PLAIN TRUTHS The blood is the foundation of life , it circulars through every part of the body , and unless it is pure and rich , good health is Impossible. If dlscai * . has entered the sjstcm the only sure and quick way to drive it out is to purify and enrich the blood. These simple facts are well known , and the hlghcs * medical authorities agree thu nothing but iron will restore the blood to its natural condition ; and also that nil the iron preparations hitherto made blacken the teeth , cause headache - ache , and arc otherwise injurious. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will thor oughly and quickly assimilate with the blood , purifying and strengthen ing it , and thus tlrhc disease from any part of the s > stcm , and it will not blacken the teeth , cause head ache or constipation , and is posi tively not injurious. Saved his Child , 17 N. EuUw St. , nilllmore , Md. Icb. it , 1880. . * GcnU ; Upon the recommends- ' 'lion of a friend I tried HROWM'S IKON HITTERS at a tonic and reiterative - iterative for my daughter , whom I w thoroughly convinced wa waiting away with Consumption. Having loit three daughters by the terrible discue , under the care of eminent phyilciani , I wai loth to believe that anything could arrest the progrett c ( the disease , but , to my great turpriie , before my daugh ter had taken one bottle of HROHM'S IRON liiTTBKS , he began to mer.J and now ii quite reitored to former health. A fifth daughter began to ( how ttgni of Consumption , and when the physician wai consulted he quickly tald "Tonics were re quired ; " and when Informed that tne elder ilsterwai taVIng llxown's IRON UITTEHJ , responded "that it good tonic , take U. " At > oKAM FitiLn. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS effectual ly cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion and Weakness , and renders the greatest relief and benefit to persons suffering from such wasting diseases as Con sumption , Kidney Complaints , etc. BALL'S ' CORSETS Every Corset Is1 warranted satls- laotory to its wearer in every way , or tbo xnonoy will bo refunded by tbo person from -whom it was bought. .The only Cor pt pronounced by our lending rliyplcluu * t iKltirloua tn Uwvroanr , uiil rnaorwd IIT | U M u tSi' nioivcumfenable and perfect dulnif Oorwt iei raerrlnr. 1.00. Soir.AdJuitln , 1.BO Akdomlnal ( extra henry ) 8.OO. Nanlnv , 1.8 Ilk VrcttTilng ( floe coutll ) 9.0O. 1'u-aaoa Sklrt-BnpporUiiK , 1.OO. | T r tale by Iroillng Jlclutl Urater * eTcrywbere. fJllTOAOO COU8KX CO , , Chicago , 111. BTAIILIBUKU 1B5S. BIDE SPRINOJMTAOHMKNT NOT I'ATKNl KU. A. J. SIMPSON. LEADING OARRIAGHS PACTOE7 1100 and 1411 Dodge Unreal , at ; 7-tno Km OMAIIA , NEB. aRATEFDZi-COMFORTIira. EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST. "By a thorouch hnowlo.lue ol.the natural lawi whlcn govern the oporatloiu of dl 'C'tlon aoi nutrition , and hr a careful apullcatlon of tbi fine properties of well.S'loo.ed Cocoa. Mi. Kppi hM provided our breakfiuit tablet with I detlcatrly flavored beverage which mar lave M many heavy doctor * ' lillln It li by the luJIdntu tue of iuch article * of diet that a cnu.tlUtlot may be Krad tally bnllt up until tlron * enoutrl to rwlik ovnry tenJtncy tn dljraw , UundreJi of subtle maladle * ire floating around ui read ; lo attack wherever there la a weak point. Wi may esnpg many a fital shaft by keeping our Mlvu well fortltted with pure blood and a proo rly nourished frme.