Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1883, Page 5, Image 5

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Oarraau Kavanaugli's Revelations
Paralyze the Prisoners ,
The Btory of the Murder cf
Lord Cnveudish and face-
rotary Burke ,
Two of fcVo Four AlleRod Aosae-
eina Identified on the
Tlio Hnmburg loqnlry Intoti
Causis of the Cimbria JQJsaator.
A Variety of Qenernl Foreign News
Bpoc'al Dispatches tj Tui llm.
DODLIN , February 11. Michael
Kavunuugh , the cirmun , turned in
former fgiiust \ ) laonora chaigjdith
conspiring to murder government of
ficials , lie was the first witneaa ex
amined in the investigation at Kll-
malnham yesterday. The court was
orowdod with privileged spectators , in-
oludin m ny ladies. Joseph Brady ,
Timothy KellyTown Councillor James
Carey , Ojirmau Fllzharria and seven
other priaonero were placed in tha
dock to-day. Informer Kavanagh
was sworn. He deposed that ho
drovb Brady , Kelly and two other
men whom ho did nut know from
Phra.iix park the evening uf the assas
sination of Cavendish and Burke.
James Carey aud DAWO ! Dalauey wore
on seats ou the side of the road in the
park. Djlaney said they wore watch-
lug the chief secretary.
Kavanagh eald ho saw Fltzharria
coming from the opposite direction
with a c b. Four nion alighted.
Shortly sf'orwards ho saw two gentle
men approaching. Ho hoard a pry
and saw uuo fall. Then the f ur men
jumped oh htn car nn.d drove away.
Kavtuiatigh identified Tltzhams ai
ona uf inoco in tin cr. . Ho said a
tall man wan to bu uBH.uslualod. He
heard uuuio ono eay , un Ortvondifhand
Burke approached , ' 'Mltd it is tno
tall inAU. " Kw.uiAugh then de
ccribad the p'acis diwen to aflor the
murder , lie allowed thu oir to re
main us is T.aa lag a tiint ; then hu had
it painted tu.otlior color. Brtdy was
again eigi.oJ tuu night Fialdvai at-
Kivnaaugh farther aald that when
thuy arrived at thu gis wotku ( in
tliLir ctcdp" ) Brady ivrappid aomo
kind of swirus ; in ap per und thtew
them ia the battin. Ho ( Kuvanuu L )
had boon twice iu Ptcoaix park before
May Gth with the f jur men whom ho
drove ou the day of the mnrdira.
Thomas Ojyle WAS present when hu
waa sworn into secrecy. Be identified
Doyle aa having told him he muat
drive ( the day afier the awesrinji ) any
where they required. The pi honor
Doyle hereupon exclaimed , "Its a
lie ! " Kivanangh farther deposed
that Fitzharris on one occasion told
hlc\ they wore after Judge Liwson.
Karnaugh naid ho became informer
on Thursday last. Ho had boon
sworn to secrecy by Kulley. The
task assigned him was to drive the
boys.Kavanagh , replying to Murphy ,
crown counsel , cuid that ou the G.ti of
May ho wuro a white hat , but a man
on the oar who was not In tha prison
er's duck changed with him and gave
hlin u l.trge bro > vu one. Tills is re
garded ua important , 93 it is believed
to faraiah a duo to a murderer not
apprehended. Another carman wan
called to confirm the nialemuut , toati-
tying that ho pissed Kuvauagh'a cat
ia tno puk
Suautl Jacobs , witnosa at the in-
quM , Jaio o Ih'jnnd BOJU'A struggle in
the pitt- from a outauce of fifty yards.
Hu t.iw the ai. . aaiiua mount , nnd one
of th < in afterward striku thu preiitnvte
form. U3 could not tay iTho'hBi
four or five men were eng gtd J icibi
waa unnhlo 'to rocoguizj any if thu
mou on thu b r before arrival of ttu
tricycliita. To men , one after an
other , otmo and looked at the bodioi
and walked away.
Dajlo , latiisk , Djlanoy and Fltz
harrin , uald they had no questions tc
ask Kavanagh. . Tim Koil > y's "coun <
a el ondeavorlng to break Kavatiagh'i
evidence by aiking him question )
concerning the iut ryiowa at ' he ens
tie and money . .proniiied him' , but hi
did not apparently make much'1m
preaalon. Kavanagh Identified F.igai
as an aaaoeiato of the aasasaina. Par
ing thu testimony of the informer , al
tbo prlaoners exhibited a dtfhnt demeanor
meaner except James Carr , who Ba <
motionless , gazing fixedly at , th <
bench. The case was adjourned ti
Thursday next.
Kavanagh's evidence makes it cer
tain that Burke was first mnrdorei
and that the plot was primarily
against him , AathHeiaminatirn pro
greHEed , the prisoners appeared ' li
aheur desperation. _ Not any of then
looked to'wards the court except Han
Ian. On Kuvanagh identifying Da
laney and James Carey , the latter o
whom ho slid he knew well , there wa
uch commotion iu court that th
magistrate threatened to clear It
Brady afterwards somewhat reoov
oted his ciompoBuro and endeavored t
smile. K-ivanigh aa'd he waa so nea
the scene of the aseaBaiim'ioii vhat h
hoardonoof the victims cry "Ob !
