m < + THE DAILY BEE-COUNCIL BLUPES IOWA HONDA5T FEBRUARY' 12 The Daily Bee COUNCIL BLUFFS , Monday Mo-iittitf , Feb 12. aunaontPTioN JUTES : By Carrier , - - - - - SO centi per week , By Mall . . . . . . tlo.OO per Tear , Offloo : No. V Pearl Street , Hoar roadway. MINOR MENTIONS. GRBAr lUitnoAn TIOKTB. Bay them from D. W. Buihnell , 6 doors north o ! pottoftce. mt ( The Presbyterian pnlpH was yester day filled by llev. Henry Meeklo , of Oioeula , Neb. The oalabooio la Increasing In popu larity as a free lodging house , the number now averaging over live a nlftht. Oonitablo Fox lay * ho Is ahead of the citizen * iu their move for the starting of a hosifit * ) , he havlrif started a pIvntc en- tcrprlie of the eort nt 1'nnnniD. A. PABOAIK. Any ptr < on denirloK to purchase n elegant residence one block from Bijllsj' park , for $ GGOO , part on time , should nddrcts W , kbot 1CC7. f2-3t The aalonn iron are paying In their regular licenses notwithstanding the pre diction that tboy would unite iu n prottft , on account of the s'.lll futthor ra'so ' which Is threatened. The case of Mary Clayton vs. The Foweri , estate still occupied the attention of the circuit court Saturday , end will probably receive a finish to-day. Mr , Lew Fhher while coattlog the other night win thrown from a travrree , and sprained his leg.so badly as to tay him up for several days , John Allen was another victim of the carnival on Willow avenue.Vhl o on the rear end of n traverse the tharp ends of a sled In thu rear struck him on the legs and plowed up the flash on bath legs In a f eight' fat manner. The Clarlnda Star in one column saya tba saloon Hcemo In Council Blurts In 1000 year. In another column It states that it is $5(10 ( a year. That paper Is evidently aa badly mixed aa to what the lloenio is and what it will be as are the aldoimen of this city. The Sunday school convention of Pot * towattamie county Is to hold ita annual meeting In tlio Congregational church at Oakland , Thursdiiy and Fridry , February 22 and 22. AU Sunday set eel workers are Invited. Whllo J. M. Campbell and his sou were riding along lower Broadway iu n buggy Saturday evening the horto became fractloui and both father nnd son wuo thrown out , but fortunately received no serious Injuries , th u b the eiojpe was a narrow one * Mr. James Fraucy , well known as the scientific builder of the Intent derlgns In gcntltmen'a clothing , lion just receive J the most glos < y and tubiitamial rprlng cloths for his numerous patronr. Call and see for younelf. ' | W. W. Sells , of Tabor , lost ono of a $400 team thi other night. It steins that the horse bad lulu down duiing the night and bis mate had cut him up so frightfully with his shoes that he was about dead when his owner entered the stable tbo next morning , The old Power building and property have been purchased by a company repre sented by Charles Hendlre , and U Is ex. peoted that the property will be converted into a.foundry and machine shop to run on a large sale , and by n heavy and on- terprlilng company. A number of complaints have been heard cf the way the children wore taken In at the recent Tom Thumb show. The advertisement road , "Admission , ton and twenty cents , " and the little ones , expect ing to be admitted for a dime , found that "ten and twenty cents" made thirty oentr , which they wore Induced to pay or not jee the thow , There was a chann In the police force yesterday by which Officers Morse and Brooks are given day duty ; Officer KJirar i * detailed to watoti the trantfer. The others are .asiignod to night duty , Officer Barhyte being aislgned to central Droa'd- way , Sterling to West Broadway , Tyson to Middle Broadway , Cnslck to South Main street and Olough to the First ward Tha tariff tinkers at Washington pro post to