-Clvli Borvlce Oatette. Made limply with boiling water or milk. Sol Intlniooly ( J-lb andlb ) , labeled JAMES MPPQ it CO. , HomcBopathlo Ohemlata lv Ojoii on. Knirlnn FALLUY&HOE1S , We > Urn Agent * , Lifajetto , Indian * . REVERSIBLEHEELS HEELS FOR Rubber Boots and Boots and Shoes OP ALL KINDS. A 50PERCT.T " . . The center plecri are Interchangeable tnd re- verdble It preventi the counUr from runulnr eve , requiring no beel atlffeneri. The Aguncy for Ihne good * in thla town bu been pla HP . . . Othcncaanu procure them. j w Call and xamlne a full line of Ixsather and "Oandi * " Hubbcr Boot * and Bhoei with the BeT - T niM Uetl. . . . MB1. U. PETERSON. ' * LouUfUle.Neb. OOOIDBNTAL JOTTINGS , DAKOTA. Brookllngs county jail baa not n single tenant , The ImpiovoracntB ID Snnborn , Uarnca countj- , for 188'J , foot tip $07,000. Matbgnto ii nhout ttx tnnntbn old nnd number * n population of over eight hun dred , A foundry And machine nhopR will be catnbllshed In Grand IVrks la the Rprlng by A Chicago firm , Over 2,000OOJ brick will 1 e manufac tured In Watertown , Codlnglon county , this coming icanon , A cnto til imall pox hftn been reported from Fnrgo. The houie hat been ( itiaran- tiled and no danger of Its spreading la ap prehended , A Grand Forks man haa made a wwjer the building Improvcmontn of that town during the present year will be over 8760,000 , Tbo new town of Carson haa just been located In Sully county. It la the proa- roctlvo county Beat and Is twenty , live miles from Pierre , Fears arc entertained for the safety of the trestle work uupportlng the approaches to the now bridge at lilamarck in the spring break-up , Hlllbora bnsloesa men have foncol a stock company for the purpose ot building an opera house , nod work on tbo building will commence early In tbo Rpring. An organization to be known ai the Western Union Cattle association haa been formed In Dodwood , with o capital of S1BO 003. The company will atari In with large herd of cattle. It Is said that n new town Is Boon to bo atted on the Chicago & Northwestern ia < ! ten miles northwest of Howard. In > liner county , on land owned by Maty lotthclT , and christened St. Mary in honor ' the owner. WYOMING. A new bank will be opened in the town ' Buffalo very soon. Work on the reconstruction of Fort D. . . Iluisell near Cheyeine will soon be ommenced. The Catholic fair beata the world for lecting catb. One recently held In Iheyenne netted $1)32 ) 20. There wai A shootlnt ? ecrope at Hook prlngi last week which terminated fatally 'or Pete Anderson , one of the parties to t. It was A taluon row. A new discovery of gold has been made In the Cummins mining district , or at 'oast ' It la BO stated. It fay bo another ffort to boom Laramie City. The "beep In Wyoming have not been so leriouely afflicted by the utorma recently ia bad been feared. Proprietors ( if ranches lay that the stock ia all right , A Laramla paper nays there waa A fall if "ttd or crimson snow" near the head of , ho big Laramle river. It wna half an Inch deep and covered the whole country ' .hercabouta. The Cheyenne papera have conceived a mtred for Governor Crosby of Montnnn , lecause he deslrea to change the present nonugcment r f the National Park. The apors are publishing loads of "Mush" on the subject. COLORADO. Fort Collins hva been declared A city of .ho third data. There are ninety-five puplla in the State reform school at Golden , The Miners' smelting and' reduction worka at Golden shipped -12,000 lost week in gold and silver bricks. Four men hixve boon arrested In Denver or ob ructlon. They refused to give the ght of wato the Circle railroad. The capital stock of the Longmont Mid- He Park and Pacific railway haa been lu- .reaaod to (27,009,000. Stockmen aay that if the snow la neither melted nor blown away that cattle on the lalna must certainly perish , providing they ire not fed with hay. Owing to the recent heavy mow storms . number of the Liadvllle mines are having ; re t difficulty in Retting their era to the