Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1883, Image 1

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Present and Prospeo'lvj Oohfll-
tion of the State Treasury *
A Warning to Law Mnkera to
Go 6low in Helping
Up Expenses ,
The Search for Fossils Ab.
ruply Ends in the
Likewise the Landlord Scheme
to Squeeze Tenant
Farm * rs.
- . Mania Corn-
-.e fjr a Railway -
mission Strikes MoShane.
Vile Food imd VIIor Words in the
Luuatio .Asylum.
Bpec'al Correspondence o ( The Dee
February 9. Unlgta the
legislature promptly pat on thn brakes
the pocplo of this | , ta'o iiill bo berne
down by a mountain of debt and taia'
tlcn. According to cflijlal figuroa our
atato debt aggregates within n fraction
$500,600 , and ( ho local county debt
aggregates about $7 , 00,030. On thla
debt the people of this atato are taxed
to meet interest at least 7 par cent , or
about $750,000 per annum. When to
this onorrflous draft on the taxpayers
is added the coat of state , county and
city governments , the burden becomes
ilmost unboarab'o. ' The ordinary ex-
'ponBca of our aUto government are ea-
timatod at ? 59 090 a year , or ono dollar
lar for every man , woman and child
in Nebraska. Tht > ao expenses are
growing from yiar to year ,
while the inoonio is limited ,
aud the increase in wealth
does not keep pace with the out n.
Wonrotiow paying $109 a day for
each tlay in the year for the kenning
of 219 i enltoutiary conv cti. \\ihn
Gvo yonra the uutibnr of co-Wicti
will reich COO , which meani it
tax of $250 n day on the ceo
pie. 'iho innaun hoepitil , the de f
and dumb and cither chititi
bio and benevolent institutions are
constantly growing and they mike a
heavy demand upon the taxpayers
In the fuca of all thii the lo ishturo
is Importuned to vote away more than
half a million dollars in appropriations
for a new capitol and various public
buildings that wo will not need fur
aomo years to come ,
In addition to all this the are the
bogus claims of parties who pretend
to have rendered the state aervioe in
all aorta of ways. In order to pull
through the capitol appropriation -
tion the Lincoln lobby bavo
encouraged a schema to expend over
fCOjU O ftr , now ballsing to bo
added to the Kearney reform school.
This institution in far tnoro in need of
roper supervision than of now cost-
E y buildings. It costs the atato about
$4 000 a year for the salaries of the
supervision of forty boys and $4,000
more for their living expenses , and
yet those boys are reported to be in a
Tory wretched condition and need
soap , water and bruohes a good deal
more than anything else. Last sum
mer the superintendent npant the
greater part of the season in cam
paigning , ace' ' bo has been hero for
the hat ttfo weeks , which would indi
cate that the rifjrin tchool ii mprocf
an asylum for broken down politicians
than a place for reformlcg bal boys
and p.irls.
linked with fie now cipitol appropri
ation la the proposed normal school
at Grand Inland. The atato has a
normal school now at Peru , which it
a heavy drain on the treasury , ana us
iv matter of economy and usefulness ,
It should bo consolidated with the
university , whera the teachers and
pupils would enjoy the banofit < f
sileatifio apparatus aud mruomn nod
lectures. To establish another
normal school anywhere in the state la
simply to create another endless tax.
lag achemo which would mainly bene.
fit a few professors at the expense oi
the whole state. It was a piece ol
folly to establish tbo blind asylum al
Nebraska Olty , which only contains 2E
Inmates and costs $500 a year for eacl ;
person with very poor supervisor
and inferior educational lacllltior ,
whereas the state conld place these nn
fortuaatos in the Iowa or Miasour
asylums at less cost and with inon
comfort and bolter education. Thii
statn is too young for aping thi
wealthy and older stitcs that boast o
various benevolent and charitable in
Another scheme for taking mono ]
out of the treasury Is the proviso Ii
the bill making an appropriation fo :
the deaf and dumb asylum , whbh soli
apart $9,000 for the purchase of addi
tlonal ground. The inntttntlon ha
ton acres of ground , all it needs , am
to an unsophisticated observer ther
appears to ba a darkey in the wooi
pile for baying tmro land. Whe
the original alto was chosen uoir Omn
hi there was i land aocculatiun in it
aud this looks very much like anotht
such scheme.
Speolil Correspondence of Tin llti.
LINCOLN , February 6. 1 . c ° i.i\ !
convened at 2 p. m. , nnd iu r the li
troduotlon of several bills , t.out inl
the committee of thowholo toconsldi
bills on general filo. The first bl
taken up was a bill fur an at for tl
relief of occupying claimants of re
estate. This act in intended to mal
the rosl estate liable to the parson i
possession of real citato for all tat' '
paid by him , even though It is subs
qnently proven that the title la i
Bomo other person. The bill also pr
vide * that the occupant shall rooolvo
n\y for iraprovomcnta made by htm.
