Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1883, Image 8

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The Daily Bee.
Friday Morning , Feb. 9.
( The following observations are taken at
ths same moment of time at all tha lUtloni
mentioned , )
WAR DitrV U. S. SIGNAL Ssnviou , I
OMAHA , February 8 , lf83 , (1:15 ( p. m. ) f
The Stenozrapheri.bold their regular
monthly meeting at tha offica of Bell k
Ames this evening ,
The trains from tbe east were 1st *
gala Wednesday and yesterday , and Nc ,
3 left Omaha half aa hour late yesterday.
All members of the Omaha fire depart
ment are requested to attend a meeting of
the department on Friday evening at Klre
mtn Hall. Jerome 0. Pcntze ) , secretary ,
Mlti IBridget Mullen , lister to Mrs.
Jamoi Brophy , has returned from Denver ,
nd Is dangerously 111 with consumption.
She U not expootod lire many dayi.
Dam Hart , of Denver , who lectures
next Tuesday evening la the Baptlit
ehuroh here on "Cathedrals and Abbey i , "
wai at one time master in tbe Harron
tohool in England.
At tha M nnerchoir masquerade two
overookti were exchanged bymUtake. The
party having the wrong coat will please
cell at Ctrassburg's photograph galloryand
exchange for the right one.
Yfsitori to Lincoln whenever they
want to get a genuine good meal atroison-
ble ratei should not tf all to pay a visit to
the Sliver Moon restaurant on [ 0 street.
Mr. Jchn Stangle' , the proprietor , Is a thor
ough artist In his business and consequent
ly ijlvei universal satisfaction.
The Tom Thumb combination gave
their last entertainment Wednesday ot
Boyd'g ' opera bouso to a largo audience.
The entire six performances hero were well
attended and the little general not only
takes out of town nlmndsouie profit but the
good will and admiration of nil who wia
his excellent company.
In the District Court tne petit jury
were busy yesterday in hearing a con
tinuation of tbe divorce suit of John
Thomas. The room wis crowded as usual
n trials where any scandal or nastiness Is
expected and the case waa no doubt suffi
ciently Interesting for the audience. Th
argument of counsel was completed in tbi
afternoon and sealed verdict will proba
bly bo brought'ln this morning.
Mr , Gayuor , the well known'athleti
and boxer of ths Union FaoiBo shops , who
hod an interesting 'Vet to" with Paddj
Ryan while that gentleman was in the
city , called at office yesterday to deny the
announcement made In the morning papers
that he would attempt last night to stand
up before Elliott for four rounds with soft
glares. He did eiprena A willingness to so
do on some evening but the announcement
for hit night was unauthorized.
Owing to tbo unexpected calling away
of Prof. Martin Cahn , the pianist , who had
b en seourod as oooompalnlit for the grand
concert of tha Omaha Glee Club next Tues
day evening , the services of Miss Mattle
Ii. Brookner , a distinguished and talented
pianist of Iowa , have been secured. Prof ,
Cahn wai called tn Salt Lake City on busi
ness that will detain him throe or tout
weeks and tbo Club was fortunate In ob
tainlog so excellent substitute In hli
Tbe three who arrested f
boys were > < i
iteallng the far o p from Oen. Frederick1 !
hat store hid boon ia town less than at
hoar when they got In their work , The ]
went into the etora and one priced a pad
of gloves while the others got thi
cap and the trio left with tut mslitrg anj
purchase at all. Tbo poll e were notlliec
and coon discovered tha culprits on th
street. The latter seeing that they wen
potted , lit out on the ran , followed by thi
cops. They fell down two or throe time
In the snow and were finrlly capturei
near Bradford's lumber yard. Tbe ca |
was not found , but several parties reportei
that they had tried to tell it to them jut
before they wen caught ,
Tbe Proposed Nlnht School In Soutl
1 .Omaha.
A movement is on foot to catablls
a first olais night school in aomo pai
of South Omaha , probably about th
center of what la known na Bohemlar
town. Some of the loading Bohcm
an citizens have token holdrof tli
matter , and it is their doslro to hav
the school plao6d on the sarao piano i
the night school already worklc
noceufully in North Oinahi
vizto bn under the contn
of the Board of Educatioi
And superintendent of public school
Hundreds of pcrions , young , mldd
ftgod and o'd , have signified a dosli
to attend a night school , and as the
are unable to go to day schools it
certainly a most praiseworthy onto
prlio , and they should have every ai
vantage possible to obtain an cduc
It is likely that no opposition , whi
over will bo made by the school boar
and a flourishing night school in tl
locality 'named may soon bo look *
m t
HAWKS Abram Hawes , reading
1422 Sherman avenue , dlrdFebrunry 7
at 11:45 p. m. , nged 55 yean and
Funeral takes place February lltb
2 p. m. at Prospect Hill.