imeltor. , There la a hot il ht going on at present ietw en two cr three Denver nldermen > nd the city physician. It grow out of eriucftt mutters , M The governdr will goon ijppolnt three irlminat Judnoa in accordance with a re- lontuctoflho lenlslature. The salary to he position U 62.400 per annum. A few brick fell out of an Interior cblm- oy in T bor'u opera House In Denver , nnd 0 people thought the building was fulling own. The scHro was groundless , Puoblo'fl new city hall la In a very bad mdltlon. Tbo walls are cracked and ovoral other prts of the building nro not ' a character to commend it for safety. Bomo of the newspapers are making wnr n William N. Uytrs , the poatmnbter of lenvtr. The ecu HO seems to bo that iyora discharged two of the dorks who ad influence. IDAHO. The ratio In the Banner mlno Ia up forty feet from the lower tunnel. The Davltt and Far West mlno on Deer srcuk , seven mile * northwest of Ilalloy , ma bocn sold for50COO. The bill for the rjlooatton of the county joottf N r Ptrco passed the terrltoiial : ouncll by a vote of nine to three. MONTANA. A vein of coal haa been it ruck two miles From Billings. Livingston haa moro saloons than any itber town In the territory. They nnm l > er 48 , The Butte City council has ordered a iewlot of fire apparatus , which will cost | 10 # \ The number of prisoner * pardoned ant f the penitentiary by the governor during the year was forty-line. The employes of thn Alta Montana com- pony contributed ? Sf ! to tbo sufferers by ' .bo Geinmn ( loods. It la said tint the waters of the WhI Sulphur Springs are a cure for Bright' * dlseaeeof the kidneys. Tbo boarding houses in Bozeman charg , 812.BO per week for board andglodelng The "Und ir.foot" kicks. Several thousand dollars In pure goli were recently tukeu from the rook breake of the Cable mine near Butte. Fire alarm lie xej are being pnt np In Helena. Helouii has hod plenty of Cro and this U a good pro.'autlou. It la reported tji tl ten or A Joxtin des peradoea were lyncaeJ in Weeksvllio las week. The town can stand it. A band of about twenty-five loJpes o Pugan Indians are committing depredn tloun on Deer creek , about thirty mtlea be low Fait Msglnnls. The new court house at Miles City i completed , including the carpenter work pla > terlug and painting , nnd is awaltln the final acceptance by tha county torn sloners. When ever A baby Is born in Helena , th fire bell ring ) cut A Joyous peal , the Inon of trade bold a seision and the Horal prtnU a double leaded editorial ou " ( h growing population of the metropolis. " WA3HINQTON. The Bncqualmle pass has been kept ope for travel I all winter an unprecedentei event. W A. Newell , governor of Washlcgto territory , ! ; en hfa way for the nUlona capital. Ills mlsjiou Is to urge the odmls sion of that territory. A well on the Northern Pacific rallro * in Washington territory presents A slnen lar phenomenon. At a depth of nlnet feet the gravel U fiozrn iolld , while fort feet Above water U drlpplopr. Io forms s rapidly that the contractor baa been foroet 0 throw np the contract. A draft of air ttho bottom indicate * A tnbterranean > Msnge. OREGON. A Joint Btooic comtmny of A torlan ave mbsctlhed 820 000 to construct nn. thcr steamboat for local purposes. The , ock ( a taken and tbo work begins at once A boom Inoloilng l.OOO.OCO fo t of logs 1 the North 1'uclHo saw mill , near Port- and , broke loom Sunday , and the logs were carried down to the Columbia river. inly A email part were recovered. ' In Portland during the p st your the e&l estate sales averaged 80.237,000 , And 10 number of deed * recorded exceeded ,000 , The growth of the city during the > ast year haa been remarkable. Tudgo Deady , In the United States clr- nit