THE DAILY BElfr-OMAHA TUESDAY FEIHJARr 13 THE NATIOKAL CAPITAL The Fees of Peosion Agnnts Made tlio Subject of a Bi'l , While Another Propoft-a to Grant National Chartera \ t j Trades Uniono. The Famous Arlington Batata to Bo Furchusod by the Government. The Tariff Talk Iu ConRrois , and Other Mattnra CAVITAI. WOTKS Sp o'al DUtcloitoTllit Da . * MARK OF 'ItSl'KCT. WASHINGTON , Fcbtu try 12 As a mark of roepnct to thu nimioiy of thu late Ex Poa'tuuetur General Jewell , the p'jBulli.i ! > department will bo drappi'd iu tuouriiirg for thirty il.iya and closed on WtQiicEcUj1 , the day of the tuucrnl. FEES OF I'ENBI N AGENTS. A bill wai latroduoed iu the spnnto Sonntor Cameron Wisconsin to-day by ( sin ) to regulate fcos of puuiiioii agunts. It provided that claimants and agents living in the same contiguous c mntios may sign contracts nllowiii the nguntH $25 iu an original caao or reopened case wboro new disability is proven uud $10 for other Cftuocs to iucrcpsa penslmi in nil cases filud since Juno 20 , 1878. Tlio bill further provides tnnt no fco shall bo paid in advance of the allowance of claims filud after the bill becomes a law. Cameron snys the object of cho bill is to placa the pension bueiueas in the handi of looil agenis and prevent Its absorption by Washington agoucles. CIIAUTRHIKa TRADH UKIO > H Blair's bill in relation to thu incor poration ot thu national tradna nnlons presented In the aunato proviln. tint any trade orgair.zition having two or moro brnacriea iu ttAt''a or u-rruoriei shall bo untitlecl to rucuivo from thu Uulttd SUtoa osurtH charteru as na tional iaaooiiitioiis under ouch iidinoaa may eoloo'ed , with power to euo and liability to bo sued , etc. THE' ICLUIOMV B UMEUS The msj ii icy of the party * h < invaded - vadod I'.dun Territory have wi'h- drwn of th'j'r own uco > rd np in ni- cortuiuii g thnt thi y wo to deceived aa to the ptiriiubi ) of IDO expn-i'.iou hy the Imdocf. Stivcral of the U''or , arrnattd by HIM luintary authoviHoa , will bo tuvnud ov. r to tbo civil au thorities. The issue of standard silver dollars lars last week wan 471,000 , agaiat 162,000 the corresponding week last year. THE AHLINGTON ESTATE. The seii'ito judiciary committee agreed to report for passage the bill providing for the pnrohass from George Woshlugton Parke OurtU Leo of the ontlro Arlington intatc , com prising 1,103 aoics neir Washington City , and Including the National cem etery , at a coat of $150,000 , the ac crued taxis on the inine , $15,000 , to be paid bj General Lee. The court , iu genorul term , ordered that the money awarded Benjamin Weil by the Mexican claims commis sion must bo ptvi unless good reason Is ahowu for wuhholdlng it. CONGRt-iiirtlONAIi. Special Dispatch to TUB UEE. HGKATK I'BOCEFDINGS. WASHINGTON , February 12. After the introduction of : > bill to legalize Incorporation of trtd s uniouo , the t'irlfT bill v/r.3 taken up Sauator Miller ( N. Y. ) introduced an ttuiondm-i.t to ropuil nn act mint ing to vinei tr fuctorlon catablnhcd opuratud prior to Mttrch 1 , 1879 , which vis referred to the committee on ti laiu'.u. Atn udmun o ni < v < ! o i < coaimitteo of the V7hf.lo to the i.uirna ! rovutiuo portion cf the bill having boun coiiBldcrt'd , tlioteaiUB procLuduii to conuidor thoee mide in the com mittee to tiio tariff sections. Senator Morgan , who hud , Situr day , demanded a eapsrt'o vote ia the nenato upon each atneiidnient mido in committee of the whole , withdrew the demand in order to facilitate the pro groes cf the bill. Senator Conger immediately renew ed the demand. A provision for levy ing duty on goods composed of two or more materials waa amended so as to provide the duty shall bo assessed at the highest rates at which the com ponent chUf value may be chargeable. Sauator Merrill moved to disagree to the amendment made in committee fizlnii the duty on soap at 20 per cenl ad valorem. Motion lost and amend ment agreed to. Tne amendment made In committee of the whole charging the duty on green and colored glaur bottles , duralJohns , jars , etc , , from 3C per cent ad valorem to \ \ cents per pornd was disagreed to. The para graph embracing iron ore and pyrites was temporarily reserved. Senator Morri'.l ' ( > rith the concur rence of a majority of the ommlttco on fianncs ) olTored asnbjtituta for the pig iron paragraph. The amendment changing the duty on bar iron from ninu-tfiithi of a cent per pound to $18 pur ton , was agreed to , ayes 25 , noes 10 The exception of "wiru'1 fiom the articles or manufactures of iron ore etoel , which when