The t hi pasted thu committee aud was
recommended for passage ,
A bl'l by Senator MoShane , for the
purpose cf creating n special fund for
the improvement of street that cannot
bu touched for anything cine , was
ooutii'ored in committee of thu whole
and recommended for passage. This
bill la for cities of the hrst class only
aud consequently means Ouuhu.
An act lo ofttnbltsh a printing Inw
for the atato ( f Nebraska , introduced
by Sunatsr Dye , was considered , aud
was supported by nearly every senator
on the 11 ) or. The old printing law Is
a grand fraud , uud any change , no
matter what that chaugo might be ,
could not make the state printing any
more o implicated than at the present
time. The bill makes an entire chang >
iu the leltirg of the contract.
Senate file No. 2-C introduced by
Senator Brown , of Douglas , cimn up
in the committee of the whole. Tnis
is a bill compelling railroad corapanif
to erect and maintain depots at a I
points where two railroads cross each
other. The bill was pressed by the
people ol Nomaha county bccauso they
bavo a creasing naar the center of that
county where no depot is maintained.
It was also fought by people from the
same couuty because the town of Au
burn had beou built up under a cjn.
tract with the railroads that no depot
should ba built at the crossing.
Senator Conkliug moved on amend
ment , which made the law npply only
to crowing * hereefici4 mado.
Senator Kincaid opposed this bill ;
raid lhat hu was a rnunbur of the ju
ciiciary committee , to which this bill
was referred , nnd that ho know the
reason why this bill nas introduced
it wns because there was n local fight
iu Numaha county , lie know that
there waa n state policy that should bo
considered , but he favored the peti
tioners from Auburn. Ha road a pe
tition Bignod by n latga number of
citizens nijnlnet the law. Ho was
opposed to the bill , because it wns too
broad nud sweeping , lie waa in f vor
of the question being nfjrred to
( fliera nho should have the power to
determine ouch quaalioiiB. Do was
oupoBod to tno bill because it would
interfere with thu rights of the citi
zens of Auburn.
Senator Brown , of Olay , favored
the bill. Ha saw merit In thu hill ,
and ho did not care anything about
a'iy town aii h1 company He'iOjght '
the proplo of the atato at largo should
have im opportunity to utitp their
freight and have It trauoforrol from
ono road to another wherever there
wt.4 a railrotd crossing.
Brown cf L incut ; r said that vho
bill ought not to pas * . If it passed nt
all ic should b ) amended , lhat rail
roads should give the greatest accom
modations to the public , no ono will
deny. lie thought that the railroada
wore the judges. Ho was also of the
came opinion as the senator from Holt.
He thought that the question should
bo Bottled by a commission.
Senator B itlar said ho was like the
Lord ho luted a coward , and ho
spoke upon thia bill for fear ho would
bo called a coward. Ho favored an
amendment that would make the law
apply to crossings hereafter mado. He
had promised to vote foe this bill but
had decided to "yarn'1 a little and do
differently. Ho did not think that
the bill would accommodate the pub
lic. Ho said that ho would say that
this law waa in the interest of people
in Nemaha county , aud while ho would
accommodate old and warm frienda by
voting fur this bill he would
others who had bought lota In Au
burn. There was no clause In this
bill compelling one railroad to take
the freight cars of another at these
railroad crossings.
Senator Sshot-nholt favored the bill.
He said that Governor Butler WAS a
very good man , but very Inconsistent.
IIo and that Butler propoced to look
upon Auburn aa a sacred spot. Ha
himself alao lived in u sacred spot ,
Falh City , the godo lived there , but
fir all that ho thought that the city
of the Got'a should take Its chances
What was aauca for the gooao waa
Banes for the candor.
Senator Browi , of Douglas , oaid
this waa a question solely between the : ! aud the people , and the men
who opposed this wore working In
their interests. He presented a pe
tition signed by 1,600 names from dif
ferent counties , not atklng for the In.
terest of u few men iu ono town , bul
asking thla law for the goneriil good.
If a town could not aland on ita owr
morlta , it ahould go down. Thia bil
la of a public nature , and no per
tonal cooalderation should bo takot
into account.
Senator McShano opposed the bill
Ho had received petitions from i
largo number of citizens In Nomahi
county. This bill would injure par
ties who had purchaeed luta In Au
burn , and ho thought that their boa
Interests should ba looked after.
By a vote the committee recom
mended that the bill do not pass , am
whtm the committee arose It was ao
cordlngly Indefinitely postponed b ;
the aonato.
Among the bills considered In th
senate was ono defining the buundar
lea of Loup county , a now county ti
bo organized out of the territory lay
itig juat north of Valley county , th
bill patsod the committee of'th
whole , and when it came up bcfjr
the senate , Senator McShano move
that the uamo "Lonp" ba changed t
"Diwoa. " Senator Connor fough
thie , ho said that the name of LJU
wus a historical one , and the peopl
residing in ( hat country felt proud o
the nauio , nnd while ho rntnrtalne
( ho highest opinions of Ooverau
D- . VPS , ho thought that it was barol
.c lojtiblo that wo would regret it if th
changevrm made. Hu olludud to th
county of Goxper , and sud that ov
log to the name it wai imporsiblo t
aattlo up the o uuty. The amondmcr
of McShano was voted down , and U
bill providing for the county of Lou
was ordered 'n a third reading.