court , at Portland , iu thocnaoof Cher- ( I Martin , of Umatllla county , his do- Idcd that the United States court baa urltdlction in coioa of murder of white nen by Indiana upon an Indian reserve- on. on.Philomath , Benton county , recently In- orporated by the legislature , contains two rj goods storcr , two blacksmith shop * , mo ( Jtug store , two wagon shops and a bar er shop. Philomath college \ in a pros crcug coudltion , with nearly ono hundred tudenta In attendance. Orders were issued lait Saturday that lallett's army of "l.OOJ men t the North- rn P/kcifio front shall be moved to Port- and and KO to work on the line fro-n there o Kalama aa aoon as they mret the fores rom Mlaeouln coming west. The Junction f the f01 cea there will probably bo made n five weeks , NEVADA. Within the pa t thirteen months six murders have been committed In Napa Hey. A number of women at Carson City fre- uent and play against the keno games lore. Sheepmen In Merced count ? anticipate n average loaa of 20 per cent of lambs by oyotes thii season. Clackamaa river hss risen 10 feet And the Willamette ia rising rapidly. An overflow f the country adjacent is imminent. George Williams , A rancher ttt Ward , ai been missing since January 16th , And ; is supposed that he has been fiozen to eath in the mountain * . The combined reward offered by Wells , 'argo ' & Co. And the Central Pacific rail- oad for the capture of the men who at- emoted to rob the overland train at Mon- olio amounts to $1,000 for each man. The demurrer to the Indictments against bo officers of the lieao Savings bank , for mbczilcment , baa been sustained , but the ccused have been placed under bonds to wait tbo action of the next grand jury. Coroners were elected for the various punttesin the state of Nevada at tbo elea- ion lost f ll , but It now apiioars that the onnr la an empty one , aa the legislature f 1881 repealed tbo old law providing tor oroner ? , nnd made justices ct the peace r-tfJlelo coroners. Th Keno Journal says : The bond of .10,100 required of Ciockett und ICInkead a the large it sum ever exacted from any body ever Indicted In Wathoe county. The notorious Verdi train robbers were placed mder $10,000 , and 310,000 ia the highest um ever exacted from men under Indict- nent for murder. CALIFORNIA The Inha' Hants of are discussing bo matter of incorporating the town. Funds are being canvassed for at Pet- uma for tbo purpoto ot building a court ou e. Mardl Graa i > to bo celebrated in San 'V'noisoo ' on Washington's birthday , the 22d of February. A report oomea from Su anvile ) to the fleet that much crookedness haa been dla- joyerod in the uffaira of the United States r.nd office at that place. A lira at Hnenorne last Satnrday night lestroyod lQl)0 ) btlea of bay and a hay warehouse obnlonging to the Hneneme wharf and lighter company. A desperate gang of sand-bog garrotera re oudatigeriug life and property ut San inenaventura , and tha citizens are organ- zing for an onslaugh on the robbers. Frolltvno Reabln , a barkeeper at Los Ala * nos , shut and killed A supposed dlareputa- ilo character named Abel Gutlericz last Jumhy morning. The causa of the shooi ng Is unknown. A married woman named Annie Ellzst- > elh Adamson dlfd at Napn on Saturday rom the effects of an attempted ubortion , nl Mrs. Storey , a neluhbor , is under ar- est , charged with the deed , Jame * Stanley , aged fiO yenrn , nnd who ma a ulster residing at Couucil Bluff , ' , ! . . , wna found lielilom [ In the atient in lied- wood City , lint Sunday night. HM was re moved to tbo jail and died shortly after- vnrds. The German citizsns of Stockton and Icinitv have been oolUctiux funds for the olif of thoao in the Fatherland suffering rom the