ga'.varazjd ara to pay an extra duty if \ - > f u cent pet pound , was ou motion oi Saintor Alii aon made more definite by making I read "except fence wire. " Senator Mitchell moved to make the duty on nickel ere 20 oouU a pound Instead of 15 , Lost 30 to 31 The action of the committee of thi whole in striking out lumber fron the wood schedule was disagreed tc by voter , yo a-lC , naya 20. Lath shingles , plno clapboards and sprue clapboards , struck out in committe of the wholn , were also roitored at th ratoa in the bill , the senate rttfnsin to agree to the action In committed b a vote of ayes 18 , noes 32. Senator Merrill , by instruction of majority of the committee on finance proposed to reduce the additional dut on sugars not abnvo 13 Dntoh stan dard , testing above 75 decrees b polarisoopo , from 5-100 to 4-100 of cent per pound for every addltlona degree or fraction of a degree. Senator Jonas complained of bein taken by surprise by the offoro nmcndmrnt. Ilo tinted bit collra ua Ivcllouk ) r.iul uuothcr sutiittor \ lui vould vote with him were obeont. Senator Mori ill h. d no objections n lot the vote go over until to-mor row. Senator Sherman ofTfrcd nn Miijnd- mont laying on un adciitionnl duty of 0 per cent mlvnlororn on ougrs , "to , n which aport duty IB levied by the ountry of heir produclion. Senator Vnn Wyck believed Jours' hargo of bad fiith on the part of the ommittco on finance wa * well found oil. The senator hnd n.tld a 'member > f that committee hud oomo to 1 111 to iioi otlato about the uty on Bog r. "Noxotlato" was ho proper term to uoo beoaQRn ho whole of . - 'Hfliis tariff eglalatlon on which 4ho eonuto him > eon engaged for u month pn t * vns inducted on commercial pilnoiplua. 1'ho senator from Louisiana ( fone5) ) mdaright to c.rn plain of thu trwu- mont ho hnd received , for ho had > rob.iby ! rt-lied upon the old saying , 'There's honor among thieves. " Van Wyck said ho tlaed the word 'f.hievf " in the Piok'wlcklan nonse. Liughtcr ] The senator from Lints- ana might have well been uspielous of the high pro- eotionista east , but ho might ppoud upon the high protectionists f the northwest. They would ro- nember his vote to keep the duty on umber. ' Like little men" they will oto for his sugar tux. Senators might mute thumiolvcs by this protoneo of ogislaling for the public , when really wore only "negotiating" with each ther for the benefit cf highly pro- rctod interests , but the people would ov bo deceived , At the oonu'uilon ' of Senator Van Vjck's rpoi-ch , Senator Brown re marked the oenata had been ooutlnn- us session for eleven hours , and as 10 senator in charge ot the tariff bill eemed to bo in very good humor , ho would aak his consent to adjourn. Senator Merrill ( alluding to Sena- or Van Wycks romnrks , delivered with great animation of voice and gov ure ) said , "I am always in good hu mor when I have an opportunity of ttonding opera boulfe. " [ Laughter J The senate adjourned. HOUSE rROCEEUINOH. WASHINGTON , February ] 2 Mr. Iu ohlua In the house asked a unnui- ious consent for the paas.ixo < > n till for the retirement of Alfrml 'Jfasanton with the rank of major oneral. Mr , Steele objected. Mr. Blair presented several polltlono f ctt'Z.'Uh of Virtiiula , North Oa Vum and S mth 0 iroliua f jr nation ' 1 i to common schools. A bill W H reported grantlt g n ppr - ion of $ oO psr month to the arauc - uu htur lit Thomas .liffdr on. Mr. Holman introduced a joint tea iki'lon directing the aicretary of the itorlor to ieauo no more patents tn mda to any land grant roads until urthor aciion of congress , The honeo refused to consider the ' ( strict bualutss and wont into committee mitteo on the tariff bill , the pending uragraph being that imposing a duty > u chains On motion of Mr. Dannell , the luty nn chains leas than \ and not loss hau ยง of an inch in diameter was re- iuojo from 2i to 2 cents per pound. On motion of Mr. Kaeaon , the old lassificatlon of steel and ingots was estorod. A dispute arose between Messrs. Jirlialo and Haakell as to the oflcct of lie clause imposing a duty on steel ngote , oto. Daring the debate Mr. Andp.rson , r.r uing for 45 per cent ad- valorem rate , said : "Sa far aa his ex ) orionco had gone , wherever the bill ras given a kick , a little devil of a ub would pat his head out , if it vras lot a bir ; devil of a job. Mr.'b ( III ) moved to fix at one cent per pound the duty on Iron or tool uigoti' , blonmcia or blankn for ucnmotlves and railroad cars. Lost - 72 . > 80 On motion of Oirl'sln ' the duty on crow