„ The tall victim ( Buike ) wt.a lying i
the road after thu exclamation , Th
other victim was standing in the ro
with an umbrella lu hia hand. Kavi
ncgh afterwards eaw him lying iu tl
road as before. Knvauagh's evident
Ia felt to bo conclusive. Little can I
added to it , aa the crown will not ai
oept the evidence of actual partlc
Tom McOaifory waa arrested to-da ;
Kivanagh tdentiQes him aa the four !
man on the car he drove into the pai
the day nf the mnrdnrn. MoOauor <
ii a relative of tbo m u already a
rtated. The crown accepted the e\
dencd of another informer , who w
Identify the actual Cavendish ai
Burke murderers.
A servant of Lieutenant Lync
county Gulway , waa wounded by a ah
frgm behind a wall while unbarnetsii
after driving the family home frc
church. The assassin escaped ,
February 11 , Police I
specter 1'ecl , mainly Instrumental in
cjnvlcthiR Thoa Walsh , keeper of
the fcnian nrinoty nt Clnrkcnwell , WAS
assanltod by n party if Irishmen. Ono
knocked him Insensible by a blow
Two knives were fonnd with thn us-
aaliants , A ma'n supposed to bo con-
ucotod with the D as Jlx park murders
wna arrratxl nt Swansea on Ida ar
rival from Dablln.
DUBLIN , February 11 Divers Are
aearohiug the basin i f the Qraud
cioal for the knlvoa which Kavauangh
deposed ho and Brady throw into it.
The water will bo dinwn from the
baiin , if iho divers ttro not aucoeeaful ,
Archbiahop Oroko , of Oaahol , writes
confirm ! eg the widespread nud fearful
distroen prevailing in the cnnntira of
Mayo , Dniegal , Olaro and Siigo.
OANNKS , Fobtu. ry 11 Qkditono ,
in c inverbution with Oltnm'nco-tO'day ,
stated thut the cursu if Ireland had
bcn ccntralizulon. "I desire , ho
a. id , "authority. Wo are now trying
to uiaku the humbloal Idstiman realize
tint ho ii a governing agency , and also
thai the government will bo carried on
for him and by him. "
Special Dlipatchcito Tin lin.
HAUDURO , February 11. At the
nquiry jtsterday into thu canaoofthe
Dimbria disaster novoral of the Sul-
an'a paasengera deposed that they
leard cries f jr help from the Cimbria.
} no of thcao witnesaoa said ho oawtho
Jimbrla disappaar. Ho had previ-
) usy ) hr ari her whlatlo. Captain
Jutter , of the Sultan , stated he saw
the blue liqht on the Cimbria onoo
if ter the collision. Ho consulted wilh
? lr t Officer Ballard about lower-
ng the boat ; , but Bullard
pointed out they would not know In
what direction to send boats. Wit-
nesaro from the Oimbria declared the
Jlmbtia's whiatlo was sounded very
rcqnently buforo the collision , and
when they heard thu Sultan's whlsllt
ho Cimbtia'd head waa turned dire-t
y from west to northwest. The Sat
an's green light was then eoen , uud
ho collision followed. Inspector
Pann and Hnrr Repl , manogbrb buro
of the Hamburj-Ainerioin ; Btoamahtp
cimpany , havb been summoned
Divers will ba employed to acoartuiu if
; hd CimbriaV w.tttr-tight doors wf re
closed ut the tlran of tha collision.
BEIILIK , Fobrusry 11. The emper
ar drove out to df , the li t time
since hln indtf position.
The Reich Ziituug ( o'orici1) , oas
the popa in reply to the emptror'a f at
tar , aaul the right nf the state to pro-
t&t agaiuat olcrloal appuinttnuuta
ould only boconcodcd on condition of
rovlaiou of the Mny laws.
The Proenvereln ball for the benefit
of auflt'reru by the floods in Rhlnolaud
realized 50,000 marks.
The government authorities ol
SahJoiwig-Rolstoin declare that to ex
empt thu D nea of that province from
miUtnry duly would be unjust toward
their Garmau compatriots.
Spedal Dispatches toTni Bu.
VIENNA , February 11. Field Mar
shal Houalab is dead.
MAMUD , February 11. There wore
several biuqriota to-day in celebration
of the Spanish republic.
BEIILIN , February 11. Edwir
Booth appeared this evening ai
Othello. Ho was presented with i
silver laurel crown anii'l s tor ma ot ap
planae. The prosontutlon was accom
piniod with nn addreas.
COJBTANTINOW.E , February 11.