Peektklll , New York , paper * plei
The Ontlook on the Eaugos Not
So Very Bad ,
No Serious Danger at ProBont
A good deal has been written and
published lately concerning the condi
tion of cattle on the ranges west of us ,
reports being qulto cotradlotory ,
Master Mechanic J. U , McOonnoll ,
c.f the eastern division of the Union
Pacifn , and agent of the land depart
ment , has rent to Land Cemmisioner
Bornham a detailed report , Incorpor
ating statements from leading cattle
men , aa follows ;
B. Boor Range on south side
cattle getting weak and thin , but not
dying yet.
Russell \\atts Between the rlv
ors cattle weak and thin , but not dy
ing yet.
Isaac Dillon Between the Plattcs
much the same repot. Has been
riding the range two weeks gather-
irg the weaker cattle , and is feeding
M. 0. Keith S ys cattle at hli
Pawnee Springs ranoho , eight miles
east of North Platte , are doing well
and are in good condition.
B , I. Hlnman Rincho on Bird-
wood , 38 mllou north of O'Fallon's.
His foreman reports since the storm
that the cattle are in good condition
and doing well. Plenty of feed and
John Bratt Range on the Dismal
substantially same report as Hln
man.D. . W. Baker ICincho on North
Lonp rauoh the sarno report as Hln
man.Mr. . McDonnell concludes : "From
ill information I have boon able to
gather the outlook is not dlscouragibg.
On the Niobrara range in northern
Nobratka , where there are over ono
hnndaod thousand cattle , It is reported
that there is not ever two or three in
ches cf snow , and cattle are in good
condition and able to procure plenty of
In southwestern Nebraska , along
tha Colorado line , there la considerable
mow , and cuttle are crowding along
the track of the Union Pacific , Den
ver Short line , and quite a number are
being killed by the cars , but none as
yet nave died fr m effects of the
weather. )
The Danver News of February 4
says : "Tho barometer does not Indi
cate a recurrence cf breezes , and it Is
probable that before there ia a change
a ctuit will have formed all ever the
snow ever which the wind will elide
as unavalllngly as waterovor , a duck's
back. The cattle n'ro getting hungry ,
and with brute instinct are turning
toward the south. If they travel fast
enough they may reach grass , bit
loitering as they probably will , many
will lie down and dlo of starvation and
oold. Tire years ago some stockmen
lost aa high as CO per cent , and the
bones of the hmlshod herds vroro
gnawed by cayotes from Cheyenne to
'control Kansas. It will hardly bo as
bad thia ycar , though the patRengers
on all Wfi lines loading Into Denver
from th Joast will BOO carcasses strewn
along the track In a way suggestive of
that season's record.
"Yesterday Immense droves of c it-
tie , estimated at 10,000 , passed south
ward throe miles east ot the , city.
They were moving steadily , though in
ntraggllng herds , and looked almost
like a marshaled bovine boat following
their leaders to food and water. It le
not aafo to say from how far north
these cattle came , but. they will not
otop , unless from exhaustion , nntll
the Arkansas is reached , and then thoj
will bo Bafo.
"Among the cattle owners in thli
city there ia much uneasiness , but ai
ono of them observed last night ;
"Thoro Is no nao to frot.l : The in *
stinot of the buffalo always took birr
to grass , and the satno Instinct is jusl
as marked in the domestic animal ,
The outlo that potsod yesterday won
certainly from some distance , because
those nonr Denver are on ranges on <
olcsad by substantial fences.
"Mr. Molllhinny , a prominent cat
tie man , is now in the city and wai
seen last night In regard to the aspec1
of affairs. Ho Is not inclined to take
n gloomy view , not having hoaid fron
the north whsro the prospects are it
decidedly bad. Ho said that In thi
Bonthorn portion of the state , arounc
Trinidad and Pueblo , the snoar wa
not heavy , and whore it had fallen thi
n wind had boon sufficient to cloa
p enough sutf.ico to tfford crazing. I
d cattle further north oonld only got t
t this locality they would bo all right
but there war danger that they wuuli
s'art too late , Ho thought that thot
waa nothing very Improbable lu th
pasBiog Bouth of 10,000 cattle , as the ;
vrould go to grass where there was an
possibility of it. They were morel ;
hunting food and did not move froc
that prcBontmont with which som
dumb brutes rush from cold to mor
congenial climes.
, "A passenger on the Bnrllngto
& Missouri , which came in last evenIng
Ing , reports the range ia good eon
ditlon beyond Uogo. At Hug
there la about six inches of snow a
dead level. The cattle wandc
aimlessly and woauily about , strnf
gllng ultimately to the south. A
the rain approaches Denver the sno'
is deeper , but still on a level , pr <
Bontlng a dreary , impenetrable BUI
face to the shivering herds.
"An rndeavor was made to obtai
sorno reliable estimate of probabl
losses , but no ono would vontui
ono , It being Impossible to kno
how long the enow will stay or tl
fovoiity of the weather continu
But it will bo heavy enough to su
the verdict croaker. "
Ron ! Estate * Transfers.
