc , of Washington ,
Ono hundred and fifty persons were
S'atcd at the bauquot. Thu Musical
Union orchoatn furnlthod tlio inuolo.
Mr. and Mrs. Prince have commenced
house keeping at No. 1513 Gdliforiilr
MULLKN-In this city , Febroary 13. a
5 o'clock a. m. , Mlta Bridget Mullen
aged 23 years.
Funeral from the csthedal at 9:30 : a. m.
February 13. Friends are invited.
TURNER Ther remains of Mr. and Mrs
Arthur Turner arrived this morale ]
from Lendvllle , Col.
Notice of funeral hereafter.
HAYKS-February 12 , at 2:30a. : w. , Bar
tholomew Hayoi , aged 7 years.
Funeral at 0 a. in. , February 13 , fron
family residence on Hlovcnth , betweei
Chicago and Caa .
Sboot TUB Rinsr.
Chicago Tlmcj.
"G-r-o-a-t God ! " was the cxclamc
tton cf n senator as ho gazed o
Tabor'o diamond ,
enormous ring j
10 correspondent says : "Tabor look
al well , but muut shoot that dlamon
Idn ring. It is unsouatorial , and if an
n burlesque act/oEsca should happo
around It might got him into troubli
rd It got him into tronblo once befon
KB as will bo'romembcrod. " The "gru
us stake" senator must devote himao
rd pretty closely to statesmanship if h
of expects to keep out of the toils <
10 the designing females of Washingtoi
The Vicissitudes of a Variety
Theatre ,
The Academy of Music a De
serted Place.
Death c f Omaha' Jardln
Mldnl nt Attr ctlonfl Not Down on
tbo Bills.
"Tho harp that once through TarVa halls
The soul of music shed ,
Now lies ns mute in Tma'a halls
As If that soul ere daad. "
It is always difficult work to wrlto
an obiiuary notlco end very toldom
pleasant , though once and a while there
is a melancholy pleasure even about
death literature. And notwithstand
ing some think It matters not "whether
life goes out in tin ) boat of passion or
the heat of bittlo , " it often makes a
big difference to the reporter.
The life cf a if ell known Omaha in
stitution went otitaVoat midnight Sun
day in the hint both of pantion and
bAtth' . The vailely theater at the
Academy of Almlo cloced its earthly
osroar et thu no n'ldo of u'gh ' , | oot
with a eweet rcquUm but aiijict the
clung of bottloc , the clash of broken
glubn nnd the clamor of nngry men.
Tholaet grand scored concert , given
every Sundny evening nt the Academy ,
was not f.dvurtUtd for all itvas
worth or the sign "standing
room only" would have baeii
hung out early in the evening. As
it was the attendance was not largo
und the receipts of the t\enlujr , It is
presumed , were not heavy enough to
give the proprietor much trouble In
carrying them home.
The oacrod concert opened with the
usual leg show , followed by the song
und dance and other variety busi
ness.The lest thing on the bills , in fact
the prlusipul feature of the evening ,
wau the contest for the ' 'Elliott gold
modal , " otfortd to the most scientific
amateur eparrer in the city. The
contestants > vho entered for the prize
were Mt'BBrB. McCune , Gaynor ,
Miller and Thompson , all gentlemen
mon , as well aa export mas'pra
of the manly art. McGuno and Gty-
nor firnt had a Bat-to four rounca o1
thrr.o niinutoR e\ch , M'iiquiB bf
Quaonabury rule. ' , Mr. McCuuu prov
ing the bailer of dm two according to
thu declninn of the umpire.
Then Miller 8iiJ lliompson had n
bout , alro fighticg four roncila uud
Miller winning the victory. The tie
waa then to bd "sawed ofl" by McCun
an'i Miller und they bcgtui. ' Tdo
fjtinrr wanbtaly winded from hij long
contest with Gaynor and Miliur also
wau pretty wull tired out , but thiy
went through two rouns end begun
the third when ElioU stopped t lit in
and eaid tluv. while Millucvne thu
rrinor ( by aomn unfairaena
on thu ptrt of McOune ) , McCuuo had
fairly won the modal aa thu moat oci-
ontUis cmitour boxer in the city.
