THE DAILY BEE "COUNCIL BLUtfFS IOWA FRIDAY EEKRDARY t The Daily Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Friday Morning , Fob 0. BUD80IUPTION BATES : BT Carrier , - - - - - to cents per week. BrUall . . . . . . (10.00 per Ti. Offloa : No. 7 Pearl Street , Near Iro&dwny. MINOR MENTIONS. The Indict meet again tha ! afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock to BOW ( or the needy. Peter Johnson claims thit hta saloon WM enUred and 83 stolen from the till. Sallie Paine , the colored woman at the jail , Is now getting along well , ai it al > o the infant. John Klane yesterday had the distinc tion of being the only drunk dltpo ed of in polios court. In the circuit court yesterday Charlei Warner , the colored J nltor , WM granted a dirorco from his wife. Sa't li doing good work on the street railway track * , doinp more to clear off the mow than shovel ) , by longoddf. There was a regular cowling carnival on Willow avenue last evening. A big crowd , young and old , lot * of fun and no alt. There was a quiet wedding yesterday in which Justice Vaughan tied the knot between Gtorge L. Rust and Eliza M. Davli. General Tom Ihumb and company arrived here yesterday and stopped at tht Ogden. They gave pleasing entertain' ' Dents at Dohany'e. Warrants are out for the arrest of three brothers named Byore , living in Lewis townihlp , they being charged with killing B mule belonging to A Mr. I'lumoc. A BARGAIN , Any person doslring to purchase an elegant residence one block f rom lt ylts ' park , for 80,500 , part on time , should address W , Iboi 1,617. f2-3t Horace Everett evidently believes that' it Is bitter to give than receive. Yester day was his birthday and ho donated to Council Bluffs lodge , No. 40 , a check of 125 for the benefit of the Pythian poor. Jacob Sims has commenced another action against hi * former law partner W. 8. Amont , for damages on account of partnership moneys collected , and personal Injuries resulting from Ament assaulting him. Ho places the wbolo bill at $3,000. Whatiithe city coming to ? Tire out of the three Justices and one police officer Arrested within twenty-four hours , the former for disturbing the peace and the latter for larceny. Ob , dearl Oh , dear Yesterday was a good day fortnarrlago licenses , The following were granted duo light : O. T. Wilson and Anna Villon , both of Oouncll Bluffi ; George L. Kust and Kilzft M. Davl , Center ; Henry llussan nd Maggie Schiller , both of Woodblnt , Madison county ; and Henry Short am LtnaL. Proctor , both of Gainer. The Germans of Council Bluff * an aroused and propoio to respond to the cal of their suffering friends at home. To pu this sympathy In practical shape A gran concert is announced , to take place nl Turner ball on next Sunday evening , An advertisement found elsewhere will ex plain. The best local talent has been engaged , and a feast of music U prom ised those who attend. It is not generally known that thi dty marshal has A fresh weapon in th cow warefare. Under the ordinance hi can not only arrest A stray cow and pni her in the poucd , but can Arrest the ownei for letting her run At large , and the fin for the owner Is from $1 to $16. If tin war gets much'warmer the cowownera maybe bo put in the pound and the cows Allowed to ran. In the circuit court yesterday then was a hard disposition made of A case , It being thct of II. Marksberry , of Missouri Valley , against Llnder & Kiel , the cause of action being An attempt to recover money paid the latter for liquors , the plaintiff having kept n saloon , and pur * chased his liquors of that firm , The case has been hanging fire for two years , and yesterday the plaintiff's attorney , C. R. Scott , Asked for A continuance on the ground that his client was too drunk to Appear in