\ THE DAILY BEE-OMAaA , MONDAY. FEBRUARY 12 he Nobraeka Mational Bank , Of Om h , Neb Paid np Oapl l , - - 270,000 OTDID for bumnss April 27 , 1883 , wtkh Ibi uuia nhebraika. DIRECTORS : JOHNSON , President , of Ste.U , Johnson TOCZALIN , Tic * Freddenl , of a , B * Q K. R. , Boston. W. V. MORSE , of W. V. Horse A Oo. JOHN 8. COLLINS , of 0. II. & J. B. Collins. J. U. WOOLWORTH , Counsellor and Attorney at-Uw. L. 8. REED , of Byron Re d ti Oo. n. W. 7ATE3 , Oashler , Ute Cashier of the First National Bank of Omaha , connected with the active management of that Bank since It * organization In 1863. . . . . . . . . OOLLICTIOMS receive special attention Bad char f * s lowest obtainable hero or elsewhere. IHTIILUT allowed on time deposits upon favorable - able terms and upon accounts ot banks and bank- FO EOK Eicnixoi , OovornmentBonds. and County and City Securities bought and sold. II igprcpart ittt < general banking business ersn ts details , anl In the treatment of custom all wlllpursno tht most liberal policy consistent with f > ate bank Ing FINANCE AHP COMMERCE. FINANCIAL. Special Dispatch to Tin IJix. NEW YOBK , February 10. Money 2@3J per ceut ; closed at 3 per eat. ' Prime Merwutllo Paper 5@S per cent. Sterling Exchange lleavy ; banker * ' billo etsidy at i 82J ; deiuaad , 81 85J. GoTornmenta i per cent higher for 3i nnd 4s coupons ; otberwhe unchanged , The generel market was strong , and np to 13:15 thera was an advance of i@lj per cent. In the afternoon there were a few changes in prices , and the market WCB dull and strong as compared with the lait night. The general market was } @li per cent higher , YeeUrclay. To-day. 8'g . . ' . 103i 103j 6' . 103 ,1014 4Vs Conpons . 113i 113 * 4is. . . . ' . . . . H'J | 1116 Pacific O'B of 1895 . 128 123 BIOiM. Adams Kiprosa . 123 1S4 Allegheny Central . 113 Alton & Terra Haute . t > 4 074 do pfd. . . . 95 U7 American Express . 90 i C90fc Burl. , Cedar Kaplds & North. 61 614 Canada Southern . 673 67 i Ool. , Gin. & 1ml. Central..10iJ ; 1 Central Paclflo . * i ' Oheeapeake & Ohio . 21 do 1st pfd. . . 304 do 2d pfd. . . 23i Chicago & Alton . 134 J I85J do pfd . 140 140 Chi. , Burl. & Quinoy . 1181ll'Jl Chi. , St. L. & New Orleans. . 78 78 Oin. . Snnd. & Cleveland. . . . . 40 Clove. , Col. & Cincinnati. . . . 77J Delaware & lludeuu canal. . . . 1 08 Del. , Lack. & Western . 1213 Denver & Kio Grande . 443 45J Erie . S7i 37J do pfd . tf ! > 79 Eaat Tennessee . U ' . . . do preferred . 10 Fort Wayne & Chicago . 136 13G Hannibal & tit , Joseph . 40 40 do pfd. . . 83J 84JJ Harlem . 100 190 Houston & Triftg Central. . . . 73 Illinois Central . 1401 142 Ind. , Bloom. & Western . 29i 30 Kansas & Texas . 31 31 § Lake Erie & Western . 28 * Lake Shore & Michigan So. . .1101 110J Louis villo & Nashville . 55j ' . . . Louisv. , New Alb. & Ohicasro LO Marietta & Cincinnati 1st pfd 10 do do 2dpfd G& Memphis & Charleston . 42 Michigan Central . 95 | , . . . Minneapolis & St. Louis. . . . 26 do | pfd. COJ Missouri Pacific . 102j Mobile & Ohio . 1174 Manhattan Beaoh . 121 Morrfa * Essex . -r > U4 New Jereey Central . 73J 73 Nashville & Chattanooga . 4H Northern Pacific . 48 | 483 ' - do pfd . 83 * 83k Northwestern . 131 $ 131i do pfd . 145J I4bj New York Central . 120 VJOJ Ohio Central . US Ohio & Mississippi . 31i 311 do pfd . 94 94 Ontario & Western . 2o | Oregon Transcontinental . 8 > | Pacific Mall . 4ll Panama. . 107 Puoria , Deeaturfc Kvonav. . . 231 l3i ! Pittsburg & Cleveland . 141 141 Pullman Palace Oar . 120 i . . . Roadin ; ? . 632 Kock Island . 123 123 St. Louis & San Fron . 30 30 do pfd. . . . BOde do 1st pfd 92 St. Paul & Milwaukee . 102 J 10. } do pfd..im 1181 St. Paul , Minn. & Manitoba. 140 ] 1404 St. Paul & Omaha . 46fl 4o ! da pfd. . 1041 10i | Texas * Pacific . 398 40 Union Pacific . 94J 95j United States Express . 60 Wabaah , St. L. & Pacific . . . .1314 37 ] do pfd. 52 52 j Wells , Fargo & Co. Express. 122 Western , Union Telegraph ; . . 831 83J Oaribom . IS Central Arizona . 9 Excelsior . 1 Homestako . . ' . 15 Little Pittaburg . 1 Ontario . * 25 Quicksilver . 81 do pfd . 42 Boblnson . 1 BUverOlIff . 8 South Pacific Standard . ' . 5 Butro , . . . . . . 