reuentlnuuditlonj , nnd at a meet- ng Srturt'ay ' ulglit uuthoriieJ their treas urer to tolosraph on Monday 6,000 murks about 81,250. The Board of City Trustees of Sin Diego ikvo adopted rcBoIullunn uxkini ; ( Jonyro a o nmend the pending Southern Pacific " /onsolldation bill , HO us to provide for the lulldlng of thu rend to San Diego accord- nc to tbo term ? of the Texan Paclfh bill of ilnrch S , 1671 , and rupplemental Acts , and arncstly Hiking the passagoof the Consul- dntlou bill , thm oincnderi , in thn Interest f the people of Southern California. NEW MEXICO. Fifteen couples were married In the cathedral at Albuquerque on the morning of the 8lh ult. The sjldlora at Fort Stnnron are to be nveitlgated for lynching NVm. S , Pear ] , at Lincoln , Archbli hop Lama saya that with 830- )00 ) the cathedral in Santa Fe can be com pleted in two yean. The Demlng & Clifton railroad com pany luve been incorporated in Ntw Mexico. Tbo capital stock U $2,500,0:0 and the length of the line la 110 miles , James Conway , a juitlce of the peace at Wallace , has been arreoted on a requisition [ rein Iowa , where he is wanted to answer a ohartjO of forgery. His real name ia Hale. Hale.Wm. Wm. Pearl , who murdered A soldier at Ft. Stanton last week , and was confined In the jail at Lincoln , was taken out of prison by a mob of fifteen soldiers , who hung him to n trot ) and then riddled bis body will1 bullets , Ono voice all ovur the land coos \ip from mothers , that anya , "My daugh ters are ao feeble and aad , with no airongtli , all out of breath and life ai the least exertion. What eau we defer for thoui ? " The answer ia eimplo ant full of hope Ono to four weeks' use of Hop Hitters will mtko thorn healthy roiy , eprlghtly , nnd cheerful. A true ntrongthouing modlclno nn < health rouewer la BrorrnVIr/onBlttora Money for the tTnniarrifxl. One of the moat iolld nud subitantia institutions in this country i the Mar rlage Fund and Mntual Trust Association of Ccdttr Rapida , Iowa. They are organIzed Izod nndor thn laws of Iowa , and their of fleers and directors are among the leading and most prominent mulne-o men of Ced * Ilauids , Every unmarried person shoulc bavo certificate In this association. It h A splendid investment , as safe M A government bond. You can just as wel have A good sum of money to ccmmenc married life on AS not. A large number o members have been paid off , receiving eve 300 per cent on their Investment. Write for circulais fully detailing the plan , whit is the fineit known. Do not postpone it. Good agents wanted. Mention where yon saw thU notice. 15-Sm. A HAPPY MBSTINO Dotweon n Kobel Oonoral and tbo Man Who Saved His L.lfo. YonK , February 10. Darlnj ; thu fighting that preceded the surren der at Appomatox , the cavalry on both sides wcru actively employed. Wlillo dlreotlug some raovementa of hla commend at the front , Major General Fitzhugh Lao and hla staff were often oxpuaud to heavy firo. One of the last flhots fired fouud ita way into the broatt of Oiptain Mlnnegcrado , of General Loe's atafT. Captain Minuo- gcrado foil from hs : horao apparently doad. There waa no time to care for hia body , but FitzhoghL-jc , dismount ing , pieced on hla breast the following note : ' 'This IB the body of CUptain Charles Minnegrado , of General Fltz- hugb Lao's atatf. Whoever finds It will confer a great favor by seeing it properly cared for and sending It to hla fatbvr at Richmond , Flizhugh Loa. " The lines ahlfted and pres ently a Now York regiment passed over the ground. The aunrgeon no ticed the body of the confederate of ficer and SAW THK NOTE , and also that the man was not doad. Taking up the body in hia arms the aurgoon , who was a powerfully built man , carried it about a third