tax the people an extra two millions annually by raising the rates on pottery. Manrer & Craig tell us that It will cause an advance of fully 25 per cent all along the crockery Una. Whisky cornea in for a ndncUon , but wa don't use whisky quite ao universally aa we docrockrry. Now , when you want anything in the harneti line and you can't find It In Omaha or anywhere else , Juit drive down to 124 Main street and W. W. Sherman will trot out exactly the thing you wait. There L nothlng too nice , costly or substantial for him to buy or make , and customers wll find his quality of leather and workman ship to be simply Immense and prices can'i be equaled anywhere hereabouts. All Undo of MagaelncB , News and Illustrated Papers and Libraries at Da Haven'i drug store. Don't forgot the ealo at HAHKNEHH , ORCCTC & CO'H Fine weather for baths. Take them at 21 Byrant street. See advertise meat In another column. The 99 cent store is now upon ant ready for business. Lota of choice things loft and eo Ing very cheap at UAHKNKH.S. OBODTI & CO'H. BEAUTIFUL SILKS AND SATINS Only 55 coolo per yard at Bliss1. Oar old friend , Mr. P. 0. Baoknn baa the greatest variety imaginable ii his carefully arranged nnd.woll atookot 99 cent store , which ho has jna opened at 402 Broadway. - " i ! - B > i n 111 ' - " n , - MONEY HATED IS MONEY UADB , That Is done by baying goods at J J. Elks' doting oat Bale. The finest lot of anthracite ooal tha has been received here this-winter has just arrived at A' . H. Mayne < & 06.V ' ! " V IT'S A DAISY ! Delmcnico Outdono. Turn I yum 1 Yum Cook "Oome in this way and aeo ur kitchen. " Reporter "All right ; " and then ho oted moro white-aproned cooks than bore are in Oookvlllo ; a display cf atablcs ready for the hago glowing ango that made the reporter hungry , "This way , " gays the proprietor ; nd wo wore ushered Into the moat logant dining hall , brilliant with gild- ngand mlrrorn. "This way , " ogiiti ld the nrbano host ; and now ho sur- eyed the front room opening on Jroadway , and Its weallh of Imported uifecUoney and California frulta waa irlental In luxuriance. Reporter then summarized his em * . The gentleman In bronze , who upurintcnda the culinary department , s a man of brainn and culture , who an cook roiautifically , and who wae corned ouo of thu champion kitchen managers when ho filled orders in hlcago. Ddlmonico's fqrniahod the head waiter , who talks six language , and 10 proprietor amused the reporter , ho is himself somewhat of a foreign larp , by diacnnalng the weather in oven modern tongueo. Talk abont restaurants , nnd you are ft your base If you think you can match W. T. Brown's any plucu this do of Dolmonlco'o. Next summer n thousand wonders ro to bo added to the prctent.attrac- ons , and ice croa'm that would en- irall a Turk with ita voluptuous wor will bo served in style , nnd don't you forgot it. " Remember if you want Warner' * Ildney and Liver euro and Plnkham'a Compound , that'll is always fresh at ) eUnvon'fl. > Dr. West , Dentist , 14 Pearl street. Oo to Bliss' for bargains. Selling lillinory and Notions below cost. The pleasant and profitable exorcises i elocution that have boon the attrao- on at the Baptist church on Tuoo- ays evenings , will bo changed to this llouday ) evening. It Is understood that one of Council luQY worthy citizens is preparing a lee uro on the psychology of mind , In which le attempts to prove th.t the human mind f well M the body Is a natural product of volution. Let us have the lecture by nil ieini > , for there is no reason why Council hilh should not produce something new n tbe Mold of scloncu and servo OH n break n the monotony of dances , theaters and oaiting can lv.k ! . Council Bluffs ha ? n 'rof. Paige nrrnlnlng | ; nthclstlo science joforo u bar of nature , and why not have 10 city produce another proleasorto take 10 other side , especially If ho is able tu i audio with any dogrco of credit the tho- ry which ho now proposes to advance ? Is offering the beat bargains over tffjred In thu wool , iu all kinds of fancy dry goodfi'and notions. 