This closed the show behind the
'oocllghts , and the curtain rang down
'or the last tim- , though the perform
ers did not then know it.
In the meantime , an the crowd was
eaviufr , a tow begun in the bar-room
at the right of * the entrance. A rail
road man named Bacon , from North
Platte , had stepped in to take a glass'
of beer before going home , and hav
ing no change offdtod the bartender ,
LJU George , a ton-dollar noto. The
latter started out to got change and
Mr. Bacon , who was perfectly sober
and waa interfering with no ono , atood
at the counter with hia back to the
door , leaning on his elbow. At this
minute ho hoard n rush and a noise
behind him , and aa ho turned to see
the cause , he rocolvcd n stunning blow
from aomo ono. Mr. Baoon ia an
Amurictu cltizan nnd not to bo ridden
over by , any ouo. Ho dropped lib
feupeiflaons apparel in short order and
wen * , for hla assailant , soon downing
him in the little innido balcony itbove
thu main stairway. The nrm who had
Rt.-utwd the tronblo wan named
Whltnny , and haa boon play-
in 14 the an&ro drum iti
thu sodomy baud. Aa ho f dll ho lit
in the pile of empty bottlea stored out
there and cut his fuco bidly , the
blood running thick. At the came
time a box of bottlea was knocked
through the railing and down upor
the main uialr case , where they were
broken to omash. Tht > so who stood
outside and board the crash though )
the whole academy waa tumbling It
from the noiso. At this juncture thi
pollco interfered and took the partioi
In custody , Mr. Bacon being subs ?
quently released on bi'l and Wliitnoj
hold to await trial , which was aot foi
5 p , m. yesterday.
Whitney was badly used up , bn
Bacon only yet a black eye from thi
result of the first blow. The latter it
a steady and quiet man who c&mi
down to Omaha on business and a tei
dijs leave of absence , won by nn
Interrupted work for a year m thi
train service. Ho eaya Whitney hai
a grudge azainet him because no refused
fused to loan him a dollar and tool
this backhanded way of getting even
This did not end tho.night's bust
t nesj , howovor. Mr. Tom Oallan , wh
keeps tbe Grand Central salooi
under the Academy was callci
nuon a little latter by som
of the variety actresses from up stair
who wanted their back salaries ani
said the furniture and things belong
ing to Manapor Nugent were boln
moved out. Sure enough , it appearo
that the time for closing up the place
which has boon for eomo months pat
prophesied to take place at an earl
day , had come and yesterday th
bar room , atapo and greou rooma wor
found atrfpped cf everything not be
letting to the Academy , even to th
stoves and atovcplpo and the plac
looked like n banquet ball deaertcd
ThU winds up the variety buaiuet
for the present in Omaha , and It he
prob&bly boon a losing game all alon
for the manager nnd proprietor , wh
concluded that it was a good time t
stop , although the rent cf the plac
was cald up to the 10th by Mr. Thoi
Callan , whoso business is in no wle
affected by this sudden wind np.
We will have no more "lacro
concerts" on Sunday evenings. Tl
music of the siren in tights and sko
ton dresses la hushed , the crash of tl
orchestra la silent and the curtain haa
rnnq down on the last act ,
During its existence the Academy
variety show waa good , bad and in-
difTrtrent by turns. Some excellent
performances were givnn there , and
some of the passing attractions , such
aa Mace , Blade , Elliott , etc ,
were well worth seeing. At
other times the thing descended
to a level so vile that those who have
visited the most notorious plftcts of
the kind in Paris and Now York cay
the Jard'n Mablllo and Harry Hill's
were no place alongside of this , some
of the < aftorpieces beinp snblimo In
their infamous displays. It's all over
now , though , and it is not necessary
to dwell on the vices or the virtues of
the thing that is past. Paaco to its
ashes 1
TUo Names of the Youutt Gentlemen
Wbo Distinguished 'I hemsolves In
tbo Late Beinl-Annual Exam
ination at tbo College.