1 Offered. fEx Interest. JAiked. . dividend. PRODUCE & PROVISIONS apodal Dispatchea to Tui Bsi. CHICAGO. OraoAOo , February 10. Flour Quiet common to choice spring , 3 50@4 75 ; pat enta , 5 M7 25 ; winter , 4 (0(3 ( * 50 ; Mln nesota , 3 50@4 35 ; bakers' , 4 2535 00. Wheat Market irregular ; regular , 1 05 © 1 05J for February ; 1 OGJ@l 061 Io March ; 1 07J@1 071 ' " ' Aprilj 1 12Jt ( 1 121 for Mar ; No. 3 Chicago spring I Of 1 ; No. 3 Chicaeo spring , flic ; No. 2 rei winter , 1 071 ® 1072. Corn Unsettled and generally hlgbei 55i@552o for cash and February ; 5G@5GJ for March ; 56c for April ; 59a for May. Oata-Dull and lower ; 334o for cast 381ofor February ; 38 io for March ; 3 for April ; 40Jo for May ; lOlc for June. Ryo-Qulet at C4o. Barley Steidy at 85c. Flax Seed Lower at 1 27 on track. Dressed Hogs Steady ; light , 7 50i ( 7 60 ; heavy , 7 70fa)7 ) 75. Pork Demand active ; 18 00 bid , 18 0 asked for ciih and February ; 18 ( > 74@18 1 for March ; 18 SO for Aprilj 1845@IS4J for May ; 18 55@18 57i for June ; 18 65 ( 18 70 for -luly. Lard Demand active ; 1120@11 2'JJ fc cash and February ; 11 S0@ll 324 f ( March ; 1142i@1145 for April ; 11 55 { II 57J for May and June ; 11 67i@ll ( for July. Bulk Meats In fair demand ; shoulder S 90 ; ehort rib , 9 45 ; short cleur , 9 65. Butter-Steady ; creauiery,25@36cdair ; ; f * E g Firmer , Whisky-Steady ; 1 18. NIW TOBX. Nkw YOBK. FebruaryflO.- Flour Dul ufin andiwe tern . , ! 8-0@38 . I > * \J IW4A4- common to gnod extra , 3 854 BO good to clinic * , 4 < 50@7 00 } whit * wheat extra , 6 25(87 ( if" fxtra Olii" , 3 0057 00 St. Lou ! . 3 90@7 25 ; Mirneswta pateni proc < s , 5 G0@7 10. Wheat Ua h lots firm ; optloni op n : lJo blxher , but subsiquentlv lost the ad vanc ; closing steadier und l@4 ° above In side r t < v ; No. 2 iprln * nouilnal ; ungradtc red , 1 07W119 ; statmrr N.I. 3 r d , 1 10 steamer No. 3 red , 1 17 ; No. 2 rrd , 1 20@ Corn Oj h firm ; options opened J@J < higher ; i.mrkct cloeed with the Mvanc < p rtlalv ) lost ; ungraded , 68@74Jc ! No 2 7U@73\ Oati-DullandunettlaJ ; mixed western , 49(350 ( ; white do , 60633. Erfgs Froth wetteru Imlet but firm ; SI @ 33o. Pork Dull and nomlnalnew ; mev , 19 0) ) , Lard-Dull ! pilme steam , 11 42@11 45 , Butter Market quiet and firm foi choice. ST. LOOI3. ST. Louis. February 10. FJnur-Hlghdri family , 4 f > 0@4 CO ; choice , 5 005 10 ; farcy , 5 15@5 30. Whe t C * b lower ; slow and unsettled ] No. 2 rod , 109J@110 for cash ; I 10 for February ; 1 10il 11 for Mtroh ; 1 12J @ 1121 'or ' April : 1 13j@l 14 | ; ringing at 1 138 'or May ; No. 3 red tall , 1 05J. Corn Market nn'cttlo 1-and lower ; 51) ) for ci lij fillafiljo for Februai/i lc , clising Mfi2io fur March ; h > J fur April ; Mj5i5igc , tU fcing at 5llo for Alay. OjtHM rtet ! lower ; SSJ'asejc for cash ; ? 83c for Fobrtmv ; 392 for May. liye-Better ; Gljo 1)M ) Barley Steady ; C OlSOj. Corn Meal Firm ; 2'55. Butter Better ; cruarnery , 31@S8cdairy ; , 24 31o. 1 . ' . KikB Sharply lower ; 25o. WbUky-Steadv ; 114. Pork -Slow ; 18 25 for cash and Feb ruary ; 18 50 naked for March , L.rd Noulntl1100. ; Bulk Moils Him , but plow ; short rib , 9 20 ; short clear , 9 CO. Bacon-Steady ; Mot , 10 25 ® , 10 50. KANSAS C1TT. KANSAS CITY , Februiry 10. Wheat- Quiet ; No. 2 rod , 93. ; for ca h ; 931o for March ; 96o bid for May. Corn- Steady at 4J&4340 for cash ; 43Jo bid for March. Oats - Better ; 35o for cash. I Butter Steady ; dairy , 23g24c ( ; cream ery , S0@38o. . Eggs Weak ; SOo. LIVE ! BTOOK Special Dispatches to Tni Bsx. OHICAQO , CaiOAQO , February 10 The Drovers' ' carnal ren'rts as follows : Hogs -Without particular change ; de mand fair and quality good ; commosxUo oed mixed , 6 OJgO ( f > U ; heavy,6 50@7-loj ht , 6 OOfeG Go ; skips , 4 03@5 CO. Cattle Weak , except in butchers' ; rades ; dull and easier ; exports , fi'70Jr ) 5 ; good to cboico chlppin ) ; 5 0 @ 5 A0 | ommon to medium , 4 20@4 85 ; butcheri' 11 ! fiO@4 75 ; stackers nna feeders In good equest nud supply small ; values strung at 50c4 ( ; 65. Sheep Weak and dragging on butcher. Dg stock ; prime urn'tons ' lu good demand ; ommon to fair , 3 0034 CO ; medium t' < oid , 1 25@5 00 ; choica to extra , 5 25(3) ( ) 00. ST. LOOI3. ST. Lenis , February 10. Hogs Market tohdv ; Yorkers , G 4 i@C 00 ; packing , G 50 @G 75 ; butchers' , 0 7o@G 90. Cattle Su rca at 5 00(05 20. Sheep Scarce with only u retail trade. KANSAS 01TT. KANSAS CITY , February 10. The Live tuck Indicator repo/ts : Cattle Lower nnd weak ; native Rtcerp , 70@5 25 ; etockers and feeders , 4 00 ® CO ; COWB , 2 80@3 75. Hogs Lower and slow ; G 15@G 05 ; bulk f BAles at G 31@G 50. Sheep Nominally unchanged. TRAFFIC. pedal Dlrpatchea to Tni Bii. I-LOUB AND OBAINB OBIOAQO , February 10. Receipts and iiipments of flour and grain for the past 4 hours have been as follows : ReceiDta. Bhlp'U , Flour bbls 8.000 Wheat bushel 7 000 8.00C Corn " 68.000 2.00C Oats " 32000 Rye " 5,000 Barley- " 23,000 4.00C NEW Yon , Fobroiry 10. Receipts and hipnlents of flour and grain for the past i hours have been as follows : Receipts Sbp'ts , "lour bills . . . . Vhoat bushels 30,500 1C , ( XX Corn- " 41,800 45.00C Oats " 9,800 KANBAB CITY , February 10. Roceiptt tid itblpmenta of grain foi the past 24 loura have.been oa follows : 7 Reo'ts. Shlp'ts Vheat , bushels 8.0CO 17,000 Cora " 32,000 25,00 ( LIVa BTOOK , CHICAGO , February 10. Receipts one hlpmenta of live stock for the past 2- lours have boon 00 follows : Reo'ts. Shlpm'tB Hogs 13000 Cattle 3,890 Sheep 1,500 ST. LOUIB , February 10. Receipts anc hlpments of live stock foi the past & lours have boon as follows : Beo'ta. Bhlpm'ts Hogs Cattle 606 401 Sheep..i 800 1W KANSAS CITY. February 10. Receipt and shipments "of live stock for the pant 2- loon have been M follows : . Reo'ts. Bhlpm'ts Hogi BRO 3attle. 