1-qanrt jars anchovies 40a per jar , at F. J. Ojborno & OO.'B , 102 Broad way. 15-pound kits No. 1 mackerel for 81.25. at F. J. Ojborno & Oo.'s , 1G2 Broadway. Mfss Sophia l ohso , tha talented sister of Mrs. J , J , Bliss , has at her studio some ow showings of her skill as an artist , among others a most excellent "Mater Del * orosa , " after Qnido Iteni. The painting ,1s , certainly a great orcdlt to so young an ar tist , She has nw u large number of paint ings and choice bit * of art , in all of which apparent the touch of a moro than ordin ary gift , nnd wnlch ijlve promise of atill greater and bettor work from her brush in 10 future. OUR MOTTO : Good goods , latest styles , low prices nd everything as represented at Bliss' , Salmon , mackerel , canned shrimp , tnolt , sardines , pickled oysters , cove jyators , brook trout , mackerel in mustard , mackerel in tomato saucti , and everything in the fish Hud at F. J. Oaborne & OO.'B , 102 Broadway. Bliss' store is full of nice , stylish ; ooda that Is being closed oat below est , Qo and see the great bargains hey wJM give you. Jamoa Thomas & Oo. rise to remark hat yesterday the typo located them at 520 , when tholt place of business is 020 Main street. Lenten season fish at F. J. Osborno : Oo.'s , 1C2 Broadway. James Thomas & Oo. , havaholsted an elegant sign over the now brio ! store at 620 Main street. The stock in hand and displayed abont the doors Is very attractive to the seeker site agricultural implements , wagons , bug gtos , etc. Imported Holland herring in keg for 81.25 , at F. J. Osborno & Oo.'a 1C2 Broadway. The movement for organizing a hosp tal here meets with much favorable com ment and will doubtless recelre earnest a hearty cooperation on the part of al when shaped into definite form and pu pose. One of tha most seemingly senslh suggestions made Is that the movement b started on a small scale by getting som suitable dwelling house with grounds , o which to erect other cottages as they tea be required. The cottage plan seems to b coming Into favor In other places , It beln deemei better than havluj one great bul ding , and certainly much easier to ge started. There is great need of some ser of a hospital henso Uiat a strancer , meeting with an accident or taken 111 , h can be provided for comfortably. Remember the bargains at HAUKNKBS , Oucurr & Go's. Select oysters -lOa per can at F. J. Osborno & OO.'B , 162 Broadway. The beat work and the finest variety of hair goodi at MBS , J. J , QOOM , 29 Main street. .m. ' SATAN'S SUBJECTS. The Tonney Bnrftlary Still Both ers tlio drains of the Follco. An Old Offender Brought Up on a Train Robbery Com mitted Lioat Tear. Smaller Offenin smd Offender * and How Dealt With The officers are still at working try ing to solve the mystery of the bur glarizing of Tonnoy'a jewelry sioru , by which $1,000 worth of watcher , chains , etc. , were taken , No very latlefuctory results have yet boon reached. The thieves in their hasty exit dropped on thu floor of the store n number of rings and two watches. A locked and chain wore afterwards found near Dohany'a hall , and still later n few rings and three empty trays in an open shed In that vicinity , those articles indicating the direction in vhich. the thieves flow with tho'r ' plunder. Tha pollco have picked up three persona on suspicion , and ate holding them for investigation , they being JblJ. Sullivan , Forney Wocd and Bill Sohurtz , AN OLD OFFKNDBU Major John S > Wood , of the 0. , B &Q , doUotivo service , tin