court , Judre Reed decided that this was not sufficient ground for A continuance , unless it could be shown that Myntter & Adams , the attorneys for the defendants , had got the defendant drunk. Scott could not give Any such showing , And the case was dismissed. The finest lot of anthracite coal that baa been rocolved bore this winter has just arrived at A. H. Mayno & Oo.'s. Dr. Woit , Dentist , 14 Pearl etroot. PBBBONAL , . A. J. Kniiell and P. P. Kelley , ol Glenwood , were In the city yesterday. J. H , Shank , of Marion , Iowa , was Pacific house diner yesterday. Win. Cook and 8. M. Otgood , of Gedai Rapids , were at the Pacific yesterday. W. F. Booggln and wife , of Sloan , Iowa were at the Pacific yesterday. Geo. B. Garland , of Boston , arrived a the Pacific yesterday , I. D. M. Lohdell , of New York , 1s a the Ogden. A. D. Tinsley and wife , of Harlan , ar in the city , and stopping at the Ogden , W. 8. Minlrok , of New York , was s the Ogden yesterday. F. B. Bemple , of Cincinnati , arrived t the Ogden yesterday ; ftlio D. M. Andei son , of the same place. _ We notice the Marriage fund , Mutui Trust Association , of Cedar Rapids , lowi highly spoken of in many of the leadln papers of the state. "Money for the U married" heads their advertisement I another column of this uaper. 5-3i When yon want to got Iowa coi that Is almost If not quite equal t Wyoming , call for the Frederick , t A. U. Mayne & Oo.'s. _ Hertford' ! Acid Phosphate , L'entn and Bodily Exliuuutlon , Etc. Dn. Q. KAISER , Indlanapolh Ind. , Bays : "I hare preacrlbod it fc dyspepsia , impoteucy and mental an bodily exhaustion ; and In all casea bail glren general latlaf action. " JANGLING JUSTICES. Official PoaoB Makers Fast Be coming PoacQ Breakers , A Bohoolboylah Squabble In a Court Boom. THE BKK has already c&llod atten tion to the fact that there docs not ex- 1st the most pleasant and brotherly fooling possible between some of the justices of the peace , the natural rival ry for business having ontloaped its legitimate bounds , and fast striding toward the blood and thunder region. Justice Vaughan , whoso activity and cnthnslasm in anything ho undertakes - takes i well known , got considerably stirred up over n case in which a young man waa arrested charged with larceny. It seems that the young man , named 0. W. linrns , had ap peared before Vauqhan and told his story as to how Oflicor Mono had mis used him by getting possession of his watch , and on the strength of this a warrant was issued for the officer's ar rant on the charge of larceny , The tQicor , Morse , then wont before Judge Avlcsworth and in turn filed an In formation against Burns , charging him with larceny. A warrant was is sued nnd Burns was arrested. Mar' ahal Jackson , having the pris oner in charge , waa hot able to find Judge Aylosworth , and BO brought him before Justice Abbott , as the young man wanted to give bail , Jnstlco Abbott fixed the bail at $200 An affidavit for a charge of vonno was filed by Mr. Mynitor , but Justice Ab bott refused to grant it on the ground that the case was not before him , and that ho had not the papers , hla only business with the case being to fix the ball nnd accept bonds , the officer not being able to find Judge Aylcaworth. A yonng man , a chum of the prisoner , offered to go on the bond , but Abbott did not consider the security good. Mr. Mynstor then offered to bo a bonds man , but Abbott declined on account of his being an attorney. Justice Vaughan , having had his sympathloa aroused in behalf of the young man , and hearing that Abbott would not accept ball or grant a change of venue , which would send it to Vaughan'H ' court , went post haato to Abbott'a office , and there was a stormy Interview , which finally ended in blows , but no blood