The following deeds have been fill
for record In the cflico of the conn
ed clerk ilncn our lant report :
Samuel K. Ropers and wlfo to E
wardF. Koefe , 109 ft. lot 72 , Okah
ni , $500.
at Edwin T. Buoklin and wife to K
th thanlol Engel , the o A ' of w J of lot
8 block 5 , Park Place , $350 ,
Edward Q. Humphrey and wife ai
at Jnllui T. Phelcs and wife to Mary
Allli , part of lot 32 , w nw , 15,1
13 , $550.
Peter P , Louder and wife to Oat
erlno Klnsler , north half of lot 20 ,
block 2 , Armstrong's ) lint Addition ,
Michael WhoUn to William 0.
Alnaworth , w } of BO i of 12 , 1C , ,
11 , $1,4CO.
Caroline E. Monell to Ghnrlo * J.
Karbach , n 37 , w third , lot C , block
138 , 81.
Hurnuol D. Mercer and wife to John
R. Shaw , nil of block 31 , in Wnlnut
Ilill , $2,500.
Approaching Annual Grand Concert.
For weeks ; past the popular local or
ganization known as the Omaha Glee
Olnb , has been making preparations
for the annnal grand concert to take
place Tuesday evening next , Febru
ary 13th.
In addition to the musical talent
Included within its own membership ,
the club engaged the serviced
o ? MlM Jennie Dntton , the
noted Chicago eoprana singer , and
Mils Emma Mabollo , the famous con'
tralto who.mtde inch a hit at the Into
tajugorfost held in this city , together
with the celebrated Iowa pianist Mias
MattieL Brooknor.
The club has been In constant re
hearsal for eotno time past and Is in
excellent training end condition for
the entertainment.
A BBK reporter who dropped in on
them at their rehearsal last night
at Hoapo'a hall was surprised
as the result of their work , and sel
dom has ever heard twenty male
voices which blended moro hnrmoni
ously. As will bo soon from the ap
pended programme , the varlona num
bers of the ctncert are ohoecn from the
master authors , and no two from the
oamo ono. It promises a rare treat to
lovers of good music , and those who
hoard the ntlrring campaign songs of
1880 will not need to bo told that the
club can awaken all the latent onthu-
sltsm In a man'o nature and charm an
audience for hours at a time. The
following is the
1. String Quartette -Mennett.Eocchorlnl
Pbllomatbean Club QuartotU.
2. Chorus Young Musicians..Knckcn
Glee Club.
3. Aria Bolero ( SicilianVespers.Verdi )
Miss Jennie Dutton.
4. Bais Solo , Obligate and Choru-
Serenndn Miller
11.1) , K.tabrook and Glee Club.
5. BrlndisI 11 Higreto ( Lucrezio )
D jnlzattl
Miss Kmma Mabella.
6. Quartette and Chorus Summer
Hung. . i Mendelssohn
Glco Club.
7. Song Flordl Marghorlta Arditl
Mies Jeunio Dutton.
S. String Quartette Adsglo In B flat
Pbllotnuthein Club Quartette.
9. Ballad Swoflt Genovtave Tucker
Miss Emma Mabolla.
10. Choras Night Song Abt
Gloa Club.
11. Qaartetre Oh. My Love'fi Like
tbe lied , Ked $ ese Garrett
Misses Dutton and M'ibella , Means.
Nortbrup and Smith.
Mr. F. S. Smith , Musical Director.
Mies Mattln L , Urookner , Accompanist.
Hla Injury More Serious Than at Firat
The many friends of Police Judge
Beneko will regret to learn that his
fall Wednesday Injured him mora
seriously than was at firat supposed.
He was just returning to the court
room after dinner and tell on the slip
pery and uneven crossing at Thir
teenth and Farnam. He supposed ho
had only sprained his ankle , but Dr.
Grossman being called In in the even
ing It was discovered that it was a frac
ture instead of n iprain.
The limb will bo put up in piaster
Paris , and it is thought that his honor
will bo able , by taking a hack , to get
out attain by next Monday and deal
out justice as usual. Fortunately the
city Is very quiet at present , and the
demands for his presence not BO press
ing as they have been.
The Annual Event of tbe Concordla
i I The Concordla society will glvo its
fourteenth annnal ball at Turner hall
e on Thursday next , February 15th.
* These balls are the finest and most
select of the season , and the prosenljone
will bo no exception to the general
rule. The musio will .bo furnished by
the full Musical Union orchestra , and
there will no doubt bo a line display
of rich and unique costumes.
The arrangements are in the hands
of an excellent committee , cnnulatlne ol
Messrs. Julius Mnyor , 0 , C. Shatffor ,
T , Siuhold , L. Grobockor and Mai
Mode froir the wild flowers of the
It is the most fropnmt ot perfume.
Manufactured by H , B , Sloven , Sar
Francisco , Forsale in Omaha by W.
\Vhlrtfdnnto oudj Kennsio Bror ,
& Oo.
Omaha Maenneronor.
At the sotnl-annual meeting of thf
Maennerchor hold on Sunday last , tlu
following members wcro elected offi
cers , viz ;
In President Edward Wlrth.
lo Vice { President Wilhcinj Week
re back.
iW Treasurer Jacob Kaufman.