508 3heop. , , OMAHA Wholecaln Prloo * . Omoc o ? Tnz OMAHA BKB , I Saturday Evening , February 10. J The wholesale trade of the city cotinuc only moderate. No new features of in lortanoe were dereloped daring the woel The weather Is moderating , which w ! lave a tendency to Increase business I some lines , The grocerytrade shows signs of ( n provnment , and dealers look for Increase aotlrlty soon , In dried fruit's there was fair movement at firm prices ; the deman For fish Is Increasing as the Lenten seaio approaches and prices Advancing. There was an active demand for pou try , consignments selling on arrival i quotations , Kgpa were firm and Ireah lots toare jobbing at 30 < j per dozen , Butter it coming in freely ; demandllgl and prices declining , There ia a steady demand for beans i (2 75 per bushel. Tbeie was a good Inquiry for potato in car lots for southern trade , and liber movement at CO@G5o per bushel , Parsnipj , carrots and beets are in lar | supply , but very little demand. Oranges are arriving freely , thou ) slow sale. Lemons are dull. Apples are moving freely , Onions are a slow sale at quotations. The oyster trade was cut off this we through the Irregularity of the trains , e easioned by eastern floods. flour was fairly active , eipei dlr In I be < t grade * , and prlcsi firm ) other rail ) , t'.uffi are io rce and prices advauolng. Cider Is scarce anil In demand. Tha movement in cut meats and lard was repotttd fairly active and firm at tail week's advance. The total receipt ot hogs during the week was 145 cart , packers piying 13 2J for good. There wan continued quiet In. dry goodr , Hoots and ihoei , clothing nnd millinery , though jobbers are anticipating an at live spring trade and are makbig preparations for the same. The only changes reported in the market to-day are as follows : Carbon oil advanced 1@1 cents per pallon , ' Dro. ! od poultry advanced 3 cents per pound. Local Ornln Dealings. WnEAT.-Canh No. 2 , 88s ; caah No 3 , 7' Jcj rejected , f > 3Jo. UARLE Y. Gash No. 2 , T3c ; No. S Uc. Uc.KYKCash KYK-Cash , 62o. NEW MIXED CORN-390. OATvS-35o. BEEDS-Flax noeJ 93o per bn. reduce and Provision * POTATOES nofftCOc V bushel. ONlON8-60@65u per bushel. BUTTBK 'Uhotort conntrr. ICasOa. KGOS-25opIoklod ; froab , 28@30o. HONEY Callturjia. per Io. Jt. APPLES Per barrel , 3 00 3 25. OYSI'KRS Booth's and Plait's select oysterx , 40o M n Ian ) , SO ; medluuis , 25 , FLORIDA. ORANGE6-$5 50. LEMONS $4 ! iG 4 PO txir box. BKAW Navy per bushel , 2 75@3 00. CHlOKENS-l'icporlb. TURKEYd-16@18o per pound. Oroceru Liiat CANNED OOOUH Oystera , 2 lb Field's ) , per case , ? 00 ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) , oor case , 8 76 ; do 216 ( Standard ) , per case , 390 ; strawberries , i ! Ib , per case , 240 , raspberries , 2 Ib , per CAHO , 3 60. Dam- < ona , 2 It > , per oaee , 2 45 , Bartlett l > ears per case , 2 40. Whortleberries per case , 275. Egg plunia,2 Ib percuio , ? 00 ; Qrcen gagoa,2 Ib per case , 2 00 ; du choice , , ft per caao t 50. Pine Apples , 2 tb , per case t 005 75. Penchos , 2 Ib per case , B 00 ; do 3 Ib , case , 4 00@4 50 ; do , ( pie ) , B lb , per oso,2 30 : do pie. 6 R > , per dotoo , 3 80. PL'UR Jobbing prices , ' Jack Frost St * . Louis winter ) 83 90 per 100 Ibs. ; To. peka Patent Kansas , $3.85i Mlnnohaba Minnesota Patent. $3.70 ; Shawnee fancy winter , $3.10 ; Eagle , XXXX Winter , 83JOO ; Triumph spring , boat , $2.80 ; Chris- lion's superlative , 3.65 ; bran , per ton , 14.00 ; chopped feed. < 28.00 ; Queen .Bee flour , per sack , 8 ! (5 ; Nellla blye , per sank 29Q.a . a CJGAR3 Powdered , 10c : Cut loaf , lOc ; Granulated. 9&c ; Confectioners' A , 9c ; Standard Extra C , 8c ; Extra 0 , 8c ; medium yellow , 7jc ; dark yellow , 7lc , SYRUP tandara Uom. , PG % bbl . ; Standard do , 4) gallon keps , $1 90 ; Stall * dard 'do , 4 gallon kegv , ? 1 75 , MEATS-Hams per lb. , 12fcc ; Bbacon per lb. , 18c ; clear side bicon per lb . llo ; dry salt tides per lh , , 9Jc ; dry salt fhoul- ders per lb , 9w ; bacon ebjuldera per lb. , sic ; tlerco liud per lb , ; lie. SPICKS.