Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1883, Page 7, Image 7

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Diseases of Women and Diseases of the Rectum t a Specialty.
The Dr. has been located in Coun
cil Bluffr nearly two years , and hav-
ng been called professionally curing
that time into the best families in the
city and surrounding country , takes
pleasure in an announcing that he has
come to stay. His constantly incroae-
In ? practice at homo , in the midst of
his own people , In the boat nvidonrcof
his skill 3 a SPECIALIST , and ho
wisheo it understood , once for all , that
his methods of treatment are STRICTLY -
LY sclent ifi 3 ; that ho despises quack
ery as well among so-called "Regular"
and "Homeupitthic" practitioners aa
among travollngcharlatans and "Cure-
Alls. " He has devoted fifteen years
to the ntudy and practice ot hla SPE
CIALTIES and has had the benefit of
the most skillful training in the best
colleges and hospitals in the land , and
has no hesitancy in promising the very
best results to bo obtained trom ecicn-
tifi omediciuo and surgery.
It must bo evident to every close
observer that no one mlud , however
gifted , can prasp moro than n mere
smattering of modlcal science. The
fiald la too largo nnd the niturdl dlvls-
toiia too nuiuorous for anything inaro
than a curujry vijiv of the v.xnt obsta
cle * to be onoountorod by the "j ; MI-" prdotltkwur Wo iiavo ouv em-
immt Hurgconn and our mtiinuut prtj
Utionors of modtclno , i > f icr which fol
low the noted epooulUts , embracing
the Eye , the Eir , the Throat , the
Lungs , the Ktduoy * nnd Bladder , Dis
eases of Women , Insanity , &o , &a. ,
any one of which requires years of
patient study and praotics to insure
proficiency and ultimate anccesa.
The busy practitioner of to-day
the "family" physician c in no more
oabraco all these specialties in his
practice and do jootice to his patients
than he can "bottle up sunlight , " yet
how many physicians in the western
That never require crimping , at Mrs. J. J. Good's Hair Store , t priced never before touched by
ny other hair dealer. Also a lull line of switches , etc. at greatly reduced prices. Also gold ,
Uver and colored neta. Waves made from Indies' own half. Do not fall to call before purchasing
elsewhere. All ( foods wairanted as represented. MRS , J. J. GOOD ,
29 Mam street. Council Bluffs , Iowa.
And all PoluU East and outh-EMt.
Nearly 4,000 nillca. Solid Smooth Steel Track
U connections ere made In UNION DtPOT3
has a National Rcpntatlon at being th
real Through Oar Line , and Is universally
needed to bo the FINEST EQUIPPED Kali-
ad In the world tor all clansej ot travel.
Try It and you will flnd traveling a Inxnri
Instead of a discomfort.
Through Tickets via rhis Celebrated Lin *
ale at all offices In the West.
All Information about Rates o Fire , BleeplL.
Car Acocmmodattons , Time Tablet , &c. , will b
cboerfnlly given by applylnlng to
Sd Vice-Pros' ! & Oon. Manager , Chic ii-o
Gen. Passeo/rer / Agt. Chicago
Qen. Agent , Conncll Blufle.
n. V. JELL , Ticket Aft.
miuo-ed Iv
Nebraska Loan & Trust Company
Capital Stock , - - $100,000-
JAfe.B. HEARTWELL , President.
A. L. CLAHK VIco-Presldent.
E. 0. WtBSTEU , Treasurer ) J
Samuel Alexander Oswald Oliver ,
A. L. Clarke , E. 0. Webster' '
Ooo. U Pratt , Jas. B. Ilcartwell ,
D. M.McElIIInney.
First Mortgage Loans a Specialty
This Company furnishes a permanent , homi
Institution wbcro School Boi ( and other legally
Issued Municipal nocurltl" 10 IXibraika can be
b negotiated on the ma I i a\orable terms
Loans made on Improt e < l f t n Inallwelliettlta
counties of the state , toioj t ivponilbl * local
correepODdtot * !