The semi-annual examination of
the classes cf Oreighton college came
to a close a few daa ago.
Printed lists , showing the per cent-
ago of questions correctly lumwcrod
by thu students , have already bcou
forwarded to the parents and guar-
diaua of the boyn in attendance. The
highest number of uotea attainable
waa ICO.
The following ia a list of the atu-
duntu who distinguished Ihumeclvia
by answering correctly at least 75
per cent of the matter of examina
tion. The per ceinago ia exprcaaed
by the number ailixud to chch nunu :
Maattra John To tier , John R.Joy
and Milton Droat succjudcd la attain
ing the coveted 100.
William Arnold ) , 8G ; George Bailey ,
80 ; William Barret , 95 ; Edward Barry ,
70 ; Jncoph Barta , 9 ! ) ; Frinci Beaten ,
88 ; William Bolun , 84 ; Arnold Borg-
99 ; Auguatua Burglum , 92 ; Sjlon
Borglum , 81 ; Patrick Boylin , 77 ;
Patrick Buckley , 95 ; Patrick Butk ,
93 ; Frederick Burke , 98 ; John Oil-
laban , 83 ; Thomas Cation , 81 ; Walter
Ojrlin , 87 ; Emmet Chvanuu h , 81 ;
John CrivaiiHUgh , 88 ; Michnul Civan-
nugh , 90 ; William OlorKo , 89.Friticia' ; '
Ojrbeil , 75 ; Petnr Corrigan , 90 ; Mich-
B"l Ooegrave , 75 ; Harry Cittcr , 92 ,
Eiw rd 0 .ylp , 78 ; Edward Ori'Odon ,
85 ; Edmund Dniey. 95 ; Jamea Daily ,
8- ; William Daily , 85 ; Thomaa Datu
hey , 79 ; John D-wic ; 93 ; John
Diwaon , 90j Edward Djcghton ,
70 ; Milton Drost , ICO ; Chris
topher Durr , 82 ; Fraxcia F > n.
frdlick , 94 ; JoBtph F.xtfrd.ick , 80 ;
Jameii Fuzp'urlck 90 ; John Fjiina.
aan , 82 ; John W. Fnmagn" . 80j
William Flannt n , 94 ; Thomas F vm- ,
81 ; Edward Fulry. 75 ; J mt' Ford ,
78 ; P.trlck Fotd , 93 ; Olwrk-e I > .uzar ,
970hark" ; > Furi.y 91 ; Edwnid Furay ,
79 ; John Furay , CO ; Harry GaUghtr ,
92 ; Francla Gatduer , 85 ; Otiarlea Gib
bous , 77 ; Joinph Glenn , 83 ; Frt'dsriek
GoehtitiR , 90 ; Thomaa Grilli. , 81 ;
Jnhn Halligitt , 94 ; Miohaol Uiuchy ,
93 ; Birnnrd Hello , 85 ; Mrvurioo Huu-
, 91 ; John Joln.Bon , 85 ; John A ,
Johnson. 79 ; Charles Karbash , 8G ,
Thomna Kdstl , 89 ; Jamca Kavanaugh ,
84 ; E I ward Kally , 75 ; Edward Kelly ,
Sr. , 81 ; John Kally , 91 ; Thoaii
Kelly , 82 ; Edw-ud Kennodr , 80 ;
Gaorge Kojters , 93 ; Francis Ktujoi ,
85 ; Willjain LiChoolk . 83 ;
Walter L'iResson , 90 ; Richard
Liwleis , 91 ; John Llnuban ,
80 ; Bxrtholomnw Lynch , 80 ;
Albert Markp , 77 ; Froderich Mansa ,
88 ; Dati 1 McCarthy , 77 ; Geo. Mo
Oluro , 85 ; Francis McCreary , 88 ;
John McOreary , 80 ; Wallace Mc
Creary , 77 ; Luke McDermott , , 92 ;