-Popper , VI ; Allyiloe , 183 ; Clnves , 35c ; Nutmeg , 81 OJ ; Caasia.Uic ; Mace 1 00. L \RD OmahaRe6ninintCo. : Tierces , 12 < ; 40 and 50-lb cam , 19Jo ; 20-lb cans , 12lo ; 10-lb pallg , acrow top , l'23o ; ' 5-lb do , l'4c ; 3 It. do. 123o. ItlUE Louisiana prime to choice , BJ ® 7o : fair , 6ia7c ; Patma , GJc. FISH No. 1 mackerel , half brls , 0 75 ; No. 1 nihckerol , kits , 1 00 ; family mack- otel , half brls , 4 75 ; family mackerel , .kits , S5c ; No. 1 white fish , half brla , G 00 ; No. 1 UOKKl''E. Rio , tair. lOJaj Hio. good lie ; jnit : s to choice , 11 i to 12c ; Old gov't Java ) 26iai3ic,2 Mocha , 28is ; Arbnokle'a , 13io.UHEEiB UHEEiB Fnll Cream , 14cj Part jkim. lOio , LYE American , S 35 ; Greenwich , 3 40 ; Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 00 ; Lewis' ' lye. 4 60 ; Jewell lye ; 2 76. FEED Jobbing prices , Chop feed $1.50 per 100 Ibs. ; chop corn , 8L40 ; bran , 70c per 100 Ibs. HOMINY New , $4 25 per bbl. SOD A In lb papers , 83.20 per cane ; keg soda , 21c. NEW PICKLES Medium , In barrels $700 ; do in half bbls , 4 00 ; smalls , In bbU 900 do , in half bHo , 5 00 ; gherkins , In bbb , 11 00 ; do , In half bbls , 6 00. 8TARUH. Pearl , 4Jc ; Silver Gloss \ < " n * r starch , 8Jo ; ExcelslotQloss , 1 i Com , 7Jo. I'KAo .ounpowder , good , 43@B5 ; Ohclco , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 4015c ; " "Voice , 60@76c ; Young Hyson , good , 86 ® 53c ; choice , G5c@5100 ; Japan Nat Leaf , S5t : Japan , choice , 60@75c ; Oolong , gotxl , 3i@40 ; Oolong , cho.oe , 40@.65 ; Bonchong , jnod. H.-10oj choice , S5@45o , ROPE Sisal. 4 Inch and larger , lOJc ; i Inch , lit ; i inch , lljc. WOODEN WAKE Two hoop pall ? , 1 75 three Loop palls , 3 00 , Tnbs , No , 1 , 8 50 ; Pioneer washboardp , 1 85 Uocble C > z wn290 ; Well buckets , 860. LEAD Bar , 81 65. VINEGAR Pnro pple extra , lOc ; pura miple , 13c ; Prawlnz cure aoole , IGo , SALT. Dr y loads , per bbl , 1 65 ; Aab' ton , in sac ks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , Be , 8 5 ( SOAPS Klrk'a Savoa Imperial , 3 45j Kirk's satlnot , 3 60 ; Kirk's standard. 3 76 ; KirW white Russian , 525 : KIrk't Entoca , 215 Kirk's Prairie Queen , 100 ekes ) , 40 ; Kirk'a magnolia doz. , POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 oane , n case , 3 35 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 90 : Anchor Ball 2 doc In case 1 50. PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten. iessoo , lOoper lb ; fancy white , lOJo perlb raw white Virginia raw , lOoj roasted ' o. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibslfls. lofoj 8s , ojo ; bczes 40 Ibs. , 16 oc. , 6s , IBJo. MATCHE& Per caddie , 95o ( round case * , 98 10 | square , eaoei , 5 40. , Dry Qoodt. BROWN COTTONS Atlantic A , 8Jc Appleton XX , 7cj Atlanta A , 8cj Boot1 FF , 8jcj Buckeye LL , 4-4 , 7o ; Cabot W 7tc ; ChlttonwiKO A , ejc ; Great Fall * E "T ; HocMer , 6Jc ; Honest Width , SJo'/In n Head A. 8Jc ; Indian Standard A 89c ; Indian Orchard d. w. , 8io ; Lawrenci LL , 7c ; Mystio River , 71o ; Poqubt A , 8Jc Shawmut LL , 7e : Utlca O , Bioj WachuH ett B , 7ic ; do A , BJc ; do K 48,12Joj Wnl cott BB. 8io. FINE BROWN COTTONS Allendal .4i 71o ; Alligator 8-4 , So ; Argyle 4-4 , 7 c Atlantlo LL , GJcj Badger State X 4-4 , 7c Bennmgton 0 4-4,6Jc ; Buckeye 8.4-4 , OJc Indian Orchard AA 9-fl. 8Jc : Laconla ( 39 , 80 ; Lehlgh E 4-4 , 8Jcj Lonsdale 4-4 lOc ; PeppereU N SO , 7c : do O 82 , 71o ; do I 30 , 7 o ; do E 39 , 8ioj Pooawot 0 4-4 , 7 c Wamsutta4.4 13o BLEACHED COTTONB-AndroKo , gin L 4-4,9icBlackstoneAA ; Imperial 8Jfc do do half bleached 4-1 , Oc ; Cabot 4-4,89 Fidelity 1-4 , 9icVrult ; of the Loom. 91 ; d can.brlc4 ,12jcdoWaterTwlst,10JoGrea Falls Q , 94o ; Indian Head shrunk 4-4 , 12c Lonadale. lOo ; do cambrlo 87 , 1'Jlo ; Ne\ York Mil ! ? , 12jo ; Pequot A,10c ; Pepperel N a Twills , lajc : Pooahontai 4-4 , 9Jc Pooasset 4-4 , Sic ; Utlca , lie ; Wamanlt O X X. 12JO. DUCKS Colored ) Albany U brown 80 ; do O , drab , llcj do XX ctrinos an plaids , 12ic ; do XXX brown nnd drat stripes and plaids , 12ic ; Arlington fancj 19c ; Brunswick brown , 8Jc ; Chariot fancj 12io ; do extra heavy , 20o ; Fall Rive brown , extra heavy , Hie ; Indiana t brown IHnt Neoonset A brown. 15o TlOKliNUB AmoaUeag A U A S 19c ; do XX blue 82 , 18ic ; Arrowann : Olc ; Claremont B B , 15ic : Conestoga e ; tra , 17ic : Hamilton D , llio Lowuton , SO , 15c ; Alinnehaha 4-4 , 20c ; Omega turn extra 4-1 28c ; Pearl River 32 , IGjo ; Pu nain XX blue stripe , 12o ; Shotncket lOJc ; do 83 12c : Yeoman's blue 29 , DENIMS , Amoskeak , blneand bron IGJcj Andover DD blue , 16Jc ; Arllng : blue Scotch , 18ic ; Concord 000 , blue ft brown , 12io ; do AAA , do do 13J ; do XXI do do 140 llaymaker'a blue and browi 9tc ; Mystic River DD stripe , 16Jo | Pea River , blue and brown , IGoj Unoatvlll blue and brown , 14 Jr. CAMBRICS Barnard , tie ] Eddyitoi lining. 