( DHXVCR , COL. , August 23,1832.
Tia I cannot find words w th which to er.
proas my gratitude to you for the cura your
Swllt's Specific hai effect > d la my caie. I wag
afll'ctod With tba horrlElo d'seano for three ye tra ,
an4 alter spending some time at the Hot Bprlngs
I used on'y one diien suiall ema'lbottle * of S. B
S. and there 11 not a Ign of the disease remain
ing My sorei are all healed , my throat li en-
I have so n BO many hundreds of men dosed with
Calomel , Iodide o ( MoJcury and Iodide of Potash ,
u til they wore cimp'eto wrecks , that I shudder
to thfiik of the m's ry which hu been brought
on th > human family by the use ot Mercurials for
Blood Diseases. It Isa crjlng shame thU physi
cfans will not acknowledge the msilt of your
GRAND Blood Mcdlc'no. Use my name as you
* ! eh. J. II. KAFF.
If you doubt , come to nca us , and wo will CURB
YOU , or charge noth'ng ! Write particulars
and a copy of the little book , " Monsago to the
Unfortunate Suffering " Auk any Dnijjglst as to
our utandlug.
tfi.lOOD Reward will he paid to any
ChcuiUt who w 11 find , on ana'yula of 200 bott es
of B. 8. S. , ono pnrtlc u of Ma cury , led do ot
PosaHHlum , or an } Mineral imbalance. SWIFT
SPECIFIC CO. , Proprietor. . ) , At'anta. Qa.
Price of Small Size , 8 1,00
Largo Sap , 1.75
Beams Eewarded ,
Oil ,
The Story ol ttio Bowing Machine ,
A btn-liout little pnraylilo ) , blneTaed r l
tovi nltb nomeroui unjravlnEi , wllljbi
to ny aault peracn c iinj ; for It , at boy blanch
ci inb-o co of Thr 6 > njer ; Maoafactanng ( Jam-
f'ty , or will be r < ont by mall , poit paid , tc
av v : ' 0'.i livlnic at dlitaace from oar odcel
? liB Singer Hanufaoturing Oo , ,
Principal fftoe , 34 Union 8qn n
fuurray & Lanman's
FH ( TSUIKfi ft T&ftTKE !
Liu ) fa film WAI Eli.
! - . - . . . . . - . *
country are PUGIBNDIKO to do so , to
the coit and injury tf their patients.
Thu Dduoa not pretend to euro
ALL chronio daa ! aoa. Ho claims ,
however , that yoira of patient atudy
and praatloo , in the hospita'a nd nisi-
whore , give him advantages in their
treatment whioh no ordinary priotl-
tlonor oin poislbly have ; that ho CAN
CURB miny cjaes non * pronouood
TNOQR IBLE by them , and give re
lief to hund-odi of othora wlioio dia
oisen cnmo within the range of hia SPE
CIALTIES. Ho is prjprod to vo
the most approved oluctric troatniant
and medlcatod vapor Inths , when
nooded. P.vrtloa res'd ng at a dUtinoo ,
whoso moans will not jidmit of their
taldng a regular courao of treatment
hers , will ba furnlshnd blauki with
quoitions , which can ba aniworjd nnd
returned to the Djctor. who will mnk-i
up his dingnosis and give treatment if
desired , bat ho much prefers to mko n
The Dreaded Blstl Siberian Wnftcd
O.OOO Mllee on the Wings of
the Wind.
'hlladelphU Record.