of a mile , to a field-hospital , lloro ho gave his young ohargo special attention and noted with satisfaction a gradual im provement , Oapt. Minnegorado re covered , and after the war wont to Now Orlflana. The surgeon returned to New York and resumed the prao- tico of medicine at Ponghkeepale. On Thursday oveniorGen. . Lee , now an officer of the Virginia Volunteers , National Guard , accompanied by a party of officers , waa in a box at the Casino witnessing the performance ) of 'Tho Q aeon's Lace Handkerchief. " There were present in Gen. Lee's box , Ool. Aujtin , the Thirteenth New York ; Ool. Wortanbakor , of the Third Vir- einia ; Ool. John A. MoOanll , of the Thirteenth , and Oapt. Mlnnegerade , who , being on a visit to New York , had been invited to accompany his old commander to the theater. AM UflURli ENTERED and told the captain that a gentleman wished to apeak with him. The gen tleman came in and Oapt. Minnogerade went to the roar of the box to meet him. him."You "You do not remember me ? " said the stranger. "Thero la something about your ace , air , that tells mo I know you , " uplled the captain. "Yon were left for dead on the field if Appomatcx ? " "Yea , yea , " hnrtiedly broke in rlinncgorade , a light ot recognition tenllng over his expressive face. "I am Dr. Carter. " "My God , sir ! You are the man who saved my life. " The two men fairly hugged each ithor for a moment , and then the laptain turning to General Lee , eaid : 'General , this gentleman saved my ifo. " Aa General L > o greeted the [ actor , the latter said , smilingly : 'Yus , sir ; I took the ballet out. " "And hero ia the bullet , " said Min nrg irado , taking it out cf hla pocket anu holding it np BETWEEN HIS THUMB AND FOEEFINOEU or a few momenta. The rich oatnmca and pretty on the stage were forgotten , and the little gronp ci officers gozad , instead , on the charao- era who had just reached a happy olimix in the drama cf Ufa. JO&QU1N MILLER. A Personal Reminiscence of Wai Street , Jay Qou'.a and West ern Union. I am tempted to give a little aide in ildont of my last Interview with Jay Gould and wrestle with Western Union n Wall etroot. I had seen the stock o down about eighteen point n , audso > ought ono hundred. It fell five oner and I took a hundred more. Tive points lower , I took another , am o on till I waa getting alarmnd. . ' houiht ; Juy Gould under aomo obllga iono to me , or at least a true friend and BO stopped across from my hole 0 BOO him. Ho was kind , quiet , one mrry as ft kitten , almost pluyful , am icon began to point out on his raac ho line of his now Atlantic cable. Hi liinsolf opened the subjtct of telu ; raphs. The occasion waa opportune ! handed him a certifac.tte of purchaei of Western Union and asked him wha to do , as I was already on the edge o my margin. Ho looked at me with a awoet and innocent surprise , as if eay ng : "Only to think that any man would touch that worthless Westeri Union ! " "I'm ao sorry you have bought thii stun . My teleeraph ia the other Hue , ' 10 sighed at length. "Yea , I know. But I bought because I thought it cheap , Mr Gould. " "It ia cheaper now , Mr. Miller. " "And will it bo oheapar , Mr Gjuld ? " "Well , we" looking at hla eon "havo not a ahare of it. It ought to be a great deal cheaper. " "Then I shall sell twice the amoun hold and hedge. Thank you , am good night. " And the next morning I did soil- sell right and left for the whole hot torn seemed to bo failing out of West urn Union. It kept on tumbling and by noon I was even. By o'clock I was not only even , but almos rich. I WAS a richer man than I ha ever boon before. I remained a rich man about thirty five minutes. Tha tldo began to so against me. Western Union bouudoc up