24 Inch double fftoe , SJoj Garner . glaced , rioi.Ui > nh ltn glov * finish , 6 ] Newport do Oo { do glazed , 6 c | Poqnot do oot Lockwood kid finish 60. CORSET JKAN8 Amory , Bet Andros coggln satteen 8Joj Clarendcn , Gjc ; Cones o tea sattcens , 7Jc ; Hallowel , 8c ; InidI Orchard 7Joi Narrig n ottlmprovedo Punperlll sattoen 9Jo ! Rockport , 7Jc. PRINTS Aliens , 6Joi American , GAc ) Arnold , 7c ; Berwick , 4 cj Cocheco , ? c ; Oonontoga. 6Jc ; Dunkirk , | Dunnoll , GJ@7cj Eddystone. 7oj Qlbucoster , Go ; Harmony , BJc ; Knickerbocker , 6Jo ; Mer ri ac D , 7c ; Mystic , 5io ; Spraruei , ugj ) Southbrldgo , 6c | do. Ginghams , 7o : Marl , bom. 63c { Oriental 60. GINGHAMS Amnskoag , 12Jc | Amos , keag drcus 9Jt Areylei lOict Atlantic , 9c ) Cumberland , 74c > Highland , 7Jc ) Kcnllwortb , 8Jo ; Finn kott , lOJcj Bus 881. 80. GOTTONADES Abbervllle ISJo Agate , 20cj American , Hot Artlstan , 20o ; Cairo D and T , 13Jo ; Clarion D and T , I7jo } Deocan Oo.stripeaDandT.16c ; Key. stone , ISJc ; Nnntucket , 19c ; Nonpareil , IGo ; Ocean D and T. ISjoi Royal , lGi > SUMOX , 12c ; Tloga.l2ic ; wachufott shirt- ln < { jhookn. 12Jo ; do , Nankin , lajo ; York. Dlalb NAnkln. 12k ; do , checks , stripes and f * ncy , 12 o ; do , 8 01 20o. SHEETINOS-Androsoogcln 10-4,27 0 ! do 9.4 , 23c ; do 8-4 , 22c ; Continental O 12 , llo , Fruit of the Loom 10-4 , 27i ; Now York mills98 , 85c ; do 78 , SOc ; do AS. 2 % , P mbrko ; 10-4 , , 25c ; Pajuot IP-4 , 2S4o , do 74 , lo ! ) do 9 , 16c ; Pcppercll { 90.J9o do G7. 21odo ; 67 , 18o ; Ut ca 9G , 36o ; do 63 , 'J2Jo ; do 48.17cr PalnU Oil * and Varnishes OILS 110' carbon , per gallon , 13o ; 150 * headlight , per gallon , 15o : 17fi * headlight , per gallon , 21c ; 150' Water White , 20o ; linft-o-I , raw , per pallon , ! > 3 ; llnoood , IxtUo'l , per gallon , fGo ; lard , whiter sti'ii , pornol , Ion , 1 00 ; No. 1 , 8T)0 | No. 2 , 7f o ; c. tor , XXX. ppr gallon , 1 26 ; No. 8 , 1 20 ; sweet , tier gallon. 85o ; sperm , W , B. , per gallon- 1 76 ; fish , W. B. , per gallon,60c ; neatsfoot , extra , per gallon , 75o ; No. 1 , 65o ; lubri cating , zero , per gallon , SOo ; Rummer , llio , golden machine , No. ] , per gallon , 35o ; No. 2 , SO : spenn , signal , per gallon , EOcs tnr- pentiuo , per gallon , 65c ) napthn , 74 , per gallon , 18o ; 6417o PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. . G Jo ; white lead , St. Louts , pure , Ggo ; Marseilles , green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c French zinc , gioen aoal. 12oj French zinc , red seal , llo ; French zino , in varnich oust , 20o ; Frouch zincr , lu oil abst 15c ; Raw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12o : raw and burnt Siqnua , 13o : Vandyke brown , w refined lanlpblack. 12o : coach black and Ivory black , IGo ; drop bla < k , 16o ; Prnioian blue , SOc ; nltramarluo blue , 18c ; ohn-me green , L. M , & D. , Hcjblind and shutter uroen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18o ; Indian red , IBo : Venetian red. 9c ; Tuscan tire , 22o ; American Vormlltod , LAP. , 18c ; lihromo yellow , L. , M , , O. & D 0. , ISo ; yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , Ifi ; patent Irycr , 80 ; graining colon t light oak , dark DDS. walnut , chestnut nni ) ash 15o. Dry ° alntt White lead , 74c ; French ilno. lOci Par vvhitoing 2ic ; whiting gilders , IJc ; biting coin'l , lie ; lampbl&ok Gorman , 14o If ropblack ordinary lOc Pru town , A.iUf ti iU JUi\ > , viuunjT , .ivrvf A 4110 * AD nine , D5c ; ultramarine , 18o ; vaudyke ( own , 8c ; umber , burnt , 4 : ; umber , raw cslenna ; , burn t , 4c ; donna , raw , 4c 'aria green genuine , 25c ; Paris green com' 20c ; chroma green , N. Y,1 20o ; clirom green K. , 12o ; vorniilllon , Eng , , 70c ; vcr million , America , 18o ; Indlau rod , 10o mo piutt , 14c ; Venetian rood , Cokcnoeo | o : Venetian rod Am. , lie ; rod load , 7Jc ; iromo yellow , genuine , 20o brome yel- uw , 1C. , 1-c ; ochre , rochelle 3c ; ochre Tench. 22c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Viuto a mineral. 2Jc ; lebJgb brown. Z\c : mnith brown , 24c. 1'rlnco's mineral Sa , VARNISHES Barrola per frallon. ' \imlture , extra , SI 10 : furniture , No. ] , 1 ; oonch , extra , Jl 10 ; ouch , No , 1 , 1 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 76 ] npnn , 70oa8- ; haltum , extra , 85o ; ( holla 83 00 } b rd 11 finish. 