Satur day brought1 to thlo city a man named John Hiugina , who was wanted on an old oliargH , an. information having boon tiled before Justice Baird in December - comber , 1881 , charging him with breaking opan a freight-car on the 0. , B. & Q. track , and stealing 'therefrom sixty aults of clothes. Higgini es caped from justice at the time , but Waa Boon into another serape , which retailed in his being sentenced to a term In tbo penitentiary at Joliet , 111. An eye waa kept on him , and aa soon as hia time waa up , M jor Wood appeared upon the tcano with" the necossuy papora for his arrest on this old chirgo. 1 Upon arriving in this city the pris oner wan taken before Justice Sohurz , waived examination , and ball being fixed at $600 , ho waa committed to jail. jail.Higqins Higqins is an old offender , who la BAld to have already served ono term in thia statu as well as the ono in Illlnola. PIOKINO TUB MABBIIAL'H POCKET. OUy Marshal Jackson is the latest official to got into trouble. While at tending to duties in the police court ) io had his pocket picked of $7 by aoino fellow. The money waa In his overcoat pocket , which inado the the theft a little easier of anccoeeful accomplishment , bnt the boy a do not ncqm inclined to let up on joking him , and it baa already coat him moro than $7 additional for smoke and liquids. A FAMILY ? tMfl. On Saturday George Wright , who lives on Sixth avonao , was arrested on the ohargd of stealing an overcoat be longing to John Bothwoll , a nephew of his , living at Little Sioux. It waa claimed that the overcoat waa taken abont a year ago. It appeared from the evidence that the nephew waa about that time taken to the Inaano asylum , and ho left his overcoat at some place , where Wright got it , in tending to keep it until hia nephew got out again and return it to him. The witnesses for the prosecution were relatives of Wright's , and the affair seemed to bo an outcropping of aomo bitter family fond. No testi mony was introdnccd by the 'defend- ant , and the jary brought in a verdict of acquittal. A SHALL BUROLAKT. R. Jonaon claims that a man namoi L. Thompson broke into his saloon on Broadway and robbed the till of aboni 83. Thompson was arrested one brought before Justice Sohnrz on Sat urday. Ho waived examination , am in default of ball waa aont to jail to await the action of the grand jury. A LITTLE TOO FAST. A vonng man named G. H. NichoL waa yesterday arrcated and looked up on the charge of obtaining a livery rlj 01 Dr. Pat ton , under false pretence hat hia name waa Stephens , that ho waa boarding at the Ogden house , ant waa employed by the Northwestern railway company in Ita advertising do > artmont. Dr. Patton learned tha IB had a few days before got a rig a We therboe > stable- under aome othe. aort of a pretext , and that the bill ha < not boon settled. Ho therefore knntoi up the young mannnd'had him run in [ t la claimed that the young man 1 a son of the assistant , auperintenden ot public instruction in this state , and that ho is of excellent family , but In olinod to bo a llttlo too high speeded OYIIBK OLBAHIN0B. A Macedonia man , for being drunl and raising a disturbance on a train was brought to the jail hero Saturday night , on a thirty days sentence. H concluded yesterday to pay hia , fin rather than board It out. Andrew Pace , for bolng drunk am using naughty words in Bowlea * ea loon , was , on Saturday , led in by ol Goers Sterling and Ooalok andadjuatec in the usual way. H. Kracht , of Thrall A Kraoht , baa had hia hen roost rqbbod of forty-fiv pullet , with llttlo or no prospect c catching the thief. On Saturday Constable Skinner a reated William Lltkena , for whom h baa been hunting for several days , on who is charged with getting food c Mra. A. Russell under falsa pretenses