with a rapidity that fairly made m dizzy , and by thu time the hammer f el iu the stock board I literally had no car-faro left. Having plenty of leisure after tha 1 wrote down the foregoing convoraa tlon , and I luvo copied It hero ox actly. I have not soon Mr. Goul sluoo. But I find that at thu time h said ho had not a share of. Woater Union ho had about 200 000 thares and was picking it up us fast us h could knock It down. Honor ? I tell yon thct where phrouolyput place the bumps of honor there runs bo a cavity in the head of Jay Gould Oavltj 1 A regi lar mammoth cave ! Eatla ? Matches. From Tuck. Mr. Guggen1 elmer , of Avenue A haa put up fO' 5 at The Clipper office with it challorge , open to all the world to match him fn hli gr * t feat of rating 1,000 protzala in 1,000 consecutive uartcr hours. Mr. Guqgenhoimcr is 'Idely known as the champion pretzel ater of Tomi-kina Square , and ho has over yet found his tqnal no the do- ourcr of the convoluted delicacy of 10 socialist quarter. Ho generally akea an entire bakery every Uma he lies. It is rumored in financial circles lat two prominent magnates of Wall troot have waged an even $200OCO n the result of a gnatronomlcal feat tartly to bo attempted In this city ) no of the mnunaUs referred to has > onnd himself to produce an unknown who will opt a brace cf oompreseod 'oast every day , washing thorn down with water , for thirty-one consecutive ayo. The trial Is to bo made iu the mtnedlato neighborhood of a warm ovo. Many beta have been made mong the members of the Stock Ex lange , and Broad street is moved tea a depths. It is , however , hinted tat the whole affair is only an ndver- soment for a well known manufao- utlcg firm Mr. William Caper , the late gontlij manly and accomplished goat cf finely-second street and Eighth ave- ue , was lately backed by his owner , rlr. O'Flsnagan , to eat thirty-two arda ot'gaspipe every day for a month. The goat went to his task with avidity , mid ate , even up to the aat day , with genuine appetite , His ask was finished with perfect ease , nd had it not been for a alight ludis rotlon in the way of diet , indulged in o further show the phenomenal dlgos- Ive powers , wo should not have to hroqlclo the early demise of this ornament mont to aooioty of suburban New York. ? ho ra h animal unfortunately under- ook , at the conclusion of hia remark able performance , to swallow the ilnmber'a bill for the pipe. It choked lira. The O'Flanasan mansion is [ esolate , and the O'FJanagan heart is leavy in the night watches. LONE JACK , Mo. , Sept. 14 , 187 ! ) , I have been nslng Hop Bitters , and lave received great benefit from them or liver complaints and malarial fever ? hey are superior to all other modi cinea. P. M. BARNES. Tortun or farmer * aad Me- ohanlc * . Thousands of dollars can be saved by ising proper judgment in taking care of the health of yourself and family. If you are bilious , have sallow complexion , poor appetite , low and depressed cpirits , and generally debilitated , do not delay a mo- nent , but go at once ; and procure a hot- lo of those wonderful Electric Bitters , which never fail to cure , and that for the rilling cum of fifty cents. { .Tribune. Sold by 0. K. Goodman. iffiPERISHABLE PERFUME. Murray & Lanman's IIDA WATER. Best for TOILET. BATH and jARPKEBCHTEF. FOR CHICAGO , PEORI ST. LOUIS , MILWAUKEE. DETROIT , NIAGARA FALLS , NEWYORK.BOSTON , And nil PoluU Ea t amlO > outh-C > lt. TUELIHKCOMl'RIBKa Nearly 4,000 miles. Holld Smooth Steel Tract U connections are made In UNION DhPOT8 has a National Reputation ni being thereat roat Through Oar Line , and U universally needed to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Ball ad In the world tor all clasaei of travel. Try