When the lamented poet traveler
ijyard Taylor wrote of anowfl ikei as
ho "wild white bees of winter" it is
loublf ul that he Imagined the pretty
ancy contained a largo amount tf
ruth. Such , however , is the case ,
and from recent important discoveries
made in this city by students and
irofeasors of ono of the academics , it
ma boon shown that the beautiful
inorr of poetry bids fair to
> ccomo a provoking reality. About
hreo mouths ago there crrivod
n this city , a box , which , on being
opened , apparently contained about a
> tnt yf snow. A note which aoacm
> anlcd it stated that the contents had
> con collected from the deck of tbo
British steamship Glenohoster , during
n snow squall cff the banks of New-
oundland , while on a voyage from
lull to Montreal , and that the cap.
tain , Edwin Manning , had boon ad
vised to forward the specimens to the
academy to be investigated. The
natter was kept quiet , and only with-
n the last day or so has the result be
come public , and as it is undoubtedly
a matter of considerable importance
wo print it at length. The examina-
ion of the snowy-looking stuff under
ihe microscope at once disclosed the
act that it was composed of thou
sands of very minute insects covered
with silvery scales , and nearly all
in a vigorous state of health
A searching investigation was at once
sot on foot nnd strict secresy enjoined
on all concerned , and it was soon
proved beyond a doubt that the in
sects wore no lens than the drended
mow fl > as of Eistorn Siberia , which
li'avo never before boon fouud in any
part of the world more than a few
hundred miles from that country. A
well known professor of natural his
tory , who formed ono of the investi
gating committee , said yostordaj :
"Tho first specimens wo received wore
sent from Montreal by a shipmaster
named Manning , who discovered them
on his ship's dock on the Atlantic
ocean , but wo have found large quan
titles of them about the city during
and after all the snow storms of this
ee&son. The snow flea , or , to give it
its scientific name , the Blsti-Slboriui ,
belongs to the f tmily of Prndarldiu or
"Springtalls/'andalthough very much
smaller than the ordinary black ilaa ,
closely resembles it in form and habit ,
one great diiforotico bdiug that , while
it is captiblo of leaping , it does so by
means of ilo tall , and not as tbo ( Ida
does with its le rs. The leap , in the
case of the snow flea , la performed by
doubling the tall up under the abdo
men and suddenly throwing it back
ward , whioh results in a forward
movement of the body in fact , it IE
from this characteristic that the name
"Springtalls" ii derived. They arc
very tenacious of life , and breed verj
rapidly , especially where the weathoi
Is cold and dry , damp weathar soonr
ing to throw thorn into a stupor. Ir
Eastern S.boria the
people have to UK
every precaution against the pests ,
and many legends tpeak ol
thorn as the "snow ol
Hades , " and say that the sonis-of the
wicked are being tortured by boinf
personal examination and treat all
patients here , when possible , thus
avoiding any chance * of error in diag
nosis ,
The Doc tor treats all forms of chron
io disease , without mentioning any
( main particular , and hii no hosituioy
in saying that ho CAN and WILL
give the bast treatment known to mod
icil acirfnoo , and charge only a reison
able fee for his oorvioes.
This is ono of the SPECIALTIES
to Vrhloh the Dr. has dovo'ol the best
yoara of bis life , and hundreds of
women , now living , arj rouly to testify
fy tlut they * found relief at his hands
when others had failed to bane li
thorn. The "family" physiciiu cu-
not treat these diioasea successfully ,
for many important reason ? . , chloi
a noni ; which is , that ho 1m not the ,
i i nan to dovota to their study , nor t.ho
p&ti no3 to do .them jastbo. Nor
exposed to driving storms ef thorn.
' 'As yet , " continued the jTVjfofessor ,
'wo have fouud but few cas'ns'in this
city which people acorn to have boon
eufferora from the insoots , bat should
a BDoll of oold , dry weather sot it will
unquestionably bo the signal for much
complaint. The insects , which can
only by the closest scrutiny bo dia-
; ingnished from fine snow , fasten to
ho clothes of pedestrians and cling
.hero until the person outers a warm
.cmporature , when they at once ba-
; in to blto in the most vicious man-
ior , and although the bite is not pois
onous , it io for a fjw momenta even
moro painful than that of the ordinary
flsa. As a rule , the bites
are mainly confined to the
jo , for the snow flea does
not seem to possess the power to
climb and wander over the body of its
victim. Ono gentleman , a resident of
Fraukford , was a few days since much
annoyed by them , and bis little boy ,
who was bltton at the same time , Buf
fered great pain for saveral hours. Cor
respondence with scientific men in
Montreal and Boston show that the
pests have also appeared at those
points , and in the former city have
created great dltoDinfort. The ttrango-
ist feature noticeable is the fact that
it is never found more than eighteen
Inches above tbo ground , and servant
iris have been forced to wear rubber
boots whllo sweeping ciT the sidewalks
In front of their masters' residences.