waa slopped about. AB to the details of the disgraceful and yet ludicrous acono there ia much difference In the naratlons. Vaughan says ho wont up there to have a little friendly talk and expla nation about the mat'or , and that Abbott flow into a passion , and as a round-up ho grabbed Vaughan by the coat , whereupon the latter gave him a llttlo tap with his cano and told him to sit down , and ho sat , and that they then talked over the matter in a inoro friendly manner. Abbott'a story is different. Ho sayu that Vanghan waa insulting and used such language that ho had to or der him to desist and leave the office. Ho claims that aa Vaughan came for him with uplifted cano ho grabbed him by the throat and choked him In to dropping the cano , when Vanghan reached behind him as though ho wna going to pull a revolver , but ho didn't and the fuss ended. Yesterday afternoon Chief of Police Field filed information against both Vaughan and Abbott , Charging them with disturbing the peace , Oflicor Sterling arrested Vanghan and Oflicor Barhyto arrested Abbott. The hearIng - Ing of the cases is sot for 10 o'clock this morning before Judge Aylosworth , bat It is predicted that the farce will end as It began , with a waste of words and a dash of ill temper , becom ing school boya rather than dignified offiolala. Flno weather for baths. Take thorn at 21 Byrant atroot. See advertise ment in another cddmn. James Thomaa & Co. , have holstoc an elegant sign over the now briol store at D20 Main atroot. The steel on hand and displayed about the doori la very attractive to the seeker sf to agricultural Implements , wagona , bug gloa , etc. MORSE'S MUDDLE Tbo Police Oflicor Arrested for Larceny cony and In Turn Boa the Oom- Wltnusa Arrested. The arreat of Officer J. W. Morse of the police force , charged with lai cony , has caused no llttlo atir amen ofiolal ciroloa. The complaining wll ness IB a young man named 0. \ \ Burns , who lately had u barber aho hero , but who now makes Omaha hi headquarters. Ho says that h had a silver watch which h pawned at Mra. D-wla' , and that h lost thq pawn ticket. A few day ago ho tried to got the watch out c piwn , but not having the ticket , Mre Davis told him that she could not glv it to him , unless ho brought the mai ahal to her to vouoh for it. Burr at then found Morse , whom ho clalmi represented himself aa the city ma ahal Instead of of the at , one polic force , and ho got Morsp to g the watch for him , paying Mori ire the amount needed , 911 * H aaya tint Morse thus got the watc : at and that ho rofusoa to glvo it 0p him , and hence ho had him ni rented , at Morse tolls a little different ator ; er- it being to the effect that ho had re son to believe that there waa aon crooked work going on , and ho wa by agreement of all concerned , ng hold the watch until ho could Invcsl fnIn gate further. In Immediately niter Mono 3m was crrcc ed ho wont before Judge Ayloawor and had Burns arrested for larceny , teat being claimed that Burnn while at Mra. Davis1 store one time lately , at looking at some watohca , slipped o gold ono Into hia overcoat pocket , i' al watch being valued at $40. Mi [ Davis' BJitor , who was behind t . , counter , saw him , and demanding i 'or watch ho gave it up. The casd nd Burns waa sot for yesterday aftornoi It aa waa also the case of Morso. , & they oooldjnotlbo proaent In bothjplac at the narno time , Morse's case waa continued biforo Jnstlco Vaughn un til this afternoon , BENEDICT'S BAND- AOantrofHorao Tbloves Suceeaftuiy Broken Up. A now prisoner was added to the boarders at the jnll jcstorday , hie name balng Charles Fults , and the charge against him boingthat of homo- stealing , llii homo is at Oakland , and ho had hla examination In Avocu , it resulting in his being bound