rivoU , screw nalla und wire and rodn round in ccila nnd loops not lighter than No , 5 wire gunge , aluiKt at 3 cents a pound or less , * fixed r.t 30 per cent sd valorem. Pending further action the commit , eu rose , Mr. Haskoll givlog notice of in amendment reducing thu duty on ron wire reps and strand from 3 to 1 uut per pound , and steel wire rope rom 3 to 2 orfnts par pouud. Rocosn , EVENING sEbsioN. The legislative ( ipproprintion bill was considered in cummitioe of the whole , Mr. Alkina moved to rcduso the mlary of first ns- listnnt secretary of state from $4,500 o $3,500. Loit 46 to 101. Mr. Thompson offered an amend ment , providing that after the 30 .h of Junp , 1883 , there shall bo no more .han forty-six collection districts un der the bureau of internal revenue. Mr. Biyno offered au amendment ixlng the number of collection dis- : rlots at seventy-five , whioh wan re- juotcd. After some Umo spent in mdeavorlng to eeoure a quorum , Mr. Salman ofiVnd an amendment fixing ho number at sixty. Pending the action the committee rose and the lonso adjcurnod. TAKING XHK BtACK VEIL. A Cincinnati Younqr Lady , After Year aa a Sister of the Wblto Veil , Formally Renounosa thu World f'oiover. Wash'njton Post. The handaomo brick convent of thi Sisters of the Visitation at the cornel pf L atroat and Cotiucotiont avenue is a "colony" of the Georgetown in atitutlonof the same name. The hitter tor ia the "mother" house of thi order In thia country. It was fonndec during the administration of Bliho ] Waal , who preceded Archbishop Oar roll as the fir it archbfchop of Balti more. The order Is of French origin and was instituted early in the seven teenth century by St. Francis dt Siles The nuns were originally secluded and devoted their lives t < prayer and purely religloui work They are still cloistered , but all of thi houses in this country , nnd most o these in Europe , have added teaching to thuir vocation. The oh.ipul of thi convent in Washington proper Is yep high and narrow , opening to the righ of the chapel into a private chape half the height for the use of the sis tors. The Tatter chapel is separate * from the altar by a grating resombllni iron bara , but really like the otho gratings of the convent , only pn torraa protection , as it la composed o frail wood. Over thh thsro may b drawn black orapa curtains , wblcl hang on either side. In the centre o Uhii grating It a small wlndo-v with H hhuttor of the orosntul bus through which the * i.una p.itUku t f the sacrament of the L'lid' * supper 8 iino four feet back uf tliiirndt ! > w at 7:30 : yesterday morning knelt Sitter tor G bnello of the white vail , alony. After RI months of probation in the cip of a novioo and u yetr : nd n day in the white veil , she had come to the altar an applicant for the bluckvii and prepared to the world forever. In the world ahu hail been ! Uim Bon c.tron , and ia a sister of Mr Gus'avo Bonscaren , chief engineer of the Oiiicluuatl A Southern railroad. She remained in society longer than her Impulse to devote her life to G d vould have dictated , through her duty to an invalid mother , whom she attended lo the last. Further back in the nuns' chapel a few sisters in black and white veils , and Into the public chapel a privileged few were admitted , Among the latter were the brother of the candidate , his su- ter-in-lair , Mrs Uobart G. Mi.choll , nee Lincoln , her huibind , and Mr. Ladyard Lincoln , of Cincinnati In the choir were Mlsn Uim'onina , who has a daughter of T. D Line tin , E q , of Oinciunati , who Im a daugh ter in thu Brown county ( Ohio ) con vent. Mint ) . Godoy , wlfo of the Chi lian minuter , and a lady friend , were also in the sanctuary. After the "Onx pro Nobis , " in which Mias Lincoln's rich and cultured voice filled the church with its fooling and power , and wat admirably seconded by that of Miss Risecrans , Father J. J Murphy , ( f the Society of Jesus , and president of G jnng college , mounted the altar stops and instructed Sister Gabrlolle From the ttxt , "Hearken , oh daugh ter and see ! Incline thino ear ! For get thy people and thy father's house I A king shall admire thy beauty. " Ilo told her how oho had come to make the sacriQca ( .f all there was in this life to God , in her vows of chastity , poverty and obedience With an eloquence whoso simplicity was Its chief uharm , ho told her she was not literally to ' 'forgot Iho holy affection ! of the fam ily or her father's houto , " but was to sanctify the memory of them by offer ing them to God , She might , ho said , in virtue of her vow of obodionoo , have her household duties to attend to or bo engaged in teaching not pure ly religions works , bat these could ba made beautiful by her devotion of them to the great honor and glory of GoJ , oven as ' 'cloth of gold" so lovely to the eye WAS upon close inspection a ground of close material upon which g ) ldeu thread upon golden thread . .Milfully woven , c-jmp ottd ita ox ( uisito work Her duiy done , "A CMII ; should ndmlro her beauty the utf rior beauty of her soul. " The instruction over , Sister Gabri- u.'o ' read her vows in a law , distinct voice , nnd was then led to the window iy two Bisters of the black veil , Father Murphy , who was fully veal- od , approaching on the outside to com plete the cororaoiy. The sisters back .n thy chnpol , with lighted candles in their hands , chanted the responses in n low , peculiar way , in which melody evidently was not consulted , but with a wulrd and solemn offdat tint car ried one's thoughts far back into the centuries. The consent of the com munity being formally asked and the response given , the candidate was duly Invested with the cress , which was put around her neck by a chain and the black veil , Then the of ficiating priest Bald iu anbatanoa : "Slater , thou art dead to world ; dead to thyself. Llvo only to the Lord. " The Bister then withdrew a few paces , prostrated herself , and was covered by other slaters with a black veil , as a pall la covered. Then , after chanting , the priest said , substantially , "Awake thou that ( deepest ; come from the dead. The Lord shall enlighten thce. " Agiln approaching the win dow , a lighted ciudlo was placed in her hnnl , and she was given , with procribad caromnniea , thu crucifix , which the eistorR of the order wear in their boltn. Aftjr in cot ; a a and prayer , the priest concluded with : "Go , slater , and God have imircy upon thco. Abide in vho house which hu has prepared for thio. " Abrldal crown cf orange fliword was placed upon her over the black veil , and she was loft kneeling , with lighted caudle iu hand und alone , as at first. The raasA which followed was celebrated by Father Denny , S J. , of St. Aloys- iub' church. The music was again exquisite. The Bister received the sacrament of the holy communion. At thu deeply impressed little congroaa tlnn dispersed it was a significant and olcquom thing that the convent belli rang out , summoning the aiatora tc their dally labor , whllo several brighl eyed little glrU with their school booki ino skipping and laughing upon tht Boono. Demand it , and take no other Iron preparation uxcept Brown's Iron Bit tors. It is the best , A POKriE SUIT. A Wlfo Recovers Money Lost by Hei Unlucicy HuBbiud. Frankfort ( Ky. ) Spiclal | g Ixj-ilsvtl'e Comma clil. clil.Tho The case of Moore vs. Sattlo , an np peal from the judgment of thu 0rei circuit court , w < u argued before th < superior court to-day by Mr. 0. IIil lam for the appellee and Hon. VVurrei Montfort for the appellant , and thoi submitted. This is the cotabratot poker case , In which Mr. Evun E .Settle and John A. Moore , both o Owen county , participated. Abou four years ago these two "Siroe O won" county gentlemen had a gam of "draw poker , " and after the gam was closed Sjttlo was the loser to th extent of aovorU hundred dollars. H walked up to the captaln'a desk like lUtlo man and put dorrn the cash Bright and happy emiles were ot served fall over Moore's face as h pocketed the money , and hu left th gatnlag-room with the idea that th little gimo of poker which ho had wit' Bottle would never bo known to on ! himself and Sottlo. But in this h wa.i sadly mistaken. Several month ago the wife of Settle brought anl against Moore for the recovery of th money which her husband had lost a the pukor g mo with Moore. The voi diet of the jury in the court below we in favor of Mrs. Settle , and the com eel for Moore took au appeal. Th dooielon of the superior court in th case will be watched with Intereat b thu sporting people. Oyittn by txprea daily , Fleming' ! . Visit Kurtz's Store. HUBS FRiUDS IH DIAMONDS , Extensive Operations of a Bang of "Diamond Painters , " Pho Trndo Astounded- Dealers LoatuR Hotwily , Inferior St > ncs that Pain fir Vlmt- Water Gcm N w York SUr , For some months past great excite ment han prevailed in the diamond trade in this city owing to the drnjov- ery of wholoaalo frauds on dialers who have boon victimized to thu ex tent 6f hundreds of thoimtnh of del lars. Djtio ivos have been long en gaged in endeavoring to ferret out