Prof , James MoArchfmld , of this oity ,
bos prepared an exhaustive article on
the subject , which will ba road at the
next meeting of the academy.
* BothLydlaE. Pinkham's Vegetable
able Compound and Blood Purifier
are prepared at 233 and 235 Western
avenue , Lynn , Mass. Price of either ,
$1. Six bottles for $5. Sent by mall
iu the form of pilla , or of lozooges , on
receipt | of price , § 1 per box for either.
Mrs. Pinkhnm freely answers all let
ters of inquiry , Enclose 3 cent
stamp. Send for pamphlet. Mention
this paper.
Money fur the Uamnrrled.
Oae of the most rolU anil eubntantlal
institutions In thh country li the Mar.
tlngo Fund and Mutual Trust Ass' elation ,
of Cedar Kiplde , lowo. They are organ-
Ir.ed under the laws ol I jwu , and their of
ficers nnd directors are ainong the lending
and most prrmlnent Imalna-s men of Cedar
Kauldc , Kvery unmarried person should
have ccrtllicute In this aMoclatlon.
It is n xplendld investment , as safe & a
government bond. You can just as well
htvo a c od turn cf money to o mmenco
married lifo on an not. A Urge number of
members have been paid oU , receiving over
300 per cent cm their Inveettnont.Vrlta
for circulars fully detailing the plan , which
is the finest known. U i not postpone it.
Good agent ) wanted. Mention wbern you
saw this notice. 1C 3m.
Interesting nemlnlecencej of an An
cient FlHUorman
Redwood ( Cil.Tlaoj and Qmtto.
In the year 1818 there sailed from
English shores thuahlpNerlad , owned
and controlled by the Hudson Bay
company. Its destination whcro
Its interests are now centered. Upon
reaching the Pacific coast u delay of a
month was necessary for repairs , which
wore made at Monterey. From there
should it bo expootod of him , in the
ibs'tuco , perhaps , of special truainn
and oxporiouci ) , and in the hurry and
jxcitomoiit of general praclioa
Tao Dr. is prepared to trim1 ; all fn
male dhoasoi iu a skillful and s iontlfk
nanndr , having devoted several ye rn
v > their study una treatment , both in
' ho hospital and in ao ive praotuo
Diseases of the Rectum ,
rhoni embrace Hemorrhoids , or
Piles , Fistuios , Fissures , Prolapi , or
falling of the auui , tumors , etc , oto .
and constitute one of the Dotor'r
loading specialties. All rectal t imor
tro treated by the now niothud of in
jooting and are thoroughly nnd speo I-
lly removed , with buthttl > erne pain
OASOI of Piles , from ton to twenty
yoara sUndlnfr , have bean pormviont-
ly cured by this now method , many ot
thorn residing in and near the city at
present.EPILEPSY ,
Many o.vius ot Ejilnpiy , or FtU
the voesol visited the harbor of S n
Francisco. At that thno there was
not v habitation or a living soul where
now flourishes ho great city. A land
ing was made under the brow of Tele
graph Hill , near where the seawall has
been built. On this ship was a sailor
nmned James Poaoo , nged 20 years.
Ho had had trouble with the captain
and mate , and left their employ at
this port , and waa landed and left to
shift for himself. Ho found hii way
to the old mission , where ho was
kindly cared for. After remaining
there for a short time , ho made his
way south along the coast until ho
struck Half Moon Bay , where ho
found a trlbo of wild Indians located.