Mr. Wallace , United States minister
proteats agafnat the maintaiunnce ti
petroleum vats established in Sinyrm
and Conatautluuploiu which all petro
leum imported mtu Turkey haa to be
scored , the importers paying 8 pc :
cent vjluu for acorago duoa. Wullaci
dt'clutea thm really amounts to an in
recao of Import duty. Ho will ac
ept a compromiao making consider *
lo reduotluu in the storage charges.
LOKIJOH , February 11. Lidy Bland
ord obtained decree of niaian
; < uuiat Maiq ila Blandfurd , oldest eoi
i the Duku uf Murlborough for mis
onduct with Lidy Aylesfotd.
William NVarda worth , the aurvlvini
> n of the poet ia dead.
Sr. JfEtKBSBUKO , February 10.-
'iiroo t'X-dlroctots of the Mntua
Jrodit eocioty'and four other persona
onvlcted of .forgery . nnd eqaanderin ;
utida of the "society , were eentenoci
) the loaa of civil rights and exile
ix persons , including Baron Mpnt
ort , were acquitted.
1 Vedomoatl say's tthe condnot of th
! hinet la auoh that apparently th
Imp is approaching when lluiala mua
eoccapy the whole of Kuldji.
PAEIS , February 10. PrinaoNa
oleon ia about to procaed to Euglan
o visit Ex Empreaa Eugeno.
The SarahBoruhardt jowolabrougt
' 5,000 , franca ,
LoNOcai , February 10 The Dill
iows expresses the belief that th
ministry will Introdncj in the houi
jf commons a bill Irgiliz ng the a
imntion by mombcta uhi desire 1
{ firm instead of taking the naual pi :
lamentary vote.
LYONS , February 10 The court (
appeals upheld the decision again )
ho dlrecturaand fontidcra if the bai.
of Lyun et Loire , who are thus con
lellbd to pay provisionally tn instni
n bank supply the sum ut 5 OOO.COO
A Talk with Gen. Urant nod the Me
lean Mlnlhtor.
Special Dlfpatcb to Tui Bu. '
NEW YOBK , February 10. The fc
lowing interview with Gen. Grant ai
the Mexican minister will appear
The World to-morrow :
Oon. Grant , when asked what tl
present condition and outlook are f
the reciprocity treaty with Mexic
negotiated by him with Sliniat
Romero and Gen. Oanedo , naid : '
see by the dlipatchos from Waahlo
ton city , while the commercial troa
with Mexico is likely to
reported favorably by the commltt
having It in charge , ifc m
meet with opposition tn the asna
from the fact that it eeemi to kavo
poisiblo to ship sugar from Havai
to Mexico and roshlp to thU oounti
as if It were tha product of Mexic
oil. It may be possible such sh
ments will be made from time
time , but at n great rlik to persons
who ougigo In that business , precisely
in the tame way that goods arn tmui ; *
glnd in from Cuba and from Eurcpu.
Sootier or later , however , thny urn
caught , and parties engaged in the
buimcai are punished by n forfeit and
finp , and it Is not probable this bcaint'ts
will bo carrlod an successfully tn any
Creator extent than any smuggling ; in
other words , It la n question which
concerns not the treaty miking power ,
but the administration of the treasu
ry. The treaty proienla very yreat
advantages for the United Statoa and
for Mexico. As they ttush oich
other on the frontiers and have simi
lar Institutions , it would seem nrcoa
sary the two countries should or j 7
the moat intimate relations , but .tho
well known f.ict that , many years
back , Mexico had been sensitively
afraid of American encroachments.
Mexican suspicions of us am now
in a largo degree diapollod ,
as Is shown by their willingness
to negotiate such a treaty aa the ono
now bo f ore the senate The develop
ment of our railroads running into
Mexico and the development lu Mexi
co consequent upon the building of
these roads and the increase uf gen
eral business and Industry most inev
itably make Mexico a largo commer
cial country , increasing la importance
from year to year In a very fair ratio ,
aud if wo fail now to uao this first op
portunlty that wo have had of culti
vatlng closer relations , it is not
only possible but probable that
it will bo a matter of years
before wo can expect another oppor
tunity to negotiate such a treaty.
With this ratified by both govern
ments , it may bp assumed to bo pcs-
siblo to make another treaty subse
quently which shall remedy any de
lects which may ba found In the
working of this one. 'Another very
good reason for Us ratification ia the
fact that it has boon , and la now , violently
lently opposed by Importing mer
chants and agents residing In Mexico.
Foreign merchants there are an
influential olas , because , th'ey Jin- '
port pretty" 'nearly all goods im
ported into the country. Cons q lontly
they pay into the Mexican treasury
a largo percentage of all preaent re
venues of that county. Tholr influence
ia increased by the fact that small re-
taller. , generally natives uf the
country , who piirohcso tboir goods
from these importers on long o edits.