the frauds , and it la confidently asserted that within the next forty-eight hours important arrests will bo inadu. The experts who have oo auccestfully im posed on the tradt > , ued for the pur pose of deception a simple but clover process of coloring inferior diamonds so that they looked exactly like first- water gems. When pressed by the re porter for particulars , the broker sud denly became nnoommnucative , and referred his interlocutor to Detootlvo J. A. Brltton , who is a deputy of Air. Anthony Oomitock. Bjforo applying to Mr. Britton the reporter made inquirloi upon his own account , aud gathered many facts as to the now mode of swindling diamond mcrclmite and their customers. Then the do tectlvo was approached. "Mr. Britton , " began thn reporter , "I IMVO bean told thut you have boon working up this diamond painting business , particularly with reference to ono firm which has been victimized. I should bo pleased to have you state the tacts in the case , the modus oper- andl of the swindlers , and any other mat tors of public interest. " Mr. Britton replied quickly : "Who told you I know anything about the mat tot ? Suppose I do , am I going to glvo away the whole thing ? Scarcely. When my investigations ( supposing that I have made any ) are complete and the offenders brought to justice , I may talk , but not boforn. " To this the reporter rejoined by convincing .Mr. Britton that ho nl ready had enough material for un article. "Now , Mr Britton , " said the in quirer , "Tho Star will publish thuoo tacts , oven if you refuse to eay a word. You see , it 13 no soorot , and you will gain nothing by silence. " Thy do- teotivo stactud , was silent a mo ment , and thou nald , slowly and re- luotnntly : "Well , If you know BO ranch , I sup poaa I may us well toll you the rest. Lot mo begin by reciting a little story. Not many weeks ago a man came into the shop of a well known East side pawnbroker and exhibited a pair of superb eight-carat diamond earrings. They were largo and looked like twelve-carat gems. The man asked a loan of $1,500 upon them. Lng and carefully the pawnbroker examined the gems. His covetous eyott epaikled. Ho concluded that the stones were guiuluo blue-white diamonds , which , ro aa rare aa they are bnaullfnl. hey bring from $150 to $500 a carat , iffany & Oo had ono awhile go for which they refused jl.OCO a carat. But the broker's ad- niration did not get the bettor of his imioa instincts. Ho declined to oan moro than $503 up m the car- iuga. Thia the customer promptly , nu positively refused. Aflor a long rgurnout the contracting parties com promised upon $7oO. .la soon ai the ustomsr left the shop the broker rdorod his clerk ( who wai out of jght during fhu nogotialion ) to fol ow Iho man and buy the ticket nt any price , Thu clerk obeyed , and aftnr omo dickering the victim exchanged ho ticket for $50 Wild with dullf-lit ou broker hastened to wash and polish lis treasures. But when ho took .hem . from tbo water a cry uf antonish- mcnt uucapod him. The bluo-whito uitro was gone , a > d , to his snrprho mil nuger , t'.o shrewd oxpart found hat ho had p.tid a high p/ioo for or dinary green yollon diamonds , worih t the moat $ 10 a carat. The slonen were piintod. "I suppose , " continued Mr. Britton , 'that then > la not a diamond mcr- or a oawnhrokcif between Now York and Ndw Orleans who 1ms not bsoti humbugged by painted jewels. " "How did the matter come to your attention ? " asked the wondering Star man. man."Just is this wiy. About five months ago it gentlemanly , well dressed man , entered the iiflioo of a prominent firm of dhtnond brokots , and rt'prcBOutod hlmeolf an the agent of a large house in Paris , Ho had some fiuu gems. Would the firm have the complutHUTicj to examine thoini The firm did ao , aud bought $10OOC worth of atones. Upon another occn ilon they purchased a ynt hrgoi itmonnt , and BX weeks ago purchsiot of the pleasant gentlemen from Prl a third lot. for which th y paid 5,00 ( $25,0300 The Ust packogo thej did not oxamiuo with the care ba Btownd upon the others , for they had perfect confidence in the judgmen1 and integrity of the man troru Franco In a short time , however , the cus tomorn who hid bought diamonds o the third purctusa , returned them t < the firm , declaring that Instead o bluo-whito gem ! ) they were of thi croon yellow variety. The wholoaali merchant * were astonished boyoni muaiurc ; but iipin applying a aimpli teat , they fjuud that the ditmond for which thay h d p ld 5,000 wcr worth porhsps one-fifth of tint