10 Secretary John Boeckhoflf.
o Librarian- Fred Schmidt.
lit Banner-Bearer Ad. Buchalo.
Trustee John Banmcr ; ono torn
expired , ro-eleotcd. This officer \ill
lead the society through the approach
od Ing iteagerfost , probably hold In Jum
ty next , at St. Joseph , Mo.
The locioty is In a flourishing con
dlt'.nn and numbers about sixty mem
to .
la3 , HA , NEB.
Tables supplied with the beat th
nd market ailords. The traveling pnbll
S , claim they got better accommodation
6 , and moro general satisfaction her
than at any other house In Omaha
Rate , | P. per day. tagSltfm
A Flood of Counterfeit Quarter a
of 1877 ,
The No if IBBUO of 'Fivo Oont
For noma das put it has boon no
ticed that nti unusually largo Dumber
of now and bright quarter dollar sil-
ror coins worn la circulation , the ma
jorlty , If not all of thorn , bearing the
date " 1 77. " A banker yesterday
put a BEK reporter on the racket by
tolling Lin that these coins worn couu >
terfeit. They are out in largo quan-
titles and nro very deceptive ,
and would fool mviy good judder.
They differ in weight from the genuine
quarter , but BO slightly as to ba gen
erally unnoticed by any but an expert ,
The ring Af the Cola even purer
than the true coin , probably having
glaos among its conatltuont parts.
The five csnt pieces of the now design
sign will snon bo in circulation here ,
the Philadelphia mint having already
turned out 102,400 to bo followed
aonn by another instalment.
The old iive cent nickel was Issued
under act of congress approved May
16 , 18GG , and made the weight of five
grammes and the diameter two centl
motors ,
This was the first attempt in the
history of our coining to proscribe by
law the diameter of a coin. This had
always been left to the direction of the
mint officials ; whoso judgment could
bo better trusted than that of con
grcssmon , who of necessity have but
llttlo export skill or knowledge on
such subjects.
Tno result of this attempt was the
issue of a coin without duo proportion
tion of thickness to dlamotcr with
out sonority or ring , and devoid of
The object of this unusual legisla
tion was an attempt on the part of tbo
advocates of the metric system to
make' coin useful in educating the
public to a knowledge and acceptance
of the metric system in our dally
transactions. The attempt to eduoato
by legislation has proved a signal fail
ure. Aa the lair had to allow of a di
vergence cf two grains above and below
low the proscribed standard , it was
inaccurate and unreliable as a weight ;
and as the diameter , of the coin tould
not bo made uniform , owing to a
want of uniform ductility of the nicklo-
copper alloy , it was obviously no
standard to use as a measure.
The dovicra on the coin wcro also
unartlatlc. The shield on the obverse
was made so largo aa to crowd the
other work and compel the nae of
very small figures in the date and a
very narrow border around the peri
phery of the piece. The motto "In
God Wo Trust , " above the shield , was
forced BO near the edge of the coin as
to ezclto 'apprehensions that it would
not bo able to hold its place.
To remove these defects , and also to
make the inscription and devices con-
foua to the requirements of the coin-
agwlct of 1873 , and to good typo , Col
onel Hnowden , superintendent of the
mint , prepared and submitted to the
secretary of the treasury , a coin of In-
creasad diameter and new device * , in
scriptions , etp.
The coin is twonty.ono millimetre
in diameter. On the obverse is a
classical head of Liberty , with the in
scription "Liberty" on the tiara , and
the date below , and all onrronndod by
thirteen stars. On the reverse of the
coin is the Roman numerical , Indlcat
ing thp denomination of the coin , inr-
rounded by a beautifully arranged
wreath composed of cotton , wheat and
corn , products of the country , and a ! !
surrounded by the inscriptions ,
"United State * of America" and
"E Pluribus Utium. "
The coin is a improvement or
ils predecessor , and is beautiful in ilt
design and execution , and refleoti
credit npon the taste and tkill of thi
officers of the mint.
Tbo County Treasurer's Last Enter
A BEE reporter was ycstordaj
shown a now and useful book proparec
under the supervision of Oounty Troae
nrer Rush.
It is doslgnod to be a completeCnan
clal history of Doc pi as county , and I
will contain its fiscalrecord , for fift ;
yean. It is fifty folios in elza and'ii
it will bo recorded the annual statement
mont of the county treasurer each year
as It was published this year in Tm
BEK. By looking at it over ;
transaction in the county treasure * '
office from the first up to the preson
time can readily bo seen.
The records of Douglas count ;
while yet in a territory are rsthe
mixed hnd the records incomplete thi
first acourato annnal statement bolui
that dated in 1807. From that dat
down there will bo no trouble in keep
ing up the thread of county account
and the book cannot but prove extremely
tremoly nsoful to the author and al
his successors In office.
Splendid Rlnlc and a Brllllan
Considerable interest has beei
excited for the past few days in rollo
akating by the fine exhibitions give ;
to largo crowds at the opera house.
It will bo news ( and good now * ) t
everybody to learn that Omaha is t
have aa fine a roller skating rluk e
any in the country , and that the see
sou will bo opened by a grand rccoj.
tlon next Monday evening.