Oonsi quently , as you aeo , thixo for
eign merchants have great influence
both with the governing of officials
and with enterprising Mexican deal
era. The are upon the spot to work
Hgainat thia treaty , while wo
have no corresponding class nf
\niorioan citizens at present in
that country to represent our olde
ot the question. The president of the
republic , however , and his cabinet
have had independence and na I think
good renao to accept this treaty as it
is now presented in onr senate , and
they accepted this though they had
begun by being very strongly preju
diced against making any commercial
treaty with the Uuitod States. I know
the objection has been , or may be
raised to this treaty from the fact
that there is nothing In it which pro
hibits Mexico with making ilml'ar '
treaties with other countries. It
would be hardly fair for us to have
asked Mexico to have restricted
her own powers without ont
restricting ourselves In the same
way , and it ia not probable any treaty
could have been ratified by the Ron-
nte of the United States which con <
tiinod a clanco prohibiting th <
United States from making a treat }
like this or any other treaty , will.
other countries , whenever it should
aeem proper and advantageous to dc
B . But it ia not likely that Mcxlcr
will consider a similar treaty wltt
any European country , because then
la no European country that can givt
Mexico the market for her aur
plus products that wo can ,
and they nro furthermore romot >
frvnn Mtxico , and not neighbors aa
wn are Tain treaty , if it gooa Into
tfToct , will naturally bring tno people
of Iho two adjoining republics closoi
together , but It gives material advant
aeea in another way to both of us
VVe receive from Mexico all the prod
uots she is capable nt producing , un
manufactured articles , that ia , twenty
eight In number. Of theeu article
twenty-one are at present on the froi
list and six are articles which enter ti
a greater oc loss extent iuti
our manufactures , anl whlol
wo do not produce. Iner
are but twoarthlci produced by u
which are admitted free from Mexici
under the treaty one fs crude aug ir
the other leaf tobucco. Taking th
latter Into consideration firat , I con
oeive the treaty would bo very advan
tageona to us , and certainly advanUg
eons lo Mexico , because under It ivi
'are only to "receive tobacco ffeo'fron
duty iu its unmanufactured state
1 and tobacco which they raise do ?
not correspond at all to Un articl
t rained by us , but is similar and equu
iu quality to the tobacco raised 11
Oub-k. It is to ba presumed wiiei
Mexico ralacs enough of this tobico
to supply the market the rouncf ictur
of oar own Hwmm cigars will Uk
place In onr own country , nnd th
tobaoao of Mexico being free from 01
p'irt duty in Mexico wa shall bolargel
Able to cotupato 'with ) Havana i
outsldo markets ( f the worid in tw
articles manufactured , tobacco an
cigar * . In regard to her ang.n
Mexico at the present tilt
does not raisoH perhupir n qnci
lion of vhat her own coneuinj
ttou is or Hill bo with rallroadj to dii
tribute it. The country baa great c ;
paclty for raising sugar , but the torr
tojry where sugar can be raised
without irrigation , and lies tx'jlutlvu !
iu the lowlands of the gulf or on tl
Prtcifia ocean , where it ID so uuhcaltt
that Mexicans cannot bo induced i
live or do any hard work. The regln
where sugar at present is raii (
and where It will continue to ba raisi
as long as the country Is ocoupit
alone by the present worklrg popul
tlon IB on the plateaus at botwot
1,500 and 4,000 feet altitude , where
in . .healthy and where the eeasoi
are divided into rainy and dry. S
gar can bo raised there only c
grounds where it oan bo in
gated and tha water supply
entirely inadequate to Irrigation and
very largo percentage of the land lyli
under fetho climate Callable for t
cultivation of sugar. This of ttsi
it wjll limit the production for a goi
ia many yean , so that while Mexico w
iay , nowlvo some benefit from the tariff
duties upon imported sugars comii
from other countries , she will not
to able to furnUh enough sugar to
within the limit of this treaty ( o atlect
the ptlco. In other words the will
gut the benefit of our tariff in the
price obtained for sugar the does Bond
u * , while our own production of .augr
will got the tame price they would if
wo had no Mexican or 11 twaUm
commercial treaties. The advantages
to us oomUt in the largo number of
manufactured arihlca which Mexico
will receive free , not only from port
duties , but from internal taxation ,
while in transit to the place uf ecu-
( umptlon , articles which the Moil *
cuia very much require in the devel
opment of their country , on which the
present duties are co high that they
nrnduoo little or no revenue to thu
M xlcan government. The duties are
inhibitory ] The articles to bn s >
admitted are under seventy three
heads , Under some of these head *
yon might onumvr.Uo n grjU many , I
might * y hundreds tf apiolnl artlclea
I will give you a few of them Under
uuo head they admit machinery uf ull
aorta , olatsea and description for min-
tr'g. Pgrlcultural and other purposes
Under another heading they admit ng.