81 80. riecvy Hardware List. Iron , rates , 8310 ; plow nteel , special cant , 7c ; crucible , 8c ; Bpeoial or GormanGo ; Ant tool do. 16@20 wogon spokes , set , 26@3 00 ; hubs , per sot , 126 ; felloes , sawed ry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 70@85c ; axles , act , 76c ; square nuts , per 0 > , 7@llo ; washers , per lb. 818o : rlvote , nor lb , lie ] coil chain , per lb , 6@12c ; malleable , So ; ron wedges , Go ; crowbars , 6c ; harrow eelh , 4o ; horecahoeu , par keg , 6 00 ; upline beel. 7@8c ; Burden * * horaeahoes , 6 BO Jurdon'B muleshoes , 0 60 SHOT. Shot , 91.85 ; Buck ebot , $2.10 , ) rlental Powder , kegs , 00.40 : do , , hal : egs , 83.48 ; do. , quarter kngs , $1.88 ; Blast big , ketfB , 83.85 : Fuse , ner 100 feet fiOo. BARBED WIRE In car lots , 8 25(2 ( 25 per 100 ; in Ices than car lota , 8 76 @ 75 oat 100. NAIL8 Rates. 10 to GOtf , 425. Hide * hare. Cite. HIDES trrecn butcher's bide , C@7i ( cured 7J@8o ; bides , preen salt , pnri cured icUidce,7ic ; dry flint , sound , 13@14c ; drj oalf and kip , 12@14c ; dry Bait hdes , sound , 0@llo ; green calf , wt. 8 to 16 tta , . ll@12o ; pram calf , wt , under 8 tts , per skin , COoi rent ! twite , 50@1 25 ; green Inmb cklnu , 1 25@1BOtnagod hides , two-third rate , > ut scored and one grub , claimed two- Urdu rnto , ) branded bides 10 per cent , ofl Ccou nkine , No. 1 , 46o ; No. 2 , 30o ; No. 1 OM No. 4 , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 30o ; No. 5 15s ; No. 8 , l ! > o ; No. 4 , 5o. Ifox , No.lfc , Oaj No. 2 , 2Co. Skunk , No. 1 , b25c | ifio ; short ttrlpe , 40oj narrow strlpeo broad Btripe , 10c. Tallow 7c. Lentner Oak sole , S8o to 42c ; hemlock no ! * , 23o tc > 5o ; hemlock kip , 60c to 100 ; runner , ifto to 80c ; hemlock calf , 860 to 120 ; henv one upper , 2Sa to 26o ; oak upper , 2Io ; alligator , 4 00 to 6 60 ; calf kid , 82@35c ] Grebon kid , 2 60 to a 76 ; oak kip , SOo tc IT * oak calf. 120 to 1801 French kip , 110 to . " French calf , 1 26 to 2 00 : rua Botta. 6 60 to 7 60 ; linings , 6 00 to 10 50 loppings , 0 00 to 10 60 ; B. L. Morocco , 80 < o 35c ; pebble 0 , D. Morocco , 35c | slmon 2 M ) to 3 00. HARNESS No 1 star oak , 42c | No J do , 39c ; Nil. 1 Ohio oak , S8o ; No. 2 do S5oj No. 1 Milwaukee , S7e ; No. 3 do S4o Lumtxr. WHOtlBAlt We quote lumber , latn and shingles on cnrs at Omaha at the following priceai JOIST AND BOANTLING-IG ft. am under , 822 00 ; 18 ft. , 823 60. TIMBERS 10 ft. and under , 622 00. -TIMBER AND JOIST 18 ft. , C23 60 20 ft , 92 ! ) 50i 22 ft. , 826 60 ; 24 ft. 820 60 FENCING-NO , i , 4 and e in. , 224 00 No. 2 , 822 00. SHEETING. No. 1 (2nd ( eemmoi boards ) . 820 00 ; No. 3 , 818 00. LIME For barrel , 91 35 ; bulk per our 40c ; Cement , bbl , 82 25 Iowa planter bbl , 82 60. Hair per bn , 4c. ( ) Tarra felt 100 Ibs , (3 60 , Straw board , gS 60. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 Morris Run Blossbnrg , * 12 ; Whltebrcw lump , 86 60 ; Whltebreast net , $ S 60 ; low lump , (5 60 ; Iowa nut 85 50 ; Rock Bprlng 88 ; Anthracite , 811 6012 00 ; Coloradc 800. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS.- Ourhollc , 60c ; Add , Tartorlo , 660 ; Balxai Oopabia , per lb , 70o ; Bark , Baes&Iras , pe lb , 14 i Calomel , per lb , 76c ; Clnchonldii per oz , f 116 ; Chloroform , per lb. 10 ( Dover'a powderj , per lb , Cl 40 | Kpsoi 3alts , per lb , Sic : Glycerine , pure , pe t b 31c ; Load , Acetate , per lb , 22 Oil , Castor , No. 1 , per ( jftl. > 1 Oil , Oaator , No. 8 , per gal , 8116 , Oil Oltte , per RO ! . SI 50 ; Oil , Origanum , W Opium , 84 76 ; Quinine 1 , It W. fi K. & 8 per oz , 81 85 ; Potassium , Iodide , per 1 0175 ; Saltcin , per oz. 40o : Sulphate Morphine , far oz , 03 85 ; Sulpnur Hot per ib , 4c ; Btrvchnino. ner oz , 21 45 , Liquors. ALCOHOL Ik8 proof. 1 25 per wit gallon ; extra California eplrltx. 187 proo 1 25 per proof gallon ; triple relined dpirlt 187 proof , 123 per proof i < allouj re-dlstlllc wblBkiea , 1 001 6U ; fine blended , 1 60 ( 2 60 ; Kentucky bourbons , 20007 00 ; Kei tuoky and Pennsylvania ryes , 2 00 ® 7 0 ( BUANDIKS-Importcd , (8 00(3100 ( domcctlo 1 40@i 00 , GINS Imported , 4 60(26 ( 00 ; domeitl 1 408 00. HiltUMS-Imported , 4 606 00 ; Ne England. 2 00(84 ( 00 ; dome tlo. 1 60O31 PEAOII AND APPLE IlBANDY. 1 764 00. ' OilAMPAGNES Imported per cas S3009i OjAmitlwa , MM , 1200 1000 , ' OIiARETS 'er QMroO 1600 WINES Rh na wine , per ewe , 0 OOfl 2 00 ; OftUvK per oiwie , 4 00&7 00 , Oicar * And IODCOO . FINK OUT In Mill , lUrd to Be tl 76o ; Golden ITiread , 70o ; JfounUln , 80o , Favorite , 65c ; Rocky MounUln , GOoi Fancy , 65c ; Daisy , Me. In tin foll- Catllns O. 8. , 6 lb boicw , per lb 63o | Lori- lwd's 'nger. OOc ; Diamond Crown , 660. SMOKING All grade * Common , 26 to 33c. GranulatBd BlackwelU Durham , 16 ot Me ; Dukes Durham , 16 ot , 46c ; 8eal of North Carolina , 10 oz , 40 ; Seal of Nehru. ka , 16 or , 88o > Lone Jack. 4 or , linen b f ( < b , 81.85 ; Marburgi'Fnok 3 CJ , tin oil , 65o ; DOR T nil 66c. Wool. . Merino nnwas ed , light. 