amount. " "How was the cheat dlaoovered ! " "Easily. Before getting , the atone were washed , and the pilnt came oil stnlnlng the water a deep red Further investigation ahowod that th guntleman from Parlu had no con neotlon with the firm ho represented and that his ctod ntlals were forged 1 dupposu ihtttfulloir has cleared hal a million within nix montha. " "Aro there any other people or : gaged In It throughout the countrj ? "About 100 all told , I beliovi Thera are five men In Now York pni suing the industry. " "Do yon understand how it I done ! " "Perfectly. Look here. " Mr. Britton drew from his pookot sunll package , which he ciiofull opened. It contained , perhapi , Ublnspoonitil of a very datk rod pUTiilur. "Tbl J-ii very ahrnlo nnd f mlliur article , " IIM r ilit , "m i o n b > ' bought for S2 pcKiu'i , mid th it t m u-u * H1 I ati.tnll licdiuremia in Ot.rittm.dom. l'ii it'ilu 'vi'tK Bflyiti tof , omiMi.s a o 'loth ' * * U iH , tiloo Hull known and chi'itj ) Nn * , wo will iiu * . ui n tiny grain tf tlondor ( upon this pi ice , tuid then p'Ur ou u to * drops of the Ihild. I'liun wo in < x the 10 , nnd wo havn a rich , dark rod liquid. Very vail. KxHininn this otono ' The di'tootivo took n riiiR from ha ! tingor. Thu atouovun a larjo dU- nnnd with n yolluw grcon'nh oast. With H litlln ciiuol'a nn\r brush ho Routly pulntcd thuukr eido i f tto Ijttu wltli the ri'il lliiul. In n twink- line tin i roi'iifnh ttut dUapponrud und the mono glowed tilth thu poerlotr UntM of a frusU > VRt > r illamonrl. Mr. IStltton tliun pilntvd the alnno coin- plottOy , It took nt first n bio < d-rcd line , trhiah , after n little rubbing with a wooltni cloth , chitngod to n duop , d'trk , beautiful bltio. Llold at nrin's lttiiith ; , thu gi'iu tU.thcd nnd oclntila- ted like n npurk of electricity "Thoro , " uxolnimd Mr. Hrltton , "that it not a bad Mima ntpphiro. A real aapphiro of thnt cizo would bo worth inoro than n diamond. Exports na A ell aa buyers have bjon fooled by this proctm.s. A broker in thin city told mo yesterday that ho lost (9 GCO by It. T don't want to mention names now. In forty-eight hours my man will bo dead to rights ami I will nnb him. Th < m seine startling develop- mimta will bo made , I can tell you. You observe thnt to enhance the price of diamonds the paint Is applied under the setting only. " TUTFS PILLS SYMPTOMS OF A * i TORPID LIVER Ixjas of Apnotlto , Dowola oostlvo , Pain In tlio Head , with n dull non- nation in the back part , Paiii under the Shoulder blade , fuUnoEi after oatinff , with a disinclination to ex ertion of body or mind , Irritability of temper , Low spirits , with a fool- intr of haviiur noglootod aotno duty. Tyonrinoss , Dlzzlnosa , Fluttorinc at the heart , Data before the eyes , Yel low Skin , Headache generally over the rlRht eye. KodtleBsness , with fit ful dreams , highly colored Uriuo. and CONSTIPATION. TUTT'.S lMIrH nro e naniilril lo mien rimeii , nun iloio el- focln Hiicli n clmiiuo or foalliiu to liRtiilllxU the llflcrrr. Ilicy Incrrrxo tliuAiiI > r llprvnilcnii n tliobinly toTnko ou Fleih , t hunt lion w torn U linurlHlicil , nnil liv tholr Toiilo AcUoii on ( ho ] > lKc tlvoOrKHii , ! ( < ulnr Htnoln nruiiimliiccd. 1'rliuUci'iitn. ! l.1 Bltivrnv M. , IV. Y. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. OIUT HAIR on WiusKrns chnnun to HLACK hy a ftlngln niillcnlloii | | nt tliU Dvi : . U linpnrlHunnturnl color. ArtHlii'tnntniu'iiuii- ly. Hold by DriiKiilAU , or suut by oxiin kit-un rccclitof..81. | < )0. OFFIOK , : i5 AIITltUAV ST. , N. Y. Dr.TnrNJUM'JlLiiMilij.l.Mif.mii.llMi . . nd\ ( VMfuI Il t1ill Kill L milll-J Hll.U ou | iiillt.Uon. ) MASTER'S SALE. In thocltculb court of tlio UnlloJ SUt for the il strict of Ncliriwka. Iho Now Knjjhml Hortjfago Hccurlty va UcorKO Wi > th and Aium VVueth , it nl. No. 21oE , IN C1IANCEIIY. I'litillo notice hliero'jy Rhen , that In anoj of and by > lttuo of n ( 'urr-o entered Iu Iho abo\o causa ot thu 'Jl t day ot No\cinb > r , IHal , I , Ullli I. Etorliouor , npcclal nmitor in chtncory 'n eald court , Mill on tha 121x1 day of March , 18)3 , t Ilia hour of 10 o'clock In tha forenoon of ( hu aid day , at the north door of the Inltnl Statci ourt lit use and puhtolllcu bnlUlinir , In the city ol ' . Ujil i eannty , dtn'o aid il'stlla ' o ; mOn , ecu at auction the folio * Ing dexctlboil irorurty , to wlt : The west h If ( VVl ) of the noitli-o ttNE ) and 10 wont ha'fVJ ) of ttio south cait qutrtoi HK } ) in Hcctlon tueiit.