ricultural implement ? ; under auuther ,
wagon * , conches and nil sorts of vehl
olea that are pulled by animals , and
under the bond of tools formoaliatiloal ,
icientlfij and all othtr purposes they
admit tools that are composed of bras * ,
iron , stool or wood , or any combina
tion of these materials. Under
another head they admit , free
all classes of rolling stock /rum
piasonger to steam engine that
are utod on railroad * . Then there nro
many other articles admitted undtr
hcadn whioh do not admit such minute
specification as to articles themselves ,
but among them are petroleum , crude
and refined ; b rbed wire for f-nclng ,
with alf its fixtures ; houses of wood or
Iron , built ready lo put up in that
country ; pumps for mines , irrigating
and other pnrpoeeaor which pumps
can be used , clocks and many other
articles extensively manufactured In
this country are pat under seventy-
thron heads. It ia believed those
'articles being received ( roe from
all 'duty ' will fiud a very
largo market in Mexico , and Mexico
will fiid a corresponding bom fit
in the rapid development of her re
sources and to some extant bo finding
a market In onr country for her
products , protect * d as it ia by tariff
upon similar articles that are brought
hero from other countries than Mex
fco. " Now that we have railroads pen
etrating from our country into Mexico
ice , in the abaonco of troa'y annoy-
nncoi , our trade and commerce with
that country will bo illimitable ,
Goods , rf course , will have to bu
stopped on the frontier and will h < wo
to pay duties thuro After examiiia
( ion , packing and repacking , they will
ho subjected then to inspection and
then to another tax lu the stale
they pass through lu reaching thtii
destination. While the treaty will not
coverall these embarrassments , yet I
isla'r ' topreaumo that with railroadi
and with this treaty ratified , there
will bo llttlo or no difficulty In making
mutual arrangements between the twc
countries fjr the passage of goods
This will free transportation compa
nice and owners from all thoao ombar
ratamenta. It does take them awaj
on all articles enumerated , and the ]
are about all wo are able to send ti
Mexico. As far as national dutlei
and atato taxation are concerned , thoi
simply nqiire regulations which cat
be made by Mexico herself on ho
part , and by the United States treasury
ury on onr part , To relieve th
transfer of these goods from nmbai
ranstaonts , there ore very strong reasons
sons why it should bu deslra
bio for us to procure as fa
as it is practicable or possible for us t
an , tropical aud aoml-tropicnl fruitj
and products. In the first place wi
must oniAidor our contiguous position
similarity of institution * , and th
fucj that Mexico imposes no ta :
whatever upon her exports , 'Tho ;
mo all the products of fcoo hbor am
republican htbor aud republican gov
eminent. At present cuoh product
as Mexico la capable ( f producing ar
received from nionarchial countrk
where they are the products of slnv
labor and heavy exports duties ar
levied. Thus wo are paying into th
treasury uf the country prodncin
thosa articles , dutioi whioh go t ) coi
tain IDS itutious that haa coat ua i
this country so much blood an
reaanro to gut clour of ; and further w
are compelled to make our paymonl
in foreign exchange almost exclusive
ly theio oauntria * buying from u
vo > y little , but going to Europe wit
the money which they receive froi
us to purchase their articles of Import
Mexico will buy uur manufactures i
payment of all she sends us , and fc
jears to come a ijreat deal more tha
aho can pay for by her exports an
products if the soil. I am voi
anxious to have embodied in th
treaty a clause whioh would rtqnti
nil goods transported by water bi
tweontho two countries bo transport ?
in ships built in the United States c
Mexico and owned in ono or the othi
of the two countries , nnd ru
under the laws of tl
country to which the ships bolon
e to have tbo benefit of free trade osta'
hshod by this trendy , but it was
matter which did not suggest Itself
m\3 until the treaty had been snbuil
ted to the Mullein president and cal
inet , and when it did occur to mo ,
couimuntcatoi ) my deniro in this mater
tor to the minister for that count :
who communicated it at once to hewn
own government There baa been i
reply as yo to thu request to ha
that inserted In thu treaty as an art
cle , but I have sincuro hopes if th
treaty is ratified a aupplemonta
treaty embracing that ptoviiio
whiah would be so advantageous
both countrien mlcht bo made. In
thoroughly satUfwd this treaty will
of great benefit tu the manufacture
Of this country , and to all perso
engnged in transportation by rail ai
water and investors in Mexican ra
ways , and indirectly to the whole pc
plo , while It. will not work no pruj
dice in any class of producers wh
ever In our country , Ab I ha
stated it will bd many yearn baf <
Mexico din have a surplus of acgir
Bond to our country that HU tlT
the price vl the article. The pr
will continue to bo regulated by wi
we have gut to pay for sugar , wh
pay * duties here and alio pays exp
duty where It IB produced. As R m
ter of fdctrwithuutbeluff ; kble'tost
tconratoly , the quantity of sugar p
dncod in thli country , I belli
whole product is only abont equal
Kluliall and Vining Oo Bast to
Bolster Up the Union Pa-
G flo Traffic ,
Tha New Southern Kouto Do
ing the Goad Much
A New Rnllronil System.
Special DlipalUl W Till llll.
CIIIUAOU , February 10 , T. L.