1416o ; heavy.e , @ 18I5c | mtdlnm nnwMhed , light , 18(220 ( wanhed , choice , 82ci fair , 80o ; tub-dins ! and w. , 28o ; burry , mackand oottod wool 2@Co leu Hone * and Mul . The market is brisk and all grades arc Rolling well nt ( light advanoe In ntlova , The demand for good horses exceeds the supply considerably , Prices range as fol lows : Fine single driven , 8160. to 800. ) Kxtin draft horses , 8176. to 226. ; Common dn\t hones , 8100 , to 150. ; Vxtrn faim hon K , 5110. to 125. ; Common io good farm horses (90. to 8100. ; Extra plugn , 8CO. to 76. ) Common i > lugs , 820. to 840. MULKB. 15 to IfiJ hands ( extra ) , yi2T > . tolfiO. ; 141 to 16 binds , 8100. to 140. ) 14 to 14 } hands , 875. to 100. ) 131 to H hands , 660. to 7H. _ mEMB'EfTHfS. _ If you ro alck Hop Bit tors will surely aid Nature I" making yon wol ) when nil olao fails. If you nro costive or dyapoptlo , or ivro aufTnrliig from any of tlio nunior- oua disoaaoa of the etoninoh or bowuln , it ia your own fault if you remain ill , for llop Biltora are a novorolgn remedy in nil suoh complaints. \l you nro wasting away ) with any form of Kidney disease , atop tempting Death this moment , and turn for a euro to llop Bitters. If you are sick with that terrible oinkncaa Nervousness , you will find A "Balm in Gilead" hi the USD of llop Bitten. If you are a frequenter or a rest' dnut of a miaamatlo district , barricade your system against the scourge of all countries malaria , epidemic , bilious and intermittent fevers by the use of Hop Bitters. If you have rough , pjtnplo or sal low akin , bad breath , pains and aches , and fool miserable generally , Hop Bitters will give yon fair akin , rich blood , and , a wootont breath , health and comfort. In ahort they cure all diseases of the atomoh , Bowels , Blood , Liver , Nerves , Kidneys , Bright's Disease. $50 ( ) will bo paid for a case they wil not cure or help. That poor , bedridden , invalid wife , sister mother , or daughter , can bo made the picture of health , by a few bottles of Hop Bitters , costing but n trifle. Will you lot thorn suffer ? GOLD ROPE. The Intrinsic me tit and superior quality of cm Qold Hope Tobacco has Induced other mnnnfac tureri to put upon the market oed * similar tc our biandln name and style which are offered und told for loss motoy than the genuine Qold Hope. Wo caution the t ado and consumer to set that our name and trade mark are upon cad lump. The only genuine and original Qold Ropi Tobacco Is manufactured by TH1C WILSON & MoNALLY TO BAOOO OOMPANY. INCREASE YO0R CAPITAL. Those desiring to make money small and medium Investment ! I grain , provisions and stock specula tlons , can do so by operating on on : plan. From Hay 1.1881 , to the pie WHEAT ion * datoon Investment * of 110,01 to 1,000 , cash proHts have b i rail zed aud paid to Invetion fieri araa unilngtosereral times thsorlg 9)011 Inal Investment. Fronts p Jd 1st < avery month , still leav1 Dg the original luvoatment inak.Dtf monej , or payable on demand. Kiplansto ry circulars and statements of fund W sent free We want reiponslbli agentf. who wll report on crops and $100 introduce the plan. Liberal com * missions paid. AddreH FLKMMINO & VK1IHIAU , Ocm- mission Ikorcliantt. IJalnr Block. , CUlcigo , 111. Nebraska Loan & Trust Companj HASTINOS , NED. Capital Stock , - - $100,000 JAfl.n. IIKAHTWELI , , President. A. L. CLA11KK , Vico-lVosldenl. K. 0. WtUaTEU , TreasurcrJ j DinGCTORS. Samuel Alexander Oswald Ollrrr , A. L. Clarke , B. 0. Webster' Goo. II 1'ratt , Jaa. D. Heartwell , D. U.lIcEllIlnney. First Mortgage Loans a Speoialtj IhlsOoopany farntihei a permanent , horn Institution where School Doi a&nd other legal ! ; Issued Municipal socurltli > > o I Nebraska can b io aegotlatou on the mi 11 avorablo terms Loans made on Improved I. n | n all well settlei counties of the itaM , thii , i k i ponilblJloci oorreapondent * . THE SHORT LINE -OFTITB- lilwankee & St , Pan RAILWAY s DOW rmaaUg Its FAST BXFIIESS TRAM from OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFF -WITII- Piillman's Magnlflcont Sleeper -AND THB- Fineat Dining Oars in the Work IF YOU ARE GOING EAS' TO CHICAGO' MILWAUKEE. Or to anv point be ) and ; or ] IF YOU ARE GOING NORT ! To ST. PAUL OR MINNEAPOLIS Take the UKST UUUTB , the Chicago , aiilwaukoo&St.PaulR' ; Ticket office located at corner Farnam ai Fourteenth ttroeU and at 1) ) . 