Thomas MsDermott , 70 ; Robert Me-
Donauh , 91 ; John MoGivern , 81 ;
Charles McGovern , 88 ; Patrick Mo-
Govern , 94 ; John McGratb , 94 ; Mai-
tin McGuckin , 9fi ; Francis McGuak-
in , 83 ; William MoHugh , 81 ; Jamcn
McKt-rnoy , 90 ; Patrick McMahon ,
89 ; Neil M Milian , SO ; Willing
Mooney , 80 ; Dinlol Muidoon , 88 ;
Harry Mulhall , 79 ; John Mullpn , 94
Roderick Murphy , 95 ; Wm. Necko' ' ,
78 ; Emllo Nemetz , 92 ; Frederick
Nemotz. 80 ; Edward O'Btion , 90
John O'Brien , 69 ; Joa ph O'Britn ,
70 ; William O'Britin , 90 ; Ed ware
OOmnor , 91 ; Miclnol O'Con
nor , 91 ; John O'ISeill , 90 ; WillUm
O'Reilloy , 84 ; Edward Oliver , 80 ;
Jaime Pabkn , 84 ; Harry Patrick , 92
Edward Powers , 77J John E. Powers
83 ; Clark Redlck , 85 ; John Rile ;
100 ; Franola Sohlater , 95 ; Charlti
Schrieation , 88 ; Robt. Shannon , 90
Jackson Shannon , 92 ; John Simpson ,
88 ; Francis Slavon , 92 ; Edward Smith
90 ; John Seas , 80 ; John St. Clalr , 90
Jamoa Swift , 87 ; Thomaa Swift , 83
Daniel Tobln , 90 John Toner , 100
Luroy Walker , 88 ; Franola Weiner
81 ; Francis Wcat , 90 ; John Wholan
Tno News from One of Omaha'
Pretty Suburban Towns
Hon. Jamea H. Kynor loft to da ;
for Idaho , where , no doubt , hia betU
half will bo overjoyed to rocolvo him
Jim roporta the weather terrible au
hla health nhowa Us effect.
There are several society oveuta o :
the tapis which vro are nor at libort
to atato at prosont.
The attendance at the Union Sun
day school yesterday waa the largat '
alnco its organization , nearly thre
yean ago. The young ladles of th l
school , known aa the Willing Wort
ors' society , are contemplating a fal
some time In the near future.
The S. W. A. society have th
drama , "Bell Among the Moon
ahluors , " in study , intending to pro
it 1 I duce it soon.
Mr. A , 0. Smith and family hav
removed to Floruuoo. Al. will core
menco gardening aa soon aa th
weather will permit , nnd ultimate !
will furnish your city people wit :
the boat that the season affords. W
wish him the beat of aucccsa.
Ouo of the moat Interesting mecl
Ing'd of the Lyceum season waa ths
of Saturday evening ,
The programme was of unusual ir
torcat and waa listened to by ono c
the largest audiences over crowde
into Lyceum hall.
Mica Alice Rnatln sang a song et
titled "No , Sir , " with rare expresslor
Miss Carrie Orowel'a recitation" wi
io | worthy of praise , aa waa also Lou :
Bailey's declamation ,
A reading by Mrs. Frank Sinltl
ntltlod "An Address to January , '
was a scholarly production.