Kluibill , the assistant general man
ager , and E , P. Viuirg. the freight
Uallio manager of thu Union Pacific ,
arrived hoto yesterday , and loft in thu
evening fur How York , It la under
stood thst the objdot of the trip to
New York has some connection with
the now route recently established by
the Southern Pacific from Now York
to Su Francisco , taking the business
to Nuw Orleans by steamers , and
thcnco by the Southern Paollio to the
I'ftollio const. The establishment of
this line IB Hkoly to divert oonaldora-
bio business trotn the Union Pacifio.
Heps will bare to bo taken by thu
Union VftolQo to secure ita aharo of
the business from Now York ireroaf tor.
An effort will probably bo made to
arranco a pool on such business be.
twcon the Union nud Southern
Pdoific. Should the Union Pa-
o fij fall to bring abont a
satisfactory oompromlsoon this matter
it ia bojlcvod it will tover ita rolationa
vrlth the Central Pacific , which oon-
trola the Southern Pacifio , and build
all independent line from Ogdou to
California , Matters arc taking auoh
a ahapo now that tho' Union Pacific
oan hardly avoid the construction of
an independent line from Ogden to
the Pacifio count. In a few months
the Douvor & Rio Urando'n Utah line
will bo completed to Oudon , and
traffic arrangements having been made
between this line and the Burlington
to run business from the latter road
over the now route , the Burlington
will have a through linn to California ,
Independent of the Union Pacific ,
and the Central Pacific will need no
longer to dtpend upon the Uulun Pa-
cilia for an connection , but
can UBO the now Denver & Rio Grande
routo. This enables the Oontral Pa-
ciiio to show a bold front to the de
mands of the Union P.tclfio regarding
the Southern Pacific business , and
the Union Pacjfio will bo compelled ,
if it moans to meet the competition
of the. Oontral Pacific nud the other
tiow Pacific lines , to extend its line
to the Pacific ) coast as apgodily tvt pos
sible. It would not at all bo surprising
if the Union Pacific would join haudi
with Vanderbllt and eecuro his lines
as a direct outlet to tho'oaat and at
the same time pot Vrtndorbilt's aid h :
building thu extension from Ogden tt
the Pacifio coist. Humor haa had il
for Rome tlmo past that Vandorbll
haa aacurod a largo amount of Unloi
Pacific atock and that ho is continual ! ]
acquiring more. The contemplate
trip of Vanrlarbllt over the Union Pa
oifio to San Francisco adda strength I
those rumors.
BothLydiaE. Pinkham's Yoget
able Compound and Blood Purlfie
are prepared at 233 and 235 Wester
aveuuo , Lynn , Mass. Pricoof olthoi
$1. Six bottles for 95. Sunt by ma !
in the form of pills , or of lozenges , o
receipt'of price , $1 per box for olthci
Mrs. Plnkhnm freely anawors all lei
tera of inquiry. Enoluao 3 cec
stomp. Send for pamphlet. Montlo
this paper. ,
ISonry for Hie TJiimnrrlcd.
Qua of the moat loUil und euhatnnilr
InRtltntioDS in till ) country It tha Mm
riafn Filmland Mutual Tivmt ABB clatloi
nf Cedar Knpide , Iowa. They lire OIXM
Ized umler thu laws of l.iwu , nail their o
fleers anddireo'urs are aninnK the leudlu
mid most ) > r < inlutnt bmlno-n uion nf Cedu
Uuwcli- . Every niinmrrlud perxoii abuul
bnve it coctilioito in thia i > * eocliUon ,
It ia a upletidid invfutment , na Htife as
Koverument bond. You cu juntas we
have a Rood rum nf money to o rnmem
married life on m cot. A IIURO number <
members have been paid oiT , n driving nvi
300 per cent on their luvoitmant Writ
fur circulars fully detailing the plan , whlc
IB tlia fine t known. lt not pnHtpone i
Good agent * wanted. Mention where yc
Raw thin Dutlce. 10 3m ,
Made irotr tbo wild flowun of tl ;
It Is the most fragrant pi perfumi
Manufaoturud by II. B. Slaven , 8a
Frauclsoo. ForHlo in Omaha by V
.1 , WhUonnuso and Konnaia Bro
it , and take no other Ire
pwpaiaHnn oxoopt Brown's Iron Bl
tori. It la the bout.
PEKSONAIi " 1'arlnof the human bo
omari.'ixl'evolopoJ ' nn'l trni Kti < < cd , " etc , ,
an lnt rc tltiK l ertvanoit lo g run In o
paper. In roplt to I qii rlcs wenllltay tli
thuru In no tvl icn o I humbilK ab ut thin. I
the contrary , th * wlvortlurs ar \crvhlpiily
aor.fd Iiitoron ptmoim \ n ay | 'it I il <
tulara KKInc all pattluilarn , KK \ \ all partlc
Inr . by ( ulJnwmi ? Krlo JI.illcul Co. , P. O. B
613 , Mifl.ilo , N. Y. Toledo /.vonlug Bee.