February 9 The friends of tl
Dawea movement appear to bo dote
mlnoi that the governor shall have
county named after him , and eccon
ingly Suuator Heist this morning 1
troduced a now bill making a counl
out of that portion of the cowboy dl
trlot lying just norlh of Lincoln
A bill has bfon introduced by Sena
tor Rogers to provide for compulsory
Tfin nu'rond ' bill reported by Sana-
tor iMcShaiiu from thu railroad cum-
inlttui' wan read at length thii morn-
in ) ' . This bill provides for the ap-
pointmi'iit of a railroad commitMnu
wth only ministerial POVMTS , Thtx
bi I ie to bo a substitute for all railroad
MMn in the * Miatp.
Tno bill of S tntor Brown , of Dauij
las , providing tor the dttpoatt of pub
lic fuiu'a of CJUtuii'H nud citlna DD H
tti obt.iia interist th roon , w n before
the suiiato and undt > r diaca' iou nhun
the seuato adjourned until 2 p. m.
Siwc'al 1) gpitch to TllK lUt ,
iwosTFALs hTorrrn.
LINCOLN , Fobruiry 0. The after
noon seis'ou of the two houses wne
miinly taken up with routine bin !
IHIIS and the reading of bills uud ru
ports of oimmlttocs.
The geological survey echomo
put upon its pasaigo pud defeated by
a votu of 35 to 4 ! ) against the bill
The homo a'ao ' killed the bill to givt
landlords a llou on the crops of their
farm tenants. Several nnlmpirtant
bills wcro passed , most if them boiug
for the relief of private claimants.
The house by a unanimous vote ,
adopted the following resolution , with
instructions that an ( flic'ul copy be
transmitted to Senator Van Wyck :
llEiotvtD , Tint it is thn sinsonf
this house that the Hon. Charles U
Van \vyek , f ic his manly nnd nb e
< Hbrt in the United Statta oonnto iu
fiver of free lumber , is entitled to
the thaiiks of this house aud thu
country at hr e.
A uncnimoua vote of condnlonco
on the death of ex Iliprcsuutumo
Slocumb waa iilio adopted Thu cum
mtsBionors ( f iho hou e aud mtutu on
public charttloi nnd bum volant ins i
tutiomi will lenvu for Oinihu at 7
o'clock to morrow morning to visit and
inspect the ottUo deaf and du ib in
Sp clil Cmcpou. > Du ) u ( HIE llni.
LINCOLV , February 9 Tin ro vra
no eussion of the comtnittco to iu
vcatigUo the incano asylum hist night ,
but there waa n short eesiiou thin
morning. Mro. Matilda Dawsun , of
Plittsmouthf n former inmate of the
asylum , was awe rn. She said lhat aho
was at thu hospital about two woeka ,
while them aho was for ono week in
the Second ward and ton days in thu
First ward. She caid aho wua a very ,
nervous woman. My lettcm to my
husband and my friends were all roatJ
by Dr. Matlhewson. My husband
noticed that the envelopes were not
addressed in my hand , and uont to mo
a dollars worth of stamped envelopes ,
but they never reached me , The food
that I had while in the Second ward
waa vile , not < K to ivo to yt/r pige ,
No butter and no uiilk for any pur
pose. Some of the patients in this
ward were very filthy. In the First
ward thu food was of a better quality
but not Bufl'ulent in quantity. The
attendants and Dr. Hay were kind to
her , but Dr. Mathewson did not nso
her decent and never epoko kindly to
the patients. Thla lady la vary intel
HolHsli 'Work rf n Black Bruto-
Spe.UI Dispatch to Tut Dux.
PAOLA , Kaa. , February 9. Wedueu-
day m ht a little colored girl named
Bdnnings , 9 years old , was found
lying upon the ground insensible and
stripped of most of her clothing , and
her arms nnd lo o frczan otllT. After
several hours' mudloul treatment she
was revived nnd related a otory of
a lit-lliah culrago by Henry Smith , a
notorious negro. Smith waa iirrobtud
and taken to jail. List night a crowd
of several hundred colored men gath
ered about thn jail and demanded the.
prisoner. The sheriff had prepared
for the attack nnd refused. The no-
proea opened firp , wouudlug thu sher
iff a son , and the abend's party ratali-
ated , killing ono negro , tenoualy
wounding two and wounding several
otheta. The sheriff wan slightly hurt.
About 1 o'clock to day a cro rrd of
whites ana bUcks collectoJ in front ol
the jail and watted for th > > marchal to
como with Smith , who , it was reported ,
would bo taken boforu the juitioa.
The sheriff declined to move tlio prh
oner on account of thn thrtu a of the
mob. The crowd , led by a nuin
her of the best business men ic
the city , made nn assaul
t on the jail , drove the shnrif
into the interior of the buildirg
After hours nt work with hummun
arid crowbars , thiy battered * awa ]
the cell only to find Smith dead or
the iloor , having committed snlcldi
by cutting his throat with a pooke
kuifo The mob put a rope nroum
the corpso'd neck , drarg d it to i
tree and ntrung it up Tnu outrage )
child is alive , but is expeotod to dl
from the rtsult of Smith's act.