Peace took np his rosldonca among
this nomadlo trlbo , and built for him
self a homo. Several years afterward
ho was taken prisoner by the Mexican
government , transferred to their soil ,
and there hold for nearly two years.
Matters were finally settled and ho
was allowed to return to his homo.
From that day to this James Peace
has lived in San Marco county a res
idence ot sixty-five years. In an early
day ho was possessed of considerable
property , but owing to poor manage
ment he gradually lost ail that ho had
gained until ho only retained a small
homestead. Several years ago his son
Tony shot and killed a man named
Clifford near Half Moan bay. The
trial and subuquent acquittal cost his
father oven his old homo , which had
to bo mortgaged for the costs "of the
expondvo trial. Slnco that time the
old man , now 8G years of ago , has had
to earn his living by fishing and dig
ging in the crooks near Radwood. All
that hu now has loft is his boat , In
whioh ho lives , and which from the
small revenue derived from the sale of
fish he subsists. Thinking that per
haps the old fellow's history might
contain something tf interest , a Times
and Gazjtto reporter called upon him
the other day at his craft in a slough
back of Belmont. Ho was found nil
alone * , preparing to put out his nets
for the night , Ills memory is poor as
to dates , but the Incidents of past
years are as fresh in his mind as over.
It is Jimmy's pride to toll about the
first American flig that waa over un
furled in Half-Moon bay , and ho takes
unto himself the honor of this act of
patriotism. He still has the old flag
in his boat , which he exhibited. It
looks ancient , indeed , and there can
ba no doubt that its history as related
is correct. In these early days Peace
claims to have seen none of the race
now called the "Ureascr. "
At that time , away from the Mis
sion , the country was uninhabited ex
cept by wild Indians. But as the
Mexicans began to locate and Inter
marry with the natives , the founda
tion was laid for the "Greaser" race
of to-day. Although 8G years of age ,
Jimmy is far from being feeble , as in
evinced by the management of his
boat and note , without aid. Of course
the Ufa thus led is a hard ono , and
for such an ok' man is doubly hard ,
Butthoro is no help for it ; it Is cither
work or otarvo , and Jimmy considers
the latter decidedly disagreeable.
This mode of livelihood , though severe -
voro , is at least Independent. Pcaca
is probably the oldest white reaidnnt
in the state , and there does not live
to-day the man that can truthfully
dispute hla claim to the "oldest in
habitant. "
can bo cured if taken in time , and cs
pocially in young subjects. The Dr.
duos not claim to euro all cases that
coma to him for treatment , but can
point to numsious instances where a
permanent euro has boon wrought
within the last five years. Modipinot
will bo aunt by cxprusn when patients
cannot coma to the city.
Thuao troublesome parasites can bo
removed iu a few hours , with but lit-
tiu iuoonvonlonco to the patient. The
Dr. will send medicines by express ,
with full directions for use , at an >
time they may bo ordered. .
The Dr. makes no promises but
what will bo fulfilled to the letter. It
ho examines , you and finds your dii
OASO incurable , ho will toll you so it
plai i words ; if ho finds you can bt
bonefittod he will treat you for a mod
crate fee and give yon the bancfit ol
all that modioil science can do for you
caso. This is all that any carofu
A Vnlnnbla Meillcinn.
There are no dleasos moro proviloat , lth
perbais , thociep'l ' n ot Consumption , In this
couutr ; , than thu Kidney and Liver CompUlnti ;
and Io Ond a remedy that would effectually ro-
llovtfthcm hai lonjt heen the < ln ot nunyrflUc-
led sufferers. Whether our bablls a jio plo
tro comludhotothr odl'ca-cs , cr whether they
may roiult from the peculiarity ofojr climate ,
Is b yond our comprohcmlon , and fa rfll'tlo ' ral-
uo n'nco an cllhuclous r mcdy can bo had ; but ot
ono Ihlntf HO are turo , lint the lonar nflllctcJ
puMIc will hill with Jir thorpnllc which has
afallaid aaln provoJ IU ability to effectually
cope with and eradlcito thoaj dlicuor. Tie
ca r e of I his mcdhino li Hunt's llenmly , and It
li manufactured by the Hunt's Kemody Ccin
piny of 1'ravldence , It Is not of tea that men
lion of a ptont modlclno occurs In these colums
but , when one come ! under our notice rioxeisln ?