1' . Depot and Ulllaid Hotel , Omaha. larSee Time Table In another column. F. A. NASH , General Aeent. 0. II. FOOTB , Ticket Agent , Omaha. 8. B. UEIUMLL , A , V. II. OAKl'KNTKIt , General Uanagtr. General Pau.Agei i.t. ouAiiK , , OEO , u. iieArronu , 8up't. AM' | Ota. Fad. A ( l HENRY LEHMANN , JOBBER OF AND WINDOW SHADES 'EASTERN ' PRICES DUPLICATED. 118 FARNAM ST. - - OM.AHA J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DKALKB IN 11 Lath , Shingles , Pickets , 1A8H , DOORS , BLINDS , ftMDIHaS , UM , GEWIEH iltrBTATK AOKNf FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT OOUPANT1 Kenr Union Pacifa Bonnt. OMAHA NB MORGAN & CHAPMAN , WHOLESALE 1213 Farnam St. . Omaha , HAS THE BEST STOOK IN OMAHA AND MAKES THE LOWEST PRIDES IMPORTANT IMPROVEMENTS Have now-been finished in our store , mak ing it the largest and most complete FURN ITU RE'H OU3t In the West. , An additional story has been built and the five floors all connected : with two HYDRAULIC ELEVATORS < , Ono Exclusively ior the me of Passengers , These immense warerooms - roomsthroo stores , are 66 leet wide--are filled with the Grand est display of all kinds of Household and Oflioo Furniture evai shown. All are k invited to call , take the Elevator on the first floor and go through the building atutimnoot the stook. CHAS. SHIVERIGK , 1206 , 1208 , and 1210 Farnam Street , Omaha Single Brooch Loading Shot Guns , from 85 to 818. ' Double Brooch Loading Shot Guns , from $18 to $75 , Muzzle Loading Shot Gnus , From $8 to $25R Finning Tackei , Base Balls and all kinds of Fanoy Full Stock of Show Oases Always on hand,1 Imported and Key West Cigars a large line of Meerschaum and Wood Pipes and everything re quired in a first-class Cigar , Tobacco and Notion Store , Cigars from $15 per 1,000 upwards , Sender or Price List and Samples. WILLIAM SNYDER , HANUFACTUKKH OF ? CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , Firs-OlasB Paining and Trimming , Repairing Promptly Dona 1319 HaniaT/Cor. 14th , O ) i ( DIRECTORY OF LEAOIHC WtSTfcR N HOTEL HOTELS ARUNQTON. WEATHERLY HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , BARATOOA HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL. ' HALL HOUSE , OITY HOTEL , COMMERCIAL NOTE. , QRAND CENTRAL MISSOURI PACIFIC HOTEL , OOMMEROIAL HOUSE' QREENWOOO HOUSE , OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , END'S HOTEL , EXCHANGE HOTEL , METROPOLITAN HOTEL , MORGAN HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , HOUSTON HOUSE , REYNOLDS HOUSE , WALKER HOUSE , OOMMEROIAL HOTEL , OITY HOTEL , PARK HOUSE , NEBRASKA HOTEL , MERCHANTS HOI EL COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARKS HOTEL , OOMMERO AL HOTEL , UACNELL HOUSE , OOMMEROIAL HOUSE , JUDKINSHOU8E , BALL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE WOODS HOUSE , DOUQLA8 HOUSE , BEDFORD HOUSE ARLINGTON HOUSE , NORFOLK JUNOTIONHOUS ! WINSLOW HOUSE AURORA HOUSE OROZIER HOUSE AVOOA EATING HOUSE CENTRAL HOUSE FOSTER HOUSE VHITNEY HOUSE ] DEPOT HOTEL , LU8K HOUSE. DOW CITY HOUSE , AQQER HOUSE , HA.RMON UOUBB , PROPRIETORS J. 0 , MclNTIRE , A. atWEATHERLY , O. O. REYNOLDS , J , 8. 8TELLINIU8 E. MANS , JOHN HANNAH A/W.iHALL OHENEY A3OLARK , J. G.I.MEAD , j P. L. THORP , A. O. OAARPER , W. MAYplELD , E. STOREY. E. L. ENO , O. B , HACKNEY , FRANK LOVELL , E. L. QRUDD , SWAN & BEOKER QEO. OALPH , O. M. REYNOLDS , D. H. WALKEP , 8. BURQESS , Dl A. LLIAM8 , MRS. M. E. OUMMINCUT , J.U | AVERY , , BURK. l > . M. PARK , HENRY WILLS , OHA8. BAGNELL , WM. LUTTON , FRANK WU.KIN30N , H. H , PERRY , D , F.8TEARHS , JOHN EOKERT , J. 8. DUNHAM , J. T. Q BEEN , d. M. BLACK & SON , A. T. POTTER , a. MCCARTY , M. B. JONES. O. R. OROZIER , D. W. nOOKriOLD. Towm Llnte'n , Nebf Manrlng , ( owe. | Coon Rapldt , owa. , Mllford , Neb ! BROWNSVILLE Nb Btromtburc N Louisville J Blair , No . ] Nollgh , Netx Nabrmka Olty,9 < b WoaplngWftUr.N Hardy , Neb. Qre nwood , N l | OUrlnda , Iowa Eremont , Nob' Ashland , Neb Atkinson , N b Quldo Recd , N , Orciton , la , Exlra , la. Atlantic , la , Audubon , la. Neola , l 1 Harlan la , Oornlnc , la. Btanton , Burllncten Junction If Dlanchard , la. , Shenandoah la , Dayld City , Neb College Bprlnas , Id Vllllsca , la. Malvern , la , Ida Qrovo.lta Odcbolt , la > Otceola , Neb , Olarks , Neb. Bedford la , Narjivllle Mo Norfolk Junction Kid Saward , Nab. Aurgar Neb , Sidney , Neb , Avoca la. LOOKWOOD & 8HATTUOK. Red Oak Oapt JOHN FOSTER , Lewis , la. E. HAYMAKER , Qrlswold , la. O. L. CHAPMAN , Dunlap , laj a J A. LU8K , Logan , la. W. H. MORTON , Dow OUa.II ' 3 JAQQRR& SON , , Danlion , IB , „ „ ' " TAMA OITY , I A. , Hftrmon-ft Kwdei , Prop ,