J knit I Jy
0 SPECilT , Proprietor.
18s312 Harnoy St. Omrha , Nel
1Is 1
m Tin , Iron and Shuo Hoofing ,
) U
rs Spooht'o I'atotit Motnlio Skyllgl
is Patent Adjustotl Ratchet B
Tiruokut Shelving. I am
j. the general agent for thou
u ] above line of
ire rlu4r < li ; Also
fQ UJV * . 11-lV/lU
ot Bend 81 , 82 , $ , or 85 for
CO tail box by Kxpreaa of the b
oh Oundles In America , put np
irtt i , nd itrlctlf pc
t- z
itO Suitable for [ presents. Expi
abargca light. lUfow to all Cio
io , Try It onto.
of OonJtcUooK , I- Ohio
Farms ,
! 5th&DouglasSt ;
19 Full ot auil new hou e , rsTrooron , t o
Iw'ow an-l one up nalra KIiht foot oolllntf below
and l even abate. Brick foundation , cellar , etc.
A kariraln , tfOO.
No. 18 tr e two tory benne , 10 room * , two
larie collar * , grod wtltand cljitcru , ham , etc. , on
Wi bster and Wd trt < t , flOOD.
No 17 Lot MUtsS ( wt , new houie of two
rooms lir ck foundation 100 barrel cistern on
lltrolltnn ntput nc r Poor OlaroConvrnt IUO. (
No. 1C House and lot on 17th near ClarE St.
hoinn B room olc * "A ) .
No. 15 House ol 3 rooms full lot on Plor.o tt
nenrl9thir > oo
No. 21 Now I oiwool 7 roonw , lth corner lot ,
half mlln w.H ot Turinalilo ot red atroa carl on
H.ui ilernHt. HofO.
No 5 llounu ol tight rcomi , barn etc. lot
GQU05 fe
Vacant Lots.
No. 233 Two full lots on 10th Street near Lake
St. tICUO.
Nii.a 1 Twenty flro loti In Parkers addition
Just north of the vnd of red struct car line 1400
each cany tormi.
No.SU ) 1'ourlotson Delaware El. mar Hani.
com raik , 'OiO.
No. 831 One half lot on South arenue , near
St. Mary's avaruu , 5.0
No. 3IO-ElghteonlB ( ) lot * on ! ltt , ! nd,23rd
KiaSHindersitreet , neir Uiaoe , | 6UO tac'u , aid
en easy terms.
Nt < , 340 - Six beautiful residence lota on Cather
ine street , near Hnntcam park. l,6CO.
Twelre leiutllul rceldcnco lota en llanlllon
street , near end of old ttieotcar track ; ulth ; and
lUhtly , I C to liO ) .
Bercral acre and hall acre . lots on Cum.
Irg , Iluit and Oallfornla streets , In LnweN i > eo *
end addition and Park 1'ltco near Academy ol
Bacied He'vrt.
Lots in "Prvpeet Place" on Hamilton anil
Charloi vtrett , Ju-.t woit cf the end of lied H ncl
Cart.ack and 0invent of the tslfterj of Pool
Clare , ono and one hall n Ho frompostafllro on 1
cno inlofnvuU. P. ihoim , 8150 to $100 each
only 5 p r cent down and B fit n nt per month
Litili l.cwo'a a ldltlc n ono-lull mlluwu t ol
rnlol Htd Hire t ar trac'i ' ncir Convent ri
P'orCluuBsiem ' 111 Shlnn'4 addition , $ I2G to
$ ; oO each , and on very uiny ternif.
I oti In Hoibuh'ii 1st and 2nd aillltloni ,
Shlnn'fl , Pirk I'laeo , Lowu'oUadadilltlrn lliw /'ii , NcUon'n , llanscom 1'Iaco , Hedlck's ad
dltlons ta , n'a.
IxiU In " ( 're It Fonder addition" ) ' . one
fiuutor in'lo s ) uth-f it uf Union I'.io'.Il ' : and I ) ,
HiidM. II. It. dopots. 4iOto ltOOo cheryeuj
Business Lots.
Tnree gond biulregs lota on Dodgs nrar 12tl
iticet , 2 x123 fctttacb , ltOO neb , orl.0jlo !
all , eu < y Ur.un.
Two K led Im-lnew tot * ou Karnam etruet , 31 ;
66 Ie3t ciich , with frame bu Idlogs |
for abiu ( lUO per > ear arh ; price It 250 oac"
41x132 loct on Karuam near lO.hntrnot. ooin
'J O.U
Bldnndld Warehouse lot on Union PtrlrforlKh
o' way. rortn ol track and eitt of Mill Woik > -
bilnz 13llo t tmrlh ( > onUue on llujn ttiett
by eti'Jtit 100 fin t weit ( rontire on 1 Ith st.
Farm * a d l'd ' lards In I/jujflai , Sarpy
D > lge , Wuhlc Rton , Iluit , Wavne. Utanton , an
other fx ) 1 cuunl'ea In eantern Ni.lirnkait t li
laxei pall , rocU enllcc'ed , anl money loan *
on Improved city and country iproj erly at lei
raUs of Interest.