luch undoubted nier'.tii ' the ono of which we
speak , we cani.ot refrain from giving It the cred
it It dowries. H cures when all other rcmcdlce
( all , a * It acts dlrict'y on tie KtJnryi.Urcr , and
1)jwell restoring thorn all at once to healthy
action. It Is sure to eradicate all dlieisrs of the
Kldreys , Illtdder , Uilnary Organi , such as
GravelDiabctai , Incontinence , Kctcnthn ot the
Urine , It bw a wonderful effect on Weakness
or Pain In the Hack , Side , orLolnn , and has pror-
edlbef the moit reliable medicine extant ( cr
Central De'.lllty , Finnic1 D.ieaaoi , Disturbed
Sleep , Lou ot Appetite , atd all complalr U of the
Uiliio-Urnim Organ. . Its efficacy In caeoiof
lh t dreadful scourge and InelJIous destroyers
Rrl lit'i Dliea'.e of th Kldniys , has been re-
rrar ab e ; and , II Iti merit rented on Its success
In coping with tint dlieuo abne , U would be
woithy of hl 'h rink ana public bonefcbtor , la
all dl eucsot the Liver as Biliousness , Head-
aho , I'ytpeps a , S > ur Stomach , and Costlvoness
It quickly Inducts lint organ to hcall y action ,
and remove i the ciuje at the tame tlmj. Kb
purely vrKilab'o In composition , helog entirely
free from a I tnoicjrUl or mineral rohnns , and
posaewes melrtuiu ai a remedy for Heirt
Uiicaseand Khoumatlim. Wo hare neither time
norap ce to do thli medicine full Jjitlce ; but
the public can obtu n full pullo ilats In the ibtpo
ofpamphlo sand clrcu'ari by abdre-slng Hunt's
Heine y Company , Pr-vlilonce , II. I. Scientific
Never Give Uo-
If you arc suffering with low and de
preused spirits , IOBH of appetlto , gotiora
debility , ( Unordered blood , weak * conxtltn.
tlon , lienduche , or any disease of a bilious
nature , by all means procure a bottle of
Klcctrio liltters. You will be surprised to
xee the rapid Improvement that will follow ;
you will bo Umpired with new life :
stronKth nnd activity will return ; pain and
minery will cease , and henceforth you will
rejiilco In the pralee of Klectrlo Hitters
Bold at fifty cetiU a bottle , byU. F.
BULBS Tullvji.
Crootue * .
And all other for Fall Planting. Largeit aawit
ment ever ohown In ChlcaffO'
Dluitrated Catalogue free. Bend lor IL
Hiram Sibley & Co. ,
- - Chlr
iOUM DTAILtk < tOM > jauiMf
President. Vice P e'l.
W. B. fiiisiicii , 890. and Treoo.
Lincoln , Neb
Corn Plnntors HrrrowH.Farm Hollers
Uullry Hay HnUo ? , Buonot Klevatlnx
Wlndmllla , &io
We ar * prepared to do Job work and nuno ! c
urlng lor other paitles.
Addrftial orl ri
Lincoln. M *
iractitionor should premise his pa-
lenta * it is all be GAN premise thorn
( tad bo honoit.
Partlos visiting the city for the pur-
loao of consulting the Dr. should
toino dircctly o bit ofl'uo , where the
> eat roforonoo's in the city will bo fur-
niihodwhon desired , and whore pa-
iants will nlso bo asaistod in prosur-
board and rooms at reasonable
( Ono Block North of Broadway. )
Address all Loiters to
DR , A. 3. COOK ,
P. O. Box No. 1402 ,
Council Bluffs ,
uff , lhr , rak ' 1 in n ot li
neil I-T the itmlu ft
fimr Uiitlci vnll tilirht work , to r v
tlmiluntiuna ur * * tirp brain iifrifxivt
Hop tsttteirit , * a.t UK H < , ty.