over to the grand jury in the turn tf $1,003 , and in default cf bail ho was sent to jail , Ho haa made a lusty sequel now , and claims to bavo boon one cf a gang of which Benedict , who waa lately arrrostod In Omaha was wna the leader. Ho haa glvon the names of the other members of the gang , and several ar reels will result. The gang haa been stealing mostly in Shelby county , nnd ho claims that they run moat tf them into Nobraaka , and had several hidden near Ashland. TUB BEE , a tow days ago , noted the fact that eight or ten horses had been fonnd near Ashland , secreted between two Blacks of hay , and these ho claims nro aomo of the atolon horses. The diaolosuro blda fair to break up the whole gang whoso depredations have for a lonfi ttmo boon annoying the cltlzans of this part of the otato. It la expected that of the gang five at least will bo convicted and sent aorota the state. Friends of the Homeless. The following call aa a preliminary move to a worthy enterprise la aolf explanatory , and should servo to call together a largo number of citizens at the Baptist church thla evening : We , the underslgno-J , unite in a call for a citizana * mooting at the chapel of the Baptist church , Friday night , February ruary 0 , 1883 , at 7:30 : o'clock , to con alder the advisability of taking stops to make the present relief work permanent manont in lie natnro by establishing theme homo for the friendless and a city hos pital : J. G Lemon , E. L. Shng&rt , P. 0. DaVe ) , T. J. Evans , J. P. Oasady , J. D. Edmnndaon , Philip Armour , Thos. Officer , 8 , Farnsworth , J. M. Phillips , R Morgan , John Dohany , E. E. Harknos * , J W. Liing , J. P. Filbert , W. Sledontopf , D. Macrae , H , W. Hart , 0. H. Pinnoy , A. J. Cook , F. H. Oroutt , J. Mueller , Uoo. Bebblngton , Q. M Washburn , A. P. Hanchott. If you are not married , write the Mar- aKO Funl and Mutual Trust ABSOCIII- tlon , Cedar lUplila , luwa , ( or citculnra o plan. (5-3m. Our Now Loan and Improvement ( Jo Investigation Into the matter con vinces no that ono of the moat cquita bio , reasonable and feasible pinna of building hounca is that proposed and In operation by the Mercantile Loan , Trnst and Improvement company of this city. By invostltg In shares in this institution , which is backed by some of our best and most reliable buslnoea men , it becomes possible and comparatively easy for a man of mod erate moans to secure a comfortable homo for himself and family. In tak ing a certain number of shares , at a certain monthly payment , ID a few years a man can own a house of hia own for abont the s ma as ho pays monthly for rent.Vo believe the Mercantile Loan and Trust company , by organizing and opening up for business , having filled a long felt want In Oouncll Blnifi. Their plans and system of loans will bear the most careful scrutiny and exam ination , and wo have no hesitancy in pronouncing them reasonable and equitable , and backed by gentlemen cf honor nnd Integrity. As the com pany ozista it becomes at once an in stitution of valun and credit to our city and these who deslro homes. Their president is T , A , Kirkland vioo president , Judge Foako ; sec retary , I. R. Beery ; treasurer , Col. Boobo , nnd their ollho io in the base ment of Shugart'a and MoMahon'a now block , corner First avenue and Ponrl street i n27-ly YOUDR man or woman , if you want bis : money for a email amount , limit e in tht Marriage Fund nnd Mutual Trust Anaocl ation , Cedar Kapldi , Iowa , (5-3m Senntor IrjgtillB on Bon Bill. Of all the dead whoso obsequies we have paused to solemnlia In thli ir- chamber , I recall no ono whoso uu timely fate soemi no lamentable nnc yet so rich in prophecy cf Sonntoi Hill. Ho had renchod the mondial of his years. Ho stood upon the hlgl ir- plateau of middle