The manager of this enterprise I
Mr. J. G. Llghtford , who has dotei
mtued upon Introducing into thin clt
this elegant and healthful mode of 03
orciso , roller skating , and to catablls
npon high moral grounds an agrooab ]
and unexceptionable place of roaoi
for safe and pleasant recreation. B [
will cater only to these who appreclal
the art of roller skating with refine )
and elevated surroundings , and wl
not , under any circumstances , adm
or tolerate those who conduct then
elves Improperly.
Mr. Lightiord has scoured the mo
elegant quarters imaginable , having
rented Orounso hall , in thsnoir Mil
waukee brick block , corner of Six
teenth and Capitol ovenue , now just
being completed by .tudgu Oronnse.
The hall IR the l r oit in the city ,
snd will bo put in the moat
. eifeo1. shape by Wednesday evening
nrxt , when the first reception will
take place , inaugurating w Reason of
thrco mouths at least. Tno "Chi
cago" skate , manufactured by J , II
F < * nton , of Chicago , will ba used on.
tircly and a epiclnion seen by the re
porter shows un in fine style. It is
the very latent improved roller skate ,
and two hundred pairs will bo kept on
This Is something which cannot fall
to interest the young'gontlt men and
ladies , and the rink will no doubt bs
well patronized.
The Slaters of the Uacrod Heart
Lose , by Death , One of 7 heir
Pioneer Members.
Tno ladles of the Sacred Heart , In
the convent of that name , on the
hill near Gaming , street and Lowe
road , suffered their firat bereavement
Wednesday , In the death ot SUter
Bridget Mangin. She died abont
noon , if tor an . .illness of but a few
Mister M ngln was one of the lay
members if the community and one
of the pioneers of the order in this
It ' was aho who , .assisted by Mad
arn'o Dunne , founded the Academy
of the Sacred Heart , their firat
efforts being made in the now aban
doned premises on the southeast corner
nor of Howard and Ninth streets.
There classes were commenced , at
tended by abont thirteen scholars ,
and continued until transferred to the
present magnificent structure on the
western bills.
Slater Mangin was received Into the
order in Chicago about seven years
ago. She was forty years of age ,
and of rare accomplishments in the
line of duty in the cloister life which
she pursued.
The funeral will take place io-
dsy at 0 o'clock from the convent
to the Cemetery of the Holy Sepul
Progress of the Worlc Under Super
intendent Murphy.
Cspt. J. P. Vincent called at THE
BEE t ffico yesterday to deny ho was
general manager of the work now in
progress at the Florence cut-off , as ho
( TBS credited with in connection with
the dynamite affair.
Mr. John 0. Murphy , an experi
enced man at the business , standing
at the head In fact , is the superintend
ent in charge of the work and having
entire control of the largo force of
men and teams constantly employed.
Mr. Murphy has done some fine work
up there , and at present is engaged In
clearing the two big cuts of snow which
baa filled them to a preat depth.
Another heavy landslide occurred a
week ago last Monday in the north
out. A slice of the embankment 200
feet long and 35 feet high tumbled
in. This will necessitate some heavy ,
extra work.
For a few days it has beoen impos
sible to do much as the
supply of dynamite obtsiued from
this ciiy ran out and npno could be
had nearer than St. Louis , in order
for ( iOfl pound's cent down tharo was
not filled until the 25th of January ,
and then only a portion of it arrived.
With good luck , however , the enter
prise will now be pushed along rapidly
and to an early completion.
S. II. Gunder , representing Seebury &
Johnson , of New York City , manufactur
ing cbenuata , is in th * city , and will re
main orer Sunday looking up the trade.
Judge Jesse T. Davis , and C , 0. [ Cro
well , of Blair , were at the Mlllard las !
A. W. McLanghlln and wife , of Flatts
mouth , were in town yesterday.
J. Van A. Carter , wife and child , o :
Xvanston , are at the Paxton.
John Campbell , of Laramlc , Wyo , , I
a guest of the Paxton.
T , J. tf aimer and ion , of FlatUmoutb
are at the Paxton.
0. W. Fort , of PlaUsmoutb , was at thi
Paxton last night.
H6n.W. II. Michael , of Grand Island I
h In the city.
Chauocoy Wlltse , of Grand Island , is a
the MilUrd.
C. A. A\prill , ot Lincoln , is a gueet o
the Mlllard.
Janus B. Ros . of Denver , Is a guest o
the I'nxton.
W. A. Campbell , of Grand Island , Is Ii
the city.
J. P. Dullard , of North Platte , is at tb
" A. W. Nickell , Brownsfille , ia at the
o , . .