The dialogue entitled "Tho Oypsv
'ortuno Teller , " by the Miasrs line-
trd , was well renaerod , while Miss
onnie Patrick won merited itpproba-
ion In the character cf "Aunt Prup , "
n a dialogue entitled "When I was
t'oung. " The society's piper , "The
.loflootor , " was road by'thu edl
or , bnt our space will not allow ui to
urther particularize After recess
he question "Resolved , That there Is
inord nlcnsuro in possession than pur-
uit , " was ably argued.
The society is tflhorod aa follows :
'resident , W. H. Lawton ; vlco prcsi-
ent , Jacob Elton ; secretary , J. D.
Rustin ; treasurer , 0. W. Tousley.
Tno Entertainment at Turner Ball
Sunday Afternoon.
An announced in THE BEK , a grand
Concert was given by the Musical
Union orchcutra nt Turner Hall Sun
day afternoon , f Jr the bent fit cf the
offerers by the recent big floods on
ho Rhine- .
It i uufortuuata that the houao was
o apanuly filled , fjr the many who
did not attend ruiaaod a rare treat.
Not only waa the cause a moat merito-
ioua one , bnt the concert waa in
every respect fine , and from the nu
pcrb overture in put firat , oy the
Music it Union , to the eloping num
bur , ovcry piece iilicitrd the must
unbounded npphtuso , end doiorvtd
"t too. What wa lackinK in nuiubjrn
ira.i inaiio up in approcutlun , and
couniitseura of mctic had another
nsli n to feel proud that Omaha
had a baud such aa the MUMCA !
Union orchestra , than which no city
ot ita t\zi \ , nnd fjw auporior to it , can
boaat nn rquil.
The second number in thn pro
gramme , n couplet , by Herr Pcohtol ,
waa finely rendpred , and the cornet
solo by Joseph Nevotti was splendid.
Mr. JVuvottt ia a nuuter of the cornet ,
and mndo the welkin ring with tiie
clear , pare notea in "Aboudataun-
c'nen. " This was one of the fineat
enturca of the programme , and draw
r.urth rounds of the heartiest np-
p'anai ' ? .
The EOHK by the Tumor and Cnn-
cordia quartettes wae excoedin $ < ly
od and theeo popular singord were
oirnpi'ltd ! to reappear and f vor the
audiurco vith auothor p'tcct.
Einilie Pnls-Ahl eang "Trott in der
rnt. " with n nnat pleasing iflV'ct
This lady hao won n meet onviub't
D'QCO in the hearta of thoan who attoi d
tie S'udt Thea'ro and her popriluiity
' ) unbounded She fa unaMiinnt > g
and modi a1 but cuouot. thit
f.ict that she hes a inognifiosnt voice
; if remarki\bla compaan and awcuincar.
It gooa without aayinc that ahu waa
encored to the echo.
Thp mcuuott by thoslrlncr band wan
bcantifal , and the song by'Jon Beau
roia wuo vnry fine and wtll received.
Ihe var' < u-i uurabera in which the
MmicrU Uulon orchestra appeared
were nil noted for the PXceUoLCd and
finished rotiditicn BO charaotcrU'.lc of
the muuo of that organizttion , and
were appreciated in the fullest and
moat marked manner.
USBlleddiusc's Kmnin Salve In the
house , and use Kertding'u Ttusaiun Salve in
the btablo. Try it.
That Husband of Mine.
Ia three times the man he waa be
fore he began using "Wells' Health
Ronevrer , $1. Druggists.
Clocks for SI 00 und onwards at ]
t3J-SPECIAL S will FCtniX ELY not beln
terted unless paid In advance.
II < . .OAIftlQKKY
] \/I / ONEY TO LOAN Call at law olllccof D. L.
1Y1 Thoiras room 8 Crclihton lllock.
MOK'EYT LOAN On chatteraortKago FO-
curity. A. B. Tutton , Wo. 1B1B Douglas
strco1 front room up ttaire. _ 435-U
l\Ml\TO ' OAN At 8 per cent In.