HO Registered Loiters Stolen at Cc
dar RapldB , Iowa.
Sj > clil Dpattli ! to TUB IKB. !
OEDAK RAMOS , Ia. , February 9.-
A daring mail robbery occurred o
Union depot , this city , at a late hou
last night. The mail pouch was HI
pod open in the bapgigo room and 1-1
registered lottera taken. Amount (
lorn unknown. Ono letter coutaluo
a $1,000 bill.
U Cntttnj ; Uown Wagon.
Special ninpatch to THII iln.
PITTHDUKO , Fsbraary 9. It lo ut
diratood that there will be n gonori
IP i roductlon of wages on the 15.h ins
r I at all the on1o works In South Got
notsvillo. The roductlon will bo
per cent on common laborers an
coke drawers , and 15 per cent o
miners. The reduction will afloi
2,5CO coke ovens and 0,000 workmoi
The Fisheries Question
EeviYBd , This Tima For
Abpjftatlon ,
The Prophet Witr ioa RetiroB
to Hie Hole to Await the
Coming i-toria.
Some Facts Conoermner the la-
toniatiooal Exhibition at
Cork. Irelnud.
The Currency Reformera Pro-
olaitu Their Principles
and Disappear.
Ocn'lnn'i XVrritllhg
Willi Rovcna * Rcdaatiou.
Spoc'al llsp tclio ) ta Till U .
WxsiiihOTjN , February 9 There
is no fiuuidtuion fur the oarrunt p r.t
rnpli to the offost that Mrs. Judge
John Blair Uogo , of Wcs VirRioln , IB
luthotity for thu announcement , of tlu >
uiig'gjiuout of Senator Divld Davis.
A rKomur rETKiis.
Thcro are no indioallous of the
"henvy storm" predicted to-day bj
weather prophet Wiggins , and it is
understood ho ha * withdrawn thu
prophecy concerning the great hurri
cane aud tidal wave for March 11.
The donate committee on fornign
wff lrH will report favorably a renolu
tion directing the prjudcnt to givi
n itico during July to thu quuun ( f
Orouc Dritniu that it is thu wiaa of tlu <
United SUtcs totcrmlimtd thuirticlta
. .f the "treaty of Waihiiiyton" reUt-
ing to the u'jhory qneslion.
Tire war dtpartmunt lui been informed -
formed of tliu oaptnro of Oipt I'.ivno
and hiip\rtyof Uka ah nu culoma'a
Oiuitrol SliciniAU said ho eupp acd
the ctp noa will-bo Ulum to F.irt
Smith and iuned ovir 'o ' the civil
authorities , whu will tu them hi
Lburty ngtmi , DO wua t\lrt..idy duiiu in :
inoio than ono ocoislon. General
Shurtna.u thiuka moro nt.uiKilit. lavra
shou d bo eiMTtod for the puimhmoiit
cf this olaes of invaders.
British Minister \Vojthaj Trritlona
notu to the ODorotaiy of atato convey
ing the thanks 6 ! the government ot
thu Dominion of Canedi to the aoorp-
tary of thu treasury for his uotlou in
placing at the dlepusnl tf the authorl-
ties of British Columbia the Btoamor
Walcrjlt , for the purpaso of proceed-
iug to Fort Simpson to repil autici
piled attacks of Indians upon thu
English eottkmant at that point.
The United S tales , , -MUBU ! at Cork ,
Ireland , haa written.aii > fcttt resttig ! di
patch to tu'o dcpftctuCLil of tliu oUll
in regard to the industrial exhibition
of arts , products , manufactures and
machinery to bo hold in that olty dur
ing the summer and autumn cf 1883
Former exhibitions of thia character ,
which have been hold iu Ireland hnvo
failed to produce the hoped f > > r sails >
factory results owing to the diirentioim
of a political character nmocg their
promoters. Pn fi Ing by former i x-
porlouco , ho waver , those hiuit/g the
present achemu In hand have decided
upon ignoring ull questions of pitrun-
ago and politics Tno indications are
that the forthcoming exhibition will
ba a grand eucco s In connection with
the display of Iriah products tliuni
will bo held tliu annual agricultural ,
horao and dairy show , the principal
exhibition of the kind over hold iu
the south of Ireland
Before the aanato committee on
education and labor Frank K , Foetor
testified that the condition of opera
tives in New England living in the
companies' houses was very bad. He
oald the French Canadians are to Nen
England what the Chinese are to Call-
fornh and the I'acilio coast.
has closed Hi ncaaion and the reform
ers to-day issued an addreai to the
country , in which they defiao thoii
position with regard to aomo tf ttu
principal Issues of iho time. Thu ad
drcsb begint : "Mouopuliatloitiflui-nct
threatona the libarty if the pooplu ; ll
hus divided the American citizens intc
classes of rich and p'oor thoeo whi
llvo on a fixed income , yet produoi
nothing , and thoia whose labor pye
all taxes and atipporls all claBscs I
. . controls tht principal avenuea of commerce
morco and travel aud traurm'ajlon ' o
intelligence. It wioUs _ undue luflu
once over the publib proai urn
elections. It corrupts all legislative
judicial and executive cllhora
and above oil inflates and controls th
volume of currency and crodltn whicl
enables it to create panica , d'str ' > . ;
uroporty values , paraljzna bnslnfse
throws labor out of employment am
stops the demand for its productions.