Hon. II. T. Clarke , of Bellevue , is 1
0. F. Atkins , of Denver'ls at the MI !
B. M. Willsey , of Blair , is at the Ml
N. W. Well ? , of Schnylcr , is at the MI
II. Sanborn , of Salt Lake , is at the Pa :
J. II. Bell , of Leadvlllc , ii at the Pa :
John J. Ilocho , of Nellgh , is at the Pa :
P. J. Boyle , of Kearney , is la the city ,
Is J , II. Davis , of Gibbon , Is in the city ,
r- Don'tDlo In the House.
ry rt "Rough on Rata. " Clears out rati
tih mice , roaches , bed bugs , flies , ant ;
ih moles chipmunks , gophers. 16c
rt Ha Will lie Protected.
rte Special Dlapatch to Tin III * .
to JurmtsoN CITY , Mo. , February I
ted Governor Orittondon to-day refuse
111 to deliver Frank James npon a r <
it qulsitlon from the governor of Minni
n- seta to answer to the charge of raurd <
in connection with the Northfield bar .
st robbery.
The Howard for Returning a Wallet
Containing $10 COO.
Port-1 lipttch.
"There Is a good , honoit man , " said
key clurk Murphy to a Post-Dispatch
reporter at the Southern this morn
ing. "That little man standing over
by the desk. Ho found 310.0CO yes-
tfrdty and returned it to the owner
ton minutes " The honest in511
was tccosted and it was discovered
that ho was Mr. Wm. Bauorloiu , an
agent < f Aschcrmaun & Co. , cigar
dealers in Milwaukee.
"Aro you the man that found the
"Yes , sir. I went into the gentle
men's retiring room josterday , soon I arrived at the hotel , and I
found a big bulky pocket-book , filled
with money and negotiable paper. A
few minutes after I was standing at
the desk , when a man rushed up to
Clerk Wlllard , white in the face. " 1
want to got s carriage at once , " he
"What's njT said Willard.
"I'm mined , " said the man I've
just lost $10,030. I must see the po
lice at once. Where will I RO ? '
"I stopped up to Wlllard , " said Mr.
Biuorloln , and asked him what was
the matteil *
"Everything , " said the man. I've
lost a very valuable pocket-book "
"Perhaps I can help you , " said Mr
Bauorleln. "Is this "
. your wallet ?
"Yes , ye , " shouted , the man , as ho
almost grabbed for it.
"Who was IK ? ' asked the reporter.
"T. V. Mcaillycuddy , " said Mr.
Bauerlein , "an Indian agent. I saw
there were several thousand dollars
within the boc k He said himself the
sum was hbout $10,000 in currency
and paper which was negotiable at
toy momenV
"What shape did his thanks take ! '
"Ho asked md bank to the bar and
wo had a drink each of sherry wine ,
for which ho paid in all twenty.fir
cents. Then ho thanked mo aealn
and shook hands and went away
When ho was leaving last night he.
came to ma again , said ho was still
thankful and left. I did not want
anything from him , but ho ought to
have given at least $100 to some char
itable institution. I'm sorry I did not
stipulate with him to do this. "
Inquiry at the desk showed that T.
V. McQillycuddy was a United States
Indian agent , located at Pine Ridio $
agency , Dakota. Ho was on his way
to Washington , where hetook his
valuable wallet last night. He re
marked to a f i lend as ho otoppod Into
a carriage last night , "Well , by Joe ,
I always was a lucky man. "
Thny "Went Paper Money.
Special Dispatch to IIIK 1'm
WASHINGTON , February 8 A con
ference of persons styling themselves
"currency reformnrn" waa begun in
this city to-day. Delegates reptcaent-
ing Rhode Island , Now York , Penn
sylvania , Now Jersey , North Carolina ,
Missouri , Maryland , Connecticut ,
West Virginia , Texas , Maine , Ala
bama , Massachusetts , Iowa and Mich
igan are in attendance , as well as the
greenback members of congress.
Speech's were made by Congressmen
Brnmm , Hazoltlno , Ladd and others.
No resolutions were adopted. A let
ter was read from Treasurer Spinner ,
in which ho says the beat way in which
to keep the volume cf currency uni
form is for the government to issno a
bond bearing 1 and S2 hundreds per
cent interest ( five cents a day on each
$1,000) ) intei-obargeable at the will of
the holder with United States notes.
Spinner also days he favors th < v ropes !
of the law authorizing the coinage of
snbsldary silver money , and that the
substltutioa of silver for paper has
cost the people over $3,000,000 in
gold annually. In addition to this the
annnal gain to the government by the
destruction of pacer money is aver
aged at $1,000,000. The conference
will ba continued to-morrow.
Ilell Tii nd enrol
Neuralgia ,
ScUtiea , Lumbago , -
ScreaciJ , Cain , Iruisei ,
e til Mhtr Wdllj ubti
ind p&ioi.
rim CISTS i Eomt
, Sold bj ll Dmilliti l&J
Dctltri. Direction , la II
UDI ( tl.
7h Clarl tA.7cEeltrCs ,
( S < 4c , m It A. Yoi.ltr C . )
B.lHn.r. , B4. , C.8.A ,
serted unless paid In advance.
1ONEY TO LOAN-Call at Uw office of D. 1
1V1 Thou aa room BCrelghton Block.