It and you will flud traveling a luxnr ) Instead of a discomfort. Through Ticket * via rhis Celebrated Lint swla at all ifUccsIn the West. All Information about Rate * o Fare , Uleenli. . Car AcotmraoJatlons , Time Tables , Ac. , will b .heertully KlTun by apnlytntnx to T. J. POTTER , id Vlco-i'iep't A Don. Uan | ; erCLtcarc | PEROIVAU LOWELL , OLD. Pameivrer At. Chlcijo W. J. UAVtNFOKT , Oen Agent v , . , . . Conncll . . - _ _ _ tllu3 . . II , DUKLL , Tlcwet Art. ( lumo-oJ Iv . . k UU * * lSMJWtf.t. ' V * f * * " ' I , ( ] 4lltl < * WTOlC 41 iu < iHtit > an1 ut Hop nt. . 1 1. , n , If you * nli ru-vfr yon fi f r Jro .Imi juut } ttttr. * th t cleairtlBf u > et l , n > r tn O 1. O vj * belix mi bio c a r c te Jruc'i nut,3f Uf * Of If JOO T 1 ! tf weak aiul o-.plrili .l.trj Ctrcultt UI it rnuy HOIBITTUM your llfn. It ho CO , hurv V a TVoilo , Oil. PERSONAIi-'Tartu of the human body enlirxed , < ) t ; > elopoJ and ttrecrthened , " etc.,1 an Interesting advert wcient long run in ou papor. In reply to Irqu rlos we will say tha there Is no tI Jence r f humbug ab lut tbli. On the contrary , the ad\crtl tn arr terr highly In dorted. luterei'cd rxnoni rear get staled clr culan giving all particular * , gi\lng all partial I M , bjr adJrcMlnz Erie Ittdlcal Co. , t' . 0. Bo 613 , llufftlo , N. V. Toledo KrenlDg DM. Jwll-ly X combination of J'ro. tnrltle of Iron , J'tnirlan tiffflfffflS ' form , J'or Debility , ZOM of Anne- Hie ' , 1'roitratton of ( ital Mo. SEV. A.I.HOBJB3 Writes- . Mo.BEV.J. . After n thorough trial of the IRON TONIO , I take plnasuro dustiy , I'I ' stating that I have been 'I consider it Kroa , , . , .onofltcd by ita ILDQE a most excellent remedy for use. Ministers and Pub the debilitated vital forces. lic Speakers will and it of the greatest value whore a Tonio la neces- Bory. I recommend it aa n reliable remedial nffont , possessing un doubted nutrlttvo and restorative Loultrillt , Air. properties. , Oct. 2 , 1S52. rzzmiDB7 XES DR. HARTEU MEDICINE CO. , 213 V , MAIM CT. , CT. 10910. O. IE1. OX.XlS.4LX.Xl X3Xl.awX.I3Xl TKT DEUGS , PAINTS , OILS , Window and Plate Q'ass. ' Jtr Anyone contemplating building store , bank , or any other flni will find It tn Ice antage lo correi end with ni before purchasing their Plato GlaM. O. F , GOODMAN , - - NEB. STEELE , JJHHSON & CO. , WHOLESALE GROCERS AND JOBBERS IN Flour , Salt , Sugars , Canned Goods , and All Grocers' Supplies. A Fall Line of the Best Brands of ( MS AID MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. s for BSNWOOD NAILS AND LAFLIH & BAND POWDER GO. DEALERS ALL'S SAFE UNO LOCK Fire and Burglar Prj > < o < o 1020 Farnham Street , PERFECTION HEATING1 AND BAKING ia only attained by using Stoves and Ranges. WITH WIRE GAUZE OVER DOORS , "For sale by mum ROGERS & SONS . Inll.uiSiol A. IYI. OLARK , Paiater&PaperHanger S1BN WRITER & DECORATOR. WHOLESALE & RETAIL WALL PAPER I WMow SMes and Cartainn , OORNIOES OURTAIN POLES AND FIXTURES. Paints , Oils & Brushes , 107 SonthlUth Htrent OM HA The Oldest Wholesale and Retail JEWELRYEOUSE in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in SIL VER WARS. CLOCKS , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in PRECIOUS STONES and all descriptions of FINE WATCHES at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farnham Streets THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WKSTI General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured. Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Chickering , Knabe , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warren , Sterling , Imperial , Smith American Organs , &c. Do not fail to see us before pur chasing. MAX MEYER & BRO. , MANUFACTURERS OF SHOW OASES. A Large Stock always on Hand.