Tno attention of all patriotic oitizan
la invited to the statement cf prin
olplca In which are advocated in th
prompt payment of the dubt , th
Issuance by the government of all out
runoy of the country , buch curronc
to ba legal tender for all dm
public and private ; OBtabluti
mont of a govoriimont postal lolt
graph tyUom , reBtriotion of rai'roa
oarporationa to proraoto pubho we
faro , to prevent them from hccomlri
opproBslvo mouopolloa ; repeal ull o'ai
legislation and onastmout of law
compelling all property to butr 11
jast portion of thu burdens of tax
tion ; retention ( f the public domal
for the benefit of actual settler
economy in public expenditures , hoi
ps'y Inadminlstoritig the govornmoii
American civil service that will plai
officials moro directly under control i
the people , and finally purity of tl
ballot through lawa adding di
frniiohlsomcnt to Imprisonment for
f ll who buy or eollvotis , or render
f ibo rotuniH of olcctlons. This ad-
dri'ta contains citations from Ilonj -
mill Frunkliu , Ojor a Washington ,
I'liorans Jvire.aon , Dmlol Webster ,
John Shormaii ( ! r\nt , 0nrgu S o-
phuiuoti , iho Ddko f WollliiRion ,
Ari totlo , aud Jounh Nlmmo , , lr ,
AH uuthoritii's to lllustrAto and prove
thocorrootninsof thu vinwsof the con-
foronoo upon thn subject of currency
uud class legislation ,
In answer to the sonata as to the
acoharino strength t f su nr , Ac ,
At s stunt Secretary of the TruAsnrj
French replied that 75 per cent Is thu
noarcst pructicul mimimam of stand
ard of rating for assessment purpoioi ,
Special Dlipatch to Til * llm
WAsiiiMjro.v , February 9. A ro-
mnnatrtuico was presented agtiuat
plitcing lumber on thu free list ,
Senator Halo roportul thn nnval
bit. It appropriate 815.7i7,3nt !
T o seualo oommittuu added $518 000
ti > the n Krognto of the bill as it pnaitd
the huusn. Tlin total amount rxaocds
lust year's bill by about S'JOD.COO , the
iidch.ian bulng duo to thu itums for nn
incru.190 of thu nitvy , including a sum
for thu completion of monitors.
Senator llalu naid the o immltlco
had struck out from thu bill every
parllolo ( f general logislatlcn , io the
hi 1 us roported'was u clean appropria
tion bill.
Senator Morrlll reported a aubstt-
tutu for the paragraph in the tariff
bill embracing "women's and child-
ruti'd dtuta good ) , etc. , " which was
agreed to.
Senator EJmunds reported favor
ably n joint resolution providing for
the abrogation of the fisheries article
( if thu Washington treaty.
Senator Ferry vuavod > takn up * hti
post route hill L 'at - 27 to 33. Tno
tar ff bill was llivn takui up.
Senator Book moved his pending
"abstituto for thu wool eohedulo
Ln' ayes 19 , nooi 30
Srnltor Murnll said when the bill
reached thu aouutu ho would offer on
atiiundmunt to the pig iron paragraph
In thu iron sohudulo.
Seimtur Aldnch , from the count H
ho on limo , roporlod BinandmontB
to the ra\iiud pirugraphs ombraclng
binnori , Imtc , hoods and matorUla for
thorn , unking thn duty ou maturiila
20 p remit ua valor. , in , uud the duly
on tm'a , etc , , 30 p.r cjnt. A rued to.