life , in that soreui ir"g atmosphere where temptation no mon It- ataalls , where the clamorous pasaioci no more distract , and where the con dltlons are most favorable for enduring op ing achievements. His upward patl ill had been through stormy adverait ho aud contention such as Infrequent ! falls to the lot of mon. Though no ho without the tnndonoy to tuoditatiou he ravorio and iutioiptotl n wh'oh ao companies Retails , his tomporuuion wus paleatrio. Elo was compotltivi and nupoacaful. Ho was born TOns polemic and conversationalist , intel lectually pugnacious and -combative ns so that ho was impelled to aufend an , poaltion that might bo assailed , or at : tack any position that might bo itn co trenched , not beciueo , the defense b jot assault were usoontial , but beoaus no the positions were maintained , nn Ho that those who hold thorn became b oh that fact alone his advasarics. Thi to I tendency of hla nature made hia orb erratic. Ho was motoorlo rathe than planetary , and fl ishod with li regular splendor rather than shon enmo ; with steady and pcnotnitlng rayi mo Ills advocacy of any cauao was foa us , less to the verge of temerity. Ho n ] to poared to bo indifferent to applauao c stl- applftuao for their own sake. Ho \o copied intrepidly any conclusions' th : ho reached , without inquiring whothi rth they were politic or oxpodiont. It To such a spirit partisanship wi In unavoidable , but with Sanator Hill md did not degenerate into bigotry , 1 ] ono WAS captblo of broad generosity , at the extended to hla opponents the snn . unrnserved candor which ho demani the od for himself. Hia oratory was In the petuous and devoid of artlfica. I Of waa not a poaturor or a phrat jon monger. Ho waa too intense , t < Aa earnest , to employ the cheap and pi L009 try decorations of discourse. DIRECTORY. COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. I nun nryn & Pfl GENERAL MERCHANDISE. UUHN BtnU fit UUi | IS Main Street nnd 17 Pearl Sheet. MAX MOHN , HOU8E. MDO O I MflDPlQ MILLlNttRYatcostfor IVI HO. O , U. llUnlilOi 30 days , 105 Main Street , J. M. BARSTOW , M. P. . 0)r Dth OFFIOK St. nnd : 5tb Avp. DR WHITE OFF s-Oor- n-i"-n.1 ' GthuD8tair8 - J F - - - Residence , 009 Willow Avenue , JUSTICE OF THE PE4.0E , NOnflJIID7 Ofllco after February 15th , over American ExprocR. S. S. WAGNER , for funerals at roanonablo rates , No. 22 4th St , J. M. ST. JOHN & GO , GASH BUYERS , Who eealo butler , tgW , pC'iltry aril fruit. Hhl ) > loin. Drift by return mill. .110 Ilrotdwiy DDi nPC Broadway Moat Market , 327 Brnndway , HnCTUV I The boat Meats at lowest prico. Sjusagea. F CJlifllTU CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER , Oor. 7ih and ! * uGVll I lit Broadway , Plans and specificitiona furnishodf never roconnoitercd a hostile poaltion nor approached it by atoaltby paral- lilr. Ho could not lay nlcgo to an eucmy , nor beleaguer him , nor open trouchei , und sap nnd mine. Hia method wr'a the charge and the onset. Flo was the Murat cf nonatoml de bate. Not many men of thla genera tion have been better equipped for parliamentary warfare than ho , with hla commanding presence , his sinewy diction , hia confidence , and imperturb able Hclf-control. But In the maturity of his puwora and his fame , with un- racasnral opportnnitloi for achieve ments apparently before him , with great designs nntccompllfllied , Bar- rounded by the proud and affectionate Bollcitndo of a great constituency , the pallid mosjengbr with the inverted torch beckoned him to depart. There are few aconoa in history mere tragic than thatfprotracted combat with death. No man had greater Induce- montn to livo. But in the long struggle against the Inexorable-advances of an In&ldloua and mortal malady , ho did not falter or repine. He retreated with