THOAN $3,000
6a7-tf 1M6 Faruan
T LOAN On chattel mortgage r <
MONEY . A. B. Tutton , No. 1516 DougU
street front room up ( tain. 435-tf
( \\\10 IOAN At 8 per cent It
OftUI'.UUU teresttneumsol S2.000 andut
wards , for'sto 6 > ears , on first class city and fan
propert ) . BRMIH UKAL EUTATB and LOAN Aosuci
IBth and Douglas Sts.
TO LOAN At 8 per cent. Shrlver
MOVEY Estito nd Loan Agency , oppoilt
pogtofflco. 7"7- "
GENTS Wanted male rr errae. In evci
AGENTS to n In the Urltcd States glO
' . G. E. tllDEOU
to 5.10 par d y o.Mly ma'o.
S oti. , 10 Uatcl y Street. Now York City.
J ISJnu mor. _
ANTED-Olrl for sma'l family. Mutt the
eiighlir undcrstatd cooking an'l fcener ;
Iiousewor. . Good
' { 138 10 15th , near Caj.l(0l ( A\enue.
A good btrbor. Jobby thojea
WANTED ii.F.auMP&ia ,
MI-101 t remont , > eb.
- housekeeper , a mlddle-a <
woman without children , In Uiully of < : A'ldrew this week "J. P. AmeB"PUnt r1i Wctc
id 0 i b , after which at Blair , 950-101
BfTTAKTED A youc man In a grocery star
° * VV > < ust understand the busino'i and tht ca
or of her ei. Alto speak German and Kogllib. A
.U dr 's "I * . T. B. It. Oo. " DM office , wllh full nan
andaddreM. Alio a { and namej of reference
D 1NINO Boom flrl wantid atCioflrid hotiM.
> A woman cook > o dUhwohtr at
the Haracj bt. Rnt&unnt. Ml-St
AfTIKl > Adimog nonic.ri t thi Occl-
W dentil 93B-fJ
WANTKD At rtOmah , a gill lo do booM
wotjc and cfoklnj. Afp'jr TamnUr bi
t trn 12 u.d 1 o'clock al Mo. 1713 Chlugo St. ,
Ormha ! _ 8MI-8
AM iKUrout IU t eli- solicitor * Mgrar
lOKonrlm-n. iUnloJ men preferred. Ad-
drff.8 M. n > olio . M8-1J1
M S JtULA * E uU f/ANTa
WANTKD-Ladles to rail and twt the rcnr
ij ' < mol drnu cut In ; , we can fit anr
form at Hr t trial , Teot Imn ngi rut free next
BaturJaj. I'uttenu a tpcclalty , 1118 boilze l t.
WANTED Someone tohnardimt tale care o (
bov 4 jtars ot age. Addrcsi Mrs. Kltimor-
rl B e office 014-8 }
WANTED- or boirdlng hou o tn paper
and d corn'e dyatkllltd mrchmlc In ex
change for U > boatd. AJJtcew "K. " II e tfflc " .
_ gts-8 }
THREE or < our ( rentlem-n rou'd be nccOTtno-
[ Hated nl'h loom at d board at 113 13 httrrot
bet. Djdgs and Capitol artnue. 913-8) )
WANTED-Pleuv t fnrnlrted room rr milt *
cf rinm * , for trtrelli g mm ami wife w th
b-ard Addreurt until Kobru.ri 15th , "O. N. II.
care MilUrd Hote' ' .
Waita a situation. Flneil cltj-
) re'rrencei. Address "C. " llee office.
WANTED By an experienced b"ok-keeeper (
npielllnn to ork ( .veilings. Addrcu ' 'A.
F. I1. " lice office. KM-8
Fu'nhhe' rrom wllh board , ras
FOIltENr . Alia table board , [ 1713 Dtdge.
t KKNT-4iacr , land within 1 } m les ot
IJ PcitoOlce , with homo of two roomi , Innd
n three parcel , ons o' 21 acre' , one of 18 acrot
, cd eco of 4 acres , and all nlr 'r f'ncej.
DKMH. Aiect ,
343-tf 15th and Diu lu Street ! .
.710H ifNT Neatcot'oTf ' full l"t nlco loca'lon" ,
JUI12 , OOpermooth. P.Jj.TIIOilAam950. .
' " ' |
nTlIIlEE'unfTinlshcd rooms fo7rent7" ltlT'bs'7
JL wln4gw. 1418 i htcato street. 9IO-12) )
1 OR RENT Hctusot four rooms and kitch
F en. ApplyA. llutpby 42)14thSt ) 929-lOt
I UK KhNT iloublo otnce In Jacobs' block.
1O 4 RKNT lip-stairs over 1417 Farnam bt.
1 840.1W JOUrt O. JACOBS.
A BAROHA CEKOR KBM The 2nd story
J\ _ and buif ment of bulldln No. 1111 Karnam
itroet. Inquire next dooreaa . 1181ml
R"NT One organ , $3,00 per m'nth , at
FOR Iloepj's Music Hall 777-lm
Jj conrenlerices 1810 Dodge St. 773-lm
Fr > R RENT 2ft house' . 2 ton rooms , at S3 to
tIS per rurnth Shrirer'g Kent bureau , op-
x > ste cost office. | 768-tf
jiOR RENT Saverul houses , 5 rooms
J eack. DR. C. U. PAUL.