' - .UUU tcrost in sunnot $2,000 and up.
wards , fo/8to 5 years , on Drat class city and farm
propcrt ) . BitMiH URAL ESTATE and LOAN AOK.NCT ,
IBth and DougtaaStB. _
M"ONKY TO LOAN At 8 per ocnt , Shnver'e
H > al Estito knd Loan Agency , opposite
postofflce. _ 7BT-tf
ONEY L'lANED ' On Chattel Mortgae )
M curity. Room Mo. 1 , over Mcichanls N .
tlOLa l iiank. 977-luit
" \TTANTED-Ten active , pushing men to sell
VY and Introduce a well known artlc'o to ram
Him In IhiVrlty. Engagement.permanent . if wih
totmel. $1.53 per day anil Comml-idon. Alsc
hormand vagon wanted , $2 per day , Applj
Monday , at 9U0 of Mr llnuly , Crtlghton Hou3 < ,
ITTA 'TED A first class german sirl for gen
VV cral house work , go il wagcu paid. In
iiiire | at 11. Dorn's Krsldcnco eaSt llnry'n A\en
ue betwu 'M and 21 Sts. U83-14t
" Gill to do general hou e work It
WASTE" , tuo. Apply Mrs. VMIkle , 101-
vtardm. 1137-llt
W nfe < l male or fcrralo In verj
AGEVT8 i tnvnin thoUrtted Stttes. $10.0
tu i 15.(0 ( par day eiHlly tna.'e. G. E. uIPEOUl
& 0 > > . , 10 lintel y Street , New York City.
J IS 1mb mor.
Good girl for general house wotk
WANTKD ImmulUuly at 1818 Farnam St.
' . '
OS5-1' }
\\7 ANT U A lady agent to cmvaa fora nui
YV corset. Addles 0. St. , thli otulce.
" I W Ooodrlch , StutB avenue,2d hoiue south o
St. ? a y's avenue. 070 13
° '
TKrANT D-A second girl. Apply 1310 Day
W eip rtit tt. V.70-12
- 'elntondlnjr to learn the ec l
WANTEU-T drees cuttln ? to kcow th > t th
10 agentu will remain for one week at 141R Dodg
etteot , 1'itterna a epecla'ty. 950-141
A good b-.rbor. Job by tnojcai
051-10 ! Fremont , Neb.
As houtokrepcr , a mlddlo-Bgei
WANTED without children , in fuijlly cf lx
" ' Address thU week "J. P. AmcV'l'l utcr's Hotel
Onnta , alter which at Blair. 059-101
h Vl'i 1) Mcnt i woik lu limber. . Mann
WA wcllcr , llth street. 072-12J
7""iIKL W NTKD tor general housework St2
VT Davenport Ht. 830-lOt
Eoom girl vtanted att'iullolJ house
DINING 017-13
CANTED Four flret cli 8 solicitors , big fa'
W to good men. Martlod menpufcrred. Ad'
druod S. M. lies office. 939-1 ! )
a- A ono bone covered exprrm ua
WANTED caah. Address wajon Dec otlle.
ls' '
\TTANTED. HOOVI A refined gentleman c
YY quiet habits desires to eogaire a pernnncr
room with strictly privite I mily. Address " 1
T. " Boo oftlcc. feb 10-2t
WANTKD A buslne man llkr to
HOKSE a horse for fur or five hitf Rjnixr
week , to call at hli cuitomen round town. 1IM
rot hameni and > ery light waion of hi * own.
A-WtPM "I1 T. " ll.o office. feb 102 *
WANTED- men to board at 1004 Dodge
M. nice room * good board and eventhlnir
made home-like for those who M ill pay , 990-17 1
\T7ANfED Plena t furnlsl ed room rr tulto
Y\ < f rvitns , for r villrg mm and lle with
board AddrtM until Keoru.r > 15th , "C. N. II.
car * Ulllard Hotel. Feb5-l *
1011 IlKNT An itnturnlned and furnkhed
room. Oil at 6071 N 17 St. 99.131
PH BENT-In a private family , tworrthrej
t 1
rcoms , with or withoutboird , HIS Ddgo SI
JACIFIO OUSE TO HENT 32 ronmslifood
order , corner tnih nnd DiMiiport Sts. Ap-
\\y \ to Oeo , W. Gray , 211 Twelfth St 085-13t
FOIl IlE'lT-l'our room ) $1000 per m nth.