-nluo ( ) , township four- ecu ( I ) . ranifo cloven ( I I ) cast , In tarjiy county , ' .atoof Nebraska. Ho'ldtor * for Coniiildnant. KLLISI. . lllfHIIOWKK , Special llrnto.In Clunccry. 10 T11K I AniKH-Any lady rciinInK $1 and n , . nUnipml , neil tuldrcH oil cn\o opo 10 lock box o. ! ( ! , Illoondnvton Ncbraik.1 , will rcilvo n oturn , a roclpcuhch MlllKlaiMcn all her ll'u , ilnn aw iiinuvh ) IH clrk K'lDi ; ut Jk n'in rnblu xl t nuo from year to jenr , bccau o ( ho il'ioj 10' know liow to relic\c liu'hi'lf , 1:111 Icurn the ali.ablo Hucrct , worth ImnJroJ o' d llnrn and llfotlmeof laipln ] > 8 , by cou > | ) | ; wl h till otlcu. tcb2-7t S500 REWARD , The nbnvo reuanl will lie puld lo any poruOD ho will prod'ico a Paint that will equal the 'ennsylvania Patent Rubber Paint , 'or ' prosenlntf Shln lm , Tin and Oravol Koofi , kVarrantod to bo Fire and Water Proof. AI ordera promptly attcmled to. Uh < aper and bet tor than any other paint now In uiu. BTKWAKT i HTWIIKNSON. Bole Proprlotora , Omaha Houae , Omaha , Neb HEFBHhiNOES Omcer St 1'unoy , Dr.lUce , Dr. Plnney , Fulli Council Hluflg. Iowa. Hal nlflco , umaha Nee WESTERN 0. SPE011T , . . Prrprlutor. /jJ12 Harnoy St. - Omrha , Neb MANUFACTURKRS OF OORNIOE8. DORMER WINDOWS , F1NIALH Till , Iron and Slate Roofing , Bpocht/B Patent Motftllo Skylight Patent Adjusted Ratohol Bur and Braokot ybolving. 1 am thu general nt'tuit for the above line of ( jnodn. 1'tONunNO. ' ( < . MrttnfA Riu ! tn < rt , Viir rtl i O'tl * ' Ur.n * . it illi/i- , VVImiuM ati ) > / Uu nU ; liti UKKKKAli AUKN ou. 'Jhe Htnry ui' luu Soyrlng Kaoliina a Jitndnrio ! lltl < k'tni.ili M , blat k'i jil c i "i'l r.iinuiiMii 'I'/ri' u ; > rll ! bs $ W2 ; * ' AWAY | 3 tY " ' n' ' P in * > < iU > n lit II , tk nf 1/MU' at1 an'j-o-cu ' > 1 Iht Uiacvir li TjcUidn 03a 1 , c v < \ \ bu wn ti uitll , p-a. t li' , tea oa ' . 'Tflce Odioe , 3' Colou -rj " , v r JACOB KAUFMAN , REMOED TO NO. Oil 16TH b DIA.LKU IK ALL KIMDS OF PURE WINE ! A FEW BARGAINS LOTS , Farms , Lands- ! 5th&Douglas'St. HOUSES AND LOTS , o. 19 1'ull ot and no homo , ! 37rooma , two below aii'l ono up-BUilrn. Klnht foot colllni ; bo'ow an J i eCM R | > Ou. . llrick foundation , collar , etc. No. 18 IMIU.O twontory hoiuo , 10 rooms , tvro l reo colUrn. BI o < l nrliaml clu'oru , tain , etc. , on Wt Inter nnd'JJd rtrcct , i < l,000. No IT IMI MlKlKI tout , new hoiino of two rooniH br ck foundation lee barrel ctitcrn on lltrulltoii Htrwt niiAr 1'oor UlaroComcnt SiiOO. No. 10 Ilouso uud lot on 17th near Clurn St. lionuj 0 room etc # 'JOO. No. 15 llou u of 3 rooms full lot on fierce St. nonr IVthSir.oO . No. 21Nuw fonsoof 7 roomn , with corner lot , half inllj w * t of Turntable of rod Btroot can on HAU ilcTBtit. flu U. No. 5 lloiiiu of debt tcoin ) , barn etc. lot Vacant Lots. No. 2R2 T o full lota on loth Street near Lake Bt. 9lliOO. No.3M Twenty flvo loti In 1'arkcra addition Just north of the end of red street car line flGO cufh uooy tcriiid. No.SiO Kourtotson Delaware Et. near Hans- corn paik , ( U'u. No. 831 One half lot on South avenue , near Et. Mary's , tf&to. No. 3ia-KlKhtoon(18) ( ) lotfl on 21 t , 22ml , 23rd , na HvinJornitrcct , uoir aiaco5UO each , and ii canytcrius. No , 310-SU beautiful rest Jonco lota en Gather- icetreot , near Ilnrmcompark. $4,600. Twelve lioautlful resklcneo loU en Hamilton treet , near end of old it reel car track ; hlRta and ( . htly , $3toto $700. Bcvcial aid half acre corner Iota on Cum- DC , llu't aad California itreoU ) , In Lnwe'a too- ind addition and 1'ark I'Uco near Aiajomyol 'actod Hoart. Lots in ' ' 1'ra'pect Place" on Hamilton anil lmlimtroot. Juitwostcf the end of Hod Direct iut'ack and Convent of the blatrru of Pool lam , ono and ono half ir.llo from pent Jfllco , nJ nn mllofomU. ( P. ehctis , 81M ) to $500 iocb lily 0 per cent down and D per ernt iwr month Ijital-i Lcwo'j ajilltlon ono-lulf mlle weet of 'nil of llod Hire t I'ar trade near Gonront ol 'oor CUre S'stcrj In Hhlnn'n addition , $126 ta 'JOO tach , and on very aiu-y termi * . 