the aspect of a victor ; and though ho anccnmbed ho seemed to conqunr. His eun wont down at noon , but it sank amid tbo prophetlo aplondoro of an eternal dawn. With more than a horo'n couraqc , with moro than a mar tyr's fortitndo , ho waited the approach of the inevitable hour and wont to the undiscovered county. Bncklln'3 Arnica Halve. The DEBT SALVE In the world for Out , HrnircD , Soro. ' , Ulcorr , bait Rheum , Fe ver ScroB , Tetter. Chapped Hcnih , Chll bl&Inii , Oorna. au < l all ckln eruptions , rnl ponltlvely euro * piles. Ifc h guaranteed to give nntlafcotlou i re * noy rpfntnlcil. rrloo , 25 cento per er.CF n l br C. v Goodm _ COMMERCIAL. COUNCIL BLUFFS MAIIKIT. Corrected dally by J , Y. Fuller , iner- chandiao broker , buyer nnd shipper of grain nnd provision ? , 39 Penrl atrcot. WIIKATNo. . 2 spring , 77o ; No. 3 , G5 ; rejected DOe ; Rood demand. COHN 32o to feeders and S4o to ship pers ; rejected corn Chicago , GO : ; new mixed , 53c. The receipts of corn are dally Increasing and sbipeers are kept busy tak ing care of formers'deliveries. OATS' Scarce And in good demand ; SO ® 32o. 32o.HAT 4 00(5)6 ( ) 00 per ton. UYK 40c ; light supply. OOIIN MEAL 1 25per 100 pounds. Woon Good supply ; prices at yards , 5 00@6 00. COAL Delivered , hard , 1100 per ton ; soft. 5 50 per ton. BUTTKB Plenty and In fair demand ; 25r : creamery , SOo. Eopa-Scarce and in demand ; SOo per dozeti , LARD Falrbank'g. wholesaling at ISJo. POULTRY Firm ; dealers paying ; 13o per pound for turkeys and lOo for chickens. VKQETABLKa Potatocc , 45c ; onloni > , 25c : cabbagen , S0@40o per dozen ; apples , 2 60 @ 3 50 per barrel. FLOUR Wholesale prices Roller pat ent H 25 for superlative ; roller J patent , 2 85 for diadum winter ; roller standard , 2 GO for golden sheaf ; roller family. 1 GO. Wholesale prices for flour , 2 40@3 25. ; BnoowB 'i Ofl@3 00 per dcae n. STOCK. CATTLE 3 00@3 50 ; calves fi 00@7 BO. Hogs PocVera hero are free buvew , and nil ( Heringa find ie dy Bales , packers pnjing about )0o ) advance on all grudea. Market active , uad all uiTerioga quickly taken at hltjher inice" . Oarlntu : Common , 5 45(35 ( EOj good mixed , 6 GO ® 580 ; heuvy pn-kintr , B70@5t)3 ) ; choLe f inoy packing , li 05@0 10. , L EVERIHCHAM & CO , , Commission Merchants Chicago and Milwaukee , OONCBBT ! UNDEH THE AUSPICE * O ? THK Turnverein' ; &Mannerchor lit n SOCIETIES OF OOUNOIL BLUFFS , -FOU- i 1- Sweet Charity's Sake. The offerers by the Floods thit hare hen a ; tcrilbly dcit'Uct tuolllfe id ptoreitj alonif the ater courses ot Ociin iij. lll be aaaiettU by the n- charitably lncllno < l of 0 un It IltulTs , nd lot thij nbr Durpoae ctnat their couutrjinoi will give a [ land con- no ctnatTURNER id TURNER HALL , by lla unday , February llth , ! ior UIBS. H. J. HILTON , M , D. , no Ir- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , uT. QouuclllBlnff. . tp. GOLD ROPE. ere The Intrinsic me tit and mperlcr quality of oni * OoMKopo Tobacco has Induced other manufac turer * to cul upon the innVot I'OOdi similar to mi cur , brand , . In name and style which are offered ior and told for leu inoiey than the jcnulne Gold Hope. Wo caution the t ade and consumer tutnc that our name and trade mark are upon eacb ras lump. Tht only genuine and original Quid Rope lit rnbtcco Is manufactured by Ho THK WILSON A MoNALLY TO nd TUGOO COMPANY. mo PERSONAL-'Tarls ot the hu an body 1- an ! J ! ' lntcri , d.Si rS.n.rt c-og | > 1. . " r10-- ' . ! ! tlnc * rt ment TOPK n In our ra- paper. In reply to Injuries we will wy that EIo there li no eUlenrc tl humbuirabjut this. On the contrary , the uhertlitM ar very highly In- to- dorwid. Interci od persons nay get italcd clr- Lee cular Khiniiallpartlcular , gUIng all partlcu- ial- lari. by addrtasinz Erie Medical Co. , P. O. Boi 513. Uuffalo N. . IIo , Y.