Inquire ol Patrlcj Ford Niagara houo 212 3.
UthSt 083t
FOH MK-JT Furnished room N. E corner 9th
and Jnckson 931-mt
TIW > Furn'shod front ro m , a. reasonab'e
rates nt 1407 Howard S . 997-14 *
171011 IlENT Nicely furnt-lird room , good lo-
I1 cation , private fumlly , ecuth est conn r CM
and i0.tnets. ! 9U33) )
FOIl HEST Ado'lra Ioc3lttio f six lu uu.
c nvenlrnt distt'cofritn dip t Iiqulraof
Mm. J. A , Parsing , cor. 12th an ! tiarcy itttcta.
(7\0h \ HSNT Hfuieof ftur roonn a d kitch-
1. ' rn. > pplyA. llutphy , 4'JOH.uth Hth Sttoet.
FOR IlENT Furnished room at 1COO Farnara
street , Odl-13
nOU HE T Six room hou o , with barn , 18th
I and ' avonpjrt. Flvu room cottngc * , ne ,
3thouri HUkory. InqulroofJ PHIl'Pd WiE.
055-14 . . . . . .
- 1512 S. 5th.
FTIl IlKNT o laf/o nooB , furnlinrd or
unlurcl.bcd , 8' ' 6 south 18 h street. 9fi3 161
-pott KK\T Tot'ijc 2223 J t. Maty naxenue.
JD Inquire next door 9CJ-12
FO < HENr Fu'nlihol r'om wlih board , gas
bath room. Also table boarj , 1718 lKae.
TlOrt ltiNT-r4S acrts I nut within 1J uilej of
J Postolllce , with house of two roatna , Lind
i throe jarcel , one ot 24 acre' , one ol 18 acres
, d one of i acres , and all nlnx y fenced.
BF.MIS. A < ect1
f > | .Vtf 15th and Douglas Street * .
70lTir NT NeU collage full lot nlco location ,
J. J1J)0 ) per. month.p.fl < .T110Mi\ _ 050-13
rpIlREE untarnished rooms torrent , with bay
JL window. 1410 ihlcago street. 940 12f
J\ . and bisrment of bulldln No.llll Karnam
itreet. Inquire nixMlonreai . tlRlm *
FOH UV.N Una organ , KJ.UO per m nth , at
_ A.IIofpo _ a Maslc Hall 777-lm
coivenlecesl8tOLIodgeSt. 773-lm
FOR HUNT 25 houao' , 2 to 10 rooms , at $3 to
S:5 per mrnth 8hr > \ cr'a Rent Lureau , op-
xifijto cost ofllco. | 7C8-tf
, i01t RENT Several sm.iil houaco , G rooms
J eack. DR. C. II. PAUL.
fTlOK H Nt' Ono l > itu ul'uy liir.nn'ieri room
JD wl'hluardKrtwoatlBOS California S ! .
707-1 oif.
BEMIS' Now Map of Omaha , Just completed and
ready f or delivery at ? 3 each. Is 4 feet wide
' > y 7 feet long. Latgi'it. and moat complete map
if Omaha ever published. OtHcial map ot the
: lty. Sc : column.
BfKK S ? 50 per thcu and , dclivmd oj 15.