1 ott In Horhich'a 1st and 2nd ad < ! ltlon , ShlnnX P.irk Place , Lowo'92idnddltlnn , lliza'i't Uikc'd , Noluon'a , llnnscoin i'laco , Hodlck'a ad < 'Illnna , etc. , oto. L'tn ; In "Uro U Foncler ad < Iltlon" lint one ] U > iter mlle DOUlh-ratt of Union 1'nclflo and 11. Sl. U. It. depots , JiUHotl OOoacb , > eryo ) .erm . Business Lots. Tnren good bualnoo lots on Doift nrar 12tl troct , 'JiilSiJ fitteach , tl,6UOvacb , or JItODIo .11 , ot y turmt. Two K'od bii < lno'ii ' lot < on Parnam street , 331 M feat each , with frame InilldlnKB thoron.ronllri | 'or abtiu $ t(0 ) per year each ; prlco (1 230 each 4lxl32 ! foct on t'lirnam near lOlhstrmi. , cornel 12 0:0 Hplenillil Warchouao lot on Union Pirlffc rlgh it way , north of track and cant of Nail Woikn- icliiK 132 'out north f'OutaEo on SUsan street > y about tV ) fo t wott front /ij on 10th st. Farms ad vlld landa fn Ioula , Barpy : ) adKO , WoehlnKton , lluit , Wavne , Hianton , am ithur KOO ! counl'OH In oiilornNtbraskafnr iMe J'axon palJ , ronU collected , anl money loanoi on Improve' ' ! city and country ipru , crty at lei ales of Intercut. BBMTS' NEW OITY MAP , FODr FBET WIDE AND SEVEN FKE1 LONG. WITH EVERY ADUI TION RECORDED ORCONTEM PLATED UP TO DATE. "OFFI OIAL MAP OF THE OITY.1 $6.OO EACH. CEO. PJEWIIS , Eeal Agency 15th and Douglas St Neb. Authorized by tlio State to treat Chronic , Ncrvoun encl 1'rhMo ll - cnfcf , Asthma , Epilepsy. Hhcnmn- tlsm , rilcflT pe.Morni , rinary and \ Skin , SEMINAL WKAKNIMI feitti ) , SEXUAL UentLirr V. ( bit tttxHfit feivtr ) , Ac. Cnrci . gimnuiti'cd or money rclumlcd. Charges Ion- . Thonninclmif MHOS cured , No Injnrlon * medicine * need. No detention from bil'lncs * . All medicine * furiilnhod o\rn to pntlcnls ntn dIMnncc. Consul tation free and cnnfldcntlnl call orwrllo. Abound experience are Important. A HOOK for both sexes Illustrated and circulars of other thine * font twfllcd lor t o 8c stamps. free WOM Ul CAN W HEALTH OF WO , YDiA VESETABLE COMPOUND. ' Sure Cnro for nil FKMAI.K WEAK- NKHHI5S , Including Icncorrrirrrt , Ir regular niul Painful Ulenstrunl Ion , Inflammation nml TJlccrntlon of tbo Womb , Flooding , PltO- I.Al'HUH UTK1U , Ac. ( Vntamnttothota tci , efficacious and Immediate 111 effect. It Ii n CTf at help In pregnancy , und re- , TC pain daring labor on J at rccul r pei lodi. niTsiniNBfSKiT iHDrnrsdiumiT mcnr. CFFon iu. WiAnonsts of the eneratlTn organ * either KOI , It li second to no remedy tint ha * CTW f n before ttie public | and for all dlaraurs ot UM Pirata It U the Ortatnt Kemtdy < the irbrld. KIINKY CO3IPI.AINTSof rtthcr Ber Find Croat Itollrf In Its Use. i.vniA n. riMtiiAM'fl m.ooi > runrnni JJ iraillrnto eveir > C HKCI uf lluiuoin Iroui U joe < lt ttlioiil\motlim > wIlEUetnno | nmlit-rnRth to ojntim. AJHnnrYCllcnuliv rumltiasltieC.'uiiii > ouiicl IfDuth the Compound and Bloml rin if cr nro fr ( rcil nt 23.1 nnd S.X1 Wcttcrn Avenue , I.jnn , Mam rlcnof 8lx bottles for J3. The Compound ent lif mall In the form of pllli , or of loicnKe , on /celpt of price , (1 per box for either. Krf , rinVhaia poly ontiren all Irttcra of Inquiry , llnclono 3 cent amp. B n j for pamphlet. Minllon ( Ms AIJXT. nrTTT > u E. PiincntVfl I iritn Pitia cure Conrtlr * ou. BUloimnoxa and Torpidity of the IJvt r. C5 cent * I 1 3-Solil br nil Drnsslsts.-ffSl ( o I ) MEIAPAIUS , 1378 BAKER'S BREAKFAST COOOA , Warranted Absolutely pur * Cocoa , from wlilo the excisj ul ull Innlioon rimmed. lth three ttmea the strength of Uucoamlxrd itlth Stuch , Ar row Hoot or Si'Rir , an Jin t'loro- ' ( or < t/r iroto economical. It I * Jollclout , nourlthlnir , strength- cnlnR , enslly dhtoiitaat da I- n Iribly adipted lor Invi Ids ai well u for persons In hoilth. 1 Sold by Grocers Everywhere [ , BAKER & Oo , , Borolie8t6rMa88 , , aoknowlodgcd to be the best by all 'who have put them to a practical test. ADAPTED TO HARD & SOFT GOAL .COKE OE WOOD. HANUKACTUUKD UY Buck's Stpve Co. , SAINT LuUIS. P1EKCY A" iltUUlFOKD , EOI/C AGENTS FOR OM.MCA. Bend 81 , 82 , $3 , or $5 for a re tail box by Express of the best Oandlea In America , put up 1 alegant boxes , and strictly par * Suitable for [ presents. Expreat charges light. Refers to all Obl > cago. Try It cmne. OQ O. P. QUNTHKB ! Confoctloner , - Chlour Nebraska Loan & Trust Company IlASTTNQS , NKn. Stock , - - $100,000. JAM. 11. IIKAIITWEI.L , Prenldent. A. I. . ULAllKi : , Vlco-Prealdent. K. 0. W fcllHTKU , Treasurer DIUECTXJItS. Samuel Alexander Oswald Ollvrr , A. L. Oiarke , K. 0. Wct.bter' aco. 11 Pratt , JOB. D. lleartwell , D. M. McEl llinncy. First Mortgage Loans a Specialty Tills Company furnUhcx poriuanent , home Inatltutlon where School Iloi und other legally luued MunlrlixU Bvcurltlo > o IXubnwka can be be nefc'Otlatw on the ci ) I ovornble terms. Loans made 01 Improed f n | r all well sottlea counties of the stale , thro t. iM | > onilble/.local corrc pondeut . /om 6tni. B Vloj Prw't. 0. Ul.rlllL , R& THE NEBRASKA MNUFACTURIIB CO Lincoln , Neb MANUFACTURERS OF Corn Planters Hrrrowa.P'arm Roller * Bulky Bay Itakea. Buoset ttlevatlow Wlndmlllfl. Sio. We ue prepared la do Job work and oimnt ai'Dj foi other partlM. vv iiii r ial ordtn ' * > 00