The reserved , partKriph , Inying n
duty ( if six oanta'por hundred pounds
on tnlt in bapa or other pnck-
ugcawit taken up. Senator Yitiicd
movid to ntrllco it out. BO ia to lot salt
go 011 the f.To Hit. Tnls bi 1 , ho euld ,
sucmed to bu framed upmi the theory
of taxlug all the iifaepsariaa of
llfo and letting the luxuries como iu
free , BO that the poor men following
plow , and r ( ildotlue ; OH the heavy
taxus ho had to pay on hi ) plow , his
trace chuinn , his hat , his shoes , hU
bla'nkoti , mlRht ootisolo himaulf with
thu thought that congress hal not
bion quitu inconsiderate , bu' , to com-
ponsuto him fur this burden had pro
vided for free palmloaf fans and fiddle
strings and "vuxvomloi , myrobilm , "
. tid Ctt , " of & 1I , "he ! ' , BUclctop.-/
that hurt'tf-er every malt might have
a fiktiloton in his closet without pay
ing u duty [ Liughtor ]
The apucUi sonata ojmmlttoo on
ho vy orduauco midu a ropart to the
ooniito thr , ugh chairman L ) gau , Thu
cumiuittuo ri'commund that the chief
ordumica ollicar have 100 ton ltgh
nuiooth baroi now on hand convertud
iuto eight Inch breich loading ritlea ;
the proper mounting of 300 fifoeri :
Inch guns ut the forte ; manufacture of
tire experimental ateol breech loading
gcus , ono to bo eight nnd the
other ton luchoa In callbru , and
two oxpeiimuntal cast Iron breech
leading niles , twelve inches calibre ,
and such number of cast iron guns
banded with atOHl , ai shall bo nucua-
to thoroughly tuat the tfliolency
of this clanii of ordinance ; that thu
chief ordinance cfiner shall select
two of thu moat meritorious breech
loading duvlcos that are ( jIL'red by the
committee of the Gjtty board and
the ordinance department , and
thurough'y test their efficiency nnd
unto a report ; that ho also inaky ox-
peiiruonts with the varioaa now de
vices and with the "mult ! charge"
Byitom of guns. An appropriation of
503,100 is recommended.
Suaator Allison offered an amend-
mout , of which ho had given notice ,
providing for refunding 90 pur cunt
of the duty paid on imported salt used
in curing moat a afterwards exported.
Senator Veat offered an amendment
providing forrumUnion tf the duty on
salt imported in bond and used In
curing uioata. At the suggestion ol
Senator Hansom he modifiud the
amendment HO ns to include such salt
used iu cuiing fish other than thoau
taken by licensed fishing vesaulo ,
f | Senator B yard urnuod In favor of
free . . . .UVM.IIr. . . traveling tnrongi
1 thu Kmawahi valley aomu yeuta alnc (
his attention hud been directed lo tin
deserted a lt works most advantage
omly situated for onsy working nnc
ready access to that great pork pick ,
ing olty , Cincinnati. Upon Inquiry
hu was told that thu owners of tin
wotki had boon pud to abandon thun
by eait producers of Now York i
striking tnitnnco of the evils of th
system of building up monopolies b ,
Senator Conger slid ho would offo
an amendment carrying out the roc
oinmoudailoii of the tariff ojtnruh
uun , Inavint ; the duty on unit aland
it had ( ito l far fi ti uii year ) past 1
centa per 100 pounds on silt in pack
Hgca aud f iitit ; centn on Hint In htilli
Under thcso ra f a thn pnoa of aalt ha
f tl'ttii ' from 3'J 50 to 70 cunts u barrel
Sjnator Wilhunu thought Qud ha
Intended that light , air und watr
should bo froo. iho cost of trarmpoi
latlon wts ull the pro'octluns netdo
by Bait and to tax h was a crirn
ugatL'st hum tntty , against nature
Suuator Vancu'a motion to strili
out silt and let It go upon the frou Hi
was lost - aypB 22 , noes 24.
Senator Allison modiliadlils amen <
mont eo ai to allow a refund ( in aun
not less than 9100) ) of the entire dul
ptid upon salt used in curing
for oipirt and actually oipcrtjd. Af
ter further dftouialon thu whole nib-
jcct of rcni'sslon oi the du'y upon
silt received by unanimous con.
sotit for con iteration whun the bill
pusses from committee cf the whole
Into thu senate. Iloturninc to the
clauses relative to opium , which were
passrd over informally , Sunatur Mil
ler ( Chi ) moved to strike out thu
cliunu impoiing a duty of $1 a pound
on opium and to insert thu fallowing :
"Opium crude , containing nine par
cent or over of morphia , $1 per
pound , and the importation of opium
cjiitaifing lees than nlno per cent of
morphU Is horohy prohibited. "
Agreed to.
Sjnator Miller then moved to ia-
create the duly nn upturn propand for
smoking from 0 to $10 per pound.
Agreed to.
I'hu llcmi of loud chemicals , on mo
tion of Sonntor Aldrioh , were amended
uf follows , iicotato of lead , brown , 14
cents pcrpoundjacolatoof leadwhite ,
0 conia pt r pound ; white lead , whuit
dry or bulk , 3 cents per pound ;
llthage , 3 cents per pound ; orange
mineral aud redtojk,3ouuts pur pound
Senator George moved to amend the
paragraph exempting f.-om duty mi
ohinery for the manufacture of bout
sugar , by also exempting machincrj
for the manufaciuro uf goods com-
nosid of cotton , wool , hemp or ramie.
Lost. Senator Sherman morcd to
strike out the paragraph. Agreed to.