&M track , a Onnha All orders i IrectoJ
\oUuilu.ueBnck y-rn , Haipj lo tty , wll ra-
: c\oprou.p n-.tent'on. ' 97 16J
> K SALK Oil tXOHA OE-Foity acres ol
F Und , 4 iTiiles ou hvcsSf Blilr. Will ( ell
toxo or lor gocd pair o' hoiECs. Ap-
ly Hens an Uto'u , iiuei Saratoga , or r.i-
dicss'-Bfeoince. " 9:2-12
FOR SALE OHEAP-C2 mllti wwt Of
Onnahi , on iho Union Paciflc railroad.
Brick barn , two tt3ry hotel and furniture , three
lo's 6 x132 , good stand , go. d business. God
oosona for gelling. Inquire ot subscriber.
713-lm-me Noith Bond , Neb ,
P.'Ill SAL" ! - ' o in | rnture ! , l-cluillng hnr
and liar Uxt'tru , w tti n lo si nf t ie building
nqu root Rlcror 'I'Kffc'e rV Kuoera , No.21
.Outli . 3httre t On. In , Nob. 907-1 ! : }
FOIl 8ALB Tfa-n of "hes7 barnc9j and
wage at 817 t-'ftvi n frh tret 9GM31
r t t BHii-c baixlu tbueiuluoiid
tlxiutt-i now In use at nur works , 'ihu
ixm il toaiHt 'bat uo' l PS ne , > nd conpUti of
t'ii.l eIO hrre. po : < i ) B.ll ' , Heater , 8tara
P nip , Brooke St k , Scam 'lid U'aier G uzo ,
Wliria < k Va VUNlpc < , > tu. K wi'i be t.lten
out tb 'lit thnllritnliiiXt May IMrilo inters
< c < larn tuvl ul o civ i i < nt c t tnnio-ntlan my
aid nlgnSunil } i xieptiV ) at th * Wuclmvi
Linnced lln - orki , co rmrtfevo to ani htfd Nich
olas , tiic i _ II 17im
" "
oi A"LlS llou e and I it fo oil on 8 13th
tn1 HorciSMici'tj. Cili ou tba pr
iALE PC cts maps of No nska 40a
I101l . rurb'rgaliiK In K aha City Improved
and un mpr ved property , call on Wm. JShrl -
\er , no > l rotate Agftit , oppos to poitotllco.
I.1UH 8\LE Six rtMiu cottage with barn end
, L halt lot on Chicago street , near Hlsh School
Only # . ' ,300. McCAOUE ,
GOO-doc 27-t' Opii. Pos office.
, U > 11 3 Alj arrt c'otw ' 'Ocou.1 i-nil phaeton *
" H.rneySt _ S97-tf
OXUbLLENl MhlCK FOlt HALE { 9.00 per
FJ thMi'and , YurJ 15tb street , two blocks
tenth c f Be kvno raid
_ _ L T _ " . _ * -rr _ * ' * !
Now Map of Omaha , Just completed AOu
BEMIS for delivery i\t 83 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Largest and tnot complete map
of Omaha over published. Olllclal map of tb
city. See column.
T ) OOMS And board at 327 Capitol avenue be-
XV twcen 17th and 18th. 9WJ-W
OOM And board for two gcntUmcn at K ,
E per week , ( J03 North 17th St 992-Ut
A Watch Cha'm , attached wllh buckle
LOST black silk ribbon. Finder will be re
warded by retunilngjit to VV. A Redlck.
9:3 lit
TIONALIST , 498 Tenth street , between Farnam
and Harnoy. Will , with the aid of guardian
snlrlta , obtain for any one a glance of the pail
and present , and on certain conditions In the fu
ture. Boota and Shoes made to order. Pdfrct
BatNffu-tlon puarantoet ! .
Absolutely Pure.
This pow der never varies. A man el of purity ,
( trengtband vv holcsomcness. More economical
than the orplnary k'nda. and cannot be sold In
competition with the multitudc.ol low test , short
weight , alum or ph sphatepowler. Sold only ID
cans. RoTAb BAKL\O Powpia Co. , WUl-St. , M
New York.