If jf.uarnyonnB ni I mie tli4 .nv u. , >
! li.n , If TOU f-u-
rlrc or lipold \ ot ! -f.iite , lunurii ( rr-T
- ' ' '
rily opIlDlttrir * .
you I miull ; from tec *
rour j tum ' 1 form of K la-1" "
jwdtcleunMiiK.Ion ' > cll. ( ' K that
, ntr or stlinulatlnR ' , 111"
t k Hop
Ool. O
onirinarucorii * u > iMclui *
jijn. | , iliso c Una trniliu.
ot th * < ri n < icJki llble cure lor
bcmli. Vloou. lJruc | < imnt .
lit it oi ncrvu I 1 UM o' oijoro.
You will be to'jaoco , J
Hired If jounic | | nr octlc * .
Hop Bitter *
. , Sendtoi
, flut.
tow.i.lilUiUrj NEVER Circuit J- .
Itt It may Ot-BRTIM
nvc your
FAILI vru a * .
life. Ithok
lived hun-
droUi. Toroilo. Oil.
The moil centrally located hotel In the dtjr.
Boom 7Bc 11,00 ,11.60 and f 100 per day.
Fir C'aie Restaurant connected wit th
HURST. - - Prop.
„ ponrthand T9 Btreet * .
Bend SI , (2 , $3 , or $5 for r * .
tall box by Express ol the beat
Candlei In America , pat np
elegant boxes , and itrlctly pore
Suitable for [ presents. Ezpresa
oh urges light. Kefora to all Chicago
cage , Try U onro.
OQ O. F. anNTHQB ] '
Confectioner , - Ohlcag 1
It Is a sure , prompt ard effectual remeds or In *
dljcntlon. ; Ujxpcp la , Intermittent Fevers. Want
of Appetite , Nervous Debility In all Its Stages ,
Weak Memory , Loss of Brain i'nwcr , Prostration ,
Weakness and general Loss of Pouer. It repaln
nervous waste , rejuvcnaUi the faded Intellect ,
strenxhthcns the enfeebled brain and restore *
Burpris nc tone and vl or to the exhausted or-
eani. The cxpcrlcnco of thousands proves It to
bean Invaluable remedy. Price , 11.00 bottle ,
orslx or5. For nalobyall UrugfliU , or lent
secure from observation on receipt ot price by
Pr. Stolnhnv 1 P. O. Box 2400 St.
Loull Mq.
The Or cat Popular Ilomuuy for Piles.
Bare cure for Blind , Weeding & I chlngPUei
And all forms of Ilemorrholdal Tumon.
Thcae SurrosiTOKim act directly ujxin thi
eoita of the Blood Vessels , and by their utrlnrent
effects gently tone the blood from the swollen
tumors , andby making the coats of the velni
strong , prevent their refilling , and hence a radi
cal euro Is sura to ftill iw their uie. Price , 78
ct'iite a box. For sale by alldnwlats , or sent by
nmll on receipt of price , 1 > > Ea lith Alndioal
Institute , 718 Olive St. St lonlm
$ B"oo REWARD.
The above rcwanl will be paid to any pcreon
who will produce a Paint that will equal the
Pennsylvania Patent Rubber
Paint ,
for preserving Shingles , Tin and 0ravel Roots.
Warranted to bo Klro and Water Proof. All
orders promptly attended to. Cheaper and bet
ter than any other nalnt now In use.
Bole Proprietors , Omaha House , Omaha , Kcb.
Officer 4 Puioy , Dr.lUce , Dr. Pinner ,
Ooundl Bluffs. Iowa. .
ln ) efflo * , Omha N o.