Not bolng able to glvobonda ho stave iu jail over Sunday , his case bolutr so for a hearing before Justice Vaugh this morning , The case against Officer Morso. ha boon continued until the 13th. IC-pound kits No. 1 white fish fo $1.25 , at P. J. Osberno & Oo.'a , Brood way. We notice the Marriage Fund , Mutua Trust Asioclatlon , of Oedar lUptds. Iowa highly spoken of in many of the leadlm paper * of the state. "Money for the Un married" heads their advertisement I anoUfar colomn ot this paptr. ftS-Sm When yon want to get Iowa coal that la almost if not quite equal t Wyoming , call for the Frederick , a A. H. Mayno & Co. ' * DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. JOHN BEND & CO. GENERAL MERCHANDISE . , Main Street and 17 Pearl B-rrot. MAX MOHN , MBS. S. J. NOBBIS. 30 days , 105 Main Street J. Ma BARSTOW ; M , P. , Oor. 6th St. and 6tb Avr. flR I P WH1TF OFFJ.01 ? : Oor. M innnd _ 6th , np-Btairs , Residence , 009 Willow Avenue. .JUSTICE OF THE PEA.OE , HCnUllDT Office after February 15th , over American Express. Q U/APMHP LIVERY AND FEED. WILL CONTRACT a & ifMuNClif.for funerals at reasonable rates , No. 22 4th St. J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYEBS , Who cfalo butter , tgw , rc"'t'y ' and frolt. Ship lo us. Dr It bjr return mail 3'fl Broidwiy | | - - | Broadway Moat Market , 327 Brnadway Hr-r-JVDDinPC a it I II I Dill UuELj The boot Mea < a at lowest prices. Sansaaes. \ p ftilTlJ CONTRA.OTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7th and 4i I tk&itfll I ll Broadway , Plans and specificvtlono furniahcdf W , Wi OliiuniVIAW. that brings perming124 Main street" CftAbfiCV MEROdAJST TAILOR , Arthtio Work ritrHlltl , and Rjaeouablo 0 nrgoa. 872 Broadway unurr o Oflll FURNITURE STO'HE and lUWt Of. OUNy Hoasohold Supplies , 303 Broadway. Bargains , Bargains. MMENS lT"B ARGAI N ! * In Ladies' Misses' ' And Children's Man's and Boys' Boots & Shoes , FOR THE AT THE NEW BOOT AND SHOE STORE CORNER MAIN STREET AND FIRST AVENUE. PtfRSONAl * J. H. Stephen ? , of Chicago , Bptnt Sun- liy r > t the I'ticific , fcoing on hia regular hlrtj day visitation to the bnslneBH men a hU line. Ralph Wolfe , of Chicaco. n welt-known commerclol touiiat , la Rt the Ogdco , with amplea of aweot meats. M. H. Ferris of .Milwaukee , la nt the Ogden. Wm. P. Hunter , of Kamas City , Is at he OrfdeD. J. S. Ingram , of Chicago , Sundayed at ho Ogdeo. B. Benedict , of Chicago'upent Sunday at the Ogden. J. W. Sinderc , cf Chicago , arrived at the 0jden fora Saadoy'a rest. Charles D. Hale of Salem , O. , U at the PaclBc. J. K. Franclf , of Spencer , Iowa , was at he Pacific yesterday. S. a anford , of Rock Valley , Iowa , was at the Pacific jeaterdoy. Lnrrle Williams , cf Walnut , U In the city. Thomas J. Hajeett , of Stockton , Mo , , dined at the Pacific yesterday. A. B. Reyburn , of Macedonia , wai In ; bo city yesterday. Mw. O. W , Armstrong , wife ° f one of the leading operators la the Western Union telegraph rlBce In Omaha , arrived hero yesterday In company with her mother , on a visit to R.L. Wllliami. Prank M. Corbaley , who was so loni ? with Scofield & Cnvln , ' and later with Smith & Crlttenden , ha > been quite erl- ou < ly 111 , but Is now thought to be on th jain. jain.S. S. S. Howe , of Iowa City , editor of the Annuls of Iiw , Bnndftjed In this city , John Ballon , er.sheriff of Mkhaska county , is In the city. DIstHot Attorney Connor , of Denlson , was In the city yesterday. B. A. Oordr y and Anton LIntner , who an connected with the Iowa Central rail * way , which U oontetaplatlng an extension to Council Bluff i thU s mmer , were in the city Sattrday. Dol'ph Macgregor , who w s formerly with Till BKI , and who U now In the freight andltiag department of tba Union Pnolfio , cumo across the river Saturday , and