Thu Internal revenue portion of the
hill was then tnken up. Sjnator
Beck moved to luhku the tax on snuff
and manufactured tobacco eight cents
per pound , Instead of 12 , as iu the
bill , Senator Bock Insisted upon a
vote , which resulted ayes 5 , noes 17
No quorum present. Sjuito ad
Mr. Bulford.from tno committee on
ooliifgi' , weights and inasHuroa , report
ed a rutoltnion declating it expedient
to dlscoutlnuu the coinocu of silvorun-
der the oxlstlrg law , and rooamtnend
ing the commuteo on Appropriations
report a provision for additional vau't
room at some point In thu Mississippi
valley. Referred
The oonferenco report on tbo mili
tary academy bi 1 w s subiulttod und
agreed to. Tno houae then wout
iuto oommlttoo on the tat iff bill. The
Item impoeiiiK a duty of 1 1 10 cents
p4r pound on tin pltto , etc. , havinp
butfu itaotiud , Mr. Ktmion moved lo
reduce the duty to ono cent , though
hu was not suiu but that it should be
reduced to three-fourths of a cuut or
put on the free list.
Mr. Baynu moved to Increase the
duty to two cones a pound. Hu chir-
noterlzod the pending paragraph as n
depnrture from thu principle whlah
ran through the bill. Ho crltlileoJ
the oommittoo on ways and moans for
having abindonod Ita duty. It listened
to that clamor and violated the great
principles nhioh waa. supposed to permeate
moato the bill , The Standard Oil
company had a very largo Interest in
nooinK that the duty ou tin plates
should not bo reduced.
Mr. Anderaon moved to strike out
the whole clause , stating his intention
was to move to place it on the free list.
If there wan anything which ho wai
absolutely opposed to it was class
monopoly , and ia particular tlio Stand
ard Oil company. This waa a tax of
$500,000 levied on the people who
bought any articles of tin. Hero WBB ,
thank God , ono little rift In the
clouds , one glonm of sunshine , one
breath of frojli air , where their was a
chauco to reduce the revenue and lift
off taxation.
Mr. Hammond , In response to a
suggestion made by Mr. Kelly , that
some time in the future tin plato in-
'dujtry ' mifjht grow up which ought
now bo pnittaod , likened the Bug-
gentian to tno action of Mrs Toodlea
In buying a door plato boAiintr the
name of Taompion , "with a p , " In
expectation tbut she might have a
daughter v. ho might marry a man with
thut name.
The motions of Bayno and Andor <
aon weiulont. Ktttnon'a motion wae
agreed to , BO the duty rn tin plato ia
fixed ut ono cunt a pound.
dr. motion of Mr Hatknlltboo'ausc
imposl ( / u duty of 1 0 10 cents pet
ponhd on oorrugntud or crimped ironer
or steel was struck from the bill.
The moment Uuf next cl usu , pro
posing a duly of 4 10 couta pur pound
on cotton ttca , wua reached , half D
dozen members from the Southern
states wore on their feet claiming reo
ognlUon. Mr , Mckee was the fort on
atu man. Ho moved to ruduco the
duty to 35 percent , advalorom ,
Funding action the committee ruse ,
and thu house took a root as.
The house , at the overling actslon
passed a largo number of pension billi
nud bills granting condemned ouinoi
for monumental purposes. Amoni
thorn , was a bill granting a pension o
$20 a month to the widow ol Majo
Iliwk , roproseiitativo from llli
noiaand ; a bill granting eight bronz
cannon for the purpoao of erecting
monument to General William U
Lytlu'at ' Cincinnati. Adjourned.
Anti-monop3ly Oouvontlon-
SpccUl Dlipatcb to Till ln.
CHIOAOO , February1. ) . A callaigno
by anil monopolists In all parts of th
country for dulegntua to a conforonc
for thu formation of a new party , wt
htued hero to-day. Thu conferom
will be hold hero on tlu Fourth of Jul
on u bails of four representatives froi
each congrcaeional district , four fro :
e.Hcli territory and four from Iho Dl
trlct of Columbia. The prlncipli
oantaiuod in the call nro ; "Oppositk
to ooufudrratcd monopoly , publ
litid * for natual sotllera , eupprrtMc
f cornera In the ueotaa.iin of 'if
to protective tariff I vr
mi ; th-i eluctio'n of tha preside r.
vici ) procltlont and senators by a ciirc
vote of the people. "
Millions Gwm Away.
MIlllonHof liottlcnof Dr. Klnts't Ni
Discovery tor Consumption , C-'ouglm a
Colda , hwi ) liluti K'ivou awkan Tri
Bottles uf the larye nlzo. TliU enutnuu
outlay would ba dluautrouH to the ] > i
prletorn. were It 1iot for the rare morj
| M)9 eHCl by this wonderful medicine. Ci
at O. K. Goodman' * Drug Store , ami
u Trial llottlo free , and try. for yovirso
never fa'ls to cure.
Prince Jerome Secures His Lib
erty Through the Courts ,
The Now Ministry Prepared to
Resign 'Jhis Evening.
Bismarck's Biennial Budget
Scheme Killed in tbo
A Largo Variety of G iiir 117ewf
Dispatch to Tin Him.
S , Fohnury 'J The health of
F.illluros Is shattered. lie will prob
ably bu unablti to join the nowcabioot.
Ele had another attack of congestion
of the brain ,
The brunt of I In debate on the ex
pulsion bill In the aonato to morrow
tll fall on Ddvna , minister of juatico ,
lie Informed President Gravy that
the momlnrs of the cabinet will resign -
sign to morrow ovonii.p if the bill
bo rejected.