! 39-lm
IOH R N I On Urgent'e < y funuhhoa room
F wllh board for two at 1608 California St.
' New Map of Omaha , lust completed and
BEMIS' for delivery at 95 each. Is 4 feet wide
by 7 feet long. Lanrcat and most complete map
of Omaha over published. Official m p of th *
city. See column.
TTIOE HALK-Kurnlture snil ln ldo Dttlngs al
Jj pA.licllou eon 10thstreet , bet. Davenport
, ud Capliolmenu- . (5410
( Threa tnnlts n ) two horsor.
Jeflersou tq'i re table ,
CC23t ICth an J CM ; .
"PIOR SALK Team of hirtcs , barncsi and
JC wajoaat E17 Lemen crth utie t. M-13 !
LE Spanofm'ile1) , tlarnisand wajon
Inquire Jamoi FalionirOpen house vau ii.
CtoRSALli A large l.'e cftcst , almost niw
Jj lulthblo fornaloou or rest mrant , co t 120.00
will be sold for 75.00 alio one wn 1 nicely orna
mented co-ji.tcr , 11C9 Dou.las St. 9IS-9
otf r tor s le t a bargalu the otiilne aid
fixtures now In use at our works. Tha
ccmU t outflklsat uood new , rnd connhtiof
f n.lno (10 ( her < poret ) B Mr * , K aterStim
P'-mp , SmokfStvk , H rnm i > nd Wicr Gtuftr ,
Wiitirla"k Va\es Upoi , > tc. 3t 11 be taken
out clout thn first of niit.Miy Partle inter
te < l am Invl u I o call n < 1 8 < t tnofe stlon d y
and n'git ( Sund.js txccpt"r' ' ) at thV < Mdman
Llneeeu Oil yLil > iconcrSotatoanth and NichOl - >
Ol tice < Ot7-ttn ,
T3 O1EU FOHSALG CHEAf-ea mile * west of
Fi > Oinah , on iho Union Pivrillc railroad.
Brick Kirn , two ttsry hotel and lrnlturc , three
lo'B-xt.)2 ( ! ) good etand , go d buaincSK. OoJ
aiOiH for celling. Inquire ot subscriber.
7i-lm-mo ; ) Noith Cond , Neb.
( jlJit ? ALtllou u and ut lot mlu on b J3
J ; nJ Doroa atrcctd. Call ou the premises.
_ ai3-l2tt
maps of Nebraska fOe
Eon . For bsrjtalns In > aha City Improved
and un mnr vcd property , call on Wm. f , Shri'
vcr , Ho l Estate Agent , opposite postofflce.
irVJltHAuE bfx room cottane 1th burn nd
JD half lot on Chicago street , near Utah School
Only S2.300. JIcCAGUE ,
COO-doo V7-t' Opp. PoaioBlce.
171O11 tiALK A ursl claii lucona Lind poueton-
P CollatTSlQTTarncySt 97-tf
FOU RALE-J9.00 pe'
JJJtbtu'and , Yard 15th street , two blocks
couth r f nn'lovuo ' road
_ dcc23-3m _ { LORENZO DIBBLE.
T > EMI3 New Map of Omaha , Just completed an. .
ID reoily for delivery at 15 each. Is 4 feet wWe
bv 7 feet long. Largest and most complete map
of Omaha ever published. Official map of tbe
rltv. Boo column.
STRVY NOTICE Kacapjd from Its stable ,
mf Vf > ,2'hstr'et , Feb. 7th. a Igbt bay hone
abcut 7 vear * eld ; whlta no o and fetb' ' ck
nunoard Uil. IUJ on h.lter aid part of lt
rope , which he broke In nuking UK " ' < * . I -
frirmiitlonof his wlieieabairmuoy be left at the
Hupnbllcan Qitice 961-et
T OST Yesterday afternoon , an Otter Muff con-
I j tiinlng 1 Itebandkojchlcf wl'h bliicrorrter
on Cumlngs or Izard s'ree' , between 18th and
foh. ; Finder call for reward at Hobln Ilros. ' ,
8C910th street 960-10J
A ladle" gold Kar rlnx. Under leave
LOST at Iko ofllco. BoS-Sl
TIUNALIST , 408 Tenth street , between Farnam
and IJamoy. Will , with the aid of guardian
BDlrita , obtain for any one a glance of the paa
and present , and on certain conditions In tfrf fu
ture. Boots and Shoes made to order. Pufec
Absolutely Pure.
Thb pow dcr ncr varies. A man-el of purity ,
ttrcngtnand vtholcaomeness. Mora economical
than the orplnary k'ndi. ' and cannot be icld In
competition with the multitude of low tett , short
welrftit , alum or phosphate powder. Bold oo n
cans. Ilotib aiiixii Pow&iK Co. , Wall-Bt. , SO - „ 4
New York. * I