shook hands with Council Bluffs frlrods , and received congratulations on being ths father of a bran new bouncing boy. boy.Dr. Dr. A. J , Cook has been confined to hia bed by malarial fever , but U now able to bo out again , and Is attending to busi ness , aa of old. I. O. O. P. AU Odd Follows of the city are requested to assemble in mass meet ing , at the Odd Fellows' hall , on Wed. nosday evening next at 8 o'clock p , m , , to make arrangements for oelo- brating the sixty-fourth anniversary of Odd Fellowship , which ocean on the 2Gth of April next. By order of the committee. Young man or woman , if you want big money for a small amount , Insure in the Marriage Fund and Mutual Trust Associ ation , Cedar Haplds , Iowa. fS.Sm. Mrs , Sarah Hunter , the aged mother of Mra , , T. T. Baldwin , passed quietly nnd sweetly into rest last Saturday morning. She had paised four score year * and ten , and yet was quite active and strong for one so acted , until within a few days , when she began to yield to the weight of years , and pasted away. Mra. Hunter has been living in this city with her daughter , Mra. Baldwin , for sx or eight years past. She leaves three other daughters , Mr * . 11. H. Koentz , of this city ; Mrs. John Scott , of Fittsbnrg , and Mrs. John Oowl , of Fort Huron , Ohio , betides two ions , Wm. F , Hunter , of Kansas { pity , and Thomas ' Hunts'r , of Chicago , She was a moat es. I i M A timablo old lady , ripened and pound in character , and many frienls will share with the relatives ( he sorrow which comes from her death. -The funeral services of Mrc. Hoff. mnyer , were hold Saturday aflernooi/ the family residence on Frank street , and were largely attended by Borrowing and sympathizing friend * . Rev. Mr. Mackay , of t. fuMi'a Episcopal church ofHclatcc in nVery tender nnd impressive manner , and the remains wera taken to Fulrview cemetery for Interment , followed by a large number of mourners. Our Mew Loan and Improvement Uo Investigation into the matter con vinces us that ono of the moat cquita bio , reasonable and feasible plans ol building houses ii that proposed anc In operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trust and Improvement company ui ihia city. By inveetirg in shared in this institution , which is backed by some of our best and most reliable business men , it becomes possible and comparatively easy for a man of mod erate means to secure a comfortable homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at a certain monthly payment , in n few years a man can own a house f hia own for abont the sams ai ho pays monthly for rent. Wo believe the Mercantile Loan and Trusl company , by organizing and opening up for buslneBs , having filled a long felt want In Council Blnffr. Their plans and system of loans will bear the most careful scrutiny and exam ination , and wo have no hesitancy in pronouncing them reasonable and equitable , und packed by gentlemen of honor and integrity. Aa the com pany exists it becomes at once an in stitution of value and credit to our city and those who deslro homes. Their president is T. A. Eirkland , vice president , Judge Peake ; sec retary , I. R. 'Beery ; treasurer , Ool , Beebe , and their o Be is in the base ment of Shugart'a and MoMahon'i new block , corner First avenue anc Pearl street . 