-loledo Evenlos Bee. COUNCIL BLUFFS SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Special Advertisements , sue Lost , Found , To Loan , For S&lo , To , Rent , Want3 , Boarding , etc. , will bo Inserted In thli column t the ow rate of TEN CENTS PKl ! LINE far the first Innirtloo nd FIVE CKNT8 PKIt LINE ( or each tubgequent Ineertlnn. Learo lulv crtlseraonta at our office , No. 7 Pearl Street , near Uroadwty. Wants. HOOP POLES WANTEO-Kor further par ticulars all on or aidtcw Joseph Kos.i , G15 Upper Uroadny , Fclil-14t Everybody In Council BluBi lo WANTED Tni llii , UO cents per week , do llvcroJ by carilers. Office , No 7 Foarl Street near Broadway. For Sale and Rent FWinENT Ihoitcslrableoflices lately occn pled by the board of trade. Apply to Hush nell & UrncUtt. tf OLD BEES In pacKRgca ot ft hundred at 2Ec a package at Tin Ii office , No. 7 Pearl itreet. tf A N office , moUadtantageously Mtuated , offers ri. deik room In return for ton lets ; gaa , fuel , etc. . , furnished. Adiircai , "Office , " lia office , Oounc 1 IHufTs. COUNCIL BLUFFS RAILROAD TIME TABLE. CniOAOO , BOCK ISLAND ASD PACinO. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Ext..B20pm PaclDo Ext..9:15am : UanJ MallI..0.-25am Ex and Mall.0:55 : p m D. Molnca ac".7:16 : a m DCS Molnc8nc.4:40 : p m CHICAGO , BURLINGTON AND QDINCI. Depart. Arrive. Atlantic Exf..0:30 : pm Pacific Kit..9:20am Mall and Ex.0:20 : am Mall and Ex.7:00 : pm N.Y. Ex 4:00pm : Neb & Kaa Ex..B:20 : a m nllCAOO AND MORTUWUTXRN. Depart. Arrlv Atlantic Ext..6:15 : p ml Pacific KxJ..O:15 : a m Mall and Ex.9.20 a m Mall and Ex.6:15 : p m Accom. ( Sat..6'X * p m | Accom. ( Mon..l:43 : p m KANSAS CUT , 8T. JOB * AND COUNCIL BUJFFS. Depart. Arrhe. lallanJ Ex..9 3 a m I Express. 650 pm Exproes 0:10 : p m | Mall and Ex..6'45pm DNI X PACIFIC. Depart. Arrive. ) rerland Ex.llUiOa. m. Overland Ex,4:00 : p. m , .Incoln Ex..11:30 : a. m. Dem er Ex , . . ,8:00 : a. m ) enver Ex..7:00 : p. m. Local Ex OUJOa. m , Local Ex 7:25 : a. m. " Ex 8:05 : a. m. Emigrant..520 p. m. < Ex P00a.m. WABABII , 87. LOCU AUD PACinO. Depart Arrive. Mall and Kx. . 0:45 : a m I Mall and Ex. . 4:30 : p m Cannon Ball. . 4:50 : pm | Cannon Ball..11:05 : m ooi cnr AND rAnnc. Depart. Arrive. Tor Sioux Clty.7 5am Frm Sioux C'y.GiSO p m for Fort Nlobrara. Frm Fort Nlobrara , Neb * 7a Xeb * 6aopm Tor St , Paul..7:40 : p m From St. Paul..8 X1 m C1IIOAOO , UIL7AVKX1 AND 8T. PAUL. ' Leave Council Bluffs. Arrive * Council Bluffa. Mall and Ex.-9 0 a m I Mall and Ex.6J55 pm Atlantic Ex.6:15pin | : I Atlantic Kx.9:10am | : CHIOAOO , MILVACKM AND BT. PAUL. Leaves Omaha. Arrives at Omaha. Hall and Ex.7:15 : a ml Pacific Ex.9:45 | : ajn Atlantic Ex. . | 3:40 : p m | Mall and Kx.7-25 p m Except Sundays , i Except Saturdays. ( Except Mondays. I Dally. Council Blufts & Omaha Street B. Leave Council liluffa. Leave Omaha. 8 a m , 9 a m , 10 a m , I 8 a m , 0 a m , 10 a m , 11 a m , 1 m , 2 p m , 3 p 111 a m , iprn , Up m , 3 p m , 4 p m ; B p m , 6 p m. I m , 4 p m , 5 p m , 0 p m. Street cars run half hourly to the Union Paclflo Depot. On Sunday the can begin their trips at 9 o clock a. m. , and run regularly during the day at 0,11 , 2 4 , S and 6 o'clock , and run to city time. EDWIN J. ABBOTT. Justice ot the Peace and Notary Public. ttBRroadway , Council Bluffs. 1 AND Dr , J , Meagher.zzOciOist , Anrist , AND SPECIALIST. In Chronic dlreascs , offers his services to all at nictod with uls ase of th. Kje , Ear , or Chronic diseases of any chtncter. Warrants a cure In ail Rheumatic affections Can be consulted by ma 1 or In person at the Metropolitan hotel , Council Iilutfa. Iowa. MBS , E , J. HABDINGr , H , D , , Medical Electrician AND GYGNECOLOGIST. Graduate ot Dectropathla Institution , Phlla delyhla , Pecna. Office Oor , Broadway & Blenn AYO COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. The treatment of all dltoioea and painful dl flcuKUM peculiar to femaloa a specialty. rnos. omciB. Council Bluffs , la. Established , - - 1866 Dealers In ForelgtJndJ | DomeatlolKzchang od home secuiltlos. ' W. R. VAUGHAN. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Oman * and Council Bluffs Real Estate & Collection Agency. In Odd Fellow's block , over Savlng Bank. , BATH INSTITUTE , Bryant Street , one Door north of Dohtny's Hall , Thormo-Bltotric , Medicated and Sulphur Baths. Par tidies and irenllemen. Th e Baths are fully eniotd by the Medical Fraternity as bln aa unMllne auilllatrln roc ntCo'dt. Rheumatism , f curalgla , LurataRO and manv other ailment * Beside * , my wife , a competent lady , will attend ladltn. F. M. LOOKWOOD , Propr. Broadway Steam Laundry ! 721 WEST BROADWAY , A. C. LARSON , - - Proprietor. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY. * , < . DUQUETTE , GUIBE11T & CO. , ( Successors to KKI3 & DUQUKITK ) , 't ' 16 and 18 Pearl-st. , Council Bluffs , la. riTLE ABSTRACT 0 FFIGL J.TO" . r C XT X It H AD O O. . . i/ands aud Lots Bought and Sold. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW BATES. SOTAETJSS PUBLIC AND CONVEYANCERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS IOWA. M. T. DAVIS , Pronldent. N. B. E ASTON , Sooy. J , 0. HOFFMAN , Vice I'ron. 0. HULBUET , Adjuster. MUTUAL IOWA STOCK INSURANCE CO. Insuies Live i-took Against LOBS by THEFT OR DEATH. Offlop , 103 Pearl Street , COUNCIL BLUFFS , - - IOWA. The only company In Iowa that will Insure your stock against Iocs from any canso whatever. Ovnern ol Stock will consult their own Intcroit If , when InBurlntr their Stock , tney s n tha thi policy Ircludos all the losses thty may have , tndbesa Isflrd with nothing les * . For fuither Informatlcn call on or address N , B.EASTOX Council Bluffs , Iowa. dtO 8-dft ( Successors to J. W. Rodefer ) WHOLESALE AlD RETAIL DEALERS IN LACKAfiffi , L1HIGH , BLOSSBUSG , AND ALL I CONNELLSYILLE COKE , CEMENT , LIME , PLASTER , ETC , Office No. S4 Pearl Street , * Xarda Oor. Eighth Street and Eleventh Avenue. Council Bluffs. _ MRS. D. A. BENEDICT , THE LEADING DEALER IN 337 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Shuggart Implement Co. , ' CE ' pa 5a ! HI , FARMER'S FRIEND PLANTER AND TAIT CHECK ROWER. BUCHANAN WAG.N , OLDS WAGON , GORHAM SEE HER , TTOKROOLTIVATOR. 118 and 115 Slain Street.1 MORQAfl , KELLER & CO. , rsrxaaiwa.'a ? A-iacus 3E& haflnwt quality o ; < J l K t ate ck we , lcaeoof Wooden and Iktallc Cases , al tended to .t all hours. We tlf fy CMnpo , a'so carpet-lay. "Mended to ; limbwiuW Tcli-graphlc ana mail or- In ? ami dera fllleJ without uclay. _ _ - T.B.1PMCSDSOS , I. L.SIHJOART , . President. Vlce-Prea't. CITIZENS BANK Of Council Bluff * Organlto.1 under ho lawn ot the BU of low * Paid up capital. . . . XW& . * v 1 . > AuthorUed capital ; and [ cirVcspondenca with prompt returns. PIRSCTOU. JACOB SIMS , Attorney and 0 < raiwDUop at Law , OOUNOIL LLUFFS , IOWA. cooiU. OTTAWA CYLINDER SHELLKR , STAR UAND SHELLEK , NICHOLS &SnEPARDTHRESH'R EVANS TRIPLE HARROW , HENNEY BOOGIES , SPRING WAGONS , ETC. , ETC. FOUHDRY. WINTHERLIGH B30S. , Are now ready to contract for uraall casting * of e\ cry description in MALLEABLE HiON , GRAY IRON , And any ALLOY OF BRASS. Snedal attention U called to the ( < ct that th mefeSs are molted In CUUCIBLIU which K ! C thi tery best casting * , Burning Brands FOR DISTILLERS , BREWERS , PACKERS - ERS , CIGAR and TOBACCO FACTORIES , Etc. , Etc. , . A.n well as Cattle Brands ARE MCELY EXECUTED. Workr Corner Sixth street ami Eleventh avenue , COUNOIL BLUFFS , IOWA. S. E. MAXON , era ? xi d Office OTcr saTlngl ban ) . OODNOlLi BLUFFS , Iov ,