85.00 EACH.
16ih and Douglas SI
Omaha Neb.
finre Cure for nil FB.1IAI.B WEAK *
NKSSHHi Inclnillnir Loncorrbcrn , Jr-
rcrnlar nml 1'alnful nicnstmntloD ,
Inflammation nod TJlccrnlton of
the Womb , Flooding , 1'KO- fl
I1f > nt ( othotn-'tc , ffflcicloui and IminedUM I
lUrlTMt. It UftSTmthflpIn fnpuoifj , and i -
.TM pain daring Ubor and at rcenUr perlodi.
rimiruvstftciT ANurntscmnn rr mm.T.
( VFn > AU.TVunrrsra of the ecneratlr * org a
rllhrr > ri , It U if con J to no remedy that ha ere *
tn lore the public ) and for all distune ! of th
PSTTI It : > the arratttt KtmtJu in tta ITorU.
* KIINKY COS ! PIiAINTS of Either Be *
TlndUreatltcllcfinltB Uie.
n. rrsiniAM's ntnnn
111 rnutlrftta ctcnr TO UKO nf Iluniora Irom tk
teed , at the nvme tlmo will clTotnna nndrtrrnirlh ta
ljilom. AJiiiArTClloniln rault * OB the Coiupouod.
IVBolhtlio Compound and Blood Punncr are pr
> trd at S& and U WcsUrn Arrnuo. Ijmn , Vim.
ric off Blx bottles for X The Compound
rat by mall tn the form nt pills , or of lorcncci" , o *
/rtlpt ot price , $1 per box for rlltif r. Ur * . rink ham
tf'ij annwert all Ictttra of Inquiry. Enrlomloeol
amp. Bond for pamphlet. Xtnttm IA < < ftajxr.
rvt-TmiK. rnrrntn'ilmairnji cnre Comrtlpa.
tn. IlUlouuieM and TorpMlty ot Uio Llror. tl cent *
( . ea-Hold by ell DrnjsUUk-C * d )
1) MEtAT.'PAUt8 ' , 18T
Wtmrtocl Absolutely pure
Cocoa , from whlc tliaoicrii
Dtoll li-sbestf rtmovcJ. Ithn
three tlmei the itrcncth of
Ooconmlx il Alili Htvtcli , AT-
ro < Uooior fliffjr , kn I , > fi're-
lor' lir n-otn uiciicn.lavl. It l
Jo Idrm ncuili hln , itrenrlh-
enlntr , really dlfi'ta I , aid J-
irlr bly mliptccl lor InrtUlsai
well tti for pmtii In hutlth.
1 Sold by Qrocer * Everywhere
W BAKER & Oo.DoroliBatBrMa88.
, . , , .
Agents for the Ulo , Tlmef ,
and Trracheron *
ho oily Itfeaithoilrvd by her and which will
not bo a"Illno < t Midlhurdir" story , uch aahM
bcoo and * 111 bo ) iul llshcil , but a tiua life by tha
only pomn who Is In ponculoncf the facts a
'al'hful and 'Icvf.toJ wile. Truth Is more utrr-
Btlnith\n tls'.lnn.iffntmhouldapp'y 01 ter-
rltory at once. Sen 75 cU. for Sample book.
J H Cuambar , & Co
$500 REWARD.
The abore reward will be paid to any p mn
who will produce a Paint that will equal the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber
Paint ,
for premrrtng Shingles , Tin and Omrel Rood.
Warranted to be Fire and Water Proof. All
orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bel
ter than any other paint now In mo.
Bole Proprietors , Omaha House , Omaha , Neb.
Officer * Pusey , Dr.IUce , Dr. Plnney , Poll
Council limits , Iowa.
Hits odli-e. Omaha Neo.
lOUf lue-.ia
W 8. Onuuin , 3tc. aad TrrM.
Lincoln , Hab
Corn Plmitorw UrrrowB.Farm Bollara
Hnllcv Hy UnUea , Bucnot Klavatlntf
Wlnurallls , Jjo
Wo are umpired to do Job work and manalav
uK 'or other partta ) .
tn'ftfil orlera
Lincoln. V.
BULBS Tnlio * .
Croonso * .
And all other far Kail Planting. L rirel ) Mnrt
meut over bhowu In Chlcaifo-
Illuitratcd Catalogue Ireo. Bend ( or It
Hiram Sibley & Co. ,
. . Ohio *
Are aokuowJet'ged ' to be the
) estby ! [ v\ho have ] .ut ihcin
; o a practical test.
Buck's Stpve Co. ,
on ,
fho Story o ! tbe Sswliig Machine * h
A handwrae Illtl * ptupblei , bloe-asd ( il K
tor * wltb nomeioui engraTlnzi , will b *
It or aooll p noa nalllnt lei It , at anbraaife
n nS-oSloe ot ( The Blozei Uaaaraolarut ; 0a | .
MOT. 01 will b * Nnt by mall , pott paid , t *
aarVeiMQ Urtnat dUtanot teen ont offlt * *
fne Singer lanataoianng Oo , ,
Piinc4p l OBoe , 34 Uaioa *