1 n2T-ly COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special adT rtlwment , rac Lost , Found , ' To Loan , Tot Me , To Bent , Wants , Boarding , etc. , will be Inserted In this column al the ow nto of TEN CENTS PEB LINE lor the first Inwrtlfcn and FIVE CENTS FEU UNB ( or each subsequent Insertion Lcara adr ertlsomenta at oar office , No. ' Pearl Street , near Broadway. Wants. HOOP POLES WANTED-Por farther par tlculan ( all on or aidrow Joseph ROM , 015 Upper Uroadnajr , Febl Ut TSTANTED Ererybody la Council BlnOs lo W to take TUB B , 20 cents per week , de llvered by carrier * . Office , No 7 Pearl Street near Broodwav. For Sale and Rent QTOBK FOR HENT With el ht rooms , cjlU fo * nd a barn , ffl3 Filth street , opposite the oundry. In ulreAl W. Etgel. Kcbl2-12t Ihedcslrabloolllcou htcly occu FORUENT board ol in Je. Apply to Bush ncll ii Urackott. t ! BKES-ln p cK > go9 01 a hundred at 2Cc OLD package at Tui UHB otllco , No. 7 Pear street. it A U office , mo'tiuhantagcoualy oltuatcd , offers t\ deck room In return lor > cnlct : ptu , ( ucl etn. , furnished. Adire 3 , "Otllcc , " liRB office Council Blutld. T OST A pockctbook belonging to Thomas | j Kcnnard. Tha llnder will bo suitably re uanlcd by Icatlng tbo same at Tils Usi office InCoundll GluQ * . L. EVRINCHAM & CO. , Ccmmission Merchants Chicago and Milwaukee. OonslgnmsnU of Ouln. Seeds and ProrWons s. > . , . 0 . t. .U I BATH INSTITUTE , Dryaal direct , out IXT nonh ol Dohtny't IH I. Thermo-EUotrie , Medtcmted and Sulphur Bathp. for Udlet and gentlemen. Thrto Balht are fnlly en'o > d by the Medical Fraternity u being aa unfaltltg Rutlltayln nt Codr , } U > linii , f . - ree > eutna turalgl Limit-ago and mtny other ailments Dmldei , my Ife , a competent lady , will attend a-lles. F. M. LOOK WOOD , Propr. Broadway Steam Laundry ! 724 JVEST BROADWAY , A. C. LARSON , - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. „ . „ : , DUQUETTE , GUI BERT & CO. , ( Sucrewori to HUB & DUQUEtTK ) , 76 and 18 Pearl-si. , Council Bluffs , la. M GALLAGHER , GROO I New Store , Frprh. Goodc , Low P/ioon. Politn Attendants. , of the Metropolitan Hotel , Lowfr Broadway i n IE ABSTRACT o F FICE. cr. TTOij. . aCT ur. 3R. ssi tta cs < . " i. a n ( l s and Lots Bought and Sold. .MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. NOTARIES PUBLIC AHD CONVEYANCERS. BLUFFS IOWA. M. T. DAVIS , President. N. B. EASTON , Sooy. J. 0. BOFF51AN , Vice I'rcn. 0. HULBURT , Adjuster. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE GO. Insu Qi Live . - took Aejaiost Loss by THEFT OR DEATH. Offloo , 103 Ponrl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. The only company in Towa that will Insure your stock against Iocs from any cause whatever. Of nen ot Stork will consult their own Interest If , tfhea Inturlii their Stock ; tncy s < thn * th < policy Includes all ho lcf ert tW y may haw , indbcsa Unrdnlth nothing leas. Kcr fuitliir Infotrnallcn call on or address Council Bluffs , Iowa. : \o s ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AfcD RETAIL DEALERS IN LAOKiWMHA , LEHM , BLOSSBUB& , A-ND ALL CORHELLSV1LLE COK GERrlHKT , UME. PIASTER , ETC. Office No. 34 Pearl Street , Va-l " Oor HUrhth Qtrt et Eleventh Avenno , Council Bluff- MR&D.A.8EMEDICT , . THE LEADINO DI'.AT.ER IN 3C 38O > O 337 Shuggart Implement Go. , P5 93 ii * tr < trft 53 § HH O V FARMER'S FRIEND PLANTER AND TAjT CHECK ROWER. BUOBANAH WAQ.N ) , OLDS WAGON. COA.TESIUKE. HUBER REVOLVING RAKK , GORHAMSEEI'ER ' , TIGER OOLTlVATOa. OTTAWA CYLINDER SHELLER , STAR HAND SHELLEK , NIOHOLS&SHEPARDTHRESH'B EVANS TRIPLE HARROW , HENNEY BDGGIES , SPRING WAGONS , ETC. , ETO. 118 and 115 Main Street.3 For Engines , B5ilara , Oaatihgu. Repairs and MACHINERY Send ( Mora to "JOHN GILBERT , Manufaoturer , Corcer Ma.n . Etrut.and 8th ' " " * " ' " MORGAN , KELLER & CO. , 3EC , C8 cS ' M &f S 'JSS ' ta lenedasuuiicrtakcrior forty years and thor- oufrhly.updorttands his business. Worcropms. all IBrcadway. UHtlOLaiERINO In all Its biincbesproraptlrattended to ; ft'so carpet-Uy. InTaiiJ liml.requlns . ; T l rr phlo and m U or- deri &Ud JdoiH delay. tlill K 1 < 't-M ' ' 1- ' rnos. orrioiK. w. n. v. rjssr. OfflCER & PUSET , Council Etaft , la. . Established , - - 1868 Dealers In Foreln , . d horns locurlUeM '