Prlnco Napoleon was liberated at
half past three thii afternoon , the
tribunal having quashed the Indict
ment against him.
At the sale of the Sara Uernhardt's
jewel ) , a nccklncn of black and gray
pearls brought 12 , (03 f ratio' ; a braco-
Idt tf tubios aud saphires 4 100
frurcn , and two necklets of brilliants
G.COD francs.
Special Dlnpatchci to Tin llsr.
BKIILIN , February 0. Bismarck
mya ho does not think ho shall over
enter the rolchatrg ngitn. The ro-
duotlnn In the military oudgotamount
to i ) COQC03 marks.
The rolchstrg rejected the esti
mate * 'or 1E81 83 , thus sealing the
fate of nismaik'a biotniil Ltdget
At the court of inquiry at Hamburg
Saturday into the disaster to the
steamer Uimbrla the following persons
from the atnamor Sultan will bo ex
amined : Oiptaln Cuthlll , first and
tocond tiflbcrs , firat eiiRtneef , CHrpen-
tor , hontawuln nnd two aoamon. At
'ho time of the collision ono seamen
waa on lookou' ; ttio other and boatswain -
swain at the holm. Witnesses at the
preliminary Inquiry will o ncludo
their doprsUloiu. Ofliiora saved
from the Cimbtia will .bo cross-ex-
amined , WitnosHes of iho Oimbrla
will bo examined Tuesday. Sensation
al disclosures are i xpectod Tuttnday.
It la reported the ofliodra of the Ham-
burg-American line had nowa of the
dla&stor at 10 o'clock on the morning
of the 12th.
BpecUl Dl p tchcs to Tin lim
LONDON , February 0 In the shaft
of the Severn tunnel works , to-day ,
four men wore killed outright'and
several sorloualy mangled.
A steamer building on the Olydo for
the Inman line will bo named the
"City of Chicago. " _
Uladstouo wit ! vr ° - " { < Btn"
0 nncs till his health la restored.
will bo nbjont till the opening of the
The Times eulogizes Jndah P. Ben
jamin nnd flays English mercantile law
p-rofitcd by the reception accorded the
accomplished jurist.
Special Dispatches to TOR llm.
DUDLIN , February 0. Archbishop
McOabo'c condition ia regarded dan
ODmnell , member of parliament
for Djnijaivan , writoa to the lord
i my or of London that iho Mansion
homo , In Ita relation to Ireland , it a
loipti sucker , not a helper Thn Nt-
tioual leuiiuo elected W. O'Brien , M.
I * . , member of the executive commit
too. ,
KDINUUUQ , February 9. Trove-
lyun , chief secretary for I.-eland , in a
pjcoh denied the statements made
that the dimunitlou of agravian crime
In Ireland was more apparent than
real. He referred to the rapid
ity with which murderous crimes
had diminished when it became
apparent the murderers would ba ox-
uoutod. Ho denied the government
suppressed freedom cf speech or the
liberty of the press. The government
waa ready to work with the Irish
members of parliament in advocating
legitimate schemes of reform.
Special Dispatches to Tin lin. * *
NEW YOIIK , February 9. William G.
Dudga died thla morning. He had been
ill for a week , tut It wns thought not seri
PANA , III. , February 9 , Peter New. a
former resilient , was killed , together with
five other men , at 7 o'clock thii morning ,
by a boiler explosion in the tile factory at
Tuylorvllle , 111. Henry New , nephew of
1'oter , in in a dying condition.
DETHOIT , February 9. U. J. Grier'a
nftw mill at Charlotte blew up thU morn-
liu , instantly killing the proprietor nnd
William Gordon , engineer.
CHICAGO , February 9. The Commercial
Kxcluiifu to-Jay parsed resolution * cull
ing ou coDRtoia for the enactment of an
equl'ablo bankrupt law during the present
in NEW Yonit , Foliruiry 9. The United
ins Stolen Tiuuilt of Vemu party , operating
s- In South America , arrived thU evening
sen from Auplnwull.
in PnoviDEKCK , ' U , I , February 9. The
ic reytmincutter has returned from a fruit
icn less g.-arrli for the dUabled btesmsr State
n ' Oeor ia.
J , Tiii T y , N , J. , February 9. A Jobs-
rd iwn ni-iitdi | ft-itm ttiat thn building on
d 113 farm ( if P. lorilhri ) , uaad as n sta'ilo
ot lor draft homca , and nlao UK n carpenter
nhoi | , burned thU evening. Twenty-four
drufc hnrfo' , aix inulo and some catpen-
ter'a tools were burned.
3W Totted by Time.
nd For Threat II ea e , Colda and Oaugba.
a ) ' TitocitEa have '
DuowN'rt Hit iNciiiAL proved'
the r tllioai'y by a teat of uikny yean.
Price 23 centa.
The younp peopla of Des Molnea have
developed a species of inlluecita , which
ffi. commoucoj with hoanenean and coughing ;
and in attended with violent vomiting.